#Do born haber cycle problems
skybirdplate · 2 years
Do born haber cycle problems
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The Born – Haber cycle is based on the Hess' law and its application of ionic solid. Hess's Law: The overall change in energy determined by breaking the process into steps and adding changes in each step. It can be either positive or negative based on the atoms involved and their interaction. The heat of Formation: It is the change in energy when a particular compound is formed from elements.
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It is again an input of energy and is always positive. Sublimation Energy: Known as the energy of atomization, it is required to turn the compound from solid to gas while passing through the liquid phase. The magnitude of it is dependent on the electronegativity of the atoms involved in the compound. Dissociation is an endothermic process that requires an input of energy. The electron affinity is known for increasing from left to right and decreasing from top to bottom in a periodic table.ĭissociation Energy: The energy needed to break a compound apart. When used to calculate the lattice energy, one has to subtract the electron affinity and not add it because of the positive value. The energy released is known to have a negative value, but due to the definition of affinity, it is denoted as a positive value. However, there are some exceptions due to the unpredictable stability of completely filled/half-filled orbitals.Įlectron Affinity: The energy released when an electron is added to a neutral ion/atom. Ionization energy is noted to be increasing across the periodic table from left to right, and decreasing from top to bottom. In order to do this, there should be an input of energy, which is why it is always positive. Ionization Energy: The energy required to take off an electron from the neutral ion/atom. There are several other concepts that one has to understand before getting to the Born – Haber cycle and applying it to determine the lattice energy of an ionic solid. A Born-Haber cycle applies Hess’ law to calculate the lattice energy by comparing the standard enthalpy change in the formation of the ionic solid from the elements to the enthalpy that is required to form the gaseous ions from the elements.Įxplain Born - Haber Cycle - Born – Haber Cycle Definition The lattice energy is the enthalpy change involved in the formation of ionic solids from gaseous ions or the energy involved in breaking the ionic solids into gaseous ions. The cycle is mostly concerned with the formation of an ionic solid from the metals (Group I or Group II) when reacted with a halogen or a non-metallic element like oxygen.īorn-Haber cycles are primarily used in calculating the lattice energy which cannot be measured otherwise. The Born-Haber cycle is a classic approach to measure the reaction energies. In order to understand the idea of lattice energy and calculate it, a Born-Haber cycle is used. This is where the Born-Haber cycle allows us to determine and understand the lattice energies of the ionic solids. The lattice energy present cannot be measured. These compounds also have additional stability because of the lattice energy present in its solid structure. The enthalpies required for the formation of the ionic molecules do not account for stability alone.
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09yards · 5 years
6 - Colouring Outside the Lines (days gone by - nct)
Days Gone By masterlist | main masterlist
The remainder of August passed like nothing ever happened, school started up again far too quickly and maybe, just maybe, Mark would get his fresh start and life could go back to ‘normal’. But really, what is normal anymore? Between Renjun and Jaemin figuring out where they stand with one another, Hyuck pretending like everything’s okay and the brother Mark feels like he barely knows anymore, Mark feels too busy to get a second chance to think about anything other than his exams. Autumn always brings about change, for some its for the better – for others, not so much.
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They say time slips away when you’re having fun, that’s why you said let’s change our life to a dull one Don’t wanna blink one day and this will all be over, if only time could stop so we’d never grow older
Yet in the same breath I look forward to the day when our skin has aged, I’ll love you just the same Our canvas will have endless hues and shades because of all the vivid colours that we made
Mark always liked Autumn the most out of the seasons, the softer weather, no longer having to deal with the obnoxious sun, trees turning from electric greens to an array of dusky oranges. The air was crisper, a little harsher and with it came the rain but Mark never minded rain, perhaps it was the memories of walking Jisung home from middle school with Johnny, running and laughing as the rain poured over them – having forgotten their umbrellas that morning. Their mum always berating them for being so careless, complaining and nagging that they could make themselves sick. Collapsing through the door, out of breath, changing out of their now soaked through uniforms and curling up with hot chocolates in an attempt to increase their body temperature. They didn’t get to do that anymore. Johnny was at university, although only an hour away, but far enough that technically he didn’t live here anymore, at least not from September until June, Jisung went to the same school as Mark now and refused to drive in with him, still taking the bus – arguing he liked his ‘quiet time’. Mark remembers the bus, the bus is not in any way, shape or form, quiet. Jisung was fiercely independent, everyone knew this, he kept to himself as much as possible bar the three friends Mark knew he’d had since pre-school, Beomgyu, Samuel and Linlin, who even with their ten-year friendship, Mark knew very little about each of them. Frankly, he didn’t know much about his younger brother, not as much as he’d like to at least. Sure, Mark could tell you he has an extremely varied music taste, currently enjoying BTS and Black Pink but also the likes of panic! At the disco and Vinyl Theatre, he seems to be obsessed with HONNE at the minute if the constant playing of crying over you or location unknown was anything to go by, Mark could tell you that he prefers grey or muted tones rather than colour, knew that Jisung hates tomatoes but doesn’t mind tomato flavoured things, but Mark didn’t learn these things because he was told them, they were just things he’d picked up on. They didn’t talk anymore. Mark didn’t know what TV show he was currently binging, or what his favourite film at the minute is. Mark didn’t know the youngers opinions on his soulmate mark, he couldn’t remember the last time he heard Jisung ranting about Johnny and Ten and the damage they do to his innocence.
Jisung felt like a stranger to Mark these days, not someone he once couldn’t be separated from. Maybe that was a bit of a stretch but they were close, just how you’d imagine siblings to be. Sure, they fought and squabbled over who really won at Mario Kart but for a long time they really were each other’s best friend.
It was sad really. Beginning to feel like you lived alongside a stranger, passing each other in the hallway or across the landing but no time for anything more than a quick ‘hello’ or a mumbled, half-arsed ‘good morning’ from either of the brothers. It would also be much better if Mark wasn’t thinking about all of this at four am when he had a chemistry test at nine and while half of his brain is making him feel guilty about how he’s been a shitty brother and too preoccupied with his exams, the other half of his brain is running through Born-Haber cycles and it only made him feel worse. Marks realising that even though its barely October, he’s become exactly who he didn’t want to be, he drowns himself in work and when he’s not studying thermodynamics or the freaking nitrogen cycle he’s attempting to get some sleep or sometimes , just sometimes, he’s actually active in the group chat and is able to somewhat keep up with Renjun and Jaemin’s developing relationship but most importantly he’s gotten used to Donghyuck pretending like not a thing had happened back in August. Donghyuck left that morning, within two days he was back to messaging the group chat (also known as ‘Beyoncé’s bad bitches’ - yes, it was named by Jaemin, Renjun is still mad he wasn’t allowed to call it ‘a guide to crackheads, volume 101’ and Hyuck wanted to call it ‘hoes mad’. Mark did not agree to any of these names and continues to hide his phone whenever his mum is around - he has never flipped it over so fast than when his mum walks into the room, his friends have a habit of setting their own contact names to inappropriate phrases, i.e. Jaemin’s (again) current contact name is ‘your guide to getting that dick 101’, is there not a limit on the number of characters?) like everything was fine, starting out with his fist message about why on earth did he have homework over the summer, the summer. Weren’t you supposed to relax and ‘blow off some steam’?
Mark’s brain was in a state of overflow, uni application due here, maths test next week, chemistry exam today , start spending more time with your brother before you get even busier and he needs someone right now without Johnny around and deal with stupid feelings for Donghyuck knowing full well that they are unrequited tomorrow.
“Hey Mark? Can you come pick me up?”
“Sure, what time?”
“Now?” Panic, panic, panic.
“Yeah sure. Is everything okay? You sound kinda wobbly?”
“I’m fine. I’m down the backroad behind the park, I’m waiting at the end of the road.”
“Okay, I’m grabbing my keys and I’ll be on my way.”
Mark’s guide on how not to panic was a short one, it consisted of ‘breathe and don’t freak other people out’. He only had a ten-minute car journey to figure out how to calm down. Jisung was in trouble . There is no way he would’ve called otherwise and considering he could’ve walked home and it would only take an extra five minutes, something was clearly wrong. Hence, Mark’s brain has gone into instant panic mode. He wasn’t good at dealing with people or emotions, especially when he had no idea why his brother was down this road – none of his friends lived here, at least not as far as he could recall. Mark definitely broke the speed limit more than once (or four) times, his baby brother wasn’t okay.
Jisung looked glum. His eyes were read and puffy, visible even though Mark was a few metres away from him, his posture was sluggish and he looked broken . Jisung’s face didn’t light up upon seeing Mark, although he did look a little less panicked, instead he practically dragged his body into the car, slouching in his seat and saying “Just go,” before turning up the Twice song currently playing (what is love? Mark’s brain supplied).
“Are we going to sit in silence and pretend like everything’s fine or is this the point where instead of Twice we listen to The Neighbourhood, Chase Atlantic and The 1975 and you tell me what’s going on so I don’t have to call Johnny or mum ?” Yeah, Mark was not good at the whole authority figure thing but he did remember all the things Johnny did for him. Mark remembers his first crush, the boy was not gay and Mark, stupidly, told this boy, Daniel, that he was. Daniel was one of the first people Mark came out to and well, he didn’t take it well. Accused him of ‘tainting’ him, trying to make him gay. So, Mark, teary-eyed and heartbroken, rang Johnny who came to pick him up. Johnny sat with him in the car at the lookout, blasting Mr Brightside by The Killers until Mark was ready to talk. That was when Johnny taught Mark about how there are some really, really great people who will run around waving pride flags for you and do everything they can to make you comfortable (like Lucas) and there are some people who are stupid and are not-so-great, some people don’t like it and that’s okay, they’re entitled to their opinion, Johnny had said, they’re just wrong. Mark was thirteen at the time and quickly learnt that some problems (aka stupid crushes on boys that are tall, have fluffy hair and chocolate-coloured eyes) can be solved with a tub of Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough ice cream and some crying while listening to Taylor Swift, not that Mark would ever admit his secret love for her.
“There’s a boy,” Jisung mumbled, “I think I like him? I don’t know. I ran out of his house after he hugged me and I panicked.” Oh. My. God. This was happening, okay Mark, you can do this.
“Does he make you happy?”
“So happy. He smiles at me and I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. We get along really well, he doesn’t find my playlists weird and he already knew every Twice member and most of the artists I was listening to and he thinks I’m cute and he pinches my cheeks and I don’t hate it.”
“You hate when anyone touches you without permission, usually?”
“I usually do. But, not him. I want to pinch his cheeks too. He has a gummy smile, it’s so cute. He has purple hair too! I really want to try purple, he said I’d look good with pink though so now I really want to try pink hair because he likes it. What is happening to me Mark?”
“You’ve got a crush Sungie.”
“Like you and Hyuck?”
“Yeah, like me and Hyuck. You feel the room brighten a little when he walks in and he makes you a little breathless when he gets too close, right?”
“Right! I’m gay aren’t I. This is the moment I realise I’m gay, huh, though it’d be a bit more exciting.”
“You’ve got plenty of time to explore what you want to, or not, label yourself as Sungie. But you do have a crush on a boy . It’s not the end of the world and no, he won’t hate you.”
“But I don’t know if he’s gay? I’d feel bad if he wasn’t and I tried to confess.”
“I honestly have no idea who we’re talking about so I couldn’t tell you if I had an inkling or not but you’ll figure it out. Talk to him, that’s the only way to get through these things. You can panic and run away all you like but you can’t avoid him forever, trust me, I’ve tried one too many times.”
“Okay. Thank you. Do you think this means Ten’s going to drag me to pride now?”
Mark let out a sigh, “We both know everyone was going whether they wanted to or not. Come on, let’s get ice cream and watch a movie. If you’ve got any questions you can always come to me, unless its sex stuff – I’m not ready for that, go to Johnny, you’re a baby so there better be no sex stuff for a long, long time.”
“Oh my god Mark,” Jisung groaned, “you do not have to worry about that stuff. Please just drive, I want cookie dough. And, we’re playing Mario Kart! Dibs on Yoshi.” With one last chuckle, Mark turned back to look at the younger, his own smile widening upon seeing a veryembarrassed but grinning Jisung. They would figure this out, together.
- - -
“You like me and my cold hands,” Jaemin whined, “maybe, you could warm them up for me. Don’t look at me like that, you loveee me.”
“Har-har, have I mentioned how funny you are lately? No? Wonder why that is. Come here you idiot.” Jaemin wrapped his arms around the smaller, allowing Renjun to bury his head into his chest, one of the only places the younger emitted warmth.
“See, told you that you love me.” I do, not that I’d tell you that.
“Renjun? Hey, you’re going to get a sore back if we don’t move.”
“I don’t want to.”
“What did you say? Renjun you can’t speak into me; I can’t hear you.”
“I said, I don’t want to go. I like it here, you’re warm.”
“Not even ten minutes ago you were whining that I’m cold.”
“I said your hands; your hands are always cold but you seem to radiate heat from everywhere else. Wait, aside from your feet too, they’re always cold, whenever they touch me in bed, I feel like an icicle.”
“You’re just always cold, you wear hoodies in August .” Now, as much as Renjun likes to dispute most comments made about him, he couldn’t argue against this. It may be October now and the cold weather has well and truly set in but, Renjun was always cold – four layers even when the current temperature was reading eighteen degrees, almost hot for an Autumn day. It worked as the perfect excuse to curl up into people (Jaemin) in search of warmth.
“There is nothing wrong with that,” Renjun huffed, “I’m just naturally colder than like, everyone.”
“I like that you’re cold, it gives me the excuse to cuddle you into oblivion and it makes you squirm when I do this-“
“AAH! STOP!” Icy hands were tickling at Renjun’s sides, making their way under his shirt, Renjun squirming and giggling, breathlessly panting for Jaemin to stop.
“Speak clearly Injun, I can’t hear you.” The grin on Jaemin’s face would make your cheeks hurt, wide with pure joy and his eyes filled with love as he flipped their positions, hovering over Renjun as he continued to tickle him to no end. “What was that? Did you say you wanted me to stop?”
“Jaeminnie please,” his voice was wheezy, trying to catch his breath whenever Jaemin’s hands paused their movement.
“Okay, okay. I have a better idea anyway,” and with that, his voice dropped an octave, away from his usual singsong tone to darker and husky. He dropped his head into the crook of Renjun’s neck, leaving light, feathery kisses where he could before moving under his ear and up his jaw, planting kiss after kiss on the expanse of Renjun’s face. God, Jaemin gave the best forehead kisses.
“Yep,” another sigh left Renjun’s lips, “definitely a better idea.” Jaemin finally connected their lips, breath tangling with one another’s, lips chasing each other whenever they parted for breath. It was needy but soft, like they were treasuring every moment of it, holding onto it.
A short while later Jaemin, having left Renjun with lips slightly swollen, much pinker than they were before and his neck littered with reddening marks, pulled away.
“We need to talk.” Renjun wasn’t a fan of this tone of voice, it wasn’t singsong and melodic like normal, nor was it huskier and darker than when he was breathless. This tone was rigid, void of emotion.
“S-sure?” It made Renjun feel small, like he was vulnerable, almost like whenever he got in trouble with his parents as a child.
Jaemin moved from hovering over him, instead opting to sit next to him. He let out a sigh, running his hand over his face, “I can’t keep doing this,” his voice was wobblier now, “we can’t keep going around like this not knowing if we’re soulmates or not. We could be hurting people. I have a soulmate mark and you don’t, maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be – you’re my soulmate but, I am not yours.” Jaemin continued to rant on like this, saying that it wasn’t fair, that he didn’t want to live like this.
“Jesus Jaemin, will you let me speak for one second, please?”
“Oh, right, uhm. Yeah, sorry, go ahead.” The way Jaemin could turn from dominant and flirtatious, arrogant and stern to a complete utter mess never ceased to amaze Renjun.
“You’re an idiot, a complete and utter idiot.”
“Now, I don’t think that’s fair- “
“No, it is,” Renjun leant down to tug his sock off, his soulmate mark out of hiding, “look at me, stop burying your face in your hands and look at me.”
“I’m embarrassed Renjun, I think I have every right to not want to look at you.”
“Oh my god, I would not put up with you if you weren’t my soulmate.”
“What?” Jaemin’s head snapped up at that, glassy eyes meeting Renjun’s before darting down to where Renjun’s leg was crossed over into his lap, revealing his soulmate mark in all its super tiny glory. Angel written in a minimalistic print along his ankle. “You’re kidding, h-how could you not tell me?” A lone tear escaped the corner of his eye and god, Renjun was so damn in love with this boy.
“I didn’t know how to tell you, Hyuck said you cried for three hours about how I didn’t have a soulmate mark. I couldn’t exactly turn around and be like ‘hey Jaemin, I know we’ve been making out at least three times a week since prom night and we’re not together officially or anything but you are actually my soulmate , you’re just a dumbass who didn’t take my socks off and I’m madly in love with you’. Do you see my issue there?”
“Nope, you definitely should’ve done that. I could’ve been kissing you every day of the week. I liked you before, regardless of whether or not we were soulmates, sure I knew since I met you because wow, you’re you and then I just- “
“Shut up and kiss me already.”
“This means we’re boyfriends, right?”
“Not if you don’t kiss me in the next three seconds.”
“Jesus, so bossy!”
“You love it.”
“That I do.”
“I love you too.”
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anapedias · 3 years
How To Find Lattice Energy 103
The formula for ionic lattice energy. You can try to use it.
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How To Find Lattice Energy Born Haber Cycle
You can even get the proper results.
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How to find lattice energy. Lattice energy is inversely proportional to the radius of the ions. This lattice energy formula is as follows: The lattice energy is exothermic, i.e., the value of δh lattice is negative because it corresponds to the coalescing of infinitely separated gaseous ions in vacuum to form the ionic lattice.
Finally calculate the lattice energy. It may or it may not work correctly. The lattice energy is defined as the change in enthalpy for the reverse reaction, rbcl (s) ?
Δ g h denotes the molar lattice enthalpy. I take you through the basic types of chemical bonds, and then show you how to calculate lattice energy with 3 example problems. Lattice energy of ionic compounds, how to find ionic energy of.
For nacl(s) sample exercise 11.2. Lif has a lattice energy of 1030 kj/mol, naf has a lattice energy of 910 kj/mol. Recall that lattice energy is the energy required to combine two gaseous ions into a solid ionic compound:
Arranging the above equation to find lattice energy, we get; The lattice enthalpy is reported as a positive value. Which ionic compound would be expected to have the highest lattice energy?
The more charge, the greater the lattice energy when they join with a suitable negative ion. The size of magnesium ion is less than calcium ion. Lattice energy refers to the energy that is released when two oppositely charged gaseous ions attract to each other and form an ionic solid.
22 related question answers found The attraction of the two ions releases energy and the process is exothermic. How do you find the lattice energy of mgf2?
We’re being asked to calculate the lattice energy of calcium chloride (cacl 2). • the lattice energy is proportional to the charge/distance. Lattice energy for lif = −1016 kj cycle 2 na (s) na (g) δh sub = 108 kj na (g) na+(g) + e− 1st ionization energy of na = 496 kj ½ cl 2 (g) cl (g) ½ bond energy of cl = 122 kj cl (g) + e− electron affinity for chlorine = cl− (g) −349 kj na+ (g) + cl− (g).
We find the ions for this example to be at a distance of 3 nm. Lattice energy can be a very complicated process but is often simplified by using coulomb’s law. Δ g u denotes the molar lattice energy.
•the sizes of the ions change and hence the distance. As you move down a group eg alkali metals, the ions get larger. Sublimation energy of `na = 26 kcal//g`atom, di asked jul 4, 2019 in chemistry by siddhichawla ( 59.5k points)
Beta version # beta test version of this item this online calculator is currently under heavy development. Lattice energy (e) increases as q increases and/or as r decreases. By comparing the lattices of substances from the same group or period, the lattice energy trend may be determined.
This causes the lattice energy (when they join to a suitable negative ion) to decrease down the group. •the same reasoning tells us that nacl has a larger. Looking for college credit for chemistry?
Table shows lattice crystal energy in kj/mol for selected ion compounds. Lattice energy (u) is the energy required to completely separate one mole of a solid ionic compound into gaseous ions. Licl = 800 nacl = +780 kcl = +710 kbr = 680.
This is possible to make the lattice energy when two oppositely charged ions in gaseous state attract each other and responsible to make the ionic solid ahead. the lattice energy of an ionic solid is a measure of the strength of bonds in that ionic compound. The molar lattice energy of an ionic crystal can be expressed in terms of molar lattice enthalpy, pressure, and change in volume via the following equation:
Hence, the lattice energy of magnesium oxide is the highest and that of lithium fluoride is the lowest. We can compute the lattice energy of nearly any ionic solid by using a modified form of coulomb’s law. Δv m is the change in volume (per mole).
The negative sign of the energy is indicative of an exothermic reaction. To completely remove the constituent ions from its crystal lattice to an infinite distance from one of crystal, some amount of energy is. Na+ (g) + cl− (g) → nacl (s) the experimental lattice energy of nacl is −787 kj/mol.
As you move across the table, positive ions become more charged eg na+,mg2+, al3+. It is usually defined as the enthalpy of formation of the ionic compound from gaseous ions and as such is invariably exothermic.
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