#Dizbunny’s Ocs
dizbunny · 2 years
🎉Mr Snuffles’s New Year’s Party🎊
“You are cordially invited to my New’s year party located at Sunset room Hollywood located at 1439 N Ivar Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90028. I hope you can make it , Sincerely Mr S.” Said the small letter written in cursive and in crayon. The best friends looked at there individual invites then up at the venue lighted by the Golden hour sky and then back to the invites.
“Max? are you sure this is the right place I don’t see a lot of people.. there is literally one car and it’s a truck for a bakery that might aswell be catering for another party that we are about to crash! AND Wasn’t Mr S the same name on the letter that your aunt was sent that caused her to be crushed by a stage light that almost killed her??!? What if Mr S is a serial killer that failed to get the aunt so now there targeting the nephew for some strange reason and you are dragging me down with you into death because what serial killer wants a witness to there crime!?!?”
“One” Max replied “I’ve actually been to Hollywood a lot more than your one time because of already mentioned aunt living so I know my way around.” “Two” “ We already flew all the way here form Jersey anyway so even if we’re at the wrong place we already bit the bullet let’s just go in” “AND NUMBER 3!” You also got a invitation so Mr S wanted you here as-well and even if Mr S is a serial killer I would be happy to die wearing the drip you made me Lily so let’s just welcome the new year and PARTY!! And if we’re at the wrong place we can ask a worker and they can lead us to the right place.” The two friends walked up the steps to the venue and with a knock on the doors were opened by an Robotic assistant.
“Welcome to Mr Snuffles’s New Year’s party my name is Assitbun and I’m in charge of the guest list and once all guests have arrived I shall Bring the musical beats as supplied by the venue Now can you two kindly give me your names so I can see if you two are invited?” Said the robot bunny.
“Lily C Artoon”
“Max wood”
Assitbun’s facial features disappeared and were replaced with a small list of names when two check marks appeared on there names before the list disappeared and the rabbits face returned.“Welcome to the Party! Said Assitbun before moving aside to let them inside the venue.
“Well that solves about one of my questions and I guess Mr snuffles is Mr S and I guess we are extremely early out of a already small guest list which explains that lack of cars soI guess that’s all my questions answered YAY!” Said Lily Also I’m surprised you didn’t try to mess with that Robot by saying your name was a movie character’s name or something like that and make a movie reference ”
“It took all my willpower not to, Lily, All of it replied Max “NOW LET’S PARTY!!!”
As they ran into the venue decorated with decorations inviting the new year they looked across the venue they noticed a single tired mother relaxing as her child runs across the venue floor crossing over the dance floor where a little girl in a clown mask could be found twisting on the dance floor as if she was from the 60s or something nearby two cartoon dogs in roller skates dancing with a cartoon pig girl on the dance floor as who Lily and Max assume are her parents catering the food and drinks as “Never gonna give you up” Plays
The little girl in a long purple dress and hair in curls soon quickly noticed Lily and Max and started running to greet and welcome them to the party.
“I’m 99% percent sure I know that girl from somewhere …can’t place my figure on it “ Max whispered to Lily quickly
“Hiii! Welcome to the Party! I’m Mary and I hope you guys enjoy yourselves if you have any questions ask me I think I can help you and I hope you guys try the food my Mommy and daddy made I even helped! HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Mary said as she covered the two with 2023 accessories.
“Do you have Coffee?” Asked Lily
“Can we meet the Host of this Party?” Asked Max
“Sure you can meet Mr Snuffles he’s at the very tippy tippy top of those stairs! He wanted to greet guests dramatically I guess and I don’t know about the coffee we can ask my parents if there is some.”
Max hugged Lily as they embarked on there quests and promised each other to meet on the dance floor. Max then climbed up the stairs to find the host only to find nobody there just a teddy bear in a suit positioned on the balcony looking toward the dance floor Mr snuffles wasn’t there only a teddy bear was
“I cant believe I got duped…I should just join Lily in the quest for coffee at this point I’m practically talking to a teddy bear” said Max as he walked away back to the stairs.
“You should’ve just said I was the third cousin to the Kaiser and second cousin to the devil Old sport” A mysterious voice said behind Max and as Max turned around the voice continued “You see… I’m Mr Snuffles” spoke the now standing Dapper teddy bear holding a glass as to imitate that one Leonardo DiCaprio meme.
“I understand that reference also why did you on the invitation write your name as Mr S when that’s not your name and you are aware that name is associated with an attempted homicide attempt ?” Asked Max flabbergasted from the Shyamalan level twist. “Would you have taken the invitation seriously if I wrote my full name?” Replied Mr snuffles “Would you have come?”
“Jordan Peele’s new movie” Replied Max cheerfully “Exactly” replied Mr snuffles “I am also very much aware of what the name “Mr S” is associated with as much as I regret my actions I can’t take back the fact that I was the one who attempted homicide on your Aunt Gladys.”
The minute Mr snuffles said that Max was running faster then Cinderella down the stairs.
Meanwhile at the Concession stand ran by Mary’s parents
“Hey there Sweetie who’s your friend there” Asked Dave to his Daughter as Mary and Lily walked closer to the concession stand.
“She wants to know if there’s coffee around here also…” Mary answered her father before Turning to Lily “What’s your name? You never mentioned your name.”
“My name is Lily” she replied Turning back to Mary with her Answer
“Well Sugar you must be one lucky gal because I just found a bag of Coffee beans underneath the concession stand so we can make coffee just for you!” Said Sheryl
“Actually two people I’m getting coffee for my best friend Max to. We barely get any sleep at all but I’m pretty sure just looking at our faces would make that clear but because how much time homework and making PowerPoints about our hyper fixations for our school clubs takes , we actually share the room for funny story actually I broke my projector accidentally and you can’t project cartoons for your members without one so now the film club and the animation club became The film and animation club and I’m in debt to the New Jersey Public school system and so because of all that we need a cup of Coffee before we fall asleep before midnight ahahah and isn’t the whole point of New year eve is to stay up till midnight?.
“Alright Lily, how do you and you and your friend like your coffee?” Asked Mary.
“Two Espresso ’s with a lot of sugar please! other than mixing every energy drink on earth espressos usually keep me and Max up.
“Thats not healthy at all but Two Expressos coming right up!” Said Dave. “Why don’t you go dance while the coffee gets made” Asked Sheryl
“I am supposed to meet up with Max there anyway soooooo why not be early and bust a move Also thanks for enabling my crippling caffeine addiction!!!” Lily said cheerfully skipping to the dance floor before tripping on her heels and face planting on the cold hard venue floor.
“I got some crocs in my hammerspace if you want them” asked Mary to the girl on the floor.
“Please” said Lily accepting the kind gift and switching from uncomfortable heels to comfy crocs.
The two girls entered the dance floor
Mary rejoined the dancing roller skating dog couple and continued dancing and talking with them
“It’s been so long Mary I haven’t seen you since 2005!” Said Alex before noticing the heart necklace Mary was wearing around her neck “YOU KEPT IT ALL THIS YEARS” Continued Alex cheerfully.
“ I also watched your roller derbies at home on the tv ……sorry I haven’t gone in person… you know why” replied Mary cheerfully both happy to be reunited.
“I heard a lot about you Mary! By the way I’m Sally Alex’s girlfriend I’m so glad to finally meet you and I love your dress Mary” Sally said cheerfully before turning her sights to Lily who doing a shuffle sorta dance as Katy Perry’s firework plays “ I ALSO LOVE YOUR DRESS FILM REEL GIRL!”
“THANKS I MADE IT MYSELF!” Happily replied “It actually demonstrates the history of animation! That’s why it’s black and white around the top piece and colored on the skirt and it has POCKETS! OOF” said Lily before being tackled to the ground and losing one of the crocs!
“LILY!!!!YOU WERE RIGHT! Screamed Max in fear “MR SNUFFLES IS THE SAME MR S THAT ATTEMPTED HOMICIDE ON MY AUNT GLADYS AND HE’S TARGETING MEEEEE ALSO HE’S A TEDDY BEAR.” “CAP THERE’S NO WAY THE HOST IS A TEDDY BEAR!I AND YOU SAID YOU WOULD BE HAPPY TO DIE WEARING THE OUTFIT I MADE AND GIFTED YOU FOR CHRISTMAS!” screamed Lily back to Max.”IM TO YOUNG TO DIE!” Said Max before both of them were bear hugged by the previously twisting girl in the clown mask who had just noticed them through the limited vision of the mask and was so happy to see them she couldn’t help but bear hug them so tightly Lily and Max thought that the clown had the ability to extend her limbs like she was elastic girl and they are correct.
“WHAT DID YOU CALL ME YOU CLOWN FREAK! YOU SHOULD NOT EVEN BE ALIVE! HUMANS ARE EXTINCT!!” yelled the once running the fish like child as he runs toward Poppy
“Goldie! NO!” Cried his mother.
“GOLDIE YES!” Goldie yelled as he jumps to attack Poppy
“Oh Snap we got a salmon run over here” Said Lily as she and Max drink there finished Coffee having escaped Poppy’s grasp when Goldie distracted her and are now watching the fight between Goldie and Poppy and later Assitbun has he tries to break up the fight as Mary and Mr Snuffles joins them to talk.
Mary sighs because she knows that this talk is gonna open deep old wounds that she has run from far as she can remember but she’s not running not anymore yet she still squeezes Mr snuffles for comfort.
“Do you know why I have Mr snuffles?” asked Mary
“He was a gift …An apology gift from My Director and apparently for the advice she gave me well that’s what she said anyway apparently going through something in real life helps with acting and the pilot … I don’t think she was ever sorry for it…ever ” Mary continued starting to tear up.
“What was the advice she gave you Mary?” Asked Max
“That I was Mistake and I couldn’t do anything right that I am the most useless kid In the entire world that I am destitute and dense and a crybaby and so much more… I was exhausted to my breaking point … acting for her …trying to be absolutely perfect for her … all I wanted to do was make her proud …proud of my performance in her sitcom pilot” Answered Mary starting to drown in her past
“You know how in some stories the new kid at school gets bullied I was the new kid on camera and off camera… That week was absolute hell and it still affects me to this very day…I have can’t hear a laugh track or watch an episode of any sitcom without the memories flooding back in and whenever I make a mistake no matter how small… I tell myself her advice and you wanna know what all the suffering amounted to?”
“What Mary…” asked Lily concerned about what the answer is going to be.
“…the sitcom was cancelled so all that suffering was for nothing anyway everything that happened to me then was the whole reason why Mr snuffles did what he did to your Aunt Gladys … yeah my New Years resolution is going to therapy…I’m gonna go welcome that stuffed bunny in the 1920s flapper costume over there . Have a nice time you Lovebirds at the party, bye!” Said Mary as she wiped her tears leaving.
“But we’re not Dating…” Said Lily tired of hearing that.
“And you don’t
“Just so you know Max I’m actually really chill and I absolutely loathe violence I’m only violent when people harm Mary in anyway …you were on my list because of the pool incident where you crushed her because you didn’t follow the pool rules but thank your girlfriend Lily for the suit she made me because if not you would be dead in space or in another universe also here’s the croc you lost earlier Lily be sure to return them for your plane tickets back home” said Mr snuffles as he left “I got a party to host…Just a about four more guests and the party can truly start also I’m putting careless whisper just for you to ”
“Poor girl…” said Lily who just wanted to drink her Coffee and watch a fight.
“Should have called Cool Cat” Said Max jokingly before asking Lily a question.
“You got some kind of Sixth Sense or something? Do you see dead people because the fact that you prevented something without knowing anything about it is sus.” Asked Max.
“To be honest I was more scared of Mary and what she could do Since Mary is a toon she has access to a bunch of Toon props that would kill normal people like us …I just thought “What if that little Toon Tyke puts a bomb in a box and gifts it to you” I just …didn’t want to lose my best friend I didn’t want you to end up like Teddy Valiant so I raced the clock to make a suit for her teddy bear before my vacation was over and I succeeded.” Said Lily cheerfully
“Thank you Lily and that’s why My new year resolution other than sleeping is to I guess not complain when you pick the movie at movie night to the point of fighting you and I guess destroy my bias of animated films being just for babies ?” Said Max
Lily said cheerfully “ I think that’s gonna be my New Year Resolution also just you know destroying my Bias that live action films are just boring wastes of time instead I mean I did love inception.”
Lily continued as she raised her coffee cup to make a toast to the new year. A New year for the club and for there friendship.
“Cheers?” Lily asked.
“Cheers!” Answered Max
“TO 2023!” The best friends cheered.
As the best friends talked about Movies and shows recommending each other stuff to watch they couldn’t help but be distracted as Alex unintentionally disrupts their conversation with his barking and growling soon joined by Sally.
“Dog barking! Something bad is gonna happen it’s an omen in every movie” Max said sarcastically.
Lily pokes her head out of the booth where they were sitting at and starts to snicker.
“This party is either about get really awkward or more dramatic then a telenovela” Said Lily in amusement.
“Really? Why” Asked Max
But he didn’t need to wait for an answer… he just saw his answer. There near the door was His uncle Bob, his cousins Evelyn and Ashley and the reason for the drama and awkwardness, Aunt Gladys the very Same director who directed Mary’s sitcom and abused her all those years ago
Max whispered to Lily “How are we more early then them when they actually live here and we had to deal with the new year airport crowd AND flying across the country it feels like it took them like four days to get here.”
Mary and Gladys stared at each other unsure what to say until…
“Mary…I’m” Gladys said before a microphone screech interrupted her.
“Ladies and Gentleman…Boys and Girls! Welcome to my New Years party!” Said Mr Snuffles from the top of the stairs balcony after being made aware by Assitbun that all guests have arrived.
“As we gather to welcome the new year with hope for a better year as I know for some of you …You’ve been through lot of horrible things that you should never have been through but it’s time to party and celebrate the New Year with Musical classics such as the cha cha slide and Y.M.C.A , Food and Drinks prepared by S.D Bakery and a Murder mystery game and of course Fireworks!” Continued Mr snuffles
“LET THE PARTY BEGIN!” Cheered Mr Snuffles creating an indoor firework show with his magical powers causing cheers before Mr snuffles was pushed to the side by a small rabbit girl in a flapper costume.
“Enough with the showing off!” Said the stuffed Rabbit in a British accent. “I’m Velvie and who wants to see me jump off the balcony and into the water fountain!” Velvie asked the small guest crowd hearing cheers to do so as Mr snuffles rolled his eyes.
So she did.
And they cheered.
The Party continued on and soon Mary noticed Poppy sitting at a table booth all alone and decided to join her at the booth.
“Hi! …Poppy was it?” Said Mary to the girl who was All alone.
“Oh! Hi Porky!” Replied Poppy cheerfully.
“Mary actually but it is better than being called Peppa so I’ll let that slide… Are you doing ok? I can’t really tell because of the mask covering your face but are you enjoying the party?” Asked Mary concerningly
“Oh don’t worry about me Mary! I’m enjoying the party! Even if I don’t know anybody here …and I don’t know the music …I don’t get out much. In fact, I can’t Leave based on an curse but I think the curse is broken because I’m here! ” Replied Poppy cheerfully before becoming melancholy before becoming cheerful again.
“Why?” Asked Mary.
“Halloween night …I made a mistake…I walked away from my mommy and daddy…and I found a pretty door and I went in … and I found a playground inside so I played in it and there was some clown guy that I don’t remember his name but I think it was Balan or something like that and he told me the rules which there was only one Rule which was leave before Twelve but I forgot the rule while playing and when I tried to go home …the door wouldn’t open …he told me I could never go home because I broke the rules so I found a big hammer and hit him with it a bit and then he wasn’t moving. I guess I became the queen of the playground I still miss my mommy and daddy” Poppy answered.
“Wait but if your cursed to stay at the playground. How are you even here?” Asked Mary understandably so.
“I don’t know…All I remember was finding a letter on the floor for me and it was an invite to this party and I read it and it was an invite then big bright light came and I was here being greeted by that…creepy teddy bear” Answered Poppy.
“You were probably teleported which could be the same thing for other guests as well” replied Mary puzzling together how Mr snuffles managed to bring his guest list together.
“What year is it?” Asked Poppy abruptly.
“It’s 2022 and it’s about to become 2023 in two hours…What year was it when you entered the playground” Asked Mary concerned yet prepared to comfort her.
“1961…” Said Poppy with her voice starting to shake.
“You were gone for…60 years ” Mary said Now hugging Poppy to comfort her.
“Everything I know is gone…I was gone to long… do my friends even remember me…M-my mommy and daddy are-” Poppy said as she mentally spiraled down deeper and deeper into her already damaged mind from the years of isolation before Mary threw her a mental rope just by simply asking a five word question.
“Could I be your friend?” asked Mary
“Yes…I would like that… thank you ” replied Poppy now crying.
The two hugged each other.
“W-what if -we n-never see each other a-again” said Poppy scared to be alone again “what if you forget me.”
“I’ll still be your friend even if we never see each other again.” Answered Mary comfortingly
“I’m pretty sure Mr snuffles could work something out after all he teleported you out of your Chuck E. Cheese playground dream core backrooms prison to this party …he might not look like it but he can do a-lot.” Mary continues.
When suddenly Mr snuffles spoke into the microphone.
“It’s time for a mystery! A Murder Mystery!” Mr snuffles announced!
The guests cheered.
“I was wondering when the game would start…” Velvie thought.
“I wonder if this game is gonna be more like Clue or maybe Knives out? Wooo I love a Good whodunnit!” Max Cheerfully whispered to Lily.
Mr snuffles then teleported the guests to a dining room inside an old manor where the game would be played.
On the dining table were letters with each of the guests names on it that when opened there roles would be revealed to them.
“The rules are as following!” Mr snuffles Continued.
“1. No actual killing …just bonk them on head , show your card and tell them to play dead.”
“2. Once a victim’s body is discovered and reported. A trail to find the killer will commence in the Foyer where clues will be shared and suspects shall be questioned until everybody has written down there vote of whodunnit.”
“3. The player with most votes will be eliminated and there card and role will be revealed, the game will end if they indeed are the killer and continue into the next round.”
“4. No revealing your cards to anyone unless the game calls for it.”
“5. Act and by acting I mean acting as this is real and mourning the victim if you know them along with what’s written on your card with your roles on it.”
“And the finale rule …Have Fun!” Said Mr snuffles has explained the rules. “ Any Question’s?”
Goldie’s mother raised her hand.
“Yes Inkura?” asked Mr snuffles.
“You mentioned clues being collected and shared. What do you mean by that?” Asked Inkura.
“The Clues are context clues of what you noticed about your fellow guests as-well as the information your fellow guests bring into the game. For example, The butler Assitbun is the victim. The victim has an indent of a mallet on the back of his head. The suspects of this scenario are basically every toon here due to Hammer space which is-“ Mr snuffles Answered before being cut of by.
“The ability of Cartoon characters to carry impossible objects with them at all times ,pulling them out when needed” Lily cheerfully answered before realizing she was interrupting and was about to apologize before she was interrupted by.
“Correct!” Mr snuffles said before continuing. “Because of hammer space toons would be a prime suspect because of it another suspect in this supposed case would be Poppy because she also has a mallet which she demonstrated in your fight” Mr snuffles said as he teleported in front of Goldie and Poppy.
Velvie raised her hand.
“Yes, Velvie?” Answered Mr snuffles
“So what do we do when we find a “body”. Asked Velvie
“Great question!” Answered Mr snuffles “You found a Murder victim. Scream as loud as you can” said Mr snuffles before starting the game.
“Everybody when I say three open your cards and take your props from under your chair or in Gladys’s case in front of you.” Said Mr snuffles finally starting the game.
“One.Two.Three, Let us begin!” Cheered Mr snuffles as the game and everyone started grabbing there prop and card and heading to explore to gorgeous old manor everyone but Gladys who was still at the dining table looking at vase of roses before asking Mr snuffles.
“Why…What did I do to deserve what you did to me…What did I do to deserve being crushed by a lighting fixture and being paralyzed because of it you homicidal monster…” Asked Gladys now silently crying remembering the pain and fear she felt that night.
“I already told you. You know what you did Gladys. Your “advice” Hurt her so much it affects her so much even today.” Answered Mr snuffles ashamed of what he had done.
“So you maimed me because of something I did seventeen almost eighteen years ago …Why couldn’t you let the past just be the past! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MEDICAL DEBT I AM IN! YOU ALMOST KIlLED ME! YOU ALMOST WIDOWED THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! MY CHILDREN ALMOST LOST THERE MOTHER BECAUSE OF YOU! WHY!” Gladys screamed now looking directly into Mr snuffles’s eyes wanting closure.
“Here’s why Your advice was not helpful at all it was just abuse. Your abused her for a sitcom pilot something that barely anyone was gonna see” said Mr snuffles answered before continuing.
“When I found out through a old journal that Mary wrote about what you did …I was enraged…I thought for a moment… a small moment that maybe she was affected by the pain you caused her like you thought but as I thought more about it I realized how much of Mary’s behavior made so much sense… her hatred of sitcoms and laugh tracks …her self loathing whenever she made a mistake… her need to be perfect…it all made sense that it stemmed from her trauma. Trauma that you caused and because of that I planned for a entire year to get Revenge for Mary… I wanted to say thank you to her for how well she treated me…most teddies don’t get that luxury and what’s a better way to say thank you then to get revenge on there abuser and i wish I never did.” Mr snuffles said with regret before continuing.
“Because I shaped shifted myself to Mary’s appearance to get revenge on you …she was framed because of it…Mary suffered because of my actions… she and her family and had to deal with my actions in court against your family and the law while you were in a coma. She literally time traveled to try to stop it but just she saw everything instead…I traumatized her.”Said Mr snuffles with pain in his button eyes.
“Can you tell Mary that I’m sorry? I was gonna tell her myself but you interrupted me and knowing now how much I hurt her… I don’t think she would want to see me.” Said Gladys looking at the Roses.
“Take Responsibility.” Was all Mr snuffles said as he left Gladys alone in the dining room.
Meanwhile in the Manor library
“So…What do you think is in the briefcases?” Lily asked Max as they stared at there prop briefcases given to them.
Max didn’t answer instead he opened the briefcase with the code he was given 1888 when he opened the briefcase. His face lit up as he opened the briefcase.
“Oh, we happy.” Max answered taking the flashlight out of the briefcase that was causing the light and pulling out movie DVDs and VHS “My card said historian so I guess I’m a film Historian” Max said as he found a dvd and VHS player.
“Weird” Thought Lily Looking at her card that also said Historian before looking at the number “1908” and then her briefcase before opening it.
Opening the briefcase Lily pulled out Books about the history of animation such as “The world history of animation” and “That’s all folks! The Art of Warner bros. Animation.” “I’m an animation historian!” Said Lily happily.
“Nice! High five” replied Max.
They high five.
“You wanna watch a movie since I got movies in my briefcase?” Asked Max to Lily.
“Yeah sure why not. can we have popcorn?” Lily replied.
“I’ll check the kitchen for it or at least corn to make it into popcorn you pick the movie out whichever one catches your eye and wait for me to come back with popcorn.” Said Max as he grabbed the flashlight
“Thanks!!” Lily said as she went to choose a movie.
Lily picked up a DVD copy of “Run Lola Run”.
“This looks good” Lily thought as she sat down to read one of her Animation history books as she waited for Max to return.
As Max walked down the hallway decorated with books and paintings while lighting his way with the flashlight before dodging Goldie running with a frying pan screaming and giggling “YOU CANT CATCH ME!” As Dave chased after Goldie screaming “ YOU GIVE THAT BACK YOU BRAT! IF THAT FRYING PAN ISN’T IN MY HAND BY WHEN I COUNT TO THREE I WILL BE MAKING CARAWAY SALMON WITH RYE BERRY-AND-BEET SALAD AND YOU WILL BE THE SALMON!”
Max thought to himself “Perfect I know where the kitchen is and I got a suspect for who got the killer card” and continued walking down the hallway before hearing a song.
A very familiar song.
give me your answer do
She’s half crazy
all for the love of you
It won’t be a stylish marriage
I cant afford a carriage
But you’ll look sweet upon the seat
Of a bicycle built for two…
Sang Assitbun before the windows error screen appeared on his face as Assitbun became the first victim of the murder mystery game.
“ I don’t know if this is broke the first rule or not but Time of Death 11:11 PM” wrote Max on his Phone before rolling up his sleeves to take photos of the crime scene to add to his notes.
Taking a picture of every crack and every exposed wire and the broken microchips scattered on the floor stained by the hydraulic fluid and Oil pouring from an massive crack like dent on the back of his head that Max made sure not to get on himself so he won’t appear sus.
“Welp got everything now to do my best my final girl scream.”
Before Max could finish screaming everyone was teleported to the foyer room to discuss the clues Max had discovered.
“Who’s the victim Max?” Asked Mr snuffles “Do you have any clues and important information to share and did you see anyone nearby?”
“Got a lot of information for ya Mr snuffles!” Max Cheerfully answered.
“Assitbun is the victim According to the crime scene photos I took…Man that was a mess…and the last people I saw was Daddy Pig chasing the gold fish because the fish stole a frying pan or something bro was threatening the fish and everything and the time of death was 11:11 pm.”
“Look at Sherlock over here! Autism be darned my bestie can solve a mystery!” Said Lily.
“And your my Watson ! Btw did you pick a movie yet” asked Max.
“Yeah, Run Lola Run.” Answered Lily.
“Nice” replied Max.
“Excuse me for interrupting you two lovebirds but how do you know the time of death I know you didn’t do it but I would like to know” asked Mr snuffles.
“Oh yeah He pulled a Hal 9000 and sang Daisy belle as he died I heard the whole song before a windows error screen popped up but the thing is … He sang it wrong.” Answered Max
“What?” Asked Poppy.
Before Max could explain Lily screamed out.
“Don’t make him start…it’ll be 2023 by the time he finishes!”
“What do you mean by that ?” Asked Mr snuffles.
“He sang “SHE’S Half crazy” instead “I’M Half crazy” …It doesn’t make sense …the song wasn’t random it was probably programmed in …so why would he get it wrong” Replied Max as he racked his brain for answers.
“Maybe Assitbun knew you were there and fought against his pre programmed death message just enough to at least mention the Killers a girl.” Spoke Velvie sharing her Theory.
“Well that confirms it My darling Dave didn’t Kill the DJ also he was with me the entire time other than the time the fish stole the frying pan for some reason.”
“Missed opportunity” Max thought.
“Good theory Velvie ”Inkura before Turning to Max
“Can I see the crime scene photos I’m a scientist as well as an inventor I work with Machines and robots frequently and given that you mentioned it being very messy I’m also experienced with Messes I think I could be very helpful in solving this case.” Asked Inkura politely.
“Sure” answered Max giving his phone to Inkura.
“Woomy” Said Inkura happily as she began to study the crime scene photo
“It seems the circle like dent on the top of his head near his ears was the blow that splatted him and you were we’re not wrong on the mess part” Said Inkura as she studied the crime scene photos
I feel like the killer would be easy to find given they would reasonably be covered in hydrologic fluid the entire room is a splash zone and the only “dry area” would be the top of the roof and even then the killer does seem to have done this before at least… once before.” Said Inkura sharing all the information she could gather from the crime scene photos.
Mary Looked at Poppy already knowing what she did.
“why aren’t we done with this we all know it was bootleg Peppa so show us the card already Bootleg Peppa!” Hollers Evelyn.
“She’s the reason Mommy’s in a wheelchair! She’s Definitely Crazy and much more than Half!” Screamed out Ashley.
“She probably crawled up the wall to kill the robot like the girl from the exorcist and is pulling the same innocent act she pulled to get community service instead of being dipped!” Said Evelyn.
Mary just stared for a bit for the audacity before she replied.
“One… Don’t EVER call me that again and You know nothing about me…you never even bothered to talk or play or anything instead you just stared at me and judged me …Just Ask your Mr snuffles …He was there.” Said Mary standing up for herself
As Evelyn and Ashley prepared to Jump Mary for what they think she did to there mother. They were strangled and pulled up by two long arms before being thrown down on the cold Hardwood floor
“Ended the game a bit earlier by doing that Poppy then I wanted but this story is already long enough everyone reveal your cards.” Said Mr snuffles
“I’m an Actress” Said Mary with her Smug face showing her Card that said Actress to Evelyn and Ashley.
“At least your something!” Screamed the twins in sync “we just got “VICTIM preferringly with an Axe!” Said the twins pissed off looking at Mr snuffles.
“ Was that a Shining reference there Mr snuffles? Anyway I’m a Film Historian and can I please keep the briefcase for the good job?” asked Max
“I’m a animation historian! And I would also like to keep my briefcase even though I did absolutely nothing to contribute.” Said Lily happily
“Yes, I was originally gonna give you a Scooby snack but Alex and Sally got into the supply so…Sure take the briefcases both of you guys.” Answered Mr snuffles happy that his accident of writing historian twice on two cards will never come out.
“Sorry Mr snuffles” said Alex and Sally.
“Anyway my card says Athlete Babe what does your card say?” Asked Alex looking Lovingly at Sally.
“Model!” Said Sally happily.
“I got Daredevil…not that anybody asked” Said Velvie.
“Is that how you got those stitches?” Asked Goldie.
“Yes! I have so many stories to tell wanna hear them?” Answered Velvie
“YEAH!” Screamed Goldie excitedly.
As Velvie told Goldie her stories and adventures Inkura revealed her and her sons cards.
“My card said Scientist and Goldie’s said Thief” said Inkura while smiling.
“So that’s why he stole that frying pan…Sorry for threatening to cook your son” Said Dave as he apologized to Inkura and Goldie.
“It’s ok what role did you and your wife get?” Asked Inkura.
“I got chef and my sweetie got Baker which is weird because we both are bakers.” Answered Dave.
With the game over everyone was transported back to the main venue with no music because the DJ is dead.
“So Sherlock how did you solve that mystery.” Asked Lily curiously.
“Elementary my dear Watson…the whole crime scene reminded of 2001: A space odyssey so…The only reason the murder was even solved was because I understood that reference…Shame we never got our popcorn. ” Said Max casually
“Ok but what was the reference?” Asked Lily confused by the half answered question.
“You’ll understand because after you watch Run Lola Run your watching 2001 next.” Said Max not answering her question.
“Ok…only if you watch Puss in boots the last wish and The Mitchell’s versus the machines with me, I think you will really like Mitchell’s so Do we have a deal?” Said Lily
“Deal!” Said the best friends as they shook each others hands with a secret handshake.
Meanwhile on the Balcony.
Mary watched the few Fireworks from other parties she was soon joined by Mr snuffles.
“Enjoying the party?” Asked Mr snuffles as he climbed up the balcony to join Mary.
“Of course I am Mr snuffles why do you ask?” Answered Mary as she sipped on her Fanta.
“It’s just…it feels like with how you shared your horrible past on those two lovebirds to explain that I’m not a monster by the way Queen Behavior how you just walked up,trauma dumped, told them that they should date and left and with the twins blaming you and practically bullying you for something that I did …… I just feel like you weren’t happy with all that so if you were wondering why you were suddenly with the tykes at random times…that’s why. I’m so proud of you for standing up for yourself against Mrs Director’s twins.” Said Mr snuffles concerned for her happiness before having the greatest look of pride on his face that she stood up for her self.
“I am happy!” Said Mary cheerfully.
“I got to see Alex again after years I got to spend time with my friends and I even made a new friend! Speaking of Poppy is it possible to free her and thanks for making the joke about Evelyn and Ashley for me …I wanted to make that joke but I didn’t want to stoop down to there level just because they called me Peppa .why should I make a low fruit joke based on the fact they look similar to those creepy hallway ghost girls .”
“Her freedom is t just like the guest list it’s not in my control but I’ll try my bestq.” Answered Mr snuffles with Hope.
“Wait…what do you mean you don’t have control over the guest list then who does ? Actually that makes a lot of sense now that I think about it that makes a lot of sense.” Said Mary as everything started to make sense.
“You know how some of the Tykes talk about a Fourth Wall?”Asked Mr snuffles as he was about to explain everything to Mary before he was interrupted.
It was Gladys.
“Mary…I’m so sorry for everything I did to you ” Said Gladys as she rolled closer to Mary finally taking Responsibility.
“I always wanted to be a director since I was a little girl and after years of waiting for my chance to show what I was made of and a dear friend of mines wants to make there passion project but there busy and can’t do it so they give it to me to direct and “finally I thought this is my chance to show Hollywood what I’m made of” I wanted to make a sitcom pilot that wasn’t like anything before it. I didn’t want to make another Full house or Brady bunch or anything form Disney channel! I wanted to make something truly amazing to redefine what a sitcom was with breathtaking acting and actual cinematography maybe it was the stress of how late you came out causing Production delays or my perfectionism but I hurt you so deeply and I’m so sorry for everything and you don’t need to forgive me I don’t deserve it.” Said Gladys near to tears before heading back to her family before being stopped by.
“You’re finally Sorry .” Said Mary with happy tears in her eyes.
Suddenly Velvie ran up the stairs and alerted them to the time.
“ITS 11:59! ITS ALMOST NEW YEARS YOUR GONNA MISS IT!” Screamed Velvie as the other guests went up the balcony to count down.
“Oh…nevermind I guess your early to the count down…” Said Velvie looking to the side.
The next moment the count down began.
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Said the guests as they cheered and hugged as the welcomed the New Year of 2023 as fireworks exploded in the night.
🎆The end 🎆
Finally done After 20 Days , sorry if it got kinda badly written near the end the burnout was getting to me along with school work taking up my time
Thanks to @lexi0507 for reminder that the place/job where you make food for parties is called catering and @mushshroomcat so you can read it.
That’s all folks
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tophthedaydreamer · 2 years
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I posted 1,457 times in 2022
252 posts created (17%)
1,205 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,147 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#toph musings - 156 posts
#topharts - 54 posts
#oc - 29 posts
#splatoon 3 - 28 posts
#ocs - 24 posts
#sonic movie 2 spoilers - 19 posts
#ninjago - 13 posts
#toh - 12 posts
#sonic movie 2 - 12 posts
#lego ninjago - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#like it just boggles my mind that there's an all-powerful being that would happily listen to me chatter on about the blorbos from my shows
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
236 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
my favorite sonic 2 moments and stuff
knuckles hyped over winning the baseball game and having "the fun"
knuckles also hyped over ice creams with sprinkles
knuckles picking up tails and putting him on his shoulder
tails and sonic sleeping at the siberian bar and sonic giving tails the blanket
sonic begging tails to wake up while they're being taken by gun (i live for angst)
the iconic scene where knuckles blocks sonic's spindash
"your robots are no match for me. i can rip them to- oh, they are stairs."
"just watching tv. dot dot.... dot dot dot.......dot"
shadow's goth eyeliner
sonic doing The Pose during the dance fight
little kiddo knuckles
sonic's fear of water being acknowledged
252 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
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See the full post
272 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
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wanted to give a proper go at making a sexyman descendant, and being that it’s the spooky month kickoff: here’s a jack skellington kid!!
molly skellington, the pumpkin princess 🎃
- she/her
- loves holidays and researching them
- if she was in a high school she’d be a cheerleader, band conductor, and/or theater kid
- very kind and genuine 
394 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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my human design for minnie mouse :D
420 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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carrtoonfreak · 3 years
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How can a sweet innocent character have such angst?
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su-nioj · 2 years
For the storyteller Asks!
B.O and Eddie definitely get along the best second to Charlie meanwhile Shirley would definitely not get along with Eddie
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schibi12 · 3 years
Heyyo!! So this post may get long and a bit personal if you are not interested by that you can keep on scrolling no problem.
Last year I did a post where I told how Tumblr was a huge support for me during the whole quarantine and how I met amazing people in it and strangely enough the same thing happened this year, so take this a YouTube rewind of sorts where I talk about all the great people I've met and befriended and how much I've grown as a person since last year, this is a Tumblr Reblog if you will.
My blog has changed a lot from 2020 to 2021, last year only did occasional reviews and memes for DuckTales and other Disney properties but this year oh boy, I've done a bunch of AUs, I've done art for my AUs and fanart in general,I created Ocs and sonas, I've rambled a lot this year about not only Disney properties but about Looney Tunes, Animaniacs, Marvel, Musicals and just so much more I feel like I have expressed more of who I am to you guys.
And the amazing people I've met in this quite literal hellsite lol, have been so kind and supportive to me that they I am gonna do a roll call/ shoutout to you incredible people and if I forgotten one of you i am so sorry but remember you are great too!!
@blue-main & @joyseer24 I am forever grateful for meeting you two you've been incredibly kind, supportive, helpful and just the greatest friends I've ever had and for being my first internet friends I am glad that it was you guys.
@tophthedaydreamer I am so intimidated to talk you sometimes I don't know why I feel like you are just so much cooler than me even though you are just as dorky as me but you are so talented and thanks to you I've seen the Beetlejuice musical also thanks to you I started doing AUs because I did a silly post about how Iron-Man and Captain America reminded me of Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse and you left a nice message in your tags about how this was big brain and how I should continue it and I didn't want to do it but your comment motivate me to do it and I've done a bunch of AUs because of that message in the tags so thanks and I hope to talk to you more in the future.
@lexi0507 thanks to you we have a Discord server and we met a bunch of cool people and you're so cool, unapologetically yourself and supportive and I love your art and ocs.
@wastelandchannel I know we haven't talked recently but thanks to you I think we wouldn't have the Toon Tykes so thank you and I hope you are doing and feeling better.
@ohmymabe you are so nice and I love your art and how creative you are, and you're also kind of a founder of The Toon Tykes with the many AUs and ocs you did of the children of Oswald and Julius y Eres una muy Buena Amiga!
@dizbunny Diz with the Gifs you are so sweet you always have something nice to say and I know you started your journey with art and it's not easy just have patience and don't be too hard on yourself.
@su-nioj We haven't talked that much but you have made amazing art I like to call you the ninja silent but talented and I hope to get to know you more in the future.
@dalia1784 we haven't interacted as much as I want to. It we do follow each other Tumblr and Twitter and we tagged each other on tag games and I hope to get to know you better, but you make amazing art and deserve so much attention and appreciation like literally go follow her she has amazing ocs designs and stories.
@you-big-palooka & @amelia-bedeliaa you keep posting about Disney ducks and Mickey and friends respectively your post always bring me joy or discover a good fic or follow someone who makes amazing fanart and keep on reblogging.
I think that's it if I missed one of my mutuals or you don't take it personally you are amazing and great it's just I listed more people in this post than last year so I might have forgotten a few.
And once again thank you from the bottom of my heart I am forever grateful that I have Tumblr in my life because without it I wouldn't have met all these amazing people and I wouldnt be drawing so thank you to all my followers, mutuals and friends and here's to another year!!
Muchas gracias los quiero mucho!!! 💛
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dizbunny · 1 year
Dizbunny tries to draw her OCS in any pose other than 🧍‍♂️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻 challenge (impossible)
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dizbunny · 3 years
Oh random trivia? How about facst about original ocs you have?
Okie dokie I missed two days already so not off to a great start so to make it up there will be ✨3 ✨ facts that came to my head first
1 : Poppy has a mallet cuz why not
2: Lily has an army of toon plushies and she makes clothes for them.
3: Mary’s favorite cake is strawberry
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dizbunny · 3 years
Havent heard from your ocs for a while, would ya like to ramble about them?
Yes I really do but I struggle with posting about it a lot since I feel like it will only make sense to me and i feel like I’m be annoying people
So to help me I have decided to starting tomorrow (or today technically) doing daily oc fun facts! Basically random trivia Also a Q&A about any and all ocs of mine basically ask anything I will glady answer!
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