#Dispute Call Results in Charges for Local Female
coochiequeens · 10 months
I recently posted a story about how keeping track of sex and race matters in statistics concerning how sexism and racism impacts promotions at work. This is why recording sex is important in crime reporting. A man killed a woman in an act of domestic violence.
By Reduxx Team November 27, 2023
A trans-identified male is in custody after allegedly murdering his trans-identified female partner in Porsgrunn, Norway. The complex case has prompted confusion due to police and media reporting that a woman murdered a man.
On the night of November 26, police were called over a domestic dispute in the South-East district of Porsgrunn. Despite injuries being reported and medical treatment being sought by a female, it was determined that no intervention was required at the time. Just two hours later, at approximately midnight, police were called again, with the female victim suffering critical injuries at the residence.
The victim, 22, was rushed to hospital but did not survive, quickly resulting in her male partner, 18, being taken into custody and charged with murder. The names of both parties have not yet been released.
The victim and accused were in a relationship and had just recently moved in together, signing a lease on Friday. Some neighbors in the housing complex have come forward to speak with local press and reveal they heard screaming and shouting throughout Sunday evening, while the tenant who lived above the couple says he heard a loud “bang” that night. Police have confirmed that a gun was not the cause of the sound, but that a potential murder weapon of an undisclosed nature has been retrieved.
According to Telemarksavisa, police had been notified over incidents of violence between the two multiple times in the last year.
While a number of details surrounding the slaying are currently unclear, both the police and media reporting of the incident have prompted backlash from Norwegian women’s rights advocates due to the obfuscation of the biological sex of both the suspected murderer and the victim.
Initial reports stated that a man had been arrested in connection with the murder of another man, with outlets such as Dagbladet later switching their articles to clarify that a woman had been arrested in connection with the murder of a man. This follows confirmation by the public register that both the victim and the accused are legally the opposite sex of their current identification.
“In an earlier version of this article, Dagbladet referred to the accused as a man …. This information was later changed to the fact that the accused wants to be referred to as a woman. Dagbladet has corrected,” a notice embedded into the article reads.
Subsequent coverage by other news stations, such as NRK, referred to the suspected murderer as a “woman,” as police scrambled to revise their previous references to the accused as having been a man.
“The police initially reported that it was a man who had been arrested and suspected of the murder. This morning, the police changed the charge to a woman for the murder. A revision was made,” NRK wrote in their correction.
Police have said that the 18-year-old male in custody will be treated in accordance with his self-declared gender identity.
On social media, Norwegian women’s rights advocates condemned the confusion.
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“In other words, a man has killed a woman. In other words, a classic partner murder. With pronouns,” one user wrote in response to a screenshot of a revised article that began circulating on social media.
“Is this the trans genocide we keep hearing about?” another sarcastically remarked.
The 18-year-old suspect has been remanded to prison for two weeks so that psychiatric evaluations can be conducted. He has not commented on his charges.
Norway has become notorious for its extremely lenient gender self-identification laws, and introduced “gender identity” into its hate crime legislation as a protected characteristic in January of 2021. Since then, a number of people have been placed under criminal investigation for failing to affirm a transgender person’s identity.
Shortly after the legislation was revised, a Norwegian man was sentenced to 21 days in prison and a fine of 15,000NRK after being found guilty of “insulting” and “misgendering” a trans-identified male on Facebook. The next year, a women’s rights advocate was investigated by police after stating that males could not be mothers.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 months
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"Lend Support To Strikers," Border Cities Star. April 18, 1934. Page 15. ---- East Windsor Council In Sympathy With Workers ---- Seek Settlement ---- Ask Government to Create Minimum Wage For Men ---- Striking employes of the Canadian Motor Lamp Company, Limited, of East Windsor, received plenty of support at last night's meeting of the East Windsor City Council. Members of the council expressed themselves freely as being in sympathy with the strikers in their dispute with the Motor Lamp management.
APPROACH OTTAWA Although United Front members of the council objected strenuously, the council voted to join with the East Windsor Police Commission in asking that the Dominion Government intercede in an effort to settle the strike.
Another resolution was passed calling upon the government to pass legislation guaranteeing a minimum wage to male laborers and to enforce existing legislation covering a minimum wage for female laborers.
A third resolution was passed asking the Motor Lamp management to discuss the situation with a committee of the strikers "together with their union organizer or a man of the strikers' choice."
The police commission's idea that the Dominion Government send in a man to attempt to settle the strike did not meet with the entire approval of Alderman Gardner, though he finally voted in favor of it.
It was no use, he said, settling the East Windsor strike while conditions at which the strike was aimed were allowed to continue in competing plants. The government, he charged. was setting a "horrible example" by paying less than a living wage on government projects. It was simple for the government, he said, to pass minimum wage legislation which would make all strikes unnecessary.
"MAYOR ACTED WISELY" Alderman Gardner congratulated Mayor Fontaine for refusing to be "made the goat" by the provincial government in the East Windsor strike situation. The mayor. Alder- man Gardner said, acted wisely in holding back about appointing special police to handle the strike situation. "We are responsible for the protection of life and property," Alderman Gardner said. "but we have no right protecting firms paying such low wages. You did right. Mr. Mayor, in turning back the Attorney-General's instructions to you."
Alderman Raycraft charged that the police commission's resolution, asking the Minister of Labor to intervene in the East Windsor strike, was an effort to intimidate the strikers. The council should back up the strikers instead of the plant management, he thought. He didn't see how any judge from Ottawa could know more about Motor Lamp plant conditions than the Motor Lamp employes themselves.
Alderman Poisson denied the charge that the commission was out to defeat the strike.
"I really think," he said, "that the commission wants to protect the strikers, but is anxious to end the strike. What's the use of keeping this plant closed while the busy season in the automobile industry is on? We're all in favor of the strikers in East Windsor. You didn't see us trying to mobilize a big special police force. But continuing this strike means that the products of local plants will be brought in from the United States, or from other plants in Ontario, and our workers will suffer."
ONLY SOLUTION Alderman Gardner declared that it would be unfair to give employes of one striking plant fair wages while taking no action with regard to employes of other plants, who might be as poorly paid but who were afraid to strike. General legislation fixing minimum wages, he argued, was the only solution of the problem.
Alderman Morris argued that the only difference between the plant management and the employes was the question of recognition of a shop committee. This question was not big enough to warrant threats of violence, he argued. He was afraid the federal government, in sending in an arbitrator to handle the situation. would select a man favorable to the boss class.
"If they send in a man to settle the strike and it results in failure." he asked, "what happens? What happened in Stratford? On the heels of such a man comes the mounted police.
Mayor Fontaine denied emphatically that the police commission had any idea of intimidating" the strikers. Perhaps, he suggested, Alderman Morris did not realize the pressure that had been brought to bear upon the commission during the past week.
"As far as the Attorney-General is concerned," the mayor declared, "I consider him, as chief peace officer in Ontario, responsible for the present situation. He may have thrown the responsibility on the mayor of Stratford, but he's not going to do it with the mayor of East Windsor."
Alderman Morris did not see much strength in the argument that motor lamps could be brought in from outside plants. Detroit workmen were refusing to work on lamps for export to the Border Cities strike zone and other Ontario plants could not meet the demand, he said.
COMPLIMENTS STRIKERS Alderman Gardner complimented the strikers and picketers on the orderly and gentlemanly manner in which they had carried out their strike. As a result, he said, there had been no rioting or destruction of property.
Alderman Raycraft did not think much of the minimum wage idea. It was open to abuse, he argued, for it would be useless to guarantee a man $10 per day if speeding up would mean that his usefulness disappeared after several months' work.
Mayor Fontaine could see nothing unreasonable in the strikers demand for recognition for their shop committee. Alderman Raycraft declared that the automobile manufacturers were "taking their stand" in connection with the present strike, confident that recognition of a union or shop committee in the Motor Lamp plant would have to be followed by similar steps in all other auto plants.
It was decided that the resolution asking for minimum wage legislation should be sent to other municipal councils, as well as to the government. A resolution was passed giving the Workers United League permission to hold a tag day in the city Saturday.
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Olive Thomas (born Oliva R. Duffy; October 20, 1894 – September 10, 1920) was an American silent-film actress, art model and photo model.
Thomas began her career as an illustrator's model in 1914, and moved on to the Ziegfeld Follies the following year. During her time as a Ziegfeld girl, she also appeared in the more risqué show The Midnight Frolic. In 1916, she began a successful career in silent films and would appear in more than 20 features over the course of her four-year film career. That year she also married actor Jack Pickford, the younger brother of fellow silent-film star Mary Pickford.
On September 10, 1920, Thomas died in Paris five days after ingesting her husband's syphilis medication, mercury bichloride, that brought on acute nephritis. Although her death was ruled accidental, news of her hospitalization and subsequent death were the subject of speculation in the press. Thomas' death has been cited as one of the first heavily publicized Hollywood scandals.
Oliva R. Duffy was born in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, but often claimed her birth name was Oliveretta Elaine Duffy. She was the eldest of three children born to James and Rena Duffy, both of whom were of Irish descent. She had two brothers: James (born 1896) and William (born 1899). Thomas later helped both of her brothers to secure work in the film industry; after serving in the Marines in France during World War I, William worked as a cameraman, and James worked as an assistant director. At the time of her death, both brothers were employed by Selznick Productions.
Her father, James Duffy, a steelworker, died in a work-related accident in 1906. After his death, the family moved to McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania, a small mill town. Thomas and her brothers often stayed with their grandparents while her mother Rena worked in a local factory. Rena Duffy later married Harry M. Van Kirk, a worker on the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad. The two had a daughter, Harriet, who was born in 1914 and died in a car accident in 1931.
Thomas left school at the age 15 to help support her siblings. She got a job selling gingham at Joseph Horne's department store for $2.75 per week (equivalent to $75.46 in 2019). In April 1911, aged 16, she married Bernard Krug Thomas in McKees Rocks. During the two-year marriage, she reportedly worked as a clerk in Kaufmann's, a major department store in Pittsburgh. After their separation in 1913, Thomas moved to New York City and lived with a family member. She later found work in a Harlem department store.
In 1914, Thomas entered and subsequently won the "Most Beautiful Girl in New York City" contest held by Howard Chandler Christy, a commercial artist. Winning the contest helped establish her career as an artists' model, and she would later pose for Harrison Fisher, Raphael Kirchner, Penrhyn Stanlaws, and Haskell Coffin. Thomas was featured on many magazine covers, including that of the Saturday Evening Post.
Fisher wrote a letter of recommendation to Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr., resulting in Thomas' being hired for the Ziegfeld Follies. However, Thomas later disputed this, claiming she "walked right up and asked for the job". She made her stage debut in the Ziegfeld Follies of 1915 on June 21, 1915. Thomas' popularity in the Follies led to her being cast in Ziegfeld's more risqué Midnight Frolic show. The Frolic was staged after hours in the roof garden of the New Amsterdam Theatre. It was primarily a show for famous male patrons who had plenty of money to bestow on the young and beautiful female performers. Thomas received expensive gifts from her admirers; it was rumored that German Ambassador Albrecht von Bernstorff had given her a $10,000 string of pearls.
During her time in The Follies, Thomas began an affair with Florenz Ziegfeld. Ziegfeld, who was married to actress Billie Burke, had affairs with other Ziegfeld girls, including Lillian Lorraine and Marilyn Miller (who would later marry Thomas' widower Jack Pickford).Thomas ended the affair with Ziegfeld after he refused to leave Burke to marry her.
Thomas continued modeling while appearing in the Follies. She became the first "Vargas Girl" after she posed for a portrait painted by Peruvian artist Alberto Vargas. The portrait, titled Memories of Olive, features Thomas nude from the waist up while clutching a rose. The portrait was reportedly commissioned by Florenz Ziegfeld but Vargas later denied this claim. Ziegfeld purchased and hung the portrait in his office at the New Amsterdam Theatre. Vargas, who called Thomas "one of the most beautiful brunettes that Ziegfeld ever glorified," kept a copy of the painting for his personal collection.
In July 1916, Thomas signed with the International Film Company. She made her on-screen debut in "Episode 10" of Beatrice Fairfax, a film serial. In 1917, she made her full-length feature debut in A Girl Like That for Paramount Pictures.
That same year, she signed with Triangle Pictures. Shortly after, news broke of her engagement to actor Jack Pickford, whom she had married a year prior. Thomas and Pickford, who was the younger brother of Mary Pickford, kept the marriage secret because Thomas did not want people to think her success in film was due to her association with the Pickfords. Her first film for Triangle, Madcap Madge, was released in June 1917. Thomas' popularity at Triangle grew with performances in Indiscreet Corrine (1917) and Limousine Life (1918). In 1919, she portrayed a French girl who poses as a boy in Toton the Apache. Thomas later said that she felt her work in Toton was "the first real thing I've ever done." She made her final film for Triangle, The Follies Girl, that same year.
After leaving Triangle, Thomas signed with Myron Selznick's Selznick Pictures Company in December 1918 for a salary of $2,500 a week. She hoped for more serious roles, believing that with her husband signed to the same company, she would have more influence. Her first film for Selznick, Upstairs and Down (1919), proved successful and established her image as a "baby vamp". She followed with roles in Love's Prisoner and Out Yonder, both in 1919. In 1920, Thomas played a teenage schoolgirl The Flapper, who yearns for excitement beyond her small Florida town. Thomas was the first actress to portray a lead character who was a flapper and the film was the first of its kind to portray the flapper lifestyle. Frances Marion, who wrote the scenario, was responsible for bringing the term into the American vernacular. The Flapper proved to be popular and became one of Thomas' most successful films. On October 4, 1920, Thomas' final film, Everybody's Sweetheart, was released.
Thomas' first marriage was to Bernard Krug Thomas, a man she met at age 15 while living in McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania. They married on April 1, 1911, and lived with his parents in McKees Rocks for the first six months of their marriage. The couple later moved into their own apartment. Krug Thomas worked as a clerk at the Pressed Steel Car Company while Olive took care of the home. In 1913, the couple separated and Olive moved to New York City to pursue a career as a model. She was granted a divorce on September 25, 1915, on the grounds of desertion and cruelty. In 1931, Bernard Krug Thomas gave an interview to The Pittsburg Press, detailing his marriage to Olive, implying that a cause of the demise of their marriage was her ambition, a desire to obtain a life of "luxury", and "improve her station".
In late 1916, Thomas met actor Jack Pickford, brother of one of the most successful silent stars, Mary Pickford, at a beach cafe on the Santa Monica Pier. Both Thomas and Pickford were known for their partying. Screenwriter Frances Marion remarked, "I had seen her often at the Pickford home, for she was engaged to Mary's brother, Jack. Two innocent-looking children, they were the gayest, wildest brats who ever stirred the stardust on Broadway. Both were talented, but they were much more interested in playing the roulette of life than in concentrating on their careers." Thomas eloped with Pickford on October 25, 1916, in New Jersey. None of their family was present, with only actor Thomas Meighan as their witness. Although the couple never had any children of their own, in 1920, they adopted Thomas' six-year-old nephew, the son of one of her brothers, after his mother died.
By most accounts, Thomas was the love of Pickford's life. However, the marriage was tumultuous and filled with highly charged conflict, followed by lavish making up through the exchange of expensive gifts. Pickford's family did not always approve of Thomas, though most of the family did attend her funeral. In Mary Pickford's 1955 autobiography Sunshine and Shadow, she wrote:
I regret to say that none of us approved of the marriage at that time. Mother Charlotte Hennessey thought Jack was too young, and Lottie and I felt that Olive, being in musical comedy, belonged to an alien world. Ollie had all the rich, eligible men of the social world at her feet. She had been deluged with proposals from her own world of the theater as well. Which was not at all surprising. The beauty of Olive Thomas is legendary. The girl had the loveliest violet-blue eyes I have ever seen. They were fringed with long dark lashes that seemed darker because of the delicate translucent pallor of her skin. I could understand why Florenz Ziegfeld never forgave Jack for taking her away from the Follies. She and Jack were madly in love with one another, but I always thought of them as a couple of children playing together.
For many years, Thomas and Pickford had intended to vacation together. Both were constantly traveling and had little time to spend together. With their marriage on the rocks, the couple decided to take a second honeymoon. In August 1920, the pair headed for Paris, hoping to combine a vacation with some film preparations.
On the night of September 5, 1920, they went out for a night of entertainment and partying at the famous bistros in the Montparnasse Quarter of Paris. Returning to their room in the Hotel Ritz around 3 a.m., Pickford either fell asleep or was outside the room. An intoxicated and tired Thomas ingested mercury bichloride liquid solution. It had been prescribed to Pickford to topically treat sores caused by his chronic syphilis.
Thomas had either thought the flask contained drinking water or sleeping pills; accounts vary. The label was in French, which may have added to her confusion. After drinking the liquid she screamed, "Oh, my God!" and Pickford ran to pick her up. She was taken to the American Hospital in the Paris suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine, where Pickford and his former brother-in-law Owen Moore remained at her side until she died five days later.
While Thomas lay in the American Hospital dying, the press began reporting on the various rumors that began to arise about the circumstances of the incident. Some papers reported that Thomas had attempted suicide after having a fight with Pickford over his alleged infidelities, while others said she attempted suicide after discovering Pickford had given her syphilis. There were rumors that Thomas was plagued by a drug addiction, that she and Pickford had been involved in "champagne and cocaine orgies," or that Pickford tricked her into drinking poison in an attempt to murder her to collect her insurance money. Owen Moore, who accompanied Pickford and Thomas in Paris, denied the rumors, saying that Thomas was not suicidal and that she and Pickford had not fought that evening.[33] Jack Pickford also denied the rumors, stating, "Olive and I were the greatest pals on Earth. Her death is a ghastly mistake."[31]
On September 13, 1920, Pickford gave his account of that night to the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner:
We arrived back at the Ritz hotel at about 3 o'clock in the morning. I had already booked airplane seats for London. We were going Sunday morning. Both of us were tired out. We both had been drinking a little. I insisted that we had better not pack then, but rather get up early before our trip and do it then. I went to bed immediately. She fussed around and wrote a note to her mother. ... She was in the bathroom.
Suddenly she shrieked: 'My God.' I jumped out of bed, rushed toward her and caught her in my arms. She cried to me to find out what was in the bottle. I picked it up and read: 'Poison.' It was a toilet solution and the label was in French. I realized what she had done and sent for the doctor. Meanwhile, I forced her to drink water in order to make her vomit. She screamed, 'O, my God, I'm poisoned.' I forced the whites of eggs down her throat, hoping to offset the poison. The doctor came. He pumped her stomach three times while I held Olive.
Nine o'clock in the morning I got her to the Neuilly Hospital, where Doctors Choate and Wharton took charge of her. They told me she had swallowed bichloride of mercury in an alcoholic solution, which is ten times worse than tablets. She didn't want to die. She took the poison by mistake. We both loved each other since the day we married. The fact that we were separated months at a time made no difference in our affection for each other. She even was conscious enough the day before she died to ask the nurse to come to America with her until she had fully recovered, having no thought she would die.
She kept continually calling for me. I was beside her day and night until her death. The physicians held out hope for her until the last moment, until they found her kidneys paralyzed. Then they lost hope. But the doctors told me she had fought harder than any patient they ever had. She held onto her life as only one case in fifty. She seemed stronger the last two days. She was conscious, and said she would get better and go home to her mother. 'It's all a mistake, darling Jack,' she said. But I knew she was dying.
She was kept alive only by hypodermic injections during the last twelve hours. I was the last one she recognized. I watched her eyes glaze and realized she was dying. I asked her how she was feeling and she answered: 'Pretty weak, but I'll be all right in a little while, don't worry, darling.' Those were her last words. I held her in my arms and she died an hour later. Owen Moore was at her bedside. All stories and rumors of wild parties and cocaine and domestic fights since we left New York are untrue.
After Thomas' death, the police initiated an investigation and an autopsy was performed. Thomas' death was attributed to acute nephritis caused by mercury bichloride absorption. On September 13, 1920, her death was ruled accidental by the Paris physician who conducted her autopsy.
Jack Pickford brought Thomas' body back to the United States. Several accounts state that Pickford tried to commit suicide en route but was talked out of it. In her autobiography, Mary Pickford recalls her brother's disclosure that he had made such an attempt during the return trip:
Jack crossed the ocean with Ollie's body. It wasn't until several years later that he confessed to Mother how one night during the voyage back he put on his trousers and jacket over his pajamas, went up on deck, and was climbing over the rail when something inside him said: "You can't do this to your mother and sisters. It would be a cowardly act. You must live and face the future."
On September 29, 1920, an Episcopal funeral service for Thomas was held at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in New York City. According to The New York Times, police escorts were needed at the event, for the entire church was crowded with “hundreds” of fellow actors, other invited attendees, as well as a horde of curious onlookers. Several women are reported to have fainted during the ceremony, and several men had their hats crushed in the rush to view the casket. Thomas is interred in a crypt at the Woodlawn Cemetery in The Bronx.
Thomas did not leave a will upon her death. Her estate, which was later valued at $27,644, was split between her mother, her two brothers, and husband Jack Pickford. Adjusted for inflation, that amount would be the equivalent to $354,892.92 in 2019. Pickford later relinquished his right to a portion of the money, choosing instead to give his share to Thomas' mother.
On November 22, 1920, the bulk of Thomas' personal property was auctioned off in an estate sale, which netted approximately $30,000. Lewis Selznick bought Thomas' town car for an undisclosed sum. Mabel Normand bought a 20-piece toilet set, a 14 karat gold cigarette case, and three pieces of jewelry, including a sapphire pin.
The press coverage of Olive Thomas' death was one of the first examples of the media sensationalism related to a major Hollywood star. Her death has been cited as one of the first major Hollywood scandals.
Other scandals including the Fatty Arbuckle trial in 1921, the murder of William Desmond Taylor in 1922, and the drug-related death of Wallace Reid caused many religious and morality groups to label Hollywood as "immoral".
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protectorsofthewood · 5 years
The Red Jewel - Episode 1
A few hours later Abby’s deep sleep was interrupted by the church bells. Her first impulse was to jump up, dress, and hurry across the churchyard to the morning service.
The bishop will be speaking! He said he’d support me, now let’s see what he does.
She looked out the small window at Bridge Avenue. Once again the sidewalk was crowded, and a news team was trying to interview and video the new arrivals.
Hmmm… The bishop said he’d take the attention, get some of this scrutiny off my back. Why not just stay away and let him do it? I don’t feel like getting involved in all that again. I have no energy for it. I think I’ll just go back to sleep.
Her mind flashed briefly on the incredible events of the night before, but it was too overwhelming to think about. In a few minutes she was sound asleep.
Abby awoke in the fading light of the setting sun. She was starving, and longed to walk down to Sammy’s Coffee shop and order a sandwich and fried potatoes. But her mind was still overwhelmed. She felt like a new person, beginning a new phase of life, and wasn’t sure how to act, how to talk to her friends. What if Phoebe and Stephanie and Nico and Sulay want to talk. What can I say about myself? How can I describe the last two days? I’m not ready, and don’t know how to get ready.
She made a cheese omelet with fried finger beans, sliced two apples, and covered a thick slice of bread with apple butter. I’ve never loved eating so much! She followed it up with a cup of Breakfast Mixture tea, extra strong on the cocoa, and felt ready to face the day.
I’m free! But free to do what? It’s almost night, and I don’t know what to say to anyone.
She looked around her room. Alex’s blood-red print of the Human One embracing a crowd of lost souls held her gaze. This really happened!! Somewhere, somehow. It’s not just me. Alex saw it in a dream. And the muttering voices are gone. I’m free and it feels wonderful. But free to do what?
Her eyes roamed around the room again, as if she might see a clue, a sign to answer her question. But nothing appeared to help her. Finally, she decided to take a walk around the churchyard, look at her gardens and the wild area. I wonder if the stalkers are still around. I wonder if the Morphy organization will kill our whole effort. What’s happened with the trustees, and the fate of Tuck and myself and the Youth Council? We’re really trying to make something good! Please God, save our project, however small and futile we may be. We’re trying!
Bridge Avenue was deserted. No stalkers leaned against the front gate. The benches in front of the Middletown Standard were empty. Abby walked right up to the wrought iron fence, but did not see a soul. But the flowers were thriving. Marigolds, Cosmos, Snapdragons, and a few tall sunflowers with their heads heavy with seeds… They were gorgeous, very much alive. Turning around, Abby walked back to the privet fort and down the narrow path through the wild area to the Secret Place and the wrought iron door. She looked out on the dirt path and Fred Peterson’s cornfield. All was still. The crickets played their song, coming in waves.
In the light of the rising moon Abby stared through the brambles, looking for the hidden door to the underground, the domain of the mapstick. Was that secret entrance safe? So much – more than she could imagine – depended on its safety. The Great Gray Owl hooted, and hooted again. Abby seemed to hear the owl say, “Welcome back! Glad to see you! I’m in charge here, and all is as it should be. Nothing to worry about.” Abby pictured the great gray owl as the guardian of the entrance to the underworld.
With that reassurance she headed back up the path. As she emerged on the open lawn she heard a faint knocking, and saw the dark form of Reverend Tuck at her door.
She called to him softly: “I’m here.”
“Ah! I saw your light on, and wondered if you were back from your trip.
Perhaps you haven’t heard the news.”
“What news? I’ve heard nothing.”
“Please, come and drink a glass of cider with me. Janet has made the most delicious apple pie.”
“Yes! Can’t wait.”
They walked to the side door leading to Tuck’s small dining area and kitchen on the side. He served the promised desert and sat down, giving her a close look. “You look… a little different. I mean it in a good way. A bit more… happy…”
She smiled. “About this news… I was just hoping to hear something good.”
“Well, brace yourself, there’s a lot of good news. It will take a while to describe.”
“Come on, Reverend Tuck! I’m burning with curiosity!”
“I’ll summarize as best I can, and we’ll go into detail another time. I’ve had a long day. But I’m very glad to see you back, and be able to describe this new landscape. Okay, first of all, Bishop Beckett stunned the congregation and visitors with two things: he fully supported your interview with Sara Williams. Your attack on the idea that Christianity presents the trinity as an all-male divinity residing in heaven, and the earth as all female and a source of evil… well, the bishop called this a heresy, and backed it up with readings and interpretations of scripture. He actually said – or at least hinted – that the divine is more like a family unity, male and female mother and father, son and daughter. And he agreed that the battle against climate change, the mission to save life on earth, must be fought in religion and spirituality as well as in science and politics. He said, “mother earth is holy, sacred, and the destruction of creation is evil. There must be a religious taboo on actions and practices that are destroying the future lives of our children.” Abby stared. “Oh my God. He did! He really did come through! But won’t this ruin his career? A lot of powerful people aren’t going to like this. You should have heard the trustees of Evansville College. They’re a hopeless case. They can’t understand this at all.”
“We shall see. Bishop Beckett is a very subtle man, hard to predict. But he thinks things through. I’m sure he knows the powers he’s offending. He must have a plan of some kind, though he has not revealed it to me.” Abby shook her head and whistled. “Wow… it’s hard to believe. Good news indeed!”
“And that’s not all. As the congregation buzzed with noise, conversation of all sorts, even angry shouts, the bishop suddenly announced that he had finished his investigation of the disputed election. You could have heard a pin drop. The silence was total. Then he said: “Our church hierarchy, the national and global leadership of our denomination, has seen the evidence we have gathered, including an analysis of all votes and follow up interviews with hundreds of voters. They have decided to disqualify most of the votes for one candidate, and declare the other candidate the winner. Therefore, our new trustee will be… Ellen Hall. She has graciously decided to accept this honor, despite the harassment that she and her family have endured. And I want to make it very clear that we are providing her with police protection, and will prosecute any such harassment in the future.” Tuck presented this quote from the bishop with drama and emotion. He even had tears in his eyes. Abby stood up, clapped her hands, and walked around the room. “I can’t believe it!” she cried. “It’s too good to be true!” “Now, brace yourself,” Tuck went on. “There’s still more, and here we have your amazing mother to thank. Let me warn you that this last piece of news is not public. So far, it’s a deep secret, still being investigated. But one conclusion is clear: Two of our trustees, including the treasurer, have for years concealed most of the church endowment, and as a result the interest and dividends from those investments has not been available for church maintenance. Please! Not a word about this. A criminal investigation of possible fraud and embezzlement is now under way. There’s no telling how long that will take. But one thing we do know: Ellen Hall is our new trustee, and joins Fred Peterson, Tom Winkle, and Geraldine Bear as the majority deciding any issues that may arise. Thus…” Tuck pumped his hands in the air, “You and I will not be fired! Our plans can proceed. We will have funds to renovate the school building!”
Abby was in tears. She wanted to give Reverend Tuck a hug, but knew he would refuse any such demonstration of affection and mutual joy. They both began making extravagant plans, interrupting each other, hardly able to contain themselves.
Finally Tuck said, “This is too much happiness for both of us, and it’s getting late. You’ll be back at work early tomorrow. Oh, there’s one more very strange piece of news that may affect your problems living here in the churchyard, and perhaps my problems too. Yesterday evening, Milton Morphy’s new office tower in River City burned. Not just a little fire, a major disaster. They hadn’t finished it yet, and it appears that no one was on the upper floors, no workman were there, and those few on the ground floor escaped with no injury. But the insulation of the whole building, what they call cladding, caught fire and spread rapidly. It was all on TV, and may be a total loss. I’m no expert on these things, but I imagine that Milton Morphy and his organization may not be bothering with Middletown for quite a while. You’ll probably find that the surveillance of both of us has vanished. Actually, the people you called ‘the stalkers’ were already gone. Chief Santiago has been trying to identify these strange men staking out the churchyard. Your friends have published many photos, and our local police have discovered that no one knows who these people are. So anyway, Morphy has many reasons to leave us alone.”
“Oh stop!” Abby moaned. “I can bear it I’m so happy.”
“So, feel free to see your friends, walk about with no fear. But remember, be very careful with this information. The less said the better.”
She blew him a kiss. “My lips are sealed.”
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ontarionewsnorth · 6 years
Dispute Call Results in Charges for Local Female
@OPP_NER Dispute Call Results in Charges for Local Female @SADVTC #WawaOntario @LawEnforceToday @CanStopCrime @SSMCrimeStopper
WAWA, ON – On Wednesday August 22, 2018, members of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Superior East (Wawa) Detachment responded to a local Wawa residence regarding a family dispute. At the scene investigation revealed that an altercation had taken place between a female and a male.
As a result an 18 years old Wawa, Ontario female was arrested and charged with the following offences:
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coochiequeens · 2 years
A bunch of girls don’t lock themselves into a room at 1 am and call their parents over a joke. This is another example of a trans identified male trying to DARVO a situation.
A trans-identified male cheerleader was given a criminal citation and removed from a Texas cheerleading camp after allegedly ‘choking out’ a female team member following comments over his gender identity.
On July 23, a Facebook post went viral in which a trans-identified male cheerleader claimed he had been kicked out of a cheer camp at Ranger College, a community college in Texas, after experiencing an incident of transphobia and racism. Averie Chanel Medlock, born Dmontrey Duval Satchell, posted a lengthy statement accusing cheerleading teammates and the College of discrimination.
“Well guys I’m officially retired as a cheerleader as of last night at 5:30 AM. A girl on the team was being very disrespectful and told me I am a MAN with a PENIS and that [guys] should not be on the team,” Medlock wrote, “I stood up for myself and she called her mom and dad because she was scared because I [stood] up for myself. Her father said ‘she still has testosterone and a penis and I will kill anyone who comes after my daughter.'”
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Medlock, 25, then goes on to claim he got an assault charge despite not having done anything wrong, and continues on to accuse the team members of being racist. Medlock’s post got over 4,000 reactions on Facebook, and caught the attention of local media.
In an interview with KTAB, Medlock stated there had been a dispute, and that Karleigh Jones, a 17-year-old cheer teammate, then called her family and claimed she had been assaulted, soon after which the police and Jones’ parents showed up.
But the father of the cheerleader Medlock accused of racism and transphobia made his own statement on Facebook, offering a very different story.
In the post, Mike Jones writes: “I ask you what you would have done when receiving a phone call at 1 o’clock in the morning from your daughter stating they had locked themselves in the room with other girls,” asserting that Medlock had strangled his daughter after goading her with a threat, resulting in the female cheerleaders barricading themselves in a dorm room for safety.
“At no time did I ever say anything about your race or your gender,” Mike Jones says in address to Medlock, noting that he is pressing for the release of Police body camera footage, and CCTV recordings from the hallway outside of the dorm to demonstrate he and his daughter are telling the truth.
Some clips of videos taken on cellphones have emerged from the night of the incident, one of which demonstrates the female cheerleaders were locked in their room and trying to quell what appeared to be an outraged Medlock following the alleged strangulation.
One begins with a cheerleader saying: “we have nothing against you, Averie,” and asking Medlock to leave but he refuses. Medlock can be heard yelling “why did you call me a man,” and “come outside and man up … watch your back … don’t fuck with me outside of cheer.”
While Medlock claims he did not attempt to strangle Karleigh Jones, after Police arrived he was given a criminal citation for physical assault, and removed from the premises. Medlock would tell KTAB that he was “only joking” in reference to the physical contact.
All photos of Medlock appear to have been significantly altered, either by the use of extreme filters or what appears to be women’s faces superimposed over his own. A circulating photo from CCTV footage reveals Medlock looks notably different than the photos he utilizes on social media.
According to Medlock’s criminal citation, he will be expected to go to court, but police investigations are reportedly still ongoing into the incident.
Ranger College issued a brief statement on the incident to KTSM, reading: “Ranger College takes all allegations of this nature seriously and is committed to providing a learning environment free from discrimination. At this time, Ranger College is following all applicable Title IX regulations and Board Policies.”
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“15 Things You Didn’t Know About Al Capone ” by Lesley Patterson AKA Lady Opaque
May 29, 2019
15 things you didn’t know about Al Capone – by Lesley Patterson
Today I will reveal some exciting and lesser-known facts about the infamous, much loved, and most feared Prohibition Era Gangster and Crime Boss, Al Capone.
Alphonse Gabriel Capone was born to Italian immigrants Gabriele and Teresa Capone on January 17, 1899, in Brooklyn, New York City. His father was working as a Barber at that time, and his Mother Teresa took jobs as a Seamstress. Al was the fourth child out of nine, part of a large family, and a middle child among his siblings. The family was impoverished until Al was 11 years old, that’s the age he was when his father’s business started succeeding and making some profits. His father moved the family out of the dangerous slum area and into a more beautiful apartment in the Park Slope area of Brooklyn. You might say that “you can take Capone out of the city, but you couldn’t take the city out of Capone.”
Al was a promising student and good with his studies, but always the rebel, his educational years ended when he was 14 because he punched a female teacher in the face over a disagreement and was immediately expelled. Capone then works at different odd jobs around Brooklyn. Destiny called though when he meets his first mentor in crime, Johnny Torrio, and he begins associating with the local well-known smaller Gangs of the Forty Thieves, Bowery Boys, and Brooklyn Rippers. His vicious lusts had really taken root in him, and he continued to make contacts in the local Crime Organizations. His own more criminal, brutal behaviors started to blossom when he joined the well-known, most notorious Five Points Gang in lower Manhattan.
He then begins a job at a bar where he met his second mentor and fellow Racketeer, Frankie Yale. It was during his time there that he received the legendary scars on the left side of his face. He’d been working at a night club when he said something to a woman who was very displeasing to her, so her brother proceeded to take a knife and cut Capone’s face with it. People begin to call him “Scarface.” After that event, Capone would often hide the left side of his face from exposure during photographs and would talk about his “War Wounds.”
All too quickly though Al was again rising up the ranks in the Mob World and continued to make more illegal contacts. At 20 years old Al moves from New York to Chicago to become an Enforcer for James “Big Jim” Colosimo. He then works as “security” for a Brothel but ends up contracting the disease Syphilis, for which no treatment was ever sought. In 1923 he made a purchase on a cozy house in the city’s South Side for himself and his young wife, Mae Josephine Coughlin. Within just 10 years Al’s name started showing up in the Sports section of the local Newspapers where he was being hailed as a Boxing Promoter. His boss, “Big Jim” was murdered on May 11, 1920, and Al himself was once again suspected of committing the crime. His aforementioned violence had really started to rage from within, and Capone was utterly consumed by it. He was known in the Mobs for his brutality and ruthlessness, often going the extra mile to destroy a rival. During his time spent bootlegging he was said actually to blow people up in their breweries. “I have built my organization upon fear,” he’d proudly proclaim.
Johnny Torrio ran the most important organized crime group in the whole area, and he took Capone under his wing. One of his jobs was to focus on working out deals and the agreements for negotiations over Gang Territory. In January of h1925 Capone suffered an attack that left him wary and daunted, but not seriously hurt, and 12 days later Torrio was also assaulted and was shot multiple times. After he got well Torrio gave all control of the Criminal Organizations to a 26-year-old Capone. He was now the Big Boss and ran everything from the breweries to networks for transportation that stretched into other countries. He did it all with apolitical protection and the support of law enforcement. The people loved him, seeing him as a “Robin Hood” character because of his generous and frequent donations to local charities. After more murders and due to ensuing political wars, the need for protection for the bootleggers had become too, and this made Capone flee Chicago.
It had gotten out that Al allegedly gave Chicago’s Republican party William Hale Thompson $250,000 and supposedly a discussion had opened up about support for the illegal bars and breweries belonging to Capone. He bribed the politician with intentions of taking down Bugs Moran, who was the leader of a rival gang. All of this ushered in the 1929 Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre in which several people were killed when Al ordered a hit out on Bugs and his associates slaughtered seven of Bugs’ men while posing as officers of the law. The victims were ambushed, lined up against a brick wall, and shot to death. It later got out that Capone was responsible for the assassination and the local public who had once so revered Capone for his kindness and charity now saw what a monster he really was, and this resulted in the decision to try to lock him up and throw away the key, beginning Capone’s downfall.
Capone did indeed spend some time in jail for other much smaller crimes but was ultimately granted release when enough convicting evidence could not be found to persecute him. Al was excellent at not leaving traces and often used money orders instead of banks for his more significant transactions. This was so no one could tie money from the Gang’s forbidden bootlegging business in with him, as that’s where most of Al’s unlawful fortune and profits came from. Bent on catching Capone a Prohibition Agent named Eliot Ness assembled a team of trustworthy, steadfast agents who happened to be known as the “Untouchables” as they would not accept bribes and would not allow themselves to be bought off of the case. Ness and his team successfully raided several of Capone’s unlawful “businesses.” During this time Al repeatedly tried in vain to put a hit out on Ness, but it was always a fruitless failure, and Ness was never assassinated. Ultimately Ness was never able to catch Capone for his illegal activities regarding organized crime, but Ness did aid the IRS in popping him for evading his taxes, and he was sent to Atlanta U.S. Penitentiary in May of 1932. Due to suspicions and gossip of his manipulating and trying to bribe or pay off the other inmates, along with stories of him receiving special treatment, Capone was eventually transferred to the notorious Alcatraz Federal Prison. During his stay there, he was the victim of a stabbing incident and was wounded, but lucky for him, the wounds were minor and not fatal in nature.
Al was then transferred from Alcatraz and placed into custody at the Federal Correctional Institution at Terminal Island in California where he served the rest of his sentence for contempt of court charge. He spent the last year of his imprisonment in the Alcatraz Prison Hospital. Finally, he was officially released on November 16, 1939. However, by then he was in serious ill-health from the severe untreated case of paresis (or late-stage Syphilis) that he was just a shadow of his former self and became severely lacking in his mental faculties. His brain had literally begun to erode, and he was very pathetic and spent most of his time in confused, bewildered states and was utterly mentally unstable and depressed. Once finally paroled he was referred to a physician at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore who’d examined him and concluded that Capone now only had the mental capacity of a 12-year-old boy. Despite this, Hopkins denied Al any treatment because of the notoriety and severity of his crimes. However, Union Memorial Hospital was willing to accept him, and Capone was so appreciative of their medical care and helped that he even donated two gorgeous Japanese Weeping Cherry Trees to the hospital in 1939.
Capone left the hospital on March 20, 1940, and traveled to Palm Island, Florida where his mansion was located where he spent the remaining days of his life with his wife and grandchildren. He suffered from a Stroke on January 21, 1947. He had started to come around and was recovering until catching pneumonia. He then deteriorated further and went into cardiac arrest on January 22, and just a few days later at 48 years of age Capone died on January 25, 1947, in his home, with his loved ones gathered around him.
We want to learn more about Al Capone because we are inspired by his success, talent, ambition, brute-force, and hardcore lifestyle. If anything, this was a stubborn man who survived for a long time in dangerous circumstances, even after the repeated attempts made to take his life. He may have done it in an entirely unlawful way, but Al Capone was an intelligent and accomplished, high-powered, successful businessman. He had a passion for power and pursued it to the fullest. He’d amassed a very impressive Net Worth of around $100 million as of 1929, which today with inflation considered would be approximately $1.3 billion. Capone once said, quote “I am just a businessman, giving the people what they want. So, it’s time now to take a look at the ultimate Italian Mafioso Archetypal Legend with the 15 things you didn’t know about Al Capone.
Number 1: He was expelled from school for punching a female teacher in her face.
Capone was a good student and did well in his studies, but he disagreed with the strict rules being enforced by his Catholic School. One day when he was just 14 years old he struck a female teacher in the face over a dispute they were having. He was immediately expelled and never returned to finish his education. Instead, he begins joining smaller gangs like the Bowery Boys, the Forty Thieves, and the Brooklyn Rippers. He also took on many odd jobs including working at a bowling alley and a candy sweets store. It was after joining the gangs that he started to become involved in criminal activities which peaked when he met his first mafia mentor a crime boss named, Johnny Torrio. Capone decided to join a more massive gang and teamed up with the notorious Five Points Gang of Manhattan, New York City. From there he became heavily involved in even more illegal and severe activities and began to earn his own renown amongst his criminal peers.
Number 2: He pioneered and opened the very first Soup Kitchen for the poor in Chicago during the Great Depression.
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that started in the United States and occurred in the 1920s and lasted throughout the late 1930s. It was the most far-reaching financially related epidemic of the entire 20th century. It began due to a nose-dive in stock prices that started at the end of October 1929 and was later appropriately coined as “Black Tuesday.” The effects were severe for both the rich and poor alike when finances from personal income, tax revenue. Profits and prices plummeted, along with International Trade coming in at deep under more than 50%. Unemployment in the U.S. alone escalated by a devastatingly, nose-bleeding high of 25%, with some countries rising up to 33%. People suffered greatly because there were not enough job sources to meet their basic needs. It was during these high-reaching, despairing times that Al Capone officially opened the first original Soup Kitchens for the poor in his city of Chicago. He was a pioneer who paid for everything to provide food to hungry and starving people who were suddenly without a source of food and rendered without any alternative income source. They literally had nothing, and Capone must have genuinely sympathized with them as he championed for his city’s people and showed an innovative, smart form of compassion and humanitarianism in a time of immense need.
Number 3: Capone grew up impoverished, but his family was law-abiding and respectable people.
Capone’s mother Teresa and his father Gabriele were Italian immigrants who came to America with hopes of making a better life for themselves and their children. They were an everyday, typical type of family and were very hard-working. His father was a barber and his mother a seamstress, and they were honest, folks who followed the law and were very devoted to their Family. Capone was not born into a life of crime, he got into it on his own and worked his way up in the world of criminal organizations. He made new contacts and with the aid of his many mentors, made it all the way to the top of the underground syndicates as a crime boss in a self-made empire that he owned and managed vivaciously.
Number 4: The Prohibition played a significant role in Capone’s amassing his fortune.
The Prohibition and the laws being enforced regarding alcohol consumption that made it so hard to obtain are a big part of how Capone made most of his money. He was so deeply involved with the illegal alcohol industry that he was known for blowing up bars, which he wouldn’t hesitate to do if they refused to buy alcohol from him. He eventually rose to power after his boss Johnny Torrio fled the country and gave control of the bootlegging to him. Capone was quoted as saying, “I am like any other man. All I do is supply a demand.” Despite all of this Capone had also stated to a journalist Howard O’Brien he was actually against Prohibition regardless of what most people thought. “It’s a lousy racket for the retailer, “he complained. “He’s got to work twenty hours a day and spend everything he makes to keep the cops off him.”
Number 5: His Net Worth today is valued at $1.3 billion.
It’s said that Capone was managing over 600 gangsters, all of whom were under his control and who helped to protect his business from rival gangs. Due to inflation, his criminal empire would be worth about $1.3 billion today. He liked to show off his fortune and loved the more beautiful things in life. When entertaining he was known to go all out on everything. He wore the most expensive, flashy clothing and jewelry that he could find and was very obsessed with it. He really enjoyed smoking fine cigars, and he has said to treat guests with experiences worthy of the book “Arabian Nights” and indulging them with silver buckets of iced Piper-Heidsieck from 1915, then platters of food, one after another. Capone’s large mansion at 93 Palm Avenue in Miami Beach, Florida just sold for $7.43 million in August of 2016. As of this date in October 2018, his collections of expensive and valuable items are being sold in an online estate sale. The collection of items for sale include Capone’s premium Diamond jewelry, his coin collection, mink coats, various valuable household items, decorative items like Persian rugs, and even his record collection are all being sold online now for very high amounts. It seems that everything bearing his name or connected to him is worth a lot of money just by the association alone.
Number 6: Capone was stabbed in prison over a haircut.
In 1934 while serving his time at Alcatraz prison, his swagger almost got him killed. After being sent transferred to the jail for being accused of receiving special treatment from the last one he was in, Capone still acted like he owned the place. Just one week after arriving at Alcatraz Capone allegedly tried to cut in line in front of about a dozen or so other inmates during prison haircuts, but one guy just wasn’t having it. A convicted bank robber, James Lucas took Capone’s disrespect and sense of entitlement badly, and he reacted by walking right up to Capone, grabbed him by the throat and told him to knock it off. When Capone boldly asked him, “Do you know who I am?” Lucas lost it and replied, “I know who you are grease ball. And if you don’t get back to the end of that fucking line, I’m gonna know who you were.” After which Lucas proceeded to stab Capone in his back and face with a broken pair of scissors. Lucky for the Capone the wounds were just superficial, not fatal, but his attitude of entitlement nearly got him killed that day.
Number 7: Capone was responsible for the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in Chicago in 1929 where at least 15 were killed.
Capone couldn’t maintain his professional businessman appearance forever, and on Valentine’s Day in 1929 he ordered his men to dress as police officers and round up rival mob boss, Bugs Moran’s men against a brick wall after ambushing them, and Capone’s men did as he’d ordered and shot to death seven members of Moran’s gang. About 70 rounds or so of ammunition had been fired and ended their lives. The assassinations were discovered by the Chicago police from the 36th District investigated, and while it was said that Capone had ordered the murders, it could not be proven. However, when the story hit newspapers and media people worldwide were shocked by the brutality of the massacre and begin to see Capone for the violent killer that he actually was rather than the friendly, successful and wealthy businessman who’d started a soup kitchen and donated to charities. This marked his downfall as the public demanded justice and the law begins working on ways to get enough evidence of his criminal activities so that he could be imprisoned for his viciously vile crimes.
Number 8: He was dubbed “Public Enemy №1” by Newspapers, and a legal investigation was launched against him.
The story of the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre and Capone did not sit well with anyone, and the Newspapers continued to report on it. The scandal ran deep and was a popular topic in the city and even nationwide. People demanded justice, so the government acted and launched an investigation into Capone’s criminal activities. When he failed to show up for court after being subpoenaed in March 1929, a warrant was put out on him, and police arrested him on charges of Contempt of Court. Capone immediately posted bond and was released but was detained again in May for carrying concealed weapons. He served nine months in prison when he was released on good behavior. In February 1931 he was sentenced to six months in jail for the contempt of court charges. Frustrated investigators couldn’t find enough evidence to lock him up for his committed crimes and an investigation was opened against Capone by the U.S. Treasury Department who later on found enough evidence to have him charged with Tax Evasion and this resulted in him being charged with it and then sentenced to 11 years in prison in June 1931.
Number 9: His family brought out the soft spot hidden within Capone, and he was a bit of a mama’s boy.
In spite of the hard exterior, Capone had a soft center, and it was his deep love for his family. He loved his wife, his children, his grandchildren, and most of all his mother. He’d remarked to Journalist Howard O’Brien that he never wanted his own boys to get mixed up in the criminal racket that he was involved with. In his office were framed pictures of his family, and during an interview with O’Brien he was, he was overheard as referring to himself as a “kid” when he spoke to his wife on the phone. Later when his mother also called, Capone put her as a priority and began to speak Italian while he talked with her. In a letter that he wrote to his son from prison, he told him to stay strong and that he really wanted to see his son and his wife again. He signed the letter with, “Love and Kisses, Your Dear Dad Alphonse Capone, #85.”
Number 10: Capone was very into refined fashion and collected suits and jewelry to show off his wealth.
Capone was known for buying the most expensive, lavish things that he could find. One of his favorite indulgences was his stylized appearance, so he often bought, collected, and wore expensive suits, clothing, and jewelry. He always had a very ornamented appearance, and his suits alone were imported from Italy and cost him $500 each, which now would be valued at about $6,500. He would adorn these with white pocket squares and accessorize them with precious jewelry such as Diamond pinky rings, platinum jewelry, jewel-encrusted watches, and much more. Recently in 2017, this gangster’s diamond and platinum pocket watch was sold in an auction for an astounding $84,375.
Number 11: Capone has become the Archetypal icon of a hardcore Mobster and has lived on through print and film.
In 1932 a movie loosely based around Capone was released, it was the original first version of the well-known, very popular “Scarface” films. The movie was such a hit that Director Oliver Stone later re-made it into the version that we all know and love today which was released in December of 1983. There is news going around about another, an updated version of “Scarface” coming out, but it does not currently have a solid release date though at first Universal Studios claimed that it would hit theaters in August 2018. The movie is being done by a new director and actors and is being highly anticipated by “Scarface” lovers the world over.
Number 12: Tom Hardy to Star as Al Capone in the upcoming film “Fonzo.”
Tom Hardy is so good at playing the villain that he’s been cast as Al Capone in the upcoming new movie “Fonzo” created by writer-director Josh Trank. This was announced in August 2018, just two months ago and is being highly anticipated by fans. It truly goes to show that legends never die. “Fonzo” will be focused around the icons battles with dementia after serving nearly 10 years in prison. It does not currently have a release date, but when Fandango tweeted about it, they announced that we could expect it in 2019. (The tweet was later deleted.) Regardless, the news of its release has excited and delighted “Scarface” and Al Capone fans everywhere, and people are eager to see this new portrayal of the Mob Boss Mafioso. Pictures have been released with Tom Hardy dressed in character, and they’ve become trendy.
Number 13: Capone used to get bags upon bags of fan mail, literally up to two thousand letters each week.
Capon has always been a robust popular personality, and when he was alive and at his criminal peak he used to get movie-star good-sized bags of it, receiving about two thousand letters each week. He was quite popular, plus he never shied away from the media but instead seemed to enjoy being in the spotlight. He often did photoshoots and interviews like the one he did for Variety in 1931. This edition featured the title “Capone Kids Gang Films” and was written by Lou Greenspan. The focus of the piece was the mob boss’s reaction to all of the gangster films that were being released at that time. He has a lot of fans, and they seemed enthralled by him, and that fascination has endured for decades, making him a supremely favorite gangster mob boss and an icon that is sure to live on in our hearts, minds, and culture forever.
Number 14: Capone’s long untreated case of late-stage Syphilis is eroded his brain and was what eventually majorly contributed to his death at the early age of just 48.
Capone had the disease of Syphilis, most likely contracted at a brothel that he ran. (Although he loved his wife he was still a philanderer with a hefty addition to women and sex.) The disease could have been cured with Penicillin, but he never received or sought out any type of treatment, and the condition significantly contributed to his fast detention in prison. During his last year at Alcatraz, he was staying in the prison’s hospital because he deteriorated so quickly, both in health and in mind. The severe case of late-stage Syphilis was eroding his brain, and when he was examined by a doctor it was discovered that his brain had suffered so much damage from the paresis that he was now left with the mental faculties of a 12-year-old boy and his mental health was also failing him. He spent much of his time in a confused, disoriented state of psychosis and was severely ill. Capone had a stroke in January of 1947 and was slowly recovering and regaining consciousness when he contracted pneumonia, It was downhill from there, and he died three days later, on January 25, 1947, at his mansion in Florida surrounded by his family. The official cause of death was cardiac arrest.
Number 15: Capone made the Mafia look attractive and cool which has gotten him a loyal fan-base and some major crime organizations of today are only active because of him.
Capone impacted the world by birthing a new, more refreshing image of an Italian Gangster crime boss, and thanks to him, some new major crime organizations have him to thank for them still being around. He fed the dirty underbelly of the criminal underground, and to this date, his stomping grounds in Chicago continue to suffer and have of the most considerable crime rates in the US to this very day. His legacy lives on in the hearts, minds, and fears of others. Gangs still fight over the same territories that he had done negotiations on when he was the reigning supreme king of the underground. We’ve seen groups and that particular street culture become increasingly popular, and rather than disgust its greeted with a response of ever-increasing fans who think that Capone was a sensational, bigger than life personality and actually even envy or look up to him. His memory will forever live on, in the works that he did, the violence which he committed, and the flashy executive style that he dressed in. Our culture sees him as a pop icon of sorts and idolizes him. He did one good thing for the world by creating his Soup Kitchen, as it inspired the entire United States to start offering this service to the poor and hungry in each State from then on. Capone’s memory has not even begun to fade, and he is majorly responsible for our present-day culture seeing criminals in a much more relaxed, glorious, “larger than life” light rather than as the villains, scoundrels, and thieves who break the law for their own benefit. “Scarface” was so iconic that he will never truly die, as his actions have painted and tainted history with blood, gore, and gang violence that will stick with us to the end of time. Al Capone himself said, “Once you’re in the racket, you’re always in it.”
There you have it, some interesting lesser-known facts about the Mafioso Boss, Al Capone. Now that you’ve learned more about Capone, we’d like to know: Which one of his actions or qualities stands out most to you? Do you think that Capone really sympathized with the charities that he donated to due to his poor beginnings, or do you think he did it just to present the image that he wanted to portray to the public? Let us know in the comments.
Still here? Here’s a bonus fact just for you.
Number 16: He was called “Snorky” as a nick-name by his closest friends.
Despite being renowned for his famous nickname “Scarface,” his best friends and those close to Capone actually affectionately called him “Snorky.” The definition of the word snorky is ritzy, flashy, a sharp dresser, and a fashionable, elegant person. He certainly was a very snazzy dresser and fit that description perfectly. Capone liked the term, and he wished to be known by it instead of “Scarface” as he felt that it expressed and emphasized his image as the wealthy and successful businessman that he always had wished to be seen as.
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mhsn033 · 4 years
Rape convictions fall to record low in England and Wales
Image copyright PA Media
The choice of rape convictions in England and Wales has fallen to a record low, basically based totally on original Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) files.
In 2019-20, 1,439 suspects in cases where a rape had been alleged were convicted of rape or yet any other crime – half of the quantity three years ago.
The choice of carried out prosecutions in “rape-flagged” cases became as soon as the bottom since monitoring started in 2009.
The CPS mentioned it became as soon as “working arduous to reverse the model”.
It has launched a “5-one year blueprint” to within the good buy of the “gap” between reported cases of sexual violence and these which come to court.
The initiative involves improved working between CPS attorneys and police, “fully resourcing” specialist gadgets for the prosecution of rape and sexual offences and “certain, proportionate” lawful recommendation to investigators so that they’ll focal point on “cheap traces of enquiry”.
Max Hill QC, the director of public prosecutions, mentioned: “It is definite that extra needs to be performed both to encourage victims to come abet ahead with self belief, and to support them thru the prison justice path of so the gap between reviews of rape and cases that reach the courts might maybe well even be closed.”
He urged BBC Radio 4’s At the brand new time programme that while he does “accept the scale of the scenario” in falling prosecutions and convictions, “severe errors” were being made “three or four years” ago. These incorporated cases going to court “which set now no longer need”, mentioned Mr Hill.
He denied that the CPS has a “scheme” choice of convictions that it applies for rape or any other areas of crime.
He added that that the 5-one year device being launched by the CPS is “asserting these are the actions which we can use alongside with our companions within the police to tackle what we recognise is a true scenario”.
The CPS started closely monitoring minute print of rape cases in 2009-10 as part of its “violence against ladies and girls” device.
That one year, 2,270 suspects in “rape-flagged” cases admitted an offence or were found responsible after a trial.
The quantity fluctuated between 2,300 and 2,600, old to reaching a excessive of two,991 in 2016-17 – but it has fallen sharply since then.
‘Rape de-criminalised’
General prosecutions – which consist of different folks that stop in an acquittal – furthermore peaked in 2016-17, with 5,190 carried out cases – but dropped to 2,102 closing one year.
Harriet Wistrich, founder of the Centre for Females’s Justice, mentioned: “Potentially it is sending out a message that rape is de-criminalised, almost. It isn’t doable that this might maybe well ever be prosecuted, in particular in cases where there might maybe be intoxication. What does that present men who’re certain to rape? It provides a extremely stressful message.”
Image copyright Getty Photographs
Image caption Campaigners explain the decline provides a “very stressful message”
Utterly different figures, considered by the BBC, advocate the decline in rape prosecutions might maybe well contain deterred some police from submitting cases for charging choices.
Told sources claimed some investigators were pissed off that rising numbers of rape cases they had worked on weren’t resulting in a prosecution and were extra selective about which ones they despatched ahead for a charging decision.
In 2019-20, the police referred 2,747 cases to the CPS, buy of 40% in three years and the bottom quantity since the figures were first revealed in 2014-15.
Ms Wistrich mentioned: “We contain got heard anecdotally, police couldn’t refer a case where there’s now no longer truly an wide quantity of corroborating evidence where there might maybe be a dispute as to consent.”
It is furthermore taking longer for suspects to be charged, with the everyday time from a case at the foundation being referred to the CPS to a choice to payment up from 53 days in 2015-16 to 145 days in 2019-20, which is almost 5 months.
The period does now no longer consist of the time spent investigating the case old to referral nor the time between any individual being charged and tried.
Beforehand, the delays had been partly blamed on the quantity of digital evidence, in particular from neat-telephones, that detectives must trawl thru.
‘No complexity’
The Victims’ Commissioner Dame Vera Baird described the rape statistics as “totally rude” and called on the CPS to alternate its going thru of rape cases “now, now no longer in half of a decade”.
In a assertion, she urged Mr Hill to “straight” reverse a CPS policy she mentioned is leaving “thousands of rape complainants with out the likelihood of justice” even when “they appear to contain a ambitious evidential case”.
She mentioned: “There’s now no longer a complexity in why rape prosecutions and convictions contain crashed.
“It’s a policy by CPS handiest to use handiest rock-steady prosecutions as space down in a CPS record in 2016/17 by the director of lawful services and products and in my device driven by him nationwide.”
She mentioned the CPS had within the good buy of the quantity of cases they payment “for the sake of getting a bigger fee of convictions” and called for an stop to that “at the brand new time”.
Meanwhile, Nazir Afzal, the ancient chief Crown prosecutor for the north-west of England, mentioned rape is “maybe the toughest of crimes to prosecute but this appears worship they’ve given up”, adding that victims deserved “better”.
Local ‘gatekeepers’
The CPS mentioned the tumble in rape prosecutions became as soon as “a well-known focal point” of its work and it had been “working arduous to reverse the model we contain considered as of late”.
“It is early days, but there are encouraging signs with an everyday expand in both the proportion and selection of cases charged,” a spokesperson mentioned. “If our lawful test is met, we continuously seek to prosecute.”
The CPS added that attributable to the time it takes to examine and prosecute a case any adjustments might maybe well maybe use some time to be considered within the records.
A joint assertion from the Nationwide Police Chiefs’ Council’s leads for rape, home abuse and charging mentioned the fall within the selection of convictions became as soon as “very touching on for us”.
It mentioned there had been a choice of causes within the abet of the tumble in referrals, many attributable to adjustments within the capacity forces operate.
“Over recent years we contain worked arduous with the CPS to streamline the path of and contain launched native ‘gatekeepers’ who can test evidence and give investigators recommendation, serving to to toughen cases, with out the necessity for a referral,” the assertion mentioned.
“On the opposite hand, we’re listening to from our officers that it is changing into more challenging to full the everyday of evidence required to payment a suspect and glean a case into court. Victims present us clearly how well-known it is to them to contain the evidence examined on this capacity.
“Investigators are working extremely arduous to examine and reach that ordinary, but in some situations when they’re unable to full so that they’re taking native choices thru gatekeepers and supervisors.”
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Kitsune Folktales And Legends
Fox statues are placed at the entrance of the Inari shrine. Entire books have been written on the varied meaning and significance of Inari, but the one thing everyone agrees on is that this god is connected to rice. Given the importance of rice in Japan, Inari is obviously a big deal. Often people pray to this god for business prosperity, perhaps, as the early Western Japanologist Lafcadio Hearn observed, because all wealth in the old days was counted in measures of rice.
The fox is associated with Inari as a symbol, a messenger, a servant, or maybe more. Whatever it is, now it's impossible to tease the two apart, although no one's quite sure how this connection arose – the earliest historical records of Inari worship, before the tenth or eleventh century, don't mention anything about foxes.
The simplest explanation seems to be that rodents eat rice, foxes eat rodents, so foxes could have been seen as protectors of rice. But some of the associated beliefs have no such rational explanation. Take the fact that worshippers at an Inari shrine will commonly make an offering of abura-age, those thin slices of fried tofu with sweet soy sauce flavouring.  It's supposedly the favourite food of foxes. That's why udon with fried tofu topping is called kitsune udon, and fried tofu pockets stuffed with sushi rice is inari-zushi.
The Goblin Fox
Though Inari foxes are associated with a powerful deity, they're also believed to have less benevolent counterparts. youkai 妖怪妖怪 is a class of strange beings that has no real translation into English, and includes everything from household objects that come alive to, evil children offering you tofu, to long-nosed winged humanoid demons. And the kitsune fox demon is part of the yokai. The stories about their powers are strange and varied, involving everything from odd human behaviour to unusual weather.
Fox Illusions
Looking like something else is only half of it, though. Kitsune can orchestrate full virtual-reality experiences, making people think they're in houses that don't exist or experiencing an earthquake that isn't really happening. As they kept up with modern technology, foxes were said to make phantom trains run on the earliest railroads, disguise themselves as cars, and deliver fake telegrams.
Being deceived by a fox is bad enough, but being possessed by one sounds far more unpleasant. Foxes were said to possess people for a variety of reasons. They might want revenge for some offense, ranging from killing its cub to disturbing its afternoon nap. They might want something done for them that requires manipulation, like having a little shrine built to it, or getting one of its favourite foods like fried tofu or red rice.
The effects could be quite nasty – pain, madness, hysteria, running naked through the streets, collapsing, and frothing at the mouth. But in other cases, the result was simply behaviour that was inappropriate or odd: using bad language, throwing money around like a millionaire, barking or yipping, behaving violently, or spitting.  One scholar described a particular sort of fox that would cause the possessed person to barge into houses and annoy sick people, blurt out secrets, and mess up silkworm colonies.
Many of those are things that people would probably not do voluntarily, and today the victims would likely be sent for mental health treatment rather than exorcism. But in other cases, you have to wonder if fox-possession was sometimes a handy excuse: there were alleged victims who ate a whole lot of fried tofu and other favourite foods and insisted it was the fox that was the glutton.
Thankfully, we know something of the malaise, frequently mis-diagnosed as depression, hysteria, even insanity, for eminent scientists have studied and documented cases of malevolent possession. One such study was made at the turn of the 20th century, by Dr Baelz of the Imperial University of Japan, who studied cases in the hospital under his charge and made notes on the medical condition. His conclusions were that the fox demon:
"Having entered a human being, sometimes through the breast, more often through the space between the fingernails and the flesh.... lives a life of its own, apart from the proper self of the person who is harbouring him. There thus resulted a sort of double entity or double consciousness. The person possessed hears and understands everything that the fox inside says or thinks; and the two often engage in a loud and violent dispute, the fox speaking in a voice altogether different from that which is natural to the individual."
The ability of Buddhist priests to control fox spirits has been known of for more than 1,000 years, for it was that miracle-working Buddhist saint, Kobo-Daishi (A.D.774-835), who, when a fox tried to deceive him, on his home island of Shikoku, banished all foxes, driving them from the island in to the sea.
From then on the fox was replaced in local folk tales by other creatures. Mysteriously, though, the cunning fox has returned since the saint's death, and, having broken the spell, it has re-colonized Shikoku.
How Not to be Fooled
Fortunately, there are ways to tell that a person is really a fox in disguise. The tail is a weak point – reflections in a mirror or pool of water may show a tail, and young foxes who are less experienced at the illusions may have trouble concealing their tails. Shadows may also reveal their true nature – a shadow falling on water shows the true shape of the fox.
Another trouble foxes have – which is maybe the only thing here that makes perfect logical sense  – is speaking convincingly like a human.
But the best defense against foxes is to have a dog. Foxes are said to be terrified of dogs because dogs aren't fooled by illusions. They will bark and let everyone know what's up, sometimes even causing the fox to lose its human form. Dogs were also even used in cures for possession: Smear fish paste all over the victim and have a dog lick it off. The fox will be so repulsed that it will leave the person's body. (And who could blame it?)  Less disgusting approaches include protecting against possession by carrying a dog tooth or writing the kanji for "dog" on a child's forehead.
The fox has played such a big role in the imaginative life of Japanese people, one has to wonder why. What relationship did people have with this animal long ago? The fox isn't a predator that we needed to fear, we didn't eat it, and it didn't compete with us for food. Perhaps it played a role keeping down pests in rice fields, but could that have developed into such a complex and sort of contradictory body of beliefs?
The red fox is found in more places than any other wild canine, living all over the Northern Hemisphere from the Arctic circle and the steppes of Asia to Central America and the north of Africa, and Japan isn't the only place where it became part of the language and folklore, with similar connotations. Where Japan has shapeshifting fox wives, we have "foxy" as a term for a seductive woman, and "vixen" (which means female fox) has been used since medieval times to refer to a woman who's attractive but not very nice.  The fox is a trickster figure in the folklore of some Native American peoples, and also associated with fire in some. In English "outfox" means to trick or outwit. All over the world, it seems, people read the same sorts of meanings into the behaviour of this animal.
Another reason the fox is associated with cunning and trickiness may be its ability to live among us without being seen. In Hokkaido, where they've got their own subspecies of red fox, it's used as a symbol of unspoiled nature.
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 10/11/2019
Good Morning #realdreamchasers. Here is your daily news cap for Sunday, November 10th, 2019. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS), Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Sunday Sun Nation Newspaper (SS).
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A CRISIS OF VIOLENCE HAS REACHED OUR SCHOOLS - Today is a tragic day in Barbados.For, in effect, not one but two young lives have been lost.When news initially broke that two teenagers had been involved in a stabbing incident at the Frederick Smith Secondary School, no one was prepared for what followed soon after.The nation was plunged into mourning upon learning that a 16-year-old boy was stabbed to death by a 15-year-old fellow student.It is tragic enough that this horrific death should add to the already grim statistic of 42 homicides for the year. What is particularly heartbreaking and even more ominous is that this sweeping wave of violence appears to have finally found its way into our schools, more than 30 years after the last such incident.Few if any parents, whose child leaves them for school on any given morning, contemplate that anything so shattering could befall them.Schools in most instances are deemed safe havens, as places where discipline and order are kept. Much has been invested to make schools child-friendly, reinforcing positive behaviours and the power of choice.But as one family is left to grieve the death of their beloved son, another family is similarly heartbroken, uncertain of what the future holds for their child, now accused of the most serious crime there is.This latest murder leaves several unanswered questions. Did these students carry to school the weapon used or was it stashed on the premises? What could have occurred to merit such a violent response? Why are our young people so angry?This tragedy will no doubt reignite the call for greater security measures to be put in place at the 26 public secondary schools across the island.But we submit that this is not the solution to a growing problem.This problem has developed in our homes and communities.In years gone by, communities were closely knit and it literally took a village to raise our children.Somehow along the way this community-minded spirit, this notion of being our brother’s and sister’s keeper, has been lost.Almost on a daily basis, our young people are appearing before the courts charged with serious crimes, including murder.This is reflected in the prison population. HM Prison Dodds is flooded with young people between the ages of 17 and 30.We consider this to be our young people’s cry for help.Minister of Education Santia Bradshaw summed it up with searing philosophical truth when she spoke to the media shortly after meeting with the school’s management team and teachers following the incident.She said: “I believe the reflection is on society, not just on parents who are perhaps sometimes not as vigilant in these times, in terms of checking to see what children are taking to school, but also this is a reflection of society at large.“A school is a small environment, but it is also a reflection of what is happening in society.“We can never see these things coming, but the reality is these are problems that are confronting this institution. It is certainly confronting other institutions.“And this is really a call to the wider society to take stock of what is happening and to be able to get on board to be able to assist not just families but certainly to be able to support the institutions as well.”Now the question still remains to be answered: How will schools respond?There is no magic wand that can be waved to end this apparent uptick in violence?Metal detectors are not a plausible fix, and it is almost impossible to individually search the bags of over 800 students on a daily basis multiplied by 26 high schools alone.But if it has taken this horrendous day of days to bring us to the realisation that we have reached a crisis of violence, in thought, word and deeds, so be it. Now is the opportunity for all of us to join together to fix this, or be condemned to a permanent state of failure. (BT) 
CRIME STOPPERS RESPONDS TO SCHOOL STABBING - “This is a tragedy of mammoth proportions that no parent should have to deal with when sending their child to school.”This is the sentiment expressed by Sherie Holder-Olutayo, Programme Director of Crime Stoppers Barbados, in response to Friday’s incident at the Frederick Smith Secondary School that resulted in the death of a 16-year-old student.“We at Crime Stoppers Barbados are incredibly saddened and horrified to hear of the stabbing incident on Friday at Frederick Smith Secondary School.  Our heartfelt prayers and deepest sympathies go out to the parents and families of both these young boys. This incident underscores the importance of our anger management conflict resolution programme, “Cool Yuh Head” in the island’s secondary schools.”Over the past seven years, the team of counsellors of Crime Stoppers Barbados has worked in several  of the island’s 21 secondary schools to  engage students in our “Cool Yuh Head” Programme.Our experience is that both male and female students are finding it increasingly difficult to keep a tight rein on their emotions especially in potentially volatile situations.“Cool Yuh Head is designed to provide students with the tools needed to apply reason and navigate difficult situations. Crime Stoppers Barbados is persuaded that anger management and conflict resolution programmes are vital to stemming the violent behavoiur exhibited by students at this time.No Government can sustain the task of changing this trend towards a culture of anger and retaliatory behavior alone. Corporate funding remains critical. Crime Stoppers Barbados believes that training in conflict resolution is key and must be sustained to realize long term benefits. We therefore redouble our efforts to establish and maintain partnerships with Principals, Corporate Sponsors and our team of highly skilled Counsellors in the various primary and secondary schools in Barbados. (BT) 
OPTIMISTS INTERNATIONAL RESPONDS TO SCHOOL STABBING - Optimist International has issued the following statement in response to Friday’s incident at the Frederick Smith Secondary School that resulted in the death of a 16-year-old student.Full StatementA society that has reached the point where disputes of any type, but particularly disputes among our youth, are being resolved through aggressive postures is a society that needs intervention.A society that has reached the point where a human life has little value, is a society that is losing its soul.A society that is constantly hearing the cries from Educators that school environments are no longer safe havens, is a society that is losing its sense of place.Successive Governments have tried various tools and strategies to address these concerns; however, my concern is that these tools and strategies never appear holistic and strategic but rather they appear ad hoc and reactive.Our society requires an intervention where each of us plays a role in restoring a culture of discipline and inculcating positive values throughout our population.We cannot simply cry out that “we need to find the Lord” because we are all not believers.  So although this can help, we must also embrace a system of participation by all, where we are each responsible for deploying and committing to a National narrative which is shaped by our leaders, while using our innate common sense to enforce or embolden acceptable norms of positive behavior by both adults and youth.A National narrative must focus on revamping our educational system; strengthening dysfunctional family units; managing cost of living; mandatory voluntary service; effective control of the drugs and gun trades; substance abuse; better employment opportunities; and a recommitment to set of cultural mores that once helped Barbados to be recognized as a civil society.  This narrative but be set from the top and committed to by all of our Nation’s leaders.  There must be outreach to NGOs, Religious Groups, and Educators to help shape and to support the narrative.  It must be a national initiative led by the Government and managed in a non-partisan manner.  These elements are done in some form or fashion but my point is that there needs to be cohesion and a clear outcome that is defined and desired.There are some who may say these comments are reactionary and they are right.  There is always that moment that flicks the switch in ourselves that we must become part of the solution.  Each of us need to have that moment.  It is my intention to convene a meeting with local club and district leaders to determine how Optimist Clubs can work with Government, Educators, and other community leaders.This senseless act has left a family grieving, students shocked, and a Nation in disbelief.  We can only imagine how the families of the victim and the perpetrator must feel.  I am Christian so I will turn to prayers to support them. But I am also Bajan and I am a human being, so my commitment must extend beyond prayers, as must yours.Let’s use our hearts, voices, and hands to create a civil society that protects our youth, our people, and that embraces positive human and social values.Adrian M. ElcockPresident – Optimist InternationalBT) 
CHILDREN CALLING HOTLINE TOO – Children are calling the Faith Marshall-Harris Sandy Lane Charitable Trust Helpline to ask mostly about abuse. Faith Marshall-Harris, UNICEF’s Barbados Champion for Children and founder of the helpline, said that while the helpline received all types of calls, many were “mainly . . . for help with real issues, mostly abuse”. “For the children, it is often when they have a sense of not being understood . . .  they’re being disciplined too much or they’re being prevented from doing whatever. These are mainly children over a certain age. “The helpline grew out of the idea that you want to give children an opportunity, a voice.” (SS)
EDEN LODGE “NOT THTAT BAD” –Eden Lodge is not as bad as people are making it seem, say residents.  They were responding to the Fear Of Crime survey, presented by criminologist and senior research officer at the Criminal Justice Research and Planning Unit, Kim Ramsay, which reported that shots were fired almost everyday and some residents didn’t leave home after 6 p.m. When a Sunday Sun team visited the densely populated community, several residents spoke but declined to give their names. Most said the St Michael community was much safer than it was before. “One time it used to happen (shooting) regularly, but where I am, I don’t hear gunshots everyday. But coming into this time of the year, there could be a possibility that it could pop back up,” a middle-aged woman said. (SS)
WOMAN FREED AFTER FIVE YEARS ON REMAND – More than five years after she made headlines, the woman who had been charged with two counts of rape and two counts of serious indecency towards two teenaged girls walked free from the High Court on Friday. And her attorney is asking for cases involving sexual offences to be fast-tracked so that other accused do not spend five years on remand awaiting the disposition of their cases like his client Lisa Lynton did. Lynton, now 42, of Foul Bay, St Philip, was indicted with committing an act of serious indecency on a 13-year-old girl, sometime between December 25, 2013, and April 30, 2014. She was also charged with raping the 13-year-old girl and her sister, as well as indecently assaulting the girl’s sister between the same dates. (SS)
ST. LUCY HARD HIT BY HEAVY RAINS – Less than two hours after the rain started to fall this morning, chairman of the St Lucy District Emergency Organisation, Rontae Johnson-Annius, was receiving calls about flooding in the parish. Johnson-Annius said the rain started around 6 a.m. and by 7:45 she was getting a picture of what was going on in Barbados’ northern-most parish. Just before midday, she told Nation News “basically every place is flooded”, but there are no injuries. There are reports of flooding across St Lucy, pools of water around homes, some homes have been breached by flood water and roads are impassable. The district chair said her team of between 60 to 70 people were on the ground providing reports. She can be reached at 439-8169. Johnson-Annius gave a snap shot of some of the damage in her parish. Many of the gullies are full to the brim and water has flooded surrounding areas. Water is making its way to the sea, but it will take some time given the volume of rain. The road from Northumberland to Hope Road is impassable because the gully there is at its limit, with water from Harris and Bridge Road also using that channel.From St Lucy Church to Crab Hill Police Station was impassable, but the road is now open. From Crab Hill Police Station to Greenidges, the road is impassable because the pump house is flooded and the water there is very high. Homes in Alexandria and Mount Gay are flooded. The water was high at Alleyndale, but that flowed off. Benthams and Colleton are impassable. The Met Office says a westward-moving tropical wave and an upper-level trough have been generating pockets of moderate to heavy showers, thunderstorms and occasional gusty winds over some sections of Barbados for several hours. A flash flood warning is in effect until 5 p.m. and director of the Department of Emergency Management, Kerry Hinds, has urged residents to remain indoors. (SS)
FLASH FLOOD WARNING EXTENDED – The Barbados Meteorological Service has extended the flash flood warning from 5 p.m. today to 6 a.m. tomorrow. The latest satellite and radar imagery suggest that clouds and showers associated with the tail-end of a tropical wave and an upper-level trough will continue to generate pockets of moderate to heavy showers, thunderstorms and occasional gusty winds over Barbados for at least another six to 12 hours, the Met office said. A flash flood warning means, in this case, that flooding due to heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time (generally less than six hours) is already occurring within the warning area. Residents in flood-prone areas are asked to remain on the alert and take the necessary precautions.   This warning may be up-dated if conditions warrant. (SS)
WRIGHT AFTER GREAT RETURNS - Olympic hopeful Matthew Wright remains steadfast in his quest to collect enough points to qualify for next year’s Tokyo Olympics. Last week, he competed in the Lima ITU Triathlon World Cup, which was staged along the same course as for this year’s Pan American Games. However, he told Sunsport yesterday that he decided to drop out after challenges in the 5K event. “I actually didn’t finish. I had a best swim for the season, coming out in the Top 15 feeling really good and I had a really strong ride, riding in the front and staying out of trouble and not using much effort. Then I got on to the 5K run. It was one big group of about 50 guys coming off the bike and I was running probably as fast I have run for the entire season, but, you know, the 5K is just not really my specialty, I guess,” he said. (SS)
CRUNCH TIME FOR BIG BOYS – The fates of four of the “big clubs” of Barbadian football will hang in the balance tonight, as Empire take on University of the West Indies (UWI) Blackbirds and Weymouth Wales battle Paradise in the Capelli Super Cup quarter-finals at the Wildey Turf.  Empire are one of four clubs with a 100 per cent record and were particularly impressive in the Championship stage where they scored six goals and kept two clean sheets.  UWI have stumbled into the last eight, with their only positive result in the last round being a draw, or two dropped points, against Notre Dame. UWI still advanced ahead of Dames by virtue of losing only 3-0 to Wales, whereas Dames lost 6-0 a week prior. (SS)
There are 52 days left in the year Shalom!  Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for your daily news. #thechasefiles #dailynewscaps #bajannewscaps #newsinanutshell
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So Your Business Has a Legal Problem – 8 Useful Tips on What to Expect From Your Lawyer
As a business owner, you are usually run off your feet with the challenges of operating your business avocat buzau. The last thing you need to worry about is a legal problem. Many business people put off dealing with a legal problem because they don’t know where to turn, don’t have the time, or most often, are afraid of how much it will cost and how much time it will take.
Legal issues come in many forms:
· A customer failed to pay an account despite many promises. · You just received a letter from a government agency. · You just found out that your former manager has set up a competing business and has stolen your best customer and one of your key employees. · You have just been sued for $100,000. · Someone told you that one of your standard form contracts won’t stand up in court and you are worried about it. · You have a dispute with your landlord. · You have a problem with a US or European customer. · Your business has been defamed on the internet. · You just found that your warehouse manager has been sexually harassing a female employee. · An employee is damaging your business but threatens to sue if you fire him. You are not sure how to handle it. · You are involved with a Workplace Safety Insurance claim.
These examples are just the tip of the iceberg of the kinds of legal issues business people run into frequently.
Tip #1 – Seek out legal help at the first sign of a problem
Suppose a competitor has been passing off its business under your name and it’s costing you customers and sales but it’s hard to estimate the amount. Unless you act promptly, it may be too late to seek an injunction from the Court. If you think you have a claim against another party under a contract, a limitation period begins to run from the time the contract is breached and usually expires two years later. It’s not a good idea to leave the claim to the last minute.
If you have an issue with an employee who is working unacceptably, it’s important to develop a legal strategy as early as possible. The longer you wait, the more it may cost your business.
The short point here is that it is important to seek advice as soon you detect a problem and before anything has been done to make it worse. Crisis management is always more expensive and time-consuming than early response.
Tip #2 – Have a team of lawyers to call on when you need them.
Every business should have a team of on-call lawyers. This is less expensive or complicated than it sounds. All you need are the telephone numbers and email addresses of trusted corporate, employment law and litigation lawyers. Depending on the nature of your business, you may also need an intellectual property lawyer, who deals with trademarks, patents and copyright. You may even need a tax lawyer because not all tax issues can be solved by an accountant.
If the amount of your legal dispute is very small, such as a claim or complaint by a customer for $1,000 or less, it will be uneconomic to hire a lawyer. Fortunately, there are other helpful resources. The BBB has a dispute resolution process which permits BBB businesses and their customers to resolve disputes by arbitration or mediation. You don’t need a lawyer and the only cost is a small administration fee. More information about this process is available on the BBB website.
If your case is in the Small Claims Court ($10,000 or less), you might need a paralegal who specializes in these kinds of cases. Paralegals are now regulated by the Law Society but they are not lawyers and they are not a substitute for an experienced lawyer.
Tip #3 – Learn what to expect when a dispute arises.
As a business person, you have learned that success is often the result of building relationships. The relationships you build with your lawyers can be just as important to your business success as the ones you have with your customers, suppliers, banker and insurance broker. A relationship with your lawyer built on mutual trust and respect will save you many sleepless nights over the years and probably make or save you a lot of money.
There are several ways to find good lawyers for your business:
Ask business associates or relatives if they have someone to recommend. If you get a recommendation, find out more about the firm and the lawyer by using some of the research methods below. · The internet is a very useful resource for finding a lawyer but you have to be careful. Any lawyer can list with various online legal directories. Anyone can have a flashy website. You have to move past the flash to find the substance.
When looking for a lawyer on the internet, look for someone who has experience in the field you require. The first name on a Google search may not be the best choice. Some lawyers have written extensively about the law. This is a useful indicator of expertise and standing in the legal community.
Some lawyers list cases they have been involved in on their websites. Broad litigation experience in complex business matters over many years is a good indicator of competence.
The Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario, Canada) has a lawyers’ referral service. The service provides a name but you have to check the details out yourself. · The Law Society certifies specialists in several areas of practice. Certification as a specialist signals that the lawyer has achieved a higher standard of experience in his/her area but certification isn’t mandatory. Many competent lawyers have long experience in a field without applying for certification. You have to decide if this is important to you.
· If your problem is outside Ontario, find a local lawyer first. Many firms have networks with lawyers globally and are able to refer to lawyers in the USA or other countries. Refers between colleagues are often more effective.
When you call, don’t expect the lawyer to solve your business problem over the telephone. The first discussion is for the lawyer to identify whether s/he can represent you and for you to assess whether the lawyer appears to have the skills to deal with your problem. If you have a legal problem the lawyer believes his/her firm can resolve, an office meeting will be arranged.
In business matters, lawyers customarily charge a consultation fee for the first office meeting. At the meeting, the lawyer will give preliminary or urgent advice and develop a go-forward strategy. The lawyer may be able to give a partial fee estimate and will ask for a retainer to cover some of the work. No lawyer can guarantee the outcome. At this early stage, there are usually a lot of unknown matters. While the lawyer may be able to give you a partial fee estimate in a litigation matter, it’s impossible to say with accuracy how much it will cost. It depends on too many unknown factors.
It will be then up to you to decide whether or not to hire the lawyer to represent you further. The decision you make will depend on your sense of confidence in the lawyer. Has the lawyer listened to you? Have your questions been answered? Does the lawyer appear to understand your problem? Has the lawyer presented the risks and downsides of your case? Every case has risks and costs. Beware of a lawyer who tells you only what you want to hear without assessing the strengths of the opposing party’s case.
Some lawyers will accept a monthly or annual retainer which entitles the client to telephone advice a few times a month. More complicated issues require separate engagements.
Tip #4 – The least expensive lawyer is unlikely to be the best person to handle your legal problem
Consider this scenario: you are looking for a lawyer for a complicated lawsuit. You call Mr. Jones, who answers on the first ring. You tell your story, which has many facts the opposite party disputes. Mr. Jones says, “You have a great case. I’m sure you’re going to win.” When you ask how much it will cost, Mr. Jones says “Don’t worry, you won’t have to pay me anything unless you win. Just come on down to my office and we’ll get started.”
Beware of any lawyer who tells you this. While Ontario lawyers are permitted to charge their fees based on contingency, i.e. a percentage of the result, this type of fee arrangement is only rarely applicable in business cases. It never occurs when facts are in dispute, recovery is uncertain or if the amount is small.
When you retain a lawyer, you need a trustworthy advisor, who will point out the weaknesses of your case as well as the strengths. A litigation lawyer who is waiting by the phone for your call and tells you exactly what you are hoping to hear may be too hungry or too inexperienced to manage your case. He may be in over his head and will bail out as soon as your case takes a negative turn. By then, your legal situation may have worsened. It will be more expensive and perhaps impossible to repair it.
Even worthwhile cases require careful analysis and risk assessment. An experienced litigation lawyer will typically do his by for fees on an hourly basis plus GST and any out-of-pocket expenses necessary for your case.
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hilo218 · 6 years
Asahi Shimbun makes long-overdue corrections over ‘comfort women’
7:52 pm, August 06, 2014
The Yomiuri ShimbunAfter a review of its reports on the so-called comfort women issue, which has become a huge thorn in the side of Japan-South Korea ties, The Asahi Shimbun has admitted its mistakes in the reports—albeit partially—and retracted some of the contents.
The retractions allude to reports on remarks by Seiji Yoshida, who claimed to have forcibly taken away local women from Jeju Island, South Korea, to make them serve as comfort women. During World War II, Yoshida was said to be the former head of the mobilization department of the Shimonoseki Branch of Romu Hokoku-kai, an organization in charge of recruiting laborers.
In September 1982, the newspaper reported—without verification—the remarks of Yoshida, who claimed to have “hunted up 200 young Korean women in Jeju Island.”
Misperceptions about Japan
The report added fuel to anti-Japan sentiment in South Korea, and also became a basis of misperception of Japan spreading through the world. In its Tuesday morning edition, the Asahi concluded—for the first time—that Yoshida’s remarks were baseless, and finally retracted the newspaper’s reports regarding the remarks.
We cannot help but point out the correction should have been made at a much earlier stage. Doubts about Yoshida’s remarks have been raised as early as 1992. The newspaper’s negligence in allowing the issue to linger for more than 20 years is deplorable.
The Asahi has, by its own account, reported about Yoshida on at least 16 occasions. Historian Ikuhiko Hata raised doubts over Yoshida’s remarks in 1992, but the newspaper has long refrained from making a correction.
In March 1997, The Asahi Shimbun carried a special article on the reports about the comfort women issue. However, the newspaper only said it was unable to confirm the authenticity of Yoshida’s remarks.
Yoshida’s remarks were cited by a 1996 U.N. Human Rights Commission report compiled by Radhika Coomaraswamy, helping propagate a misunderstanding in the international community that the forcible recruitment of comfort women took place.
Another serious problem with the Asahi’s reports is the mix-up between comfort women and female volunteer corps.
In a front-page article carried in January 1992, the Asahi stated that “South Korean women became the major target of forcible recruitment conducted in the name of the female volunteer corps. The estimated number [of victims] range from 80,000 to 200,000.”
The report was issued just before then Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa’s visit to South Korea. It prompted the government to conduct an investigation into the comfort women issue, resulting in a statement issued by then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono, which expressed the government’s “sincere apologies and remorse” to former comfort women.
In Tuesday morning’s edition, the Asahi admitted its mistake over the mix-up for the first time, saying that the female volunteer corps refers to groups of women mobilized for work in munitions factories and elsewhere during wartime and are “completely different” from comfort women.
“We have been working not to confuse the two since 1993,” the newspaper said in the Tuesday edition. However, the Asahi’s reports have prompted the false understanding that even girls of primary school age were recruited as comfort women.
The Asahi defended its coverage by saying in its two-page spread: “Little progress had been made in investigating the comfort women issue at that time. Some documents to which [Asahi] reporters referred contained statements in which the female volunteer corps was mixed up with the comfort women.” Then the special feature said that some other national dailies had also published articles containing a similar mix-up.
In reporting on the female volunteer corps and Yoshida in initial stages, The Yomiuri Shimbun also ran some stories including factual errors. In the late 1990s and onward, however, we corrected such errors through our editorials and other articles.
Assertions unchanged
We question the Asahi’s assertions about how so-called comfort women were kept at facilities to provide sex for soldiers. Though the heart of the matter was whether they were recruited by force, the national daily argued that great importance must be attached to the fact that those women were caught in a situation marked by “a coercive nature” with which they had been “deprived of freedom.”
In initial stages, the Asahi continued to insist the crux of the problem was that these women had been forcibly recruited, citing testimony from Yoshida and other sources. However, the testimony and data used by the paper as a basis for its reasoning were later disproved. Then the Asahi started to argue that the retention of those women in facilities had a coercive nature.
The Asahi’s assertion has remained fundamentally unchanged in this respect, as illustrated by its latest feature, which stated that the essence of the problem lies in the fact that “women were deprived of freedom in brothels, and their dignity was violated.”
There is no doubt that a large number of women, including those from the Philippines and Indonesia, had their honor and dignity injured during World War II. There may have been cases deemed inexcusable from a present-day human rights perspective, even if no coercive action was taken by the prewar government and the military.
Still, it is necessary to discuss two issues related to the whole controversy as separate matters—that is, how to deal with sex-related issues facing soldiers and whether the Japanese wartime military was involved in forcibly recruiting women for the provision of sex.
Questions can be asked as to the appropriateness of calling the Japanese government to task by insisting coerciveness was prevalent in the provision of sex by those women in a broad sense of the term. We believe focusing on such questions is an attempt to sidestep the real issue.
Gaining a proper perception of history requires thorough efforts to uncover the whole truth behind any historical issue.
Better Japan-ROK ties needed
South Korean President Park Geun-hye strongly opposed a report issued by the Japanese government in June regarding the results of investigations into how the so-called Kono statement on comfort women was drafted and issued in 1993, using Coomaraswamy’s U.N. report and other data as a basis for her assertion. Her unbending hard-line stance on Japan is unlikely to change.
The government should not easily compromise on the controversy. It must persist in urging South Koreans to gain a proper understanding of our government’s stance on the comfort women dispute.
Relations between Japan and South Korea are strained today. There has been no summit meeting between the two nations for more than two years. We hope the media and the public in both nations will come to have an accurate grasp of all the facts, a task essential for their respective efforts to build a future-oriented relationship between the two neighbors.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Aug. 6, 2014)
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marlatores · 6 years
What to Expect When You File a Discrimination Case
When you have been the subject of employment discrimination, it can be difficult to know where to turn. Complex federal and state laws often create hurdles and obstacles. Employers certainly do not make it easy. Family and friends may be full of seemingly good advice, but when it comes right down to pursuing justice, victims often find themselves all alone. Fonteneau & Arnold, LLC wants you to know exactly what to expect when you file a discrimination case against an employer.
Step 1: First Try Complaining to Management
 It is hard to say your company was in the wrong if you never gave them a chance to do right. So, notify your superior or human resources department right away. It is best to put something in writing. Keep a log book or journal, and write down the name and title of the person you informed about your discrimination. Creating a paper trail is crucial. If your complaints go unanswered and the problem continues (or gets worse), proceed to step 2.
 Step 2: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
 Before you can just go to court and file a lawsuit, there are some administrative steps you must take.  This involves filing a complaint with the EEOC. Each area has its own local agency that is tasked with handling the complaint process. The EEOC is strict about how long you have to file, however. In many states, there are extended deadlines for filing. Not so in Alabama. As the EEOC makes very clear, you have just 180 days to file your complaint.
Unless you are close to the deadline to file, you should call Fonteneau & Arnold, LLC to see if the firm can assist you with filing a Charge of Discrimination.
Step 3: EEOC Investigation and Determination
 EEOC, while a fine government entity, is still the government. There are inefficiencies and bureaucratic issues that can delay progress. The EEOC will investigate your complaint, talk to witnesses, and attempt to resolve the matter without court intervention. During this process, here are some tips for you to keep in mind:
Document everything
Stay focused
Do not be afraid to check in and stay on top of the case
Continue looking for creative solutions
Speak to your private attorney
Step 4: Right-to-Sue Letter
 Chances are pretty good that your case will get denied. This does not mean it lacks merit; it just means the EEOC gets a lot of cases and tends to deny many of them. If the EEOC cannot resolve the claim, it will send you a letter advising that you now have the right to file a lawsuit under Title VII. You will only have 90 days, though. This is a very short amount of time to prepare and file a lawsuit, even for highly skilled attorneys. Hence, it is usually a good idea to speak with an experienced discrimination lawyer well in advance of this point.
Keep in mind that the EEOC can actually represent you and file a lawsuit on your behalf.  However, it is very expensive, and the government is limited in how many cases it can pursue. It generally focuses on more serious, politically charged, or highly publicized cases that may have precedential effect. In other words, the EEOC prefers to take cases that could lead to sweeping changes.
Right to Hire Your Own Attorney
 If you have a potential discrimination case against your employer, you have a right to hire your own attorney to work with you to navigate the system and move your case forward, whether through an EEOC resolution or through a federal action in court. At Fonteneau & Arnold, LLC we focus our efforts on representing workers who have faced discrimination, harassment, wage violations, or who are facing complex labor disputes with their employers. If you need help, call us as soon as possible so we can begin helping you build your case today.
Case Involving Alabama Arby’s Franchise
Highlights How Teens are Impacted by Sexual Harassment
 When most people think about discrimination and sexual harassment, they tend to think of adult professionals who are passed over for promotions or subjected to sexual advances by high-powered executives. However, a current case pending before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) highlights the realities of sexual harassment and how even younger workers can be impacted.
The attorneys of Fonteneau & Arnold, LLC represent clients throughout Alabama who face discrimination, harassment, and labor rights violations. Call today if your rights are being violated.
March 30, 2018 Lawsuit
 A little over a month ago, the EEOC filed suit against an Alabama Arby’s franchise owner, Beavers’, Inc., alleging among other things that the franchise (and Arby’s) had ignored repeated complaints of sexual harassment against female employees. According to the complaint, the franchise company knowingly hired a male employee who had a history of sexual harassment. Allegations go on to explain that this male employee was hired as a “team leader trainee,” who began pressuring female employees to engage in sexual relations with him. The graphic and detailed allegations even claim that he “attempted to follow employees home.”
Teenagers Among the Victims
 What makes this story even more troubling is that among the victims are a number of young workers, some of whom were just teenagers at the time. These teens allegedly reported the harassment to superiors but received no support or action. Ultimately, it is claimed that one of the victims was actually physically injured by the accused harasser.
The case, EEOC v. Beavers’ Inc., d/b/a Arby’s, Case No. 1:18-cv-00150, is pending before the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Alabama. As a press release from the EEOC reports, Beavers’, Inc. is a Florida company that operates 51 franchises throughout the southeastern U.S.
Sexual Harassment Affects Everyone
 Some people think of sexual harassment as harmless fun of “just joking,” but the key distinction to remember is that it becomes sexual harassment when there are unwelcome sexual advances or the environment becomes hostile and it affects your ability to work and carry on your daily tasks.
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) released a comprehensive report in 2011, which chronicled the results of a survey of almost 2,000 individuals nationwide. The results were astonishing. Nearly half of all women surveyed reported being sexually harassed as a teenager, whether in school or at their jobs, many of which were part time or low-paying jobs frequently held by high school students. The survey results also illustrated the harm one by these events, as 87% of those who reported harassment felt that it had a negative impact on their lives.
Simply put, no one should be forced to tolerate this type of behavior, especially not children and young teenage adults. Such behavior teaches an early and damaging lesson that is hard to unlearn.
Fighting for Your Rights
 If you have been the victim of workplace harassment, discrimination, or unwelcome sexual advances, contact an experienced team of Alabama employment discrimination lawyers who can answer your questions and guide you through the challenging maze of laws that apply to harassment claims. Our team at Fonteneau & Arnold, LLC have over 20 years of collective legal experience that they can put to work for you. Call today to schedule a completely free and private case consultation. There is no charge for meeting to discuss your case, so put your mind at ease and find out your options today.
The post What to Expect When You File a Discrimination Case appeared first on Fonteneau & Arnold.
What to Expect When You File a Discrimination Case posted first on http://fonteneauarnold.com/
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fonteneauarnold · 6 years
What to Expect When You File a Discrimination Case
When you have been the subject of employment discrimination, it can be difficult to know where to turn. Complex federal and state laws often create hurdles and obstacles. Employers certainly do not make it easy. Family and friends may be full of seemingly good advice, but when it comes right down to pursuing justice, victims often find themselves all alone. Fonteneau & Arnold, LLC wants you to know exactly what to expect when you file a discrimination case against an employer.
  Step 1: First Try Complaining to Management
  It is hard to say your company was in the wrong if you never gave them a chance to do right. So, notify your superior or human resources department right away. It is best to put something in writing. Keep a log book or journal, and write down the name and title of the person you informed about your discrimination. Creating a paper trail is crucial. If your complaints go unanswered and the problem continues (or gets worse), proceed to step 2.
  Step 2: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
  Before you can just go to court and file a lawsuit, there are some administrative steps you must take.  This involves filing a complaint with the EEOC. Each area has its own local agency that is tasked with handling the complaint process. The EEOC is strict about how long you have to file, however. In many states, there are extended deadlines for filing. Not so in Alabama. As the EEOC makes very clear, you have just 180 days to file your complaint.
  Unless you are close to the deadline to file, you should call Fonteneau & Arnold, LLC to see if the firm can assist you with filing a Charge of Discrimination.
  Step 3: EEOC Investigation and Determination
  EEOC, while a fine government entity, is still the government. There are inefficiencies and bureaucratic issues that can delay progress. The EEOC will investigate your complaint, talk to witnesses, and attempt to resolve the matter without court intervention. During this process, here are some tips for you to keep in mind:
  Document everything
Stay focused
Do not be afraid to check in and stay on top of the case
Continue looking for creative solutions
Speak to your private attorney
  Step 4: Right-to-Sue Letter
  Chances are pretty good that your case will get denied. This does not mean it lacks merit; it just means the EEOC gets a lot of cases and tends to deny many of them. If the EEOC cannot resolve the claim, it will send you a letter advising that you now have the right to file a lawsuit under Title VII. You will only have 90 days, though. This is a very short amount of time to prepare and file a lawsuit, even for highly skilled attorneys. Hence, it is usually a good idea to speak with an experienced discrimination lawyer well in advance of this point.
  Keep in mind that the EEOC can actually represent you and file a lawsuit on your behalf.  However, it is very expensive, and the government is limited in how many cases it can pursue. It generally focuses on more serious, politically charged, or highly publicized cases that may have precedential effect. In other words, the EEOC prefers to take cases that could lead to sweeping changes.
  Right to Hire Your Own Attorney
  If you have a potential discrimination case against your employer, you have a right to hire your own attorney to work with you to navigate the system and move your case forward, whether through an EEOC resolution or through a federal action in court. At Fonteneau & Arnold, LLC we focus our efforts on representing workers who have faced discrimination, harassment, wage violations, or who are facing complex labor disputes with their employers. If you need help, call us as soon as possible so we can begin helping you build your case today.
            Case Involving Alabama Arby’s Franchise
Highlights How Teens are Impacted by Sexual Harassment
  When most people think about discrimination and sexual harassment, they tend to think of adult professionals who are passed over for promotions or subjected to sexual advances by high-powered executives. However, a current case pending before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) highlights the realities of sexual harassment and how even younger workers can be impacted.
  The attorneys of Fonteneau & Arnold, LLC represent clients throughout Alabama who face discrimination, harassment, and labor rights violations. Call today if your rights are being violated.
  March 30, 2018 Lawsuit
  A little over a month ago, the EEOC filed suit against an Alabama Arby’s franchise owner, Beavers’, Inc., alleging among other things that the franchise (and Arby’s) had ignored repeated complaints of sexual harassment against female employees. According to the complaint, the franchise company knowingly hired a male employee who had a history of sexual harassment. Allegations go on to explain that this male employee was hired as a “team leader trainee,” who began pressuring female employees to engage in sexual relations with him. The graphic and detailed allegations even claim that he “attempted to follow employees home.”
  Teenagers Among the Victims
  What makes this story even more troubling is that among the victims are a number of young workers, some of whom were just teenagers at the time. These teens allegedly reported the harassment to superiors but received no support or action. Ultimately, it is claimed that one of the victims was actually physically injured by the accused harasser.
  The case, EEOC v. Beavers’ Inc., d/b/a Arby’s, Case No. 1:18-cv-00150, is pending before the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Alabama. As a press release from the EEOC reports, Beavers’, Inc. is a Florida company that operates 51 franchises throughout the southeastern U.S.
  Sexual Harassment Affects Everyone
  Some people think of sexual harassment as harmless fun of “just joking,” but the key distinction to remember is that it becomes sexual harassment when there are unwelcome sexual advances or the environment becomes hostile and it affects your ability to work and carry on your daily tasks.
  The American Association of University Women (AAUW) released a comprehensive report in 2011, which chronicled the results of a survey of almost 2,000 individuals nationwide. The results were astonishing. Nearly half of all women surveyed reported being sexually harassed as a teenager, whether in school or at their jobs, many of which were part time or low-paying jobs frequently held by high school students. The survey results also illustrated the harm one by these events, as 87% of those who reported harassment felt that it had a negative impact on their lives.
  Simply put, no one should be forced to tolerate this type of behavior, especially not children and young teenage adults. Such behavior teaches an early and damaging lesson that is hard to unlearn.
  Fighting for Your Rights
  If you have been the victim of workplace harassment, discrimination, or unwelcome sexual advances, contact an experienced team of Alabama employment discrimination lawyers who can answer your questions and guide you through the challenging maze of laws that apply to harassment claims. Our team at Fonteneau & Arnold, LLC have over 20 years of collective legal experience that they can put to work for you. Call today to schedule a completely free and private case consultation. There is no charge for meeting to discuss your case, so put your mind at ease and find out your options today.
The post What to Expect When You File a Discrimination Case appeared first on Fonteneau & Arnold.
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
ASOUTH African female traditional leader has called for the removal of Zimbabweans staying at Dididi Village in Thohoyandou in Limpopo Province, sparking fears of xenophobic attacks in the neighbouring country.The remarks by Chief Sophy Ramovha follow the recent murder of a villager, Amen Nemadodzi (25), allegedly by a gang of three suspected Zimbabweans.Mr Nemadodzi, a truck driver, was recently hacked to death at a tavern at Dididi Village and the local community has accused a Zimbabwean of the murder.“As a traditional leader, I am quite saddened by this brutal killing of a member of our community.In light of that incident, I support the idea of removing Zimbabweans from Dididi and surrounding communities.“ We cannot tolerate the situation where the lives of our communities are in danger because of people coming from other countries,” she said.One of the suspects, Percy Dzikamai, has since been arrested.He appeared at the Thohoyandou Magistrates’ Court, facing a murder charge and was remanded in custody to April 9.The deceased’s family spokesman, Mr Johana Masevhe, also directed his anger towards the Zimbabweans in the area. “We don’t want to see them in our areas because the Zimbabweans are very cruel.Some of them are killing and terrorising our residents.We urge the law to take a stand and help us in removing all Zimbabweans from our area, particularly those without valid documents,” he said.Nemadodzi was in a tavern at Dididi village when he was allegedly confronted by the three suspects who demanded money. During the alleged dispute, one of the suspects went home and returned carrying a sword, which he allegedly used to stab Nemadodzi to death.One of the suspects reportedly sustained injuries and had to be rushed to hospital after he was allegedly attacked by an angry mob before police saved him.Since the incident, local villagers and surrounding communities have reportedly been up in arms with Zimbabweans, saying they do not want to see them in their area.Zimbabwe’s Consular General Mr Batiraishe Henry Mukonoweshuro said he was not aware of the developments.He, however, said they would make investigations and make a follow up on the matter.Of late, Zimbabweans living in Vhembe District , Limpopo Province have been the subjected to ridicule and blame for various crimes, with locals taking it upon themselves to “weed out” foreigners for reportedly “fuelling” crime in the area. In March 2015, Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini was accused of sparking the xenophobic outbreaks in the province that led to the deaths of five people in Durban and KwaZulu Natal, before spreading to other provinces, resulting thousands of foreigners being displaced.South African media reported that King Zwelithini called for the deportation of foreigners in South Africa, saying it was unacceptable for South Africans to compete with people from other countries for the few economic opportunities available. The latest development comes barely two weeks after South African P
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