#Disposable Shower Caps Market
creativeera · 2 months
Disposable Shower Caps Market Estimated to Witness High Growth fueled by Rising Hygiene awareness
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The disposable shower caps market has been gaining traction over the past few years owing to increasing hygiene standards. Disposable shower caps provide a convenient and hygienic solution for protecting hair from water and other products while showering. Made using materials such as plastic, polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride, disposable shower caps are affordable, easy to use and disposable. The global disposable shower cap market provides benefits such as minimizes exposure to chemicals, preserving hairstyles and protecting hair from water.
The disposable shower caps market size is expected to reach US$ 716.7 Mn by 2031, from US$ 486.2 Mn in 2023,exhibitinga CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period.
Key Takeaways Key players operating in the disposable shower caps are Tamarind Global, Cox & Kings, SOTC, Thomas Cook, Red Fox Hotel, Le Passage to India, Blank Canvas, Envent Worldwide, Orange County Resorts & Hotels, The Park Hotels, Radisson Hotel Group, Hyatt Hotels Corporation, Hilton, Kuoni India, ITDC, Ferns N Petals, Wedniksha, The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts, ITC Hotels, Marriott International. The rising demand from hotels, salons, hospitals and other commercial places is expected to create lucrative opportunities for manufacturers in the coming years. North America, Europe and Asia Pacific represent the largest and fastest growing regional markets for disposable shower caps driven by increasing spending capacity and hygiene standards. Market Drivers Growing cognizance regarding hygiene and sanitization is the key factor driving for Disposable Shower Caps Market Trends. The easy availability and affordability of these caps through multiple sales channels including retail stores, e-commerce portals and at commercial establishments is further supporting their adoption. Rapid growth of the travel & tourism industry and increasing salon services are also propelling the uptake of disposable shower caps.
PEST Analysis Political: Government regulations regarding materials used and waste disposal of disposable shower caps can impact the market. Stringent rules on plastic usage can challenge market growth. Economic: Rise in disposable incomes and high spending on personal hygiene and grooming products positively influence the demand. Fluctuations in raw material prices pose risks. Social: Growing travel and tourism sector coupled with increased focus on cleanliness and hygiene augment the market size. Changing lifestyles and preference for convenience boost usage. Technological: Advancements in material science help manufacturers develop innovative products with improved features. Use of app-based services for booking hotel rooms and related amenities gains traction. The Asia Pacific region accounts for the major share of the global disposable shower caps market in terms of value. Countries like China and India experiencing rise in tourist arrivals and growth of their hospitality industries contribute to increased demand. North America follows Asia Pacific due to high living standards and upgraded hygiene consciousness of consumers. The disposable shower caps market is growing rapidly in Central and South American countries on account of expanding tourism sector and investments in infrastructure development. Germany is the fastest growing regional market for disposable shower caps. Factors driving market growth include high disposable incomes, extensive travel and tourism industry, established healthcare infrastructure and growing hygiene awareness among population.
Get more insights on Disposable Shower Caps Market
Alice Mutum is a seasoned senior content editor at Coherent Market Insights, leveraging extensive expertise gained from her previous role as a content writer. With seven years in content development, Alice masterfully employs SEO best practices and cutting-edge digital marketing strategies to craft high-ranking, impactful content. As an editor, she meticulously ensures flawless grammar and punctuation, precise data accuracy, and perfect alignment with audience needs in every research report. Alice's dedication to excellence and her strategic approach to content make her an invaluable asset in the world of market insights.
(LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/alice-mutum-3b247b137 )
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bang-and-a-blintz · 4 years
Through the Darkness
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Fandom: Dracula (2020)  
Relationship: Dracula/Roxana(OFC)  
Rating: Mature  
Warnings: None  
Word Count: 2,993
The moon had an eerie glow as it casted its light through the drapery of hanging moss and onto the murky waters of the swamp below. It was a heavily hot and humid evening, sweat dripped steadily down her back as Roxana watched the scene before her with disinterest. 
Despite the shine of the moon, it was still difficult to see, but what she heard was unmistakable. Garbled shouts along with the occasional high-pitched shriek countered the spine-chilling sounds of crunching bones and tearing flesh. They didn’t last long. Once the screams subsided, the only noises that remained were the occasional splash of water and something akin to a branch snapping every so often. 
She could almost hear a distant yet familiar voice rattle off in her head. “Them gators’ll eat up anything you throw em. Meat, muscle, and bones! You name it!”
Suddenly she felt a change in the atmosphere and looked over to see the dark figure of a certain vampire standing on the other side of the dock. Dull thuds from his footsteps echoed around them as he slowly made his way over to stand by her side. For a moment they watched in silence as the alligators had a go at the victims in the bayou.
“You’re not supposed to be here.” She murmured and looked over. He tilted his head down at the blood-filled waters with a small snarl and then set his eyes on her; they were filling with inky black tendrils and glowing the darkest red. In an instant, he was gripping her tightly, his talons digging into the back of her neck, and bending her head to a harsh angle that gave him full access to her jugular. 
Dracula flashed her a deadly smile, “On the contrary, my dear, I can do anything I want.”
His descent was swift; she felt the sharp fangs sink into her throat and let her eyes roll back. Sagging into his hold, she felt the darkness open its arms to drink her in. 
Roxana woke with a gasp and shot straight up in her bed. 
Looking around frantically, she struggled to pinpoint her surroundings and then Fifolet meowed from across the room, jarring her back to reality. She was home and in her room. Safe. 
Her next course of action was feeling up and down her neck to make sure the dream was truly just a figment of her imagination. It remained wound-free. She exhaled loudly and collapsed back against her sheets.
The light of the morning sun cut across her room like a lance. Dim shadows danced along the ceiling as her fan spun on and on. It creaked slightly as it bounced back and forth, barely hanging onto its hinges, but all Roxana could hear was the thumping of her own heart. 
Just a dream. She sighed and rubbed her eyes. The sounds of the world awake and hustling outside her window gave her just enough motivation to swing her legs over the edge of the bed. The persistence and volume of the cat’s cries grew in earnest as it followed Roxana to the kitchen, positively demanding to be fed and let back outside. When she opened the door, it happily darted underneath the neighbor's house and wouldn’t be seen again until the evening.
There was a slight chill, but the skies were clear and the sun would soon warm up the city enough to make it a pleasant day. She walked back to her room to grab her phone and check the time, it was a still bit early but she didn’t mind. It was then noticed a text notification. The number was unknown but the text below read, in all caps; UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN accompanied by a vampire emoji. 
Roxana blinked and put the phone back down. Apparently not all the events of the previous night were a dream. 
With another long sigh, she went to the kitchen and started her morning routine. Coffee first, then shower, and then off to run errands. 
As she closed and locked up her front door, Roxana took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled. All thoughts of the fanged menace were pushed far from her mind and would be addressed another day. She threw on her sunglasses and strode off towards the streetcar. 
Dracula loved sunrises. After missing thousands of them, he tried to make a daily effort to watch. He enjoyed spending time memorizing the way the sun would paint the sky with fire before melting down into a sea of pastel purples, pinks, and oranges until the bold blues wiped the other colors and clouds from view. It was especially invigorating after a nice meal. 
He dropped the still-warm body to the ground and smacked his lips, bringing his hand up to wipe a smidge of blood from the corner of his mouth. A finely aged thirty-something man who was five years sober and treated his body like a temple. Slightly tangy, but not as bad as Dracula had expected. Almost like a healthy smoothie.
As they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
The blood pooled a little around the body, sinking into the wooden floorboards, and the apartment began to creak and moan. Dracula rolled his eyes, “Yes, another one, get over it. You lot should have enough souls to get a real party going in here, so cheer up, hm?” 
A window shudder snapped close to his left and a couple of doors slammed rather loudly down the hall. He could hear chains faintly rattling in the far bedroom but paid no mind.
“As always, you’ll find no pity from me.” He addressed the room and the house gave one last protest in the form of a teacup flying by his head, shattering against the wall. Dracula raised a brow but remained unmoved. “Bloody haunted houses.”
He pulled out his cell phone and dialed his servant’s number while walking to the other side of the apartment. Renfield answered on the first ring, “Good morning, my lord.”
“I need you to dispose of a body.”
“Oh, al-already?”
Dracula glanced back at the face-down corpse sprawled out by the couch. 
“Why, have something more important to do?” He turned back to the window that peered out over Jackson Square. Watching all the artists begin to set up their carts and tables and tricks and instruments and anything they could to make some sort of salvageable living. “I will say, this one was a tad bit messy. He was a fighter.”
“I think he taught jiu-jitsu by the lakefront, sir.”
“Ah, that’s it. Was just on the tip of my tongue.” Dracula liked the rush of tapping the veins of a martial artist. It tasted of perseverance, power, and control; maybe a slight hint of unadulterated anger towards someone...Dracula licked his lips in thought, oh there it is, the man was mad about his ex. Well that’s disappointingly anti-climactic, he mused.
The count’s attention was drawn to a familiar figure now weaving through the maze of workshops below. Roxana Van Helsing. He watched as she made her rounds through the throngs of artists and palm readers and tarot card fortune-tellers; all the while smiling so brightly and greeting various people as she made her way towards the river. It seemed that she knew nearly every regular who set up shop in the square. She hugged some of the tarot card and palm readers, waved at the painters as they hung their work on the wrought iron fence, and she even blew a kiss to a man painted black and gold and stood like a statue, but didn’t miss a beat as he caught the flying smooch and sent her a wink in return.
“How interesting...” He murmured, not able to take his eyes off of the woman floating around cheerfully below. After all the pleasantries, she crossed the street and set off towards the French Market. 
“My lord?”
He momentarily forgot he was still on the phone. “Nothing. Get over here and take care of this. The flies are starting to gather.”
“But the council - “
“Toss the body in the river or burn it, I don’t care.” Dracula snapped; the council, for lack of a better term, and their pesky rules were starting to grate on his nerves. “Just make sure to stake the poor bastard. The last thing I need right now is Keres pestering me about some monster waking up in the Bahamas or wherever.”
With a not-so-discreet sigh, Renfield acquiesced, “Of course, sir.”
“Be quick about it.” Dracula clicked the end call button and shoved his phone in his pant pocket. Turning on his heel, the count swept out of the apartment and headed the same direction he saw her walking. 
It didn’t take long for Dracula to find Roxana purchasing a coffee from one of the stands in the market. He slid into the shadows easily and watched from a distance while she meandered around, chatting with people here and there, looking over all the paintings, sculptures, jewelry, and clothing that were handmade by locals. Her smile was a beam of light that never seemed to fade. It was always there, he noticed curiously, from a large grin to a little smirk, her lips were quirked at all times. Was it genuine? He couldn’t fathom the notion of someone being that happy. Especially mortals. They always complained about something. 
Roxana wound herself around the last few stands, exited to the street, and made her way down towards Esplanade. Still maintaining discretion, he followed her along the broken sidewalks all the way into the Marigny, an adorably idiosyncratic suburb just to the east of the quarter. 
There was a small church nestled in between some houses with large white picnic tables and canopy pop-ups set up out front. Each table was covered with large catering trays and enormous cooking pots, about six or seven people stood behind it putting on gloves and aprons, and there was a line that went on around the block. Leaning back against a tree, Dracula tilted his head as he observed her embrace what looked to be the woman in charge and then put on the proffered apron and gloves. Roxana took over one of the stations and started to dish out plates of red beans and rice. 
One by one, she asked them how their day was and would give them a bowl, wishing them well. Everyone was friendly to each other; those in need were visibly grateful and those supplying were simply content to help in any way they could. 
A strange sight for the old vampire, it had been a good long while since he had seen such compassion. 
Dracula wasn’t sure how long he watched Roxana, but once the crowd started to dwindle down to the last few homeless folk in search of a warm meal, the sun had already begun its descent into the afternoon. 
The volunteers packed up the tables and dishes and trash into a few truck beds before giving out another round of hugs and bidding one another farewell. Roxana waited for the last truck to leave until she put on her light jacket and turned to make her own departure. He figured that was about as good a moment as any to make an appearance and was instantly by her side. 
“Fancy seeing you here - “ Dracula began but before he could finish she let out a shriek and jumped nearly a foot in the air. Instinctively, he held out a hand to make sure she didn’t tumble over, but to his surprise, Roxana turned and delivered a solid punch to his chest. Not that it hurt by any means, but the shock of the assault made him take a step back and slacken his jaw in offense. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, you can’t do that!” She gripped her chest, frantically trying to control her now racing heart. “Where the hell did you even come from?”
She glared up at him and the ferocity of it made him laugh so she sent another punch to his arm, which made him laugh even harder. He took another step back, dodging more of her blows, and raised his hands in defense. “It was totally worth it, you should’ve seen your face.”
Roxana groaned and ceased fire, “Have you been following me all day?”
The faux-innocence that Dracula's face displayed spoke volumes. 
She continued down the sidewalk back towards the quarter, but after a few steps she realized he hadn’t moved. So she turned back with a hand on her hip, “Well? Don’t be shy now, if you’re going to be my shadow then might as well get over here.”
His long legs were quick to shorten the distance between them and matched her pace as they began to walk side by side. 
They were quiet for a few blocks, the sounds of cars cruising by, birds chirping around, and dogs barking off in the distance easily filled the void. Dracula noticed she kept stealing glances his way, subtly - he’d give her that - but nonetheless it made him smirk. “I can see there is something you’re just dying to say.”
Roxana hopped over a large crack in the sidewalk before looking back up at him, “How are you here? I mean, in the sunlight, isn’t that supposed to...you know?”
She drew the side of a thumb across her throat mimicking certain death and he grinned. 
“Yes, well, it turns out that was just a funny little myth too.” Dracula shrugged casually. She noticed his dark sunglasses, loosely coiffed hair, and easy little smile and decided that he looked entirely too content in the daytime. It was a strange sight to behold a vampire sauntering around under the bright sun. The horror!
“Wait a second.” Roxana stopped in her tracks causing him to slow as well and pivot back in question. Her brow furrowed and he could practically see the wheels spinning in her head. “You mean this is a recent discovery?”
Dracula narrowed his gaze suspiciously, not knowing where she was going with this, “In comparison to how long I was unaware? Yes.”
“Did you ever check?”
“Check what?”
“You know, to see if it would actually burn you.” A large cicada buzzed and crackled as it flew by. “Like maybe sticking a pinkie finger out in the light? Test the waters?”
The nerve in his jaw ticked as Dracula clenched his teeth and stared at her for a moment, unreadable behind the Ray Bans he wore. 
“No, huh?” Rocana burst out laughing, “So you spent, what, four hundred years without any sort of proof that you would become a batty barbecue?”
“You’re enjoying this.” His arms were crossed over his chest now and he boasted a very unimpressed glare. 
“You just shaved off ten years of my life with that stunt back there, payback is justified.”
“I could take off quite a few more years than that, my dear.” He said while stepping closer, but his bark lacked its normal bite. 
She patted his arm, “Oh lighten up, cher, I’m just messing around.”
Despite the irritation that she brought out of him, Dracula found that he didn’t mind their banter, it was refreshing to be around someone who challenged him again. He still didn’t care for what she pointed out; he felt ridiculous enough about the whole ordeal and needn’t a reminder of his foolish mistakes. 
“Anyways,” They continued walking, “While I have you, I’d like to know more about this whole soirée coming up, what exactly is that all about?”
“Well, I’m afraid I don’t know too terribly much, this is sort of my initiation into the council.” He said with slight disgust towards the idea. As if the mere thought of him having to go through a trial just to be part of something was beyond absurd. “Before you ask - because I know you will - the council is the organization that deals with maintaining the city’s supernatural and mortal order.”
“There must be a lot of supernatural folk for a council to have been formed.”
“Oh you have no idea!” He laughed as her eyebrows shot up. “A lot more than even I was aware of before moving here, that’s for sure.”
“All vampires?’
“No, not all, but quite a few of us.”
“Are there werewolves?”
“Why, do you prefer dogs? I thought you were one of those crazy cat ladies.” He smirked as she pushed his arm. “No, no wolves down here, it’s far too hot for those beasts. I have heard of a swamp creature, but have not seen one yet myself. Sounds exciting though.”
“Oh, really?” Roxana's mouth turned into a frown as she looked down in concern, almost muttering to herself. “I should probably warn Memaw. Oh who am I kidding, she has her voodoo for protection, she won’t listen to me.”
“I’m sorry - your what?” 
They came to a stop at a traffic light and waited to cross the street. Roxana forgot he was there for a moment and her head shot up, giggling a little at his confusion, “‘Memaw’? Means ‘grandmother’. It doesn’t matter. Hey, I’m starving, want to grab some food with me? There’s a great spot just around the corner.”
At the mention of eating, Dracula looked down at her neck and licked his lips, damn did it look appetizing. It was a good thing he was wearing sunglasses and she couldn’t see the hunger that darkened his eyes. “Roxana, my dear, I would be delighted.”
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@festering-queen​ @vissidarte213​ @moony691​ @torntaltos​
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elizas-writing · 5 years
So with the high likelihood of humanity trotting its way to impending doom via global climate change in the near future— not to be dramatic or anything—, there is constant buzz across social media and real life on what consumers can do to lessen their carbon footprint. Ditching single use plastics, Meatless Mondays, composting, upcycling, shaming anyone who dares asks for a straw; you get the idea. I try to be environmentally sound where I can, and I began thinking about hair care since as a curly haired person, I end up buying a ton of products, most of it being plastic bottles out the wazoo.
Between conditioners, treatments and stylers, it’s hard to not be wasteful when you want healthy, happy and good-looking hair. But surely there has to be ways to compromise on that waste to have the hair you want, save money, and be kind to the planet. So I looked over the products I own and brands which other folks talk about, and I researched on consumer hacks and DIY methods for sustainable hair care.
The results? Well, let’s break down the three most doable options and their pros and cons.
Switching from Bottles to Bars
Instead of buying bottle after bottle, you can switch your shampoo and conditioner over to bar form. It’s all the same ingredients without any of the plastic. Shampoo and conditioner bars last anywhere from 50 to 80 washes depending on your hair length and frequency of washing. Best of all, they’re great for travel without fussing about liquids accidentally spilling in the rest of your toiletries or TSA’s fussing on the right number of ounces.
Jason And The Argan Oil with a Lush round metal tin
One of the best known brands for shampoo and conditioner bars is Lush. This company prides in reducing waste with package-free products, recycled packaging and using the freshest, ethically-sourced ingredients. Not only do they have shampoo and conditioner bars, but their solid hair care products also include oil treatments, henna hair dyes, a styler, and a co-wash. However, most of their products still use sulfates, which doesn’t sit well with most curly haired folks. I still use my Lush shampoo bar on days when I’m super grimy, and thankfully, my hair doesn’t dry out, but I’m careful to not overdo it as a precaution. Certain Lush fragrances can also be overpowering, and because some products are heavy in oils, if you accidentally use too much, you’ll weigh your hair down.
Thankfully, Lush isn’t the only brand on the bar hair care game. Shea Moisture has a small variety of shampoo bars, which I definitely need to try out. JR Liggett’s is another common brand I see popping up alongside Lush, and I’ve seen another called Ethique at Target which I wanna explore more of. You can also make your own shampoo and conditioner bars if you have the time, all the ingredients, and the right recipe. DIY is quite an investment, but if you’re itching for a new project and knowing for sure what’s in your products, the options are there.
However, there are a couple drawbacks to switching to bar form:
1. You can’t replace your whole routine: Aside from Lush, I have yet to see any variety of bar stylers, and I seriously doubt anyone figured out how to compact deep conditioners and gels into bars. Most conditioners can be easily converted into leave-ins, but that’s really it as far as bar hair care goes. So depending on your hair needs, you’ll probably still have buy some plastic containers. And of course, with trying any new products, you may come across items your hair won’t like, and you’ll have to do some trial-and-error to find a cocktail which works for your needs.
2. You have to be diligent to make the bars last: Unlike bottles where you can just leave them on the shower shelves, no big deal, you can’t do that with bars. If left in the shower without proper containers, the bars will slowly dissolve and crumble, stick to the shelves, and, heaven fucking forbid, may become a breeding ground for mold and mildew. The last thing you need is money going down the drain. Just throw down the extra few dollars for bar containers, and you’ll be good to go!
Shower Cap Conundrum
This was the main catalyst for me exploring environmental sustainability in hair care since I use a plastic cap every wash day for deep conditioning. Sometimes I’ll reuse grocery bags when I’m feeling really cheap (and I hoard them under the sink out of habit), but it’s still using plastic week after week. Disposable plastic caps are too easy to go to since they mostly adjust to any size of head with any hair type and length, so we usually don’t think of more eco-friendly alternatives like freaking reusable shower caps. Yeah, the solution is so stupid simple, I don’t know why I haven’t done this sooner.
This requires a bit of research, because a lot of product descriptions don’t want to be specific what material lines the inside of the caps, and you don’t just want to throw on whatever and hope it works. I recommend focusing on products with enough customer reviews to gauge if a certain reusable cap is right for you, especially if you have long or afro-textured hair. I found one from Lulu Beauty through Ulta which seems promising enough, so I have my fingers crossed that it’ll suit my needs and I can stop wasting plastic. Most options I skimmed through in a couple stores range from $5 to $10, maybe $15 to $20 if you want it made out of King Midas’s silver or whatever. And in the long run, I know it’s going to be way cheaper than constantly buying packs of disposable shower caps.
One of the biggest issues in switching over to a reusable cap is that it’s very difficult to find a wide variety of such in most retail stores. That’s when the temptation to just go to Amazon kicks in, and I’m trying to not make that my automatic go-to site for shopping unless absolutely necessary. I don’t like giving Amazon my money as much as the next person, but I’m also a tired millennial without a car who loves convenience and options. Just the little joys of trying to be an ethical consumer in late stage capitalism. It’s worth checking through Ulta or Target or anywhere else first if at all possible. But if Amazon provides the best variety of what you’re looking for, I won’t shame you; I don’t have time for that, and I don’t know your life.
And speaking of companies and ethical consumption, that brings me to my last point…
Support Sustainable Companies & Pressure Others to Follow Suit
Left to Right: Maui Moisture’s Nourish & Moisture Conditioner, Smooth & Repair Shampoo, and Nourish & Moisture Weightless Oil Mist
Individual choices are fine and dandy, and any little effort we make helps. But to make the biggest impact, we gotta hone in on the companies that genuinely care about environmental sustainability, both in packaging and ingredients.
A lot of major go-to brands for curly hair already have a knack for ethically sourced ingredients and recycled packaging. All of Maui Moisture’s packaging is post-consumer recycled, and some select Shea Moisture packaging is made out of recycled resin. Not Your Mother’s is constantly pushing their Naturals lines to deliver salon quality with 98% naturally derived ingredients. And some brands which focus on solid beauty bars, like JR Liggett’s and Ethique as mentioned earlier, make it a mission to go plastic-free and ethically source all their ingredients
Another brand which sticks out most on environmental sustainability is Love Beauty and Planet. While I only tried out their rose hair mask, I appreciate their intensive dedication to do right for hair care and the planet. They admit their shortcomings and the difficulty to be perfectly sustainable, but they’re always looking for ways to do better with tangible goals in mind. They even recently changed their shampoo formula to sulfate-free! If you haven’t seen their website or social media on their sustainability goals, I definitely recommend doing so.
The fun thing about beauty companies is that they pay attention to demographic shifts, and they will do everything to target certain consumers to guarantee higher profits. Fenty Beauty starts off with 50 shades of foundation, which includes dark skin tones? Time to broaden the variety of foundations! Curly hair folks lean towards sulfate and silicone free formulas? Change up the formulas and throw in natural extracts!
Garnier Fructis is one of those brands really itching for the curly hair market by shifting towards more natural formulas without sulfates and silicons. Their One-Minute Hair Masks are the most impressive of this feat, especially with the recyclable containers and the list of ingredients. I actually love that the larger size uses all that space to break down where each ingredient comes from; I don’t know why most products of anything don’t do this, cause I think consumers get too paranoid on ingredients when there’s a big word they don’t automatically know. While Garnier Fructis is taking baby steps compared to most other brands, at this point, any progress a company can make to do better by their customers and Mother Earth is better than no progress. With companies and corporations being the largest producers of unneeded waste, we can’t afford to give them too much leeway anymore.
Sadly, I haven’t found any methods to go completely waste free as far as hair care goes. And that is completely fine. A lot of dialogue in reducing waste, especially plastic use, focuses far too much on shaming consumers for not being perfectly ethical, and I’m not here for that. We can always make the effort to do so, but it takes time to shift purchasing habits, and some alternatives may be too expensive. The best action we can practice is showing support for companies aiming for environmentally sustainable. We only got one planet Earth, and we all need to do our part to help it heal!
Environmental Sustainability & Hair Care: Is it Possible? So with the high likelihood of humanity trotting its way to impending doom via global climate change in the near future— not to be dramatic or anything—, there is constant buzz across social media and real life on what consumers can do to lessen their carbon footprint.
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wiseguy111 · 4 years
Disposable Shower Caps Market Major Manufacturers, Trends, Demand, Share Analysis To 2024
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reportsandmarkets · 7 years
Disposable Shower Caps Sales Market Report 2017 just published
Disposable Shower Caps Sales Market Report 2017 just published
In this report, the global Disposable Shower Caps market is valued at USD XX million in 2016 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2022, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2016 and 2022. View Entire Report @ https://www.reportsandmarkets.com/reports/global-disposable-shower-caps-sales-market-report-2017-1622986 Geographically, this report split global into several key Regions, with…
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wared19904844-blog · 5 years
Lice Treatment, Symptoms, Pictures & Home Remedies
Lice Treatment, Symptoms, Pictures & Home Remedies
Ceramic ways that this item is light to bring and conducts heat well, without overheating. "Hello," Dyson said, arriving to light clapping. Eventually Natural Lice Removal Kit - Kills Super Lice and Nits, Guaranteed. When that very expensive Neem hair shampoo as well as conditioner above is gone, I'll add a few decreases of Neem oil to our regular shampoo. Tip: include extra volume and structure with a barrel brush while drying out. It is very lightweight and also does have great drying out capability. It's furnished with ceramic as well as tourmaline innovation, that makes the dryer lightweight and fast-drying. It's a lightweight clothes dryer, weighing in at simply one pound and one ounce. Not just is it fast, however it's also quieter than most models. Some designs are also mobile. These are one of the most hygienic as well as efficient designs we carry. The new layouts are likewise much quieter than previous generations. In case you loved this short article as well as you would want to be given more info with regards to India generously pay a visit to our own web site. This is essential, since also a press button, in previous generations of dryer innovation, was recognized to spread out bacteria from time to time.
Use the diffuser if you have naturally curly, distinctive or curly hair - this will certainly spread the air flow over a larger surface location and also won't wreck your all-natural hair appearance. But picking the best dryer for you will depend on your hair condition, density, length and appearance. https://hairdryerlog.com for all hair kinds, this Ionic hair clothes dryer offers a constant temperature throughout use and its ergonomic layout permits much easier handling as a result of being extra much and also portable lighter than various other hair clothes dryers. Each option provides a contemporary layout that blends in with any indoor design or interior design layout. Other hand dryer choices include a variety of cover options so designers can match interior decor. The most recent lines are currently so effective that they can dry hands three times faster than coming before lines as well as use just 20 percent as much power. The incorporation of tourmaline innovation assists to dry hair promptly, by damaging down the water beads harboured by wet hair into smaller sized particles, which as a result evaporate much quicker when blown up with hot/warm air.
Cleaning crews will also spend much less time tidying up a toilet that has gadgets no one ever touches. This decreases the demand for raw hardwood, as well as it additionally lowers the quantity of waste that will need to be later disposed of in landfills. It does not have a timer, so you need to keep an eye on time by yourself. If you have lengthy hair, keep it pulled back and also off the beaten track while doing this job. This is in truth better if you have fine, thin or damaged hair, as over-drying can impact the top quality of your hair. "Make certain the top has to do with two inches and also your barber adds texture with scissors," he says, so you can transform the appearance at will. The great shot button guarantees your look gets locked and established after drying, and the extra-long, salon length cable indicates you have added movement when styling. Spending a lot more on these brushes can obtain you a collection that will certainly last for several years.
Lisa Lloyd, the Lloyd Marketing Group principal, says she believes she can obtain McCurtis a licensing bargain from a major maker. There are a variety of adjustable speed settings that individuals can likewise pick from. Customer reviews show that the cool button is effective, the cord is significant, the model is light-weight, easy to make use of as well as people are delighted with the heat settings. Ceramion is normally resistant to heat and is perfect for use with high warmth devices such as level irons, curling irons and impact clothes dryers. However, if you get on a budget and you do not plan to coiffure your hair usually, a clothes dryer with a DC motor might be the smarter selection. While they're normally a lot more pricey than the other alternatives, a tourmaline strike dryer appropriates for any hair kind, functions rapidly, and won't dry your hair out. It is feasible to locate a convenient system that works well in the house that still has a professional-level efficiency. Get that beauty parlor blowout right at home.
How to get BIG CURLY HAIR with a diffuser! The Conair 1875 Watt Ionic Ceramic Hair Dryer features a concentrator and a diffuser nozzle. For straight hair, the concentrator nozzle quickly adds quantity to otherwise lacklustre hair. You should prevent including these items to the origins as well as scalp, and also focus instead on the hair ends. It features an amazing shot switch, for including a last layer of sparkle to your mane after you're ended up drying out. Point underneath origins while drying out for lift and also bounce. 9ft professional cord for comfy drying experience. This version has an impressive quantity of warm settings for among its budget plan array. Note that some consumers located the leading setting very warm; so beware and also minimize the warm when you make use of. Cover with a shower cap, and also if you can, sit in the sun for 20-30 minutes to boost the warmth (or just make use of a hair dryer on low readying to heat the cap).
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blueweave8 · 2 years
Personal Care Shower and Bath Market Forecast Report, 2022-2028
A recent study conducted by the strategic consulting and market research firm, BlueWeave Consulting, revealed that the Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5% during the forecast period (2022-2028). The Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market are booming predominantly due to the rising global awareness of personal health and hygiene. Consumers' living standards and disposable income are rising, so they prefer customized, expensive, aesthetic products. The demand for germ-protecting, therapeutic, and antiseptic bathing products has increased post-Covid-19 pandemic. The products with enhanced natural and organic ingredients such as seed oil, shea butter, aloe vera, tea tree, glycerin, almond oil, argan oil, fruit extracts, and vitamins are more preferred by consumers due to their therapeutic action.
Increased Usage in Hospitality Sector is Driving the Market Growth
Personal Care Shower and Bath Products have become an irreplaceable part of the hospitality sector, including resorts, hotels, lodging, inns, etc. Every guest is provided with a range of shower gel, body scrub, soap, shampoo, and conditioner. Marriott Hotels introduced their premium personal care brand, This Works, which included an amenity collection of shampoos, conditioners, bathing bars, shower gels, and shower caps to provide a luxurious and relaxing experience to their guests. To prevent infections and maintain hygiene, Vernacare Limited introduced a range of body wash products for bed washing patients, such as Foam Bath, Clinician Body Wash, and Oasis Bed Bath.
Prescence of Toxic Chemicals is Limiting the Market Growth
The use of chemicals in personal care shower and bath products is of great concern to consumers. The toxic chemicals such as formaldehyde, phthalates, phosphates, parabens, sulfates, silicones, etc., show harmful effects on the skin, such as allergic reactions and rashes. Due to these harmful effects on the skin, big players and manufacturers have decided to revolutionize this domain with natural and herbal personal care shower and bath products, due to which considerable growth is estimated in the forecast period.
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Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market - By Product Type
Based on product type, the Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market are segmented into shower gels, liquid soap, solid soap, body scrub, bath additives, and others. Amidst the segmentation, the shower gels and liquid soap segment accounted for the largest market share in 2021 as it is an alternative to solid soaps to protect against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Moreover, it is due to the rising demand for hair styling gel and hair-repair shampoo products that aid in treating dandruff issues. On the other hand, the body scrubs segment is expected to grow with the highest CAGR during the forecast period 2022-2028 due to its efficient skin rejuvenation property, which removes the dead skin cells to maintain smoother skin.
Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market - Regional Insights
Based on regions, the Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market have been segmented into five categories- North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa. Amidst the segmentation, North America led the Global Personal Care Shower and Bath market share in 2021 due to the rising penetration of e-commerce and social media. The demand for natural and organic products and male-oriented brands accelerated the market's growth. The Asia-Pacific is expected to grow at the highest CAGR due to the increased awareness of personal care and hygiene. The growing consumption of sustainable shower and bath care products in India and anti-dandruff shampoos and glossy hair repair conditioners in China is expected to boost the market growth.
Impact of COVID-19 on Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market
The Global Personal Care Shower and Bath market was positively impacted during the Covid-19 pandemic. The sudden rise in infections led to an increase in usage of bathing bars, hand washes, bath gels, body washes, body scrubs, shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, etc., which led to a global upsurge in demand. As the awareness of personal care and hygiene increased, the demand for personal care shower and bath products rose, and people started stocking these products. The prominent players in this domain focused on increasing their production to meet the increasing demand for these products; for example, Henkel raised its soap supply capacity by roughly 30% globally.
Competitive Landscape
The Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market are highly fragmented with several manufacturing companies. The key players operating in the Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market are Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC, Amway, Godrej Consumer Products, Lion Corporation, GOJO Industries Inc., The Body Shop, Shiseido, 3Lab Inc., The Face Shop, L'Oreal, Colgate Palmolive Co., Natura & Co. Holding S.A., Beiersdorf AG, Johnson & Johnson, L'Artisan Parfumeur, ITC Limited, Kao Corporation, Plum Island Soap Co. and other prominent players. The key marketing strategies adopted by the players are facility expansion, product diversification, alliances, collaborations, acquisitions, and partnerships to expand their customer reach and gain a competitive edge in the overall market.
About Us
BlueWeave Consulting provides comprehensive Market Intelligence (MI) Solutions to businesses regarding online and offline products and services. We offer all-inclusive market research reports by analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data to boost the performance of your business solutions. BWC has built its reputation from the scratch by delivering quality inputs and nourishing long-lasting relationships with its clients. We are one of the promising digital MI solutions companies providing agile assistance to make your business endeavors successful.
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fnindus · 2 years
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Shower caps are a savior when one intends to protect the 'crown' for whatsoever reasons. Due to causes, both known and unknown, we tend to lose our Mane, which if not controlled can be alarming. Getting exposed to chemical imbibed or impure water can be detrimental to the hair. That's one of the prime reasons why, in swimming pools and other water-related activities, individuals are specifically asked to wear 'shower caps'. Though it is a mundane element, still, its significance in our lives is immense. There are plenty of options available in the market but in order to pick the best, one should be slightly enlightened regarding the stuff. The confusing part is that almost all shower caps look similar, but they differ in attributes. They come in various sizes, prints, and colors, and not only that, some are eco-friendly, microbe-resistant, made of special material, and so on. It is a vast repertoire of knowledge if you sit back to research. Here, however as a little insight, I would like to highlight the product shaped, designed, and developed with extra sensitivity by FN, the 'name' that's profound in the beauty industry. FN Industries has wonderfully crafted this plausible piece of covering, which is a single size, absolutely waterproof, aligned with an elastic rib, and most importantly disposable. The lot is affordable, completely sanitized and ready to use the stuff for customers in salons. When it comes to procuring the best salon disposables without expanding the pocket much, then trust FN, it is a promise!
 FN Industries Private Limited
Customer Care Number: 1800 313 9131
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technogeekstmr · 3 years
Shower Cap Market Business Strategies, Product Sales and Growth Rate, Assessment to 2030
Shower Cap Market Business Strategies, Product Sales and Growth Rate, Assessment to 2030
Shower Cap: Introduction Shower cap, also known as a bathing cap, is used while showering to protect hair from getting wet. Shower caps are available in different fabrics, designs, sizes, and colors, according to the preference of customers. Shower caps are mostly used by women as compared to men. Generally two types of shower caps are available: disposable and non-disposable. Consumers prefer…
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tmr123123 · 3 years
Shower Cap Market Revenue, Regional & Country Share, Key Factors, Trends & Analysis, To 2030
This report studies the Shower Cap market, covering market size for segment by type (Non-disposable Shower Cap, Disposable Shower Cap, etc.), by application (Home, Hotel, etc.), by Sales Channel (Direct Channel, Distribution Channel), by player (Tourel, Xinhengrun, Yijia Liangyi, CHUN YING ENTERPRISE, Oppeal, etc.) and by region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa).
This report provides detailed historical analysis of global market for Shower Cap from 2015-2020, and provides extensive market forecasts from 2021-2030 by region/country and subsectors. It covers the sales/revenue/value, gross margin, historical growth and future perspectives in the Shower Cap market.
Moreover, the impact of COVID-19 is also concerned. Since outbreak in December 2019, the COVID-19 virus has spread to all around the world and caused huge losses of lives and economy, and the global manufacturing, tourism and financial markets have been hit hard, while the online market/industry increase. Fortunately, with the development of vaccine and other effort by global governments and organizations, the negative impact of COVID-19 is expected to subside and the global economy is expected to recover.
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This research covers COVID-19 impacts on the upstream, midstream and downstream industries. Moreover, this research provides an in-depth market evaluation by highlighting information on various aspects covering market dynamics like drivers, barriers, opportunities, threats, and industry news & trends. In the end, this report also provides in-depth analysis and professional advices on how to face the post COIVD-19 period.
The research methodology used to estimate and forecast this market begins by capturing the revenues of the key players and their shares in the market. Various secondary sources such as press releases, annual reports, non-profit organizations, industry associations, governmental agencies and customs data, have been used to identify and collect information useful for this extensive commercial study of the market. Calculations based on this led to the overall market size. After arriving at the overall market size, the total market has been split into several segments and subsegments, which have then been verified through primary research by conducting extensive interviews with industry experts such as CEOs, VPs, directors, and executives. The data triangulation and market breakdown procedures have been employed to complete the overall market engineering process and arrive at the exact statistics for all segments and subsegments.
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Leading players of Shower Cap including: Tourel Xinhengrun Yijia Liangyi CHUN YING ENTERPRISE Oppeal Xianmeng protective commodity Xinheyuan Plastic Puyang Qiyue Housewares TOWA Keman Vagabond The Morris Design Group Dilly Daydream EQUIP Huabao plastic Products MOZI Hubei Huanfu Plastic Louvelle Kimirica Betty Dain Creations Goody Showerista Ebonicurls FlorBella Boutique SilkyWraps Jessie Steele ZAZZ
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Market split by Type, can be divided into: Non-disposable Shower Cap Disposable Shower Cap
Market split by Application, can be divided into: Home Hotel
Market split by Sales Channel, can be divided into: Direct Channel Distribution Channel
Market segment by Region/Country including: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia etc.) Middle East & Africa (South Africa, UAE and Saudi Arabia etc.)
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fortnegrita · 7 years
28 times black people were effortlessly environmentalists
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i got inspired by all the posts wishing me a happy black history month, that i had to jump in and big up the numerous ways that black folks stunt in the world of sustainability. and no, this isn’t a list filled with facts about 28 eco-leaders in the black community, that’s a whole other post that needs to be published.
this is 28 things commonly known in the black community that we take for granted, but are very much so actions of environmentalism. and it’s more than 28 ways, i could go on for millions of years, like my ancestors, but we’re sticking to 28 because, well, you know why. 
1. black people reuse old containers. whether is that tin can that had shortbread cookies in it one christmas, or butter tubs, or that crisco can full of grease. instead of purchasing tupperware made from virgin materials, we cut back on manufacturing and go the ‘feed two birds with one hand’ route. if i buy this butter tub, i will have butter now, and a food container later. genius!
2. emancipated ourselves through slave revolts and the underground railroad. yup, our most warrior moves in our modern history, was also an anti capitalist move. this is huge! capitalism, and the consumerism by product, is the biggest contributors to climate change; it exploits natural resources like metals found in your phone and coal used to light factories. our demand for things whether it’s cotton to make a pair of trousers in the 1700s or a new cellphone in 2018;  it’s all increasing unused carbon in the air.by resisting, we slowed down demand. also, since agriculture is a leading contributor to climate change because of pesticides by abandoning the agriculture fields, where sugar and cotton both strip the soil of it’s nutrients, we gave the land a major rest.
3. our mommas told us to ‘turn off the damn lights.’ yes, she was trying to save her coins, and why not?! the energy system is monopolized anyways, why spend money with a company you are forced to be in a relationship with. two, cutting down on electricity is cutting doing on fossil fuels (coal or gas) extracted from the earth. this is important because carbon is energy, and energy is never gained or loss, it simply goes some where else. so keeping your momma’s kitchen light on when you not in there, means more coal with be extracted from earth, burnt to put energy into a grid and then sent to your momma’s house via a power line. once the energy it burnt it is exhausted into the air. so instead of that energy being in in the ground it’s now in the atmosphere, making the air warmer, making places that aren’t typically hot like the Arctic, melting archaic ice, rising sea levels, and in the future possibly pushing you and your momma out of your house because of horrible flood damage, and now your property is considered a floodplain.
4. multiple families living in a single home. my family like many black families and even families of color have lived with multiple people outside of their nuclear family in the house. most of my childhood, some extended family lived in my parents’ house. my aunt and her kids, my uncle, godmother, granddad. how is a crowded house an environmental plus? homes take up lots of energy, imagine all those people forgetting to turn off your mommas lights. :-D trying to keep homes warm or cold require an insurmountable amount of energy, the more people in one house means less energy usage, also more body heat. and don’t front like your favorite memories weren’t created in a house full of people.
5. our elders tell us ‘no ins and outs.’ again, an issue of energy usage, when children run in and out of the house they ar eletting air (or heat) out of the house making our controlled climate sysmtem to work harder to keep our home at a certain temperature.
6. when yall packed snacks for outings. moms probably made an amazing tuna salad for the beach. you may have missed out on boardwalk fries and pizza slices, but look at the upside, oyu avoided so much packaging all those years.
7. when the matrons kept a few good plants. whether it’s hanging from a macrame-styled planter or in her garden, greenery is always good for the air. also photosynthesis is a sink in the carbon cycle, meaning is absorbs carbon helping to decrease carbon in the atmosphere.
8. when families sit on the porch. a seemingly idle activity, but it is a huge element of community activism. how else are neighbors suppose to talk about their kids asthma, the rotting smells of landfills, or getting more fresh foods into their neighborhood? on the porch is where conversations are sparked that could lead to policy change, closing landfills, or even, the drafting of something as powerful as the ‘principles of environmental justice”. also, healthy communities = healthy planet.
9. when that plastic grocery bag has 237 lives. conditioner cap, fried chicken batter bag, lunch box, bathroom trashcan liner. it’s in our DNA to be resourceful, why buy cheap single use showers caps when you can use a plastic bag before you turn it into a trash bag?
10. seeing the potential in a 98% empty toothpaste tube. there’s no such things as waste, and there’s still toothpaste in that tube. my trick? pinch the head of your tooth brush directly into the tube cap.
11. our enslaved ancestors made a meal out of pig intestines. being from a 5% household, i’ve never been into pork, but i find beauty in my ancestors’ ingenuity to turn literal shit into sugar. this is zero waste at best. globally family of the diaspora have used every part of their preferred animal. the ancient tribes of the americas who use every part of the buffalo, my carribean yardies who can cook a mean goat and save the leftover for mannish water. zero waste takes a lot of creativity, to avoid the trash can, the most convenient, yet unfortunate option.  
12. when you sick, take a nap. medical care, one of the largest expenditures for the american budget. lot’s of infrastructure, products and people banking on your sickness so they can ‘cure’ you. chances are high that you can sleep off whatever is wrong with you, before you need to go to see a physician.
13. the montgomery bus boycotts. for 381 days, black commuters in montgomery, opted-out of the bus system. Considering the amount of fuel it takes to get a city to work for 381 days, black commuters help to cut fossil fuel usage and decrease particulates and carbon released into the air from the bus’ tail pipes.
14. when we take public transit. yes, contrary to #13, but public transit i still an alternative transportation option to cars. the us has the third largest vehicle per capita at 795 people out of every 1,000 people. cars reliance contributes to climate change with exhaust of particulates making the atmosphere warmer, water runoff (subsequent flooding) from asphalt (impervious) roads, maintenance and upgrades, all demanding more manufacturing, more carbon usage.  
15.  since we still don’t have complete road infrastructure in our countries. this is tricky, because people praise roads for their ability to offer accessibility to jobs, but it also means an increase of development, gentrification, removal of indigenous folks from land they’ve stewarded for centuries, more trash flying in to sacred places, etc…. the best way i can say this is there’s no jobs on a dead planet.
16. crafted the principles of environmental justice. in 1991 we, with our brown and yellow brothers, crafted the principles of environmental justice, during the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit, shout out to Ms. Dana Alston. the list of principles is the coldest thing i’ve ever seen written on behalf of the planet. my favorite principles?  
#4 Environmental Justice calls for universal protection from nuclear testing, extraction, production and disposal of toxic/hazardous wastes and poisons and nuclear testing that threaten the fundamental right to clean air, land, water, and food.
#9 Environmental Justice protects the right of victims of environmental injustice to receive full compensation and reparations for damages as well as quality health care.
#8 Environmental Justice affirms the right of all workers to a safe and healthy work environment without being forced to choose between an unsafe livelihood and unemployment. It also affirms the right of those who work at home to be free from environmental hazards.
17. black americans stayed in the south. post reconstruction era, for those of us that took the road less traveled. we stayed in the south and maintained a connection to the land. we stewarded the land, keeping rural farms in black ownership for over 100 years while also expanded their resourcefulness (see #21 remedies) as black southerners were intentionally isolated from resources (racism). shout out to fannie lou hamer.
18. moved up north. contrary to staying in the south, folks moved up north during the great migration for ‘opportunities.’ sure, there was a lot of industrial jobs, but what’s bigger than that is the minimized lifestyle. thanks to red lining, black people were racially discriminated against and only able to live in ghettos, confined to centralized areas in the uban core, making walking to work or public transit more accessible (see #14), living quarters were smaller so know need to heat an empty house ( see #4), condensed purchasing because a lack of homes square footage and funds (see #)
19. hand me downs. yall got a shirt that made it through a whole line of cousins? yea, me too. we are in a time where american hands me downs are stifling clothing markets in african countries, so getting your big cousins bedazzled jeans aint so bad. and my soap box, never buy brand new baby clothes, like fah what!?!!
20. you got mcdonald’s money. easily one of the corporations that hate black people and the planet the most. and even though that corporation hates both black people and the earth, it exploits both. micky d’s takes our money, bombards our neighborhoods, feeds us crap and makes us look like clowns in marketing campaigns. all while contributing to obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes cases, so no, we ain’t got no mcdonald’s money.
21. home remedies and traditional african medicine. before capitalism saw an enterprise in the health of people, our ancestors were developing cures and ailments with plants found in nature;; tonics, elixirs, poultices, YOU NAME IT!  some modern day remedies include; red clay and vinegar for bee stings, chickweed tea if you’re sick, mint for digestion, rubbing your skin with eucalyptus to keep mosquitoes away. onions on the bottom of your feverous feet and #12 above. a few of my favorites.
22. marooning. from north african moors to the somalian gypsies on caravans through the dessert, to the isrealites in exile from egypt to nanny in the jamaican mountains to the escaped slaves on the coasts of ecuador and columbia to the geechee folks on the gullah islands to MOVE in Philly; we are the the original off-the-griders. going into maroon communities (like many communities built after revolts and ‘making it’ north) we relied heavily on the earth for livelyhood including food and shelter, it reconnected us with the land in a very intentional way. we ain’t new to this we true to this. we’ve always been nomads, when a place doesn’t provide us with our most basic needs, we dip. this is eco-friendly for several reasons. 1. we understand the importance of living of the land, and because of that we are better stewards of the earth. 2. in maroon cases we didn’t have the infrastructure like running water, so we may have depended on natural catchment systems, 3. we likely composted food and human waste to create our own safe and sanitary waste systems.
23. black farmers. as much as we predominately run from the idea of farming, there are many black families that continue our legacy of farming. our legacy of farming didn’t start in the slave trade. matter of fact, some of us were kidnapped to american because we could grow a particular crop, like rice (which the us affectionately calls ‘carolina gold’). farmers are the most concerned citizens about the state of the planet. climate change and the human impact on agriculture could mean a food scarcity and lost of jobs. there is a growing number of young farmers filling in the intergenerational gaps between them and the elder farmers, so that we don’t loose these skills. we are grateful.
24. being financially poor. there is a positive feedback between the increase in climate change and the increase in global affluence. and that is because as more people have more disposable income, they buy more dispensable things. for instance, shoes in every color instead of one pair of functional shoes for work. with countries like India and Chile’s growing middle class, we are over-consuming for what the planet can handle. not that it’s glamorous but being poor means that you are contributing less to climate change. in fact, the countries most vulnerable to climate change make up 70% of the world’s population, but only 3.2% of the global greenhouse gas emissions.
25. historically being sea explorers, alchemist, astrologists, engineers, masons. our skill sets run deep, and many ofthem are reliant on the earth. mansa musa, the world’s richest man, used a certain sea current to carry him and his 2,000 boats to the americas. also, you remember how we built those massive three triangular monuments, that were built without any construction equipment. that are aligned with the stars and the summer solstice, when the sun reaches it’s highest point in the sky.
26. literally the entire being. essence. and inspiration. that is george washington carver. carver the great, developed techniques to prevent soil depletion caused by cotton farming. one of his most notable techniques was crop rotation a practice used by many farmers (see #23) today. he also created 200 products from the peanut plant and another 100 from the sweet potato. he wrote literature on how to start self-sufficient gardens, uses for wild plants and how to compost. he is the GOAT!
27. reusing grease for frying. every black family got a old pot of grease. if not, check your pockets for your black card. the notorious pot of grease is symbolic to so many things; 1. your family understands that nothing should be single-use, you need a handful of uses out of everything, even cooking grease. 2. your mother knows how to save a good coin. 3. there’s been several crispy dinners cooked at your house. 4. the next fried meal gonna be fiy, because the flavors from the last four fryings have marinated at the bottom of the pan.
28. midwifery. a practice we never lost through time. even, when hospital services became available to black families, some women have always preferred a midwife to deliver their babies. in this way, black midwives are helping to usher more life onto the planet; creation being the number one late of nature. their practices tend to be holistic, and  that cutbacks on epidurals and disposable hospital garbs.
that’s all folks! black people are certified everywhere, you ain’t gotta check our resumes
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Disposable shower caps Market Growing Trade Among Emerging Economies Opening New Opportunities (2021-2030)
Disposable shower caps are used while showering or bathing to protect the hair from getting wet. Plastics are used in the shower cap to seal the edges and make the shower cap completely waterproof. The usage of two fabrics increases the quality of the shower cap and makes it look attractive. The application of shower caps is in household, hotels, salons, and others. With the growing rate of the population around the world, the construction of houses will opt for the disposable shore cap due to the new adaptation of lifestyle. The growth of the hotel industry is directly increasing the demand for disposable shower cap leading to the growth of the disposable shower caps market. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the production of disposable shower cap halted due to lockdown enforced by the government disrupting operational activities.
Market Scope and Structure Analysis
Ø  Market Size Available for Years
Ø  Base Year Considered
Ø  Forecast Period
Ø  Forecast Unit
Value (USD)
Ø  Regions Covered
North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, LAMEA
Ø  Segment Covered
Type, End User, Distribution Channel, and Region
Ø  Companies Covered
Jiangsu Oppeal Daily Cosmetics Corporation, Limited., Ming Fai Enterprise International, Ladycare Amenities MFG. Co., Ltd, Sun International Enterprise Limited, Protec Safety Co., Limited, Winsound Industrial Co., Limited, Beyond Sky Group Co., Limited, Changsu Neatidy Textile Co., Limited, Spartan Brands D R SRL, and Mid-America Overseas Limited.
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COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The     advent of the global pandemic, COVID-19, has affected the disposable     shower caps market. During the ongoing pandemic, disposable shower caps     was not considered a necessary product. Hence, the demand for disposable     shower cap has seen a fall.
As     the COVID-19 pandemic has forced countries to enforce lockdown, the supply     and distribution chain had disrupted. Restrictions were imposed by the     government, on the import and export of disposable shower caps resulting     in a shortage of stocks in the distribution channel.     Hypermarkets/supermarkets and specialty stores were closed, creating a gap     in demand and supply.
The     production process for new batches of disposable shower caps had become a     challenge for companies due to the limited availability of labour,     disrupted raw material supply and logistic issue.
Top Impacting Factors
The     growth of the hotel and household has equally contributed to the expansion     of the disposable shower caps market. The demand from these industries is     rising day by day due to the consumer's adaptation toward a better     standard of living and rapid urbanization. In this current era, consumers     are highly conscious about their hygiene and always looking for a scope to     improve.
Technological     development is responsible for the introduction of new bathing accessories     in the market. These products have additional features that increase     convenience for the customers and helps in reducing the wastage of time. A     product with high efficiency is expected to have a high demand in the     market.
The     disposable shower caps market has seen a dip in demand due to the outbreak     of the COVID-19 pandemic. The expectation is that the market will start     growing once the COVID outbreak decreases and the commercial industries     start their operation in full force.
Market Trends
Next-gen innovation in bathrobe expected to be a game-changer
With evolving expectations by the consumer, companies are investing in R&Ds to innovate and develop a better variant of disposable shower caps. A disposable shower cap made of a new fabric that is expected to repel water efficiently and reduce the chance of leakage will attract consumers. The use of chemical-free fabric in disposable shower caps is expected to eradicate skin problems in consumers. The demand for this product will fuel the growth of the disposable shower cap market in future. Consumer rank convenience as the topmost priority while choosing a product and prefers to use products that provide comfort and convenience.
Online retailing is gaining popularity
The major manufacturers of disposable shower caps are selling their products through an online platform. The hotel industry procures disposable shower caps directly from the manufacturing company. The direct procurement of shower cap is a familiar way to do business in the disposable shower caps market. Manufacturing companies offer heavy discounts on sales of a product, making it a profit-making deal for the buyers. The business had partially shifted from traditional to online due to the ongoing pandemic. Currently, the manufacturing companies are creating their website for sales or coming into partnership with e-commerce giants to sell their products. It's expected that in future, all the big players of the disposable shower caps industry will shift their services online to boost their sales and reach more customers.
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Key Segments Covered
PE     Shower Cap
PVC     Shower Cap
PP     Shower Cap
PUL     Shower Cap
PET     Shower Cap
End User
Distribution Channel
Convenient     Stores
Online     Retail
 Rest      of Europe
 South      Korea
 Rest      of Asia-Pacific
 Latin      America
 Middle      East
Key Benefits of the Report
This     study presents the analytical depiction of the disposable shower cap     industry along with the current trends and future estimations to determine     the imminent investment pockets.
The     report presents information related to key drivers, restraints, and     opportunities along with detailed analysis of the disposable shower market     share.
The     current market is quantitatively analyzed from 2020 to 2028 to highlight     the disposable shower cap market growth scenario.
Porter’s     five forces analysis illustrates the potency of buyers & suppliers in     the market.
The     report provides a detailed disposable shower cap market analysis on the     basis of competitive intensity and how the competition will take shape in     coming years
Questions Answered in the Report
Who     are the leading market players active in the disposable shower cap market?
What     current trends will influence the market in the next few years?
What     are the driving factors, restraints, and opportunities in the market?
What     future projections would help in taking further strategic steps?
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petop-hotel-supply · 3 years
How To Shave The Eco Way
As we know, plastic hotel toiletries are not welcome from countries to countries. To protect environment better and do something good to our earth, we should focus more on eco-friendly hotel amenities. We strive hard to use less and less plastic products in hotels.
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It’s not easy for me to get out of use of these travel size toiletries in hotel room, and for personal, I prefer hotels can prepare eco-friendly hotel amenities as a better alternative to plastic ones. Single-use amenities means safe and clean. Disposable shave kit is one of the essential amenities for travelers. But how to shave in eco way? And how to get low-waste shaving?
If you remember, luxury hotels not just present shampoo, body wash, conditioner, lotion and soap, as well they also prepare dental kit, shaving kit, comb, shower cap and vanity kit etc. All these dry amenities can be replaced with eco-friendly items.
The plastic disposable shaving razor with sharp blades can offer guests a clean shave. And what to do after this one time use in the room? Hopefully guests can bring home and continue to use. This can be eco-friendly shave.
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For hotels, they can purchase eco-friendly and plastic-free shaving kit for guests. Biodegradable shaving razor is one of the eco shavers in the market. It is made of cornstarch, a plant-growth material that is biodegradable and compostable in landfill. The lightweight and sturdy shaving handle makes it a good alternative to plastic razor at most affordable cost. Environmental-friendly shaver can be biodegradable in landfill in months and convert into carbon dioxide and water or simple organic molecules by micro-organisms and other living things.
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There is another good replacement shaver for hotels. The most eco-friendly razor handle that is made of natural wood. The handle is carved and polished very well to make sure its high-end luxury skin-friendly touch and luxury texture for guests. 100% biodegradable and compostable in landfill helps protect the environment. It’s durable and sturdy that not just disposable, which can be brought home to continue use or donate it.
Explore more eco-friendly dry amenities for hotels guests and ensure well protect environment at the same time. Maintain smooth and supple skin with of eco-friendly and plastic-free razors.
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kisamehoshikage · 3 years
Disposable Shower Caps Market Size, Global Industry Statistics, Product Types, with COVID-19 Pandemic Presenting Future Opportunities 2027
Scope of the Global Disposable Shower Caps Market A recent research report on the Global Disposable Shower Caps Market is a comprehensive analysis of industry size, share, and dynamics, as well as an in-depth analysis of market trends. Leading companies, as well as competitive situations pertaining to market volume and promotion, are included in the Disposable Shower Caps company report. The whole market is protected by in-depth research of revenue growth and profit analysis. Predictive analysis, SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, and real-time analytics are some of the geometric surveys employed. This is a new paper that examines science's current worldwide commercial consequences. The research study examines quickly shifting market conditions as well as primary and future effect assessments. Similarly, several graphs are specifically utilized to give the data structure for the exact study of facts and statistics.
Download Sample for This Research Report @https://axelreports.com/request-sample/91187
Covid-19 Impact on Global Disposable Shower Caps Market
The total shipment of diverse items has fallen due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. A supply of raw materials for target products was also available, which is an important component in the worldwide Disposable Shower Caps industry's development. This research study contains an in-depth examination of market shipping performance throughout the forecasted period, as well as an analysis of key trends, noticed over time.
Global Disposable Shower Caps Market Segmentation
The global Disposable Shower Caps market study provides vital information based on market segmentation. The market is divided into numerous areas in this analysis, including form, technology, application, and geography. Other information included in the research includes product usage, manufacturing capacity, production statistics, and a supply and demand market analysis. The company's total revenue (financial), sales and revenue produced, pricing, industry share, manufacturing sites and services, and product launch are all included in the Global Market segmentation section. This analysis contains market sales, market share, and market revenue for the estimated period.
By Market Players: Tourel Puyang Qiyue Housewares Chun Ying Enterprise Xinhengrun Xinheyuan Plastic Yijia Liangyi Kimirica Xianmeng protective commodity Oppeal Hubei Huanfu Plastic By Type PE Shower Cap PVC Shower Cap PP Shower Cap Other By Application Hotel Household Other
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Global Disposable Shower Caps market Regional Analysis
The market study examines and evaluates each regional market segment in reference to the market's key geographic spectrum of reach. Import, export, demand, production, and consumption are just a few of the main insights included in the research. Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia), Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, and Italy), North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico), South America (Brazil, Argentina) and the Middle East and Africa (UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa) are some of the economies involved in this research study.
Global Disposable Shower Caps Market Competitive Landscape
The report provided a quick summary of the top industry players and contributors in order to respond to various questions from customers and readers. Customers are also provided crucial indications in this study that have a large influence on the global Disposable Shower Caps market's growth in terms of the supplier environment and their current competitive strength. With a comprehensive examination of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and traders, the research aims to help key players in numerous business choices and primary investment targets. Secondary and validated primary sources are used to research prominent companies and their product information, percentage splits, market shares, product industry breakdowns, and growth rates.
Key Objectives of this Report:
To research and analyze the global Disposable Shower Caps market size (in terms of both value and volume) by key regions/countries, products and applications, company, and historical data for the forecast period.
To disseminate detailed information on the primary elements impacting market growth (growth potential, drivers, industry-specific challenges, opportunities, and risks).
To Identify, describes, and study the sales volume, value, market competitive landscape, market share, SWOT analysis, and growth strategies for the top Disposable Shower Caps manufacturers in the next years.
It emphasizes the most recent product releases and market advancements, as well as their influence on market growth.
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blueweave8 · 2 years
Personal Care Shower and Bath Market Insight, Outlook
A recent study conducted by the strategic consulting and market research firm, BlueWeave Consulting, revealed that the Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5% during the forecast period (2022-2028). The Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market are booming predominantly due to the rising global awareness of personal health and hygiene. Consumers' living standards and disposable income are rising, so they prefer customized, expensive, aesthetic products. The demand for germ-protecting, therapeutic, and antiseptic bathing products has increased post-Covid-19 pandemic. The products with enhanced natural and organic ingredients such as seed oil, shea butter, aloe vera, tea tree, glycerin, almond oil, argan oil, fruit extracts, and vitamins are more preferred by consumers due to their therapeutic action.
Increased Usage in Hospitality Sector is Driving the Market Growth
Personal Care Shower and Bath Products have become an irreplaceable part of the hospitality sector, including resorts, hotels, lodging, inns, etc. Every guest is provided with a range of shower gel, body scrub, soap, shampoo, and conditioner. Marriott Hotels introduced their premium personal care brand, This Works, which included an amenity collection of shampoos, conditioners, bathing bars, shower gels, and shower caps to provide a luxurious and relaxing experience to their guests. To prevent infections and maintain hygiene, Vernacare Limited introduced a range of body wash products for bed washing patients, such as Foam Bath, Clinician Body Wash, and Oasis Bed Bath.
Prescence of Toxic Chemicals is Limiting the Market Growth
The use of chemicals in personal care shower and bath products is of great concern to consumers. The toxic chemicals such as formaldehyde, phthalates, phosphates, parabens, sulfates, silicones, etc., show harmful effects on the skin, such as allergic reactions and rashes. Due to these harmful effects on the skin, big players and manufacturers have decided to revolutionize this domain with natural and herbal personal care shower and bath products, due to which considerable growth is estimated in the forecast period.
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Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market - By Product Type
Based on product type, the Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market are segmented into shower gels, liquid soap, solid soap, body scrub, bath additives, and others. Amidst the segmentation, the shower gels and liquid soap segment accounted for the largest market share in 2021 as it is an alternative to solid soaps to protect against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Moreover, it is due to the rising demand for hair styling gel and hair-repair shampoo products that aid in treating dandruff issues. On the other hand, the body scrubs segment is expected to grow with the highest CAGR during the forecast period 2022-2028 due to its efficient skin rejuvenation property, which removes the dead skin cells to maintain smoother skin.
Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market - Regional Insights
Based on regions, the Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market have been segmented into five categories- North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa. Amidst the segmentation, North America led the Global Personal Care Shower and Bath market share in 2021 due to the rising penetration of e-commerce and social media. The demand for natural and organic products and male-oriented brands accelerated the market's growth. The Asia-Pacific is expected to grow at the highest CAGR due to the increased awareness of personal care and hygiene. The growing consumption of sustainable shower and bath care products in India and anti-dandruff shampoos and glossy hair repair conditioners in China is expected to boost the market growth.
Impact of COVID-19 on Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market
The Global Personal Care Shower and Bath market was positively impacted during the Covid-19 pandemic. The sudden rise in infections led to an increase in usage of bathing bars, hand washes, bath gels, body washes, body scrubs, shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, etc., which led to a global upsurge in demand. As the awareness of personal care and hygiene increased, the demand for personal care shower and bath products rose, and people started stocking these products. The prominent players in this domain focused on increasing their production to meet the increasing demand for these products; for example, Henkel raised its soap supply capacity by roughly 30% globally.
Competitive Landscape
The Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market are highly fragmented with several manufacturing companies. The key players operating in the Global Personal Care Shower and Bath Market are Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC, Amway, Godrej Consumer Products, Lion Corporation, GOJO Industries Inc., The Body Shop, Shiseido, 3Lab Inc., The Face Shop, L'Oreal, Colgate Palmolive Co., Natura & Co. Holding S.A., Beiersdorf AG, Johnson & Johnson, L'Artisan Parfumeur, ITC Limited, Kao Corporation, Plum Island Soap Co. and other prominent players. The key marketing strategies adopted by the players are facility expansion, product diversification, alliances, collaborations, acquisitions, and partnerships to expand their customer reach and gain a competitive edge in the overall market.
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BlueWeave Consulting provides comprehensive Market Intelligence (MI) Solutions to businesses regarding online and offline products and services. We offer all-inclusive market research reports by analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data to boost the performance of your business solutions. BWC has built its reputation from the scratch by delivering quality inputs and nourishing long-lasting relationships with its clients. We are one of the promising digital MI solutions companies providing agile assistance to make your business endeavors successful.
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fnindus · 2 years
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Disposable Shower Cap – Useful Product!
Shower caps are a savior when one intends to protect the 'crown' for whatsoever reasons. Due to causes, both known and unknown, we tend to lose our Mane, which if not controlled can be alarming. Getting exposed to chemical imbibed or impure water can be detrimental to the hair. That's one of the prime reasons why, in swimming pools and other water-related activities, individuals are specifically asked to wear 'shower caps'. Though it is a mundane element, still, its significance in our lives is immense. There are plenty of options available in the market but in order to pick the best, one should be slightly enlightened regarding the stuff. The confusing part is that almost all shower caps look similar, but they differ in attributes. They come in various sizes, prints, and colors, and not only that, some are eco-friendly, microbe-resistant, made of special material, and so on. It is a vast repertoire of knowledge if you sit back to research. Here, however as a little insight, I would like to highlight the product shaped, designed, and developed with extra sensitivity by FN, the 'name' that's profound in the beauty industry. FN Industries has wonderfully crafted this plausible piece of covering, which is a single size, absolutely waterproof, aligned with an elastic rib, and most importantly disposable. The lot is affordable, completely sanitized and ready to use the stuff for customers in salons. When it comes to procuring the best salon disposables without expanding the pocket much, then trust FN, it is a promise!
FN Industries Private Limited
Customer Care Number: 1800 313 9131
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