dolores-madil · 5 years
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Disney Writing Tag
This is a tag that was created by Kate Cavanaugh who is an authortuber. I thought it would be fun to try. I don’t really know anyone so I tag everyone.💜
1. ALADDIN -- Poof! A genie appears and is willing to grant you ONE wish to fix your current WIP. What do you wish for? : I guess it would be for my second WIP and that it would be if all my outlining for the world building/background could just be completed and done so I can start to wring the story.
2. LION KING -- If you had to retell a Shakespearean play using animals as the main characters, which play would you choose and which animals? : I really only remember Hamlet because after we read a specific section, we watched the BBC play with David Tennant and Patrick Stewart. I would choose wolves because they are very much a group/family, but when there is a shift in power, there can be a slight divide sometimes. Instead of a faithful just switch over.
3. POCAHONTAS -- Have you ever pulled inspiration for a story from history, and what was it? : Yes I have well sort of I like to draw a lot from mythology.
4. SNOW WHITE -- What was the very first story you ever wrote? : I had been writing a story since middle school that was inspired by princess diaries but with magic and other differences.
5. MULAN -- Who is the strongest character you've ever written and what made them strong? : I have a character in a short story I wrote in high school that I had two different English teaches tell me that I should expand it into a series because of my main character. She went through so much in a detailed flashback I had put in the short story that she had been alive for a really long time, and when she finally had the freedom and love she always wanted the "villain" killed her lover, but she was able to move on and not get consumed by vengeance.  Yet, still, experience love in different ways and face the villain without having just revenge in mind.
6. STAR WARS -- If you had to live in one of the worlds or setting you've created, which would it be and why? : I would live in a syfy world that I started writing in college and have not finished yet but I think it would be a great adventure I might die but it would still be fun.
7. ANTHEMS -- Which Disney song(s) would you put on your writing playlist? : All of them. I actually have two playlists on my phone and computer with one that has just princess songs and the other with general Disney songs. I also have a playlist on Pandora that has Disney songs and might make another on Spotify that is just instrumental soon.
8. RETELLINGS -- Which fairytale movie would you want to retell? : Perhaps Robin Hood I always loved that movie if this counts. (shrug Question make?)
9. FROZEN -- Which character that you've written is Most Likely to be misunderstood or incorrectly interpreted as a villain? : I'm not sure but my new story might be more of a gray tone where the stories I have written up till now is more black and white.
10. MOANA -- If you had to go on an epic journey with ONE of your characters, and the two of you were tasked with saving the world, who would you choose and why? : I would choose Tora from my short story not just because of her powers but because she has a lot of knowledge and life experience being hundreds of years old. Also can be very positive about a given situation.
11. PINOCCHIO -- What's the most common lie you tell people about your stories or writing? : I don't really tell people that I am writing a book but I guess when I do tell people I don't tell them that I am writing under a pen name. (surprise this is not really my name.)
12. SIDEKICKS -- Who is your favorite minor character you've written that you wish you could give their own full story to? : Sam from my current WIP I would love to dive dipper in what he has been doing the whole time he and Hope had been separated while she was in school.  
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