#Disney catacombs
themultiversefox · 2 years
The Catacombs await
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shakugutzz · 1 month
If you enjoy my fanfictions of either TPACU or Catacombs, then I recommend joining the Discord server where you can discuss the fanfics and even draw fanart!
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thesilvishow-blog · 2 years
Guess what fucked up nightmare has somehow happened three times so far?
That's right, kids! It's the
Disney Catacombs ™
With its lovely and horrifying twists and turns, you can too wake up in a cold sweat and ask yourself various questions: Why is it Disney, it's not even like Disney themed it's just a fucking catacomb? Why would Disney have a catacomb? Why would you, TheSilviShow, who's apparently terrified of Disney catacombs, pay to enter one?
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star-boi0720 · 3 months
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Giant lore dump here, basically they're the seven deadly sins, in my version to become one you commit an act to break a seal that Irene made to contain the devil within and their punishment is to become the new host for said devils. so I'm gonna go person by person and explain how they became a sinner
(the concepts aren't complete, still needs work but I just want to have it written down)
Aaron-Wrath, has a similar backstory to the OG, but I added a thing I remembered from Emerald Secret of the Utltimas backstory (this was solely from my memory and might not be exact) and took Zane out of the equation, basically Aaron had a hobby of hunting and he without knowing killed this holy wolf that Irene created, and as a punishment he was combined with it and in the foggy haze of his transformation he murdered his whole village and his family.
Lucinda-Gluttony, Her hunger for knowledge killed her best friend(/ maybe girlfriend aka Sasha don't 100% know yet) and sealed away her mother to the cursed forest. Hyria used to have like a coven/school for witches she made after Irene left. Lucinda was a prodigy and wanted to just keep learning to the point she was so desperate she stole a book her mother told her never to even touch (which had sin inside and was trusted to hyria by Irene) which made Lucinda's magic go crazy and destroy the school and seal her mom away and kill Sasha.
Travis-Lust, so his mom dies to seal his dad away all that's the same but Travis is just super lonely right, but then a girl comes to visit him and he eventually falls in love with her but she actually is a member of his fathers cult to break him free and Travis is so obsessed with her he doesn't notice, and before he can stop her fully she partially freed him and travis in the struggle to stop her he kills her and breaks his mothers necklace(which had lust inside) but right after he kills her a bunch of villagers burst into the chamber the demon warlock was locked in and it looks like Travis just sacrificed some girl to his father and they try to kill him so Travis hides deep in the mountains
Katelyn-Envy, her entire life in her village of dragons she was treated as lesser compared to her brothers Kayden and Cain cause she wasn't as strong as them and she pushed herself but wasn't enough, her jealousy boiled over and in a fight with her brother Kameron she broke a statue that had the sin inside she didn't kill him but burned him beyond recovery
Garroth- Pride, He was the cocky prince troupe kinda like Hercules from the Disney movie and he liked to play hero, and vylad always went with him like Garroth's little sidekick. but one day they came against a monster they couldn't beat and Garroth refused to back down and in which the monster which was a huge lion killed vylad garroth killed it but it had the sin of pride inside it Garroth returned home and when he told his mother of what happened she hid him away knowing the world would see garroth as a threat and kill him. So Evelyn(Aka Zianna I changed a lot of the parent's names cause it seemed repetitive to me, so mom is now Evelyn and the father's name is now Adam) sent Garroth to hide in Phoenix Drop and claimed the beast killed both of them.
Zane- Greed, Zane was always a good man the whole kind young priest get up. but after the sudden deaths of his brothers, his faith was shaken, and in a desperate attempt to bring them back he began to research black magic and corrupted his mind and he opened a box deep in the catacombs of Okasis which was Pandora's box which held the sin of greed and became and the once kind prince became a true monster.
Nana-Sloth Nana is the eldest daughter of a duke of the Tula Kingdom, her mother died when Nana was young and her father was very heartless about it, like had a new wife in 2 days and all her other siblings were only her half she tried to be close to them but her father kept her away from them to the point she stopped trying after so long but on a night a raid happened she was only able to save one of her siblings her youngest Juno who was only like 7 but as she was escaping she broke a mirror that had the sin of sloth inside and possessed her and nana escaped to ruan and made her little cafe with her sister. (Nanas I don't fully like it yet but it is something ig)
So that's pretty much just some tragic mfrs sorry for any spelling mistakes
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artist-issues · 1 year
I have to make one more point, because I think it's very important.
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The words used in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs for the cure to her curse are: "Love's First Kiss" not "True Love's Kiss."
It's not "a kiss of love that is the most genuine from your one true soulmate." It's "the long-awaited culmination of giving your heart to someone for the first time."
In modern adaptations, like Once Upon a Time or (the much more forgivable) Enchanted, we change the phrasing so that it's all about this magical idea of soulmates. But in this first cartoon, it makes much more sense to be about a FIRST kiss, not just a kiss from "the most special" someone special.
Snow White is the youngest Disney Princess. Her young age is not hidden or matured like some of the other princesses--she is fourteen, she moves like a little girl, she's drawn with the baby-roundness of a little girl, and she's called "the little princess!" by the only character who is an example of a regular subject in the Kingdom: the Huntsman. So, one) she's very young.
And two) she's totally innocent and pure. Those two traits are all of what Snow White represents in the movie. That's what the Queen really doesn't have: innocent purity. The Queen doesn't want anyone to know she's a wicked witch consumed with herself; that's why all her magical wares are kept in secret catacombs. But like I've said before, Snow White hides nothing about herself--she doesn't need to--she's an open-hearted, innocent child who boldly and sweetly tells everyone that she's wishing for love and has found it in her Prince.
So she's 1) very young and 2) innocent and pure.
All of this makes the most sense for Love's First Kiss, not "True Love's Kiss," for the same reasons that her "being awoken by a kiss without consent" in this story is actually totally correct and right. (Because she already gave her consent when they met; she promised him her her heart by sending a kiss on a dove, and he promised his)
What I'm saying is, the story is about a little, innocent girl's first, pure experience with love. She wishes for love, has a longing for the idea of love, and is even promised love by the Prince but has to wait and wait and wait until that promise is fulfilled.
That's why the song is "Someday" My Prince Will Come. That's why the title of the kiss stresses being her FIRST, not her TRUEST. It's this idea, not if soulmates, but of waiting until the time is right for love.
It's in Song of Solomon. "Do not awaken love until it pleases." In our modern age, we just run around getting as much "experience" with love as we can. With all of that stupid "experience" comes the added need to figure out which experience is the best and truest one: hence, we change the phrase to "True Love's" Kiss.
But classical fairy tales and the Bible knew better. It's not about figuring it out for yourself. It's about waiting patiently and purely until the time is right, not forcing it, and trusting the other person until the commitment is fulfilled. In fact, I hate to even say it, but the Queen convinces Snow White to bite into an apple that is poisoned by telling her it will fulfill her wish—which is for true love—and which, if it had been true, would have been a shortcut to getting her Prince to come.
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Anyway, the point is, Snow White is wishing for the One she loves; The Prince has One heart tenderly beating only for her.
Only him fulfilling his promise and carrying her to this suspiciously heaven-like castle can wake her from her sleep.
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It's all about a trust placed, a promise fulfilled, a patience rewarded, a purity purifying--not a worth proven.
Love's First Kiss is way better than True Love's Kiss. It's the first kiss that should be the truest, because it was patiently waited for.
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ratcate · 7 months
I'm here to admit that I may have developed a hyper fixation on your OCs (especially on Zerion and Sir. Valentine) so can you perhaps tell us more about them? (And other OCS)
oh hey!! great selection of characters. Makes me really happy you wanting to know more about them! I love them a lot, but Sir Valentine more, as Zerion's personality and setting is pretty nebulous still. info about them both under read more!
Zerion is some sort of cartoony super villain, heavily inspired in the night of the bald mountain monster interpretation from Fantasia(disney)
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(art from 2020)
I think he's a very strong dark mage or something. Right now I have him reduced to a joke. A cartoony villain living his slice of life, but always awaiting action, the smallest spark chaos, to join in, in a world where nothing ever happens. He has his sidekick, Vampina (I think that was her name). A vampire chick who lives in the moment and is Zerion's servant, as long as he provides him with some blood every now and then
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she almost never pulls off that relaxed smile from her face, her brain usually has no thoughts more than "can i eath this?" "I can eat this" Both of them are pretty evil. I remember once i tried to sketch out a first chapter, where they had a visit of income tax department agents, coming to remind Zerion he hadn't paid his taxes, and both Zerion and Vampina made a whole intricate plan on how to get rid of them and torture them, to show the government they're not to be fucked with. Though, all their scare tactics were just confusing, failed magic tricks for the men, now tied to apparent non functioning electric chairs, looking at each other through their sunglasses, stoic faces, while confused to what Zerion is yapping about in his villain monologue, while Vampina eats a stale bread in the BG. ---------------------------------------------------------
I don't have much about Sir Valentine either, but I certainly have drawn him more. For now, His name is Sir Cannon Valentine, but we'll get to that in a bit.
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(both from 2020)
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This is the first art ever I made of him, and that's a lot of his vibe. (2019)
This MAN, is some warrior who died in his armor but is back by some whack magic, and he's impatient, easily irritated, screams instead of talking, and I've always imagined having him a strong accent. He's here to fight and go headfirst into everything bc he really cannot die.
As of 2024, Sir Valentine is Sir Cannon Valentine (you can still call him the first version), BECAUSE, besides him being reborn and inmortal, angry and ready to fucking obliterate anything in his way, now his body works as a canonball
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He went through my manic episode of redesigning many of my characters, after getting a taste of Pizza tower's cartoony characters, and became this. Much more functional, easily drawn, flowy. he just works, i can animate him in a snap of fingers. Still consistenly working to improve his design even more.
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I will probs change the story, but this guy is resucitated as a last resort for a war between kingdoms, as a mistake, bc they wanted to revive some other guy, but got mistaken and went to his thomb. This guy revived him, after a ritualistic dance and some lightning
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and then he is like "oh wait I fucked up", and Valentine is like "TOO LATE BITCH I'M FREE!!" and blasts away from him, as a cannonball, fueled by his own fire and methane gas from the catacombs he is in lol. This story is very not much constructed, but I love Sir Valentine a lot, and the characters I can surround him with. I see him falling for a bourgeoisie woman, or a princess even, bc all my stories need the romance, I'm nothing without the romance. I am also thinking of including another character of mine, Sayen, as the daughter of this death guy
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Sayen previously appeared as a participant in a nsfw comic in my twt alt account lol. I love her and her design very much.
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rypnami · 6 months
sebastian sallow headcanons
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some of my personal headcanons for (one of) our favourite slytherin boys <3 these are all just how i see him, other hcs are more than welcome! pic by @/hogwartslegacypics
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his love language is physical affection. after the deaths of his parents, he didn’t receive much and so he makes up for it by lavishing it upon those he cares about
i mentioned this in another post, but i believe his boggart would be a dementor- a manifestation of his guilt over what happened in the catacomb, and his fear of being found out + sent to azkaban
he’s a raging bisexual
^ he is a ridiculous flirt, UNLESS it’s to someone he actually fancies. then he completely flounders
he’s a pretty good rule-follower unless it’s a rule he thinks is stupid. unfortunately, he thinks most rules are, in fact, stupid
he is a gemini. i don’t know anything about zodiacs or astrology i’ve just decided this because it’s the twin one bahahaha
favourite disney film would be the little mermaid
he’s definitely a seeker
adding onto that, he probably thinks most sports are dumb, but quidditch has a special place in his heart. probably some fond childhood memories of his parents first teaching him to ride a broom etc
massive sweet tooth. probably favours chocolate above anything BUT all sweets are good by him
although he’s mischievous i don’t think he’s exactly a person that pulls pranks. he’s just the guy that wherever he goes, chaos is sure to follow
he’s smarter than half the professors but pretends not to be because he enjoys being in class
yeah he’s basically a nerd. not even a HC that’s just canon
he has ADD
after the events of 5th year he puts on a brave face but actually is completely emotionally ruined over it and often uses the undercroft to cry privately
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tinyozlion · 4 months
Gundam Wing: Minutia and Trivia
On my long and winding way down research rabbit holes, I often stumble on bits and pieces of trivia that I find quite interesting, but don't really fit anywhere in my usual commentary on Gundam canon and are far too niche and inconsequential to merit a post of their own. HOWEVER. Since I know in my heart that you, dear reader, are also the sort of person for whom background details of the absolute least consequential variety are a source of delight and inspiration, I am compiling some of my discoveries here, and perhaps if I find more, there will be follow up posts. This one happens to be, in a very loose sense, mostly about Romefeller, OZ, and its Special Eyebrow People, because that is where my brain worms are currently converging. Here is my collection of useless trivia. I lay them at your feet like weird pebbles. Look at them. They're neat.
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1. The Daily Kingdom Newspaper
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It's quite likely that this has already been done, but in the grand spirit of this blog, I have decided to take the path of highest effort for the stupidest reason, and transcribed this paper. This page of After Colony news, ostensibly from July 14th, A.C. 195, appears to be reporting on events that happened towards the end of World War II. It's apparently been a slow news day for the Sanc Kingdom press for several centuries. I found myself getting kind of wrapped up in the stories and was disappointed I couldn't turn the page and find out what happened next. (I mean, I know what happened next, broadly speaking.) Of particular interest were Henri and Camille Dreyfus, Swiss chemists who made a lot of innovations during both world wars. ...They were also apparently noted OZ supporters? Well, what can you expect from a big industrial supplier of*checks notes* acetyl intermediates.
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2. The OZ doggy
Pictured below: Treize's well-heeled hunting pet
and a dog is there too *BA-DUM tsch!*
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This spotty and behaved hound is a real breed of hunting dog, the German Short-haired Pointer, or GSP! Did you know this, dear reader? I did not know this. This is new Dog Lore to me.
from the wiki: "It is a pointer and retriever, an upland bird dog, and water dog. The GSP can be used for hunting larger and more dangerous game. It is an excellent swimmer but also works well in rough terrain. It is tenacious, tireless, hardy, and reliable. German Shorthaired Pointers are proficient with many different types of game and sport, including trailing, retrieving, and pointing pheasant, quail, grouse, waterfowl, raccoons, opossum, and even deer."
Seems like a perfect bird-hunting companion for Mr. Treize. She'll probably go retrieve the beautiful red phoenix he murdered. I've decided she's named Oscar (after the Rose of Versailles) and she is a very good girl. Braver Oscar! Braver Hund!
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3. Luxembourg Castle
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This is Treize's abandoned Disney castle in Luxembourg. I owe the background artists of this scene an apology, for in my heart I assumed this was a random assemblage of spare castle-parts they found at Ludwig II's rummage sale. Reader, I was wrong:
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THIS is Schloss Viandin, a restored castle in Luxembourg. Look at this place, it's gorgeous! You can hardly tell there's a secret mobile suit bunker in the basement. Frankly, I'm jealous I'm not being confined there, Treize! Stop sulking in the catacombs and go relax in the pretty princess bed until you feel better. Gaze upon the signed picture of Patrick Swayze; let him inspire you.
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4. Romefeller's Secret
This one comes to us from the Battlefield of Pacifists manga, which, I've learned, is pretty good actually. (I mean it's not GOOD good, but it contains some interesting stuff). Now, come: I am taking you with me on this journey:
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I feel extremely vindicated knowing that there's semi-canonical support for my theory that the Romefeller aristobrats are Austrian. I knew it. I KNEW IT. According to this manga, Romefeller was officially founded in Vienna-- the wording is a little ambiguous in this translation, but if Romefeller had members joining it in 1862, then it had to have existed in some form since then-- which means that the "Glorious Year" of 1956 is something other than its founding date. So what exactly happened in 1956? As I am a hack and fraud, and have been one all my life, I have looked to wikipedia for guidance. Mostly what was happening was the Cold War, colonialism, uprisings, Elvis, research and debate over artificial intelligence, both the hard drive disk and the snooze-button alarm clock being invented, Japan joining the UN, and wait what's this--
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...My god...
It's all coming together.
Eurovision is a plot by Romefeller.
The evidence is all here. There is simply no other conclusion we can come to.
--For this, and many other reasons that are well beyond the scope of a fandom blog, you should probably boycott them.
I rest my case.
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5. The Romefeller Coat of Arms
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I'm no vexillologist, and my heraldic experience is limited to adoptable pixel dragons, but what I am is an insane person with too much time on their hands. And so, to the best of my ability, I have blazoned the Romefeller coat of arms:
Supporters: Two Unicorns Rampant 
Crown: Purpur Crown of Peerage or Lord of Parliament  
Escutcheon: Heater with Two Engrailed Wedge Top - party per pale (halved vertically)
Blazon: Sinister (Right): Argent, Bend Sinister Sanguine; Dexter (Left): Bleu Celeste, Charged with a Ringed (or Celtic) Cross Argent 
Motto Scroll: UPRTUN or UPRTVN
--I don't know what UPRTVN is meant to stand for, but there are truly SO many ways you could play Latin Mad Libs and get a reasonable-sounding answer. At a stab, knowing Romefeller's priorities and values, I would guess it probably contains a, you know, "Unity/Peace/Rule/Tradition/Victory/Necessity", "Unity Through The Rule of Tradition Is Our Victory", or some such deeply worrying thing. Take your pick really.
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6. "Herbst" / "Autumn"
The Rilke poem Treize quotes in "Frozen Teardrop" is not terribly difficult to find online, but if you're not sure what you're looking for it can be difficult because he has multiple poems about Autumn, and Autumn Day is perhaps better known; also the internet is absolutely filthy riddled with despicable bots and farmed content that has lost its attributions, so you do have to dig to find where different translations have come from (bless this very Web 1.0 page for carrying on the lord's work in basic html). Here is the original in German, and two complimenting translations:
Herbst -Rainer Maria Rilke Die Blätter fallen, fallen wie von weit als welkten in den Himmeln ferne Gärten; sie fallen mit verneinender Gebärde. Und in den Nächten fällt die schwere Erde aus allen Sternen in die Einsamkeit. Wir alle fallen. Diese Hand da fällt. Und sieh dir andre an: es ist in allen. Und doch ist Einer, welcher dieses Fallen unendlich sanft in seinen Händen hält.
This translation by Horst A. Scholz (linked here so I don't get into trouble) is the most spare and one-to-one translation into English I've found-- I always appreciate having a comparison between the very literal meanings and a more creative reconstruction when I'm reading translated poetry.
Meanwhile on the other end of the spectrum, this translation by Robert Bly is very freeform and agnostic; for my own purposes, I think the use of "Space" instead of "Heaven" happens to fit nicely with the themes of Gundam:
Autumn -translation by Robert Bly The leaves are falling, falling as if from far up, as if orchards were dying high in space. Each leaf falls as if it were motioning "no." And tonight the heavy earth is falling away from all other stars in the loneliness. We're all falling. This hand here is falling. And look at the other one. It's in them all. And yet there is Someone, whose hands infinitely calm, holding up all this falling.
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just-prime · 1 year
Take 6 I guess...
Wow. Just everything about that is wrong.
A cool visual here or there for sure. Whale falls in space? Fucking impeccable. The Chimaera fixed up with the gold plating? Very pretty. The weird Dark Crystal horse thing? Strangely cute.
Getting some Baylan backstory was nice, and he continues to the MVP both acting and writing-wise.
Have I run out of nice things to say? Yes
First off, fuck the 'a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away' shit. This show has not earned that! Not in the slightest!!!
Also I know it's supposed to be super mega turbo hyperspace…but still, it looked like utter shit. I can't understand how a show with this level of budget keeps shitting out crappy visuals...Oh wait it's Disney! Nevermind, makes total sense.
All the stuff with the nightsisters? FUCKING DUMB. Nowadays, no one cares about the nightsisters anymore unless it's Merrin or Ventriss, and Elsbeth is a far cry from either of them. I was worried from the start when the map temple was clearly nightsister in origin, and Elsbeth being revealed as one in hiding made absolutely no sense. It's weird and very much Filoni throwing darts at Clone Wars arcs he wants to rehash and recon. Also, the live action Mothers are lacking the grandiose nature that made Talzin have such compelling character design.
The fact that Sabine never slipped the cuffs seemed deeply weird. As did Thrawn somehow having an entire battalions-worth of Stormtroopers who survived the ship crash. There was also a throwaway line about some of the rando bandits on the world being Jedi trained, which REALLY came out of nowhere, but is clearly setting up Ezra having learned new skills.
Oh and Ezra shows up, is ALSO wearing noticeable contacts (blue). He looks way too old, and I felt absolutely nothing when he and Sabine hugged.
Okay, on to why we are all here...Thrawn
Let's start of with the mandatory FUCK YOU FILONI.
There was weirdly bad music through this entire sequence too, which was glaringly noticeable. Just to you know...set the mood for the butchering going on.
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HE'S TOO PALE!!! They colored him like everything else in this show, copied whatever colors Rebels used, and then mutes the hell out of it. So everything looks washed out and sad. Also I don't know what it is about the eyes that feels off but there's something there that hits uncanny valley in a way that I feel could have been easily avoidable...
Yeah, and all the 'Army of the Dead' rumors that have been going around are all confirmed. They are literally emptying the catacombs of this ancient nightsister city directly into the cargo hold of the Chimera. It's so dumb. I hate this.
Two more episodes left, and given the rate of the leaks being true, it's probably gonna end on a cliffhanger, which is gonna be fucking stupid. So yeah. I'm gonna go scroll @ascyndic's blog so my eyes can rest and look at some incredible art of how Chiss should look...And potentially reread @furiosophie's fucking incredible post·mor·tem series to get a hit of realistic Thrawn characterization...as opposed to whatever this gross HttE ripoff swill we got.s
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casinotrio1965 · 6 months
Disney Descendants: Alexander (From Pinocchio 1940 ) X Princess Eilonwy story ideas Part 6
They try to be super nice to the servants, even when they interrupt their alone time. It's hard sometimes though when they wanted to be alone together and have some couple time after not seeing each other all day. They kinda sneak off to the catacombs when that happens
They try to plan things so their returns to the castle from travelling go as smoothly as possible. Sometimes though. Sometimes their boat is slow because of the current or their horse threw a shoe or the car got a flat. They never seem to have the broken equipment when they get back though, funny that. Yeah, okay, they sometimes delay for alone time.
They love flying. It feels weird but SO fun! They just want to cram by the window seat and stare. And Alexander tracks them by map!
He was super worried when she was pregnant. He didn't want her to overexert herself, especially with how stressful the job is! He took a lot of her responsibility upon himself and made other officials help out too.
Thanks again @askauradonprep
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Phantom of the Opera AU Prompt inspired by Disney’s Phantom Manor! Some dialogue and inspiration taken from Mystery Legends: Phantom of the Opera and the Leroux novel, but this could work for whichever version you like! Pls tag me if you’re inspired by this and I’d love to read it! 👻🤍
The Phantom's identity had been treated as ambiguous for a long time, a random dark spirit that arbitrarily chose to ruin your wedding. After several years, the story of what really happened came out from underneath the charred and blackened rubble of the Paris Opera House:
After your mother died when you were six years old, life didn’t go as your father, Joseph Buquet, had hoped it to be. He’d often get drunk and grab you, yelling about how he was a failure before bursting into tears. Every time he’d do that, you also cried and begged him to stop, telling him it was all your fault. When he sobered up, he’d embrace you and give you treats, apologizing for what he’d done. But as his money wore away, he'd have these fits more and more often. At least you still loved your father, but he was all that you had and you had to sing in the streets to make some money to provide for him and yourself, at least until he found a job. He couldn’t seem to hold one for long, though. The few coins you did make, he would take the tin can you collected them in and spend most of it on alcohol for himself, or sometimes a cheap toy or doll if he was feeling guilty for not being a better man and father to you. To make ends meet, your father didn’t have much choice but to join the Paris Opera as the chief stagehand while you joined the chorus when you were ten years old.
He began telling you and anyone who would listen stories of an Opera Ghost that haunted the theatre, describing his horrific corpse-like face in great detail. His ghost stories frightened the ballet girls, but you had heard this kind of talk from him before, so you just thought he was on another one of his drunken ramblings. You didn’t think much of it. Despite being warned not to, your father got himself drunk and wandered down into the Opera House catacombs for some inexplicable reason. Maybe he was trying to follow someone?
He never returned to the surface and was later found dead, hanged in the third cellar between a flat and a set piece from “Le roi de Lahore”. Unbeknownst to anyone, his corpse was right next to the entrance to the Phantom's torture chamber. Due to his intoxicated state and the cause of death, it was ruled a depression-driven suicide…but was it really? Left all alone, you were a bastard and an orphan, a peasant girl trying to make your way in the world and a name for yourself with your singing, but your singing wasn't anything special before your lessons with the Angel of Music, whom you believed had been sent to you from Heaven by your deceased father.
Under the Angel’s tutelage, you were almost supernaturally skilled at singing. During those many months, you went from a light soubrette to a dark soprano of almost divine quality. You only communicated with your Angel through your dressing room wall, never seeing his face or learning his name. A string of admirers, all obviously enraptured, stared on in plain view while you performed on stage. As your voice rang throughout the concert hall, he reflected from the shadows of Box 5 on how well he had taught you and how you had given yourself over to him, your Angel of Music.
In womanhood, many men vied for your hand but none were ever good enough for you in the Phantom’s eyes. He deeply resented all of your suitors, so he terrorized them in the hopes he’d scare them into leaving the Opera House forever, never to return. But despite his best attempts, your suitors were stubborn skeptics who refused to believe in ghosts and wouldn’t leave, still insistent on pursuing you romantically. They ignored all his threats and warnings, so the Phantom murdered them all, one-by-one. He wanted to have you all to himself. You spent most of your time under the Phantom’s power, helpless to act against him in fear that he'd hurt either you or someone else in the Opera House.
He kidnapped you multiple times, with the intention of romancing you and making you his living wife so that he could buy you nice things and take you out on Sundays. He held you prisoner in a luxurious Louis-Philippe bedroom, keeping you like a songbird in a gilded cage to sing only for him. He would always drug you with a cursed fragrance to ensure your cooperation - He lived a life where trust and faith were impossible luxuries. He forced his gold wedding ring on your finger and warned you that you mustn’t lose it. You were protected so long as you wore it, and it was then that he finally revealed to you that he was called Erik. Erik’s ring was rather plain, quite old and rusty. Wedding rings were quite expensive and he didn’t have enough money to buy a new ring.
“This ring is one of my most precious possessions. This was my poor mother’s wedding ring. This ring deprived my poor mother of her freedom, instead gifting her with a hideous son. But for you, this ring symbolizes the promise of freedom. Unless you are curious as to the consequences of denying my love, then be sure to keep hold of my ring. After this damn month I promised you, you will become my bride. This was your destiny, from the moment you met the Angel of Music! You shall be mine, and stay in my damned hell with me forever! I can already hear the wedding bells! Kyrie….Kyrie.…Kyrie eleison...”
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You later fell in love with and became engaged to another man. Despite the Phantom becoming increasingly controlling and aggressive towards you, you developed a case of Stockholm Syndrome so bad that you frantically urged your fiancé to take you far away from the Opera House and the Phantom before the month was out, no matter how much you begged to be taken back. Not that he had a chance to follow up on his promise…
Your paramour didn’t like that you were wearing Erik’s ring. He wanted to marry you himself and didn’t want to keep your engagement secret, despite your insistence that it had to be this way for everyone’s sake. You confided in your fiancé that you fell madly in love with the Phantom, but you were also terrified of the control he had over your soul. You couldn't recognize yourself anymore, and did whatever he told you. When your fiancé tried to tell you that you were in over your head with a man you didn't know, you gave him the familiar, "You-don't-know-anything-about-him-it's-none-of-your-business" speech.
Unbeknownst to either of you, Erik eavesdropped on you and learned of your plans to run away and elope. You thought you could escape to the roof and keep secrets from him, but you were gravely mistaken. He could be everywhere. He could see and hear everything! He could move through the walls and doors in the Opera. He couldn’t bear the prospect of you being taken away from him forever, so he rigged all the doors and windows in the Opera House so everything would be locked or stuck. No key would open anything, and no weapon or tool could break through. He sabotaged any and all attempts to escape to the outside. No horses or carriages would come to rescue you or anybody else trapped inside. And even if they did, they wouldn’t be able to do anything. Erik had fallen in love with you, became fixated on you. His restless spirit wanted you and, mark his words, he would have you. He wouldn’t be denied.
“I had given you everything, yet you chose him over me! The pain I felt would pale in comparison to the destruction that would follow.”
You and your fiancé had no other choice but to hold your nuptials in the Opera House. On your wedding day, you were thoroughly distressed when you lost Erik’s ring because you didn’t know what would happen. The mysterious Opera Ghost appeared in your vanity mirror, seeking revenge on you for your betrayal. Legend has it that, while you were preparing in your room, the Phantom lured your fiancé up into the discreet and secluded attic, where he hanged him by the neck from the rafters with his Punjab Lasso. In the ballroom, the bride sat alone. The wedding march played and you waited, but many hours went by with no sign of your groom. Guests slowly filed away, leaving you alone in the makeshift church with the staff. You kept telling the butlers and maids that he would come.
"Someday," you told yourself, "he will come.”
And so, having never taken off your wedding dress or dropped your bouquet, in preparation for your beloved’s return, you wandered the Opera House aimlessly, singing melancholy songs of lost love. Erik found the ring and he gave it back to you, forcing it on your finger once more. This time he made sure your soul would be bound to his and you could never take it off. You became infuriated when you learned your "Angel" was, in actuality, a malevolent specter with the appearance of a rotting corpse. He tricked you. He took advantage of you in your fragile and vulnerable emotional state while you were grieving your father, whom he murdered. Just like how he murdered your fiancé and God knows who else. Your capacity to anger was much more pronounced when you briefly attacked him and finally snarled at him that you hated him and you had no sympathy for him after all the evil he’d done.
“Who are you really?”
“Have you forgotten your Angel of Music already? I shall show you everything and make you remember! Don’t you dare raise your hand to me! What you see is who I am. Who I’ve always been. Who I will always be. Do you like what you see? Know,” he shouted, while his throat throbbed and panted like a furnace, “know that I am built up of death from head to foot and that it is a corpse that loves you and adores you and will never, never leave you! Your freedom had nothing to do with letting you marry that unworthy man. Did you truly think I'd let you get away with your affair? I did what I had to, for our love! I will kill all who stand in our way and set you free! You will curse the day you betrayed me.”
You were the obsession of a nigh-unstoppable, hideous, insane, stalking serial killer who wanted to marry you and keep you underground with him forever until you died. The vulnerability of being the trapped love of a monster was especially palpable as when you took a bath in Erik’s lair you kept some scissors close by, ready to kill yourself - out of the fear Erik would rape you while you were naked. While Erik never forced himself on you and showed no interest in anything of a sexual nature, he still wanted you to never leave his side. That domination he had over you was very unsettling, especially given how traumatized you were by it.
When Erik prepared to force you to marry him, you attempted to kill yourself to escape him by stabbing yourself or slitting your wrists or throat with the scissors, but Erik intervened and took those away from you. You then bashed your head against a wall, hoping you’d be sent to Heaven or Hell to escape him. The soft darkness of nothing, in all of its shadowed velvet embrace, would be better than this Purgatory you found yourself in. You didn’t succeed. The Phantom stopped you from killing yourself by tying you to a chair. Another sigh, deeper, more tremendous still, came from the abysmal depths of your soul.
"Why did you cry out, my love?”
"Because I am in pain, Erik."
"I thought I had frightened you."
"Erik, unloose my bonds…Am I not your prisoner?"
"You will try to kill yourself again."
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You once again sat at your dresser in your boudoir, an old woman, crying and rubbing your eyes with a tissue. Your dress that was once a pristine white became stained with gray and brown spots. From dust and…dirt or dried blood? You couldn’t remember. Your bouquet of red roses became black. What manner of sorrow could rob a rose of its very color? Tear-stained letters between you, your fiancé, a friend, and your father could be seen sitting on a table, along with your wedding portrait. What a pity it would remain incomplete. What a pity your groom-who-never-was-to-be would never get his portrait painted to hang alongside yours.
Erik still inhabited the Opera House, laughing and mocking your human devotion to your intended husband. There was no reason why he did all these evil deeds, and even if there was one, he apparently loved to do it. In the following years, he invited his dead and demonic friends from the afterlife to fill the Opera House in an eternal party. Your wedding march became a sinister organ rendition of the Phantom’s own design, his music scores written in dark red ink - Wait, not ink, blood. Fret not, beloved, for if he drew all these music scores with his blood, he wouldn’t be standing here before you. This piece was either a wedding mass or a requiem mass. It was up to you to decide.
A dark curse fell upon the Opera House. The state of it and the surrounding grounds was slowly transformed and corrupted by the evil forces, until it was abandoned indefinitely, with you presumably dying inside, never having found your groom. In present day it’s derelict and the grounds are overrun with bramble, plants, and trees that have grown wild. All the flowers have died and can no longer grow in tainted soil.
“Oh, how long I have waited for this day! Welcome back, my love. Welcome to my realm. Here our lives will begin anew. This time I will make you love me. This time you won’t leave me. This time…you will stay with me forever. You denied me love, and I shall deny you freedom.”
Erik has condemned the poor bride to haunt the Opera House for all eternity. To this day, it’s believed that the Opera House is still haunted by yours and Erik’s ghosts, along with his 999 ghastly guests. He continues to haunt you from beyond the grave. Unlike the rest of the ghosts who are lost and wandering souls, he's a purely evil and homicidal spirit who enjoys being cruel, and seems intent on tormenting you. You remain vigilant in the search for your lost love, but waiting for over a century for your groom - and living with Erik’s abuse - has taken its toll on you.
So desperate for true love and affection after years of loneliness and maltreatment from the Phantom, you propose to anyone who dares to step foot inside the Opera House, in the vain hope that one of them will save you and take you away from here. When that doesn’t work, you urge them to turn back. If they don’t heed your first warnings, you point them in the right direction and try to help them escape the Opera House while Erik taunts them. You warn them against going down certain hallways, knowing they’d lead straight into deadly traps or Erik himself, but sometimes they’re so afraid and on edge that they don’t stop to think or listen to you. Your attempts to save people from Erik don’t always succeed, but you keep trying anyway as an act of defiance against him. Many guests have entered the Opera house and only a lucky few have ever made it back out, but that few is enough to motivate you to keep fighting against Erik.
Erik’s disembodied voice greets the guests as he makes an impassioned speech about the beauty that once lived in the Opera House, insisting that beauty lives here still, before lightning strikes and a cloaked man is visible from the rafters, hanging your groom. His corpse swings down above everyone’s heads, sometimes with a sickening crack as if his neck has just been broken. The Phantom materializes in the conservatory only as a shadow, invisibly playing the piano, then in the ballroom, standing in a shattered window obscured by darkness, laughing at the crying bride. A few rooms later, he’s standing outside the Bride’s Boudoir and makes himself fully visible to you as a skeleton-faced man, a living corpse.
The Phantom is next seen laughing and gesturing to your coffin - an unmarked, ornate black tomb where you will find no rest nor peace. Guests who touch it feel warmth emanating from beneath the coffin’s lid while something inside is pulsing. The rhythmic vibrations give off the sensation of a beating heart that’s still pumping blood. Erik appears one last time, staring down at you from a window on the second floor of the Opera House before finally disappearing. He intends to never, ever let you leave the Opera House. Are the subsequent guests who come to visit going mad or is this place truly haunted? What sort of sick fantasy is this?
Those brave enough to venture down below into the catacombs beneath the Opera House and fortunate enough to survive the dark and disorienting descent down into Erik’s lair will find a crypt that holds a black coffin that matches yours. There’s an inscription in the stone. It reads, “Here Lies the Angel of Music”. Is this where the Opera Ghost is buried? But wait, that doesn’t make any sense! The Phantom of the Opera is just a myth, an urban legend, a ghost story to scare kids. It was just a tactic to boost public interest in the Opera House and increase ticket sales and tourism! Why would a person who never truly existed have a tomb? Erik isn’t real or alive…or is he? Is this a stage prop? Upon opening it, there’s no corpse or human remains! A single black rose is all that lay in the Opera Ghost’s grave!
The foolish mortals can hear the Phantom’s maniacal laughter as they make a dismaying observation: This chamber has no windows and no doors…Which offers them this chilling challenge: To find a way out! Of course, there’s always his way…
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localravenclaw · 7 months
Things I would love to turn into theme park attractions from Hogwarts Legacy:
The Catacombs Horror House with inferi, acromantulas, Devil Snare traps etc
The Goblin Mines rollercoater
Magical Creatures animatronic petting zoo idc I will convince myself they're all real
The Three Broomsticks-themed pub where I can drown myself in butterbeer on tap
Scriptorium Escape Room feature crucio or no crucio i want it!
Honeydukes sweet store/café shut up i will have a full-on pictorial with all the cute magical treats
Quidditch-themed Paratrooper idk how but I wanna be swung around on a pretend-broomstick idc
A ferris wheel of that one rickety wind mill in Irondale lmao one of them has to be underwhelming you can't have everything
Unicorn and Thestral carrousels
Hogwarts Student Makeover at Madamme Snelling's the equivalent of a Disney princess makeover but you just transform into your MC
And the cafeteria is just the Great Hall but you have to sit at your House table and awkwardly mingle with other 'students' lol
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kumalimited · 1 year
Miraculous Ladybug - Awakening : a review (spoilers without context)
(Made with love by someone who went to the world premiere - seen with the French dub)
The good
Nice animation
Nice OST (excluding the musical part)
Paris being a bit more like real life Paris (we love good metro representation ok)
George Michael royalties draining the film budget
DJwifi shenanigans all over again
The meh
Supporting characters of the show being in the background but kinda absent
Adrien being a loner for some reason
The pacing of it all is a bit all over the place even though they had 20 more minutes than the two Origins episodes
Stuff that is both bad but also makes it a must-watch
Plagg making fart jokes
Tikki rapping
Gabriel's Abba era hair
Gabriel Winx wings
Gabriel detaining random criminals in some dungeon under his house in the catacombs and criminals being casually ok with it as well as with doing a musical number with the guy detaining them
Zag making the deliberate choice to replace the "Ma Lady" surname by "Watermelon" for some reason
Adrien missing the goddamn apocalypse caused by his father due to ugly crying to Careless Whisper
The ending is a remake of Star Wars episode III last fight
Parisians being super casual abt the fact that the Seine became LAVA and that their flats won't be restored through magical ladybugs for some reason
Astruc is barely mentioned in the credits meaning that he was barely involved in its development and it shows
Stuff that is really bad imo
No really the songs are bad
i mean music is dope, lyrics are very bad
Zag wanted his own Disney musical except he cannot write lyrics to save his life and has no idea how to pace a musical number to make it interesting
i.e Marinette has three "who am I, how can I become who I really be" songs when all of her internal conflict is due to her falling randomly at times, which makes a very poor (but also the only one) character arc
i.e there are seven songs in an one hour and a half long movie
i.e those songs stop the action to make us listen to lame ass lyrics (at least in French)
if i took a shot each time a song by Marinette mentioned "être moi" (being me) or each time Ladybug and Chat Noir repeated "Plus forts ensemble" (stronger together) I'd be in ER
because the original show didn't have any catchphrase at all isn't it
since the songs are stopping the movie every time they happen, there's no time for character development so
no umbrella scene
no Adrien character development whatsoever
no justification for Marinette preferring Adrien to Chat Noir
no justification of why Adrien was chosen as a holder
TL DR : A very nice musical fanfic that I'll enjoy making fun of for the years to come
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spookcataloger · 1 month
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Disney Catacombs
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 1 month
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gachabastard · 5 months
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only real bitches remember when this was a mcdonalds and also there was a disney theatre for some reason
or how the coffee shop was in the catacombs under neopia central before it got moved to roo island.
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