I feel insecure where I go!
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Have you asked yourself how a woman or a girl feels when a man or boy makes comments on the street?. Many women and girls feel insecure on the street because they have received dirty comments. For that reason, I think that men and women should be educated about this topic. Furthermore, I have my own experience on this topic.
Firstly, In my own experience, I received comments from men one year ago. I remember that I went to the park to do exercise but I needed to pass by a restaurant where some men work. They told me a comment that I hated, but I did not pay attention and I continued on my way.
Due to this problem that ocurred to me, somentimes I feel insecure on the street and I pay attention too all everything around me. In other words, if this not you case, you should not think that this will not happen to you or a member of your family. 
In brief, men, boys, women and girls should be educated about this problem and how to react when they are in a situation like that. With this purpose in mind, I think campaigns could be a good idea to give information to parents and children and all the community. I hope people can reflect about my writing and think about more solutions.
ps: well, this is a writing that I did as a part of my class. If you want to make comments about this, just do it. I’d like to improve my writng in English and also, I’d like to know your comments about this topic or even an experience that you had.
ps2: También puedes hacer tus comentarios en español.
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