#Dior goodjohn edit
lovermcres · 6 months
i need her more than i need oxygen.
(my edit on tiktok @/visualells)
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webanglikethat · 6 months
#DIORGOODJOHN: I have known her for a little less than a month but she has conquered my heart 🤭🫶🏽
editor: me
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ssavinggrace · 4 months
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fortunatefires · 7 months
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I love all of these kids. They were cast perfectly
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brook8xoxo · 2 months
Wtf is this
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tv-girllover07 · 5 months
Does anyone need THE Percy Jackson or Have A Baby By Me Baby Be A Millionaire edit cause with the TikTok sound being gone I saved the video if anyone needs it then message me
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p0rkbun · 6 months
i have a type 🫠
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rabiessnow · 4 months
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karslyn · 5 months
i think i’m gonna cry. i went to my tiktok favorite folder for dior and SO MANY VIDEOS GOT MUTED 😭 im saving them now and putting them in an album on my photos. screw tiktok man
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lovermcres · 5 months
made this the other day bc shes so pretty and makes me happy <3
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venka · 6 months
i didn’t know about rick riordan or the pjo cast. i definitely think it’s good to spread awareness about that but using language like clout chasing isn’t very productive and might only discourage people from sharing about palestine
rick riordan posted a since-edited blog post about how there are "two sides" to the genocide being committed in palestine
dior goodjohn (who plays clarisse) posted about how "israel" is under attack and ignored people who tried to educate her about palestine
jessica parker kennedy (who plays medusa) is married to ronen rubenstein, an israeli zionist
what would you call people who post gifsets so that they can get notes on tumblr dot com while ignoring that the free promotion they're doing for disney will put money into the pockets of zionists and fund israeli genocide? clout chaser is frankly one of the tamest phrases i can use and i can spread awareness about palestine while still calling out people for being disingenuous in their support when they refuse to do the bare minimum
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percys-princess · 5 months
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Dating Walker Scobell ( actress!reader)
♡ you two knew each other through social media as he got very popular through playing Percy Jackson, while you got very popular by playing Lucy Pevensie in the new series ' The Narnia Chronicles '
♡ you two first met through your mutual friend group ( consisting of Momona Tamada, Mckenna Grace, Malia Baker, Aryan Simhadri, Dior Goodjohn, Charlie Bushnell, Leah Sava Jeffries, Xochitl Gomez )
♡ Walker being the fun guy he is, instantly charmed you, just as you charmed him with your sweet, bubbly sunshine personality
♡ puppy love / friends to lovers energy
♡ getting teased by your friends, yet they absolutely adore you two together
♡ venting to ech other and understanding the stress of being well known at such a young age
♡ lots of hugs and cuddles ( 🤚he is a cuddler, fight me on this 🤚)
♡ playing with his hair and him just relaxing in your arms
♡ forehead kisses ( especially since he keep growing and growing)
♡ A LOT of ship edits before you got public and especially after going public
♡ getting asked about each other by fans and interviewers
♡ supporting each other and each other's projects more than your own ( and getting slightly scolded for it but doing it either way :) )
♡ talking about each other to family,friends and sometimes to fans ( and them gushing over your cuteness )
♡ being a power couple
♡ getting called the " young Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively " bc 1) you two are just as cute as them 2) Walker reminds everyone of Ryan where as you charming lil cutie remind people of Blake 3) both famous young actors
♡ lots of texting and phone calls once you're both filming your own projects
♡ resulting into being quite clingy with each other when you reunite again
BONUS: shows / movies I had in mind for y/n :
Abby Litmann ( Ginny & Georgia ) , Enid Sinclair ( Wednesday ), Lucy Pevensie ( Narnia movies ) , Violet Baudelaire ( A series of unfortunate events ), Katie Cooper ( Alexa & Katie )
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I hope you liked it ♡
~ princess 🌸
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brook8xoxo · 3 months
Ngl I didn’t fully get the Luke hype until this edit
But clarisse is still my wifey🤭
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cranberryjuice-posts · 5 months
HELLO?? I LOVE YOUR CLARISSE FANFICS I EAT THEM UP EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! ok ok so i was wonderingggg if you could do dior goodjohn x (actor/singer) reader! their in this interview together just the two of them for percy jackson, the interview makes reader uncomfortable and then clarisse is just like protecting reader! then when they get home they get blasted with edits of them but if you don’t do fanfics of the actors that’s totally ok because i have one for clarisse! clarisse la rue x (athena) reader! the reader and clarisse where friends before clarisse got sent to camp haft blood and so like about 3 years later reader gets sent there too, reader doesn’t recognize clarisse before clarisse says this one things that makes reader remember (you can decide on what she says! would be amazing if their could be like a makeout sesh😋😋) TY IF YIU SEE THIS AND YK MAKE THE FSNFICS AHH LOVE YOUR WRITING
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You know where to find me — and I know where to look
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! daughter of Athena! Reader
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One of your earliest memories was when you were 13. Running around with clarisse in your private catholic boarding school, skipping class and watching as she would constantly get into fights.
You both looked after eachother, clarisses mom was enlisted in the army thus she lived with her grandma who wasn’t the nicest and you.. well your dad seemed to only care about you when he needed something solved.
Forcing clarisse to sit on the schools bathroom sink counter you started to clean a cut on the girls cheek. Not wanting to even think about how you’ll get the blood off her light blue uniform top. “It’s not even my fault!” The young girl yelled. “If Jeremiah thinks ‘slap ass Friday’ is so funny then maybe he should get his ass beat every now and then”
You just nodded following along with what the girl spoke. Moving a frizzy curl out of the girls way you noticed how she scoffed. “I should just cut this off” she grabbed the loose curls shoving them into her messy ponytail. “Don’t do that” you sighed pulling her hands away from her hair. “You Just Need some help to keep your curls nice that’s all”
Clarisses cheeks flushed, she shoved your hands away as she looked to the side. “Whatever”
“Hey!” A teacher aggressively busted into the bathroom. “Skipping class really?! Both of You principal office now!”
Clarisse grabbed your hand pushing past the teacher and down the private schools halls. You laughed as you followed the girl around the school, running down the stairs and past the nuns.
Shoving into a janitors closet and shutting it before the teacher could catch up. You panted while clarisse who Just practically ran a marathon was fine. Turning on the light you plopped down onto a pair of stacked chairs. “How are You able to do that!?”
“Do what?”
“Run like That and not even be tired” you questioned. Clarisse just shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t really know I just am I a guess” she sighed sitting on a shelf.
Finally catching your breath you looked over “Hey clarisse?”
The girl set the tool she had been messing with down. “Yeah?”
“Will we always be best friends?” You quietly asked. Paying attention as clarisse had an annoyed look on her face she soon nodded. “Yeah.. cause you’ll always know where to find me”
You rolled your eyes “well I always know where to look” chuckling you reached out with your pinkie. Clarisse followed suit latching here onto yours. You knew what was between you and clarisse was far away from platonic but what did you know you were just some 13 year old kid.
The next morning clarisse was gone. Not a word not a letter nothing.. she had just left
You promised yourself you would never forget her. At first it started with not remembering how she spoke, then you forgot her face, and soon enough even her name you had completely forgotten.
Three years later.
After being chased by a hellhound and a few other angry monsters you found yourself at camp halfblood.
The weeks sorta merged together. However once you were claimed by Athena everything seemed to change, new found siblings. People wanting to be your friends and now finally not feeling like you were alone.
Through out your weeks at camp you had heard about a girl named clarisse. The name sounded familiar but you couldn’t place it exactly. The fact the mysterious girl avoided you to didn’t help either.
Annabeth Open the door agressivly throwing her dagger onto the bed. “What’s wrong?” You asked looking up from your book. “Nothing nothing.. I just got paired to lead a training class with clarisse”
“And what’s the problem?”
“She’s terrible What do you mean ‘what’s the problem’” your sister scoffed crossing her arms.
“I just meant that clarisse hasn’t done anything to me personally.. I don’t think I’ve even met her before” shaking your head you returned to your book.
Annabeth stayed quiet for a moment before grabbing the boom out of your hand. “Fine then, if you’ve never met her before then you should go lead the class with her.. besides it’ll be good for you”
Begrudgingly you accepted. Leaving your cabin you headed towards the arena, dagger strapped at your thigh.
The arena was loud and well… sweaty. Joining the kids who were sparring you made your way to a girl who stood crossed arm wearing Greek armor. “Uh hi? Your clarisse right” You stepped up to her. “I’m annabeths sister she wasn’t feeling well so I’m here to help you uh lead the class”
“You have any experience in battle” she rudely spoke not looking at you. “No b—“
“Then get lost I don’t need any dead weight” she scoffed before turning her attention back to the other campers who were sparring. “Hey! Did I not just say to stop stepping out!!”
You looked at the girl with a irritated face. “I’m not dead weight I can help”
Clarisse grabbed her spear before she harshly turned towards you. Just as she was going to say something she stopped. Looking at you for a second clarisse seemed to calm down. “Y/n?” She quietly asked.
Stepping back some you looked around confused. “Uh yeah.. that’s my name” you nodded awkwardly.
She took her helmet off tossing it aside looking at you excitedly. “It’s me? Remember? no fucking way your a demigod to! I should of guessed you were always the top of our class— gods how have you been”
At this point you were weirded out. “I’m sorry but I don’t know you..” She furrowed her eyebrows slightly fustrated. “What do You mean you don’t know me? We were best friends”
You just shrugged your shoulders apologetically. Clarisse nodded taking a moment to think before grabbing your hand, forcing it into a fist with your pinky sticking out. She linked her pinky with yours and gave you a slightly annoyed look. “You know where to find me”
It took you a few seconds to register what she said. After an uncomfortable amount of silence clarisse sighed, before she could pull away however you tightly linked your pinky with hers “and I know where to look” You smiled “oh my god clarisse!” you laughed hugging the girl tightly.
Some of The campers around stopped what they were doing, shocked at the fact clarisse was being hugged by a pretty girl. Quickly returning to what they were doing after receiving a hateful glare from clarisse.
The strong girl hugged you back tightly, allowing you to pull back you continued to grin. “Look at You! Wow you’ve gotten so pretty, and strong to gods” laughing you reached out to touch the girls face before noticing her hair. “And your hair— see what did I say all you needed to do was learn to take care of it properly”
A familiar rush flooded your body. How clarisses hands were now squeezing your hips with her body close to yours- so close you could smell her pine cologne. Your cheeks turned red once you realized you were playing with the girls hair
Clearing your throat you pulled back completely taking a few steps away from her. “Sorry I just uh.. I got to excited”
Clarisse shook her head “don’t worry about it.. anyways uh if you still wanna help with all this just grab a sword from over there ok”
You smiled in response. It had been years since you felt like that, Clarisse for some reason always made you get flustered… but that didn’t mean anything.
Over the next week you found yourself spending every free second with clarisse.
It was like a breath of fresh air. You both had changed a-lot from being 13 to 16 but the same spark was still between you both. You found it amusing how she could go from an Absolute bully to a sweet heart towards you.
What didn’t help was how attractive the girl was. Her muscular arms and face that was meant to wear greek Armor made you go weak in the knees. Being gay was something you came to terms with years ago but finding yourself falling in love with your best-friend was just cringe. Out of all the girls at camp you choose clarisse.. really
The best part of camp in your opinion was the bondfire. Being able to sit around a cozy setting with friends and family warmed your heart in more ways than one.
After some time you were approached by a girl named Willow who you later found out was a daughter of Hermes.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t like her. She was tall, strong and had a charming face, And she clearly seemed to like you to. “Don’t lie to me pretty girl you’ve seriously never had your first kiss”
Shaking your head you let out a soft laugh. “No never, actually I’ve never had a girlfriend before” Willow scoffed, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear she leaned forward some. “Well.. I can offer an easy solution to both those problems— that is if you would like it” she tilted her head some.
Before you could answer however clarisse shoved Willow back from where she was making her almost fall out of her seat. “Clarisse what the fuck!”
“She’s not interested Willow, instead of preying on girls who don’t want you why don’t you go fuck around with one of your ex”
Campers looking over, embarrassed enough as it was you Grabbed clarisses arm pulling her away. Quickly finding the Athena cabin you threw the girl inside. “What was That” you almost yelled.
“What was What” she continued to play innocent, now messing around with you stuff— grabbing s mechanical pencil to mess with. “Stop Just stop! Clarisse a girl was finally showing Interest in me—-“
“Yeah a fuck girl who only wants to finger you then break your heart but god forbid I look out for you right!”
“I don’t care about that! It’s still the matter of fact someone liked me and you just—“
“Did you ever stop to think there might me other girls out there better than Willow who like you!”
At this point you were beyond frustrated. “Gods can You stop interrupting me!” You watched as clarisse awkwardly shifted her stance, now feeling bad you sighed walking over to the girl hugging her. “I know I’m new to this whole demigod life and you have no idea how thankful I am for having you here”
Clarisse squeezed you slightly. After a few moments you laughed. “What did you mean by ‘other girls here like me’ I’ve only been here for what like a month?” Clarisse didn’t respond however her actions told you otherwise. The shifting in her feet, the way her eyes avoided yours, how she held you— fuck clarisse liked you.
Once you realized it the daughter of ares knew you already figured it out. She cursed under her breath for a moment but was soon caught up in the fact you had grabbed her face and kissed her. The kiss only lasted for a second even though it wasn’t that great of a kiss it got the point across. “I like you I like you a lot actually uh clarisse your super cool and sweet and I ju—“ you started to anxiously ramble until she cut you off with yet another kiss this time it being more directed and sweet.
Pulling away you smiled, keeping your lips close to the girls “you know what I love about you.. how you always let me finish my sentences” the opposing girl just rolled her eyes making you laugh once again
Once you returned to the campfire you were confused as to why people were making teasing remarks at you and clarisse.. until annabeth pointed out your now messed up hair, flushed cheeks, wrinkled shirt and lastly the growing hickey on your neck.
Y/n - you are a sociopath these look like you tried to strangle me
Clarisse - Yeah Well you weren’t complaining when I was leaving them there
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symp4nat · 5 months
Do you accept requests for Dior Goodjohn fanfic? I think we need more fanfics about her here, well my idea is very simple: Dior live with the reader who has secretly been her girlfriend for a year but only those closest to her know, the reader starts to receive a lot of flirty comments and Dior She's just jealous. (you can develop it however you want)
Jealous Baby
dior goodjohn x reader
You were dancing around in the background of the live, still in the frame and laughing when Dior was reading to you the questions that the fans were asking in the chat. You continued to answer them while trying to peel your eyes off of your (secret) girlfriend. Although only a few of your friends knew, you didn't want the internet to know, no one knows what would happen.
Dior squinted and read out, "Is Y/N single?" She turned around all the way so no one could see her face. You nodded hesitantly and went to sit next to her. When you saw the newer messages, a slight blush rose onto your cheeks. "Guys, you know I like girls," you laughed.
Upon your comment, multiple other (positive) comments came flooding in. "No you may not have my number, sorry, uh.... my type? Girls? Curly hair, maybe brown eyes," you shrug and Dior taps your thigh under the table.
Some more people were making more comments and you continued reading them, "I can't- Dior?! God, no, she's like... my best friend," you gushed as you admired her. A few people commented things such as, "The edits are coming in soon!!" Dior snuck her hand around the frame of the video and knocked the phone over so the camera was facing the ceiling. "Oops, sorry, hold up," she said with a fake laugh.
Her hand squeezed your forearm and she gave you a slight shake of her head with a stern look on her face. You blushed again and nodded. She let go of your arm and set the phone back up. "So guys, we gotta go... so.... cya next time! I think Y/N/N should be a guest more often... So bye," Dior exclaimed and ended the live.
Her hand caressed your cheek and leaned in for what you assumed was a kiss. "Jealous," you questioned with a laugh and leaned in. She pulled back and teased, "You wish, baby."
authors note: oooooohhh whyd we lowk eat????
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xanasaurusrex · 7 months
i want you all to be prepared for a lot of clarisse content because i'm literally obsessed with dior goodjohn and i have lots of ideas.
(totally unrelated, but how would you all feel abt a clarisse x hecate!reader fic because i have a really good idea for that)
edit: i just saw a request for a clarisse x hecate!reader fic so it's definitely happening thank you sm anon you're my fav)
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