#Dima you gave me too much power here with these very good questions
frenchibi · 5 years
3, 9, 19 and 22 pleeeeez
THANK U!!! I may have gone a little overboard answering these (sorry not sorry)
[End of the year asks]
3 Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Can I have… three? xD (Yes I can, to hell with the rules!!)
The Regrettes (they are SO FUN and I saw a concert in November that was AMAZING) - listen here!
Delta Rae (to be fair I knew one of their songs prior to this year, but then I delved further into their work and AAAAA they make such diverse music I LOVE IT) - listen here!
Dirt Poor Robins (listen. LISTEN. They make musical theater concept albums with a Tim Burton feel WHAT’S NOT TO LOVE) - listen here and here and  here! (can you tell i am obsessed with these)
((honorable mention, I got into Starkid musicals this year and I AM SCREAM))
9 Best month for you this year?
This is such a difficult question, because every month there were really cool things?? (This has been such a good year overall?? ALLOW ME TO GO OFF FOR A SEC)
((adding a cut because this got long I GOT EXCITED, my life is cool???))
In January I got to do a lot of skiing, I had a RAD new year’s party (mostly we played board games and it was exactly what I wanted), and I explored my city a lot? Also there were lots of cool new shows out to watch! AND I visited @notinvidia !!
In February I had a visit from this friend….. and he came to my choir concert at a massive fancy venue that we don’t often get to play………. and I took him skiing………………. OH WAIT THAT WAS YOU WASN’T IT :DDDD(also I was in a bit of an anime nostalgia phase and that was FUN)
March was my birthday (and I LOVE MY FRIENDS SO MUCH AAA I had such a lovely party!!!) and also a bit of a pokemon go revival phase (don’t @ me) and I went on a bunch of rly cool dates with some rly cool ladies!! Meeting new people takes a special kind of energy and I seemed to have a lot of that in March! Also, March marks the beginning of Strawberry Season and I was So Excited hafjkshfhasjkl
In April I got into starkid musicals and spent the rest of the month bingeing everything they’ve ever created - also I got back into painting and I was SO HAPPY to be creating in a medium I hadn’t stared down to death y’know? *glares at ao3 page* Also I still got some end-of-season skiing in, that was very cool!
In May I began to change my aesthetic/clothes a little and I am SO HAPPY with these changes?? Also, I went to London to see @books-and-trees and she showed me a lot of really cool queer places, lovely bookstores, AND she took me to see Les Mis live which has been a LIFELONG DREAM it was AWESOME!! ALSO I met Sandi Toksvig??? Which I still can’t quite believe?????
In June I went on a family vacation to Turkey and it was so fun?? Also I absolutely gorged myself on strawberries and figs (livin my best life tbh), I got back into lots of reading (which, YESSSS) and I finally found a shampoo to solve my hair problems?? It was a good month xD
In July I went to my city’s pride parade with my favorite people (AWESOME), I had a concert with the band I’m in (AWESOME), I allowed myself to go to my favorite art supply store and GO APESHIT (AWESOME), and also I had a brief visit from some dear friends from India!!!!! (AWESOME)!
In August, I attempted a competitive sports thing for the first time in years and I PASSED and was so proud?? Also I took my little sister on her first vacation without our parents (it was SO FUN) and I saw the musical Come From Away, a 100-minute show that had me full-on crying for 95 of those minutes. It was AMAZING. I also went hiking with friends, and I was really obsessed with hot chocolate this month? lmao
September was Friend Meeting Month!! Everyone seemed to be back in town (and by that I mean EVERYONE, I met with twelve friends I don’t often see? TWELVE??? Yeah), and also I was back to choir and band after the summer break, which always really excites me! ALSO, @annoyed-basically taught me how to cross-stitch!! I had a bit of an anxiety-high this month, but I worked it out with my therapist and it all turned out ok :D
In October - I had another band concert and a really cool writing workshop where I met some amazing women! I was also sick for three weeks (oof) but I did catch up on a lot of shows during that time (lmao) and I saw another choir in concert and really, really enjoyed it! Also, we had a Halloween game night with a spooky game and it was SO FUN!!! Also I looked up some really cool DIY stuff for christmas gifts and started CREATING things!!!
November held another trip to London - and this time I SAW HAMILTON!!!!!!!! And oh my GOD it was AMAZING?!?! (I also saw Matilda the Musical, which made me cry LOADS and was so nostalgic and WONDERFUL!) I went on a work trip with my mom, and treated myself to a massive (MASSIVE) plushie because I had a bad day - I also had a choir concert, received a lot of cool art supplies in the mail that I’d ordered months ago and forgotten about (lmao), and had some really really cool nights out with friends!!! I also bought a gorgeous vintage dress that I am incredibly excited about!! AND I went to the aforementioned Regrettes concert (They kicked ASS!!)! ….yeah I think November might be my favorite month, maybe??
December is not over yet, but it has been quite cool so far? Bit of a stressful time preparing for work things and getting gifts done, but I had another choir concert that was awesome, I’m gonna go to some Christmas markets and also I have a five day skiing vacation with my sister coming up, and another new year’s eve party that I’m organizing! Aaaa!!
In conclusion, I have been stressing about my life but ACTUALLY I am living the dream, pretty much?? dfhjklahsdfjk I had a really really good year and I was overdue for one, after the pits of despair that were 2016, 17 and 18 :’)))
19 What’re you excited about for next year?
I haven’t actually planned far ahead yet, beyond like… February? So I am excited for whatever 2020 holds beyond that? I’m sure I’ll manage to do some really, really cool things!!! So far I have a night at the opera planned with a friend (and I am so excited, I so rarely meet people who enjoy opera as well???), and also a trip to India to finally see @joanofarcticmonkeys again, AAAAA!!!!! I AM SCREAM!!!! Also I might get to meet more online friends next year??? Looking at u @floweringscrubs :D
22 Favorite place you visited this year?
I mean… I went to London a LOT (lmao) and I am obsessed with the musical theater scene there? With how every theater is individually decorated and designed and stuff?? Also I went to some really really cool bookshops… :D
Other places closer to home that will always stay favorites include the gorge I like to go hiking in, the art supply store, the bar I frequent with my friends, and the mountains for skiing!!
…ok i’m gonna shut up now lmfao thank you for asking tho and making me remember that I’ve had a REALLY COOL YEAR!!!!!
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For the prompt thing, may I request Dimitri and Claude with Proposal?
Dimitri stirred awake by the sound of his mattress creaking. The bed dipped a little from the weight of his visitor, and he lazily opened his eye to see who had disturbed him. His vision started off a little hazy, the light filtering in through the windows bright and he had trouble adjusting to it. He could see the outline of beige clothes and brown hair, and bits of bright yellow over the figure’s body.“Mornin sleepy head,” spoke a soothing and familiar voice. A warm hand tenderly stroked through his disheveled hair, “The sun has been up for a few hours now. Figured it was time to come get you,” they finished.
 Dimitri rubbed the haze from his eye, and smiled at the person looming over him, “Claude, good morning,” he mumbled into his pillow. He admired the features of his lover in the morning light. He could see that he had been awake for several hours, probably before the sun came up, because of the uniform he was wearing. His ‘War outfit’ as he liked to call it for serious council meetings. He had combed those wild, brown locks back, but a few strands had fallen out of place, more than likely due to work, but nevertheless, he still looked sharp. Those gorgeous green eyes looked a bit weary, but still had that mischievous glint in them. He’d never admit it outloud, but he could tell what Claude was experiencing by looking into his eyes, and he could see that it had been a trying day. But through all his tribulations, Dimitri thought he still looked angelic. With the light cascading around him, causing his tan skin to glow with a golden hue, and the soft smile on his face as he gazed so lovingly at him, just made his heart warm. Dimitri buried his face into his pillow, and reached out to touch Claude’s hand, “It’s too bright give me a minute.”
His love merely chuckled at his worn state, “You are too cute when you’re like this,” he replied, as he leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek, “Anyway, I have something I need to discuss with you. Do you want to talk about it now or later?”his love reached up and carefully pulled him down beside him. He nuzzled his head against Claude’s chest, causing him to laugh as the other wrapped his arms around his body, “What’s gotten into you today?”
“I just want a hug,” he mumbled.
Claude rolled his eyes, but proceeded to hold him tight, “Alright, if I hold you will you listen?”
 “Yeah,” He replied with a giddy grin, “Does it involve the council meeting?”
“No, but we can talk about that another time,” He rested his head lazily on top of his, “I don’t want to talk about treaties right now.”
“Well, what is bothering you?”
“It’s not bothering me per say….” he trailed off, and Dimitri looked up at him, clearly concerned.“Claude?”
“Mitya, how ready are you to move to Almyra?”
“What?” Dimitri untangled himself from Claude’s grasp and sat up. His lover averted his gaze, and he responded by reaching out to touch his chin, and tilting it so he could see his eyes. He saw hesitation, and doubt behind that forlorn expression, “What’s brought this on?”
“Please, just…just answer the question.”
“Claude…” He resigned himself from prying too much, but couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that something was wrong. If he wanted answers, he had to assuage whatever his love may be fearing first, “I’ll never be completely ready to move, but I’m still willing to do so. I’ve done all I can here, all I’ve sought out to do. I re established relations with Duscur, I put the Kingdom back in order, and I relinquished my title and lands to Byleth, same as you. There’s nothing more for me to do here, but it’s still my home. Of course I’ll feel upset for leaving, but I’m also pretty excited to start a new life with you,” he chuckled and lifted one of Claude’s hands into his own, “I haven’t been able to get Almyra out of my mind. I’m so excited to go! To finally see the place you call home, the lands you hold so dear and so ready to protect, it’s exhilarating,” he beamed as he put Claude’s hand to his face, “ So, to answer your question, Yes, I am ready to journey to Almyra with you. I’ll get to see you rule firsthand, quietly watching behind the scenes,” he concluded. He didn’t mind giving up his title as king. In fact, he felt relief wash over him as he performed the ceremony with Byleth, knowing his kingdom was in good hands. He didn’t know much about Almyra’s court system, but he knew that they probably wouldn’t want the king’s lover to be sitting in on meetings, or helping with decision making. So, he resigned himself to get used to just carefully watching and supporting him from the side lines.
“What if I don’t want you behind the scenes?” The words cut through Dimitri like a dagger to his back. The cherry look in his eyes faded in an instant, even more so as Claude just stared blankly at him.
“Hold on, what do you mean? Do you not-” his voice caught in his throat, and it felt as though a rock had lodged it’s way between his vocal cords. He thought for a brief moment that his love was going to abandon him, like he had been fearing for two years since they were together. ‘I just sacrificed everything for him,’ Dimitri thought as tears welled in his eyes, ‘why is he deciding to tell me after the fact that he doesn’t want me? Have I misjudged his character this whole time?’ his hands started shaking as he tried to calm himself, but the thoughts wouldn’t stop flooding his mind.
However Claude, being the people reader that he is, quickly latched onto him and held him tight,“Oh! No no no! I’m not saying that at all,” he briefly kissed Dimitri on the mouth, stifling a giggle at the blush that formed on his face,“What I meant is, what if I want you closer?”
“Closer?” Dimitri looked at him quizzically, “Your court would allow someone without a title to be with you in court?”
“No, Mitya listen,” Claude took his hands in his own and kissed them, “what if I gave you a title?”
“You can just hand out titles to people as king in Almyra?” Dimitri laughed, his wide, adoring smile showing through again,“What, are you going to give me back my lord status?”
“Doesn’t seem like a very good choice to me. Wouldn’t that cause an uproar? I mean, I’m not opposed to it if you want me to help you, but the implications-” he’s cut short by Claude pulling him into a deep, but brief kiss. He can feel his face go hot, and his heart starts racing even when the contact was brief. When they pull away, his love’s eyes are closed, but his head is tilted downwards towards their joined hands, “What was that for?”
“Look in your hands, Dimitri.”
“My hands…” he didn’t notice it while they were talking, but he could feel something small and round pressing against his palm, “Claude what did you-” his eye went wide as he stared at the object in his hands. It was a silver ring, studded with Diamonds, with A large Sapphire in the middle. He held it in his hands like he was holding a fragile, baby bird. Carefully rolling it in his palms to see the full scale of the craftsmanship. As the sunlight hit it, he could see the words ‘Forever bound by fate, in this life, and the next’ engraved on the inside of the ring in elegant cursive.
“Dimitri, I wanted to ask you for some time now, and I never got the chance because of the war. I wanted to propose right after, but then Nemesis showed up and, well…” He sighed and placed his hands on Dimitri’s knees, “Now that negotiations are almost done here, and our carriages are being packed, I wanted to do one last thing before we leave Fodlan behind.”
“You want me to…” he looked up finally, with tears in his eye, “marry you?”
“If you’ll allow it, yes,” he cleared his throat, then retook Dimitri’s hand. He placed the ring on his finger, which was a perfect fit, “I want you to rule side by side with me. I’ll fight for your rights if I have to. Most marriages only allow for a reagent with limited power, but I want you to stand with me as an equal. I have always thought of you as such, and I don’t want that dynamic to change,” he kissed Dimitri’s cheek, “Will you marry me, Dimitri?” His love sat there utterly still with his expression a mixture of shock and disbelief. He finally leaned against Claude’s shoulder, held him with an iron grip, and started to sob and shake violently, “Dimitri!” he yelled, as he squeezed him just as tight, “Are you alright? Was it something I said? Oh, Dima, I am so sorry.”
“It’s not that,” He sputtered between harsh coughs, “I just never thought you would want to marry me,” his breathing started getting sporadic as he continued to weep. They sat there for several minutes as he tried to calm himself down. His love cooed and whispered reassurances in his ear while patting his back. Once he was able to breathe deep again, he continued, “I spent the last two years thinking I was just going to be your lover. That you would eventually move on to someone new, and I would fade into a distant memory. I should have known better,” He laughed darkly and wiped his eye, “I didn’t think I would be worth the trouble, much less the time. When we first got together, I kept thinking that you would find someone better. Someone who deserves you much more than me, but I see now I was wrong,” he gasped as he started to cry again, “I-I’m so sorry I doubted you. Please, forgive me!”
“Mitya…shhhh, it’s okay,” Claude placed several kissed along Dimitri’s neck and shoulder as he sobbed against him. He rubbed circles into his back, and slowly rocked side to side, “It’s okay, I’m not upset. Please, Calm down. Darling, look at me,”He held his love’s face in his hands as he lovingly grazed his thumbs across his cheeks, and felt a pain in his chest at how distraught he looked. With a tender kiss he softly said, “I love you, Mitya. I always will. It’s not your fault for feeling this way I understand,” He could see him wince and start to cry more, but he kissed him fully while wiping away the tears, “Hush, it’s alright. I love you. I love you, Dimitri, so don’t cry. Darling, you are so wonderful.”
“I-I love you too,” He stuttered, “That’s why I’m so torn up over this,” he laughed weakly as he brought his hands to rest on Claude’s.
“I know, I’m sorry,” he smiled and pressed their foreheads together, “I guess I should have brought this up sooner huh?”
“No, it’s my fault for overreacting. I should be the one apologizing.”
“Regardless of all that,” Claude chuckled and kissed him one last time, “Will you marry me, you lovely, beautiful man?”
“Of course I will,” He laughed and embraced his love tightly, “ I’m with you now, and forever more.”
Mod Bambi -🦌
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golden-deer-dear · 5 years
History on Repeat, Chapter 3: Let’s Have a Chat, Claude x Byleth Modern AU
Summary: Byleth slept after she lost him, awakening ages later to Garreg Mach University. She is drawn into the friendly competition between dorm floors, an argument as to which D&D group is better, trips to coffee shops, and the questions into her own lost memories.
Claude could not help but be suspicious of Seteth’s niece who appeared out of nowhere, but there was something so familiar about her, something that made his heart ache. How had she appeared in his dreams years before either of them even came to the University?
Read on AO3.
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2
“Are you sure this spell isn’t going to be too high level?”
“Dima, there’s three parties going up against this guy. He needs to be overpowered.”
“Yes, but we’ve also implemented so many other traps and enemies on the way to him. They’re going to worn out by the time they get there.” Edelgard held up her hand before Claude could cut her off, working through her thought process outloud. “So really, this is a test of how well they use their resources, as much as it is how good their tactics are.”
“Exactly!” Claude agreed. “I mean, this is pretty much our campaign wrap up. It needs to be epic.”
“Hmm, I see.” Dimitri studied the paper full of enemy stats. There was a glint in his eye that excited Claude. Dimitri’s sense of honor and fair play had him running more straight forward campaigns, but since working with himself and Edelgard, he had started implementing more complex villains who weren’t afraid to use backhanded tactics. “In that case, since Thale has been masquerading as the governor's advisor for so long, wouldn’t he know certain things about the party members?”
“Ooooh!” Claude’s face split into a wide grin. “El, that’s going to be a problem for your party most of all. They’re the ones who’ve had the most to do with politics.”
“True.” There was a slight grin on her face as she thought through the idea. “It would be interesting to see what they come up with. I like it. But, Lorenz’s character is in trouble there too then.”
Edelgard rolled her eyes at the way Claude practically bounced in his chair at the idea.  
“Who is that with Hilda?” Dimitri interrupted them.
Claude turned his head to the cafe entrance. And his entire world ceased to function. He knew her immediately. For the past few weeks he had stood beside her in his dreams, held her in his arms as they shared both the happiest and worst moments of their lives. She had shared his hopes and dreams, turned them into a reality when he could not do so by himself. She had given him her heart, full of the emotions he had taught her to feel in the first place. And together, they had made a brand new world.
Hilda had just walked in with the woman of his dreams.
Soft fingers tapped his chin, and he instinctively shut his jaw. “Better,” Edelgard chuckled. “You can’t stare at someone like that, Claude. You’re going to make her feel uncomfortable.”
“You know,” Dimitri drawled in an all too satisfied tone that made Claude roll his eyes, “I’ve never seen you react to anyone like that before.”
“No, I haven’t either,” Edelgard added in that same annoyingly smug tone. “Could it be Claude von Riegan has fallen in love at first sight?”
Dimitri placed a hand over his heart, gasping dramatically. “Why, El, I think you may be right! He has a heart after all!”
Edelgard pinched Claude’s cheek, laughing as her hand was swatted away. “He’s growing up so fast!”
“Scoot over, El,” Dimitri said, already moving their materials out of the way to make room for their friends who were starting to make their way over to the table. “We’ll give her some room to sit next to Claude.”
Claude groaned and dropped his head into his hands. “Could you two be anymore obvious? Why can’t you act like normal people?”
“That’s rich coming from you,” Hilda’s voice practically sang above him. Claude didn’t need to look up and see the smirk on her face to know she had caught his reaction when they had walked in. “Hey, let me have your charger.”
“You know, you could ask me and I’d let you borrow it,” Claude pointed out, resting his chin dejectedly on the tabletop. Hilda was already digging through his bag, and simply waved him off.
Mercedes laughed at their banter before turning to his dream woman. “That’s Claude. He’s the RA for the Golden Deer dorm.”
“Hi,” Claude lifted his hand and gave a weak wave. His heart was pounding in his ears as the woman’s eyes turned to him. Those green eyes that pierced through him in his dreams now simply looked confused. Was that a flicker of recognition in her eyes? No, Claude shoved that thought away quickly. With the way his brain was working right now, he wasn’t about to trust he had actually seen anything like that in her eyes.
“And this is Edelgard. She’s the RA for the Black Eagle dorm. And Dimitri, RA for the Blue Lions. That’s where Annie and I stay!”
Edelgard and Dimitri offered their own greetings, and Dimitri, ever the gentleman, offered the woman a seat between Claude and Edelgard.  
“Ah ha!” Hilda cried in triumph as she brought out Claude’s charger. “Okay, Byleth, here’s how this works.”
BylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBylethBy - 
Claude turned away, knowing Edelgard and Dimitri would tease him about it later, but needing the time to school his features away from shock he knew he wasn’t hiding. When Hilda said Byleth’s name, it was as if someone had punched Claude in the stomach and knocked all the air from his lungs. Her name was ringing over and over again in his head, pounding out its rhythm in time with the rapid beating of his heart. 
“Byleth!” someone shouted from across the cafe.
“See! I told you she’d show up eventually!” Annette practically beamed with delight that she was proven right.
Flayn raced over to their table, offering apologizes over her shoulder as she knocked people out of the way. “Byleth, what are you doing here?” she asked, breathless by the time she reached them. There was a hint of fear in her voice, and that brought Claude back. Curious. What did Flayn have to be afraid of?
“I was bored,” Byleth answered, her voice so level and monotone it caused Claude to snort. He caught the way Edelgard held a hand over her mouth, and Dimitri laugh before he bit his lip to cut off anymore. “And the phone stopped working.”
“We’ve got it going now,” Hilda said proudly, holding up Byleth’s phone where it was plugged into Claude’s charger. 
“Oh my! I can’t believe we forgot to give you a charger!” Flayn looked absolutely horrified. 
Edelgard opened her mouth, obviously going to ask something about the curious situation, but Marianne, who had spent her time looking over Hilda’s shoulder, tapped her shoulder and gave a small shake of her head. Hmm, things were getting more and more interesting with every word of this conversation. He’d have to meet up with Hilda and Marianne later. Claude was glad to have a mystery to focus on. It distracted him from the way he wanted to just sweep Byleth into his arms every time he looked at her for too long.
“Well, I wouldn’t mind you tagging along with me, but I’m afraid you’d find it all terribly boring. And since that’s what you were trying to avoid…” Flayn trailed off, chewing at her bottom lip as she thought. “And Father would not react very well if he knew. He’d be so worried he would probably send you home immediately.”
Byleth’s shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry, Flayn. The house was just becoming a bit too suffocating.”
“Oh no, I understand.” Flayn gave Byleth a smile so pure and genuine Claude wasn’t sure what to make of it. “Well, I guess you could come with me. I’ll explain as much of campus to you as I can while we run these errands.”
“We can show her around.” Claude had no idea where the words came from, and was surprised to see everyone’s eyes to turn to him. Oh well, nothing else to do besides roll with it, Edelgard and Dimitri’s teasing be damned. “The three of us don’t have anymore classes today, so we won’t have to rush.”
“Oh! Class! I forgot!” Annette shouted. “Mercie, we’re going to be late! Bye, Byleth! It was nice to meet you!” 
“Wait, Annie!” Mercedes called after her friend as Annette sprinted for the door. “Oh dear. Goodbye, Byleth. I hope we get to talk again soon.”
“We need to go too,” Marianne pointed out to Hilda. “Our class is on the other side of campus, and we’ll be late if we don’t leave soon.”
Hilda’s eyes widened as she checked the time on Byleth’s newly powered phone. “You’re right! I completely lost track of time. Claude, you be nice to Byleth! Byleth, I have no doubt you can take care of yourself, but just in case, here’s my number. Text me if he does anything dumb.” Hilda winked at Byleth as she typed her info into Byleth’s phone, smiling at her own joke.
“Goodbye, Byleth,” Marianne said softly, offering the woman a rare smile. “We’ll meet up again soon, okay?” 
“Okay.” Byleth smiled back at her, small and soft, as if she was unused to the gesture. 
Flayn watched them go before turning back to the table. “If you’re sure you wouldn’t mind showing her around, that would be wonderful. So long as you’re all right with it, Byleth?”
Byleth nodded. “I would like that.”
“Okay.” Flayn tapped a finger against the side of her chin a few times before nodding, decision made. “Can you have her back here by six? That’s when Father and I will head home.”
“Sure,” Edelgard assured her. “We’re finishing up here, so that’ll give her phone enough time to finish charging. Then we’ll head out and show you around,” Edelgard ended by turning her attention to Byleth. 
“Thank you.”
“Wonderful!” Flayn clapped her hands together. “Well, in that case, I really must be off. So much to do, you know! Byleth, text me if you need anything.” Flayn waved as she turned from the table, a wide grin on her face. She stopped by the counter to pick up her drink before heading out, giving them yet another wave. There was something about the gesture that made her seem almost too eager to leave Byleth in their care.
He had just bought himself an entire afternoon with the woman from his dreams. Now, he just had to figure out what they were going to do. 
“So,” Edelgard said slowly, “I don’t suppose you play D&D, do you?”
Byleth shook her head in confusion. “What is that?”
Claude grinned, pulling one of the books toward them that Dimitri had shoved to the side to make room for Byleth. “Let’s start with the basics.”
Byleth leaned over, her arm brushing against his as she moved to look at the book. He heard Dimitri snigger, and knew the other man saw the blush spreading across Claude’s cheeks. Claude chose to ignore it. No, right now Claude was going to devote his entire concentration to teaching Byleth about tabletop games.
His heart hammered in his chest, and his fingers itched to reach up and brush her hair aside. His lips ached to press kisses against her cheek, and...well, it was a good thing Claude had a lot of self control. Otherwise his reality and his dreams might overlap, and that would only lead to trouble.
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