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digitronsurfers · 6 months ago
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two recent dgs (multilingual)
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 5 months ago
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This is Digitron
He's a camera pet that loves to be with a human that can take care of him, he's been alone for decades with no one to hangout with. Sure he can record and take pictures on anything, he just wants to be with someone as a friend.. or a family...
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normalmonsterfight · 1 year ago
Hello! Here is are some monsters I’d like to submit (along with some reasons why I like them):
- Stray Familiar: Cat
- Interstellime: It’s so cute
- Metaphys Armed Dragon: One of the first cards I had when I started playing the game
- Alexandrite Dragon
- Wolf: So descriptive and the flavor text is fun
- Gunkan Suship Shari
- All three World Chalice normal monsters (Beckoned by the World Chalice, Crowned by the World Chalice, Chosen by the World Chalice)
- Bitron and Digitron: I’m a sucker for Yugioh Vrains
- Ultimate Flag Beast Avan Wolf and Ultimate Flag Mech Tough Striker: Light Machines is my favorite Rush deck to play
That is all but I will probably return with more
Seconds for Alexandrite Dragon, Metaphys Armed Dragon, Crowned by/Chosen by the World Chalice, and Digitron, the rest added!
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digitronic · 3 months ago
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sorrinslays · 4 months ago
I have this headcanon that when the Underworld was reopened and the orphan kids finally got to go to school, the Moles would ask Sampo for help with school projects.
Like, imagine Hook has a show + tell in her class, and, initially, she is planning on showing her digitron, only for the teacher to deem it as "dangerous" and not let her.
Sampo happens to be babysitting her when she tells him how "unfair" that is, so the next time he goes out to the snow plains he brings an artifact from one of the destroyed houses and gives to to Hook so she can complete her assignment.
Cue Gepard arriving to an elementary school because the teachers are saying that a blue-haired man gave a 6-year old a valuable artifact.
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ilikedyourablogithere · 3 months ago
Thinking about how Ghost Game didn't get to properly establish their season's new faction that gets added into the Digimon fandom
and like the thing is I can see the vision of it
I guess there's no real name for the group so until I'm corrected I'll just say "Larc's Disaster Prevention Force"
you have Quantumon as the leader.
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Super brainy fairy digimon enshrined in the city of Larc with time and space munipulation powers who runs trillions of simulations to find the best solution to counter act disasters that happen in the digital world.
BloomLordmon as the Omegamon of the group
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It's a digimon that fights to protect nature so allying with a super smart individual that can predict disasters makes enought sense. Said to have some abilities that put it on terms of power with the royal knights
And that's all for main members until they start adding onto the group again (they're the new Vortex Warriors)
After that there would be the Larc's prevention army. Which would be the foot soldiers that can be counteract the disaster they are face with
ex. With GulusGammamon and the GRB virus Quantumon sent out BloomLordmon and Black digimon that with their black digitron is immune to the virus
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and Quantumon would deploy different foot soldiers for each disaster
X Antibody digimon if there's an outbreak of X Program Armored digimon if there's a something preventing evolution
etc etc etc you get the general idea
There main villain would be The Endbringer
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Some sorta planet eater type of thing
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And maybe Arcturusmon would also be a villain seeing how it didn't get to show up in the show (?) it's suppose to be like a Megidramon level threat
They'll be like the Olympos XII or Tian Ji, only show up in some stories enough times where they'd give fans a break from seeing The Royal Knights all the time but not enough where it feels like they're trying to replace The Royal Knights in the fanbase
but that's just my outlook on the group from what I saw in Ghost Game
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what about you? any cool ideas you have in mind for this new group that didn't get much love in it's own story?
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rebuiltproject · 6 months ago
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Nível Criança / Seichouki / Rookie  Atributo Vírus  Tipo Dragão Pequeno  Campo Rugido do Dragão (DR) / Soldados do Pesadelo (NSo)  Significado do Nome Ard de Ardor. 
Ardmon é aquele que surge quando um Kabutomon entra em contato com Digitron Negro, evoluindo para a uma forma que se assemelha a Draamon, porém tingido de preto e com um Coração de Dragão que reluz numa tonalidade carmesim deslumbrante, destacando-o em qualquer lugar que esteja. 
Por trás de um temperamento calmo e poucas palavras está um ser presunçoso que trata os outros com desdém, tão cheio de si que acaba afastando a maioria dos Digimons e raramente é visto na companhia de alguém, o que, no fim, é ótimo para alguém que só vê valor na própria existência. Os poucos que resolvem seguir Ardmon o veem como algum tipo de mestre, se subordinando a ele e inflando seu ego a fim de ganhar proteção em troca, pois compreendem a verdadeira força deste Digimon. 
É menos ágil e resistente que sua subespécie, algo compensado por seu formidável domínio da Magia do Clã Eneruge, manipulando o fogo com técnicas que visam afastar os adversários e atacá-los de longa distância, por vezes sendo capaz, inclusive, de lançar raios que abatem qualquer um que seja atingido. Dizem que sua habilidade é tamanha que apenas o Familiar do Fogo é capaz de rivalizá-lo. 
Draco Ignis (Fogo do Dragão) Lança de sua boca uma ardente bola de fogo púrpura contra o oponente. 
Feuerjäger (Perseguidor de Fogo) Rasga o chão com as garras, criando uma labareda que persegue o adversário até o atingir. 
Brennende Seele (Alma Ardente) O Coração de Dragão brilha e labaredas de fogo começam a circular em volta de Ardmon, afastando qualquer um que tente chegar perto. 
Sengender Blitz (Relâmpago Abrasador) Ioniza o ar com sua Magia para disparar um raio incandescente contra o inimigo. Tal golpe causa fortes queimaduras e pode desmaiar o oponente na hora. 
Linha Evolutiva 
Pré-Evoluções  Kabutomon 
Subespécie  Draamon 
Artista Caio Balbino Criado por Jonas Carlota  Digidex Empírea 
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ask-inspector-adventure2 · 3 months ago
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Imagine having a Camera pet creature that can take pictures and record videos his name is Digitron I bet inspector would like to have him just to make some memories of his life
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Loogamon + Meicoomon Fusion with a bit of Shutmon.
Sent me notes or contact my listed email to claim!
Read Terms of service before adopting:
B (Loogamon) is now belonged to https://twitter.com/kgh786
C (Shutmon) is now belonged to https://twitter.com/PokemonMasta123
E (Helloogarmon) is now belonged to https://twitter.com/DracoWolf73
F (Black Digitron) and G (Silver) is now belonged to https://twitter.com/maus12michi
I (Pulsemon) is now belonged to https://twitter.com/bennymmaru
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arcthebreeder · 1 year ago
Digital Monster Entry (DME)
Name: Regulusmon
(lit. Monster of Regulus)
Stage: Perfect
Attribute: Virus
Type: Evil Dragon
An Evil Dragon type digimon that it's said, plans to rule through rage and fear. Despite being a Perfect, it's said that its power can be compared to that of Megidramon, one of the Four Great Dragons a digimon, well known for being one of the most evil, so Regulusmon's arrival is nothing short of a disaster.
Its body is the origin of an infection known as the GRB or Gulus Realm Burst, it is said that those digimon infected with the GRB Factor have their personalities are altered and become frenzied, however, this infection doesn't affect those digimon that have the secretion Black Digitron, which is said to be the primary cause for digimon turning black.
It has some destructive special moves just like.
•Opening the mouth on the shield he bares on its left hand and biting the enemy with it, the Kalyp Bite.
•Firing three penetrating lasers from its shield, the Geniarce.
•Using its two-pronged tail to perform the Dead-End Spike, a move that pierces its enemy deeply.
•And lastly, for its greatest thread, the Gran TrES, that shoots a dark hellfire sphere from its mouth, swallowing not only matter but also light and tracing everything without a trace.
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normalmonsterfight · 1 year ago
here's some Normal Monsters i think are cool! (mostly just ones that i like the artwork of)
Power Pro Knight Sisters Chosen by the World Chalice Wattaildragon Gem-Knight Garnet Alexandrite Dragon Mekk-Knight Avram Luster Dragon 7 Colored Fish Suppression Collider Frostosaurus Angel Trumpeter Galaxy Serpent Guardragon Justica Crowned by the World Chalice Doll Monster Miss Mädchen Doll Monster Bear-Bear Dragon Core Hexer Divine Dragon Ragnarok Digitron Rabidragon Metaphys Armed Dragon Flash Knight
I might have more later.
also, one question. If a monster is Normal/Pendulum, but it does have a Pendulum Effect, does it count for the list? If so, i'd like to nominate Dragonpulse Magician and Hallohallo.
All added!
I'm a little mixed on Normals with pendulum effects, but for now I'll allow it unless a significant number of people feel it's unfair.
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mat2modblog · 2 years ago
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So does this mean every black recolor digimon (Gulus notwithstanding) has black digitron and are thus immune to GRB? What about all the other recolors and pallet swaps like Psychemon, NiseDrimogemon and IceDevimon?
(this was Regulusmon’s profile BTW. Bandai Namco mentioning GRB in Gulus’ Digimon Web profile would be a massive spoiler)
Edit: In case anyone else wants to fail to gaslight me for knowing that Psychemon’s pelt is not only not the only difference, it’s not even the most notable:
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Anyone with functioning eyes can tell the difference beyond the pelts. Even the colorblind should be able to tell the difference.
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vermilionvector · 2 years ago
Ghost Game
There's one scene in EP. 64 I'd like to discuss.
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This dice scene happened after HoverEspimon poured sour plum snacks into Canoweissmon's mouth to awaken him from Dagomon's hallucination.
Judging from the dice shape, they seemed to be decahedron dice. This type of dice (and also other polyhedral dice) is commonly used in tabletop role-playing games (e.g. Monster World in the first ever Yugioh series, which coincidentally, was also made by Toei).
The blue die is a bit peculiar, though. In games like DnD, the die with two digits is associated with the value of tens, so all sides on that die should have two digits ranging from 00 - 90. However, we only saw one side with double digits here. It could be assumed that the 0s on the other sides on the blue die were omitted because it's already made known that it represented the "leading digit" and the purple one represented the "following digit". For example, if we roll a 5 on the blue die and a 9 on the purple die, the result would be 59. Note that we did not see every numbers on the purple die, so we could not guarantee that all sides on that die were single digit or not. A special case would be 00 & 0. Conventionally, it'd be interpreted as 100.
Assuming that the hypothesis is correct, the roll above resulted in 1. If we consider the fact that Canoweissmon was in a pinch before this happened, it could be assumed that you need to roll some numbers to get out of the situation. For example, there's a 10% chance of HoverEspimon's interference working and you need to roll 1 - 10 to succeed. There are countless possibilities for the clear condition here, so let's not dawdle on that.
What does this scene imply on the larger scale, though? TBH I always find this season's name unconventional for a Digimon series. In Adventure, we go on, well, an adventure. In Tamers, we followed the story of those Tamers. In Frontier, we enter the frontier of the Digital World. In Savers, we follow the squad who saved people. In Xros Wars, we have Xros evolution. In Universe: Appmon, we had an alternate Universe that revolved around another species called Appmon. And then we have Ghost Game. The "Ghost" part is pretty clear with Hologram Ghost. But where does the "Game" part come into play? It's been a little mystery that has been nagging behind my brain since the series' announcement. The 60+ weeks didn't make anything clearer, up until this scene.
In DnD, a Dungeon Master will tell you the scenario, and the players will decide their actions. Then, they roll some dice to decide the outcome. Since the actions are pretty much anything within the scope of the game, it's very versatile. It could be that the entirety of Ghost Game thus far was based on a game played against a Dungeon Master. This Dungeon Master could be the one behind the crisis of the Digital World. One or more challengers appeared to try and save the Digital World and had to play this game to save it. One of the challengers could be Hokuto, who was summoned to the Digital World per the rule of this game, which would explain why he was not fried when going through the gate as this game might bypass conventional rules.
OR it could be that there was no Dungeon Master, but a central computational server that determined the results of each action related to Digimons individually. In other words, RNG, and the dice were only there for visual presentation.
The following section will be based on profile of GulusGammamon's evolved forms: Regulusmon and Arcturusmon.
In Arcturusmon's profile, it mentions that it is a theoretical existence which, if brought into the "real" Digital World, could expose it to Digital Hazard that drastically distorts the environment. Both Regulusmon and Arcturusmon are said to be the source of "Gulus Realm Burst" (GRB, a word play on Gamma Ray Burst), which corrodes any beings not possessing Black Digitron (the substance that alters the color of a Digimon). This could be the reason why we saw black Digimons every time Gulus appeared. They were the survivors who lived to tell the tale, or they could be "watchers" who were in charge of observing and confining him. Since, if we assume that the "simulation" hypothesis was true, the "experimenters" would definitely need results. And if we assume that the dice toss were actually just a visual presentation of RNG, the simulation hypothesis holds more water. Another factor to contribute to this is Proximamon's profile which also mentions simulation.
This GRB crisis might happen because of a simulation gone wrong and only the "evil" side of Proximamon manifesting and the "holy" side still dormant and could be the reason why Hokuto sent Gammamon to live with Hiro to awaken his "holy" side. But whether the "human world" is "real" and this entire series is just a large-scale experiment or it is just "fictional-yet-consequential", remains to be seen.
BUT considering that we only have 3 episodes left and we're going to the Digital World soon, the simulation hypothesis, though how much likely I made it sounded to be, could totally be wrong. Ghost Game tends to play things out straightforward to fit with its monster-of-the-week format with some exceptions being this last sprint of the series. And based on the released episode titles, we could assume how things will play out:
EP. 65: The Black Zone of Death - GulusGammamon would be in full motion here as the gang would be in direct contact with areas subjected to GRB. Kiyo was also shown to have been affected by it.
EP. 66: The Dark Dragon of Destruction - Probably revolves around Regulusmon and his fight with the gang. I think he'd also evolve to Arcturusmon near the end of the episode.
EP. 67: The Devourer of All - The last fight with Arcturusmon and Proximamon's debut. He could be the one to restore the Digital World back to the way it was. And, in my opinion, where we say goodbye to our adorable Gammamon in a noble sacrifice.
You know when I posted about the Appmon dream I didn't know Ghost Game would venture this way. Was it a premonition, somehow?
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sorceress-foxgirl-ariel · 1 year ago
Ah yes
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Digitron, the synthesizer PDF reader app
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digitronic · 2 months ago
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silk-wyrm · 1 year ago
DiMsection: Gammamon (BE)
As this Dim focuses primarily on the Gammamon-species family, so will we! XD
General Capture Data Overview:
As it is a species-focused Dim, the Gammamon BE Dim mostly consists of digimon within the Gammamon-species family. This family is uniquely varied among both its evolution branches and its origins, and has been the subject of some very interesting research. However, as the Dim also serves to tie into the Digimon Ghost Game (GG) anime, it also includes digimon associated with Gammamon from the series, as well as some additional digimon that fit neither criteria
Ecology in the Digital World:
Most environmental simulations are based on the various AR-Field cyberspaces deployed by the digivices of GG, and this is made clear by the hexagonal patterns that are clearly visible in most of them. However, later stages of the Adventure Mode show these sims as corrupted by the unique digimon occupying them.  
According to the Digimon Encyclopedia,  "Gammamon's evolution is said to be linked to a 'digital signal that came from extragalactic space'."
As such, the high variation in Gammamon’s evolutions, as well as their star-based naming conventions, are likely rooted in this.
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Evolution Observations:
Both Bokomon and Gammamon are able to become Sealsdramon, which is notable considering previous capture data on the original Gammamon DiM had included Tankdramon, another D-Brigade digimon.  
Whilst previous capture data had shown the Gammamon-species family to possess four closely related adult variations alongside a unifying perfect form, this updated set revealed 5 new perfect forms. In addition to Canoweissmon, each adult can now develop as follows:
GulusGammamon can become Regulusmon, which has been compared to Megidramon in terms of power. Regulusmon is also the source of the Gulu-Realm Burst (GRB) factor, an infection that causes digimon to go completely feral, though Black Digitron may serve to protect against it. Gulus is the only Gamma-adult unable to become Canoweissmon
BetelGammamon can become Fumamon, a Data-attribute cyborg digimon that is an assassin skilled in the Fuma school of ninja techniques. Fumamon can also come from Sealsdramon, another cyborg-type assassin
WezenGammamon can become Ghilliedhumon, which is interesting for reasons we’ll get to later
KausGammamon, alongside BetelGammamon, can become Zanmetsumon. It also shares a second perfect with Wezen in the form of Bombermon.
Also present as a perfect form is Vamdemon, coming from either Sealsdramon or GulusGammamon. Presumably, Gulus could develop into such a state should a focus not be placed on developing the GRB factor.
In addition, the Gammamon-species family was found to have 2 associated mega forms, and a fusion form as well:
By infusing GRB back into Regulusmon, it will evolve into Arcturusmon, which has been proven by many simulations. Whether it has appeared in the Digital World proper is currently unknown, but if it does so it will likely cause a Digital Hazard & drastically change the environment, which is demonstrated in the simulated ones.
Canoweissmon (as well as Fumamon & Zanmetsumon) can become Siriusmon, a light dragon associated with the Virus Busters, but otherwise fairly unremarkable within that grouping 
The fusion of Siriusmon and Arcturusmon is Proximamon, a theoretical digimon for which most evolution data was kept tightly underwraps due to its ability to completely reshape its environment. It was found in a simulation on a high-speed computing device, so whether it exists in the real Digital World is unknown. Whilst many tamers have access to this digimon via this Dim, it’s become significantly less common due to it’s combat potential being lower than more recent Dim data in terms of abilities, and only a few cases have been recorded of this species going rouge.
Also present as possible mega forms are Kuzuhamon, Cannondramon, & Spinomon, each of with have interesting implications:
Spinomon: Coming from Ghilliedhumon, Spinomon continues to be a form usually rooted in a nature-focused dataset. When coming from Bombermon, however, it seems that the BBs it once deployed may have developed into its own spine-blades. It also seems to be the Virus branch of Canoweissmon’s evolution spectrum
Kuzuhamon: In this case, Kuzuhamon can come from 3 different Virus perfects, with an overlap in that 2 (Vamde & Bomber) both employ familiar-esque units that may develop into their kuda-gitsune. From Zanmetsumon, all I can think of is that the armor and swords used by it seem to be of a samurai-esque style, but I am NOT an expert on that in any capacity.
Cannondramon: The Data path of Canoweissmon’s evo-spectrum, but the truly fascinating aspect comes from the child level Koemon. In Digimon World 3, Koemon’s “natural mega form” was Cannondramon, via a path which developed its sharpshooting skills w/ its slingshot into a stronger ranged capability. In this data-set, Koemon can once again follow this type of path through Wezen & Ghilliedhu into Cannondra! This, combined with Bokomon being able to become the all-rounder BetelGammamon, implies that the Gammamon-species family is so adaptive that it can even change to integrate previous forms residual data in later evolutions!
The Gammamon-species family is an interesting case in which the adaptability of digimon is pushed to its limit, and a perfect demonstration of how the specific stimuli a digimon is raised under can greatly alter its development. So much so that it reminds me of another case of alien adaptation… If that interests you, please consider checking out today’s (belated) episode of Monspiracy over on our Twitch!
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