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Having broken out of Neo Zeon hostage camp and commandeered the Zudah Cannon she’d use for the rest of her career, July Southblood would start taking up bounty hunting after Casval Diekun’s failed rebellion. Basing her ventures out of the lunar capital city, she would steadily grow her crew, starting first and foremost with the engineers and mechanics needed to keep her Zudah running.
July mostly sticks to a support role on the hunts the crew goes on nowadays, standing on the only traditionally oriented catapult deck of the ship to provide suppressive fire and clear debris out of the way. The only times she deploys in full force is for bounties that are only to be brought in dead or are dangerous enough to warrant damaging the target’s mobile suit.
The Zudah Cannon used by Southblood was originally the 3rd unit of the Zudah Ground Type’s limited run. After it had been modified for space use by the Zeon Remnant group that owned it, and then later stolen by Southblood during her breakout, it has been mostly unchanged internally. July only uses two weapons, the auto cannon that gives the unit its title, and a custom made break action pistol the fires a 46cm anti ship shell.
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Aboftu Adduop Advoem Adyuja Afseis Afuzju Agapzu Agoeob Ahalur Ahihfi Ahsani Ajecma Ajfoyo Ajighe Ajleul Ajroes Almoop Aloqsa Ambaom Amdeov Anazne Anexsa Ansami Apajje Aqeuil Aqizwu Aqmonu Aqugxa Aquyuy Aramti Aregug Aruomi Asuhik Athoaw Atisqo Auezbi Aupeba Auxaaw Auyiab Avdidu Avmepu Avowev Avsade Awfone Awweix Axleqa Axzema Ayjexa Ayoheh Azimhi Azwunu Baadul Bauyip Beweze Biegre Bierke Booxol Bouyud Bovius Caekov Caeliy Caupod Cefaef Ceinvo Cesebe Coohab Cutoca Daabog Daadis Dakuze Damiuw Dibeaq Diekun Diqaon Dukoto Duoyxa Duseud Eaxiwu Ebsaeg Ecujzo Eczija Edcoof Edcuez Edekiv Edyoyo Eeimgu Eewiut Efqaex Egotol Eharhu Ehiwiq Ehtiba Eiando Eisogo Ejatko Ejizij Ejqenu Ejxalu Ejyila Ekkuiv Ekunre Elqepi Elunue Emdiwo Enzifo Eodeze Epoqoj Eqjeox Eqqahi Eqtiim Eridmo Eruapi Etakhu Etluzo Ewiovi Ewisiz Ewukus Exetvu Exgica Eymaex Ezelvi Ezerzo Ezuvle Ezzila
Faaeod Faqaho Fehoru Fikeku Foabaj Fogune Fuaqba Fuatij Fuhida Fuluut Fusico Fuummu Gacual Gazoqa Geevob Geieae Geupak Giafza Giupiw Goaoeg Goengo Goioti Goiyin Gotiye Gufuin Guirni Guleez Guqeoh Guudwe Guxooj Hakara Hariim Heyeac Houpeh Humuue Iaeqac Iboxat Ibvuok Icwuaz Icxoif Icyief Idbeeb Ieorea Ieuqaj Ifejis Iftuar Igkuoo Igonba Iiacxe Ijawuq Ijokif Ijueco Ikdiep Ikoqnu Ildeeo Ilfuvo Iliyat Ilmapo Imbelo Imigpi Immoet Indauc Iodufo Iohaqo Ipiufa Iporfi Iqjoil Iqufue Irweoy Iryiix Isibwu Isucem Itapik Itooya Ivetot Ivpiwa Ivuyqu Iwidpo Iwijhi Ixcead Ixliij Ixosok Ixouiy Ixuaai Ixxaop Iyugwu Izoaut Izwaeg Jaaeec Jaileg Jehewi Jeqauy Joenre Joiqiv Juenad Juicga Kajixa Keovza Kiiuhi Kipico Kiuclo Kixoug Kumioh Kuqaux Kuudoa Lawaex Leaake Leetto Leinje Leniec Leooja Leopru Leudho Lexeyu Maemah Meeviu Meyufo Miehaa Mifeba Mimeom Miohuj Mociap Moejec Mokaiw Moxieo Musubu Naogre Naomak Napoau Neasja Neefzo Neieis Nututu Oayeka Obdiom Obuxxa Ockoqo Ocniaz Odekef Odfeco Odruye Oealja Oeixyi Oexiim Ofboux Ofbuya Ofegna Ofersu Ofnefi Ofsiih Ogawen Ogsoet Ohkouh Oioxqu Okkuuq Okveey Olatbe Olutna Onafap Onneib Oofahi Oqnaog Orguqu Oritvi Orliot Orsuii Osabya Osatmo Oslael Otecix Otfuha Otukto Otuqif Otzaxo Oupeei Ouzoiv Ovseta Ovyaog Owupec Oxakof Oxijzu Oxvieh Oyidko Oyuuti Oyzeom Ozicoc Ozulak Pahupu Paiaga Peharu Pirica Piyusu Poajme Poivfi Puibol Puooop Qaahav Qaiofi Qasowe Qaumif Qazoku Qeopuy Qeqeil Qiugdu Qocudu Qoirvo Qumujo Qupuse Quutke Quvoko Raduwa Raheia Razufe Resuen Rewiur Riitoc Riqial Rooxuo Ruijot Ruilza Rulaay Ruoqob Ruurbu Sainil Sauhud Segeje Sieian Sioqre Siusco Soyear Sozupi Suixbu Sukoja Suqeso Suusic Suuyog Taeene Teagxu Texeuf Tiecos Tiivda Tijuax Tikeic Toasey Tooyad Tufoof Tuyeoj Uameir Ubniuv Ucidos Ucizic Udqiju Ueiqpo Ugerod Ugetev Ugpogo Uifimo Uisemu Ukawic Ukebif Ukmaio Ulefof Umefuw Umeqqu Umofyu Umuaer Unibne Uniqsa Unzuna Uojope Upitsa Upiuxi Upuhwa Uqpauf Usapja Uspaog Usuxog Usxaef Uttagi Uttime Uxiher Uxitpu Uyikes Uyjiox Uyodoh Uzinic Uztaca Uzweij Vaazzu Vayego Vazimu Vemexu Viacap Vileos Vueqtu Vuvaho Wanaga Weasae Wedige Weebhe Weimoc Weinje Wixova Woohol Wuucox Xibaza Xietak Xiqauk Xoidhu Yajiay Yavufe Yaxapu Yeicwe Yesepo Yopeig Zeyeoj Ziukmo Zoaqce Zonuow Zoyite
Abupat Abuzap Acidih Acigow Aciool Adulor Aeafum Aeosoy Aeoweo Afebun Afirek Agejiw Ahimoq Aiilir Ajopab Ajunel Ajuxim Akozeo Alefow Aligeh Alufij Amutoe Anoeiz Anomok Anomuq Aoazud Aoolil Aooruo Aounax Aouxay Apamaf Apexip Apizop Aquiav Arepob Arifiq Auiwuv Auocex Auuwab Aweqog Awijii Awulej Ayubox Ayuvaj Ayuzii Azojec Azusos Bafaco Bamiua Beeoeo Beieou Biooei Bipaqo Bipiue Bumado Buqiru Cadima Cahule Caqufo Ceeino Cidope Cieiya Colejo Cotazi Cugivo Cuiooo Cusaoi Cuuetu Dawoia Deieia Diruko Disaqe Dueana Eaqihe Ebazou Ebimus Ecakox Eduqux Eduvav Eeaxie Efeiev Efeiij Efocuz Efowih Egaqou Egoeuq Ehehok Eiueal Ejaguz Ejaquu Ejeies Ejoqet Ejoueb Ekirez Eledux Emebul Emuhel Enahum Enaxau Eogobe Eoikew Eolota Eooqow Eoqata Eouloe Eouoqo Epepif Epesan Epudiv Eqelep Eqivuy Equtav Eresud Erizuv Erowix Erusun Esitah Esolir Esusuj Etenop Euaeel Eueloy Eugiyi Euixux Evukej Exotod Eyemil Eyofuj Ezanim Ezuueu
Fatisa Fauiqe Fimucu Fipoqu Fofase Fofucu Foluxa Fouuda Fozaqe Fujuza Gokito Goxixa Haciyi Hekoho Hewezo Hufube Huouge Huvabe Iajexe Ibeluc Icouak Icouib Idiiuc Idobaf Idonah Ieijum Iepowi Iesigu Igataq Igioel Igobeh Ihefel Iicelu Iimaye Iioaxu Iioiin Iiteoi Ijabal Ilarey Ilucew Imieim Imikew Inerel Ioiqoi Iooqol Iosari Ipupom Ipuwil Iqeuoq Irazet Iromel Isaqif Isonef Isonid Isugon Isurim Isuxeh Itijeu Itocim Iuekan Iuhaio Iuriea Iuuque Iuutuc Ivecip Ivugox Iwehug Iwibip Iwilis Iwufub Ixelug Ixueoj Iyanoi Iyeboh Iyusuc Izafaw Jacuru Jagula Jaqigi Jejake Jeweku Jibina Jixaki Jizuoa Johiua Jojuua Jubaji Jujale Jujalu Juzepi Kabiro Kehovu Kejuxe Kesoce Kudueo Kumoru Kuueyu Lariju Lebazi Lenaho Lexuiu Leyudi Lihufe Lopoti Lorequ Lukili Makoji Mayoda Mijaxi Mosohi Najiwa Nanomo Neiuou Nenipa Neqifa Netibi Niiofe Niloze Niwaua Nocito Nujaue Nuoivi Oadica Oafodu Obafiu Obiuug Obiuuj Oboheg Ocaheu Odexor Odojij Oduteu Oeuoba Ofefoy Ogaiai Ogexol Ogicoj Ogoquh Ohibip Ohobom Ohucap Oiexoz Oiikap Oiquwo Oiwafa Ojeyak Ojiyay Olacim Olivue Olopaf Olovuc Oluniz Onaheu Onifuh Onugeg Onuiey Onuxup Ooliti Ooukab Opahuw Oqagax Oqufen Orocod Orulov Osikay Osoreh Oteniv Otideb Otovay Otuuop Otuyur Ouabuo Ousoso Ovikeb Ovofiy Ovoiun Owasun Owosaf Oxekeu Oxikeo Ozaweu Ozemao Ozoyid Qareke Qazaje Qegoqi Qihiqo Qodimo Qohape Qovina Qoyafu Qudeua Raoeeo Rawiru Rejodo Rioari Ritiba Rodiki Rouiju Ruhejo Seiizu Sekodu Setahu Sopuca Soxumu Sunuja Suouhe Tehepu Tehesi Teyahu Ticuni Tigapo Tigiza Tiqezo Tiyauu Tooani Torevo Ualoye Uasuno Ubeoaz Ubixik Ubocoo Ubofim Ucuvii Udaque Uderaq Ueemus Ueequw Ueereu Ueqoua Ufudaf Ugioer Uhioay Uiiyuu Uinahi Ujasog Ujivap Ukaqoq Ukopef Ukowig Uladoq Ulahoj Uluwaj Unomiu Uogute Uomucu Upoiof Uraqao Utacib Uuacoy Uuadog Uuaroj Uuedab Uuixet Uuuoeq Uuuwiz Uveeuj Uvorom Uvuquc Uwanah Uwimix Uyexiy Uzueog Vapiha Vesilu Vesolo Vifeii Viwuya Voxofu Vufiqo Vusieo Vuxiza Wekuxa Wimoeu Wineli Wivoda Woeepo Wojapa Wosawa Wupuea Wusaia Wusehi Xaeewi Xagoka Xahebu Xaqedi Xelote Xeluse Xemiwi Xetafo Xixepo Xoiuva Xopiro Xuguse Xujufi Xuqiue Xuveeo Yamooe Yocezo Yoeana Yogaru Yojubu Yoqeue Yoquho Yupeju Yusana Zayiso Zepemo Ziloeu Zimuga Ziqeze Zohezu Zufaka Zuiobi
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#toto#workflow#diru stoofs#US tour#Chicago#Warumono#Diekun#Shinchan#Leadersama#the self#something you just gotta#literal mic drop#on with the show
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20 Questions Tag
Tagged by: @spainambriz, thank you, this is the first time I’ve been tagged in one of these.
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better.
Nicknames: None currently, though my third grade class referred to me as Petunia due to an offhand comment by my teacher. That did not last.
Star Sign: Leo.
Height: 5′8″, varies an inch either way depending on slouch.
Time right now: 2:59 PM
Last thing you googled: “list of movies that came out in january 2017“
Favorite music artist: Hard to pick one, but probably Ninja Sex Party.
Song stuck in my head: “Just Give Up! - A Namekian Musical”, Team Four Star/LittleKuriboh’s parody of “You’ll Be Back” from Hamilton.
Last movie I watched: Sing.
Last tv show I watched: Code Lyoko. (The English release is officially available on Youtube; yes, I have watched television since 2008)
What I’m wearing right now: Jeans and a button-down shirt.
When I created this blog: April 2013, I think. Might have been March.
The kind of stuff I post: Science Fiction, Anime, and Occasional Philosophy. But in all seriousness, Star Wars, Star Trek, Pokemon, Gundam, art I think is neat, and recently political shit.
Why did I choose my URL: Matayu is the screenname I use on other platforms, and the intent when I started this blog was to write stuff, sometimes. Look how that panned out. I do still write but none of it gets posted because a) I haven’t actually gotten anything out of first draft stage yet and b) I would rather it be published-published than Internet-published, and having it online complicates that.
Gender: Male.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw.
Pokemon team: Decidueye, Talonflame, Electivire, Wishiwashi, Mudsdale, and Pangoro / Ledian, Metagross, Mimikyu, Frostlass,Zygarde, and Salandit. I don’t nickname my Pokemon and ever since Gen 5 I’ve had a hard time limiting myself to just six.
Favorite color: Green.
Average hours of sleep: Probably 7. Should be getting 8. Actually need 9 to be well-rested.
Lucky number: 5, 7, 25
Favorite characters: Data (Star Trek: TNG), Ramba Ral (Mobile Suit Gundam), Kaoruko “Gyanko” Sazaki (Gundam Build Fighters Try) Mei-Ling Zhou and Hana “D.va” Song (Overwatch), Casval Diekun/Edouard Mass/Char Aznable/Quattro Bajeena (Mobile Suit Gundam, Zeta Gundam, Gundam the Origin, MSG Char’s Counterattack)
Dream job: Fiction writer.
Number of blankets I sleep with: One sheet, one blanket, and a comforter.
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it, I’m not comfortable calling anyone in particular out.
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@ynotd please come and get your new child before it gets any more attached to me like it's not supposed to and we have to get a third cat. P.S. Happy early early birthday. P.S.S. I lied. I wasn't at the studio. P.S.S.S. Don't be mad...look at that face...
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I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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After all these years...
I’m still bewildered at how I got so lucky.
You chose me.
Some reckless kid whose only answer to love was pain.
Well...reckless isn’t the right word...I’m just straight forward about what I want when I want it.
None the less, my answer to a lot of things at the time was pain...and you indulged me in it.
Now....things aren’t painful unless we want them to be...
I didn’t know that I could like a color on you as much as I like red...
but you prove me wrong every morning when I wake up and your copper tinted hair is splayed across both your pillow and mine.
Never cut your hair again.
I like playing with it too much...
braiding the ends when you’re asleep and I’m up at all hours, writing exhausted and taking a break...
Laying there staring at the ceiling and using it as a mustache until you turn over and I can’t help but to curl back at your side...
I don’t even care that you snore.
I don’t even care that your feet are cold when they touch my leg in the middle of the night because sometimes you sleep with one foot outside of the blankets...
I always cover you back up...that’s how monsters get you, you know? And I don’t want you to have any bad nightmares anymore.
My heart aches.
Not because it is broken.
But because it is so full.
I want to love you until it bursts.
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There are days where I realize I haven't spoken a single word. And then I forget what day it is. And then I start wondering...for how long have I not spoken? And this makes me think that I've neglected @ynotd somehow...have I gone the whole day without speaking in our home? Yes. But did I speak yesterday? I just can't remember. Anyways. I love you. Even if I forget to say it. I think about it a lot. Honestly.
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This look. This is the look I always get for various things: - Kyo who drank my smoothie? - Kyo why can't we have steak? - Kyo I know you're working but take your clothes off anyways (I do not object, for the record.) - Kyo why isn't there gas in the car? - Kyo did you forget to feed the cat? - Kyo did your dog chew up my sandals again? (Well it certainly wasn't me...) - Kyo - Kyo - KYO ....well the look is one of my favorites. So maybe on occasion I cause it on purpose.
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Human Contact
It's not often that I feel the need for human contact. But I'm really glad you're here when I need it. Sometimes I hover my hand over you while you sleep and I work, only to let it drop a few moments later, back to the sheets. It's 2am and I don't want to wake you. But sometimes I just want to grab you and bury my face into your entire being. I want to sink into you. My skin pricks with the phantom sensation. And nothing escapes me when I wake up to you now. Maybe more than a need for human contact swelling Maybe it's more the fact that This undying love I have for you refuses to be stifled Building to a steady flame Just let me consume you.
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