#Diego Torres
meebochii · 2 months
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boytickler35 · 11 months
13 Reasons to Tickle Part 6
Monty pauses in the locker room, he’s just finished a post practice shower but he can’t help stopping to look at his toes as he wiggles them. It’s stupid, and gay, but the past week, he’s thought more about his feet than ever, and more about tickling.
Fucking Justin.
This is his fault.
The few seconds Justin had tickled his feet were- nice?
He can hear his father saying it in the back of his head. Well, it’s nicer than what his dad is saying and yet, it was? He doesn’t remember being tickled as a kid. If anyone did it, it would have been Abuelo who died when he was four. Sure, he knew it was something that happened. He even knew a lot about it. Justin was incurably ticklish, he knew that before tickling him senseless. He also knows Bryce is ticklish and that the topic is strictly off limits, and he only knows it from a few drunk girlfriends who tickled Bryce and then talked about it. Jeff is ticklish and has engaged in tickle fights in front of them with Leila.
There’s also some weird rumor going around about Clay Jensen and tickling and he doesn’t know and doesn’t want to know what that is all about.
So yea, Monty knows about tickling. Probably knows more about how ticklish the guys are than most people know about their friends just cause he listens but he’s never thought of himself engaging in it or being ticklish. Justin was… gentle. It tickled and was annoying and if Justin ever said something, Monty would deny it and make good on his threat, but…
“If you think any harder, you’ll burn a hole in the floor.”
He looks up and Diego takes a seat next to him, freshly showered and dressed, probably waiting on him for a ride.
“Yea,” he replies, slipping his feet in a pair of slides and hauling his bag up. He can’t help noticing Diego’s feet dressed similarly and sneaking peeks at them.
Apparently he isn’t very subtle though cause when they get in the car and drive out of the lot Diego says, “So feet?”
His brain short circuits and he babbles for a moment before Diego says, “I kind of saw you checking mine out. It’s cool. Just surprised me.”
Collecting himself, he scoffs and says, “I’m not. And that’s gay.”
They stop at a red light and Diego, son a bitch that he is, actually puts his feet up on the dashboard and Monty tries not to look, but he can’t help it.
The idiot moves them when the light changes and prompts, “Nothing wrong with gay. So, when did you find out?”
Monty grunts but Diego is persistent if nothing else and at the next red light they are back up on the dash.
“Week ago. Bryce’s party.”
“Cool. So when we get back to my place, what do you want to do? Is this a worship thing? Or do you just want to look at them? You tell me.”
Diego offers a smile, the same one that has girls swoon for him and says, “You didn’t think I’d make you figure this all out on your own did you?”
He did. Not necessarily because of Diego but cause he usually assumes he’ll have to figure anything out on his own. Still, Diego’s offer is… nice? Monty wouldn’t trust anyone else but Diego? Diego he can trust.
He’s mortified to actually say it. Hearing it spoken out loud instead of in his head is somehow utterly humiliating and immediately his jaw snaps shut, almost biting his tongue literally.
Diego’s feet rub together awkwardly and Monty can’t help but think how cute they are doing that, dark brown tops sliding past a lighter mocha colored bottoms - fuck-
“Shit. Well I guess I did volunteer. Just don’t be mad if I kick you.”
“I-” his voice cracks and he flushes again and then mutters.
“I didn’t catch that.” Diego says.
Monty almost snaps at him for making him repeat it but he didn’t say it very loud… for a good reason… he tries again.
“I want you to tickle me.”
“Oh…” There’s a moment of awkwardness before Diego recovers the situation and says with a cheeky smirk, “Well, I will be mad at you if you kick me.”
Monty chuckles, it’s nervous, but his heart is pounding. They arrive at Diego’s and go in. Shoes off at the door has always been a rule in the Torres house. It always did… something to Monty, but he never really understood the rush of butterflies. Now he guesses he has his answer. Fucking Justin.
They have the house to themselves for at least an hour before Diego’s mom gets back and Diego wastes no time bringing Monty to his bedroom in the back of the little house.
It’s familiar enough territory except that when they get in, Diego pushes him back on a bed and Monty can’t help quipping, “I hope you don’t treat the ladies like this when you bring them around.”
Diego, now at his feet, gives him another smirk and says, “Usually they get to tickle me, it’s nice to be on the giving end.”
Monty’s brain can’t exactly figure out what to do with that information, he can see Diego’s feet, beautiful-
An iron grip tightens around an ankle as Diego says, “Eyes over here, Romeo.”
Monty’s eyes slide up to his best friend’s face. Diego looks confident as he says, “I’m going to tickle the crap out of you, and I’m not going to stop unless you give me a safe word, better figure out what that is now.”
“I don’t need a safe word.” He fires back. It’s fucking tickling. It’s-
Dull nails scrap across his sole and he howls with immediate laughter. The feeling is indescribable. When Justin did it, it was light, easy, fun.
This is ruthless and Monty’s body moves on its own trying to escape the tickling. Diego keeps it up for a minute, but to Monty it feels like an eternity before he stops and says, “So want to reevaluate that comment?”
Monty grumbles and says, “Football.”
Diego gives a crooked grin and says, “Alright. So I’m going to start up again and I won’t stop till you say ‘football’.”
Monty nods, his toes curling in anticipation but Diego doesn’t give him much time cause the other teen puts his ankles in a head lock and lays into them.
Starting at the heels, the Dominican scrapes his dull nails at the skin, and fuck is it effective! Monty’s feet squirm all over in vain attempts to get out but there’s no escape to be had. Diego’s grip is too solid and the other boy says, “Is this what the tough guy wanted? Someone to take control of his big feet and tickle him like a little boy?”
And fuck, that is somehow the hottest thing Monty has ever heard.
After several more minutes, Diego pauses for a moment and says, “Is this okay?”
He nods, toes curled but says, “Can you uh, do the dirty talk again?”
Diego pauses for a moment, obviously surprised and then says, “Is there anything you want me to say?”
Monty feels his face heating up even more and replies, “I just- I dunno I-.” It’s hot but he isn’t exactly sure what it is hot.
Diego gives him a bemused look and Monty looks away and says, “Forget it. It was gay as fuck anyway.”
“Hey.” Diego scolds. His voice is firm, commanding which prompts Monty to look back at him, “That’s your dad talking. Ignore him. Do what you want. And if it’s a little gay, I don’t mind.”
Monty is stunned and Diego continues.
“So if you want your dirty talk, you’ll get it.”
The stunned silence continues but this time, it’s a warm feeling along with it. Monty- no one has ever given him the choice to do what he wants.
Diego doesn’t let him dwell on it too long though because before long, his ankles are back in the headlock and the tickling resumes. This time, Diego walks his fingers around Monty’s soles in random patterns. The ticking is little more than pokes here and there and Monty is mostly giggling. He’s confused until Diego says in a low, sultry voice, “You wanted to go pro? On these feet? These feet only serve the purpose of getting tickled while you laugh your pretty head off.”
Fuck. It’s goofy and over the top and said in the sexiest fucking thing he’s ever heard.
Diego is on a roll now with the dirty talk and says, “I think these big feet have always known they deserved this.”
Monty’s head is tossed back and tears have started to prick the corners of his eyes but Diego doesn’t stop. In fact, the other teen is ruthless, his dull nails destroy Monty and Monty… loves every second of it.
He lets Diego keep going as the other boy changes to different tactics, each one new and exciting but Monty is running out of breath and has to call out “football” between laughs.
Diego stops and lets him rest, after several moments, the other teen says, “So, is there anything else you want to do?”
Monty frowns trying to think when he again catches sight of Diego’s own handsome pair. “Think I can have a try at yours?”
Diego’s eyes widen and Monty pushes, “You are supposed to be helping me experiment.”
With a wry smile Diego replies, “You sure know how to get what you want. Switch with me.”
Monty ends up crouched on the floor with Diego’s feet within easy reach. Tentatively, he reaches forward and lays a hand on each ankle. His fingers trace along the tops, surprised by how warm and smooth they are. A glance up at Diego shows the other teen has a grin on his face, nervous for the first time, instead of cocky. Monty thinks he likes it and decides to really fuck with his friend.
“You told me Dominicans don’t play football. Maybe because their feet are too ticklish?”
There’s the obvious truth that Monty’s feet are super ticklish as well and it has nothing to do but the nervous laugh Diego gives makes him even cuter and Monty can’t resist digging into the meaty soles.
As much as he liked being tickled, he finds he enjoys doing it at least as much. Diego’s feet squirming under his fingers and there’s a power trip to it. He felt it with Justin, but it’s even stronger here and he can’t resist teasing, “Yep, ticklish Dominican feet definitely keep them from playing football.”
The response has him laughing as he goes in deeper before pausing and asking, “Do you mind if I uhh amp it up?”
Diego pants, “Amp up the tickling? It can get worse?”
Diego waves a hand motioning for Monty to go and bringing the brown foot up to his face, he laps at the arch. Diego squeals and Monty is satisfied with continuing. The warm skin under his fingers felt amazing, it’s even better under his tongue. After giving both feet a good tongue bath, he nibbles at the sides, provoking Diego to break free and Monty narrowly avoids a kick to the jaw.
Smirking, he says, “Your feet are stupid ticklish.”
Diego, seizing the freedom of his feet, pulls them back and says, “You might be stupid for tickling them.” There’s a levity to his voice so Monty takes no offense and smirks harder when Diego gripes, “I need another shower,” Reaching into his bag, he pulls out a towel and starts wiping his feet off and Monty can’t help but think the sight is hot as well. Diego’s feet glistening with his saliva, being toweled dry, Diego’s soft giggles indicating a level of phantom tickles remaining. Actually… he can’t help thinking Diego is pretty good looking.
He tries to drown that thought out by concentrating on the warm, carmel soles but that really doesn’t help.
“So, how was it?”
“The experiment. How was it? Mission accomplished?”
It’s on the tip of his tongue to say yes, but just as he opens his mouth to say so, he clamps it shut. If he says yes, does he lose Diego’s feet? He’s not sure he’s ready to give them up. He’s only tickled them once- and if he says yes, will Diego ever tickle him again? He would hate for this to be a one and done thing.
“I dunno. I’ll probably want to- experiment with a few other things.”
Diego raises an eyebrow and gets down on the floor, closer to Monty than friends usually sit.
“You know this doesn’t have to be a one and done thing right? Even if you did accomplish everything, we could do this again sometime.”
Monty’s mouth is dry as he asks, “Promise?”
Diego nods and says cheekily, “I need payback after all, that was some bullshit.”
For a second, Monty thinks he feels something but the door opens and Mrs. Torres announces, “I’m home!”
They pull apart and Diego clears his throat, Monty looks away, accidentally at Diego’s feet, toes curled cutely.
“In here. Can Monty stay for dinner?”
“Monty’s here? Of course he can!”
Diego stands up and offers Monty a hand, hauling him to his feet a moment later and there’s a silent agreement that a lot more needs to be said… but it can wait.
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mslali · 10 months
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itxithingsrp · 10 months
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( ♡ ) 𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 :
more than soulmates .
“ Mira, mira qué noche, la más bonita. Mira que estrella más chiquitita. Contigo no se puede comparar. ”
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themuselesswriter · 1 year
Between Then and Now - Chapter 11: Out of School - Back to School
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Characters: Winston, Monty, Estella, Luke, Charlie, Diego
Summary: Monty and Winston returns to school and their day goes unexpectedly.
Word count: 1200+
Warnings: slight homophobia
A/N: I’m ending this fic cause… well, I lost muse, so enjoy the last chapter:’)
Credits: photos from Pinterest, editing app is picsart
Monty was a smart kid, it was a truth that no one could deny, perhaps not in life, but in school and sports, he was bright, did that alone help him get good grades? No, but if he was such an idiot like his father says he is, how would he manage to pass all his school classes without having time to study between juggling a job, looking after his sister, dealing with the craziness and being in three different sport teams.
It was Monty’s first day back at school, and naturally, Winston’s too, neither seemed to want to let go of the other, Winston seemed to do a lot better, but that didn’t stop the Latinx from worrying, they walked the halls together, they weren’t holding hands, but they approached the school together “what do you want to do now?” Winston asked “I’ll walk you to your locker, then to your class” Monty replied, the other rolled his eyes “relax, I'm not going to break and go crazy on you, I can be fine on my own” Winston said in a protest, mainly because he was feeling guilty of the pain he was causing the other.
Monty, being himself, understood it as aggression, his expressions tensed as he looked at him “fine, you can go do your own shit” he snapped, he was nervous enough because it was the first day back at school, although his scars and bruises had faded but everyone already knew of what happened to him, he noticed the disgusting looks of pity, meanwhile, Winston was used to being the odd one, he ignored all the looks and the glares “could you just… calm down?” he whispered, standing in front of Monty “look, I know these past few days were torture, I figured… you could use a break from me, you know? Go hangout with your buddies, play some violent sport to make you feel like your old self! I don’t want to be burden more than I already am” he mumbled, looking down.
The other took a deep breath and nodded “okay, I get what you are trying to do, but this is bullshit, I’ll just walk you to your locker and first class, then you can catch a ride with me or Estella” he tried to reason, Winston was not in the mood to argue nor try to prove a point, he sighed and nodded, if it would make Monty feel better then yeah, whatever, it’s the least he could do, the two of them walked towards their first stop, gaining ridiculous glares from everyone at school, Monty had given everyone a hard time for being gay, it would upset many people who were connecting the dots about him and Winston.
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mary-k-latina · 12 days
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cinemedios · 2 months
'Diego Torres: MTV Unplugged': Pop latino para disfrutar
En marzo de 2004 Diego Torres se volvió el séptimo artista latinoamericano en realizar un MTV Unplugged, el primero en grabarlo fuera de Estados Unidos y entregó uno de los álbumes más importantes en su carrera.
En marzo de 2004 Diego Torres se volvió el séptimo artista latinoamericano en realizar un MTV Unplugged, el primero en grabarlo fuera de Estados Unidos y entregó uno de los álbumes más importantes en su carrera. Reseña Musical | ‘Diego Torres MTV Unplugged’ El principio de siglo le sonreía a Diego Torres, aunque llevaba desde principios de los noventa trabajando en su carrera como músico, que…
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ulisesbarreiro · 2 months
Gran convocatoria del Patagonia Cripto en Puerto Madryn
El movimiento que trabaja en la definición de la agenda tecnológica para modernizar procesos público privados de la Patagonia convocó a profesionales de distintos sectores.
Con una cena de camaradería hablaron de blockchain y su impacto en la sociedad y anunciaron nuevas charlas itinerantes por todo Chubut.
Madryn fue sede el lunes 29 de Julio del "Meetup Chubut de Patagonia Cripto", el 1º encuentro de entusiastas tecnológicos que persigue la meta de construir la primera agenda blockchain de la región.
La charla se abrió con la presentación del evento "Aleph, ciudad de Crecimiento", actividad que se realiza en Buenos Aires durante el mes de Agosto y que busca consolidar a la Argentina como un Hub tecnológico a nivel mundial.
En un ambiente cordial y distendido, Eduardo Drabble (Aprendo by Proof of Integrity) expuso sobre el impacto social a partir de la inclusión digital y educación financiera sobre la base de las criptomonedas, Diego Torres (Bitcoin Para Todos) se refirió a la idea de crear un mercado de capitales para micro emprendimientos a partir de la web 3 y Carlos Garsés (ECOS Multimedios) presentó siglocripto.com, la primera plataforma colaborativa de generación de criptocontenidos de la Patagonia y habló sobre los desafíos y oportunidades para los medios de comunicación dentro del paradigma blockchain.
Charla abierta: La dinámica del evento permitió la plena interacción de la audiencia con los expositores, generando un ida y vuelta que enriqueció las temáticas iniciales y abrió el debate sumando perspectivas al análisis tecnológico.
En ese sentido, se habló -entre otros temas- sobre las ventajas de aplicar herramientas blockchain a procesos productivos y administrativos (transparencia, trazabilidad e inmutabilidad de los datos, etc.), el vínculo entre las instituciones tecnológicas y el Estado y los prejuicios bazados en el desconocimiento de este tópico.
Los presentes: El "Meetup Chubut" contó con la presencia de representantes de empresas tecnológicas, pesqueras, constructoras, siderurgias, funcionarios municipales, académicos y dirigentes mutualistas.
Próximos pasos: Sobre el final del Meetup se anunciaron las próximas acciones de Patagonia Cripto.
Eduardo Drabble anticipó que "esta fue la primera charla y pretendemos llevar estos coloquios a distintas ciudades, para construir la mejor agenda posible, sobre la base del debate y el consenso de todos los sectores que aportan al crecimiento de Chubut".
Por su lado Diego Torres, agradeció la asistencia de todos los invitados y aseguró que "estas instancias son necesarias para ir derribando mitos y dando a conocer la fiabilidad de esta tecnología y casos de uso exitosos en la sociedad".
Finalmente, Carlos Garsés reveló que "ya se está programando un nuevo encuentro, esta vez en la ciudad de Trelew, considerando la cantidad de profesionales que quisieron estar pero no pudieron participar por cuestiones de agenda".
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celebsparkin · 5 months
Conciertos destacados en Chile: Celebraciones, Regresos y Grandes Producciones
El mundo de la música en Chile se prepara para una serie de emocionantes conciertos y eventos especiales. Desde celebraciones de aniversario hasta retornos esperados, la escena musical está llena de sorpresas y momentos inolvidables.
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cry5 · 1 year
I fell So many times that I learned That in life is normal to trip That you can’t always win. And it’s like this That we learn to love and resist. But I got up and I don’t think to go down One, two, three, let’s start again now. I won’t give up No, no I’m better than yesterday. And I got up and I don’t think to go down And one, two, three, let’s start again now. I won’t give up, no, no I’m better than yesterday. One, two, three, let’s start again Three, two, one, I put myself first. And even if I fell to the ground I know that I’ll have other flight I got up, also down I lost, also I won. And it like this… We learnt to love and suffer. But I got up and I don’t think to go down One, two, three, let’s start again now. I won’t give up No, no I’m better than yesterday. But I got up and I don’t think to go down One, two, three, let’s start again now. I won’t give up No, no I’m better than yesterday. And this life is to feel I don’t want to regret I’m not afraid of happiness. But I got up and I don’t think to go down One, two, three, let’s start again now. I won’t give up No, no I’m better than yesterday. Better than yesterday.
Video: https://youtu.be/0WvVwndn4Go
Official video by Diego Torres performing Mejor Que Ayer (Official Video). (C) 2023 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC
Traducción: Yo
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Name: Diego Ezequiel Torres Designation: Dom Age: 32 Birthdate : November 20th, 1990 Claim: Riley Torres Faceclaim: Taylor Zahkar Perez Orientation: Bisexual king Occupation: Lawyer in his father’s firm Kinks: daddy kink, hair pulling Anti-Kinks: scat, gore, bodily fluids
Key Points: - Always cheerful - Bookworm and friendly - Easily offended by the bad in the world - Athletic even when tired
Diego Ezequiel Torres comes from a wealth family. His father, a famous laywer, now a famous judge but always famous and important, comes from a rich family in Colombia. Diego would never dig about it, but some of the money might have not been achieve from good deeds, but from drugs and narcos. Even when the Torres family has resounding name, he always try to ommit it when meeting somebody new, there’s a strange fear in the back of Diego’s head that would nag it and repeat him that they are befriending him because of his money. He is always in a good mood, even when his mother shows up late at night and drunk, he tries to keep positive about life. Celina and Franco Torres, his parents, have raised him to be respectful and kind, but not by example, as Diego has often seen his mother treat people like shit. His education was private, of course, and he had to admit he lived at the library. Scores were important, and reputation was even more, so he was elected Valedictorian, best in class and also best student among his peers. Moving to Lima was not an easy decision, but independence was needed and even when his parents were adamant that he needed to stay at home and continue his work in the big city, he decided the Torres law firm needed to branch out to new horizons. He is a Dom by nature, not only because he was raise like that by his parents, but also because he is always stubborn and firm about his decisions. Diego wants become a judge like his father, but he doesn’t want to do it for the money, in fact, his plan is going pro bono and help everybody he can. He is sure Lima will be a land of new opportunities and friendships and he plans on taking the world from there. He met Riley when he was young, and they hit it off immediately, Diego doesn’t know if it was because of her submissive nature but they were young and they’ve been together for ten years now. It’s not a perfect relationship, sometimes Riley gets too clingy or he gets too stray, but they are hanging on in there.
Describe your occupational journey and how you got to where you are. - I’m a lawyer by birth and heart, my father has taught me everything I know about being the best.
How would you describe yourself as a Dominant/submissive? - I’m a Dom by nature, I like to boss people around but I have a heart as well.
How do you feel about authority? - I’m not good with authority, to be honest, but the law must be obeyed, always.
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years
Un homenaje especial al rock argentino dirigido por Lito Vitale en el Festival Wateke
Un homenaje especial al rock argentino dirigido por Lito Vitale en el Festival Wateke
Lito Vitale, protagonista de uno de los momentos culminantes del próximo domingo en Palermo. El rock argentino tendrá un homenaje especial durante el Festival Wateke, que se realizará el 17 y 18 de diciembre en el Hipódromo de Palermo, cuando en la segunda jornada, en uno de los escenarios principales, se desarrolle el espectáculo “Solo le pido al rock”, bajo la dirección musical de Lito Vitale,…
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estoesdivertido · 2 years
Hoy debatimos con mi hermana por una consiga de tik tok que preguntaba ¿ de que color es la esperanza? en los comentarios decian que rosado, tuquesa, mi hermana dijo celeste clarito y en esa nos acordamos de Diego torres con su canción Color esperanza que la pusimos en la tele y en ningún lugar dice ningún color pero a mi nadie me saca que la esperanza ES VERDE, no hay porque.
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zanephillips · 2 years
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Diego Calva as Manny Torres Babylon (2022) dir. Damien Chazelle
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kevinfeiges · 2 years
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Teddy Torres and Diego Reyes | MENatPLAY’s Take a Shot
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margotrobie · 2 years
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Babylon | Dir. Damien Chazelle
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