#Didn't officially disown him or make a record of their arguments so nobody has reason to suspect he did it
masquenoire · 2 years
💭 + fire
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Fire is a force to be respected but Roman has long since appreciated the power it holds and the raw destruction it’s capable of causing. Even as a child, he’d always been intrigued by flames, watching them crackle merrily in the fireplace but never could he have imagined how impressive a blaze could be once it had gotten out of control, seeing himself reflected in those dancing flames as early as then. Just as he couldn’t have begun to imagine the damage it would cause, he never imagined how powerful he would feel during the night he killed his parents. Their deaths were ruled an accident by the GCPD, finding that a careless cigarette had started the blaze upstairs while Mr. and Mrs. Sionis slept before the resulting smoke overcame them in their own bed. Unknown to the police, Roman had been at the scene all along, watching from the trees with his heart thumping in his chest as he watched the flames climb higher and higher, painting the night sky red as his parents perished in its fiery wake. His mother and father, who had long been the source of his aggravation and pain were at last no more and it was all because of him. Roman, who was no longer the child they could push around so easily had finally gotten his own back, kickstarting his criminal career by using one of man’s oldest tools to solve his biggest problem. Roman never forgot that night and how happy he felt, how powerful he was for getting rid of his parents without getting caught by the authorities. Watching the family home come alive with such warmth and brightness almost made all the years of suffering worth it... almost, and since then he’s appreciated fire very much, even though he too felt the wrath of its burning majesty a few years later during the incident that caused his mask to melt into his face. Even after that happened, Roman has no fear of fire but instead feels a kinship of sorts with the element, that his anger could well one day burn and burn until nothing was left.
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