#Didn't mention it here - Just on Sera's blog - But we did just lose our other dog almost 2 weeks ago
thundertide · 3 months
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Just a quick note that I've got a new theme up! <3 Was kindda time for a refresh, among other reasons, so @yoroiis and I spent a couple days working out a new look! Everything is still how it was for links, and in the next day or two I should have Ayaka's temp about up, too - Some things came up, including the loss of our other dog, so being productive lately has been... Kind of difficult and made this the first real project I've been able to focus on in days that wasn't simple edits over on @sakurarisen and my multi-blog-wide lore. If there's any issues with the theme, feel free to hit up my inbox and let me know so I can get them fixed! <3
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