#Dictionnary Gang
la-tour-de-babel · 3 years
Bienvenue sur La Tour de Babel.
Certain.e.s d’entre vous seront venu.e.s ici après avoir lu le livre ; d’autres auront croisé, peut-être, quelques comptes RPs, et auraient suivi leur curiosité. Dans tout les cas, c’est un plaisir de vous voir parmi nous.
Sur ce blog, vous trouverez de tout : des fanfictions, des fanarts, des écrits autour de l’oeuvre. L’ask box est ouverte, pour tout ceux qui aimeraient en savoir plus sur l’univers en question, pour tout ceux qui voudrait interargir avec l’auteur- également admin de ce blog. Donc, moi. Bibi. Salut ! :P
Les contributions sont plus qu’encouragées, tant que vous respectez les quelques règles énoncées. N’hésitez pas à me taguer lorsque vous postez quelque chose en rapport avec ce livre. 
Voici donc pour le message de bienvenue ; sous la coupure, pour ceux que cela intéresse, vous pourrez trouver la présentation globale de l’univers, ainsi que les tags associés aux ships et aux AUs récurrents. Pour ceux qui sont intéressés par les fanfictions, bien sûr...
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Présentation générale :
Vous êtes dans un monde peuplé d’allégories. Ici, les idées, les concepts sont personnifiés : Histoire, Géographie, Art, Mathématiques, Théâtre, Français, SMS sont autant de personnages qu’il est possible de croiser. Un monde au delà du notre, donc, accessible par l’ancien passage de la Tour d’un être Corrompu, par les observations d’une mystérieuse fondation Babel.  Le champ des possibilité et plutôt étendu, bien sûr. Je vous invite d’abord à vous renseigner sur les personnages existants avant de construire un OC ! D'autres parts, tout les personnages sont tagués sur les posts où ils apparaissent. Si vous voulez le tag d'un personnage en particulier, n'hésitez pas à demander !
Masse de noms de ships déjà existants (ce qui vous donne aussi une idée des personnages canons- et puis, bien sûr, je ne prétend pas définir les noms des ships ! C’est seulement ceux qui seront utilisés sur ce blog) :
- SMS x MMS : #MessagingServices
- Français x Anglais : #Franglais
- Alphabet x Programmation : #Probet
- Gallois x Haut-Alémanique : #DumbassesBoyfriends
- Elle x Lui : #Them 
- Larousse x Collins : #DictionnaryGang
- Sylvia x Larousse : #FarewellLovers
- Danse x Musique : #OperaWifes
- Service Secret x Langue des Signes : #SecretSigne
- Conjugaison x Elle : #ConjugElle
- Président Américain x Présidente Coréen : #Corecan
- E x Tkt : #Troublemakers
- Smiley x Meme : #LAUGH
- Histoire x Géographie : #CartesHistoriques
- Mathématiques x Arts : #Artique
- Service Secret x Anglais : #SpyEnglish
- Théâtre x Cinéma : #LivingShow
- Métaphore x Hyperbole : #DramaQueens
- Français x Alphabet : #SaMajesteAlphabet
- Lui x Haut-Alémanique : #HisPrettyPuppet
- Espéranto x Traducteur Automatique : #PenpalsSweethearts
- Lui x Correcteur Automatique : #KarmaInYourFace
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AUs :
Nous comptons pour l’instant une dizaine de AUs ; lorsques des posts y seront dédiés pour les présenter, j’ajouterai le lien derrière leur entrée.
- Human!AU, et toutes ses nuances
- Family
- Conte de fée
- Epoque victorienne
- Première et Deuxième Guerre Mondiale
- Entreprise
- Be More Chill
- Heathers
- Among Us
- Old people
- Minecraft
- Post-Apocalyptique
- Happiest AU Ever
- Programmation’s Remake Show
Qui sait, un AU OFF est peut-être en production...
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Et voilà pour la présentation générale... ! Cela fait un sacré post épinglé. Bienvenue, donc, dans cette communauté : j’espère que vous y trouverez votre compte !
Les dessins que vous avez pu voir apparaître tout du long sont de @mimmixerenard​ : allez checker son compte, c’est un.e artiste de talent !
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sky-of-dusk · 3 years
I don’t think Kyouya’s character was created to be cool, dark and class. That’s just how people decided to see him because he’s the rival. This is just an unfounded a priori: the hero is necessarily a happy-go-lucky character, with an easy past and everything one needs to be happy, while the rival is necessarily dark and taciturn, with a tragic backstory.
In MFB, one doesn’t have to look attentively to see this isn’t true for Kyouya and Ginga.
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Let’s do some character comparison (and put links to previous posts because I’m too lazy to develop each point again xD)
Ginga Hagane
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The whole 1st season is Ginga wanting to get his revenge because Ryuuga and Daidouji “killed” his father, so the easy past...
Besides, in the beginning of this season, he has trust issues, difficulties to share his emotions, and is shown unable to count on his new friends. This issue comes back then and again, but less and less often, and less intently.
Even the “lighter” parts of the season, when he’s acting “childlishly” are darker when you take the time to think about it, like his mood swings and his reaction when Pegasus is fixed.
Every time there is a problem provoked by beys, Ginga goes willingly on the first line to fight. His friends want to accompany him but he doesn’t ask them to (in Shogun Steel, in fact, he’s travelling alone... except in the manga!), he doesn’t make anyone feel guilty about what they should or not do. He’s a very accepting character, never trying to change the others judging them about good/evil. As long as one has the blader’s spirit and doesn’t hurt his friends, Ginga doesn’t mind what they think or do. He doesn’t bear grudge against Kyouya and Benkei for the Face Hunters!
Also, if he was just a happy-go-lucky character, he wouldn’t be able to judge the other characters so rightly. He guesses all he needs to know about them almost in one glance.
Ginga wouldn’t have, either, so biting words when he fights (in particular against Kyouya).
Kyouya Tategami
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First of all, Kyouya isn’t class all the time. There are many scenes in the show his behavior is ridiculed. Besides which, he’s acting dramatically most of time (especially when he’s about to fight/challenge Ginga). It doesn’t prevent him to be smart, or the other characters to look up at him, but still.
And he poses! All the time (I’d like very much if someone can give me the link of the post showing he’s contantly posing). And he’s slightly(?) affected.
For Kyouya, despite what the gang witness, Beyblade is a game. It’s his passion and it makes him really enthusiastic. He tackles most Beybattles with the same kind of energy, even against Ryuuga, when everyone was fearing the Dragon Emperor because he was about to destroy the world with L-Drago.
Kyouya’s familial background and his backstory are so lightweight the Dark Power has no effect on him.
Also, when I look the translation for “taciturne” (I’m still French x) ), the dictionnary also gives me “man of few words”. Isn’t that exactly Kyouya’s opposite? XD He spends much time talking, so this word doesn’t suit him. At all.
Ginga and Kyouya are the exact contrary they are supposed to be if we only care about their label (as the “hero” and as the “rival”) and not about their actions and words during the show.
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hopeaterart · 4 years
I’m gonna be there: Chapter 13
Joot and Kak vs Dark Blue Moon and Strength aka Kakyoin’s time to shine
“Wait... that’s allowed?”
“Well, it’s my boat.” The captain answered, shrugging at Noriaki’s question. “I’ll do what I want with it. If this little munchkin” he gestured to Katsumi sitting in his brother’s arms, who made a questioning sound. “wants to visit, who am I to refuse him?”
“What a munchkin?” Katsumi asked Hoshino, who shrugged.
“He called you cute.” Jotaro answered, and Katsumi giggled after a second.
“Do we have to pay anything?” Hoshino asked, tilting his head. The captain hummed for a second, before shrugging.
“It’s free for the munchkin, but you guys are gonna have to pay... I dunno. What’s twenty dollars in yen?”
“Six thousand two hundred yens for everyone, got it.” Jotaro noted, taking his wallet out and giving the captain cash before starting to step onto the boat, followed by Hoshino and then Noriaki.
The two crossed eyes, and the redhead felt a chill go down his spine as he looked into the captain’s empty eyes. He let part of Hierophant slip out, tying itself around a bollard and switching to complete invisibility as he got on the boat. A small yacht, if he wasn’t mistaken.
Both Katsumi and Hoshino were on the upper deck, looking around, the younger with amazement, and the older with the cool detachment he seemed to have about everything. Jotaro was waiting for him. “Yo, you okay?”
“You were right.” The redhead told Jotaro, who raised an eyebrow. “I needed a change of air.” 
The taller teen smiled. “Glad to hear it. Oi, Hoshino! Katsumi!” The pair of brothers turned toward  “You guys wanna go on the lower decks?”
“Uh-uh!” Katsumi cheerfully acquiesced, Hoshino following Jotaro as the small group found the way downstairs, looking around and following the arrows that indicated where was what in English.
They soon came upon a room that drew Noriaki’s attention for the cage in it, which contained an ape. “Uh, guys?”
Hoshino and Jotaro both backtracked, looking into the room. “Monkey?” Katsumi asked, visibly confused.
Noriaki shook his head. “Orangutan, actually.”
The blue-haired teen seemed worried for a moment. “Are they dangerous?”
“No, they’re actually quite peaceful.” Noriaki answered, Hoshino nodding as Jotaro came into the room, nearing the cage and and looking at the orangutan closely.
“... How did you get in there, uh?” The taller teen asked in a soft voice, noticing the lack of door on the cage. The orangutan just made a noise, biting into a peeled apple as Jotaro frowned in confusion, noticing it’s flesh was still white. Why didn’t it brown? He started looking at other things in the cage, noticing a bed, a basket of fruit, a rubik cube, a peeler and a pile of... dirty magazines?
Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope.
“Come on, let’s get out of here. That ape gives me the creeps.” Jotaro finally commented, turning back to go onto the upper deck. Both Hoshino and Noriaki followed him, the redhead’s gaze on the blue-haired teen. Just who was this guy? One of Sakurai’s lackeys? If so, why was Jotaro tolerating him? The taller teen had made it pretty clear he didn’t like Sakurai’s gang.
Hoshino suddenly turned toward him. “What is it? You keep looking at me.”
“Erm...” Find something, find something, find something- “... is that pin from Montreal’s planetarium?”
The blue-haired teen seemed frozen for a moment looking a, before slowly nodding, seeming distrustful. “Yes. The Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium. What of it?”
“Oh nothing it’s just- when I was little, my parents and I went on a trip to Canada, and we ended up staying in Montreal.” Noriaki explained. “So we visited the planetarium. I’m too young to remember much, but I remember thinking the galaxy images were pretty.”
Hoshino seemed to understand, nodding in agreement. “My family and I usually get out of the country on summer vacation. Two years ago, we decided to go to Quebec, and we stayed in Montreal for about a week. Visiting the Planetarium is one of the first things we did. Space has always been fascinating to me. I hope to be able to work in this field one day.”
“It is!” Noriaki agreed, lightening up at meeting someone who seemed so enthusiastic about something. While his own interests went in all sorts of different direction, he still knew quite a bit about space. “Did you know that, according to mathematics, a white hole, which would be impossible to enter even if light and matter could escape from it, is possible?”
Hoshino shook his head, but still seemed to be interested, which was ore than Noriaki usually got when he started spouting trivia. “So basically, it would be the opposite of a black hole?”
“Y-yeah! Basically!”
“Maybe that’s where all the stuff that gets sucked into a black hole ends up escaping?” Jotaro proposed, suddenly intervening in the discussion as they reached the upper deck again.
“One: it’s rude to come into a discussion uninvited.” Noriaki told the taller boy in an uppity tone of voice, Jotaro just shrugging in answer. “Two: no actual white holes have ever been spotted, so we don’t know.”
“If we never saw them, how we know they exiss?” Katsumi asked, tilting his head.
“We don’t.” Hoshino started explaining. “It’s just that, according to numbers, it’s possible that white holes can exist.”
“Ooooh! You so smawt, Noyaki-chan!” Noriaki blushed at the praise, readying himself to tell Katsumi he’s not the one who made the math, before Jotaro made a half-confused, half-panicked sound from the end of the deck.
“What’s wrong, Kujo-kun?”
Jotaro turned toward the other three. “We’re drifting away.”
“We’re WHAT!?” Noriaki jumped, surprised to see Hoshino loose his composure for the first time in the evening. Even if he’d only known him for less than a day, the shorter teen had seemed very similar to Jotaro, and Jotaro, never once since they met, had raised his voice.
Jotaro winced, before sighing. “We’re drifting away. Slowly, and I could probably swim there, but the boat still left port.”
“Good for you, but my stamina is nowhere near yours.” Noriaki commented with an hint of sarcasm in his tone.
“I can’t swim for that long either, and Katsumi doesn’t even know how!” Hoshino added, worry lacing his tone.
“We loss?” Katsumi suddenly asked on the verge of tears. Before anyone could answer him, he started sobbing, Hoshino ineffectively trying to calm him down.
“Fuuuck...” Jotaro muttered under his breath, turning back toward the slowly shrinking port as Hoshino walked away from them, a crying Katsumi in his arms.
Noriaki made sure Hoshino’s attention was away from them, before tapping on Jotaro’s shoulder. “Can you use your Stand to see what’s under the water?”
“... Why?”
“The captain earlier gave me a bad feeling.” The redhead explained.
Jotaro frowned. “As in... Stand user bad feeling?”
“Yeah. No way in hell anyone can have skin this pink and not be a Stand User.”
“I think he’s just white-”
“Can you check the waters, yes or no?” Noriaki cut him off. Jotaro stilled, before nodding, taking his Stand out. The purple spirit’s gaze lingered on him for a moment, before directing it’s attention to the waters, it’s pupils shifting sizes before fading away again, it’s master turning toward the redhead and nodding.
“It looked like a fish-man. So, what do I do?”
“You swim to shore, beat it up if you have to, and when you reach shore, you pull on this.” Noriaki made a green string from his Hierophant Green appear, the string going all the way back to the port. “I tied most of Hierophant around the boat, and I can keep my Stand invisible even from other Stand users.” He explained as he tied the string around Jotaro’s wrist. “Think you can do that?”
“Sounds simple enough.” Jotaro said, turning toward the waters. “In the meantime, try to keep Hoshino from panicking. He’s normally chill, but he goes fucking insane when he feels his little brother is threatened.”
“I’ll keep it in mind.” Noriaki told the taller teen, who nodded before jumping into the water. The redhead then turned toward Hoshino, who was trying to calm down a sobbing Katsumi. He walked toward them. “Hey, Hoshino-san? Jotaro decided to swim to shore to get help. Maybe we can try finding the control room to try and anchor it?”
The blue-haired teen turned toward him, before taking a deep breath. “You hear that, Katsumi? We’re gonna go back home.”
The toddler turned raised his head to his older brother. “Weally?”
“Really.” Hoshino then smiled, picking up Katsumi as he turned toward Noriaki. “Lead the way, Kakyoin-san.”
The redhead nodded, making a gesture for the other teen to follow him. The two went back to the lower deck, Kakyoin following the directions that were on the walls, when Katsumi suddenly gasped. “Monkey gone!”
“What?” The redhead asked, turning toward Katsumi, and then the room the toddler was pointing to. Indeed, it was the room where they had found the orangutan earlier, and the ape was now gone.
“What the-!?” Noriaki exclaimed, entering the room and looking around. Was there also an enemy Stand user aboard? 
As he rested his his hand against a wall, he suddenly heard both Hoshino and Katsumi yell, followed by the sound a body hitting the metal floor and being dragged toward him before Hoshino suddenly crashed in the wall next to him, pipes coming from the wall to restrain him. Both his shades and wooden katana where off of him. 
“Jun!” Katsumi yelled, running toward his older brother as something came out of the shadows. Noriaki just had the time to see the orangutan from earlier, now wearing a captain coat and hat, before he too was restrained by pipes coming out of the wall.
“Katsumi, stay back!” Hoshino yelled at his little brother as the orangutan fully came into view, a smug look on it’s face and a dictionary in his hand.
“Are you fucking kidding me- god shit fuck-” Kakyoin hissed, his surprise at the boat restraining him nearly making him forget to stay calm. He turned his gaze toward the ape, who was holding the dictionnary open, one of his fingers pointing to a word in perticular. “Strength?... Is that your Stand?” The redhead asked, tilting his head. 
The ape nodded, starting to laugh maniacally as it got a rubik cube out, obviously taunting the redhead about the situation as it solved it, crushing it in it’s hand. It then turned toward Katsumi, a bloodthirsty expression on it’s face as a choked out sob escaped the toddler, the little boy starting to back away slowly desperately searching for his brother’s gaze to reassure him. However, the only thing Hoshino could do was stare in horror, the situation obviously out of his control.
Noriaki took a deep breath, assessing the situation. “Alright, so. The boat is also a Stand. It belongs to the fucking orangutan in front of me. Jotaro is currently taking care of the Stand that’s been steering the yacht away from the port. I’m currently trapped with Hoshino against a wall, and Katsumi is probably going to get killed if I don’t do anything. Let’s see, let’s see... Hoshino-san?”
The blue-haired teen turned toward Kakyoin. His glasses had been knocked off when the Stand had restrained him, and the angered panic in his eyes was evident. “What?”
“Can you hand me one of the pins on your coat lapel? I have an idea that might save your brother.” Hoshino looked at Kakyoin, then at the pins on his coat, before slipping one of his arms out of the metallic restrain after some effort and taking off one of them, throwing it at the redhead with a jerk of his wrist.
“Catch.” Kakyoin smirked, letting some of Hierophant uncoil around his fingers to catch the pin. The strings quickly formed into a second arm, using it to throw the pin at the orangutan’s head, stopping it dead in it’s tracks of coming near Katsumi, who perked up as the beast stopped approaching him.
The orangutan grunted, it’s composure clearly coming apart. “What’s wrong, ape?” The beast grunted again. “Are you angry you didn’t see this coming? Hoshino’s pin doesn’t belong to your Stand now, does it? You didn’t see it coming, did you? I suppose you’re angry because your pride- the one you think you earned by trapping a bunch of teenagers and an actual toddler, might I add- is wounded?” Kakyoin hummed, making a point of ignoring the ape as it turned toward him with a warning glare. “No, that can’t be it. You’re just a monkey.” The redhead then turned toward their enemy, and put on his best shit-eating smile. “Everyone knows animals don’t have any pride, after all~”
That did the trick. The orangutan screeched in rage, jumping high in the air it’s fist raised to slam them onto Kakyoin. Both Hoshino and Katsumi screamed in surprise, but the redhead just narrowed his eyes, his fingers twitching as Hierophant’s barrier activated. An eerie note sounded throughout the corridor as hundreds of tiny gems slammed into the ape, said ape letting out a pained screech as he fell to the ground.
The redhead used Hierophant to break his restraints, the green strings he had wrapped all around the boat appearing as he helped Hoshino out of his bindings, watching him run toward Katsumi and taking him in his arms. “Are you alright?” He asked as the blue-haired teen kissed his brother’s forehead.
“I’ll be fine.” Hoshino answered, picking up his (now cracked) sunglasses and wooden katana. “Now the question is: what to do with this disgusting creature?” He then pointed the wooden sword at the orangutan, who flailed about before ripping open his captain coat.
“Oh!” Kakyoin turned toward Hoshino. “Did you know that multiple animals in the animal kingdom show their underside to show submission?”
“So he wants mercy?” Hoshino asked with disdain, his sneer pronouncing itself even further as the orangutan nodded. The teen toward his brother. “What do you think, Katsumi? Should Kakyoin-san and I show the... captain... mercy?”
Surprisingly, Katsumi shook his head, a pout on his lips. “They a meanie! And they twied to huwt us! It’s juss... uh... self-defense?” He asked with a confused look on his face. 
Kakyoin nodded encouragingly at Katsumi, suddenly very glad that children didn’t have any moral compass even though he suffered for most of his school life due to said lack of moral compass. “Yes, you’re right! If someone attacks you with ill intent...” He turned toward the orangutan, face expressionless as Hoshino put Katsumi down, starting to brandish his katana above his head. “You’re allowed to fight back.”
The wooden sword snapped the beast’s neck just as the boat was suddenly wrenched to the side.
Jotaro came out of the water, looking around for the captain who had put them in this situation in the first place with a wrathful look on his face. He finally spotted him, lying on the ground unconscious with bruises that matched where his Stand had punched Dark Blue Moon. The delinquent marched toward him, giving him a final kick in the dick with a muttered “shinjimae” before searching the man’s pocket for his money, and then manifesting his Stand’s arms to pull on the green string.
In a few seconds, the small yacht was back to the port. And just in time too, since it was now crumbling on itself as Noriaki and Hoshino came running out, an unusually silent Katsumi in the shorter teen’s arms. “Jotaro-kun!” The redhead yelled, relieved to see his friend as he jumped into his arms, hugging him. 
Jotaro stayed frozen on the spot, before hugging him back. “Hey... Noriaki-kun.” He could feel his face heat up at the familiarity. “Hoshino. You guys okay?”
“We will be.” The blue-haired teen told Jotaro, his voice unusually tired. “Just a bad encounter with an ape and a magical ship.”
“Wait,” Jotaro turned toward the redhead. “The entire ship was a-!?”
“Uh uh.” Noriaki confirmed. “Don’t worry, Hoshino snapped the ape’s neck. We won’t have any trouble from that anymore.”
Jotaro nodded, before turning toward Hoshino and Katsumi. “Hey Katsumi?” The toddler turned his eyes to him. “You wanna get ice cream?” He asked softly, and the little boy instantly cheered up, nodding enthusiastically. As they started getting out of the port, Jotaro’s phone started ringing. “Yeah, what?”
“Oh, hey Sadao.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“Seriously? That sucks.”
“Jojimi and Joriko are what-”
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