#Dick Grayson imagines
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 days ago
Could I request some platonic batboys comforting their bestie after the bestie has to break up with someone? Going through it rn </3
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I got you! Fuck your ex partner if they were a dick to you, fuck them for breaking your heart and you will come out of this with a healed heart and a sense of self because you deserve everything and everything! I also added Bruce as a bonus.
Dick would have you come over to his house, saying that Hayley was ready to also help you heal pass this relationship, all the while putting the dog into your lap and encouraging you to cuddle the blue staffy because Hayley was there to provide extra comfort beside him.
Dick had been through relationships himself and would offer the most advice to you in your time of need the best out of all the boys, he understands how your feeling in the moment, as if your life was coming to an end but he would remind you that’s not the case and that you were just not use to being independent.
‘You might feel like you’re dying right now, but you won’t feel that for long.’ He says as he rests a hand on your shoulder. ‘you’ve just grown a custom to being with someone that being without them feels as though you can’t function but I’m here to tell you that you can. You were independent before and you’ll be independent again. So I wouldn’t fret about things that’ll soon become irrelevant.’ He adds as he presses you against his side, kissing your forehead like he always did when he needed to calm your racing mind.
‘Okay?’ He asks as he looks you in the eye, smiling. ‘We’ll take care of you won’t we Hayley?’ He then looks at his dog who had long fallen asleep on your lap, letting out a little snort as you both laughed at the cuteness of Hayley and the hilarity of the moment. Dick would make sure that you were getting out and would have you come on walks with him and Hayley, or just getting coffee together, anything he can do in order to help you realise that just because your relationship didn’t work out it didn’t mean that you have to give up being happy all tighter.
You can be happy on your own as you can be happy in a relationship, you’ve just gotta find the right people to be happy independent alongside with.
Jason would also solicit similar advice as Dick, seeing as he’s been in a few relationships himself, telling you that you might feel as though you’ve lost apart of yourself but in reality it was you hiding that part of yourself in fear of your true self being rejected.
‘Such isn’t what a relationship should be, you should see each other for your best and worst, not just one or the other and you should feel comfortable being yourself with them too.’ He says to you as he throws his arm over your shoulder as you both overlooked Gotham together becuase you couldn’t enjoy the stars with all the light pollution. ‘You’ll get back up on your feet sooner or later but for now eat your food before it goes cold.’ He then scolds as he gestures to the food he had made for you before dragging you to the rooftops for fresh air.
He wants the bash the idiots head in, but he knew you needed a shoulder to cry on right now and that’s what Jason will do, for you were in a vulnerable headspace and were prone to doing stupid stuff; and Jason felt it was his duty to make sure you took care of yourself properly and would do things that you didn’t or couldn’t do if the breakup hit your mental health hard.
Jason would make sure that you and your ex’s paths never cross as he acts as a blockade between you both, having much against the ex for being a uncaring bastard for hurting you while making sure your day went by undisturbed by anything or anyone. He’s looking out for you and most of your time is spent either in a bookstore or in his apartment, where you two would watch shitty reality television, before making predictions on who’ll get kicked out tomorrow nights episode.
‘Shall I end them for breaking your heart?’ He says as he puts a hand on your shoulder, obviously not use to being the one to comfort another, but with the help of Dick he hoped he was being at least somewhat comforting for you in your time of need.
You raise a hand to pat his hand on your shoulder, weakly chuckling at the seriousness of his tone, for while he might say it out of a need to bring you some assurance that he will be by your side. Damian wasn’t one to half ass his words and was most likely not joking about taking out your ex boyfriend for breaking your heart. ‘Thanks but no thanks dami.’
‘You’re better off without them. They were weak and couldn’t keep up with you, they were intimidated by your presence and how you easily prove yourself as a powerful individual who can look out for themselves and was scared of your power.’ Damian replies as he sits down next to you, setting aside his sword as he has Titus draped across your lap and Ace lounge next to your side, knowing how much you loved the dogs as much as he did.
And you know he’s not lying becuase Damian saw no point in lying to you, it’s ridiculous and serves no purpose whatsoever other then to guard another persons feelings, nope Damian says it as it is and needles to say he didn’t like your ex and now they’ve proved that feeling he had right by breaking your heart. While you said that he couldn’t kill him, Damian would oh most definitely stand outside their window menacingly without really trying.
However until he gets the opportunity to scare the shit out of your ex, he’s by your side with you throughout your healing journey as you realise that Damian wasn’t joking about you and your power. Your heart might break but it’s still beating and to Damian you alleys proven you were stronger then your ex ten times over. Hell you might even spar if you’ve got some anger to let out…Damian will use this as an excuse just to say;
‘Imagine their face and attack with everything you’ve got until there’s nothing left.’
Damian is an advocate for expressing how you fell in whatever form you can available to you, whether it’s through art, writing, music or otherwise just let it all out because how can you feel better when your repressing your emotions; thus hindering your own healing.
Tim has ice cream, your beloved fluffy blankets, your favourite show and or movie queued up on his computer with take out on the way the moment you had told him the news of your break up.
He doesn’t waste time and tells you to put on your most comfortable clothes because you were staying over the night to recover from a rather lacklustre relationship, away from someone who didn’t deserve you in the slightest, though this is very dependant on what relationship you had with your ex partner but the message remained the same with Tim: movie night with a side of gossip session where you shit talk about your ex partner and their glaring red flags now you were out of that mess.
Seriously by the end of the night you are no longer crying tears of sadness but tears of laughter every time Tim had something to say about your ex partner, easily roasting them into oblivion while your grasping at your stomach as it ached pleasantly, before joining in on the roasting yourself by giving him some insider information that his hacking skills could never give him.
Bruce ‘I’m rich’ Wayne who takes you out on shopping sprees to heal your heart by attempting to make a dent in his wallet.
After all what wouldn’t heal the heart faster than spending ridiculous amounts of money on comfort foods, items and clothing of various kinds.
Seriously this man will tell you to get the biggest, most expensive jellycat plushy the shop had, only to tell you to get like two more of similar sizes before gifting you his card and telling you to go nuts on what you want. That or he’d buy you it himself when he sees how hesitant you are with sending his money, quickly to pick up the things you side eye for too long or wince at the price tag of and buying it in bulk for you without hesitation.
He’s treating you to a expensive dinner afterwards with expensive drinks being brought to your table bottle by bottle along with good food, not that Bruce cared in the slightest as the night was far from over for the both of you, far from it as by the end of the night you would’ve completely forgotten about your ex when your rich friend spoils you rotten.
No friend of Bruce’s will cry over a broke loser, this man will remind you of your worth but in a less threading way like a certain son would, even if the encouragement was there in spirit.
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eveysnotebook · 2 days ago
Can you please do 😢 🫂❤ for dick? I don't remember if you've already done them
Love your writing!!!
Hi! I don’t think I did these yet, you can check by searching #dick grayson on my page if you want to see more!
Thank you soo much btw! <3
😢- how they comfort you
🫂- how they hug
❤️ - how they kiss
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Dick usually notices immediately when your upset, and he’ll try his best to make you happy again, as soon as possible.
He’s an older sibling, he knows how to handle emotions well and he will use techniques he uses with his siblings on you. (ex: promising to do something with you, turning on a show or music you like)
He follows you around like a lost puppy, if you’re sad he’s going to be sad with you. Once you get better though, he’s back to smiling. he’ll try extra hard that day to keep you happy.
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He gives really good hugs! He also really enjoys hugs and will hug you every time he sees you (unless you dislike that)
which if you do dislike hugs, he’ll understand and try to remind himself to not cross any boundaries.
his hugs are warm and tight, comforting and welcoming. You know you’re safe in his arms.
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his kisses are always meaningful! he kisses you a lot too, he keeps a goal of 5 kisses a day, minimum.
he usually tastes like fruit gummies and something minty, like toothpaste. he’s usually smiling into kisses too, because he loves you.
he often gives you quick kisses on the cheek or nose, he’s often busy and his kisses work well for him.
on slower days, he’ll spend his time showering you face in kisses until your both laughing.
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omg sorry if this is short I keep forgetting to upload here ( ̄3 ̄)
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downthe-f4ndom-rabbith0le · 13 hours ago
Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) - Chapter 11
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 6347 Warnings: death, violence, fighting, bloody wounds, angst, infuriatingly oblivious love interest, slowburn Spoilers: Young Justice Seasons 1-3 plot partially, but it ended in 2022 so catch up.
Y/N Prince - miracle daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor - and Dick Grayson - first adoptive son of the Batman himself - have been best friends since day one. They went to school together, trained together, kept each other's alter ego secret from everyone else, and they founded the Young Justice alongside their friends together. 
But as time progressed, Y/N and Dick grew up and Y/N found herself wanting more than friendship with Dick. But he never seemed to indicate that he reciprocated her feelings. And when Wally died and Dick abandoned the team, Y/N realised he never would. So she heads to the one place she knows will help her become a stronger warrior so that one day she can take her mother's place: Themyscira.
Two years after his leave, Dick reaches out to his old friends to help him with a mission. But when he finds out Y/N left too, he chases after her in the hopes to bring her back.
However, when the two finally reunite, it isn't as warm as he hopes. Not to mention Themyscira becomes under siege as they go to war against Echidna, the Mother of Monsters in Greek Mythology, and her army of monstrous children.
Will Dick and Y/N be able to put their past behind them and save the Amazonians' homeland? Or will they fall, unable to tell one another their true feelings?
In the early moments of the morning - at the point where the sky has lightened enough to know day is coming but the sun hasn't broken the horizon just yet - Y/N sat on the balcony edge of the Strategy Room staring out over the rippling ocean.
Her eyelids were heavy from the long and sleepless night of planning and preparing for what was to come at dawn, but she forced herself to look out. To take in the serenity and peace one more time before she broke it. A yawn threatened to slip out, but now was not the time for rest.
Y/N let out a sigh, her mind spinning with thoughts. So much to do, so much to consider. Her, Dick and the other generals had spent the last few hours discussing and preparing the best way to dispose of the hydra and it was a solid and stable plan.
And yet Y/N's stomach churned with uncertainty, her fingers gripped the marble balcony edge as if bracing for the impact that was to come. Because it would come, she just didn't know in what form it would.
You have the makings of a True Warrior, Y/N... All you have to do is lead...
Y/N let go of the balcony for a moment to inspect her open palm. The conversation between her and her grandmother played over in her head. Despite knowing her heritage, Y/N couldn't quite understand how she of all people could possess such a power as the one she'd wielded the other night. She wasn't her grandmother, and she most certainly wasn't her mother.
'A True Warrior, huh?' Y/N muttered to herself, returning to overlook the ocean. Y/N felt no power flow through her, not even a shred of it. But her grandmother was right about one thing: she had to lead today, regardless of how it would turn out.
Looking out to the horizon, Y/N thought of her old home. Her apartment in Washington DC; her mother's home just a few blocks away; the now destroyed Justice Mountain; the Watchtower. She thought about the people and pets that occupied those spaces of her life. The fond memories she shared with them, and the memories that she would possibly never get to make with them if today turned out badly.
Her heart yearned for the loss that hadn't happened. It was only hitting her now, on the final day of Echidna's war, that she may never see all of her loved ones again without even a chance to say goodbye.
Because today was the last day of the war. Y/N would make sure of it. One way or another, it ended today.
'It's beautiful. I can see why you like it here so much.'
Y/N didn't have to turn around to see who was speaking to her, and a small smile crept onto her lips. Okay, maybe her grandmother was right about one more thing.
Y/N twisted in her seated position to see Dick standing a few steps behind her admiring the ocean, but also smiling at her. Since he'd arrived, he'd worn nothing but the clothes that had been on his back. Just jeans, a plain white t-shirt, a jacket and boots. But now he wore Amazonian armour specifically tailored for him. Leather and steel guards covered his broad chest and strong wrists, and his feet were adorned with leather sandals similar to the women.
To Y/N's amusement he wore a skirt too, made of separate strips of leather and studded with steel. His escrima sticks hung in a loop on the skirt, but in his hands he held a helmet. He looked straight out of an Ancient Greek painting. If Y/N didn't know any better, she would've thought he was a demi-god.
'Indeed,' she replied and twisted around to jump down from the balcony and walk towards Dick. Looking him up and down, she couldn't help but say, 'Wow, I never thought the day would come that I would see you in a skirt, Dick Grayson.'
He chuckled as well, swishing his hips slightly to emphasise the skirt. 'Neither did I, but I kind of get the hype now. Very breezy down there, it's good!'
Y/N shook her head but couldn't help but smile. 'Surprisingly, it suits you. Maybe when you go back to Bludhaven you should change your Nightwing costume to incorporate a skirt.'
At the mention of his home, Dick's smile dropped a little, as if remembering why he wore a skirt right now. But he fixed his smile and nodded. 'Sure. When I get home.'
He looked over her shoulder, nodded to the horizon. 'You don't get views like this back in Washington DC, hey.'
Y/N twisted to see the sun had finally peaked beyond the horizon and the sky was layered with reds, oranges and yellows as the sun slowly but surely rose.
'You sure don't,' she agreed, but her sights were set on something that laid beyond the horizon. Something she wasn't sure she'd ever see again. 'But that doesn't mean I don't miss it.'
A soft and gentle sea breeze blew up from the waves crashing up against the mountainside way down below. Y/N breathed in the salty air and closed her eyes, steeling herself to start the day.
'Would you ever go back?'
Dick's sudden question had Y/N opening her eyes to see him looking at her, his expression half-serious and half-anxious. As if he was scared to hear what she had to say but had to ask her anyway.
'As in go back to Washington DC?' she asked. 'To Man's World?'
He nodded, and Y/N found herself struggling for an answer. 'I don't know, Dick,' she finally responded. 'If we survive today, I... I don't know.'
The look on Dick's face told her that wasn't the exact answer he was looking for, but he nodded silently in acceptance. 'We should go and get everyone into position. The sun will fully be up soon.'
He was right, they said that at dawn they would set their plan into motion. But her grandmother's voice whispered in the back of her mind.
Whether he knows it yet, he loves you. And I think you better tell him how you feel in case this war goes further south. Don't you?
'Wait!' Y/N grabbed Dick's wrist as he turned to walk away.
Stopping in his tracks, he turned around, confused. 'What is it?' he asked.
Y/N really couldn't believe what she was about to do, but if there was one thing that she'd learnt while living there it was that her grandmother was always right.
'If today goes badly,' she started, forcing her erratic heart to calm down because it was beating faster than a hummingbird flapped its wings.
'It won't go badly, Y/N' Dick interrupted. 'You can't think like-'
'If today goes badly,' she insisted, cutting him off. 'I don't want to have any regrets.'
Dick looked down at her curiously, the slightest tilt of his head sending a loose strand of hair falling across his forehead. 'Regrets? What do you mean, Y/N?'
Y/N's throat threatened to close up, the usual fear she had when approaching this topic forming a ball in her throat, clogging the words up. But instead of letting it, she swallowed thickly, kept her eyes locked with Dick's. She kept holding onto his wrist to ground herself, to make sure he understood what she was about to say.
'I love you,' she said, her voice so breathless and fearful and relieved all at once. The words had come out so softly that, in her mind, she thought she hadn't said them at all but imagined it.
But Dick smiled and said, 'I love you too, Y/N. You know that hasn't changed since we met.'
Her heart sunk a little at his misunderstanding, but instead of going with it, she shook her head and said, 'No, Dick, I mean that I love you.'
She watched him, watched as he went from happy to confused to truly realising what she'd said. His smile gradually faded until he was just looking at her wide-eyed and speechless. It was a heart-wrenching, gut-sinking look, but Y/N wasn't done.
'You don't have to say anything back, Dick,' she explained. 'But I have spent too long denying this. It's partly why I am here and why you're now in this mess. Because I was too afraid to tell you how I really felt. If my fate is to die today, then I would feel more content knowing that you knew the truth. That I feel you bring out the best in me. That I get butterflies every time you laugh with me. That I will do everything in my power today, even if it means dying, to see that you get home to Bruce and the others because I love you. I just wished I had found the courage to do so long before now.'
After all that, Y/N took a steadying breath in and when she breathed out it was like all the weight held in that one secret finally lifted from her. It was such a relieving feeling that she could've cried, but instead she just smiled because even if he didn't feel the same, she was finally telling the truth after so many years of lying and suppressing.
Dick's expression was unreadable. She couldn't tell if he was angry, sad, indifferent, because he just kept staring at her with a slightly opened shocked mouth. But if he wasn't jumping for joy, there could only be one other option.
He doesn't feel the same.
She could sense tears were building and she really didn't need that in that moment. She had a war to go fight.
So she cleared her throat and said, 'That's all I wanted you to know. We should go now. They all will be waiting for us.'
As if he had been lost in his own thoughts, Dick mindlessly said, 'Right...'
Y/N quickly brushed past him but heard his slow foot steps following her soon after. The rejection wasn't as painful as she thought it was going to be. But, subconsciously, she'd made peace a long time ago with Dick's un-romantic feelings for her.
But something felt different now, inside Y/N. A new sense of reassurance and certainty that wasn't there before. Whatever it was, it spurred Y/N on towards the palace courtyard where the remaining warriors and generals were probably waiting for them.
One way or another, this war ends today.
The dawn had fully risen now, casting the quiet island in rays of warm hope despite their city's ruins. Y/N was crouched atop one of the buildings back near their destroyed camp, eyes locked onto the beast that had desecrated it.
Y/N wasn't sure what she expected from a hydra, nor from any monster child of Echidna, but even monsters had to rest it seemed. The tents they once slept in were piled and structured in a way that resembled a nest of sorts where the hydra now huddled and slept soundly in.
From where she crouched hidden, the monster almost looked harmless. Until she looked around at the scorch marks on the walls of buildings cobblestone streets. The screams of her fallen sisters still rung in her mind, but she gripped her sword tighter to ground herself. Their deaths will not be in vain.
The first phase of the plan only involved Y/N and a couple adept warriors so she hid alone. It was still early morning, and this part of the city was still drenched in shade. She had to wait for the signal.
She hated the waiting, if only because it left her with her thoughts too long. Dick was hidden somewhere around the nest as well, and she could've sworn she felt his burning blue gaze on her.
While Y/N had made peace with her decision to tell him, she couldn't help but wonder how he was feeling right now. Was he angry? Sad? Disgusted even? Or maybe - like the good soldier he was - he wasn't feeling anything at all. Maybe, like it had always been, Y/N thought about him too much, while she had never crossed his mind like that.
Come on, stop that now, she scolded herself, turning to her shield that was propped up against some rubble. She needed to distract herself, get her head back in the battle ahead. Dick Grayson would not be the reason she lost them the war.
Y/N caught her own eye in her reflection on the shield. She wore a helmet like Dick had held, and a similar outfit too. However, her armour gleamed black compared to the usual steel the other warriors used. It was obsidian-infused steel, forged specifically for the Princess of Themyscira a millennia ago.
The leather and studs of her skirt were dark too - it was as if she were a shadow, a wraith. Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt - according to their myths - possessed armour just like it. If her grandmother was telling the truth, it was also blessed by Athena.
As she looked at herself, Y/N felt both the strength of the armour, but also the weight and pressure that came with it. She was no Athena, nor Artemis or even Wonder Woman. But she was the Princess of Themyscira now, and she'd be damned if she didn't try to fight for her home.
Y/ Npressed her sword long ways and flat against her front, the hilt pressing against her chest. 'Athena, bless us,' she whispered with her eyes closed, praying that her plea reached the goddess' ears. 'Mother... help us.'
When she opened her eyes, a flickering light from across the courtyard flashed at her. It was Dick, twisting his shield this way and that to catch the sunlight.
He was flashing the signal.
Y/N stood up, as well as the other warriors who had been hiding, and she raised her sword high. 'Aim!' Those with bows and arrows notched their arrows into the string and pulled back. 'Fire!'
Eight arrows released simultaneously, and the few seconds they flew silently was that brief moment of the calm before the storm. Everything was quiet and unmoving. But when the arrows pierced the hydra's scaly hide, the air thundered with its roar as it roused from its slumber.
But it wasn't up just yet. Y/N called out again. 'Aim... Fire!'
Another round of arrows flew down to the monster, and this time it was fully awake, clawing its way to its feet, all three heads hissing with fury. The central one seemed to spy Y/N, and as its open mouth lit up with fire, Y/N ran along the rooftop screaming, 'Move!'
Y/N narrowly missed being burnt to a crisp as the hydra fired at her, the fire burning so hot that when she snuck a glimpse behind her she saw it had melted the marble. She hated to think what she would've looked like if she hadn't moved.
Y/N leapt from that rooftop to the next, banging on her shield like a madman with her sword. 'Hey ugly! You hungry? Come catch us!'
Whether the creature understood her or not, all three heads gave her a furious glare that told Y/N she had gotten their attention. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Dick and the other warriors of their group either running along the rooftops like her or down on the cobblestone streets.
Dick bashed his shield too, screaming, 'Hey! Over here!'
The left head lunged at Dick but his acrobatic skills helped him easily avoid the attack. The other warriors started doing the same, keeping the hydra looking and lunging in different ways. Constantly being disoriented.
Just what they wanted.
'Keep it moving!' Y/N called out, then started running along the roofs again, banging her shield. The others followed suit, being as loud and obnoxious as they could. The hydra did not appreciate its food running away, so it chased after them all, bulldozing through any building that did not accommodate its size.
Y/N saw the right head open its mouth to blow fire down the street at the warriors on the ground. They wouldn't survive the heat, nor outrun its reach. So she stopped for a brief moment to throw her sword at the monster. Her aim was strong and true as it pieced one its eyes, causing the hydra as a whole to stop as green blood leaked from its wound. It tried clawing out the sword but it was embedded too deep to get any purchase on it so it only managed to scratch and harm itself even more.
In its agony, it spewed fire everywhere, unable to guide its attack in so much pain. Y/N dodge-rolled out of its range once more, but one of her skirts tassels caught fire so she ripped it off before it could catch any further.
'Keep going!' Y/N called out. 'Get to the training grounds now! I'll keep it distracted!'
Y/N leapt down from the roofs finally, with nothing but a shield to protect herself, and stood before the hissing hydra. She felt the heat from the fire still spewing from its right mouth, squinted at the morning sun glinting off its talons and serpentine scales. But she just raised her shield in front of her and banged her own guarded wrist against it, over and over again. The resounding clangs that reverberated through the street drew its five remaining eyes on to her miniature figure.
And yet, Y/N didn't feel small as the monster of myth encroached on her. In fact, she'd never felt taller, stronger.
'Hey!' she screamed up at the hydra. 'Hey, ugly! You hungry?'
The monster bellowed in response, getting more aggravated with her every second that passed.
'You'll have to catch me first,' Y/N said, then slingshotted her shield at the left head. It made contact with its temple and rebounded into the central head. The impact it made sent the central head colliding into the right head as her shield rebounded back at Y/N.
If it wasn't pissed off before, it certainly was now as it reared onto its back legs, hissing and blowing fire every which way in anger. Y/N didn't waste a second more as she turned and bolted up the street. The way the houses around her rattled along with the street told her it was following her. Just as planned.
As Y/N looked around she couldn't see Dick or any of the other warriors much to her relief. Now she just needed to make it to the training grounds to finish this off.
She narrowly dove out of the way from a blast of fire and smelt singed hair as she kept running. Too close, she thought, but the street started to make an incline as marble stairs replaced flat ground. Almost there.
Just as Y/N went to climb the stairs, a large claw came crashing over her head and onto the stairs, crushing them into rubble and blocking her path. Y/N turned to face the hydra, which now sneered down at her with its small victory. With the stairs up the hill in ruins and the hydra's body blocking the way back in to town, Y/N was soundly trapped.
But she was the daughter of Wonder Woman and the Princess of Themyscira; she would not be so easily beat.
Before it could open its mouth to fire at her or eat her or both, Y/N leapt above the hydra's head just to land on it again and use it as another jump pad to leap higher.
She'd forgotten what it felt to fly, to not be weighed down by gravity and her own limitations, and so Y/N found herself smiling as she arced above the mountainside then back down again to land on the top of the stairs to the training grounds.
The hydra below hissed in fury, sinking its claws further into the stairs and began its ascent up the mountainside. Y/N didn't wait for it to reach her, instead choosing to run across the empty field as fast she could.
But she could hear the hydra reach the top, felt it chase her as the ground thundered beneath her feet. She just about reached the very middle of the training round when she felt it tower over her again.
Y/N leapt high again, as it made to squish her beneath its talons, arcing backwards this time to land atop the right head of the hydra. With one hand she clutched a horn on the hydra's head, with the other she hastily pulled her sword out of its injured eye, fluid and green blood leaking from it more as she did. It howled in agony, thrashing its head from side to side and almost sending Y/N falling to the ground.
But she held her ground, plunging her sword into its other eye. As it writhed in pain, the central head lunged at her with an open mouth, to which Y/N reefed the sword out of the eye to slice its vulnerable tongue off. Just as the third struck out at her, Y/N leapt onto its head and plunged her sword into its head.
The piercing screech that she extracted from the beast almost sent Y/N deaf, but she leapt one more time off the hydra completely, landing far away to see the now blind, tongueless and brainless hydra heads flail about in agony. All that was left was to finish it off.
Y/N dropped her sword and raised her shield above her head, allowing her power and strength to build up and concentrate before slamming the shield down on the ground.
The sound of the impact was like thunder, booming throughout the area as if a bolt of lightning struck the ground. The ground cracked around the shield, then spiderwebbed its way towards the hydra. As it did, the ground fell away, sending the hydra hurtling down into the depths of the mountainside. It screeched and roared and hissed as it fell, but no matter how much it clawed for purchase, there were no walls nor ground to cling onto.
So it fell, and a resounding thud rattled the ground as it connected with the bottom.
Y/N waited for the dust and her heart to settle before she dared look over the edge. The hydra laid unmoving at the bottom of the pit, every inch of its body pierced by rocks and spikes. The three heads splayed out unmoving, and the sight of the lifeless eyes allowed Y/N to sigh with relief.
Hundreds of rushed footsteps alerted her to more company, but when she looked behind her she was glad to see her warriors, her sisters, and Dick running towards her, cheers now echoing across the training grounds.
Calliope rushed at her, legs surprisingly healed, and embraced her. 'You did it! You actually killed a hydra!'
'No, we killed a hydra,' Y/N corrected her as she pulled away. 'If it weren't for you guys setting up that pit, I'm not sure how else we would've defeated it.'
'Are you kidding?' Dick said, drawing her attention to him. He looked weary underneath his helmet, but his smile was radiant as always. And his eyes shone with an adoration that Y/N hadn't ever noticed before. 'You singlehandedly blinded, cut off its tongue, stabbed its brain, and sent it into the depths of Themyscira. You did that, Y/N. You won us this fight.'
As Calliope and everyone around them cheered and hugged in celebration, Dick and Y/N shared a look that spoke volumes of relief and joy and everything around them faded. Dick took a step closer and that one movement had Y/N remembering what she'd told him before the battle and her heart stirred up again.
He opened his mouth to speak, but he was cut off as the ground suddenly shook so badly as if it were an earthquake. Y/N grabbed on to Dick to hold herself up as others fell over. When it settled, Y/N and Dick shared a confused look.
'What was that?' Dick asked, but the ground shook again, harder this time.
Y/N turned towards where the shakes were coming from and saw dark clouds forming over the ocean as a whirlpool seemed to form in its depths. A green light emanated from the whirlpool and slowly, rising from within it was Echidna, but also not. She didn't look human anymore, more like her monstrous children as scales replaced her skin and her hands were more like talons. With a great leap that shook the ground again and sent waves lashing at Themyscira's shores, she landed on the edge of town, decimating homes and shops as she did.
She stood taller than all the buildings in town, and with a great big swipe of her hand, Echidna knocked marble columns down and roofs off houses. But she didn't seem to care what she destroyed as she slowly made her way towards the palace.
Towards Y/N's grandmother.
'We haven't won the war yet,' Y/N said, turning to speak directly with Calliope. 'Take half of the crowd to look after those who have evacuated and hidden themselves in the northern caves. I'm going after Echidna.'
'I will not leave you, Princess,' Calliope tried arguing, but winced slightly as she took a step towards Y/N.
'You are in no condition to fight,' Y/N stated. 'I will take a handful of warriors, but if I am to not return from this fight, it is you I place my faith in to keep everyone alive.'
'But Princess-'
'Please Calliope, do as I say and go. Go!'
Calliope looked between Echidna and Y/N a few times, frustration and understanding warring on her face. Eventually she nodded, then turned to those near her and started spouting instructions.
'Andromeda! Celeste!'
Two women amongst the chaos emerged and stood before her, ready to take orders. 'Gather the remaining warriors and follow me. We're going after Echidna.' All they did was nod before leaving to rally those that remained.
'I'm going with you,' Dick said, coming to stand beside Y/N, determination hardening his beautiful features.
'I can't ask that of you, Dick,' she said facing him.
'Then don't.'
Dick raised his hand to gently cradle Y/N's neck and head, and in that one gesture she felt completely disarmed despite her holding a sword and shield.
'We started this journey together, we will finish it together, too.' he said, and Y/N knew what he meant.
He meant that from the very beginning he was by her side, when they first met at Bruce's mansion and she judo flipped him. That they had stayed by each other's side through the good and the bad, the horrific and the beautiful. And he would stay now. Regardless of if he reciprocated her love for him, their bond ran deeper and stronger than any complicated feelings could ruin.
Y/N had never felt more grateful, so she nodded her head, not daring to speak of her gratitude in case she cried.
Andromeda and Celeste came up beside Y/N and so Dick dropped his hand as she faced them the warriors that stood ready to fight behind them.
'We are ready when you are, Princess,' Andromeda said.
Y/N nodded, then looked out over all the women that watched her, looked up to her, awaiting her command. No doubt they knew death awaited most of them, perhaps all would not survive Echidna's wrath. But they would not be able to call themselves Amazons if they gave up without a fight.
Silently, Y/N raised her sword above her head and watched as slowly each and every warrior raised their weapon with her. Even Dick beside her raised his escrima sticks in solidarity.
'For Athena!' Y/N cried out.
'And for Themyscira!' the warriors cried in response.
And with that Y/N turned and began running for the palace, Dick and Andromeda and Celeste running beside her with hundreds of women warriors following behind in a stampede of steel and strength.
Y/N lead them through the decimated town, wandering through the devastation Echidna had left in her wake. It didn't take them long to reach Echidna, who stood just outside the enchanted palace gates.
'Echidna!' Y/N cried out as she threw her shield up at the giant goddess.
The weapon bounced off her effortlessly, but it did make her turn around, and it was then that Y/N was able to take in Echidna's new form.
Almost as tall as the palace, she looked down upon their small army with green snake eyes, a forked tongue flicking out here and there. A black tail with a talon on the end curled up behind her as if readying to strike. Now that she was closer, Y/N spotted fangs poking out of Echidna's mouth as she sneered in disdain and anger.
'Stand down!' Y/N continued. 'End this war now and we will spare you!'
'Spare me?' Echidna said, her voice sounding more snake-like than her original voice. 'Like you spared my children? I warned you I would make sure your kind never lived a day after I was through with you. Well... that day has come!'
Echidna held her hands out to the army and green liquid seemed to pool from her hands then flow like tar waterfalls to the ground. From the pools rose monsters from the initial battles, gnashing their teeth in absolute hunger. Without hesitation they charged at the Amazons, and the two sides collided in a mighty clash of steel and teeth.
Y/N palmed off a rat-like creature as it leapt at her face, then swung her sword at a striking serpentine monster, effectively slicing its head off and dissolving it to goo once more. However, it didn’t matter how many they killed off, the pools of tar were infinite and so the monsters kept coming. 
Y/N spotted Echidna above punching at the enchanted gates in an attempt to open them. Her impact sent the invisible walls shuddering, and Y/N swore she heard glass fracturing with another punch. The world thundered as Echidna struck the gates one last time, and the protective dome that had kept the cornerstone of Themyscira safe for millennia finally shattered. With no enchantment left to face, Echidna kicked the gates down and wandered into the palace courtyard.
‘No!’ Y/N sliced at the surrounding monsters, trying to escape their onslaught but they seemed to understand her urgency and kept coming to stop her. 
Out of nowhere, Dick leapt onto the back of an equine-like monster, bringing one escrima stick around its neck and pulling on either ends of it back towards him. He effectively severed the creature's head, leaping to the ground as it dissolved into goo. Andromeda and Celeste came swinging in too, knocking back the remaining monsters to clear the space around them.
’She’s broken through the gates. We must not let her reach the Queen,’ Y/N said, breath haggard and forehead dripping with sweat.
‘We won’t,’ Dick said, and the certainty in which he spoke made it sound more like a promise. He looked briefly around him. ‘Everyone else can deal with this. Lets go, we have a goddess to kill.’
Y/N nodded, then turned to Andromeda and Celeste who nodded their confirmation that they would follow. ‘Let’s go then,’ Y/N said, and she leapt just enough to gain some momentum before thundering back down to earth and slamming her shield into the ground. It was enough to knock over the oncoming wave of creatures, clearing a path through to the gates to the palace. 
The four of them ran to the gates and was greeted by the sight of broken statues and walls, of destroyed gardens and, most horrifyingly, lifeless warriors who’d stayed to protect their queen. The blood that spilled from them only angered Y/N more, and so when she saw Echidna about break down the last doors before she reached the palace’s centre, she launched herself from where she stood with a battle cry on her lips and flew at Echidna with her sword raised.
Echidna turned just in time and batted Y/N away, slamming her into a nearby wall. Y/N grunted from the harsh impact, but quickly pushed herself off the wall and charged again.
‘Feeble demi-god,’ Echidna hissed, punching at Y/N this time and sending her high into the air. ‘You think you can defeat me?’
Though struck with pain, Y/N pointed her sword down at Echidna as she came flying down. As Echidna made to swipe at her, Y/N timed a hard slice to the goddess' palm, cutting from the base of her fingers to her wrist. The goddess hissed with disdain as YN landed on solid ground again. An arrow fired into Echidna’s cheek, earning an annoyed wince from the goddess. Y/N turned to see Celeste, a well-trained archer, had gotten herself into the best possible position atop a broken chunk of wall. 
She notched an arrow quickly and sent it flying, this time landing near Echidna’s eye. She hissed again and made to lunged at Celeste when a spear pierced her upper arm. That drew a more pain-filled cry from Echidna as she clutched at the wound, smearing green blood over her hands. Y/N followed Echidna’s angry glare to find Andromeda almost opposite in height to Celeste on the opposing broke walls of the palace. 
Y/N’s heart almost stopped beating as Dick leapt from pillars that rose high above Echidna - how he got there, Y/N didn’t want to know - and on to Echidna’s shoulder. ‘Hey Monster Lady!’ he cried into her ear, narrowly missing a talon as she clawed at her shoulder. Using his acrobatic skills, he swung from one shoulder to the other and managed to land a few blows on her vulnerable cheek. He looked so small, so ridiculous, Y/N would’ve smiled were they not in the situation they were. But a sense of pride filled her as she watched the three of them. It made her actually begin to believe they could do it. They could defeat Echidna.
Echidna’s tail whipped quicker than lightning, and before Y/N knew it Celeste was being impaled by the giant talon on its end. A broken cry had barely fallen from Y/N’s mouth before Echidna was grabbing hold of Andromeda and crushing her in her bare hands. Dick leapt from Echidna’s shoulders before she could grab him, he didn’t fall fast enough to avoid her whacking him into a nearby wall. The impact was so hard that large pieces of rubble fell off with him as gravity pulled them both down. 
‘Dick!’ Y/N cried as he and the rubble hit the ground, dust spiralling everywhere so she couldn’t see anything. When the dust finally settled, she saw him lying down on his stomach, his bottom half pinned by heavy rubble.
He didn't move.
Furious tears spilled down Y/N’s cheek as she surveyed her fallen loved ones, as she looked back up at Echidna with an ire she hoped would burn the goddess to hell. Only able to see red, Y/N cried out in agony as she leapt at the goddess again, sword at the ready. With only Y/N to deal with, Echidna easily swiped Y/N into a nearby wall. Y/N clawed herself out of the hole she’d made and launched herself at Echidna again, managing to land a few blows on the goddess’ face before being punched into the air again. This time, Y/N cried out from the pain that rattled through her bones, from the muscles that were no doubt tearing and snapping. 
‘I am Echidna. Mother of Monsters!’ Echidna bellowed, and as Y/N started her descent, the goddess landed the final blow as she punched Y/N into the ground. 
Y/N could barely manage a scream as her body seemed to light on fire in agony. Get up. Get up! She mentally screamed at her body to move but her limbs did not respond. Even breathing was an effort as blood dripped from her mouth down her throat excruciatingly slowly. All she could do was look up at the broken roof above her, and Echidna as she leaned over her unmoving body. 
‘You never stood a chance,’ Echidna hissed, although the words came in different volumes. No doubt Y/N’s hearing was busted, but she still understood the monster above her, the taunts she presented. ‘The Amazons will die today. As soon as I kill your precious queen, the gods will know to fear my name. Say hello to your dear grand-uncle Hades for me, now.’
Y/N waited for the final blow to come, to see darkness and welcome it. But she was dealt an even worser fate. Echidna left, her steps vibrating through the ground, but they became softer and softer the further away she became. Get up. Get up! Y/N couldn’t let Echidna win, not when they had so much to save, so many lives on the line.
But Y/N could feel her injuries catching up to her, felt the blood pooling in her lungs faster, felt all the broken bones and torn muscles. Echidna had broken her, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Athena… Mother, please… She was sure no one heard her prayers, not even the almighty Zeus would waste time on a measly person such as herself. Someone who had failed her people and therefore condemned them either to death or a life worse than death under the rule of Echidna. 
But she did selfishly wish for one final thing. Echidna had punched her so much that Y/N laid in a crater of rubble. She couldn’t see Dick, couldn't check if he was okay. She highly doubted it after seeing Celeste and Andromeda be killed. Echidna had no mercy it seemed, and for that Y/N mustered up one last tear to fall down her face as she prayed by some hope that Dick would live.
As it did, her eyes closed, her chest stopped rising, and her body stopped feeling. 
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aangelinakii · 1 month ago
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note : personally i would love someone to push up w me on their back ,,, and also no damian just becquse i couldn't rhink of a scenario soz aloz
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the kids had forced offered bruce a night off, after performing his nightly duties too many months in a row. now, sitting in bed with a book, you found it difficult to concentrate on the printed words as your partner lingered on the floor by his side of the bed, his quick breaths huffing through your shared bedroom. what on earth could he be doing? flipping the corner of your page down to save your place, you folded the book shut and put it down, rolling over the bed to peer over the side... only to find your wonderous bruce wayne... doing push ups?
"what are you doing?" you'd chuckled with a soft shake of your head.
muscles rippling beneath the flesh of his back, bruce brought his body down, and then pushed himself back up again, his triceps straining against skin. with a grunt he glanced back at you, never ceasing movement. "i need to get energy out before i go to bed. mind you, i'm not usually relaxing by this time."
another laugh brushed past your lips. "then that's not tiring you out." but bruce only sent you another glance, more sheepish this time; you couldn't blame him, not being accustomed to how one normally retires for the evening.
before he could reply again, you were slinging a leg over the side of the mattress and landing on the plush carpeting. bruce's exercise ceased in curiosity, his head turning to run his gaze over your legs. "oh, no, don't stop on my behalf," you grinned, carefully tucking one of your shins along his back and lowing the rest of your weight onto him.
but bruce wayne didn't falter a bit.
instead, he took it in his stride, tucking his arms and moving down, and then pushing up even faster than he'd been doing before. but he couldn't hide the crescent of his eyes and lines at the corners of his mouth as they turned up — he could do this all night.
bullets of sweat shot to the floor with each punch, his flesh grunting against the boxing bag hanging from the ceiling. it never had the chance to swing too far, for he was already hitting it from the other side. although you weren't going as hard at it as your boyfriend, your own limbs were straining from exercise.
with a loud exhale, dick stepped away from the swinging sand bag, holding out a shaking hand to steady it. before it could stop, he was already moving to one of the ready-laid mats.
without a second too long of a break, he was down on his palms, moving up and down, his triceps tensing and bulging in his flesh. the way he kept glancing at you every few moments was making it very difficult to focus on your own workout.
ceasing your movements, you looked over at him with crossed arms. "anything i can help you with?" it was half a joke, expecting him to just grunt a chuckle and shake his head, getting caught red-handed checking you out. instead, he allowed a few seconds' silence, and then hummed.
"yes, actually." his voice was strained against his action, but he'd be damned if he stopped now just to speak. "come here, will you?"
it's not like you're busy or anything. but who were you to deny one dashingly handsome dick grayson your time and energy; especially when that's what you were dating him for.
unable to bite back a smile, you made your way over. "okay... what now?"
"sit on my back."
despite the tension in his throat as he spoke, dick didn't pause his push-ups — and you were supposed to sit on him like this? right...
however strange it may have been to try sit down on a moving man's back, the sheer fact dick could push-up your body weight made it worth it (no matter how many times you fell off before finally sticking it).
relaxing days — no work, no appointments, nothing to do — had to be the best days. especially here, as you and jason lay belly-down on the floor, using your glorious free time to complete a puzzle book you'd found at the grocery store the other day.
well... jason was belly-down on the floor; you were belly-down on his back, peering over his shoulder and pointing at the page, giving your contributions.
it got to the point where you were both on the last page, pen marks etched into the paper from where you'd scribbled answers and numbers and words, but you were stumped. with a huff, jason flicked the pen from his fingers, landing with a thump a metre away. "how are they gonna make puzzles you can't even solve? stupid..."
"hey, hey," you chuckled, bringing your fingers to scratch lovingly at his jaw. "i can get us a new one. want to go now?" as the words left your mouth, you moved one leg from where it lay entwined with his, preparing to get ready for an outing.
but jason was too quick, and too stubborn. before you could react, he'd pulled one arm from beneath him and lightly pressed down on your back, keeping you in place. "no, i'm joking," he mumbled. "please, let's just stay."
anything for him.
and so you fell limp against him once more, arms folding beneath your chin so you could rest your head, eyes fluttering closed. silence ran through the apartment, aside from the soft workings of jason's breathing beneath your ear; outside the city buzzed, but, by now, it was more background noise. perhaps a little nap wouldn't hurt—
something was moving beneath you, and your eyes shot open in alarm, arms shooting out from beneath you and clinging to the nearest thing – which happened to be around jason's waist. although you weren't moving, the coffee table beside you was bobbing up and down, and you couldn't possiblt fathom what was happning, until you realised...
"don't want to miss a workout," jason grunted from below, as if reading your mind. no lazy day was truly lazy when you had a jason peter todd to mind.
"i bet i could do that," tim spoke from the other end of the couch, where his socked feet were prodding your legs, probably in a surreptitious attempt to get them massaged. "no sweat."
you glanced between the tv and him, your lovely boyfriend tim, who would come up in the dictionary if you searched for the word overzealous. on the screen, playing the scene of a bizarre film you'd flipped to, the main love interest was working out when the main character stumbled into the room; there was some fleeting dialogue, and then, before you could find an explanation for it, she was sitting on his back as he continued his workout.
"what, you—" now when you looked over at tim, he had that wide grin on his face, and you knew you were in for something. "you want to try it now?"
without much of an answer, tim was rising to his feet, adjusting the waistband of the linen pyjama pants he wore, and fell to his hands and knees. "i mean, if you insist," he scoffed playfully. "try not to fall in love with me even more."
something about this didn't feel right... tim was certainly muscular, certainly strong — you'd seen him in action — but you didn't have much trust in him this time. regardless of your worries, you shimmied from your seat on the couch and carefully arranged yourself, legs crossed, on tim's back.
he only shook a bit at first, his legs now outstretched behind him, arms firm as logs. but he wasn't moving, just frozen in the plank position.
peering over his shoulder at him, you asked, "what's with the hold-up?"
pink in the cheeks, jaw clenched, tim's voice barely came out through his teeth. "yeah, just... wait—"
carefully – and very slowly – tim lowered himself, and in addition you, down, until his toned chest was millimetres away from the floor, and then, just as slowly, he pushed back against the ground.
once he was back in his starting position, he shifted beneath you, almost toppling you overboard. "okay, okay, i'm done!" he gasped. "my abs are gonna kill me!"
being sick for the past week, you'd found it difficult to encourage yourself out of the house to go visit the gym — so, instead, you'd resorted to working out at home.
duke returned home the moment the sun began to dip below darkening clouds, his warmth radiating through the house as he closed the door behind him. he called something into the living room, but it went unheard beneath the instructions playing on the telly.
"oh, you working out?" he hummed as he entered, raking his eyes over your form and the synchronised movements on the tv screen.
mid-movement, you grunted a yeah, and duke edged around you to sit on the couch.
finally, when your break came, you collapsed to your mat and turned to him, grabbing your water bottle on the coffee table. "how was patrol?" you breathed.
the corners of duke's mouth turned up in a grin, clearly bemused by the sheen of sweat along your brow. "yeah, great." his eyes glanced over to the screen — two more minutes of your break, and it looked like you'd be attempting a five-minute plank. "mind if i work in with you?"
you glanced back, sipping at your water, and gave a half-chuckle. "i would've thought you'd be too tired for more exercise."
duke's bottom lip jutted out with a casual shrug. "i've missed you, we can do it together."
unfortunately, you couldn't ignore that little smile, that charm he held like a secret. and so you put your water bottle back on the table and duke joined you, beside your mat.
when the timer was up, you braced yourself for your plank, but duke, also on his knees, caught your attention — some stupid smile lingered on his lips, like he had a cheeky plan. "i don't know if a plank will be difficult enough for me."
"well done," you scoffed playfully. "just because it's easy for you, doesn't mean it's easy for me."
he held out a hand to diffuse any wrong ideas. "no, i just meant i think i know a way to break a sweat."
at this, you eyed him suspiciously, albeit curiously. before you could question him any further, he was on his palms and tip of his toes, gesturing you to sit on his back.
after a few "are you crazy?"s, you found yourself sitting on his back, trying not to touch him too much with your overly-warm limbs, lowering and raising with ease, your youtube workout by now forgotten.
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angelfic · 1 month ago
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dc vs vampires!dick grayson x reader
warnings — mentions of death, weapons, blood, vampire dick duh. unedited as per usual my bad
a/n; vampire dick gets me going like no other so let me know if i should make this a series… a more fleshed out series or just more drabbles (does this count as a drabble?) idk im asking the audience
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dc vs vampires!DICK GRAYSON who allows you to stay human, as a kindness.
you try your best to hide from him, camping out in different bunkers every few months all over blüdhaven with groups of other survivors. the resistance is slowly dwindling and you know of other groups littered around, hearing tales of how each of them are being turned, imprisoned or simply wiped out.
you know he’s sparing you and the people you’re with to play with your mind. he doesn’t truly care for them, and all he wants to do with you is own you like he does the rest of his followers.
you know this, because he comes to visit you in the dead of night when you’re alone.
“hi, sweetheart,” he says, voice as smooth as ever, but you listen intently for the dangerous edge that wasn’t there before.
he steps forward and your stomach swoops as it does every time you see the startling red of his eyes that seem to glow in the flickering light of your room. you instinctively grab the knife tucked away in the waistband of your pyjamas, unsheathing it and gripping it tightly as you raise it in front of him.
“stay back,” you warn, unable to say his name.
he glances down at your knife, and grins wolfishly, revealing the sharp tips of his fangs. “hot,” he whispers, taking a step toward you unflinchingly. “you know i always did love seeing you with a weapon. never thought you’d be turning it on me though…”
he sighs deeply, as if suffering from temporary amnesia. you shake your head, slowly backing up. “you’re insane. you know exactly why. i just don’t understand why you don’t just kill me like you’ve done all the rest.”
dick’s smirk falters for a moment, but his confidence doesn’t waver. “kill you?” he echoes, advancing further. “no, no, i saved you. i could have turned you that night, but i didn’t. because i wanted you to choose, sweetheart.”
“choose?” you hiss, gripping your weapon tighter. “to become one of them? to join you in slaughtering humanity? the same humanity you once loved.”
his expression remains blank, and your heart clenches at the fact that he’s unaffected by your words. he doesn’t care because he physically can’t anymore.
“you’re thinking too small,” he says softly. “humanity was always heading in this direction… all i’ve done is speed it up. i can control it now. no more of the depravity we used to witness, we can be so much stronger. especially with you by my side.”
“yeah,” you scoff, rolling your eyes. “me at your side, watching you rule over everything like some kind of God?”
the next step he takes has you frozen. his presence was overwhelming and you’re paralysed by the way his gaze softens even though you know that every move is calculated. “i don’t want to be a God,” he murmurs, cold fingers reaching down to brush gently up your forearm, making you shiver. “i just want you.”
his words hit you like a punch to the chest and all you can do is stare at him. he’s terrifying, but so, so beautiful. you’re sickened by the thoughts running through your head and you screw your eyes shut.
dick takes the opportunity to reach up with his other hand to brush your hair away from your neck, leaning in to inhale deeply.
too late, you realise, his fangs are out as they’re hovering over your throat, threatening to break skin and allow your blood to flow onto his tongue. he always talks about how sweet you’d taste, how badly he wants to drink from you. you don’t bother stopping him — you couldn’t if you tried. surprisingly, he seems content with just staying there and you find your voice eventually.
“stop it,” you whisper, voice trembling. “stop trying to mess with me. i know who you are now and it isn’t the man i loved.”
dick lifts his head, not bothering to increase the distance between the two of you, allowing you to see the way his expression turns troubled. “i’m still me,” he mutters, careful not to let his fangs show as he pleads with you in the way he once did to earn your forgiveness. “i swear, that hasn’t changed.”
“you are not the man i loved,” you enunciate, tears stinging your eyes as you repeat your words to him like you do to yourself in the early hours of the morning when you can’t sleep.
dick’s expression darkens. he catches a stray tear with his finger and tilts his head. his voice is slightly colder now, more detached. “you still love me. i can feel it. but it’s alright, i’m a patient man.”
he drops a kiss to your cheek, where the tears threatened to flow before stepping backwards. “i’ll be back, sweetheart,” he murmurs, reassuring you as if you’ve begged him to stay.
and with that, he’s gone. disappearing into the shadows as quickly as he had arrived.
you collapse to the ground, knife forgotten at your side. your heart feels like it’s breaking all over again.
because this isn’t your dick grayson. you know deep down that your dick doesn’t have pale, ghostly skin that makes you flinch when he touches you. or fangs that glint menacingly when he talks.
but it’s a little hard to remember all those things when he looks at you with those eyes, that in the dimly lit bunker, look as lovingly at you as they used to.
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a/n cont.; im gnawing at the gates of dick’s vampire manor begging to be let in so he can turn me… pick me, choose me, bite meeee🧛🏻🤍
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i-yap · 9 months ago
Can I get your thoughts on a gn reader who’s dating Grayson and is like a parent figure or older sibling to Damien, so they have a soft spot for him ( so does Damien ) ?
Dick grayson x gn!y/n x platonic!Damian
this is my first time writing a gn reader so like I'm sorry if I write something stupid or offensive, just comment it and ill fix it.
if you are dating dick then damian will stalk you extensively at first. Dick is his favorite sibling ( in most comics) and if dick is serious about you, stalking is just how the batfam shows love.
He will be rude , he will be mean and sarcastic but dick warned you and you understand where dami's coming from. So you kindly and patiently deal with him and dick obviously doesn't let Dami cross the line when it comes to you.
One night dick had to rush out for a really scary mission and told you to stay at the manor because its the safest place to be.
Damian was the only other person that was left behind since the mission required everyone else on the team and bruce did not think damian was ready for such a high risk mission just yet.
so damian was really frustrated and also worried for the rest of the family. you walk past Dami's room to see him staring off in the distance while fidgeting or biting his nails. You ask alfred for a chess set ( or any other board/card game) and bring it to dami's room. While playing , he opens up about his frustrations and you patiently listen . Not a lot of people in his family are as warm and caring as you are ( maybe dick but even he is really busy)
After that night the roles are reversed. Now damian thinks dick is undeserving of you and his snarky comments are directed to him. You just find it funny while dick is left confused. "I thought he liked me more man, why the sudden switch?" " he got enlightened dickie boy muhahah" " you are mind controlling him arent you"
One-on-one time in the manor- haha dick wishes. So he tries only calling you when dami is at school or training or patrol. ofc you and dami catch on soon which means you and dami chasing him with katanas.
talking about katanas, dami loves showing you his art and his pets and if you share an interest in either of them he gets even more excited.
you and dick become dami's honorary parents. might as well adopt him since bruce and talia are obviously not doing a very good job ( in most comics) .
whenever dami is mad at bruce or simply upset or bored he comes to you and dick's apartment. You and dick are the fun warm loving couple that spend the night playing board games and watching stupid movies . you introduce him to all the major pop culture shows and movies and dick teaches him how to just dance randomly. your apartment is so different from the gloomy , filled with blood stains, fights and training manor. its filled with music and love and warm lights cooking together in funny pjs and dancing badly to pop songs.
it is watching you and dick that dami realizes what love is supposed to look like. and what a normal household looks like( sort of normal) and it affects the way he grows up. I wont be surprised if he comes to you for parents teacher meeting days or to sign his field trips or for advice on normal things
and the canon where dami is being bullied in school, while you go full on protective mode ,dick tries teaching him how to be better in social situations.
overall dami is just counting down days dick marries you and you'all unofficially adopt him.
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kazuko-stuff · 4 months ago
Young Justice Robin! Dick Grayson x YJ reader
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The bell on the door jingles when the two of you walked into a dessert cafe in Gotham. “Hi what can I get you…” the bored employee stops in mid sentence as he looks up, realizing two well known side kicks were in line for desserts. Since the two of you finished a mission you both got assigned to, Robin wanted to go to a dessert cafe that is hosting a Justice league theme parfaits.
“Umm, uh, Do you need help h-help with a-something?” The employee asked, shocked
“ We’re here to have the special event parfaits” exclaimed Robin in excitement
Robin looks through the Justice league theme menus before. Wonder Women’s strawberry warrior parfait. A Batman parfait’s chocolate crumble cookie crusade and finally, Robin’s eyes widen in excitement, Superman’s Kryptonite sensation.
“So I’m guessing you want the chocolate crumble cookie crusade?”He asked without looking up
“No, I would want the Superman’s Kryptonite Sensation please.” Answered Robin
You give a smug smile to yourself, fully aware that his favorite superhero is Superman, much to his mentor’s dismay, along with the cashier’s jaw dropped and other customers shocked.
“Aww, poor Batman.” You giggled in false pity. “Here I thought, that as Batman’s partner in heroism, you’ll pick Batman theme merch”
He gives a small crackle, at your sassy remark, “well Superman is my favorite flavor”
“I’ll take the Batman’s Chocolate Crumble Cookie Crusade then, as pity” you order, as you smirk at Robin in retaliation.
The employee and his co-workers get to work into your orders and the two of you paid. Robin picks a table in the middle of the room, where everyone can see the two of you chilling in a dessert cafe.
“What’s next, going to the Batburger place” you teased as one the employees shyly placed your order on the table.
“Nah, been there many times at the batmobile with Batman” as Robin scoops up a spoon of ice cream into his mouth.
“Must been a sight to see the actually batmobile within the drive through with the bat” you bring up your two pointer fingers up to head to mimic the infamous cowl, chains Robin to laugh at your antics.
All of the sudden, a inexperience robber with a a knife came into the cafe.
“HAND IT OVER!” Threaten the robber using the knife, with the other hand holding a sack
He then notice nobody was screaming in fear and realized the middle table of the two heroes just looking him lately while eating their parfait.
The robber started nervously, especially under Robin’s gaze, with his Cheshire smile as he slowly continuing eating his parfait while you just give a tight lipped smile.
“I t-think I got the w-rrong place” stammer the defeated robber
“Yeah, this is the wrong place” replied Robin as he continued eating his parfait.
“Umm..I… g-give this too-o you” The robber handed you the sack and the knife while in a stuttered mess.
“And I’ll give this to you” Robin stated as he handcuffed the robber, while you got a chair for the guy to sit, while waiting for GPD.
You got up to order a box of a dozen justice theme pastries for the others and some for yourself. You give a Superman theme donut to Robin and an ordinary donut for the robber.
The robber ate the donut in embarrassment as he failed his plan on his easy target and only to have sweets with the Boy Wonder and a girl just absentmindedly eating her sweet treat as nothing had happen.
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serafilms · 1 year ago
song 69! loser of the year (simple plan) + dick grayson requested by @celamoon (2023 spotify wrapped event) (this works so perfectly holy shit?? also hi cressie ilysm i’m such a big fan)
you make me wanna shut it all down, throw it all away, ‘cause i’m nothing if i don’t have you
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Dick Grayson has no shortage of blessings.
He wakes up every day with a full head of silky hair, skin glowing and a bank account fuller than that house on Full House. He has a great job (that he doesn’t even need. Thanks, Bruce) and great friends, old ladies love him and even his smile has been known to make a few people faint.
He’s a celebrity. His life is great. He’s on top of the world.
So why is he still staring at his phone, waiting for the screen to light up?
Because of you. You, his good friend of three years and silly little crush of one.
Yesterday, his life was perfect. He’d met up with you in the city because you’d promised to help him get his new tux for the next gala. He’d made a few jokes and got to see your smile, and got to meet a few fans on the street. Then, when the two of you were sat in a coffee shop, he looked over at you and his heart stopped.
The sunlight was caught perfectly on your face, lighting up your eyes and bouncing off your hair and god, he was so down bad.
Well, no time like the present, he’d thought.
The conversation lasted about one excruciating minute, before you were throwing a few bills on the table, giving him an apologetic look and walking out the door.
“I’m in love with you,” he’d said.
“I need to think about it,” you’d replied.
His world has slowly been crumbling ever since.
Yeah, his hair and skin are still perfect, his bank account is still loaded and everything else in his life is totally fine, but none of it seems as useful anymore.
His phone buzzes and Dick lunges for it.
Jason: hey
Jason: when r u coming for the gala
Jason: damian’s extra homidical today
He frowns down at the screen. That doesn’t seem good. He shoots back a quick idk and promptly mutes the conversation so he isn’t baited again.
He’s alone with his thoughts for long enough to start thinking about his next move. Dick is starting to think you’ll never give him an answer, and you’re just ghosting him now to avoid rejecting him. Therefore, the obvious solution would be to move far, far away from Gotham. Nightwing will just have to relocate. The Bats will be fine without him.
Maybe Hawaii? No, still too close. Somewhere in Europe, maybe? Or is that too high profile a place for a celebrity? Australia seems nice. The sun would be good for his tan. He could live in a little house by the beach. Learn to surf. A simple life.
Without you, he doesn’t think he has much need for any luxuries. He’d give it all up for you if you wanted, he’d give it all up if he didn’t get you anyway. He’s nothing without you. Money or not, he’s a total loser.
There’s an incessant knocking on his door and he groans.
“Oh, come on, Jason! Did you really need to come to my apartment to drag me out?”
He makes his way to the door and throws it open, preparing to see the face of his annoying younger brother. His scowl drops instantly.
You’re standing there, all dressed up, a bouquet in your hands.
“Hi,” you say, smiling shyly, “I was wondering if you might need a date to the gala.”
Dick grins, grabs you by the waist, and pulls you in for a kiss.
He guesses he won this time.
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hanluex · 1 year ago
Something really really painful sad with dick Grayson but happy ending
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bf!dick x fem!reader | wc : 0.7k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, angst, established relationship, mentions of an accident, mentions of blood, crying | request : um i mayhaps have forgotten the happy ending part, so a part two soon hopefully 😭
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“wow, this is all your fault. i can’t believe you, y/n.”
dick grayson mumbled under his breath playfully, enjoying the disgruntled expression on your face.
“babe, i said i’m sorry!” you whined, pouting as you grabbed your boyfriend’s arm. “honest mistake, my bad.”
the two of you were invited to a charity ball, and you hadn’t realized you left the invitation back home until you were at the venue.
fortunately, you were a couple of blocks away from your apartment, which was why you two were walking back, with dick grumbling the whole way.
“we should’ve taken the car. i told you we should, but no!” dick stifled his smile, looking away so you couldn’t see his façade. “you insisted we walk. who even walks to a charity event?!”
you frowned, disheartened. “i’m sorry, babe. i didn’t think taking the car was necessary,” you confessed sincerely.
dick smiled, unable to keep up with his charade any longer. “i was just joking, love. gosh, you are so fun to play around with,” he stated, chuckling at your look of betrayal.
“you are such an idiot. i hate you!”
“now, you better take that back because we both know that’s a lie.”
you fastened your pace, walking away from the brunet. "nope, i'm being very honest." you laughed, amused by his reaction.
"y/n, come here!" dick called, chuckling as he followed you. "babe!"
the traffic lights turned red, causing the cars to come to a stop. you continued teasing your boyfriend as you crossed the road, sticking your tongue out in a mocking manner.
dick laughed as you did a little dance in the middle of the road, amused at the extent you went to make him laugh.
a loud zoom made the brunet freeze in his place, watching as an oncoming bike increased its speed despite the red light.
just as he opened his mouth to warn you, his gaze was filled with the slow motion image of the bike hitting you, your body being thrown a few feet away at the impact.
fuck, fuck, fuck. no, please, no. fuck, no.
"y/n!" dick yelled, his heart beating harshly against his chest as he ran towards you.
his breath quickened as he saw the blood, shakily taking out his phone as he kneeled next to your half-conscious body.
"i called for help. they said they'll be here in ten minutes."
the phone fell out of his hands, immediately reaching out to hold you in his arms as tears filled his vision.
"oh, baby." he touched your face gently, hot tears falling from his face to yours. "no, please."
you blinked softly, in a dazed state. "dick?" you called out, causing the brunet to nod in reply, more tears falling down his face.
"you have t-to talk to m-me, babe. how e-else am i g-going to stay a-awake?"
"i c-can't." dick cried harder, feeling your hands on his face. "i'm so sorry."
"richard, t-take … take a deep breath, p-please. calm down, o-okay?"
"how can i stay calm? y-you are … you—"
you felt lightheaded. "i'm sorry," you apologized, wiping away his tears. "i got blood all over you," you added.
"is that what you are worried about?!"
"i know this is your favorite suit."
despite your attempt at a joke, dick cried harder, feeling worse as he was supposed to be the one to console you.
yet here you were, lying in a pool of your own blood, still having time to make lighthearted jokes about the situation.
dick grayson ignored your words as you assured him you were fine, rambling away about anything and everything under the sun.
he didn't even know what language he was speaking in, let alone what he spoke about. he just rambled, hoping you'd stay awake until the ambulance came.
"i l-like this view." you interrupted his chattering, smiling through the pain. "r-really good an-angle of y-you."
"not the time, y/n."
you heaved a breath as you reached out to hold your boyfriend's hands, groaning quietly as the pain became unbearable.
"does it hurt bad?" dick asked softly. "is there anything i can do for you?"
you took a deep breath, wincing. "i-if i don't m-make it, i h-hope you know how much … m-much i love you. and if p-possible, look out for jay b-because—"
"no! don't give me this 'last word' talk." dick shook his head. "you'll be fine, and you will be the one to look out for jay because he'll listen to no one except you, and only you can handle him."
"babe, please—"
"no, just no. i will not let you leave me. if you even think about dying, i'm going to kill you."
"i love you, richard grayson. so fucking much, i do."
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taglist : @maverick-wingman (to be added, please send a dm or ask!)
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dc-and-arfrona · 2 years ago
DC-And-Arfrona Masterlist
Hey! Here's my masterlist. Fun fact, I used to write for Marvel too. @arfrona-and-marvel.
Updated: 7/24/2023
All my work is GN!Reader x Character
Fluff - 💕
Angst - 🌧️
Both -  🥺
Jason Todd - Red Hood
Dick Grayson - Nightwing
Tim Drake - Red Robin
Damian Wayne - Robin
Bruce Wayne - Batman
Bat Boys - Headcannons
Roy Harper - Speedy
Wally West - Kid Flash
Barry Allen - Flash
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gay-dorito-dust · 11 months ago
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How’d they react to you calling them bro or dude whilst in a pre-established relationship…(platonic/romantic)
Dick: he’s insulted.
He will try to give you the silent treatment for such a shameful thing but ultimately fails as he ends up being the one pawing at you for attention.
‘Do you still like me? Or did you just run out of cute nicknames to call me?’ He’d say one night as your both cuddling in bed together. ‘If it’s the later then I can help you find something, just please spare me and don’t call me dude or bro anymore.’
He’d rather you call him Richard-wait, no he hates that even more because to him you’re not meant to use his fully name, only cutesy nicknames that’d make a grown man sick to his stomach. Nothing else would suffice other than Dickie bird, handsome, babe, hunk, honeybun or anything that wasn’t his name.
He’s go mad or would act delusional and say that everything was fine when everyone could tell that it wasn’t. People who know him have personally came to you and begged you to stop calling him dude/bro because he kept talking their ears off about how his beloved partner is torturing him, which ends up torturing them even more upon hearing about his relationship issues.
Dick would even consult Hayley on what he did wrong, only for Hayley to look at him with those big, big eyes of hers. This was not her level of expertise unfortunately. (Head empty, no thoughts. She can’t do her abc’s guys it’s a real tragedy.)
Jason: ‘I just had my tongue down your throat just now and you had to go and ruin the mood by calling me bro. What the fuck.’ - Jason at some point.
It’s a whole mood killer for him to be honest.
He’s calling you things like chipmunk or sweetheart but here you were calling him dude and bro. He knows for a fact that he’s well and truly out of the friend zone because the shit you’ve done together isn’t platonic in any sort of way.
Thinks Roy had set you up to call him dude or bro behind his back. (He hasn’t)
Jason is petty and will get his own back by referring you as ‘just a really good friend’, ‘buddy o’ mine’ or even worse than both of those; ‘chum.’ 💀
When you go low, Jason was more then willing to go to the depths of fucking hell to the point it had become a game to see who’d call out just how stupid this all was, and at the both of you for ever thinking that this was an excellent idea in the first place.
You’ll probs get punished…I’m just going to leave it there and let your minds guess what that ‘punishment’ was exactly.
As much as Damian hates it when you call him Dami, he hates it when you call him dude or bro even more, if that’s even possible.
Damian hates it when you call him dude or bro. He’s not your dude or bro, he’s your partner and he expects no less then darling, my heart or my beloved.
So you calling him dude or bro is more than enough reason for him to give you the silent treatment.
‘Until you learn that I am your partner, I won’t want to be anywhere near you if you’re going to keep calling me your bro or dude. It is a disservice to who I actually am to you.’ He says with a huff and beckons Titus to follow, only for the Great Dane to be left confused as to why his human parents were at a disagreement over something silly.
Also Titus, Ace, Jerry, Alfred the cat, Goliath and BatCow are children of divorce because I said so.
So it’s bests that you apologise while you still can because Damian can hold a grudge unlike any other. Even if you didn’t, you’d still crack first before Damian and quickly put an end to calling him dude/bro.
He just thinks being called a dude/bro when in a pre-established relationship is an insult.
He can take a joke but not when it’s aimed at his relationship. He’s well and truly devoted to his relationship -if we’re to completely ignore the whole being Robin thing- that it might as well be an insult towards him too at this point.
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eveysnotebook · 16 days ago
dc boys but they’re cats
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Hal: for some reason he gives me big Scottish Fold vibes
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Not a request, I just thought it would be fun and cute!
again, if you didn’t see, I probably won’t be posting much through Feb 14-Feb 16!!
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downthe-f4ndom-rabbith0le · 8 months ago
Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) - Chapter 6
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 2946 Warnings: death, violence, fighting, bloody wounds, angst, infuriatingly oblivious love interest, slowburn Spoilers: Young Justice Seasons 1-3 plot partially, but it ended in 2022 so catch up.
Y/N Prince - miracle daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor - and Dick Grayson - first adoptive son of the Batman himself - have been best friends since day one. They went to school together, trained together, kept each other's alter ego secret from everyone else, and they founded the Young Justice alongside their friends together. 
But as time progressed, Y/N and Dick grew up and Y/N found herself wanting more than friendship with Dick. But he never seemed to indicate that he reciprocated her feelings. And when Wally died and Dick abandoned the team, Y/N realised he never would. So she heads to the one place she knows will help her become a stronger warrior so that one day she can take her mother's place: Themyscira.
Two years after his leave, Dick reaches out to his old friends to help him with a mission. But when he finds out Y/N left too, he chases after her in the hopes to bring her back.
However, when the two finally reunite, it isn't as warm as he hopes. Not to mention Themyscira becomes under siege as they go to war against Echidna, the Mother of Monsters in Greek Mythology, and her army of monstrous children.
Will Dick and Y/N be able to put their past behind them and save the Amazonians' homeland? Or will they fall, unable to tell one another their true feelings?
'...Starting tomorrow, we prepare for Echidna's war,' Queen Hippolyta announced to those in the War Chamber.
After Echidna's kraken attack, the Queen had called for an emergency meeting in the War Chamber to discuss matters. Generals and their lieutenants discussed the right protocols and procedures they would instruct their soldiers to carry out over the coming days. It was well past midnight now, but no one in the chamber looked as if sleep would come easily when they returned to their own chambers.
'For now, head back to bed. Hera knows we are going to need all of our energy to face what lies ahead.' Everyone simply bowed their heads in understanding and left the chamber. Except for Y/N.
She was staring intensely at the small sculptured map of the entire island - as if trying to commit every stair, every mountain, every grain of sand to memory - when a hand on her shoulder pulled her from her trance.
'You too, my dear,' Queen Hippolyta said gently. 'You have endured much tonight. Go. Rest.'
'What? No.' Y/N shook off her grandmother's hand and stood up tall, but she could not help rubbing her tired eyes as she strained to keep them open. 'We should be preparing now, Grandmother. Echidna will certainly not be resting before she tries to destroy all of Themyscira. I will not let her.'
'I know, dear child.' Queen Hippolyta gently cupped Y/N's face and turned her attention away from the map. 'But what good are soldiers if they do not rest? We have three days - there will be plenty of time for sleepless nights then. For now, I am telling you to rest.'
Y/N had to admit she was exhausted. She had been training all these months, but hadn't been in a real fight with real danger since she'd left the team. Her body was already starting to ache, and so she conceded. 'Is that an order from her Royal Highness?'
'It is an order from your grandmother,' the queen replied with a soft smile. She brought Y/N's forehead to her lips briefly before she finally let go. 'Rest. Our work begins tomorrow.'
Y/N nodded then headed for the War Chamber doors. Now that she'd acknowledged it, her exhaustion was now weighing on her eyes more heavily, and the thought of falling into her crisp linen bed sounded heavenly.
As soon as she opened the door to leave, however, she was met with, 'So what did you talk about?'
Dick Grayson didn't look an ounce tired as he pushed off from his place on the wall and sauntered up to her. Damn, had he waited there for three hours? It didn't matter. All that mattered was getting to her bed and he certainly wasn't going to stop her now.
'Nothing you need to worry yourself about,' Y/N deflected as she made her way down the corridor. She was hoping her stern tone would hint that she was in no mood to talk, but Dick Grayson was not one to read such obvious signs.
'What's that supposed to mean?' he asked, following swiftly after her. 'You woke up every general and their lieutenant to discuss what then? A new uniform?'
'If you want to make jokes about my people's future existence, then we definitely don't have anything to talk about,' Y/N bit back, increasing her pace as she turned around a corner.
'Then what did you guys talk about in there?' Dick insisted. Y/N had to give it to him, he was persistent. 'Look, I want to help. But how can I if you won't talk to me?'
'Just because you caught me tonight, does not mean I am obliged to answer your every question.'
'Catching you? I saved your life! Speaking of which, I think a "thank you" is at least the minimum you can say to me right now. Which, by the way, you're welcome for. But if you won't say it, then tell me why I can't possibly help you with this.'
'Because this doesn't concern you,' Y/N replied, reaching the spiral staircase that led up to floor of her chambers. She started her ascent as she continued. 'This isn't your war to fight. You weren't even meant to be here.'
'So what do I do then?' Dick asked, his tone offended as he still followed her up the stairs. 'Just jump on a sailing ship tomorrow and head back to Blüdhaven like none of this ever happened?'
'Oh, so that's where you've settled down. How noble of you.'
'I'm being serious, Y/N.' Dick grabbed Y/N's wrist with a grip tight enough to halt her charge, but loose enough to let her know she could escape any time. She had just reached the next floor when he did, leaving him two steps below her eyesight.
'So am I,' she hissed back, but her anger was superficial. Her bed was just down the corridor and Richard bloody Grayson was doing everything in his power to stop her from reaching it.
She tugged her wrist out of his grip and looked down at him with a glare so severe she hoped he would catch fire. 'Go home. To your life of freedom and abandonment, to the girl who undoubtedly is waiting for you in your disgusting apartment, to the team, I don't care! Just go.'
The pair stood looking at each for the longest time. The window beside the staircase entrance allowed the light of the full moon to shine onto Dick's flawless, sharp face. The pale light cast shadows under his eyes, hollowed his cheekbones. And for the first time since coming to the island, the cocky glint in his eyes wasn't there.
It was the most serious Y/N had ever seen him, even when they were both on the same team together doing the most craziest and dangerous missions that either of them could've died on.
He was telling her the truth, and that one fact made her soften her glare.
'Why do you hate me so much?' he asked, his voice cracking slightly as if he were on the verge of tears.
This took Y/N aback.
Hate. She'd never used the word in association with Dick. Even when he left, even when he never came back, even when he never spared her another thought or word. She wanted to slap him, tell him he was stupid because how could she ever hate him after she'd spent so much time feeling the very opposite for him?
Y/N didn't hate Dick Grayson, but she couldn't forgive him for what he'd done either.
'You left me,' she finally said, voice low so as not to release all her emotions at once. 'You left all of us behind as if we were nothing. As if we weren't family. You left when we - when I needed you the most. What? Did you expect me to just be waiting for you when you decided to come back? Were you ever going to come back, Dick? Well?'
He had no reply, only a face expressing a full range of emotions. Shock, sadness, guilt, shame.
The last one gave Y/N her answer.
It wasn't until Dick reached for her cheek that Y/N realised she was crying. She was too shocked to bat away his hand as he wiped her cheek gently, smoothing away her tears. Despite the cold night, his hand was warm, and in her moment of weakness, Y/N allowed her eyes to close for just a moment and lean into his touch.
Once or twice she'd dreamed of a moment like this, where Dick would hold her as if she were the most precious thing in the world. But that's all it was, a dream.
Remembering herself, Y/N pulled away from Dick's hand and hastily wiped her tears. His hand hung in the air for a moment longer before letting it fall to his side in defeat.
'I should go rest,' Y/N said after an eternity of silence. 'We start preparations and training at dawn. I will make sure someone sets you on your way early tomorrow. It will be as if you never had come to Themyscira.'
'But I will remember,' Dick said gently. 'I will know what is happening.'
Y/N nodded in agreement. 'But it is not your war to fight.'
Dick stared at her, the blues in his eyes swirling like tumultuous waves as if battling with himself. Eventually he nodded and took a step down.
'We both leave at dawn, then?' he asked.
'So it would seem,' Y/N answered.
'And I will never see you again?'
Y/N hadn't contemplated this, but now that it was out there, there indeed was a high chance that they would never see each other again. Not only him, but the rest of the team, her mother.
Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat and said, 'It is a sacrifice every warrior offers up before every battle.'
It wasn't a straight answer, but it was enough for Dick it seemed as he said, 'Then I wish you the best of luck, Princess.'
Y/N didn't like how distant he sounded when he used her title. It wasn't him, it wasn't her. All of it was wrong, but had it not been herself that insisted he call her by such? To put distance between them? To communicate her anger with him, and make it clear that she wanted nothing to do with him ever again?
She'd dug her own grave, and so now she must lay in it.
'You too, Nightwing,' she managed to get out, and then Dick was descending, leaving Y/N alone with her jumbled thoughts and emotions on the stairs. She'd been exhausted before, but now she was wide awake.
Y/n stayed at the top of the stairs well after Dick's footsteps stopped echoing, unable to move over the threshold of the past into the future. She'd just unofficially said goodbye to her best friend and the love of her life. So much was left unsaid - maybe for the best, or possibly it would be her biggest regrets if she didn't make it through this war.
Y/N finally managed to pull herself away from the staircase at that thought. I must rest now, she told herself as she finally made it to her chambers. Tomorrow, I have a war to try and win.
T minus three days until Echidna's War
Y/N doesn't remember when she fell asleep, but she does remember taking a long time to do so after her conversation with Dick. All that had been said - all that hadn't been said - had left her tossing and turning for a long time after she slipped into her linen bed.
However, she was very much awake the moment she felt warm sun rays bathe her skin.
Her eyes flew open as realisation shocked her into action. I'm late! Y/N looked out the window briefly and saw the sun high in the sky; it was well and truly past dawn.
Faster than she'd ever done before, Y/N dressed in her warrior uniform, grabbed her sword that she always had on hand in case of an emergency, and sprinted through the palace and down to the training grounds.
The other women were never going to let her live this down if they were to survive Echidna's war, but they were not going to survive by sleeping in. It only appeared to be early morning, but the warriors would've been working for a solid few hours by now. Precious hours that Y/N had wasted sleeping in, instead of training or making blockades or literally doing anything more helpful.
By the time she reached the training grounds, she was the most out of breath she'd ever been in her life. Y/N quickly spotted Calliope supervising a group of young warriors as they practised using monster nets against some wooden dummies.
'Well look who finally decided to wake from their beauty sleep,' Calliope said with a smirk as Y/N approached her.
'I slept pretty bad last night,' Y/N explained. 'And no one came to wake me up. Where is the group I'm meant to be taking?'
Still smirking, Calliope pointed to a large crowd seemingly gathered around one person. Whoever it was, they had to be interesting, as women and young girls were enamoured with whoever was talking.
'Who is that?' Y/N asked, unable to see the instructor through the thick crowd.
'The reason you slept bad last night,' Calliope answered smoothly, and Y/N felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment and shock.
Not wanting to be teased any further, Y/N staunched over to the crowd and forced the women to part so she could reach the front of the crowd. And there in the centre on the ground, pointing at seemingly random points on a map of Themyscira, was Dick Grayson.
'...Now we don't know specifically what Echidna is going to throw at us,' Dick said to the group, 'but my guess is she is going to send big and small creatures alike. With the small creatures, I suggest setting up traps here, here, and here where the passages are narrow and there is only one way out. We'll lure them into the passageway and then take them out from above.'
'What if they can fly?' one soldier asked.
'Then we lure them to places like the caverns on the east side of the island. Or we make nets to secure the creature's exits out over the passages that have no roofs. Let's go scout those areas today and start setting up what we need weapons and equipment wise there. Any questions?'
'I do,' Y/N found herself saying, finally drawing everyone's - including Dick's - attention to her arrival. 'What do you think you're doing?'
Dick stood up and made to step towards her. 'Y/N, I-'
'Give us a minute,' Y/N directed at the crowd, and they all quickly dispersed at her stern tone. When everyone had either started their own conversations or started sparring to kill the time, Y/N finally addressed Dick.
'What in the name of Hera do you think you're doing ordering my soldiers around?' she seethed, though she was more angry at herself still than him. 'I thought I told you to go home. You're meant to be on a ship sailing back to Blüdhaven by now.'
'I was,' Dick agreed, and that seriousness from last night returned to his stupidly beautiful face once more. It made him look older, wiser. He still looked good, much to Y/N's chagrin. 'But what you said last night got me thinking that... that maybe I need to stay.'
'What?' Y/N couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was he mad? 'Dick, this isn't some silly little mission to complete. We are preparing for war.'
'I know that,' he insisted. 'But... all I've done since Wally's death is run away. It's true; I left the team, I abandoned you - all because I was too scared to try and be brave. Brave... like you.'
Y/N was too shocked to respond, so Dick continued.
'You may hate me, Y/N,' he said, and the look in his eyes surprisingly pained her, 'but I want to stay, I want to help.'
'If you're doing this to make yourself feel better, then you can just leave now-'
'I'm not, Y/N,' Dick interrupted her, now looking into her eyes with such sincerity she knew he was telling the truth. 'I'm doing this because it is the right thing to do. I also just can't accept that I will never see you again. You're too important to me, to the world, to leave behind.'
Y/N's breath hitched as Dick took a step closer to her, never once breaking eye contact. 'I won't abandon you. Never again.'
Those words alone almost broke her facade of cool and uncaring. He meant it. He truly meant it. If he had not just said the words, she would've seen it in his eyes for it was there - the same sentiment.
He would not leave her. Regardless of Themyscira's fate, he would not leave her.
Her Dick Grayson was back.
She regathered her composure by taking a small step away from him. He might be back, but Dick would have to prove himself still if he wanted her back in any capacity.
'Just because I was late, that doesn't mean you take over my training,' she muttered grumpily.
Dick chuckled. 'I didn't steal them. I spoke with Queen Hippolyta herself. She thought it would be a wonderful idea if I stayed to help.'
Y/N sighed in defeat. 'Of course she did,' she muttered. She made a mental note to have a word with her grandmother later about this.
For now, she - and now Dick, it seemed - had a training to conduct.
She spun around to the slightly dispersed crowd of warriors and called out, 'All right. Everyone, grab what you need for the scout today. Half of you will go with Nightwing here to the East Caverns and map out our traps there. The rest of you will come with me to the Northern Passages between the mountains. We leave in ten minutes.'
'Yes, Princess!'
'Well, then, Nightwing,' Y/N said as the group dispersed again to gather their equipment, 'are you ready to go win a war?'
Dick flashed her his signature smile, though his eyes had a renewed sparkle and Y/N wondered if it possibly was because of her.
'Always, Princess.'
'Don't call me that.'
'Oh, but I insist, Princess.'
'One more remark and I'll order the warriors to set you up as bait for the monsters.'
'Whatever you say... Princess.'
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aangelinakii · 10 days ago
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note : so basically the batboys and what romance movie / love interest character they would are !!!!
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CAPTAIN VON TRAPP ( the sound of music )
no i'm being so fr when i first watched this a few months ago i was so contemplating writing a fic or series of this exact scenario,, like reader is a nanny or something for bruce wayne's kids and they fall in love
take away nazi germany and it's LITERALLY a bruce wayne love story
him and his many kids
he would be slow to warm up at first, because at that time i imagine him to be very robert pattinson, very emo very lonely, very lego batman as in falsely independent
but then he realises he's in love with the person right in front of him, whom his kids adore, and he would do anything for them
JOHNNY MARTIN ( penelope )
if you haven't seen penelope this is your sign to go watch it because james mcavoy plays THEEE most dreamy man i have ever seen
he falls in love with who you are, not what you could be or what other people say you are,, he makes his own judgements and sticks to them, even everything you hate about yourself he sees the beauty in it all
literally ready to give up everything for That person
he may make a silly mistake like johnny did in the filmb, but you gotta realise dick grayson is not the man you want to let get away GO CHASE YOUR MAN GET HIM BACK
anf also the ending scene where johnny and penelope kiss HELLO he is literally putting his whole james mcavussy into that kiss and we all know dick grayson wouldn't half ass anything for the one he's most in love with ;(
PATRICK VERONA ( 10 things i hate about you )
you can't tell me the whole bad boy and miscommunication thing wouldn't happen because it just WOULD
like say after everything's happened, jason too is a little bit emo and is this brooding "bad" kid who smokes in the corner of the library or something and hangs out at bars after school
he wants to make a little extra cash just to be extra rebel (he just doesn't want to ask bruce for money because he's going through a phase) and he doesn't reallllyyy care about the person he's being paid to take out
but then it hits and every time he looks at them angels start singing and they glow like they've been kissed by the gods
JESSE WALLACE ( before sunrise )
okay forgive me if i get anything wrong here it's been a very long time since i last watched this movie but
tim has that cheekiness when he's in love that jesse has, maybe not exactly as cheesy (i can't watch the kissing scenes becquse they're so sloppy lol), but he falls and he falls hard
when he likes / loves someone they literally take up every fibre of his being and morph him into a lighter, happier person
he notices the little things, like the scene of wanting to tuck celine's hair behind her ear but being too shy because she already did it ???? that's SO tim because it's like he wants to be this suave macho guy, but he's just a little bit shy at the same time at initiating things
but he's in a european country getting all cultured and he's met this amazing person and he can't just let them get away
MR DARCEY ( pride & prejudice )
LOLLL yes i did it i could so totally see damian as like this awkward little thing but he shows he cares with the little things, like noting you prefer to walk so he asks to accompany you as opposed to taking public transport or driving ????
and also the hand thing
is so freaking damian
like he'd be a bit withdrawn, definitely awkward and he doesn't know how to act but he wants you BADDD sooo what daddy wants daddy gets
technically he is royalty right ?? i don't think mr darcey was royal but he definitely held a lot of prestige, so he'll be respected, have the manners he was taught to have growing up and struggle to talk to you any other way than to refer to you as if you were a blessing to walk this earth (but you're his blessing so it's okay)
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angelfic · 1 month ago
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dick grayson x reader
warnings — dark-ish manipulative themes, violence, dick is practically partaking in self harm on the streets. a/n; dick grayson is a little manipulative like we have to face facts here in the same way he’s a fuckboy. this is accurate dick characterisation on steroids kinda… argue with the wall
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manipulative!DICK GRAYSON who purposely gets hurt so you feel bad for him and suddenly forget what you were mad at him about.
dick hates it when you two argue, especially because it’s mostly only over the small stupid things. it doesn’t happen that often, but it always affects his performance during patrol.
the only thing on his mind when he’s punching the living daylights out of some criminal on the street is what could you possibly be thinking about right now? are you still mad at him? you’re probably pissed. in his head, you’re throwing darts at a picture of him pinned up on the door and it’s stressing him the fuck out.
not only does this make him a little extra violent, but he also can’t help letting these thugs sneak in a terribly aimed punch or two which, under normal circumstances, they’d never be able to land.
it’s like the part of his brain that concerns you is working a little faster than the rational part, because immediately he’s thinking about how you’re going to patch up the cut on his cheek with your cute little pink band-aids and he’s not going to complain about it once.
he looks a little deranged in a fight because suddenly he’s grinning as he’s beating the shit out of this goon who is now more terrified of him than he was before. because this isn’t just nightwing, the vigilante. it’s an adrenaline junkie whose breath hitches a little when he gets hit, but he’s not winded in the slightest. it’s almost like he enjoys it.
when it gets like that, they try a little harder to fight back and the knives come out. dick’s eyes practically light up when they start slashing around. they think they might have a chance against him when dick let’s them take a swipe at his torso, but once they’ve made no more than a superficial cut, he’s grabbing their arm and twisting it until the knife clatters to the ground and they’re wondering how the hell they thought they could win.
the high he’s feeling doesn’t come down once he’s neutralised the threat. in fact, he’s feeling even more jittery when he’s sitting outside the window to your shared apartment, lightly tapping on the window.
he gets a little worried again when you glance over at him, and then at the clock before sighing deeply at the time. you’re still annoyed, but it’s okay. he anticipated that.
you open the window, barely sparing him a glance before walking away.
“it’s late, dick. i could have been asleep.”
“i’m sorry,” he replies, his voice a little breathless when he sees the little pyjama shorts you’re wearing with the hearts on them. you mistake this for him being in pain, which in fairness, he is.
dick has to stop himself from looking too happy when you furrow your brows and rush over to him. “you’re bleeding.”
“just a scratch,” he downplays it, letting your gentle hands help him through the window and onto the couch. he doesn’t resist one bit, allowing himself to wince with each movement.
when you’ve grabbed the first-aid kit and you’re patching him up, his eyes don’t leave your face for even a second. he hates seeing you upset over anything, but he can’t lie. he’s practically giddy when he sees that your expression has changed swiftly from irritation to concern.
you ask him what happened and of course he shields you from the vigilante life, because he’d die before putting you at risk. so all he says is that he’s sorry, he was just distracted tonight.
“i’m sorry,” you sniff, cleaning his cuts and bandaging him up. he doesn’t even need you to be the one to apologise, he’ll gladly say sorry first if it’ll stop you being mad at him. “we argued before and now you’re hurt and—”
he reassures you it isn’t your fault and that he’s the one who’s sorry for upsetting you in the first place and then you’re kissing the bruise on his face and he’s enjoying the way it stings, because your lips are brushing against his skin and all he smells is your vanilla body lotion.
you don’t see the way his lips are twitching into a small, satisfied smirk when you cuddle up next to him and tuck your head under his chin, careful to avoid pressing on his injuries. you feel him relaxing, but you don’t know it’s because he’s gotten exactly what he wanted.
he really doesn’t want you blaming yourself, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the way your hand was running through his hair.
“promise me you’ll be more careful, dick. i don’t want you getting yourself hurt this often anymore.”
“i promise i’ll try my best, baby,” he murmurs, voice low and warm as he traces circles on your thigh. he chuckles at the way you pout at him. “it’s not like i do it on purpose.”
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a/n cont.; this is darker than anything else i’ve written but i literally couldn’t help it i thought abt this ages ago and then saw this on tiktok and it was like id been possessed:
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i-yap · 9 months ago
Hello how are you? I love everything you write and I'm obsessed with Dick Grayson. You could write Dick being obsessed with his pretty girlfriend (we readers) I like these stories where he is obsessed in a way that is not crazy and violent. Usually when they write Yanderes it ends in violence, I don't want anything crazy or violent. Can't a man be obsessed with his girlfriend without ending up like that? please
Heyy im doing well, thank you for asking. I love "pretty girlfriend (we readers)" lmao yes we are pretty readers
Obsessed Dick Grayson x reader
Once dick realizes that what he has with you, what he feels for you and what you mean to him is so much more than his past relationships. Like those relationships don't even come in sight to what this is. He loses it a little.
All of a sudden his easy charms, flirtatious nature and playboy game is just gone and that too when he needs it most.
He gets flustered easy and its really weird for him aka Mr most desirable man in dc.
But don't worry , he learns how to work around those palpitations and blushing-by throwing himself into acts of service. Bringing you water without you even saying by realizing you've been swallowing more than average. Making you dinner which comes out of the oven the second you walk into your home by timing your "I've left work" message and the time on google maps ( or maybe just a tracker on you with your permission)
On the same note..HE IS SO OBSERVANT!! like how did you know that y/n wanted chocolate muffin when she likes trying different flavours every day? oh you analyzed her taste pattern and since she had a fruit in the morning, she will want chocolate? oh okay not weird at all dick
That cringey ginny scene from harry potter of her tying his shoelaces? Yea he sort of does those type of things really often. YOU CANT BLAME HIM OKAY ITS YOUR FAULT MAN HAS LOST ALL HIS RIZZ.
He gets so much more jealous. Like in his past relationships, the girlfriends were jealous not him. He was the one being hit on by everyone. People don't even hit on him as much cause rather than him making charming talk he is just standing behind you, head on your shoulder talking sweet to your ear. In fact it has happened on multiple occasions where he just didn't hear someone because he was busy looking at you in the dress you were wearing. also if you guys ever had a fight in the beginning of your relationship about you being insecure ...he will make sure there is a 4 foot stick between him and any other girl who tries touching him. Will jump onto a chandelier rather than let another girl touch him and risk your relationship . you tell him that its okay and you know he isn't reciprocating their feelings and that he doesn't have to jerk away while loudly saying "no no where's y/n WHERE IS MY Y/N" but he doesn't care nothing comes between him and his baby.
He drops stuff too, forgets whatever line he was about to say and um he has giggled when you complimented him once( but you guys don't talk about that anymore)
He just sort of learns to live with it since this just shows how much he loves you and well..there's no fixing it. And he'll find new ways to fluster you.
i hope this was somewhat you were looking for, have a good day!
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