#DiU x reader
noaltbruh · 2 years
hello! BIG congrats on 200 followers!! for the event i was wondering if i could request 💤,🍭, and 🍰 for johnny, gyro and josuke? thanks!
Ohhh alright! This'll be interesting! And thank you! :))
Link to main event.
💤How often do they fantasize about their S/O? Is the latter constantly on their mind?
Honestly, you must be something special if Johnny Joestar let you be a part of his life. You truly matter a lot to him in a world that has treated him like he was scum. So, you can guess this boy inevitably finds himself thinking about you on more than a few occasions.
Sometimes, he gets overwhelmed by negative thoughts, or is just not in a...Very happy headspace, which is when you come in! Just imagining you calls him down a little, and puts a small smile on his face, you're a very reassuring presence to him, you could say.
Johnny is also rather shy, so sometimes, he may find it easier to hide away in his thoughts and fantasize about you, instead of making them a reality. He doesn't want to appear clingy or too needy to always be by your side. he is.
Gyro doesn't use his head much outside of combat lol. But those few brain cells he's still using are more inclined towards you than anything else. He's a quite proud guy, so he may find these thoughts overly cheesy, but he eventually learns to embrace them.
Imagine that he's just come up with a new joke, he won't be able to think about anything else but telling you about it. Or maybe he saw a teddy bear that "looked familiar" and he immediately bought it for you, so you could match!
I can see him also fantasizing about riding his horse with you, but that is the one idea he'll try to scrap and push away no matter what, no woman can ride Valkyrie...Although the perspective of it doesn't...Sound horrible.
Sweet sweeter sweetest boy, Josuke's thoughts about you are just as diabetes-inducing. He's not one who falls in love easily, but once he does, it's hard for him to think about anything that isn't you.
He won't pay attention in class because he's too busy imagining to be making fun of the teacher with you. He'll lose focus playing videogames since it's not same to play alone anymore. He might even just see a dress in a shop and give it to you for absolutely no reason aside from that fact that he thought it'd make you happy.
Also, stealing this idea from my friend, I have a feeling Josuke would often imagine what it'd be like to marry you. Just imagining you walk down the aisle while he's desperately try to hold back tears.
Yes, he has cried just thinking about it.
🍭 How easy is it to fluster them?
Now, Johnny used to get bitches, but not anymore, and he's kinda forgotten what it feels like to have someone show that type of interest in you. This means that getting him flustered will be a piece of cake.
Even if you're bad at flirting and mess up some words in an attempt at being smooth, he won't even notice and get embarrassed anyway. Compliment and show him that you appreciate his efforts, and it won't be long before his cheeks turn pink.
Also, friendly reminder that anything the stand feels is felt by the user as well. Hug or pat lil' Tusk act 1 with your own power, and Johnny will also get flustered by the indirect manifestation of affection.
Luck is not exactly on your side when it comes to get Gyro flustered. Dude has hooked up with lots and lots of women, and has learned a lot from each one of those experiences, simple flirting is not gonna work.
Take into account that most of your attempts will be nullified by him with ease. He'll tell you how cute he thinks it is that you're trying to embarrass him, before he teases you back, actually succeeding in doing so.
There is one obscure way to get him to turn red, and that is calling him by his actual name. He blushed even just saying it out loud. If you were to do so, and continued to after he told you to, you can be sure that it won't take long for him to try and hide his face with his hat.
Josuke is quite the easy prey too, I won't lie. Perhaps not as much as Johnny, but it won't take too much to get him flustered. He really likes receiving compliments from you and remembers all of them, blushing a little just at the memory of it.
It is very likely that both of you will get rosy cheeks though, since this boy is ready to compliment or tease back in such a natural way he may not even realize what he'd doing. You both look cute though, and probably end up giggling together realizing what just happened.
It may be obvious, but I think saying something nice about his hair, especially if it's not his usual haircut, would really hit him right in the heart. A pat on his head, and he's already leaning on to your chest, not showing his face, trying to deny his embarrassment.
🍰 How teasing are they? Do they often flirt with their S/O?
Johnny couldn't flirt to save his life lol. Like O said, he just doesn't have a clue anymore about relationships, and despite how much he loves you, teasing you is not the best way he has to show it.
He does know that you'd probably like of he tried to, from time to time, so he might make an effort to think of something smooth to make you sway. When he realized he doesn't know what to do, he'll probably ask Gyro for help lmao.
Tries to play it cool when one of his pickup lines actually work, but he's definitely letting out a huge sigh of relief and hearing Angels' choirs. I can see him getting the hand of it with a lot of practise, but he's trying :D
Yes! Definitely! Gyro just adores flirting and teasing you, he can't help himself, it just comes incredibly natural to him. Not that he minds though, he enjoys every second of it.
Rest assured that he won't be missing out on a single opportunity to make you blush. He's really good at it, since he's had his fair amount of experience with dating beforehand, and his confidence and smoothness are of great help.
Even if you're getting attacked, he'll still find some way to get you flustered.
Maybe he's just beaten the crap out of gunslinger while covered in blood, looking all menacing. If he catches you staring at him, he'll probably say something like "Mh? What is it? Like what you see?~" Followed by his iconic laughter and a wink.
Okay, Josuke's situation is a mix of two main factors. He's someone who values romantic love and doesn't go around flirting with anyone he sees. Which means that if he were to tease or compliment you, you genuinely means what he's saying, and because of this, it comes very simple to him.
With that being said, this boy is also naturally good at flirting for some reason, he has a lot of abilities he keeps hidden, and if he's feeling goofy that day, or thinks it's a good time, he won't hesitate to bring out this...Talent of him.
He 100% likes to do so when the two of you are in public, especially since it knows that it's even more effective this way. If you were to tell him to stop, he'd chuckle before actually doing so. He respects his darling's wishes, after all ;)
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hxney-lemcn · 1 year
Falling For U— Josuke Higashikata x gn! reader
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summery: Seeing things that others didn't was a normal part of your day. Until you find a group of delinquents that end up seeing your own stand. Who knew that you'd end up falling for one in particular.
tw: mentions death (reader can see ghosts)
a/n: Guys please I need more Josuke fics. More ace spec reader Josuke fics too. I'm finding it harder to write right now, but I somehow managed to get this out. (So please excuse the shitty transitions).
wc: 5.1k
Master List
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It was another regular day. Focusing on school work while trying to ignore the stares and whispering of the beings around me. I’ve been able to see these figures for as long as I can remember. I learned quickly to keep my mouth shut about them when I got in trouble for scaring not only my classmates when I was 6, but my parents as well. I also learned that these beings were ghosts, and I was somehow able to communicate with them. 
A being that stood out seemed to come at will. They’d help me communicate with the ghosts when I couldn’t do it outright. The weird part being that they didn’t look like any of the other ghosts. It was a translucent misty blue being that was wearing a dark gray suit along with a white skull mask. 
I tapped my pencil to my notebook to the tune that’s been playing in my head on repeat at the moment. My eyes drifted from the teacher to my old pet that laid next to my desk. There were some perks to my ability, and that was getting to see my pets that have passed away. It always felt bittersweet to see them still following me in their afterlife. If only I could still pet them…
My thoughts halted when the bell rang. I put my stuff in my bag as quickly as I could, ready to finally go home. I walked with my friends to the gate and we all shared our goodbyes, going our separate ways. Feeling hungry, I decided to stop at a cafe that was on my way home. Just a quick in and out, it’s not like I was going there to hang out. But entering the cafe, it held a nice atmosphere that made me want to just…rest there for a bit. Would it be weird for me to eat here alone? 
I tensed as I noticed a group of students in the familiar uniform. Yeah never mind. I didn’t really know them, one of them was in my class and I knew they were friends. I mean I’ve heard rumors about them, how they’re delinquents, but everyone knew Koichi was a top notch student so I took all the information with a grain of salt. 
After giving my order and paying, I took a seat next to the pick up counter. I stared out the window closest to me, waiting to hear my name called. Suddenly, that familiar blue mist appeared and I kept my gaze to where the window would be. I didn’t want people to think I was crazy. Something in my being told me that it’s name was GhostBuster, but I found the name too humorous to take seriously. 
‘Someone wants to know if their child is okay,’ The figure signed in my line of sight. My grandma taught me sign language at a young age and I was fascinated with it. But no one else really knew how to speak in sign around me so I’d like to teach my friends small phrases if they were interested enough. GhostBuster, I suppose I will call the figure, also seemed to know sign, as they spoke to me with it first. It was a great way to communicate without seeming crazy since most of the signs could be done against a table. 
‘Give me the information and I will look into them,’ I signed back against the table. Since I was able to see the dead, from a young age I was bombarded with pleas and wishes for me to pass on messages to their loved ones or to commit acts of revenge for them. I didn’t want to do either, as having a total stranger bring up their deceased loved one didn’t seem like a good decision. But if they wanted me to keep them updated about whatever, I didn’t mind going to the library and doing some research. 
My name was called and I couldn’t help but feel eyes follow me. After I grabbed my bag of food, I ducked my head down and walked out. 
After that day I couldn’t help but feel like I was being watched constantly, and this time it was by someone living. And I couldn’t help but notice that I’ve been seeing Koichi and his friends around more often. I ignored it though, I mean Koichi was in my class so I was obviously going to see that friend group a bit. But I noticed their eyes follow me and I didn’t like it one bit. 
I always tried to keep to myself. A total wallflower if you will. I didn’t like standing out. I had my little group of friends I had at school and I stuck to my homework and hobbies after, well as long as I wasn’t working. It was easy to notice them, as no one really looks at me twice, and their stares made my skin prick with anxiety. Did I do something wrong? Do I look weird? Did I do something to upset them? Are they going to beat me up?
I shook the thought out of my head. Yeah I’ve heard rumors of them beating up kids without lifting a finger, but those stories were so far-fetched it was hard to believe. GhostBuster appeared once more during lunch, and those damned stares started to burn. I tried to look at them from the corner of my eye, but I could only catch one of them. Josuke, the most infamous one out of the group, but he wasn’t looking at me…he was looking at GhostBuster. The misty being disappeared as I tensed up. Could they see them? The being that’s been with me since forever? Was that what they were looking for everytime I passed by? Am I in danger now that they have seen it? 
I shifted my focus back on my friends, trying to tune out the ringing in my ears. I’ve always thought I was alone, that I was the only one with strange abilities…did they have them too? Is that where all the crazy rumors have been coming from? It would make a bit more sense. 
The bell ringing signaling the end of the day brought little relief. I just wanted to go home and destress from everything. Maybe play some video games or watch some t.v. I scurried out of class, head down and sticking to the walls. I didn’t even meet my friends, I was too on edge at the moment. 
“Hey!” I glanced up, not sure if that was directed towards me. I froze when I saw Josuke, Koichi, and Okuyasu. I glanced behind me, just in case they were calling for someone else, but I knew that wasn’t the case due to their eyes boring holes into me. 
“Wanna go to St. Gentleman’s with us?” Josuke asked, a nonchalant look on his face. 
I felt confused, looking around once more just to double check before pointing to myself, “Me?”
“Yeah, who else?” Okuyasu asked with a condescending look (it wasn’t exactly mean, more confused than anything). 
I shrugged, shoulders rising in tension, “I don’t know.” I was completely out of my element. 
“You don’t have to if you don’t wanna,” Josuke shrugged, hands in his pockets. 
I stared at the three for a second not sure what to say, but for some reason I found myself agreeing. Okuyasu and Josuke led while Koichi strayed behind, next to me.
“I hope we didn’t scare you,” The short boy spoke up. “We just haven’t had many good experiences with other stand users.”
My face scrunched in confusion and I turned to look at him, “Stand users?”
“Yeah,” Koichi nodded. “You know, that thing that was…talking to you during lunch.”
My gaze drifted towards the glassy eyes of the dead that turned to stare at our strange group in curiosity. I looked back at Koichi, “A lot of people try to talk to me. Well…people that others can’t see.”
It was Koichi’s turn to look at me confused, but before he could ask anything, we arrived at St. Gentlemens. We all put our orders in before sitting at a table for four. Koichi finally asked about these people but first had to catch the other two up in our previous conversation. 
“Ghosts,” I clarified finally as they all stared at me intently. “I can see ghosts, can you see them too?” I glanced over Josuke’s shoulder, a woman in an old 50’s looking waitress uniform stood behind him, a tired smile worked its way on her face when we made eye contact. 
“Nah,” Josuke shrugged, trying to seem chill, but he glanced over his shoulder and met my eyes shakily. “There’s one right behind him isn’t there?” 
I smiled slightly, “She seems nice.” Suddenly, my supposed stand came out and listened as the woman whispered to it. It then approached me and signed what she said.
“What’s it doing?” Okuyasu asked. I forgot they were there. All their eyes fell onto my stand and I couldn’t help but feel flustered at what the old waitress was implying.
“Telling me what she said,” I replied, trying to casually glance out the window.
“What did she say?” Josuke joined, curiosity working into his expression. 
I felt myself slightly fluster, looking towards the boy next to me with shining blue eyes and that unique pompadour. I opened my mouth but I hesitated, it was kinda embarrassing, “...she said…w-we’d make a cute couple.”
I can admit when someone was attractive, and Josuke fit that bill to a T, if the hordes of fangirls I had to pass in the hallways didn’t say anything. But I never talked to him before and I didn’t know him well enough to even think of him romantically. 
Okuyasu let out an obnoxious laugh and Koichi even seemed like he couldn’t hold his chuckles in as Josuke burned bright red. 
“What do your stands do?” I asked, wanting to change the subject. Okuyasu showed his off first, going on and on about its abilities and the many stories of how it saved him to mundane things it helped him with. Then Koichi showed his stand off. Well…all three of them that is. He also explained his own abilities, but kept it sweet and short. 
Finally, Josuke had recovered and told me all about his stand. Showing it off and even demonstrating its powers on a cut I got earlier that morning from my pet. I stared in awe, the cut seemingly vanished in thin air. 
After that, I seemed to have grown closer to the small group of friends. They invited me into group activities more often and both of our friend groups seemed to have joined together, at least for lunch. 
Though I was growing close to one person in particular. Of course that person was going to be Josuke. It didn’t help that those words that the ghost said were ingrained in my head now. Josuke would hang out with me a bit more than the others and the first thought was ‘is he interested in me?’, but I would quickly shake the thought away. I was just looking into everything a bit too hard now. It didn’t help that when Josuke would pull me away to do something, the others would laugh behind us. 
Not to mention that our conversations have been steering towards dating and romantic topics in general. I wish my heart didn’t beat faster when he watched me intently when I explained how I felt about relationships. How I would want to take it slow but I didn’t really have any experience so I wasn’t sure how all that stuff works anyways. My hopeless romantic side was showing greatly as I would make scenarios of what may happen that day, or what it would be like to hold him/be held. 
He also told me how he was looking for the one, and didn’t really want any flings. I agreed with him and our values on romantic relationships seemed to be shared. Which only made me seem to fall further for him, as I didn’t expect someone to share the same beliefs. Yes you heard me correctly, I can’t deny it anymore, I’ve fully fallen for him. I wouldn’t say love, but I haven’t had a crush this strong before. 
“Are you doing anything for Valentine's day?” My friend asked me as we stood outside before school. 
“Nah,” I shook my head, shifting my bag on my shoulder to a comfier position. 
“Really?” They asked skeptically. “Nothing with Josuke?”
I stared at them, feeling myself flustered, “What would I be doing with Josuke?” 
They raised an eyebrow in disbelief, “Confessing to him.” 
I tensed and my face felt like it was on fire, “No way. It’s not like he likes me like that anyways.”
Before my friend could retort, Josuke seemed to have entered the grounds. I couldn’t really see him, but the horde of fans told everything. I looked back to my friend and raised an eyebrow at the scenario.
“I also don’t want him to think of me as just another fan,” I huffed. 
“I don’t think he’d group you with them,” My friend shrugged. “You two are close now, you’re on a level that his fans aren’t.”
I didn’t think about that. Yeah I was his friend, but I suppose that I was afraid that if I did confess, that his view of me would lower and he’d stop wanting to be friends. Which doesn’t sound like Josuke, I know, but the anxiety still lingered. But now I kinda did want to do something now. Not some grand gesture, just a small thing. Maybe make something small and a note. I could buy my friends some candy as well to use as a cover up in case he didn’t like me back…
The day came quicker than I liked. I trudged to school, my bag heavier than normal with the treats it carried. I started to second guess myself, I could always just eat it all myself. Not the candy I got for my friends…but the chocolate covered strawberries I made for Josuke. I could always just give some of the candy in my bag to him instead. Rip the note to shreds and throw it away. 
No, I shook my head. I’ve gone this far, I can always fall onto my cover story just in case. I could pinpoint Josuke easily due to people swarming him like flies. Once again, that little voice of doubt flooded my mind. He’s already being bombarded, I don’t want to add to it. 
“Oi, (y/n)!” A familiar voice shouted. “Over here!” I turned towards Okuyasu, Koichi waving at me from beside him. I joined the two surprised to not see Yukako or Koichi covered in gifts yet. 
“Hey,” I greeted back as I approached them. “I got you guys something.”
Okuyasu’s eyes seemed to shine brightly as I rummaged through my bag and handed them each a little bag of candies. Josuke finally approached us and peered at us curiously, “What’cha guys got there?”
“Thank you so much (y/n)!” Okuyasu yelled, pulling me into a suffocating hug trying to hold back tears. “You’re the best!”
I patted his back and chuckled at his reaction, “I wanted to get you all something for being such great friends.”
Once Okuyasu let go, Josuke peaked his head into my view, “You got us all something?”
I drew in a deep breath, it was now or never I suppose. As the two others were preoccupied digging through their candy bags I quickly took out the small box with the note taped to the top. I thrust it into Josuke’s hands and brought my finger up to my lips in a ‘shh’ motion.
“Don’t tell the others but I got you something a little extra,” I joked lightly, hoping I came off as I normally do. I noticed he started to read the note and I quickly slapped my hand over it, drawing attention to us but I was too anxious to care. “Read that later!” I spluttered, feeling my heart race. I’d rather him read that when I’m far away and can’t see his reaction.
I glanced at my watch, noticing class was going to start soon. I waved goodbye to the group, not taking a second glance. If only I did, because I would’ve been met with Josuke staring at me in adoration, a rosy pink settling on his cheeks. 
The day seemed to drag by and I tried to ignore that I totally confessed to Josuke that morning, even if it was indirectly in a note. It was the first question my friend asked and I begrudgingly told them about what I did. It was a nice distraction when Yukako showed up and poured a load of gifts on Koichi, giving him a short kiss on the cheek as a finale. 
I felt a sort of jealousy setting in the pit of my stomach. That kind of relationship is what I longed for. I suppose not the stalking and kidnapping part…or the obsession… Okay so maybe their relationship wasn’t perfect at first, but they seemed to be working through it together. 
I tried to ignore the glances Josuke would give me during lunch. He totally read the note. God, and he totally knew my intentions too. I shouldn’t have given it to him. I picked at my food as my friends swapped candies they liked. My best friend, knowing exactly what prediction I was in wiggled their eyebrows.
“Oh he totally got the message,” They grinned smugly. I groaned and hit my head on the table. “It’s not that bad. He can’t keep his eyes off of you even with all the people confessing to him.”
“Of course he’s going to be,” I frowned. “I’m his friend so he’s gonna feel different about rejecting me.” 
“More like accepting you,” They nudged me. 
I just rolled my eyes, not feeling hopeful. I just hope I didn’t ruin a great friendship. The second half of class went by faster as I focused on school work. Bell rang and I was the second student to turn their paper in to the teacher and leave. Once again I was going to run out and hopefully not run into the person I was dreading to see. But of course life had a way of squashing my plans.
A pink and baby blue figure stood in front of me, arms crossed and a stoic gaze rested on me. I quickly snapped my head back to a normal angle, I hate being able to see things that others can’t sometimes, I hope no one saw and thought I was weird. I slowly turned my head around as Josuke pushed past other students, charmingly excusing himself. 
“(Y/n),” Josuke panted slightly, waving at me. “Hold up!” 
I stood in place as he finally approached me, “It’s not like I had much of a choice.” 
Josuke grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck, “Well I know you have a tendency to run off and I wanted to make sure I caught up to you this time.”
I wanted to shrink, am I that predictable? Did he really notice that? Does that mean he pays attention to me? I shrugged, not sure why he wanted to catch me so badly after school…okay maybe he does have a reason but I’d rather forget I did anything. 
“Is it cool if I walk you home?” Josuke asked breezily, a charming smile resting on his lips.
Damn him, damn him for stirring up all these fluttery, confusing, warm feelings. I hated it. I hated but loved it. I just wanted to throw the damn feelings away, not wanting to waste time on one-sided pining, but on the other hand I wanted to bask in the warmth these feelings brought. To indulge myself in something I wasn’t sure I was able to have. 
“Sure,” I shrugged again. Just pretend like nothing has changed. That’ll fix everything…totally. Josuke’s grin somehow widened and he nodded. 
I hated that white day was a month after Valentine’s day. Josuke was being much more affectionate towards me lately and his fans didn’t seem too happy. Not that I really cared about them but still, it was uncomfortable. I mean the gestures Josuke did could still be viewed as platonic. It was mostly hugs, resting his arm on my head/shoulder, and on the rareish occasion he’d hold my hand. 
It would make my heart flutter every time. He didn’t bring up the gift I gave him, and I thought that’s what I wanted, but slowly I realized I wanted closure. I’d rather be straight out rejected than this weird little dance we shared of not speaking our feelings. It was giving me hope, something I didn’t like in a situation I felt so uncertain in. 
It was a constant thought in the back of my mind, but it slowly faded as school and work once more took priority. I nearly forgot about the whole ordeal when white day came around. Josuke being more affectionate being a new norm that people just didn’t comment on anymore. And without my friends pointing it out, it became something I grew accustomed to. The flutter in my stomach never left, but I grew used to the feeling. 
“Oh!” I said in shock as Okuyasu handed me a small teddy bear and a small box of chocolates. “Y-you didn’t have to get me this.” 
Okuyasu grinned sheepishly, a small blush on his tanned cheeks, “I never got a gift on Valentines day, even just from a friend. So I wanted to return the favor!”
A giant smile spread across my face, “Well thank you, Oku. It means a lot.”
Koichi handed me a small baggie of candy, similar to the ones I gave him, “I know it’s not as much as the other two got you…”
My eyebrows furrowed as Josuke hadn't given me anything, but decided to brush it off, “It’s alright, I wasn’t expecting anything in return. Besides, I’d rather not get on Yukako’s bad side.” The three of us shivered at the thought. 
The small (okay maybe it grew a lot) glimmer of hope I had that Josuke would reciprocate my confession slowly dissipated throughout the day. It felt like a knife in my heart when I realized I wasn’t the only one waiting for something from Josuke. I truly was just like his fans. I felt cold as I zoned out the teacher’s lecture. Once again, I just wanted to go home and avoid people. I really was predictable. 
I packed my bags slowly as the bell rang. Everyone shuffling around me. This time, I’ll try to wait out Josuke if he was planning on catching me again. I made my way to the band room. My friends would hang out there for a bit after school so I thought I might as well join them. 
“So, how’d it go?” My friend asked, a giant grin on their face. 
I simply looked away with a frown, “How’d what go?”
Their grin fell, “Well Josuke’s an idiot. He can’t just lead you on and do nothing!” I shrugged, my other friends tuning into our conversation. 
“Yeah, don’t get hung up on a guy that isn’t taking your feelings seriously,” My other friend chimed in. 
My heart felt a little lighter at the support of my friends and I smiled bitterly, “Well, Okuyasu got me a cute teddy.” I pulled out the small plushie and the others pointed out how it wasn’t all bad today. I decided to try and focus on the good of today. I got a few things today, I got to hang out with my friends, I got a good score on that one test. Though that small pang was still there. 
The door slid open and Josuke popped into the room, looking a bit frazzled. His eyes scanned the room and when they fell on me they lit up. But my friends weren’t really having it. Their stares held a bit of hostility, but they didn’t do anything more. I, myself, didn’t have the most pleased look. 
“Hey,” He greeted, fully coming into the room, either ignoring the tense atmosphere or not even realizing there was one. “I was wondering where you were. I, uh, was wondering if you’d wanna come to Trattoria Trussardi with me.”
“That one Italian restaurant?” I asked, feeling my heart skip a beat. I hated how he had such an influence on my emotions. My friend elbowed my side and I glared at them. “I suppose I have nothing better to do,” I shrugged, suddenly feeling a bit shy.
“Great!” Josuke shouted, before flushing red and seeming to correct himself. “I-I mean cool, cool.” 
His grin shined through still along with his fading blush. Taking a hand out of his pocket, he held it out towards me and I grabbed it without much thought. I grabbed my bag and glared at my friends as they snickered at us. 
Somehow, with all these feelings bubbling inside of me, Josuke and I managed to slide into a comfortable conversation. He seemed a bit more bashful than usual, stuttering over himself. I showed him the teddy that Okuyasu gifted me when I told him about my day. 
His face contorted into a frown, “So he has enough extra money to buy you something, but when I ask to borrow some he magically doesn’t have any.” 
I couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled up, teasing him I replied, “I guess I’m his favorite now.”
Josuke’s frown turned into a pout, “Is he your favorite?”
When I met those diamond like eyes of his, my heart stuttered. My instinct was to deny it, but maybe I should tease him a bit more for dragging this all out today.
“Maybe,” I replied, looking away to conceal the smile that was nearly splitting at the seams. 
“(Y/nnnn),” Josuke drew out the last syllables of my name. He draped himself over my back, arms sliding over my shoulders and tucking his head in the crook of my neck. I felt myself tense, but forced my shoulders back down into a relaxed position so Josuke didn't pull back. I don’t want him to think I hate his affection, I’m just not used to such actions. “That note you wrote was for me, wasn’t it?” I could feel the smile form on his lips before he pulled away, standing taller than before with newfound confidence. Smug bastard. 
I crossed my arms, not wanting to feed into his ego but not being to deny it either, “I think I might retract it.” 
Before he could protest, we finally came into view. I went to open the door, but Josuke raced me and opened it for me instead. I gave him a weird look but didn’t say anything. Luckily, a table was open and Josuke once again rushed to pull out the seat for me. He seemed a lot more jumpy now, the situation finally sinking in. 
I looked around the restaurant, not sure what to do. There wasn’t any menu, but I’ve only heard good things about this place. People being cured of aches, acne, fatigue, and so much more. It quickly grew into popularity, so I was extra surprised when we got in without a hitch. 
“He’s a stand user,” Josuke spoke up, speaking about the owner of the place. 
“Wow,” My eyes widened. “There’s more stand users here than I thought there would be.”
Josuke nodded, tapping his fingers on the table before changing the subject, “Thank you, for the note and the strawberries.” 
“That feels like ages ago,” I waved him off with a forced laugh. “No need to thank me. You’re my friend, of course I was gonna get you something.”
Josuke seemed to falter, but I pretended like I didn’t notice, “Seemed like a bit more than what just a friend would say.”
I tapped against the table now. I wanted to talk about it, but now I wanted to go back to ignoring it. I glanced at Josuke, his eyes seeming to search for something in my expression. The waiter, I learned named Tonio, put two plates of food in front of the two of us. He smiled at us, wishing us a good meal before leaving. I turned my attention to my food. I wasn’t completely sure what it was, but it smelled good.
No wonder I always found myself single. I’m acting like a child. But ignoring my feelings has always been easier than bearing my heart. I shoved food in my mouth while I internally berated myself. Wow, this was really good food!
“I like holding you,” Josuke said quietly. I tensed as he referenced the stupidly cheesy part of my note where I admitted to enjoying affection. “Your hands seem to fit perfectly in mine, your smile takes my breath away, and everytime you laugh at one of my stupid jokes I feel like I’m on top of the world.” I felt my cheeks warm at his confession and I slowly raised my head up to meet his gaze. It was intense, fiery passion clear in his unwavering crystal gaze. 
“You’re always so kind to us all, you give more than you take,” He continued, his eyes softening. At that moment, it felt like the world came to a halt. I suddenly felt seen, heard, cared about. Josuke took my hand into his own on top of the table, “I found myself falling for you faster than I could process. So when you handed me that small box and note, I was overwhelmed. I still have the note, I don’t think I could ever throw it away because I knew that you were bearing your heart to me, and trusted me with your feelings.”
I squeezed his hand lightly, not sure how to process this information. It was like a dream come true. I wasn’t sure if I could handle much more of his praises though, as I started feeling a bit light headed…or was that the food’s doing?
“A-ah, I’m rambling,” Josuke chuckled awkwardly, rubbing his neck sheepishly. “I guess what I’m trying to get at is that I like you too, (y/n). And it would make my world if you’d agree to be my partner.”
Suddenly, the world grew fuzzy and I squinted my eyes. I could barely make out Josuke’s blurry face before the world snapped back into focus, much clearer than before. I looked around in awe, finally meeting the piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold me in place. 
“I would love to,” I agreed, smiling sheepishly. 
That damn waitress is going to rub it in next time we go to St. Gentlemens.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Ooo what about headcanons of Rohan kishibe 💙
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he will draw you
like all the time
literally has a sketchbook full of you lmaoooo
sometimes spicy too
he is another man who would just steal your bras/underwear
and either wear them or just hide them from you to be stinky
in the eventuality that you get this man all in a huggy mood, he will HUG you
like he has some good hugs too
he wont let you do his makeup, but he will gladly do yours if you're down
he asks to use you as a reference for his manga, when really he just wants to draw you
this man goes grocery shopping at like 5am every morning frrrr
he'd rather get stuff done without people in the way, so he has a very early routine before he naps again just to get right back to working on his manga
this man is COMMITTED to his work, so just know that lovey times might be rare
until he is sick and has to go on hiatus because you force him to
or just force him anyway because this man could literally work himself to death
just know that you literally need to pull this man away from his desk to give him a break
but when you do, he gets all lovey dovey and tells you how much he loves you while pressing kisses all over your body ;)
rohan definitely knows when he needs to sleep though, I think, so you do get a great amount of cuddle time for sure
he will always buy you nice things, but never expects anything in return <3
just give him kisses and he will give you kisses, simple <33333
jjba masterlist --- pinned post
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soupbabe · 2 years
Hello! your x garfield like sibling reader was so cute lol and i was wondering if you could do the same scenario with josuke and rohan ?
Josuke and Rohan with a Garfield-Esque Sibling
I don't think I've written for Part 4 in a while omg I hope I'm not too rusty 😅
Josuke Higashikata
- You enable the worst parts of Josuke's personality/lh
- Like you'd constantly encourage him to be lazy with you, play video games instead of homework
- I'd imagine y'all having really fun banter too !!
- It's like a 60/40 on how many times he can pick up your sarcasm
- The only person who could motivate you out of bed is Tomoko
- It's laughable to how much you shape up around her (and reasonably so- she knows how to get her children to act right)
- A general perk of being a Higashikata sibling is you have a bit more leeway to poking fun at Josuke's hair
- So whenever Josuke laughs at how the hair on your neck stands up around your mother, it's very easy to humble him
- Only if Tomoko doesn't do it first
Rohan Kishibe
- Speaking of humbling your existence has probably altered Rohan's entire personality
- Like he's still an arrogant prick, but it's def diled down and he gets out of that character faster with you around
- Though it isn't all pushing down Rohan, you also easily push down the folks that annoy him
- Sometimes he takes you along to the meet and greets to deal with annoying fans <3
- It's not the worst job, he pays you in lunches at Tonio's
- And you eat Rohan's wallet d r y
- Even if you grew up together, you never fail to baffle him. Therefore, you've definitely been an influence on his manga
- As per usual, you don't care about it too much, as long as he doesn't bug you
- Which made you two have a silent agreement that he can only get his references from a distance or when you're sleeping 🤷
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etherealzx · 2 years
i have been having major akira brainrot for the last few days. could i request some relationship hcs with him? thank you!
YES YES YES OH MY FUCKING GOD YES!! Thank you so much for requesting akira! 😭 I have been dying to write for him!
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Akira Otoishi Relationship Headcanons! <3
alright first thing's first, this mf is cocky
most people find it arrogant and annoying, but you've always thought it was kind of attractive how confident he was in himself
however when you came along, you were the first person to ever make him nervous
he saw you in the crowd of one of his shows, and thought you were just so pretty/handsome, he couldn't get over you. he was thinking about you nonstop, just waiting until he got to see you again
he asked you out by asking you if you wanted to come back stage with him, where he ends up confessing his feelings to you
he's not the best with relationship stuff because he hasn't really been in many. he's had plenty of one-night stands and flings with fans, but you were different to him.
however, you can tell how hard he tries to make you happy. always cracking jokes, trying to make you laugh
he also loves to compliment you. he'll tell you at least 30 times a day how hot and sexy he thinks you are
if you compliment him, it'll go to his head quick. he loves it, it's like crack to him. having his lover tell him how handsome he is and how much of a rockstar he is just makes him feel like he's died and gone to heaven
he's very possessive, and jealoussss as hell! just the thought of other guys looking at you is enough to drive him insane. which is why he's always holding your hand, wrapping his arm around you, or kissing you in public. he wants to make sure everyone knows you're off limits.
always makes sure that you get the best seat in the house for his shows.
he blows kisses to you and winks at you while he's on stage :')
he steals things for you a lot. he just likes to spoil you! (he tells you that he bought them but we all know he's broke AF)
he loves when you play with his hair. whether you're running your fingers through his long purple locks, brushing it, or pulling it back into a ponytail, it makes him melt instantly
surprisingly he's very cuddly. whenever he gets done with a show, the first thing he wants to do is climb into bed with you under the warm blankets and fall asleep
he snores like a fucking lawnmower and has a death grip around your waist when you sleep next to him, so good luck trying to go pee in the middle of the night
he plays the guitar for you all the time. he'll find out your favorite songs and play them for you!
he's a little bit of a turd but he's really sweet deep down, and you can tell how much he cares for you
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agsbf · 7 months
Haha, como é divertido quando você vira a nova obsessão de uma yandere que tentou te matar. [Yukako X Reader]
Sinopse: Após ter sido sequestrada pela Yukako depois da estudante presumir que você possuía algum interesse romântico pelo Koichi, em uma tentativa de se manter viva acaba inventando uma mentirinha benevolente que na verdade tinha uma queda por ela. Posteriormente, ao ser rejeitada pelo rapaz, Yamagishi percebe que talvez sua outra alternativa não seja tão ruim assim, embora precise de uns reparos.
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{Avisos: comportamento yandere, sequestro, ameaça, palavrões e menções a violência.}
Lentamente abriu seus olhos percebendo estar em um local desconhecido, muito provavelmente um porão devido à falta de janelas e a umidade presente contribuidora de musgos no piso gasto de madeira, além das paredes. O ambiente era escuro, sendo iluminado por uma única lâmpada incandescente que estava pendurada no teto, seu receptáculo sendo segurado por fios gastos e desfiados a poucos metros de sua cabeça. De maneira resumida, o tipo de lugar que algum personagem de filme slasher mataria suas vítimas. 
Você riu desse pensamento descritivo estranhamente específico, talvez fosse sua mente tentando te distrair da péssima situação em que se encontrava, uma forma de se acalmar perante o cheiro da morte iminente, também havia a possibilidade de não ser do tipo que dava muito valor a vida, se irá morrer de qualquer jeito por qual razão fazer disso um espetáculo? Se remoer em arrependimento e pena não adiantaria muita coisa, no máximo um entretenimento gratuito para seu sequestrador. A diversão explicaria muita coisa na verdade, seu corpo inteiro estava dolorido, principalmente seu pescoço que parece ter sido estrangulado. O criminoso tinha força e poderia ter lhe matado se quisesse, isso é fato, estar viva agora prova que o cara te queria acordada, provavelmente pela adrenalina de ver o medo em seus olhos e apreciar a incapacidade devido as amarras da cadeira que prendiam seus membros, saboreando o desespero.  
Um som de porta se abrindo pôde ser ouvida, parece que o assunto chegou. Porém, ao invés de um velho barbado ou delinquentes juvenis, tudo que viu foi uma jovem de pele clara, cabelos pretos longos e ondulados, além do uniforme de sua escola. Você tem a sensação de que já a viu antes, sim, definitivamente a conhece de sobressaio, qual o nome dela? Anaku? Yunako? Lukako? Alguma merda assim. 
A garota se aproximou lentamente de você, cada passo trazendo uma espécie de peso ao ar já naturalmente tenso, possivelmente resultado da aura sombria que acompanhava a jovem. Seu rosto estava estóico, a princípio parecendo desprovido de qualquer emoção, mas podia sentir aquele ódio ardente presente nos olhos violeta destinado a ti. No mínimo irônico, as posições deviam estar invertidas e ela ser quem recebia o olhar de desprezo, todavia tanto faz, verbalizar tamanha importante observação não serviria para nada que não seja estressá-la mais. 
Finalmente seus passos param, a sequestradora estava a poucos centímetros de distância de sua cadeira.  
'YUKAKO!' Você pensa consigo mesma, finalmente se lembrando do nome dela. 
A estudante leva sua mão direita a suas bochechas, apertando-as enquanto te obriga a olhar para cima, em sua direção. 
"Escute vadia." Ela começa, tão delicada quanto um cavalo. "Você não estaria nessa situação se tivesse ficado longe do Koichi." Esclarece a jovem com tom repleto de veneno e repulsa, tomada pelo ciúme. 
Enquanto isso, a garota amarrada antes com medo, tem suas emoções substituídas por incredulidade pela situação. A única razão pela qual foi sequestrada provou ser uma mísera interação com um garoto de sua classe? Pelo menos esperava que Koichi estivesse devendo para um agiota e estivessem pensando que eram amigos, caso a Yukako estivesse fazendo isso por paixão deixaria a situação mais cômica. 
"Ele é meu." A sequestradora completa.  
'Que humilhante da sua parte.' Queria adicionar, mas testar o humor dela não parecia uma escolha inteligente.  
Honestamente, essa tinha que ser a piada do século, alguma pegadinha maluca dirigida por algum programa de televisão sustentado por uma audiência mais idosa ou um conteúdo humorístico criado por algum youtuber com um fandom baseado em Yandere Simulator. Era muito inacreditável para ser real, contudo, a expressão enfurecida no rosto da jovem mostrava que ela estava falando sério. 
Por mais que quisesse fazer um comentário sarcástico pela situação, ainda tinha um pouco de amor a vida, decidindo optar por tentar apaziguar sua sequestradora em uma tentativa de sair viva da situação. 
“Não tenho nenhum interesse no seu namorado. Todas nossas interações não foram nada menos que mera cordialidade.” Afirmou calmamente apesar da ameaça presente. Em nenhum momento mentiu, todas as linhas de diálogo que tiveram eram puramente oriundas de projetos escolares, não possuía nem ao menos vontade de pertencer ao grupo de amigos dele e vice-versa. Ainda assim, Yukako não parecia satisfeita, na verdade sua resposta indiferente apenas serviu para estimular o mau humor da ondulada, que novamente gritou: 
“Mentirosa! Reconheço um olhar de paixão quando vejo um!” A problemática te acusou, claramente exaltada.  
‘Um olhar de paixão, hein?’ Refletiu consigo mesma, não era o cenário ideal para trabalhar, mas poderia fazer alguma coisa com isso.  
Sua boca se ergueu em um sorriso irônico direcionado a estudante, junto com um leve bater de cílios. Sua expressão de adoração enquanto forçava uma voz igualmente doce, o tipo de estereótipo ‘garota popular quebradora de corações’ presente em filmes adolescentes com alguma lição de moral clichê. 
“Quem disse que o olhar de paixão era para ele?” A questionou, fazendo com que a garota erguesse uma de suas sobrancelhas, tanto por choque quanto por dúvida. 
“O que quer dizer com isso?” Claramente ela não sabia onde você queria chegar. 
“A pessoa pela qual meu coração bate, é você Yukako.” Antes que qualquer resposta pudesse ser falada, decidiu adicionar justificativas para soar mais convincente. “adoro absolutamente tudo sobre você, desde a forma que seu cabelo balança sob o vento, até como franze levemente a testa quando está zangada. Estou dando tudo de mim para não me afogar em lágrimas ao descobrir que seu coração já está reivindicado.” Exclamou teatralmente, deixando-a sem palavras e com aquela expressão séria típica no rosto, antes dela se recompor e afirmar friamente: 
“Desculpe, mas não sinto o mesmo.” 
“Eu imaginava isso.” Fingiu uma face triste, porém compreensiva, não querendo que ela imaginasse na possibilidade de que se te deixasse viva, mataria o rapaz por ciúmes. 
Sua sequestradora te soltou, ainda te dando uma carona de carro como pedido de desculpas e alguns remédios de dor muscular pelo estrago que fez em seu pescoço. Ligar para a polícia quando estivesse em casa nem sequer passou pela sua cabeça, ser o alvo de vingança dela novamente não era uma experiência que gostaria de ter. 
Então por que o destino tende a ser uma puta? 
Algumas semanas haviam se passado, sua rotina voltou ao normal e periodicamente encontrava Yukako de sobressaio. Vocês nunca mais se falaram, tanto pela estranheza de todo seu primeiro encontro quanto pela falta de necessidade de iniciar um diálogo.  
Atualmente, você e sua melhor amiga Harumi, estavam conversando no portão do colégio. Nada realmente importante, apenas conversa fiada típica de adolescente, pois as aulas acabaram há alguns minutos, mas sua carona ainda não havia chegado. Harumi, como sua fofoqueira favorita, comenta: 
“Você viu que o Koichi terminou com a Yukako?” Isso foi o suficiente para que qualquer resquício de sua atenção que não estivessem em Umi fosse direcionado a ela. 
“Espere! O quê?!” Gritou um pouco mais alto do que o considerado normal pelo choque da notícia súbita. A verdade seja dita, motivos para o rompimento do relacionamento era o que não faltava, mesmo assim, não esperava que o casal tivesse uma duração tão curta. 
“Fiquei assim também quando ouvi a notícia, menina!” Exclamou, antes de continuar o assunto. “Supostamente a Yamagishi hospitalizou uma garota que conversou com ele. Então eles terminaram e a barraqueira fez uma cirurgia no ‘Cinderela’ para conseguir atrai-lo de novo, mas o Koichi disse não.” 
“Nossa, complicado viu?” Você adicionou enquanto balançava a cabeça. Essa informação não te impressiona nem um pouco, mas dada a natureza reclusa de Yukako decidiu fingir-se ignorante. 
“Enfim, mas quem somos nós para julgar?” sua amiga disse, mesmo com uma expressão que indicava tudo menos neutralidade. Uma buzina foi ouvida, rapidamente se despediu, pois, sua carona chegou.  
Ao finalmente estar em casa, podia sentir uma aura diferente pairando o ar, apesar de tudo estar exatamente do mesmo lugar, intocado até, estava se sentindo observada. 
Optou por ignorar, seguindo sua rotina. 
Caminhando em direção ao quarto, deitou-se confortavelmente na cama, fechando os olhos para algumas horas de descanso merecido.  
Todavia, ao acordar, não estava mais naquele pequeno cômodo com nada mais que um futon, escrivaninha e guarda-roupa. Definitivamente não, o local era muito mais luxuoso, os edredons limpos com estampas simples e muitos travesseiros, quantia necessária para 5 pessoas no mínimo. Diferente da última vez, em que estava amarrada, seus membros estavam completamente livres, sentou-se na cama agradável e colocou o pé no chão, desfrutando da bela sensação de calor oriunda do material felpudo do tapete. 
Não! Isso não estava certo! Quem diabos lhe trouxe para cá? Será que... 
“Vejo que acordou. Dormiu bem?” Olhando em direção a voz, se revelou ser aquela pessoa que tanto temia: Yukako Yamagishi. Optou pelo silêncio, ela não parecia feliz com sua falta de resposta. 
“Não responder quando te perguntam é deveras rude, mas acho que não deveria esperar menos de alguém que fofoca por detrás das minhas costas” Você se sentiu pequena, diferente da última vez, em que bastou algumas palavras doces para apaziguar a garota, agora seria diferente, sabendo que a irritou demais por uma simples conversa. 
“Eu posso explicar!” Ainda que tentasse formar uma explicação, a estudante não estava nem um pouco interessada, apenas se aproximando lentamente como fez semanas atrás. De maneira delicada, colocou seus dedos em seu queixo, lhe fazendo olhar para ela: 
“Não estou brava.” sua expressão dizia o contrário. “Mas não se fala de sua amante pelas costas. Acredito que terei que te ensinar como ser uma boa namorada, já que seu comportamento é de uma vadia fútil.” 
Você estava ferrada. 
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inkpot909 · 11 months
Jealousy Headcanons: Duwang Gang
↳ Characters included are Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu Nijimura, Koichi Hirose, and Rohan Kishibe. Gender neutral Reader with they/them pronouns. Hinted to take place after the death of Yoshikage Kira.
A/n: What a beautiful duwang! Real talk, I’ve been wanting to write a headcanon list for this group for a long time, now. Bless these boys, none of them (except for Koichi) know what they’re doing. I really hope y’all enjoy. <3
Warning(s): Canon-typical violence and swearing.
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Josuke Higashikata
-> The Silent
The immediate feeling that washes over Josuke after realizing he’s become jealous is guilt.
If he has the luxury of being alone, he’ll pace around his bedroom while entertaining a lengthy argument with himself. It takes everything in him not to raise a hand up to his mouth and press a nail or two between clenched teeth. There’s a game of tug of war occurring inside his head and he’s nothing if not a slave to fully investing himself in the conflict.
If he isn’t alone, and especially if he’s with you, there is seemingly no dent made in his chill persona. Not a single person around him would be able to tell the internal conflict running through his mind. Not even you.
His usually relaxed thoughts are disrupted with an ocean of insecurity. “What if” questions plaguing him and internally souring his mood.
It’s a foreign feeling for him to experience. Especially considering you tend to bring out a very proud side of his personality. Ever since he started going out with you, everyday life has only gotten brighter.
And although he’d never be caught mentioning it out loud, there’s a part of him that’s mindful of the fact that usually he’s the one others grow jealous of.
He’s running in mental circles, a back and forth. Agonizing over just the idea of being jealous between taking the brunt of his emotions all at once.
All while he says absolutely nothing on the matter.
He may end up distancing himself for a day or two depending on just how lost in his own head he gets. He doesn’t seek out your company, and that’ll be the only telltale sign of how he’s truly feeling.
Even then, whenever you do see him, nothing appears to be wrong. He’ll smile at you all the same. His tone is cheerful as ever, and there’s no falter present in his laugh.
Because he can’t help but be ashamed for feeling this way, he’ll do anything in his power to make sure you don’t notice. He’ll continue to play the part of your never bothered, always cheery boyfriend.
He will only bring up his dilemma to Koichi.
Being involved in a relationship himself, Josuke figures he would best understand his point of view. He does his best to hear him out (he did go to him, after all), but Koichi telling him that it’s unhealthy to internalize how he’s feeling isn’t going to get Josuke to budge.
Josuke knows you’re loyal. He does trust you... so how could he possibly compromise that trust by mentioning something as silly as jealousy? Being open and honest is usually his go to. He tells you everything. But this...? There’s a little voice in his head telling him not to. And not even sound advice from a close friend can get him to stop listening.
If you’re observant enough to catch onto him avoiding you while simultaneously greeting you as if nothing’s wrong, bringing it up bluntly will finally force him to open his damn mouth.
He’s nervous; more nervous than he’s ever been around you in the past. It doesn’t take long before the word vomit starts pooling from his mouth, littered between a plethora of apologies. His eyes never meet yours until he’s done talking, hands continuously picking and pulling at one another.
Believe it or not, talking it through with you actually helps! Who knew? Certainly not Josuke.
After that first incident, dealing with his jealousy becomes a lot more manageable. Although it doesn’t happen often, it still does happen.
And he’s still not inclined to make a scene if he can help it.
Josuke’s opinion of guys who freak out on their partner or anyone who they feel threated by- even by the loosest stretch of the imagination -is very low. He will certainly talk to you about it, but in private and merely to express his emotions rather than to criticize you in any way.
The only real exception to this, is if someone’s actively hitting on you and repeatedly not taking the hint. How he approaches the situation largely depends on you.
If you’re not afraid of confrontation, he’s going to be at your side with a smug expression on his face the entire time. Your ability to stand up for yourself can make him melt on the spot. He lets you go at it, watching you with a smile brimming with puppy love. He just cannot help but fawn over how cool you are.
Once you’ve made your point, he’ll happily back you up lightheartedly. Even to the point of mocking the person who dared to ignore every “no” you threw their way. People like that deserve to get knocked down a peg, and Josuke’s eager to help.
If you’re more meek in approaching these situations, and tend to shoot Josuke glances pleading for his aid, he’s happy to help. It feeds into his ego a bit, honestly.
He’ll make a point to wrap an arm around you, throwing his best intimidating side-eye to the person daring to make you feel uncomfortable. Hell, he’ll even puff out his chest a little too.
Once again, he’s not above insulting them. His words are vicious and more than a little rude. He is a delinquent, after all.
Josuke isn’t a really fan of getting violent in these situations, though. The only reason he would get to that point is if the other person grows violent first and he needs to defend himself.
If they take it that far, they’re asking for it in his book. He doesn’t feel any need to use Crazy Diamond against something so trivial, more than a little confident in his own strength.
That said, if the flirtatious bastard is enough to make you really upset, he will use his stand to rearrange their appearance in an attempt to make you laugh. Yeah, it’s a bit twisted, but his youthful mischievousness is likely to earn him a smile from you.
That said, if someone flirts with you and tries to brush him off by dissing his hair- all cards are off the table. Openly flirting with you in front of him and dissing his hair? That person must have a death wish.
You may want to look away.
Okuyasu Nijimura
-> The Emotional
Unlike his best friend, Okuyasu wears his heart on his sleeve at all times.
Expressing emotions, even negative or embarassing ones, is not something he shies away from. No, not even in public.
When he first confessed his feelings to you, he was certainly more than a little shy. But when you gladly reciprocated, you’re positive the entirety of Morioh shook with his joyous response.
It’s because of this that Okuyasu experiencing jealousy is quite the roller-coaster of emotion. If he’s jealous, everyone and their mother will likely know.
His immediate response is confusion.
Not over how he’s feeling per se, but instead over what to do about it. Painfully aware of his own intellegence, he’ll agonize over how he should respond. Jealousy is rather complicated in his opinion, and his biggest concern is accidentally pushing you away via his reaction.
He is decisive, though, so it’s not something he’s going to mull it over for very long.
And if you’re right beside him, the likelihood of you diffusing his jealousy right in that very moment is quite high. So, although it’s not uncommon for him to be jealous, he’s quick to let it go.
In most cases, that’s where the story ends.
Sometimes, though, if the feeling is strong enough or if you’re not able to talk with him, it’ll go a bit further.
In those instances, the emotion that follows his confusion is anger. More accurately, it’s defensiveness masked with a display of frustration.
It’s written all over his face, eyebrows furrowing and eyes turning sharp. The delivery of his words are rather harsh and unfiltered (well, more than usual).
This anger won’t ever be directed at you, though. Okuyasu cares about you far too much.
If he can’t direct it at a specific individual that’s (according to him) the source of his jealousy, he’ll instead grow angry with himself. Mainly because his jealousy stems from an insecure belief that he’s not good enough for you.
If he gets this upset, it’s best to leave him to let out his frustrations before going to speak with him on the matter. Hell, Josuke is a better support for Okuyasu when he’s dealing with the bulk of his emotions.
Not much time is needed; no more than a day. And because he respects you greatly, if you give him that tiny- yet definitely needed -space, he’ll gladly hear you out with a fresher mindset.
Okuyasu is almost always going to be soothed by your affirmations.
Sweet words about how you’re with him because you want to be, and that nothing so small could form a wedge between the two of you, is very reassuring for him.
Jealousy is going to be more of a prevalent hurtle for the both of you to work on at the beginning of the relationship. He was still getting used to the idea that you really do like him as more than just a friend. It’s sweet, sure, but the insecurity is something the two of you work on together.
As time passes, and he digests the fact that you’re not going to leave him for the first person that flirtatiously glances your way, he cools off a lot. In fact, he starts having a hard time taking the people who hit on you seriously.
Namely, he’s going to laugh at any poor bastard trying to make a move on you. Because “Ha! Get a move on, loser! Can’t you see their taken?”
His mocking may not be as well-thought out as Josuke’s, but they can cut just as deep. And his delivery is almost always sure to bring a smile to your face. Okuyasu is always proud when he’s the cause of your glee.
That said, getting defensive is still a knee-jerk reaction at times. It only applies if someone doesn’t want to take “no” as an answer.
Doesn’t matter how capable you are in defending yourself, if someone pushes it, he’s quickly going to follow it up with threats. Partially out of affectionate protectiveness, and also in part because he likes to think of himself as your knight in shining armor.
He tries to be as suave as he can while threatening a stranger with a fist to the face. One second he’s throwing insults, the next he’s giving you a smile along with a cheeky wink.
As far as he’s concerned, someone messing with his boyfriend/girlfriend better be prepared for a pair of knuckles meeting harshly with their jaw.
Okuyasu’s like an angry dog barking loudly at anyone getting too close. Least you know no one will ever dare to mess with you for very long.
Koichi Hirose
-> The Logical
Out of everyone in the Duwang gang, Koichi is the least susceptible to jealousy. Actually, scratch that. He’s the least susceptible to jealousy in all of Morioh.
Especially after developing Echoes act 3, his thought process just doesn’t leave a lot of room for doubts in both you and himself.
If someone’s attempting to flirt with you, he’s more likely to grow annoyed rather than jealous.
He’ll throw them an unamused glance, eyebrow raised as if daring them to continue further. He’ll turn back to you, mentioning loudly enough for them to hear how obnoxious he finds their behavior to be. Returning the favor with a smile almost always does the trick, often prompting them to give up.
If they don’t, and press further, Koichi is prone to suggesting that the two of you go somewhere else. He never returns any animosity thrown towards him, not letting it get to him much. Yeah, they may be hurling low-hanging insults towards him, but he’s the one with you on his arm.
His casualness in those situations is so consistent to the point where Josuke and Okuyasu each comment on how they don’t understand it.
When a situation arises where they know they’d be jealous, the two just cannot wrap their head around how calm he is. Koichi merely laughs them off, almost finding their confusion to be amusing.
Koichi’s grown a lot, and he just can’t find it within himself to give into insecurities he considers unnecessary. All that, in his mind, should really be left in the past.
Adding to his confidence, is you yourself.
Koichi adores you, and would honestly trust you with his life. So why would he ever grow jealous of an old friend? What on earth could some random person at a party provide you in a short, two minute conversation that would warrant any defensiveness? Why would he feel threatened by a coworker? It’s not like he can tell you to avoid them.
In fact, he’s very aware of the fact that he can't tell you what to do in general. Or rather, he simply won’t. It’s not in his nature to be controlling or hover over you like that.
Not because you’ve brought it up or it's ever been an issue in the past. It’s simply because... that’s not a real relationship in his eyes. He’s not bossy or pushy- you started dating him because that was your decision at the end of the day. And that alone is enough proof to him that being jealous really isn’t worth it.
Now, if by some miracle he does grow jealous, it’s not going to last very long. Again, Koichi is just too levelheaded.
He is going to grow downcast, saddened by his own perspective of the situation. This is because he’ll only get to the point of jealousy if he believes you’ve returned someone’s advances- whether it was by word of mouth or something he saw with his own two eyes.
And because you care for him as earnestly as he does for you, his jealousy likely occurs due to an honest misunderstanding.
Koichi will approach you on the matter himself, and will do so calmly. Even if he saw something, he doesn’t want to become more upset before he hears what you have to say. After all, you’ve never disappointed him before.
Because of his strong trust in you, after he details his perspective on the matter, he asks that you explain your side of the situation to him.
Koichi’s demeanor is very controlled and polite, hiding a certain degree of genuine worry. He listens with baited breath, internally praying that he simply misread what happened.
And to his relief, that’s all it ever ends up being.
Just like that, the both of you are quickly back to normal. Worries evaporate from within his mind, and he’s back to his usual sweet self.
Genuinely the best boyfriend here, no contest.
Rohan Kishibe
-> The Denier
Oh, boy.
First thing’s first, it should be noted that The Great Rohan Kishibe does not grow jealous. It’s not even a question, and honestly, expecting him to explain such a thing is an insult. Men and women alike fawn over him; anyone would be lucky to have him. You’re lucky to have him.
And to his credit, Rohan really doesn’t grow jealous very often.
His confidence in himself may cross the line into narcissism, but it doesn’t lead him to give into jealousy very often.
Like Koichi, he knows that if you’re with him, it’s because you truly care. Even more so, considering Rohan knows (if only slightly) that he’s not the easiest person to be around.
Nope! He certainly doesn’t become jealous very often… not never, like he’s worked so hard to have you believe.
For Rohan to become jealous requires specific circumstances. Some random person approaching you at a party or bar isn’t going to pose much of a threat to his ego.
On the contrary, it feeds into his ego.
You’re a beautiful individual; it’s no question as to why others would try and approach you. But, of course, you always turn them away seeing as you’re already his.
In those instances, he’s as dismissive as Koichi, coupled with a tongue as sharp as Josuke’s. Rolling his eyes, wrapping an arm around you, straight up ignoring the person trying to talk to you, kissing you out of the blue- he’s got every weapon in his arsenal equipped to ensure you’re left alone.
If it gets to the point where you’re growing visibly nervous or uncomfortable, Rohan’s words are the nastiest you’ve ever seen. But the display isn’t necessarily out of jealousy, as it is out of shock and frustration that they’d persist. He’s not going to let anyone speak to you in such a way.
But when it pertains to an old friend, the one you were talking about meeting up with for a week straight... now that’s what makes his chest tighten.
Rohan’s going to be in a bad mood because of it, but it’s not too distinct from his usual behavior. No, he’s just a little more quiet than normal. And by the time you cheerfully tell him about seeing this friend of yours, he thinks he may go nuts.
Rohan’s immediate response is to completely shut himself out from everyone, while simultaneously denying any thought he has over being jealous in the first place.
The time he spends locked inside his office is insanely alarming.
At first, you question whether or not you should even say anything about it. Yes, you’re obviously concerned for his health, but Rohan falls into his exaggerated version of workaholic-mode from time to time. And you know him well enough to understand he requires a very careful approach to be pulled out of it.
No, what really warns you that something’s wrong, is that even Koichi asks you if Rohan is doing okay.
His concern takes you aback, and only makes your heart sink further when Josuke (of all people) speaks up about it as well. He’s a lot more reserved about showing any worry, but it’s enough to let you know that something is fundamentally off.
Prodding Rohan for an explanation is going to take a good while.
He’s so unused to feeling jealousy in any capacity that he outright refuses to even admit it to himself.
No, he just needs to work and not interact with anyone. Why? Because he has to; don’t question him. There’s so much he needs to do. You’re far too busy with your old friend in town to pay him any mind anyway.
And that’s exactly the sentiment you finally manage to pull from him.
He spits it out it with crossed arms, not once meeting your gaze. But it’s a mistake (in his mind), because it gets the cogs turning in your mind.
You end up realizing Rohan’s jealous before he does.
Affirmations that you love him is a must, and don’t even bring up the fact that he grew jealous- it would only continue to stir the pot. You know Rohan well, confident in how you choose your words when talking to him about it.
He refuses to give you any indication that he's listening, of course, but one brief glance your way cracks his hardened outer shell.
The look on your face... it initiates this weird sinking feeling deep inside his gut. Just thinking of could halt his movements.
Yes, realistically, he could just use his stand to check whether or not his concern is warranted.
But, for one thing, he’s already promised you he wouldn't do that to you. Setting boundaries is extremely important to Rohan, so he respects the ones you set in return. So much so that the thought of using Heaven’s Door on you doesn’t cross his mind once.
And that look on your face, soft and melancholy upon the realization that he’s been doubting you... he honestly doesn’t need to use his stand to know he's severely misread your relationship with your old friend.
His own ability to recognize how poorly he misunderstood the situation is something he figures he’ll have to unpack at a later time. In that moment, he was just relieved. He told you, rather stubbornly, that he supposes he was wrong. In own his weird, twisted way, that was how he apologized.
In short, being with you is a humbling experience for a person like Rohan and this instance of becoming jealous is certainly a part of that.
Weirdly enough, to his internal surprise, it’s ultimately a pleasurable development. Not like he’d ever tell you, though.
With the passage of time, he even lets you tease him over it. The two of you playfully go back and forth, bringing up times where you both got so jealous. It’s all in good fun, his confidence in your feelings for him stronger than ever.
In reality, him having a bit of humor about it is a clear sign that he’s growing into the relationship more and more. And him being able to be more transparent around you makes it easier for him to talk to you in the future if he gets that jealous again.
There’s still room for growth, but such things are almost always a gradual process for someone like Rohan.
That said, only you’re allowed to make any sort of teasing remarks about the whole ordeal. Anyone else isn’t worthy of doing so.
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josukebrainrot · 1 year
4&13 not sfw prompts for our baby josuke?? i honestly relate with you, josuke is just miam we love him <33 ty !!
a/n: yall really like to kill me, also this was very fem at first but it turned gendered netural so all my homies can enjoy this. also I wrote this in a normal writing format no hc/bullet point format so, tell me how I did.
warnings: not sfw, hinted at sex, hand over mouth, foreplay, hinted at voyeurism/forced masturbastion
prompt(s): 4) “You’d better be quiet if you don’t want to get caught.” + 13) “Touch yourself for me.”
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nothing can explain how this started. one second you and josuke were playing playing video games. the next you two were mouths on mouths, hands on skin. nimble fingers tugging, pulling, sliding oh so down
it took until you started tugging at his jacket for josuke to pull away from you whining.
“what? you’re no fun” his lip pouting.
at this point you were in his lap, hands wrapped about your waist “josuke, please. too many layers”
he laughs before he started pulling off his jacket and white shirt leaving himself in his yellow undershirt
“seee there” he teases before pulling you over and tugged on your clothes. “now, it’s your turn”
he tugged you in to kiss you. his hands went to your shirt and pulled it off then they went down to your waistband. your hand stopped him.
“hey,” he soothes, his hand shooting up to cup your cheek. “I’m sorry did I take to far?”
“no you just shocked me” his eyes looked for anything in yours. he saw nothing out of the ordinary.
“Are you sure?"
“yes, josuke”
That’s when he put a hand behind your head, the other on the small of your back, and turned you over and on to the ground. “good”
kissing your neck as he shimmied whatever you were wearing down your legs. he smiled against your neck hearing you mewl.
his hand palmed your most sensitive area making a moan rip through you. “hey, hey”
he putting his hand over your mouth. “You’d better be quiet if you don’t want to get caught.”
right his mom was in one of the next rooms. she could all the expletives her son and his partner were doing at this very moment if she was close by. you nod as he moves his hand away from your mouth.
his hand currently on your underwear moved to removed them as he gawked in the most lowkey way possible.
“wow,” he breathed as he flicked his eyes to yours from above. “it’s like the first time all over again”
he chuckled seeing you try to curl up into yourself and to cover your face. his hands going to stop you. “hey, why are you embarrassed?”
you didn’t answer, he knew why. he liked seeing the effect he has on you by the saying things like that. things that will have you bothered in more ways than one.
“you’re embarrassing. you know that”
“oh, so I’m embarrassing” his hand started gripping one of yours that was going to cover your face, then he started dragging it down. way down. “okay then, touch yourself for me.”
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shreddheir · 4 months
you have your head up your ass if you think Yoshikage Kira respects women in any way shape or form
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sl33paholics · 4 months
Hello, You really surprised me with how detailed you wrote about this fandom. This is something really wow.You are the third person I found on this Tumblr. If requests are still open, can I request about Jotaro, Polnareff and Josuke With a fem s/o reader who is very sexy but innocent and cute (like Bimbo) only she doesn't realize that many people like her. Please~ a little bit nsfw maybe ( It's up to you )
Love love from me to you
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Keep Your Eyes In A Different Direction
The JoJos x bimbo!fem!reader
Characters include: Jotaro (p3), Polnareff (p3), and Josuke (p4)
Warning(s): slight nsfw (mentions of female body partz)
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Josuke Higashikata
Sometimes, Josuke wonders how he ever bagged you.
I mean, look at you! Such a beautiful body, such a perfect ass. And those cheekbones…as if you were birthed to be the next top super-model in history. Those legs, though, are probably the most sinful things he's ever seen. And your skin…whenever touching it, it's smooth like silk.
It's difficult. It's difficult for Josuke to control the looming perverted eyes of his fellow male classmates at school and those drunk old-heads whenever you two are hanging out after school. It's hard not to think about what would happen if he could get you alone somewhere and take off all that gorgeous clothing. If he could lick the gloss from your lips and feel the softness of your skin beneath him. If he could kiss every inch of your body and feel every one of yours shudder with pleasure under his hands.
Josuke knows you have a reputation at school, just like him, so many admirers wanting to be your boyfriend or some other crazy shit like that. You're popular, and that makes you even more desirable. Even more of an object of desire. And yet, they couldn't. They boys know you two are together. A couple. Officially. But still, they can never bring themselves to do anything but stare at you while you walk across campus.
You're such a fucking tease. How dare you smile at every boy who looks at you in such a way? How could you possibly engage in conversation with boys whose obviously making moves on you and mistake it for a friendly interaction, only for Josuke to grab you by the wrist and pull you away. The worst part is that you don't see anything wrong with what the boys are constantly gawking and staring at you like a zoo animal, if he had the balls to do it, he would make-out in front of them to get his message across.
Although you may be a bit on the ditzy side, he still adores you. Josuke would do literally anything for you. Anything at all. Including getting caught up in some dumbass drama with the guys at school, trying to prove they won't get their hands on you, just so Josuke can get your attention.
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Jotaro Kujo
You're his EVERYTHING.
After that long journey from Egypt, the man became a whole new person. As if he wasn't already before after being released from jail.
He needs your undivided attention all the time. Jotaro would never show any weakness in front of you or anybody for that matter, but for him to just squeeze you in an embrace when nobody was looking is something very intimate. Jotaro's just not like that with everyone else who can't handle your touch, but with you, he has nothing to hide. And it is so precious to see him open up, tell you everything about himself and everything. It's as if he's been holding it back since the start.
Jotaro wants to squeeze your big ole thighs every time he hugs you. He wants to bury his face in your neck and sighs happily into it. His hand reaches out to caress your cheek lovingly while his other arm wraps around your waist to pull you closer. Jotaro looks at you with a gaze as soft as the clouds. Hence, when returning to school, Jotaro has been more snappy than ever. Don't get it twisted. No one has DARED to ever approach you once it became known to everyone in the building that you and Jotaro were dating before sudden unfortunate events that had him away for days. He noticed that the boys suddenly got an ego boost. Everyone just assumed that the two of you "broke up" now those simps were getting all lovey dovey towards you.
Instead of telling them off, Jotaro was dumbfounded and reasonably upset when you would engage back with the boys with a teasing tone, a tone that you probably didn't know that was feeding into their egos. All it took for Jotaro was to stand behind you and look down at those boys with murderous intent before they would run off, scuttling like frightened rats.
Jotaro isn't too fond of showing PDA but he would definitely squeeze your ass to get how he's feeling about you to anyone point blank clear as day, and to remind you of your place when it comes to him.
It's no secret that Jotaro has a hard time expressing himself. With someone like yourself, you can easily understand that. You both have different personalities, so you might find yourself constantly struggling to make sense of what Jotaro wants. Jotaro's a complex guy, but he loves you anyway. Someone as pure and gorgeous like yourself, he's always going to protect you like his life depends on it.
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Jean Pierre-Polnareff
The connection between you two is strong.
Considering the traumatic 50 day trip he had to endure, getting revenge on his sister, and being able to survive, you were like a new breath of fresh air that man even needed.
Both of you are romantic. Sexy. Outstandingly outgoing. As if it was fate that pulled you two together for you guys to meet in his home-country and begin a new relationship.
However, Jean noticed how much in the country of love, you weren't safe. No, there were just too many...unhinged men gawking at you whenever you guys went out. You would always enage back, because why not? You wouldn't want to look rude when someone is talking to you.
This irked Jean too much. Is this what it felt like to be jealous? To have people constantly hit on you? To ignore the fact that your partner is literally RIGHT THERE and still had the nerve to talk crazy? Oh, his poor heart and soul didn't like this venom feeling. Always expect Jean to make a whole scene just to embarass the guy and show him how annoying he really is and disturbing your evening with your precious boyfriend. He'd be talking about it all the way until the two of you get home.
Being intimate behind closed doors or in public doesn't concern this bubbly French man one bit! Jean loves to show you off to anyone and everyone in his presence, but he's very proud that he is the only person who gets to see you as you truly are: a caring, compassionate, beautiful woman. And yes, he'll do that again and again, just for the sake of showing that he loves you.
From the way he'll dress you up all nicely just to slowly and gently ruin you. How you can never tell what is going on in Jean's mind and how hard he works in every aspect of life just to prove to you that he will never treat you badly. That everything will turn out alright, because he is yours forever.
And those kisses that he's so desperate to give, Jean keeps asking you to give him so that he could feel better. Like they're some sort of therapy for his soul or something. The way the two of you would kiss for hours, with nothing else in between. How long it took for you both to calm down from the intensity of the passion and how his lips would always be covered in a layer of lipstick. It was adorable how embarrassed you are by these things. But also very sexy the way both of your stomachs would flutter with butterflies no matter how long the relationship lasted.
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noaltbruh · 2 years
Hi! Congratulation for the 200 followers! I've seen you've got a lot of asks for this event, and that shows that so many people love your writings!
Mind if I join the celebration? May I request 💭 ❗️👐 💍⏳ for my favourite himbo JoBros Okuyasu and Polnareff (yes I consider Pol as a JoBro) with f!reader?
Again, congrats to the 200!
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Thank you thank you!! 😭💞 and I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting for so long, school's been really rough lately and finding time to write hasn't been easy.
Also Pol is not a Jobro, he's the whole ass protagonist of part 3 😤💕
Hope you enjoy :)♡
💭 How do they imagine their future with their S/O to be like?
Okuyasu just...Wants a simple future for the two of you. This boy doesn't ask for much and doesn't like to carefully plan his life, he prefers to go with the flow and just see how things evolve over time. You can figure the details along the way, it doesn't really matter to him as long as you're by his side.
He'd really love to form a family with you though, to be the good father he never really had. I feel like he gets along with children very well, and he will treat both you and them like you're his most trusted treasure during your entire marriage.
Also, kind of random, but I think that Oku would want to become a chef after high school and probably open his own restaurant. Because of this, he's always fantasizing about you coming to visit him after work some day, as he prepares for you the best meal you'll ever have.
Polnareff's future is...Way too idealistic lol-
What can I say? This man is an hopeless romantic, he seems like the type to believe in fairy tales about love. He wants the two of you to have a perfect life, where nothing ever goes wrong and you're always happy and together.
To be fair though, he will work the hardest he can, so that so you'll be able to have the closest thing possible to what he had originally in mind. Pol Pol is very devoted to you and your relationship, he'd be perfectly happy even if he was the only one to work and you preferred to become a housewife.
However, this man has sworn to himself one thing: he will always support and help you through any decision you may take in life. No matter what, he'll be right by your side to make the journey easy for you, don't ever doubt his commitment to you.
❗️How would they surprise their S/O?
I feel like there would be two occasions in which Oku would most likely try to surprise you.
A- either school has just finished and he's thought of something cool to do that you would have never come up with. Or...
B- there was no reason at all for this, he just felt like it one day and now you're going to join him. No, it is not negotiable.
If he wanted to go with something safe, he'd probably just get you a game or a book he knew you would have liked, so that you could play together. He knows your tastes very well.
Alternatively, he'd buy tickets for the first train he could find and take you sightseeing for an entire day to a city you had never been to before. And before you ask, yes, he's just as clueless as you about the place you are in. Good luck.
First of all, Polnareff loves surprisingly you so much. He loves your excited look whenever he does something you didn't expect, and he doesn't want your relationship to become too...Static, or ad he calls it, "boring".
I think Pol Pol would most definitely try to surprise you through either acts of service or gift giving...Or maybe even both, he'll go no any extend to impress you, honestly. He thinks it's a nice way to always remind you that he truly cares about you and that he'd never give your love for granted.
Immagine this: you've just come back home from a long day at school/work, only to find out that your house has been perfectly tidied, there's a bouquet of flowers waiting for you together with a nice home-made meal. Can you guess who is behind this?
👐 what sort of things would they like to match with their S/O?
Okuyasu would like to match so many things with you, he's just so proud to have you as his girlfriend and he wants to show it off as much as he can.
You have so many options to choose from, honestly. You could match plushies, and be assured that this boy would hug his one any time you're not near him, pretending that's actually you. Same Okuyasu, sane.
OR, you could match something related to your outfit! Maybe you could wear his iconic dollar pin and he'd add something to his look that reminds him of you :)
Also you two would definitely have those "If lost, return to Y/N" / "I'm Y/N" shirts.
Polnareff would definitely be the one to ask you to match things with him. It's something he's always wanted to do as soon as he got a partner, it makes him feel like you're more of a power couple and he thinks it's just a sweet gesture in general. Moreover, he wants you two to stand out, he just loves to show off.
I think he'd basically beg you to match his heart shaped earrings with him. He'd give you one half and would refuse to take his off, no matter the time. Even during stands battle, he uses it as a reminder on who he's fighting for.
He'd be so happy if you always wore it like him, but he won't pressure you into doing so, he wants it to be a spontaneous gesture for you as well :)
💍How would they propose to their S/O?
It's funny that you asked this question, because Okuyasu has no clue either lol-
Whenever the word "wedding" comes up, the only thing he's able to think of is how beautiful you'd be in a bride dress, how he can already feel his eyes filling with tears as soon as he sees you walking down the isles, and how he'd vow to live you for the rest of your life.
...In his head. It's too bad that he's going to need a small reminder that, if he wants this to happen, he'll actually have to propose to you. That is when he actually begins to go into a spiral and realizes how scared he is to actually take this step. What if it's too soon? What if you you don't accept? What if he makes a fool out of himself and trips while trying to get on his knee?
With some advice from his buddies, however, he'll muster up the courage to take this step. I believe he'd propose to you, unlike how it's usually done, in the afternoon or maybe even in the morning, on top of one of the beautiful hills of Morioh, surrounded by a stunning view of the entire city.
"Y/N...Maybe I'm rushing in doing this, m-maybe I'm doing something wrong a-and I haven't even realized it, but...This has always been my fear ever since we...Got together, b-but you never made me feel like I messed up! Sweetie, when I'm you, I feel like...I actually matter, l-like I'm more than just a dumbass, and...You don't know how happy this makes me, how happy YOU make me. I...I really love you, Y/N, and uhm, i-if you take this, I'll keep on loving you forever and ever! So, will you...Will you marry me?"
To be honest, the Crusaders probably had to stop him from proposing to you way too soon at least, like, three times or so. He just thinks with his heart rather than his brain, and sees marriage as the ultimate way to make your relationship as authentic as possible.
When the time actually comes around to ask you the infamous question, this man just cannot wait. He's spent enough time dreaming about it to know how to put his plan into action, and he has no hesitation whatsoever. He knows what he wants, and that is you and you only, no time to worry or rethink.
He'd propose to you in one of those immense gardens of flowers in his hometown, he wants everything to be as romantic as possible and to leave you absolutely baffled.
"Ah, mon amour...I don't think you understand how long I've been yearning for this moment. We were destined to meet, tu comprends ce que je veux dire, n'est pas? Of course you do, chéri, you're the most brilliant person I've ever met, after all. And you're so much more than just that, you are...My true love, my other half, what makes me complete. We were always meant to be, and the ring I'm holding if the proof of it. Will you give me the honor of marrying you?"
⏳How long would it take for them to fall for their S/O?
Okuyasu probably already had a small crush on you even before he actually met you, if he somehow saw you walking down the school halls sometimes. He's quick to fall for someone and always thought you were pretty, so you had already won him over before even knowing it lol.
When you do actually begin to talk, this boy will only get more and more convinced that he's in love with you. Everything you do or say just pushes him to think that you're the one, especially if you show him kindness.
He may try to push his crush on you aside a little, since he thinks you'd never reciprocate his love, but he's the kind of person that just can't keep his emotions at bay, and his feelings for you will come out soon enough, before you even know it.
Alright, let's he real here: Polnareff wanted to marry you since literally the first moment you two ever met. Yes, he does have the habit of falling in love way too quickly, but he was right at least this time. He just knows you two are a match made in Heaven and sees no point in "taking it slow".
Depending on how quick YOU are to fall in love, you might as well get together with him a week after you two met, to be honest. But, of course, he's not dumb entirely and can take a hint, so if he notices you just see him as a friend for the time being, he'll respect.
100% won't stop bragging about how he knew from the beginning that you would have become a couple, as soon as you actually do. He doesn't care if you think he's extra or way too dreamy, when he says this, he means it.
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jojo-reader-hell · 9 months
So I was rewatching DIU (sadly not DUI) and was starting to think about Mikitaka and his sensitivity to certain sounds- via his allergy to sirens. But, I feel like it'd be super cute if Mikitaka had an s/o who had a habit of humming or just had an overall soft voice, and he's just in love with it and could just listen to them hum/talk all day.
In the first week of August 2023 we discovered aliens were real thus it is time once again for Mikitaka brain rot even though hi hello aliens scare the shit out of me and I cannot stand seeing grey aliens without reliving very specific childhood CPTSD phobias.
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None the less, my body reacts strongly to Mikitaka because he is handsome boi, so let us go into headcanons.
I love the idea of his whole body just going so scrunkly when he hears you humming. Almost like a ripple effect where he just turns this really interesting shade of blue and is 🥴🥴🥴🥴 the whole time you’re just idling and trying to hum.
Like even his facial features start getting weird and his pupils dilate.
He even starts to make “ekekekekekek” sounds like a cat.
“Babe… what the fuck are you doing?”
“This sound… I am VERY attracted to it.”
Of course because it’s coming out of the mouth of your insanely attractive man, this gives you an ego boost.
This becomes a frequent thing where you will hum to him and watch him have what looks to be a complete melting session.
Insists that you hum for him whenever he’s stressed out, particularly when a siren goes screaming by the house because he insists it makes him feel better.
Obviously he is so disturbed by sirens and gets physically sick, you can’t help but oblige him.
Ironically, he likes nursery songs. You hummed Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to him and he was absolutely delighted.
He told you, “Stars in your galaxy do not really twinkle, as you call it. They appear to do so in the night sky because the light is affected by temperature and wind in your atmosphere. But your song is simply precious. Please make your humming again.”
Mikitaka often hears songs on your radio and will request you to repeat them. He often does not catch the title of the song, so he will have to resort to really specific descriptions to make sure you know which one it is.
“As far as I was able to glean from the context of the lyrics, the woman in the song is very upset that her partner has not disclosed information to her regarding his location. She proceeds to vandalize their home, their communal eating utensils, and various articles of his clothing are damaged with the sodium hypochlorite substance that you call bleach.”
“Um… ok? Do you remember anything else?”
“Oh yes! The woman indicated multiple times that she was “going to fight a man”.”
“… I’ve never heard anyone reference a Rihanna song like a work incident report but I guess there’s a first time for everything isn’t there?”
If you two have kids (or if you’re strictly child free and have pets only) he will insist you hum to them as well.
He even has his own assigned songs that he associates with each child or pet.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Josuke Fluff Alphabet
requested by: anon
based on this post
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He's an adventurous and goofy guy, so I feel like he's got two ways that he enjoys hanging out with you. One would be just finding new places. By that I mean he would literally just take you to random places in Morioh and you would always find something new every single time. Next would be just hanging out at home or getting food. He likes video games so he definitely wouldn't mind having a player two and just eating junkfood before cuddling on his bed and having his mom wake you guys up yelling for you to get out lolol
Omg everything lolol. But what struck him first was not your looks but your personality. He heard you make one joke and nearly lost it lol. Like he was so attracted to who you were as a person that when he really got to know you by your looks, he fell head over heels
Even though this guy can have his fair share of anger issues, we have seen more than once how level headed this guy can be. He can sense emotions on others and know when to help them but also when to leave them alone. Feel free to tell this man how you would prefer to be comforted early in the relationship because he will treat you exactly how you prefer to be treated. He wants more than anything to help you the way you need it! Also, he will more than likely get you a teddy bear <3
I feel like one of his dreams is to travel the world, so to do that with you would mean the world. He wants to know more about the Joestar family too, so I think he would want to meet people like Jolyne and maybe even Giorno when he hears about him, so you two end up going to a lot of places together. But yeah I feel like for him traveling the world with someone he loves would honestly be his everything <3
I feel like you both are very equal! Not one of you is more dominant than the other, but one can take the leader role when the other is feeling down. You help charge each other's batteries as to not tire yourselves and it's honestly amazing
Okay, this might be Josuke's weak point tbh. This man has anger issues, we've seen how he reacts to his hair lol. Now, he doesn't get angry at you often, pretty much almost never! But when you do fight, he gets this ego where he feels like he's right. This can cause you guys to fall out for a couple of days and it sucks. But after a while, he does come around and he apologizes first and IMMEDIATELY forgives you when you apologize. This doesn't happen often, but when it does, it kinda sucks for sure
You two are a team constantly working together and Josuke never fails to notice this <3 He knows how hard working you are and how much you do for him to make him happy. He will show his gratitude through words and acts of service I think. But more than anything, he is grateful to you because you not only bring him so much happiness but a lot of fun too <3
Nope. He will NEVER hide anything from you. He doesn't give a crap if you look through his stuff either, not that you will, but he really wouldn't care. He is SUPER loyal and will even tell you tmi stuff LMFAOOO. You're like Josuke I didn't need to know that and he'll just be like, we're partners, aren't I supposed to tell you everything?!?!?
Honestly, you didn't change him much. He never stopped being the goofy guy you met and that's a good thing! He didn't feel like he needed to change for you and he didn't want to make you feel like you had to change for him. You two have gotten through a lot together and every day you inspire him to wake up the next morning with something to smile about <3
He can, yes. lol. He thinks you are the most beautiful person in the world and know that other people may think that, which can make him a little insecure, so when he sees you talking with other people sometimes he will get a little down in the dumps. Just remind him how much you love him with a kiss on the cheek two minutes later and he is right back to being Josuke!
OMG YES! Have you seen those lips????? Like mans knows how to kiss frfr. He will hold you by your back and pull you close before smiling into the most perfect kiss in the world every single time. How does he do it??? We may never know. The first kiss though was great! You two were on one of your adventures when you started dating and in the middle of the woods or something he just pulled you close and told you how much he liked you and gave you a kiss on the cheek. You had to be the one to pull him down by his collar for the real kiss tho lolol
He told you in a library LMFAO. You were studying or something and Okuyasu just told Josuke to go for it. He sat down next to you and whispered, "Hey, you're pretty cute... would you mind getting a coffee or boba sometime?" How could you say no to that?
I think he likes the idea, but he doesn't want to rush. I feel like it would take him a really long time to propose. Not because he doesn't love you because he loves you so so so so much but because it just took him a little. He didn't want to rush into anything and really just enjoyed what you both have had for a long time, so rushing into marriage just wasn't on his mind. He would need to talk to you first and then expect the cutest backyard proposal and smallest, but most meaningful wedding ever <3
Goober. We all know he would LMFAO. And sometimes cheesy names too like honey or cupcake, but those are rare. Get used to goober lol
GOO GOO EYES ALL THE TIME. This man cannot keep his lovey eyes off of you and just swoon. What a cutie lol. It is VERY obvious to others lolol He would express his feelings through words a lot and also through acts of service <3
He honestly doesn't mind PDA. He won't be like making out or anything, but he loves hugs, hand holding, and little kisses and doesn't mind if you're out in public! He would definitely brag about you, but not like an object, just be so happy that he has the best partner in the world that he loves so so much
Humor. He will never be a boring partner, so that you can expect! He tries his hardest to be entertaining, fun, and a good partner!
I feel like he's more creative, but doesn't mind a cheesy dinner or something. I think you both would have a jar of fun dates and pick out of it every weekend lol.
Oh hell yeah!! He is your number one supporter, especially if you hadn't had anyone in your life be a support line! He will help you however he can and believes in you more than anyone!! He knows you so well that whatever you want can be done and he will be there cheering you on!!!
No actually. He really likes having goofy things to do, but doesn't to make your relationship exhausting. He never wants to feel like dates are a chore or anything, so you do have a routine somedays. He wants those fun dates for sure, but those can be rare and way more fun that way!!
He knows you better than anyone. He is so easy to open up to and such a good listener that you trust him so so much. He cares for you and will let you take your time with things. He is super empathetic, so know that he will forever be behind you with a smile helping you out best he can :)
You mean the world to him, so without you, he would feel a little empty. Sure, he has great family and amazing friends, but you were his last missing piece and you filled it! If you were gone, that would eat him up a bit. You're equal to friends and family though, just because he loves them all so so much, but since that is so important to him, that's everything <3
He sleeps on his tummy and when you wake him up with kisses, he is so warm and always has the cutest smile on his face when you wake him up <3
YESSSSS!! He loves cuddles and kisses! It makes him feel like a lil baby and he can't help but giggle when you two have super fluff moments like that <3
He gets really pouty and again, feels like a piece is missing. He will call you every day if he is able to and just check in! But yeah, he gets really pouty and pissy lol
If need be, yes. He will protect you in any way he can ESPECIALLY if it's related to a stand of sometime. He is willing to protect and be there for you at all costs, but won't if he doesn't need to. He would prefer to have a cute fluff relationship and doesn't want to press it if he doesn't have to.
jjba masterlist (2) (3) | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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soupbabe · 9 months
Yoshikage Kira with a Shy! Child! Reader Headcanons
Anon asked: Hello!! I stumbled across your blog and I hope it's chill to request something with Yoshikage Kira and child!reader? Possibly Hayato's younger quiet sibling! At first they were scared and looked like they were 'suspicious' of him but it didn't take long for them to be extremely attached to him- they would only talk to him, follow him around a lot, hold onto him, etc etc! idk the thought of this menace being a dad.. sounds oddly nice ;u; I hope this is okay!!
It's okay!! Tbh a lot of my Kira stuff in my Masterlist is dad! Kira 😅😅 honestly I'm surprised I haven't written this before.
- Upon meeting you, Yoshikage would think you were kind of odd, but easily brushed you off.
- You were young, single digits, he didn't waste his time fretting over you as he did Hayato.
- Even if you did stick to your older brother's side all the time, Kira knew you were too young to fully grasp his theories
- But the bond between you and your "dad" grew during Kira's first few days of being Kosaku
- You noticed your dad being more outwardly affectionate, packing lunches, and sending you and Hayato off with a friendly goodbye
- It felt suspicious at first, you'd talk to Hayato about it every now n then, but it was hard to turn away from how nice your dad was being
- It was a pleasant change, and eventually you'd find yourself opening up to Kira.
- Every "what did you do at school today" was met with an actual response instead of a shrug, Kira and Shinobu would notice you smiling more
- Who knew that paying more attention to your kid could get them to come out of their shell 🤷
- While Yoshikage wanted and expected himself to be a better husband and father, he didn't expect his niceties to be reciprocated so quickly
- At first, he was annoyed. If he needed to go out and suppress his urges, he didn't want a kid hugging his leg and sobbing every time he left
- Give it a week and you'll get him to crack.
- He'll squeeze in extra time in his tight schedule to walk you to school and he'll pack you sweet notes in your lunch
- He still doesn't fully accept the idea that he loves you as if you were his kid, he thinks he came around to your "usefulness" to him. What's more normal than a dad that cares about his kid?
- Not to mention you report back to Hayato with nothing but good and normal things about him. Having you around eases suspension at all angles
- But y'know.. if he heard you were getting bullied he would kill for you. No doubt about it.
- Kira can't help but be that proud dad who's passive aggressively showing you off. He'd sign up for any school conferences just to brag about you
- He'd laugh at you hiding behind him or covering up his face, but he'll play it off and say that he's glad his child is so humble
- You being shy and silent didn't bother Yoshikage as much as it bothered Shinobu.
- He was a quiet kid too, and as long as you're keeping out of trouble, he doesn't see a problem with it
- In fact, he prefers it. He's happy he stole the identity of a man with two children that aren't over the top ankle biters, having you around gets him closer to the quiet life he's always dreamed of!
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uvirur · 4 months
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okuyasu family life, kill me, but i want to make my childhood dream true🫀
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inkpot909 · 10 months
First Christmas Together Headcanons: Josuke Higashikata x Reader
Gender neutral Reader written with they/them pronouns. The Reader, and by extension their family, celebrate Christmas. Reader is written to have a positive relationship with their family. Takes place at an undisclosed time after the events of part 4.
M/n = Mother’s name
A/n: Happy holidays, everyone! I hope the end of the year can be a good one for all of you no matter what you celebrate. I hope y’all enjoy. <3
Warning(s): An innuendo; just Tomoko being her usual outspoken-self.
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Early in November is the time Josuke began hearing small tidbits concerning your family’s annual Christmas celebrations.
It started out small, and mostly implicit. A passing mention of the holiday’s approaching, not so much about your own traditions specifically. In all honesty, most of the early excitement present in the group came from Koichi and Josuke himself.
Days slowly pass, and Josuke’s ears pick up more tiny nuggets of information. He’s more attentive when listening around this time of year- thinking about what you might want as a gift of course! You also offer another small mention of seeing family- it’s to be expected.
But then, one afternoon, he was hit with a bombshell:
“How do you like it?” Josuke asks, bending at the hip slightly. His gaze snaps down to the cup in your hand, both of his too preoccupied with holding one of his own to point or gesture.
The tips of both your fingers are all tinted, and steady breathing is softly visible in chilled air. All of Morioh is covered in a thin blanket of snow. Patches of ice do nothing to stop small children here and there from rushing about playfully.
At a time like this, when being good is pushed on them like no other, a few kids passing by have given you and Josuke pleasant smiles.
A smile of your own plays on your lips, a small but sincere one that easily reaches your eyes. “It’s real good,” you respond, “Thank you for buying me a cup.”
“Of course,” Josuke hums, leaning back and moving his gaze forward. “I’m not going to drag you around town in this weather without treating you to hot chocolate.”
A chuckle escapes your lips, glancing at him with a knowing look. “You’ll find something good for your mom by the time my fingers freeze off, don’t worry,” you jest.
Josuke’s lips form a thin line, momentarily pressing them together before they hastily spread apart. “I never know what to get her!” he defends, “For a woman like her- it’s always better to plan ahead, okay?”
“Okay, okay…” you chuckle, gaze falling to your feet. “Of course I understand, Josuke.”
“You got people in your family that are difficult to shop for?”
“Sure, I think that’s universal struggle for Christmas shoppers,” you shrug, “At least most of the family I shop for are too tired by the time we open gifts; really takes the edge off.”
Josuke raises a brow, genuine curiousness laced into his tone while asking, “Do you guys open gifts late on Christmas Eve?”
You shake your head. “No, we open them on Christmas morning.”
“What? You get up super early? Don’t worry, I get it… Santa visiting is real exciting…” he replies, lightly poking your arm.
You laugh along with him, once again shaking your head. After the both of you calm down, you finally elaborate, “My family… every year we get together at midnight on Christmas day. Whose house we go to depends on the year, but we have a breakfast together around one in the morning. Usually gifts are last, and usually people begin to leave around five or six in the morning.”
“Really?” Josuke’s eyebrows raise.
“Yeah,” you nod with a smile, “I started going a couple years ago, just because the younger kids in the family don’t always go in order to instead sleep. And, well, you know… to give anyone over the age of thirteen a break.”
Josuke hums, lips pushed out as he mulls over your words. You give him the small amount of time he needs to think about it, taking a sip of your hot chocolate in that moment or two.
“That… actually sounds really fun,” Josuke suddenly says. You turn to him, only to notice him already looking at you with a grin.
Although Josuke has always been happy to spend Christmas with his mother, he’s always wondered what it would be like to spend Christmas with a larger family.
After dumping a couple more questions on you about your Christmas traditions, Josuke offered you a sweet sentiment.
“I hope you have fun! The way you talk about it… gets me all excited for the holiday season, honestly. You’ll have to tell me about your Christmas morning.”
By that time next week, he was nearly knocked off the balance of his feet when you invited him over for celebrations.
You went on to tell him his mother was invited too, about how your family is willing to welcome them both with open arms, and how everyone seems excited to meet your boyfriend.
Josuke himself was still digesting the fact that you invited him to join in on your family’s Christmas celebrations in the first place.
Will your family like him? At least your parents seem to… maybe. Is he not understanding them correctly? Crap; he really hopes not. Surely they have to, they’re offering him to join in on their holiday traditions.
Do you have younger family members? You said that kids don’t really tag along, but it’s always possible. Josuke’s awkward with kids. What would your family- no, what would you think of that?
What if his hair looks off that day? If his hair isn’t holding well Josuke takes it as a sign that his day won’t go well.
His mind was racing a mile a minute, and he hadn’t even told his mother about it yet.
When he finally did bring it up, she declined the offer to go with. She said that she would definitely feel more inclined to get some sleep, but ultimately decided that Josuke could go.
However, it did come with a lecture:
“What are you going to do when you get there?”
“Thank Y/n’s family for inviting me…”
“What are you not going to do?”
“Spend the whole time in her room alone…”
“Nuh uh uh!” Tomoko shakes her head, arms crossed. “That’s not what I said!”
Josuke’s shoulders stiff, rubbing the back of his neck. Noticing the impatient tapping of her foot, Josuke sighs. “No ‘fooling’ around…” he mumbles.
“That’s right! I better not hear anything about the two of you doing anything inappropriate! I have M/n’s phone number! I’m not above showing up and dragging your ass straight home!”
God, he can’t look her in the eye talking about something like this. Although no one else is around to see, Josuke’s gaze moves around nonstop in order to find some semblance of escape from how utterly embarrassing this is.
However, Tomoko is extremely observant, both a blessing and a curse.
“Hey! Look at me!” she says, snapping her fingers.
Hesitating, Josuke finally meets her eyes once more.
“I’m serious, Josuke,” she continues, “You’re going to a family event- so make sure you’re on your best behavior. I expect you home by six thirty, got it?”
Josuke nods, yet still cannot help but let a huff escape his nostrils. “Yes, yes… I get it,” he responds.
Sighing, Tomoko unfolded her arms and to instead place her hands on her hips. Leaning her head back, she tells him in a softer voice, “Josuke… I know you’re getting older; believe it or not I do want you to enjoy that.”
“I know, Mom, I know…”
There’s a pause, Josuke internally digesting what his mother was getting at. What exactly’s going on in her head, it’s anyone’s guess. He doesn’t often dwell on such a thing, anyway.
“If you’re going to mess around, don’t do it at a family get together. Teenagers are teenagers, but I really think that-“
“Mother! Please!”
It was awkward and long-winded, but one lecture from his mother later and he was given the “okay” to spend Christmas morning with you and your family.
…Oh, god, he’s going to spend Christmas morning with you and your family.
Now that he was given the “go ahead,” Josuke is completely stuck in his head. His mindset is less worried about what your family would think of him (although that still makes him a bit nervous), but more curious about what this could mean for the two of you.
It’s… a big step, right? It’s certainly got to mean something. Meeting parents is one thing, but extended family is a whole other can of worms. Regardless of your relationship with them, that takes a lot of trust, right?
Josuke, while usually calm and collected, isn’t completely detached from getting nervous from time to time. When it pertains to you and the relationship you share, he’s steadily growing more used to experiencing new things.
Yes, wants to reach this milestone with you, but now that it’s steadily approaching… there’s no use in denying how his palms sweat thinking about it.
Both Koichi and Okuyasu see it as being a big deal as well.
Koichi approaches giving Josuke advice calmly, speaking from a place of understanding. Meeting Yukako’s family caused him a lot of stress, but assured Josuke that it’s really all in his head. That if he can find it in himself to relax a bit, it’ll be no problem. More than that, since he’ll be with you, it’ll likely ground him. At the very least, you know Josuke well enough to know how to be there for him if he needs it.
Okuyasu… well, bless him, does more harm than good with his approach. Going off about how important this is, and how it may dictate the future of his relationship with you. Just hearing Okuyasu go on, Josuke couldn’t help but bite his lower lip. He knows Okuyasu means well, as usual. But if it were coming from anyone else, Josuke would likely hit them.
Then, there’s you.
When Josuke told you about his nerves on the matter, December had just begun. The end of the year is moving closer, and in the distant is the anniversary of the two of you getting together.
That alone is enough to make his heart jump ten feet into the air.
You soothe his anxieties like no other. With soft, knowing words that travel straight to his heart. It isn’t just your words, but also how well they sound in the tones of your voice. Just two minutes into the conversation and Josuke is reminded why he shouldn’t be nervous. And the more he thinks about it practically, the more he relents that he can’t wait to spend Christmas morning with you.
It’s a little cheesy, to be sure. But if there’s anytime that people are allowed to be a little cheesy, Josuke figures it would be the holidays.
A couple more weeks pass, and Josuke finds himself getting ready late on Christmas Eve. Tomoko’s already turned in for the night, having suggested Josuke drink some coffee before heading out.
But giddiness is good enough at keeping him awake.
Yes, he plays some video games after getting ready, but it’s mostly to pass the time more than anything else. Just as he passes a level, he hears a soft knock coming from the front door.
Josuke paused for a moment after opening the door, taking in your appearance. Yes, he’s seen you dressed up before and vise versa. However, it never fails to leave him speechless.
“You look amazing...” he softly tells you, disregarding a usual greeting in order to immediately voice exactly what’s on his mind. The delivery is gentle and carries genuine tones that touch your heart.
The journey back to your house is possibly the most nervous he feels throughout the duration of the Sure Yes, he’s met your parents a handful of times before, but never talks with them for a long period of time. Regardless, within minutes, Josuke calms into his usual chatty self.
By the time the both of you are walking through the front door, a smile is present on his face.
Although not necessarily nervous; Josuke is a bit overwhelmed by how many people he meets throughout the night.
Older relatives that hold power within the structure of the family show genuine kindness yet put forward many questions trying to form an understanding of his character. Aunts and Uncles that tease the two of you about how there’s no use searching for a mistle toe- claiming there was no time to set one up. Cousins of all ages staying within their own closed-off group. A couple of younger relatives that seemingly wish to hang beside Josuke the entire night, in awe of someone totally new.
It is... a lot.
But what Koichi said proved to be true. The more Josuke put his anxious thoughts behind him, the better things turned out to be for him. At least, as far as his own worry is concerned. It turned out to be a lot easier than he initially expected.
And maintaining a relaxed attitude is not only where Josuke lives most his life, but thrives. It’s in that frame of mind that others around the two of you talk to you both happily as normal.
Plus, what situation isn’t further improved with food?
A vast array of breakfast foods litter countertops all over your house’s kitchen. The enticing smell of food is so prominent Josuke swears he can see the aroma rolling off organized plates.
While Josuke is internally joyful at the positive interactions he’s having with your family throughout the breakfast, you are quite pleased yourself.
The small gleam present in your gaze is nothing short of gleeful puppy love.
They adore him; you knew they would. But to see it actually unfold... to see Josuke joke along with your younger relatives... to see Josuke indulging in conversations with your older relatives... it’s downright heartwarming:
Sticking a mouthful of syrup-covered waffles in his mouth, Josuke keeps his attention between two of your relatives having a conversation. Not five minutes before, one of the two told him a story from when you were very young. So young, in fact, you don’t at all remember the event yourself.
Planting your elbow on the tabletop, you rest your chin in the palm of your hand. Thoughtfully, you glance to a preoccupied Josuke.
A smile has been present on his face almost the entire time. The expression mirrors your own throughout the first couple of hours of Christmas morning. You just can’t help yourself; the way he’s so casually managed to get along with anyone roundaboutly reminds you why you’re with him in the first place.
Feeling your gaze on him, Josuke turns. His eyes are widened, like a deer in headlights, and his mouth is still stuffed with an amount of food that makes his cheeks puff out. “Hmm?” he hums, not daring to open his mouth and speak. You watch him begin to chew hastily, doing little to conceal your amusement.
With one large gulp, you watch his cheeks deflate back to normal. “Yes?” he finally asks, smiling.
You open your mouth to speak, but are cut off by one of your younger cousins rushing over to Josuke’s side opposite to you. She’s bubbly and ecstatic for the holiday, likely having begged her parents to finally let her come along this year.
And much like the other younger members of the family present, she’s convinced that Josuke’s just the coolest.
“Josuke! Josuke!” she giggles, tugging on the sleeve of his arm. He quickly turns to her, maintaining his grin without hesitation.
“Yes?” he asks, raising his eyebrows.
“Y’know what Santa’s bringing me this year?”
“Hmm… I dunno…” he rubs his chin, giving her a quizzical look, “Wanna give me a hint?”
“An instrument!” she squeaks.
“A musician, huh?” Josuke chuckles, and the little girl beams at his observation. “Hmm, how about… a saxophone?”
She shakes her head “no.”
“A ukulele?”
“Nope! Keep guessing!”
“What about… a harmonica?”
With a giggle, your cousin once again shakes her head.
Josuke throws his head back, dramatically slapping a hand to his forehead. “Please tell me!” he pleads, “I can’t guess!”
She bounces on the balls of her feet, and folds her arms around her back. “A drumset,” she finally confirms, holding her head held high.
“Really?” Josuke asks, matching her enthusiasm. “But how do you know he’s gonna bring it to you?”
“Because I asked for it!”
On the other side of the table, her mother clears her throat and comments, “She’s been asking for it for four months now.”
“Four months?” Josuke glances at the woman briefly before bringing his attention back to the little girl. “Well, now, Santa’s gotta know what you want for sure.”
Nodding gleefully, the girl’s mother beckons her over, subtly allowing Josuke to get back to eating. Earlier, she had nagged at her daughter about “hanging on him.” Not that he really minded much, though, finding it endearing.
And it isn’t until he turns back to you, immediately making eye contact once more, that it dawns on him that he’s quite endearing to you too.
Time flies by rather fast, and soon enough everyone’s gathered in the living room to open presents.
Considering the number of people present in the household, Josuke wasn’t surprised that the gifts opened were strictly the ones given by fellow family members instead of any sort of “Santa” gifts.
Regardless, he sat up straight once you finally reached for the gift he’d got you. Pride was written all over his face when you even complimented the wrapping he apparently did “all by himself” (Crazy Diamond did it for him).
It’s something small and sweet.
If you like wearing jewlery, he saved-up money in order to get you something he knew you’d love. If not, he instead opts to buy you something you’ve explicitly had your eye on for a while. Regardless of either, his face turned viciously red when you engulfed him in a tight hug in response.
Your own gift to him was something he would’ve likely cried tears of joy over if he weren’t surrounded by people he’d just met that night.
It’s a new pair of shoes, made by one of his favorite Italian brands. Just by the way he looked at them, you thought his eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. Similarly to you the hug you gave him, he wrapped his arms around you appreciatively. You relished in the feeling, ignoring some of your family members’ teasing.
Experiencing something this new and anticipated with Josuke melts everything else away. It’s more than enough to finally push you into proposing something to him that’s been on your mind all morning.
“Josuke,” you whispered to him, taking advantage of the fact others were still preoccupied unwrapping gifts, “I think I’m going to walk you home instead of having my parents drop you off.”
He thought he was going to faint right then and there. Yes, he would technically be going against his mother’s wishes by doing so, but just the feeling of your gentle breath brushing against his ear leaves him defenseless.
Without a second thought, he agrees:
Walking side-by-side, hand-in-hand, you and Josuke walked back to his house in a comfortable silence. The walk is short enough to justify doing so to your already exhausted parents, but long enough to let you two thoroughly enjoy being alone together.
Turning a corner, his house finally comes into view. And although your chilled fingertips are grateful to make it halfway through your walk, your heart drops.
He stops you at his front door, gently setting down the box containing his present on the paved stoop.
“Thank you for letting me spend Christmas with you,” he clears his throat, setting his gaze on your hand he’s still holding. Reaching out his other, he sandwiches it between both of his. “I had a lot of fun…”
His voice is soft, almost hesitant. If you were standing back a yard, you doubt you’d be able to hear him.
“Me too…” you nod, smiling.
Knowing him well enough by now to already know what he’s trying to get at, you use your free hand to cup his cold cheek. Leaning forward, you both press your lips against each other. Despite the chilliness, his lips are as inviting as ever.
Wrapping an arm around your lower back, he pulls you a step closer. The action deepens the kiss, lips moving against one another with vigor but not enough to be aggressive. A quiet sigh escapes his mouth, head light and spinning with bliss.
The kiss ends far too soon for either of your liking, but shy smiles and gentle giggles still fill the otherwise silent space after pulling away.
“Y’know…” he clears his throat, “My mother and I usually tend to wake up late on Christmas at this point. And if you wanna call your parents you can always use our phone, and uhm…”
“What’re you getting at Josuke?” you ask, tilting your head to the side.
“Uhm…” he rubs the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact, “Do you… wanna maybe stay over? We can just crash on the couch if you’d prefer. And again, you can call your family to make sure it’s okay. My mother’ll be mad but at only at me, so if you-“
“Josuke,” you cut him off, laughing. “Yes! Yes… I’d love to.”
Sighing in relief, he quickly whirls around and fumbles a bit trying to unlock the front door. “Good… would hate for you to freeze out here, after all!” he says, prompting you to giggle once more.
Josuke was in a hell of a lot of trouble later that morning, Tomoko nearly having a heart attack in mere surprise walking in on the both of you curled up on the couch. To him, it’s well worth getting to snuggle with you in the early hours of Christmas morning.
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