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docwmedicineman · 4 months ago
Swifties will do more than a 17 year old redumblikkkan with an AR-15 atyle weapon ! ! Come watch'em break Donny Boy's neck !
this was one of her best looks
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acespeon · 2 months ago
the fact that I can only talk about the election without running into Dfrump fans and say things like "so and so needs to meet the guillotine" on tumblr when it'd get me banned on Facebook or twitter is telling
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444names · 1 year ago
followers of this blog + animal sounds
Aclimpec Acooks Aglas Aglaves Agldon Antist Apler Ardrall Ardruns Aresands Armoingar Aroarobral Aronininng Artiall Arwer Arwes Arwooks Atacle Atted Aught Augld Autal Avaine Avenputia Avent Bableak Bablede Bablog Bablogaro Bably Bablyuqi Barbly Baworay Belowl Berbles Bleam Blend Blever Blogalle Blowl Bodeak Bookspam Booloomen Boopiper Bralk Braom Breigh Buglass Build Byell Byelle Byeve Cacle Cacler Cacore Cafar Cafarf Cafaro Caker Cakeread Cakereaver Cakerenjoy Calaves Canon Cawome Ccices Chass Cheakey Cheecter Cheek Chell Cheloof Chistist Choof Chuck Chuckler Chucorner Chycolave Chycollent Chycom Cichonichn Clenjoye Clever Clevi Climidweak Cliver Cliverbly Cluntisire Cobable Cobater Cobral Colaxies Comang Coran Corass Coray Cords Coreehat Corneing Corneress Coroangs Corted Cortis Couglander Cream Creamaller Crigh Cright Crited Crostle Decack Decort Deream Derend Dezer Dfroarf Dfrostuff Dfrumpe Dienjoy Donligh Doolang Drallore Draoman Enevatzy Eqrldbuil Eqrldly Eyell Fable Fablog Fabloo Fader Fandectal Fandspam Fanta Folas Forall Forander Fordspam Fruff Frumpe Frumpec Genputart Gibellen Glata Glaugh Glautirp Glaxie Glever Gofol Gofoll Gofthat Grealautic Greaple Greigh Grent Groand Groar Groark Groarmon Grook Grost Gruwajka Hatereight Hcickleval Hechenty Henjoyes Hentiant Hinngs Hinninn Hirex Hockle Hocoofol Honly Hoopter Hough Hounlick Hourr Hownhocor Huccicers Ispechins Istinn Istlens Itent Ithours Itschell Itteder Juinn Kings Kinngeep Kinsbie Knevivens Kodbaw Kodfrup Kodyss Lavalk Laxiessoff Licer Licern Lichintic Light Limpe Limpec Livene Liverey Livicer Livins Llerow Locoon Loevi Loevichiss Logars Lostelp Lotchn Lucci Lucordralk Lunst Luntasy Marowl Marweak Marweep Mchaw Mchens Mchintheam Mchycomine Mchycoras Memool Mender Menjoy Menput Menty Meowl Mesam Mesanow Minker Minnice Mistia Mitedezer Miyellenty Moined Moinng Moinstuff Momeow Momew Moolover Moolow Morie Mornuck Moruwajkaw Msperoaker Mspialas Namew Narobay Nartiander Neingal Neinn Nernevend Nevessey Nevest Nownhocop Ofollog Oforass Oforneigh Oined Oinng Ointass Olass Oldoomeowl Ollevesbia Onboofords Onboopter Oncerble Oncheloven Oncluck Onick Onlyuting Pinng Pipetell Podemorand Poeter Poeven Poeveness Priber Prild Proonk Prostass Prostle Prostuff Prowl Pucoron Putar Quaclucop Quead Queak Queat Queata Queka Reehat Rienquead Rienquek Rillost Ritscro Robral Samarf Sandsper Sangs Sansbial Santhell Sching Schuck Screx Scrobrass Scronce Shngeet Shribell Shrie Shrieka Shriekawl Shrigh Shright Simitter Simpecoril Simpet Sinbialang Siner Sines Singalater Singend Sinkes Sionce Sionliming Sireak Specold Spern Spetkinbia Spial Spiand Spincer Squackle Squeaker Squeka Squvis Stellock Stint Subscrit Subscrowl Subscry Suntirp Suntis Tefrobbead Temon Temonlices Terwen Thang Thass Theat Theek Theep Theet Thell Thelle Thelow Thelp Thenevint Thenty Thineves Thing Thingobray Thint Thirp Thisperner Thiss Thist Thockey Thours Tialdbuzz Tiream Trienjoy Trineve Triter Truwajka Tweam Twillock Unamew Unarblog Unlives Vicer Vistarf Vistial Vivinerne Vyvat Waild Waines Wainnins Wajka Wared Wenjoye Whing Whingar Whink Whireak Whireaker Whiream Whires Whirp Whirr Whispiper Whonker Whooman Whounliven Wildezer Witent Witer Withand Witle Witscroand Womart Womes Womew Wonly Woonboo Woralaugh Wornucoonk Woronk Woruff Wribbe Wright Writleves Writtelle Wshngs Yaple Yaples Yoodyss Yoolautark Yoomenta Yoomeowl Yough Younlichis Yourruff Yours Yuqiingar Yuqiint Yutacle Yutaclick Yuwards
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saltyfandomreceipts · 7 years ago
And even if they were sent waaay before as you claim (they weren't by the way since your archive proves otherwise that the asks in question were sent mid-November, well after the election) that still wasn't funny given the things he said against the marginalized groups that the people in question are from. You don't tell an LGBT woman and a transman they are like the people putting their lives at risk. Ever. Before or after. But you're lying about the date anyway because that's your specialty.
no I’m really good at being confused about dates when I’m harassed constantly and stressed out but thanks for saying I’m faking being mentally ill nice on ya.
I’m an lgbt and you guys constantly say maybe I’m dfrump soooooo
and people have said before mei posting ips made them uncomfortable, stressed and put people at risk, but none of that fits your narrative does it?
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