#Devils Acre
evil-feather · 10 months
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Visited the place where the loop is, while I was in London and my best friend took these for me :)
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hahahmitski · 1 year
Horace has a soft spot for babies. I can not tell you any proof from the book, but Horace loves babies. Like Olive, some peculiars are peculiar at birth. In Devils Acre thy have a place the keep the babies who've developed their peculiarity early on. Horace volunteers there almost everyday. Almost all the babies like him. Horace can be scared sometimes because some of the babies cry from him holding the babies. There is the only baby that pukes ONLY on him. Bye bye 🤯
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carmine-golde · 3 months
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Jacob doodle
This is just a quick doodle of Jacob in my style^^ I might get to drawing the rest of the group, but there’s so many of ‘em that idk if I can do it 💀💀
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Something a little opposite to what I made in November (?) last year :)
Just what if Caul won + how the council symbol would look like if he did (which would probably be used by Caul then). *Heavily* inspired by that picture at the end
I took so long figuring out a cool little phrase for underneath it. I could have just gone with the same phrase from last time, cause Caul would absolutely refer to the ymbrynes as beasts, but that would have been too easy
(Thank you @dragonsdendoodles for the idea!!)
Sorry if anything of what I said sounds weird, I’m super tired
Also the “council” symbol under the cut and the picture
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marygih · 4 months
Sometimes I wonder what mphfpc would have been like if the books were for an adult audience.
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nerdblob · 1 year
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trainwrecksys · 11 days
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Since I literally just posted on insta then finished this off I decided to space out my posts since I’m a literal art machine it’s concerning
Anyway PRIDE MONTH!!!! happy pride month from caul in a very bright (rightfully so) outfit since he deserves to be very gay… or queer… or perhaps… stretching the meaning…….. peculiar
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ducksrus · 2 years
Enoch: Am I in trouble?
Miss P: take a guess
Enoch: no?
Miss P: guess again
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rowenas-my-fave-child · 7 months
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Jacob Portman
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all-too-random · 4 months
Okay, I know I said that I didn't like the second trilogy of MPHFPC, but I don't want to only focus on the negatives, so here are some things I enjoyed about it:
The Peculiar Children interacting with the modern world.
Getting to see more of their personalities.
Getting to see more of the Peculiar World.
More Ymbrynes!
Millard and Lilly (I'd read a whole book about them, I'm not even kidding. I wish we'd gotten to see so much more of them- I don't reread the second trilogy, but I do reread their scene together).
Fiona being brought back :)
Thats all I can think of for now. But for anyone who thought I'd hate them for having a differing opinion, I promise I won't. I didn't care for the second trilogy, but I can still find good parts of it. And if you did enjoy it, that's wonderful! Even if you prefer it, that's still wonderful! I only asked my question because I was curious, not to spread any sort of hate in our already small fandom.
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furious-mango · 8 months
just thought…
did Horatio still got his own face? like was the new one sewn on top or he had to cut off his face first???
this is very important question.
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hahahmitski · 1 year
Hugh and Claire
I missed her a lot. Usually was would kiss each other on the head and then go to sleep, but she isn't here and I hope to find her sometime soon. I heard screaming and whimpering but I was to tired to check it out, plus it was probably Horace anyway (sorry Horace) . Then Millard knocked on my door before entering. "Hugh, are you awake?" He said like he was worried. I was kind of confused but I turned to face him. I didn't want to talk so early in the morning. "Okay you probably want to come and see this." With a slight tremble in his voice, the kind you have to really notice or you can't tell. I simply nodded and followed him into "The Guests room" where Bronwyn, Olive and Claire sleeps in. Once I got closer I heard some yelling from in the room that was muffed. When me and Mill went inside I heard it, Claire screaming somewhere along the lines "No, No Fiona, Please don't leave us here! Hugh misses you too much! He's really sad, and we're all so sad! Please don't go!" My eyes widened at the the sight. Everyone's been acted as if Fiona never existed or just plain talked behind his back of what might of happened to Fiona. The Bird then asked me if I could talk to her and try to help her calm down. I nodded my head again still eyes wide as they could be under my goggles. Miss P and Emma pulled everyone else out of the room (I was kind of surprised that tht managed to pull Bronwyn out as well). I didn't really know how to wake Claire up so I shook her a bit. When she woke up though she rose up quickly her eyes wide as a full moon. I get a little upset to see Claire in such an overwhelmed state. She looked around the room looking for something and said quickly, "Where's Fiona?" I pulled her in the a hug. It's as if we didn't acknowledge Claire and Olive were just children and didn't help them process all of this. She started to tear up, I think she just figured out what happened, and where we are. Once she started crying I patted his back in some sort of rhythm, and whispering in her ear "everything will be okay." or just something that comforting. I so focused on trying to keep her clam, I didn't know I was crying myself. When Claire Calmed down she asked me in a soft voice, "Is Fiona going to come back?" I didn't know how to answer that, but I knew she needed reassurance. "I'm trying my best, but we'll find her... I promise." Now I couldn't break that promise. It hurts to say it but I will find her despite her alive or dead. My love, if you and hear me, come back please.
P.S. After that talk with Claire she fell asleep with a slight smile on her face. Hugh slept with Claire that night hugging her softly. Once Claire and Hugh woke up they were surrounded by everyone, including Enoch. Bronwyn was smiled so wide Hugh though she was on some drug in the present. Then Claire and Hugh were excused from their jobs at Devils Acre to try and find Fiona and they had a lot of fun, despite not finding Fiona.
The reason why Claire is so worried about Fiona is because she was one of her best friends. Claire would talk a whole bunch and Fiona would listen asking questions time to time.
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carmine-golde · 3 months
The idea of Ymbrynes displaying avian traits specific to their bird form is absolutely hilarious to me. Owl ymbrynes who are always up late, corvids who love to collect trinkets, shrikes whose favorite food are kebabs, parrots who have a habit of repeating words, a kookaburra who has a very distinctive laugh, etc etc!! It’s a HC that I think adds a whole new layer of character depth and I think makes the ymbrynes seem just a bit more human :)
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Most sane man /s
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marygih · 5 months
It makes sense
Librarians being able to turn into hollows makes a lot of sense, and answers a question I've had since LOS.
In the third book, when they tell the story of Abaton, they say that a peculiar managed to steal a powerful soul from the library, but he was unable to leave the library alive, before leaving he was killed by the librarians. But that didn't seem to make sense. Think about it, it was a peculiar that had consumed the soul of some gigantic peculiar, and the librarians were supposed to be normal-sized humans, The question that remained in the air was: HOW? How did a human-sized, human-strength peculiar manage to stop a giant?In other words, they managed to kill him.
The thief had consumed the old soul. There was no way he could get a soul vessel, and taking the soul away from the library was useless. The pool of souls is there, without it there is no way to absorb the soul. The thief was fleeing after absorbing the soul and its powers, but was killed by the librarians.
The last book gave the answer to this question, librarians were ordinary humans and as weak as Jacob, but in situations like those they took some of the souls and turned into hollows. Obviously they should have some help to expel the soul and return to being librarians, the way Noor used may not be the only way to remove a Soul.
Anyway, probably there were so many robberies that the librarians could no longer maintain order, or they were eliminated by the peculiars who stole powerful souls. All I know is that things ended catastrophically and the 12 ymbrynes had to clean up this mess and disappear with Abaton, to save the peculiar world.
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grenadaee · 1 year
I just think that Eva Green...
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always comes to mind when fan casting any dark, beautiful, seductive witchy character. Not to stereotype but she's just got that face and energy that's perfect for that sort of a role. And also her voice good Lord
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