#Develop using ReactJS
inwizardstechnologies · 5 months
So you want to develop a social network app with ReactJS, Here is a step-by-step guide that will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to develop your own social network app using ReactJS. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your journey with front-end frameworks, this guide will provide a clear roadmap to turn your vision into reality.
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What is React used for? Check Inwizard's detailed blog covering what React is, its key features, and its usage.
React has emerged as a cornerstone technology, revolutionizing how developers build interactive user interfaces. A brainchild of Facebook, React, or React.js, is an open-source JavaScript library that facilitates the creation of dynamic, engaging web applications with remarkable efficiency.
Read More: https://www.inwizards.com/blog/what-is-react-programming-used-for/
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creolestudios · 1 year
ReactJS with Django: Why It's a Winning Combination for Developers: Find out why ReactJS paired with Django is the developer's choice. Explore the incredible benefits, seamless integration, and endless possibilities of this tech stack.
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algoworks · 1 year
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Looking for top-notch ReactJS developers to join your team? Look no further!
Our pool of talented developers are ready to take on any challenge and deliver exceptional results.
Contact us today to find your next ReactJS rockstar!
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webgangesseo · 1 year
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sensationsolutions · 1 year
React JS is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces for web applications. Its popularity has skyrocketed in recent years due to its ability to deliver high-performing, fast, and interactive applications. React JS is a great choice for web development, and in this guest post, we will discuss its top features and benefits.
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i4technolab · 2 years
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React.js is a prominent solution for creating sophisticated UI interactions that connect with the server in real-time using JavaScript-driven websites. It is capable of competing with top-tier UI frameworks and greatly simplifies the development process.
In this article, we will learn how to create a progressive web application using React.js (PWA). But, before we get started, we'll learn about progressive web apps and why they're so important.
Want to hire an esteemed Mobile App development company? Your search ends here.
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uncannyforest · 2 years
I've rewritten my comics website in React/Express and just deployed the new version to uncannyforest.com! I'm very proud of this. I'm much more familiar nowadays with React/Express than Rails, which is what I used to build the site originally. I got the site pretty much entirely rewritten in just a few days, and now that it's using a technology I know really well, I can start on creative things such as creating my own comments system instead of using Disqus.
So far the change is barely noticeable because the site is practically the same as before (just entirely rewritten!). But hopefully, a custom comment system coming soon :)
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reactjsindia-blog · 2 years
ECommerce is an overwhelming business that requires dynamic content to scale up the store’s consumers. In this blog, we will find out how to build an Ecommerce app using ReactJS for the frontend website application.  
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ReactJS & NodeJS possess rich features and library support to make the development process much more easier, quick and robust. ReactJS & NodeJs together can actually do miracles as both are the best technology in their area of expertise and can help you build potent App Solutions with ease. Drive through the article for deep understanding on the key benefits of using ReactJS with NodeJS for robust Modern App Development.
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infinijith · 2 years
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Why Use React? 7 reasons
Reactjs is preferred for many reasons but here are the top 7 reasons for using reactjs as your front-end technology:
1. Easy to learn frontend development library 2. Rich user-interfaces 3. Reusable components for faster development 4. Quick rendering using Virtual DOM 5. Making SEO friendly applications 6. Build mobile apps using React Native 7. Robust developer community
Using Reactjs is one of the best choices as top-most industries are also using it. If you don't know where to start with React, connect with our reactjs and react native developers. Also check these reasons in detail in our article!
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izicodes · 17 days
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After taking a "blog break," I’m excited to start sharing some of the projects I’ve been working on during my time away! One of the highlights is a custom widget I created for Notion—a photocard featuring my favorite band, PLAVE. This widget is perfect for fellow PLAVE fans (Plli), allowing them to display a "fanmade" photocard of their favorite band members right on their Notion pages.
I began this project not only to celebrate my love for PLAVE but also to dive deeper into the world of Notion widgets and explore what’s possible.
Let’s dive into the details of how I built it and the creative process behind it!
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I started this project back in May, right after I discovered PLAVE in April! Around that time, I started following a 'photocard editor' on Twitter who creates these fantastic 'unofficial' collectible photocards of PLAVE. I fell in love with her edits immediately. I was also using Notion extensively to keep my Korean studies organized, so I thought, why not combine my passion for Korean learning with my love for PLAVE?
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I wanted to create a public widget that other PLAVE fans could easily add into their own Notion pages. To be respectful and ensure proper credit, I reached out to the editor, Jane, to ask if I could use her edits in my widget. I explained my project idea and shared some Figma wireframes to show how the widget would look and function. Jane was excited about the concept and gave me her blessing to move forward. I didn’t start any programming until I had her approval!
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For this project, I needed to create two main components: the widget itself and a webpage with information and installation instructions. Surprisingly, the info and installation page turned out to be more challenging than developing the widget! I’m a bit of a perfectionist, so I wanted to ensure the page was user-friendly, responsive, and easy to navigate. It was tougher than I wished for!
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As for the widget, it was relatively straightforward to develop and only took me about two days. However, I did face some issues with broken links that I still need to fix, and I’m not quite sure why they’re not working. Usually, I’m a ReactJS enthusiast, but since this was a smaller project, I decided to use my "beginner combo": HTML, CSS (including SCSS), and JavaScript. I quickly realized how accustomed I’ve become to ReactJS because I kept writing code that didn’t work in Vanilla JavaScript—talk about a wake-up call!
In the end, I completed the project to a point where it was ready to present to both the PLLIs (PLAVE fans) and Jane. I found myself eagerly awaiting Jane’s feedback because her artwork was integral to the project. If she wasn’t happy with the outcome, I would have felt the same. Thankfully, she loved it! I officially posted the widget on Twitter/X, and Jane shared it as well. Although most of the users were Korean, reading their translated positive comments made me genuinely happy.
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Who knows? Maybe in the future, I’ll work on another PLAVE-themed project. I really enjoyed creating this one!
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Feel free to check out the project and try installing the widget on your Notion page:
The official tweet about the project
The installation page
The widget in template Notion page
fyi, it still needs work, I will get to it eventually~~~!
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Advantages of ReactJS and Why Choose It For Your Project?
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ReactJS has become an increasingly popular JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. There are several benefits of React, making it an excellent choice for developers. Let's dive into some of the advantages of ReactJS and why it could be the ideal choice for your next project.
Easy to Learn and Use
One of the most efficient React JS advantages is it’s easy to learn and use. Thus, making it an ideal option for those who are new to web development. With a simple syntax, developers can easily write clean and organized code. Plus, there is an abundance of documentation, tutorials, and resources available to get started.
Reusable Components
ReactJS relies on reusable components, allowing developers to build complex UI from simpler components. This advantage of React improves code modularity, making it easier to maintain and update code. Thus, ultimately speeds up development cycles.
Improved Performance
ReactJS is highly efficient and lightweight, which means developers can build sophisticated UI with minimal effort. Improved performance is one of the primary benefits of using ReactJS. This results in fast and responsive applications that load quickly and perform well.
Large Community Support
ReactJS has a large space of developers who look forward to contributing to its development. Apart from the other ReactJS benefits, this benefit encourages improvement. This means that developers have access to a wealth of resources, libraries, and tools. This can help them create better and more sophisticated applications.
Compatible with Other Technologies
ReactJS is compatible with other popular technologies and frameworks, such as AngularJS and VueJS. This is one of the prime benefits of React. Thus, making it easier to integrate ReactJS into existing projects or build new ones. Either from scratch using a combination of tools and technologies or existing ones. In conclusion, ReactJS is an ideal choice for developers seeking a powerful and efficient framework. It is easy to learn and use, highly efficient and lightweight and has an active community of developers. Apart from this, the other advantages of ReactJS make it easier to work with the tech. Its reusable components make it easier to maintain code and its compatibility with other technologies. Similarly, its frameworks make it flexible for any project. We hope you got your answer on why React JS.
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sprybit-agency · 2 months
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codemerything · 2 years
A couple days ago, I met @lostlibrariangirl on here, and for a long time as a developer or as someone on the internet, I felt seen and not casually but it felt really genuine and she is my Northstar to the Developer community on Tumblr as she recommended more pages that I should follow and since then been seeing helpful content and I have decided to log my progress as a Developer and a Creative on Tumblr so that someday I can be there for someone like she was for me.
My name's Emery,
22 y/o,
A frontend developer,
I love art, and an unapologetic fashion enthusiast
Currently learning Javascript using this (https://github.com/Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-JavaScript) and hopefully progress to ReactJS when in a couple months
Working on an eCommerce site with HTML and Tailwindcss( I will share that project when I am done).
To anyone seeing this, I am so happy to meet you, talk to you, answer your questions, and be asked any questions.
Do have a nice day!
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digital-aptech · 4 months
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