#Deuvdas' : Wounds of Duty and Hearts of Healing.
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deuvdas · 10 months ago
Wounds of Duty and Hearts of Healing.
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(Azad Rathore x OC)
Chapter 1
Azad's POV
Am I still here?
Why can't I move?.. 
What's going on?..
"Ma'am! I think he is starting to get conscious!"
A voice shouted. Isn't that.. Eeram's voice? Are the others there too?
"Calm down.. and keep an eye on him." Another voice.. Whose is it..?
All I can recall were gunshots. Bullets piercing through me.. as well as the girls surrounding me. Then everything faded within seconds.
I carefully opened my eyes. My sight was blurred. I still couldn't move properly.
"Is he recovering?.. The past few days he wasn't too responsive or is this the same situation again?"  I heard Eeram speak. Even though my hearing wasn't as clear as it was, I noticed her tone was concerned.
"Im sure he is recovering.. Im sure."
I couldn't move a muscle. I just lay there trying to comprehend this situation.
"Eeram, what's his name?.. Im sorry, I forgot."
 She doesn't even know my name. So, she couldn't be someone I've met.
"Azad. Azad Rathore, Ma'am." 
I can hear the woman beside me sigh. Her face.. It's blurred. 
"Mr. Rathore.. can you hear me?"
I tried to speak. My mouth was moving but not a single sound could come out. I decided to answer with a nod instead.
"He has trouble speaking.. alright. Can you see me?"
I couldn't respond to that question. My sight was blurry, I tried to tell her by gesture.
"Alright... everything seems to be fine on the monitor. I know you're worried about your voice and eyesight.. or maybe how weak you feel right now, but that's normal. It is common to experience that after waking up from a coma. Most likely your eyesight will heal earlier," she spoke to me reassuringly.
Coma..? I've been in a coma? For how long?
I need to know who she is. I tried to speak again. Only a voice lower that a whisper came out.
"W-who.. who are.. you?" My hoarse voice tries to come out. I couldn't speak properly and my tone was barely a whisper. But somehow, she managed to understand me.
"I'm Dr. Shourya Chandrasekhar. Mr. Rathore, you've been in a coma for weeks. You have lost a lot of blood due to the shots being in certain areas, but Eeram and the girls brought you here just in time. I'll be helping you through your recovery. We can do a little ice breaking once you're feeling better." I heard her explain everything. Now it makes much more sense.
My eyesight was slightly better. I blinked a couple of times. Her face became.. much clearer that before.
"You don't have to force it, Mr. Rathore," she remarked my actions with a chuckle.
So.. she and Eeram were the doctors who got me out of my critical state? And she will be helping me recover? But.. how long will I recover? I have duties, I have things to take care of I- I cant possibly be off for too long.
"How.. How long will it take-" I couldn't finish my sentence. My throat was getting sore.
"Easy.. easy. You'll need a few months or more to recover. You definitely could not stand up now. But I will help you regain your strength through Physical Therapy," she smiles at me. It was as if she was trying to tell me everything will be alright. I.. hope so.
Shourya's POV
My patient was finally awake from his coma. I admit, he is strong enough to survive such a blood loss. Even I was surprised. 
I took notice that he doesn't seem to accept what is happening and what I just told him. I can tell he's a man who takes his duties seriously. He's probably feeling uneasy having to be off for months.
"Look, Mr. Rathore. I know you're worried about your duties.. but please. Your health is much more important than anything else, isn't that correct? Health comes first. If you aren't healthy, how will you fulfill your duties then?" I told him in a slightly stern tone, but I didn't want to appear harsh either.
He seems defeated by reality, so he just nodded to my words.
I looked over to Eeram.. who is also looking towards my direction.
"Should we let him rest for a bit?" I hesitantly asked Eeram.
"I think.. yeah, we should."
"Mr. Rathore, you may rest for a bit..  We'll be back soon after taking care of everything else. Are you fine with that? And if you need any help or if there is anything bothering you, don't be afraid to tell us or.."
I paused and grabbed a small device. I handed it to him. 
"This will help you. Give it a click and it'll let me know that you're calling."
Azad's POV
What's this device? I suppose it's the same as the old fashioned ones but.. more at reach. I couldn't help but give her a genuine smile. Which.. was quite difficult to do.
"Thank you.. very much." I replied in the same hoarse voice I had earlier.
Soon, both of them left the room.
I stared off to the ceiling. The lights causing my eyes to squint.
I tried to relax. But, I couldn't. There was too much pressure on my shoulders. What about the missions? The girls? The jail? My job?..
My heart began to beat faster as those thoughts rush through my mind. It was too much to think of, especially when I am in this state. Unable to move properly or even speak properly. When.. When will this end?
Shourya's POV
"So this guy you saved-"
"Yes, him. Did you know him before the accident?"
My closest friend, Kavitha, questioned. We were in a café which was at the first floor of the hospital. Whenever I'm not too busy, I often chat with her there.
"No. I might have heard of him but this is my first time seeing him in person," I leaned back on the chair after answering.
"Oh.. So he just woke up. When will he fully recover then?"
I was silent for a moment. Kavitha was waiting for an answer, she was curious of how I would handle all this.
"I can't just predict when he will recover fully, Kavi. This morning he was finally conscious and he'll need to get used to with his surroundings first. But it's best to start the therapy today."
This wasn't my first time treating a coma patient, but.. something just felt different.
"So you'll be taking care of him until he recovers? Just you?" Kavitha takes a sip of her coffee while looking at me.
"Well, Eeram will help me out. She knows him more than I do. I've worked with her before this."
I started to feel weight on my shoulders. I still can't believe everything that happened weeks ago. He is out of his critical state, but I'm still cautious about it. I can't let anything bad happen.
"Rya, something's uh.. beeping in your purse," Kavitha tries to check out what it is.
Ah, the device I gave him. But wait, why would he press it now? Is something troubling him? I grabbed my purse to check. I was correct, it is the beeping from the device.
I took out a few notes from my purse and placed it on the table. Kavitha looks confused when I instantly got up from my chair.
"It's on me, just keep the change."
"But Shour-"
Before Kavitha could finish, I rushed to the nearest elevator and pressed the fourth floor button. I walked out as fast as I could. I took a deep breath and gave the door a light knock before entering.
"You called.. Mr. Rathore?"
He didn't say anything. Instead, he just stared at me. Maybe I should try asking him first? 
"Is there anything you need?.."
"I.. accidentally pressed.. the button.. sorry."
He said in a tone which was difficult for me to detect. I stared at him with a puzzled but relieved look on my face.
"You.. didn't need anything? Nothing's troubling you? All good?"
I asked him again to make sure. Did he really accidentally press that button?
Azad's POV
I didn't accidentally press it. I pressed it because I needed company. But, it would be stupid for me to say something like that. There was no one in the room and I was all alone. That's why I pressed the device's button.
The girls did promise to stay here tonight as well, but it is still the afternoon.
Dr. Shourya.. she asked me questions and I just nodded to her words. Soon I decided to speak to her.
"When.. will I start my physical therapy?"
My body still felt stiff. Thankfully I can move my arm, though I have to be slow and careful. Im not so sure about standing or walking..
"It's best to start as soon as you're conscious and.. you already are. We can start that now," She smiles at me and went out the room for a moment. She came back with a wheelchair.
She sighs then approached me. I wasn't able to get up on my own and it seems like she will be helping me.
"Just hold onto me and I'll get you on the wheelchair, yeah? I won't drop you, I promise."
She adds in a light joke to brighten the mood, which was nice.. I admit.
I followed her instructions, I was afraid of falling. She lifted me and placed me onto the wheelchair carefully. 
"Good to go?" She asked, making sure I was already comfortable.
I nodded and adjusted myself as much as I am able to on the chair. 
Dr. Shourya brought me to another room, which wasn't too far from the room I stayed in.
I look up at her. She was placing my IV fluids to a pole which has wheels underneath, probably to help me move a little freely.
"Okay.. Mr. Rathore."
"Please.., just call me Azad."
"..Noted. Azad, what you're seeing infront of you are parallel bars. These bars are for you to hold onto while you relearn to walk. It.. might take some time until you can walk regularly. But, you're not on your own. I will assist you as well. Always," Dr. Shourya turns towards the parallel bars.
I have to.. relearn how to walk? This could take months. She will assist me but.. I still feel nervous. I could barely move my legs much for now, how will I even balance?
I stared at those parallel bars.
"Are you ready to start, Azad?" Dr. Shourya looks at me over her shoulder.
I sighed and nodded with hesitance.
"Im.. ready."
To Be Continued...
(tags! : @amdone, @my-emo-romance. If you want to be tagged in the next, just let me know! :3)
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deuvdas · 10 months ago
Wounds of Duty and Hearts of Healing
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(Azad Rathore x OC)
Chapter 2.2
Shourya's POV
He went through it all. All.. of that. That wasn't the only thing that made me cry. That day when his father visited, I saw the worry in his eyes. Even he was tearing up, to the point he wasn't able to hide it. He told me about his son also being in a similar situation when he hasn't known about him yet. He kept asking questions about when he will heal. I know it must be hard. Before Sir Vikram left, he gave Azad a kiss on his forehead. And after hearing his story.. recalling that moment was more than enough to put me in tears.
I got up and sighed. I sat beside him. I softly caressed his shoulder in a comforting manner.
"Maybe.. I didn't have to ask all that. We're both getting emotional now, aren't we?"
I tried to brighten the mood, like I always do.
"I understand whatever you've been going through. I just have something to say."
I paused. He looks at me as he slowly sat up.
"What is it, Dr. Shourya?"
"I.. Im proud of you, Azad. I'm proud of you.. your hardwork.. your strength. Most importantly.. She's also proud of you, Azad."
I rub his upper arms in a soothing way as I smiled faintly. I looked at him. His eyes were teary as well.
"Hey, don't give me that look. Smile.. please. Or if you need to, you can hug me."
I whispered with a teasing manner then laughed.
"I'm just kiddi-"
Suddenly.. he hugged me.
I could feel his warm tears falling onto my shoulder. His sobs near my ear. I took in a deep breath as I slowly wrap my arms around him. I patted his head carefully.
"It's alright.. everything will be fine.. let it out, Azad.."
I continued to console him. Is he already starting to get comfortable around me? It was quick but.. I'm glad I could comfort him. For now..
Minutes passed, he was still in my arms. I didn't hear any more sobs, he must be fine now. But.. why hug me still?
I tapped his shoulder and whispered.
"All good now?" 
I asked him. He gave me a nod and loosens the hug. Not pulling away yet.
"I think we should.."
Before I could finish, the door creaked open.
Sir Vikram stood there. A frown was seen on his face. He was holding a few things in his arms. His gaze kept shifting from me to Azad, back and forth.. again and again.
He clears his throat and spoke in his usual raspy tone.
"Have I.. interrupted something here?"
Sir Vikram raised an eyebrow at us. I look at Azad. He was looking at me already.
Azad slowly pulls away from me and wipes his own tears. I got up from his bed and stood slightly far from the bed.
"Hello, Baba. I missed you," Azad smiled.
Sir Vikram looks.. even more confused now.
He approaches his son and gave him a brief hug, along with a kiss to his forehead.
"What happened? Why are you crying? Why is she crying? And why were the two of you hugging? Did I miss something?"
Sir Vikram looks at me.
"Care to explain, Doctor?"
"Well.. Sir.. Azad was.."
Chapter 2.3 is here.
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deuvdas · 10 months ago
Wounds of Duty and Hearts of Healing.
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(Azad Rathore x OC)
Chapter 2.3
Azad's POV
Baba is here. But.. now we have a situation.
I looked at Dr. Shourya, signalling her to cut it out. She looks at me with a reassuring expression, as if she's saying "I'll handle this".
"Azad was overwhelmed. We had physical therapy before and he was just overwhelmed by the pressure. So I brought him back and consoled him," Dr. Shourya covered everything up. Thankfully, Baba was convinced.
"I must've misunderstood then. My apologies."
Baba looks at me then back Dr. Shourya with a smile.
"No problem, Sir. I have some other things to take care of. I'll leave the two of you here. Azad, press the button if you need anything yeah?"
Dr. Shourya points to the device she had gave me. 
"Thank you, Thank you very much for the comfort."
I said in a low tone. I felt embarrassed but relieved. Dr. Shourya left the room. Now I'm here with Baba. I nervously looked at him.
Oh God, not that look..
"You've been hiding things from me now? I see," He smirked at me as he pulls off his shades.
"Baba.. No. She's my Doctor.. just a Doctor," I sighed.
"Mh.. right right. Doctor." Baba chuckled.
I crossed my arms as I lean back on the bed. I looked up at him.
"Where are the girls?.. How's the jail doing? Is everything alright?"
I waited for his answer. Instead, Baba ruffled my hair and laughed.
"Chill out. Everything is under control. The girls couldn't visit today.. So I decided to come here. My son's finally conscious. I must see him, right?"
I felt happy that Baba was here. I gave him a tight hug. He pats my back gently.
"I brought you fruits. There's some.. apples, oranges, pears, grapes, banana-"
"You don't have to mention them all, Baba."
"What if there are ones you don't like? Then you'll start complaining."
He frowns slightly. I frowned as well. "But I never complain??"
Shourya's POV
Azad finally has his father to take care of him. I finally went home. I opened the door and I immediately dropped my bags.
I saw my 5 year old niece crouching behind the couch. I ran towards her to make sure she was okay.
"Hey.. why are you hiding? Where's your father? Don't cry, I'm here. Tell me what happened," I caressed her face gently.
"Atte.. Papa's drinking again.."
My niece sobbed. She hugs me tight. I wrap my arms around her small figure and picked her up in my arms. I kissed the crown of her head.
"I'll talk to him dear.. I will."
There was anger in my tone but I try to mask it, not wanting to worry her much more. 
She is my niece, the daughter of my older brother. Ever since my sister-in-law passed, he became a drunkard. I took them here because I want both my brother and Nila to have a brighter future. He.. doesn't treat Nila badly when he is sober. But, when he's drunk? He does. I tried talking to him to stop drinking, but he won't budge. He always thinks I'm too nosy.
"Nila.. do you want to come with me tomorrow? You can stay with auntie Kavitha, okay? I'll get you snacks too, many many snacks."
Nila's eyes twinkled. She is truly an angel. It hurts to see them like this.. I really must talk to my brother when he comes home. As much as I care for him, he must stop hurting his own daughter like this.
After tucking Nila to bed, I heard the front door creak open. I turn on Nila's night lamp and kissed her cheek. 
I closed the door behind me. There he was, my brother, Sanjay.
Chapter 2.4 is here.
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deuvdas · 10 months ago
Wounds of Duty and Hearts of Healing.
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(Azad Rathore x OC)
Chapter 2.1
Azad's POV
Dr. Shourya walks behind me to push the wheelchair a little closer to the bars. I felt nervous. I held onto her for balance as she helps me up. I was struggling to stand but.. I tried. She was very careful and gentle. She understands my condition well. Of course, she's the doctor afterall. 
As I looked up.. I realized. Wait.. she's.. taller than me? I look up at her in confusion. She looks at me, oddly with the same expression.
"Azad? Everything alright? What's with the look," She muttered while placing my hands to either side of the bars.
I simply nodded.
"Yes, Im fine. Just.. didn't expect the height difference."
"Height difference?.. Oh! Well, I'm not that tall."
Her laughter and smiles were comforting. It's strange that I'm already warming up to her. I tried showing her a smile too.
"I know.. but still. You're taller," I replied in a low tone.
At first, I tried to take a few steps. I held on tightly, both on the bars and her hand. My head felt light weighted. It felt like there were heavy weights tied to my legs.
"You don't have to force yourself, Azad. We can stop then continue later," I heard her speak as she guided me.
"Im fine, Dr. Shourya."
She seems concerned but gave me a simple nod. After a few more tries, I started to feel tired. It was a difficult task. But, I'm glad I could atleast try.
Dr. Shourya helped me to sit back on the wheelchair. She knelt beside me as she fixed the IV fluid bag and foot rest of the wheelchair.
"Ah.. I forgot to tell you that your father visited the day before you were conscious. He was worried. He did ask me about your progress a lot of times. I'm sure he might visit today," Dr. Shourya told me.
I do miss Baba. It's been a year since I finally found him. I'm happy to finally be close to him again. I hope we will visit me today.
Dr. Shourya brought me back to my room. The halls were emptier than before, outside the huge window was pretty dark as well.
She placed the IV fluid bag to the place it was before. She gently lifted me up, resting my body on the hospital bed.
"Your father told me that he met you last year? How.. is that so?"
Dr. Shourya asked me after letting go.
"Only if you're comfortable enough to tell me, no pressure," She pushes the wheelchair away to the other side of the room.
"It's fine. I'll tell you. But, it's better to take a seat first."
"Long story, eh? Shall I get snacks too?"
Both of us laughed at the light joke. It's almost impossible to stay serious around her. She then took a seat on the edge of my bed. "Whenever you're ready. I'm all ears."
"He said I met him last year because.. I wasn't able to see him before. He was a soldier, but everyone accused him as a traitor. They all assumed he was deceased. My mother was going to be executed but Kaveri Amma found out that she was pregnant with me. The law said the child must turn 5 years old before she can be executed."
I told her. She was listening attentively. Her eyes softened too. I continued my story.
"During my fifth birthday, she was executed. I still remember calling out for her.. and her lifeless body.. being brought on a bed. The jail I now look after.. is the same jail where my mother was in. Kaveri Amma, a warden there, raised me with care. She was a mother figure to me. Still, I thought my father was deceased. I tried clearing his name, I don't want people thinking that he was traitor.. this was all because of Kalee. Now people know Vikram Rathore as a hero.. My Baba is a hero. Someone found out that he was still alive. He lived in a village, where a healer rescued and treated his unconscious body. He lost his memory. When I first met him, all I wanted to do was hug him. I.. never thought I would finally see him standing in front of me. All this time.. I only saw him in pictures.. stories."
"He does not know me then. I still recall how confused he looked when I hugged and kissed him. He did not like that kiss, definitely."
I paused for a moment to lay back a little.
"The day he got his memory back.. he called me his son. Baba finally knew that I'm his son. I've never felt happier.. that moment was everything I could ask for. Of course, we hugged again. This time both of us were in tears. Sometimes we recall and talk about the memories of my mother. We really do miss her.. I just wish she was here with us. And-"
I stopped mid sentence. I looked at her. Her eyes were welled with tears. She was staring off to somewhere else while she was listening.
She notices my stare and immediately wiped her eyes. She chuckled softly.
"Mh? Go on."
I still stared at her. She must be touched by the story. But, she can't hide her tears from me.
Chapter 2.2 is here.
(tags! : @amdone, @my-emo-romance, @pixlerelish, If you want to be tagged in the next, just let me know! :3)
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deuvdas · 10 months ago
Oh god the second chapter is too long help.... IM NOT EVEN DONE????? Oh and someone will FINALLY make an appearance! :3
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deuvdas · 10 months ago
Chapter three is still in the works..... IM STRUGGLING-
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deuvdas · 10 months ago
Wounds of Duty and Hearts of Healing.
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(Azad Rathore x OC)
Chapter 2.4
"Anna, please." I said in a stern but pleading tone.
He smiles at me. 
"What's wrong?"
"What do you mean what's wrong? Stop getting drunk! You're scaring your daughter. I just came home and she was crying behind the couch." I snapped at him.
He chuckles and looks away.
"She was interrupting me. I taught her a lesson."
"Interrupting? Well have you thought of spending time with her?? Ever since your wif-"
His aura changed within a blink of an eye. He shouted at my face. I was used to this side of his. I sighed heavily.
"You'll wake Nila up.. And why? You're like this ever since she passed. And for what?? What does drinking do to you?? All it does is ruin your organs and makes your daughter afraid of you. I've told you time to time. You won't listen! I will bring her to work tomorrow." I whispered in an angered tone.
"Listen, Shourya. She's MY daughter. You have no rights to interfere. You're just her aunt."
"I may just be her aunt.. but I have been by her side more than you have ever-"
My brother slapped me across the face. It was not just any slap. It was full of force.
My cheek stinged. I could still feel the force of the slap. I looked at him. My eyes widened. I stood back again.
"Don't start crying now. Or you'll end up like her."
My brother walks to his room and slammed the door close.
My expression softens slowly. I looked up to the ceiling for a moment. I touched my cheek carefully, but it stings too much. I closed my eyes to not let a single tear out.
I grabbed the bags I dropped by the door. I opened the door of my room then closed it.
Few minutes went by, I changed my clothes and got ready for bed. I laid down comfortably to rest when all of a sudden.. a picture of the hug I gave Azad flashed through my mind. That memory made me calm down. I smiled to myself.
"He's.. one clingy patient." I chuckled.
Turning off the lights, I covered myself in a blanket then drifted to sleep.
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deuvdas · 10 months ago
This is what happens when you're in a bad mood and decide to make yourself feel better by writing. Over 2K words and 12K characters.. I'm still not satisfied actually-
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deuvdas · 10 months ago
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deuvdas · 10 months ago
Im already writing the second chapter.. I really hope I won't get stuck.
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deuvdas · 10 months ago
I wonder what y'all think about my au cause like... this is seriously the first time I posted my writing to social media and LET ME TELL YOU i was SHAKING when I pressed post shdbdbjsbsbs
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my-emo-romance · 10 months ago
check this cool AU by my lovelyyyy fwend🤩🤩🤩
Wounds of Duty and Hearts of Healing.
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(Azad Rathore x OC)
Chapter One.
Azad's POV
Am I still here?
Why can't I move?.. 
What's going on?..
"Ma'am! I think he is starting to get conscious!"
A voice shouted. Isn't that.. Eeram's voice? Are the others there too?
"Calm down.. and keep an eye on him." Another voice.. Whose is it..?
All I can recall were gunshots. Bullets piercing through me.. as well as the girls surrounding me. Then everything faded within seconds.
I carefully opened my eyes. My sight was blurred. I still couldn't move properly.
"Is he recovering?.. The past few days he wasn't too responsive or is this the same situation again?"  I heard Eeram speak. Even though my hearing wasn't as clear as it was, I noticed her tone was concerned.
"Im sure he is recovering.. Im sure."
I couldn't move a muscle. I just lay there trying to comprehend this situation.
"Eeram, what's his name?.. Im sorry, I forgot."
 She doesn't even know my name. So, she couldn't be someone I've met.
"Azad. Azad Rathore, Ma'am." 
I can hear the woman beside me sigh. Her face.. It's blurred. 
"Mr. Rathore.. can you hear me?"
I tried to speak. My mouth was moving but not a single sound could come out. I decided to answer with a nod instead.
"He has trouble speaking.. alright. Can you see me?"
I couldn't respond to that question. My sight was blurry, I tried to tell her by gesture.
"Alright... everything seems to be fine on the monitor. I know you're worried about your voice and eyesight.. or maybe how weak you feel right now, but that's normal. It is common to experience that after waking up from a coma. Most likely your eyesight will heal earlier," she spoke to me reassuringly.
Coma..? I've been in a coma? For how long?
I need to know who she is. I tried to speak again. Only a voice lower that a whisper came out.
"W-who.. who are.. you?" My hoarse voice tries to come out. I couldn't speak properly and my tone was barely a whisper. But somehow, she managed to understand me.
"I'm Dr. Shourya Chandrasekhar. Mr. Rathore, you've been in a coma for weeks. You have lost a lot of blood due to the shots being in certain areas, but Eeram and the girls brought you here just in time. I'll be helping you through your recovery. We can do a little ice breaking once you're feeling better." I heard her explain everything. Now it makes much more sense.
My eyesight was slightly better. I blinked a couple of times. Her face became.. much clearer that before.
"You don't have to force it, Mr. Rathore," she remarked my actions with a chuckle.
So.. she and Eeram were the doctors who got me out of my critical state? And she will be helping me recover? But.. how long will I recover? I have duties, I have things to take care of I- I cant possibly be off for too long.
"How.. How long will it take-" I couldn't finish my sentence. My throat was getting sore.
"Easy.. easy. You'll need a few months or more to recover. You definitely could not stand up now. But I will help you regain your strength through Physical Therapy," she smiles at me. It was as if she was trying to tell me everything will be alright. I.. hope so.
Shourya's POV
My patient was finally awake from his coma. I admit, he is strong enough to survive such a blood loss. Even I was surprised. 
I took notice that he doesn't seem to accept what is happening and what I just told him. I can tell he's a man who takes his duties seriously. He's probably feeling uneasy having to be off for months.
"Look, Mr. Rathore. I know you're worried about your duties.. but please. Your health is much more important than anything else, isn't that correct? Health comes first. If you aren't healthy, how will you fulfill your duties then?" I told him in a slightly stern tone, but I didn't want to appear harsh either.
He seems defeated by reality, so he just nodded to my words.
I looked over to Eeram.. whose also looking towards my direction.
"Should we let him rest for a bit?" I hesitantly asked Eeram.
"I think.. yeah, we should."
"Mr. Rathore, you may rest for a bit..  We'll be back soon after taking care of everything else. Are you fine with that? And if you need any help or if there is anything bothering you, don't be afraid to tell us or.."
I paused and grabbed a small device. I handed it to him. 
"This will help you. Give it a click and it'll let me know that you're calling."
Azad's POV
What's this device? I suppose it's the same as the old fashioned ones but.. more at reach. I couldn't help but give her a genuine smile. Which.. was quite difficult to do.
"Thank you.. very much." I replied in the same hoarse voice I had earlier.
Soon, both of them left the room.
I stared off to the ceiling. The lights causing my eyes to squint.
I tried to relax. But, I couldn't. There was too much pressure on my shoulders. What about the missions? The girls? The jail? My job?..
My heart began to beat faster as those thoughts rush through my mind. It was too much to think of, especially when I am in this state. Unable to move properly or even speak properly. When.. When will this end?
Shourya's POV
"So this guy you saved-"
"Yes, him. Did you know him before the accident?"
My closest friend, Kavitha, questioned. We were in a café which was at the first floor of the hospital. Whenever I'm not too busy, I often chat with her there.
"No. I might have heard of him but this is my first time seeing him in person," I leaned back on the chair after answering.
"Oh.. So he just woke up. When will he fully recover then?"
I was silent for a moment. Kavitha was waiting for an answer, she was curious of how I would handle all this.
"I can't just predict when he will recover fully, Kavi. This morning he was finally conscious and he'll need to get used to with his surroundings first. But it's best to start the therapy today."
This wasn't my first time treating a coma patient, but.. something just felt different.
"So you'll be taking care of him until he recovers? Just you?" Kavitha takes a sip of her coffee while looking at me.
"Well, Eeram will help me out. She knows him more than I do. I've worked with her before this."
I started to feel weight on my shoulders. I still can't believe everything that happened weeks ago. He is out of his critical state, but I'm still cautious about it. I can't let anything bad happen.
"Rya, something's uh.. beeping in your purse," Kavitha tries to check out what it is.
Ah, the device I gave him. But wait, why would he press it now? Is something troubling him? I grabbed my purse to check. I was correct, it is the beeping from the device.
I took out a few notes from my purse and placed it on the table. Kavitha looks confused when I instantly got up from my chair.
"It's on me, just keep the change."
"But Shour-"
Before Kavitha could finish, I rushed to the nearest elevator and pressed the fourth floor button. I walked out as fast as I could. I took a deep breath and gave the door a light knock before entering.
"You called.. Mr. Rathore?"
He didn't say anything. Instead, he just stared at me. Maybe I should try asking him first? 
"Is there anything you need?.."
"I.. accidentally pressed.. the button.. sorry."
He said in a tone which was difficult for me to detect. I stared at him with a puzzled but relieved look on my face.
"You.. didn't need anything? Nothing's troubling you? All good?"
I asked him again to make sure. Did he really accidentally press that button?
Azad's POV
I didn't accidentally press it. I pressed it because I needed company. But, it would be stupid for me to say something like that. There was no one in the room and I was all alone. That's why I pressed the device's button.
The girls did promise to stay here tonight as well, but it is still the afternoon.
Dr. Shourya.. she asked me questions and I just nodded to her words. Soon I decided to speak to her.
"When.. will I start my physical therapy?"
My body still felt stiff. Thankfully I can move my arm, though I have to be slow and careful. Im not so sure about standing or walking..
"It's best to start as soon as you're conscious and.. you already are. We can start that now," She smiles at me and went out the room for a moment. She came back with a wheelchair.
She sighs then approached me. I wasn't able to get up on my own and it seems like she will be helping me.
"Just hold onto me and I'll get you on the wheelchair, yeah? I won't drop you, I promise."
She adds in a light joke to brighten the mood, which was nice.. I admit.
I followed her instructions, I was afraid of falling. She lifted me and placed me onto the wheelchair carefully. 
"Good to go?" She asked, making sure I was already comfortable.
I nodded and adjusted myself as much as I am able to on the chair. 
Dr. Shourya brought me to another room, which wasn't too far from the room I stayed in.
I look up at her. She was placing my IV fluids to a pole which has wheels underneath, probably to help me move a little freely.
"Okay.. Mr. Rathore."
"Please.., just call me Azad."
"..Noted. Azad, what you're seeing infront of you are parallel bars. These bars are for you to hold onto while you relearn to walk. It.. might take some time until you can walk regularly. But, you're not on your own. I will assist you as well. Always," Dr. Shourya turns towards the parallel bars.
I have to.. relearn how to walk? This could take months. She will assist me but.. I still feel nervous. I could barely move my legs much for now, how will I even balance?
I stared at those parallel bars.
"Are you ready to start, Azad?" Dr. Shourya looks at me over her shoulder.
I sighed and nodded with hesitance.
"Im.. ready."
To Be Continued...
(tags! : @amdone, @my-emo-romance. If you want to be tagged in the next, just let me know! :3)
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