#Destiel forlife
jayus-fandom-writer · 4 years
Cold Coffee, A short Destiel fanfic
Warnings: Mostly just fluffy fluffs. Written by an asexual for asexuals :) some language but no worse then what's on the show.
Dean walks into the kitchen. It's a cold morning so he has on many layers. His white shirt, plaid, and a hoodie. But he still shakes so much his teeth rattle. "Damn it why is it always so cold in here..." Dean mumbles to himself. He pulls down the coffee maker from it's perch in the cabinet. Sam and Dean had come here because of a vamp nest. But with the boy's normal luck the camps had gone underground again. So instead of going back to the warm bunker they were staying in yet another crappy and cold hotel room taking turns asking around for anything suspicious. Dean starts the coffee maker and pulls out his phone. 'one new message from Cas' appears in a white box. Dean sighs. "Damn it Cas where have you been..." he says under his breath. He opens the message.
Cas: 'Dean I'm sorry I have not been communicating very well lately. Please just tell me where you are so I can come help with the case?'
Dean thinks about throwing away the phone but instead he turns and starts pouring his coffee. He takes a sip and closes his eyes. It had been 2 months since Cas had even tried to reach out. Why would he suddenly care now? But Dean tosses the thought away and starts praying.
"Cas," Dean says quietly, pausing to take another sip of coffee. "Man I miss you. Just come here. The adress is 3067 Willow Drive in Acworth Georgia. Its the Princeton Hotel." a fluttering sound quickly fills Dean's ears and he opens his eyes. "Hello Dean."
Cas looks at Dean, obviously a bit uncomfortable. "How have you and Sam been?" Dean puts downhis coffee and nods his head. "He's doing fine Cas. We're just cold all the time, thats all." Cas raises an eyebrow. "All the time? Why didn't you call me? I could've taken some turns before now." Dean looks at Cas, a slight glint of resentment in his eyes. "Well Cas I don't know. You're the one who left without any word after-" He stops abruptly and turns around, fiddling with some papers. "After I kissed you? Dean I thought you didn't like it. That's why I left. I never wanted to leave you." Dean stops. *Shit.* Dean stops. *What does that even mean?* he turns around to see Cas way closer than he thought he was Cas reaches up to his face. Dean doesn't move or breath as Cas plants a gentle kiss on Dean's lips. Cas quickly steps back. Dean stands still for a second, trying to process the situation. Cas starts apologizing immediantly "I'm sorry Dean I can just leave if its too soon or wrong timing. I never get the timing righ-" Cas is cut off by Dean grabbing him roughly by the jacket and kissing him hard in the lips. Cas stumbles backwards trying to gain his footing again. After a minute of this they pull away, but end up relaxing in a hug.
. "Dean..." Cas sighs, "I love you... And I've missed you for so long..." Dean replies likewise. Dean then laughs and pulls away, grabbing his coffee from the counter. "Dude my coffee's cold now." Cas smiles. Dean goes to pull Cas in again but gets started by the sound of someone opening the door. He shoves backwards frantically. Sam enters the kitchen. "Oh, hi Cas." He sees the messed up jacket and looks at Dean's astonished face. "Ah. Well um you two get back to uh... Whatever you were doing. I'm just going to.. " Sam bumps into the counter and throws an amused look at Dean. "Uh look for some interesting reading material. Don't do anything stupid. And uh Dean?" Dean looks over the top of his coffee cup. "Maybe take Cas with you when you go out. He can keep you nice and warm." Dean rushes at Sam but his brother ducks quickly into his room. "Son of a bitch!" Dean shouts, hitting the door slightly. But Cas comes over and drags him back to the kitchen. "Come on he's right. Let's go hunt some vamps." Cas kisses Dean one more time as he drags him over to grab his coat.
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jayus-fandom-writer · 4 years
Writing and Leaves
An AU Destiel fanfic No S15 spoilers :) Warnings: written by an asexual romantic for romantic asexuals so we got quite a bit of fluff my dudes! Besides that there is normally a bit of swearing in my fics so be ready for that if the occasion arises. (Just a sidenote is anyone elses browser acting up? I had to write this in notes and then copy and paste it in 5 parts to a DRAFT because it wouldn't let me create a new post. Fuck this but I love it too much to stop :) . Dean takes another sip of his coffee and looks out of the coffee store window. The blowing fall leaves make the empty street look even prettier than normal. Dean loves the fall. Everything about it just brings a smile to his face. When Sam asked why Dean always left the house more during the fall he'd quickly say, "Beautiful firework displays of leaves, less people running around, little kids in costumes, and free candy everywhere. What could be better?" As he hurried off with the impala. And recently he'd found the best place to write in. A small coffee shop on the edge of town. It had everything. A beautiful view, friendly managers and employees, caffine, and, most importantly, a really handsome barista who was always working whenever Dean came in. This morning had been pretty much the same as any other day. Dean had come in, said hello to the regulars, and taken his honorary seat right by the window. Since then all the other people had left, so it was just him and the workers. Dean looks over at the man who was currently making a to-go order. He wasn't quite as tall as Dean but still was quite tall compared to the average person. His uniform complimented his slim, athletic form perfectly. And his dark brown hair always looked like he had just rolled out of bed. After Dean found out this perfect being's name was Castiel, he immediantly shortened it to Cas. Cas looks over at Dean and the two make eye contact. Cas just smiles at Dean from across the room while he hands the customer his order. After a while he walks over to Dean. "Hello, Dean." Dean looks up at him, startled slightly. "Oh uh hi Cas." Cas motions to the chair next to Dean. "May I take this chair or are you waiting for someone?" Dean shakes his head. "No uh my brother never comes with me here and I don't have a boyfriend." Dean wants to punch himself. "Oh ok. Well I don't have one either so that makes two of us." Cas sits down. "My brother, that's who the creepy weirdo over there is," Cas points to a dirty blonde man who quickly scurries into the back room. "His name is Gabriel by the way. He told told me to come say hi to you. I've been wanting to for weeks but I guess I chickened out. But after he heard me memorizing your order and name he told me I better come talk to you before he did so yeah that's why I'm here." Dean smiles. "Oh well I'm glad to have your company then. I'm just writing. I'm a writer so in my free time I just like to practice. I write fanfic." Again with the talking. Dean curses under his breath. Cas laughs. "Really? I enjoy writing fanfic as well. Though being a writer is never easy. I've found myself in the situation that I want to fall in love with someone like the people in my stories fall in love with each other." Dean looks at Cas, surprised at this recent information. "Really? That's what I was telling my brother earlier!" Dean looks at his laughing face for a second before looking down at his typed story he'd been working on. "Hey Cas would you want to read this story? I've been working on it for a while and it's kind of stuck. Maybe you could help me with that?" Cas smiles. "Sure. I'd love to, Dean." Dean scoots his chair over as Cas pulls his to Dean's side of the table. Even with Dean pressed against the wall, their legs are against each other. Dean trys to keep his cool while he points out the section to Cas. The story included a scene of Sherlock threatening John against a wall. During that bit Cas's smile showed faint tints of help in laughter. And at the end he looked over at Dean, who felt like his face was on fire. "So that's what you're looking for in a relationship?" Dean shrugs. "Yeah uh I guess..." Cas turns to look at him face on. A slightly more serious tone to his face. "Well... What about me?" Dean swears his face is as red as the leaves outside. "... What about you?" Cas smiles. "What would you do if I pressed you against this wall and kissed you right here? There's no one else around right now." Dean licks his lip out of habit. "I think... I would fall in love." Cas smiles and presses Dean's wrists gently to the wall, pressing his forehead to Dean's and looking into his bright green eyes. And then softly and loving, Cas moves his face and firs their lips together. Dean feels a rush of warmth flow through him. This is what he always imagined it to be like. Dean sighs as Cas pulls away slightly. The two smile at each other again and Dean quickly leans forward and pulls Cas in my his apron strings, kissing him again and again I til both were breathless. A clapping noise startles both of them. "Haha So I WAS right Cas." Cas whips around and stares down his brother, trying to frantically regain his dignity. "I uh... Gabriel! I'm gonna beat you up... You better-" But he's cut off by Dean pulling him in again. Cas holds up a middle finger to his brother as he holds Dean close. "So Dean..." Cas says slowly, as he rests his head against the others shoulder. No customers have come in yet so Cas had been watching Dean write for the last hour. "Yes Cas?" "Was that the type of fanfic kiss you wanted?" Dean smiles, kissing Cas's hhair gently. "No Cas." Cas jerks his head up suddenly and looks up into Dean's face, obviously alarmed by this answer. "No Cas, it was much better." Cas smiles and presses a kiss to Dean's neck before lying his head back down. Dean smiles in contentment. This was by far the best fall day he had ever experienced.
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