If you’re wondering what we are up to...
Identifying influencing factors for well-being and education of children with Special Needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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tetrisodyssey · 4 years
We expanded our chosen area of focus (education for the deaf)
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A. Started with defining what is education, its levels and narrowed the problem area down to the higher education level
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B. Looked at existing practices in higher education and communication for the deaf, highlighted the problem areas and started to define the problem statement
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teamfirebolt · 4 years
So far so good!!!!
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thebasicsteam · 4 years
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Seeking answers and fun 😊
Hi! 👋
We are a couple of fun designers who love to look at things with a fresh perspective 👀
Our motto is to make things simple for the people using the advance technologies that this amazing world has to offer!
Looking forward to have an amazing time in this Designathon!!
Best 😀
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alniksuga · 4 years
Calmer - an IOT enabled App for Autistic Children and their Care Givers
Brand Identity:
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Context and problem area chosen:
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Learning and Education for specially-abled people 
Currently, one in 500 people are diagnosed with autism in India, which translates to 0.2 percent of the population, or 21.6 lakh individuals according to the Rehabilitation Council of India. The term “autism” appeared in Indian literature for the first time in 1959.
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have difficulties with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). These difficulties are exacerbated by schools being shut and their learning having moved online.
Many children with ASD face abuse from peers as well as adults and do not have the ability to share their experience appropriately. Game and Video based learning, visually aided learning and multisensory education have proven to be effective in helping children with ASD perform better with their SEL. Story-based examples and educational content have proven to generate empathetic responses from children with ASD.
Existing Gaps:
Parents of children with ASD are struggling to find appropriate learning solutions for their children and cater to their child’s special needs without enough training or information
Online resources for ASD children exist, however, these rely primarily on parents to fulfill all the educational needs of their child. Teaching ASD children and tracking their progress is best when done collaboratively with therapists and teachers.
Few chances to learn/build Relationship Skills in online school
Not enough resources that allow children to learn progressively based on interest
Tracking an autistic child’s development milestones is not an easy task for parents and caregivers. For parents there are a number of significant childhood milestones to watch out for. For autistic children most significant development milestones are delayed. Significant milestones from the perspective of an autistic child’s psychosocial development are
Physical milestones.
Social milestones
Cognitive and emotional milestones
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One of our team members has an autistic brother and another team member has an autistic member of the family. So drawing from our own personal experiences we made some inferences and observations that we tried to-and the key word being tried since a neurotypical can never understand the gargantuan struggles that a person with autism goes through-draw from. Not satisfied with this alone we reached out to our existing network to put us in touch with a few caregivers who have children who are autistic and a special educator who works with kids with autism.
We did interviews of 2 mothers and 1 special education teacher who works with children from the autism spectrum at the British School Delhi.
Design Brief
How might we enable working mothers and caregivers with autistic children to facilitate the socio-emotional growth of their autistic children?
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How will we do the tracking of emotions?
We will do this through cctv based eye tracking and electroencephalography
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder present with atypical gaze and cortical activation to facially expressed emotions.
• Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder may use compensatory strategies during facial emotion recognition.
• Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder may employ self-regulatory strategies during facial emotion recognition.
• Eye tracking and electroencephalography findings may provide potential markers for diagnosis and treatment targets.
Prototype Screens:
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Melissa H. Black, Nigel T.M. Chen, Kartik K. Iyer, Ottmar V. Lipp, Sven Bölte, Marita Falkmer, Tele Tan, Sonya Girdler - Mechanisms of facial emotion recognition in autism spectrum disorders: Insights from eye tracking and electroencephalography (Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.06.016. )
Veronica Ornaghi, Jens Brockmeier, Ilaria Grazzani, - Enhancing social cognition by training children in emotion understanding: A primary school study (Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, ISSN 0022-0965, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2013.10.005 ) Whitley, Christiana K., "Socio-Emotional Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder" (2016). Honors Theses. 426. https://aquila.usm.edu/honors_theses/426 https://www.parentingscience.com/social-skills-activities.html https://www.autismparentingmagazine.com/autism-social-skills/ https://seedautismcenter.com/blog/social-emotional-learning/ https://researchautism.org/online-education-autism/ https://www.mayinstitute.org/pdfs/boston_parents_paper_puzzling_through.pdf https://neurodevelopment.ucsf.edu/project-evo https://scerts.com/
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thethinkmusketeers · 4 years
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Mini Challenge 3- Meme
Our experience at this Designathon is going fun and crazy but we are way too SLEEPYYYY!!!
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cold-flame · 4 years
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Mini challenge 3 - meme
Plans vs Realty.
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kardeeb · 4 years
We found something!
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team-band · 4 years
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Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy
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Mini Challenge-1.1
Meet our team!
Two over-dramatic grownups who find play in everything!
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powerstrangers536 · 4 years
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Brainstorning of Ideas by the Strangers!
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Presenting it for the Tumblr Crowd :)
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This storyboard aptly explains the journey of our primary stakeholder- children, who were forced to be indoors in wake of the pandemic. We imagine a preferred state where the children have a resilient relationship with ecosystem.
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cold-flame · 4 years
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Mini Challenge - 1
Hello Valuelabs, we are team cold-flame!!
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kardeeb · 4 years
Drowning in problems!
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It’s there somewhere. Keep looking!
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