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O digital é o agora. | Faço Design Novo Hamburgo
O digital complementa o design ao expandir suas possibilidades, permitindo a criação de experiências únicas e personalizadas que capturam a essência da marca.
Com o digital, o design ganha uma nova dimensão, onde interatividade e adaptabilidade se tornam parte integral do processo criativo. Essa parceria não só melhora a estética, mas também a funcionalidade e a acessibilidade do design.
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Créer des visuels pros avec CreatorKit
🚀 Boostez vos visuels en un clin d’œil avec #CreatorKit ! Un outil simple, puissant et indispensable pour donner vie à vos idées créatives. 🌟 https://kingland.fr/creer-visuels-pros-creatorkit/ Bonjour à tous ! 👋 Je suis Chloé Roux, #IA designer #UX/#UI de l’équipe des 100 IA chez KingLand.fr. Passionnée par l’#art, le #design, et les technologies créatives, j’aide les professionnels à optimiser leurs expériences numériques. Aujourd’hui, j’ai rédigé un article sur CreatorKit, une solution innovante qui simplifie la création de visuels et de #vidéos pour les réseaux sociaux et l’#ecommerce. 🌐 Avec mon expertise en #DesignUX et #CréationDeContenu, j’explore cet outil qui allie simplicité et puissance pour dynamiser votre présence en ligne. Imaginez pouvoir transformer une simple image en visuel professionnel en quelques clics… C’est exactement ce que CreatorKit propose, et j’adore son potentiel ! 💡 👉 Lisez l’article complet ici : https://kingland.fr/creer-visuels-pros-creatorkit/ Vous y découvrirez comment cet outil peut vous faire gagner du temps tout en boostant votre créativité. Personnellement, je suis impressionnée par la fluidité et l’efficacité de CreatorKit. Que vous soyez créateur, entrepreneur ou simple passionné de visuels, c’est un véritable atout pour briller dans l’univers numérique. ✨ “La créativité est l’intelligence qui s’amuse.” – Albert Einstein #Visuels #CréationDeContenu #Eshop #DesignGraphique #MarketingDigital #Innovation #RéseauxSociaux #AI #KingLandFR
CreatorKit vous permet de créer des visuels professionnels rapidement et facilement pour booster votre présence en ligne et capter l’attention de votre audience. Saviez-vous que 90 % des informations transmises au cerveau sont visuelles et qu’elles sont traitées 60 000 fois plus rapidement que du texte ? Dans un monde où la première impression compte, CreatorKit se révèle être un atout…
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This semester I took 5 classes while working and learned a bit about how to make better use of my time. It’s a struggle to be more productive but realizing pretty obvious things that we may overlook can be helpful! . . . . . . #uxdesign #industrialdesign #sustainabledesign #userinterfacedesign #uxuidesign #userexperiencedesign #uxdesigner #usercentereddesign #designux #usercentricdesign #uxdesignerlife #ux #ui #student #interactiondesign #juniordesigner #smc #ixd (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPJLmPxD_tX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Je m'intéresse beaucoup aux méthodes du design thinking ces derniers temps. Et quand un sujet m'intéresse, je le dessine !
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"Arte. Eu não preciso dela!" Há alguns meses, li em uma postagem no FB de uma crítica de arte, que ela, espantanda, havia lido a afirmação acima. A experiente crítica ficara indignada com a expressão e com os argumentos que tentavam dar sustentação à categórica negação da arte. Seu autor defendia sua fala apontando áreas de atuações profissionais que, em algum momento havia recorrido e que seriam necessárias em detrimento à Arte. Ele afirmara que já precisara de médicos, advogado, contador e outros profissionais mas, nunca precisara de um "artista". Sendo assim, segundo ele, não precisaria de "arte". Então, a pergunta a ser feita é : será que não? O interessante é que a Arte é tão presente na vida cotidiana das pessoas que passa desapercebida. A população convive com ela e se ela não estiver presente explicitamente, estará de forma implícita. Neste momento estou olhando para o design do meu smartsphone. Escrevendo com um tipo de letra (design gráfico); sobre um fundo branco ( cor, elemento da arte visual). Do momento que vestimos a roupa escolhida para ir trabalhar à hora que sentamos para almoçar, estamos fazendo opções influenciadas pela Arte. E isto é maravilhoso. Gilson Bezerra Artista visual / Webdesigner / Designer gráfico Fundador da hybrydus www.hybrydus.com #arte #designdeinteriores #design #designer #designdemarca #designergrafico #webdesigner #webdesign #hybrydus #sites #logomarca #criacao #publicidade #marketing #ciberculrura #comunicaovisual #percepcaovisual #saopaulo #designUX #fulldesign # (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsYTpagjCvm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ifw5byic13qi
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Design UX em SP
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SER O NO SER: Diseño cartesano vs humanista.
En su publicación “diseño cortesano” de Ramiro Espinoza, el autor devela muy lúcidamente los grandes problemas en la práctica profesional del diseño en aras de la modernidad y el creciente capitalismo en el S.XIX; de su génesis a su desarrollo y evolución. Si bien estoy de acuerdo en muchos de sus postulados disto de estarlo en otros. El presente escrito pretende ser un análisis comparativo entre los postulados de Espinoza y la realidad contextual de mi formación universitaria de Diseño en México. Cabe mencionar, que pese a ser un análisis desde una óptica fundamentalmente personal, trataré de enfocar las conclusiones a la situación de la enseñanza del diseño en general y su impacto en el contexto mexicano.
Ramiro Espinoza parte haciendo una relatoría de hechos breves y concisos de hitos en la historia del diseño. Para la primera mitad del S. XX el diseñador ya tenía definida su identidad, plantea el autor, y concuerdo que para entonces ya había una noción aceptada sobre el diseño como respuesta que dista a la noción romántica del arte. Sin embargo, creo que faltó acotar un hecho que, a consideración propia, es la pieza medular de todos los problemas y retos que enfrenta el diseño en la actualidad, y es lo referido a los fundamentos en los que fue concebido tal como lo conocemos, pues se sabe que en los inicios el diseño nace por la necesidad de reconstruir Alemania tras la primer gran guerra. Eran someramente artes aplicadas; arte que tenía utilidad. Ésta visión de diseño como una rama más del arte es la que pone el desorden, pues como podemos ver en el devenir de la disciplina, al no tener bases sólidas independientes el desarrollo fue creciendo de una forma un tanto inconsistente. Cabe resaltar que es opinión personal, y que no se trata de culpar a Walter Gropius por no lograr ver las repercusiones que su idea generaría, más bien trato de evidenciar que los retos actuales en la profesión son en parte los mismos que hemos arrastrado por años.
Aunado a lo anterior, Espinoza menciona una discrepancia que surge posteriormente ya en la escuela de Ulm, y es respecto al modelo pedagógico; por un lado la propuesta de Max Bill, ex alumno de la Bauhaus y alguna vez rector de la HfG Ulm y por el otro la crítica de Aicher, Maldonado, Gugelot y Zeischegg, quienes bajo la premisa del formalismo rechazaron el modelo de Max Bill, basado en la creación estética y la producción “honesta” como fundamento del qué hacer en diseño. Tenemos pues 2 postulados que van directamente relacionados a la carencia de bases teóricas sólidas; uno apegado al valor estético y lo sublime del diseño y otro cargado hacia el pragmatismo y funcionalismo de “La buena forma”. En lo personal creo que tal disyuntiva no ha podido encontrar momentos de encuentro claros, o no al menos en las escuelas de diseño en México, pues por mencionar un ejemplo tenemos el contraste de la formación cargada al humanismo en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y por otro el modelo enfocado al pensamiento científico de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) En consecuencia, no podemos hablar aún de diseño en México en términos amplios, puesto que hasta para los profesionales es difícil definir qué es lo que hacemos. Eso sí, es fácil decir que podemos hacer muchas cosas, pero otra cosa distinta lo es el enunciar el cómo.
Hasta este momento podemos ver que los grandes retos del diseño se enmarcan en contextos que si bien son lejanos al actual siguen permeando en el desarrollo de la disciplina en nuestro país, hecho que como muestro al inicio, se puede ver reflejado en el rol económico que juega el diseño en México, por mencionar un ejemplo lo que ocurre en cuanto a percepción de confianza de inversión en el sector privado según el IMCO. Aunque no todo es responsabilidad de las y los diseñadores, pues lo anterior es reflejo de una economía subdesarrollada donde las prioridades de inversión y capitalización son otras. Basta con revisar las cifras del PIB que se dedican a investigación en México, pues de acuerdo a estadísticas publicadas por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) México dedica únicamente 0.5% de su Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) a las áreas de investigación y desarrollo. Para darnos una idea, nuestro país se encuentra a la par de países como Tanzania, Uganda, Senegal y Botswana. Como podemos ver, nos encontramos lejos de ser un país interesado en la innovación (Fin último del diseño, a consideración personal).
En suma de todo lo planteado, el autor hace una distinción clara entre ser un diseñador cortesano, siendo éste el que sólo se preocupa por suplir necesidades de un cliente sin plantearse cuestiones éticas, y el de un diseñador sin más, que es todo lo contrario. Básicamente la publicación de Espinoza no plantea una distinción, sino, enmarca a un tipo de diseñador que se alejó, según él, de los principios bajo los que el diseño surge y se acercó más a lo que criticaba; el artista burgués. Algo en lo que no puedo estar totalmente de acuerdo con Ramiro Espinoza es con la premisa donde toda su tesis cierra, pues enuncia que la elección de ser una clase u otra de profesional del diseño recae en el diseñador o diseñadora. Creo que es mucho más complejo que eso.
Valdría la pena parar a reflexionar todo lo que interviene para ser un diseñador de tipo cortesano o no, pues como enuncie anteriormente no todo es culpa del diseñador o diseñadora, lo es también del estado y sus políticas públicas, las instituciones y su enseñanza, así como las exigencias del campo laboral bajo un contexto neoliberal capitalista. En ese sentido, yo diría que la elección de ser cortesano o no en realidad nunca ocurre, pues es más bien una consecuencia del camino que las estructuras económicas, culturales, etc. Fueron forjando para el diseñador. Si embargo, vale la pena remarcar que, si bien el rol del diseño está supeditado a otros factores externos, al final sí hay una responsabilidad fuerte de cambiar el panorama que recae en quienes ejercemos la profesión, puesto que afortunada o desafortunadamente, los aciertos en la práctica del diseño se miden en la práctica. Hemos de aprender a caminar con pasos firmes sobre fango, supongo que ese es en la actualidad el mayor problema a solucionar en diseño.
- El diseño cortesano, Ramiro Espinoza (2003) recuperado de: https://www.yumpu.com/es/document/view/14616450/el-diseno-cortesano-ramiro-espinoza-designblog
- Las estadísticas de inversión en Investigación y Desarrollo proporcionadas por la UNESCO se encuentran en: http://uis.unesco.org/apps/visualisations/research-and-development-spending/%C2%A0
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📒 The Most Important Rule in UX Design that Everyone Breaks
Please check new stuff from the world. Contact us now for amazing things 💪 (⊙‿⊙) 👉 http://namtech.com.au/contact-us 👈 (⊙‿⊙)
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Reposting @thibautdeveraux: ... "#Words of #design. Crea.Coffee publie une liste très complète de Blogs autour des différents métiers du design. Utile pour compléter sa veille pro ! http://buff.ly/2tYBhT3 #designindustriel #designproduit #graphisme #ux #designresearch #designgraphique #motiondesign #animation #sounddesign #designux #industrie #designculinaire #designsonore #fooddesign #experienceutilisateur #webdesign #designdeservices #servicedesign #conception #produit #decoration #deco #spacedesign #architecture #prospective" (à Auvergne, France)
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Why is good User Experience design essential for businesses?

You might be wondering why good User Experience design is essential for businesses.
One of the major aspects of any business is User experience. Without good User Experience design, your customers will be frustrated and likely leave your website or app.
Some of the best UX agencies in India provide a team of experts who can help make your website or app look great and function well. When you hire qualified professionals, they can provide your customers with expert advice that will ensure a positive buying experience.
Significance of User Experience (UX) Design
UX design, being an integral part of product development allows companies to create products that fulfils the user needs, while also being creativity and innovative with mind.
Designers need to understand human psychology and behaviour to create a good UX. They also need to be excellent problem-solvers, able to come up with creative solutions to complex problems.
Why is UX design important for businesses?
Creating a great UX can be a daunting task, but it can be incredibly rewarding. When done right, UX can make a product more enjoyable and even increase sales. Some of the benefits of UX design for business are given below:
· Investing in UX design upfront can have a significant ROI. By focusing on the needs of your users, you can design websites and apps that are not only effective but also a pleasure to use.
Studies have shown that improving UX can lead a significant increase in conversions. With our ecommerce portal design company, we strive to make the user experience as comfortable as possible for you.
· The User Experience (UX) process is a great way for any business looking to boost their customer satisfaction and retention rates. A well- UX design can help with your SEO in several ways. First, UX design can help make your website more user-friendly, leading to higher search engine rankings.
Additionally, UX design can help to improve your website's conversion rate, which can also result in better SEO. Finally, UX design can help you create a better user experience overall, leading to more website visitors and, thus, better SEO.
So, if you want to rank higher on Google's SERPS (search engine results pages), consider hiring a UX designer.
· Brand loyalty is a vital part of any successful company. This is a great way to increase your profit margin. Fortunately, businesses can do many things to increase brand loyalty, and one of the most effective is investing in UX design.
By creating a user-friendly experience that meets your customers' needs, you can encourage them to keep coming back. Studies have shown that good UX design can lead to a decrease in customer churn rates of up to 35%. The power of good UX design can boost your brand loyalty by leaps and bounds.
· UX design can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to increase word-of-mouth referrals. Indeed, studies have shown that 84% of consumers say they either completely or somewhat trust recommendations from friends and family. While many factors can influence whether or not someone will give you a referral, UX design is often overlooked.
Wrapping Up
It's essential for businesses to have good user experience design because it can be the difference between retaining customers and losing them. With our customer-centric approach to ecommerce portal design, we're committed towards creating delightful user experiences that keep your customers coming back for more.
Contact today at Sudha Solutions and let's work together on building an online presence so great it would be hard not have the same feeling each time they visit!
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Difference Between UX and UI Design Which You Should Know
User experience (UX) is the interaction that a user has with a product or service. UX design takes into account every element that shapes this experience, how it makes the user feel, and how simple it is for the user to complete their desired tasks. This can include everything from how a physical product feels in your hand to how simple the checkout process is when making an online purchase. The goal of UX design is to create user experiences that are simple, efficient, relevant, and enjoyable all around.
What is UX (User Experience) design?
The relationship between a product and the person using it is referred to as the user experience (UX). UX design is concerned with creating products that are simple to use and enjoyable to use.
What is UI (User Interface) design?
The designer creates interfaces in software or computerized devices with a focus on aesthetics or style called a User interface. Designers strive to create user interfaces that are both simple to use and enjoyable. UI design encompasses graphical user interfaces as well as other forms, such as voice-controlled interfaces.

How we can differentiate between UX Design and UI Design
UX Design and UI Design
1. UX design considers everything that influences a user's journey to solve a problem.UI design is a process that is primarily concerned with how a specific product's surfaces appear and function.
2. UX design entails research, testing, development, content creation, and prototyping. UI is the process of visually guiding a user through the interface of a product using interactive elements across all platforms.
3. UX design is the process of creating and improving quality interactions between a user and all aspects of a business The strength and visual assets of a brand are communicated to the interface of a product through UI design.
4. UX design is a holistic experience that is not limited to the screen. UI design is usually a combination of visual and information design centered on screens.
5. It necessitates both creative and convergent thinking. It necessitates both creative and critical thinking.
6. UX design is based on the needs and requirements of the client. The user's needs and research are at the heart of UI design.
7. Mockups, graphics, and layouts are required for UX design. Wireframes, prototyping, and an effective research strategy are required for UI design.
UX Designer Responsibilities
Here are a few important responsibilities of a UX designer:
Recognize product specifications as well as user psychology.
Conduct concept and usability testing and solicit feedback. Develop personas based on user research and data.
Define the best interaction model and assess its success.
Create wireframes and prototypes based on customer requirements.
Find novel approaches to resolving UX issues (e.g. usability, findability)
Collaborate with UI designers to create eye-catching designs.
Designers should be informed of design concepts and prototypes.
Maintain an awareness of competitor products and industry trends.
UI Designer Responsibilities
Here are a few important responsibilities of UI designer:
Collaborate with product management and engineering to define and implement new product direction, visuals, and user experiences.
Execute all stages of visual design, from concept to final hand-off to engineering.
Create one-of-a-kind solutions to complex design roadblocks by bringing simplicity and user-friendliness to them.
To effectively communicate interaction and design ideas, create wireframes, storyboards, user flows, process flows, and site maps.
Design and key milestone deliverables must be presented and defended to peers and executive-level stakeholders.
Conduct user research and feedback evaluation
Create and disseminate design guidelines, best practices, and standards.
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Free UI UX Design Guide For Startups 2021
UI & UX Design
UX design for startups is the first-class manner to begin your business. Nowadays, many groups need their websites or apps to appearance special from others and without difficulty compete withinside the market. Most agencies rent UI UX Designer organizations for or her paintings on their layout projects.
UX stands for User enjoy, and UI stands for User interface, so those phrases are used collectively. Designers additionally use those elements in their designing paintings.
The roles of each are absolutely special from every other & additionally consult with numerous factors of the product improvement procedure and the layout discipline.
The user enjoys layout is the primary human manner of designing products & consists of all communications among client and company.
A UX Designer creates how the consumer feels, additionally steady its miles for the consumer to perform their coveted tasks. The cause of UX layout is to installation easy, effective, enticing reviews for the consumer.
The attention in UI layout for startups is the consumer interface. A UI Designer works on icons, buttons, typography, color schemes, spacing, imagery, and responsive layout. It handles the product development, research, content, format into an attractive, guiding, and responsive revel in for users.
When someone begins offevolved their UX and UI for startups, they consider the numerous designs for startups 2021. It covers the numerous elements that assist startups to paintings in keeping with them.
UI UX Design Guide For Startups
When you're considering UX design for startups, it consists of many points. Let us speak each aspect, so we recognize the way it works.
User Experience Age
The technological increase during the last couple of long time has highlighted the hobby of giving customers intuitive interfaces. It makes it reachable for them to discover the functions they need.
UX designers' paintings are evolved for customers to locate an enjoyable, fascinating, fresh solution. The consequences constantly degree thru metrics representing consumer behavior.
UX design for startups makes use of facts from anthropology, psychology, sociology, cognitive science, photo layout, business layout. User revel in entails analytical questioning and creativity. It creates a version that encourages human beings to get entry to a completely unique revel in.
Understand Your Users
The vital factor for UX and UI for startups is to recognize their goal audience. Many groups use diverse methods to recognize approximately their customers and create plans to have to interact with them. Most of the startup is going with guerrilla studies, along with surveys, remarks forums. It facilitates to satisfy consumer potentialities to draw greater people.
It is tremendous whilst making ready a usability test, and their writing ends in testers and defines the correct interaction. They plan very well approximately unique components of the product that require trying out.
Customer interviews are usually an easy studies method. They ask questions in-depth, increase compassion to its limits, and take note of mute details.
It is essential to recognize which studies strategies are higher for guerrilla-fashion usability trying out or purchaser interviews. The excellent manner to increase an exquisite consumer revel in is thru energetic verbal exchange with customers. There is usually a want to recognize the voice of your customers that facilitates in concentrating on the audience.
Effective Design Methods
When we're discussing layout for startup 2021, we realize the right manner of layout techniques. It allows us to create designs effectively by the usage of diverse ideas, which includes wireframes or prototypes.
We construct a strategic framework for the actual nature of wireframes, mockups, and prototypes. Speed, accuracy, and stories are 3 factors that are vital for the proper preference of layout technique.
UX designers create wireframes & prototypes quickly due to the full-time communique with group contributors to make the method easy. The layout wishes abundance, so there may be a want to attempt diverse strategies to interact with greater people. UI layout for startups receives benefited from those powerful layout strategies.
Design Hacking
The machine metrics yielding to human behaviors and helping group contributors to provide an explanation for a route enables UX layout for startup work.
The user enjoys layout prevails on the crossroads of artwork and technological know-how. It is a pleasing combination of visible artwork, sturdy psychology, and numbers. The approach of technological know-how permits us with a whole variety of qualitative studies strategies as case studies, direct observation, unstructured interviews, in-intensity interviews.
Qualitative strategies are first-class for increasing your view and stretching your thoughts with contemporary thoughts that originated out of your goal group. We use much equipment for layout and boom hackings which include monetary and behavioral metrics in order that we get top results. It enables in making the procedure clean and quick.
Launching a product is an event to check customers’ conduct, get from it, and enhance the layout for UX and UI for a startup. UX designers usually discern the conduct of customers and beautify their enjoy.
When we supply a UX is the number one step closer to thinking about how humans use it to benefit authentic statistics to hold looking for progressive answers and optimizing coming versions. It is beneficial for UX design for startups to consider that UX layout is the handiest appropriate for comparing performance. There is usually a want for regular optimization.
UI UX layout handiest works if humans hold the usage of it, and that they get a higher person to enjoy. Most startups accept this as true within developing a tremendous person enjoy business.
UI UX layout for manual facilitates UX design for startups. It is higher to keep away from high-priced answers and paintings on cost-powerful answers. Optimize your designs in order that customers interact with merchandise or brands.
In the contemporary era, world-magnificence and industry-main protection offerings for residential, commercial, retail, and institutional clients because, pretty simply, protection is a primary human proper and want.
Steps For UI UX Design Guide
- Every layout for startup 2021 wishes to observe a few steps in order that their mission will extend and without problems compete with their competition withinside the market. There are some steps that might be essential for UX design for startups.
- The numerous steps are to realize approximately software program product wishes. If you become aware of your software program product wishes, it facilitates you to investigate key layout elements. You can plan what you need to layout and develop, so it is simple for designers to create catchy designs. Hire UI UX layout employer in your UX layout for a startup. They assist to goal the target market withinside the satisfactory way.
- Most startups make efforts for the duration of the growth technique with complete enthusiasm for improvement and coding degrees earlier than designing their product. There is a want to recognize the number one element of layout UX and UI.
- In UX, the person connects with the product & acknowledges from the complete experience. UI consists of all of the elements that allow a person to narrate to a software program product.
- The startup thinks approximately User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) layout elements for the duration of the reputation of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). These layout elements require powerful personal or consumer comments input.
- It is feasible to obtain an incredible association together along with your customers. These principles paintings carefully to layout software program merchandise that might be realistic and fun for the person. It begins offevolved with understanding and the use of each layout principle.
Most of the startups expand and layout their websites or apps in a manner that gives clients pleasure. Boosting client pleasure allows to hold to apply merchandise and propose them to their pals and family. It allows corporations to sell their business.
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The beginning of everything! #DesignUX/UI #UserExperience
La nota del proyecto final no hace falta contarla, verdad? #10 ;)
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To create great experiences for users, this blog post contains a list of the most common methods and techniques used by UX Designers.
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Tips & resources for Mobile UX designer coming from Web UX
Online marketing campaigns today are highly dependent on user experiences, so how should a web UX be optimized so as to generate a good rapport with potential customers
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