aurantia-ignis · 1 year
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My entry for @rockmiyabideusexmachina's summer contest!
When I read the contest guidelines, I knew I wanted something dramatic, yet also with small tinges of humour, featuring some of my favourite folks from the EXE series. When I started drafting a sketch, it began to look like a nightmare because I'd go WHY IS THERE AN EMPTY SPACE HERE DOES IT LOOK TOO EMPTY I BETTER FILL IT UP WITH MORE CHARACTERS AND THINGS and then suddenly the worry was that my composition might get too cluttered oh NO and how am I supposed to light it to get the focal points to still work out?!
Thankfully, with plenty of help and advice from my sister, I managed to get it to look somewhat like what I had envisioned <3 It was really fun to work on, in the end, especially as I got to revisit one of my favourite series of my childhood <333
Check out the other amazing entries here!! Everyone did a marvelous job!
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2023 Megaman Summer Fanart Contest - Rules Thread *CLOSED*
Happy Rockman Day! Time for the 12th annual-ish Megaman Summer Fanart Contest. Am I out of original ideas yet? Feels like it. But give it your all with these theme choices!
Two categories, in which you are allowed to submit one entry for each category, if you would like. If you place in one category, you will be automatically disqualified from the other, for reasons of fairness, and to give other people a chance to win a prize.
CATEGORY 1:  The Sand-ly Cup Playoffs (Talent)
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The very first summer contest I held was a Megaman sports videogame box art theme, in an ode to the summer Olympics and our only real Mega Man sports game at the time, Mega Man Soccer. 
Taking a cue from Capcom’s recent announcement of it’s sponsorship/tie-in support of the Japan Volleyball Association, this year, let’s focus on beach sports. 
What qualifies as a beach sport? Beach volleyball, soccer, polo, frisbee, and more, just to name a few. For a decent list of options, check this page out. Want to do something else more creative not mentioned here? You are welcome to. 
As always, you are free to draw whatever characters you would like. However, for this theme, I would like you to draw some sort of sand-themed Mega Man character or characters involved in either the competition or ruining the gameplay of this beach sport. Who counts as a sand-themed character? Any major or minor character whose stage or design involves sand/desert works for me. Some examples could be: Pharaoh Man, Ground Man, Commando Man, Desertman.EXE, Anubis Necromancess, Terra Condor, Sand Snake, Pantheon Zombies, Mummira, etc.
Content Requirements:
* Megaman character(s) of your choice
* Characters playing some type of beach sport on a sand surface
* At least one sand-themed character(s), either in competition or ruining gameplay
* As the talent category, entries will be judged on things like detail and overall composition, on top of meeting basic content requirements
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🎵 Some people consume all the Dark Chips Afraid to side with Dr. Light Some people need to help somebody In a swimsuit team Cross Fusion fight Don't you worry, It's gonna be all right 'Cause I'm always ready I won't let you outta my sight (I'll be ready) I'll be ready (Whenever you fear) No, don't you fear (I'll be ready) Forever and always, I'm always here🎵
Looks like we could use a lifeguard at this beach. 
Huh? This isn’t the beach, this is a fanart contest rules thread! 
It’s time to draw the heroes of the beach, those watching over the waters for dangers and saving people’s lives. The theme for this category is lifeguards. And one show that definitely mixed lifeguards and campy humor at times was Baywatch. Let’s draw a spiritual successor starring (The) Rockman as the leader of a ragtag group of beach lifeguards. Your goal for this category is to draw your favorite Megaman characters in some sort of humorous scene involving lifeguards wearing those iconic red swimsuits/trunks. 
Illustrate slow-motion running with oily tans, rescuing Navis from Sharkman.EXE attacks, poorly written, long-form story comics about battling criminal activity while wearing a gratuitous, fan-servicey swimsuits the entire time, etc. Parody one of your favorite episodes, like that one time they held a funeral for a lifeguard on the beach, except this time it’s all the unlockable swimsuit characters holding a funeral for the XDive character who won’t ever get a skin because the game is dead. (Too soon? Yeah...)
Content Requirements:
* Megaman character(s) of your choice
* At least one character as a lifeguard, in red swimsuits/trunks in a parody of the Baywatch series
* As the humor category, entries will be judged on things like visual gags and how much they make us laugh, on top of meeting basic content requirements.
The usual cash prizes, for you to use as you please.
The winners for each category will receive the following:
1st Place: $150 USD 2nd Place: $75 USD 3rd Place: $50 USD
When you submit, I would prefer you to include the following information in this format, along with your entry:
• (Your name/preferred alias) – As much as I usually know who you are, there’s always someone new or somebody who has a different preference from what their email name says.
• (Category this entry is for) – You can either say 1 or 2, Talent or Humor.
Only submit your own artwork, as usual. Any character, major or minor, from any series is allowed. OCs are allowed, as long as your art contains at least one canon Megaman character. 
AI artwork is definitely not allowed. Unless the AI stands for “Akane Imagery,” which, in that case, submit as much as you want. 
As always, participants are allowed to submit from all over the world.
Paypal is still the preferred method for cash prize payouts. Please have a valid account to receive your winnings.
Youngin’s, get your parents permission before entering.
Entries do not need to be colored, but it is preferred. The more effort put into things as always, the better chance you have!
Entries can either be e-mailed to me at rock2125[at]hotmail[dot]com, or you can just PM/note me a link to your pic.
DO NOT post your pics in this journal, your dA galleries, Twitter, tumblr blogs, other sites, etc. until the contest is over. This is the fairest way for competitive reasons. I prefer to keep them all secret until the deadline has passed. I’ll edit a confirmed entry list in this thread when I receive them. So you won’t be in the dark about whether or not I’ve received your entry.
The deadline for this contest will be:
Monday, August 28th, 2023 by 11:59PM, global end of day. This gives you close to 3 months to finish your entry!
- As usual, If you don’t plan to enter, but would like to help me judge, please let me know through DM or mention so here. Never hurts to have extra opinions on all the entries.
Bug me with questions if you have any. Please join in, and good luck to everyone who enters!
Confirmed Entries:
Cat. 1 - Dr. Fresh, @ingopotato, Tori, Kaitlin.EXE, @pstart, Mattasaurs, Daidaro, 
Cat. 2 - AbilityField, @grammars-doodles​, miralie, 
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fondlepunch · 2 years
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Desertman.EXE 🏜🤖
Do you think he just tracks sand all over the net? Or is it all programmed to be contained within an area of himself? Regardless, drawing the sand pattern was fun because I’ve never done that before!
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askroahmmythril · 2 years
I want to continue one the first questions I asked. So here are my favourite Bosses from each type. 1. Energy/Normal: Enker 2. Cutter: Shadow Man 3. Ground: Concrete Man 4. Ice: Fenri Lunaedge 5. Bomb: Blast Man or Grendade Man 6. Fire: Magma Dragoon hands down 7. Space-Time: Dark Necrobat 8. Piercer: Knight Man (He counts) 9. Poison: Acid Man 10. Speed: Colonel (If he counts) To be continued.
Since they're my big two, I'll try to give both a Classic and a BN answer for each.
Energy / Normal - Enker / NumberMan.EXE (I'm guessing he counts as "normal," how else to you categorize weaponized math?)
Cutter - Blade Man / ShadowMan.EXE
Ground - Jewel Man (couldn't see any other area where he'd fit) / DesertMan.EXE
Ice - Ice Man / IceMan.EXE (yeah pretty predictable there)
Bomb - Blast Man / BombMan.EXE
Fire - Fire Man / HeatMan.EXE
Space-Time - Time Man / VideoMan.EXE (I'm counting him since with things like Record, Rewind, and Fast Forward, he's basically manipulating time)
Piercer - Yamato Man / KnightMan.EXE (he is break element, and darn good at it)
Poison - Acid Man / MistMan.EXE
Speed - Nitro Man / QuickMan.EXE (he's a pain, but I love his design)
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darko-artworks · 4 years
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suranet · 6 years
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MerNavis AU
mers aren’t the only creatures swimming in the ocean and not all of said creatures are friendly.
(octopus-based sea monster desertman! yes, he can talk.)
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kitschwaffles · 7 years
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the fuck?
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pilot-critical · 3 years
Mod fang I'm actually curious on what you have to say on Bones early designs of Artman, please tell us
I want to preface this post with the fact that it Is mostly nitpicking, nothing really focused on Bones as a person or even the designs by themselves, this is mostly just entertaining to me that as far as Bones' Megaman phase, they still didn't actually care for media outside of a surface level.
This is focused on Artman's Net Navi and Reploid designs, these are the versions of Megaman I'm most familiar with and I see no point in nitpicking something I don't understand.
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Starting off with his Reploid design, the type of robot from Megaman X. The word reploid comes from "Replica Android" as their origin is replicating the original models of the main characters from the series, X and Zero.
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Looking at what X and Zero look like, you can *see* what they were going for, Artman was also meant to come from the models of X/Zero!
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But if you take a look at other reploids from the series, not even considering the fact Artman is just in general *way* sharper and edgier than what a reploid actually looks like...
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Web Spider (X4) and Commander Yammark (X6) work in a jungle and forest environment respectively.
There are A LOT of other types of them that aren't human in appearance at all, more often than not the series actually has animal-like reploids meant to take on specific tasks in specific environments, the simpler reploids are often depicted as background characters at most. Basically what I mean is that Bones missed their chance to make a way more interesting and probably fitting design for Artman by just not paying attention to the lore of a game they say they love so much.
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And honestly... I'm not even really going to talk much about Net Navi.. I'd say that one's pretty obvious.
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Megaman.EXE and Roll.EXE, main characters for Megaman Battle Network
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Desertman.EXE and Shademan.EXE, just some antagonists for bonus.
Again, mostly nitpicking. It just bothers me how much the designs are lacking and how much Bones doesn't pay attention to the media they claim to be into.
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So I’ve been trying to capture the spirit of the Rockman.EXE anime by filling it with all sorts of enemies, and what would the Rockman.EXE anime be without Net Navis that appear for either multiple episodes or just one episode? It’s one of the best things about this franchise.
However, I’ve been wondering if when I should stop. The Cyber City Trilogy has a lot of original Net Navis (and game Navis not brought to the anime) that is enough to call it its own season. However...like in the show, most of them are based off of Robot Masters. When you look at the following, these Net Navis that appeared in the anime are not based off of any Robot Master at all:
BeastMan.EXE - Okay, we always wanted to say it was Slash Man from Mega Man 7, but then Mega Man Battle Network 6 kinda put an end to that... BlastMan.EXE -  Granted, he’s a main character in the fic, but in the games it was like...the first Fire-based Net Navi not to be based off of any Robot Master, mostly because Fire Robot Masters were a lot. BowlMan.EXE and MistMan.EXE - So I know the story behind BowlMan and MistMan but...yeah. Cache - Fuck you. CircusMan.EXE - We all wanted to say this was Clown Man. It’s bullshit this isn’t Clown Man. ColoredMan.EXE - How was this not Clown Man?!...Okay, well, I can kinda see that tbh CosmoMan.EXE - This dude was like...some big shit. And space Robot Masters were rare... DesertMan.EXE - This one was one of the most coolest Net Navi designs tbh. I’ve been talking with @pen-trosity about Navi designs, and he seems to be this constant source of inspiration for Net Navis we can’t get a good grasp of tbh. ElementMan.EXE - Okay THIS I feel had to be some sort of contest Navi. Never looked into it. Never liked him. KillerMan.EXE - THIS for sure was a contest Navi. This guy BREATHES gary-stu written all over the design (even though he’s not). GateMan.EXE - Yeah so like...we wanted him to be a thing for a long time but instead he was a bad guy. And he kinda sucked. But then again a lot of Meijin’s NetNavis were Contest Navis, so... FootMan.EXE - SPEAKING of contest navis, this guy was reused for every e-sports related shit in the show! JammingMan.EXE - Fuck you. KendoMan.EXE - Meijin. Not going into details. KingMan.EXE - Okay this? This guy was kinda cool. Also really fucking hard. I mean he only had a very limited appearance in the show, but still tho. And I don’t think he’s based off of King from Mega Man and Bass. SwallowMan.EXE - Also a contest Navi. LaserMan.EXE - So he was like this big thing in MMBN4 but like...one of the good original ones tbh. Meddy.EXE - Eddy? JK NumberMan.EXE - I mean, seriously. Anyone would remember a Robot Master as useless-sounding as this. PlanetMan.EXE -  HOW WAS THIS NOT ASTRO MAN?! RideMan.EXE - Fuck you. Serenade.EXE - I....look, let’s just leave this one alone for now. ThunderMan.EXE - Elec Man, Spark Man, Dynamo Man, Cloud Man, and Clown Man. 5 Electric-based Robot Masters before MMBN2, but not ONE OF THEM a Thunder Man? The most go-to name for an electric-based Robot Master? This one threw me for a loop when I first did research and I had to double check a number of times. VideoMan.EXE - Yeah, so.......yeah, this is one of thsoe obvious ones that was clearly designed to be a Net Navi.
So...hwo do you make an original Net Navi like this? I’ve been trying to make original non-Robot Master Net Navis for YEARS, and compered to these guys, they suck! But also...there is potential. My goal is to so far make an original Net Navi that can stand in line with some of these recurring ones, but so far...I can’t think of any...
This is Kaji M., logging out.
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pixelsprite · 8 years
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My entry for @rockmiyabideusexmachina‘s Summer Fan Art Contest (results) along with the concepts for the original characters created for the contest, FlurryWoman.EXE and Iswalda Powder.
What’s a bombastic ice navi to do when caught in Beach Area in the middle of summer? Why, freeze it, of course! Poor DesertMan happened to be in the area at the time but at least he doubles as a fine lounge. Iswalda is rather doubtful of the safety of her navi’s seating arrangement and general antics but there’s no talking her out of it.
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #454:
Neo WWW Progress PETs Item Design Sheet 
Notations include:
- Sunayama’s PET [top left]    * This is a new type of PET. Please see main settei for details.    * Except for the Navi Crest, it is the same as Netto’s PET
- Inukai’s PET (New Version) [top right]    - Color Trace Paint for the line/decals around it
- Saiko’s PET [bottom left]     * This is a new type of PET. Please see main settei for details.     - Color Trace Paint for the line/decals around it
- Narcy’s PET [bottom right]      * See main settei for details on PET      - Color Trace Paint for the line/decals around it
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/2aIEEsCC
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askroahmmythril · 6 years
And Now, a Random Question
So we all know the concept of the tried and true “Head With Hands” boss.  There’s quite a few of them out there.  So now my question is as follows :
Classic Mega Man had Gamma.
Mega Man X had.... whatever Sigma turned himself into at the end of the first game.
Battle Network has DesertMan.EXE.
...What of the other series?  I haven’t played the Zero or Starforce games in a long time, and I don’t have much knowledge of Legends or ZX.  So just random curiosity, did any of them have the ol’ head with hands boss?
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cuddlingdragons · 13 years
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...And then Sizab had a really bad feeling about the rest of this episode.
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Now that the holidays have officially passed, it’s time I crank Valentine’s Day Contest promotion into high gear! Get ready for 30+ days of me posting nothing but old contest entries, as I reminisce over 10 years of me holding giveaways in exchange for you drawing lovey-dovey Megaman art! (It’ll be about 3 pics per post in order to showcase all 100+ of them)
And yes, no matter the skill level, I truly do appreciate every pic that has ever been submitted. It’s no contest without people trying their best, and the point of these posts are more about appreciating people’s art, than it is shameless plugging.
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As always, remember you can easily go back to this year’s rules post with my handy ‘V-Day Contest Info’ link at the top of my blog, where anything I have tagged concerning this year’s contest is in one easy place. The deadline is still a little over a month away, on Feb. 12th, so get a-workin’! And any reblogging and help spreading the word is always welcome.
(P.S. - Did it annoy you that for a 10th anniversary, I only have 9 participation prizes? Did you feel I needed to add a 10th to even it out? Well, I might have... To be announced when it is in my hands.)
Pretty much going to go in chronological order, starting with the very first contest back in 2007.
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The preceding entries came from the romance category, which this particular year focused on mismatched non-canon pairings brought about from Roll playing Cupid and misfiring her Roll Arrows. Being that this initial year was held at Rockman.EXE Online, the entries were all EXE-related.
As time has passed, usernames have changed and people have lost all traces of their old online selves off the web. But I will still try to credit and link to the original artist as much as I possibly can.
Artist Credits:
1.) Powerman.EXE - Medi.EXE x Searchman.EXE
2.) Roll Soul - Quickman.EXE x Cutman.EXE
3.) Raia - Hinoken x Yuriko
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Meggerman Fanart Contest Results Thread!
After a thrilling 12+ hours, the deadline has passed, and votes are in from my distinguished panel of judges:
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They have decided that
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I had no time to doodle, so enjoy a dumb, quick Lion Eddie. After a long day at work, where I tried to hide in a corner at lunch just to see any replies and was laughing like an idiot, I was extremely amused how many people played along. And sent me actual emails.
Yes, sadly anon, that was not a real Ruby Spears cel, if you were somehow of the belief it was real. Nor am I giving it away. I know, I am a fraud. You should have read the rules post closer.
Did this actually convince any of you? XD Eagle-eyed viewers would know those markings all came from real cels I own, including a 1989 Captain N copyright - Lion Men didn’t exist until the 90′s!!! It was merely a screencap, enlarged 4 times, background shoddily cut out, layer duplicated, enhanced, drop shadow added, paint flecks from actual cels overlayed, and then shrunk back down in an effort to barely look realistic. Done in like 10 minutes this morning. I thank the cosmos for sending a meteorite last night for real, to fit the story, at least.
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I don’t normally do April Fools posts, but thank you all for making it totally worth it this year! 
And now I’ll leave you with what we all came here for today: Swimsuit Lion Men and Women!!! (After the break)
@peachycircuits: The legit true winnar!! Meeowwr~
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@askadvancewars: The runner up winner who really won, but won later in the day and cover your eyes with your hands for the not SFW language but still peek through because you know you want to winner!!!
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@iandimasart: The very first reply, but hey this isn’t 2018 Mufasa memorial winner!!
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@3-oclock-blues: The my mane man, surfs up, dude winner!!
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@papillonthepirate: The 3-way-tie Mario Paint is better than MS Paint and I love that figures are all around winner!!
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@metakit: The Jeff Goldblum pose is sexy no matter what kind of hair this creature has and best use of tumblr approved censorship winner!!
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@hyperbole1729: The not sure if that’s monocle crossfit Lion Man Jesus telling the tale of Noah’s Ark on his hand that doubles as a video screen but I want to pretend he is winner!!
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@linesonwhite: The fearsome pilot of the Gazelle-shaft and devourer of Cattle Ox winner!!
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Moogy: The Moogiest of all Great Googley Moogly Desertman.EXE special attacks winner!! Lan, I need an SPF 100 Barrier chip now!
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Andy-Oh?!: The Shaquille O’Neal ‘How to prevent static electricity with your hair’ clickbait article sponsored by Frizz Ease by John Frieda winner!! 
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SCR (who actually emailed me without an alias, so I’ll give you this one): The lone tree that grows more bountiful in the Sahara heat winner!!
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Gileum: The nipple-iest, ab-iest chin that somehow also hides it’s private parts and somehow is not painful to walk or hide under a helmet, but let’s play some Sarah McLachlan during a flashback montage in his memory too, winner!!
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@julianachen: The literal “Curse of the Lion Men” cursed lion men award for literalness winner!!
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Thank you all!! I hope you had fun! This Foolish April Day will never be forgotten!! Now I and the other lion creatures can rest in peace for all eternity. 
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