#Derry D
FINALS - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
I love him. Man who has no faith in himself or humanity or god with so much blood on his hands, fighting for something he knows he can never see come to fruition in person. He carries his own literal cross and grave marker on his back. Just… he’s so iconic to me.
I'm sure I'm not the first to submit him. But I did it anyway. I hope he wins and I'll do anything in my power to make sure he does
Dude is literally a priest who carries around a giant cross. Yes he uses the cross to murder people but that is besides the point. Also he has a mini church he carries around for on-the-go confession services.
hes literally a priest(hes not a priest in the reboot but he is in the original and thats what matters to Me). he carries around a cross that is actually secretly a gun with guns inside that gun. he runs a church/orphanage. he carries around a portable confession booth and charges people money for it because he is broke as fuck. he dies bleeding out over an alter begging to god for forgiveness he doesnt think he deserves. he is everything to me.
look at this man he's a priest with a cross shaped gun that (spoilers) dies against the side of a church while waxing poetic about life and redemption (/spoilers), this is the Catholic ever.
Wolfwood is liiiiiterally Judas coded in the text. AND his weapon is a massive cross that turns into a machine gun and a LASER. Not to mention his religious trauma. Oh baby. The religious trauma.
Homeboy literally walks around with a giantass 300lb machine gun shaped like a cross called the Punisher. Hes a priest/undertaker depending on what version of trigun you reference. Grew up in a church orphanage. Also literally walks around with a portable confessional box for people to pay to confess to him. Need i say more.
HE IS LITERALLY JUDAS. he is literally leading the jesus allegory to his doom. hes also in love with the jesus allegory (vash). he is also carrying arouns a giant cross rhat is also a gun. hes literally catholic and judas and his tits are perfect. in one piece of official art he's wearing a cross choker. also the catholicism on gunsmoke is about making vash submit. wolfwood looking at that pathetic wet mess of a man oh i can make him submit easily.
He literally carries around a giant cross and is referred to as a priest by multiple characters. also he offers people confessionals
He carries a huge machine gun that is in the shape of a cross that is really heavy (he is strong) and his boobs are huge. So you know hes serving cunt in a god honoring way. Also in trigun 1998 he brings around a small chapel that he uses as a portable confessional and in trigun stampede he holds funeral services as an undertaker which are way overly priced. Also he dies very gayly (basicly confessing his love to his best boy friend forever)
Nick's funny bc he's probably the least Christian acting guy but is literally a preacher. There's a running gag with Vash asking some variation of "what the hell kinda churchman are you?" His gun is a gigantic cross. He rides a shitty motorcycle in the middle of the desert.
ok so thematically the main conflict in trigun is about peace vs violence and its represented by the characters vash and knives respectively. the two aren't /technically/ angels but thematically and through imagery they are and are comparable to michael and lucifer specifically. ANYWAYS. vash and knives are the characters who are constantly pushing and pulling at wolfwood's morality, sort of like a "the devil and god are raging inside of me" kinda deal. his grappling with his morality and faith is a big factor in his character. also he has a giant fucking gun shaped like a cross. and he dies in a church while praying.
Bros an orphan who grew up at a Catholic orphanage and taken away to be trained and genetically changed into a supercharged assassin for interworldly beings that have lots of angel imagery attached. Guy thought he was just going to be taken to become a missonary...instead he got 6 years of religious trauma. He still wears a cross necklace and holds it often. His gun is a literal cross "full of mercy" (its a missile launcher). He never really believed fully in the faith or anything, but the way he interacts with it is FASCINATING. He's jaded by the planet he lives on and his upbringing, and makes him say his most iconic quote: "We're nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself." He prays to a God he doesn't know if he actually believes in, asking for another day— for hope for the human race. The organization hes part of (The Eye of Michael) works for an interdimensional otherworldly being that has an incredible amount of angelic metaphor and imagery attached who intends to purge the planet of humans... and ends up siding with that guy's twin brother who is so Jesus coded it's insane. They are best friends even as Wolfwood is acting under instructions to babysit and watch him for his twin brother. He dies after facing down against his old mentor (named Chapel) and his pseudo brother from the orphanage who was taken into the Eye as well and his Jesus bestie buries him and sticks his cross-gun in the ground after losing his shit crazy style and using his pseudo alien angel Jesus powers to lash out at his brother for being the cause of Wolfwood's death. Rest in peace king
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via @monvment
Sister Michael
She drives a DeLorean. She does judo on Fridays. She likes a good statue and despises the French. Her full nun name is Sister George Michael, after the guy from Wham!. She is the fiercest nun you’ll ever come across and, if you’re attending Lady Immaculate College, she’s the woman in charge. So whatever you do, if you’re feeling anxious or worried or just need a chat: don’t come crying to her.
joined the nunnery for the free accommodation?
she does love a good statue it has to be said
She is the headmistress of a catholic school <3
sister michael so reminds me of the nuns who taught me. they're tough and sometimes a little harsher than a woman who dedicated her life to god should be but they're also wonderful people. i had a nun teacher who was 60 years old and would do handstands. another nun (also in her 60s) told me god was nonbinary. another was really mean and made me cry. (so did the handstand nun.) while the catholic girls school is The Catholic Experience, the school wouldn't have been the same for me or the derry girls without at least one nun who seemed to have sprung up out of the ground fully formed, ageless.
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ladyshinga · 1 year
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clangrogu · 1 year
Characters Who are Autistic, Because I, an Autistic Person, Said So
*gifs not mine*
Abed Nadir (Community)
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has special interests
doesn’t like change
vivid & complex imagination
often wishes reality is more like tv & actively tries to make it so (particularly when he’s upset/overwhelmed)
difficulty fully understanding social cues, behaviours & practices
however, he ‘studies’ those around him to learn (considering himself “a student of human character”)
excellent memory
very self-aware
infodumps, hyperfocuses & hyperfixates
dan harmon wrote abed based on himself and later discovered he’s actually autistic
Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place)
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uncomfortable crossing his ethical boundaries (including rule breaking & lying)
has a special interest
infodumps, hyperfocuses & hyperfixates
socially awkward
honestly, writing a 3,000-and-something page book on your special interest that not even an ancient demon (who can read all of humanity’s literature in an hour) can read/understand, is the most autistic thing that’s ever been done
difficulty making decisions (especially when put on the spot)
gastrointestinal issues (especially when anxious)
gets ‘worked up over little things’ (every autistic person has heard some variation of this phrase at least once, right?)
literal thinking
Xenk Yendar (Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves)
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difficulty understanding sarcasm, jokes & expressions
literal thinking
strong sense of justice/right & wrong
difficulty fully understanding social cues, behaviours & practices
literally walks in a straight line over a boulder, instead of going around it (this is 100% something i would do)
“i do not traffic in colloquialisms”
Orla McCool (Derry Girls)
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has special interests
literal thinking
sensitive to loud noises & textures (sensory issues)
difficulty with social norms & cues
difficulty understanding sarcasm & jokes
Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
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“i don’t really have a filter or a strong grasp of social cues”
sensory issues
atypical problem solving
motor difficulties
infodumps & hyperfocuses
feels different from those around her
hints of possible special interests
great memory
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the-busy-ghost · 1 year
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Alright James VI was a smart kid but I'm just not convinced that, at three years old, he would have been thinking "Wow this composer has masterfully treated the two interweaving treble parts in this Psalm"
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tophthedaydreamer · 1 year
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introducing Orla, my family's new dog!!!! we've been wanting a dog for ages, and now we finally were able to get one :DDDD this is a childhood dream come true :'D
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rinn-e · 7 months
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Michelle Mallon x Jenny Joyce
(pssht I didn't watch a single episode of this show but an internet friend of mine wrote a wonderful fic for these two which I read and drew fanart for; sadly, the fic's since been deleted but I still have the art and thought it was cute when I found it in my folders <3 justice for rare pairs! - the fic was called A Party Like No Other or sth along these lines)
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harmonaka · 11 months
Trick or treat! 👻
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and a treat too
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hazmatazz · 1 year
i was wondering if you could start calling me rej now? (like incorporating that into our convos occasionally. you don’t have to, just sayin :3)
oh of course! it's a very cute name .. <333
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purpleplaid17 · 11 months
Jess Watches // Wed 8 Nov // Day 50 Synopses & Favourite Scenes
Derry Girls (rewatching with mum) 1x06 Episode 6 (Season Finale)
Erin is over the moon when she becomes editor of the school magazine; Orla's obsessed by step aerobics; Gerry is in trouble with Mary; There's romance for Aunt Sarah.
Claire admitting she's the wee lesbian, even after having been beaten to the confession by Michelle, a huge fan of the fandango. And the gut punch of the end scene as the kids are having fun doing step aerobics, the adults are watching the news of a fatal bombing. Very powerful storytelling.
Frasier (with mum) 5x12 The Zoo Story (Mid-season break)
Frasier hires a new, ethical agent who plans to raise Frasier's profile by having the zoo name a new crane after him. Taking a different approach, Roz calls in Bebe Glazer, Frasier's former tough-as-nails agent, to represent her.
Roz revelling in the deal Bebe got and her overall idgaf attitude was excellent. And that she was constantly laughing at Frasier's misfortunes, as she should xd
A Business Proposal (with friend) Ep 5
As payback for being fooled, Tae-moo sets a trap for Ha-ri at a company event. But when she drunkenly apologizes, he has a change of heart.
He was so mad when he discovered her duplicity, but finally having the self-realization as to why he cared so much. Her cute little scurrying run in the dream sequence as she tried to manage being double booked. And her drunkenly passing out on the slide as it became too much for her. Also, the petty compliance of Youngseo as she vowed to not 'cross the line.' She is too funny.
Gen V 1x07 Sick
The gang learns what Shetty is up to.
Cate herself is a victim of all Vought/Godolkin's evil manipulations but to retraumatize Marie like that was majorly fucked up. I hadn't made the connection about Victoria and Marie's powers so that was an interesting reveal. Also, I would've loved to have had Neuman and Shetty in a scene together.
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icecreamkink · 2 years
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cobaltash · 2 years
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Dorothy Down Adown Derry ~ Fairy ~ Artificer
Dorothy belongs to @mehtoohardtofindasuitablename . Thank you for playing!
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makerscockandballs · 2 years
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@tarakau bestie I saw your ask and accidentally put it in my drafts, gone forever..... but you asked about the Mage Dilf!! i could talk about him for days but i’ll try to stick to the main stuff (also you gave me motivation to add a little color to this old sketch and put it here!)
So, Maison Surana:
Is about 50 during Dragon Age Origins, below average height, Primal Mage+Arcane Warrior with sword and shield.
Shows hardly any facial expressions and talks a bit flatly. He used to force himself to emote more, but the mental effort of that is too exhausting to him. Close friends end up learning how to read his subtle body language, like a little shrug when he makes a joke.
Very very dry deadpan humor that is often mistaken for serious statements. If you actually listen to him he's hilarious.
Sort of sauntered into the role of Senior Enchanter, teaching about his biggest strength, primal magic, and trying to keep the mages under his wing out of trouble/hiding their missteps to keep them from getting abused or killed. Never coddling them, though.
Was known to be a tough but fair teacher, highly respected and exuding authority, but had a tendency to overwork his students. Not maliciously, mind you, he just wanted to help them survive the Harrowing (back when he was Junior Enchanter) and the circle, in his own way.
He got his facial scars when he tried to defuse an argument between an apprentice & templar and was attacked by the latter in the heat of the moment. The templar got away with a slap on the wrist, the apprentice killed in the ensuing fight. Maison lost almost all sight on the right eye. Luckily his right hand arm. man (& silly rabbit) is Zevran who keeps close watch on that blind spot during battle. Sigrun picks up that responsibility in Awakening.
After Broken Circle, a certain templar's corpse was found with a dagger in the eye. Totally unrelated, Maison always swears. With a little shrug.
The further he got from the circle, the more he started to live. Everything post-Ostagar is just the Maison Going Ham arc; getting to wield his skills without restraint, falling in love deeply and earnestly with Zevran "Dilf/Gilf Hunter" Arainai, protecting fiercely instead of hiding his loved ones from danger, speaking his mind without thinking of the consequences, just letting loose overall.
Anders and him have a weird but close dynamic during Awakening since Maison knew him ever since he was taken to the circle. Maison forever sees that troublemaking teenager when he looks at Anders, while Anders still half-expects Maison to give him a scolding or homework. (Occasionally, Maison does criticize Anders' spellwork in the same tone as back then. Some habits never die.)
Should be put in a hot scented bath with a cup of tea and nobody to bother him
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torunarigha · 2 years
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ace-the-fox · 2 years
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Yeah, she totally didn't know there was a theme... for sure.
Happy Halloween! Have a silly pencil comic of the skrunklies ig 🦇 🧙‍♀️ 🧛‍♂️
Transcript under cut
[Panel 1]
Person 1: Aw, that's so cute Momo!
Person 2: Awesome take on the theme!
Momo: Heh, thanks.
[Panel 2]
Person 1: And Haruka... has come as her dad?
Person 2: Did no-one tell her there was a theme?
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galaeus · 2 years
“boundaries. we need boundaries.” / from richie!
“Oh, we are way past boundaries,” she replies under her breath, unable to look away from a particularly ugly, lop-sided Halloween decoration sat carelessly on an end table. 
(It’s so gaudy --- wait, is that the knickknack she gave him three years ago?)
Although most would be at the receiving end of a mean right hook for picking up her phone, Echo stays like a guilty dog in the corner of Richie’s living room awaiting the verdict.
Scrolling isn’t going to make a difference. The beginning isn’t any better than where this drama is ending.
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“This is the part where you tell me this is a coming-to-God talk and I need to get my shit together, because clearly I can’t do that for myself. Sidenote: please throw that out.”
/ @sinsoakedsaints​
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flashfuckingflesh · 2 years
The Mayflower Brought the Thanks of EVIL Long Ago! "The Last Thanksgiving" reviewed! (Scream Team Releasing / Blu-ray)
The Mayflower Brought the Thanks of EVIL Long Ago! “The Last Thanksgiving” reviewed! (Scream Team Releasing / Blu-ray)
Gobble Up and Chow Down on “The Last Thanksgiving” on Blu-ray! Lisa-Marie Taft is known for being uncompromisingly difficult to be around with her snarky comments and negative attitude.  She’s especially coarse when she has to spend her Thanksgiving holiday working tables at the restaurant, one of the only places open on Thanksgiving.  Stuck with the equally as enthusiastic coworkers, Lisa-Marie…
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