#Denver Concepts Jobs
False Confidence: Chapter 12
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Pairing: Javy “Coyote” Machado x Reader
Part of the San Diego Dogfighters universe
Summary: The Athletic named Javy Machado the fifth sluttiest player in the NHL last year. He’s a known playboy who leaves every game with a different girl. As far as he’s concerned he’s living the dream, playing his dream job with the dream lifestyle. Unfortunately his friends and bosses don’t agree. At 33, they think it’s time for him to settle down. You’re a kindergarten teacher at an esteemed private school. You don't expect much when you finally accept your colleague’s invitation to attend her husband’s hockey game but when you accidentally get separated in the post-game rush, you find yourself in a compromising situation with the last person you’d ever expected to meet. When his PR rep suggests a mutually beneficial agreement, your hands are tied. How long will you have to keep up the act? And how long will you be able to?
Series CW: 18+ ONLY, swearing, angst, fluff, fake relationship, suggestive language, anxiety, school system inaccuracies, hockey inaccuracies etc. There will be individual chapter warnings. No use of Y/N.
Word Count: 5.2k
A/N: Happy Friday, y’all!
Previous Chapter // Series Masterlist // Next Chapter
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You examine your classroom, straightening the decorations that you’ve hung on the wall. Every square inch of the room is decked out in various shades of pink, red, and white. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and while your students are too young to really grasp the concept, the air has been buzzing all week. It has little to do with love and everything to do with the promise of candy and cookies at the class party on Tuesday.
You find your eyes searching for the calendar on the classroom wall and a frown creeps up onto your lips. The Dogfighters are on a road trip right now and you’ve found yourself irritated at the way it feels like life has seemingly returned to the way it was before you met your new friends. You’ve spent the last week going home straight after work, occasionally to the Fitch house where you help Josie with the kids while she attempts to get some work done. She’s stretched thinner than usual with Reuben out of town and you can’t help the way you wonder to yourself if this is your future. And while it makes you nervous, there’s a part of your stomach that flutters giddily.
You and Javy have been official for a little over a week, but the road trip has taken up most of that time. You’re anxious to see Javy again, and you’re seriously starting to doubt the old proverb that promises that absence makes the heart grow fonder. You’ve finally allowed yourself to be upfront about your feelings for him, given that he’s actually your real boyfriend now. He’s your real boyfriend now. You can’t help the way you bounce on the balls of your feet in excitement as a fresh wave of giddy butterflies flutters through your stomach. Another glance at the calendar reminds you that despite this being your first Valentine’s Day with Javy, he’s going to have to meet it, playing a game in Seattle tomorrow night. The two of you have plans for the weekend, however, a belated celebration once he’s back and rested. After the game in Seattle, they have one more game in Denver on Thursday before they get back to San Diego on Friday.
“You’re in a good mood this morning.” A voice from behind you teases and you pause your drawing on the board to look over your shoulder to where Josie’s leaning against the doorframe.
“Josie! Good morning!” You greet her as you cap the marker and wipe your hands off on your overalls as you go over to give her a hug that she returns before handing you a to-go cup that smells delicious.
“We stopped for a little treat this morning since the kids are missing Daddy extra.” She gives you a tired but rueful smile. You know if you miss Javy after barely dating him for a week, Josie must be missing Reuben something fierce after being married for a decade.
“They’ll be home on Friday,” you remind her, trying to sound cheerful but your melancholy must show through your facade because Josie gives you a gentle smile.
“Hey, what are you doing tomorrow night?” She asks, and you see a scheming twinkle in her eyes.
“Tomorrow? Nothing really, I was going to watch the match while I grade papers, and then Javy said he’d call afterward and we could get takeout for Valentine’s Dinner.” You ignore the way your stomach flips at the words Valentine’s Dinner. “Why? Did you need help with the kids tomorrow night?”
“Yeah actually,” Josie says casually, sliding a hand into her pocket. “I thought maybe we could watch the game together?”
“Of course! That would be so much fun, what time should I come over?” You’re secretly excited not to have to spend the night alone with your TV and your thoughts when you’re sure the jitters will be too distracting to get any work done anyway.
“Well we’re going to have to leave right after school if we’re going to make the flight,” Josie says and you blink, confused until you look down and see the tickets that Josie’s holding out to you.
“W-what?” You stammer as your brain struggles to catch up with your eyes.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Roadie,” she says and you look from the tickets back up her and then back down to the tickets before you almost spill the coffee in your hand as you throw your arms around Josie. Josie laughs, fishing the coffee from your hand and depositing it safely on a nearby bookshelf.
“Josie, I can’t, it’s too much,” you blubber uselessly as you sob into her shoulder, all composure lost at your best friend’s kindness.
She just shakes her head as she pats your back comfortingly. “The kids miss their dad, I miss my husband, and you can’t miss your first Valentine’s Day with Javy. He’s still not my favorite person in the world but he makes you happy so I can’t hate him.” You choke out a chuckle at Josie’s words.
“Thank you, Josie.” You whisper and she just shakes her head again.
“Don’t thank me, just enjoy the day.” She pauses before she adds. “I’d originally wanted to surprise you with it tomorrow but I figured I should give you a chance to pack.” She laughs and you join in.
“I think my brain might have exploded,” you point out and she laughs harder.
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning, so we have just one car and we can go straight from work to the airport.” You nod, still breathless over the fact that you’ll get to see Javy tomorrow.
“Wait, do the boys know?” You ask, your brain firing at a mile-a-minute.
Josie shakes her head, a conspiratory grin spreading across her face. “I thought we could surprise them. Zam knows she’s the one that arranged the game tickets.”
“We’re going to the game?!” You grasp the papers Josie’s still holding and you shuffle through them to see the game tickets under the plane tickets. “Josie!” You shriek and she laughs, head tipping back.
“Don’t yell at me, those are complimentary! WAG privileges,” she reminds you and you shake your head in disbelief. Not only do you get to see Javy tomorrow, but you get to go to the game and surprise him. “Alright, I need to get going before my kids start showing up but I’ll see you at lunch,” you wave to Josie before returning to your prep for the day.
Suddenly you feel ridiculous for all the stressing you’ve done over the past week, trying to decide what to get your boyfriend for Valentine’s Day. You know Javy has no qualms about spending ridiculous sums of money on you, but you’re not exactly in a position to do the same. All the same, you’re feeling pretty proud of your Valentine’s Day gift for Javy. You’re also extremely happy that you finished in time for Valentine’s Day despite thinking you wouldn’t be able to give it to him until Saturday. You’re nervous but excited to see his reaction to it. You’re even more excited to see his reaction to your and Josie’s surprise.
You’re secretly glad that all you have planned for today is a Valentine’s Day party. You’re not sure you have the focus required to teach your students today since you’ve been bouncing off the walls with nervous excitement since you got out of bed this morning, not that you’d slept much at all. You’re secretly thankful for the parents who volunteered to help with the party because your mind is on this evening, your eyes flitting to the clock constantly, counting down the seconds until you’re done with work.
You know you should calm down and conserve your energy. The next twenty-four hours are going to be a whirlwind. After school ends, you have to rush to the airport to make your direct flight to Seattle, and from there you need to rush to the arena to make it in time for the game. After that, you’ll spend the night in Seattle before catching a red-eye from Seattle back to San Diego with barely enough time to make it back in time to teach Wednesday morning. Josie’s planning to drop off the kids with Penny for the day, since they’ll likely be too exhausted to handle a full day of school after all that travel. You secretly wish you could afford to take tomorrow off, but with so little notice, you know better than to try.
Your eyes move from the clock to the comically large vase currently taking up most of your desk. The flowers had been delivered during first period and you can’t help the giddy smile that stretches your face as you look at the bright orange blossoms. Your students had descended into giggles when you told them it was from Javy and you couldn't help but join in.
Your students finally make their way to lunch and you slump across your desk, letting the scent of the tiger lilies above you permeate your nose, and as sweet as they smell, you find yourself missing a different scent, a smokier, spicier one. You let out an exhausted groan as Josie lets herself in, coming to sit across from you.
“He sent you flowers,” she remarks, and you think she sounds a little impressed. You turn your head to squish your cheek against the cool wooden surface as you look at her and nod.
“Aren’t they perfect?” You say, a shy smile tugging at your lips as you follow her gaze to the orange blossoms.
“Tiger lilies? Not roses?” She asks, reaching a hand out to finger the blossoms, curiously.
“They’re my favorite.” You explain. “I don’t know how he knew,” you muse as a thought occurs to you. “Did you tell him?” Josie holds up her hands in surrender.
“It wasn’t me. I didn’t even know you liked tiger lilies.” Your brow furrows in thought.
“Well, technically, I love all lilies,”
“But those are your favorites now since they’re the ones he bought you,” Josie interrupts your thought and you look at her, surprised as you nod, cheeks heating.
“I used to like mums, back in college, they were my favorite and I was super vocal about it. Then I met Reuben and on our first date he bought me dahlias because he’d bought them thinking they were just big mums, and in that moment I realized I never wanted anything but dahlias. They reminded me of him, and how eager he was to make me happy, and now they’re my favorites.” The two of you sit in content silence for a long moment before she speaks up again. “Are you excited for tonight?” Your face brightens instantly and you nod enthusiastically.
“I still can’t believe it’s real, thank you so much again, Josie.” She shakes her head.
“Thank you for coming with me,” she chuckles, “but after you experience flying with two kids, I don’t think you’ll take me up on the offer again.” She teases and you roll your eyes.
“I love your kids,” you remind her and she chuckles.
“You do now, just wait.”
You can’t help the nerves that are pacing in your stomach as you worry the edge of the jersey you’re wearing. You try to channel the restless energy into helping Josie wrangle the kids. They are restless too, excited to see their dad, and cranky from their naps on the plane. You can’t find it in you to be irritated with them when you see your own raw emotions on display in them. You glance over your shoulder, anxious for warmups to begin so you can see Javy and the tension in your heart can finally snap.
Skylar bumps into you on accident as she tries to wrangle one of the homemade signs that are jammed into the bag on the floor. They’re incredibly cheesy, but Josie had insisted that they’re a necessary part of the surprise. You help her unfold them and hand her and Jamie the one they’ll hold together. It’s a simple mess of glitter and paint that reads, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Daddy!” Josie gives it a long look like she’s considering hoisting it herself and you roll your eyes as you slide out the sign that Josie made for the two of you. You haven’t seen it yet and you’re a little nervous. Josie is a lot braver than you are and she’s been married for a decade while you’re in your first real relationship that’s barely a week old. You carefully unroll the sign and feel your cheeks heat as you read the words on it. “It’s not just puppy love, Happy Valentine’s Day, Dogfighters!” It’s sweet and playful but your eyes are caught on one particular four-letter word.
Your heartbeat thunders in your ears so loud that you almost miss the rise of cheers that rise through the arena. You look up as Josie grabs your arm in one hand and her side of the sign in the other. You’re yanked back to the present as a familiar blur of green whips down the ice towards you. The team heads down to their end of the ice to start warming up and you remember to lift your edge of the sign as your eyes dart furiously from one player to the next, searching for number 68 and any sign of Javy. You hear the kids screaming for their dad in the corner of your consciousness, followed by the pound of their little hands against the glass as Reuben skates up.
Your eyes turn more frantic even though you know he’s here somewhere, he has to be. Your heart thunders in your chest as the unreasonable doubts start crawling in and making a home in your aching chest. You miss the moment a figure on the ice stops until a full body slams into the glass in front of you making the whole wall shake and then you’re looking at Javy’s full grin and wide eyes and he looks like an excited puppy as he gapes at you. You can’t help the excited grin that bubbles to the surface and matches his. You wave slightly as you place your hands on the glass over his on the other side.
“Hi,” you whisper even though you know he won’t be able to hear you.
“Hi,” he breathes back. His breath clouds the glass and your stomach flips when he draws a lopsided heart and writes “hi” inside it. You giggle as grins at you. Your moment is broken as Jake skates by and grabs Javy by the back of his jersey playfully. He blows you a kiss as he drags Javy back towards warmups. You try not to think too hard about the fact that Javy’s eyes stay on you the entire time before they disappear back down the tunnel.
You know you should be focussing on the score. It’s currently tied at 1-1 but instead, you’re still dizzy over the adrenaline of the day and the way Javy’s playing at the top of his game today. He’d assisted Jake’s goal in the second period, and you spent the whole break watching the replays online since it was on the other side of the rink. The score remains tied and the clock is running on the third period. Your lips are gnawed to hell as you watch the clock drop lower and lower. This period the Dogfighters are shooting on your side of the rink and you’ve been glued to the glass since it started. You wince as one of Seattle’s defensemen scuffles with Javy by the boards feet away from you, digging at the puck as it slides between their sticks and skates. Your brow furrows as a stray elbow catches Javy’s shoulder and you shout out in protest, as your hands find the glass where you bang alongside the Seattle fans. When you hear them cheering for the other player, you hear your voice rise, cheering for Javy amidst the louder screams. You’re caught up in the fever, the adrenaline of the game, the excitement of the day, and seeing your boyfriend. You catch his eye briefly as his eyes dart up unconsciously and you swear he winks at you, sending heat up your cheeks and knocking the breath from your lungs. Javy manages to dig the puck out of the corner and you watch as he knocks it backward to where Jake’s waiting to whisk it off towards the goal. Your heart is in your throat as you watch Jake’s approach, the opposing defense coming up to try and block his path to the goal. His linemates are trying to open themselves up for a pass but there are no open paths on the ice.
You watch his stick swing anyway, but you don’t see the puck fly into the fray. Your brow furrows in confusion until you watch Javy shoot out from behind him, the puck dancing along the edge of his stick, completely unmarked. Your stomach flips as you see the look on his face. For a moment it feels like you’re watching the sun come out from behind the clouds as you take in the boyish grin stretched across Javy’s face. His eyes are glinting with mischief you’ve seen plenty of times on your students’ tiny faces, and he’s glowing with confidence as he whips down the ice. Your heart is in your throat as you watch the other players slowly realize where the puck has gone and then you watch the black disk fly off the end of Javy’s stick. The goalie starts to move in his direction, but it’s clear he hasn’t realized Javy’s shot until it’s too late and his glove is still inches away as the puck sails over his shoulder.
You’re sure you’re screaming and then Josie’s screaming and she’s grabbing you and you’re grabbing her, and you can’t take your eyes off him as he roars in triumph and then he’s pointing with both hands and you’re trying to understand what at, it doesn’t make any sense and then he’s laughing and you read his lips as he tries to contain himself. “You.” Your brows furrow and you look down at yourself in confusion before turning around to look behind you as Josie laughs beside you as the other boys start crowding Javy.
Josie grasps your shoulders as your confusion grows. “It’s you, Roadie.”
“W-what’s me?” You ask, glancing back towards the ice where Javy’s getting set up for the next face-off.
You look back in time to see Josie shake her head, a fond look in her eyes. “Everything,” she says before giving you a tight hug and you feel your stomach twist as you watch the jumbotrons replay the goal and you watch Javy point at the stands all over again. Oh. You. You’ve spent your whole adult life expecting not to be chosen, never expecting to be anything but the butt of a joke, that you weren’t worthy of being chosen. People look through you, people look past you, people don’t look at you, people don’t see you. And yet in the last month, you’ve felt more seen than you have in the last thirty years of your life. They look at you, they see you. He sees you.
You don’t hear the whistle, you don’t hear the last of the game, you don’t hear the horn as the clock runs out. You’re overwhelmed, and you’ve been overwhelmed before, but it’s different this time. The usual fear, the pain, the panic, none of that is what you feel now. “Roadie?” You blink and realize belatedly that you’re crying and you turn to her and throw your arms around her neck.
“Thank you, just thank you.” You don’t recognize the sound of your voice as you shake your head and just hold your best friend. She doesn’t question it and holds you back like she already knows, and maybe she does.
You place a hand over your knee to try and stop the way it’s restlessly bouncing as you sit on the bench in some hallway, waiting for Javy. You’re not a spouse, so you weren’t allowed into the locker room area with Josie and the kids. A member of the Kraken’s staff had led the four of you to the private section of the stadium and you’ve been waiting for at least an hour. You turn your phone on, glancing at the clock and debating texting Javy but you know he’s probably just finishing up his post-game responsibilities. He knows you’re here. He’ll find you. You stifle a yawn as you stare at the screen, your stomach dropping as you realize how few hours you have until you’ll have to head back to the airport and back to your life.
You close your eyes, trying to ignore the math that your brain insists on doing because it’s not enough and you’re not ready to be back home, exhausted and alone, thrust back into your routine for another three days until Javy gets home. You barely suppress a groan as you lean your head against the wall behind you, trying to reconcile the consequences of your actions as the lull in the business of the day gives you a break from the adrenaline that’s been coursing through you all day. You’re slowly descending into a spiral of your own thoughts when you hear the squeak of hinges in your periphery and you turn your head, your body sitting up, the giddy excitement of seeing Javy beating out the exhaustion settling into your bones as you watch the corner, begging Javy to come around it.
You’ve barely caught enough of his silhouette to confirm it’s him before you’re bouncing off the bench and running for him. Running to him is a blur, but then you’re in his arms, and the scent of sweat mixed with his cologne engulfs your nose and you feel the tension melt out of your body as you settle against him. The two of you stay silent for a long beat, your bodies refamiliarizing themselves with the feeling of holding the other, committing it to memory, to carry the two of you through the rest of the week. When the two of you finally choose to speak, it happens at the same time.
“Thank you,” Javy whispers into your hair.
“Thank you,” You croak, your voice breaking over the words all over again. The silence that falls between you is comfortable and you can tell he’s waiting for you to go first so you tell him the words that have been on your lips for the last hour. “Thank you for seeing me.” Your chest heaves shakily as you fight the words out, but his arms just tighten around you as he holds you, like he’d physically hold you together if you shattered to pieces.
He pulls back and removes his hands from your waist to cup your cheeks as his dark eyes look into yours and straight through to your soul. “You’re impossible to miss.” He says as he strokes his thumbs over the apples of your cheeks, and when he says it, you find that it’s not so hard to believe it. “Thank you for coming,” he whispers before running his nose against yours, your lips just shy of ghosting over each other.
“There’s nowhere I’d rather be,” you whisper back, and when he kisses you it feels like you’ve let out a breath you’ve been holding for the last week.
“Alright, Meep,” Javy says when he finally pulls away, leaning his forehead against yours, arms returning to your waist to keep you close, “you gonna tell me what you’re doing here, beautiful?” You feel your cheeks heat even though you’re already in his arms, and he’s already kissed you.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Javy.” It sounds so silly as you say the words, but you wonder if that’s because it’s the first time you’ve said them romantically.
He chuckles softly before pressing a simple kiss to your lips “Happy Valentine’s Day, Meep, but I mean what’re you doing in Seattle on a school night.” You shrug slightly because you don’t really have an answer.
“Josie’s the right brand of crazy and she has the budget to back it up?” You both laugh at that.
“I hate to ruin the mood,” Javy says before closing his eyes for a moment, “but when do you leave?” Your stomach drops again. In the joy of being reunited with Javy, you’d forgotten that you’ll have to leave him again in just a few short hours.
“We have a red-eye back to San Diego so we can make it back to work tomorrow,” you explain and you know Javy’s doing his best not to mirror the disappointment you’re feeling. “But you’ll be back in San Diego on Friday, right? That’s not so bad.” One glance at him says that he believes your words about as much as you do. “But at least we have tonight,” you relent.
“At least we have tonight,” he agrees. “Well then, let’s not waste a second.” He leads you out of the stadium. Most fans have since dispersed, returning home since it’s a Tuesday. The area around the stadium is lit with lights as and there are a fair amount of people milling around. Javy takes your hand and leads you through the park surrounding the stadium as you crane your neck back to get a good look at the Space Needle as it closer and closer.
There are a few people milling around and entering the Space Needle as you and Javy approach the ticket desk. The lady at the desk’s eyes widen in recognition as Javy purchases tickets for the two of you. When you enter, you stay close to Javy, feeling nerves bubble like butterflies as the photographer takes your picture and you watch Javy give him him email address for the photos. “My privacy is already nonexistent, there’s no need to compromise yours,” he explains when you offer to give yours instead. You walk up the spiral walkway to the elevator with Javy’s hand in yours. The ride to the top is silent and you’re sure you notice the elevator attendance staring at the two of you. The fact that you’re wearing Javy’s last name on your back doesn’t really help with the subtlety.
When the elevator doors open your breath catches in your throat. There are glass walls separating you from the balcony that wraps around the room the elevator opens onto, but you can already see the lights of Seattle twinkling from here. You find yourself dragging Javy to the balcony. The city of Seattle is alight all around you. From here you can see Climate Pledge Area, the rest of the park, and various museums in the area around you. You can also see the darkness of Elliot Bay. As you make your way around the balcony, you come face to face with the dazzling skyscrapers of downtown as the city itself sprawls out into the distance. It’s gorgeous and your fingers itch to paint the stunning view. You pull out your phone, snapping some inspiration photos. You’re already planning how you’re going to approach the painting when Javy slides his arms around your waist from behind, leaning his chin on your shoulder.
“What’s going on in your pretty little head, Meep?” He asks and you feel embarrassment creep over you for just abandoning him when he brought you up here and came all the way here to see him.
“Sorry, I was just thinking about how much I want to paint this view,” You explain as you gaze out at the city below you.
“Well, I can’t wait to see it,” Javy whispers. “And I hope I have first dibs when it goes on sale,” he murmurs, nuzzling your cheek gently.
“Javy, I’m not making you pay for my art!” You exclaim indignantly, leaning into him as the wind off the bay whips around the two of you. Javy wraps his arms around you from behind, pulling you close.
“Pretty girl, where is your coat?” He asks as he snuggles you.
“We live in San Diego, I don’t have one!” You grumble indignantly. “It doesn’t get this cold there,” he nods against your shoulder.
“Okay, that is true, I’ll give you that.” He rubs your arms. “At least you’re wearing long sleeves,” he points out.
“Do you like it?” You’d been too shy to ask last time. Well, that and last time you hadn’t been wearing his name as his real girlfriend.
“I love it,” he says with a forcefulness that makes your heart flutter.
“Oh! I almost forgot!” You wiggle out of his grip to get the box out of your purse. “I know we’re going to celebrate on Saturday, but I figured since I was going to be here, I could give you your gift today!”
“Meep,” Javy groans. “You came all this way, you didn’t have to get me anything, plus I don’t have your gift here,” he bemoans and you wave him off.
“You didn’t know I was coming, and neither did I until yesterday, so I had already gotten you a gift. Plus, you bought the tickets to come up here,” you remind him. You hand him the narrow box and he arches a curious eyebrow as you draw the sleeves of your jersey over your hands and hug your arms around yourself. Javy notices and gently guides you so that your back is to the building behind you and he’s blocking the wind with his body before he opens the box. You hold your breath anxiously as he unwraps the paper inside before his breath catches.
“Roadie…” he murmurs and you swallow hard, trying to decipher if you’ve hit the nail on the head or missed it entirely. Javy lifts the tie out of the box, examining it in the light that’s filtering out from inside. You’ve covered the originally-white fabric with fabric paint, doing your best to recreate a slice of the cliff painting he bought at your show. And there at the very bottom are the embracing figures that represent him and you. “Roadie, this is beautiful. Did you paint this?” His voice is full of awe as he looks at you and you nod.
“I know it’s not the most faithful recreation but fabric paint is pretty fickle. I thought maybe you could wear it with one of your game day suits.” You admit. While exploring the team’s Instagram account you found the highlight of game day suit posts, and that had inspired you to make the tie.
“I’m getting rid of every other tie I own when I get home,” Javy declares and your eyes widen in horror.
“But this is blue, and it won’t match every suit!” You protest and he chuckles.
“Well then I’ll just get rid of all the blue ones, and every year I can get rid of a different color.” You see the nerves dancing in his eyes at the boldness of his statement, at the assumption that there will be more years. That you’ll be together long enough for a dozen Valentine’s Days and a dozen ties.
“Well I do take requests,” you say and you watch the anxiety leave his shoulders and you kiss your boyfriend at the top of the Space Needle on the night of your very first Valentine’s Day, and everything is perfect.
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A/N: The Valentine’s Day festivities aren’t quite done yet, what do we think Javy has planned for Saturday?
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nouies · 8 months
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hello and welcome to the first fic rec of 2024 featuring my favourite works from what i’ve read during the past weeks. as always, please check tags before reading. if you liked the fics please reblog their posts, leave kudos and write a nice comment. happy reading! rec tag | more rec lists
— harry/louis —  
໑ Red Wine/Long Nights by lucky28 (G, 1.3k, strangers to lovers, infidelity, fluff) When Louis goes to surprise his boyfriend with an unexpected dinner date, he's nothing but excited. That is, until he runs into his boyfriend's boyfriend along the way.
໑ Abundance by @rockstarlwt28 (M, 1.7k, established relationship, breastfeeding, failure of conception, fluff) The Tomlinson-Styles' family are blessed with their own Christmas miracle, Tallulah Jay. A lifetime of happiness follows her birth, her mother, Louis and father, Harry are instilled with hope and an abundance of love to double their already blossoming marriage.
໑ make my wish come true by localopa / @voulezloux (NR, 2.4k, friends to lovers, flat mates, christmas, angst with happy ending) the one where all harry wants for christmas is lou
໑ heaven in these sheets by @thepolourryexpress (E, 3.5k, established relationship, bunny hybrid louis, pwp, fluff) Bunny Hybrid Louis has it out for his boyfriend’s phone.
໑ powerless (and i don't care) by localopa / @voulezloux (E, 4k, established relationship, canon, fluff, slight angst) everyone on tour calls each other daddy, don’t ask why. and louis is so used to calling everyone “daddy” that, when he finally comes home, naturally he calls harry that.
໑ now you hang from my lips by teenytinytomlinson / @hs3lt2 (E, 6k, red herring, implied cheating, read tags and author’s note) Louis goes out and finds exactly what, or rather who, he’s looking for at the hotel bar.
໑ You're like a Sponge (Abrasive and Colorful) by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup (T, 6.5k, coworkers, university au, hate to love sort of) Louis's flirts look an awful lot like insults.
໑ Behind Smoke Stained Curtains by @jaerie (E, 19k, strangers to lovers, a/b/o au, truckers, secret identity, one night stands) The worlds align when Louis meets an alpha from the road with as many secrets as he holds himself.
໑ i feel like this is the beginning, though I've loved you for a million years by puppyvirvinloui (spanish, NR, 22.8k, established relationship, marriage, sunshine/grumpy, trophy wife louis, pregnancy) Louis quiere un bebé, no está muy seguro de que Harry quiera lo mismo.
໑ sunshine (you temptress) by @petitommo (E, 26.8k, acquaintances, complicated relationships, age difference) Harry had everything he'd ever wanted in life. Well established, in love, and on the very precipice of the rest of his life, everything goes wrong. The road forwards is paved with difficult emotions, firm denial, and a complicated relationship to the strange teenager he'd snorted coke off of that one eventful night at the club.
໑ the mountain between us by happilylarry (NR, 31k, strangers to lovers, plane crash, surgeon harry, photographer louis, injuries, angst) Harry is a surgeon and stranded at Salt Lake City International Airport. He is to perform a surgery in fourteen hours in Boston. Louis is a journalist and stranded at Salt Lake City International Airport. He is to be married in ten hours. They decide to charter a private airplane to Denver, where they will get on their respective flights and part ways.
Or so they thought.
໑ You Ain’t Gotta Feel Fear Just Mingle by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup (T, 32.7k, co-workers, advent fic, library au, christmas, fluff, humour) Harry has been at his dream job for less than three months, and he knows two things for sure; first, his project manager doesn't know what he's doing, and second, someone in the office is apparently pure evil, and no one will tell Harry who it is.
Oh, and the guy who works in conservation at the other end of the building is the most beautiful man Harry's ever seen, even when wielding a hot iron as a weapon.
Happy Christmas, here's to many more.
໑ I Really Like Your Styles: The Baking Advent-ure by @homosociallyyours (T, 34k, strangers to lovers, advent fic, coffee shop au, barista louis, baker harry, food, american au) Louis isn't much for frills, and the coffee shop he co-owns with his best friend Liam is evidence of that. Yes, it's got a decent sized, well-kept industrial kitchen, but Louis insists that people come to coffee shops for coffee, not mediocre pastry and plastic wrapped cookies. When Liam's campaign for serving treats turns into watching a few baking accounts on whichever popular app he's on, there's one that really gets on Louis' nerves: "I Like Your Styles." With his chipper demeanor and over the top descriptions of the food he makes, Louis is sure that the (unfortunately cute) baker is full of it. Nothing that adorable could possibly be worth the hype.
It doesn't actually take much for him to eat his words…and some quality baked goods, while he's at it.
— rare pairs —
໑ for the rest of my life (for the rest of yours) by localopa / @voulezloux (louis/zayn, M, 1.5k, exes with benefits, canon au, song fic) zayn and louis are exes. they still sleep together.
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fuck-customers · 21 days
At my job, I help people send money. Our system cannot send money to cities, so I have people tell me the state they want me to send it to. For example, I can't send money to Denver, but I can send it to Colorado.
So then why the fuck did this customer could not understand this simple concept? I tried using an example like the one above, but he couldn't understand.
He then stomped off.
Posted by admin Rodney
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swiss-mrs · 8 months
Chapter Two: Rebel Tour
Life Eternal Series
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eddie munson x rockstar!poc!reader
Chapter Warning: Unnamed OC/Reader's saphic and runaway backstory is delve into.
*Masterlist, Series Warnings, Additional Series/Reader Info, and Posting Schedule.*
Word Count: 3.5K
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It’s been 2 months since the band’s stop in Indiana. You’ve called Eddie from every Hotel and Motel you’ve stopped in. Each call lasted no less than an hour. It never seemed like you ran out of things to say. Whether it was updates on your tour, or updates on his dreaded job search, you guys always had something to say to each other.
Your stop in Nashville was how you found out about his first guitar, an acoustic Wayne found at a garage sale for $15. Your stop in Atlanta was when you told him about your first performance, a middle school talent show. You were so nervous that you forgot the lyrics to the song you were performing. You can’t listen to Madonna’s “Like a Prayer” the same anymore.
Your stop in Houston was when he shared his first crush, a cheerleader he met in middle school, and when you found out that it took him three tries to graduate. Dallas was where you shared that you dropped out in your freshman year. “I ended up getting my GED once the band had enough money to get comfortable.”
Denver is when you told him about your heart breaker phase as a teenager. “Well, that’s not hard to believe.” He would smile into the phone.
“Yeah, had all the curious chicks crawling to my door.” You’d tease back.
Phoenix was mainly spent talking about the vibe you were going for in the band’s next album. “I want to tell a story, you know? We’re two albums in, now, and I feel like it’s time to come out with something that embodies this current era of my life. I want to listen back on this album in 5 years and know exactly what I was thinking, what I was feeling, hell, what I was eating in these very moments.”
L.A. and Sacramento were spent bouncing off ideas for the next album, coming up with concepts, even sharing quick, off-the-dome lyrics.
Your current stop is Seattle. You were posted up in Washington for a few days. All the band’s family and friends were here, so a point was made to allow time to visit loved ones. Earlier this day, you were able to see Mr and Mrs. Hemming, Marley’s parents. They were always such a loving, open-minded couple. They were the ones who took you in all those years ago. They were big hippies back in the day, huge Hendrix fans, so they never judged you and always made you feel welcome, like you belonged. They were the closest thing you had to a family, a home.
It’s been a good three days since you last talked to Eddie. You've yet to make the call from your Washington hotel room. Most of your time here was spent in bittersweet sentiment. You got to see people who cared and supported you, old faces, but it also brought back lots of unwelcome memories. Right now, you were huddled up in your lonely hotel room. It was fancy, basically a luxury one bedroom apartment. The tour budget had extra money for a nicer room since you were the only one needing to be housed on this stop.
You were laid out on the bed, the TV playing some random sitcom on low volume as background noise. You had been laying like this for at least an hour, staring into the void that is the golden lined ceiling. You let out a big sigh, and prop yourself up on your elbows. You glare at the TV, before caving in and grabbing the corded phone on the nightstand just left of you. You have his number memorized by now.
“Hello?” a raspy voice says.
“Eddie?” you ask a little confused.
“Superstar,” he says a bit more enthusiastically but still a bit groggy, “what’s up? Everything okay? How’s Seattle?” He asks, you can hear some shuffling around in the background. This is the point when you look over to the clock on the bedside table to your right. Your eyes widen.
“Oh my god. I am so sorry. I didn’t realize what time it was.” It was midnight, 3AM his time. He chuckles.
“And here I am thinking you just wanted to hear my sexy morning voice.” He teases. For the first time ever, you are so glad you weren’t seeing each other in person. Your face burned. “What’s got you up so late? Were you out partying like an animal?” He asks sarcastically. You scoff.
“Yeah, partying like the world’s ending.” You reply, equally sarcastic. “I’m sorry,” you apologize earnestly, “I just wanted to talk with you, but I should’ve looked at the time before calling. I’ll let you go back to bed. Sorry.” You say, almost hanging up.
“Woah there. Hold on, now. I was just taking a little nap.” He lies, “I’m up. Let’s talk.” He says, more shuffling could be heard, probably him sitting up. “What’s on your mind, princess?” He ask, making your heart jump. You honestly don’t have much energy to tease him over the pet name. You sigh.
“Well, being back here, it's just,” you pause, “It’s bringing back a lot of memories, a lot of emotions I thought I left behind. In all honesty, I’m struggling here a little, Eds.” You admit, a bit shaky. There’s a short pause on his end.
“You want to tell me about it?” He asks gently. You pause, thinking.
“I don’t know. I don’t wanna bore you back to sleep.” You joke, deflecting.
“I’m listening.” He says without missing a beat, stern yet comforting. You sign and lay back down on your back, staring up at the ceiling again. For a few breaths, all that could be heard was staged laughter and shitty sitcom jokes from the TV.
“I’m not originally from Haven.” you start. “Growing up, I bounced around a lot. Home to home, state to state, until I eventually went out completely on my own and just kind of landed in Haven when I was 15… When I got there, I spent an entire year by myself. I found this small, abandoned neighborhood on the outskirts of town. It was overgrown and pretty hidden, perfect for a runaway. I lived in the one house that still had most of its furniture and the least pests issues.” You chuckle. “I was getting so used to being by myself until one day I ran into this kid, this little girl with curly hair down to her knees. She didn’t look older than 12 years old, but she had flashy, bedazzled makeup and the cutest little sundress on.” You reminisce on the memory with a smile. “She was riding her bike around her trailer park and stopped when she saw me passing by. Told me her name was Marley, like Bob Marley. Said that her parents told her to always help someone who was in need, and told me that I looked like I needed a friend.” You laugh, hearing her childish voice clear as day in your mind. “Who knew that in that moment, my life would change forever. She would go on to introduce me to her parents, two hippies straight out the 70s, and her neighbor, this dark haired nerdy kid with glasses.” You couldn’t see it, but Eddie was smiling at your recounting of some sweet memories. “Charlie was so short back then. We’re the same age, but he didn’t even look older than Marley at that time. The little dweeb didn’t really hit puberty till we were 17.” You pause, smiling at the past. “Adam joined in after that, being somewhat of Charlie’s mentor and protector during the dork’s freshman year. We met Stacy when she was babysitting one of the other kids in the park. Adam had a crush on her from the start, but he was too shy. She knew, but she was playing hard to get.” You roll your eyes. “Somehow Rick weaseled his way to befriending Charlie, and the rest is history.” You pause, loads of memories of how far you’ve all come flashing in your mind all at once. You shake your head. “These are the memories I never want to forget. We built a family, you know? It's crazy to think about it. They’ve all been so important to me for so long that I forget I had a life before them.” You close your eyes.
“That’s beautiful, hun.” He says, sighing into the receiver.
“Yeah.” you say with a short laugh.
“But that’s not why you called me.” He says softly, knowing you have more to get off your chest.
“Yeah…” you trail.
“I’m here.” He says, trying to comfort best he could over the phone. You take a deep breath.
“Yeah,” you start back up, “good memories are not what I’m struggling with.” You clench your jaw, furrowing your brows in frustration. “Everything was going great after I met the band. We even became a damn near town legend. The satanic teens living out in the ghost town in the woods.” you state dramatically and laugh. “Everything was great, best I ever thought my life would get, until it got better.” A sad smile creeps into your face. “We used to hold ‘concerts’, if you could call them that, out in the woods. We called them ‘seances’, really leaning into the whole antichrist thing we had going on. We did it for three years. Some times we’d perform, other times we just threw parties. One day, Summer of ‘97, we were throwing an ‘End of Summer’ party. I met this girl.” you pause. “She was gorgeous. She had curly, blonde hair, big brown eyes, and this big, bucked tooth smile that lit up the world.” You smile the entire way, thinking back fondly, “She was so short and skinny and innocent looking. You would’ve never guessed she had such a powerful singing voice. She was perfect.” You sigh. “She was a theater kid with a dad who worked for this music production agency based in Seattle. She was insanely smart, and you could tell just by looking at her that she was really going places. That’s what really made her stand out from the hundred other kids there. She wore this oversized, black leather jacket, light wash jeans, and a hot pink top." Your eyes dance around the ceiling as you remember the details of that night. “Me being me. I toyed with her my entire performance. I was desperate to get her to notice me, but I wanted to play it off like she was just another pretty face in the crowd. I was really driving that heartbreaker thing I was going with.” You laugh. “I don’t know how, but my little facade worked. Turns out she had a little sister around Marley’s age, Peyton. Man, that little girl was a riot. She matched Marley’s wild energy perfectly… Somehow the stars aligned for my ratty ass, and I got the girl, against all odds.” you chuckle dryly. Your eyes begin to sadden as you pause, running through the end of that story. “I just… couldn’t keep her…” You feel your eyes begin to burn and your nose tickle. You huff a humorless laugh from your nose, shaking your head, frowning.
“You alright, hun?” Eddie breaks your silence. You breathe in sharply, getting your bad thoughts and pushing them aside.
“Yeah, I just… hm…” you sigh, trying to gather yourself. “Mariana.” You pause again, a name once so familiar, now almost feeling foreign on your tongue. “That was her name… She was someone I thought was going to be my forever person, you know… But things change. People. People… change. I was young and naive. I should’ve known better than anyone that things too good to be true don’t last, at least not for me. I feel so incredibly lucky I’ve even made it this far with the amazing people I have.”
“It’s not luck.” He interjects. “It’s talent. You deserve it.” He brings back, “Remember, that’s what you said to me when we first met.” he pauses, “People… People like us? We don’t get by on luck. We get by because we work for what we deserve. Sometimes, when we get what we’ve been aiming for, it doesn’t feel deserved. It feels like luck, but not this time. You are the reason for your success. You’ve earned it, babe. Don’t sell yourself short for that.” He speaks earnestly. You laugh.
“Maybe one day I’ll believe that, Eds. Things haven’t always been this high. I haven’t always done this well. I’ve fallen, Eddie, hard and flat on my face, and I’ve nearly fucked up everything for everyone else. I don’t know if I can confidently say I’m completely out of the pit, now, but I’m definitely not where I was. I’m glad you didn’t have to see me at my worst.” You confess. There’s a silence between you two. It doesn’t last long, but it lasts long enough for you to get nervous and doubt whether you should've said what you said.
“That don’t change my mind about you, kid.” Eddie’s voice rings through, determined. “You… I… You and I have more in common…” He sighs, trying to find the word. “Look, I get you. I see you. I hear you, and I will never judge you.” He says truthfully. “I’m here for you, always and forever. I hope you understand that.” You smile sadly. “I will always be there. I’m here to support your right and wrongs.” He jokes, bringing a small laugh out of you. “And I promise to be here for you whenever you need, whether that's a shoulder to cry on or an alibi.” He smiles through the phone.
“Oh my god, I didn’t kill anyone.” You interrupt, laughing.
“I’m just sayin’” He laughs back, “I got a shovel and a van whenever you need, babe.” You share a good laugh.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You continue as the laughter dies down, “Thank you, Eddie… really.” You pour out, hoping your sincerity and gratitude come through the phone clearly. He lets ou a soft chuckle.
“I gotchu.” He yawns out, causing you to yawn as well. He chuckles, “I think you should get some rest, superstar.” He says gently. You turn to look at the clock again, its passed 1AM. You sigh.
“Probably.” you yawn again. “I love talking with you, Eddie.” He smiles on the other end of the call.
“Me too. I was starting to get a little nervous there. Haven’t heard from you in a couple days.”
“Yeah, sorry about that. As soon as we got here, we performed, then after that, I went around with the band and saw old friends. Today was the first day I had to myself and it was really getting me down. Sorry, again, to call and wake you with blues.” You pout, he chuckles tiredly.
“No problem. I’m glad you called. Will you be there for much longer?”
“Well, this is our last stop on the tour. Final show is tomorrow… or tonight.” you correct. Eddie scoffs.
“You really need to rest then-”
“Yeah, I know. I know.” You cut in. “Hey, are you gonna be busy in three weeks?” There’s a pause.
“Uh… I don’t think so…?”
“Good, come out to New York to visit me. We can do some proper song writing, finally.”
“Oh, um, I don’t know about that, sweetheart.” He says. Your brows furrow. “I mean, I’m still job hunting and, you know, I gotta help Wayne out as best as I can, and I don’t know if I can make that trip happen.” He stumbles awkwardly.
“Nonsense. Just keep your schedule free, I gotchu.” You say, mimicking his words from earlier. You can’t see it, but his sleepy brain is struggling to pick up what you're putting down. “Get back to sleep, rockstar. I’ll talk to you later, alright?” Right on queue, he yawns. “Stop that!” you yawn back. He laughs.
“Alright, alright. Talk later.” He says with a smile.
“Bye, Eddie.”
“Bye, Superstar.”
Three days pass after your last conversation with Eddie. You had given Eddie a call the morning after your final show before you left your hotel. “Tour’s finally over! I’m flying back out to New York this afternoon.” You would tell him. You would talk for the entire morning until you received a knock on your door to let you know that the car was there to take you to the airport. You promised to call him when you got settled back home.
“You got mail, Ed!” Wayne called out to him from the living room. Eddie hops up from his desk and out of the stiff chair.
“Coming!” He swings open his door and walks down the hall to find Wayne in the kitchen sorting through envelopes.
“From someone named ‘Superstar’?” He says as Eddie grabs the envelope off the counter.
“Thanks, old man.” Eddie grins widely and walks to the living room, plopping down on the squeaky couch. He rips the envelope open with his dull pocket knife, flipping the envelope over and pulling out its contents. He stills in shock.
“Everything alright?” Wayne pipes up, realizing Eddie freezes. He holds up two plane tickets with his name on them and a thick paper check addressed to ‘Wayne Munson’. Wayne’s brows crease, enhancing the wrinkles on his forehead. “What’s that?”
“I gotta make a call.” Eddie says abruptly. He hops up off the couch and runs to his bedroom, half closing the door just as he picks up the phone, he pauses. “Shit!” He says as he realizes you’ve never called him from your house before. He doesn’t have your number. “Shit!”
“What?!” Wayne yells from the kitchen.
“Nothing-” he’s cut off by a ring. Eddie puts the headset down and picks it back up. “Hello?”
“Hey, Rockstar.” Your voice comes through the line. He yells your name. “What? You get your mail, finally?” He yells your name again, causing you to laugh.
“You couldn’t possibly be serious right now!” He yells into the headset, looking down at the mail in his hands.
“Don’t be mad, but I couldn’t just stand by as you and your uncle struggle. Plus, you promised to help me write this album. No take backsies.” Eddie is speechless, yet again. He says your name a bit softer this time.
“I… I don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t say anything, just don’t miss your flight, pretty boy.” You say, smile evident in your worlds. He chuckles in disbelief, shaking his head.
“It’s already paid for. There’s no going back.” he said.
“Exactly.” You respond.
“Thank you, truly. I can’t thank you enough.”
“No need. I’m here for you just as you are here for me. I’m just grateful to be in a position where I can finally give back to those who give to me.” You say truthfully with a smile. Your smile is contagious through the phone, Eddie’s face breaks out in a huge smile. Wayne leans back curiously to get a glimpse at Eddie down the hall and through his cracked door. He gives Eddie a confused look. Eddie gave him an ‘okay’ sign with a big smile. Wayne nods, leaning back up and busying himself in the kitchen.
“You know, you’re too good to me, princess.” He chuckles. You giggle, blushing on the other end of the line. Eddie can almost see it.
“See you soon, pretty boy.” Eddie’s bright smile grows impossibly wider, hurting his cheeks.
“See you soon.” You both hang up at the same time. As soon as the phone is down, he jumps up and down like a madman, nearly hitting his head on the low ceilings in his room. He runs out of his room, startling his uncle at the burst of energy. Eddie hugs the older man in a big bear hug, grabbing his balding head and plants a kiss on the top of it. Wayne, completely bewildered, looks at Eddie like he’s grown two heads.
“Boy, what is going on?” He asks suspiciously. Eddie holds up the tickets and check for Wayne to get a good look at them. Wayne furrows his brows as he reads what's on the pieces of paper.
“I can’t accept this, Ed.”
“Listen, the angel who sent this to us is more stubborn than me, so you’ll have an easier time just taking the check and using it to pay those.” he points to the growing stack of overdue bills. Wayne looks back at the envelopes adorned with red writing. He sighs, giving in. Eddie hands him the check.
“If she’s as stubborn as you say, good luck.” He takes the check from Eddie’s hand and grabs his coat and keys, “I’ll be back.” He says before heading out. Eddie watches him leave through the screen door. As soon as he’s driven away, Eddie starts jumping up and down again, letting out a gleeful cheer.
“Thank you.” He says, giving a kiss to the plane tickets.
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ofwishfulthinking · 1 year
who: open @chqstarter where: National Waffle Day
Luca was glad to be home. Not that Denver was home. Home was more a concept -- the place where his family was -- and since the majority of his siblings had chosen Denver as their home location, taking the job with the Rapids had been an easy choice. So much so that it hadn't felt like a choice at all. He was still getting used to it, though. Of the cities he'd lived in, this one seemed to be the most intent on bringing its residents together. "I'm pretty sure this is the only place I've lived so far that's felt like there's always something happening." Maybe it was just that his career had kept him busy and he'd never fully been able to experience the other cities. "Which event is your favorite throughout the year?"
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year
On June 7th, we venerate Elevated Ancestor Mother Julia Greeley on the 105th anniversary of her passing 🕊
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Affectionately known as Denver’s Angel of Charity, Mother Julia is a Servant of God & is the Patron of Black Catholics, Firefighters, Children, & the Poor/Homeless.
Mother Julia was born enslaved in Hannibal, Missouri sometime between 1833 -1848. She endured hellish treatment, even as a young child beneath her mother's skirts. During one fateful event, in particular, she was stricken by the whip that the slave master used while beating her mother; permanently damaging her right eye. Decades passed before she became among the first "freeman" in the state following the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. A young woman now, Mother Julia subsequently earned her living by serving White families throughout Missouri, Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico —though primarily in the Denver area. It was her work with the family of Colorado’s first territorial governor that brought her to Denver in 1878.
Two years later, she worked odd jobs around the city until she came upon the steps of the Sacred Heart Parish of Denver, where she was conditionally baptized into the Catholic Church - since she hadn't known if she'd ever been baptized before. She became an enthusiastic parishioner, a daily communicant, & became an active member of the Secular Franciscan Order in 1901. The Jesuit priests at her parish recognized her as the most fervent promoter of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus that they'd ever witnessed.
She was often seen wearing a floppy hat, oversized shoes, & dabbing her injured right eye with a handkerchief while pulling her red wagon of goods to deliver to the poor & homeless of the city. She'd often do this at night, knowing that some of the poor White families would be embarrassed to be seen receiving charity from her, a Black woman. Whatever she did not need for herself, she gave to the poor. When she had nothing more to give, she begged for food, supplies, & clothing for the needy.
She had a particular devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and would deliver pictures & pamphlets depicting it each month to firefighters throughout the city of Denver. As a daily communicant, Mother Julia also had a rich devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin. She'd recite prayers even while working outside of the parish. She did so until the day of her death. Mother Julia died on June 7, 1918 — ironically on the day of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, around 80 years old.
After which, her body lay in state for 5hrs in a funeral that drew hundreds throughout the city to pay their respects to the woman who fed, clothed, & suported them in the dark for years on end.
Mother Julia was buried in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. The Catholic Church finally granted the request from many for her to be considered for canonizatio in 2016.
As part of the Cause for Canonization, her body was transferred to Denver’s Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in 2017. Her remains were placed in a funerary box made of exotic red heart wood near the altar of the Sacred Heart in the northwest corner of the sanctuary, which will later be encapsulated in a sarcophagus made of Caralla marble (the same stone used by Michaelangelo in his statues). She is one of 6 Afrikan descendants in the U.S. to have open canonization causes with the Catholic Church. Currently, she remains a Servant of God.
In 2012, Catholic Priest, Father Blain Burkey authored a book entitled, “In Secret Service of the Sacred Heart: The Life and Virtues of Julia Greeley,” which later was adapted as a documentary film.
" My communion is my breakfast " - Mother Julia to the priests of her parish.
We pour libations & give her 💐 today as we celebrate her for her service to the city of Denver & for her patronage of all Black Catholics, firefighters, children & the homeless communities whom she served.
Offering suggestions: red wine, bread, catholic Bible, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, parish of denver badge, & little red wagons.
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siderods · 7 months
OC Post 8 - The Traveller
Another possible Doozy, The Traveller is an episodic anthology universe where every "Episode" centers around its own self-contained story, with the linking factor being a mysterious steam engine known only as Mutt. Because of the nature of this universe, i'll jot down a description of each "Episode" and then describe the characters. So let's begin!
"Chomping At The Bit" - The introductory episode. A Sharknose diesel has somehow found his way to the Rio Grande, and he desperately wants a promotion from his current lowly position. Mutt decides to help the poor engine by mentoring him on some basics for a few days, but also not letting the shark grow attatched to him. The episode contains a few vauge hints to Mutt's mysterious past and why he's a drifter.
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"The Amazing Technicolor Paint Job" is a very loose adaptation of the musical of a similar name. Joseph gets a new coat of paint with some interesting properties, but it leads to him being exiled by the others out of jealousy until it saves them all big time by providing a temporary tourist draw when the freight work dries out. In the story, Mutt consoles the exiled switcher and helps him take pride in himself once more, before leaving with a mysterious warning about the upcoming crisis.
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"Brotherly Love" - A PRR M1 named Maxwell is being followed by one of his deceased siblings for no apparent reason. Maxwell unravels the mystery behind his deceased sibling, and confronts him on the bridge. Mutt shows up as cameos throughout the episode but most notably appears near the end when he pushes a line of cars into the posessed M1, stunning it and saving the MC, who was about to get cronched. After that, the Entity is banished and the dead M1 is properly put to rest.
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"High Class Pooch" - When Mutt comes across a particularly rough-riding P30CH, he takes it upon himself to help the poor engine out, while also accidentally revealing some interesting truths about his own past.
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"Hound Dog" - A 50's story of a bitter rivalry between two Union Pacific giants - a Big Boy and a first generation GTEL. The two engines are very competitive over the concept of modernization, with Mutt initially helping the Big Boy as the two try to prove the other as a fraud. However, when the Big Boy tries to get Mutt to directly sabotage the GTEL, it reminds him of some of the reasons he gave up his old life, and Mutt, seeing the writing on the wall for both of them, leaves to two to quarrel on their own.
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Some of the characters appearing in these stories are as follows:
Mutt - This engine is like a weird stray that keeps turning up in random places, a mysterious drifter who usually does a valiant act before disappearing somewhere else before he can be fully identified or rewarded. Some say that he has a secret hideout or a home base to fall back on, but nobody has found it yet.
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Reese - An enthusiastic but troubled diesel that Mutt comes to the assistance of, this Sharknose becomes a fish out of water upon inexplicably ending up on the Denver & Rio Grande Western. While eager to prove his worth, he has issues applying himself to his work, which he ultimately overcomes.
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Joseph - A small diesel switcher graced with a unique paint scheme that has interesting properties around cameras. Despite being humble and agreeable, his coworkers eject him from their shed until he proves his worth when a decline in goods traffic makes his unique draw become the only thing to keep their railroad afloat.
Rueben & Simeon - A 45 tonner and a Model 40 respectively, these two were rather jealous and stand-offish when Joseph received his new paint, going so far as to kick him out of the roundhouse they lived in.
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Maxwell - A rather regular M1 still reeling from the sudden loss of his brother, Maxwell soon finds himself entangled in a plot of posessons, ghosts, and demonic entities. He soldiers his way through and is ultimately able to find peace for himself and his brother.
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Marley - Formerly Maxwell’s closest brother, Marley unfortunately suffered a catastrophic internal mechanical defect and passed away suddenly. After becoming a restless spirit when his dead body was taken over by a strange entity to stalk his brother, he is eventually able to pass on in peace when the entity is banished and his brother is able to come to terms with his passing.
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The Entity - An entity taking on Marley’s body, preventing his soul from being properly put to rest. His motivations for stalking Maxwell are unknown, but he is swiftly vanquished regardless.
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Papillion - Another troubled diesel that we see Mutt assist, this P30CH is very eager to work but struggles with getting excited and distracted, leading to derailments.
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With all the charactes out of the way, have a super duper secret lore moment!
"Y'know, I was a high-class pooch once."
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"Wasn't the life for me. Too many.. fake people."
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"I don't mind my current lot one bit."
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"Because what I do now is real work."
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To end off, have a Cronchy photo of Mutt.
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I hope you enjoy these guys. I have so many ideas with this concept.
P.S: Very ironic that the character who canonically does funny things to cameras is also messing with tumblr's formatting lol
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ausetkmt · 8 months
Homelessness in the United States presents a complex and multi-faceted societal challenge, reflecting deeper issues of economic disparity, housing instability, and insufficient social safety nets. As of the most recent reports, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) estimates that on any given night, over half a million people are experiencing homelessness across the country. This figure encompasses individuals living on the streets, in emergency shelters, or in transitional housing programs. The causes of homelessness are diverse, ranging from economic factors like job loss and unaffordable housing to personal issues such as mental health and substance abuse.
The concept of criminalizing homelessness has emerged as a contentious response to this issue in many U.S. cities and states. This approach involves the enactment of laws and ordinances that effectively make it illegal to perform life-sustaining activities in public spaces, such as sleeping, eating, or panhandling. These laws are often justified as measures to maintain public order and safety, but critics argue that they merely punish the visible symptoms of homelessness without addressing its root causes. The criminalization of homelessness raises significant ethical and legal questions, particularly regarding the rights of the most vulnerable populations in society. It also leads to a cycle of arrests, fines, and jail time for homeless individuals, which can exacerbate their situation and make it even harder to secure stable housing and employment.
Denver, Colorado, presents a particularly illustrative case study in the criminalization of homelessness. In recent years, the city has implemented various urban camping bans and other ordinances that target public activities commonly associated with homelessness. These measures have sparked significant debate and legal challenges, highlighting the tensions between urban development, public space management, and the rights of homeless individuals. Denver's approach reflects a broader trend in American cities where rapid urban development and rising housing costs often collide with growing homeless populations, leading to contentious policy decisions and public debates.
The situation in Denver and other U.S. cities underscores the need for a more nuanced and compassionate approach to homelessness. While the criminalization of homelessness might offer a short-term solution to the visibility of the problem, it fails to address the systemic issues that lead to homelessness in the first place. This approach also raises critical concerns about the rights and dignity of homeless individuals, calling for a reevaluation of how society and policymakers perceive and respond to this complex issue. Ultimately, the case of Denver highlights the challenges and controversies inherent in addressing homelessness in urban America, serving as a microcosm of a national issue that demands thoughtful, holistic, and humane solutions.
Understanding the Criminalization of Homelessness
Understanding the criminalization of homelessness requires delving into the legal and societal mechanisms through which individuals experiencing homelessness are penalized for their status. This criminalization is a process where activities necessary for survival in public spaces - such as sleeping, eating, or begging - are legally prohibited, leading to penalties that range from fines to imprisonment. It represents a legal approach to homelessness that prioritizes public order and aesthetics over addressing the underlying causes of homelessness.
At the core of this criminalization are various laws and ordinances enacted by city councils and state legislatures. Anti-vagrancy laws are one of the oldest forms, traditionally outlawing the presence of people perceived as 'vagrants' in public spaces. Modern versions of these laws might target behaviors like loitering or sleeping in parks. Anti-panhandling laws restrict begging or soliciting in certain areas, often justifying these restrictions as necessary for public safety or to prevent fraud. Laws against sleeping in public spaces, sometimes referred to as "urban camping bans," prohibit sleeping, resting, or storing personal belongings in public areas. Cities might also enforce sit-lie ordinances, which make it illegal to sit or lie down on sidewalks in certain parts of the city during specific times.
The rationale behind these laws often revolves around concerns for public health and safety, maintaining the aesthetic quality of urban spaces, and supporting local businesses that might be affected by the presence of homeless individuals. Proponents argue that such laws are necessary to prevent public spaces from becoming unsanitary or unsafe, and to ensure that commercial districts remain attractive and accessible to shoppers and tourists.
However, public attitudes towards homelessness and these laws are deeply divided. On one side, some view these laws as necessary measures to maintain order and protect the rights of the broader community. They argue that the presence of homeless individuals in public spaces can lead to increased crime, decreased property values, and a general deterioration of the neighborhood quality.
On the other hand, critics of these laws see them as inhumane and counterproductive. They argue that criminalizing homelessness does not solve the problem but merely pushes it out of sight. By penalizing behaviors that are a direct result of being homeless, these laws make it more difficult for individuals to escape the cycle of homelessness. Paying fines or serving jail time can be particularly challenging for someone without stable income or housing, and having a criminal record can make it even harder to find employment or rent an apartment.
Additionally, these critics highlight that criminalization often ignores the systemic issues that lead to homelessness, such as lack of affordable housing, inadequate mental health services, and systemic poverty. They advocate for a more compassionate approach that addresses these root causes, providing support and services to help individuals transition out of homelessness.
The criminalization of homelessness reflects a tension between maintaining public order and addressing the needs of the homeless population. It raises significant ethical, legal, and practical questions about how society chooses to respond to this complex social issue. While the goal of maintaining clean and safe public spaces is understandable, the methods of achieving this through criminalization are increasingly being scrutinized and challenged. The debate continues as communities grapple with finding the most effective and humane ways to address the persistent challenge of homelessness. 
Historical Context of Homelessness in the United States
The history of homelessness in the United States is a tapestry of socio-economic changes, policy shifts, and evolving public attitudes. Tracing its roots, one can observe that homelessness as a widespread issue became particularly noticeable in the late 19th century, coinciding with industrialization and urbanization. However, it was the Great Depression of the 1930s that brought the plight of homeless individuals into stark relief, as massive economic downturns left many without jobs or homes. This period saw an unprecedented number of Americans experiencing homelessness, leading to the establishment of transient camps known as "Hoovervilles."
Post-World War II America witnessed a period of economic prosperity that somewhat mitigated the homelessness crisis. However, this was not to last. The deinstitutionalization movement of the 1960s and 1970s, aimed at reforming mental health care, inadvertently contributed to a new wave of homelessness. Many patients, released from psychiatric institutions, lacked adequate community-based support and resources, leading to increased rates of homelessness, particularly among individuals with mental health issues.
Economic factors have also played a crucial role in the history of homelessness in the U.S. The late 20th century saw significant changes in the economy, including deindustrialization, a shift to service-based jobs, and rising housing costs. These changes disproportionately affected low-income individuals, making housing unaffordable for many. The 1980s and 2000s economic recessions further exacerbated this trend, leading to spikes in homelessness. Additionally, urban renewal projects often led to the demolition of affordable housing units, replacing them with developments out of reach for low-income individuals.
Social policies have had a mixed impact on homelessness. The federal government initially took a welfare-oriented approach, with programs in the 1960s and 1970s aimed at providing housing and support services. However, in the 1980s, there was a significant policy shift. The federal government reduced spending on affordable housing and welfare programs, leading to a reduction in available resources for those at risk of homelessness. This period marked a gradual shift from welfare approaches to an emphasis on law and order, culminating in the criminalization of homelessness.
This shift to criminalization became increasingly prominent in the 1990s and 2000s. Cities across the U.S. began enacting ordinances that targeted homeless people, penalizing activities such as sleeping in public, panhandling, and loitering. These laws were often justified as necessary for public safety and urban cleanliness, but they did little to address the root causes of homelessness. Instead, they led to a cycle of fines, arrests, and incarceration for many homeless individuals, exacerbating the challenge of re-entering society and finding stable housing.
The history of homelessness in the United States is marked by a complex interplay of economic upheavals, social policy changes, and shifting public attitudes. From the welfare-oriented approaches of the mid-20th century to the more recent trend of criminalization, the nation's response to homelessness has evolved, reflecting broader societal values and economic realities.  
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i'm answering this from my main; thank you for asking! here's my tweet for a little further context for everyone else:
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essentially what i have going is that rusty and the boys live in death and decay in a miserable ramshackle apartment building in a bad part of denver (probably five points or capitol hill, i'm not sure yet, i'll have to do more research). rusty used to be the child star of the action/adventure show that his daddy produced and when he turned eighteen, hollywood realized that he's a terrible actor and jonas realized this too. he focused his attention entirely on funding jj's career, who became very successful for his science shows on documentary channels. jonas dies and rusty gets very little from his will. he uses this to very, very briefly live large and he tries desperately to make money by starring in terribly, critically-panned indie movies. he gets nowhere aside from briefly falling in love with one of his costars, knocking her up, and not trying that hard to make it work with her for the next several months. feeling miserable and confused and trapped, she leaves and abandons her twin infants with rusty.
so throughout the years rusty drags his kids from bad to worse places, getting constantly fired from wageslave jobs in fits of pill-addled hysteria or drunkenness. the boys are pulled in and out of school until they're around eleven or twelve and then they never go again. rusty continues to build up tolerances to prescription drugs and finally decides that things can't really get that much worse in his life and he maybe-sorta-kinda decides to try heroin via the ambiguously gay albino and little person duo that lives on another floor. and things obviously immediately get worse.
rusty's concepts of morality and shame and guilt are endlessly twisted past the point of no return after suffering so tremendously during his career and beyond that and even though he gets a little bit of welfare every month, it's not nearly enough to fund his drug habits and also pay his meager rent and also keep his children fed, and they're clearly never going to be able to go to college or amount to anything at all, so rusty starts to force dean into secondhand dresses and heels and stolen makeup and he sends him out into the streets with hank acting as his pimp (he's got more business sensibilities anyway and he knows how to handle money and sell a product). they both try very hard to make money for daddy even though this is really, really scary and weird and it feels so awful. they'll crawl back to the apartment at dawn and hand the money over and they always pray to a god who won't listen that it's enough.
over time, hank starts to pocket some of it so he can use it during the nights that he sneaks out. dean doesn't like it and he doesn't go with him, but he begrudgingly promises not to tell. if he's not trying to make awkward, insane conversation with the 24-hour convenience store cashier (21) a block away, hank will go see the gruff, ruggedly handsome former soldier a few rooms down from theirs who's been hiding out and doing spy work over the past six months. extremely sympathetic to the situation (despite not ever really letting it show), brock will let hank stick around and vent and complain and cry while cleaning weapons or doing paperwork. hank is absolutely crazy about him and whispers stories about him to dean when they're curled up in bed together, huddled on a twin mattress across the room from their father.
i have this idea that malcolm was also a former child star whose accomplishments were constantly overshadowed in comparison to rusty, who was always thought to be his much cuter, pluckier twin on screen. malcolm and sheila are a deeply codependent couple that also live in the crackhouse and they're trying desperately to scrape their way out of poverty and they've kidnapped the boys a few times for ransom, because they're really the only kids they've ever seen in the entire complex and they're very kidnappable. obviously, this never works and they're always quickly let go. malcolm is constantly overcome with rage that rusty pissed away all his money even after getting all the fame and glory over him and never being grateful for it.
there's a lot more to this whole thing knocking around in my head but this is all i have rn ... i'm thinking about it. i'm thinking about it hard
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bagelvangr · 2 years
Tag Game
15 questions, 15 tags
Nickname: bagel
Height: 5'3.5" (it's important)
Last thing I googled: (I am doing this at work, can you tell? 💀)
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Song stuck in my head: VIRGO'S GROOVE by Beyoncé (the caps are important)
# followers: 294. I'm baby 🐣
Amount of sleep: depends on the day? sometimes 3-4 hours, sometimes 12 hours? When I was in Denver airport purgatory tho, 0 🤡
Dream job: i do not dream of labour 😌✨
Wearing: tan jogger pants, rainbow tie dye moxi skates shirt, schitt's creek low-rise socks
Book/movie that summarizes you: LEMONADE (visual album) but that might be kind of cheating, so I'll also put down Everything Everywhere All At Once (but also I suddenly can't remember any books I've ever read or movies I've ever seen lol)
Fav song: this is a repeat, but idk PLASTIC OFF THE SOFA into VIRGO'S GROOVE transcends me into another dimension each time. Chet Faker's Gold is also a great song to watch over and over again respectfully with my respectful eyes. Yes, it has to be the video, ty.
Aesthetic: uhhh, depends on my mood, I guess? Style-wise, summer is almost always oversized hawaiian shirt (sleeves rolled ofc) tucked into short shorts. Or tank top if not a button up of some kind. For cold weather, it's usually jogger pants + shirt + bomber or member's only jacket. Visuals wise I really do like the outrun aesthetic and the dreamy downtempo soft pastel styles.
Fav authors: Octavia Butler, Silvia Plath, the writers of pieces of surviving archaeological artifacts we find today that remind us we have always been the way that we are
Random fact: i'm allergic to almost every grass on earth, so please don't tell me to touch grass, ty. Also, when I write or draw, I have to write down or sketch out the concept like 7 times in different media or software first before I can get down to actually doing it lol the amount of post-its I go through.......
I just returned to the tumblrsphere very recently, so I don't think I'll be able to tag many people 😭 so I'm just gonna double down on @kasseivor's tags, I guess?? but also @vikingnerd793 (even tho you were already tagged lol) @baepsae-7 @mass-convergence @berryshiara since y'all are people I've actually talked to in some form before 😅 but also feel free to also not do this!!
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mayaduffphleb · 3 months
Mastering Phlebotomy: Your Ultimate Guide to Success at the Denver Learning Center
Are you considering ​a career in phlebotomy and looking for the best ‌place to receive⁣ your training? Look no further than the Denver⁢ Learning Center,⁤ where you can master⁤ phlebotomy‌ and embark on a successful career in the field of ⁤healthcare. In ⁣this ultimate‍ guide, we will ​provide⁢ you⁤ with all the information you ‍need to succeed at the Denver Learning Center, from​ the benefits of mastering phlebotomy to practical tips for success.
The Denver ⁣Learning Center is known for providing top-notch phlebotomy training to‌ students who are passionate about pursuing a career in⁣ the medical ‍field. With a comprehensive curriculum‍ and experienced instructors, ​the Denver Learning Center is the ⁣perfect place to start your journey ​to⁤ becoming a⁢ skilled phlebotomist.⁣
**Benefits of Mastering Phlebotomy at the​ Denver Learning Center**
– Comprehensive Curriculum: The Denver Learning Center offers ⁣a curriculum that covers all aspects of phlebotomy, from anatomy and physiology to‌ venipuncture techniques. ⁣ – Hands-On‌ Experience: Students at the Denver Learning Center have the opportunity to practice their skills in a real-world setting, preparing them for success in their future ⁤careers. – ⁢Certification: Upon‌ completion of the program, students are eligible to⁢ take the phlebotomy certification exam, a valuable credential that can help them⁣ secure employment in the field. – Job⁢ Placement Assistance: The Denver Learning Center provides​ job placement assistance to help graduates find employment opportunities in⁢ hospitals, clinics, ​and other healthcare ⁣settings.
**Practical Tips for Success**
– ⁤Stay organized: Keep track⁣ of your assignments, study ⁣materials, and schedule to stay on top of ​your coursework. – Practice,​ practice, practice: Take advantage of the hands-on training opportunities at the Denver Learning Center to hone your skills and build confidence. – Seek help when needed: Don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek assistance from your instructors or ⁣peers if you are struggling with a particular‍ concept or technique. – Network: Build relationships with ​your classmates⁤ and instructors, as⁢ they can provide valuable support and⁣ guidance‍ throughout your phlebotomy training.
**Case⁢ Study: Sarah’s‌ Success Story**
Sarah came to the Denver Learning ‍Center with a⁢ passion for helping others and ⁢a desire‌ to pursue a⁣ career in healthcare.​ Through hard work and dedication, she ⁢excelled ⁤in her phlebotomy training ⁣and was able to secure a ⁤job at a ⁤local hospital upon graduation.⁢ Sarah credits the Denver Learning Center for providing her ⁢with the skills and knowledge she needed to succeed in the‍ field‌ of phlebotomy.
**Firsthand Experience: ‍Peter’s Journey**
Peter enrolled in the phlebotomy⁣ program​ at the ‍Denver Learning Center after hearing about‍ the center’s reputation for excellence ​in healthcare training. Through his ‌coursework, ‍hands-on training, and certification exam⁢ preparation, Peter was able to successfully complete the program and land a​ job at a prestigious medical facility. He‌ credits the Denver Learning Center for​ helping him achieve his goal of becoming a phlebotomist.
mastering phlebotomy at the Denver Learning Center is a‌ rewarding​ experience that can open⁢ up a ⁢world of opportunities in the⁢ field of healthcare. With a comprehensive curriculum, hands-on ​training, and job placement assistance, the ⁤Denver Learning Center provides students with the tools they need to ‍succeed in their careers. Whether ​you ⁣are‌ a seasoned ⁤healthcare ​professional or a new ⁣student looking to enter the‌ field, the Denver Learning ‍Center‌ is the perfect place to start your journey to becoming a skilled phlebotomist.
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notebooknebula · 10 months
Unveiling the Dream Job: Real Estate Investing With Private Money #shorts
Private Money Academy Conference:
Free Report:
Watch the Full Interview at:
"Exploring Alternatives to Traditional Banking: Infinite Banking Insights with Jim Oliver and Jay Conner"
Jim Oliver is a renowned expert in the field of the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC). He has dedicated his career to helping individuals and businesses break free from unnecessary taxes and interest expenses. Jim's passion for wealth and financial freedom started at a young age when he grew up in the foster system in inner-city Los Angeles. Despite the challenges he faced, this experience instilled in him a deep appreciation for money and a strong desire to learn how to acquire and retain it.
At the age of 13, Jim worked at a casket factory, where he was inspired by the owner's success and lifestyle. This motivated him to discover the secrets to financial success that were unknown to him and his community. Jim's journey in the financial industry began in 1988 when he founded Creative Financial Services in Denver, CO. His firm grew significantly, managing over $700 million with a team of over 50 employees. Alongside his work, Jim also served as an instructor at American College, helping others achieve certifications in various financial disciplines.
However, Jim soon realized that traditional financial management approaches were not yielding the desired results for most people. This led him to shift his focus to the Infinite Banking Concept, and in 2007, he founded CreateTailwind in Dakota Dunes, SD. CreateTailwind is a national firm that serves clients in all 50 states, and they primarily engage with clients virtually.
Not only does Jim teach the Infinite Banking Concept, but he also applies it in his own life. He has used IBC to start or acquire over 30 different businesses, including logistics, refurbishment, computer manufacturing, and mining companies, among others. Outside of his professional endeavors, Jim shares a home in Southwest, Florida, with his granddaughter Rylie. He also has two adult daughters named Brittany and Morgan, as well as an adult son named Tanner.
Jim Oliver's dedication to empowering others with financial knowledge and his own success using the Infinite Banking Concept make him a true authority in the field.
Join the Private Money Academy: 
Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now?
It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at
What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner
Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his own money or credit.
What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference
YouTube Channel
Apple Podcasts:
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the-music-keeper · 11 months
The pre-Denver to-do list.
*gulp* At least I don't have a book review assignment to write while I'm there. That was a whole mess last time. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm pretty sure I'll have to take the statements of purpose with me.
1. Chapter 21. (Easy enough.)
2. Chapter 21 translation. (Extended adjective constructions are HARD.)
3. Chapter 22. (More reading. Nothing crazy -- it's just the actual concepts that are nuts.)
4. Chapter 22 sentences. (I did five of ten.)
5. Corelli Roman numeral analysis. (I went to Crazy Town on this assignment.)
6. Vivaldi analysis. (This got done a lot earlier than I was expecting!)
Doctoral Applications
7. UT Austin statement of purpose. (I know.)
8. Indiana statement of purpose. (I know about this one, too.)
9. UMD statement of purpose. (Yup, I know.)
10. Reframe one of my writing samples. (It's either that or send in a lit review. My advisor said no to the lit review, so.)
11. Print copies of my CV. (To have in Denver.)
Research Assistantship
12. Copy job. (My advisor needed some scans.)
Piano Practice
13. Practice the things. (As usual.)
14. Laundry. (I need to have all my most confidence-boosting outfits for Denver.)
15. Get my hair done. (My hair looks SO CURLY now!)
16. Get my nails done. (I'm really happy with my new nails!)
17. Pack for Denver. (I'm VERY excited for Denver.)
Tonight I am not planning to do anything on the to-do list. This is the first week in a WHILE where I should be able to get most of the stuff with deadlines done on Sunday and Tuesday, which are my two mostly open days, and I've been going going going for the past couple weeks (as well as fighting off a cold, yuck). I think I have earned a night to chow down on some snacks and watch a movie or show. So I'll give myself a little rest tonight before going back to work tomorrow.
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ezekiel-co · 1 year
Chronicled and summarised by Topeka - 21/09/29
This is the first in which Columbus has said will be several volumes of notes about work us Runners do from day-to-day. Note the quantity. The work us Runners do tends to be very boring and very menial, where the most interesting things are the TRON-type suits we wear on our backs. Poor Columbus. She thinks that everything's as curious and exciting as she is.
But, she is the Runner-in-Chief, second only in our department to Ignis (who acts out the absentee guardian role most of the time), so I guess we'd better start acting out her wishes ourselves? And what better to start this collection with an incredibly apt summary of a lot of the places we go to?
SUMMARY: Cuprium Valley, Idaho, USA
So Idaho's known for its potatoes, right? Well, in at least one timeline, for some inexplicable reason the main export is copper, and it's in those specific timelines where the town of Cuprium Valley exists. Cuprium Valley has most of its jobs in the massive copper plant on the edge of town. Apparently, it pays fairly well and the jobs are stable. Outside of that, Cuprium Valley is relatively unknown, and we're talking about Idaho here.
Me, Denver and Juneau clipped across to Cuprium Valley the morning of the 12th, and most of our time was spent having cheery but unfulfilling conversations with the locals (which ultimately all boiled down to "the factory's great and all, but it could do with some expansion into yonder valley"), leaving us feeling vaguely informed, but not much. Apparently the town mayor has been making strides towards these plans with minimal resistance.
And that is basically all we did, apart from stopping off at the local Taco Bell and consuming food that vaguely tasted of metal (surprise).
So yeah. Nothing mysterious or weird or anything, if you're used to the concept of infinite parallel dimensions.
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Founding father of Inexperienced Areas Market, Jevon Taylor, in entrance of paintings at Inexperienced Areas on opening day April 1, 2023. (Picture by Andy Cross/The Denver Submit) Businessman and environmentalist Jevon Taylor is a part of a coalition working to inexperienced up Denver’s 5 Factors neighborhood by including timber, vegetation and open areas. Now, he’s nurturing entrepreneurs and artists with a brand new market aimed toward rising native companies. Taylor opened Inexperienced Areas Market in April within the River North Artwork District part of 5 Factors to function a sort of springboard for small companies within the space. He purchased the Inexperienced Areas coworking enterprise and constructing a block down from his former clothes retailer in 2021 and turned a part of the 13,000-square-foot area right into a market and sort of enterprise incubator. “I need to make it extra like a group hub relatively than only a coworking area,” Taylor stated. As new shops and eating places open within the rising enterprise district and new condominium buildings go up, Taylor needs to make sure that native artists and enterprise people have a spot locally. “As a consequence of affordability points within the district and the town as a complete, it’s laborious for small companies to be outstanding in purchasing districts. I wished to present them a possibility, make Inexperienced Areas a launching pad,” stated Taylor, a member of the RiNo enterprise enchancment district board. A number of the 11 distributors and 5 artists who've moved into the spot at 2590 Walnut St. have been featured at Taylor’s former attire retailer, False Ego. Taylor stated the companies promote all the pieces from unique snacks to flowers, vegetation, candles, jewellery, colognes and garments. A lot of them stress utilizing environmentally sustainable supplies and practices. The constructing makes use of photo voltaic power. Individuals attend the grand opening of Inexperienced Areas Market on April 01, 2023. Eleven distributors and 5 artists have moved into the group market. (Picture by Andy Cross/The Denver Submit) When absolutely leased, the market will home 20 distributors. A espresso store and bar are scheduled to open in June. “This has allowed me to do what I used to be already doing and offers me much more sq. footage to get all my concepts out,” Taylor stated. “Inexperienced Areas is an unimaginable useful resource in our group that expands alternatives and raises visibility for small companies, nonprofit organizations and native artists within the District,” Charity Von Guinness, govt director of RiNo Artwork District, stated in an announcement. Kimberlee Ward bought a few of her handmade candles at Taylor’s former retailer. “It gave me the arrogance to be right here and create group in an area the place small companies have sort of been pushed out,” she stated. Ward started Everlasting Steadiness Candle Co. in 2019. To cope with despair, she started meditating and used candles to “deepen the follow” and turned it right into a enterprise after deciding to go away her job in larger training. “All my candles are created from soy wax, which is biodegradable,” Ward stated. “I take advantage of lead-free cotton wicks.” Ward stated her perfume oils don’t include sure preservatives or chemical compounds which have had unfavourable health results in some medical trials. Her perfume names embody Royalty (amber and lavender) and Tranquility (eucalyptus, bergamot and tea tree). Quynh Phan, left, introduces fragrances to buyer Erika Rose, proper, on the Theo and Amelia store through the grand opening of Inexperienced Areas Market April 01, 2023. The enterprise is travel-based the place prospects can expertise and purchase fragrances from world wide, purchase photographs and get journey recommendation based mostly on world journey experiences from the proprietor and staff. (Picture by Andy Cross/The Denver Submit)
Not removed from Ward’s area is one leased by Anthony Tori, whose enterprise Theo and Amelia, makes use of scents to inform the story of his travels. A cologne referred to as Uzzano contains bergamot, orange and grapefruit in a scent that evokes for Tori the northern Italian village the place his grandfather grew up and tended to citrus crops. “Journey is a extremely huge a part of my life. I began making scents to assist bear in mind the place I’d gone,” Tori stated. After promoting his merchandise on-line, Tori wished to open a store. He stated Inexperienced Areas is reasonably priced whereas giving him an opportunity to be round different entrepreneurs. Rachel Kois began Easy Swap 4 years in the past in an effort to supply alternate options to purchasing on Amazon. Her choices vary from meals to clothes, family items and fitness merchandise. Individuals can store based mostly on their social and environmental issues. The product show at Inexperienced Areas marks the corporate’s first bodily location. “For us, this area is sort of a manner for people to the touch and really feel merchandise and get an thought of what we do,” Kois stated. Being at Inexperienced Areas additionally offers Kois a spot to host occasions with companions. And he or she stated she helps “the mission that Jevon has.” Individuals attend the grand opening of Inexperienced Areas Market April 01, 2023. (Picture by Andy Cross/The Denver Submit) In a close-by part, Dalton Bidula has a show of the coats and hats he creates for his firm Laaw Designs. The coats have interchangeable patches to present the garments new seems to be. Bidula, who began his design firm a few 12 months and a half in the past, had been promoting completely on-line. He stated he met Taylor and “fell in love with the thought” of a group market that's extra economical for startups like his. “With the excessive rents in RiNo, it simply creates a hardship for a small enterprise to enter the retail market right here,” Bidula stated. Inexperienced Areas is the third location for the enterprise referred to as It’s a Bodega, owned by KC Christian. The shop makes a speciality of unique snacks imported from world wide. “The main target is on manufacturers that now we have right here in America however flavors that don’t exist in America,” Christian stated. An merchandise not accessible within the neighborhood King Soopers or Safeway is Burger King Flame Grilled Whopper-flavored Doritos or potato chips that style like chili-roasted rooster. Proprietor of Black and Blossomed Floral Store, Breigh Jones-Coplin works on an association through the grand opening of Inexperienced Areas Market April 01, 2023. (Picture by Andy Cross/The Denver Submit) Christian’s favourite? “My private favourite in the mean time might be going to be our Kobe beef Lays (potato chips).” For sweets, there are Oreo double-stuffed cinnamon bun cookies and KitKat cheesecake sweet bars. Opening a location in Inexperienced Areas goes full circle for Christian. He began his enterprise a few block away. “Jevon is an effective pal of mine. He advised me his thought, the thought behind the venture. I figured it might be an ideal match, being again within the neighborhood,” Christian stated. “It offers us extra publicity and permits us to be within the aspect of city that has a number of the most foot visitors. “And being amongst different small companies, we will thrive off one another,” he added. Inexperienced Age Premium Home Crops proprietor Tyler Sanchez, proper, works with Terry Hewing in his store through the grand opening of Inexperienced Areas Market on April 01, 2023. (Picture by Andy Cross/The Denver Submit) Get extra business news by signing up for our Economic system Now e-newsletter. https://guesthype.co.uk/?p=5827&feed_id=13481&cld=64566abe80fee
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hull4901212 · 2 years
Denver plastics
At Alfred, we take pride in being expert problem solvers who approach each job with unbiased solutions in order to develop the most efficient, cost effective manufacturing solutions for our customers.
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