#Dental Surgery in Apple Valley and Savage
dakotavalley-oms · 1 year
Dental implants offer a permanent solution to anyone missing one or more teeth. Get dental implants in Savage and Burnsville, MN, from Dakota Valley Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Contact us today at 651-315-8826.
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dakotavalley-oms · 1 year
Need For Dental Surgery in Apple Valley and Savage, MN
Visiting a dentist is commonplace. Indeed, most Americans dread this need, with young children refusing to see a dentist often. Unfortunately, it is a necessity that cannot be avoided. Ensuring the health of teeth and gums and taking care of the adjoining jaw bone can also help improve general health. Treatment with medication may not be enough. This has the concerned dentist recommend dental surgery in Apple Valley and Savage, MN, to eliminate the underlying issue and improve health at the same time. The associated problems tend to disappear once the surgery is done properly. ​ Oral surgery may seem extreme, but an experienced dentist can understand the core issue before advising surgery. Patients often eliminate overbite and underbite problems once the surgery is done for correction. Similarly, sleep issues known as apnea may be reversed by surgical intervention. The commonest reasons to consider surgery include the following:- · Extraction of Impacted Wisdom Tooth- The third molars, commonly known as wisdom teeth, tend to erupt much later than the other permanent teeth. This often occurs during late adolescence r even later. The tooth does not have many uses today and is believed to be a remnant of the previous era when humans had larger jawlines. These molars cannot develop properly due to lack of space and may impact the adjoining tooth and gums. It may lead to infection with abscess formation as well. The best and permanent solution is to remove the impacted tooth completely and allow the other teeth to function flawlessly. · Painful Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - The TMJ joint can become painful with the patient experiencing intense pain and discomfort due to varied issues. The dental professional may try the first line of treatment initially and only recommend surgery when the traditional treatment fails to be effective. A majority of patients report pain relief and well-being after successful surgery · Implants- This type of surgery is not a necessity but can be considered wilfully to replace a missing tooth or teeth. The result is aesthetically pleasing, with the entire set of teeth being even and beautiful. The smile improves alongside too. Although done as a cosmetic procedure, many surgeons recommend it to patients who feel emotionally down due to a prominent gap within their teeth. The surgeon will add an implant when the original tooth falls out naturally or is lost due to an accident/infection. This is an ideal alternative to bridges and dentures with amazing results. A good bone density is a prerequisite for getting an implant, however. · Cancer Treatment- Oral surgery becomes necessary for patients diagnosed with cancer of the mouth and other parts of the neck & head. The surgeon will not only remove the affected tissue but may also repair the damaged nerve while repairing the lesions. The associated wounds may be treated by surgery as well. Dental surgery in Apple Valley and Savage, MN, is a safe procedure that is conducted with the utmost care by experienced dental surgeons.
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dakotavalley-oms · 5 months
Facial Surgery in Burnsville and Apple Valley, MN
Dakota Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Center focuses on oral surgery procedures like wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, ensuring patient comfort with advanced anesthesia techniques.
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dakotavalley-oms · 7 months
Considering replacing missing teeth? At Dakota Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery P.A., we offer a permanent, comfortable solution in Shakopee, Eagan, and surrounding areas. Our team of specialists works together to provide exceptional implant dentistry. Contact us today!
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dakotavalley-oms · 8 months
Restore your smile, and regain your confidence. Dakota Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery P.A. offers advanced tooth replacement solutions in Burnsville & Apple Valley, MN. Expert care, lasting results!
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dakotavalley-oms · 10 months
Facts About Oral Pathology In Apple Valley And Savage, MN
It is commonplace to consult a doctor when one feels unwell. There are diverse types of ailments that spell trouble. The associated pain and discomfort may be too much to beat. Moreover, a serious condition requires continuous support and treatment, too. Ignoring any tell-tale signs of oral pathology in Apple Valley and Savage, MN, would be unadvisable, therefore. Understanding that a host of oral diseases and longstanding discomfort can be a precursor to something more serious is vital. More often than not, oral pathology is likely to spread to other areas of the body too. It makes sense, therefore, to examine oneself as closely as possible and then visit an experienced medical/dental professional in the vicinity. ​ True, many citizens are a trifle confused by the term. It suffices to know that oral pathology can be described as a specialty of dentistry. The “American Dental Association” explains it as the identification and management of conditions and/or diseases that affect the oral cavity and the maxillofacial regions. Simply put, oral pathology may be described as all diseases affecting the inside of the mouth.
Interestingly, the oral cavity is lined with a specific type of skin that is different from the skin noticeable on other parts of the body. This type of skin is known as mucosa. It is usually soft to the touch and faint pink in color. The first indication of oral pathology can be seen in the mucosa, which is likely to change in color and texture.
Some of the most common instances of oral pathology include the following:
· Gum disease (Periodontal disease) · Cold sores · Canker sores · Dental cavities · Hand, foot & mouth disease · Hairy tongue · Candidiasis (Thrush) · Malocclusion (misalignment) ·The most serious form of oral pathology by far is oral cancer, which is life-threatening.
Understanding Oral Pathology
Medical and dental professionals recommend self-examination. The patient is likely to notice anything out of the ordinary at first. Some signs requiring visiting a dental professional or a doctor immediately include the following:
· The presence of reddish and/or white patches on the mucosa · A longstanding sore that does not heal as needed · Thickening of the skin lining the oral cavity · Sore throat that persists without abating · Difficulty in chewing food and swallowing · Bleeding from the gums · The presence of cysts and abnormal growth on the mucosa
Not all conditions lead to cancer, though. It is essential to get oneself examined by an experienced dentist or medical professional when any of the abovementioned symptoms become apparent. The professional will use various equipment to check and examine the condition carefully. There may be various diagnostic tests ordered as well.
Refusing to accept oral pathology in Apple Valley and Savage, MN, can be disastrous for one’s health. It is most important to begin the treatment as early as possible. The concerned dentist is sure to refer the patient to a specialist when there is a need for surgery or any other type of treatment. 
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dakotavalley-oms · 1 year
Dakota Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery P.A. has experienced dental practitioners offering quality dental implants. Implants form a strong foundation for the teeth and keep the jaw healthy and strong. Implants support individual replacement teeth or secure specialized dentures in place.
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dakotavalley-oms · 2 years
Reasons To Undergo Oral Surgery In Apple Valley And Savage, MN
Visiting the local dentist is common enough. Sure, most individuals, especially children, are scared of the professional poking and prying in the open mouth and extracting a tooth. One cannot avoid it either. Taking good care f one’s oral health has a positive effect on general health too. Unfortunately, a few conditions require surgical manipulation or removal of the tooth and/or tissue. One does not have to quake in the boots at the thought of undergoing oral surgery in Apple Valley and Savage, MN, however. ​ Being overcome with pain or inflammation of the gums that interfere with chewing can be reason enough to see a dentist. It is the dental professional who has to take the call here. An emergency necessitates heading directly to the ER to have the issue resolved as early as possible. Being stuffed with pain medication does not help one in an ideal situation. On the contrary, it may worsen the issue. A competent dentist is definitely to recommend maxillofacial surgery in the following circumstances:- · Impacted wisdom tooth- While the third molar can grow in the wrong direction and get impacted, one may also experience the same problem in other areas of the jawline. A new tooth emerging from the gum line may not find enough space to grow. The teeth are often crowded in the area, with the gums becoming sore and extremely painful. This often results in gum infections causing the surgeon to extract the offending tooth before it causes more trouble. Indeed, an impacted tooth may damage the other teeth, gum, and the underlying jawbone too. Cysts are often formed within the mouth, causing discomfort and pain. Eliminating the tooth is the only way to heal the oral cavity and its structures. · Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues- The joint that connects the skull to the jaw is evident in front of the ears. Many individuals feel their jaw popping, stiffness, headaches, and pain in the joint. While this can be corrected by medication, severe cases need surgery to reposition the joint properly, thus eliminating the associated problems. · Overbite & Underbite - Orthognathic surgery is commonly recommended for the correction of teeth alignment. Individuals with pronounced overbites or underbites benefit from the surgery, as do persons afflicted with sleep apnea and chewing issues. Congenital disabilities may be reversed perfectly with surgery. Misalignment may be corrected by wearing braces. One needs to undergo oral surgery when the jaw causes such a condition. · Implants- A missing tooth affects one’s appearance adversely. Such individuals are often seen smiling without showing their teeth, lacking confidence. While dentures have been the common solution previously, surgeons advise dental implants that are fixed tightly with no slippage or damage in the future. Not all patients qualify for implants, however. The oral surgeon will check the bone density and health condition before proceeding with the procedure. Oral surgery in Apple Valley and Savage, MN, is not too complicated, with the surgeon usually advising the patient to go home on the same day.
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dakotavalley-oms · 2 years
Dakota Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery P.A. specialize in dental implants and tooth replacement in Shakopee, Eagan, Lakeville, Burnsville, Apple Valley, Savage, MN, and the surrounding areas.
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dakotavalley-oms · 6 months
Why Use Dental Implants in Apple Valley and Savage, MN?
Visiting a dentist is commonplace. It is an activity that is dreaded by both the young and the old alike. It cannot be avoided, especially when experiencing pain and inflammation of the tooth or gums. The idea of smiling with a tooth or several teeth missing is unbearable, too. One can amend the situation and smile beautifully again by resorting to dental implants in Apple Valley and Savage, MN.
It is a good idea to contact an experienced dental professional or a cosmetic surgeon to learn more about the whats, whys, and hows. It suffices to know that a dental implant is an artificial tooth that is fitted snugly into the gap left behind by the missing tooth/teeth. An alternative to dentures and bridge work, it can be easily installed and causes no inconvenience to the patient.
The implant is fixed to the underlying jawbone with titanium cylinders surgically installed in the gums below to keep the implant firmly fixed and immovable. It is essential to understand that installing an implant is a professional task that should never be attempted by laypersons with inadequate knowledge or training.
Sure, most patients have reservations about the procedure, especially as it involves surgery. Thankfully, dental implants installed carefully by dental professionals are safe and provide a host of benefits to patients. The best reasons to consider getting a dental implant are as follows:-
· Look & Feel Realistic- The implant can fit beautifully into the gap created by missing teeth. The patient can smile widely with no viewer noticing the difference. Moreover, the patient cannot feel any difference, especially when chewing food. It is easily adaptable, thus ensuring the restoration of all functions.
· Reliability- The addition of dentures had been the norm before. However, the implants are more reliable, with the risk of suddenly moving away from the designated space and falling out inadvertently being impossible. The patient can continue the previous lifestyle and move the jaw and tongue as needed without requiring special precautions.
· Prevention of Bone Loss- The underlying jaw bone will lose density and volume rapidly due to a lack of stimulation. Statistics reveal that 25% of the bone is lost when the gap is not filled after a year. This will weaken the jaw and invite infections of the gum. The teeth alignment goes haywire as the face sags and the support is lost. Fixing an implant to the gap can enable the patient to retain the beauty of the face and smile without compromising any of the functions.
The dental implants in Apple Valley and Savage, MN, do not require expensive maintenance. On the contrary, the implant fitted securely to fill the gap behaves like a normal tooth. The patient can brush, floss, and use mouthwash as needed. A quality implant is also durable and expected to last for a lifetime as long as good oral hygienic practices are followed.
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dakotavalley-oms · 2 years
Commonest Types of Dental Surgery in Savage and Apple Valley, MN
Visiting a dentist is common. Indeed, very few individuals have not experienced toothache during their lifetime. Cold or warm compresses and pain medication usually work fantastically to resolve the issues. Unfortunately, the dental professional may suggest getting dental surgery in Savage and Apple Valley, MN. There is no reason to be petrified, though. Most patients experience no pain at all regardless of the type of surgery involved. Sure, the recovery time tends to differ as it is directly related to the procedure as well as the skills of the surgeon. ​ Understanding the process well in advance is important before agreeing to the surgery. This is the onus of the dental surgeon who will be willing to explain the procedure in detail and ensure that the patient is reconciled to the idea of an invasive surgery affecting the teeth, gums, soft tissue, and jaw. Some of the most typical surgical procedures performed regularly by expert dental professionals include the following that pose almost no risks to the patient's health. The success rate remains high for the procedures as well: Wisdom Tooth Extraction- The third molar or the wisdom teeth is a remnant of the past, with its efficacy being reduced now. A young adult may develop a wisdom tooth that sprouts slowly but surely, affecting the jaw and gums underneath. The smaller size of the oral cavity is too small to accommodate this tooth, causing it to emerge sideways. This may press the nerve of the adjacent tooth and push it out of alignment. Often, an impacted tooth invites bacterial infection causing immense pain and compromising chewing and swallowing actions. The dental professional has no option but to extract the offending tooth via surgery. The problems are eliminated once the wisdom tooth is removed from the root. Dental Implants- Losing a tooth that leaves a gap behind can affect the individual's morale. It is emotionally traumatic too and results in loss of confidence. One of the best solutions to eliminate such issues would be to insert a titanium implant into the underlying jawbone. The implant functions as an artificial tooth with all actions restored, including the aesthetic appeal. Jaw Surgery- Improper alignment of the upper and lower jaw results in a wide range of problems. An advanced or receding jaw can cause severe malocclusion as well. This is usually a problem that is noticed at birth. This skeletal defect can be corrected with the aid of surgery. The orthodontist works closely with the concerned surgeon to reshape the jaw, so it becomes perfectly aligned afterward. Bone Grafting- The jawbone is lost with advanced age. Patients who lose multiple teeth may request dental implants to reduce the prominent gap in their teeth and ensure chewing and swallowing with correction of articulation. Dental surgeons use bone grafting techniques to add to the amount of bone in the jaw, thus enhancing the chances of placing implants without any adverse effect. For cosmetic reasons, one may also opt for dental surgery in Savage and Apple Valley, MN.
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dakotavalley-oms · 2 years
Dakota Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery P.A. is the best place to get dental implants. They form a strong foundation for teeth and keep the jaw healthy and strong. Implants support individual replacement teeth or secure specialized dentures in place.
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dakotavalley-oms · 4 years
Facts About Dental Implants In Apple Valley And Eagan, MN
Having one or multiple teeth knocked out due to an accident or illness does not only affect the appearance. It can cause several digestive problems if left untreated. Today, there are several options for replacing a missing tooth, but most doctors advise dental implants in Apple Valley and Eagan, MN. This prompts the question, 'what is a dental implant.' It suffices to learn that it is an artificially created root of the tooth positioned firmly into the underlying jaw. The implant is then used to place a denture or a bridge as per the patient's requirement.
Not every person who loses a tooth is the perfect candidate for having an implant placed, though. Young individuals who tend to get their tooth knocked out in a fisticuff or on the sporting arena may have the original tooth placed back when the tooth is preserved carefully and taken to a dental professional within minutes of the accident.
Others need to visit a dentist too and may be referred to a dental surgeon for undergoing the procedure. However, it is up to the medical professional to decide about the type of dental implant needed. There are two different types of implants used today, namely:-
Endosteal – This type of implant is put into position with the aid of screws, blades, or cylinders, with the artificial root being placed firmly into the jaw bone. It can hold multiple teeth simultaneously. It is believed to be an ideal alternative for patients using conventional dentures.
Subperiosteal- These implants are not fitted into the bone and protrude via the gum for holding the artificial tooth. This type of implant is recommended for patients with reduced bone density and minimal available height.
Benefits of Dental Implants
· Comfortable & Convenient- The implants are created painstakingly and methodically to resemble natural teeth in every aspect. The artificial root will not be uncomfortable, nor will it hamper any regular activities. The user can chew, swallow, and smile before with the implant not being noticeable at all. There is no possibility of the implant being dislodged accidentally, either.
· Durable- There is no reason to change dental implants often. The patient continues to enjoy everyday life with no gum disease symptom or loose tooth becoming imminent. One can hope to make use of the implant for a long time without any ill effects. It is essential to care for the implant as per the advice of the dental surgeon.
· Improved Appearance- The implant provides additional support to the jaw bone and reduces resorption rate. This keeps the structure of the jaw bone intact with no deterioration whatsoever. The user does not find the facial features altered with time and is sure to remain to look as elegant as before.
Every visit to the dentist does not make it an emergency. Few issues require oral surgery in Apple Valley and Savage, MN. While many surgical procedures are used for cosmetic reasons, correction of the jaw bone and severe injury and wisdom tooth extraction require surgical intervention.
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dakotavalley-oms · 4 years
Necessity Of Tooth Replacement in Apple Valley And Burnsville, MN
Having a sparkling set of teeth that improves the smile and the presence of healthy gums adds to one’s appearance. Unfortunately, not all individuals retain all 32 of their teeth as they go through various life stages. It is, therefore, common enough to find people with missing teeth. Losing a tooth due to an accident or illness is no reason to remain content with a gap in the teeth. ​ Dentistry has evolved over centuries, with modern techniques being able to restore one’s appearance correctly. The main reason for tooth replacement in Apple Valley and Burnsville, MN, is not cosmetic appeal. The dental professionals advise having the most tooth replaced urgently for going without a single tooth or several teeth missing can prove to be intensely costly in the long run. Some of the things that can be avoided or amended by having a lost tooth replaced include a host of health problems, including:- · Shifting of teeth- Nature has a way of filling all gaps. A gap in the set of teeth is not immune to this property either. The tooth on either side of the gap is sure to shift over time, resulting in misalignment. This is definite to affect one’s appearance with crooked teeth marring the smile. · Difficulty in Swallowing/Speaking- It is natural for a person to avoid eating certain foods due to difficulty chewing correctly. The task of chewing involves several teeth and can be affected when one tooth is lost. Articulation of words is affected, with slurring becoming evident due to lack of tooth/teeth. · Painful Condition- The bite is likely to be affected due to a missing tooth. Trying to overcompensate one’s actions for the loss may cause one to have a pronounced overbite or underbite. Putting of tooth replacement for long can spread to the temporomandibular joint or jaw bone as well. Poor chewing habits and clenching of teeth, grinding, and intense headaches begin to surface, along with the possibility of developing TMD (temporomandibular disease) becoming stronger. Restoring the gap with an artificial tooth can lessen the underlying issue of an incorrect bite along with the associated symptoms of TMD. · Gum Disease- A single gap within the teeth set may cause other teeth to be misaligned and give rise to several gum conditions with parts of adjoining teeth breaking. Individuals find it difficult to brush and floss properly when there is an empty tooth socket in the oral cavity. Improper oral hygiene causes an influx of bacteria that act on the food particles resulting in gum infections. One may have the missing tooth replaced with the aid of dentures or implants. Dental professionals also advise the use of dental bridges that can arrest jaw bone decay considerably. Replacing a missing tooth will not help when one is diagnosed with other conditions. Having the impacted wisdom tooth removed or treating facial injury requires Maxillofacial surgery in Savage and Apple Valley, MN.
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dakotavalley-oms · 3 years
Need To See an Oral Surgeon in Savage and Apple Valley, MN
The third molars or wisdom teeth are the last set of permanent teeth to develop. Often associated with excruciating pain and other health issues, many dental professionals advise wisdom teeth removal in Lakeville and Savage, MN, once the first of the third molar begins to peek out of the gums. Many individuals are outraged at the thought of extracting them out, especially when there is no pain. Well, it is not only pain that indicates that something is wrong. Different circumstances necessitate extraction, however. ​ Sometimes, the third molars are taken out as a preventive measure too. Many teenaged individuals may have wisdom teeth taken out because the professional is wary about extraction once the bones become too hard and unyielding. An X-Ray of the teeth and gums reveal the actual position of the newly erupted teeth, indicating that they need to be removed completely. Some of the best reasons for removal of the wisdom teeth as soon as they sprout include the following: Damage to other permanent teeth: Sprouting of additional teeth in the jaw may cause space issues. The new wisdom teeth may push the adjoining teeth, thus resulting in pain and bite issues. Damage to Jaw- There is a tendency of cyst development around the new wisdom teeth. This may erode the jaw bone, hollowing it to expose the nerves underneath. Eating and drinking can be a problem thereafter, with pain felt whenever food particles or liquids touch the exposed nerves. Sinus Issues- The wisdom teeth may infect the nearby sinus cavities resulting in sinusitis. Apart from pain, the patient may experience constant nasal discharge and bad breath. Gum Inflammation- The gums need to be healthy to support the teeth. The wisdom teeth area may be difficult to reach and clean perfectly. This is definite to invite bacterial infection causing inflammation, infection, and pain. Cavities- The swollen gums can give rise to multiple cavities that form in the teeth. Most of them teem with bacteria and leave the gums infected. There may be bleeding from the gums as well. The best treatment in such a condition is filling the cavities and keeping infection away. Alignment- Crowding of teeth is one of the most common problems associated with wisdom teeth. Removal of the extra molars can make enough space in the oral cavity to ensure proper alignment. Removal of wisdom teeth is a surgical procedure that can be done quickly. It is done under anesthesia so that no pain is experienced during the process. It is most important to follow the guidelines before and after undergoing wisdom teeth removal. The neighborhood dentist may refer a patient o an experienced oral surgeon in Savage and Apple Valley, MN, when it is time to extract the wisdom teeth. Such surgeons are also adept at reconstructive surgeries after accidents, especially when the teeth, gums, and jawline are affected.
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dakotavalley-oms · 3 years
Reasons To Undergo Maxillofacial Surgery in Savage and Apple Valley, MN
A prominent gap in the teeth is likely to adversely affect one’s appearance, causing a loss of confidence. The missing tooth may cause the setting to become awry as well. Chewing will be hampered with a pain in the lower jaw experienced many a time. It is essential to plug the gap by opting for a tooth replacement in Burnsville and Lakeville, MN, at the earliest. ​ There are multiple options available today. While dentures had been the only resort of elderly individuals just a few years ago, one can safely rely on flippers, fixed bridges, and metal partial at present. Both dentists and consumers agree that dental implants are by far the most effective and convenient alternative to replace a missing tooth. Some of its benefits are appreciated by most users, with dental professionals recommending them to patients of all ages. The advantages that one gains by using a dental implant as a replacement tooth include: Prevention of Bone Loss- One tends to lose some mass from the jaw bone when a tooth falls off and cannot be restored. The tooth plays a positive role in stimulating the bone, thus maintaining its functionality. With no tooth to connect with the underlying jawbone, the stimulatory effect is lost completely, leading to the progressive erosion of the bone mass. A dental implant mimics the natural tooth perfectly and prevents loss of bone as well. Perfect Match- Modern-day dental implants are available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. In short, there is one to match every individual. The professional will be sure to pick one that matches the color and shape of the other teeth in the set. Therefore, plugging the gap is easy, with no difference between natural teeth and the implant being obvious. Force of Bite- A dental implant is fixed to the jaw bone with the help of a titanium post that acts as a substitute root of the tooth. The concerned individual would be able to bite crunchy food with the same kind of force used by natural teeth. The implant restores the biting function totally, with the patient enjoying all types of food thereafter. Facial Structure- A loss of a tooth is sure to affect facial appearance. Most individuals reveal a wrinkled appearance with a sagging jaw bone that adds years to the appearance. An implant negates this possibility as it provides proper support to the facial structure and prevents alteration of shape that leads to premature aging. Restoration of Speech- Using traditional dentures may result in lisping and faulty articulation. Likewise, living with a missing tooth may result in affecting speech as well. A dental implant looks and feels just like a natural tooth with no impairment of speech. Many congenital conditions affect teeth formation and its functions. It is essential to restore normalcy following an accident too. The best way to ensure correction involves maxillofacial surgery in Savage and Apple Valley, MN.
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