#Demonstrations 1.10.2020
nataliesnews · 4 years
XDemonstrations 1.10.2020
I am so condisfabulated  and I know that is not the word but it is what I feel….. Sometimes I feel as if my days are only full of walking, collecting bottles, going to demonstrations, writing to all of you non-stop. I don’t have much patience for zoom and hope that when our joint Arabic classed start up as there are only 5 of us we will be able to do it frontally. However bad things have been I have never woken up in the morning not wanting to get out of the bed but now I feel more and more that I have to force myself to do things and not just sit in front of the tv. The only thing that I read is Georgette Heyer and she takes me to a different world where you can read a whole chapter into just the raising of the eyebrow of the heroine.
   BB wants to control people even more by not letting them move more than 200 metres from their home. If he could carry out a military coup he would do it without thinking twice. The role of dictator would suit him. He should remember what happened to another dictator and his wife in Italy. 
 Also if anyone is found during the holiday in a Succah which is not his he will be fined. How they think to implement this I do not know. I would like to see them doing this in the Haredi areas.
 And what would be funny if it were not so bitter is the photo of a with a mask under his nose being fined by a policewoman in the same position.
 Some titbits of democracy in Israel
 Two protesters were taken in for questioning by police Thursday morning for telling a soldier stationed at a police checkpoint near the Knesset that he should be ashamed of himself for helping to stop protests.
The two women, both Tel Aviv residents in their fifties, are suspected of insulting a civil servant and are expected to be questioned Thursday. They filmed themselves at a police checkpoint on Tuesday on the way to the protest against tightening coronavirus regulations to clamp down on protests, which the Knesset was then debating. They told the soldier, among other things, that he is participating in a military coup and told him to disobey his orders, and called police stationed at the checkpoint “prostitutes.”
Many in the crowd said that they were sorry for the soldiers (and also for the police) I am sure some of them did not want to be there. And I don’t think prostitute should be used as an insult as no one knows what drove them to the profession. At least they work for their money which is more than can be said for many of those in the parliament
The Rosh Ha’ayin municipality has threatened to fine a resident unless she removes protest signs against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that she has placed on a fence on the perimeter of her property
The signs hung up by Ruti Erez on a fence, the opposite side of which is public property, read: “We’re fed up with you, disconnected people.”
  . I was furious yesterday though when I was told that we are not allowed visitors even outside. I really screamed at them. And it is so stupid. You can go out wherever you want to. So why for example can’t Suha, my Arabic teacher, come and sit with me far from the others. No we have to go across the road to a park or somewhere else. Bibisteria. Trouble is that we don’t have enough people who complain here. Yes they complain but heaven forbid they should open their mouths.
 But we have started having small demonstrations outside Nofim. Anyhow this woman in pink started off by sitting all on her own. She says she noticed that those on the right have become more violence both in gestures and language and people in an adjacent building have been using a loudspeaker to insult us. So far we have not been attacked though another small demonstration including children were nearly knocked over by two louts on motorbikes. We get many people hooting in support but most are apathetic or show us the finger. I shouted at one of those that I hoped he wouldn’t get any that night. Sarah Sherman just wrote to me that in her neighborhood they are also demonstrating. I think all over the city.
  Then Miami who gives exercise lessons here joined and phoned me. I phoned a few friends and then Gershon Baskin put it on facebook. And yesterday we were about 20. There are small demonstrations evidently all over Jerusalem. I brought one black flag back from Balfour and then Varda Levi who has never taken part in anything made two more for me. She joined us once but it having trouble with her knee so  her flags will represent her. And quite a few of the people from Nofim have joined us and others say they wished they could but it is too difficult for them.
 “Bibi is guilty of betraying our trust, deceit and bribes
  A young family who joined us
   Sometimes even when things are bitter something happens which gives a different feeling. I was at the demonstration at the parliament when the bill was being discussed  and a policeman tried to grab a sign from a man who was standing quietly with is and on which was written something the policeman did not like. Everyone surged forward around me which was a bit nerve-wracking because of my balance and suddenly I found I was encircled by a man and a woman who kept their arms around me and insisted on taking me to a quieter area. I was very tired by then As I had been out since 9.00 and the day was hot. I said that I wanted to walk to one of the police barriers to ask how far I would have to walk to get to an area where I could get a taxi. A young man insisted on going for me and same back to say that he had made an agreement with the commander there that they should bring in a taxi for me. It was rather embarrassing and I kept saying to him that I was fine and would manage but they would not let me go. As it did not work out that way I found myself even more embarrassingly being escorted to a police car which then drove me out of the area of the barriers and to a place where I could order a taxi. I appreciate their concern but really I do not want to be treated as a shrinking violet. I think it is mainly the sticks which make the impression on people that I have to be looked after. They don't know how nasty I can get. And I thought how my friends would open their eyes if they saw me in a police car having a pleasant conversation
 Then last night I was at Balfour with Varda Cheled.  We heard in the evening that there was to be a last demonstration before the law came into affect. I felt I was just too tired to go and so did she but then she phoned at about  9 pm and said that there were many people there and I got dressed and we went. As I got into the car I said to here, “I don’t know who is crazier. Me or you.” I told her that when Ellen  and I used to go out together we would say that we should never be allowed out alone with a responsible adult.
  The demonstrators were not violent and well behaved. The police on the other hand were out for prey. Now that there are less cars on the road and less parking fines they evidently feel that they have to make their purse at the demos. They simply went into the crowd, about 200 people, and pulled people out to be arrested. They went around in groups of 4 or larger.
 The sign says “The people against the government.”
   Very happy with themselves. We stayed until the end and I was glad to hear Hatikva being played. As a friend said before it is a long time since I felt pride in holding  our flag and could sing Hatikva. We were there until about 11 and it ended quietly.
 But something that is worth noting. This man and woman, obviously BB supporters, wandered around in the crowd of demonstrators and though he had on a shirt which proclaimed who he was and at the end started ranting and raving no one tried to attack him or use violence in any way. Had this been the other way around he would have been beaten up by the extreme right an a few minutes of his appearance.
  The crowds of police protecting the entrance to the holy (holey!) (where the rats can crawl into when the ship sinks) home of Balfour.
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evoldir · 4 years
Fwd: Postdoc: UHelsinki.TransGenerationalEffects
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: UHelsinki.TransGenerationalEffects > Date: 27 June 2020 at 07:28:31 BST > To: [email protected] > Reply-To: [email protected] > > > POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER POSITION at University of Helsinki > > in an integrative project to address the role of trans-generational > effects in stress tolerance for a fixed term of two and a half > years. The starting date is 1.10.2020, but a later starting > date can be negotiated.  The post doc will join the Life-history > Evolution Research group led by Associate Professor Marjo Saastamoinen > (https://ift.tt/3dEK3t0). The > overreaching aim of the project is to understand the potential adaptive > role of trans-generational impacts and underlying epi(genetic) mechanisms > to environmental stress using the Glanville fritillary butterfly as a > study organism. The project builds on an on-going work indicating that > both individual”¦s own developmental conditions and those experienced by > its mother shape its phenotype. Furthermore, epigenetic and transcriptomic > analyses suggest that within- and transgenerational responses are mediated > by distinct pathways. > > We are seeking a post doc to continue this project in order to understand > the potential adaptive nature and/or the impact of paternal condition in > the trans-generational stress responses. The post doc will participate > in planning and conducting the experiment(s), analyse the phenotypic and > genomic (transcriptomic and ATAC-sequencing) data, and lead the writing > of the resulting manuscript(s). There is also potential for analysing > part of the existing data. The successful candidate is expected to > have demonstrable experience in bioinformatic analyses of genomic data > as well as strong background in evolutionary ecology and experimental > approaches. Thus, the postdoctoral researcher will work at the interface > of evolutionary ecology and genomics. > > Applicants should have completed a PhD in evolutionary ecology or a > related field, and have bioinformatics and statistical skills. We seek > candidates with excellent written and verbal communication skills, and the > ability to conceive, execute and complete research projects, and to think > independently and creatively. The post doc will work as a part of a team > and thus good social skills are required.  For more information, contact > assoc. prof. Marjo Saastamoinen by email: [email protected] > > The starting salary will be ca. 3300”V3800 euros/month, depending on > the appointee”¦s qualifications and experience. > > For more details please use the following link > > https://ift.tt/2BeEwft > > The deadline for submitting the application is 10 August 2020. > > > > Marjo Saastamoinen > Associate Professor in Evolutionary Ecology > Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE)/ Organismal and Evolutionary > Biology Research Programme > Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences > University of Helsinki > Finland > > https://ift.tt/31oM362 > > https://ift.tt/3dJHVjO > > > > "Saastamoinen, Marjo A K" > via IFTTT
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evoldir · 4 years
Fwd: Postdoc: UHelsinki.TransGenerationalEffects
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: UHelsinki.TransGenerationalEffects > Date: 27 June 2020 at 07:28:31 BST > To: [email protected] > > > POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER POSITION at University of Helsinki > > in an integrative project to address the role of trans-generational > effects in stress tolerance for a fixed term of two and a half > years. The starting date is 1.10.2020, but a later starting > date can be negotiated.  The post doc will join the Life-history > Evolution Research group led by Associate Professor Marjo Saastamoinen > (https://ift.tt/3dEK3t0). The > overreaching aim of the project is to understand the potential adaptive > role of trans-generational impacts and underlying epi(genetic) mechanisms > to environmental stress using the Glanville fritillary butterfly as a > study organism. The project builds on an on-going work indicating that > both individual”¦s own developmental conditions and those experienced by > its mother shape its phenotype. Furthermore, epigenetic and transcriptomic > analyses suggest that within- and transgenerational responses are mediated > by distinct pathways. > > We are seeking a post doc to continue this project in order to understand > the potential adaptive nature and/or the impact of paternal condition in > the trans-generational stress responses. The post doc will participate > in planning and conducting the experiment(s), analyse the phenotypic and > genomic (transcriptomic and ATAC-sequencing) data, and lead the writing > of the resulting manuscript(s). There is also potential for analysing > part of the existing data. The successful candidate is expected to > have demonstrable experience in bioinformatic analyses of genomic data > as well as strong background in evolutionary ecology and experimental > approaches. Thus, the postdoctoral researcher will work at the interface > of evolutionary ecology and genomics. > > Applicants should have completed a PhD in evolutionary ecology or a > related field, and have bioinformatics and statistical skills. We seek > candidates with excellent written and verbal communication skills, and the > ability to conceive, execute and complete research projects, and to think > independently and creatively. The post doc will work as a part of a team > and thus good social skills are required.  For more information, contact > assoc. prof. Marjo Saastamoinen by email: [email protected] > > The starting salary will be ca. 3300”V3800 euros/month, depending on > the appointee”¦s qualifications and experience. > > For more details please use the following link > > https://ift.tt/2BeEwft > > The deadline for submitting the application is 10 August 2020. > > > > Marjo Saastamoinen > Associate Professor in Evolutionary Ecology > Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE)/ Organismal and Evolutionary > Biology Research Programme > Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences > University of Helsinki > Finland > > https://ift.tt/31oM362 > > https://ift.tt/3dJHVjO > > > > "Saastamoinen, Marjo A K" > via IFTTT
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