#Demoman TF2 my absolute beloved
some-pers0n · 1 year
I think a lot about those couple panels we got of Demo in the first comic. Demoman himself is a character I find to be interesting and really like playing around with more complicated ideas and concepts, so obviously I'm gonna take note when we are handed this on a platter.
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It cuts away from a little gag scene to show us that Demo...hasn't exactly been doing the greatest for the last six months. The room is dark. Drinks and snacks litter the floor. It doesn't look like it's been cleaned in weeks.
It's been six months since they were all laid off. The only friend that Demo has now is the Eyelander, who he spends watching soap opreas with nonstop. It's a miserable life from the looks of it. He doesn't seem happy. He's still drunkenly babbling on about how he's been replaced with robots. He's clearly affected by this whole thing, something reaffirmed with the next page where we see this.
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Sunken eyes. Stained shirt. Robe. Unkempt beard. Sweatpants. He doesn't look too great. Literally in the next page too we also learn that he's put on some weight (Soldier says: "Hello fat Demoman!") and just...yeah.
There's quite a bit of storytelling here. I don't really wanna brush it off as just: "Oh haha isn't it funny how Demoman is an alcoholic?" because I don't really get that impression here. The only bits of humor is when his mother hits him over the head with a cane because he couldn't hear the doorbell and the Eyelander's quips.
Stuff like this is really interesting to me. It makes me think about Demo's character more, especially when here it's portrayed in a very straightforward way. Demo is drinking away his sorrows. His life doesn't really have a meaning since he lost his job. All he does is drink, eat chips, watch TV, bicker with his talking sword, deal with his mother, then sleep. Rinse and repeat for six months.
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chrisredfield73 · 10 months
I have a tf2 request! Could I get some head cannons of an undercover mission trope? Like the mercs seeing the reader dressed up for a mission?
- feel free to ignore, but if you do write it, Ty!!
A/N: I LOVE THIS TROPE SM BRO. I'm down to write just about anything so don't worry! (Usually I do the bullet-point posts faster cause they're quicker to post! If you want a full story from any of these, lmk!)
For Spy's part:
Mon cher/mon cheríe means my darling or my treasure!
He's in his room when you walk in, his jaw drops to the floor as soon as he sees you and his eyes widen.
"Damn, toots/pal.."
He didn't expect you to be dressed up this nice, and to look so good...
After taking a moment to gawk at you, he gets that cocky smirk on his face.
"You look hot."
He's not the best at flirting, clearly, but he'll be damned if he doesn't try..
He was busy yelling at the other mercs before turning to look at you.
His eyes widen under his helmet and he tugs at his jacket collar.
"Wow.. Uh.."
He's speechless and getting flustered in front of all the other mercenaries..
"You look.. Good."
He's trying so hard not to show how flustered he is in front of the others, to no avail.
They're all over there snickering and making fun of Soldier.
He's sitting outside, thinking about 'Pyroland', when he hears footsteps behind him.
As soon as he sees you, he let's out a happy and muffled coo.
He absolutely adores you in your nice dress attire, you look amazing!
He gets up and walks over to you, handing you a flower.
"Mmf mff mm mmf!"
He hopes you'll wear that outfit more often, he thinks it suits you really well!
No pun intended.
He's off in one of the storage rooms, drinking his scrumpy, when he sees you walk in.
He let's out a low whistle as he eyes you up and down.
"Aye, lookin' good there, lass/lad."
He's got a blush on his face, due to the alcohol or your good looks.. We'll never know.
He takes another swig of his drink, a slight smirk on his face.
"Ya want a drink?"
He offers you the bottle, still taking in the sight of your outfit and your form..
He's sitting in the armory, examining Sasha to make sure no one else has messed with his beloved gun and he hears you walk in.
He smiles at you, a light pink flush forming on his face.
"Heavy think.. You look beautiful/handsome."
He likes how well dressed you are, thinking that you should dress this way more often.
"You will do good, Heavy can tell."
He's not as flirty as the others, yet his stomach does flips as he looks at you..
He's sitting outside, by his truck, playing the guitar when you approach him.
He looks over at you and gives you a smile.
"Well, look at you.."
He thinks you look amazing, you should wear that outfit more.
He stops playing the guitar and offers a cheeky grin.
"Wanna sit here with me, hon?"
He's not as flirty as the others, but he absolutely adores you dressed up all nice like this.
He's sitting in the medbay, in the middle of doing some crazy experiment that definitely has some life altering effects, when he notices you walk in.
He gawks at you for a moment before clearing his throat and smiling.
"You look good. Ja, very good."
He's a little awkward and he's definitely getting flustered.
He can't believe his eyes, you look amazing dressed like this.
"Did you.. need something?"
He tries to change the topic before he gets too flustered, but it's obvious to you that he's blushing heavily..
He's sitting in his van, cleaning his kukri, when you walk in.
He's one of the more stoic mercs, but you definitely have his jaw dropping.
"Damn, roo.. Y'look stunning."
He blushes, looking away to try and hide his flustered face.
He knew you'd look good but seeing you dressed like this in person makes him turn red.
"You wanna sit here for a bit?"
You caught his eye, as if you already didn't, and now he wants you to stick around more than ever...
He's in his room, smoking a cigarette and listening to jazz, when you walk in.
He looks over at you and his mouth goes agape.
"You look.. stunning, mon cher/ma cheríe."
He's enamored, stunned by how well dressed you are and how good you look dressed like this.
He's silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.
"You have a perfect outfit for going undercover."
It's awkward, to say the least. He didn't expect this at all but he definitely likes what he's seeing..
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mxboxlocks · 1 year
Pokehmans AU
just some notes i wanted to share. specifically a heartgold/soulsilver au bc its my favorite pokemon game and the only one i own . im not oldschool im jus autistic LOL
Scout -flying type trainer in violet city -very much a city slicker. never travels along the routes -would rather die than battle on the streets -very scared of his pidgeotto. it knows this -wants to at least see one of the legendary bird pokemon -frequent pokeathelon contestant! has an aprijuice promo
Soldier -fire/flying/fighting mainly, but branches out because he just likes the murder animals -started as a street trainer -new bark town local. recieved a cyndaquil from prof. elm -owns all the johto badges and is trying to get to kanto to get the rest -biggest dream is to defeat the elite four. just to prove a point
Pyro -fire type trainer what'd you expect -firebreather in a travelling circus. they go all over! -their magmar is their best friend and confidant <3 -has a gengar that is an absolute menace. p sure it wants to kill them. they love it to pieces. its so cute it dont bite -mf might be Red. nobody actually knows and they keep their identity on tight lock and key
Engineer -Soldier's childhood friend! -new bark town local as well -takes gold's place, as he's a trusted ally of Prof. Elm and is the one that carries out the story -he and Soldier travel together -chikorita his beloved. his daughter. his life and light -despite having a grass starter, prefers steel/rock/elec -farmboy. SUPER displaced in most cities. -endgoal is pokemon research, so he sticks with Soldier and supports his dreams, as the travel is good for his research
Demoman -normal type lover -really just likes the cute pokemon -not really a trainer anymore. owns a daycare! -he has like 4 badges. stopped battling when it became too much of a danger due to crime and cheaters -even if he's in retirement, he's been on many-a vigilante smuggle bust. -works with local pokemon centers. he's got a huge soft spot
Heavy -fighting type gym leader in cianwood!!! -his sisters are his training partners -believes in the bond between person and pokemon above all else -takes care of his mama and her ursaring real well <3 -highly objected the safari zone construction at first but now participates in it as a warden
Sniper -OWNS THE SAFARI ZONE !!!! inherited it from his parents -was found in a feral rattata/raticate colony as an infant and adopted. now rattatas follow him everywhere -loves all kinds of pokemon -highly critical of battle culture, gym or otherwise
Medic -pokemon proffessor! ...kind of. -worked with the group that made mewtwo. has kind of staved the whole experimentation thing off since -has a porygon! loves it like a cat -archimedes is a pidove and is kind of deranged. Medic SWEARS its a psychic type -still kind of fucked up and evil like in tf2 canon, but i don't have the heart to make him fucked up in the pokemon universe. peace and love.
Spy -he's an idol no im not fucking with you -likes fancy pokemon, but has this ratty ass furrett that he fostered as a stray and he loves her. she bites -lives in a lavish flat in goldenrod -donates a lot of his money anonymously to pokemon centers and the national park -secretly likes bug types.. -enters his pokemon in shows and beauty pagents a lot!!! hes strict on their regimen, but empathetic to their needs. has tapped out last minute on more than one occasion!!! -Soldier and Engie's personal rival. used to live in new bark town as well but became too good for the small town life
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Oh yeah absolutely! I just like nudging people into talking about their interests and stuff :]
Also yeah demoman the deeply beloved i defend him with my life all the time from random people in tf2 vc ~🕊️
By day I defend Demo from his detractors on here who get character things about him wrong, by night I defend Demo from his detractors on tf2 who get gameplay things about him wrong (the Scottish Resistance is objectively good and I can't even imagine why people think it's bad)
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TF2 classes rated by how well I’d do against them in a 1v1 fistfight
I woke up this morning feeling particularly arrogant and in my hubris I have decided to make a list where I completely accurately rate how well I’d do in a barehanded, no-weapons, classic caveman fisticuffs against the mercenaries. Let’s begin.
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Scout: Were it not for Merasmus, this idiot would be the lowest on the food chain. He is spindly, and granted he is fast and can double jump, he probably weighs half as much as me. If I sat on this guy I’d win.
Final verdict: 0/10, I will break you like a biscuit, little boy
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Soldier: This one’s all about strategy. There is no way I would win against a man that Rocket Jumps so regularly he probably uses it as a means to go to the grocery store in a completely fair fight. I seek to win, and so does he, and he might do it by snapping my neck like I’d snap Scout’s fragile ankles, and that means I’ll have to use my brain before he does so. If I tell him there’s something amazing behind him throughout the entire fight, he will fall for it every time, granting me victory.
Final verdict: 5/10, Really hope we’re gonna be wrestling around naked and covered in honey for this one
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Pyro: Maybe I would avoid hurting a wonderful little frog like this if I wasn’t absolutely bathing in hubris as of right now, but since I am, I’ll tell you that I am looking at this one and I know I can win, so long I keep my language clean and don’t make fun of fire. Which is easy, since I love fire type Pokemon.
Final Verdict: 3/10, Just because everyone else is scared of you doesn’t mean I have to be
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Demoman: Oh, this one might get tricky. Any idiot would think that as long as Demo is drunk, they can win, but Demo is always drunk, you fucking dumbass. Not a day goes by without him being absolutely wasted, and he has a canonically beautiful and romantic relationship with his liver, so waiting for him to die from liver failure won’t work either. Plus, this guy definitely has been in bar fights. He’s probably an expert on drunken fighting at this point. Though if I can make him fall asleep and forget why he was fighting me in the first place, I could probably win.
Final Verdict: 7/10, I can still win, especially if I also get wasted
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Heavy: Yeah, listen. I’m pumped full of the kind of stuff that God-slaying anime protagonists bleed before the final boss battle. But Heavy? I can’t win. Sascha weighs several times my own weight, and this guy pulls her around all day like a fucking accessory bag. Oh, don’t worry, I’ll absolutely try to win, but my chances of Heavy continuously fucking up throughout the fight, as if God is rolling Nat 1s for his every check, are pretty low. He’s not even that stupid, so I can’t trick him more than once or twice. I’ll have one chance to go for his weak legs, because I know he skips leg day, but after that? If I haven’t felled him? I’m going to get thrown like a beach ball.
Final Verdict: 10/10, If I start crying maybe he’ll feel bad enough and let me win by default
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Engineer: Now I am an Engineer main and simp, I really like this guy a lot, so entering a fight with nothing but out hands as weapons would, for most people, seem like a loss no matter what for me. Not so, idiots; I love fighting my beloved ones in an old-timey fashion, and it won’t change this time just because I happen to be in love with Mister Dell Cohnager. Engie is a laid-back nerd, so his strength, while heavily amplified by his mechanical hand, is lacking. On top of that, I’m 99% he’s a lot shorter than me, and since I’m a Jock, I will have a natural advantage over him in a fight. He unfortunately has an advantage over me by having a sexy Texan drawl and a deep voice, and if he smiles I might actually fucking die, so it’s a bit of a 50-50.
Final Verdict: 5/10, That helmet wont save you from these hands, but neither will my hands save me from that Cowboy Charm of yours
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Sniper: While this man isn’t exactly incompetent, he’s still only right above Scout in regards to strength by my totally accurate calculations. He’s skinny, and most of the time he doesn’t even move around like Scout does, but pisses in a jar while waiting to shoot someone in the head from very far away. Since we’ll be going at it barehanded, I have an actual proper chance of decking this guy, and if I am feeling especially cruel, I can use his crippling depression against him to win by default. And I do feel cruel right now.
Final Verdict: 1/10, Get some therapy and come back to me for a rematch, buddy
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Medic: As similar with Engineer, I do actually like this guy a bunch, but I don’t have a crush on him. Unfortunately, I’m a Tank main by heart, and while I don’t main Heavy, the urge to protect Healers from harm is stronger than my urge to hurt them. Should I somehow override this base instinct and become like those smelly little French backstabbers that feel no remorse at flaying Medics from behind, I might win against Medic in a fair fight. I wouldn’t know what to use against him psychologically, but I know he will be trying to do it to me. Whether it works or not is up to the unforgiving tides of fate.
Final Verdict: 4/10, I don’t know if I’ll feel great punching a guy with glasses, but Medic will be in Hell with me once we both die, so I can just apologize there
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Spy: If I see a spy or suspect someone is one, I will maul them like a bear. I have something personal against them, yes, maybe because I’m an Engineer and Medic main, but that’s besides the point, really. I know I can absolutely win in a fight against this man, even if he had his watch and knife. Stab me in the back all you want, buddy, but I’m not stopping till either your kneecaps or your windpipe is crushed.
Final Verdict: 0/10, Fuck you I’m going to pee on your suit
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sodafrog13 · 3 years
Obviously TF2 for the fandom ask 👀
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y'all got it!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): medic and engie duh they aren't my comfort characters for no reason
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): n/a
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): MR DEMOMAN TF2 MY BELOVED
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): the pumpkin criminal from gargoyles & gravel. my son, my child, my absolute beloved. you guys have no fucking clue how much i adore that little fucker <3
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): uhh. n/a i think.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): pyro but like,, affectionately. besides, i think they'd enjoy being plinko'd :]
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): c!he/avy, i fucking hate that dude so much
thank y'all for the ask!! was fun answering ^^
send me a fandom for uh. this?? lmao
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sonic-wildfire · 3 years
TF2 For the asks game!! <3
blorbo: heavy weapons guy my beloved <333
scrunkly: pyro is absolutely Shaped
scrimblo bimblo: engineer is a smart guy and he should get more love
glup shitto: pyro's balloonicorn!!!
poor little meow meow: demoman is the drunkest character i have ever known and i wouldn't have it any other way
horse plinko: scout. definitely scout.
eeby deeby: spy deserves no rights.
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