#Delta Rune Prophecy
yamchaisawesome · 1 year
I feel like Gerson is under appreciated. Like, he’s surprisingly well developed for how little time we get with him.
In undertale, he’s effectively the monster equivalent of an old man doing a massive yard sale, getting rid of shit he doesn’t need. However, due to his old man status “studying history sure is easy” and so he’s the only guy who tells you about the prophecy of the angel and the delta rune, as well as about Boss Monsters.
He also casually mentions he was a war hero back in the day, the Hammer of Justice. Now, two of the items in his shop are the torn notebook and cloudy glasses. These are both items belonging to the human soul of perseverance. Now, he could’ve just picked them up from trash zone, buuut it seems just as likely that he killed that human himself.
This is possibly why he is not in the least bit scared of you on the genocide route. Like, at all. He spits such raw lines as “I wouldn’t buy your chitzy garbage at knifepoint”. He also seems oddly self aware, like more than sans, saying he knows the player cannot kill him while in his shop when threatened. This absolute mad lad will charge you full price for his wares and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it, and he fucking knows it.
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Utter Chad right here.
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obscuretobyfox · 7 months
Re previous ask about the “Gaster” valentine:
The all caps is consistent with both the being that talks to you at the opening of the game, and whoever took over Toby’s Twitter account. (Ignoring kanji stuff I’m not an expert)
This seems pretty solid Gaster evidence to me tbh if you think that Gaster was the person who did the other two things
The all caps was initially a giveaway, yes. However, many characters speak in all caps throughout Deltarune and Undertale so we can't immediately assume it's Gaster. Additionally, take a look at the punctuation and prose used throughout the Valentine compared to the messages from the beginning of Deltarune and other places.
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A small summary of the image: Images of the disembodied voice throughout Deltarune (believed to be Gaster) shown to be using correct grammar and serious prose throughout their dialogue. Meanwhile, the secret valentine shows a fairly silly demanor and also signs off with "GOOD BY!", what seems to be an intentional spelling error/typing quirk (In the same vein as previous secret bosses.)
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The significance of the figure mentioning "Delta Rune" has also been a factor in attempting to tie it to Gaster, however keep in mind that the "Delta Rune" is a symbol heavily used throughout Undertale and Deltarune, meant to symbolize an ancient legend. The figure is likely aware of the prophecy rather than their inclusion in a game. The grammar certainly makes it seem as if they're referring to the game, however note that this character perhaps doesn't always speak with the best of grammar.
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ballgame · 13 days
Assuming Berdley is dead For Real: Do you think we'll get to kill anyone of the Big Four from the Fun Gang or it'll be restricted to side characters?
At the very least, I do think the Delta Warriors/Fun Gang are off the table.
While I do get the feeling that each subsequent Weird Route will ramp up the "weirdness" (as in deviation from the main route), I also feel like anything that gets in the way of the prophecy is a no-go. I suppose it's similar to what Undertale's prophecy has going on, just instead of two opposing interpretations the idea at play is more like "How far off the beaten path can you get while still technically following the same story and reaching the same ending?"
Perhaps this a bit of a grim way of putting it, but I think the reason why Berdly's death was part of our introduction to the Weird Route is because it is simultaneously very shocking but also ultimately inconsequential. Berdly has no apparent relevance to the larger story of Delta Rune (emphasis on the spacing there) and his absence thusly won't effect the ending.
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flonbowe · 8 months
So I was thinking about Mettaton, and something hit me
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Mettaton Neo has a very angelic design. I may be stretching it, but considering what a certain other angel looks like
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The resemblance is very much there. Mettaton's Ex and Neo forms look far more human than anything or anyone in the underground, including Frisk themselves during the Genocide run. Mettaton Neo is specifically a form used in a last case scenario to stop you. Now depending on how you view the Neo form, this can probably mean a few things. My two cents is that its Mettaton trying to keep himself and you fooled. Mettaton first and foremost is a showman. He's a TV star, and even if he may no longer have an audience, there's no way he's going off air lying down.
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Now why would this relate to his Neo form resembling the Angel? Well he's bluffing, whether intentionally or not he is bluffing. He can't beat you, and deep down I think he knows too. The best he can do is stall for time to get as many people out and evacuated as possible, to inspire hope. Its why he stays in the underground, and its what he's good at: inspiring. So he fights you and blocks your path, in the face of a demon he uses the visage of an Angel as the last line of defense for Monster kind. Undyne has fallen, the Asgore will fall too, but Mtt cannot let the monsters hopes die too. I know this isn't in game, but this kind of idea is even further expanded with this cover of Power of Neo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI0CxTgpA6Q
It uses a bunch of leitmotifs, and one of which is Bergentrückung, the other theme of someone who tried to bring hope to the Monsters, and the theme of who will fall after Mtt. This is also apparent with how Power of Neo is a more techno Mtt themed version of BAATH to begin with. At every point in the Mettaton Neo fight, from design to music to personality: Mettaton is stalling and pulling an intimidation act as a last ditch effort, since he doesn't know Sans is waiting in his church to play ball with Frisk. https://www.tumblr.com/dn-838/738700806141952000/how-aborted-genocide-affects-the-mettaton-neo?source=share This post goes more in detail on other aspects and Is generally just really interesting. But what I want to point out is what this means for Spamton Neo. By this logic, Spamton ALSO uses the visage of an Angel. Just for funnies, lets compare sprites too!
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I know im using fan made content again but after UTY, that really isn't too bad I think, especially for a more for fun exploration like this. Speaking of fan made content, lets see where that sprite came from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkDjXdp2Ayc&t=69s
Notice how it only uses the first part of the loop, it doesn't go on and doesn't continue Power of Neo fully. It doesn't have the full meaning of Mettaton's heroic sacrifice to help people, as instead of an Angel to save the Underground, Spamton is that Angel of Death in Undertale's prophecy (in the Snowgrave route anyway). Like Mettaton, Spamton also uses the visage of an Angel to achieve a goal, but no matter what route it is its a dark perversion of Mettaton's goals. Mettaton wanted to inspire the Underground and achieve his dreams, trying to stall and kill Frisk to either save them from Asgore, or save the survivors from You. Spamton wanted his freedom and attacks and tries to kill Kris for their soul so he can be free. He also assists in the Snowgrave route, being an accomplice to many many deaths for 15 minutes of fame. This idea is more properly conveyed in the last parts of Big Shot with the use of Power of Neo. Oh yeah this was a Mettaton analysis whoopsie Ok so I know this was a Mettaton Neo thing at the start but man I just wanted to gush and gush about Mettaton cuz man I really can't get enough of him. He's the only one of two characters in Undertale to directly have connections with the Angel prophecy when it isn't just the Delta Rune itself, he inadvertantly saved the Underground because he's what made Alphys get the Royal Scientist posi--OH WAIT YEAH THATS SOMETHING I CAN TALK ABOUT OK SO SIDE TANGENT METTATON UNINTENTIONALLY SAVED THE UNDERGROUND AND I FIND THAT REALLY REALLY COOL! Because Alphys used Mettaton as a project to show to Asgore to become the Royal Scientist, this let Alphys work on the amalgamates and also create Flowey. Without Flowey, the barrier wouldn't have broken and no one would have been freed. Yes I know this isn't all solid since Mettaton didn't somehow cause 6 random kids fall down but you get the idea. Mettaton transitioning saved the world totally I NEED MORE METTATON AUS GRHEYCGDHWUDYGHJWYDH IM GOING TO GO FERAL!!! HE'S NEEDS IT AHHHHHHH!! Ts!Underswap is honestly amazing for Mettaton. I mean Mettacrit. He doesn't get his JoJo body, but is that going to stop him? OF COURSE NOT!
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HE'S METTACRIT! AIN'T NO ONE STOPPING HIS DREAMS! He's also a wonderful little gist of Mettaton's whole character, just get rid of Alphys (sadly). Someone who wants to achieve their dreams, wanting to share the love and kindness around, with of course the sassy show stealing charm he needs.
But what if that wasn't so easy
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SURPRISE! UNDERFELL TOO! We got the whole holy trinity of Undertale au's, specificallyyyyy
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I MAY BE READING TOO FAR INTO THIS BUT I LOVE METTATON GAMMA SO MUCHHHH Its still our same ol Mettaton, but now his dreams are falling on deaf ears. He's Spamton in nature instead of Fabulous. Everyone is violent and blood hungry, so a simple cooking show with a touch of murder won't be enough, or another beautiful rendition of Oh My Love~! Its clear (to me anyway) that Mettaton in this au is nowhere near as big a star as he is in the normal Undertale continuity. In his intro monologue he brags about the audience he brought in, and during the fight he's much more focused on what the Audience wants rather than the show HE wants. Something OUR Mettaton just wouldn't do. This is the same sexy rectangle who basically just broadcasts whatever he wants. I forgot the exact dialogue and screenshot but its just not something Undertale Mettaton really does. Underfell though? A different story. He's bound to his viewers in a bad way till Frisk comes along. He's even more bound to Alphys in this AU as her little science fair project. GOD I LOVE THIS GAME ITS WHAT I'D WANT FROM AN ACTUAL UNDERFELL GAME! Oh my god I haven't even talked about Deltarune Mettaton and Mike and how that works OK SO THIS IS ENTERING MY PERSONAL FANON BUT Y'know how Spamton and Mettaton have their parallels? Y'know how the internet has been down in Deltarune?
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Chapter 3's dark world is definitely TV themed, there's no way it can't. I know Tenna is the big TV related baddie now, but Im using Mike in this take. If Spamton is the more passive parallel to Mettaton, Mike in this chapter 3 take would be the darker direct parallel. Instead of the dreamer from humble beginnings who, even if he can be vain and self centered at times, still means well deep down like Mettaton is, Mike would be the cynical producer type who's fueling problems in the industry to make it big on top. A dark Mettaton if you will. Basically like this
I KNOW I KEEP LINKING OTHER POSTS BUT ITS NOT MY FAULT EVERYONE IS COOKING! GRAHHH Mettaton's such a character man. He makes me think lots of things and I wish I could gather my thoughts more clearly
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transesyourgranddukes · 4 months
Delicious in Deltarune AU ramble !! Long post !!!!
(Ft Chimaera Hippogriff Dess doodles done in whiteboard)
Noelle, Kris and Susie end up retreating after getting to a lower level of the dark dungeon and encountering a darkner creature too difficult for them. They get separated from Dess, whom to their knowledge was severely injured before they got teleported by Noelle to the surface. After they recuperate and go on their way down again, they encounter Ralsei and Lancer, who join their party and help them along their journey.
Instead of monsters in the dungeon, it's darkners. Characters aren't specifically placed into dunmeshi character roles, but more so put into the world of dunmeshi. Deltarune's world and rules get adapted/intertwined with dunmeshi's. More info under the cut!
Kris - the leader. human knight with significant knowledge on darkners, can't use magic very well. Came from a family of royals. Their brother Asriel is a renowned knight.
Noelle - deer mage, specializing in healing + ice magic, beginning to get the hand of offensive magic. Comes from a rich family and went to magic school with Kris and Dess.
Susie - the party's tank, and 2nd magic user; a well known reptilian fighter among adventurers. Came from a poor family that she has since left behind.
Dess - the party's former leader, a deer mage with expertise in fire/light magic, but she can't use healing magic very well.
Ralsei - a royal mage with healing magic, main cook for the party. He's secretive about his past
Lancer - a runaway prince; he scouts out the environment/landscape for the party
Other characters/misc
Sans and Papyrus are searching for their missing sorcerer relative, who went mysteriously missing along with his party of 4
Berdly reluctantly joins mage Catti and fighter Jockington's party of two after realizing he can't venture through the dungeon alone. They don't want to admit that he's slowing them down however. When Kris' party find them, they’re facing off Queen and her minions.
I'm thinking some of the 'monsters' Kris' party could encounter would be different darkner bosses (I really wanna make them face off beast Spamton)
The layout/floors of the dungeon could be based on different dark worlds ??
Still figuring that out along with the dungeon's legend/prophecy (rn I'm thinking it involves a bit of the monster and human in the opening of undertale and a bit of the delta rune prophecy)
Here's the Dess doodles and also sorcerer Gaster. The caption above him was added by a friend lol
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ID: Sketchy drawing of Dess as a hippogriff chimera. She has big antlers and long wavy dark hair. Below her neck, it transitions into a huge feathery body, with chicken-like front legs and taloned feet, and her hind legs and body resembling a deer's. She has huge feathered wings and a spotted tail. There is purple glint in her eyes. End ID
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ID: Chimera Dess from a side profile view. She has her jaw unhinged, and reaches out with a clawed hand. The purple glint in her eye has grown. Surrounding her are other drawings other people have made on the whiteboard. End ID
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ID: Chimera Dess from a partial front view, looking ominously below at something. End ID
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ID: Gaster wearing a button up, dark colored vest and pants, a purple cloak with a determination star clasp, and iron boots and gauntlets with the determination star engraved on. He is looking to his left with tired eyes; his arms are at his sides, with his hands balled into fists. He has fangs, and short wavy hair made out of fire. Above him is all caps text that reads “I have always believed it to be morally sound to hit people with hammers“. End ID
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triglycercule · 28 days
I need to ask the mtt expert, do you think any of the murder trio would be religious?
ooooof this is a hard question to answer because personally i dont practice any religions specifically so i cant exactly offer the best answer to this DXXXX but i'll TRY. take everything i say with the fattest grain of salt. imagine the grain of salt is a salt lamp because i genuinely dont know that much about religion and belief
so i guess the first thing to consider is sans undertale since he's the one that all the mtt originate from. i dont think sans canonically is religious like at all. so if i wanted to take the easy route i COULD just says sans doesn't worship anything so its unlikely that any of the mtt would. but i wont because i have honor. i doubt that any of our surfaceworld religions wouldve made it into the underground since theyve been seperated from humanity for a long ass time. and i think undertale has its own belief based on the delta rune anyways so im gonna stick to that since it seems more plausible than just saying that dust is a hardcore buddist or something
for horror my answer like hell no. he mightve prayed for the angel described in the delta rune to save horrortale or something but i think those are just like desperate times call for shitty tries for ANYTHING to work. he literally describes horrortale as "living in a place like this is like living through an eternal hell" and i think that being in a place like horrortale would kill anyone's hope for some sort of angel to save them. plus i think he's too aware of the issues going on in horrortale to try and put his faith into something that doesn't exist AND also he wouldn't use religion as a moral guide. considering that he literally said in the horrortale flash game that he's "given up on figuring out what's right and what's wrong" (my king with an absolutely terrible moral compass LET'S GOOOOOO) (i love the horrortale flash game. i even have the quote saved because its such a good and important line for horror)
as for dust i think there's more of a possibility of him being religious (undertale delta rune based religion not any of the real world ones). the delta rune says that an angel who has seen the surface will descend from above and bring us freedom OR a harbinger of destruction as the angel of death, waiting to free monsterkind from this mortal realm. mostly gerson's words i stole this from the wiki because i cant be bothered to play undertale more than once. when translating dust's canon fics SPECIFICALLY the one called "a true hero appears" the topic of dust "liberating" the monsters of the underground and "granting their wish" to be free (even though he himself doesn't believe in the underground ever being free especially while hes in the middle of his "mad time") comes up. i dont think dust views himself as an angel at ALL like described in the prophecy but he could view himself as a "savior" type of person. it could be a really coincidental coincidence or it could be dust deciding to take up the role of the angel except a really really shitty one out of a desperate try for something to help like i mentioned with horror earlier. if we're going this route then him taking up the role of the angel could provide a sense of comfort that religion does and also shape his moral compass (i keep bringing these 2 things up because idrk why people worship. so i researched why so i can better support my arguments!!) with all the salvation liberation bullshit. personally i dont think that dust would exactly believe in himself as THE delta rune angel but more of just some sort of rouge savior but the possibility of going in a more delta rune religious way IS there
killer is in a completely different situation than dust and horror here (i'm not like the rest of yall ahh. get back in the original fishbowl you goldfish fuck) because he's AWARE of what arguably could be considered god in an utmv context. and obviously that's US the creators (players in his eyes. smh dont you know i havent played undertale in forever. i needa go back and do a true pacifist run. i did neutral because im shit at dodging attacks. but call me a CREATOR you second dimensional FUCK. you are a lower concept than me call me by a name i DESERVE) because for some reason and i completely forgot why he's aware of the creators. i think this could go in maybe two different ways where since killer is very much so aware that there are millions of gods(/creators. every one of us that creates something for utmv is a god in their multiverse LMAOOO) out there that he could completely just avoid religion itself since the usual reasons of comfort and moral alignment are completely debunked and pointless once you know that the gods that you could believe in just view you as code or characters to play around with. no comfort or morals to align with there. OR it could go in another direction where since killer is aware of the creators that he actually does end up worshiping SOME sort of us-based religion??? (what would that be called. do you think that theres a religion for all the self aware utmv characters who believe in creators. creatism. creationism. idk but would ink be the leader of that??? prophet type ass guy for creatism. this would be a cool concept someone else steal this from me and make a cooler story with it.) anyways i got side tracked. doesn't killer already believe that he has to do things that the creators want or something??? which COULD provide the moral compass part of religion. its definitely not a good moral compass but whatever killer believes his god wants of him he'll do. and also it might provide some sort of nihilistic depressive comfort knowing that everything is out of his hands and predetermined by a higher being. he already has that whole "lowly servant who'll do whats ordered of him" type shit going on. not unlikely that that could apply to the creators (or chara possibly. that relationship would be interesting if killer viewed them as a god and worshipped them as such. HM.)
anyways those are my thoughts on if i think the murder time trio would be religious. this was actually way longer than i expected but maybe thats just because i ramble a lot and have a lot of side thoughts. PERSONALLY i dont think any of them would worship a god just because i dont practice any religion and it makes it easier for me to characterize them without the religious barrier there. but also i do think there are possiblities of the trio all believing in a god (with horror maybe hopelessly believing the in the delta rune, dust becoming a delta rune esque figure, and killer's entire schtick with knowing about creators) but everyone has their own fanon interpretations on these characters!!! so if you wanna make them believe in religion or something then go then ahead and do that. maybe those possible points i brought up where they could worship a god will inspire someone or something idk. triglycercule OUT (off to reread horrortale for the 20th time today)
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suzyundertale · 7 months
You have to remember the Japanese translation is well, for the Japanese audience. If it was Gaster I don't think it would make sense to hint at that with a similar typing style in English while not hinting at it whatsoever in Japanese. The translation should ideally be conveying the same information to both audiences. After all, if it was just him speaking more casually, wouldn't the english text not be in all caps to match?
Also, Ralsei says DELTA RUNE too. "This is the legend of DELTA RUNE." Notable too that both times Gaster said it on twitter it was DELTARUNE, one word, while Ralsei and this mystery guy both say DELTA RUNE, two words. I think DELTARUNE is the game and DELTA RUNE is... The story? The legend? Something ingame yet to be seen?
that is a good point and i do wonder why it isn't written like gaster's text normally is in japanese. i'm not really fluent enough to say if the speech patterns match, either.
from what i've seen on twitter, the japanese fans do seem to think it's gaster, too, so whether there's a similar speech pattern also present in the japanese version that i can't pick up on, or if they just got the info from the english version, or even if just the mysteriousness of the letter is enough to make them think that, the information is being conveyed somehow...
i wouldn't be super surprised if the valentine-guy turned out to be someone completely different, but i do think it would be odd to make a mysterious valentine with a very similar speaking pattern to gaster, plus several references to gaster, and have it not be at least some form of gaster, yknow?
as for the second point, i was specifically talking about the phrase "delta rune" referring to the real-life Video Game DELTARUNE, like in a meta context. ralsei references "the legend of DELTA RUNE" as an in-universe prophecy, but gaster and valentine-guy are referring to the actual game itself - note that valentine-guy immediately after says there was "a rumor of valentines day", which i interpreted as talking about fans speculating about the release date of chapter 3/4.
also, in the japanese version of the valentine it is actually written as "DELTARUNE" and not "DELTA RUNE", so i don't think the distinction is meaningful in this case!
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baconmoop · 7 months
My argument as to why the mysterious letter is definitely Gaster.
Okay, now I’ve had time to drink it all in/actually do things for valentines day, I’m ready to make my argument as to why the mysterious letter is definitely our boy Gaster. I’ve been of the mindset that he’s a goofy old man for a long time, and I’ve always wanted to make a video essay to explain my point of view but I've never had the time. This newsletter gave me the push to write this ‘quick’ summary  though. Feel free to fight with me in the notes.
First of all, I am aware that the Japanese version uses Hiragana instead of his normal Katakana. I barely understand English, so I can’t even begin to understand the importance of it. It is my biggest foil, but I don’t think it affects things too much.
My first, easiest bit of evidence, is the fact that Toby has already removed the letter, leaving only this.
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He does this constantly with Gaster stuff. He did it with the tarot cards, he did it with abc123a.ogg. The moment someone posts something online, he removes evidence of its existence. Suspicious, is it not?
Okay, let’s break the letter down shall we?
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This is in line with a lot of things we already know about WDG. Most likely in Wingdings, we have hints in Sans’ lab and the true lab that his handwriting is impossible to read. We don’t know any of these are 100% him, but it makes sense that it would be difficult to read unless you were determined enough to do so (I assume that is what ‘squint your heart refers to?). 
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There are multiple people who know what the ‘delta rune is’, but here to me he is clearly discussing the game, not the prophecy. The only person to ever have interest in our opinions of the experience is the ‘other him’, when he introduced us to the survey program. He also talks in short sentences, Like he does in the initial goner sequence, and pretty much everything else. 
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Okay, so this is something that has plagued my mind for a while, but this has brought it to the forefront. I assume here that he’s referring to Dess being stuck in the code, or whoever it is (See here https://forum.melonland.net/index.php?topic=68.0). I’ve always been of the mind that Gaster genuinely wants to help, partially because of the eggs and partially because he seems to want you to win. He wants you to stop the roaring. I have a bunch of theories about this that probably deserve their own video, but here’s a quick summary:
If you name yourself Suzie in the goner maker scene, he says:
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As far as I know, he doesn’t say this for anyone else, including ralsei, so he clearly has some kind of positive opinion of Suzie. Why would he say this if he was an antagonist to the fun gang?
When you die in the game and press no on the continue screen, the song ‘darkness falls’ plays (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSn4p1Xx7NU&ab_channel=Palpe). While definitely having Gaster’s leitmotif for starters, Just listen to how melancholy it sounds. It gives me the same bittersweet vibes that it’s raining somewhere else gives me. If this is a reflection of how Gaster feels when you give up, then he’s definitely a bit bummed that you failed.
Someone is clearly helping the secret bosses. While most people assume that he is doing it for some kind of nefarious purposes, I think he was genuinely trying to help, and it backfired. 
Anyway, back to the letter.
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There’s a lot of connections between forgetting and Gaster. Fanon dictates that he’s been completely erased from everyone’s memories, but I don’t want to rely on fanon here. The first thing that comes to mind is obviously ‘Don’t forget’ plastered all over deltarune, which is what I assume he means when he calls it ironic, but that isn’t specifically tied to him. What I do think of however, is goner kid. I’ve already put enough images in this bad boy, but he says "Have you ever thought about a world where everything is exactly the same...Except you don't exist? Everything functions perfectly without you...Ha ha... The thought terrifies me." We know so much about how the goners are connected to him, I’m not gonna re-go over it here. Someone also mentioned the Spamton sweepstakes “AREN'T YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING?” on the ice page, which could also be relevant here. Is there any other character linked to forgetting as much as he is?
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Okay, now for my most dubious point (sue me I’m not an actual theorist). But… Doesn’t this give you old man papyrus vibes? It’s goofy, It’s in all caps, it puts a smile on my face. To quote my friend outside the fandom, “It’s giving old man texting his grandchildren for the first time”. I know this is one of the biggest contradictions for people, claiming that it’s out of character for gaster to speak like this, but I give exhibit A, from the legends of localisation book: 
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(Ripped directly from https://www.tumblr.com/gasterofficial/715722490333298688?source=share)
I’ve always loved this. It’s probably not canon, but it’s goofy as hell. It was one of the first things that made me want to do a video on my “gaster is a good dude” ideas. It’s the exact same vibes as the letter. 
So what do you think? I could definitely go into more detail about all of this, if people are interested. I just saw something that helped fuel my theories and had to put my opinions out there. Please don’t murder me in the notes for going against the antagonist gaster grain I am very sensitive okay good by!
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stainedglassthreads · 2 years
Just so we’re all on the same page here-- 
Toby Fox has been having Fun With Anagrams and name puns since Undertale. Asgore Dreemurr can be arranged to ‘Sage or Murderer.’ Asriel Dreemurr doesn’t just reference the Angel of Death Azrael, but can be rearranged to ‘Serial Murderer’. ‘Toriel’ is a pun on ‘tutorial’. ‘Undyne’ is a pun on ‘Undine,’ Ralsei’s whole name, etc etc. People know about this. 
-In Undertale, Gaster was a genius, and Alphys was selected by Asgore to replace him. In Deltarune, Gerson was a well-loved teacher and author, and now Toriel has recommended Alphys to fill his role. 
-There was an Undertale-themed Tarot deck designed by @/dogbomber. Initially, the Hermit card was represented by Gaster. However, when Toby and Fangamer agreed to let the Tarot deck be printed as official merch, Gaster was replaced by Gerson in the Hermit card. 
-It has been pointed out by @rvenen0791 that ‘Goners’ is an anagram for ‘Gerson.’ 
-'Goner’ seems to have strong ties to both Gaster and Deltarune. Deltarune is hinted at by the Goner Clam and begins with a Goner Survey, which it’s strongly implied Gaster is narrating. 
-Gaster’s most famous line is Entry No. 17. Some have theorized that Gaster was actually describing the creation of a Dark World during it. Near the end of Chapter 2, a connection between Gerson and Dark Worlds is tentatively created. 
-Gerson is the only character to tell us some lesser-known lore about the Underground, including the Angel’s Prophecy, the meaning of the Delta Rune, and how Boss Monsters age. 
-Not only Angel and the Deltarune significant in Deltarune, but Toriel and Asgore may not outlive their human child this time around, because Asriel’s still alive too... (Assuming boss monsters still age like in Undertale.)
-Someone tried pointing out similarities between Gaster Blasters and turtle skulls once. I thought it was a bit of a stretch at the time, but now... 
-What does it all mean? I don’t know! But it’s something! 
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invertedfate · 8 months
Hey, does the whole prophecy thing and the story about the delta rune still stand like in the original timeline or was it altered in any shape or form?
Nothing changed about the Delta Rune prophecy.
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starfacedstudio · 11 months
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Image ID: A detailed digital illustration of a bedroom for Ralsei from Deltarune in a watercolor style. A chandelier lights the scene from above in blue, including a covered 4-poster bed + chair with plenty of books next to it (right / center), a closet filled with clothes (left / center), a bookshelf with a ladder filled with books and crafting supplies (center), a stack of unpacked boxes (left), and a desk cluttered with craft supplies and drawn-on papers (front right). The brick walls are covered with drawings and glow in the dark stars, hearts, and moons, and paper doll garlands line the perimeter. Two tapestries on the rightmost wall frame a large stained glass window. Just middle of left, Ralsei's hat hangs on the back wall. End ID.
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Image ID: A page titled "Environment Intensive Packeting: Ralsei's Bedroom. There are 6 called out items from the previous illustration (shown at the top left), which include: 1. Window design, which features the Delta Rune motif / symbol. The bottom part of the window is colorful. 2. Banners (tapestries). They depict two different scenes from Ralsei's prophecies, one shows 3 heroes emerging from the world's edge, and the second depicts a Titan at the world's end. 3. Unused Manual pages, one contains a drawing of Ralsei with the text "Thank you! I'm looking forward to meeting you!" with a heart at the bottom. The second has text that says "Dedicated to the unending pillar of darkness that gives my body form." 4. Desk clutter: pink strings of yarn, dry macaronis, and a green crayon. 5. A string of paper dolls with varying shapes: a darkner, a lightner, a save point, and a heart. 6. Wall decor, including glow in the dark stars and drawings of other characters. End ID.
boy this was meant to be finished like 2 weeks ago but at least im in time for the anniversary babeyyyy!! happy birthday deltarune oh god you're 5 years old now
Here's a bedroom design for Ralsei that I did for class - there's certainly more details hidden in this that I didn't have time to call out, so shout out to anyone who may spot em!
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mx24 · 2 years
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a messy chart displaying how the many motifs in Deltarune are (potentially) connected to each other.
of course, this isn't everything (missing Ralsei, Noelle, Kris, and the Weird Route's connections) but it does cover a great majority of things related to the biblical and greek mythological themes.
text boxes on the chart below (warning, large blocks of text):
text on the right of the blue God Bubble: "Satan is imprisoned within the Abyss (Revelation 20:2-4)"
text on the right of the purple Chaos Bubble: "God’s separation of Heaven and Earth creates a gap/the Abyss, which is also known as Chaos in Christian theology."
text below the red Satan Bubble: "Susie has crown motifs, which she shares with the Beast (Sea) and the Great Red Dragon"
text to the left of the white Tartarus Bubble: "Gaster’s connection has direct connection to the Beast out of the Earth. The Beast (Earth) puts a mark upon people’s right hands, the number of the beast being 666. The number is also the number of a man. (Revelation 13:17-18)"
text to the right of the white Tartarus Bubble: "??? has symbols related to the DR Titans, and the area resembles Tartarus and Sheol."
text below the teal Godzilla Bubble: "Tartarus, where the Greek Titans are imprisoned, is hidden within Gaia. DR Titans presumably hidden within the Earth too"
text directly right of the teal Godzilla Bubble: "Godzilla is known as “King of the Monsters”, and awakens from the sea."
text directly below the gold Lion Bubble: "Susie’s Roar ACT references lions, and has relation to the mouth. The Beast out of the Sea has a mouth “like that of a lion” (Revelation 13)"
text below the blue Ocean Bubble: "Ocean.ogg plays when entering ???"
text on the right of the pale purple Jevil Bubble: "Jevil’s Devilsknife (a scythe). Susie wields this"
text on the right of the green No Symbol: "Cronus castrated Uranus with the scythe/sickle, separating him from Gaia"
text directly below the green No Symbol: "Cronus tosses his father’s gonads into the Sea"
largest text on the far right side of the chart: "Chaos: In Hesiod’s Theogony, (possibly) out of Chaos came Gaia, Tartarus, and Eros, and certainly “birthed”  Nyx and Erebus. Hesiod’s Chaos was also a place, underground and gloomy, and where the Titans resided. In Aristophanes’s comedy, Birds, from Chaos and Eros came the race of birds. (Wings, and things related to birds are a recurring motif in Deltarune) Pherecydes of Syros interpreted Chaos as water, shapeless. (Water appears as the background during Deltarune’s Intro Sequence) And in the Roman poet’s Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Chaos was a formless mass where all the elements were cluttered together. Latin to English translated, from Wiki: “Before the ocean and the earth appeared— before the skies had overspread them all— the face of Nature in a vast expanse was naught but Chaos uniformly waste. It was a rude and undeveloped mass, that nothing made except a ponderous weight; and all discordant elements confused, were there congested in a shapeless heap” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_(cosmogony) "
bonus thing not included on the chart:
Jevil has a couple of connections to Ovid's narrative poem, Metamorphoses. when Jevil transforms into Devilsknife, he says "metamorphoses". Ovid's poem also talks about Chaos, which is Jevil's element and phrase.
God's creation week seems to share aspects of the Greek Titan's mythology. the Prophecy of Delta Rune is very similar to the true Titan mythology, therefore it parallels creation week.
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weebstranglerkiwi · 1 year
DELTARUNE: The Roaring Knights Theory
(This theory is a sort of continuation to my Chess Theory v2.0, while I greatly recommend checking it out, you'll be fine without it!)
1. The Knights
As stated in my Chess Theory, I believe there are 2 Knights, same as there are 2 Knight pieces in Chess. One of the Knights is the Roaring Knight, the presumed main villain of the Delta Rune Prophecy. They are a force that opens up fountains and supposedly aims to bring the Roaring into motion. I believe the Roaring Knight is Noelle's mother, Mayor Holiday. The other Knight I believe hasn't been promoted yet, the New Knight, Kris Dreemurr, is on their way to become a Knight.
2. The Three Plots
Before I begin explaining about the Knights, I believe I need to set out the 3 over-arching plots of DELTARUNE.
-The Prophecy, the main plot of the game. Three Heroes set on Dark World adventures, with their goal to stop the Roaring.
-Kris' Possession and W.D Gaster, both interconnected by the Survey Program/Goner Maker. This plot will explore Gaster's and the mysterious interloper's (who puts us into Kris' body) motives and origins. It will no doubt be integrated into DELTARUNE's Prophecy plot.
-December Holiday (possibly Snowgrave), the plot of the lost girl's disappearance. Noelle isn't a part of the Prophecy, yet, she seems to be one of the most important character's in the game, the entire Spamton Sweepstakes event related mostly to lore about her and by extension, her missing sister.
If you have noticed, the Prophecy and Kris' Possession both are interconnected together, but for some reason, Noelle's story about her missing sister ISN'T. She simply isn't a part of the Prophecy, the main game, and yet, she is set up to be very important!
3. Mayor Holiday, The Roaring Knight
This is why I believe Mayor Holiday will be the Roaring Knight. Her motives would be the perfect line sewing the third plot with the others, the line that makes December's disappearance not only just a mysterious, secret side story.
For a good reason, nobody expects the Roaring Knight to simply be a force of destruction, whose goal is to bring upon the Roaring, this simply isn't Toby's writing style.
Her Motives:
We can already figure out that Noelle's mother isn't a good parent, she's strict and cold, and her own daughter fears her to some extent. If you want to learn more about Mayor Holiday, I will link an awesome analysis video made by Dorked at the end! It seems that Mayor Holiday took very poorly to her daughter's disappearance. While Rudy remains an excellent father to Noelle despite all the hardships, Mayor Holiday seems to have taken a great mental toll. This is all speculation however, Mayor Holiday might have always been a strict, cold parent.
As you may know, Asgore was police chief until he was fired from the force by Mayor Holiday and replaced with Undyne as the chief. We know that the Mayor controls the police (who are supposedly useless, as she keeps crime away single-handedly), so she must've had a reason for firing Asgore.
(Warning, everything below is all speculation and is in no way supported by any facts ingame): This is why I believe she took a great mental toll to Dess' disappearance. I believe that during the time that Dess went missing, Asgore led the case to find her, but with absolutely zero clues and evidence, he dropped the case. The Mayor, who was in a state of furious denial, fired him from the force and put Undyne in, while Rudy understood why Asgore did that and forgave him. (Toriel may or may not have divorced him due to this, but there's a good chance things simply didn't work out for them).
Years later (events of the game), Mayor Holiday, still distraught, learned by somebody about Dess' whereabouts, which I believe is in a Dark World in the Bunker, where she went exploring with Kris and the others and never returned. Along with this, she learned to open Dark Fountains, her willpower and hope to save her long lost daughter made her open up Dark Fountains, while being manipulated by somebody to do certain things, like appoint King as the ruler of the Card Kingdom.
(a guilt-stricken Asgore could also fit for this Theory, but I believe Mayor Holiday makes more sense as she is a new character. Dess also has a chance to be the Roaring Knight, but I believe Mayor Holiday makes more sense.)
4. Mayor's Manipulation, W.D Gaster
But who is manipulating Mayor Holiday? Well, I believe it is none other than our beloved theory fodder, Gaster.
Judging from the mysterious tweets, he seems to have striken a deal with us, WE get a fun story, while HE gets something in return. His goal throughout the game is to make the story entertaining, and how is he doing this? By giving us a main villain.
I believe the Prophecy (foretold by space and time) was fabricated by Gaster and told to Ralsei, he made this so we, the Player, have a plot to follow. I believe his goal is to be freed from the Depths were he is trapped, and for that to happen, he needs to set out the Roaring, and by banishing the "Angel's Heaven" with the SOUL, we free him. This speculation was greatly inspired by SpookyDood's theory about the ending of DELTARUNE, I will link it at the end, please go give it a watch!
Just like with us, Gaster promised Mayor Holiday something that isn't false, that December is trapped somewhere in a Dark World. Mayor begins opening up Dark Fountains to find her, while fullfilling Gaster's end of the deal (being the "main villain", appointing King as ruler, and ultimately bringing the Roaring).
5. Kris Dreemurr, the New Knight
Finally, we move to the New Knight. If you have knowledge about Chess (or have read my previous theory), you know that Pawns can become promoted to higher ranking pawns. I believe that this will happen to Kris.
Snowgrave/Weird Route or not, Kris seems to loathe us, they do not want us controlling their body and actively fight against our control.
I believe that Kris' ultimate goal is to no longer be a Pawn to us, and instead become a Knight. And how will they do that? By getting stronger.
You may have noticed that everytime a Dark Fountain is sealed, Kris and the others become more powerful. They advance a level, become stronger and gain more HP. Kris is a smart cookie, they probably planned creating a TV-themed Dark World since Chapter 1's ending. Eating pie so Toriel has to make a new one, slashing tires so Susie can stay over, plugging the TV, (Also, people believe that Kris slashed the tires to get Undyne to come over and prove to her that Dark Worlds are real, but I don't believe it since talking to Undyne about D. Worlds is entirely optional.) Kris wants to have a fun adventure with Susie, Kris wants to reconnect with their mother. But above all, they want to get stronger, gain more LV. With a level high enough, they will be powerful enough to take back their control in the Dark World. (Also, I forgot to mention. This gives Kris an actual motive to open the Dark Fountain during a Snowgrave/Weird Route, in fact, this motivates them even more to break free from our control.) I believe this will happen at the very end of Chapter 5, after the Roaring Knight is defeated, Kris/the Player seal the Dark Fountain. Then, Kris becomes powerful enough to get rid of us, prompting Gaster to take us back to the Vessel and appointing Kris as the new main villain of OUR story, the New Knight. (In concept art of the Prophecy cutscene, Susie and Ralsei are named accordingly to their portrayals in the Prophecy, while the Human is simply labeled "The Human" not Kris, perhaps we are the Human in the Prophecy? I will link this concept art below.) I also believe the Roaring Knight isn't beyond redemption. Although she is a bad person overtaken by grief, I believe she will help during the Roaring that she inadvertently started and even reunite with her missing daughter.
6. End
Wowie, another Theory, I'm on a roll! I hope you liked this theory as much as you liked the other one, and I hope it gave you something to think about. Also, I may not have mentioned it in the previous theory, but I want to thank HalfBreadChaos and Dorked for inspiring and giving me the courage to create and share my own theories for my favourite game, DELTARUNE! Thanks a lot you guys, you're the reason I keep dishing out these theories!
Link to Mayor Holiday's Analysis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG7TlVVve-w&t
Link to SpookyDood's Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2uymsjE_e0
Link to the Prophecy Concept Art: https://www.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/comments/aqitc4/this_concept_art_from_the_japan_interview_confirm/
Link to Dorked's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Dorked
Link to HalfBreadChaos' Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HalfBreadChaos
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zirkkun-uthcs · 2 years
So I've got a new fun little undertale theory of sorts! It pertains to monster culture and how it's connected to the stars.
We've only gotten a few scraps of info relating to monsters and the stars... such as,
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... a lot of folks have grown to believe that stars are a pretty significant part of monster culture. Which, considering how they grew to adapt sparkling stones to replace the stars they couldn't have underground, leads me to believe that they were EXCEPTIONALLY important in years past. It's a popular theory that I really enjoy, so I wanted to expand upon it a little bit.
I propose the idea of monsters having a calendar and belief system of sorts based off of the stars. For example, months sorted by zodiac signs! Instead of January, they might start the year off with Aquarius, and so on. Some holidays might exist based on significant tales relating to constellations and such, alongside holidays that are slightly inspired from the days of living alongside humans, such as Gyftmas. It wouldn't surprise me if there were certain days that have superstitions based on myths or such, too, kinda like how Friday the 13th is considered unlucky for humans.
A lot of monsters might also rely on their fate being written in the stars and the horoscope actually gives an insight into that. I feel like it would also be more common for them to rely on compatibility between signs for like, partners or friends, and that if the stars say theyre incompatible, they likely believe that to be the case.
I can also see a lot of star-related names being pretty popular. Like, Aquarius, Pisces, Nemesis, Starlight, Starshine, etc. Not for all monsters, of course, since we don't see any in-game with names like this. I'm sure the star-related names might have dropped in popularity after being stuck underground for a while, too.
With Asgore, Toriel, and Gerson (and potentially other, older monsters who have been alive from when the war began) having the Delta Rune as a prominent symbol in their life, I feel like beliefs relating to the stars may be considered more of a lost hope or an older practice. Though, the Delta Rune relates to a prophecy depicting the Angel who has seen the Surface and will free them from the barrier. There is nothing denying connection to the stars, and especially since it's implied a big reason why monsters want to return to the Surface is so they can see the stars again and make wishes.
It wouldn't surprise me that, when underground, a lot of monsters are completely disinterested in the stars, however. How could they be -- most of them have never seen them! Some could be clinging onto that hope that their dreams will be heard, while many others just don't care to put forth the effort to wish any longer. Hopes and dreams are definitely a large part of what makes monsters even a living species, so without the ability to make those wishes, it probably becomes very hard for them to live out fulfilling lives, but also makes it harder to WANT to wish, too.
When reaching the Surface, though, I think this sort of belief system in the stars would make a bit of a comeback, especially since the prophecy about the Angel came true. It gives monsters a chance to have hopes and dreams to believe in again. I think the calendar would fade away a bit as they integrate into human society, thoufh, since they would probably adapt to the Gregorian calendar instead. But I can see a lot of monsters once again leaning towards the belief that their fates are written in the stars and that, when they wish for something to the stars, their hopes and dreams will come true.
That's just my thoughts on it though! Feel free to expand upon this or give me your guys' thoughts if you want, I'd love to hear how other people have interpreted monsters' relationship with the stars.
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inkys-neos-n-names · 27 days
Deltarune-themed neos (chapters 1 and 2)
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randomsloredrops · 4 months
Random's Lore Drops - Grampa Gerson
WAHAHA, I'm BACK bitches, and I brought lore. More specifically...
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GRANDPA GERSON HIMSELF, THE FUNNY MAN FROM WATERFALL. I'll just add a read more here so my thing doesn't take up all the space.
. There we go. Time to yap. So, y'all prolly know Gerson, maybe you've never played Undertale before and don't (if so, wild). Gerson is a turtoise Monster, as well as a shopkeeper in Waterfall, near the mid-point save point (a little past Napstablooks house, Mad Dummy fight, etc.). He's got all ya ever need, such as an archaeologist outfit, pointy gray beard, bigass magnifying glass, crooked yellow teeth, and no right eye. According to my sources... I have to use the dialogue, so, shit. Time for me to REALLY yap. Neutral/Pacifist route, he yaps a bit when you wanna talk. He also names Asgore "King Fluffybuns". Aside from that, he tells you a few things, like, the Delta Rune, unrelated to Deltarune, or DELTARUNE, Undyne, and The prophecy. Post-Pacifist dialogue, you go up, and he yaps about the origins of Fluffybuns (the nickname). He also talks about Asgore being a Boss Monster, and that's what makes him stronger, as well as the fact that Boss Monsters only age while having biological children (or children aging only when they have biological parents). He also talks about Toriel's disappearance, and how she was the brains behind everything in the kingdom (really emphasizes how unfit Asgore is to run the throne alone), AND he also says that they were absolutely fuckin INSUFFERABLE. Embarrassing their children by doing lovey-dovey shit, and I gotta agree, I'd be glad it's over too. It'd make ME sick. And about Undyne. He talks about his own past as well as her, where he was known as "The Hammer of Justice" (looks like we know where Spear of Justice came from), and how young Undyne would occassionally try to help fight bad guys... Except, the "bad guys" are actually civilians. Poor fellows. In Genocide, he's got fucking balls of titanium. He still stays in his store, and admits that his knowledge is the only reason he keeps living (he says that when you threaten him, admitting to breaking the world's rules). He outright LIES about him not being a hero ever, unlike in pacifist, and states that "one attack from you and I'd... well...", knowing he can't beat you. A few neat facts (according to my source (the mfin wiki)), it's revealed that Gerson FOUGHT in the Human-Monster war, meaning he's old AF, matching or following up Asgore and Toriel, and if you name yourself Gerson, instead of going "NUH UH" like every other person, he goes "Wah ha ha! Why not?" and lets you become Gerson 2.0.
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