#Delinquent Duo
yugiohcardsdaily · 1 year
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Delinquent Duo
"Pay 1000 LP; your opponent discards 1 random card, and if they have any other cards in their hand, discard 1 more card of their choice."
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The kel and Aubrey hunger games have commenced!
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totally didn’t post it on the wrong blog you didn’t see that <3
May the odds be ever in your favour.
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sweethibiscustea82 · 2 years
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Got bored and drew kel with baby sunny <3 @mikkokomori
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thewittyphantom · 2 years
Someone was Seto Kaiba for Halloween, complete with Duel Disk and decks!
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quirinah · 4 days
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(guy who totally didn’t forget about posting) 6nen sukeban paro 😁👍
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omori-sv-au · 2 years
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The idiots <333
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koinotame · 5 months
how dangerous the twst cast is as yanderes
content warnings: this is yandere stuff so plenty of relationships and mindsets of questionable healthiness. reader implied to be yuu. mentions of murder and violence (nothing explicit/graphic, but frequent. mostly not aimed at reader). most are pretty ambiguous wrt being romantic or platonic (though it’s assumed they have an at least somewhat close relationship with you). i don’t think there’s any explicit spoilers but this was written with mostly-up-to-date knowledge so maybe beware if you really want to avoid any spoilers
whole main cast is included, under the cut for length (near 4k words)! if you read ortho's section as incestuous or romantic in any other way i will shoot a laser beam at you.
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fairly harmless overall ▸ i actually normally wouldn't put them together, but in either case i can't see either of the adeuce duo being too dangerous to others. yeah, they might beat someone up for getting too close to you or hurting you, but i really really can't see either of them going much farther. deuce in particular used to be a delinquent, and he does sometimes slip back into that mindset, and he does know how to beat someone up well… but he's a good boy now. your good boy. even in his delinquent phase he would've never actually killed someone, and the idea horrifies him a little too much to ever seriously consider. ace has a bit less restraint, but also a lot less experience. what he lacks in experience he does more than make up for in wit and quick learning, but… while the thought does cross his mind occasionally, he wouldn't be able to stomach actually killing someone either. he'll beat someone up if they hurt you or you ask him to though. unlike deuce, he'll probably brag about it to you if he knows your reaction would be positive.
▸ don’t you worry! your cay-kun would never kill someone! in fact, cater is very unlikely to get violent at all. when he gets jealous (which happens pretty often), he turns that bitterness inside. what do they have that he doesn’t? do you like quieter guys? is he too obsessed with magicam? do you not like the way he doesn’t let you in unless you push, because he’s too afraid you won’t like what you find and leave? is he not affectionate enough? do you not like his hair? it doesn’t matter what it is about him that you don’t like, about others that you do like. he’ll fix the problem; he’ll fix himself. he’s already used to putting on acts around others—this isn’t that different. even if it’s not him you like at this point, as long as he can stay by your side, it’ll be fine. there’s a desperate edge to his actions that’s hard to spot, but once you have is impossible to unsee. as long as you continue liking him, he’ll throw away who he is—just. don’t throw him aside once you’re bored of him, okay? keep him around forever. please. ▸ jack is another that’s fairly harmless. it’s in his nature to be overprotective, and he doesn’t see much wrong with that, but he has no issue with your friends and he’s pretty reasonable at telling apart actual threats from things like jokes. he’s much like your guard dog… or maybe he’s more like guard puppy, with the way you doubt he’d ever actually hurt anyone despite his big stature. he’s embarrassed when you tell him this, but the wagging of his tail gives away just how much he likes knowing you’re okay with—even like—his constant presence. he’s not… completely against going behind your back when someone is actually about to hurt you to deal with he issue, though. just… just occasionally, when it’s really necessary. he won’t make a habit of it. he just… doesn’t want you to see him like that. he’d never want to scare you. that’s all.
a bit less harmless but not by (too) much ▸ riddle is good and well behaved and refuses to resort to something as drastic as violence or murder, or at least he’s trying very hard to convince himself so. he’s definitely somewhat tyrannical to everyone around you even after he mellows out after his overblot, and he has no hesitation in punishing those who hurt or displease you, especially his own dormmates. even once both of you graduate, this habit of his never quite vanishes. he gets a little frantic if you show disapproval of his actions though, especially if you seem scared of him. he’s desperate to prove that he’s good and loves you and would never hurt you, and if that means toning down his ardour, he’ll try his best. the stress of possibly losing you just makes him all the more overbearing to everyone around him. he’s trying his best for you though, so… don’t you love him as much as he loves you? won’t you turns your eyes back to him and only him? ▸ kalim would never kill someone! nor would he have someone be killed. but his family's wealth and influence extends far, and anyone seeking to hurt you (or him through you) would be a fool to think otherwise. he'd never kill someone, but making sure they end up rotting in prison for the rest of their life is just doing the right thing! he might be a little blinded by his panic, sure, but— they tried to hurt you! if he's really jealous (something that doesn't happen often—he only has eyes for you, after all, so he tends to not think too much about others), it's not hard to just have them transfer. or be fired. or something. he won't tell you outright, but if you ask he sees no point in hiding it from you. if you don't react well, he gets a little frantic and insists that he really really really wouldn't ever go farther than that…! probably. ▸ epel getting into yet another fistfight for you is something you’ve grown unfortunately used to. you’re frankly convinced he outright wants you to see at this point, maybe in some misconceived idea it’ll make you think he’s tough, with the way he runs up to you like a puppy expecting praise afterwards. he’ll be torn if you fuss over him afterwards—on one hand, he wants you to think he’s tough and your coddling doesn’t really give the impression that you understand that, but it feels really, really nice when your attention is focused on only him. but as unrestrained as epel is, he’s not particularly dangerous. if you seem really put off by his actions, he might even rein it in a little (vil is glad for your cooperation, even if that wasn’t your intention). he’s more preoccupied with earning your attention and approval than he is with stuff like keeping other suitors away from you. ▸ i just think it’d be really funny if despite everything about him, rook is one of the most harmless. he’s the type of yandere to have a shrine (it’s not in his closet because he has no shame) and have his room covered in notes about you but who’d never actually kill someone. he’s also… the type who enjoys and loves everything about you. to rook, the journey is more important than the destination, and that includes you. the you on your own, the you around your friends (not that they’ll stick around too much once they notice rook), and the you around him are all different and equally worth loving. he’s not exactly shy about his stalking either, but once you get used to his constant presence, it doesn’t really get worse. maybe a little more intense, but not worse. he’s fine with pretty much any way you want to treat him, too—whether you treat him like a beloved pet or a plaything or act like you don’t know or notice him, he’ll love you all the same. forever.
holds themselves back… but not because of ethics ▸ when trey thinks about the future he wants with you, he allows himself to imagine what it would be like to be so wholly engrossed in each other that everything else might as well not exist. unfortunately, the two of you live in real life and not in a fairy tale, so he’s settled for the idea of eventually settling down and growing old with you. it’s… not entirely ethics that holds him back. he’s aware that most of the urges he gets when he sees you around others or when he sees you get hurt in someway are immoral, and he reigns himself in. aside from some people in your life suddenly finding it odd how the ever dependable senior suddenly doesn’t seem to like them much and has been giving them the cold shoulder, most people are very unlikely to realise there’s anything off about trey… including you. just let him be your normal (if fairly fussy) boyfriend, okay? and if he occasionally slips a bit of a sleeping potion into your food and masks the taste with his unique magic so you end up staying the night just so he can spend a little more time with you… that can be his little secret. ▸ it's definitely not ethics that holds ruggie back, but it would be a serious problem if he gets caught killing someone. or even just gets particularly violent with someone else. he'd do it in a heartbeat, especially for you (especially if you asked him), don't get him wrong, but, well— if he goes to jail, he's fucking his family over. if he goes to jail, he won't be able to provide for you in the future—or have any sort of relationship with you. his resolve might waver if you were to actually ask, but even then he’s determined to stick to actions he can reasonably get away with. it's not uncommon for him to use laugh with me to embarrass any guys he thinks are getting too close to you though, and it's not too hard to be discreet with his unique magic when someone really deserves to fall face down a flight of stairs. or three. oopsie. odd they don't remember it, huh? well, he had nothing to do with that. ▸ jamil is a bit more restrained. murder is fine (it’s definitely not his first resort, but it’s there as an option if he really needs it—he did kind of try to kill five people, even if it was during his overblot), but using snake whisper is just so much more convenient… most of the time. due to his position as a servant of kalim, he has to carefully consider any actions he takes unless he wants there to be dire consequences for his family. unfortunately for him, this means he can’t just beat up anyone getting too close to you no matter how much he may feel like it. his unique magic does work well for him here though—and he’s not opposed to using more force if there’s a good reason (like impressing you and getting complimented by y—ehem. making sure your bullies won’t bother you again). the one person he’d rather not use his unique magic on is you. what he likes so much about you is that you’re choosing him of your own volition, and that’s worth more than any force could get him.
not the worst, but… ▸ azul tries really, really hard to keep everything he does behind your back, well. behind your back. he doesn't usually get his own hands dirty, but it would be a serious problem if you found out about the students he's been tricking into unfair contracts just because he got jealous. and it'd be one thing if it ended there, but more than that… if anyone hurts you, the tweels haven't amassed a certain reputation for nothing. if azul’s this fond of you, there’s a very high chance they’re familiar with you as well—and even if they weren’t, azul being jealous enough to send them after people that aren’t even remotely threatening your relationship is amusing enough for them to comply. he won’t go too far though, no matter how envious he may get. ruining someone’s reputation, having the twins beat them up or tricking them into unfair deals is one thing, but even someone like azul wouldn’t resort to cold-blooded murder. ▸ remember when vil, pretty lucid, tried to poison neige? yeah. with his unique magic and social standing, it would be really easy to get rid of anyone causing you issues. of course, with you being aware of his unique magic, he’d have to be careful to make sure you don’t realise, so it’s something he’d reserve for only actual emergencies. it’s also a lot easier to abuse his influence and fame to keep others away from you, whether it’s by threatening them himself or getting others to do his dirty work for him. when it comes to you and keeping your attention on him, he finds it much more rewarding to keep working on himself to meet your standards and doting on you even much than he already does. keep your eyes on him and only on him, won’t you? he’ll make it worth your while. ▸ idia, as a yandere, is incredibly desperate. he’s already perfectly content (well, not perfectly, but content enough) to just watch you through his screen and maybe chat with you online (with your anonymous pal who you definitely don’t know irl, of course), so if he gets lucky enough to be with you for real, there’s very little he won’t be willing to do to ensure it stays that way. in practice this means trying to appeal to you more than anything else; if you seem even the slightest bit unhappy with him, he’s desperately trying to fix it immediately. do you think he’s too offputting? he’ll cover his mouth and hair and— are you mad because he tried to convince you to ditch your friends and just stay with him again? he’s sorry! he doesn’t have an excuse, he’s just scared that you’ll realise you could do so much better and don’t like him that much after all. sometimes he thinks about how he definitely has the resources for more forceful and permanent measures, but then you smile at him, or tell him his smile is pretty, or run your fingers through his hair, or laugh at a comment he made and his mind goes blank and gives him a 404 error. there’s no way he could ever give that up just for some measly certainty… though the same can’t be said for those who he gets too jealous of or those who hurt you. not that you need to know that.
not needlessly violent ▸ sebek is… very enthusiastic about the things he dedicates himself to. this includes you. if you thought his devotion to malleus was excessive, it’s even worse when it comes to you. while he has no personal issues with fighting if it means protecting you (whether that protecting includes only actual threats is debatable), he takes pride in his position as malleus’ retainer. this means that no matter how he feels, he has to consider how his actions would make briar valley and his lord look. he also doesn’t really get jealous. instead (and this is almost worse), he has his own idea of how everyone else should treat you and he does get aggressive with others if he doesn’t think they’re treating you right. you deserve a heavy amount of respect and he finds it very aggravating when others don’t give you that (see: treat you like a regular person). he’s not subtle either—if anything, going behind your back on this would go against his values. he wants to be useful to you!!! he wants you to know how much he cares and how you’re superior and the one with all the power in this relationship!!! the good thing is he listens to everything to ask of him, no matter how ridiculous he finds you insisting you prefer being treated casually by your friends and peers. ▸ silver, while less outwardly enthusiastic, is no less devoted. he doesn’t really get jealous (there’s a dull ache in his chest when he sees you with others and thinks about the possibility of someone being more important to you than you are to him, but that’s not jealousy, right?), and he’s fairly realistic about what counts as a threat to you and what doesn’t. the problem is that as soon as something crosses that threshold, he’s drawing his wand (or baton. or sword. he’s trained and prepared with all three). it’s almost scarier than if he were enjoying it, because you have absolutely no clue how far he’s willing to go for your safety—or if he even has any limits when it comes to you. he has a rather twisted view on relationships, and that extends to you. you’ve been so kind and accommodating and caring, and he needs to repay you for that. he’s insistent on serving you, because his entire self worth (and by extension any care you’ve gracefully granted him) relies on being useful. also doesn’t really see himself as your proper equal, though he’s less aware of this compared to sebek, and also listens well to just about anything you ask of him. if it’s for you, he’d do anything. ▸ you have a very different definition of "not needlessly violent" than lilia, but it’s at least true he doesn’t go around picking fights. he's not bothered at all by baby chicks clinging too close to you. if anything, he might pop into the conversation and agree with them—you are great and wonderful and adorable and so much more! it makes the conversation kind of awkward, and whoever you were talking to might not seek you out as much afterwards, but beyond teasing you there's never any indication that he goes any further. of course, violence is something he’s been very accustomed to over his long life, so when someone actually hurts you he has no issue with getting the message across in a more… drastic way. as soon as he's done, he's right back to coddling you. they won't be repeating the same mistake again, so don't worry too much about it and stick close to him from now on, okay?
very needlessly violent ▸ violent probably isn’t the best way to describe leona, but he doesn’t hold back when it comes to you. what, you think he’s just going to sit back and let you go? you’re the best thing that’s happened to him, like hell he’s going to not put in the proper effort in keeping you. …even if you’re not sure if you entirely agree with the sentiment. he gets jealous very often, so it’s common to see him glowering and scaring off anyone he deems too close to you. there’s no need to go further when he knows they’ll leave you both alone afterwards, but the threat only works as well as it does because he has both the magical prowess and social influence to make good on his promises. he’ll insist he doesn’t see them as threats so much as pests hanging around and leeching off of you, but there’s some part of him deep down that’s scared you’ll decide you like someone else better after all. he’s not sure he could take even you leaving him. any actual danger to you is also dealt with quickly, and while he doesn’t want to threaten you into it, you won’t have an easy time abandoning him even if you try. you were the one who wormed your way into his life—you don’t get to leave now. ▸ yeah. lol. the tweels are very, very needlessly violent. perhaps not the most Dangerous in the grand scale, but almost definitely some of the most unpleasant. for their victims, at any rate—though they do occasionally (or not so occasionally) nearly give you a heart attack. they’d never seriously harm you though… probably. or actually kill anyone. right…? floyd tends to be the most immediately dangerous. he’s quick to turn to violence (and to get a little too into it) when you’re involved, even more than usual. someone’s bothering you? someone’s getting a bit too close to you in his opinion? you just want him to? you’re not paying enough attention to him and he knows this’ll get your focus back on him, where it should be? :) he’s not too hard to pacify, at least when it’s you offering to let him rest on your lap or offering to spend the whole day with him. jade is usually clocked as less dangerous than floyd, but. well. you know that line he says when he ruminates on how he’d react if betrayed? yeah. unlike floyd, who’s very open about his misdeeds, you’re not actually sure what jade does behind your back. you don’t want to know. the way some people in your life pale and flee at the sight of you, the way you don’t see some of them again at all, and the way jade smiles when this happens tells you all you need to know. what would happen if you betrayed him? fufu, you’d never do that so there’s no need to worry about it. ▸ didn't he attempt to blow up the school once… 💀 yeah, as cute as ortho is he's not exactly built with too many stop guards. the good news is he's easy to dissuade! the bad news is he's also very quick to escalate to really ridiculous levels. you're his older sibling, it's only natural he'd want to protect you! are you sure you don't need him to blow them up? chances are the threat alone worked well enough to deter anyone from messing with you again. you might want to have a conversation with idia about limiting some of ortho's abilities though because his enthusiasm… is a little very concerning… he does get a little jealous occasionally, but it's much easier to insert himself in the conversation and steal your attention that way. isn't your little brother cute? won't you focus some more on him? please?
▸ malleus is… malleus. violence isn’t his first resort, largely because it just… doesn’t need to be. he’s one of the five most powerful mages in the entire world. that title alone is enough to scare off anyone who’d mean to hurt you or is getting too close to you, so he rarely has to intervene in the first place. he also doesn’t mind you having other friends (though he does get lonely in your absence… make sure to make it up to him afterwards), so he really only steps in when you’re in danger. he’s not particularly worried about getting caught by you, because he’s so out of touch that it doesn’t occur to him that you may not appreciate him turning anyone who hurt you into ashes. if anything, he enjoys showing off how capable of keeping you safe he is. he’s defending you, who he cares about most in the world; why would that upset you? if you try to spin it as being worried about him getting into trouble for killing someone, he’ll be very pleased you’re worried about him instead. the only thing that would crack his calm attitude is any sort of reminder that he will long, long outlive you… but it’s best not to dwell on that. fret not, he won’t ever let you go.
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 3 months
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Cutey for you! | Yan Cute boy best friend x you
Characters: Jesse
Summary: Your cute best friend just adores you with all his heart.
Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence
a/n: This and Yakuza boss tied so
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Yan Cute Bestie who has known you since kindergarten. Your parents knew each other so it was only natural that the two of you would become best friends. You always made sure he wasn't alone during play time and recess
Yan Cute Bestie who makes sure that all your classes are the same during middle school and high school22. It doesn't matter if the electives he chose suck, as long as you're there with him.
Yan Cute Bestie plays up the cute factor to keep you around him, wanting you to pick him as a partner during projects and hanging out with lunch.
Yan Cute Bestie who pouts and act like a sad puppy when you decide to work alone. What do you mean you can handle things on your own? No you can't! You need him! He needs you!
Yan Cute Bestie gets pissed off when he sees you expanding the friend group. This was only meant to be a duo, not this amalgamation of strangers that he doesn't trust.
Yan Cute Bestie tries his best to make it clear to the group that you were off limits. When they try to bring it up to you, you play devil's advocate saying how you've known him for a long time, and he's just clingy.
Yan Cute Bestie gets you matching Sanrio hair clips when it's your birthday, using this as a way to stake his claim on you and show others that they could never have the synergy that he has with you.
Yan Cute Bestie who puffs his cheeks up whenever he's annoyed or jealous. You can't help but tease him and compare him to a puffer fish. Not that you would notice, but it makes his heart flutter when you do.
Yan Cute Bestie much like a puffer fish has his poisons and dangers. He takes down those who confess to you and whines to you mid-confession, making the other person uncomfortable.
Yan Cute Bestie clings to you even more when he sees how eye catching you've become to the other students. He glares at those who gaze at you for too long or seem to have their hands linger more than they should.
Yan Cute Bestie who has no need for stalking when he can just walk into your house whenever he wants because your parents trust him enough. He uses this as an advantage when he sees you talking to others
Yan Cute Bestie often brings up how nice it would be to have your parents as in laws and refers to them as such. Your parents are completely oblivious to the seriousness he carries with his words.
Yan Cute Bestie brings you to shopping malls and to wedding boutiques for "funnzies" and wants to take pictures with you in wedding attire. This is just him planning for a future wedding with you.
Yan Cute Bestie comforts you when you end up crying. Disney movie marathon with him to stop the tears and then gossiping with each other over popcorn as he does your nails.
Yan Cute Bestie is easily anxious when you two get invited to parties due to the friends you made. He wasn't necessarily invited but after some convincing he got his invite.
Yan Cute Bestie takes this chance at the party to tell everyone around him that he was your plus one, relishing the jealous eyes and the disbelief that such a cute boy like him could land someone like you.
Yan Cute Bestie whose heart ultimately shatters when he sees you with the school's delinquent. An uncomfortable new feeling bubbles up within him when he sees you being pinned to the wall by this asshole who thinks he can get his filthy hands on you.
Yan Cute Bestie cries to you a couple of days after the party, accusing you of cheating to your friend group and making them side with him. He doesn't even give you a chance to explain.
Yan Cute Bestie takes this opportunity to finally break you away from the friend group and make everyone around you question even talking to you.
Yan Cute Bestie thinks he's finally won you, but realizes that he'll need to put more effort in when he sees the same delinquent comforting you and offering some form of friendship.
Yan Cute Bestie is about to fight one of the most dangerous and feared guy in school just to keep you away from him. You're not meant to be anyone elses. He is who he is for you. He acted all innocent and cute for you.
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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2 B Kim x The Maverick Omori
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didn’t even know this ship existed and now I’m In love with it. So very cute <33
(I need to come up with a cute ship name like rn)
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sweethibiscustea82 · 2 years
Give Smol Kel to the Delinquent Duo!
Great idea! They’ll take watch and take care of him when I can’t 👍
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suplicyy · 3 months
im thinking about tsukki and a reader who is in taekwondo💗💗💗💗💗
Tsukishima x Reader who does taekwondo
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— Summary: Hcs about Tsukishima in a relationship with Reader who practices Taekwondo.
— Fluff
— Gn!Reader
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He would never admit this to anyone in his life, but sometimes he is a little afraid of you. And this began to disturb his mind from the day you met.
It was break time, and Tsukishima was walking the halls alone, since his best friend hadn't gone due to being sick. He was walking aimlessly until he stopped when he heard an argument in a remote location, away from the many students who walked around the school. Tsukishima always gossiped with Yamaguchi about things that happened around school, so he saw this as an opportunity to see what was going on.
That's when he saw three boys surrounding you, who he didn't know yet, to the nearest wall, causing you to be cornered.
"Do you really think you can talk to us like that? You will now learn to keep your mouth shut...!" the supposed leader of the trio spoke angrily, advancing towards you.
It may not seem like it due to his salty personality, but Tsukishima would try to intervene the fight (since he had no one else to do it for him). But just as he was about to do it, you advances towards the guy and perfectly land a kick directly in his face.
The delinquent falls backwards, being stunned by the powerful kick. One of his friends squats down to try to wake the boy up. "Y-You are crazy!?! Look what you did with him!!"
You slowly approach the boys, who cower in fear. "Ah yes... you guys came to pick a fight with me out of nowhere, threatening to beat me... and I'm the crazy one?" you say in an intimidating tone, which made the delinquents pick up their passed out friend and run away from you, passing Tsukishima who was a bit shocked by your actions.
"You don't want to leave either? Or do you want to stay to see more?” You say when you notice that the blonde was also there.
He stared at you silently, with an unreadable expression, and you stared back. Until he turns and leaves without saying a word, leaving you there alone.
The truth is that he left because he thought you were going to hit him too...
But something inside him kept him from thinking about you, someone he didn't even know well, So why was he strangely captivated by you?
And there was a day when the crazy volleyball duo was begging Tsukishima all day to teach them a part of English that they didn't understand, since Yachi hadn't gone to school that day. And that's how he found out that you were in the same class as Kageyama.
After that day, you coincidentally started meeting in the hallways during break time, and at some point this resulted in a conversation between the two of you, and that this conversation resulted in an exchange of numbers, which resulted in you becoming closer... until you entered into a relationship with him.
The truth is that Tsukishima thinks you're really cool.
Even in the most discreet way of all, he will somehow throw it in other people's faces about what a good fighter you are and stuff like that as a way to provoke others, especially to a certain second-year duo (who are definitely not jealous of him getting a partner sooner than they did)
"Don't wait for me to go to the convenience store, I have to pick up [Name] from their taekwondo training..." "You wouldn't win in a fight even against a fly, so why challenge [Name] in a fight?" If you were nearby at those moments, you can be sure that you would see Tanaka and Nishinoya burning with anger at the blonde's provocations.
He would go to all your championships to cheer for you, even if it was in his silent and discreet way, he would always be there to watch you and internally root for you.
Akiteru has already offered and begged a million times to come cheer for you with Kei, and he always refuses with a grumpy expression on his face, but eventually he ends up giving in and letting his brother accompany him to your championships.
And please don't ever ask him to be your "improvised punching bag" again (it was basically him with several pillows tied around his body) if you want to train at home, he was sore for a whole day from the kicks that you promised wouldn't be so strong...
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A/N — HI GUYS!! I'm in my exams week and I'm using my time to and from school to try to write a little here, and it turned out that I only managed to finish this request today, so I'm sorry for the delay💔💔
And I'm sorry if it didn't turn out the way you wanted, I don't understand ANYTHING about sports in general........ so I had to research some things before writing about it!!
Completely off topic, I was thinking about doing something special for Valentine's Day (here where I live, Valentine's Day is only celebrated today...) , but I think I'm already late for that, but anyway I'll try to organize something by the end of this week!
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mellowwillowy · 3 months
Hello I wanted to ask if you could write something. I love your work on self aware twst so I wanted to know if you would do how the first years would react to God breaking up with them after they did something 'we' didn't like.
I'm sorry if this makes no sense. you also don't have to do this.
Have a wonderful day/night
Have we ever known each other off tumblr by any chance mr/mrs 👀?
One of the most dramatic ones has to be Deuce! And dramatic means he’s crawling bawling and clawing onto your legs begging for a second chance for him to change for the better. Deuce was once a delinquent but look at him now! He's a goodie two student who tried his best to be an honored student after he was given a second chance to change! Is this not enough for you to prove himself worthy of a second chance?
Jack is loud. Unlike Sebek’s loudness, he was loud in voicing his pleas for a second chance. Won't you take pity on him after he has flattened his ears and dropped his tail?
Sebek is loud. He is loud with his cries, just as dramatic as Deuce except that he's not using his indoor voice. Please give him a chance to atone, he doesn't mind getting punished but please just give him a second chance to prove himself worthy of you again!
Epel and Ace are putting up the pity act. Epel with his maiden-like charm while Ace with his silver tongue and acting (flashback to the Octatrio story in the Coral Sea…). Please steel your heart for this duo.
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Cats mean like delinquents
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Vagastorm as cats
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Wc: 730
A Maine coon that you found wounded in the street, barely standing up while he fought six other cats. After you scared them away he fell down and put no resistance when you picked him up and brought him home.
At first he is so skittish of touch he attempts to hide under your bed or wardrobe but his size doesn't allow him which makes him nervous so please buy him a box or something so he feels safe, he will come out eventually when he gets attached to you.
First cat you know that willingly sits through cutting his nails, even if you don't know it, that is because once when playing he punctured your skin with his claws enough to draw blood and when he attempted to lick it to make you feel better his paper sand tongue made you recoil away.
Even if he is around Leo most of the time for the sake of reducing possible damages, he seems to have taken a soft spot for Sho choosing him as his usual play fight partner, even if he is so young he gets tired easily while he catches his breath Alan licks any scratches he might have gotten, and teaching him to hunt the multitude of mouse toys
Just like Thoma he also whips the kittens into good behavior but he isn't as fast to swipe at them, preferring to hiss for a nice while. If they don't comply he will bite the scruff if their neck and wrangle them around. Leo is there most of the time. If any of the kittens claw you or bite hard then that is when they face mighty claw punch (it's just swiping a paw at them but given he is a 11kg cat and the kittens are around 1kg so it usually stumbles them off their paws)
Never really a clingy cat but a protective one, if there are guests he hasn't met before and they touch even your shoulder he bites their hand before settling in your lap or between you two until they leave.
A classic English shorthair with a slightly lighter coat than usual.
The most Instagram able cat ever, as soon as he sees a camera he starts acting all cute and innocent. Sometimes he lets you put him in clothes but only enough for the photoshoot.
But just because he is cute doesn't mean he is nice, the littlest shit possible, meowing at any closed doors only to turn around when you open them, step on your laptop and face and chew your clothes.
Won't even look at you if you attempt to play with him, no matter how skillfully you move that feather, don't feel too bad! He almost doesn't play with the other cats too, either.
Makes Sho aid him in his mischief entraining you, his biggest attempted hit was going to be the salmon on your counter but luckily Alan dragged him back down before any paw or teeth touched it.
If you think you can eat anything at night alone, think again. Where Alan and Sho are heavy sleepers Leo seemingly can hear anything inside the house even if he is sleeping on the second floor and you are munching on biscuits. In his eyes you can see him threaten to wake the others unless you give him a treat so you two end up eating together.
A Turkish angora who got rehomed after he started picking fights with his big brother.
When he came home with Leo they were a problematic duo for you and Alan, Sho would entertain you with something while Leo attempted to push things out of the table or be a nuisance.
It's only when Leo is at the vet for eating something he shouldn't or getting glass stuck in his paw (don't feel sorry for him, he threw a glass and accidentally stepped on it) that you can see he is actually a nice kitty who happens to have a bad influence friend.
He really likes getting his hair brushed, and has just enough of it to be put on a ponytail and he will allow you to put accessories but nothing too flashy.
When you cook he stares from the oven, enjoying the warmth and the show.
His new favorite spot is under your bed, he goes there whenever Alan is too tiring and because he is so big can barely poke his head in.
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Home. (ALT ENDING) || cbf!Simon "Ghost" Riley
Rating: M Words: 3K (this one got away from me, sorry) Pairing: cbf!Simonxafab!reader / teen!Simonxteen!Reader Summary: Teen Simon and his best friend often spend their nights away from their respective houses because they found a home in each other… CW: mentions of psychological issues, mentions of self-harm, mentions of therapy Tags: you/your pronouns, hurt/comfort, ANGST, forgiveness, catharsis. a/n: not proofread. THIS IS THE HAPPY ENDING. I'M STILL NOT HAPPY WITH IT, BUT IT IS WHAT IT IS.
Anyone would say that Simon Riley is good. 
Good company for going out drinking.
A good partner for duos in training.
A good shot.
A good soldier.
A good candidate.
A good recruit.
A good lad.
But Simon would say he’s a bad, bad man.
Even before he took this job.
Destined to rot from the inside out.
To become the things he’s promised himself to not ever become.
Finding a way out of home, out of the trauma, only works if some of it is not already inside of you.
Slowly eating you up.
That’s what Simon figured out in the last 15 years.
Antisocial tendencies.
Compartmentalization of emotions and trauma.
Tendencies for self-harm and self-sabotage.
Fear of vulnerability.
Trust issues.
An inclination for isolation.
A past muddled by juvenile delinquency and early drug and alcohol use.
An avoidant attachment style in any relationships he attempts to form due to an inability to truly connect with others.
An identity crisis stemming from low self-worth and a disturbed self-image.
The list goes on.
Simon would say he’s got it all under control.
But any Army-appointed psychiatrist would disagree.
And he’s too valuable of an asset to let go of…
Just the ‘depression’ diagnosis would land the average soldier on a watchlist and the ‘tendencies to self-harm’ would get anyone a medical discharge and interned into a psych ward.
Thank God Simon’s not the average soldier.
Price has been pulling strings to keep him around, calling in favors to people for his sake and getting people to turn a blind eye to the fact Simon Riley has not gone to a single routine psych check in the better part of a decade.
In exchange, however, that forced Simon to take a deal with Price and instead see an off-site psych expert. A friend of Price’s, a retired psychiatrist who has no way of getting him discharged.
As such, every time he goes on leave he drives some 4 or so hours from Hereford to a small village in Cumbria up north to see her. He always spends the first week of his leave there, in a chalet right smack in the middle of the Lake District National Park…  It’s peaceful and nice. Over those 5 to 7 days, he talks about anything and everything. 
At first he hated it, but with time, it did bring him clarity on a lot of his issues without any sort of danger or judgement. In her words, Dr. Armstrong had been dealing with John’s shit for “far too long”, and nothing Simon would tell her would make a dent on the appalling things she’s heard… And true to her word, Simon hadn’t spotted any shock or discomfort in her, even as he spoke of some utterly vile things.
She made him feel heard, understood, welcome… alive, even if more often than not he didn’t quite feel human. He always came in the door like the ghost of his moniker, a shadow, with steps too hard, body too stiff, breathing too tense, eyes too sharp… And left with an ease and lightness uncharacteristic to someone like him… Dr. Armstrong unraveled all the damage during those 5 to 7 grueling days… Only for him return to base and begin the process of hardening himself once again.
He’s thirty-three, you’re thirty-two today.
He dragged himself out of the comfortable bed in the guest house nearby to the chalet, and threw on a hoodie and some slides before he ventured out to the main house across the stepping stone walkway and into the house through the sliding glass doors.
Dr. Armstrong was already at the breakfast nook in the kitchen when he came in. She’s not quite gone gray, but she’s getting there. Her face is steadily getting more wrinkled compared to 10 years ago when this started. She’s wearing a light blue robe and a set of warm pajamas. Her hair cut into a pixie à la Judi Dench. “Good morning, Simon.”
Simon, meanwhile, is all disheveled, hair sticking up from having just woken up, face peppered with a 5 o’clock shadow, eyes still crusty and face unwashed. “Mornin’.” He grumbled as he poured himself a cup of tea and popped two slices of bread into the toaster.
“How did you sleep?” She asked him as she regarded him over her green-frame reading glasses, which adorned the tip of her nose. She took a sip of a black mug with a cat’s whiskers drawn in it in white.
“Same as usual…” He replied as he stirred some milk into his tea. He grabbed the plain toasted bread and plopped it into a plate and began to turn to join her at the table when she set down her tea mug and leaned her elbows on the table, giving him a pointed look with a cocked brow.
Holding back a groan akin to a moody teenage boy’s, he set down the plate and cuppa, and grabbed some butter and a knife, spreading it over the toasted bread. He was thankful that Dr. Armstrong forced him to take care of himself, he was… But it doesn’t mean he was happy about it. “How did you sleep?” He returned.
“Slept well, thank you.” She replied and kept a stern watch over him as he reached the fridge and grabbed a yogurt and a small box of raspberries. He poured the yogurt into a bowl, topped it with the fruit and a drizzle of honey from the bowl in the corner of the counter, and then took his slightly more nutritious meal to the table. 
She watched him closely as he began to eat his buttered toast, letting him have a moment of stewing in the ‘forced’ meal. She took off her glasses, folding them shut, and set them aside, along with her tablet, and stared at him.
In a way, Simon was more of a son than a patient to her, after so many years helping undo the damage the military and his childhood wracked on his head. He looked forward to the routine, needed it, so much that if he didn’t have these moments with her as often as he had grown accustomed to, he’d start acting a bit erratic. A bit more prone to violence, a bit harder to contain, a bit harder for John to keep a handle on. “What’s on your mind this morning?” She asked him with a cocked brow.
He finished his toasted and wiped his mouth. Then he started toying with the spoon resting on the edge of his yogurt bowl. “That it’s a bad week to be here.” He told her.
“And why is it a bad week, Simon?” She asked him as she leaned her head on her palm.
“There was this girl,” He began to say before he spooned some yogurt into his mouth. He had long stopped wearing a mask while staying over at Dr. Armstrong’s house. His scars were always on display for her to see. “who I grew up with. Her birthday is this week.”
The older woman nodded her head as she watched him closely. “I see. And… this ‘girl’... Was she a friend? A girlfriend?”
“I guess.” Simon said as he ate another spoon of yogurt, brown eyes lowered and focused on the red raspberries suspended atop the fatty yogurt. “We were like…” He trailed off. “She was… erm…” He stopped again and exhaled through his nose.
“I see.” The doctor said as she kept watching him. He kept eating quietly. “And… I assume you don’t talk to her anymore?” She asked.
“No.” Simon replied. “After I joined the Army, she moved away from Manchester and we lost contact.” He said softly.
“Do you still think about it?” She asked him. “About her?”
“Sometimes.” He admitted as he stirred his spoon in his bowl before sighing again and eating another spoonful. “A few times a year… Around her birthday, and mine. And Christmas… And the anniversary of the day we met…” He listed.
“And how does it feel…? Nice? Sad? Bittersweet?” She trailed off, knowing sometimes Simon needed help verbalizing his emotions.
“Sad.” He replied bluntly and ate a couple of spoonfuls of yogurt in a row before pushing the now empty bowl aside with the spoon resting inside of it. 
“And cruel.” The woman watched as he rolled his shoulders, a bit tense, and raised his irises to look at her, eyes softened. “It’s been 15 years since she left Manc, left me and I-” He trailed off. 
Looking away, he kept talking, and talking. “I still think about her. I think I’m okay, I think I’m doing good, doing better, and then those dates come and I’m reminded that she exists, that she’s out there, that she… that she went off and found herself a place and I’m here, and have nothing to show for it, just some stupid fucking medals pinned to the breast of my suit and blood on my hands that doesn’t wash off in the fucking sink.” He hissed bitterly, his eyes unfocused as he poured it all out.
“She was like me. We did everything together, were basically attached at the hip. She was my partner in crime, like a home away from home. Sure, dad beat me and mum, and scared us all and I’m much better now and I’ve grown up, but nothing feels okay. Nothing feels normal or good. It’s all just… just bullshit!” He hissed, his breathing beginning to grow faster. “I go through the motions but I don’t feel okay, I don’t feel safe.” He turned his head away from Doctor Armstrong.
“The last time I felt safe I was in her arms, looking into her eyes and telling her that I loved her for the first time and making all these promises for a future that didn’t happen. A future I stole from the two of us.” He grumbled. “And the worst part is that I used to blame her for leaving, for seeking out a better life, a better place! Maybe I still blame her… But it’s not her fault. It’s really not.” Simon’s eyes began to water in a way they never have before. 
“It’s all my fault. There’s no one to blame but me. The last conversation we had was a stupid fucking argument where I looked her in the eyes, the girl I loved, and told her to stop relying on me… She was looking to me for help, to get her out, to get us both somewhere safe…” He stopped and pressed his lips together to contain a sob. His eyes squeezed shut as tears rolled down his cheeks. 
“I was going to marry her.” He confessed and groaned. “I came back from Aghanistan and bought a ring, because while I was out there, with bullets whizzing past me and watching my brothers in arms fall like flies, all I wanted was to do was go back to her… And I was completely expecting her to be there… To be waiting for me…” He trailed off. “After I broke her heart and told her to leave… I… I somehow expected her to have been weak… to have stayed. And she was strong enough to leave.” He nodded as he pondered on it.
“And the worst part is that I want to know what happened to her. I want…” He trailed off. “I know it’s been so long and she probably doesn’t think about me and even if she did, she wouldn’t want to ever step foot anywhere near her and it’s not like I want to see her, or to meet with her or to… I don’t know, pick up where we left off?” He ranted more and more. “I just… I want to know she’s okay, I want to know she’s alive. I pray every year that she didn’t turn to hard drugs and die of an overdose on a street corner somewhere… I…” He trailed off. “I need her to be alive and healthy and safe and… happy.”
Doctor Armstrong’s eyes softened as a lightbulb went off in her head. She had finally found the genesis to most of Simon’s issues. The grief of the past, the depression, the antisocial tendencies, his propenture for isolation, his fear of vulnerability, his trust issues, his inability to truly connect with others, the avoidant attachment style to any relationships he does attempt to have…
It was because he was attached to her, whoever this girl he spoke of was. He grieved her, he missed her, he couldn’t pursue a meaningful relationship when he had lost such a deep one… A relationship, an attachment, formed through trauma, unhealthy, sure, but one that resulted in a bond. Any attempts of his to ‘move on’ felt wrong and soured quickly. And until now she couldn’t figure out why that was… thinking he just kept unhealthily self-sabotaging… until now.
That morning was a first in many ways. Simon was speaking unprompted, Simon was voicing his emotions, Simon was confronting his past, Simon was admitting to his mistakes, Simon was expressing his wants. He was not just opening up, but he was actively prioritizing his wants, his feelings… It was huge for someone whose sense of self was as skewed as Simon’s.
It only took ten years… But they were making progress.
‘You just have to write her a letter, Simon. Let her know you don’t mean to impose on her life, but that you simple hope she’s doing well, thank her for having been part of your life. Keep it simple, concise. You can do that.’
Dr. Armstrong severely underestimated Simon’s ability to follow her request. Granted, most of the time he follows them no problem… But when it comes to you? Yikes.
‘Simple, concise’ became 38 and a half pages. None of it proofread. He felt like he passed out and when he woke up he had 38 pages of straight up gibberish, half-baked thoughts and equally half-baked pages. He doesn’t even remember what the fuck he wrote (probably because he was drunk and high, his first time smoking in 15 years).
Trying to read it gave him a headache, so he just transfered it into a Word document, the only file in an all-black slide-out USB drive, and stuffed the USB and a note saying ‘From Simon Riley’ into an envelope. He didn’t even dare send it himself. He simply dropped it off in the mail-out box at base and and called it a day.
That was 3 months ago. 
As he lays in bed after dinner, he silently hopes to God that you’re ignoring him and tossed out the USB drive without even reading the mess of text in it… Or even that the address Laswell’s analysts found for you in Scotland was wrong. 
But he also can’t bear to imagine  someone else opening the envelope, checking the USB drive and finding that letter and-
A buzzing awakes him from his thoughts and he looks across the room to his phone which is charging on his desk in the corner. He moves across the room swiftly, finding a number he doesn’t recognize has sent him a text. 
It has to be you. He’s careful with his number, he doesn’t give it out willy-nilly. Only Price, Laswell and Nik have it. And you, since he included it in the document.
Taking a deep breath, he clicks the text on the screen, his brown eyes screwing shut as if it was about to explode. Or maybe it was just his heart racing that made him feel that.
He was afraid.
Simon Riley was afraid.
The Ghost wouldn’t protect him now.
Not from you.
Or, rather, not for the way Simon might react when it comes to you.
Deep breaths, Simon told himself. 
Deep breaths.
… and out.
Throwing open his eyes, he looked at the screen, finding one tiny little paragraph in the bright green chat bubble:
hi riley… read your letter a bunch of times… truth be told i didnt know how to answer it, been trying to find what to say for weeks on weeks now and coming up short. if ur free anytime soon can we just have a call over the phone? might be easier. if not then im glad to hear ur fine and that u found success x
Simon reads and rereads your text over and over and over…
And then something in him snaps. He clicks the phone button next to your unsaved contact and then stares at the screen, eyes wide and frantic, not even considering that you might not be ready, that you might be busy, that you asked for ‘one of these days’ and not ‘right now’...
The call connects.
Simon holds his breath.
And so do you, he can hear your little gasp.
The counter at the top of the screen ticks by.
Simon’s eyes begin to well up with tears, he can hear your breath on the other side, but he’s too much of a coward to say anything.
Thank God that you’re not.
You’ve always been stronger than him.
“Riley?” You whisper his name.
Taking a deep breath, he opens his mouth to speak… But all that escapes him is a stupid little “Hm?”
You pause again, your breath catching in your throat again… before you say it:
“I forgive you.”
His world nearly collapses at that moment and a sob escapes him, a sound so pathetic and weak that he wants to beat himself over it before Dr. Armstrong’s words ring in his head:
‘You can’t keep suppressing your emotions, it’s okay to cry.’
And so he does. He sobs, audibly so, big fat tears running down his face as he lets his back hit the wall and slide down it until he’s sat on the floor.
“Riley…” You whimper, and it sounds like you’re on the verge of crying as well.
He doesn’t want to make you cry. He really doesn’t… 
But he can’t stop…
For the first time in forever, he feels exactly the one thing Dr. Armstrong has told him he deserves to feel:
At peace.
TAGGING ANYONE WHO READ/COMMENTED THE FIC (there's only like... 10 of you total, I'm so sorry)
taglist: @iite-cool , @spicyspicyliving , @lyralein , @heavenlyrivers , @depressed-but-make-it-cute , @myhomeworksnotdone , @captainquake42 , @waiting-so-long , @erensonly , @pieckyghost
Thank you so much for reading this fic, to the people who've read it here and on AO3! Your support mean the world to me!
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littleholmes · 1 year
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I already liked the Haitanis because of their dynamic, and their history with each of the gangs is so interesting to me too, but this was the moment that catapulted Ran Haitani even further up my list of Tokyo Revengers faves.
To start, the Tenjiku arc made me see the Haitanis differently, and it started during their fight with Angry and Hakkai as Ran and Rindou’s dynamic really started to shine. We got a taste of Rindou’s resentment at being in his brother’s shadow during the start of the arc when they fought Mitsuya, but it really came out in the Angry/Hakkai fight with Rindou understanding them because of his role as the youngest but also fighting hard because he’s sick of being underestimated as the youngest.
It’s also in that battle that Ran’s role as the older bro comes out and we see how he is with Rindou when they’re not on top as the strongest and when shit gets serious. (It’s also when my appreciation of him as a character really solidified but I digress). Ran could tell Angry was dangerous and tried to stop Rindou to protect him but it was too late, his brother charged and got knocked out and he followed shortly after. Before that, even as they were fighting together, Ran’s role as the level-headed older bro showed in his fight style, taking control so Rindou can fight without trouble as headstrong as he wants because he will be there to cover his six.
Later, Ran tries to stop Rindou twice, Rindou goes down, and he screams for his brother and rushes into defense mode before he’s knocked out too. We already knew, but it’s reinforced in this arc that Ran’s highest priority is Rindou and he will take care of his brother above all else.
(Side note: I love how Wakui gives us duos who as intense and dangerous as they are, have that loyalty and heart, and I love how we see that in Ran’s concern for Rindou.)
Speaking of heart, this brings me back to the end of the Tenjiku battle when Ran closes Izana and Kakucho’s eyes.
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Rindou watched as Ran crouched over their bodies, pays his respects, and closes their eyes, and a few things struck me about this moment. It’s already a heartbreaking moment and to have this follow and to have someone like Ran pay his respects this way, it’s so poignant it made me tear up when I read it.
I also immediately had the thought that Ran’s likely done this before, and Rindou’s likely witnessed him do this before. Rindou watched him go and didn’t even question what he was about to do, which (given their status in as delinquents and their ascent as the brothers who have control of Roppongi) reinforced the thought that the two are sadly not strangers to the death of their fellow members.
Perhaps this is a ritual Rindou’s familiar with Ran doing when it comes to losing their members, perhaps Ran did this back when they lost one or both of their parents or whoever raised them before they were on their own—either way, this moment of heart and respect is something Ran felt compelled to say a few words and close their eyes and I love that he did. It helped give closure to the fight and offered a moment for all of us to take a moment too and say goodbye to Izana and Kakucho (at the time, at least we thought!)
idk I’m rambling but I love this moment in the Tenjiku arc, and appreciate that it was Ran who did it and how it highlighted how heavy this moment was for everyone involved and how these characters care about each other whether they’re brothers by blood, Tenjiku, or Toman in this delinquent life they live.
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exhaustedcatte · 9 months
Detention, boys!
“–pair of troublemakers, they are,” Pomona Sprout wailed. “I know it was them, but there’s no way to prove it.”
Minerva, who’d just walked in, already knew who the offending duo could be. “Potter and Black?”
“Potter and Black,” she confirmed. “Charmed all of my Mandrakes to sing! Sing! Can you believe it?!”
A smile unwillingly pulled on the Gryffindor House-head’s mouth.
“What did they sing?” Professor Sinistra asked curiously.
Pomona ducked, shy. “I didn’t recognize the song, but Ms Bones said it was a muggle band called—ehem.” She cleared her throat and whispered, “The Sex Pistols.”
Minerva suppressed a loud guffaw, forced it back down her throat, and allowed a small grimace. Sinistra had no objections, laughing cheerfully.
“I bet you that was all Lupin,” she said, still grinning. “I’ve heard him giving gospels on muggle music with such ardor, you’d have thought he was being paid to advertise.”
Minerva didn’t know muggle music, but she knew her boys. This prank definitely had their signature on it, not just the handle on magic, but the careless display of talent.
Charming those noisy crybaby Mandrakes was no easy feat.
“I’ll hand out detention for the weekend,” Minerva said easily. “Potter and Black for the frontline work, Lupin for definitely pointing them towards the charms and Pettigrew for stealing all of your Mandrakes,” she raised her brows.
Pomona sighed, smiling.
The thing was, it was easy to detain them for smaller, localised pranks. It had their magical imprint all over it. While they had stepped into juvenile delinquency and thrown dung bombs, most of their practical jokes were, well, practical. Neatly studied and practiced. Difficult charms and jinxes. Hexes that Minerva had almost forgotten about since her own school days.
They’d made the suit of armours duel outside the Defence classroom, transfigured every single notebook in their class into origami birds, charmed it to fly away and got them all let off class. Hexed the Slytherins to speak in haikus for two full days. They’d also frozen the Lake into an ice rink in the cusp of summer post-exams. Pranks against which Finite Incantatem were useless. They put a lot of effort into their jokes, which somehow turned out just as remarkable as their neglected schoolwork.
But she’d given them many cauldrons and trophies and broom closets to clean for all of those, because she knew only they could be responsible for such intelligent tomfoolery.
What was difficult to pin on them was larger, vastly spread magic, because their trace was faint when it was distributed wide, mingling with everyone else’s magic. In theory she would put all her money on it being the Marauders, but she couldn’t simply accuse them when no one had seen them out of bed, no misbehaving, nothing. Very mystifying.
Which was why she was effectively silenced when she walked into the Great Hall on Tuesday. Everything seemed fine at first, but then she noticed, after hearing the excited tittering.
The Slytherins were emerald green. Minerva almost marched down to the quartet – the rivalry was telling. But she glanced around and saw the Hufflepuffs drenched in yellow. The Ravenclaws and Gryffindors were not spared either, dyed in their own house colours.
Minerva peered down her table. The other professors were trying to puzzle out how this had been achieved. She was silently proud that they kept glancing at the four boys on the far end, as if trying to read the answer straight from their brains. They knew no one else was capable of such advanced magic while still being playful.
Minerva looked over to them.
The Marauders were maintaining a strong air of ignorance despite the obvious looks being thrown their way from students and teachers alike.
Remus was stirring his likely fourth sugar into his tea, while Sirius kept nibbling the untouched toast from his friend’s hand. James was roughing his hair up and laughing at something Peter was whispering into his ear. They were also painted a vibrant red, probably as an alibi.
“I know it’s them,” Dumbledore said lowly, eyes dancing with mirth. “But I do think it’s rather spectacular, don’t you agree, professor?”
She huffed a laugh. “Yes.”
It was hard to tack this on them, not when Potter and Black, who despite knowing magic straight out of the womb, would vehemently deny everything and call it a fluke of someone’s luck. Not when Lupin, a severely clever werewolf who often downplayed his own intellect, would disagree politely and be off in that quiet way of his. Not when Pettigrew, the most unassuming and yet the sneakiest of them all, would lie impressively through his teeth.
She sat back and sipped her tea, enjoying the humorous sight of the bright morning sun reflecting off of the colourful skins of her students. But mostly she was observing her band of troublemakers.
They were still hanging off of each other’s shoulders like limpets, clingy and supremely codependent, in the best possible way. She watched Sirius proof-read a parchment Peter had given him. Remus was feeding James his scones and cream, who was trying, futilely, to tame his hair with a bottle of Fleamont’s Hair Gel that had just arrived with the owls.
These idiot boys, she thought fondly.
There would be no way to prove it was them other than their excited footsteps and victorious laughter that echoed through her office later that day.
Minerva McGonagall stepped into the hallway, unable to tamp down the pride in her voice when she called out, “Detention, boys!”
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