#Delhi Duty Free
delhidutyfree · 1 year
Discover the authentic essence of your favourite spirits at Delhi Duty Free. Say no to compromising on drink quality and choose genuine imported liquor over cheap imitations. Elevate your celebrations and savour the true joy of raising your spirits with Delhi Duty Free.
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travelling-bird · 1 year
There are so many Delhi Airport duty free shops where you can buy liquor, chocolates, etc. However, the purchase cannot exceed 50,000 INR.
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On Bheem acting as a "mediator" between Ram and Seetha
[Disclaimer: this is not about shipping wars, it's just an analysis because I find the dynamic interesting. Whether you ship rambheem or ramseetha or both or neither is irrelevant for this, and beside the point.]
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It always drew my attention that most of Ram and Seetha's interactions seem to be mediated by Bheem. That is, have him as a middle man; there is the obvious part where Bheem brings Ram back to Seetha, but it's more than that. Ram also only writes to Seetha because of Bheem. When they first reunite, it is Bheem who joins their hands together. Even during Etthara Jenda, there is no moment with just Ram and Seetha; Bheem is always there. In fact, there is a brief moment with only Bheem and Seetha, but none with only Ram and Seetha. It seems that Ram and Seetha only ever meet through Bheem, as if he's the thread connecting them.
I thought that was interesting and I think I'd like to expand a bit on that. At first I thought it was just because the movie is obviously focused on Bheem and Ram and their relationship and the other characters are... Just not that explored outside of their relationship to the core characters and/or the plot. But I think there is also some symbolism there that is worth exploring.
When Ram leaves Seetha, he tells her that a part of him will always be with her. I'm working with the English translation here, because unfortunately I don't speak Telugu, but I did check the Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian translations and they all pretty much translate the same, so I'm going to assume that the translation here is accurate and communicates everything it's supposed to communicate. That means that leaving Seetha is also leaving that part of him behind. I mean, the symbolism is pretty obvious here. He takes his pendant, which was a single circle, and breaks it in two. One part he takes with him, another he leaves with her. From that moment on, Ram is incomplete.
And I think that the part that he left with her isn't just, generically speaking, half of him; I think the part that he left with her was his own humanity.
Here's why.
When Ram leaves his village, he takes two things with him: his grief and his sense of duty. That is all he has in Delhi. Well, other than his uncle, but his uncle was already in Delhi before Ram went on his mission, so I don't think he counts as something Ram "takes with him". I really doubt Ram would have asked Venkateswarulu to come if he hadn't already been in the police force before Ram was.
When we first meet Ram, the only emotion he allows himself is anger, and even then, only in private where no one can hear him. Even Venkateswarulu seems unable to really reach him. Ram is fueled exclusively by his rage, his need to do something to alleviate his grief, and his promise. He has no meaningful connections with anyone, he doesn't allow himself his feelings, and he needs to keep everything that makes him himself locked away so he doesn't blow his cover. Ram is living in nearly complete isolation and completely detached from his own feelings; he doesn't even allow himself his grief, because it would get in the way of his mission. It serves as fuel and a reminder of what he has to do, but it's not something he is actually allowing himself to feel in full.
So what is missing? He is missing his sense of community. His history, because Seetha has been a part of his life since forever, and she is also the embodiment of his connection to his village as a whole. His love and his joy, because everything that was meaningful and dear to him he left behind with her. And as time goes by... More and more, he leaves his ideals, too. By the time we meet Ram, he isn't really fueled by his need to free the land; he is fueled by his grief. When he falters, he doesn't think of the free world him and his father envisioned; he thinks of the despair he felt as he watched him die. He is doing this because he is, in a way, trying to provide meaning to his family's death, trying to save them symbolically, trying to alleviate his survivor's guilt and fulfill his promise. He gets so fixated on the weapons he forgets they're a mean and not an end. Therefore, his beliefs ended up staying with Seetha as well.
So... Community, history, love, and beliefs. Combined, I'd say that's pretty much everything that makes us human. Of course, pain is part of the human experience as well, but without those... There isn't much else left for a person.
And look, I'm not saying that Seetha makes him good or that she exists to take care of him and bring him back to himself, I want to make that clear. This isn't about anything in particular Seetha does or should do to or for him; this is about the fact that Seetha was the last good thing Ram allowed himself, and therefore his distance from her is also his distance from his own needs. The further he is from Seetha, the further he is from himself and his humanity.
I think there are at least two scenes that add credibility to that thesis: the first and most obvious one is when he is torturing Lacchu and his wristband snaps. When Ram first gets to the point of no return, when he is doing the most inhuman thing you could conceive, and he's doing it with gusto, too, because he's angry, he completely loses his connection to her. And then it immediately cuts to Seetha not only waiting for Ram, but actively asking a kid to scout and check if he is there. She is unable to find him, unable to connect again; and then it is made pretty clear that Ram has strayed too far from her. It is immediately after that moment that we learn he hasn't written to her in all these years, and one of the villagers even asks her if Ram remembers her at all. I also think it's interesting that it's the rest of the village that voices the concern for Ram and the sense of betrayal, and not Seetha; not to mention that they went to her to ask what is happening with Ram. This further cements Seetha as a representation of his connection to his own past and people: it is through her that they seek him out, and therefore, she is the link between them.
(Again, I'm not saying that she is literally the one doing the work of keeping them together; I'm saying that the movie has her, symbolically, embody the entire village. So when we are reminded of his distance from her, we are also reminded of his distance from them, and therefore, from himself)
The second scene is when he, finally, after all these years, writes to her. This is the first time in the movie where Ram actually voices his thoughts, instead of just screaming and drowning in his own memories. We know what Ram is feeling and thinking, but he never allows himself to acknowledge it. When he does, he does it through talking to Seetha; because she is the one who keeps the part of him that allows himself to feel, the part that is idealistic and that is doing this for love for the motherland rather than hatred for the British. The part that remembers what he is really fighting for.
And not only does he seek himself in Seetha, he is also only able to connect to Seetha when he stops denying himself. I actually think that's the most important part. He has spent four years isolated from her, without any sort of communication; he lost his way to her because he locked out his own humanity to be able to survive being a double agent. It is only when he unlocks it, really allows himself to feel and think and question, that he is able to find his way back to her.
And what allows him to unlock his humanity and search for her in the first place?
That's where his mediation comes in.
Because Bheem was the first one to crack Ram's walls at the very least since he went to Delhi, but I'd risk saying that really it's the first time since he lost his family. He kept everyone at arm's length; he threw himself into his mission as a way to avoid actually processing his grief. Of course he still had his village and Seetha, but you don't just become this repressed and guilt driven out of nowhere. Even as he's saying goodbye to Seetha and the village, Ram doesn't once smile. We see his face tight and nearly blank, the same way it was when he was first introduced, fighting that mob. There is determination, but otherwise, he is completely closed off. And he is leaving alone.
And then he meets Akhtar, and this motherfucker becomes unrecognizable.
I've joked before that he must have pulled his cheek muscles after he met Akhtar, but it is seriously a jarring difference. He spends the entire Dosti montage grinning from ear to ear, save for the "don't eat with your left hand" moment and the parts where they aren't actually together. We have never seen him give even a tight lipped smile before, and suddenly the man can't stop laughing. We have never seen him express a clear emotion, and suddenly we have him not only emoting but also showing vulnerability. Even after the montage, Ram is frequently grinning at Bheem, and he is shown with his body language relaxed when we've only really ever seen him tense. In fact, not only tense, but so tense he is frequently shaking.
It's not even just the expression of positive emotions. Meeting Akhtar also gives us our first glimpse of who Ram truly is and what he actually believes. The best example of that is the events in Naatu Naatu. For the first time ever, Ram rises up against the British. Even if it's in a small way, it's an act of open defiance that we hadn't seen before. He taunts Jake, he mocks him, he openly laughs at him (which is also curious, considering that Bheem was the one that Jake hurt; but Bheem is largely ignoring Jake, while Ram is going out of his way to antagonize him). The part of Ram that is purely rational and mission driven would have thought it better not to draw attention; so when Ram chooses to take that risk and be defiant, he is also remembering what really matters to him: protecting his people and fighting for justice. And that takes the form of protecting Bheem.
Therefore, those parts of him that had been kept away suddenly come crashing back when he meets Bheem. Bheem helps him find his way back to himself without even trying, and if he is finding the way to himself, he is finding the way to Seetha. Not to mention that it is because of the fact that he couldn't live with betraying Bheem that he wrote to Seetha in the first place. Bheem helped him find the part of him that loves and rejoices and is driven by more than just rage again. So, when he turns his back on Bheem, he is also going back to denying himself his own humanity. But he can't actually do it this time; and so, when he finds himself unable to keep repressing himelf, he writes to Seetha.
Even before that, however, Ram's connection to Seetha is only shown to the audience through Bheem, and the link between his relationship with Bheem and his relationship with Seetha is shown from the very first time we learn about her.
We are first shown the pendant during the Dosti montage. Ram was wearing it before, of course, but the movie kind of went out of its way to hide it. In his introduction, he is straight up not wearing it. The first time he is shown with it is when he is destroying that poor punching bag, and he nearly immediately wraps his hands and wrist in tape that covers it:
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[ID: Screencap of Ram punching the bag, where you can see his knuckles and wrist are wrapped in tape. End ID]
Then, in the "RRR" title page, they didn't include Ram's pendant in the drawing of their hands together, even though they kept Akhtar's wristband:
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[ID: Screencaps of Ram and Bheem's joined hands when they meet; you can see that Ram is wearing his wristband. Then, when it transitions into the drawing, his wristband is no longer shown, but Bheem's is. End ID]
They're not always hiding it, and you can frequently see it on Ram's wrist if you know to look, but they don't draw attention to it and actively avoid accidentally drawing attention to it.
(But also, interestingly enough, it is first visible in the scene where Ram is talking to Venkateswarulu; and the scenes where it is most visible before Dosti are the ones where Ram is talking about killing governor Scott, and when he's helping Bheem save the child. I think this is a subtle way of hinting that this is who Ram truly is; even though he is pretending when he says that he's going to kill governor Scott, he is still closer to himself and his ideals than he was when he attacked that mob. And even more so when he helped Bheem do what they both are sworn to do: protect their people.)
Then, during the Dosti montage, they film it directly for the first time. We see Ram playing with it and acknowledging it, and we learn that it is significant to him. And then they won't stop filming it after that.
This isn't a coincidence; the pendant is the embodiment of his connection with Seetha, and, therefore, with his humanity, as previously stated. The fact that it is shown during Dosti, which is also when we first see Ram acting fully like himself, goes to show how much Bheem's friendship is helping bring Ram back. I mean, for starters, just sitting there fiddling with it and smiling is something I can't imagine pre-Bheem Ram doing. Nevermind the fact that he lets Bheem see it and doesn't even try to hide that moment of vulnerability from him.
After that, the pendant is used to highlight Ram's struggle with figuring out what he wants to do (which really means figuring out who he is) after he betrays Bheem. For example, when Ram grabs Bheem, we get a shot of him crying blood, and the blood falls right beside the pendant, in a shot that shows almost nothing but these two things:
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[ID: A drop of blood falling on Ram's hand, right next to the pendant. You can seee only Ram's wrist and a bit of the holy thread wrapped around his palm. End ID]
(Also, this time, the illustration of their hands does include the pendant)
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[ID: The illustration of Ram's hand that immediately follows the previous shot. The pendant can be seen wrapped around his wrist and over his palm. End ID]
Further cementing the idea that the wristband represents the last of his connection to his humanity is the fact that, in the flogging scene, Ram is wearing it on his left hand.
In every other scene, it is on his right hand. That seems to be something they were very careful about. But throughout the flogging you can see that it is on the left. In fact, they even open the scene with a shot of it:
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[ID: Ram driving to the square. He is holding a whip in his left hand, and the bracelet can be seen on his wrist. End ID]
Throughout the scene, it is hard to see the bracelet because of the uniform's long sleeves, but there are a few shots that confirm that it's on his left wrist:
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[ID: Ram with the whip on his right hand, pulling it back. His left hand is in front of his body and the bracelet is visible. End ID]
And at the end of the scene, we can see it clearly:
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[ID: Ram cradling Bheem's bloody face. His left hand, on which you can see the pendant, is holding Bheem's chin. End ID]
It's too consistent to be an accident, especially considering how it never ends up misplaced in the left wrist in the other scenes. On top of that, the movie brings up the fact that the left hand is considered dirty (in the scenes where Bheem's fake mom and Ram's real mom tell their respective children not to eat with their left hand).
Disclaimer for this part: I'm neither Hindu nor Indian, so I looked up as much as I could on the right/left significance, because I believe people should make an effort to understand the implications that don't speak directly to their experiences, especially when it comes to culture and race. If anything I say is inaccurate or offensive, please let me know, and I'll edit it. If there's anything else I'm missing, feel free to add it as well. I also assume that the cultural associations with the right and left go beyond religious significance, since Akhtar's family is Muslim and not Hindu and they also enforce the "no eating with your left hand" rule. But Ram is Hindu, so I'm also using sources that talk about its significance in Hinduism. I don't mean to imply that the two are interchangeable by that.
I found many different significances associated with the right and left sides in Hinduism (right is male, left is female; right is submissive, left is contrary; right is yourself, left is your spouse), but the most important one seems to be that right is sacred and pure, and left is profane and dirty (because that one was mentioned in every paper I found, and it was usually the first to be brought up). Hence why it's important that you eat and give offerings with your right hand, and do "unhygienic" tasks with the left. This rule also applies to Islam, which explains why Akhtar's fake mother made the same comment. The fact that this aspect of the right/left duality is brought up in the text also implies that this is the most important one in this context.
So, if the left hand is dirty and profane, and the pendant is Ram's humanity, and the pendant is on Ram's left hand in this scene... I think what the movie is telling us is that in this moment, Ram is forsaking himself. He is going against everything that he truly is and believes, and his own feelings; he is even condemning himself, in a way, because this is the kind of thing that there should be no turning back from. In that moment he is the furthest he could be from everything that is holy, and good.
(Also, from a Watsonian perspective, we know that Ram has been taught that the left hand is dirty by his mom; if he chose to change the placement of the pendament in that moment, I think that speaks volumes on how he's feeling about himself. I also think it's possible that he did it because he couldn't stand to whip Bheem with the same hand that held his reminder of Seetha).
I also find the "right hand is yourself and left hand is your spouse" significance relevant here, although secondarily. I know Ram and Seetha are not married yet, so I'm not sure if Ram's left hand already "counts" as representing Seetha, but even if it doesn't, I think the fact that Ram is putting the embodiment of himself away from the hand that represents himself and on the wrist that is supposed to (at least eventually) represent Seetha goes to show that he truly left everything that matters about himself with her. His soul is no longer resting within himself because he turned his back on it. So, it is all with Seetha. If he had left half of his true self with her before, once he whips Bheem, he fully abandons himself. All that's left of the true him is in Seetha's memories.
This is, I think, further enforced by the fact that, although we get enough shots of Ram's left wrist to confirm that it's there, what the movie focuses on the most during that scene is not its presence on the left wrist, but its absence on the right one. Ram's right sleeve is always slightly pulled up in that scene, so we can see that the wristband is not there, like the movie is constantly calling to our attention that something is wrong with Ram. On the same vein, during Komaram Bheemudo, the framing very carefully hides his pendant in most shots. They go out of their way to leave it out of frame, even in the closeup shot of Ram wiping his tear (which he does with his left hand, where the wristband is at the time).
Here are some examples of both the framing and the sleeve being ridden up:
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[ID: Ram picking up the spiked whip. The shot cuts right where his left wrist would begin, but shows most of his right arm. The sleeve is ridden up til nearly mid-arm, so you can clearly see that he's not wearing the wristband. End ID]
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[ID: Ram first hitting Bheem with the spiked whip. His sleeve is still rolled up, and his wrist is in the foreground, without the wristband. His left hand is behind his body, out of frame. End ID]
The entire Komaram Bheemudo scene focuses on the lack of the wristband, aka the lack of Ram's own self in that moment. He is doing everything he is supposed to be fighting against, and betraying himself in the process. So the absence of him is felt even more acutely than the displacement itself.
Then, when Ram decides that he is going to save Bheem, the opposite happens: they go out of their way to keep the wristband within the frame. Even when Ram first shows up in that scene, it is framed in such a way that the part of him closest to the viewer is his right wrist.
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[ID: Ram walking into the scene where Bheem was flogged. It is shot from under him and to his right, so his right wrist is the thing closest to the camera. You can see the wristband on it. End ID]
Even when he is being filmed from the left, the wristband is still visible:
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[ID: Ram being filmed from the left side as he talks to his uncle. He is shown from a 3/4 position, so we can see the wristband on his right wrist even as it is turned away from the camera. End ID]
And even when there are other objects obstructing part of him, the framing is such that you can always see it:
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[ID: Ram looking at the blood on his hand. He is shown from within a circle of barbed wire. There is an X right beside him, but it is still framed in such a way that Ram's pendant is visible as he raises his hand to look at it. End ID]
In fact, during that scene, we get a closeup of the pendant for the first time since Ram betrayed Bheem:
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[ID: Ram touching the ground, which is wet with Bheem's blood. The pendant, back on his right hand, is visible on his wrist, resting over his palm. End ID]
And the trend continues: you don't see his wristband at any point while he is talking to Governor Scott, but you do see it many times when he is rigging the weapons to save Bheem (complete with several closeups, but they are very quick). Very interestingly, when he puts Malli in the car and drives towards the hanging point, the framing is such that you can see the wristband, but only partially. Ram is being careful, but still giving himself away; he is too kind to Malli, he is too tense as he's driving, he's showing too much of himself. He's still trying to hide it, but it's enough for Scott to see.
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[ID: Ram putting his hand on Malli's shoulder comfortingly as he puts her on the car. The shot is framed so that the seat covers half of the wristband, but the other half is visible. End ID]
Then Ram tries to enact his plan to free Bheem, and again the pendant is not only in frame, but also always turned towards the camera even when it means being in different positions in relation to Ram's hand:
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[ID: Ram when he's impaled on the tree. He throws his right hand up, and the framing ends right where his wrist does so we can see the bracelet. It is turned towards his inner arm. In the second image, he has fallen to the ground. Again, the pendant is on frame, with the pendant turned towards his outer arm and falling over his hand. End ID]
And listen, I know that I sound insane, but this is consistent. Obviously Rajamouli didn't frame every single shot with the wristband in mind, but there is a very clear pattern where the wristband is invisible when Ram is pretending to be a British officer, and visible when he's not. That's not even only after Bheem is whipped; in retrospect, they were also doing that in the first few scenes. Ram was not wearing the wristband when he was fighting that mob; he was when he was punching the punching bag, but it was hidden. Then it was shown when he was with his uncle, and even more when he was talking about killing governor Scott. When he was lying to Lacchu, it didn't appear much. Then it made a comeback when he helped Bheem save the child, and then in the Dosti montage we had a lot of attention drawn to it (not only in the obvious moment where he talks about the pendant, but also in others; for example, in the shot where they are talking and laughing, Ram's pendant is visible, despite the fact that he has his hand in his pocket).
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[ID: Ram and Bheem walking side by side. They are both laughing, and Ram is looking slightly down. His hands are in his pockets, but the wristband is still fully visible. End ID]
So, I think the framing matters here. If the flogging scene was drawing attention to the absence of the pendant on Ram's right wrist, these other shots are drawing attention to its presence. The more of the real Ram we see, the more of the pendant we see, again directly making the link that the wristband = Ram's humanity and true self.
Interestingly enough, it is only after he has officially saved Bheem that we get a clear closeup meant to show only the pendant again:
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[ID: Ram lying on the grass after saving Bheem. He is out of focus, and his hand is extended towards the viewer. The pendant is falling over his palm, plainly visible and in focus. End ID]
If denying Bheem was denying his humanity, saving Bheem was saving it; it is back into focus, plainly visible and no longer locked away. I also find it interesting that this is when we finally get the flashback of when he gave the pendant to Seetha in the first place. At this point there's been 2h15m worth of movie and despite the fact that the pendant is very clearly referenced several times, we only get to see that moment right then. I think this implies that this is the moment when he finally connects with the part of him that's missing; it also drives extra attention to the relationship between saving Bheem and recovering that part of himself.
Not only that, but this is the first time we get a flashback that shows Ram driven by purpose, and not grief.
Ram has several flashbacks throughout the movie, but they are always of his father's death. His grief is the only thing pushing him forward. It is his grief that leads to him betraying Bheem (and I find it interesting that the pendant is also not visible in that scene, despite the fact that we get closeups of Ram's bloody right hand. I had kind of been assuming that they would show the pendant then, since it seemed to be connected to his purpose, but they don't. Now, I think that's exactly the point. The pendant is Ram's purpose, and he doesn't really have it in sight right then. He remembers the pain and the blood; he doesn't remember the ideals and hope that he had when he chose that path. He doesn't remember that this is about freedom, he only remembers that this is about a promise). It is his grief that he is thinking of when he's practicing shooting; whenever we see Ram's past, it is always focused on that one day.
The scene where he gives the pendant to Seetha is the first time we see a flashback with adult Ram. And in it we get to see Ram being tender (although he's still very serious); we get to see him talking about courage; we hear the "Vande Mataram" chant, a scream of love for the motherland rather than trauma and resentment; we get to see Ram being larger than life, motivated, focused. I mean, hell, Seetha puts a tilaka on his forehead. That is supposed to help one's focus, health, and mental stability, yes; but it's also related to the search for self awareness. Ram leaves with Seetha his humanity, and Seetha says goodbye by trying to connect Ram deeper with himself. Obviously, that doesn't last. But once again, the link that his connection with Seetha and the pendant = his connection to himself is strengthened.
And so, reliving that memory means finding that connection to himself again. It means finding his drive, his courage, his motive. It seems that, finally, Ram has remembered himself. And he achieved it through his love for Bheem, who, just like Seetha, now embodies his ability to connect to others, fight for what's right, and be himself.
I believe that this is also why, after that scene, the pendant stops being a wristband and becomes a necklace.
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[ID: Ram in prison, groaning and throwing his head back. Due to the movement, you can see the pendant is now on a necklace. End ID]
A wristband is easier to see; it is something that you can always bring back to your line of sight. Wearing the pendant on a wristband, Ram is keeping it as a reminder; he is trying to make sure he doesn't forget who he is and what he's fighting for. We even see it serve that exact purpose during the torture scene with Lacchu. But a necklace doesn't need to be seen. Putting the pendant on a necklace means keeping it closer to his heart. At this point, Ram has internalized the pendant, and doesn't need to look at it to remember who he is; it's already a part of him. Because once he remembered who and what he's fighting for, and found again his humanity and drive, he didn't need it as a reminder anymore.
It's also worth noting that Seetha wears her own pendant as a necklace as well; when Ram puts it on the same place, it implies that their connection is stronger. As if they are no longer displaced and there is no longer the chasm between the Ram Seetha remembers and the Ram Ram sees.
Additionally, the pendant was originally a necklace before Ram broke it and gave it to Seetha:
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[ID: Ram talking to Seetha before he leaves the village. He is wearing the pendant, which at this point is a full circle, as a necklace. End ID]
Then, immediately after he tears it, it becomes a wristband:
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[ID: Ram spreading his arms as he gets on the boat that will leave his village. This is after he has broken the pendant, and he is no longer wearing it as a necklace; instead, we can see that he is wearing a wristband. End ID]
So, it being a necklace again also implies that he is going back to his roots, reconnecting to who he was and what he wanted when he first went on this mission.
Which is why it's extremely interesting that Bheem is the one to give Ram back the other half of the pendant. You'd expect it to be Seetha when they are reunited, but instead, Bheem takes it to him before he brings Ram back to Seetha. Which in turn reminds me of what he tells Seetha before going to rescue Ram:
"I will bring you back your Ram even if I have to lay down my life."
Again, I am going with the English translation, and I don't know what they say in the original, but I did once again check the Netflix translation and the translations in other languages that I speak/understand and they all kept the "your", except for Italian, so I am going to assume that this translation is accurate and close to the original Telugu.
This wording striked me as odd when I first watched, because why is Bheem emphasizing that Ram is Seetha's in that moment? Obviously they are engaged, so, you know, makes sense, but why is he emphasizing it? Rewatching it now, I think I get what he means: it's not just that he will bring back Ram; it's that he will bring back the Ram that Seetha knows. The real Ram. It's not enough to bring back Alluri Sitarama Raju; he is telling her that he will bring her the Ram she knows and loves, the one who's a rebel and who's whole. Which is why it makes sense that he takes Seetha's half of the pendant with him.
That is another part that first striked me as odd, because it seemed to directly contradict another thing he told her:
"Seetha shouldn't go looking for Ram. Ram should come to wherever Seetha is."
So why bring the pendant with him before reuniting Seetha and Ram? If this was simply about bringing Seetha and Ram back together, it would make no sense for Bheem to do this. Which is why I think that it's more than that; when he brings Ram back the pendant, when he puts the two halves back together with his own hands, he is making Ram whole again. Not just because he is saving him from death, but also because he is offering Ram his forgiveness and friendship again; and Ram needed that in order to move on from what he did, and find the person that he tried to bury and nearly forgot about these last 4 years.
In other words, the union of the two parts of the pendant is less about reuniting Ram and Seetha as people, and more about reuniting Ram with what Seetha represents; which, in turn, allows him to come back to Seetha as the Ram that she knew and missed.
(Of course, Ram will never go back to being exactly the same, and the pendant will always have the marks of the break; but it's rebuilding itself, and that's what matters)
And that is a natural conclusion to their relationship, because Bheem had been helping Ram find himself since the moment they met, as shown in the Dosti montage and the jarring differences between how Ram was and acted away from Bheem versus near Bheem. Not to mention Naatu Naatu, the first and only moment where Ram didn't just stand by and watch as his people were done injustice before he decided to save Bheem. The Ram that Seetha knew would never have come back to her if Bheem hadn't been there to help him find his humanity again. Which is why Bheem is the one to put the pendant together, and also why he is the one to put Ram's hand in Seetha's when they reunite; because without Bheem, Ram wouldn't have found his way back to her, because he wouldn't have found himself again.
I also think this is one of the reasons Bheem also puts a tilaka on Ram's forehead; of course, there is the fact that he is giving Ram the getup that he is known for, but remembering how Seetha had once put a tilaka on Ram's forehead, I think the fact that Bheem does it the second time also reinforces the connection between his relationship with Bheem and his relationship with Seetha, as well as the idea that he is reconnecting Ram with himself, just like Seetha tried to do when they were first parted.
Bringing Ram and Seetha together meant reconnecting Ram with his true self, and because Bheem was the one who reminded him who he was and what he was fighting for, he needed to be the one to do it.
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talesofthetigerrr · 1 year
#TigeRRR2023 Prompt List
Dear RRR fandom, dear Bheem fans,
We hereby present you the entire list of prompts that were submitted by you in the past week (at the end of this post). We’re so excited about all these inspiring prompts! You can use them to inspire yourself to start creating, but also feel free to make Bheem-centric works that are not based on these prompts.
Feel free to start sharing your work right away and we’ll reblog them to this Tumblr-page (don’t forget to add the #TigeRRR2023 tag so we can find it!). If we accidently miss your work because of the algoritm, feel free to send us a message with a link to your post so we can reblog it afterall.
Please publish your works before May 10!
From May 10 to May 19, for those interested, we’ll discuss and review the works from a literary and artistic point of view. On May 20 (NTR garu's birthday) we will tally the total number of works created. And to celebrate the total amount of works submitted, we will create a special celebratory fic (read more here). Read all details and planning of the event here.
Some basic rules for publishing your works:
Please tag your works on Tumblr with #TigeRRR2023.
If you publish your fanfic(s) on Ao3, you can add them to the collection 'Tales Of The TigeRRR'. If you want to, you can also put a snippet on Tumblr with a link to your story on Ao3 so we can reblog it here (don’t forget to add tags/ratings!). Please use the Tumblr-tag when posting a snippet here so we can find it.
Tag your Mature/NSFW works appropriately because there are minors in this fandom too.
Add any trigger warnings if needed, we want this event to be enjoyable for everyone.
Happy creating!!
1. More of a question - what is Bheem's role in the politics of the workings of the Gond tribe? We know he is the protector, but does he have more of a role than that? Does he have any sway in the goings-on of his community? If so, how much? Does he settle disputes? How does he decide morally, who's in the wrong? How does this affect his interpersonal relationships with his tribe?
2. Eyes, Heart, Warmth, Strength, Love.
3. Bheem and reflecting on being the gond protector. Either before or after he accepts the mantle. An introspection into what that role encompasses.
4. Bheem + medical abilities?
5. Bheem + food? (Cooking/sharing/enjoying)
6. Bheem writing poems to ram 💗
7. Bheem and his brothers spent six months searching for Malli before zeroing in on Scott's palace as the location where she was likely to be. What was their journey like from the relative safety of their forest to the bustling city of Delhi. What all dangers did they have to contend with. And what were their experiences before they reached Delhi.
8. Bheem and Ram recreate Naatu Naatu for the benefit of their respective communities at a common celebration. While their first dance at the Gymkhana club had been one of joyful abandon and pure friendship, how have they changed when they dance together again. They are still friends and they still care deeply about each other. But they have also suffered, which has changed them in fundamental ways, both physically and emotionally. What does it mean to dance together as changed people?
9. Unlike his usual dutifulness, Bheem feels like spending a day doing absolutely nothing— especially now that they are back from Delhi with Malli safe and Ram back in Vizagapatnam. What does Bheem do on his day off?
10. Akhtar meets an astrologer who foretells his future. But the blind seer talks in riddles and metaphors. However, does Akhtar know what is coming his way. What does he make of it?
11. Bheem's wedding gift for Lacchu on his big day.
12. What was it like for Bheem growing up? What was he like as a child? And how did he become the chosen Gond Protector?
13. Something with Bheem and water.
14. After everything that has happened, Bheem is plagued by nightmares about it all. Who will be there to protect the protector and ease his mind?
15. Bheem deserves all the good things. Please, let there also be wholesome fic or art in which he gets all the good things he deserves (platonic please).
16. Five times Bheem comforted someone else and one time he himself was comforted.
17. How did Bheem react when he found out Malli was abducted?
18. Love, fluff, cuddling, danger, adventure, animal transformation, cuteness, Bheem and Malli, betrayal, hurt/comfort, nsfw sub/dominant, home sickness, food.
19. Ram cooks for Bheem.
20. A poem either about Bheem or written by Bheem.
21. Who protects the Protector? Bheem gets in trouble or gets hurt or sick, and someone comes to save him/take care of him.
22. Bheem travels to see the sea for the first time in his life. What does he think?
23. In this universe Bheem grows old and looks back on his life, the struggles he survived, the friends he made along the way, the love he found and the freedom that his people now enjoy. In this universe everything turned out alright in the end. Bonus if he meets any of his old friends.
24. Bheem confesses his love to someone in the most tender, heartwarming, wholesome way.
25. Bheem meeting any of Ram Charan's other characters from other movies and teaching them a wise life lesson.
26. Art prompt: Bheem getting all the hugs and cheek kisses from all our fav characters from RRR.
27. Art prompt: Bheem and a tiger, or Bheem and his element water.
28. Art or fic prompt: Bheem reflecting on the scars given to him by Ram (please tag accordingly / add trigger warnings if needed). Big bonus if you add someone to comfort/support him.
29. Bheem teaching Malli how to plant a tree and the importance of nature.
30. AU with Bheem as a farmer who befriends a tiger.
31. Bheem finds a wounded animal (your choice) and decides to nurse it back to health.
32. What was Bheem doing/feeling/thinking the moment malli was taken or the moment the British first found the Gonds.
33. Bheem is learning a bit of english to communicate with Jenny and he tries to read Ram's diary when he comes to his house to find him sleeping on his desk.
34. Bheem shows ram the animals he has been hiding / Ram somehow finds them.
35. How Bheem found his adoptive muslim family and how they accepted or offered to hide him and the boys.
36. Bheem is deaf/blind.
37. Bheem's thought process and feelings right after Malli was taken.
38. Bheem finds an injured toger cub while on a hunt and nurses the cub back to health. Mali or Ram could help him with the cub. Bheem has to release the cub back into the wild when she/he is healthy again. But the cub grows up and remembers Bheem and his kindness. Possibly the grown cub comes to Bheem's aid in some way?
39. Soft as silk but strong as steel.
40. Bheem is cared for by Ram in prison after the whipping, emphasis on Bheem's perspective--his confusion, hurt, anger and love.
41. The scene where Bheem goes to Jenny for blueprints and how it pans out.
42. Father Bheem taking care of his baby while jenny is away for the day. (Can replaced Jenny with Ram depending on writer's preferences)
43. This is an au (how Akhtar and Ram meet) Akhtar's bedroom shares a thin wall with the adjacent house where Ram's bedroom is and one night he hears Ram crying more than ever and talks to him through the wall.
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vijayasena · 9 months
tune kya kar daala...
No one's pov..
Who know, that Niyati who came here to look after her dying grandmother which was the only family member she had..
Will gonna leave her too all alone in this world..
In the early 19s of India where the Britishers were bitching around and traumatising the Indian community the whole country was under them and they were making them suffer..
There was a fire inside Niyati to finish the British rule from India between those conservatives, those dirty talks about woman narrow minded people she still struggled for the sake of her dying mother who gave the little girl nothing but took a promise from her..
Her bloodied trembling Hands when grabbed Her daughter's tiny fingers she took a promise.
To free this nation cause it was their India.. a fire that combusted inside her mother glowed with all its strength inside Niyati.. and from those ashes ..
A rebel, A revolutionary, emerged not only for her country but for that promise too..
A promise which was made. And it will gonna be kept..
There was a fire inside Niyati..
She could do anything to full fill her mother's promise.
She never hoped for any love, any care and any attachments..
She always prayed to her mahadev and Vishnu to get her an understanding husband who would respect her and support Her.. she only had one wish..
In between those people she went to school, she studied and was more intelligent and smart then any other kid of her age ..
At the age of 7 she even started to learn English and got very fluent in it.. and Started to speak more better than the Britishers themselves.
Niyati was always that innocent, naive girl who just listened to others and obeyed her grandma's all wishes.. but secretly she wanted to attack all the governors and kill them.. but she knew she couldn't do that.. that is when her grandmother dropped the bomb, that she was getting married to none other than..
*Alluri Sita Ram Raju*
This name used to erupt butterflies inside tummy,
This name used to make her body and mind go crazy..
She started to lose control over her mind and heart..
She never knew him, but the babai told her that it's her grandmother's wish..
And without any word, both not knowing anything about each other except their names..
He gave her the most hateful look, while tying the mangalsutra around her neck..
She had silent tears flowing from her eyes when he filled her hairline with sindoor..
She was overwhelmed by different types of emotions as she just wanted some love some care some respect..
Niyati would be lying if she Sayed that her husband wasn't handsome.. instead all the girls present in Delhi used to drool over Ram . He was so hot so handsome.. and Niyati was awestruck to see her husband's beauty..
but husband was the one who ignored her existence like she even lived in his house..
She performed all the duties of a good house wife, from performing all the house chores, cooking for him.. but never heard a word for him never knew if he ever exchanged some words with her..
The only thing Niyati wanted all her life was a good respectful supportive husband who could help her against those bastard whites..
But destiny had its own plans
Her husband was a police officer who served those English men.. he was the one fight against his own people it felt to Niyati like she was against her own husband..
She didn't knew Ram, but she hoped and knew he was a good man and he was doing all of this for a purpose she was never a person to judge anyone so quickly.. and her heart said that her husband was a good person..but her heart still never excepted that he was a traitor to his own people..
She was always used to get scared because of him, his.job was full of danger and never in the earth she wanted him to get himself any kind of trouble her breathing used to stop, and her diaphragm used to Stop expanding thinking if in between some riots, and his duty if something happened to him what she would gonna do..
Niyati still remembered when first time he came home, stumbling covered with blood from head to toe, how she was stiff at her place with tears streaming from her eyes like waterfall, seeing her husband's condition like this..
It was just after a week of their marriage..
Her mehndi clad hands were shaking, as she gasped seeing his condition he didn't said anything just took a bath, limping inside his bedroom changing in different clothes and closed his door .
How Niyati felt her breathing Knocking out seeing him all bruised blood stains on his uniform, fearing of his death, at that night she just sat near the Pooja room, near the shivalinga of her Mahadev.
Praying for the better health of her husband.. how she in the middle of the night sneaked in his room, with wet tears stained cheeks, and applied antiseptic and some turmeric to his wounds.. careful not to wake.him up.
How his aura used to make all the breath knock out of her, just by a glimpse of.him she could easily melt, her bangles clinking together as she tried her best not to make any noise..
Ofcourse being a newly married wife, seeing your husband coming home all bruised heavily any wife would get a heart attack, she wanted to fullfill her dream with Ram, she knew he hated her she knew he needed time to adjust and she did everything in her power to make him accept her.
He used to close the door of his home gym, and lash his anger out, Scream, yell, did everything to calm his raged self.. but the thing that pained Niyati that whatever she does whatever she can do will never gonna make him satisfied with her no matter what ..
She Just wanted some respect some care and happiness from a married martial life, but there was her husband who barely even take a glance at her or even talk to her..
She started to lose hope by each passing day..
She wanted him to talk to her,or atleast even ask if she is okey or not.
All he had to do was that his duty, reading journals and lots of books, writing and than eating nothing else..
She started to feel suffocating in that house.. her head used to spin alone, five rooms, with one living room kitchen the house had started to make her eat her alive..
She wanted to take care of ram, she wanted him to talk to her be the person he can share everything with.. his icy cold stares were reserved for Raima only..
Today wasn't also different..
Niyati somehow got to know by Babai, how her husband had the duty to make peace in the riot against lala lajpat rai getting bailed out she prayed to her Mahadev to keep her husband safe..
It's been 1 and half years of their marriage it's been more than 1 year, since she started to feel all of herself being filled by the feelings of her husband.. but now she needed a hope only one just one Hope to continue she was losing all hopes, she felt like darkness have slowly started to engulf her she had started to accept that he will never gonna love her or give any attention to her. but at this point she needed a ray of hope only one.hope to continue..
Animals can also stop hunting for their prey if they don't find their meal, than what can anyone say to Niyati, she was just a mere human..
The mehendi in her hands had started to fade, that she applied for Her first Teej, she fasted for him but he never showed up at that evening with teary eyes and a lump formed inside her throat she looked at her hands
as well as his name which was written in her hand, ..
Today she anxiously and with full of anxiety and stress, performed all the household work.. she even cleaned two quintal of rice, while waiting and chanting for Ram to come home safely..
The monsoon breeze, made some baby strands of her hair fall on her face.. but due to humidity she was sweating hard, her bangles clinking together as she rolled the chapati in shape, her anklets made a rhythmic noises, as she cleaned the whole house with the broom, wiped all the floor,..
Thinking of changing by the time it was evening due to tension and nervousness all the food which she made for Ram when he didn't came for lunch she put everything and didn't took a bite to herself.. taking a shower she changed into a simple Orange colour cotton saree..
Trying best not to think about something but the thoughts of Ram getting hurt were destroying her braincells.. applying some sindoor in her hairline.. and putting a small bindi between her forehead she took a deep breath..
"Hey Mahadev Ram jahan bhi ho unka dhyaan rakhiyega" she whispered to herself.. as she nervously touched her mangalsutra..
She lit the agarbatti making the whole house smell like heavenly as she did the evening aarti, black clouds had already covered the.whole sky, as strong winds started to blow..
She putted all the clothes inside the house,as the weather looked like it will gonna be rain.
Reading a book trying to focus on any word she was reading but her whole mind was on her husband she was so worried right now, anxiously playing with her mangalsutra, that had been her new habit she slowly whispered in a soft heavenly tone.
"Kaha hai.aap ram?" She whispered to herself.. suddenly the Main door getting opened made her jolt up from her thoughts as she ran towards the main door.. sighing relieved she felt like she got her breath back..
But her knees buckled up, and she felt like her heart stopped working the thing she was scared of, her lips trembled but she was not reacting her eyes were wide.
There was her husband eyes swollen and a bruised mark on his face blood coming out of lips.
His uniform dirty and muddy as he looked like he had engaged in a fight, Niyati felt like she had seen a ghost seeing her husband like this it's been a routine she felt like everything was like this always..
After the first time.since their wedding, he took a glance at her looking at her like he had seen something strange, like he remembered that he have a wife.. whom he has the responsibility to come home safely.. "Yeh aapko kya hua ?" Her voice barely above a whisper full of worry and shock.. he took a shaky breath going near the water pump, and spilled all the water filled inside the bucket over himself..
Taking a deep breath he looked at his wife, taking in her appearance, he is doing this since day 1, clad in a simple saree she looked simple yet heavenly and elegant..
He loved her appearance he fell in with her soul, but he knew his attachments will make his wife suffer too, his promise to his father his duty will not gonna let him love..
But he knew he was slowly loosing strings his veins started to pump blood like a bullet train whenever he saw her, she looked like the daughter of Vishnu himself, her lotus eyes were filled with so much warmth, care and love that Ram just started to feel and forget about all the concerns and care about the world..
Her eyes were so soothing to his soul..
Her voice was like someone had filled his ears with thousands of bottles of honey..
So divine, so soft, so caring.
He didn't know how and why he got such an understanding and.supportive and such a gorgeous woman as his wife..
He forgot all the emotions the day his family died in front of him all he had to think for was just his promise that was what keeping him alive, he dumped all the emotions inside his heart, and just started to live like a dead soul he cared about nothing but his duty.
But than seeing Niyati for the first time, he felt something inside him for the first time .. he felt like he got his breath back he couldn't believe that she was going to get married to him, he stopped feeling and care about emotions but she still never complaint about anything and always had been so supportive
Now seeing her trembling lips and tear stained cheeks glossy eyes, as her body shaked he couldn't help but could hear a noise of his whole heart breaks..
The sleeping pill that the doctor gave him started to show it's effect as he didn't had any control over his mind.. and his feet took him near his wife.
She gave him a worried and painful look, he took a deep breath and leaned towards her causing her eyes to widen and her hand to shake and tremble. But taking the towel from behind her head he took a deep breath his eyes again going emotionless and cold staring at her..
"Ram aap ko kab samajh aayega ki yeh naukri aap ke liye khatarnak hai?" Finally for the first time in more than one years she talked to him.. "mujhe nhi lagta isse tumhe koi matlab hona chahiye?" He said emotionlessly..
And as like always he slammed the door shut on her face,
Wrapping bandages on his hands ready to lash his anger out on the poor punching bag..
But more over angry at himself cause he knew he was hurting her each day everyday every second.. He hated himself for the reason of her tears..
But remembering the thing he had put in his mind he started to do what he always did..
"The less the emotions the more you get concentrated on whatever you want"
But right now he was hurting someone whom he had promised to never leave..
Again he again tried his best, he being the only one who has the courage to fight with those people and he did his best.. he did what he was told but still ..
Why would they choose some brown Indian over their white dogs? Ram was the one who didn't cared about his safety, not any white soldiers of them. He was the one to hurt his own brothers, to hurt his emotions by injuring his own people for those bastards who were ruling on his country..
He was the one who was doing this job to fullfill his baba's promise he was the only one who had the power the courage the ability to be the special officer he did everything he did his best to serve them.. but still they didn't chose him.. he still didn't got the opportunity he was waiting for.
He was tired,
Tired of living like this tired of being a facade tired of considered as a traitor by his own people.. tired of hurting his own wife?. He knew this journey was going to be alot harder than he had imagined but he had seen her..
People used to give him looks, cause he was a police officer who hurted them, who served to their enemies, he being one of them still worked for those whites.. but then he saw his wife .. she was suffering because of him.
Niyati being an activist was trying so hard to make people aware and make them active, but than being a wife of a police man who served them.. she didn't got much help because of him people were not ready to be with her or support her..
Ram and Niyati agreed on some terms and conditions that their paths are separated and they will never gonna intervene in each other's work.. he applied it in a way too serious manner.. that he even used to forget that she is also the one working..
They never talked about or shared any information about each other's work.. hell he never even talked to her this was far more away from both of them..
Sometimes he had heard people calling her names because of him, he could handle all of that being called by different names but it hurted him when she suffered with him too, but for once in a forever she never tried to say something.. and it amazed Ram everytime that how can someone be so good ? So patient? So understanding ? So supportive?..
This fire of independence, the fire of the determination to fullfill his baba's promise encouraged him provoked him to keep going..
And he wasn't going to stop anytime soon..
He knew this journey will gonna be alot harder alot deadly alot fierce..
But there are going to be a lot of emotional damage too.. many relations are going to destroyed completely, little did Ram knew that in upcoming future his and Niyati's relationship would either gonna break and destroy completely or they will gonna be enemies..
Hearing a soft knock on the he took a deep breath, sweat covering his whole body, and the locket of "OM" hanging loosely on his neck.. he wasn't ready to face the scene, as soon as he opened the door..
Niyati was standing there whole holding a plate of food in one hand and in the other hand there was a bowl filled with turmeric that she bring for Ram to apply on his bruises, she never touched him, it was one single time when he was injured badly and asleep apart from that they never even shared a handshake..
Ram eyed her, her eyes were bloodshot, her nose was red and he immediately realised she had been crying.. cause whenever she cried her nose used to become red, and knowing he was the reason behind her tears.. broke him more..
" Jin logo ko aapne maara aur arrest karwaya woh mere hi log the Ram"
Thats It, he could feel the floor shifting from his feet, it felt like he just got a jolt of 220 volts current.. those people and that protest, all of that was organised by his wife, great just great..
"Tumne apna kaam kiya aur meine apna kaam!" He said again trying to shut the door close but she held the door firmly in her hands, there was some kind of fire in her eyes which he had never seen before and it kinda scared him..
" Apne hi desh ke logo ko maarna, Jo sahi ke liye aawaz utha rahe hain unki aawaz ko daba kar jo gunahgar hai unke liye kaam karna yahi toh karte hain aap?" She asked..
Her voice so broken, so painful, so deep that Ram felt all the air getting choke out of his lungs, he felt goosebumps arising on his body, seeing the sudden change in the tone of her voice..
How badly he wanted to straight up yell about all the truth he was hiding inside him, he didn't wanted Niyati to hate him but he knew the behaviour of his will not gonna let that happen.. and sooner or later she will gonna leave him, his promise will not gonna let him leave peacefully..
"Tum yaha kyu aayi ho?" He asked blankly, clenching his jaw, trying to look unaffected by her words but she and he both knew that her words were piercing his heart..
" Aaj ka ke zamane mein log ek aurat ke peeche khade hone se jyada marna pasand karte hain aur toh aur un Britishers ko hatane ke liye kitni mehnat se meine itne saare logon ko ek saath laya tha lekin aapne ek pal mein sab kuch khatam kar diya Ram"
She sobbed taking a shaky breath not averting her gaze from him.. he knew how much she was struggling she was doing so much hardwork to fullfill her task.. and he was indirectly helping her too, their aim and their destination was same but their way of achieving it was different..
And Niyati so desperately wanted her husband to change his way of achieving their shared goal, and the cherry on top, Niyati had no idea that her husband was also doing all of that to fullfill his promise like her he had also promised to someone..
She wiped her eyes from the pallu of her saree, shaking her head, and went near him but he was just staring at her alot of emotions were dancing in his eyes and Niyati was unable to pick out any one of them..
"Unme se jinko aapne maara na ? Kuch ke bete the, kuch ke baap aur kuch ke Pati" She said putting the plate of food on the chair beside him .. " Tum yaha se chali jao" he said taking a deep breath staring at her glossy eyes..
"Bilkul yahi toh aap chahte hai mein aap ki zindagi se chali jaun waada karti hu jaldi hi chali jaungi" she whispered barely audible her bangles clinking together as she wiped her cheeks sobbing heavily, and ran outside of the.room breaking down completely her anklets making noises in that process as she got out closing the door..
But Ram just sat there with a storm building up inside his heart.. how many more.will gonna suffer because of this promise how much more he will gonna face?... Just because of these things how much more his martial life will gonna get affected?..
He just stared at the direction where Niyati was standing..
The answer is yet to be known..
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tonybina-india-2020 · 2 years
Still Day 2
We flew through Security quite quickly, although the requirements weren’t at all consistent.
Tony had to show his boarding card and have his middle right finger scanned, I had to show a copy of my visa and have my thumb scanned and my photo taken, Dave had to have his right thumb scanned and Rita didn’t have to do anything at all.  Regardless, we got through Customs quite quickly and waltzed through the duty free section to be met by a representative of our travel company holding up a large sign with our names on it.
He showed us where to exchange our cash from sterling into rupees and then led us to our transport for the next two weeks.
Our first impressions were not good, this guy whose name was Brinder opened up the back of the Tempo Traveller and it was an utter mess, he forced our luggage in and then motioned to us to climb in.
Once we were settled in, Brinder backed out of the car park and into the Delhi traffic. At first all seemed ok and I settled back into the seat to enjoy the ride.
What a ride it was, this vehicle was a real bone shaker, unable to climb uphill without gathering enough momentum first. It shuddered and jerked its way towards our hotel, spewing out all manner of fumes into the atmosphere. At points Brinder couldn’t even get the bus over 35 mph.
Within moments I knew that this Tempo had to go back to the Tempo graveyard where it came from but for the moment we had no choice but to tolerate the journey.
On arrive at The Claridges we were booked into our rooms and Tony shot off a text message to the Tour Company and I followed it up with an email.
I have to give Bespoke India Holidays their due, they sorted the problem almost immediately and another Tempo,  complete with a new driver was dispatched to the Hotel within a few hours.
In fact Mukesh,  the guy who was charged with sorting it all out, insisted we all got onto the  bus and have a drive around the roundabout.  After all that  excitement we decided to have our first meal in India at a restaurant called Seville, a tapas bar serving a fusion of Indian and Spanish food.
The night was warm, a band played softly in the background and the food was exceptional.
The Claridges isn’t a patch on The Maidens ( our usual hotel ) but it’s started to grow on me a bit, the only way I can describe it is this:
“ Faded glamour from the British Raj, that’s well past its sell by date, it’s shabby in parts and beautiful in others” and unlike the The Maidens, it doesn’t rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of the Delhi dust, but more like a big white mausoleum that has seen better days and mired in the Delhi dust. 
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agatenstones · 2 years
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Blue Agate Dining Table, Blue Countertop, Agate Coffee Table Top, Botswana Agate Table Countertop.
It can be used as a Dining Table, Guest table, coffee table, center table top in show room as well as a gift for your loved ones.
The table top is made in Agra India & fully handmade.
The top will be delivered by FedEx or DHL free of cost door to door.
If there is any local tax,custom duties or Vat will be paid by the buyer at the destination.
The parcel is dispatch with proper packing & fully insured covering all kind of risk.
To maintain the table top is simple soap & water & dry cotton cloth.
If You Are Looking Something Customize, Let Us Know We Will Make For You As Per Your Design, Size & Shape.
This is only Table Top & Base/Leg is not included.
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Alexander Von Schlippenbach — Globe Unity (Corbett Vs. Dempsey)
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The Globe Unity Orchestra notched more than a few accolades. It was the first European free jazz big band, and in retrospect, the first improv supergroup. During a history that spanned over 20 years of fairly steady work and a more recent pattern of convening every ten years, it has carried a standard for concerted international effort to improve the world through the transmission of sonic energy. They didn’t call it Globe Unity for nothing; its ranks were a model of multi-national cooperation, and it traveled far from its birthplace in Germany, thrilling and outraging audiences in locales as distant as Chicago and New Delhi.
Composer, pianist and lead Alexander von Shlippenbach didn’t necessarily have all of that in mind when he put the first GUO together. He didn’t even call it that; “Globe Unity” was just the name of the first piece it played. In the mid-1960s, he was part of a circle of musicians who had already been contributing for some time to the loosening and intensifying of jazz’s strictures in Europe. But he was not one who chose to forsake all he had learned in the process. Born in 1938, his post-war education included tutelage in classical composition, as well as a personal affinity for modern jazz. The two side-long pieces on this LP represented attempts to incorporate the sounds of free music into extent jazz and classical orchestral forms. 
When this music was first performed at the 1966 Berlin Jazz Festival, Schlippenbach combined the top German free jazz combos — the Gunter Hampel Quartet, Manfred Schoof Quintet, and Peter Brötzmann Trio. The next month, he recorded “Globe Unity” and “Sun” in Cologne. The personnel list is a heavy who’s who, and some folks might zero in on the names of the two drummers, Jaki (then spelled Jackie) Liebezeit and Mani Neumeier. In times to come, each would shape the rhythmic content of freak-forward German rock music, in Can and Guru Guru respectively. But that’s not what they played here. In concert with Schlippenbach, who played tubular bells, gongs, and both the interior and keys of his piano, and vibraphonist Karl Berger, they provided a multi-hued manifestation of otherness and density. The two bassists added as much seething presence as pulse. Sometimes dramatic, other times exotic (which was not viewed then with the skepticism that it sometimes is now), and only very occasionally swinging, the rhythm section transcended its duties within the big band idiom to contribute immensely to the music’s orchestral qualities. 
The horns, however, are what made this music massive. You don’t need the back cover action shot of players in the studio, confronted by overflowing music stands, to know that their united projection was charted out. The time when the orchestra would take on instant composition at an ensemble-wide scale was still a ways off. But by incorporating the broader tonal and timbral resources of the contemporary avant-garde into organized blocks of sound, they achieved a complex and looming sound which was matched at the time only by Sun Ra’s Arkestra. When individual voices cut through, either as breakaway soloists or connecting joints in the multi-segmented compositions, they functioned both as foci for the energy and agents of structural cohesion. 56 years on, it’s still thrilling. 
Globe Unity has gone in and out of the print since its first release by SABA in 1967, and this its return to the physical realm is welcome. This edition, licensed by the historically astute Corbett Vs. Dempsey imprint, is confined to limited CD and LP editions that recreate the original LP’s gatefold sleeve. It’s gorgeous, but one has to point out that anyone who is likely to buy a CD is also unlikely to be able to read Schlippenbach’s much-reduced liner notes unless they supplement their normal corrective eyewear with a magnifying glass. Old eyes would benefit from either a fold-out insert or an online resource. But music like this is for hearing more than reading, and this reissue sounds gloriously present and alive.
Bill Meyer
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vistascs22 · 2 years
“SEBI V/s Chitra Ramkrishna”
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Subramaniam was appointed as Group Operating Officer in a meeting in which the Chairman, Mr. Ashok Chawla and the MD & CEO, Chitra Ramkrishna were a part on April, 2015. The minutes of the meeting didn’t account for Subramaniam’s promotion and appraisal from Rs. 1.68 Crores to Rs. 4.21 crores, it being classified as sensitive and confidential information.
It was first alleged that Chitra Ramkrishna visited tax havens like Seychelles just before her tenure at NSE and after exiting as well which was then proved to be right by the Tax department.
In 2015, a whistle-blower raised allegations that a Delhi-based member on the NSE was accessing privileged price information by linking to NSE’s trading servers and getting access to least crowded servers. It gave this member an advantage of getting a faster access to market information as compared to other traders. The whistle-blower also mentioned that several NSE employees were colluding with traders. According to the tax officials after inspection these traders getting access made gains up to Rs. 50,000 Cr. Moreover, the Delhi-based member has been identified and SEBI has banned it from the market for five years and imposed a fine of Rs. 15.57 crore. This case is still pending (not closed) with the Securities Appellate Tribunal.
The NSE follows a chain of command where the functional heads handle the day-to-day operations at NSE and report to the top management.
Ramkrishna has been denied bail multiple times on the argument that the high-profile case is still on-going and she is still in jail.
In this moot court, the prosecutor will aim to prove that Ramkrishna is guilty of as many allegations by using the evidences given or any external evidence from a reliable source.
The prosecutor is free to bring any other evidence or point out any other allegation only backed by evidence to the proceeding.
The defence will aim to defend Ramkrishna of the allegations raised as well as try to get a bail for her.
Any statement made without supporting evidence will not be admissible in the court of law.
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Evidences/ Materials that can be used:
Material 1: “CODE OF CONDUCT”
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Material 2: Statement made by Ramkrishna
“Subsequently, over the years I have taken his guidance on many personal and professional matters. Along the way, since He would manifest at will and I did not have any locational coordinates I requested Him for a way in which I could seek His guidance whenever I felt the need. Accordingly, He gave me an id on which I could send my requests.”
Ramkrishna had also said several senior leaders often seek informal counsel from coaches, mentors or other seniors, which are all purely informal by nature. Similarly, she thought guidance from this spiritual force would help her perform her role better.
Material 3: The Unidentified Yogi’s mail to Chitra Ramkrishna
Date: 15th March, 2015
Dear Ms. Ramkrishna,
“It is a pleasure to realise your faith in me. As I am writing this mail to you, I am getting a strong sense of happiness and comfort that you feel while performing your duties at the NSE. I received your email about the concern that you had regarding Mr. Subramaniam and his current position of Chief Strategic Advisor. In this matter, I only remind you your view point that Subramaniam has been an enthusiastic soul since he joined you in this new endeavour and has proved his support and assistance to you in every stage of life. And my point of view only emphasizes that take a positive step in front of those who prove their faith in you.”
Yours faithfully.
Material 4: The Function Head’s statement
In an interview with E&Y’s forensic team, one of the functional heads made a statement to the question “whether the information of a potential breach to the trading servers from multiple unknown IP Addresses was brought to the notice of the CEO of NSE?”
Statement: “All relevant information is brought to the notice of the CEO either verbally or via a mail to the top management team collectively.”
Research is Key!!!
Good luck, See you tomorrow!
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jobskolkata · 14 days
Restaurant Job || Steward Job || Cook Job ||Vegetable Non-vegetable Restaurant || Kutch|| Gujrat || India  
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delhidutyfree · 1 year
Rum has long been celebrated as a spirit that brings warmth and cheer to gatherings and moments of relaxation. Among the world's most renowned and beloved rum brands, Old Monk stands as a timeless classic that has captured the hearts of rum enthusiasts worldwide. If you're in Delhi, India, and curious about the Old Monk rum prices available at Delhi Duty Free, let's embark on a journey to uncover the essence of this iconic rum.
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commercialroplants · 18 days
Are You Looking For The Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer In Delhi?
A Sewage treatment plant facilities incorporates a variety of processes to clean & recycle wastewater. Following treatment, the water may be securely disposed away, preventing the release of dangerous materials into the environment. The technique aids in addressing the freshwater deficit since it may generate clean water. Choose from reliable as well as credible  Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer in Delhi which also presents to be the largest supplier who are aware of efficient treatment.
One company that can meet the demands of diverse clientele while offering top STP plants is Netsol Water. The factories are equipped with the newest designs & technologies thanks to the efforts of our staff of highly talented designers & producers. Schedule your STP today to receive Netsol Water's best deals. We struggle to provide the best products without charging too much to our clients. Examine all of the available alternatives offered by Netsol Water & invest in the newest equipment for the particular operation in the particular industries in Delhi. Commercial RO Plant is the best sewage treatment plant manufacturer in delhi along with Netsol Water.
Recognize the Key Elements of Delhi's STP- (Sewage Treatment Plant)
The STP facility is utilized widely by numerous companies in Delhi to remove dangerous chemicals while offering pure water as its byproduct. Removing impurities can provide pure water, which is perfect for recycling in the environment that has many applications.
The level of cleanliness at a wastewater treatment plant in Delhi is determined by its technology. For adequate water treatment, it contains three filtering stages: primary, secondary, as well as tertiary.
The primary duties of an STP treatment plant are extracting, discarding, & cleaning up contaminants from wastewater. Water treatment techniques include chemical, mechanical, biological, & physical procedures to filter out the contaminants in Delhi's water.
Consequently, the plant's primary characteristics are:
Because of its semi-automation, the facility can operate safely.
It is an affordable course of therapy.
The plant is manufactured as compact & small.
It has a weak smell or odor release from it.
Its installation takes up very little room & operates silently & semi-automatically.
Regarding this, Netsol Water is one of the top wastewater sewage treatment plant manufacturer in Delhi. We present or showcase a selection of high-end brands to assist customers in selecting the one that best fits their demands & budget.
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How Much is advantageous to Invest in an Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer in Delhi?
An Sewage treatment plant facility is essential for the treatment of industrial raw wastewater in Delhi to be properly supplied. STP is the greatest choice in this case since it provides recycled water. The resulting water will remain free of harmful & dangerous compounds after the proper, stringent treatment, making it suitable & safe for environmental disposal.
As a result, businesses must set up an STP treatment plant in a safe area that is suitable for managing waste as well as wastewater. When handling waste, it is important to abide by the rules set forth by Delhi's higher authorities. Investing in sizable companies that operate sewage treatment plants can lead to the following advantages:
Make industrial wastewater reusable;
Avoid contaminating natural sources; 
Treat & organize industrial sludge & sewage plus sewage water for proper disposal in natural environments such as river streams, sewers, ponds, lakes, etc.
One of the options for trustworthy Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer in Delhi is Netsol Water. It offers a selection of high-end STP plants at the lowest prices in the Delhi market. We support our clients in getting how wastewater Sewage treatment plants in Delhi should be employed & operated. For any assistance in the installation, operation, & post-purchase servicing, you can call us on our helpline. Make an appointment with the most green cleaning company right now.
It might be difficult to choose the finest Sewage Treatment Plant manufacturer in Delhi. Consider the years of superiority in their area of expertise. They can take advantage of this to support you in making the greatest investments in Delhi. The quality as well as durability of the equipment helps in choosing the right manufacturer within the sector.
Moreover, there are differences in the group's ability to deliver customized solutions based on company requirements. It is yet one more crucial factor to take into account while choosing a top Delhi manufacturer. Buying an STP plant from a reputable manufacturer give a sense of providing a better environment.
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shoppsin · 22 days
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juniordsindia · 24 days
We always strive to give our children the best of everything. Have you wondered why ?  That is because we consider it as our responsibility to unleash their potential increase their life chances and become their biggest supprter. It is hence an important parental duty. We shall understand that Providing children with a good preschool education will help them prosper in all aspects of life. Children develop a strong general and social life skills in preschool which will help them succeed in school and beyond.
A preschool is the first place where a child's confidence is developed. A toddler learns the value of his or her own name, possessions, and friends. Here, every kid learns to speak with his teachers and classmates. The skills and knowledge that a kid attains in preschool have a notable impact on the child's aptitude and attitude later in life.
You must be pondering about the necessity for toddlers to become a part of such playschool where they can receive nurturing care. Further, we will get to know about the Best Playschool in Delhi.
Why Preschool is required for child’s complete development?
Precisely, the Playschools help in: ✓ nurturing curiosity and creativity in children.  ✓ preparing toddlers to be lifelong learners.  ✓ developing and improving child’s social, motor, emotional and cognitive domains.  ✓ learning pre-literacy skills.
Junior Delhi School in Pitampura, Delhi considered to be the Best Playschool in Pitampura, Delhi, provides your child with such learning space and pricele opportunity to realize their entire potentials and skills.
Giving tough competitions to the Junior Delhi School Are:
1. Little Planet Preschool 2. kidzee 3. Little Sherlocks Play School 4. Mother’s Pride 5. The Shri Ram Wonder Years
However, what makes Junior Delhi School , Pitampura as the most regarded amongst the parental community is their Best faculty and meticulouassly designed curriculum, strong emphasis on play based learning , making learning fun and burden free and best infrastructur Al arrangements. from kids play areas to kitchen,from ball pool to playground, gym to dining , it has all what a homes has .The playschools are endeavouring to meet all the requirements for the growth of little ones.
One of the Playschools contributing in the holistic development of kids in Pitampura. Junior Delhi School is giving every child the best learning opportunity that builds life-skill, instils motivation and determination. Also, STEAM and DEAR programs are inculcated in every branch of Junior Delhi School, including Pitampura.
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amanktreks · 26 days
Tungnath Trek from Delhi: Safety Tips for a Spiritual Journey!
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Embarking on the Tungnath Trek from Delhi is not just about reaching a destination; it’s about the journey, the spirituality, and the breathtaking landscapes that unfold with every step. The trek to the highest Shiva temple in the world, situated at an altitude of 13,000 feet, is a blend of devotion and adventure, making it a perfect getaway for both trekkers and spiritual seekers. If you’re planning a Chopta Tungnath weekend trip, here are some essential safety tips to ensure your journey is as smooth and fulfilling as possible.
1. Prepare for the Altitude
The Tungnath trek height is 13,000 feet, which means you’ll be trekking at a significant altitude. It’s crucial to prepare your body for the thin air and lower oxygen levels. Start with cardiovascular exercises like running or cycling a few weeks before your trek. If you’re coming from lower altitudes, consider spending a day in Rishikesh or Chopta to acclimatize before heading to higher elevations. The Chopta trek is relatively easy to moderate, but the altitude can pose challenges for those unprepared.
2. Pack Smart for All Weather Conditions
The weather in Chopta can be unpredictable, with temperatures ranging from 0°C to 20°C. Layering is key. Pack warm clothing, waterproof gear, and sturdy trekking shoes with a good grip. Don’t forget essentials like a first aid kit, sunscreen, and sunglasses. The Chopta trekking package usually provides basic camping gear, but it’s always good to double-check what’s included and bring your own essentials.
3. Stay Hydrated and Eat Wisely
High altitudes can dehydrate you faster, so keep sipping water throughout the trek. Carry snacks like nuts, energy bars, and fruits to keep your energy levels up. The trekking packages include meals, but having extra snacks on hand can be a lifesaver during those long stretches of trekking.
4. Know Your Limits
The Chopta Chandrashila Tungnath trek is accessible for beginners, but it’s essential to listen to your body. If you feel dizzy, nauseous, or excessively tired, take a break. The trail can be steep in parts, so pace yourself and don’t hesitate to rest when needed. Always stay with your group and follow the trek leader’s instructions closely.
5. Respect the Environment
Trekking in the Himalayas is a privilege, and it’s our duty to keep the trails clean and undisturbed. Carry a trash bag to collect any waste, and make sure you leave no trace behind. The natural beauty of Chopta and Tungnath is unparalleled, and preserving it should be a priority for every trekker.
6. Consider the Right Trekking Package
Choosing the right trekking package is crucial for a hassle-free experience. Depending on your starting point and the time you have, you can choose from the following options:
Trekking from Chopta (2 Nights & 3 Days) — ₹3999 per person
Certified Trek Leader
High-Quality Safety Equipment
Meals: 2 Breakfasts and 2 Dinners
2 Nights Camp Stay or Home Stay or Guest House
Camping Gear for Stay
Universal Adventures also offers comprehensive packages like trekking from Rishikesh (2 Nights & 3 Days) for ₹5799 per person and trekking from Delhi (4 Nights and 5 Days) for ₹7499 per person. These packages include meals, accommodations, and certified guides to ensure your trek is safe and enjoyable. For more details and to book your adventure, refer to the Universal Adventures product page.
The Tungnath Trek from Delhi offers an incredible blend of spiritual energy and natural beauty, making it a must-do trek for anyone looking to explore the Himalayas. By following these safety tips and choosing the right trekking package, you can ensure a memorable and safe journey to the abode of Lord Shiva. So, pack your bags, lace up your boots, and get ready for an adventure of a lifetime!
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scaffolding-rent · 1 month
A Complete Guide to AFCAT Exam Preparation
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The Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) is an opportunity to become a part of the Indian Air Force as Commissioned Officers in Flying, Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical), and other branches. Considering the high competition in this test, AFCAT coaching in Delhi is advisable for aspirants.
The AFCAT is conducted twice a year in February and August/September, so you have two opportunities to pass the test. For preparation, you can go to a coaching center with rich experience in preparing students for this difficult test. The good thing is its difficulty level is less than NDA/CDS, but it doesn’t mean you should take this exam lightly.
Here is a detailed guide to preparing for the AFCAT test
Understand the exam pattern
The AFCAT test consists of one objective-type paper with 100 questions divided into 4 subjects — General Awareness, Reasoning, English Language, and Numerical Ability. Each question carries 3 marks but each wrong answer will deduct 1 mark from your overall score. The duration of the exam is 2 hours. So, you have less than one minute for each question.
2. Start early
Early preparation is the key to success because it allows more time for preparation. But never mind, if you have little time to prepare for the exam as AFCAT coaching in Delhi is here to help. An experienced coaching center can prepare you for the test in only 90 days. But you should be quick to enroll in a course.
3. Revise all subjects properly
Revision of subjects can help ditch the last-minute rush. For revision, you can solve sample papers and question papers from previous years. If you are taking coaching for the exam, you can stay connected to your teachers to get answers to your questions and doubts. Remember that you need to score high on each subject and minimize negative markings.
4. Practice managing time
You have less than a minute for a question. Also, you need to keep negative markings in mind. At the coaching institute, your teachers will give you tips to solve questions in minimum time and still have time to recheck your answer sheet.
5. Relax
AFCAT is held twice a year which means if you miss AFCAT 1, you can try for the second test. Relax your mind and join an AFCAT coaching in Delhi for maximum utilization of your time. Coaching is necessary for systematic preparation. Also, experienced teachers can keep you free from any pressure.
For more information click the link: https://www.trishuldefenceacademy.in/afcat-coaching-in-delhi.php
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