#Defense Policy: Political Approach Kashmir Issue 3. China Policy:
digitalanivipracticeb · 6 months
6 Nehru's Controversial Decisions
Nehru's Controversial Decisions. Assessing Jawaharlal Nehru's impact as Prime Minister is subject to varied perspectives.
Accusations against Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister, often center around six controversial decisions or actions. While interpretations vary, critics commonly point to the following aspects 6 Nehru's Controversial Decisions:
1. Kashmir Issue:
Nehru's handling of the Kashmir issue, especially his decision to seek the intervention of the United Nations, is criticized. Some argue that it led to a prolonged and complex dispute. Jawaharlal Nehru faced a highly controversial situation with the accession of Kashmir to India in 1947, amidst an invasion by Pakistani-backed tribal raiders. Despite a personal attachment to Kashmir, following Lord Mountbatten's suggestion, Nehru opted to involve the United Nations rather than take immediate military action. He pledged a plebiscite for Kashmir's people, a promise that was never fulfilled. This decision led to the division of Kashmir between India and Pakistan, sparking a long-standing conflict with significant human and diplomatic costs. Critics argue for a more decisive stance to secure the entire region, while supporters maintain that Nehru prioritized peace and democracy.
2. The Socialist Path:
Socialist ideals and a fondness for the Soviet model shaped Nehru's economic strategies. He prioritized state control and planning, imposing strict regulations on the private sector, and neglecting agriculture and social sectors. His import-substitution policy hindered foreign trade. These measures resulted in low growth, high inflation, persistent poverty, and corruption. Critics argue he stifled entrepreneurial spirit, while supporters maintain he aimed for a self-reliant and egalitarian society.
3. China Policy:
The border dispute with China and the war of 1962 are seen by critics as a failure of Nehru's foreign policy. Accusations range from diplomatic miscalculations to inadequate military preparedness. Nehru's foreign policy centered on non-alignment, fostering friendly ties, especially with newly independent nations in Asia and Africa. He aimed for a special bond with China, as seen in the slogan "Hindi-Chini bhai bhai" (Indians and Chinese are brothers). Despite warnings about China's expansionist agenda, he did not respond effectively to their actions, leading to the 1962 war and India's defeat. Critics argue he was naive, while supporters view him as a visionary peacemaker.
4. Political Approach:
Nehru's political approach, including his management of political dissent and handling of internal conflicts, has been questioned. The declaration of Emergency in 1975 during the tenure of his daughter, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, is also linked to the political legacy of the Nehru-Gandhi family. Nehru faces accusations of fostering dynastic politics and nepotism in India. He prepared his daughter, Indira Gandhi, as his successor, appointing her as the president of the Congress party in 1959. He prioritized loyalists and relatives over merit in key positions, sidelining figures like Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, C. Rajagopalachari, Rajendra Prasad, and Subhas Chandra Bose. The absence of a robust second line of leadership in both party and government is also noted. Critics argue that this undermined democratic and meritocratic values, while supporters assert it was a matter of trust and empowerment within his circle.
Nehru faces criticism for his policy of prioritizing minorities, especially Muslims, potentially at the expense of the Hindu majority. He backed separate electorates and reservations for Muslims pre-independence, contributing to India's partition. His opposition to a uniform civil code, aimed at ensuring equal rights for all citizens, irrespective of religion, and his support for the Muslim Personal Law, perceived as discriminatory against Muslim women, are notable points of contention. Critics argue bias against Hindus, while supporters maintain his stance was rooted in secularism and tolerance.
5. Defense Policy:
The perception that Nehru's defense policies were inadequate, especially during the Indo-China war, has been criticized. Some claim that stronger military preparedness could have averted the conflict. Nehru is criticized for neglecting the defense and security of the nation. His lack of emphasis on modernizing and expanding the armed forces, insufficient investment in nuclear and missile technology, and inadequate attention to security threats from neighboring countries, particularly China and Pakistan, are pointed out. The absence of a robust intelligence network and a clear security doctrine, coupled with neglecting separatist and extremist movements, like the Naga insurgency, Dravidian movement, and Naxalite uprising, is also cited. Critics argue he was weak in protecting the country, while supporters maintain his approach was progressive and peace-oriented.
6. Language Policy:
The decision on the choice of Hindi as the sole official language faced strong opposition, particularly in the southern states, leading to tensions and protests. Eventually, a more inclusive language policy was adopted. 6 Nehru's Controversial Decisions
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margdarsanme · 4 years
NCERT Class 12 Political Science (India) Chapter 4 India’s External Relations
NCERT Class 12 Political Science Solutions (India Since Independence)
Chapter 4 India’s External Relations
TEXTBOOK QUESTIONS SOLVED : Q 1. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of these statements. (a) Non-alignment allowed India to gain assistance both from USA and USSR. (b) India’s relationship with her neighbours has been strained from the beginning. (c) The cold war has affected the relationship between India and Pakistan. (d) The treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1971 was the result of India’s closeness to USA.
Answer: (a) True; (b) True; (c) True; (d) False. Q 2. Match the following:
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Answer: (a)—(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i). Q 3. Why did Nehru regard conduct of foreign relations as an essential indicator of independence? State any two reasons with examples to support your reading.
Answer. 1. India decided to conduct its foreign relations with respect to sovereignty of other nations and maintain peace and security through mutual cooperation to be reflected in the Directive Principles of State Policy on Article 51 of constitution 2. India always advocated the policy of Non-alignment, made efforts to reduce cold war tensions and contributed human resources to UN peace keeping operations. 3. Hence, India took independent stand and got assistance from members of both the blocs. Q 4. “The conduct of foreign affairs is an outcome of a two-way interaction between domestic compulsions and prevailing international climate”. Take one example from India’s external relations in the 1960s to substantiate your answer.
Answer: The statement is justified to maximum extent to be proved during ‘Sino-Indian Conflict of 1962’ to dent India’s image at home and international level, India had to approach the Americans and the British for military assistance to tide over the issues. The Soviet Union remained neutral during the conflict: (i) All the occurrings, created a sense of national humiliation but strengthened a spirit of nationalism also on the other hand. (ii) Pt. Nehru was also criticised for his naive assessment of Chinese intentions and lack of military preparedness. (iii) Political mood of country began to change, when no-confidence motion against Nehru moved in and debated in Lok-Sabha. (iv) ‘Sino-Indian Conflict’ splitted the Communist Party of India in 1964s split fraction formed communist party of India (CPI-M). (v) Besides, the war with China alerted Indian leadership to volatile situation in the North east region. (vi) Apart from being isolated and extremely underdeveloped, this region posed the challenge of national integration in front of India. Q 5. Identify any two aspects of India’s foreign policy that you would like to retain and two that you would like to change, if you were to become a decision maker. Give reasons to support your position.
Two Aspects to be Supported: 1. India always maintained her dignity and image of a peace loving country by taking initiatives to bring about equality and understanding among the nations i.e. India supported to end Korean War in 1953, French rule in China, US role in Vietnam. 2. India’s initiatives for Non¬alignment are also appreciable for the maintenance of mutual understanding and security. During post cold war era also, NAM had become an effective tool to make the Security Council more effective and democratic.
Two Aspects to be Changed: 1. In the course of decade of 1962-72, India faced three wars and its peaceful image played a very limited role. 2. Conflict with neighbouring countries like China and Pakistan derailed India’s concept of regional co¬operation under SAARC. Hence, India must adopt diplomatic and defensive postures in its foreign policy to maintain its independent entity. Q 6. Write short notes on the following: (a) India’s nuclear policy (b) Consensus in foreign policy matters
(a) India’s Nuclear Policy: 1. India advocates no first use and reiterates India’s commitment to global verifiable on non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament loading to a nuclear weapon free world. 2. Pt. Nehru always promoted ’ science and technology to build a modern India, i.e. initiated nuclear programme in the late 1940s under the guidance of Homi J. Bhoba. 3. India was against nuclear weapons, hence pleaded many nuclear disarmament with superpowers. 4. India always considered NPT as discriminatory and refused to sign on it. 5. Even India’s first Nuclear Test in May 1974 was termed as a peaceful explosion and India argued to use nuclear power for peaceful purposes only.
(6) Consensus in Foreign Policy Matters: 1. Pt. Nehru played a crucial role in the architecture of setting National Agenda for foreign policy. 2. Both as a Prime Minister and foreign minister he played profound influence in the formulation and implementation of India’s foreign policy from 1946 to 1964. 3. When different parties came to power from time to time, foreign policy of India played a limited role in party politics. Q 7.India’s foreign policy was built around the principles of peace and cooperation. But India fought three wars in a space of ten years between 1962 and 1971. Would you say that this was a failure of the foreign policy? Or would you say that this was a result of international situation? Give reasons to support your answer.
Answer: No, this was not the failure of foreign policy but this was a result of international situation:
1. The Chinese Invasion 1962: (a) Serious conflict arose when China annexed Tibet in 1950 and removed a historical buffer between two nation, and India did not oppose this openly. (b) India grew uneasy, when China began to suppress Tibetan Culture. (c) Another border dispute arose when China claimed Aksai Chin area and NEFA (much of the state in Arunachal Pradesh) within the Indian territory. (id) Despite long term correspondence and discussions, these issues have not been resolved even by top leaders of country. (e) Hence, India had to indulge in the conflict.
2. War with Pakistan: (a) A serious armed conflict between two countries began in 1965 with the initiative of Pakistan over Kashmir partition. (b) In 1966, the hostilities came to an end with the UN intervention and Tashkent Agreement signed between Indian Prime Minister Lai Bahadur Shastri and Pakistan’s General Ayub Khan. (c) The 1965 War added to India’s already difficult economic situation.
3. Bangladesh War of 1971: (a) In 1970, Pakistan faced its biggest crisis in the way for a split verdict i.e. Zulficar Ali Bhutto’s Party emerged as winner in West Pakistan while Awami league led by “Sheikh Mujibur- Rehman” swept through East Pakistan. (b) The Bengali population of East Pakistan had voted to protest against discriminatory attitude of West Pakistan, which was not acceptable to West Pakistan rulers. (c) In 1971, Pakistani army arrested Sheikh Mujib and unleashed a region of terror on East Pakistan. This started people’s struggle to liberate Bangladesh from Pakistan. (d) India had to bear 80 lakh refugees who fled from East Pakistan to take shelter. Hence, India had to extend moral and : material support to the freedom struggle in Bangladesh. (e) A full scale war between India and Pakistan in December 1971 broke out, when Pakistan attacked on Punjab and Rajasthan to be retaliated an attack from India. (f) Within ten days the Indian army surrounded Dhaka and Pakistan had to surrender with Bangladesh as a free country, India declared a unilateral ceasefire and Shimla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in 1972. (g) Most people in India saw this moment as a glory of India and a clear sign of India’s growing military powers. Q 8. Does India’s foreign policy reflect her desire to be an important regional power? Argue your case with the Bangladesh war of 1971 as an example.
Answer: Bangladesh War 1971: (a) In 1970, Pakistan faced its biggest crisis in the way for a split verdict i. e. Zulficar Ali Bhutto’s Party emerged as winner in West Pakistan while Awami League led by ‘Sheikh Mujibur-Rehman’ swept through East Pakistan. (b) The Bengali population of East Pakistan had voted to protest against discriminatory attitude of west Pakistan which was not acceptable to west Pakistan rulers. (c) In 1971, Pakistani army arrested Sheikh Mujib and unleashed a reign of terror on East Pakistan. This started people’s struggle to liberate Bangladesh from Pakistan. (d) India had to bear 80 lakh refugees who fled from East Pakistan to take shelter. Hence, India had to extend moral and material support to the freedom struggle in Bangladesh. (e) A full scale war between India and Pakistan in December 1971 broke out, when Pakistan attacked on Punjab and Rajasthan to be retaliated an attack from India. if) Within ten days the Indian army surrounded Dhakan and Pakistan had to surrender with Bangladesh as a free country, India declared a unilateral ceasefire and Shimla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in 1972. (f) Most people in India saw this moment as a glory of India and a dear sign of India’s growing military powers. On the above mentioned reference, we may conclude “Yes’. India’s foreign Policy reflects her desire to be an important regional power which was revealed during the Bangladesh war of 1971. Yes, India’s foreign policy reflects her desire to be an important regional power which was revealed during the Bangladesh war of 1971. Q 9. How does political leadership of a nation affect its foreign policy? Explain this with the help of examples from India’s foreign policy.
Answer: Foreign policy of any country is the mirror of national interests as in India: 1. During non-congress government in 1977, Janata Party announced to follow non-alignment genuinely. This implied that the pro-Soviet tilt in foreign policy will be corrected. Since then, all governments took initiatives to restore better relations with China and entered into close ties with the US. 2. In Post 1990 period the ruling parties were criticised for their pro-US foreign policy. During this period Russia had lost its global pre¬eminence despite it has been India’s good friend. Hence, India’s foreign policy shifted to a more pro-US strategy. 3. Besides, the contemporary international situation is also more influenced by economic interests than military interests so made an impact on India’s foreign policy i. e. Indo-Pakistan relations have witnessed new developments. Q 10. Read the Passage: “Broadly, non-alignment means not tying yourself off with military blocs… It means trying to view things, as far as possible, not from the military point of view, though that has to come in sometimes, but independently, and trying to maintain friendly relations with all countries”. —-Jawaharlal Nehru (a) Why does Nehru want to keep off military blocs? (b) Do you think that the Indo-Soviet friendship treaty violated the principle of non-alignment? Give reasons for your answer, (c) If there were no military blocs, do you think non-alignment would have been unnecessary?
Answer: (a) Nehru wanted to keep off military blocs to maintain friendly and peaceful relation with all nations of world as well as to maintain India’s uniqueness at international stage. (b) No, the Indo-Soviet friendship treaty did not violate non-alignment because it was not to maintain military relations but to maintain diplomatic friendly relations. . (c) NAM emphasises on disarmament, decolonisation and terrorism except staying away from military blocs.
Very Short Answer Type Questions [ 1 Mark]
Q 1. What is foreign policy?
Answer: Foreign policy of a nation reflects ^systematic statements of national interests alongwith the interplay of domestic and external factors. Q 2. I n which context India started participating in the world affairs as an independent nation state?
Answer: Due to: 1. British government left the legacy of many international disputes. 2. Priority to the poverty alleviation. 3. Pressures created by the partition. Q 3. Why did India not sign Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty?
Answer: Because India considered the NPT as discriminatory policy to argue it to be used for peaceful purposes only. Q 4. What was Bandung conference?
Answer: Bandung conference was held in 1955 in Indonesia as an Afro-Asian conference to lead an establishment of NAM and to mark the engagement of India with African and Asian nations. Q 5. Mention the Article of Indian constitution to promote international peace and security.
Answer: Article 51 to lay down some Directive Principles of State Policy. Q 6. Which step was the beginning of Indo¬china’s strong relationship?
Answer: Panchsheel, the five principles of peaceful co-existance signed in 1954.
Very Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
Q 1. How did the Sino-Indian conflict affect the opposition also?
Answer: The Sino-Indian conflicts affected the opposition as well. This and the growing rift between China and the Soviet Union created irreconcilable differences within the Communist Party of India (CPI). The pro-USSR faction remained within the CPI and moved towards closer ties with the Congress. The other faction was for sometime closer to China and was against any ties with the Congress. The party split in 1964 and the leaders of the later faction formed the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI-M). In the wake of the China War, many leaders of CPI(M) were arrested for being pro¬China. Q 2. Which two differences between India and China led to an army conflict in 1962?
Answer: (i) Serious conflict arose when China annexed Tibet in 1950 and removed a historical buffer between two nation and India did not oppose this openly. (ii) Another border dispute arose when China claimed Aksai Chin Area and NEFA (much of the state in Arunachal Pradesh) within the . Indian territory. Q 3. Highlight the contribution made by Pt. J.L. Nehru to the foreign policy of India.
Answer: (i) India’s initiatives for non-alignment for maintenance of mutual understanding and security. (ii) India always maintained her dignity and image of peace loving country by taking initiatives to bring about equality and understanding among nations i.e. to end Korean war in 1953, French rule in China etc. Q 4. Mention any two/four Directive Principles of State Policy for the promotion of international peace and security.
Answer: The Article 51 of Indian Constitution deals with the “Directive Principles of State Policy” on “Promotion of International Peace and Security”: (i) Promote international peace and security. (ii) Maintain just and honourable relations between nations. (iii) Foster respect for international law and treaty obligations in the dealings of organised people with one another. (iv) Encourage settlement of international dispute by arbitration. Q 5. Highlight any two/four major objectives of Prime Minister Nehru’s Foreign Policy.
Answer:1. The first objective was to follow NAM, not to join either the military blocs formed by USA and Soviet Union. 2. To promote rapid economic development and maintain cordial relations with other nations. 3. To prefect the territorial integrity. 4. To preserve sovereignty of India and also respecting others sovereignty. Q 6. What was Afra-Asian Unity?
Answer: Bandung conference was held in 1955 in Indonesia as an Afro-Asian conference to lead an establishment of NAM to mark the engagement of India with African and Asian nations known as Afro-Asian Unity. Q 7. Why did India oppose the international treaties on Nuclear non-proliferation?
Answer: Because of discriminatory nature: 1. India felt that these treaties prove the monopoly of five nuclear weapon- powers only and applicable to only the non-nuclear powers. 2. India opposed the indefinite extension of the NPT in 1995 and refused to sign even CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty). Q 8. In the Post Cold War Era what is the nature of India’s foreign policy in terms of shifting alliances in world politics?
Answer: In the Post Cold War Era India’s foreign policy had shifted to more pro-US stance with the disintegration of USSR: 1. At present India’s foreign policy rather more emphasizes on economic interests in place of military. 2. Every Indo-Pak relations have also witnessed many new developments. 3. Efforts are being made to restore normal relations with other countries through cultural exchange. Q 9. Arrange the following events in the correct chronological sequence from the earlier to the latest: (a) First nuclear test conducted by India. (b) Twenty year treaty of peace and relationship between India and Soviet Union. (c) The Tashkent Agreement. (d) The Panchsheel declaration.
Answer: (a) Panchsheel-1954 (b) Tashkent Agreement-1966 (c) Twenty year treaty-1971 (d) First nuclear test-1974
Short Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
Q 1. Explain India’s Nuclear Policy. Or Explain any four important features of India’s Nuclear Policy.
Answer: India’s Nuclear Policy: 1. India advocates no first use and reiterates India’s commitment to global verifiable on non-discriminatoiy nuclear disarmament loading to a nuclear weapon free world. 2. Pt. Nehru always promoted science and technology so build a modern India i.e. initiated nuclear programme in the late 1940s under the guidance of Homi J. Bhaba. 3. India was against nuclear weapons, hence pleaded many nuclear disarmament with superpowers. 4. India always considered NPT as discriminatory and refused to sign on it. 5. Even India’s first Nuclear Test in May 1974 was termed as a peaceful explosion and India argued to use nuclear power for peaceful purposes only. Q 2. Describe any four issues of conflict between India and China .
Answer: Issues of Conflict between India and China: (a) Serious conflict arose when China annexed Tibet in 1950 and removed a historical buffer between two nation and India did not oppose this openly. (b) India grew uneasy, when China began to suppress Tibetan culture. (c) Another border dispute arose when China claimed Aksai Chin Area and NEFA (much of the state in Arunachal Pradesh) within the Indian territory. (d) Despite long term correspondence and discussions, these issues have not been resolved even by top leaders of country. (e) Hence, India had to indulge in the conflict. Q 3. Describe any two major issues of conflict between India and Pakistan leading to war of 1971.
Answer: Issues of conflict between India and Pakistan leading to War in 1971: 1. A serious armed struggle arose between India and Pakistan in December 1971 when Pakistan attacked on Punjab and Rajasthan. In turn India had to retaliated a war against Pakistan. 2. India had to bear 80 lakh refugees who fled from East Pakistan to take shelter in India. Hence, India had to extend moral and material support to freedom struggle in Bangladesh against Pakistan. Q 4. What was Tibet issue? How did it cause tension between India and China? Explain. 
Answer: 1. From the very beginning of independence time to time, China has claimed its administrative control over Tibet. 2. In 1950, China took over control of Tibet. Large sections of Tibetan population opposed this takeover. 3. In 1958, there was an armed uprising in Tibet against China’s occupation. India supported the cause of Tibetan which was bitterly objected by China. Even India has granted asylum to Dalai Lama and a large number of Tibetans. Q 5. Access any four principles of India’s foreign policy.
Answer: India’s foreign policy is based on principles of Panchsheel, which is derived from two words ‘Panch’ means five and ‘Sheel’ means a ‘Code of Conduct’ for peaceful co-existence. 1. Panchsheel 2. Non-alignment (NAM) 3. Mutual benefits and equality 4. Mutual non-aggression 5. Non-intervention in each others international affairs 6. To maintain international peace and understanding
Passage Based Questions [5 Marks]
1. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions: What does independence consist of? It consists fundamentally and basically of foreign relations. That is the test of independence. All else is local autonomy. Once foreign relations go out of your hands into the charge of somebody else, to that extent and in that measure you are not independent. —Jawaharlal Nehru
Questions 1. What does the extract signify? 2. What is not an independence as per Pt. J.L. Nehru? 3. What did India do to maintain its Sovereignty?
Answer: 1. The above extract signifies the non-alignment policy of India. 2. When foreign relations go out of the hands of a country into the charge of somebody else, to that extent, one is not independent. 3. When India achieved its freedom and started forming its foreign policy, it followed non-alignment policy to pursue its national interests within international context.
Picture/Map Based Questions [5 Marks]
A. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:
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Question. 1. What message does this cartoon convey? 2. Which year is being shown here?
Answer: 1. This cartoon conveys message on Indo-China tensions to be resolved. 2. 1962, Chinese invasion.
from Blogger http://www.margdarsan.com/2020/08/ncert-class-12-political-science-india_18.html
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Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Rawat & Shreya Dhoundial (CNN-NEWS18) Interview Review.
In the foreground of the DefExpo 2020 in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India’s first Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) Gen. Bipin Rawat sat with CNN-News18’s Shreya Dhoundial for his first interview in this new position.
The interview threw up three specific themes - monetary concerns facing the Defense Establishment, the policies following India’s defence procurement for the next three years and the development of Integrated Theatre Commands. There were cursory topics as well - the underutilisation of military assets (land and infrastructure), a ballooning pension fund, retirement ages in the military, the General’s recent media exposure following the anti-CAA/NRC protests taking place across the country, and his statements regarding radicalisation in Jammu/Kashmir.
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Interoperability in the Armed Forces
The very basis for the establishment of the Department of Military Affairs, the issue of interoperability and jointness among the three armed forces was brought up as a crucial arena for the CDS. The operational and logistical insulation of the three forces is seen as a comparative weakness in maintaining a credible deterrence to potential adversaries and in conducting sub-conventional/conventional campaigns. The CDS hopes that through the establishment of the Defence Acquisition Committee (DAC) and additional institutional bodies like it, the military establishment will be able to optimise training, logistics and war-fighting capabilities.
According to the CDS, such integration has always been possible in the Indian Military - based on existing integrated formations in Andaman & Nicobar Islands. However, the ambitions of the current CDS is visible in the initiation of the Integrated Battle Group programme, the development of Theatre Commands and the envelopment of the National Air Defence under the Indian Airforce’s (IAF) command.
A Meagre Budget & Staggered Purchases
The CDS has phased his tenure into four parts - 100 days, 1st year, 2nd and so on. The initial 100 days are to be dedicated to appraisals and project explorations; the CDS has also initiated procurement and production deals to accelerate the Armed Forces’ modernisation campaign. A perennial hurdle, the defence budget for 2020-21 has experienced a meagre increase - only 5.8%. This will remain a hurdle in the mission to resupply, optimise and modernise a rapidly deteriorating force structure.
The CDS was quick to defer the criticisms of a small budget, and explained that the way forward was focusing on adequate budgeting and management practices - imminent changes to effect critical areas and a staggered procurement model to even out downtime periods across weapons platforms and combat-ready units.
The argument for staggered purchases made by the CDS, while simplistic, is emblematic of the inventory issues plaguing the Indian Armed Forces. The combined problems of a small budget and a diverse inventory (in era and type) has resulted in a dearth of combat-ready units, i.e. units without ammunition reserves and weapon-specific logistics in place. A major thorn in the Forces’ ability to maintain a dependable OPTEMPO, the CDS claims to have understood the gravity of the situation and has initiated a few exploratory committees to delve into how best the Indian Army, Navy and Airforce can plug the aforementioned gap in inventory.
The changes in the geo-political environment has furthered the need to expand ammunition and armour supplies; the rocket and missile inventory has been deemed unfit and is now been plugged to maintain combat capabilities for a 40-day, 10(I) conflict scenario.
By giving the example of the Russian T-90 Main Battle Tank (MBT), the CDS highlighted how the wholesale purchase of weapon systems/platforms can result in increased downtime for maintenance and life-cycle servicing. The key concern is maintaining a 10-15% downtime across all verticals - units, platforms and systems - which, according to the CDS is possible only with staggered purchases. This concern runs parallel to the issue of a diverse inventory, a recent hot topic in the media after the decommission of the Indian Airforce’s (IAF) last MiG-27 “Bahadur” squadron - Scorpion 29 - in Rajasthan.
The Budget & Critical Areas
The defence budget for 2020-21 is capped at $73.65 billion, of which only 25% is earmarked for weapons purchases and 75% is demarcated for infrastructure, maintenance, recurring payments and pensions (29%). There is also the concern of existing liabilities and division of the budget (between the 3 Armed Forces); $6.76 billion to the Airforce (down from $7.01 billion in 2019-20), $4.56 billion to the Navy and $5.06 billion to the Army. All monies would be directed towards current purchases such as the S-400 system, the M-777 ULH and lease of stealth frigates from Russia.
Some time was spent on discussing the issue of pension payments and retirement ages in the military. The CDS reiterated the calls for higher retirement ages (he suggests 58 years) and  the need to maintain the Indian Armed Force's knowledge heirarchies e.g. in the logistics, ordinance, administrative and medical corps. This would aid in reducing the budgetary portion dedicated to pensions and simultaneoulsy maintain the force's expertise and professionalism over the coming years.
In the same vein, the CDS identified the critical areas that would see immediate changes - a national air-defence (AD) network under the IAF and modernisation of artillery divisions in the North and Western Commands. These areas have received reasonable publicity lately; the former has been mentioned as part of a multi-layer approach to AD across the nation’s capital cities, acquisitions from Israel (Spyder) and Russia (S-400), the possible entry of the US’ NASAMS-II into the Indian AD system and the development of indigenous missile systems such as Akash and Prithvi. The latter, key to India’s defensive posture vis-a-vis China and Pakistan has been showcased in the development of the indigenously-built K9 Vajra Mobile Artillery Gun and the Pinaka Multi-Barrel Rocket Launch (MBRL) system. The induction of the US M-777 Ultra-Light Howitzers (ULH) and self-propelled Excalibur rounds, has also grabbed headlines; a response to the outdated Bofors system whose life-cycle services were a considerable burden on a conservative budget.
The DefExpo 2020 did well to shine a light on the domestic defence establishment, and helped secure a linkage between foreign and domestic firms, e.g. the MoU between Lockheed Martin and BEL or Airbus-Adani Aerospace and Defence. Unfortunately or otherwise, such displays are usually political in nature and the more technical aspects of procurement are left unearthed.
While the CDS has managed to set certain reforms in motion, the larger effects of this change in state capacity is yet to be seen. Positives are there where they are to be found, but the outlook, remains as challenging. The sheer scope of the tasks under the CDS’s belt is immense - develop jointness between the three forces; modernise and resupply deteriorating inventory; initiate capabilities in unconventional arenas such as cyber, information and space.
Written by Siddharth Anil Nair.
*Look forward to my more specific piece on the use of staggered purchases on the IPCS Website.
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margdarsanme · 4 years
NCERT Class 12 Political Science (India) Chapter 4 India’s External Relations
NCERT Class 12 Political Science Solutions (India Since Independence)
Chapter 4 India’s External Relations
TEXTBOOK QUESTIONS SOLVED : Q 1. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of these statements. (a) Non-alignment allowed India to gain assistance both from USA and USSR. (b) India’s relationship with her neighbours has been strained from the beginning. (c) The cold war has affected the relationship between India and Pakistan. (d) The treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1971 was the result of India’s closeness to USA.
Answer: (a) True; (b) True; (c) True; (d) False. Q 2. Match the following:
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Answer: (a)—(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i). Q 3. Why did Nehru regard conduct of foreign relations as an essential indicator of independence? State any two reasons with examples to support your reading.
Answer. 1. India decided to conduct its foreign relations with respect to sovereignty of other nations and maintain peace and security through mutual cooperation to be reflected in the Directive Principles of State Policy on Article 51 of constitution 2. India always advocated the policy of Non-alignment, made efforts to reduce cold war tensions and contributed human resources to UN peace keeping operations. 3. Hence, India took independent stand and got assistance from members of both the blocs. Q 4. “The conduct of foreign affairs is an outcome of a two-way interaction between domestic compulsions and prevailing international climate”. Take one example from India’s external relations in the 1960s to substantiate your answer.
Answer: The statement is justified to maximum extent to be proved during ‘Sino-Indian Conflict of 1962’ to dent India’s image at home and international level, India had to approach the Americans and the British for military assistance to tide over the issues. The Soviet Union remained neutral during the conflict: (i) All the occurrings, created a sense of national humiliation but strengthened a spirit of nationalism also on the other hand. (ii) Pt. Nehru was also criticised for his naive assessment of Chinese intentions and lack of military preparedness. (iii) Political mood of country began to change, when no-confidence motion against Nehru moved in and debated in Lok-Sabha. (iv) ‘Sino-Indian Conflict’ splitted the Communist Party of India in 1964s split fraction formed communist party of India (CPI-M). (v) Besides, the war with China alerted Indian leadership to volatile situation in the North east region. (vi) Apart from being isolated and extremely underdeveloped, this region posed the challenge of national integration in front of India. Q 5. Identify any two aspects of India’s foreign policy that you would like to retain and two that you would like to change, if you were to become a decision maker. Give reasons to support your position.
Two Aspects to be Supported: 1. India always maintained her dignity and image of a peace loving country by taking initiatives to bring about equality and understanding among the nations i.e. India supported to end Korean War in 1953, French rule in China, US role in Vietnam. 2. India’s initiatives for Non¬alignment are also appreciable for the maintenance of mutual understanding and security. During post cold war era also, NAM had become an effective tool to make the Security Council more effective and democratic.
Two Aspects to be Changed: 1. In the course of decade of 1962-72, India faced three wars and its peaceful image played a very limited role. 2. Conflict with neighbouring countries like China and Pakistan derailed India’s concept of regional co¬operation under SAARC. Hence, India must adopt diplomatic and defensive postures in its foreign policy to maintain its independent entity. Q 6. Write short notes on the following: (a) India’s nuclear policy (b) Consensus in foreign policy matters
(a) India’s Nuclear Policy: 1. India advocates no first use and reiterates India’s commitment to global verifiable on non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament loading to a nuclear weapon free world. 2. Pt. Nehru always promoted ’ science and technology to build a modern India, i.e. initiated nuclear programme in the late 1940s under the guidance of Homi J. Bhoba. 3. India was against nuclear weapons, hence pleaded many nuclear disarmament with superpowers. 4. India always considered NPT as discriminatory and refused to sign on it. 5. Even India’s first Nuclear Test in May 1974 was termed as a peaceful explosion and India argued to use nuclear power for peaceful purposes only.
(6) Consensus in Foreign Policy Matters: 1. Pt. Nehru played a crucial role in the architecture of setting National Agenda for foreign policy. 2. Both as a Prime Minister and foreign minister he played profound influence in the formulation and implementation of India’s foreign policy from 1946 to 1964. 3. When different parties came to power from time to time, foreign policy of India played a limited role in party politics. Q 7.India’s foreign policy was built around the principles of peace and cooperation. But India fought three wars in a space of ten years between 1962 and 1971. Would you say that this was a failure of the foreign policy? Or would you say that this was a result of international situation? Give reasons to support your answer.
Answer: No, this was not the failure of foreign policy but this was a result of international situation:
1. The Chinese Invasion 1962: (a) Serious conflict arose when China annexed Tibet in 1950 and removed a historical buffer between two nation, and India did not oppose this openly. (b) India grew uneasy, when China began to suppress Tibetan Culture. (c) Another border dispute arose when China claimed Aksai Chin area and NEFA (much of the state in Arunachal Pradesh) within the Indian territory. (id) Despite long term correspondence and discussions, these issues have not been resolved even by top leaders of country. (e) Hence, India had to indulge in the conflict.
2. War with Pakistan: (a) A serious armed conflict between two countries began in 1965 with the initiative of Pakistan over Kashmir partition. (b) In 1966, the hostilities came to an end with the UN intervention and Tashkent Agreement signed between Indian Prime Minister Lai Bahadur Shastri and Pakistan’s General Ayub Khan. (c) The 1965 War added to India’s already difficult economic situation.
3. Bangladesh War of 1971: (a) In 1970, Pakistan faced its biggest crisis in the way for a split verdict i.e. Zulficar Ali Bhutto’s Party emerged as winner in West Pakistan while Awami league led by “Sheikh Mujibur- Rehman” swept through East Pakistan. (b) The Bengali population of East Pakistan had voted to protest against discriminatory attitude of West Pakistan, which was not acceptable to West Pakistan rulers. (c) In 1971, Pakistani army arrested Sheikh Mujib and unleashed a region of terror on East Pakistan. This started people’s struggle to liberate Bangladesh from Pakistan. (d) India had to bear 80 lakh refugees who fled from East Pakistan to take shelter. Hence, India had to extend moral and : material support to the freedom struggle in Bangladesh. (e) A full scale war between India and Pakistan in December 1971 broke out, when Pakistan attacked on Punjab and Rajasthan to be retaliated an attack from India. (f) Within ten days the Indian army surrounded Dhaka and Pakistan had to surrender with Bangladesh as a free country, India declared a unilateral ceasefire and Shimla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in 1972. (g) Most people in India saw this moment as a glory of India and a clear sign of India’s growing military powers. Q 8. Does India’s foreign policy reflect her desire to be an important regional power? Argue your case with the Bangladesh war of 1971 as an example.
Answer: Bangladesh War 1971: (a) In 1970, Pakistan faced its biggest crisis in the way for a split verdict i. e. Zulficar Ali Bhutto’s Party emerged as winner in West Pakistan while Awami League led by ‘Sheikh Mujibur-Rehman’ swept through East Pakistan. (b) The Bengali population of East Pakistan had voted to protest against discriminatory attitude of west Pakistan which was not acceptable to west Pakistan rulers. (c) In 1971, Pakistani army arrested Sheikh Mujib and unleashed a reign of terror on East Pakistan. This started people’s struggle to liberate Bangladesh from Pakistan. (d) India had to bear 80 lakh refugees who fled from East Pakistan to take shelter. Hence, India had to extend moral and material support to the freedom struggle in Bangladesh. (e) A full scale war between India and Pakistan in December 1971 broke out, when Pakistan attacked on Punjab and Rajasthan to be retaliated an attack from India. if) Within ten days the Indian army surrounded Dhakan and Pakistan had to surrender with Bangladesh as a free country, India declared a unilateral ceasefire and Shimla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in 1972. (f) Most people in India saw this moment as a glory of India and a dear sign of India’s growing military powers. On the above mentioned reference, we may conclude “Yes’. India’s foreign Policy reflects her desire to be an important regional power which was revealed during the Bangladesh war of 1971. Yes, India’s foreign policy reflects her desire to be an important regional power which was revealed during the Bangladesh war of 1971. Q 9. How does political leadership of a nation affect its foreign policy? Explain this with the help of examples from India’s foreign policy.
Answer: Foreign policy of any country is the mirror of national interests as in India: 1. During non-congress government in 1977, Janata Party announced to follow non-alignment genuinely. This implied that the pro-Soviet tilt in foreign policy will be corrected. Since then, all governments took initiatives to restore better relations with China and entered into close ties with the US. 2. In Post 1990 period the ruling parties were criticised for their pro-US foreign policy. During this period Russia had lost its global pre¬eminence despite it has been India’s good friend. Hence, India’s foreign policy shifted to a more pro-US strategy. 3. Besides, the contemporary international situation is also more influenced by economic interests than military interests so made an impact on India’s foreign policy i. e. Indo-Pakistan relations have witnessed new developments. Q 10. Read the Passage: “Broadly, non-alignment means not tying yourself off with military blocs… It means trying to view things, as far as possible, not from the military point of view, though that has to come in sometimes, but independently, and trying to maintain friendly relations with all countries”. —-Jawaharlal Nehru (a) Why does Nehru want to keep off military blocs? (b) Do you think that the Indo-Soviet friendship treaty violated the principle of non-alignment? Give reasons for your answer, (c) If there were no military blocs, do you think non-alignment would have been unnecessary?
Answer: (a) Nehru wanted to keep off military blocs to maintain friendly and peaceful relation with all nations of world as well as to maintain India’s uniqueness at international stage. (b) No, the Indo-Soviet friendship treaty did not violate non-alignment because it was not to maintain military relations but to maintain diplomatic friendly relations. . (c) NAM emphasises on disarmament, decolonisation and terrorism except staying away from military blocs.
Very Short Answer Type Questions [ 1 Mark]
Q 1. What is foreign policy?
Answer: Foreign policy of a nation reflects ^systematic statements of national interests alongwith the interplay of domestic and external factors. Q 2. I n which context India started participating in the world affairs as an independent nation state?
Answer: Due to: 1. British government left the legacy of many international disputes. 2. Priority to the poverty alleviation. 3. Pressures created by the partition. Q 3. Why did India not sign Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty?
Answer: Because India considered the NPT as discriminatory policy to argue it to be used for peaceful purposes only. Q 4. What was Bandung conference?
Answer: Bandung conference was held in 1955 in Indonesia as an Afro-Asian conference to lead an establishment of NAM and to mark the engagement of India with African and Asian nations. Q 5. Mention the Article of Indian constitution to promote international peace and security.
Answer: Article 51 to lay down some Directive Principles of State Policy. Q 6. Which step was the beginning of Indo¬china’s strong relationship?
Answer: Panchsheel, the five principles of peaceful co-existance signed in 1954.
Very Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
Q 1. How did the Sino-Indian conflict affect the opposition also?
Answer: The Sino-Indian conflicts affected the opposition as well. This and the growing rift between China and the Soviet Union created irreconcilable differences within the Communist Party of India (CPI). The pro-USSR faction remained within the CPI and moved towards closer ties with the Congress. The other faction was for sometime closer to China and was against any ties with the Congress. The party split in 1964 and the leaders of the later faction formed the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI-M). In the wake of the China War, many leaders of CPI(M) were arrested for being pro¬China. Q 2. Which two differences between India and China led to an army conflict in 1962?
Answer: (i) Serious conflict arose when China annexed Tibet in 1950 and removed a historical buffer between two nation and India did not oppose this openly. (ii) Another border dispute arose when China claimed Aksai Chin Area and NEFA (much of the state in Arunachal Pradesh) within the . Indian territory. Q 3. Highlight the contribution made by Pt. J.L. Nehru to the foreign policy of India.
Answer: (i) India’s initiatives for non-alignment for maintenance of mutual understanding and security. (ii) India always maintained her dignity and image of peace loving country by taking initiatives to bring about equality and understanding among nations i.e. to end Korean war in 1953, French rule in China etc. Q 4. Mention any two/four Directive Principles of State Policy for the promotion of international peace and security.
Answer: The Article 51 of Indian Constitution deals with the “Directive Principles of State Policy” on “Promotion of International Peace and Security”: (i) Promote international peace and security. (ii) Maintain just and honourable relations between nations. (iii) Foster respect for international law and treaty obligations in the dealings of organised people with one another. (iv) Encourage settlement of international dispute by arbitration. Q 5. Highlight any two/four major objectives of Prime Minister Nehru’s Foreign Policy.
Answer:1. The first objective was to follow NAM, not to join either the military blocs formed by USA and Soviet Union. 2. To promote rapid economic development and maintain cordial relations with other nations. 3. To prefect the territorial integrity. 4. To preserve sovereignty of India and also respecting others sovereignty. Q 6. What was Afra-Asian Unity?
Answer: Bandung conference was held in 1955 in Indonesia as an Afro-Asian conference to lead an establishment of NAM to mark the engagement of India with African and Asian nations known as Afro-Asian Unity. Q 7. Why did India oppose the international treaties on Nuclear non-proliferation?
Answer: Because of discriminatory nature: 1. India felt that these treaties prove the monopoly of five nuclear weapon- powers only and applicable to only the non-nuclear powers. 2. India opposed the indefinite extension of the NPT in 1995 and refused to sign even CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty). Q 8. In the Post Cold War Era what is the nature of India’s foreign policy in terms of shifting alliances in world politics?
Answer: In the Post Cold War Era India’s foreign policy had shifted to more pro-US stance with the disintegration of USSR: 1. At present India’s foreign policy rather more emphasizes on economic interests in place of military. 2. Every Indo-Pak relations have also witnessed many new developments. 3. Efforts are being made to restore normal relations with other countries through cultural exchange. Q 9. Arrange the following events in the correct chronological sequence from the earlier to the latest: (a) First nuclear test conducted by India. (b) Twenty year treaty of peace and relationship between India and Soviet Union. (c) The Tashkent Agreement. (d) The Panchsheel declaration.
Answer: (a) Panchsheel-1954 (b) Tashkent Agreement-1966 (c) Twenty year treaty-1971 (d) First nuclear test-1974
Short Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
Q 1. Explain India’s Nuclear Policy. Or Explain any four important features of India’s Nuclear Policy.
Answer: India’s Nuclear Policy: 1. India advocates no first use and reiterates India’s commitment to global verifiable on non-discriminatoiy nuclear disarmament loading to a nuclear weapon free world. 2. Pt. Nehru always promoted science and technology so build a modern India i.e. initiated nuclear programme in the late 1940s under the guidance of Homi J. Bhaba. 3. India was against nuclear weapons, hence pleaded many nuclear disarmament with superpowers. 4. India always considered NPT as discriminatory and refused to sign on it. 5. Even India’s first Nuclear Test in May 1974 was termed as a peaceful explosion and India argued to use nuclear power for peaceful purposes only. Q 2. Describe any four issues of conflict between India and China .
Answer: Issues of Conflict between India and China: (a) Serious conflict arose when China annexed Tibet in 1950 and removed a historical buffer between two nation and India did not oppose this openly. (b) India grew uneasy, when China began to suppress Tibetan culture. (c) Another border dispute arose when China claimed Aksai Chin Area and NEFA (much of the state in Arunachal Pradesh) within the Indian territory. (d) Despite long term correspondence and discussions, these issues have not been resolved even by top leaders of country. (e) Hence, India had to indulge in the conflict. Q 3. Describe any two major issues of conflict between India and Pakistan leading to war of 1971.
Answer: Issues of conflict between India and Pakistan leading to War in 1971: 1. A serious armed struggle arose between India and Pakistan in December 1971 when Pakistan attacked on Punjab and Rajasthan. In turn India had to retaliated a war against Pakistan. 2. India had to bear 80 lakh refugees who fled from East Pakistan to take shelter in India. Hence, India had to extend moral and material support to freedom struggle in Bangladesh against Pakistan. Q 4. What was Tibet issue? How did it cause tension between India and China? Explain. 
Answer: 1. From the very beginning of independence time to time, China has claimed its administrative control over Tibet. 2. In 1950, China took over control of Tibet. Large sections of Tibetan population opposed this takeover. 3. In 1958, there was an armed uprising in Tibet against China’s occupation. India supported the cause of Tibetan which was bitterly objected by China. Even India has granted asylum to Dalai Lama and a large number of Tibetans. Q 5. Access any four principles of India’s foreign policy.
Answer: India’s foreign policy is based on principles of Panchsheel, which is derived from two words ‘Panch’ means five and ‘Sheel’ means a ‘Code of Conduct’ for peaceful co-existence. 1. Panchsheel 2. Non-alignment (NAM) 3. Mutual benefits and equality 4. Mutual non-aggression 5. Non-intervention in each others international affairs 6. To maintain international peace and understanding
Passage Based Questions [5 Marks]
1. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions: What does independence consist of? It consists fundamentally and basically of foreign relations. That is the test of independence. All else is local autonomy. Once foreign relations go out of your hands into the charge of somebody else, to that extent and in that measure you are not independent. —Jawaharlal Nehru
Questions 1. What does the extract signify? 2. What is not an independence as per Pt. J.L. Nehru? 3. What did India do to maintain its Sovereignty?
Answer: 1. The above extract signifies the non-alignment policy of India. 2. When foreign relations go out of the hands of a country into the charge of somebody else, to that extent, one is not independent. 3. When India achieved its freedom and started forming its foreign policy, it followed non-alignment policy to pursue its national interests within international context.
Picture/Map Based Questions [5 Marks]
A. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:
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Question. 1. What message does this cartoon convey? 2. Which year is being shown here?
Answer: 1. This cartoon conveys message on Indo-China tensions to be resolved. 2. 1962, Chinese invasion.
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margdarsanme · 4 years
NCERT Class 12 Political Science (India) Chapter 4 India’s External Relations
NCERT Class 12 Political Science Solutions (India Since Independence)
Chapter 4 India’s External Relations
TEXTBOOK QUESTIONS SOLVED : Q 1. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of these statements. (a) Non-alignment allowed India to gain assistance both from USA and USSR. (b) India’s relationship with her neighbours has been strained from the beginning. (c) The cold war has affected the relationship between India and Pakistan. (d) The treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1971 was the result of India’s closeness to USA.
Answer: (a) True; (b) True; (c) True; (d) False. Q 2. Match the following:
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Answer: (a)—(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i). Q 3. Why did Nehru regard conduct of foreign relations as an essential indicator of independence? State any two reasons with examples to support your reading.
Answer. 1. India decided to conduct its foreign relations with respect to sovereignty of other nations and maintain peace and security through mutual cooperation to be reflected in the Directive Principles of State Policy on Article 51 of constitution 2. India always advocated the policy of Non-alignment, made efforts to reduce cold war tensions and contributed human resources to UN peace keeping operations. 3. Hence, India took independent stand and got assistance from members of both the blocs. Q 4. “The conduct of foreign affairs is an outcome of a two-way interaction between domestic compulsions and prevailing international climate”. Take one example from India’s external relations in the 1960s to substantiate your answer.
Answer: The statement is justified to maximum extent to be proved during ‘Sino-Indian Conflict of 1962’ to dent India’s image at home and international level, India had to approach the Americans and the British for military assistance to tide over the issues. The Soviet Union remained neutral during the conflict: (i) All the occurrings, created a sense of national humiliation but strengthened a spirit of nationalism also on the other hand. (ii) Pt. Nehru was also criticised for his naive assessment of Chinese intentions and lack of military preparedness. (iii) Political mood of country began to change, when no-confidence motion against Nehru moved in and debated in Lok-Sabha. (iv) ‘Sino-Indian Conflict’ splitted the Communist Party of India in 1964s split fraction formed communist party of India (CPI-M). (v) Besides, the war with China alerted Indian leadership to volatile situation in the North east region. (vi) Apart from being isolated and extremely underdeveloped, this region posed the challenge of national integration in front of India. Q 5. Identify any two aspects of India’s foreign policy that you would like to retain and two that you would like to change, if you were to become a decision maker. Give reasons to support your position.
Two Aspects to be Supported: 1. India always maintained her dignity and image of a peace loving country by taking initiatives to bring about equality and understanding among the nations i.e. India supported to end Korean War in 1953, French rule in China, US role in Vietnam. 2. India’s initiatives for Non¬alignment are also appreciable for the maintenance of mutual understanding and security. During post cold war era also, NAM had become an effective tool to make the Security Council more effective and democratic.
Two Aspects to be Changed: 1. In the course of decade of 1962-72, India faced three wars and its peaceful image played a very limited role. 2. Conflict with neighbouring countries like China and Pakistan derailed India’s concept of regional co¬operation under SAARC. Hence, India must adopt diplomatic and defensive postures in its foreign policy to maintain its independent entity. Q 6. Write short notes on the following: (a) India’s nuclear policy (b) Consensus in foreign policy matters
(a) India’s Nuclear Policy: 1. India advocates no first use and reiterates India’s commitment to global verifiable on non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament loading to a nuclear weapon free world. 2. Pt. Nehru always promoted ’ science and technology to build a modern India, i.e. initiated nuclear programme in the late 1940s under the guidance of Homi J. Bhoba. 3. India was against nuclear weapons, hence pleaded many nuclear disarmament with superpowers. 4. India always considered NPT as discriminatory and refused to sign on it. 5. Even India’s first Nuclear Test in May 1974 was termed as a peaceful explosion and India argued to use nuclear power for peaceful purposes only.
(6) Consensus in Foreign Policy Matters: 1. Pt. Nehru played a crucial role in the architecture of setting National Agenda for foreign policy. 2. Both as a Prime Minister and foreign minister he played profound influence in the formulation and implementation of India’s foreign policy from 1946 to 1964. 3. When different parties came to power from time to time, foreign policy of India played a limited role in party politics. Q 7.India’s foreign policy was built around the principles of peace and cooperation. But India fought three wars in a space of ten years between 1962 and 1971. Would you say that this was a failure of the foreign policy? Or would you say that this was a result of international situation? Give reasons to support your answer.
Answer: No, this was not the failure of foreign policy but this was a result of international situation:
1. The Chinese Invasion 1962: (a) Serious conflict arose when China annexed Tibet in 1950 and removed a historical buffer between two nation, and India did not oppose this openly. (b) India grew uneasy, when China began to suppress Tibetan Culture. (c) Another border dispute arose when China claimed Aksai Chin area and NEFA (much of the state in Arunachal Pradesh) within the Indian territory. (id) Despite long term correspondence and discussions, these issues have not been resolved even by top leaders of country. (e) Hence, India had to indulge in the conflict.
2. War with Pakistan: (a) A serious armed conflict between two countries began in 1965 with the initiative of Pakistan over Kashmir partition. (b) In 1966, the hostilities came to an end with the UN intervention and Tashkent Agreement signed between Indian Prime Minister Lai Bahadur Shastri and Pakistan’s General Ayub Khan. (c) The 1965 War added to India’s already difficult economic situation.
3. Bangladesh War of 1971: (a) In 1970, Pakistan faced its biggest crisis in the way for a split verdict i.e. Zulficar Ali Bhutto’s Party emerged as winner in West Pakistan while Awami league led by “Sheikh Mujibur- Rehman” swept through East Pakistan. (b) The Bengali population of East Pakistan had voted to protest against discriminatory attitude of West Pakistan, which was not acceptable to West Pakistan rulers. (c) In 1971, Pakistani army arrested Sheikh Mujib and unleashed a region of terror on East Pakistan. This started people’s struggle to liberate Bangladesh from Pakistan. (d) India had to bear 80 lakh refugees who fled from East Pakistan to take shelter. Hence, India had to extend moral and : material support to the freedom struggle in Bangladesh. (e) A full scale war between India and Pakistan in December 1971 broke out, when Pakistan attacked on Punjab and Rajasthan to be retaliated an attack from India. (f) Within ten days the Indian army surrounded Dhaka and Pakistan had to surrender with Bangladesh as a free country, India declared a unilateral ceasefire and Shimla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in 1972. (g) Most people in India saw this moment as a glory of India and a clear sign of India’s growing military powers. Q 8. Does India’s foreign policy reflect her desire to be an important regional power? Argue your case with the Bangladesh war of 1971 as an example.
Answer: Bangladesh War 1971: (a) In 1970, Pakistan faced its biggest crisis in the way for a split verdict i. e. Zulficar Ali Bhutto’s Party emerged as winner in West Pakistan while Awami League led by ‘Sheikh Mujibur-Rehman’ swept through East Pakistan. (b) The Bengali population of East Pakistan had voted to protest against discriminatory attitude of west Pakistan which was not acceptable to west Pakistan rulers. (c) In 1971, Pakistani army arrested Sheikh Mujib and unleashed a reign of terror on East Pakistan. This started people’s struggle to liberate Bangladesh from Pakistan. (d) India had to bear 80 lakh refugees who fled from East Pakistan to take shelter. Hence, India had to extend moral and material support to the freedom struggle in Bangladesh. (e) A full scale war between India and Pakistan in December 1971 broke out, when Pakistan attacked on Punjab and Rajasthan to be retaliated an attack from India. if) Within ten days the Indian army surrounded Dhakan and Pakistan had to surrender with Bangladesh as a free country, India declared a unilateral ceasefire and Shimla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in 1972. (f) Most people in India saw this moment as a glory of India and a dear sign of India’s growing military powers. On the above mentioned reference, we may conclude “Yes’. India’s foreign Policy reflects her desire to be an important regional power which was revealed during the Bangladesh war of 1971. Yes, India’s foreign policy reflects her desire to be an important regional power which was revealed during the Bangladesh war of 1971. Q 9. How does political leadership of a nation affect its foreign policy? Explain this with the help of examples from India’s foreign policy.
Answer: Foreign policy of any country is the mirror of national interests as in India: 1. During non-congress government in 1977, Janata Party announced to follow non-alignment genuinely. This implied that the pro-Soviet tilt in foreign policy will be corrected. Since then, all governments took initiatives to restore better relations with China and entered into close ties with the US. 2. In Post 1990 period the ruling parties were criticised for their pro-US foreign policy. During this period Russia had lost its global pre¬eminence despite it has been India’s good friend. Hence, India’s foreign policy shifted to a more pro-US strategy. 3. Besides, the contemporary international situation is also more influenced by economic interests than military interests so made an impact on India’s foreign policy i. e. Indo-Pakistan relations have witnessed new developments. Q 10. Read the Passage: “Broadly, non-alignment means not tying yourself off with military blocs… It means trying to view things, as far as possible, not from the military point of view, though that has to come in sometimes, but independently, and trying to maintain friendly relations with all countries”. —-Jawaharlal Nehru (a) Why does Nehru want to keep off military blocs? (b) Do you think that the Indo-Soviet friendship treaty violated the principle of non-alignment? Give reasons for your answer, (c) If there were no military blocs, do you think non-alignment would have been unnecessary?
Answer: (a) Nehru wanted to keep off military blocs to maintain friendly and peaceful relation with all nations of world as well as to maintain India’s uniqueness at international stage. (b) No, the Indo-Soviet friendship treaty did not violate non-alignment because it was not to maintain military relations but to maintain diplomatic friendly relations. . (c) NAM emphasises on disarmament, decolonisation and terrorism except staying away from military blocs.
Very Short Answer Type Questions [ 1 Mark]
Q 1. What is foreign policy?
Answer: Foreign policy of a nation reflects ^systematic statements of national interests alongwith the interplay of domestic and external factors. Q 2. I n which context India started participating in the world affairs as an independent nation state?
Answer: Due to: 1. British government left the legacy of many international disputes. 2. Priority to the poverty alleviation. 3. Pressures created by the partition. Q 3. Why did India not sign Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty?
Answer: Because India considered the NPT as discriminatory policy to argue it to be used for peaceful purposes only. Q 4. What was Bandung conference?
Answer: Bandung conference was held in 1955 in Indonesia as an Afro-Asian conference to lead an establishment of NAM and to mark the engagement of India with African and Asian nations. Q 5. Mention the Article of Indian constitution to promote international peace and security.
Answer: Article 51 to lay down some Directive Principles of State Policy. Q 6. Which step was the beginning of Indo¬china’s strong relationship?
Answer: Panchsheel, the five principles of peaceful co-existance signed in 1954.
Very Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
Q 1. How did the Sino-Indian conflict affect the opposition also?
Answer: The Sino-Indian conflicts affected the opposition as well. This and the growing rift between China and the Soviet Union created irreconcilable differences within the Communist Party of India (CPI). The pro-USSR faction remained within the CPI and moved towards closer ties with the Congress. The other faction was for sometime closer to China and was against any ties with the Congress. The party split in 1964 and the leaders of the later faction formed the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI-M). In the wake of the China War, many leaders of CPI(M) were arrested for being pro¬China. Q 2. Which two differences between India and China led to an army conflict in 1962?
Answer: (i) Serious conflict arose when China annexed Tibet in 1950 and removed a historical buffer between two nation and India did not oppose this openly. (ii) Another border dispute arose when China claimed Aksai Chin Area and NEFA (much of the state in Arunachal Pradesh) within the . Indian territory. Q 3. Highlight the contribution made by Pt. J.L. Nehru to the foreign policy of India.
Answer: (i) India’s initiatives for non-alignment for maintenance of mutual understanding and security. (ii) India always maintained her dignity and image of peace loving country by taking initiatives to bring about equality and understanding among nations i.e. to end Korean war in 1953, French rule in China etc. Q 4. Mention any two/four Directive Principles of State Policy for the promotion of international peace and security.
Answer: The Article 51 of Indian Constitution deals with the “Directive Principles of State Policy” on “Promotion of International Peace and Security”: (i) Promote international peace and security. (ii) Maintain just and honourable relations between nations. (iii) Foster respect for international law and treaty obligations in the dealings of organised people with one another. (iv) Encourage settlement of international dispute by arbitration. Q 5. Highlight any two/four major objectives of Prime Minister Nehru’s Foreign Policy.
Answer:1. The first objective was to follow NAM, not to join either the military blocs formed by USA and Soviet Union. 2. To promote rapid economic development and maintain cordial relations with other nations. 3. To prefect the territorial integrity. 4. To preserve sovereignty of India and also respecting others sovereignty. Q 6. What was Afra-Asian Unity?
Answer: Bandung conference was held in 1955 in Indonesia as an Afro-Asian conference to lead an establishment of NAM to mark the engagement of India with African and Asian nations known as Afro-Asian Unity. Q 7. Why did India oppose the international treaties on Nuclear non-proliferation?
Answer: Because of discriminatory nature: 1. India felt that these treaties prove the monopoly of five nuclear weapon- powers only and applicable to only the non-nuclear powers. 2. India opposed the indefinite extension of the NPT in 1995 and refused to sign even CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty). Q 8. In the Post Cold War Era what is the nature of India’s foreign policy in terms of shifting alliances in world politics?
Answer: In the Post Cold War Era India’s foreign policy had shifted to more pro-US stance with the disintegration of USSR: 1. At present India’s foreign policy rather more emphasizes on economic interests in place of military. 2. Every Indo-Pak relations have also witnessed many new developments. 3. Efforts are being made to restore normal relations with other countries through cultural exchange. Q 9. Arrange the following events in the correct chronological sequence from the earlier to the latest: (a) First nuclear test conducted by India. (b) Twenty year treaty of peace and relationship between India and Soviet Union. (c) The Tashkent Agreement. (d) The Panchsheel declaration.
Answer: (a) Panchsheel-1954 (b) Tashkent Agreement-1966 (c) Twenty year treaty-1971 (d) First nuclear test-1974
Short Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
Q 1. Explain India’s Nuclear Policy. Or Explain any four important features of India’s Nuclear Policy.
Answer: India’s Nuclear Policy: 1. India advocates no first use and reiterates India’s commitment to global verifiable on non-discriminatoiy nuclear disarmament loading to a nuclear weapon free world. 2. Pt. Nehru always promoted science and technology so build a modern India i.e. initiated nuclear programme in the late 1940s under the guidance of Homi J. Bhaba. 3. India was against nuclear weapons, hence pleaded many nuclear disarmament with superpowers. 4. India always considered NPT as discriminatory and refused to sign on it. 5. Even India’s first Nuclear Test in May 1974 was termed as a peaceful explosion and India argued to use nuclear power for peaceful purposes only. Q 2. Describe any four issues of conflict between India and China .
Answer: Issues of Conflict between India and China: (a) Serious conflict arose when China annexed Tibet in 1950 and removed a historical buffer between two nation and India did not oppose this openly. (b) India grew uneasy, when China began to suppress Tibetan culture. (c) Another border dispute arose when China claimed Aksai Chin Area and NEFA (much of the state in Arunachal Pradesh) within the Indian territory. (d) Despite long term correspondence and discussions, these issues have not been resolved even by top leaders of country. (e) Hence, India had to indulge in the conflict. Q 3. Describe any two major issues of conflict between India and Pakistan leading to war of 1971.
Answer: Issues of conflict between India and Pakistan leading to War in 1971: 1. A serious armed struggle arose between India and Pakistan in December 1971 when Pakistan attacked on Punjab and Rajasthan. In turn India had to retaliated a war against Pakistan. 2. India had to bear 80 lakh refugees who fled from East Pakistan to take shelter in India. Hence, India had to extend moral and material support to freedom struggle in Bangladesh against Pakistan. Q 4. What was Tibet issue? How did it cause tension between India and China? Explain. 
Answer: 1. From the very beginning of independence time to time, China has claimed its administrative control over Tibet. 2. In 1950, China took over control of Tibet. Large sections of Tibetan population opposed this takeover. 3. In 1958, there was an armed uprising in Tibet against China’s occupation. India supported the cause of Tibetan which was bitterly objected by China. Even India has granted asylum to Dalai Lama and a large number of Tibetans. Q 5. Access any four principles of India’s foreign policy.
Answer: India’s foreign policy is based on principles of Panchsheel, which is derived from two words ‘Panch’ means five and ‘Sheel’ means a ‘Code of Conduct’ for peaceful co-existence. 1. Panchsheel 2. Non-alignment (NAM) 3. Mutual benefits and equality 4. Mutual non-aggression 5. Non-intervention in each others international affairs 6. To maintain international peace and understanding
Passage Based Questions [5 Marks]
1. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions: What does independence consist of? It consists fundamentally and basically of foreign relations. That is the test of independence. All else is local autonomy. Once foreign relations go out of your hands into the charge of somebody else, to that extent and in that measure you are not independent. —Jawaharlal Nehru
Questions 1. What does the extract signify? 2. What is not an independence as per Pt. J.L. Nehru? 3. What did India do to maintain its Sovereignty?
Answer: 1. The above extract signifies the non-alignment policy of India. 2. When foreign relations go out of the hands of a country into the charge of somebody else, to that extent, one is not independent. 3. When India achieved its freedom and started forming its foreign policy, it followed non-alignment policy to pursue its national interests within international context.
Picture/Map Based Questions [5 Marks]
A. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:
Tumblr media
Question. 1. What message does this cartoon convey? 2. Which year is being shown here?
Answer: 1. This cartoon conveys message on Indo-China tensions to be resolved. 2. 1962, Chinese invasion.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/30RfexO
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GKToday - Daily General Knowledge | Current Affairs | GK Quiz ®
GKToday is about the information you have about the current affairs. Today GK is one of the main elements of any performance test or interview. Be it a pre-schooler or a professional, general knowledge is an inevitable part of syllabus. It is primarily because one has to be aware of the surrounding and keep abreast with happenings around the world. general knowledge in hindi is important for it equips us with all the basic and necessary information. It comprises of simple information related to food, body, culture, climate and even complex information related to political holdings, country statistics, environmental concerns, global issues etc. As is important to know complete information about your field of expertise so is relevant to be aware of today’s GK. Benefits of learning from our GK Today section Latest current Affairs.
Benefits of learning from our GKToday section
One of the parameter that every organization tests its employee on. Helps you to speak and write. Helps is understanding the government policies and current affairs in hindi is also beneficial.. You are more aware of your surroundings Its a conversation starter.
Latest GKToday Current affairs
Date Current Affair More Information # # # GK for Today are described below : GST bill applied all over India from midnight today 12 am, Government praise about Bill and tells GST as economy changes in India. US defense asked India to play a larger role in providing increased and coordinated defence-related support to war-torn Afghanistan. One woman dies in the encounter between security forces and militants in Anantnag, Kasmir. Digital and satellite technology will be used by Uttar Pradesh Government to keep an eye on overloaded vehicles in Uttar Pradesh In open gunfire, by a former employee in New York busiest hospital the Bronx takes one doctor's life and six injured. Big announcements for US colleges, Now professors and students carry guns legally at the campus. A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck just off the coast of central Ecuador on Friday. Senior IPS officer R K Pachnanda took charge as the chief of the Indo-China border guarding force ITBP on Friday. US President Donald Trump gives threat to North Korea, Now patience is over on its behavior. Mini autonomous police cars paired with companion drones and facial recognition technology joins Dubai police force in its new recruitment. GKtoday for Yesterday Mahesh Bhagwat, Rachakonda Police Commissioner, Telangana is named in honor among one of the eight winners this year for his role in elevating human trafficking as a government priority and his innovative approach to investigating cases. In Washington, Lawyers and rights activists took up positions at major US airports as a weakened version of US President Donald Trump's travel ban took effect late Thursday.  Germany's parliament voted by a wide margin on Friday to legalize same-sex marriage in Berlin. Now traders Madhya Pradesh and Ghaziabad in UP, on Friday observed a shutdown and protest against some provisions of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) rollout from 1st of July. The Amarnath yatra has been suspended today from the twin routes of Pahalgam and Baltal after heavy rainfall in this area. The Foreign Ministery of India said they are deeply concerned about recent China's behavior in Sikkim sector. GST also effect on two-wheelers market in India once Goods and Services Tax (GST) is implemented from 1 July 2017, but only marginally China reacts outraged and in anger on Over $1 Billion costs Arms selling to Taiwan under the administration of Donald Trump by the US. US-backed forces cut off the last escape route for the Islamic State group from Raqa, that is calling big success against ISIS.  India's busiest and Mumbai's famous Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST) gets a new name today, It will be known as  Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji 'Maharaj' Terminus. In new rules and regulations, from 1st July after GST applies, Adhaar card must be linked to taxpayer Pan Card. India becomes the first country to contribute $ 1,00,000 to UN tax fund, which aims to supports support the work of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation. Election Commission announced Vice-presidential election dates, Last date for filing nomination is July 18 and result on 5 August. US President Trump released announcement to meet South Korean President to talk on three critical issues, North Korea, China and the deployment of US missile defense system in South Korea. PM Modi started the two-day visit of Gujrat state, this is PM's 5th visit in the state before Gujrat assembly election in the end of this year. The Australian police charged Pope Francis' chief financial adviser and a top Vatican cardinal George Pell with multiple counts of historical sexual assault. The government has given 'in principle' approval for privatization of Air India, which is reeling under Rs 52,000 crore debt. Today GSAT-17 is the 21st satellite going to launched from ISRO by Arianespace, and it's designed in-orbit operational life is about 15 years. From reports, 4 more arrested from Haryana, in the killing of Muslim teen inside the train in Faridabad. The campaign #NotInMyName successfully gathered thousands of youth and peoples across cities to protest against lynching. Previous Day GKtoday is as follows :  One of the men convicted of carrying out the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, Mustafa Dossa died today. Dossa died, likely of a cardiac arrest, at 2.30 pm today at Mumbai's JJ Hospital. West Bengal CM Mamta Banerjee slams on Central Government on push GST bill on 1st of July. On Nathu La pass closure, China says India to blame for border row. On Hizbul Mujahiddin chief Syed Salahuddin, China defends Pakistan after targeting by In dia and US announcements.  The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is all set to launch the GSAT-17 communication satellite from French Guiana tomorrow Situations going harder in Mumbai, after continuing rainfall in the city, water logging is a big headache for BMC. Over the last three months, an astonishing number of 22 farmers committed suicide in Telangana. In Jharkhand, Usman Ansari was attacked after some villagers found the dead cow outside his house in Beria Hatiatand village in Deori area of Giridih district. Meira Kumar filed her nomination today for The Presidency Election today, came along with Sonia Gandhi and former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Prime Minister Narendra Modi returns back India after his three-nation tour to Portugal, US and Netherlands today. PM Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump announced to finish radical Islamic terror all over the world together, after meeting at White House. US Defence administration declares Pakistan sheltered 'Hizbul Mujaheddin chief Syed Salahuddin' as an International /Global terrorist. China confirms it has closed Nathu La pass and stopped entry for Kailash Mansarovar pilgrims after a standoff between Indian and Chinese soldiers.  PM Modi invited Donald Trump's daughter 'Ivanka Trump' to lead US Delegation to global internship summit in India. Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath advised their MLA's to adopt schools which are in miserable conditions to reorganize education system in the state.  J.K. Rowling's character 'Harry Potter' completes his 20 years on 26 June 2017. White House feared 'Syria's Assad preparing another chemical attack and warns Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to pay a heavy price for it. PM Narendra Modi at his final stage of 3 nations tour, leaves for Netherlands after a successful trip to the US. MP police take back off on sedition charges in Champions Trophy case against 15 youths.  After meeting with PM Narendra Modi is praised by Google CEO Sunder Pichai for GST roll out on Ist of july all over India. Today, both PM Modi and President Mukherjee greeted Muslims on Eid-ul-Fitr. Trump Organisation coming in India to double real estate empire with new deal includes two new projects in Gurgaon. A $2 billion deal to supply unarmed drones to India could be announced later this evening, in PM Modi and US President Donald Trump's meeting. 10 Civilians injured after Eid Prayer, Protest and clash occur in Kashmir between security forces and civilians & stone pelters. More than 140 peoples killed before Eid in petrol tanker blast in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Maharashtra CM Fadnavis announced to give relief to state farmers in debt of Rs. 3600 crores. 2 terrorists killed in the encounter, holed up in DPS Srinagar, which is involved in the attack on CRPF patrolling team. Indi beats West Indies by 105 runs in 2nd one day International on West Indies tour series Jagannath Yatra begins on Sunday, one of the major festival of Hindu community. Rescue operation successful of 55 students trapped at Devkund waterfalls near Bhira village some 50 kilometers from Mumbai. The government headed to clear a proposal to set up world class Airport in Greater Noida, Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority notified 3,000 hectares land. The monsoon session of Parliament will commence on July 17 to 11 August, starting with the voting day of the Presidential election. Sajad Bhat, the SP of North Srinagar, was transferred after Thursday night's horrific lynching of Deputy SP Ayub Pandit. landslide in China, Moutain fell onto the village of Xinmo, more than 100 people may be buried. PM Narendra today flys off for three-nation tour and going to become the first leader to meet Donald Trump for White House Dinner. Separatist leader Yaseen Malik arrested in Srinagar, he has spearheaded the separatist resistance in the Kashmir Valley for over a year. More than 62 people killed and 100 injured in three bomb blasts in Pakistan before Eid. United Nations awarded WestBengal CM Mamta Banerjee for her project on girl child empowerment- Kanyashree. ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced, he is likely to be succeeded by one of his top lieutenant Saddam Era Officer. Madhya Pradesh minister Narrottam Mishra is disqualified by poll panel for his corrupt practices and paid news during 2008. gk in hindi is very important Prime Minister Narendra Modi and several top leaders from NDA accompanied NDA's Presidency Candidate Ram Nath Kovid when he filed three sets of nomination paper today. Arab countries give Doha 10 days to comply 13 demands list handed over to Katar by Kuwait to end the crisis. From reports, India has successfully launched Cartosat-2 series and 30 co-passenger satellites. This operation is done by ISRO from with its rocket Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). According to US Official, North Korea did another test of a rocket engine, after the US pressed China to exert more pressure on North Korea. Deputy Superintendent of Police Ayyub Pandit was beaten by the mob outside Jama Masjid, Srinagar to death. US government approved 22 Guardian drones to India, ahead of PM Narendra Modi's visit to the United States. Keep visiting gktoday current affairs section for all the latest information. Indian Arny started 'Operation - All Out' in Kashmir to finish every single militant in Jammu & Kashmir, master plan revealed. From reports, Kulbhushan Yadav filed the mercy petition before Pakistan army chief to spare his life on compassionate grounds. In Madhya Pradesh,  four more farmers committed suicide in last 24 hours, Government still silence. NIA tracking 80 Bangladeshi women, suspected in Fake currency racket in Agra and Firozabad with a team of West Bengal police. North Korea again hits the tension bar calling US President Donald Trump A" psychopath". According to the reports, India likely to surpass China's population by 2024 with 1.34 billion people. Three LeT militants were killed today in an encounter with security forces in Kashmir's Pulwama district. Bihar CM Nitish Kumar announced to support BJP Presidential Candidate "Ram Nath Kovind". The big unemployment crisis is seen in Haryana, for 92 Peon posts applications called for university 20 to 22 thousand applicants applied included "MBA's, BEd'd, JBT's line up. In preparations for 2020 Assembly election in Delhi, Manoj Tiwari going on Delhi CM ambitions. The government had allowed banks to exchange junk old currency note from RBI, till 20 July 2017.  To get cash benefits, Government announced TB patient must have enrolled with Adhaar card. To get gktoday pdf free download click here In the role of defense manufacturing under the "Make in India" imitative Defence Minister Jaitley addressed the forum on and the potential for India-Russia partnerships within this framework. Tata group Chairman  N Chandrasekaran indicated that TATA's may buy debt-ridden Air India in partnership with Singapore airlines. Due to heavy rainfall in Bangladesh, more than 170 people killed and 4500 displaced. Also, the possibility of further rains and landslides reporting. PM Narendra Modi shared the stage with UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on International Yoga day celebrating in Lucknow. Over 50,000 peoples gathered in Lucknow to attend Yoga day with Prime Minister Modi, also thousands of people expected to gather in Connaught place Delhi. In a joint operation of Army and security forces, two Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists have been killed in an encounter in North Kashmir. The US military official confirmed that it killed Turki al-Binali, a top Islamic State cleric, on31 May in operation against ISIS. In Maharastra, Thane crime branch sealed 11 petrol pumps using electronic chips to siphon off petrol. Activists say Punjab state government, in order to allow highway hotels, restaurants and marriage palaces to serve liquor, has decided may amount to contempt of courts. In Delhi, CM Arvind Kejriwal and cabinet approves 6350 CCTV's for buses, ensure a sense of security in the minds of women commuters. Retired Justice Karnan arrested by police from gktoday Coimbatore after evading arrest since 9th of may. In meeting with US President Donald Trump next week, Narendra Modi indicates to discuss H-1B visa issue for a review. Congress-led opposition heading meeting to field its own candidate against NDA's President pick Ram Nath Kovind. On Wednesday, World Yoga Day is going to celebrate all over the world.One thousand Chinese yoga practitioners will celebrate the International Yoga Day in Beijing at the Great Wall of China. Horrible incident in Gurgaon, the woman kidnapped and gang-raped in moving the car and thrown out in Greater Noida. Now Delhi University sports quota trails going to be changed.  40% of the weight age will be given to certificate and 60% to the performance of the candidate. Only four days left before the release of Delhi University first Cut-Off list for admission. More than students, parents feeling anxiety now. Delhi is facing worst in Chikungunya and Dengue cases, recently 59 cases of malaria, 105 cases of Chikungunya and 50 cases of dengue from January 1 to June 17. Nitish Kumar announced  "Bihar won't participate in International Yoga Day, as it is going to be a publicity stunt. In AIIMS case, Health Ministry's clean chit puts the probe into Rs 7000 crore scam in jeopardy. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced GST launch on 30 June with special midnight session in Parliament. Tea re working on gktoday in hindi also Now F-16 fighter planes are going to develop in India. Lockheed Martin signed an agreement with Ind.ia's Tata Advanced Systems to start this project in India. Pakistan lifts the cup after beating I.ndia by 180 runs in Champions Trophy Finals. Tarik Fateh and Cricketer Gautam Gambhir slams upon Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and his supporters which are celebrating the defeat of Indian Cricket team against Pakistan. Today BJP parliamentary board going to finalize Presidential Nominee after taking call on NDA's presidential candidate. A Syrian army jet is shot down by US warplane on Sunday in the southern Raqqa countryside, Syria. British police released new photos and presumed, at least 58 killed in Grenfell Tower fire in London. Aspirants were also asked questions related to the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), 'Vidyanjali Yojana' and 'Smart India Hackathon' in UPSC preliminary exams 2017. Union cabinet likely to discuss on revised allowances this week in 7th pay commission. New ransomware attack threat, may be Wannacry ransomware hits Indi.a and Central govt. portals. US President Donald Trump confirmed that he was being investigated for firing former FBI director James Comey. Darjeeling fire reaches Delhi, Hundreds of Gorkhas gathered at Jantar Mantar with national flags and banners and protest against West Bengal Chief Minister 'Mamta Banerjee'. Kochi Metro started from today, PM Narendra Modi inaugurated new metro line and takes a ride with 'Metro Man' Shreedharan. Famous Oscar winner director for Rocky Movie 'Jhon Avildson' dies at 81 years. Mayawati brother 'Anand Kumar' is also in Income tax department radar, may have acquired Benami assets of worth 3,000 crores. In Presidential Elections 'Metro Man - E Shreedharan' is also in top choice in news channels polls. 6 policeman killed in militants attacks in Anantnag, Kashmir. Laskar-e-taiba takes responsibility after these attacks. Collides off with US Navy Destroyer and Japanese merchant ship. Seven crew member are missing. Supreme Court decided to re- open four more courting, after ending of summer break on the campus. Army deployed outside Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha in Darjling after the clash with government security personnel. On Black money, Switzerland agrees to share information about the automatic exchange of accounts with the Indian government in 2019. PM Narendra Modi added single day visit to Portugal and Netherlands in his US Tour. Indian Cricket team's captain Virat Kohli creates a record to get fastest 8000 Runs in one-day international Cricket. He crossed 8000 Runs mark in daytodaygk just his 175th innings. Prafullachandra Natwarlal Bhagwati, former Chief Justice of India, passed away at the age of 95 years. He was the first who introduced the concepts of Public Interest Litigation (PIL). The Assembly of United Nations permitted to create the new United Nation's Office to help members to implement UN's strategy of Counter Global terrorism To study black holes, pulsars, and gamma-ray bursts China launched its first X-ray space telescope.  TADA Court finds Abu Salem and five others guilty in 1993 Mumbai serial bomb blasts, Abdul Qayyum is acquitted by the court. Bihar Deputy CM Tejasvi Yadav blamed media and journalist going biased against Lalu Prasad Yadav in Source of income case. Russian Defence Ministry said they are checking information about ISIS chief Baghdadi may have killed in their Air strikes near Rakka in Syria. CBI team visit Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia's home to investigate a case about Arvind Kejriwal's Talk to AK media campaign, Statement recorded. Another Lashkar Top commander Junaid Mattoo killed in the joint operation of Army and security forces in Anantnag, Kashmir. Telangana ACb recovers assets of Rs 10 crore in land scam case from suspended Registrar of Telangana revenue department 'T.V. Ramesh Chander Reddy'. Post the Language dictate of West Bengal Chief Minister 'Mamta Banerjee', the protests in Darjeeling have intensified. The Supreme Court has lifted a Madras HC order, allowing CBSE to declare results of NEET for gktoday current affairs quiz 2017. Pakistan violates ceasefire in along the LOC at Krishna Ghati sector of Jammu &* Kashmir once again. Prime Minister announced the visit to the US on June 25-26 to meet American President Donal Trump. French President Emmanuel Macron's party set for the huge Parliamentary majority and wins 445 out of 557 seats. The government has proposed to the Supreme Court an NEET-like examination to recruit judges to the lower judiciary. One of the Renowned Telugu poet and writer Sir 'Cingireddi Narayana Reddy' has passed away. He was bornJuly 29, 1931. In 1992, Reddy was awarded the country’s third-highest civilian honour, Padma Bhushan. general knowledge questions and answers pdf can also be downloaded. The Ministry of Law and Justice has launched the ‘Tele-Law’ initiative in collaboration with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. Spain’s Rafael Nadal has defeated Swiss third-seeded Stan Wawrinka 6-2, 6-3, 6-1 to win his record 10th French Open title. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay, IIT-Delhi and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, have featured in the top 200 global universities. Any job seeker must be up-to-date with the gktoday current affairs quiz and issues of national concern. This is because top recruiters are looking for people who are smart, well learned, educated, passionate, confident and most importantly aware. They want a complete package and if you have good general knowledge in today's world then you are certain to score better. You can increase your basic general knowledge by keep visiting this page. GKtoday quiz is fodder for your brain as constant thirst for knowledge keeps your brain active and one thing which changes every day is news or happenings in country or world. It also improves your communication skills as you have more vocabulary and information. You can only speak or write at length if you know about the subject. It also helps you connect with people anywhere you go, as you know something about everything. It also helps in improving your creative side, analytical skills and problem-solving abilities as you read about new inventions, discoveries, new measures and also policies to tackle a particular issue. The bottom line is that one standard knowledge that will help you ace all qualifying tests, interviews and exams is general knowledge. So start early, start now, as new information is added and updated worldwide every minute. We are preparing current affairs in hindi question answer also. We at naukribatao can help your with gk questions which you can solve and prepare for your interview or examination. General knowledge questions are also available in pdf format which can be downloaded daily. To keep yourself updated with current affairs keep visiting our website and gain knowledge as much as possible. Click to Post
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GKToday - Daily General Knowledge | Current Affairs | GK Quiz ®
GKToday is about the information you have about the current affairs. Today GK is one of the main elements of any performance test or interview. Be it a pre-schooler or a professional, general knowledge is an inevitable part of syllabus. It is primarily because one has to be aware of the surrounding and keep abreast with happenings around the world. general knowledge in hindi is important for it equips us with all the basic and necessary information. It comprises of simple information related to food, body, culture, climate and even complex information related to political holdings, country statistics, environmental concerns, global issues etc. As is important to know complete information about your field of expertise so is relevant to be aware of today’s GK. Benefits of learning from our GK Today section Latest current Affairs.
Benefits of learning from our GKToday section
One of the parameter that every organization tests its employee on. Helps you to speak and write. Helps is understanding the government policies and current affairs in hindi is also beneficial.. You are more aware of your surroundings Its a conversation starter.
Latest GKToday Current affairs
GK for Today are described below : GST bill applied all over India from midnight today 12 am, Government praise about Bill and tells GST as economy changes in India. US defense asked India to play a larger role in providing increased and coordinated defence-related support to war-torn Afghanistan. One woman dies in the encounter between security forces and militants in Anantnag, Kasmir. Digital and satellite technology will be used by Uttar Pradesh Government to keep an eye on overloaded vehicles in Uttar Pradesh In open gunfire, by a former employee in New York busiest hospital the Bronx takes one doctor's life and six injured. Big announcements for US colleges, Now professors and students carry guns legally at the campus. A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck just off the coast of central Ecuador on Friday. Senior IPS officer R K Pachnanda took charge as the chief of the Indo-China border guarding force ITBP on Friday. US President Donald Trump gives threat to North Korea, Now patience is over on its behavior. Mini autonomous police cars paired with companion drones and facial recognition technology joins Dubai police force in its new recruitment. GKtoday for Yesterday Mahesh Bhagwat, Rachakonda Police Commissioner, Telangana is named in honor among one of the eight winners this year for his role in elevating human trafficking as a government priority and his innovative approach to investigating cases. In Washington, Lawyers and rights activists took up positions at major US airports as a weakened version of US President Donald Trump's travel ban took effect late Thursday.  Germany's parliament voted by a wide margin on Friday to legalize same-sex marriage in Berlin. Now traders Madhya Pradesh and Ghaziabad in UP, on Friday observed a shutdown and protest against some provisions of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) rollout from 1st of July. The Amarnath yatra has been suspended today from the twin routes of Pahalgam and Baltal after heavy rainfall in this area. The Foreign Ministery of India said they are deeply concerned about recent China's behavior in Sikkim sector. GST also effect on two-wheelers market in India once Goods and Services Tax (GST) is implemented from 1 July 2017, but only marginally China reacts outraged and in anger on Over $1 Billion costs Arms selling to Taiwan under the administration of Donald Trump by the US. US-backed forces cut off the last escape route for the Islamic State group from Raqa, that is calling big success against ISIS.  India's busiest and Mumbai's famous Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST) gets a new name today, It will be known as  Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji 'Maharaj' Terminus. In new rules and regulations, from 1st July after GST applies, Adhaar card must be linked to taxpayer Pan Card. India becomes the first country to contribute $ 1,00,000 to UN tax fund, which aims to supports support the work of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation. Election Commission announced Vice-presidential election dates, Last date for filing nomination is July 18 and result on 5 August. US President Trump released announcement to meet South Korean President to talk on three critical issues, North Korea, China and the deployment of US missile defense system in South Korea. PM Modi started the two-day visit of Gujrat state, this is PM's 5th visit in the state before Gujrat assembly election in the end of this year. The Australian police charged Pope Francis' chief financial adviser and a top Vatican cardinal George Pell with multiple counts of historical sexual assault. The government has given 'in principle' approval for privatization of Air India, which is reeling under Rs 52,000 crore debt. Today GSAT-17 is the 21st satellite going to launched from ISRO by Arianespace, and it's designed in-orbit operational life is about 15 years. From reports, 4 more arrested from Haryana, in the killing of Muslim teen inside the train in Faridabad. The campaign #NotInMyName successfully gathered thousands of youth and peoples across cities to protest against lynching. Previous Day GKtoday is as follows :  One of the men convicted of carrying out the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, Mustafa Dossa died today. Dossa died, likely of a cardiac arrest, at 2.30 pm today at Mumbai's JJ Hospital. West Bengal CM Mamta Banerjee slams on Central Government on push GST bill on 1st of July. On Nathu La pass closure, China says India to blame for border row. On Hizbul Mujahiddin chief Syed Salahuddin, China defends Pakistan after targeting by In dia and US announcements.  The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is all set to launch the GSAT-17 communication satellite from French Guiana tomorrow Situations going harder in Mumbai, after continuing rainfall in the city, water logging is a big headache for BMC. Over the last three months, an astonishing number of 22 farmers committed suicide in Telangana. In Jharkhand, Usman Ansari was attacked after some villagers found the dead cow outside his house in Beria Hatiatand village in Deori area of Giridih district. Meira Kumar filed her nomination today for The Presidency Election today, came along with Sonia Gandhi and former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Prime Minister Narendra Modi returns back India after his three-nation tour to Portugal, US and Netherlands today. PM Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump announced to finish radical Islamic terror all over the world together, after meeting at White House. US Defence administration declares Pakistan sheltered 'Hizbul Mujaheddin chief Syed Salahuddin' as an International /Global terrorist. China confirms it has closed Nathu La pass and stopped entry for Kailash Mansarovar pilgrims after a standoff between Indian and Chinese soldiers.  PM Modi invited Donald Trump's daughter 'Ivanka Trump' to lead US Delegation to global internship summit in India. Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath advised their MLA's to adopt schools which are in miserable conditions to reorganize education system in the state.  J.K. Rowling's character 'Harry Potter' completes his 20 years on 26 June 2017. White House feared 'Syria's Assad preparing another chemical attack and warns Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to pay a heavy price for it. PM Narendra Modi at his final stage of 3 nations tour, leaves for Netherlands after a successful trip to the US. MP police take back off on sedition charges in Champions Trophy case against 15 youths.  After meeting with PM Narendra Modi is praised by Google CEO Sunder Pichai for GST roll out on Ist of july all over India. Today, both PM Modi and President Mukherjee greeted Muslims on Eid-ul-Fitr. Trump Organisation coming in India to double real estate empire with new deal includes two new projects in Gurgaon. A $2 billion deal to supply unarmed drones to India could be announced later this evening, in PM Modi and US President Donald Trump's meeting. 10 Civilians injured after Eid Prayer, Protest and clash occur in Kashmir between security forces and civilians & stone pelters. More than 140 peoples killed before Eid in petrol tanker blast in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Maharashtra CM Fadnavis announced to give relief to state farmers in debt of Rs. 3600 crores. 2 terrorists killed in the encounter, holed up in DPS Srinagar, which is involved in the attack on CRPF patrolling team. Indi beats West Indies by 105 runs in 2nd one day International on West Indies tour series Jagannath Yatra begins on Sunday, one of the major festival of Hindu community. Rescue operation successful of 55 students trapped at Devkund waterfalls near Bhira village some 50 kilometers from Mumbai. The government headed to clear a proposal to set up world class Airport in Greater Noida, Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority notified 3,000 hectares land. The monsoon session of Parliament will commence on July 17 to 11 August, starting with the voting day of the Presidential election. Sajad Bhat, the SP of North Srinagar, was transferred after Thursday night's horrific lynching of Deputy SP Ayub Pandit. landslide in China, Moutain fell onto the village of Xinmo, more than 100 people may be buried. PM Narendra today flys off for three-nation tour and going to become the first leader to meet Donald Trump for White House Dinner. Separatist leader Yaseen Malik arrested in Srinagar, he has spearheaded the separatist resistance in the Kashmir Valley for over a year. More than 62 people killed and 100 injured in three bomb blasts in Pakistan before Eid. United Nations awarded WestBengal CM Mamta Banerjee for her project on girl child empowerment- Kanyashree. ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced, he is likely to be succeeded by one of his top lieutenant Saddam Era Officer. Madhya Pradesh minister Narrottam Mishra is disqualified by poll panel for his corrupt practices and paid news during 2008. gk in hindi is very important Prime Minister Narendra Modi and several top leaders from NDA accompanied NDA's Presidency Candidate Ram Nath Kovid when he filed three sets of nomination paper today. Arab countries give Doha 10 days to comply 13 demands list handed over to Katar by Kuwait to end the crisis. From reports, India has successfully launched Cartosat-2 series and 30 co-passenger satellites. This operation is done by ISRO from with its rocket Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). According to US Official, North Korea did another test of a rocket engine, after the US pressed China to exert more pressure on North Korea. Deputy Superintendent of Police Ayyub Pandit was beaten by the mob outside Jama Masjid, Srinagar to death. US government approved 22 Guardian drones to India, ahead of PM Narendra Modi's visit to the United States. Keep visiting gktoday current affairs section for all the latest information. Indian Arny started 'Operation - All Out' in Kashmir to finish every single militant in Jammu & Kashmir, master plan revealed. From reports, Kulbhushan Yadav filed the mercy petition before Pakistan army chief to spare his life on compassionate grounds. In Madhya Pradesh,  four more farmers committed suicide in last 24 hours, Government still silence. NIA tracking 80 Bangladeshi women, suspected in Fake currency racket in Agra and Firozabad with a team of West Bengal police. North Korea again hits the tension bar calling US President Donald Trump A" psychopath". According to the reports, India likely to surpass China's population by 2024 with 1.34 billion people. Three LeT militants were killed today in an encounter with security forces in Kashmir's Pulwama district. Bihar CM Nitish Kumar announced to support BJP Presidential Candidate "Ram Nath Kovind". The big unemployment crisis is seen in Haryana, for 92 Peon posts applications called for university 20 to 22 thousand applicants applied included "MBA's, BEd'd, JBT's line up. In preparations for 2020 Assembly election in Delhi, Manoj Tiwari going on Delhi CM ambitions. The government had allowed banks to exchange junk old currency note from RBI, till 20 July 2017.  To get cash benefits, Government announced TB patient must have enrolled with Adhaar card. To get gktoday pdf free download click here In the role of defense manufacturing under the "Make in India" imitative Defence Minister Jaitley addressed the forum on and the potential for India-Russia partnerships within this framework. Tata group Chairman  N Chandrasekaran indicated that TATA's may buy debt-ridden Air India in partnership with Singapore airlines. Due to heavy rainfall in Bangladesh, more than 170 people killed and 4500 displaced. Also, the possibility of further rains and landslides reporting. PM Narendra Modi shared the stage with UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on International Yoga day celebrating in Lucknow. Over 50,000 peoples gathered in Lucknow to attend Yoga day with Prime Minister Modi, also thousands of people expected to gather in Connaught place Delhi. In a joint operation of Army and security forces, two Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists have been killed in an encounter in North Kashmir. The US military official confirmed that it killed Turki al-Binali, a top Islamic State cleric, on31 May in operation against ISIS. In Maharastra, Thane crime branch sealed 11 petrol pumps using electronic chips to siphon off petrol. Activists say Punjab state government, in order to allow highway hotels, restaurants and marriage palaces to serve liquor, has decided may amount to contempt of courts. In Delhi, CM Arvind Kejriwal and cabinet approves 6350 CCTV's for buses, ensure a sense of security in the minds of women commuters. Retired Justice Karnan arrested by police from gktoday Coimbatore after evading arrest since 9th of may. In meeting with US President Donald Trump next week, Narendra Modi indicates to discuss H-1B visa issue for a review. Congress-led opposition heading meeting to field its own candidate against NDA's President pick Ram Nath Kovind. On Wednesday, World Yoga Day is going to celebrate all over the world.One thousand Chinese yoga practitioners will celebrate the International Yoga Day in Beijing at the Great Wall of China. Horrible incident in Gurgaon, the woman kidnapped and gang-raped in moving the car and thrown out in Greater Noida. Now Delhi University sports quota trails going to be changed.  40% of the weight age will be given to certificate and 60% to the performance of the candidate. Only four days left before the release of Delhi University first Cut-Off list for admission. More than students, parents feeling anxiety now. Delhi is facing worst in Chikungunya and Dengue cases, recently 59 cases of malaria, 105 cases of Chikungunya and 50 cases of dengue from January 1 to June 17. Nitish Kumar announced  "Bihar won't participate in International Yoga Day, as it is going to be a publicity stunt. In AIIMS case, Health Ministry's clean chit puts the probe into Rs 7000 crore scam in jeopardy. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced GST launch on 30 June with special midnight session in Parliament. Tea re working on gktoday in hindi also Now F-16 fighter planes are going to develop in India. Lockheed Martin signed an agreement with Ind.ia's Tata Advanced Systems to start this project in India. Pakistan lifts the cup after beating I.ndia by 180 runs in Champions Trophy Finals. Tarik Fateh and Cricketer Gautam Gambhir slams upon Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and his supporters which are celebrating the defeat of Indian Cricket team against Pakistan. Today BJP parliamentary board going to finalize Presidential Nominee after taking call on NDA's presidential candidate. A Syrian army jet is shot down by US warplane on Sunday in the southern Raqqa countryside, Syria. British police released new photos and presumed, at least 58 killed in Grenfell Tower fire in London. Aspirants were also asked questions related to the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), 'Vidyanjali Yojana' and 'Smart India Hackathon' in UPSC preliminary exams 2017. Union cabinet likely to discuss on revised allowances this week in 7th pay commission. New ransomware attack threat, may be Wannacry ransomware hits Indi.a and Central govt. portals. US President Donald Trump confirmed that he was being investigated for firing former FBI director James Comey. Darjeeling fire reaches Delhi, Hundreds of Gorkhas gathered at Jantar Mantar with national flags and banners and protest against West Bengal Chief Minister 'Mamta Banerjee'. Kochi Metro started from today, PM Narendra Modi inaugurated new metro line and takes a ride with 'Metro Man' Shreedharan. Famous Oscar winner director for Rocky Movie 'Jhon Avildson' dies at 81 years. Mayawati brother 'Anand Kumar' is also in Income tax department radar, may have acquired Benami assets of worth 3,000 crores. In Presidential Elections 'Metro Man - E Shreedharan' is also in top choice in news channels polls. 6 policeman killed in militants attacks in Anantnag, Kashmir. Laskar-e-taiba takes responsibility after these attacks. Collides off with US Navy Destroyer and Japanese merchant ship. Seven crew member are missing. Supreme Court decided to re- open four more courting, after ending of summer break on the campus. Army deployed outside Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha in Darjling after the clash with government security personnel. On Black money, Switzerland agrees to share information about the automatic exchange of accounts with the Indian government in 2019. PM Narendra Modi added single day visit to Portugal and Netherlands in his US Tour. Indian Cricket team's captain Virat Kohli creates a record to get fastest 8000 Runs in one-day international Cricket. He crossed 8000 Runs mark in daytodaygk just his 175th innings. Prafullachandra Natwarlal Bhagwati, former Chief Justice of India, passed away at the age of 95 years. He was the first who introduced the concepts of Public Interest Litigation (PIL). The Assembly of United Nations permitted to create the new United Nation's Office to help members to implement UN's strategy of Counter Global terrorism To study black holes, pulsars, and gamma-ray bursts China launched its first X-ray space telescope.  TADA Court finds Abu Salem and five others guilty in 1993 Mumbai serial bomb blasts, Abdul Qayyum is acquitted by the court. Bihar Deputy CM Tejasvi Yadav blamed media and journalist going biased against Lalu Prasad Yadav in Source of income case. Russian Defence Ministry said they are checking information about ISIS chief Baghdadi may have killed in their Air strikes near Rakka in Syria. CBI team visit Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia's home to investigate a case about Arvind Kejriwal's Talk to AK media campaign, Statement recorded. Another Lashkar Top commander Junaid Mattoo killed in the joint operation of Army and security forces in Anantnag, Kashmir. Telangana ACb recovers assets of Rs 10 crore in land scam case from suspended Registrar of Telangana revenue department 'T.V. Ramesh Chander Reddy'. Post the Language dictate of West Bengal Chief Minister 'Mamta Banerjee', the protests in Darjeeling have intensified. The Supreme Court has lifted a Madras HC order, allowing CBSE to declare results of NEET for gktoday current affairs quiz 2017. Pakistan violates ceasefire in along the LOC at Krishna Ghati sector of Jammu &* Kashmir once again. Prime Minister announced the visit to the US on June 25-26 to meet American President Donal Trump. French President Emmanuel Macron's party set for the huge Parliamentary majority and wins 445 out of 557 seats. The government has proposed to the Supreme Court an NEET-like examination to recruit judges to the lower judiciary. One of the Renowned Telugu poet and writer Sir 'Cingireddi Narayana Reddy' has passed away. He was bornJuly 29, 1931. In 1992, Reddy was awarded the country’s third-highest civilian honour, Padma Bhushan. general knowledge questions and answers pdf can also be downloaded. The Ministry of Law and Justice has launched the ‘Tele-Law’ initiative in collaboration with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. Spain’s Rafael Nadal has defeated Swiss third-seeded Stan Wawrinka 6-2, 6-3, 6-1 to win his record 10th French Open title. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay, IIT-Delhi and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, have featured in the top 200 global universities. Any job seeker must be up-to-date with the gktoday current affairs quiz and issues of national concern. This is because top recruiters are looking for people who are smart, well learned, educated, passionate, confident and most importantly aware. They want a complete package and if you have good general knowledge in today's world then you are certain to score better. You can increase your basic general knowledge by keep visiting this page. GKtoday quiz is fodder for your brain as constant thirst for knowledge keeps your brain active and one thing which changes every day is news or happenings in country or world. It also improves your communication skills as you have more vocabulary and information. You can only speak or write at length if you know about the subject. It also helps you connect with people anywhere you go, as you know something about everything. It also helps in improving your creative side, analytical skills and problem-solving abilities as you read about new inventions, discoveries, new measures and also policies to tackle a particular issue. The bottom line is that one standard knowledge that will help you ace all qualifying tests, interviews and exams is general knowledge. So start early, start now, as new information is added and updated worldwide every minute. We are preparing current affairs in hindi question answer also. We at naukribatao can help your with gk questions which you can solve and prepare for your interview or examination. General knowledge questions are also available in pdf format which can be downloaded daily. To keep yourself updated with current affairs keep visiting our website and gain knowledge as much as possible. Click to Post
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