#Deep talks with Suna rintarou
ravenslvt · 4 months
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why does your best friend's older brother have to be so hot?? :(((
☆ suna rintarou x fem!reader (pt.1) ☆
cw: smuut! p in v, v fingering, fluffy, lowk sweet, implied virgin reader, unprotected sex.
pt. 2 pt.3 pt.4
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you sigh at the empty water bottle on the nightstand. you look over at your best friend, ami. she was fast asleep. you smiled, glad you were able to visit her on your break from university. you were grateful her parents let you stay over while they were out of the country for some sort of work meeting.
back to the important matter, your thirst. you slowly get up, trying not to wake your dark haired bestfriend. grabbing the tin water bottle and tiptoeing downstairs, making sure to close the door to her bedroom quietly on the way out.
you walk through the familiar halls of the house you’ve known since you were young. all the lights were off except the kitchen light.
walking in, you notice your bestfriend’s hot ass older brother, rintarou, leaning against the kitchen island on his phone. he was wearing his usual loose sweatpants, and a tight fitting t-shirt from your old highschool. it used to be loose on him, it was clear he’s been working out more and gained more muscle. his head perks up, he pauses whatever he was watching and speaks.
“hey, didn’t think anyone was still awake.” his voice is low and a little hushed.
you don’t notice the way his eyes go to your attire, small little sleep shorts and a tank top.
you notice he’s heating something up in the microwave as you reach the fridge, unscrewing the cap to your water bottle to refill it. you watch as the bottle slowly fills, talking to him.
“ami fell asleep and i was thirsty. she always passes out so fast” you softly chuckle. she was always the first to fall asleep at sleepovers, even in your childhood. girl was a deep sleeper.
“mmm” he simply hums, returning back to looking at his phone.
you turn back to face him, taking a refreshing sip of water.
“whatcha watchin?” you lean on your elbows against the counter, peering over at him.
your relationship with suna rintarou was…. friendly to say the least. he was only a year older than you and ami, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a (fat) crush on him since middle school.
you remembered the exact moment your crush on him had started. you and ami were twelve and rintarou was thirteen. you were at the suna’s family beach house for summer break.
you and ami relaxed in the sun, reading your assigned reading books together and laughing over how dumb you guys thought the plot was.
“seriously, this guy is so lame. he just mopes around and smokes cigarettes all day. dude’s gonna have lung problems” ami rolled her eyes at a certain line of the book.
you giggled and opened your mouth to say something to agree. until a volleyball came flying at you full speed. your eyes widened and you just froze. you two were aware rintarou and some of his friends were playing a game of beach volleyball a few feet away.
you flinched and put your arms up quickly in defense, but never felt impact. you look up to see a teenage rintarou who dived to grab the ball before it hit you.
“you good?” he called your name to get your attention. you just nodded, hiding the flushed state of you face with your book. he made a comment on how he read it in english class last year and if you needed any help on the work, he had your back.
“go away, rin. she doesn’t need your c- average help” his sister retorted as he walked back to his friends. he turned his head to give a small chuckle. you never forgot his smile since then.
back in the present, he takes his eyes off his video for a moment to look back at you.
“my game replays. hey, come watch this and tell me if you think furuhashi fucked us over with this serve” he did a ‘come here’ motion. you were at his side within a moment.
you peered at the phone screen over his shoulder. his phone looked so small compared to his large hands. he replayed the video for you to watch. you focused on the teamate he pointed to and it looked like he did a purposefully bad set, aiming right at the opponents head.
“ouch. seemed like he had personal beef with number eight….” your face scrunched in the way the opponent immediently fell to the floor from such a powerful blow.
“yeah, dude let his emotions get the best of him and got the rest of us in trouble with the ref for it” he shuts his phone off, sighing.
“you have another game next week, right? ami wanted me to go check you guys out.” you grab your bottle from the counter.
taking another sip of water, a small droplet spills past your mouth, down your neck, and disapears into the curve of your breasts. you notice the way his eyes follow the bead of water.
his eyes meet yours. and before he can open his mouth, the microwave beeps loudly. he quickly gets up to take the food out with a quick curse, hoping the obnoxious beeping didn’t wake anyone up.
he takes the steaming plate out of the appliance. you notice he heated up some cold pizza you guys ordered earlier in the night.
your eyes go back to his broad shoulders and arms, down to his large veiny hands. he’d matured a lot more since you’d seen him last.
you caught yourself staring, starting to feel a little awkward. you suddenly start to get a little hot, despite what little clothes you wore. you step away to leave the kitchen. your thoughts ran rampet of his hands. you pictured them touching your hair, your arms, your-
“where are you going?” his eyes are only on you now, his arms leaning against the counter to look at you.
“i- um should probably get back to ami” you gulp.
“why? isn’t she asleep? come hangout with your real favorite suna” he smirks, taking a peice of the hot pizza into his mouth.
you roll your eyes and fake scoff.
“don’t let your sister hear you say that, she might believe it” you cross your arms, eyeing him.
he swallowed, wiping his mouth with a napkin and smiling.
“i mean, it’s the truth. isn’t it?” god he was so cocky today. but you loved it.
“and what makes you think that, rin?” you played along. you step a little closer, this time you lean your elbows on the counter facing him. accidentally giving him a front row view of your cleavage through your thin top.
you see the way his eyes drop to your tits. oh you had him.
“cause, you think i’m cuter” his eyes flicker back to your own. he shrugs casually, a smug smirk on his face. his food now forgotten in his mind. only thing he wanted now was you.
“sure, whatever you want to think.” you sarcastically remark back.
he laughs, circling the kitchen island so now you had nothing between you except about a foot of space.
“oh i don’t have to think it, pretty. i know it” shit, he was getting closer and your heart was only beating faster.
“you’re delusional, rintarou.” you aren’t laughing anymore, smile fading to a more serious demeanor. you were nervous and he could tell.
he smiles, running a calloused finger down your arm. it left a trail of fire down your skin and your breath hitched.
“is that why you’re always staring at me. you think i don’t notice?” his voice is lower now, quieter.
fuck. he knew.
“as if you don’t oogle at me whenever i’m in a swimsuit.” you refuse to look away from his gaze.
he lets out a small chuckle. it was hypnotizing.
“i ‘oogle’ you no matter what you wear” he admits, almost proudly.
you eyes widen for a moment. you try your best to hold it together. his hand played with the ends of your hair. you two had never stood this close before.
you felt the flimsy fabric of your panties start to dampen.
“what’s got you all quiet?” his hand moves from your soft locks to hold your chin, forcing you to look right at him.
“screw you, rin” you retort, flustered. he snorts.
“you’d love that, wouldn’t you?” his face only got closer to yours.
you guys were so close, you had forgotten you weren’t the only two in the house.
“in your dreams-“ you start.
“knock that shit off. admit you want this as bad as i do” he says your name. your faces were now inches apart. his eyebrows furrowed and he just looked so attractive. he was studying your expressions, his eyes never leaving your face.
“rin i-“ you start again. this time his lips hover over yours, ghosting over your own.
“tell me to stop and i’ll go back up to my room and we will never speak of this again.” his hand moves to cup your cheek, his forhead resting on your, giving you a chance to pull away.
but you didn’t want to pull away and he didn’t either.
finally, after what seemed like years of tension, you snapped. going up on your tipy toes to crash your lips on his.
his hands immediately draw to your waist, holding you as close as possible while your hands wrap in his soft dark brown locks.
years of unresolved feelings and tension all poured into one heated kiss.
his hands gripping your waist moves down to your hips, he turns you so your rear is against the counter. how convinient his hips are the perfect height for the kitchen island.
you let out a soft gasp as he bites your bottom lip, he smirks and gently prods his tounge into your mouth, seeking permission first. you lean your head back to let him kiss you deeper.
he was fully addicted to your lips.
he pats your hip and you take it as a sign to hop on the marble counter, he helps you jump up. he slots himself inbetween your thighs, your lips never pulling apart.
“fuck. i can’t believe i haven’t tasted you sooner” he says in between kisses. you giggle at the way he refuses to pull apart from you.
he just grips your waist tighter, his cold hands slipping under the fabric of your tank top. you gasp as he reaches for your bare tits, lifting the fabric to rest above your breasts. you never wore a bra around him. and of course he always noticed.
he gave your perky tits a firm squeeze, you mewl into his mouth as he gently pinches your hardened nipples. his cold fingers adding an extra chill.
rintarou’s hips press gently into yours. you could feel his erection through his pants. you grip his hair tighter at the feeling of his clothed member rubbing against your clothed clit.
you unlatch a hand from his hair and bring it straight to his hardness. he hisses as you rub him through the pants. he could feel a small wet patch forming in his boxers.
“shit, take these off” he hooks his thumbs in the waistband of your sleep shorts, you lift you hips for him to shimmy them down your legs, you didn’t even notice where he put them. you didn’t really care.
you were left in your little lace panties. he gave a lopsided smile at how prepared you were. it was like you knew he was gonna fuck you tonight. or maybe you wore these all the time around him, just waiting.
“this wet already?” he sucks in a breath, running a finger over the growing wet patch on your panties. you just nod and focus your gaze on his long fingers. you wanted them so bad.
“rin, please” you grab at his hand that was teasingly brushing over your clothed clit.
“stop teasing” you pout at him. he looks up at you and gives you another kiss.
“you’re too cute not to tease.” he pulls away and pulls your underwear to the side, spreading your legs more. he curses at the sight of your glistening pussy, knowing it was all for him.
he runs a long finger down your folds, causing your grip on his wrist to tighten.
“so worked up, aren’t you? no one ever touch you like this before?” he asks, continuing his motions up and down.
“n-no rin, just you.” you breathily admit, a bit emberassed. it was the truth though, he was the only one you really wanted over the years.
he lets out another curse at the thought of being the first guy to touch you in this way. he was straining against his boxers, his loose sweatpants suddenly feeling so tight on his hips.
“tell me if it hurts and i’ll stop, okay?” he looks you in the eye, serious. you just nod.
“wanna hear you say it, baby” he pulls his hand away from your cunt.
“yes rin, i swear” you assure, shimmying to the edge of the counter to be closer to him.
he smiles, giving you a peck on the forehead before prodding his middle finger into your tight hole, spreading your wetness to make sure you were ready.
he slowly enters you and you grip onto his shoulders for dear life. he gives a few slow experimental pumps of his finger before you were asking for more.
“this ok?” he whispers in you ear, kissing your neck.
“god yes. more please” you plead in a quiet tone, trying your best to keep silent.
he chuckles and adds his ring finger. just two was enough to stretch you out. it was a delicious pain of his large digits splitting you open. you couldn’t even imagine how good his cock would feel.
you bite your knuckles to muffle the sounds of pleasure you were making. but nothing could cover the wet noises coming from him finger fucking your pussy.
his wrist started to ache, but it was worth it to see the way you were taking it so well. he curled his fingers, doing a ‘come here’ motion inside of you. you let out a muffled curse as your legs started to shake.
he kept pumping and curling his fingers over and over. his long thick fingers reached places your little hands just couldn’t.
“i think i’m-“ you cut yourself off with a soft moan, still trying to be quiet.
he just kisses you through your orgasm, groaning into your own mouth. your pussy squeezes around his fingers and he swallows up all your noises. he imagines how you’d feel squeezing his cock like this, while his other hand groping your tit, pinching your nipple. you arch into him and pull away from his lips to breathe.
you pant and look at him, face completley flushed, he slowly removes his fingers. his hand was coated in your cum. he gives your chest a few small kisses, accidentally leaving faint marks on the skin. not an accident at all.
he was panting too. you looked at him, curiously. your eyes go down to his pants. there was an obvious wet stain in the front.
“did you….” your eyes go wide as he flushes with emberassment.
“m’sorry you were just so fucking hot i couldn’t-“ he starts, but you cut him off with your lips. you were immediately aroused again, but this time the only thing that could satisfy you was his cock.
you paw at his sweats, shaky fingers clumsily trying to untie the drawstring. he grips the back of your neck with one hand while the other helps take off his pants. he starts to stroke himself until he’s hard again, still recovering from blowing his load in his pants.
you swat his hand and give his cock long strokes. you finally get a good view of it. he wasn’t small by any means, but not obnoxiously large. it was a delicious size that made your mouth go dry. there was a certain blue vein that ran down from his tip, your finger running over it, making him hiss.
he noticed you staring and encourages you to continue, his thumbs rubbing your thighs in comfort.
you swipe your thumb over his slit making him shiver like a small dog. his tip was so sensitive. you move to try and hop off the counter to get on your knees, but he stopped you, gripping your hips.
“if you do that i won’t be able to last.” he pets your hip sensually. you pout.
“don’t give me that look. next time, i promise” he pecks your lips and your heart flutters. so there will be a next time.
his head rests on your shoulder as you continue to stroke up, switching from pumping it to teasing his tip. he stopped you once his hips started to sputter. he was like putty in your hands at this point.
“p-please” he says your name, panting.
“i need to be inside you. i need to feel you so bad, baby please” he begs, kissing your neck, leaving darker marks in his wake.
you whine at his words, using your legs to wrap around his hips, his cock sitting right above your needy cunt.
“fuck me already, rin” you give his cock a few more pumps before lining him up with your wanting hole.
he does as yous say, slowly pushing in, his mouth gaping wide and his head falls back once he’s fully inside of you.
now your head rests on his chest as you encourage him to move. he slowly pulls out then back in with a powerful thrust. you bite his shoulder to keep from screaming out. surley leaving a mark.
“ohmygod rin” you can’t help but chant out his name as his thrusts quicken. you were praying ami was still asleep or she would totally hear the sounds of his hips slapping into yours.
“shh. gotta be quiet, kay? don’t want your friend to hear you getting fucked by her big brother do you?” he clasped a hand over your mouth, you unconsciously squeezed him tighter. your eyes screwed shut tight.
“fuck. you’d probably like that wouldn’t you? want everyone to see how badly you want my dick?” he groans in a hushed tone, his thrusts getting deeper and deeper. he was loosing control.
he gripped onto your hips to stabilize his pace. you guys never broke eye contact as your mouth hung open silently, trying so hard to keep quiet. he smiles at how fucked out you already looked.
“rinnn” you whine.
“m’right here, pretty” he kisses you once again. one of your hands takes purchase in his (now) messy hair, the other one gripping onto his strong arm. you were sure you were clawing into him with your nails, but he didn’t seem to mind.
you were getting close already. he moaned into your mouth as you tightened around his cock. he fed you simple praises from his pretty mouth, encouraging you to cum.
your thighs tightened around his hips, wanting him to be even closer, if that was even possible.
“i got you, baby. let go” he whispers inbetween kisses.
he bites your lip as you cum on his cock, squeezing him in every possible way. you whine into his mouth, the kiss now turned so messy a bit of drool fell from your mouth.
he fucked you through your orgasm as you shake in his hold, he was holding back his own until you were satisfied. you started to mewl from the overstimulation of his veiny cock pounding into you.
he pulls out, pumping himself until he finishes on your thigh, letting out a hushed moan of your name from his lips, making you squeeze around nothing. both of you breathing heavily.
after you both cool down from your highs, he looks at you, full of admiration.
“you did amazing” he kisses your cheek.
once your mind fog clears, the realization hits you. you just fucked your childhood crush, your bestfriends brother. a part of you feels a little guilty, but the other part of you wants nothing more than to do it again.
he notices your hesitation, placing a gentle hand on your hair so soothe it down.
“hey, you okay?” he asks. you didn’t even notice when he had pulled his pants back up, or when he put your top back in place over your tits.
you give him a soft smile.
“i’m okay” you assure him.
“good” he smiles back, he grabs a nearby kitchen cloth and wipes off his spend from your thigh.
“gross, rin. people use that towel” you scold.
he just shrugs “i’ll throw it in the wash”
you both knew in your heads you couldn’t tell anyone about this.
it was your little secret.
suddenly, rintarou’s phone lights up from across the counter. he puts your panties back in place, grabbing your sleep shorts and putting your legs through them so you could put them back on. he snatches his phone for you both to see.
‘WEATHER WARNING: all schools in the area shut down for another two weeks’ the notification read.
your eyes widen. looks like you’d be staying at the suna’s house for a lot longer than you thought.
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the next morning
“ouch, looks like your girl maimed you” ami laughs over her waffles. you sit next to her, pouring the syrup over your own. rin almost chokes on his food and your head snaps up.
“what?” he says with a mouthful of bacon. ami points to the scratches on his arm and the literal bite mark on his shoulder. your eyes go wide. you made sure to wear a hoodie to cover your own marks.
“aww rin hooked up with a wolf!” you add, trying not to raise suspicion. he squints his eyes at you, swallowing his food.
at least he had the decency to wipe down the counter before we ate.
“something like that” you eye eachother before turning back to your breakfast.
this was gonna be a long stay.
a/n: i kinda wanna make this a mini series lollll lmk of you’d like a pt.2 (this is highkey ooc but idc!!! its fanfiction!!!! i love my fake man fr)
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renardiererin · 1 year
rintarou suna would let you talk him into getting a dick piercing. “rin cmon, just try. if you hate it so much you can always just remove it and let it close up.” he’s used to giving people piercings and tattoos all around for a little extra side cash (my tattoo artist suna smutshot), so he has little hesitancy when instructing you on how to put the prince albert piercing through the tip of his cock. but little doesn’t mean none. “baby it’s gonna hurt.” rintarou seems like he’s a tough guy. one who next to never complains about pain— but that is so far beyond the truth. he whines about every little thing, simply because he has no problem being obnoxious around you. you’ll love him anyway. so when he whines about how painful it’s gonna be, all you can do is laugh at his childish antics. he’ll furrow his brows together and push out his bottom lip slightly more, making himself look like the epitome of a whiner.
“baby it’ll hurt so bad, i’m gonna need you to kiss it better. you’ll kiss it better, right princess?”
“it hurts, honey, whenever you bring it up it reminds me it’s there and then it’s sore again.”
“i don’t even want to wear clothes, the thought of even underwear sounds so painful baby”
but once it’s been just two days and he’s forgotten about the initial pain, he’ll be buried balls deep in your tight little cunny, cool metal hitting the spongey spot deep in there that your fingers alone could never reach. the way the second bulb of metal peeks out from underneath the tip gives you added stimulation as it drags through your heated walls, bringing you closer and closer.
“y’know, sweets, i think i like this little cock piercing you talked me into. makes you scream, and i like when you’re loud for me.”
what may have stated as a half joking test ended in rintarou suna having a new second favorite piercing. though, nothing can beat the reactions you give him for the metal ball on his mid-tongue.
quick a/n: guys i’m so determined to leave my flop era this summer bc school gets out for me in like two weeks so i’m gonna hopefully be able to flood you all with content!! it’s 10am and i haven’t slept a WINK so here’s some dick piercing suna brain rot bc i need him so bad
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kleewrites · 1 year
jealous haikyuu boyfriends !! ♥︎
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characters - timeskip !! miya atsumu, suna rintarou, matsukawa issei, akaashi keiji, kageyama tobio
warnings - jealous (slightly possessive ? but in a good way) men
notes - this is actually a scenario that lives in my head rent free so i’m definitely going to write for more of the characters !!
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♥︎ atsumu >
would definitely try to flex all his charming traits to you in front of the guy talking to you
and it’s not discreet either !!
“did you know that i’m one of the setters for our country’s national volleyball team?”
like yes, atsumu, everyone knows that
but our pretty boy seems to forget that when he feels his position as your boyfriend is threatened
because deep down, he’s really scared that you’d leave him for someone who had more time for you
but after you said “my boyfriend is really amazing, he’s the best setter in the world!” assuring him without even knowing, he knows that you’re all his, and he’s all yours
♥︎ suna >
he’s pretty chill so he doesn’t get jealous easily
but when he does, he always has the habit of being extra handsy with you
holding your waist makes him feel more relaxed while you’re conversing with your friend who rintarou thinks is getting a little too friendly
listens in to your conversation intently and adds in his own opinions here and there to feel included
he usually doesn’t care about feeling included to be honest, but when it comes to you, he wants everything to do with it
when he’s tired of your seemingly endless conversation with your friend, he cuts your conversation and wordlessly drags you away with a tight smile on his lips and a unapologetic apology to your friend saying you have something important to attend to
when in reality, he just wants to go home and have you kiss him to make him feel better
♥︎ matsukawa >
another really chill guy
BUT !! it's easy for him to get jealous
like, he’ll be watching you and the other guy talk acting all chill, but when you guys get home he starts asking for kisses like there’s no tomorrow
a very tall clingy guy when jealous
in front of the other guy, he‘d have an arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist
makes sure to squeeze your hand after you guys walk away from the other guy
hugs you till you can’t breathe because he feels left out and touch-deprived when he’s jealous
♥︎ akaashi >
he’s really quiet but he’s also such an overthinker
“does y/n and him have a special connection?” “are they close?” “closer than us?”
but he’s also super mature, so he handles the situation like the matured person he is
so he lets you talk to your guy friend for as long as you want, talking with you guys here and there just so he won’t feel left out
but since you knew akaashi way too well, you knew something wasn’t right, so you kissed his hand while your friend was talking as a way to reassure him that you were there
he felt himself let out a small chuckle and smile as he looked at you fondly
and when your friend asked him why he was smiling so much he just replied “nothing” and continued to stare at you lovingly, making it painfully obvious to everyone who could see you guys that he was so in love
♥︎ kageyama >
pulls you away the moment he starts feeling jealous because he doesn’t know how to properly communicate it to you
and also because he didn't want to cause a scene
so, he dragged you to a small place where it was just the two of you
and he kissed you so lovingly
you both were breathless when he pulled away
“tobio, what was that?” you laughed
“i just wanted to remind you that you are mine.”
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rishiguro · 1 year
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a/n: i’m projecting and got carried away
warnings: self-deprecating thoughts, self-loathing and slight allusions to passive suicidal ideation (just to be safe, i don’t know if that’s actually the case). 2.3k of hurt/comfort (though i feel like it’s mostly hurt)
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slamming the door shut behind you, you let out a sigh, leaning your body against the wood. you closed your eyes, fists clenching on your sides.
nothing felt right anymore. the weeks passed by in an instant and yet every day seemed to be endless and monotonous. you woke up, did your work, came home and repeated that cycle the next day and the day after that.
you forgot how it was to wake up excited for the day and content with the path you were taking. how long has it been? now it was just a drag, a weight on your shoulders that kept pressing you down.
you couldn’t tell when or even how this started. everything was fine after all, wasn’t it? there was no trigger that caused all of this, no, and yet it would feel wrong to say that there was no reason in particular.
you just knew that you wanted it to be over.
taking your shoes off with a low hanging head, you sat down on the floor, trying to take deep breaths and calm yourself down.
it was okay, wasn’t it? you were finally home, you could recharge and just shut yourself off from the world. just let go of everything for a couple of hours before you would be thrown back into real life.
all you needed was a break.
“baby?” suna’s voice came from the living room, faint as it reached your ears. “you alright?”
you could hear his footsteps as he came closer to the hall, quickly jumping to your feet before he managed to poke his head out of the doorway.
you felt your chest getting warm as a smile plastered itself on your partner’s face as soon as he saw you.
you affirmed as you turned your back to him, slowly taking off your jacket and putting it away. you barely even paid attention to the questions he was asking you, simply answering them with only two to three words before diverting the attention back to him and asking him about his day.
suna didn’t have to be a genius to notice that something was off. you hadn’t seen how his smile was immediately wiped from his face as soon as you turned around after seeing him, shifting into a confused frown. he saw how you not just hung your jacket, but also opted to sort the hallway closet, acting like you were actually interested in the order of everything inside of it in a pathetic attempt to get him to go away.
but he wasn’t having any of it.
you didn’t notice how suna went quiet, studying your form and taking notice of your sluggish state.
he wasn’t an idiot. he had noticed how you got quieter with every passing day, losing more and more energy until you barely did anything outside of going to work. and he hated how you put on a smile whenever you thought he was looking, only to have it wiped away as soon as you turned around. and when he did approach you, you only shrugged him off, pinning your state on a stressful day at work or a bad night’s sleep.
“what’s wrong?” he finally asked, arms crossed and leaning against the doorframe.
“long day,” you only claimed “i’m gonna go wash up” immediately after you practically ran away, locking the bathroom door behind you and releasing your breath.
you thoughts raced as you washed your hands under the cold water. was it really fair to act this way? you practically dismissed your boyfriend, not even paying attention to anything he was saying just because you didn’t feel your best. and this wasn’t just a one time thing either, no, it happened countless times already, to the point of you not even remembering the last time you had an actual conversation with him that lasted longer than five minutes.
you were really terrible, huh?
you didn’t want to think like this, you knew that this spiral would just sent you down further with no way to escape. you could talk, communicate, somehow get your feelings across, apologize for being such a horrible partner, just anything. you just needed to get your mouth to open.
running the freezing water on your wrists to calm yourself you stared down at your bare skin.
you had to get out there and talk. you had to reach out. suna wasn’t going to turn you away or laugh at you, he’d be there for you just like he always was. he would probably scold you if he knew about the doubts you were having. scratch that, he most likely already knew, having spend so much time by your side, but decided to give you your space until you were ready to come to him, knowing how you could get when people pressured you.
he was so considerate. and you just stomped on that and tore him down.
you stood there for who knows how long, your wrists have gone numb from the water, when you finally decided to turn off the sink, drying your hands and wrists.
meanwhile suna sat on the couch in the living room, his leg bouncing as he stared on his phone, mind drifting back to you. you were so absent, so tired that it started to hurt him. you suffered on your own, shutting everyone out. maybe you didn’t even have the energy to reach out to him and here he sat, perfectly aware of your state of mind with no idea how to help or just make it a little bit easier on you.
his head shot up as he heard the door to the bathroom open, gaze softening as he saw you stepping out of it, feet dragging over the floor as you approached him.
the middle blocker didn’t take his eyes off of you for a second when you came to a halt in front of him, playing with your fingers in front of you.
you took a deep breath as you began to speak, head still hanging low, not wanting to look into his face. “please hug me,” you mumbled, already feeling how your throat closed in, “i really need a hug right now”
he didn’t even waste a second to get up and step closer to you, wrapping his arms around you and pushing you into his body. “always”
and so you stood there, suna holding you secure in his arms, the both of you having your eyes closed and taking in each other’s warmth.
“i’m sorry,” you finally broke, fist clenching the fabric of your boyfriend’s hand, “i’m being such a shitty partner right now and you don’t deserve this”
“it’s okay,” he replied, hands moving from the middle of your back to your waist, drawing small shapes.
you shook your head, still not daring to look at him. “no, it’s not,” you denied, “i have no reason to just waltz in here every day with my shitty mood and ruin your day because of whatever the hell is going on, that’s not fair. and to make it even worse, i’m not even talking to you about it, it’s just like i’m punishing you for something that isn’t even your fault” you rambled, only coming to a stop to take a breath. opening your eyes, you opted to stare at the fabric draped over his chest, face contorted into a pained expression. “i don’t even know what i’m doing anymore,” you whispered through your tight throat, feeling the first tears welling up in your eyes so you immediately shut them, not wanting to feel them pour over your cheeks.
“hey, take a deep breath, alright? we’re okay, i promise” suna was quick to reassure you, hands squeezing the sides of your waist in an attempt to comfort you. he would be lying if he said he wasn’t shocked. he never imagined you to feel so guilty for it, beating yourself up over the fact that you weren’t doing good mentally not for yourself but on his behalf. mentally he scoffed, cursing himself out for not realizing sooner just how long he let this drag along. but he knew that all he should do right now is be there for you and ease your mind, not potentially making everything worse for you. “and don’t you worry about ‘ruining my day’ or something like this, because you’re not, i don’t know who told you this”
he softly petted your head, mumbling some short phrases of affirmation with your arms still tight around him.
“i want to be better, i will be, i promise” your voice was all choked up, your eyes watering behind your eyelids. “i’m sorry i’m not good yet, i’m sorry”
“shhh” the young man shushed you, pressing you closer to him and softly swaying your bodies back and forth. “you’re good, you’re a good person”
you shook your head violently and even though your mind screamed at you to let him go and push him away, you only grabbed him tighter. “i’m not, i’m terrible, i’m horrible and nothing i do is changing that”
“that’s not true,” suna spoke softly, carefully, almost like you were about to run away. he didn’t force you to look at him, looking to the side himself as he spoke, but occasionally glancing at you, only to find you still staring at his shirt concentrated. “you’ve grown so much already and you’re such a good and kind person,” he claimed, a fond smile on his lips. you could hear that he truly believed what he said and while you didn’t exactly want to take his words to heart, you allowed yourself to succumb to them, heart warming at the thought of him genuinely thinking that you weren’t this horrible person you saw yourself as. “i know you can’t believe me, i know, but i promise it’s true”
after a few moments of silence he slightly pulled away to look at you again, one hand traveling to face, a thumb brushing over your wet cheek. “you trust me, right?” you nodded against him. your heart was beating rapidly, to the point of you being afraid that he could hear it.
your boyfriend smiled again, tilting your head upward. “good. then trust me with this too, okay?”
if he was shocked to see the tears running on your cheek quietly, he didn’t let you notice, instead wiping them away carefully.
“okay,” you whispered, “i’ll do my best”
suna smiled softly, kissing your forehead. “i know you will and you’ll do great”
“do you want to talk?” he asked after a couple minutes of you sobbing into him, but not before he couldn’t feel your body calming down in his arms.
you sunk your teeth into your bottom lip, ashamed to face him with what you were about to say. you didn’t want to look at him, you didn’t want to see whatever expression he might have on his face. pity? sadness? or even anger?
“i don’t want to be strong anymore,” you finally confessed.
strong. suna always knew you were strong — a strong person, able to hold so much pain inside of them and not cracking underneath it all. willing to burden yourself with so much, all to see the people you cared for happy, content. strong and carrying so much weight on your shoulders and yet you never wanted to give any of it away, opting to just swallow it down and keep going.
until you couldn’t anymore.
“don’t be” and while others saying this may sound almost condescending, thinking that this was the simplest thing in the world, he somehow made these two words sound so understanding, letting you believe that maybe it was alright for you to want it. “it’s okay”
“i can’t anymore,” you continued, eyes clenched shut as more and more tears found their way out of your eyes, staining not just your cheeks, but also your lover’s shirt.
“i know”
“what can i do?” you asked him, fully knowing that he didn’t have an answer to this question. you felt bad for asking this, bad for dumping all of these thoughts on him, but you knew that he wouldn’t hold this against you. suna wasn’t a particularly complicated or deceiving person — quite the opposite. he was here with you because he cared. and he was willing to deal with whatever it was that was weighing you down. “i don’t want to feel like this”
you continued to sob into him, a warm hand finding it’s way onto your back and drawing circles on it to get you to breathe. “i don’t want to do this anymore”
“i don’t know what to do,” you continued helplessly, mind racing as you poured your entire heart out, “i just want to let go”
and suna pulled you close to him again, whispering softly. “i got you”
“i’m scared,” you admitted, “i’m so scared, rin”
scared of your feelings, scared of change and yet scared of everything remaining the same. scared of not doing well and scared of failing and at the same time scared of losing everything and everyone that was dear to you because you wouldn’t change.
“i know. i’m here,” he didn’t waste a second to reassure you again, desperate to help you understand that no matter what, he loved you and wanted to do everything for you. “i’m here, i promise”
“please help me” suna’s heart broke as you whimpered in his arms, so terrified and vulnerable, exposing just how lost you felt. “make this go away please”
“i got you” he felt his throat drying after he pressed yet another long kiss on your forehead, desperate to convey his deep feelings for you that he just couldn’t voice out loud. “i promise”
“you’re not alone”
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reblog to get cuddles from suna
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lovely-keii · 6 months
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being their sibling
characters: tsukishima kei, oikawa tooru, suna rintarou
a/n: i write a fic every time i rewatch hq LOL sorry ik i said im abandoning this blog buuuut…happy bday to this blog!! (repost from 1/5 because tags broke :(( )
part 1
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looks out for you, but he can’t help that hes so emotionally constipated :’( he tries to give you advice because he genuinely is concerned for you but just is unable to word anything properly. see: “you need to stop talking to that person, you’re being a pushover,” but he just wants you to realize you’re letting people walk all over you.
god forbid he has to comfort you because hes the wrong brother for that - you’re definitely in better hands with akiteru. he might walk in on you crying and contemplate if he’ll even say anything or just ignore it flat out, or he’ll say something like “don’t cry, you look stupid.” if you cry more, he’ll end up swallowing his pride and sitting next to you. he’ll groan and reluctantly, “fine, spill it.”
other than that, he’s going to be a sneaky little prick. definitely the type to take revenge on you if you annoy him. you eat the last piece of chocolate he was saving and suddenly you find your charger hidden deep under your bed. also loves to take things without your permission. “why? i’m just using it, it’s not like you need it now.”
if someone picks a fight with you, he’ll be quick to extract you from the situation before saying something ruder and harsher than usual to the person. and if you tell him you like someone from his team, he’s going to look at you like you’re crazy. “are you insane?!” he’s honestly more bewildered than upset. doesn’t let you anywhere near the gym. he can make an exception for yamaguchi though. “at least it’s not hinata…or worse, kageyama.”
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your life is never boring with this guy as your brother. you’re literally being dragged everywhere, practices, shopping, team events… you’re like “i’m not even part of the team.” he goes “we can fix that!” and the next day you find out that you’re the manager for the boys’ volleyball team. huh, wonder how that happened.
oh my god, he MILKS you being his manager. “hold my drink, my fans are calling.” “y/n get my towel please.” you’re absolutely seething at the power trip that this guy is on. eventually, you start doing all that for his other team members and not for him, and he gets so whiney. “y/n you’ll get big ugly iwaizumi a towel but not your own sweet brother?!” that earns him a spike to the head from iwaizumi.
he tells you all the gossip about the school, because believe me, he knows A LOT of things. he’ll do his skin care while he forces you to listen to his gossip, cue him getting mad if you try to leave. everyone realizes why you two are siblings when you two walk down the halls and pull the exact same faces at the people he’s told you about in his gossip.
he makes you his little scapegoat for his fangirls. “oh, you want my number? you’ll have to ask y/n for that, they keep my phone with them during practice!” (you dont) “now, why don’t you girls hand all these gifts to my lovely sibling for me?” (you almost immediately chuck them at his face when you see him) but you know the best way to get back at him? when he sees you even slightly conversing with ushijima or kageyama, all hell breaks loose.
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the devil if the devil was your brother. he takes the ugliest pictures of you, when you’re asleep, when you’re yelling, when you’re crying over a movie. he also loves to send you pictures of animals and send a “look at you in this picture, so cute”. he also takes your things without asking and never returns it, you’ll just find it in his bag one day.
he also is one to order you around, and it drives you mad. “pass me the remote, y/n.” “but it’s nearer to you.” “i’ll tell mom that you-” // “y/n get me a drink from the vending machine.” “why would i do that” “remember when you snuck out and i-” // “get my bag too when you get yours.” “no.” “what i post that one picture of you when you’re about to sneeze-”
but he’s always looking out for you. when creeps try to approach you, he’s quick to react by shooting them a nasty glare. he’s a silent kind of care. standing behind you on elevators, walking on the outer side of the sidewalk, staying up late til you come home and just telling you he just couldnt sleep. little do you know, it’s something he’s always done even as a kid. putting more food on your lunch box, holding the corner of tables when you pick something up so you don’t hit your head, returning your things that are sprawled around the house to your room so you don’t lose them.
and if he ever finds you crying over some guy, he sighs and sits down next to you. “why’re you crying over an idiot?” he then makes snappy insults at the expense of the guy, making you laugh. “see? you look better like that. now stop crying and let me get some sleep.” he closes the light and shuts the door on his way out.
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hihello-pinky · 4 months
middle of the night
last installment to the After 8PM mini series (yep, calling it that) hehe
part one | part two
suna rintarou x afab reader!
angst to fluff, ig
latter part is not edited and written during the middle of the night (intended)
likes and reblogs will be appreciated! xoxo
leave me love? (tips!)
almost everyone will agree that finding something to dislike about hani nakamura is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
you remember the first time you overhear that statement at lunch in the cafeteria, and you laughing a little to yourself. you can’t even blame the gossiping students because that’s just how nice hani is.
however, you should have known that when trying to find a needle in a haystack, you begin to doubt its existence until you feel a prick and you’re bleeding and the needle already got you.
the pain you’re currently feeling is far akin to a small prick as you replay the conversation you had with suna at the convenience store in the middle of the night again and again and again.
“what did you want to talk about that couldn’t wait until tomorrow?” he had asked.
you had taken a deep breath before replying, the words came out of you quickly, as if your bravery for confessing has a timer. “well, i… i have something to tell you. it’s actually a bit selfish of me to say this to you but… i like you as more than just a friend, rin, and it’s been a while now. i’m sorry for suddenly springing this unto you but i just have this need to confess or else i would feel like exploding inside. you don’t have to say anything; you can choose to interact less with me from now on but yeah, i just really needed to get it off of my chest.”
suna had surprised you with his reaction. he had a deep frown on his face and given you an accusing look. “do you really not want me to be happy?”
“for fuck’s sake, y/n, i know about your little game! hani told me everything. you dropping all the hints all those months ago, fueling whatever sort of feelings i had for you, playing with my heart, when you only want to use me to be closer to osamu. i even chose to ignore those because i know we’re young and inclined to do stupid, bad things. but damn! can’t you just leave me alone?”
and you were so dumbstruck by what he had told you that you were only able to look at him in disbelief.
“cat got your tongue?” he bitterly asked before breaking eye contact.
you shook your head after you had processed what he said and with a defeated sigh, said, “we’ve been friends for two years. did you really believe i was that kind of person? why didn’t you ask me to confirm it? and most importantly, i grew up with the miyas so why would i even use you to get to osamu, who, by the way, is like a brother to me? you know what, suna? maybe you’re right. i should leave you alone. i don’t deserve to be around someone who would easily believe lies about me.”
you feel tears roll down your cheeks as you force your mind to stop the reel of what would probably be the last time you ever talked to suna. not for the first time, you wish to never have called him and asked to meet. oh, to only have sucked the pain up and not confess to him. maybe the heartbreak would be less than what you have to deal with right now.
the concerned look on his face as he met you in the convenience store doesn’t matter anymore; neither does the fact that he was wearing the hoodie you’ve always asked him to give to you.
hurt, betrayal, and anger all brew inside of you. you can’t even fully process everything. hani, who everyone sees as the sweet and kind person betrayed you as a friend. suna, who had captured your heart, hurt you for believing that you are capable of doing such terrible things. and to top it all, anger at the both of them and mostly anger at yourself for walking away from suna before he can even respond to what you said to him.
suffice it is to say, the next time you see suna is extremely awkward. it’s at volleyball practice and thankfully, you’re not the sole manager of the club, making it easier for you to avoid any interactions with him.
“are you feeling better now?” osamu quietly asks you as he takes the water bottle from your hand during one of their breaks.
you reply with a nod but before you can let go of the bottle and escape from the twin's prodding questions, the grey-haired boy uses it to pull you closer to him. “you didn’t respond to any of my messages yesterday and you’re avoiding suna like he’s the plague.”
you click your tongue. of course he would notice. the same way he knew the reason of your breakdown in his car after that dinner. i’m not an idiot, y/n. i can see through your lies during all the time ‘sumu and me teased you. you actually really like sunarin.
“i swear i’m fine, ‘samu. stop being a worry-wart for me, okay?” you forcefully take your hand from the bottle and you swivel away from the twin only to meet eyes with suna.
it’s obvious he’s been watching the interaction and your chest tightens, thinking about what he said the other night. once you notice him begin to walk towards your direction, you quickly turn to tend to aran. thankfully, the coach calls for the practice to resume not long after.
you usually admire suna during practice (when you’re not too busy taking notes) but just seeing him at the present brings back memories of what happened so you try to avoid looking at him. those same memories keeping you up at night. suna, at your favorite convenience store in the middle of the night, looking at your exasperatedly and shooting words that hurt you while wearing your favorite hoodies of him.
the coach’s whistle echoes in the gym, breaking you out of your sorrowful thoughts. “suna, are you not feeling well? you seem a lot distracted.”
suna sighs heavily and you barely miss your co-managers whispering to each other how there are rumors that suna recently got in a lovers' quarrel with hani. your heart is thumping wildly as you watch him approach the coach who is sitting very near to where you’re standing.
“sorry, coach,” he says as he scratches at his nape. “yes, i’m not feeling well.” he then shoots you a not-so-subtle quick look. “can y/n accompany me to the clinic?”
he knows it’s a foul move to involve the coach and the team in the middle of practice but suna didn’t know what else to do. you’ve blocked his number and all his social accounts. his attempts to talk to you in person have all been futile. it's not helping that osamu refuses to talk to him about you.
so, really, he was left with no choice.
however, you remain awfully quiet as the two of you walk towards the school infirmary, a good distance between your bodies. he wants to talk to you but he doesn’t know where to begin, especially that this is very different from all the times that he has walked you home in the past where a silence is most welcome, oftentimes interrupted when a stray cat passes by.
when you arrive at the clinic, the nurse is out so you take seats at the waiting area. “y/n…” he finally says after a few moments pass with your deliberately ignoring him.
you still refuse to look at him and instead play with your hands. the action calls his attention towards your wrist and it breaks his heart to see the absence of the beaded bracelet that you always wore ever since he gave it to you after he won it in an egg claw machine game a year ago.
“y/n, please… will you hear me out?” suna doesn't mind that there obviously is desperation in his voice,
your jaw clenches a little as your fingers pause. he imagines the internal conflict within you before you finally let out a soft sigh. “okay.”
suna doesn’t miss a beat. “i’m sorry. i’m so, very sorry, y/n. i talked to hani and she admitted to everything. still, it does not change the fact that i hurt you by believing in her lies. i don’t know what happened to me and i have no excuse for myself.”
when you finally look at him, he almost wishes you continued to avoid his gaze. gone is the warmth that he always sees in your gaze and in its place is just hurt and sadness. “i just keep thinking… that all these months, during our every interaction, at the back of your mind, there’s this thought that i’m a bad person. and i…” your voice breaks as you swallow. “i don’t know, suna. why didn’t you just talk to me?”
why? it’s the same question he’s been pestering himself with for the past two nights. how could he let that happen? why was he easily deceived by hani’s lies?
“i’m sorry, y/n,” he apologizes again, aware of the despair laced in his voice. “i wish i can take away the hurt i’ve caused you.”
your teary eyes mirror his own. “i don’t know if i can trust my so-called friends ever again. i’m just confused and sad and hurt, rin.”
the slip of his nickname buries the hatchet deeper in his chest and suna just wants to scream. he wants to say that he broke up with hani shortly after she confessed about the lies. but that wouldn’t change anything now, and it’s not like you would care. not knowing what else to do, he moves to sit beside you and carefully reaches for your hand.
when you don’t resist, he begins to rub this thumb against your palm as he gently maneuvers your head against his shoulder. his chest tightens as the sleeve of his uniform quickly dampens.
no more words leave either of your mouths, the silence enveloping you as he lets you cry against him, just like how he let your tears stain his hoodie the first time you bumped into each other at the 12th convenience store in the middle of the night over a year ago, the warmth of his shoulder comforting you from your pet hedgehog’s passing.
only this time, your tears are caused by him.
“suna, you’ve been a close friend of miya atsumu ever since high school, how are you feeling about his engagement?” the reporter asks behind the camera.
you watch suna wear that signature smirk of his. “of course i’m happy for my friend, and i wish a lot of good luck to his beloved.” his answer causes a few laughter from around him.
“how about you, then? you’ve been extremely secretive about your love life.” the reporter follows up excitedly.
suna raises an eyebrow. “i thought you said you only have one question for me?” he shakes his head before beginning to walk away. “but all i can say is that i’m happy.”
the reporter fumbles a little but he has lost suna already, so he moves on to one of the other players from the national team.
you’re about to switch channels when a small figure joins you on the couch. “mama! was that papa?”
you turn to your son – a complete miniature of his father – and ruffle his hair. “yes, sweetie.”
he breaks into a toothless grin and goes to the center of the living room to dance around, all the while singing about how his papa is in the television.
meanwhile, your phone rings and you answer it quickly. “hey.”
“hey. did you watch?”
“yeah… you were so great. though i have one question for you, and i promise it’s one question only.”
rin’s soft chuckle at the other end of the line makes your heart flutter. “so you saw the interview? go on, what’s your question, love?”
you take a quick but deep breath before asking. “do you ever regret agreeing to keeping our relationship secret? like, nobody knows you’re married and with a kid, and most people think you’re just some volleyball-obsessed person who’s going to grow old alone.”
he laughs once again. “i didn’t know people think that about me,” he mocks surprise. “but to answer your question, no. i’d rather people believe i’d grow old alone than curse me for being a jerk who once hurt the love of his life when they were teens.
"i also don’t want people to know that i spent my senior year in high school trying to woo you and earn your forgiveness. how you forgave me and we became friends again but then you rejected me when i confessed after graduation? no way.”
you’re also laughing now, reminiscing on the past. how, after that day in the clinic, you and suna drifted for the rest of sophomore year. you had wanted space and he respected that.
you never got closure with hani, her family coincidentally having to move to tokyo after that school year ended but you think that’s for the best. you didn’t know what you would have told her anyway.
“so all this secrecy because you don’t want people to know that you’ve been rejected?” the teasing in your voice makes you giggle yourself.
“yes,” he replies playfully. “and also because i want to protect you! i remained loyally single for years until you finally agreed to a date during your senior year in university. god knows some crazy fans might curse you for making the suna rintarou wait for you!"
“and whose fault is that?” you’re smiling crazily into the phone now. “also, since we’re spilling stuff here, how about you also tell the world how you knocked me up three months into our relationship?”
your eyes drift to your three-year-old son who’s running towards the sounds at the front door. it’s when you notice that rin has dropped the call. he crouches down to kiss your son at the top of his head before covering his ears. “again, i’m sorry about that accident honey, but look at our little angel, isn’t he a cutie?”
you cross the small distance from the couch to the doorway. finally reaching your husband, you kiss him on the cheek. “the world is missing out on seeing your cute mini version.”
he wraps an arm around you as you both watch your son whose attention has gone back to the toys on the carpet. “what’s with all these hints, love? are you saying you’re finally okay with giving the public a glimpse of our happy life?”
you nuzzle your head against his chest. “maybe yes. maybe no… maybe later when…”
you don’t respond for a while. “say, rin, do you want to drop by the 12th convenience store later around midnight once our son is asleep? i already asked osamu to come over to watch him.”
rin hums against you. "that's random, though? and how come you get 'samu to agree to babysitting favors so easily when i have to literally boost the sales of his onigiri?"
"silly, silly, sunarin," you singsong as you slap him playfully. "so, what do you think? wanna go to our convenience store later, at the middle of the night?"
"okay. do i need to bring the big eco-bag for the snacks we will be hauling?"
you untangle yourself from his arms as you make your way to your child. a perfect guise to hide your grin. "actually, no. we'll just be buying a little item."
in hindsight, you should have known better.
atsumu miya, despite being a professional volleyball player and recently getting engaged to the nonchalant sakusa kiyoomi, still likes to drink alcohol.
here you find yourself again at a long table, your friends from the volleyball club in high school gathered along with some of their plus ones. onigiri miya had closed early today for the private event. as osamu miya worked on the food with the help of his new assistant (whose eyes can't stop admiring her boss, but you'll tease osamu about that later) his blonde brother is already almost done with his first bottle.
he's telling the story of how they pranked one of their teammates that he and sakusa had broken up as a way of sharing their engagement. when the poor younger boy learned of the joke, he had ignored them to the point that atsumu had to reach out to kageyama to get him to talk to him.
"i told you it was a stupid idea and yet you didn't listen," sakusa adds to the ending of atsumu's story.
you laugh with your friends around the table, your lips opening up in a yawn once the laughter dies down. rin, ever the observant lover, lowly asks if you're okay, gently squeezing your hand he's holding under the table.
"i'm fine," you smile sweetly at him and his eyes soften a little. upon seeing he's still a little bit worried, you peck his cheek. "don't worry about me."
"you should be getting some rest," he says.
he must have said it louder than he intended or maybe you two just did not notice the table going quiet. atsumu speaks. "rest? suna, we're still not at the age to be tucking in bed at 8:00 PM. you know what we actually need? drinks!"
somehow, he gets the others to drink as well. shortly after, osamu finishes with the food preparation and his assistant, along with kita and aran, help set the table. the group happily eat and converse, sharing updates about their lives and reminiscing on their high school days. suddenly, you feel someone glaring at you.
"what?" you curiously ask atsumu whose eyes are looking at you with as much focus as he can muster with his tipsy state. "you're cheating!"
"huh?" your brows are furrowed and you turn to rin beside you but to your surprise, he's laughing. everyone looks at the both of you, half-intrigued and half amused.
rin kisses your forehead before taking the glass on his left and sipping. "he meant this, love. idiot surprisingly notices i've been drinking for us."
you're pretty sure you're already blushing. "oh."
"ah ha!" atsumu looks proud. "so i was right? come one, y/n, it's no fair! why are you not drinking? omimi and ginjima are the designated drivers tonight so no need to hold back!"
your cheeks still feel warm. "actually, i can't... i shouldn't have been drinking three weeks ago..." you exchange a look with rin and he nods at you. before you can continue, atsumu cuts you off with an excited squeal. "suna rintarou! how dare you keep this secret from me! and you, y/n, i thought i'm your brother!"
"for goodness' sake, 'tsumu, calm down," suna responds to the blonde, we actually only found out a week ago."
atsumu pouts, his cute drunken antics entertaining everyone at the table. "fine, forgiven. but i better be the godfather this time around!"
despite ginjima's insistence to drive you and rintarou home, you both decline his offer. after all, the walk home for onigiri miya restaurant to your home is not that far and late night walks with your rin is always welcome.
the moon and stars provide the two of you light as you walk home, your arms linked together. the night's breeze is nothing against rin's warm body. "love, i'm gonna tell you something but please don't panic, okay?"
his sudden sentence surprises you but you hum in agreement anyway.
"we're being followed by some media."
he stops in his track, urging you to do the same. he looks down at your face, eyes holding gentleness one would not have expected from the stoic middle blocker. "do you want me to tell them off?"
you surprise yourself by saying no. rin cocks his head slightly before you respond. "i think i'm okay with a little bit of our private life being shared to the world."
he studies your face for a moment before smiling. "okay."
"yeah," he breathes close, hand already cupping your face. you get on your tiptoes as suna rintarou leans down and kisses you, but not before softly whispering, "i love you, y/n."
camera shutters be damned.
[ 11:07 PM]
[Instagram Update: s.rintarou posted a photo]
[is the "growing old alone" in the room with us?]
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wake-uptoreality · 2 years
Characters: Bokuto Koutaro, Oikawa Tooru, Suna Rintarou, Ushijima Wakatoshi.
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"One more!" His loud voice achoed through the small bar. It was his 9th cup already and you were getting worried. "Big boy, slow down there" you joked since it was the best way to talk with drunk Bokuto. Him not listening, gulped down whole liquid almost eating the cup with it. You huffed and crossed your arms. You knew this would happen. Waiting for the consequences, which meant drugging him out of bar until you reached his house. Your back already hurt just the thought of it.
"Ya'know, you look so pretty" you gasped as you felt him caressing your thigh. His fingers smoothly dancing on your skin, making your body tremble in seat. "B-Bo?" You question as you feel him getting closer to your face. "Too pretty~" he grins, sliding his hand on your back, pressing you against his chest. You felt your cheeks burning as he held you so close thet you could feel both of your heartbeat. "Love ya, Love you so much" he kissed your cheek and forehead. "Please be mine, y/n" maybe it was the small amount of alcohol, that gave you courage to kiss him deeply with passion. You will be his and his only.
"I told you to not drink in my house!" Your annoying roommate has been bothering you since the day he first moved in. He is messy, whiney and a biggest child you have ever met. "Calm down, princess~ join me instead" he patted the seat next to him. "Jerk" you barked, slamming your bedroom door and throwing yourself on bed. You at least hoped that he wouldn't invite some girl and make out or something. Well for the safety of your ears you put your favorite music and grabbed your headphones. "That idiot will probably be too horny" you mumbled, your heart aching just a little bit.
You must have been too deep in thoughts, not hearing your door opening and closing. You were laying on your stomach, hugging one of your plushies, when you saw the huge shadow lulling over your body. "Wah-tooru what the-" "that should be me" "what are you talking about-" he grabbed your levi plushie and threw the poor thing in somewhere else, grabbing your waist and sticking his head between your boobs. "Always wanted to do this" "you damn-" "wait before you hit me... I love you, y/n. The first time I met you, I instantly fell in love with you, please be my girlfriend" you put your hand on his cheek, looking deeply in his eyes. "Tooru.." "y/n" "I-...I will never forgive you for hurting my Levi, you damn jerk!" "Yep!!"
"Rin, It's 3am, why the hell are you calling?" You knew that you wouldn't pick the call if it was someone else, but when your phone screen lit up with the name of the famous fox, your inner couldn't just let you ignore the call. "y/n *hiccup*" heavy breathing of Suna filled your ear. "Rin are you smoking? If your couch hears about it, your ass will be kicked heh" you sat up on your bed, cracking your back and yawning in the phone. There was a few second silence after that. "Y/n~" he was still breathing the same way, making you worry a little. "Rin you alright? Are you hurt or something?" You asked nervously. "Yeah...hurt by you"
All the rumors were true that you two were dating. You still can't recall why you two broke up though. Maybe because there were too many misunderstandings at that time. At last you two agreed on staying as friends. "Rin, we talked about this" you sighed. Your heart beating just the thought of him still talking this sweetly and lovingly to you. "Y/n, the years without you was like a punishment *hiccup* to me, ya know more painful than spending time with Atsumu-"
(Piss-haired twin sneezes in his sleep)
"Please, I can't leave without you, let's be together again. That years weren't right time for us. I need you, I want you, I love you! I will change for you, please-just I need you beside me, in my life"
"idiot.." you sob in your phone. "Y/n..." "yeah?" The next you heard was loud snoring.
"Tendou-san, hi!" You greeted the red-headed. "Y/n-chan, Hi~ I see you are doing well" you smiled and hugged him, him returning the warm hug from you. "Where is Toshi?" Titling your head, you saw your boyfriend gulping down the large bottle of beer. "Pretty shocking, right? Who knew, we could see Wakatoshi-kun putting down his walls. I called you, because ahh he is too drunk, you should take him home." you looked at him dumbfounded then still at olive-haired. It was unusual sight, seeing your stoic boyfriend chatting so freely. You smiled, he looked so cute like this, his lips pouting when someone teased him.
You walked up to the table, bowing down to his friends and kneeling next to him. "Babe.." you shook him, catching his attention. He stood up from his seat, making a big heart with his big hands. "I love you" you flushed like a tomato, hiding your face while others started recording whole thing. He has never done anything like this before. "Please y/n, stop running from me" he put his chin on your head, pouting and becoming sad all of a sudden. "Toshi we are already together, love" "then let's get married" "hah?" He grabbed your hand. "Right now" "hah? right now, somebody help!"
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hqbaby · 10 months
thirty — do what you do
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fuck ur instincts — suna x reader & atsumu x reader
you and suna are just fooling around—so why does he care so much when you start falling in love with someone else?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.5k content. swearing, many feelings
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You’ve never felt so exposed in your whole life. You’re not even doing anything, just sitting in a coffee shop wearing your/Kiyoko’s skirt and a sweater to stave off the cold, waiting for Suna who you’re honestly not sure is going to come.
After you got his text asking to talk, you decided to go for it. What’s the worst that could happen at this point?
You asked him where. He sent you a location. You saw it and wanted to rip your heart out—but you went anyway.
The funny part in all of this is that he probably doesn’t even remember this place. He probably doesn’t realize what being here, sitting in this chair is doing to you. You could never read his mind and you guess that he could never read yours either. As they say, all is fair in love and war.
“Y/N,” he says as he comes to your table. He looks a little out of breath and you can safely say he’s looked better, but he doesn’t look too horrible. Not as bad as you at least.
You smile at him and motion for him to sit down. “You okay?”
He nods, sliding into the chair. “Yeah,” he tells you. “I just got out of training.”
“Oh,” you say. “How’s that going?”
He shrugs. “Better.”
Suna Rintarou, a man of many words indeed.
“So,” you bite the bullet, “you wanted to talk.”
“Right.” He nods. “I did.”
“Listen, Suna, I don’t know if this is such a good idea—”
“I know,” he tells you. “I just… I wanted to talk to you. I didn’t like the way things worked out between the two of us and everything that happened after, it didn’t—it didn’t feel too good.”
“I didn’t feel good?” you ask. “That’s it? You want to rehash everything because it didn’t feel good?”
Suna shakes his head. “Just listen.”
You relent. “I’m listening.”
He takes a deep breath and looks away. You don’t know if he’s about to laugh or cry or shit himself, maybe all three, who knows?
“I meant what I said,” he tells you, “I didn’t say it at the right time and the right place and I didn’t do anything right—but I love you. So fucking much.”
You purse your lips. “I know.”
Suna looks at you like he’s pleading. “I really don’t why, but I want you to know I was being serious,” he says. “I was being selfish and fucked up—I shouldn’t have told you, I know. Not when you were with Atsumu. Not when things were so good between the two of you. Not when Ayame was there—I mean I fucking humiliated her, I treated her like she was nothing. But I meant it. I do love you, I really do.”
“I know,” you repeat, nodding. “I think I’ve always known.”
He stares at you with wide eyes. You can see the thoughts flash in his head, his entirety suddenly an open book, his mind completely clear to you: How could he have been so stupid? “Why didn’t you say anything?”
You shrug helplessly. “What could I have done?”
“You could’ve talked some sense into me,” he insists. “Made me realize that I—”
“That wasn’t my job,” you tell him. “That’s not fair and you know it. You can’t put that all on me.”
“Fine,” he concedes. “But you could’ve told me how you felt at least. This goes both ways, you know.”
You look down at your hands. “I know,” you say. “And I did love you.” And it breaks your heart to say it because you know it’s true. “But I loved you the way a moth loves the flame. The moment I got too close, you would hurt me and you wouldn’t even know it. You just did it because it’s what you do.”
He opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off.
“And I don’t blame you,” you tell him. “And I’m sorry for my part in it. But I couldn’t do it—I couldn’t tell you how I felt, not after you’d stung me so many times. Not when all I ever did was love you and all you did was break my heart.”
You can feel yourself crumbling. The facade you’d kept up for your entire relationship collapsing around you. It startles Suna more than you can imagine. This wasn’t the way this was supposed to go. He doesn’t know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this.
“Is that what you wanted me to say?” you ask. “Would that have made you happy? Would that have felt good?”
He shakes his head. “No, Y/N, please,” he says. He doesn’t even know what he’s saying at this point, his mouth has run off without him “I was stupid, I know. I didn’t treat you well—but I just didn’t want to lose you.”
You wipe your eyes, suddenly feeling very self-conscious about breaking down in public. “Do you know where we are?”
He frowns. “What do you mean?”
“This place,” you say, looking around the little coffee shop. “This is where we had our first date—or at least the first time we ever went out together in public.”
Suna’s eyes widen. “I-I didn’t know that.”
You nod. “That’s okay,” you tell him. “I was standing there,” you point at a spot on the other side of the window, “and you were there,” you point at the table near the door, “and you were kissing this girl. Just another pretty, perfect girl—the kind you like. And I just wanted to disappear, but I didn’t. I went to you and acted like it was fine, because it was supposed to be fine. Even if I was completely crushed.”
He can feel his heart in his throat, watching as you fall apart in front of him. All he wants right now is for it to stop. He’ll do anything to make it stop.
You do what you need to do for the people you love.
“The saddest part is, after all that, there’s still a piece of me that loves you,” you say. And he wants you to stop so bad. Just stop. Not like this, don’t do this. “But I know I shouldn’t. And it’s just so… hard. And heavy. And bad. And I can’t live like this anymore.”
You do what you need to do for the people you love.
“I’m sorry,” Suna says. He reaches his hand across the table and holds yours as you look down and cry. “I’m sorry.”
He watches as you put a hand over your face and sob. He’s never seen you look so small before, so helpless, so vulnerable in the worst way possible.
It hits him right then and there that he lost this fight ages ago. Not to Atsumu. Not to you. But to himself. 
He was the only thing that ever stood in his way.
And he lost.
You do what you need to do for the people you love.
He leans over the table and takes your face in his hands. You open your eyes to look at him, the closest the two of you have been in what feels like forever.
“I’m sorry,” he says again, tears slipping out of his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
You sniffle, placing your hands over his. “I’m sorry too.”
The two of you stay there for what feels like hours. Just staring into each other’s eyes, all the hurt and the pain and the love still real and raw. It’s all there, there’s nothing left to give, everything—the lies and the truths—laid out on the table before you.
A carcass for you to weep over.
It's a beautifully terrible picture. Two people who have loved and hurt each other so deeply and irrevocably there’s no way to deny it. Two moths orbiting the flame that is the two of you, a pull deeper than lust or desire, one that can only be love. And one that cannot be love, should never be love again.
You know it. Suna knows it. There’s nothing to return to here, no matter what you might want. You can’t rebuild this, can’t fix it—not if you ever loved each other, not if you still do.
He presses his forehead against yours, your eyes closing as all your tears collide.
You do what you need to do for the people you love.
“Go to him,” he tells you quietly.
You do what you need to do for the people you love.
“He loves you in a way I never could,” he says. “He loves you more than anyone could ever deserve. And you may think that’s a bad thing, but he loves you. And that's all that matters."
You pull back, meeting Suna’s eyes again. “Why are you telling me this?”
He smiles, overcome by both sorrow and happiness—happiness for you. 
He can do this for you. He owes you this much.
You do what you need to do for the people you love.
“You do what you need to do for the people you love,” he says, wiping your tears away. “Atsumu taught me that.”
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notes. brb sobbing
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slutfactory · 1 year
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‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄 18O ,, haikyuu salt pillars + m!reader
‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌featuring ,, rintarou, sakusa, tsukishima ✦ author's note ,, decided to keep it short cuz i was taking too long. ignore any mistakes and sorry for not posting aaaaa
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✦ tsukki was, is, and always will be a brat. but compared to the others, he's relatively easier to tame; and he's quite salty about it. <3
✦ he doesn't outwardly express that he wants to have sex, but instead keeps pushing your buttons until you decide to punish him. since kei likes to run his mouth, what better punishment is there than to throatfuck him until he's on the knife's edge of consciousness?
✦ kei loves having you destroy his throat. his pride won't allow him to say it, but you can make an educated guess purely based on how often it happens. luckily, he doesn't talk much, so kanji and kyotani don't question his silence.
✦ btw, make sure to take off his glasses before sex. he says that he's worried about breaking them, but never takes them off himself.
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✦ rintarou is by far the worst of the three. he knows exactly what makes you mad and uses that to his advantage to get what he wants. ‘what does he want?’ you might be asking—. he wants to be fucked silly like the attention-craving whore you both know he is.
✦ he loves having you manhandle him and treat him like a fuckdoll. just the thought of it could make him cream himself. to put it simply, suna is a masochist. a kinky one at that. spanking, degradation, feminization, bondage/any kind of restraint play, hair pulling, pet play, food play, mild knife or gunplay—there's no end to it. (or none that you've seen, anyway.)
✦ rin is definitely a biter/scratcher. if someone were to look at your shoulder and upper back, they'd think you were attacked by a wild animal. by technicality, they wouldn't be wrong.
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✦ it's almost funny how hypocritical sakusa is. the way he'd be a moaning mess, covered in his cum, and call you filthy; it's more impressive than anything.
✦ only sakusa could ride someone and deny feeling any pleasure despite cumming more than once. or greedily swallow cum after saying he didn't like when you ‘violate’ his mouth with your ‘filthy semen’. plus, when you don't do what he secretly wants, he'll wait until you fall asleep and then literally deep-throat you. not even joking.
✦ omi likes being marked, so leave bites n hickeys all over him. he doesn't undress in front of others, so no one else will see them.. hopefully.
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todorokis-girl · 19 days
Getting back with your ex? - Suna Rintarou (pt 1)
(part 2) After a painful breakup and years apart, Y/N and Suna Rintarou are forced to work together again in the world of professional volleyball. When an unexpected injury and a work trip to Okinawa bring them closer, unresolved feelings and old wounds resurface. Amidst professional obligations and personal turmoil, they must navigate their complicated past and uncertain future. Can they overcome their history and find their way back to each other, or will the lingering pain keep them apart forever?
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I shake slightly as I walk into the Olimpic team training area, bag and binder in hand. The imposing structure of the stadium looms above me, filled with the echoes of bouncing volleyballs and distant shouts. The Japan media agency was recently activated to manage the promotions and media activities for the team, and I was assigned as their specific manager. Lucky me. Kuroo deserved to be beheaded, it was his job to promote them anyway, he could do it by himself! Ok, that would be unrealistic, and I’m just pissed. Kuroo did NOT deserve to be beheaded.
Taking a deep breath, I try to steady my nerves, but I only shake more the deeper I get into the stadium. Anyone would be thrilled to work with them—actually, everyone was thrilled. I think I was the only one not foaming at the mouth to manage them; yet I think that was my downfall. Damn you, indifference. In reality, I wasn’t indifferent. In any other circumstance, I’d foam at the mouth like everyone else for the job. Yet, Suna Rintaro was a member of this team. Of course he is. I would’ve given my left arm for it to have been Osamu instead.
Suna and I dated in high school. If anything was known about me in those days, it was that I drooled for my boyfriend. As the manager for the Inarizaki team, I most definitely gave him preferential treatment, and Osamu loved to bitch about it. I missed those days.
I was head over heels, down on my knees for this man. And then he became a professional volleyball player. To quote him directly, “I don’t have the time for you.” Yet weeks later, I started seeing magazine articles of him out with different models. No time, my ass. Just say you don’t love me and move on.
I took the deepest breath I could muster and walked into the court area, laser-focused on making it to the coach first. The court was a whirlwind of activity, players diving, spiking, and shouting encouragements. My heart pounded louder with each step. I needed to ask for the remaining time from practice to talk and get to know the players as much as I could. When the coach finally spotted me, he looked me up and down with a scrutinizing gaze, then stared into my soul. Intimidating man. I smiled and extended my hand to him once I was close enough.
“Hello, sir, I’m L/N Y/N. I’m the team's new media manager, Kuroo Tetsuro had called to notify ahead of time. I was told I could have the last hour of practice to talk to the team and get to know them, if that’s okay with you, of course.”
He narrowed his eyes, his gaze piercing through my façade of calm, and gave a deep sigh. “Yes.”
I smiled and stood back, giving him the space to address the team when he thought it prudent. “Everyone, head to the showers and meet this young lady in the conference room in 10.”
A chorus of “Yes, sir” rang around the court, followed by the sound of sneakers squeaking on the floor. The players began to disperse, casting curious glances my way. Before anyone could properly look at me, I bowed to the coach and attempted to make a run to the conference room after being given directions.
“Y/N.” I stopped in my tracks, my eyes widening as I recognized the voice of Suna.
“Y/N, c’mon.”
“I really don’t know who you’re talking about. I don’t know this... Y/N, was it?”
“I can see it’s you. I know it’s you. I’d recognize your back anywhere.”
I spun around immediately, ready to chew him out for what he was insinuating, but I was met by his bright smile, almost as if he was expecting it. His eyes twinkled with mischief. “Yeah, no doubt about it. That’s my girl.”
I stopped the words that were about to spill out of my mouth and replaced them with a different set. “I’m not your girl anymore.” I looked down at my watch, more for symbolic effect than to check the time. “I will definitely be telling Coach Foster if you’re late to the conference room. You have five minutes left.”
Without giving him a chance to process what had happened, I turned again and headed pointedly to the conference room, my steps echoing my determination.
As I marched towards the conference room, my thoughts were a whirlwind. The confrontation with Suna had set my nerves alight, but I couldn’t afford to lose my focus. The team’s future media presence rested on my shoulders, and I had to be professional, no matter how tangled my past with Suna was.
The conference room was a stark contrast to the bustling court. It was quiet and orderly, with a long table in the center surrounded by sleek chairs. I set my bag and binder down, pulling out my notes and arranging them meticulously. I had just enough time to compose myself before the players started trickling in.
First came Sakusa Kiyoomi, his expression inscrutable as he took a seat at the far end of the table. He gave a curt nod, acknowledging my presence without a word. Next were Hinata Shoyo and Bokuto Koutarou, chatting animatedly and filling the room with their infectious energy. They greeted me with enthusiastic smiles, making me feel a bit more at ease.
Finally, Suna walked in, casual and confident, as if our earlier exchange hadn’t affected him at all. He took a seat near the middle, flashing me a knowing grin. I ignored him and turned to face the team.
“Thank you all for coming,” I began, trying to keep my voice steady. “As you know, my agency has been hired to manage your media presence; Kuroo Tetsuro will handle the rest of the coordinations or team promotions. My goal is to help each of you shine, both on and off the court. I’ll be working closely with you to develop your public personas and ensure you get the recognition you deserve.”
I paused, gauging their reactions. Most of the team seemed receptive, though Sakusa remained impassive. Suna leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, watching me with an unreadable expression.
“To start, I’d like to get to know each of you better,” I continued. “Understanding your personalities, interests, and goals will help me tailor our approach to suit you individually. We’ll go around the table, and each of you can share a bit about yourselves. Let’s start with you, Hinata.”
Hinata beamed and launched into a lively account of his journey in volleyball, his eyes shining with passion. His enthusiasm was contagious, and soon, the rest of the team was sharing their stories, laughing and bonding over shared experiences. Even Sakusa offered a few guarded sentences, and I could sense the walls between us beginning to crumble.
When it was Suna’s turn, he spoke with a confidence that bordered on arrogance, detailing his rise to fame with practiced ease. I couldn’t help but notice the glances he threw my way, testing my reactions. “I even had a girlfriend once, with me all the way to the start of my professional career; can’t believe I let ‘er go” I met his gaze evenly, refusing to let him see how much he affected me.
“Thank you for sharing, Suna,” I said, cutting him off before he could drag out his story any longer. “It’s clear that each of you brings something unique to the team, and I’m excited to work with you all.”
I glanced at my notes, ready to move on to the next part of the meeting. “Now, let’s talk about some of the upcoming promotional events and media opportunities. We have a few scheduled interviews, photo shoots, and public appearances. I’ll need your cooperation and input to make sure we present you in the best possible light.”
The discussion flowed smoothly, with the players offering ideas and feedback. Despite the initial tension, the atmosphere gradually became more collaborative. By the end of the meeting, I felt a sense of accomplishment. We were laying the foundation for a successful partnership, and I was determined to prove myself as their media manager.
As the team began to disperse, Suna lingered behind, his eyes following me as I gathered my things. I braced myself for another confrontation, but he simply leaned against the table, watching me with an amused expression.
“You handled that well, Y/N,” he said, his tone surprisingly sincere. “I wasn’t sure what to expect, but you’ve still got that fire.”
I paused, meeting his gaze. “I’m here to do a job, Suna. That’s all.”
He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Sure, if that’s what you want to believe.”
“What I want to believe? You think I asked for this position?” I was appalled that he was suggesting I deliberately choose this to seek him out.
He gave me a cocky grin and without another word, he pushed off from the table and walked out, leaving me standing there with a mix of emotions. I took a deep breath, pushing aside the memories and focusing on the task at hand. There was a lot of work to be done, and I was ready to face it head-on. Suna was NOT going to make me lose my head. He let me go once, and I had given him all of myself, it wasn’t happening again. Kuroo was definitely getting an earful ‘don’t be so dramatic, It’s gonna be fine’.
I huffed to myself finally stepping out of the room and on my way to my car, my hand automatically reaching for my phone, if I had to vent, Kuroo was getting it.
As I reached my car and slid into the driver's seat, I quickly unlocked my phone and dialed Kuroo's number. The phone rang a few times before his familiar, lazy voice answered.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“What’s up? Seriously, Kuroo? You dumped the Olympic team’s media management on me, that’s what’s up!”
He chuckled, and I could practically hear his smug grin through the phone. “I knew you could handle it. You’re the best we’ve got.”
“Flattery isn’t going to save you,” I snapped, gripping the steering wheel. “You could have at least warned me about Suna being on the team. Do you have any idea how awkward that was?”
There was a brief pause, and then Kuroo sighed. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. You’re professionals, right? Just… don’t let him get to you.”
“Easier said than done,” I muttered. “He’s still as infuriating as ever.”
“Look, just focus on the job. You’re great at what you do, and the team needs you. Besides, Suna’s just one player. Don’t let him distract you.”
I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s just… complicated.”
“I know. But you’ve got this. If anyone can turn this team into media darlings, it’s you.”
“Thanks, Kuroo. I’ll do my best.”
“That's my girl,” he said with a note of pride in his voice. “Keep me updated, okay?”
“Will do. And Kuroo?”
“Next time, give me a heads-up, will you?”
He laughed. “You got it. Take care, Y/N.”
I hung up and took a few moments to collect myself before starting the car. The drive home was a blur, my mind occupied with thoughts of Suna and the daunting task ahead. By the time I pulled into my driveway, I had resolved to put all personal feelings aside and focus solely on my work.
The next morning, I arrived at the training facility early, armed with my binder and a renewed sense of determination. Today, I had individual meetings scheduled with each player to discuss their personal branding and media strategy. I hoped to gain a deeper understanding of their personalities and how best to present them to the public.
Hinata was first. His energy was infectious, and his enthusiasm for the sport shone through every word he said. We discussed his goals and how to leverage his vibrant personality to connect with fans.
Next was Bokuto, who was equally charismatic but in a more boisterous way. His love for the game was palpable, and I made notes on how to highlight his dynamic presence in interviews and social media.
Sakusa was a bit more challenging. He was reserved and guarded, but I managed to coax out his interests and preferences. We discussed ways to showcase his quieter, more introspective side while still appealing to the team's fanbase.
Finally, it was Suna’s turn. He sauntered into the conference room with his usual nonchalance, sitting down across from me with a smirk.
“Let’s get this over with,” he said, leaning back in his chair.
I ignored his tone and focused on my notes. “Alright, Suna. I want to understand your goals and how we can present you to the public. What are you hoping to achieve with your media presence?”
He raised an eyebrow. “You really think people care about that stuff?”
“Yes, I do. Your fans want to know more about you than just your performance on the court. They want to connect with you as a person.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Fine. I want to be seen as a serious athlete. I don’t want all that fluff and nonsense. Just focus on my game.”
I nodded, jotting down his words. “Got it. We’ll highlight your dedication and professionalism. Anything else you want to add?”
He studied me for a moment, his gaze intense. “You still care about what people think, don’t you?”
I met his eyes, refusing to back down. “It’s my job to care, Suna. And it’s yours too, whether you like it or not.”
He smirked again, but there was a hint of something softer in his eyes. “You’ve changed, Y/N. You’re tougher now.”
“I had to be,” I replied, packing up my things. “Meeting’s over. Thanks for your time.”
As I walked out of the room, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Suna was watching me, his eyes lingering longer than necessary. I pushed the thought aside and focused on the task at hand. There was still a lot of work to be done, and I was determined to succeed.
Over the next few weeks, I threw myself into my work, coordinating interviews, photo shoots, and public appearances. The players gradually warmed up to me, and we began to build a cohesive media strategy that highlighted their unique strengths.
Despite my initial apprehension, things started to fall into place. The team’s media presence improved, and their popularity soared. Even Sakusa, with his reserved nature, began to open up in front of the camera.
Through it all, Suna remained a constant challenge. He was professional during our meetings, but there was always an undercurrent of tension between us. Yet, I couldn’t deny that working with him pushed me to be better, to stay focused and not let my emotions get in the way.
One evening, after a particularly successful interview session, I found myself alone in the conference room, reviewing the footage. The door creaked open, and Suna walked in, his expression unreadable.
“Hey,” he said, closing the door behind him.
“Hey,” I replied, not looking up from my notes.
He walked over and sat down across from me, his gaze fixed on my face. “You’ve done a good job with the team.”
“Thanks,” I said, still focused on my work. “We’re not done yet, though. There’s always room for improvement.”
“Yeah, but you’ve made a difference. Even I can see that.”
I finally looked up, meeting his eyes. “What do you want, Suna?”
He leaned back in his chair, his expression softening. “I just wanted to say… I’m sorry. For everything. High school, the way I ended things. I was a jerk.”
I blinked, taken aback by his sudden sincerity. “Why now?”
“Because I’ve had a lot of time to think. And seeing you here, working so hard, made me realize how much I messed up.”
I sighed, feeling a mixture of relief and frustration. “I appreciate the apology, Suna. But it doesn’t change what happened.”
He stays silence his eyes seeming to be inspecting my face, as if looking for something else “I know, I still wanted to try” 
I studied his face, searching for any hint of insincerity. But all I saw was genuine regret. “Fine”
He smiled, a real, honest smile that made my heart ache with nostalgia. I hate that I genuinely miss him. 
As he stood up to leave, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders; but a certain, different desire settled in me. I watched him leave, and closed my eyes for a second. It seems watching him leave was all I knew how to do. 
I turned back to my notes. There was still a lot of work to be done, and I was ready to face it head-on, no matter what challenges came my way; but maybe I needed Kuroo to come along with me more often, even if he was busy getting the schedules and making the plans. 
One afternoon, after hours of looking through notes and interview footage, I found myself in the staff lounge, nursing a cup of coffee. The room was quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos outside. I was lost in thought when the door opened, and Kuroo walked in, looking as tired as I felt.
“Hey,” he said, flopping down in the chair next to mine. “How’s it going?”
I sighed, rubbing my temples. “Busy. Exhausting. But good. The team’s doing great.”
Kuroo nodded, taking a sip of his own coffee. “You’re doing an amazing job, Y/N. Glad I choose you to help me out, I don’t know how I’d do it without you”
I smiled, feeling a bit of the tension ease. “Thanks, Kuroo, I apreciate the apreciation; what are you doing here anyway? Mister sports promoter not have a big fancy office at a big fancy building?”
He raised an eyebrow and turned to face me, the scrutiny in his eyes heavy “I want to wear gym clothes every once in a while, and I cant do that at the office. Miss sports media manager” I smiled and nooded, showing I understood. 
I mean, he was right, one of the couple of upside of working in the training arena was the ability of being able to show up in sweats and leggings, as it was the most proper attire. 
He chuckled, leaning back in his chair. “But seriously, if you need anything, just let me know. We’re in this together, even if I am technically your boss”
“Actually,” I said, glancing at him, “I was thinking if you could come along to a few more of the meetings. Having you there would make things a bit easier.” My voice filled with hope. 
Kuroo looked at me, his expression thoughtful. “Of course. I’ll rearrange my schedule. All the player meetings or someone in particular?”
I felt like a deer caugh in headlights “well… uhm…”
“So just Suna Rintarou?” he asked with a knowing tone, and I couldn’t deny it; I just hoped he would agree to it and not pull the ‘I’m your boss’ card, not that he ever did “Sure, I’ll do the meetings with Suna and pass along the info” 
“Thanks, Kuroo,” I said, feeling a wave of relief wash over me.
He grinned, standing up. “Alright, I’ll leave you to it. Let me know when the meetings with Suna are”
“Will do,” I replied, watching him leave the lounge. As I turned back to my coffee, noticing it was cold. 
I was going to start seeing Suna a lot less often, no more weekly meetings with him, and I would try to make my time in the office a little more unnavailable to him by doing them exclusively during practice hours. This was something high school me would’ve come up with, and I knew that, but I don’t currently have the mental space to come up with something better. 
(part 2)
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milktei · 1 year
hi! i really fell in love with your “again” fic with sakusa. it was so amazing & i really liked how you wrote it. i was wondering if you can write another fic with that same concept but with suna?
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Suna Rintarou x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort
Warnings: Suna is probably a bit ooc. not edited
Requests: Open
on another note requests are still open somehow but i can’t guarantee that they will be finished efficiently :’)
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You weren’t sure when the rift started.
You two were happy, at least you thought you were.
He would bring you little gifts after practice, eat meals with you any chance he got, either plan or agree to go on dates with you.
Until he didn’t.
Maybe he got too comfortable after so long of together. Maybe he thought he didn’t need to do much to woo you anymore. To an extent he didn’t, but him completely failing to put any effort into the relationship hurt.
He was on his phone more, staying at practice late, practically ignoring you when you would hang out, all without any explanation.
One date. One night not spent in an apartment is all you asked for.
After weeks of trying he finally agreed. An awkward dinner were trying to keep a conversation going felt like pulling teeth.
Your displeasure with him was palpable from when you got in the car all they way to his apartment where you two now stood.
“What is it?” he asked with annoyance ringing through the air.
You sighed as you sat on the couch “I…” you swallowed, almost afraid to tell him “I’m not very happy with how today went.”
Suna scoffed, “You’re talking as if that’s fault or something.
You winced “Well it didn’t seem like you were enjoying yourself either.”
He raised an eyebrow at you tone and threw his arms in the air. “I did what you asked y/n! We went on that damn date didn’t we? I even invited you over! What more could you possibly want?”
Time seemed to slow down in that moment. What more could you possibly want? Surely he knew? How could you possibly answer that without making him even more mad?
Clenching your hands, staring angrily at the ground, you could only say what came to mind.
“How did we end up like this Rin? It’s like we’re strangers again.”
For a moment you could have sworn you saw a shift in his posture, a subtle recoil, but it disappeared in a moment and was replaced by a more rigid stance.
“I don’t know what’s going on with you y/n but I’ve been feeling just fine. if you don’t like it you can just leave.”
The venom in his words was unlike anything you have ever heard come from his mouth. This wasn’t the man who you fell in love with. The man who stuttered endlessly when he first asked you out. The same man who took pictures of you any chance he could because you always looked good in his eyes.
No. This man was aloof, uncaring, detached.
He was not your Suna Rintarou.
A beat of silence.
“Fine?” Suna echoed back. You hated that you couldn’t read any emotions in the tone of voice he used.
“Fine,” you said feeling more confident with your decision.
No longer feeling cemented to where you sat, you grabbed your bag from the couch, storming to the front door where you ripped open the closet to grab your coat. as you jammed your feet into your shoes you took a couple deep breaths.
“So you’re leaving? Just like that?”
You inhaled sharply and turned to him, angry tears filling your eyes. “You don’t get to talk to me like that,” you pointed at him accusingly “not after everything you did, not after everything I did to try to make this work. This isn’t my fault and you don’t get to make it seem like it was.”
The only sound that filled the room was your angry breathing and in a moment you turned on your heel and left the apartment
That memory from months ago rang clear in your mind as you stared at the man in front of you dumbfounded. There he was, standing at your door. He nervously scratched the back of his head as he held out a bouquet of flowers to you
The state he was in was nearly a mirror image of when he first asked you out.
“I’m sorry.”
You had half the mind to slam the door in his face.
But you didn’t
That lovesick part of your brain that you desperately tried to shove back wriggled its way free and you take back the man that had put you through so much pain.
That leads to where the two of you are right now. Months after he showed up with those flowers.
You had initially planned to go to the mall alone, just to buy a friend a gift for their upcoming birthday.
Suna had the day off and when you told him of your plans, he surprised you by asking to tag along.
While at first you were elated to be in his company. A cloud of dread sat in the back of your mind.
He was trying, you could give him that.
Flowers, home cooked meals, cafe dates, and daily calls. Everything you could’ve dreamed and asked for all those months ago.
That was the problem though. He was doing everything you begged for and now you couldn’t tell for the life of you if it was genuine or not.
It was irrational and unhealthy to be thinking this way. To think that Suna was only being a better boyfriend because you asked him to and not because he actually wanted to.
But how could you think any other way with how he had treated you before?
Still, you walked through the mall with him, hand in hand, just like before.
A particular shift caught you eye in a store, one that wasn’t your friends style, but definitely yours. Suna could tell from the look in your eyes that you liked it.
“You thinking of getting that shirt babe? I can get it for you.”
You looked at him like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar and forced out a giggle “No thank you Rin, I was just looking.”
His smile faltered the tiniest bit “Alright.”
The rest of your shopping trip was uneventful and you eventually found what you were looking for.
It was when you got in the car that he tried again, “Why don’t we grab some ice cream before we go home? There’s a new place on the way to your apartment.”
He rejoiced at the subtle excitement that showed on your face
“Only if you would like to. We don’t have to.”
He nearly groaned in despair at your response.
You stiffened in shock at the seriousness in his voice “Yes?”
“Somethings bothering you.”
it wasn’t a question, it was a statement that Suna was waiting for you to confirm.
“What are you talking about?”
He sighed “I’m not going to sit here in silence again when I know somethings wrong. Something has been wrong for a while now.”
“Nothings wrong!” you shout defensively. Shocking even yourself. You turn your gaze to your lap and nervously wrench your hands together.
Silence filled the car
“Well now I’m even less inclined to believe you.”
You let out a sad chuckle at his response and take a deep breath before telling him what’s been on your mind since you got back together.
“It just feels like nothing will ever be like how it used to be.”
He kept silent and you took it as a cue to keep talking. You weren’t sure you would be able to stop even if you tried
“How am I supposed to act like nothing happened! They way you spoke to me back then…and then expected me to stay, getting mad at me for “throwing away” what we had, even though you knew I was unhappy.”
Tears fill your eyes but Suna dared not invade your space in a moment so vulnerable
“Then all of a sudden you come back and I can’t find it in myself to day no because I wanted you to do better so badly- and you are!
You’re putting more effort into this, but I can’t help but feel bitter sweet because I can only think about how your only trying because I asked. I wonder everyday if any of this is genuine or if you’re just comfortable having me around and then one day you’ll realize that this isn’t for you and leave again.”
The amount of despair that filled Suna was immeasurable. His mind filled with doubt and screamed at him at all the ways he could’ve done better and how he never deserved you.
Still, he reached out a hand and waited for you to grab it.
“I should have never let you leave that day y/n. I knew that from the moment that door shut, but I was too stupid, too proud, too afraid of what would happen if I chased after you.”
His grip tightened, “and like a coward I waited, hoping that maybe you would come back instead of me having to take that step.”
Suns let out a self deprecating laugh “It took me way too long to realize that’s what got us into this mess in the first place. Me waiting for all you love on a silver platter when you got none in return.”
He turned as much as he could in his spot and grabbed your other hand. You looked up at his face and almost gasped at the amount of love and earnest that showed on a normally expressionless face.
“I understand that you think that I may only be putting this much effort because you asked. But you shouldn’t be afraid to ask y/n, not anymore. Trust me, while I am doing what you asked it’s also because I want to make you happy. Every time I think about that day I get so angry at the fact that I made you so desperate for the bare minimum.”
“Please y/n, anything you want just ask and I will do everything in my power to make sure that I don’t make you sad again.”
You couldn’t help yourself and leaned across the centre console of the car, hugging him as best as you could as tears finally began to flow.
“How do I know this isn’t just going to go back to the way it was? You could very easily fall back into that habit.” You said through sobs.
“I know” Suna sighed
You pulled back “You know?”
“I know” he confirmed, “but I promise to do whatever I can to make this right y/n, you tell me if your unhappy and I will do my best to fix whatever I’ve done and ensure that we’ll be fine.”
A beat of silence filled the car before you let out a small laugh through your sobs. Suna’s heart fluttered at the first sound of happiness you let escape for the first time in a while.
You lifted a hand and messily wiped away your tears, “This is an awful place to have a heart to heart moment”
He smiled at you with all the love under the sun and cupped your cheek. “There’s a lot that we still need to work through, it’ll take some time. But how about I take you to that ice cream place first?”
You beamed at him, “Okay”
Yeah, you two would be just fine.
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levenlike11 · 1 year
'should've listened to osamu'
suna rintarou x reader (no pronouns used, reader has hair long enough to tuck it behind their hair.) hope you enjoy! feedback is really appreciated :)
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your friendship (if you could call it that) with suna is strange. he doesn't talk much, prefers to listen to you ramble about things that annoy you or tell him about a new show you recently started watching. he rarely replies or asks questions, mainly just nods his head when you ask him something.
it's not that he doesn't care or he finds you annoying, he just usually doesn't know what to say or he's too busy admiring you. the way your hair falls on your face and how you push it back or tuck it behind your ear, how your eyes shine when you talk about that one book you love so much, how you always try to hide your smile with your hand, which he never understands because it's the prettiest sight ever for him.
"are you even listening to me?" suna is sitting with his head thrown back like he's in pain, eyes closed.
"yeah, you were saying you need to finish your project tonight." it surprises you to see he was, in fact, listening.
"did you finish yours?" he shakes his head. it gets on your nerves, how ignorant and irresponsible he is.
"i can help you, if you promise to buy me lunch tomorrow." he raises his head and opens his eyes at that, grinning. he's shocked and also happy because you always tell him to go away when he asks for help with his homework.
"would you really?" he's so stupid, looks like a kid eating his favorite ice cream happily at the park on a swing with the way he's looking up at you from his seat.
"i want that smoothie with my lunch too. then i'll help." he smiles and raises his pinky, promising to buy those for you tomorrow. he doesn't pull his hand away, so you don't either. if you moved your head, you could see osamu smiling to himself watching you two.
finally letting go of your hand, much to your dismay, suna gets up and suddenly puts his arm around your waist.
"let's go to the library so we can work." you nod and try to look down because you're sure he would make fun of you if he saw your face right now, there's no way you're not blushing, you can literally feel the heat on your cheeks. he presses his hand on your back, signaling you to start walking.
he doesn't leave your side even in the library, and sits right next to you on the puffy sofa. the whole proximity of the situation doesn't help with how warm you already feel but you ignore the feeling. at least try to.
"you have your books with you, right?" he goes through the books in his bag and takes out the one you need and puts it on the table.
"okay, so, let's start here-" your eyes widen when you feel his hand on your chin. he turns your head to face him and you can't help but notice the softness in his gaze.
"you don't need to hide it, i can already see you blushing. plus, you literally tremble every time i touch you." you try to look away in embarrassment but he turns your face back to himself.
"i should have listened to osamu." he sighs and before you know it, his chapped lips are on yours. he smells like strawberries, you notice once you're so close to him. he pulls away and looks into your eyes.
"you like me?" you ask, after taking a deep breath.
"i'm surprised you still haven't noticed, i did everything i can to make you realize because i was too much of a coward to do this until now." you chuckle, "i'm glad you did."
"i am too." he smiles and pecks your lips again.
"if you're just going to kiss, get out of the library!" the worker there huffs. you make a face like you're apologizing and turn to suna.
"let's finish your project first. i don't want a boyfriend with bad grades." he grins at you calling him your boyfriend and opens the book to start his project.
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i really hope there's no mistakes bcs i didn't proofread it, feel free to correct anything wrong! thanks for reading <3
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kitnootkat · 5 days
See you later sk8er !
Episode 2. ; Dinner with the Neighbors ... Previous || Show List || Next
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Checking your phone, you notice that it’s already been about ten minutes since you’ve been in the bathroom. If you stay any longer your parents are bound to get suspicious which means that you’ll probably get a lecture. Something you want to severely avoid.
If you were being honest with yourself you really did expect dinner not to go too well, but the thought applied to your whole family; not only to you. Conversations were seemingly lively except for the one with the boy sitting across from you which was very, very dead. You had both tried to start conversations but honestly nothing really stuck. You’re sure that if your parents weren’t there it would have gone better but that doesn’t change the fact that it wasn’t working out. 
Yet right as you think that dinner couldn’t get any worse the topic of comparison had landed right into both mom’s palms. This made things even more awkward for you and the older kid Suna, who you know as Rintarou now, who were already struggling to talk. How do you even talk to someone easier if your moms are asking you to tutor him and your mom is asking him to teach you to let loose. One answer: you can't. 
It ended up getting way too awkward for you to handle to the point where running away was your best bet. That means the bathroom was the perfect place to go. Which is where you are now.
Letting out a fairly deep sigh, you stare at yourself in the mirror before smacking your cheeks. Get your head into focus YN. It’s time to face the world. 
OH SHIT. Eyes widening and trying to hold back a deep breath, you feel your soul jump out of your body. Why was Suna Rintarou leaning on the wall outside of the bathroom door and why did he seem just as spooked at you. “I- Ahem. Why are you standing outside the bathroom?” Your arms are crossed at this point and you have an eyebrow raised, eyes looking him up and down. But maybe that was a bad idea because now you could finally take in him, and the situation, but mainly him. And his- stop.
“Well, whenever we have people over I usually show them to the bathroom and then wait for them so I can lead them back to the dining room but…” The black haired boy takes a pause and takes a good look at you before putting on an annoying smirk “someone decided to take ten minutes in the bathroom.” Ooh! The nerve of this boy. Huffing, you give back a very passive aggressive smile. What the hell was his problem? Were all damn middle blockers like this?! Right as you’re about to reply though he pushes himself off the wall and starts walking back to the living room. “Oh, ln-san, by the way your mom was right, you are smart. Maybe next time don’t wait in the bathroom for so long though.”  Ahaha. Actually die Suna Rintarou. You wanted to shove that stupid look off his face. Thank god you wouldn't have to fraternize with him too much though. Right...? Maybe not.
As you walk our of the door of the Suna household, your phone feels heavy as his contact was already in your phone.
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Notes !! : -> Episode two is done!! Woohoo!! -> I really couldn't decide whether to end the chapter after the writing portion but i feel like what i added worked fine -> Bro i hate writing the word smirked but knowing Suna bro does that shit often -> There there yn, i would get pissed off from Suna too -> Suna was actually waiting outside of the bathroom for 10 minutes scrolling on like idk tiktok -> His mom asked him why he waited for her since that wasn't something he normally did and his reply was a shrug and a "just felt like it" -> yn did not avoid the lecture and got one on politeness when they got home except her dad said "you shouldn't be shitting in other peoples bathrooms." she could not leave her room after that -> Theres two Nekoma closets and one of them is abandoned bc it was "haunted" and i really wanted to include that in this chapter and who better to get stuck in a closet that bokuto and kuroo -> Also im thinking about adding kuroo and kenma bc there isnt enough people here
taglist : open ! ft.ft. @lcvemiyuki @cannibalsrider @skazewrld @thvvluvr @snail-squasher @mfcherry @sereniteav @cocoforkuroopuffs @causenessus @yuminako @starsagainsthearts
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kentolove · 1 year
bartender suna x reader
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You’re the one who comes in every Friday.
Approximately at the same time. Eight at night, when the club comes to life and the bar is at its busiest moment. You order the same thing—a lemon water—and you look around the room before leaving an hour after your arrival.
It always feels as if you’re on the quest for someone, your eyes darting around in a manner that is almost suspicious. It would be suspicious for most, he presumes, but Suna can’t find it in himself to care. Not when he has a dozen drunk customers to serve.
He doesn’t care, until the day you sit directly in front of him and ask for his number.
“Hello,” you say, and Suna notices the color of your eyes.
“Hi. Would you like your usual?”
“No,” your response comes quick, “I’d like to talk to you.”
“That’s not exactly in my pay grade.”
“You’ll make it work.”
He doesn’t care enough to argue, so he moves closer to you. It’s here where he notices the small wrinkles on your face—years of laughter and smiles have graced your face with such beautiful marks. He notices the scars on your hands, the birthmarks on your skin, and how your lips lean slightly to the left when you smile. (He’s never cared this much about someone else’s appearance. Maybe it’s just you. Maybe there’s a first time for everything.)
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
Straight to the point. There’s no hesitation in your voice, only pure confidence and elegance to your speech.
“Would you like a girlfriend?”
“I don’t care much about love.”
That makes you stop. He notices a slight twitch to your eye, and how your fingers tap against the table in deep contemplation.
“Maybe you haven’t been loved right.”
“Maybe. Or maybe you’re asking too many questions about a bartender you hardly know.”
“I could change that.”
He smiles. Typically, your persuasive attitude would annoy him. But there’s something about you, something so strong and captivating. He is simply a man at sea falling into the tune and tricks of a siren.
“You could. Or you could let me do my job.”
He’s playing hard to get. He knows it and you know it. He’s never been one to beat around the bush, but Suna Rintarou has never been desired and he wants to enjoy the chase.
You smile. He smirks. He has fallen for your tricks.
“You could do your job, or you could tell me what time your shift ends.”
“10 PM.”
Another smile. You’ve got him.
“I’ll wait for you.”
True to your word, you wait.
His eyes follow you whenever you move, a moth to a flame. He watches as your hands run over your face, when your fingers trace the worn-out scratches on the table, and when your eyes wander around the room.
He watches the clock till it’s time for him to leave, and you’re still seated pretty where he left you.
“Hello, stranger.”
“Hello, Rintarou.”
He smiles. He almost feels like jumping over the counter, but decency, dignity, and decorum stop him from acting like a fool in your presence.
“Did you wait for long?“ he asks, finally by your side.
“Only as long as I needed to.”
You place your hands on his cheeks. He warms at your touch, heart fluttering in ways he’s never felt before.
“You’re too cold.”
“It’s winter.”
You frown at his response, an action that leads him to dote on you further. He places his hands on your cheeks, squeezing the soft fat in his delicate hands.
“You know,” he starts, “you have got to stop acting like you don’t know me whenever you come over.”
You giggle, “where’s the fun in that? I like flirting with you.”
“Flirting or harassment?”
“It’s roleplay,” you’re quick to comment. “Strangers to lovers. It’s fun.”
A kiss is placed on your pouting lips.
“Sure it is, stranger.”
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hihello-pinky · 1 year
Sight (3)
Suna Rintarou x F! Reader
Sometimes, it takes losing someone to finally see them. He wished he knew this before, but Rintarou had to learn this the hard way.
WARNINGS: mentions of abortion, mentions of suicide, smut (fingering, oral [f receiving], lack of protection, rough sex, creampie) please let me know if I missed any!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This in no way represents my views of the original anime/manga characters.
WC: 6.3k Genre: Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort Other Tags: Forced Marriage, Developing Relationship, Denial of Feelings, Emotionally Repressed, References to Illness, Angst with a Happy Ending, + more to be added.
Here’s the long-awaited part 3!. Thank you all for waiting and for the love and support!!! Kindly reblog and comment if you liked it! ALSO, I’m not sure how many parts are left.
part one part two part three part ?????
leave me love?
“I don’t know what game you’re playing with you agreeing to my parents’ crazy demands but just so we’re clear, there’s only one ending to this fucking marriage: divorce.”
Suna watched as you squirmed in your wedding dress. The two of you had just arrived at the new house, and he already hated it. First, he hated how he had just been forced into marrying a girl he barely knew. Second, he hated how you’re acting as if you’re the victim of the whole ordeal when this wouldn’t have happened in the first place if you just agreed to get an abortion.
And lastly, he despised how you looked so damn beautiful in that wedding dress.
The fidgety and nervous girl during his wedding night is nowhere to be seen as you’re standing in that very same room, your eyes looking straightly at him and your voice firm as you repeat, “I want to file for divorce.”
“I heard you the first time,” he responds as he clicks his tongue. “But I won’t do it.” He’s trying to be careful, unsure of where you’re actually getting at. A few nights ago, you just confessed about being in love with him and now you want to divorce?
A small laughter leaves your lips, regaining his attention. “Rin,” you call his name and as usual, hearing that one syllable from you stirs something inside him. “You don’t have to worry about anything. We’ll talk to your mom and dad, and I’ve already spoken with the family lawyer. We can always co-parent.”
“No.” Maybe if he’s not busy getting annoyed about your mind game, he’d have noticed how your eyes are squinting, how your fingertips are slowly rubbing against your temple. “There will be no divorce unless you explain to me everything about this sudden shit you’re pulling.”
“Rintarou, -”
“I’m so damn tired, Y/N!” What surprises Suna is not his sudden outburst. It’s the quick realization that for the first time in five years, he’s addressing you by your name. “Are you playing with me? You confess, you make me feel guilty, you make me want to apologize, but now you want to divorce!”
You shake your head, hoping that the action will also help in easing your headache. “Why are you reacting like this, Rin? Isn’t this something that you’ve wanted since day one?”
It’s the same question he has for himself. Sure, he entered the room ready to apologize for the past years and maybe try for any way to salvage the relationship you both have, but here you were, offering him the easy way out and yet he doesn’t want to accept it.
Instead of answering you, he takes a deep breath to calm himself down. “Listen, I don’t know what shit you’re pulling but I’m serious when I say I’m not signing any papers unless you talk to me and explain what the hell’s going on.”
“Rin, I’m tired,” you say as you sit on the bed dejectedly. “I’m so, so tired.” Your voice breaks at the last word as you bring your knees to your chest, hugging it before beginning to sob. This isn’t the first time that he’s witnessing you cry but the way the sobs come out of you as if they physically hurt and how your body is shaking... it’s a sight that he does not want to see.
Other times he would have chosen to leave you alone and his mind is currently shouting at him to go back towards the door and leave the room but his body is doing the exact opposite – his feet bringing him closer to you. The next thing he knows, he’s crouching down in front of you at the bed, hands hovering over you but not touching. “What is it?”
As soon as the question leaves him, he feels silly. How were you supposed to answer him when the sobs wracking out of your body barely stop? Suna rakes a hand through his hair, unsure of what to do. He looks up at the ceiling in frustration. “Fuck, Y/N, tell me what’s the matter. Why the hell are you asking for a divorce out of the blue? Is this because of what happened a few nights ago?”
“I’m scared.” Your small voice surprises him. “I’m scared, Rintarou.”
He diverts his eyes back on you but your face is still buried behind your knees. “Look at me.”
He watches as you slowly acquiesce and the broken look on your face tugs at his heart. Your eyes resemble shattered glass and it’s as if all the broken shards are piercing through his chest at the moment. “I’m scared.” A hiccup. “I’m so damn scared.”
Suna shakes his head as he gazes at you, seemingly unable to break the eye contact despite the feelings it’s currently bringing him. “I don’t understand.”
Tears well in your eyes again as you begin to explain with a shaky breath. “I went to the hospital a few days ago to get checked about my recurring headaches and blackouts. I received the test results yesterday and they don’t look good. I’m so scared, Rintarou.”
Every word that escapes from your mouth makes his heart feel heavy. “Then why are you asking for divorce?”
You’re silent for a while as you break eye contact and he can tell that you’re carefully deliberating your words. The suspense is making him feel uneasy but he also knows he can’t force and rush you. “I’ve always known there’s a possibility that it would happen to me too. But then, Doctor Hirai said that its progression is mainly stress-induced. I need to be in an environment which will be better for my mental and subsequently, my physical health. More importantly, I’m scared that what I will go through will hurt the children in the long run.”
“So, you prefer that you’d suffer alone?” He asks without thinking.
At that, you turn to face him again and smile sadly. “I’d still suffer alone even if we remain married, right? At least once we separate, I’ll be in a much healthier environment. We won’t have to pretend in front of the children anymore. You’ll have your freedom and I’ll have my peace.”
Suna can feel himself frowning, knowing how there’s truth in what you just said. He sighs deeply before speaking, choosing his words carefully. He opens and closes his mouth a few times, his attempt frustrating him. In the end, he settles for three words instead. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
--- *** ---
Hearing those words from your husband makes your heart clench. You bite your trembling lower lip and close your eyes, finally letting the tears fall once again. You hated this. You hate having Rintarou see you cry.
What happens next surprises you. You feel gentle fingers wiping away your tears, the touch soft and delicate. You crack your eyes open and convince yourself you must be dreaming.
“I know this is long overdue and it can’t undo all the things I’ve put you through in the last few years, but I’m really, really sorry. For being a horrible person, for being a terrible husband, for being a bad dad... I’m sorry for what I did a few nights ago.”
You hear the unspoken truth from his last sentence: I’m sorry I can’t reciprocate your feelings. Instead of dwelling on it too much, you try to wipe your tears. “You weren’t much of a bad father,” you say and see how his eyes slightly widen in surprise. “For what it’s worth, I appreciate how you’re trying to be a good dad to the kids.”
A frown makes its way to your husband’s handsome features before he scoffs bitterly. It makes your heart clench. “Why do you have to be so kind?” He asks quietly and then looks at your face as if searching for something. “I’ve been such a horrible person to you and here you are, telling me that I wasn’t a bad father to our children.”
Your heart softens a bit at his words as new tears start to pool in your eyes. “I’m just speaking the truth, Rin.” He’s still studying your face and you look at his in return. This is the first time you’re both staring at each other like this again; the last being those five months that you two were on good terms. “It gives me comfort, knowing that you’ll continue to be a good dad to Risa and Ryuu once we separate.”
At that, the frown that has dissolved from his face returns, and in a much stronger note. “I still don’t think having a divorce is necessary. It will not do much and that word may even bring trauma to the kids.” It’s amazing how quickly you’re able to understand where Rin was coming from. And almost immediately, you’re brought back to that day.
You watched as Rin was almost done watering the newly-planted seedlings in the backyard. A week prior, you had shyly asked him if it’s okay to have a small garden and without much thought, he agreed. You wanted to do the task yourself but he had insisted he do it instead, saying something along the lines of Jiri scolding him if she ever finds out he let a pregnant woman do a laborious task.
So, there you sat on one of the newly-bought reclining chairs, watching as Rin worked. It’s been a few weeks since the both of you started to be on good terms and the more you got to know him, the more it became harder for you to ignore how handsome your husband truly was. Especially at that moment, with him wearing loose sweats and a thin plain white shirt, arms flexing as he held the watering host.
After more minutes of trying to distract yourself from staring at Rintarou, he turned the water system off and went to join you, taking the vacant recliner beside you. “It’s crazy how my parents didn’t even think of having some work done on the backyard, considering all the efforts that were made in the house’s interior.”
You looked at the backyard and imagined how it would look like once your garden blooms. “Maybe they wanted to at least give you the chance to decorate it as you want?”
He let out a dry laugh and then straightened on his seat. “Then, I want to have a small playground there.” You trailed where his finger was pointing and saw that he was referring to a corner of the yard.
“A playground?” you asked, surprised that he would even suggest one. You both had been careful with the topic about your children and what would happen after they were born, and this was the first time that he was bringing up something related to it.
“Just a slide and a swing set would do, to be honest.” His eyes were still trained on that same spot, as if he’s already picturing the item he’s planning to place there. You hummed in response, savoring the peaceful silence that was beginning to take over.
Rintarou was the one to break it. “Who in your family is a twin?”
You blinked at him in surprise. “Oh, um, my dad.”
He nodded, taking in the information. “And you have siblings?”
“Yes,” you answered softly. “Two step sisters. I’m the middle child.” He turned to you and as expected, there was question in his eyes already. “My mother died shortly after I was born. When I was around ten years old, my dad re-married.” You looked at the corner that Rintarou had pinpointed for the playground. “She was a lovely lady, my step-mom. I just wish my father had met her earlier. It would have been nice to grow up with both parents around.”
The scoff that left Rin’s mouth surprised you. It was your turn to look at him with curiosity. His jaw clenched a little before he spoke. “My parents were mostly absent while I was growing up. I’m an only child and since my parents both settled on a city away from their hometowns, I never got to develop a relationship with my other relatives and children in playgrounds never seemed fond of me.
“You know what the best part is?” He spat the word “best” and it almost made you flinch. “The times they would spend with me would always end up with them threatening each other to just divorce and I would just be there, having a front-row seat in watching their fights.”
He was silent after that as you stared at him. You couldn’t imagine the parents that Rintarou was referring to was the same sweet couple who apologized to you on behalf of their son during the first time you met. But then again, you knew part of the reason they forced the marriage was because they wanted to punish him. You picked your words carefully. “I couldn’t imagine how difficult that was for you. I’m sorry that happened to you.”
Rin only shrugged. “Don’t worry. I got accustomed to it quickly. Whenever they would fight, I just had to show them some achievement from school and they’d be all happy and proud and forget that they were just about to rip each other’s heads off a few seconds before. It was an effective study tool, I guess.”
You frowned at his sarcasm, picturing a young Rintarou working hard on his studies, hoping to appease his fighting parents.  
You close your eyes as you try to compose yourself. No matter how long it has been, no matter how many times you remember that afternoon, the memory still hurts you. “Rin, I understand your sentiments and I don’t want to invalidate your feelings and experience. But you should know that it’s not the same situation. Weren’t you the one who told me that our marriage is supposed to end in divorce?”
He sighs frustratedly. “You know damn well that that was anger-driven. It’s not the same now. I care for the kids and I don’t want them to get hurt. I don’t want them to have the same relationship I have with my parents.”
You truly do understand your husband and you know he has his reasons. But so do you. And between the two of you, it’s a fact that you’re the one who cares more about your children. So, with a deep breath, you share the part of your explanation that you omitted earlier. “Rin, I’m about to lose my sight.”
--- *** ---
“I don’t understand, aren’t pregnant women only supposed to have cravings for food?” Suna asked as soon as the traffic light turned red. It was eight minutes past ten in the evening and you had just left the mall after completing a buzzer-beater shopping for an item that you swore won’t allow you go to sleep if it weren’t in your hands.
The item in question being a copy of your favorite author’s latest book which you had asked him to pick up for you earlier that day. He had been busy at work and asked Yuto to buy the book instead. When he handed you the package once he got home, the delighted expression he expected on your face was nowhere to be seen and in its place was an irritated look. “This isn’t the correct edition; it’s the first one. What I want is the most recent release – the 10th anniversary edition with a special chapter!”
He was glad his years of playing volleyball in high school gave him good reflexes or else he wouldn’t have caught the book you threw to his face. “Okay, okay, I’ll ask for an exchange tomorrow.”
You had looked at him as if he had grown two heads. “Tomorrow? I won’t be able to sleep at all if I don’t get to read it tonight!”
He inwardly cringed at the sound of your loud voice. You were already in your sixth month of pregnancy and contrary to what Jiri had told him, your mood swings were still a menace to deal with. So, he checked his watch and with a heavy sigh, announced that he would make a quick trip to the bookstore. When you insisted to tag along to make sure he gets the correct edition, he didn’t put up a fight.
“It’s not like you can eat a book,” he mumbles irritably again, looking at the still-red traffic light. “And that saleslady was a bitch.”
Beside him, you just let out a hum as you sniffed the pages of your precious book. “You’re lucky the smell of new books is one of my favorite scents in the world. I’m feeling too happy to entertain your negative ramblings. God, I can’t wait to get under my comforter and begin reading this.”
You continued on with humming a soft melody. Rintarou sneaked a glance at you before the lights turned green. You had returned the book to the paper bag and the image of you hugging it to your chest as you looked out the window was enough to make him smile, something that he had been doing a lot since the two of you began spending a lot of time together.
When you arrived home, he quickly jumped in the shower as he assumed that you changed into night clothes and got under the comfort of what used to be his bed alone. The king-sized bed had become a place for two, ever since you had moved into the room some weeks prior. It didn’t even take him long to shower but by the time he joined you, you were already asleep, barely even able to get the book out of the paper bag.
After a quiet laugh, he carefully plucked it from your hands, placing it on the bedside table. He never enjoyed reading and couldn’t find the appeal in doing so; he’d much rather watch shows or play video games. However, when the two of you got to talking about things you enjoyed, you were so passionate about your love for books. It was your step-mom who had introduced you to it, you said, and it was a special bond between the two of you as your sisters weren’t readers.
Suna’s eyes softened as he recalled what else you had shared to him.
It was your step-mom who read books to your father all day and all night after he went totally blind. Then, it was subsequently you who read him books after she took her own life.
“That can’t be.” Suna is pretty sure that he misheard you. He shakes his head in disbelief. “Maybe you need to get a second opinion.”
He’s quick to hate the look of defeat in your eyes. “I’m sure the results will be the same. I don’t want to get my hopes up only for them to be shortly crushed after. Please don’t make this harder for me anymore.”
When he replies to you, he hopes the frustration can’t be heard in his voice. “Okay, I won’t force you if you don’t want to. But, let me be there for you.” You give him a wide-eyed look, expression full of surprise. “I meant it when I said I’m sorry to you. I want to...” He sighs heavily, wanting to break eye contact but he steels himself to hold it. “I want to try. To actually try for this marriage to work. I know it may be too late and I’ve been such a dick and an asshole to you. And honestly, there are still a lot of things I need to process but let’s not make these big decisions abruptly, okay? I don’t want you nor the kids to suffer a lot.”
Suna figures this must be the most honest he’s been with you since the children were born. He just hopes you’ll give him a chance. However, he won’t even blame you if you decide not to trust his words.
You’re the one who breaks eye contact and don’t respond to him for a second, a minute... and when the silence lingers on, he carefully calls for you. “Y/N?”
He watches you close your eyes, as if preparing yourself for what to say next. When you open them, they’re welling up with tears but you give him a small smile that tugs at his heart. “For what it’s worth,” you say, “Doctor Hirai said that there’s a possibility that it can only be a temporary blindness since it got detected early.”
Suna doesn’t even hold back the sigh of relief that he lets out. He holds your hands and stands up from his position in front of you. You follow suit, making the two of you face each other. He’s so much taller than you that you have to crane your neck up while he looks down at you. There’s a barely noticeable smile on his lips. “We’ll get through this, Y/N.”
--- *** ---
“Hey, Y/N, you didn’t come here the past few weeks.” Hajime greets you as he arrives at where the parents sit in the playground. You both watch as Kenta joins Risa in the sandbox, her face brightening in joy.
“I think my daughter has a crush on your son,” you comment before turning to him. “Nice to see you, Hajime. I was, ah, quite busy in the last weeks.”
He hums in response and looks at all the kids playing. “Is Ryuu not feeling well today? I don’t see him around.”
Before you can respond, your son makes an appearance, and you notice a happy look on his face. This prompts you to look at the person who’s holding his hand only to find that Rintarou is already looking at you with an unreadable expression on his face.
“Oh,” Hajime says as he stands up from where he’s sitting beside you. “Rintarou, right? Risa and Ryuu’s father?”
Rin breaks eye contact with you as he looks at Hajime’s outstretched hand. He shakes it quickly. “Yeah, also Y/N’s husband.”
The awkward moment is shattered when Ryuu groans. “Dad! You’re squeezing my hand tightly!” Rin must have loosened his hold for your son pulls his hand away before looking at you. “Can I play now, Mommy?”
You’re about to nod when you notice something on the corner of his lips. You fight a smile and put on your ‘inquisitive mom’ look. “Why did it take you long to come here, Ryuu?”
His eyes, which looks so similar to his father’s, widen and he bites his lip, quickly shooting a look at Rin who you can tell is trying not to smirk.
“Ryuu?” You ask again.
He pouts and breaks. “We saw an ice cream man on the way from the restroom and Dad bought me a cone.” He bites his bottom lip to stop it from trembling. “I’m sorry.”
You inwardly sigh before leaving the bench to crouch down and match your son’s height. “Isn’t ice cream time after we leave here? What would Risa feel when she finds out you ate ice cream without her?” Ryuu only gives you a guilty look and sensing that he’s about to cry, you ruffle his black hair and kiss his forehead. “Don’t do it again, okay? Now, go and play.”
He nods and mumbles a quick promise before he goes to play with some kids in the rows of see-saws. Once you see him off, you return to sit on the park bench. You see Hajime talking to the other parents a few meters away, not even noticing him leaving.
“He quickly excused himself the moment you bent down to talk to Ryuu,” Rin explains as he takes the place where Hajime had been seating. You’re surprised he even offers an explanation, remembering the venom in his voice the last time the two of you had been talking about your friend.
“I see.” You watch the children play. Ever since that talk in the bedroom three weeks ago, things have been slowly changing between you and your husband. So far, he has kept true to his words and you can see that he’s trying to make things work between you two. And part of it is that he wants to be more involved with your children. The twins had been excited this morning when they found out that their dad is tagging along to the playground.
“I saw Ryuu look longingly at the ice cream vendor but he told me he’s not supposed to get ice cream yet. I bought him a cone anyway and told him to tell you that the line in the restrooms was long.”
You swiftly turn to look at your husband incredulously. “Did you just tell my son to lie?”
He smirks and shrugs. “Don’t worry, it seems like he’s brought up well. He can’t lie at all.”
Still, the scandalized look on your face doesn’t go away. “Rintarou!”
The smirk doesn’t leave his face and does something that surprises you. He laughs. Not the condescending or hateful way he had laughed at you in the past five years, but a genuine laughter. Before you know it, his fingers are softly straightening the lines on your face. “Stop worrying too much, Y/N. The kids will be fine.”
--- *** ---
[ left the hospital already but dropping by osamu’s for some onigiri ]
[ ok. tell me when you’re home ]
[ okay ]
[ actually, don’t. i’ll just pick u up otw home. stay there for a while? ]
[ um, ok ]
[ cool ]
[ also, tell samu to stop being a fucking prick & resume talking to atsumu. i’m not their messenger for fuck’s sake ]
A small giggle leaves your mouth as you read Rintarou’s last message. Osamu looks at you curiously after he bids goodbye to a customer. “Usual order?”
You nod at him. “But can you prepare them for later? Quick change of plans, I’ll have some food for here first.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Waiting for someone?”
You shake your phone at him. “Rin says he’s picking me up.”
The way his eyes widen almost makes you laugh. “Really?” You know he must be confused, after all, you were just here a few weeks ago, looking as stressed as ever because of your husband.
“Yeah,” you suddenly feel like blushing so you look down at your phone instead. “He also says you should talk to Atsumu again because he’s getting tired of being your messenger.”
Osamu then laughs. “I bet you just censored all the curse words in his message.” The way you suppress a smile is telling enough. “I see you two are on some kind of truce? What happened?”
You contemplate for a while. Sacha is the only one you have confided to about the happenings of the past few weeks. But then again, Osamu has been nothing but nice to you and you figured it wouldn’t be a problem if you tell him about Rintarou’s resolve. “Well... Rin said he wants to try to make our relationship work.”
The gray-haired man is quiet for a while. “Did he now?”
“Yeah... Do you think it’s a bad idea, Osamu?”
The man shrugs. “Not at all. I mean, you look a lot better than you did the last time you were here.” His statement makes you smile. “So, I take it things have been different since then?”
You nod. “Yesterday, he tagged along to the kids’ weekly trip to the playground then after that, he took us to lunch in the mall and then went shopping the whole afternoon. Risa and Ryuu were so happy.”
Osamu almost drops the glass he’s been wiping and he sends you a strange look. “Today is Tuesday, no? So that makes yesterday a Monday?”
“Uh huh. Why?”
“And you’re saying Rin spent the day with you and the kids?”
You nod, not knowing where he’s getting at. You look at him quizzically and can tell that he’s trying hard to suppress a smirk. “What’s the matter, Osamu?”
Finally, the man lets out an amused chuckle. “Nothing,” he says as he begins preparing your food. “It’s just that if there’s one thing that Rintarou Suna is constant about ever since he started working, it’s that he never takes a day-off on a Monday.”
--- *** ---
Suna tells himself he’s not keeping track but it’s the fourth Friday in a row that he’s spending home. Usually, he’ll be out in some bar to drink and maybe look for a woman to bring to a close by hotel or to a bathroom, if he couldn’t wait. But ever since he has decided that he wants to try to work things out with you, he’s been skipping the routine.
He goes to your bedroom and sees it empty; you’re probably in the kids’ room. He takes that time to jump into the shower. Suna is a man with needs and missing his week’s end routine means one thing: he’s horny. Many times, he has been tempted to go back to his old way and ring someone for a booty-call. You didn’t need to find out and if you did, surely you would understand, right? Old habits die hard, after all. Whenever the temptation comes, he shakes his head and pushes the thought away, knowing that it’s a terrible idea to pursue.
So, he’s left with doing something that he never thought he would do again – getting himself off in the bathroom with his hands, like a pathetic lonely teenager.
Suna’s not sure how long it takes him in the shower. He’s afraid that his hand might not work for him anymore next time. It’s not helping that he’s spending more time with you, the girl that he has always found attractive, even during the times he hated you.
When he exits the shower, he finds you in bed already, leaning against the headboard as the blanket covers the lower half of your body. You’re wearing a silk set of pajamas and the strap of your top is sliding down on your shoulder. He gulps. He has taken you before, but why is he suddenly nervous?
“Are you okay?” Your voice breaks him out of his inner thoughts. You must have felt him staring at you because your eyes are still trained on your book as you ask him the question.
“Yeah...” He moves to the closet to grab a shirt and pair of shorts. He quickly changes into them and once he pulls the shirt over his head, his eyes meet yours looking at him.
A faint blush colors your cheeks as you return your gaze to your book. He finds himself smirking and decides to call you out. “You know, it’s completely normal for a wife to watch her husband changing.”
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He doesn’t speak until he’s on the bed beside you, getting a whiff of your sweet scent. He leans closer and tries to peek at your book. “What are you reading?”
He knows his closeness unsettles you for you quickly shut your book close. You turn to him instead and bites your lower lips as soon as you realize that there’s barely any distance between your faces. “Can you move, please?”
“Why? Am I making you uncomfortable?”
You squirm and Suna has to admit that he’s having too much fun with this. Sure, the past few weeks you’ve been spending a lot together has been good, but this is something different. There’s something about making you so flustered that makes him feel things he does not want to acknowledge yet. “I’ll take your silence as a yes, then.”
He’s about to move back, afraid that he might not be able to stop himself if he continues to tease you any longer, but before he can do so, you softly tug at his shirt. You’re not looking at him, your face turned away from him, but not enough to hide the redness on your face. “Hmm?”
“Rin,” the soft way you say his name almost makes him groan. “C-Can we...”
Fuck. Is this happening? “Yes, Y/N? Can we what?”
If it’s possible, your face reddens even more. “You know what I want to say.”
He chuckles and despite knowing he shouldn’t be taking too much pleasure from this, he does not relent. “I’m not actually sure. I need you to tell me exactly what you want, wife.”
You whimper at the word and finally say with a barely audible voice, “I want you, Rin.”
This time, Suna lets himself groan out loud as he tips your chin up so that you’re meeting eye to eye. “Are you sure, Y/N? I haven’t been with anyone since that day I shared my resolve to you. I’m not sure if I can be gentle at all.”
You nod quickly before speaking, your voice laced with desire. “Just take me, please, Rin.”
That’s all he needs to hear before he’s sucking marks on your neck, his hands quickly removing the covers from you. He ignores the thud of what he assumes to be your book hitting the floor. You’re just as eager as you tug at his shirt. He groans and removes the piece of clothing with the same urgency as you’re undressing yourself.
He maneuvers you so you’re lying completely on your back with him hovering over you, his lips busy alternating between your breasts. A sweet moan leaves your lips as his hand finds your damp center. He makes you come with his fingers alone before his lips are trailing down your body. The moment his tongue enters your pussy, you pull at his hair and the slight sting makes him growl.
“Please, Rin...” he feels you trying to close your legs and he slaps your thigh to keep you from moving. It seems to work as you stop and just continue to pull at his hair. It doesn’t take you long before an orgasm consumes you again and he laps at your release.
Suna pulls back and he watches you try to steady your breathing as he pumps his already hard cock. “Ready?”
The needy look you send him makes him groan. “Yes. Please, Rin. I need you.”
He growls out your name before sheathing himself inside you. “Fuck, your pussy is so fucking tight.” He doesn’t start off slow, his thrusts already intense but it seems like you don’t mind it either as you’re continuously letting out your sweet and addictive moans. Your hands clench on the sheet and he takes them, placing them on his back. He groans at the feeling of your fingers scratching and he finds that he does not mind getting marked by you anymore.
Suna busies his lips on your neck and collarbone as his thrusts become harder and faster, sounds of your skin slapping together echoing in your room. “Feels so fucking good,” he pants against your ear, making you clench around him tighter. He gets ahold of your legs and press them against your chest before his hips move with powerful thrusts against you. You’re moaning endlessly now, but not loud enough to cover the creaking sound of the bed and the headboard meeting the wall.
Sensing that you’re nearing your release, Rintarou sneaks his hand in between your legs and plays with your clit, giving it the last push before you’re moaning out his name and coming around him. It doesn’t take him long to follow after you, his hips stilling as he comes inside you.
You’re both panting and it takes Suna a few moments to compose himself before he’s pulling out, the both of you letting out hisses at the sensitivity. He covers his eyes, chest still heaving, as he says, “Fuck. I really needed that.”
--- *** ---
You can’t help but giggle at Rin’s statement. You weren’t a very sexual person but you knew it must have been hard for him, especially since he told you he hasn’t been with anyone during the past few weeks. You’re still both panting and you half-dreaded for him to leave you alone like he usually does in the past after sex.
However, much like he’s been surprising you with his actions in the past weeks, his hand reaches for his shirt and wipes you down. He’s sitting upright on the bed and you feel his eyes on your still naked body. You see him bite his lip as he watches you, the desire still evident on his face. The way he’s looking at you gives you the confidence to reach down and stroke his half-hard cock. And with an innocent smile that you know he’ll be able to see through, you ask, “One more?”
As it turns out, Rin’s stamina and your neediness leads to two more. You now lay on the bed, already cleaned up and changed, your eyes closed. You know that you’re breathing is soft and Rin must have mistaken it for you already asleep for you feel him carefully leave the bed.
You discreetly watch as he opens the bedside table’s drawer and takes out his cigarette pack and lighter. The soft steps of his bare foot are barely heard as he makes his way to the terrace. As soon as the door slides shut beside him, you close your eyes.
Baby steps, you tell yourself. At least he waited until you fell asleep. And even though he still didn’t kiss your lips tonight, the fact that he gave you aftercare was enough. You know there are a lot of things that Rin has to work on and he had told you himself that it may take a long time before he can be someone that he himself can be proud of. “Baby steps,” you whisper to yourself again.
Unbeknownst to you, it’s the exact same words that the man outside tells himself as he lights up what he decides to be his last stick of cigarette ever.
taglist:  @warrior-of-justice @alisa--things @wolffmaiden @kurookinnie @simp-nerd-16  @alex-is-100 @k4g3hika @harukaaaaa172993 @themoonreflectsthesun  @lvjycrow @cantbedenied @sweetlikerockcandy @sirimiripetrichor @yamiakari-chi  @noideawhothatis @nervouscoffeetaco @lovemyfamily4ever-blog nervouscoffeetaco  kamukayakmonyet  yuqixidle ieathairs  cantbedenied  gariben  beomeomgyu  esmeisdrunk-blog  123j456l  iluv-ace  semitje @justablogforreblogs
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mavrintarou · 9 months
[2:02 PM] Miya twins & Suna Rintarou [3]
Happy birthday to my favorite twins. Enjoy this little... cliff-hanging additional piece. If you're new, this started two years ago and there are a few parts to it. It should have stopped but... let's all just enjoy a little crazy fantasy. Warning: explicit smut (periodt)
First part | second part | Rintarou's story | Atsumu's story | Osamu's story
You knew eventually this day would come.
You gaze at the three men occupying your couch – Atsumu, Osamu, and Rintarou – all of them fixed on you, awaiting an explanation. Their imposing physiques made your couch appear small in comparison.
Shortly after discovering your pregnancy, panic set in. You reacted by cutting off all three of them.
“I… I just need space, please give me space and leave me alone. I don’t want to see any of you for the time being.” You pleaded with tears, closing the door on their faces.
For four months, they respected your wishes and refrained from appearing in person, but they continued to text you, checking in. However, you left each of their messages unread and responded with silence. Deep down, you were aware that eventually, their patience would wear thin.
However, you never anticipated Atsumu waiting for you outside your workplace, holding a bouquet of roses. He insists on driving you home, engaging in small talk as you nervously wrap your arms around your belly during the ride.
He showed no signs of acknowledging your conspicuous pregnant belly, which was nearly six months along. You were grateful for opting to wear a loose sweater that concealed the majority of your figure.
Your breath caught in your throat as you and Atsumu approached the entrance of your apartment building. You spotted Rintarou standing there, his gaze locked on both of you, holding a bouquet of assorted flowers.
Rin and Atsumu exchanged amused glances but swiftly dismissed the tension. “What are you doing here?” they both inquired simultaneously.
“Same as you,” came the synchronized reply from both of them.
Your mind suddenly felt hazy, and you hurriedly suggested, “why don’t we go upstairs and talk?”
The two of them followed you like reprimanded puppies.
Upon opening your door, a delightful aroma greeted you. Your eyes widened when Osamu approached with a bouquet of white roses and a radiant smile. “You’re…” Osamu’s cheerful voice faltered suddenly, his disappointment evident. “Home,” he added, glancing past you towards the two figures standing behind you.
The four of you had remained silent for the past five minutes, an awkward silence heavy in the room. You exhaled deeply, rubbing the bridge of your nose. “Did you guys plan this?” You shift your gaze to all three of them, raising a brow in their direction.
They exchanged silent glances before simultaneously shaking their heads, and you genuinely believed them.
You released another deep sigh and realized it was time to make your announcement. It would be one less thing for you to worry about.
“Well, now that all three of you are here, I supposed I should share the news,” you remarked, tiredly.
The trio let out synchronized groans, each rolling their heads back in exasperation. You couldn’t discern who said what, but you heard their collective grumbling under their breath.
“Argh don’t do this…”
You frowned, “what’s wrong?”
Atsumu sat up, “’yer breaking it off… with all of us, right?” He yelped with Osamu elbowed him in the gut.
“Baby girl, tell me… us… what is wrong?” Osamu softly replied, “what is bothering you?”
You gaze at Rintarou, unable to decipher his expression, but his green eyes hold your gaze.
Your heart raced as three pairs of eyes awaited you to deliver the news, the tension in the room palpable.
For the nth time, you exhale deeply before lifting the end of your sweater pulling it up below your breast, and turning your body to the side. You hear their gasps.
. .
You rub your belly, your baby was quiet tonight. They shifted but weren’t as active as usual. “I’m sorry, a lot happened tonight, huh?” As if your unborn baby agreed, you felt a movement to the side of your belly. “I hope we didn’t overwhelm you…”
After announcing your pregnancy, you quickly pulled your sweater back down, covering your belly. You turned and faced them again, fumbling with the end of your sweater and waiting for their response.
Tears pricked your eyes as none of them dared speak.
Embarrassment and shame began attacking you.
You’ve already acknowledged that you had a very high chance of ending up as a single mother and that they would abandon you as soon as they found out you were pregnant.
They all wore identical expressions, wide eyes, and dropped jaws.
“I know…” you replied, your head hanging low, a sense of shame washing over you.
Rintarou rose from his seat and reached your side in a few long strides, enveloping you in his embrace. You melted into his arms, feeling protected, warm, and safe.
“Why did you keep this to yourself all this time? Why did you go through this by yourself?” he murmured softly.
You relaxed for the first time in his arms, both your hands fists on the back of his hoodie. “I was scared.”
“Oh love,” Atsumu hugged you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist. You feel his lips press softly at the top of your head. “Is this why you were avoiding us?”
“Did you think we would abandon you?” Osamu inquired quietly, rising to his feet but staying by the couch. “I want to make it crystal clear that I would never abandon you.”
“Me neither.”
“Same here.”
Rintarou and Atsumu chimed simultaneously, their commitment is evident in their synchronized words.
“Don’t cry,” Rintarou murmured, brushing his thumbs across your cheeks.
Tears streamed down your cheeks even more intensely, a mixture of relief and the sensation of tremendous burden being lifted from your shoulders. You had braced yourself for the worst, and now it seemed like a dream that the three of them were genuinely supportive.
“but you guys don’t even know whose baby it is,” you sobbed.
“Were you going to tell us?” Atsumu asked quietly.
You nodded, “yes, I just didn’t know if I should tell you guys now or later… to see who they look like.”
Osamu nodded, “so right now, you don’t know who the father is or the gender?”
You shook your head, “I’ve only confirmed the pregnancy, nothing else.” You gently push both Rin and Atsumu’s hands off and step away, “I couldn’t bring myself to discover more.”
Rin grabs your hand and leads you to the couch, “sit.” He kneels beside you as Osamu knelt on the other side. “I know this is a lot to take in. I get it…” he glanced at the twins, “the father of this baby could be one of us, correct?”
You nod your head shamelessly. “I am twenty-four weeks along and I did the calculations and that was after I was already seeing all three of you at the time.”
Atsumu takes a seat on the edge of the coffee table in front of you, you have Rin to your left, Atsumu and Osamu to your right. “Pretty girl, ultimately, we’re just the sperm donor. What are you thinking?”
Your hormonal emotions got you crying again, tears pour down your cheeks as you wipe them away with the palms of your hands. “I… I’m being so selfish…” you wailed, “I don’t want to lose any of you guys?”
Rin reached for your hand and sighed softly, “tell us honestly, what do you want to do?”
“Suna, let’s give her some time to think about it,” Osamu answered gently, “you and this baby are the main priority. We can figure out the rest later, okay? We just need you to focus on yourself and baby.”
You shook your head, “I owe it to you three, you guys deserve to not only know that I’m pregnant but who the father is.”
Atsumu, who had been unusually quiet, spoke softly, “I can’t speak for ‘Samu and Suna, but….” He locked eyes with you, a solemn expression in his gaze. “I’m just as selfish as you are. Regardless of who the father is of this baby,” he gently rests a large palm on your belly, “I still want you.”
Rintarou lets out a half scoff, chuckling as he shakes his head. “For once, I’m thankful for your crazy outburst, because I’m selfish too,” he admitted, “I don’t care whose baby this is. If you still want me, then I want you too.”
Osamu reached for your other hand, “I’m on the same boat too.” He looks up at you, locking eyes first, “I will be selfish to suggest, maybe… we continue to this relationship? You see all of us on specific days like before?”
“What about the baby?” You weren’t opposed to his idea.
Leave it to Atsumu to come up with a suggestion. “Well, maybe once this baby is born, we can find out who their father is, or… see who they take after obviously,” he proposed with a mischievous grin. “Out of the three of us, one of us undoubtedly got you pregnant, so… after you give birth, that’ll give the other two the opportunity,” he said with enthusiasm. “That we can all have a child with you!”
You burst out laughing at his idea, you did not expect anything else from Atsumu. And neither Osamu nor Rin objected to it.
. .
“Y/n,” Osamu whispered softly, “I have breakfast for you.”
You groan and try to roll onto your back but your heavy belly needs assistance. Chuckling, Osamu’s hand slipped underneath your belly and helped lift your belly so you could roll over. You gaze at Osamu with your tired eyes and cup his face. “Thank you,” you murmur, closing your eyes again, feeling tired after Osamu made love to you an hour ago before he got up to make breakfast.
He is gentle, rolling you onto your back with two pillows propped underneath your lower back. He spreads your legs wide and teases your clit until you are squirming at his mercy. When he finally gives you his cock, filling and stretching you full, he rocks his hips painfully slow yet deep. Deep enough to have your milked-filled tits jiggle at each thrust. His hands grip your thighs holding you still as he does all the work, giving you the pleasure. With your sensitive body and sky-high hormone level, you cum quickly and faster than before.
Osamu leans down and pecks your lips, “I’ve made toast and an egg with ham and avocado wrap for you.”
“Thank you,” you smile tiredly, feeling his fingers teasing at your pussy. You don’t even protest as you spread your legs, allowing him to take his second breakfast.
. .
One of your legs is trapped beneath Rin’s weight and the other leg is hugged tightly to his chest as he holds it while rocking his hips, his cock impaling you repeatedly.
“So good,” he murmured, kissing your ankle before biting. “Your pregnant pussy feels so good, Y/n.” His thumb circles your clit, making your pussy tighten around his cock. “Fuck, yes… squeeze me with your pregnant pussy…”
You whimper, nails digging into his thighs as you tremble. “Rin!”
“That’s it, baby, cum around my cock…” he groaned before he cums inside you.
He maneuvers you around without withdrawing and rubs your belly. He pressed his lips at the top of your belly and rested his chin, staring at you with a well-fucked satisfied expression. “You’re so sexy pregnant Y/n.”
“I don’t feel sexy…” You mumble, eyeing the teeth marks you’ve left on his shoulder and collarbone.
He lifts your wrist, bringing it to his lips. “Did I not just show you how sexy you are?”
“Show me again.”
“I’ll show you as much as possible until you believe it.”
. .
You sank on Atsumu’s cock, centimeter by centimeter until you settle on his lap. He looked incredibly sexy when he arrived at your place with his hair still damp from a fresh shower.
With you, pregnant, Osamu, Rin, and Atsumu come over on their respective days instead of having you at their place unlike before.
“You’re so good, such a good girl for me,” Atsumu’s hands quickly pull her maternity shirt off. He reached behind to undo the clips to her bra, letting her pregnant tits spill out. He kneed them very gently, reading that pregnant woman’s tits are extremely sensitive. His pupils darken when he notices the liquid bead forming at the tip.
You only needed to sink and take Atsumu’s cock, needing to feel him fill you but you were rotating and rocking your hips. You watched as Atsumu pinched and squeezed your nipples, milk squirting at his shirt. The stimulation is causing your pussy to tingle.
“’Yer like that, mama?”
You nodded, rocking your hips slightly. “They have been aching so that feels good.”
“Should I make it feel better?” He asked and leaned forward, lifting a heavy tit so he can latch on to the dark perky nipple. Atsumu began suckling, gently at first before he was tugging and pulling, sucking every last drop. He would switch to the other side when no more milk would form.
You thrust your chest, pushing his face into your needy tits.
The gleam in his eyes told you he can feel you were going to cum, and you do the moment he rubs your clit.
“Ahh,” your head is thrown back, nails scraping his scalp.
“Good girl, cumming all on your own…” he lets your nipple go with a pop before shifting you onto your hands and knees. He slowly begins rocking into you, “I know you’re sensitive love, I’m close… please just let me cum too.”
Atsumu is careful not to squish you with this weight, he towers over you, and his front size is flushed against your back as he rocks his hips slowly but deeply.
They all treated you like you were a fragile flower.
“Harder, ‘Tsumu… faster…”
He kissed your nape, “no can do, just slow and soft until you give birth.” One hand wraps around and rubs your belly. “You’re so beautiful pregnant, and if the other two don’t – I’ll keep knocking you up,” he whispers hotly into your ear.
Your pussy flutters around his cock and Atsumu chuckles, “you like that? Call me an asshole Y/n, I’ll love this baby as if it’s my own even if it’s not but I hope this baby isn’t mine… so that I’ll have the pleasure to breed you next.”
The thought of him breeding you, or even them in general has a completely new meaning for you. You loved it just as much as they did, loving the idea of them filling your pussy with their cum.
The shame of not knowing who the father of your baby no longer mattered to you. You are willing to give them as many babies as it means keeping them all to yourself.
. . .
E/n: No judgement.
@queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy
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