#Deep Cleaning Nottingham
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earwegouk · 1 year ago
Your Trusted Destination for Professional Ear Cleaning and Ear Wax Removal in Derby, Nottingham, and Leicester
When it comes to maintaining optimal ear health, Earwego LTD stands as your reliable partner in Derby, Nottingham, and Leicester. With a commitment to providing safe and effective ear cleaning services, including ear wax removal treatment, Earwego LTD ensures that your auditory well-being is in expert hands.
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Your ears play a crucial role in your daily life, from communication to balance. Keeping them clean and free of obstructions is essential for maintaining optimal hearing and overall well-being.
Earwego LTD specializes in Cleaning Out Ear in Derby, providing a comprehensive solution to address various ear-related concerns. Their skilled team of experts is trained to offer gentle and effective cleaning services that ensure your ears are free of wax and debris.
Earwax buildup can lead to discomfort, hearing loss, and even ear infections. Earwego LTD offers specialized ear wax removal treatments that are safe and efficient. Their experienced professionals use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to gently remove earwax, providing you with immediate relief.
With clinics in Derby, Nottingham, and Leicester, Earwego LTD ensures accessibility to their expert Ear Cleaning in Nottingham and ear wax removal services. You can conveniently schedule an appointment at the location nearest to you, ensuring prompt attention to your ear health needs.
At Earwego LTD, your safety and comfort are their top priorities. Their team takes a patient-centered approach, ensuring that you are at ease throughout the ear cleaning or ear wax removal procedure. They also adhere to strict hygiene and sterilization standards to maintain a clean and safe environment.
In addition to addressing existing ear health issues, Earwego LTD emphasizes the importance of preventive ear care. They provide guidance on maintaining clean ears and offer tips for minimizing earwax buildup to promote long-term auditory well-being.
Earwego LTD is your trusted destination for professional Ear Wax Removal Treatment in Leicester. With a dedication to safety, comfort, and exceptional care, they are committed to helping you achieve and maintain optimal ear health. Don't let earwax or discomfort interfere with your quality of life—turn to Earwego LTD for expert solutions and enjoy the benefits of healthy and clean ears. Discover the difference of professional ear care and schedule your appointment today. For more info call Earwego LTD at 8081371961 or visit: - https://www.earwego.co.uk/
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sofacleaning07 · 2 years ago
We can help you leather repair scratches, rips, and tears, restore faded colors, and perform a deep cleaning to remove dirt and grime. Our specialized leather care product line helps you keep your furniture cleaner for longer. With our services, we are trusted leather repair services authorized company.
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year ago
Eavesdropping (Drabble)
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Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC)
Pairings: None romantically at this point.
Summary: You overhear Guy talking to someone about 'the woman he loves'. Surely it's Marian?
Warnings: Insecurity, angst.
Word count: 295
Comments/notes: This drabble is for @asgardianhobbit98's Four For Valentine event; week 3 with ‘eavesdropping’ prompt. Please consider reblogging if you enjoy. 
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“Forget it. I’ll go and do it myself,” Guy’s frustrated voice came from inside his bed chamber. “I ask you to help me in gathering flowers for the woman I love and this is what I get.” 
You stepped back, feeling your heart thunder in your chest and a deep ache begin to swell. The woman he loved? That could only be one woman. Marian. It just had to be. Rumour was she had gone on the run with Robin Hood after disappearing just a few months ago. It was public knowledge that Guy had always loved her and tried his best to serenade her, with it often at his detriment. 
Guy’s room could wait now to be cleaned and freshened up. In your current state there was no way you could approach him. Being in his company made you feel so inadequate because you lived in the reminder of the woman you would never be. Marian was all he wanted. Sometimes you questioned why you even loved Guy. He had always been known throughout Nottingham as cruel, calculating and callous. But there was something inside him you had always sensed. And he had even shown you kindness on many occasions, offering you food, and even clothing when you came to your duties, shuddering in the cold weather. 
Guy of Gisborne wasn’t all that he seemed to be. 
Just as you reached the end of the corridor, which then led off to the left, you heard a door close. The sound echoed down the stone hallway. You turned back, on instinct, and caught sight of him. He was looking down the hallway at you, and you were sure he was smiling. However, you took a deep breath and carried on down the steps leading away. 
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omelu · 10 months ago
The Class Ever After
So for a long time (since about 2018ish) I’ve had this kind of EAH story idea floating around in my head. Basically it’s about the class directly under Apple and Raven (aka the first-years) and how they handle the whole aftermath of Legacy Day and the destiny conflict. Pretty much all of the eah ocs I’ve made fit into this idea, and while I don’t really have a plot per say, I have lots of scenes, concepts and ideas floating around in my head (and in my computer).
I found a draft I had written that was supposed to be a “beginning” to the story and I revised it. I don’t know if I’ll extend this to an actual fic (since I have a lot of other original projects I want to be writing right now), but maybe I’ll write down some of the concepts and scenes I have.
The Class Ever After (snippet; ~1700 words)
Legacy Day was, by far, the biggest event at Ever After High. Thronecoming, Spring Fairest, and even Graduation Day were just breadcrumbs in comparison. That was fitting, since Legacy Day was so vital to the survival of Ever After. Every year, Ever After High’s second-years donned their ceremonial outfits, climbed the steps to the podium, and pledged to follow their fairy-tale destiny to the world by signing their names into the magical Storybook of Legends.
Without Legacy Day, fairy tales would stop being told.
Without Legacy Day, Ever After would go extinct.
Without Legacy Day, everyone would go poof.
And that’s how Marshal Nottingham found himself teetering on the edge of his seat, trying to catch a glimpse of the second-years lined up on the terrace. He’d never been to a Legacy Day ceremony before, and so he felt that it was his duty to study it all as closely as possible. The grand, book-shaped podium glittered in the moonlight, tall and regal. Above it, half a dozen mirrors magically floated in the air like jewels on a crown, prepared to broadcast each student’s face to the audience as they made the most important pledge of their lives. 
All around him, students buzzed with conversation. Third and fourth-years leaned back in their seats, reminiscing about their own Legacy Days. Faculty members congregated in their designated section, deep in hushed, frantic conversation. Second-years lined up in the hall, pacing anxiously or straightening their parent's outfits. First-years, like Marshal, watched anxiously to see what would happen.
“I should’ve brought my MirrorPad,” he muttered. “It would be much easier to take notes.”
In the seat next to him, Owlen von Rothbart yawned. “Oh, give it a rest. It’s not like you’re going to forget how to sign a book next year.”
Next year. Marshal looked up at the podium, dark eyes glittering. In just three hundred and sixty-five days, it would finally be his turn.
“One year!’ Marshal shook his head. “That’s barely any time to prepare! Do you know how quickly a year passes by if you’re not paying attention?”
Owlen just shrugged and flicked his mahogany bangs out of his eyes.
Marshal sighed. Normally, he got along well with Owlen. When he’d met his new roommate just a few weeks ago, on the first day of school, he knew that they’d be friends. Both boys were destined for villainy, and more importantly (at least to Marshal), both of them cared about keeping their shared room clean. They had so much in common that sometimes Marshal was taken aback by their differences. He just couldn’t fathom how casual Owlen was when it came to preparing for his destiny. But whenever Marshal brought it up, Owlen brushed him off and changed the subject. Which he was doing again now.
“Are they going to start soon?” he asked, craning his neck to see if Headmaster Grimm had gotten up yet. “I want to get some more barre practice in before curfew.”
Marshal sighed. Sometimes, he felt like the only one who took his destiny seriously.
“Hey, Marshal!” Bella Donna Gothel and Amber Fox stood in the aisle, waving at him. “Can we sit by you guys?”
“Of course!”
Bella and Amber slipped into the row, brushing nonexistent dust off of their formal clothes. Bella had dressed in a purple witch gown adorned with thorns, while Amber had opted for an orange pantsuit with a foxtail hem. Her bright red hair had been swept up in a ponytail, putting her fox ears on full display.
Marshal and Owlen had met the two girls in their General Villainy class, and together, the four of them had formed a coalition of sorts. Bella was the daughter of Rapunzel’s princess-napping witch, and Amber was the daughter of the fox who had tried to eat Coach Gingerbreadman once upon a time. With Owlen, the son of the sorcerer who had cursed the Swan Princess, and Marshal, the son of the sheriff who chased after Robin Hood, they made up the FVEAs– Future Villains of Ever After.
Marshal liked hanging out with the three of them. They understood what it was like to have a villain for a parent. They knew what it was like to have other kids run away from them, to be scolded for being polite, and to live with the hexpectation of being ruthless at all times. Being a villain kid was tough, but Marshal knew he could handle it with these three at his side.
“Ooh, don’t look now, but–” Amber elbowed Owlen in the ribs and stealthily motioned to the aisle.
Laura Stahlbaum, the daughter of Clara, glided down the aisle, shimmering in her red and white dress. She was holding hands with a short boy made of wood. Nathan Nutcracker. The two were laughing about something, looking every bit like the picturesque fairytale couple they would become one day.
Owlen’s face went pink and he slid down in his seat.
“You should say something to her,” Bella gently urged.
Marshal frowned. He didn’t understand why Bella and Amber kept feeding into Owlen’s crush on Laura. He wasn’t her destined prince. In Marshal’s mind, he should just forget about Laura and focus more on mastering evil spells.
“Absolutely not.” Owlen slid down further as they came closer. “You know she’s with Nathan Nutcracker.”
Marshal swelled with pride. Owlen was staying strong in his destiny!
“Hi Owlen!” Laura called, waving daintily at him as she passed their row.
Owlen sat up quickly, fixing his feathered bow tie and blushing madly. “H-hey…” 
Marshal deflated. Or maybe not. Even if Laura and Nathan’s story didn’t technically end in a fairytale wedding, Owlen still had no part in their destinies. Why was Marshal the only one who saw that?
The fairy lights dimmed as Headmaster Grimm took to the podium. A hush fell over the crowd. Marshal sat at attention.
“Today is a momentous day,” he began, his voice deep and regal. “Today, we will witness the very magic that allows the world of Ever After– and our lives– to exist.” He shifted to face the second-years, who had lined up on the podium stairs as he had spoken. “By fulfilling your destinies, you ensure that stories continue to be told. You ensure that we all have a future. No part is too small or insignificant. You each have a part to play, a duty to fulfill. I urge you not to take this responsibility lightly.”
Marshal straightened his spine. Even though Headmaster Grimm was speaking to the second-years, he could feel the weight of responsibility resting on his shoulders. He wished he could be one of the students lined up by the podium, but he only had a year to wait. One year before his destiny began. Yes, he would grow to be despised and hated, but he would be fulfilling his duty to the world. He would have a purpose.
Headmaster Grimm finished his speech to thunderous applause and stepped back, letting the second-years into the spotlight. Marshal watched intently as a girl carved of wood took the stage and announced herself as Cedar Wood, destined to be the next Pinocchio. He gasped when the key magically appeared and the Storybook of Legends flipped to life. Though he couldn’t see the book, he could see the story playing out in the girl’s eyes. The slight changes in her expression as she saw her whole life play out in front of her. Marshal longed to be in her place.
When she signed, the crowd erupted into cheers. 
“Go Cedar!” Nathan Nutcracker cheered, leaping onto his seat. 
“Sit down, you scratching post!” Cato en Boots hissed, his ginger ears flicking in annoyance. “Some of us are trying to watch!”
Sheepishly, Nathan plopped back down and the ceremony continued. Marshal watched it all with wide eyes, trying to commit each pledge to memory. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Owlen take out his MirrorPhone and start lazily scrolling through MyChapter. He frowned. Shouldn’t he be paying attention? His focus shifted to the rest of his friends. Amber looked at her long, sharp nails, and yawned. Bella was quietly using her magic on a patch of clover growing through the terrace tiles, letting it wrap around her chair leg.
Marshal’s spirit sank. Once again, he was the only one who cared. Suddenly he felt alone, like he was stranded on a little island with all the passing ships too far away to call out to.
He was distracted from his internal woes when Apple White took the stage. The daughter of Snow White was a legend amongst Ever After High’s students, a person that everyone admired and looked up to, including upperclassmen. She was everything any future fairytale should aspire to be.
She delivered the pledge perfectly, grinning so widely that she could have been mistaken for the daughter of the Cheshire Cat. When she signed the book, the crowd erupted into its loudest and most raucous cheers yet. Someone started tossing confetti in the air, and a few royals tossed their crowns with it. Apple White was the ultimate celebration of destiny.
The celebration died almost instantly when Raven Queen took the stage. Lightning crackled behind her. Marshal sat a little straighter. She was the first future villain to take the stage. Next to him, his friends abandoned their distractions, staring up at the future Evil Queen with wide eyes. Hope stirred in Marshal’s chest. Maybe they cared after all.
He watched with bated breath as Raven nervously stumbled through the pledge. Her key appeared, and the Storybook of Legends flipped open. Raven watched her destiny unfold with a frown. The hope in Marshal’s chest stirred and became something uncomfortable, settling like a pit in his stomach. 
The quill appeared, and Raven reached for it– and then hesitated. Stopped. Suddenly, she pulled her hand back, squared her shoulders, and looked directly into the audience.
“I am Raven Queen,” she announced, her voice powerful and bold. “And I’m going to write my own destiny. My Happily Ever After starts now!”
She slammed the Storybook of Legends shut. Above her head, the projection mirrors shattered and exploded, along with Marshal’s hopes for his future.
Next to him, his friends cheered.
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unitedbydevils · 27 days ago
Match Review: Tottenham Hotspur Women 0-1 Manchester United Women
United keep marching on... but it wasn't a vintage performance.
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Terland loves scoring versus Spurs, and Phallon loves a clean sheet. 12 in 17 this season if my maths is mathing.
It's a tricky game to review this one - United scored after just six minutes, all starting from a Maya Le Tissier long ball down the wing to Jayde Riviere. A poor cross comes in from the byline low, and is equally as poorly cleared. Bizet picks up, relays to Toone, wide to Riviere again for a second go... and her deep cross finds Terland at the back (with Galton in the middle surprisingly) for a volley into the bottom left corner of the net.
Spurs had a chance when Oroz robbed Toone and laid it out wide for Raso, and not long after Toone would make amends by hitting the upper left post with a shot from just outside the box. Great pressing from Miyazawa also put Terland back in again but her clever weaving resulted in a tricky and flat finish and an easy save.
In the second half we saw more of the same; the nearlies for United. Bizet dominating on the right wing and United just not quite able to finish. Janssen put a volley just over, Millie Turner had a tame effort on goal after some poor Spurs defending and Beth England came close with a cross from halfway up the field which was quite impressive.
Ultimately the 4-4-2 of Spurs was reasonably effective against United but not enough. With 7 shots on goal and 2 on target, they were far less offensive than United and it showed, but with United keeping it in the corners late on... that's a little concerning. Points do win prizes, but were we that worried about Spurs on the break that we needed to be gimpy and shield it like it was a knockout tie?
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Speaking of stats...
United had the better share of possession (but not by too much - 55 to 45) but our worry has to be the shooting accuracy (rather than Spurs lack of shots). We had 17 shots and 2 on target, and 1 was the goal. Maybe it was an off day, but it's a metric to monitor for Marc Skinner because a fall-off in how clinical we are will quickly see Arsenal and City bump us back out of the European places. Chelsea are nigh on uncatchable for the guaranteed Champions League spot and the WSL title, but second is HUGE for both the second-round CL qualifier and, failing that, falling into the new Europa Cup. If United want to show their growth, and Skinner wants to convince INEOS he's the right boss, and we want to retain Grace Clinton long-term, then we have to keep standards high.
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I'm also concerned by this stat. I know the women play fewer games than the men, but still - our 3 CBs have played every league game, with Dom in CDM. That's overdoing it, surely?
I don't blame Skinner re: Awujo, because she's evidently very raw, and maybe with Lisa Naalsund back and that sitting playmaker mode, we see some relaxation from him to rest and rotate, but I fear not. I fear he has his team locked in. This is a risk though from an injury and freshness perspective. Lucy Newell is young and out on loan. Aoife Mannion can do a job centrally, but she's also covering RB for Jayde. Does Celin go there worst case? But then Geyse is on compassionate leave and Emma Watson went out on loan... you see the conundrums. Food for thought.
Next up we're away to Wolverhampton Wanderers of the third tier (having just played the Baggies, lol) in the FA Cup. The match is at New Bucks Head near Telford, rather than Molineux, for the same reason we use LSV over Old Trafford at times - atmosphere. Much greater percentage filled. The game will be live on the Women's FA Cup YouTube channel.
As a West Midlander myself, I would have loved to have gone (and I'm certainly close enough to travel), but I'm away playing a tournament in Nottingham earlier that afternoon. Streaming it is :(
I will say though, that for all we should beat Wolves, this is an away tie in a smaller stadium versus a fitter team than West Brom. Wolves are pushing for promotion and should realistically be a Championship side by now. It won't be a walk in the park, but it should be a comfortable win.
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melanieph321 · 2 years ago
A request
"...maybe one were Licha is being the supportive bf he always is and watching the last match at home, when Antony scored a goal and made an assist and was player of the match.
I don't really know if you can do this but don't feel pressured to do them.
thank you and have an amazing day/night <33"
You ask and you shall receive. Hope you don't mind my own twist to it.
Lichantony - Through Thick and Thin
Although injured, Lisandro supports Antony and his team through thick and thin. Through the good times and the hard times. All from the comfort of his living room couch
The game against Nottingham Forest was a good time, especially for Antony who scored a goal and made an amazing assist.
"Did you see me Licha, did you see my goal?" Antony had rang the door bell but perhaps remembered that Lisandro wouldn't be able to come opened the door for him. Instead he sprinted into the house, shoes on and everything, startling Lisandro on the couch, with the post game commentary still going on in the background.
"Did you run all the way here from Nottingham?" Lisandro had chuckled.
Ecstatic, Antony had thrown himself onto the couch, minding Lisandro's leg of course. The two of them had talk through the game, with Antony reminiscing every play the team had gone through prior to the game. Lisandro didn't ask him to do that but Antony knew that it meant alot to him. It made Lisandro relive the game as if he was actually there, playing with the team. 
Those where the good times.
The bad times on the other hand....
"I'm so fucking stupid!" Antony threw anything he could get his hands on across the room. He had already broken two lamps that stood in the hallway just as one stepped through the door. He didn't take being knocked out of Europa Leauge all that well.
"I should have played better." He said and shifted his head in search for something else to throw.
Lisandro limped on his crutches. "Tony, please stop."
Antony paused, just as he was about to smash a fruit bowl to the ground. His expression mellowed. "You weren't there Licha. You don't understand how I feel right now."
Lisandro sighed. "I wish I'd been there."
"Yeah, maybe then we wouldn't have lost."
Lisandro jumped as the sound of glass breaking caught him of guard.
"How....do we keep making....the same fucking mistakes." Antony smashed his palm against his temple. But by that time Lisandro had had enough. "Hey, hey. Stop it. Look at me." He got in Antony's way, grabbing his hands, preventing them from causing anymore damage to his house, Lisandro wanted to add. He was ready to send Antony home if he kept this up.
"I'm just tired of being underestimated all the time." Antony said, lowering his head to knock against Lisandro's chest.
"I know Tony. I know." He held him tight, wrapping his arms around him. Antony was not just talking about the team. The trash talking from the media was starting to get to him personally. For some reason they kept giving him a hard time, however Antony had been determined to do his talking on the pitch. But with a game like the one against Sevilla, gave his critics a flame to light their tortches with.
"Maybe I'm just not good enough." Antony muttered. His shoulders trembling in Lisandro's embrace.
"Don't say things like that. A game is just a game. We give it our everything and then we move on."
Antony lifted his head meeting the deep brown eyes that were Lisandro's.
"You're right." Antony nodded. He tried to get out of Lisandro's embrace, to show that he could carry himself. However Lisandro's grip was firm.
"Um, Licha?" Antony groaned. "You can let me go now."
"Not until you hug me back."
"Hug me back!"
Antony sighed but did what he was told, wrapping his arms around Lisandro's stem. After some resisting Lisandro finally felt Antony relax against him. He pulled back, his hands cupping his face.
"You feeling better now?"
"Yes." Antony muttered, pouting his lips like a fish.
"Are you going to clean my house?"
"Yes." He chuckled.
"Good. Now give me a kiss."
Antony was still smiling against Lisandro's lips as the two of them shared a kiss that made the bad times a little less bad.
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best-blinds · 10 days ago
Enhance Your Home with Premium Venetian Blinds in Nottinghamshire
Blinds are an essential element in any home or office, offering both functionality and style. For homeowners in Nottinghamshire looking for a sophisticated window covering solution, venetian blinds nottinghamshire provide the perfect balance of elegance and practicality. Whether you are renovating your space or just upgrading your window treatments, these blinds are a great way to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your interiors. Nottingham blinds come in various styles, materials, and finishes to complement any decor theme.
The Appeal of Venetian Blinds
Venetian blinds are one of the most popular choices for homeowners and businesses alike. Their sleek design and adjustable slats allow you to control the amount of light entering the room while maintaining privacy. Available in different materials such as aluminum, wood, and faux wood, these blinds offer versatility in design and durability.
For those residing in Nottinghamshire, venetian blinds not only serve as a functional window covering but also add an element of sophistication to any room. They are easy to maintain, requiring just a simple wipe with a damp cloth to keep them looking fresh and new. Unlike fabric curtains that may fade over time, these blinds retain their color and structure for years.
Choosing the Right Venetian Blinds
When selecting venetian blinds, it is essential to consider the material, size, and color that best suits your space. Wooden venetian blinds bring warmth and a natural charm, making them perfect for living rooms and bedrooms. On the other hand, aluminum venetian blinds offer a modern, sleek look that fits well in offices and kitchens.
Customization is another advantage of choosing Nottingham blinds. Many suppliers offer made-to-measure options, ensuring a perfect fit for any window size. This level of personalization allows homeowners to match their blinds with existing decor seamlessly.
Benefits of Installing Venetian Blinds
One of the key benefits of venetian blinds is their ability to regulate sunlight effectively. The adjustable slats can be tilted to allow just the right amount of natural light while keeping out harsh glare. This makes them an excellent choice for rooms where lighting control is essential, such as home offices and media rooms.
Additionally, venetian blinds are energy-efficient. By adjusting the slats to block direct sunlight during summer, you can reduce indoor temperatures and minimize the need for air conditioning. In colder months, they provide an extra layer of insulation, helping retain warmth and lowering heating costs.
Privacy is another advantage offered by these blinds. Unlike sheer curtains that may leave interiors exposed, venetian blinds provide full coverage when closed. This feature is particularly beneficial for ground-floor rooms or homes located near busy streets.
Installing Venetian Blinds for a Modern Look
Incorporating venetian blinds into your interior design can elevate the overall ambiance of your home. They pair well with both contemporary and traditional decor styles, making them a versatile choice for any room. For a minimalist aesthetic, opt for neutral shades such as white, grey, or beige. If you prefer a more striking look, darker tones like deep brown or black can create a bold statement.
For homes in Nottinghamshire, venetian blinds can be installed in various spaces, including bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, and offices. They work particularly well in bathrooms due to their moisture-resistant properties, especially when opting for aluminum or faux wood variants.
Maintaining Your Blinds for Longevity
Keeping venetian blinds in pristine condition requires minimal effort. Regular dusting and occasional cleaning with a damp cloth are enough to maintain their appearance. Wooden blinds may require special wood cleaners to preserve their finish, while aluminum blinds can be cleaned with mild soap and water.
Avoid using harsh chemicals, as they may damage the material and cause discoloration. Additionally, ensuring the slats are adjusted gently will prevent warping and prolong the lifespan of your blinds.
Where to Find Quality Venetian Blinds in Nottinghamshire
For those seeking high-quality venetian blinds, Nottinghamshire has several reputable suppliers offering a wide range of styles and materials. Whether you prefer classic wooden blinds or modern aluminum options, there are numerous choices available to suit every taste and budget.
Investing in premium Nottingham blinds ensures durability and long-lasting performance. Many suppliers provide professional installation services, making it easy for homeowners to upgrade their window treatments without hassle.
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theviewfromthebooth · 6 months ago
Slot's first Setback
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The honeymoon is over. 
After a perfect start to the Premier League campaign, Liverpool and Arne Slot came back to earth with a bump, as they lost at home to a limited but spirited Nottingham Forest. The Dutchman may have been denied the August Manager of the Month award by fellow newcomer Fabian Hürzeler at Brighton, but he wasn’t spared its fabled curse. 
It was a game and a performance that never  got going, as Liverpool looked sluggish and sloppy throughout. As they took greater risks in search of the breakthrough, Callum Hudson-Odoi delivered the classic sucker punch, with the only move and finish of true quality that the game produced.
With a daunting run of seven games in twenty-two days ahead, there was always a feeling that Liverpool's season started here, despite all of the early positivity. The dominant question on the lips of reporters and supporters has been rotation; How much, who and when?
Slot’s answer was as matter of fact as his every utterance since assuming the head coach position at Anfield; none as yet. Same team, same bench, with no spot as yet for new boy Federico Chiesa. 
The Dutchman's aim was to pretend the first intrusive international break of the season hadn’t happened, that his preferred starting XI were ready to put another team slowly but surely to the sword, as they had done with Ipswich, Brentford and Manchester United.
From very early on that illusion appeared flawed, as the rust developed from time away with other teammates and other managers was more prominent than the rhythm built up over the opening three wins each with a clean sheet. Forest came to frustrate, as Nuno Espirito Santo packed his side with five central midfielders at the expense of his sharpest attacking threats - wingers Callum Hudson-Odoi and Anthony Elanga. 
Like Ipswich, the Forest plan was to squeeze the contest into a compact impenetrable box. However unlike the opening day, Liverpool found it hard to exploit the space out wide that this tactic provides.
Their passing - and crucially their decision-making - was nowhere near as crisp. With the exception of the largely excellent Ryan Gravenberch, Liverpool players gave the ball away too easily, allowing Forest’s aggressive tackling to bear fruit. It was a day when Slot's apparent obsession with duels began to make sense, as the away side grew in confidence with every contest won, pushing the boundaries of referee Michael Oliver without straying over the lines.
Anfield grew more restless with every stray pass, clearly assuming that their as-yet unbeaten opponents shouldn’t be causing this much trouble. 
On the hour mark, came the changes. Whether this was pre-planned or a result of Forest’s obduracy is unclear, but it was the first time a Slot move raised real eyebrows since Jarrel Quansah’s half time hooking at Portman Road. 
Alexis Mac Allister, yet to produce his best in a red shirt immediately after wearing a blue and white one for Argentina, was replaced not by the expected Curtis Jones but by Conor Bradley, releasing Trent Alexander-Arnold into midfield. The removal of Diogo Jota & Luis Diaz for Cody Gakpo and Darwin Nunez was more predictable, with the Uruguayan in particular hopeful to impact the season for the first time against his favourite opponents.  
For all of the talk last season of the potential for Alexander-Arnold to become a number 6, it was Dominic Szoboszlai who retreated alongside Gravenberch, with the Scouser tasked with occupying the Forest defenders and supplying his forwards. It was a formation that naturally incurs more risk than we’ve seen from Slot so far, but as the second half ticked by without any sense of inevitability building towards Matt Sels' goal, it was a risk deemed as essential. 
The trouble with taking risks is that sometimes you have to deal with the consequences. Forest became more dangerous on the break with the second half introductions of Hudson-Odoi and Elanga. Nuno’s plan was to take the game as deep as he could, shorn of his preferred starting midfield duo of Danilo and Ibrahima Sangare through injury. The Portuguese asked debutant James Ward-Prowse and player of the month Elliott Anderson to commit to the dirty work of closing spaces and harrying Liverpool into mistakes, before the flair men came in to win the game.
On 72 minutes Hudson-Odoi did exactly that, cutting inside Bradley and curling a shot in off the far post. Alisson may have believed it was going wide as he didn’t dive, a decision that added to the sense of disbelief and anger that echoed around the ground. 
Slot’s response was to introduce even more risk, replacing Andy Robertson and Ibrahima Konate with Kostas Tsimikas and Jones, this time with  Gravenberch dropping deeper to operate alongside Van Dijk in defence. The pursuit of urgency produced uncertainty, as the absence of calm heads on the pitch and in the stands became telling. 
As their title race petered out last season, there was a feeling that Liverpool’s frantic feverish attack had become rushed - an element that Slot had appeared keen to eliminate. Embracing the chaos at this stage might have seemed like giving his players a familiar comfort - the footballing equivalent of a cheat meal - but all it did was increase the confusion. 
Liverpool were unable to generate shots on target, let alone any attacking momentum. The majority of attacks seemed to die at the feet of Mohammed Salah, bad timing after a fortnight in which his new contract was the dominant conversation. After causing shockwaves by announcing that this was his last Liverpool season at Old Trafford, this performance proved that the decision to give him whatever he wants isn’t as simple as it first appeared. 
The Egyptian wasn’t alone in underwhelming - Gakpo and Nunez were anonymous, and Alexander-Arnold’s foray into midfield was another failed experiment. In truth no one came out of this performance with much credit except for the ecstatic opponents, planting their flag on this ground for the first time since Neil Armstrong did the same on the moon.
Slot now gets to see how his team deals with adversity, and for all the talk of the challenges of the incoming rush of games, one suspects the head coach will be happy for the chance to get that stinker out of their system in three day's time.
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existentialmagazine · 1 year ago
Review: Empowering listeners, the vibrant pop artist Lucy Crisp shares her new infectiously upbeat anthem ‘Locked Down’ laced with an inspiring message
Since her 2020 debut, Lucy Crisp has found herself pouring her infectious activism into songs that cannot help but delve deep within. As this Nottingham-based pop singer and songwriter uses her personal experience of living with Cystic Fibrosis as a core part of her empowerment, she seeks to create a safe space for her fans to feel comfortably vulnerable. Now sharing her second track from her upcoming debut EP ‘65 Roses’, Lucy proudly bares yet another parallel of sunny sound with more meaning seeping within in ‘Locked Down.’
Bright and vibrant in aura right from its shimmering beginnings, ‘Locked Down’ makes sure to shine into your eardrums straight from pressing play. Dancing in through a bedroom pop and synth pop daze, Lucy immediately clasps around you with a dominant scattered electronic beat you won’t be able to shake yourself free from. Slowly building with the addition of colourful drawn-out guitar strums, the easy-going lacing of sound entices you in and never lets you go. Complemented gorgeously with Lucy’s confidently soaring vocals, her clean and powerful words ensure they’ll be ringing through your mind long after pressing play, urging you sing along before you even know the words. Driving dominant beats climb in for the choruses push, a crash of momentum that’ll see you dancing along at full force. Allowing Lucy to stretch her vocals even more prominently, the chorus bursts from the seams and flows emphatically with the addition of heavenly backing vocal harmonies. Progressively building as things progress forwards, the track slowly incorporates more and more sparkling layers of sound, an arrangement of electronic subtleties made even more grand by their entwining. There’s not a second of ‘Locked Down’ you won’t feel completely inspired by, as Lucy serenades you with the most addictive of musical concoctions.
Filled with pick-me-up optimism, Lucy writes ‘Locked Down’ with an empowering message of feeling unstoppable despite any adversities. Without allowing any limitations to be placed upon her, Lucy found herself reflecting on her feelings amidst the COVID-19 lockdown as someone with a disability, striving to not allow anything to stop her thriving. As she opens with the all-too relatable line ‘I’ve been stuck in a game for the past two years, nothing has ever stayed the same’, Lucy not just delves into her own experiences but seeks you to do the same, allowing yourself the grace for going through an unexpected few years of tumultuous times. Finding herself longing for company, lyrics like ‘everyone disappeared, had to hold back the tears’ perhaps don’t just relate to COVID’s interjection but also the loss of her friends that have moved away and started anew. Double-edged nods like ‘I’m not the person I used to be’ carry both the sadness of what has been lost and the growth of who she has become all in one, stronger and self-empowered but in ways still mourning who she once was. Continuing ‘one day I’ll leave this town and nothing can stop me now’, Lucy finds herself looking within and not allowing anything to hold her back from what she wants. Refusing to be stuck behind while everyone else moves forward, Lucy embraces every part of herself and her identity, feeling only more fuelled by the adversities she faces that she continues to prove cannot restrict her immense talents from exceeding well above and beyond.
Check out ‘Locked Down’ here for a definite mood booster filled with contagious lyrics and technicolour sounds!
Written by: Tatiana Whybrow
Photo Credits: Unknown
// This coverage was supported and created via Musosoup, #SustainableCurator.
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alisondentaldesign · 2 years ago
Restoring Dental Health and Smiles: Exploring Root Canals at Smilestyle Signature Dental Care in Nottingham
When tooth pain strikes, it can be disruptive to your daily life and overall well-being. Fortunately, modern dentistry offers a solution to alleviate the discomfort and preserve your natural smile – root canal therapy. At Smilestyle Signature Dental Care in Nottingham, a team of skilled professionals provides top-tier root canal treatments. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of root canals, highlighting the expertise and patient-centred care offered at Smilestyle Signature Dental Care.
Understanding Root Canal Therapy
Root canal therapy, also known as endodontic treatment, is a dental procedure designed to save a severely damaged or infected tooth. This treatment becomes necessary when the pulp – the innermost part of the tooth – becomes infected due to deep decay, cracks, or trauma. During a root canal, the infected pulp is carefully removed, and the interior of the tooth is cleaned, disinfected, and sealed to prevent further infection.
The Smilestyle Signature Dental Care Difference
Choosing Smilestyle Signature Dental Care for your root canal treatment ensures that you receive the highest level of care and expertise. Here's what sets them apart:
1. Experienced Professionals: The dental team at Smilestyle Signature Dental Care boasts extensive experience in performing root canals. Their expertise ensures that your procedure is efficient, comfortable, and successful.
2. State-of-the-Art Technology: Smilestyle Signature Dental Care stays at the forefront of dental technology, utilizing advanced equipment to enhance the precision and effectiveness of root canal procedures. This commitment to innovation results in optimal outcomes for patients.
3. Patient-Centered Approach: Your comfort and well-being are paramount at Smilestyle Signature Dental Care. The friendly and compassionate staff goes above and beyond to ensure you feel at ease throughout the entire process.
4. Customized Care: No two patients are alike, and neither are their dental needs. Smilestyle Signature Dental Care creates personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific condition, ensuring the best possible results.
5. Comprehensive Dental Services: Beyond root canal therapy, Smilestyle Signature Dental Care offers a wide range of dental services, including cosmetic dentistry, restorative treatments, and preventive care. This comprehensive approach allows you to address all your dental needs under one roof.
The Root Canal Process at Smilestyle Signature Dental Care
1. Consultation: Your journey begins with a thorough examination and consultation. The dental team evaluates your oral health and discusses your symptoms, creating a clear understanding of your condition.
2. Treatment Planning: If a root canal is recommended, the team at Smilestyle Signature Dental Care will outline a detailed treatment plan, addressing your concerns and answering any questions you may have.
3. Root Canal Procedure: During the procedure, the infected pulp is gently removed, and the tooth is cleaned and disinfected. Once the interior is prepared, the tooth is sealed with a biocompatible material to prevent further infection.
4. Restoration: In many cases, a tooth that has undergone a root canal may require a crown to restore its strength and appearance. Smilestyle Signature Dental Care offers high-quality, custom-crafted dental crowns that blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.
If you're experiencing tooth pain or suspect an infection, root canal therapy at Smilestyle Signature Dental Care in Nottingham is the answer to your concerns. With their experienced team, cutting-edge technology, and patient-centered approach, you can rest assured that your dental health is in capable hands. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to a healthier, happier smile – schedule a consultation with Smilestyle Signature Dental Care today and take the first step towards preserving your natural teeth and achieving optimal oral health.
Smilestyle Signature Dental Care
359 Nuthall Road
Tel: 0115 9003034
Web: https://smilestyle.co.uk/
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earwegouk · 2 years ago
Your Best Solution for Clearing Ear Wax in Derby and Nottingham
Ear Wax Removal is important as it helps maintain optimal ear health and prevents potential complications. Excessive wax buildup can lead to hearing loss, discomfort, dizziness, and even ear infections. By ensuring regular ear wax removal, you can promote clear hearing and prevent unnecessary discomfort.
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Are you struggling with persistent ear wax build-up? Look no further! Earwego LTD is your trusted partner for the Best Ear Wax Cleaner in Derby and deep ear wax removal in Nottingham. Our professional team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the ultimate relief and restoring your auditory well-being.
At Earwego LTD, we understand the impact that excessive ear wax can have on your daily life. That's why we offer top-notch services using advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to safely and effectively Clearing Ear Wax Build Up in Derby. Our team consists of skilled specialists who have extensive experience in ear care, ensuring that you receive the highest level of care and attention.
Why choose Earwego LTD? Our commitment to excellence sets us apart. We prioritize your comfort and safety throughout the entire ear wax removal process. Our experts employ gentle and non-invasive methods, tailored to your specific needs. Whether you require a simple cleaning or Deep Ear Wax Removal in Nottingham, our professionals will provide a personalized solution to address your concerns effectively.
With our best ear wax cleaner in Derby and deep ear wax removal in Nottingham services, you can bid farewell to discomfort and restore your hearing clarity. Imagine the joy of rediscovering the world of sounds with ease and confidence.
At Earwego LTD, customer satisfaction is our utmost priority. We strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment, ensuring that you feel at ease throughout your visit. Our friendly team is always ready to address any questions or concerns you may have, guiding you through the process with professionalism and care.
Don't wait any longer to experience the relief you deserve! Contact Earwego LTD now at 8081371961 to schedule an appointment for the best ear wax cleaner in Derby, clearing ear wax build-up in Derby, or deep ear wax removal in Nottingham. Reclaim your auditory well-being and rediscover the joy of crystal-clear hearing today! Don't let ear wax hold you back – contact Earwego LTD today and experience the life-changing results firsthand! Visit here at: - https://www.earwego.co.uk/
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colindotpdx · 2 years ago
Lyon - Churches, Murals, Steps, and Food.
Churches: On the hill, dominating the city is the Basilica de Notre Dame de Fourviere, a Belle Epoque monstrosity with an interior that is decorated like a cheap Indian restaurant; over-ornamented, over-decorated, over-gilded. It does not so much lead the faithful to thoughtful prayer but rather scares them to damnation for their sins. Below it, on the Saone, is the medieval Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist which was built from the 12th to 15th centuries when they knew how to build proper churches. It has a beautiful facade and a light, calming interior decorated with moving portraits by Patrick Marques that slowed down even this miserable atheist into long moments of quiet contemplation.
Murals: In Lyon they like to paint people on walls. The Fresque de Lyonnais attempts to put every famous person into the frame whilst the Mur des Canuts shows a collage of everyday folk in the Croix-Rousse neighborhood; the former heart of the silk trade that created Lyon’s wealth. The famous deserve a fresco; everyone else just gets a wall. Both murals have been changed over the years; the fresco has added the newly famous footballers and music stars and the wall has been modernised to show ATMs, cars being charged, and current clothes and brands. The chef, Paul Bocuse, gets his very own homage alongside the very up-market food and restaurant complex named in his honour.
Steps: Old Lyon is on two hills where the Saone meets the Rhone so be prepared to climb one of dozens of stairways. I counted over a thousand steps to get from the river to the Basilica. These stairs are called out separately in the list of UNESCO-worthy parts of town. So, when you visit, get to know the excellent public transport system that still has trolleybuses connected to overhead power. Lyon and my home town of Nottingham both installed these systems in the 1930s but Nottingham shamefully got ride of them in the 1960s; in Lyon they are quiet, clean, and fast.
Food: Specialities from Lyon include Quenelles de Brochet, Pâté en Croute, and Tablier de Sapeur. Translated to English these are pike wrapped in mashed spuds, pork pie, and Fireman’s Apron which is deep fried tripe. Nothing very mouthwatering there.
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cscleaningnottingham · 2 years ago
Do you need a Flexible cleaning package?
Keeping your house clean and tidy can be a real chore, especially when you have a busy schedule. It can be difficult to find the time to scrub and polish your home, especially when you have to juggle work, family, and other commitments. Fortunately, there is a solution – domestic cleaning services.
If you live in Nottingham, you can take advantage of the domestic cleaning services offered by CS Cleaning. We are a reputable cleaning company with years of experience, providing top-quality cleaning services to homeowners in the area. Here are a few reasons why you should choose us for your domestic cleaning needs.
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Professional and reliable cleaning services
At CS Cleaning, we understand that you need a reliable and trustworthy cleaning service. That's why we only employ the best cleaners who are fully trained and have extensive experience in the field. Our cleaners are background-checked and insured, so you can rest assured that your home is in safe hands. We take pride in our work and aim to provide a professional, efficient, and friendly service.
Flexible cleaning packages
We understand that every household has different cleaning needs. That's why we offer flexible cleaning packages to suit your requirements. We can provide regular cleaning services on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis, or a one-off deep clean to give your home a thorough spruce up. Our cleaners can also work around your schedule, so you can have your home cleaned at a time that is convenient for you.
Affordable cleaning services
At CS Cleaning, we believe that everyone should be able to enjoy a clean and tidy home without breaking the bank. That's why we offer affordable cleaning services that are tailored to your budget. We provide competitive rates without compromising on the quality of our services. With us, you can get a professional and reliable cleaning service at an affordable price.
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Attention to detail
We take pride in our attention to detail. Our cleaners will leave no stone unturned when cleaning your home. We understand that a clean and tidy home is essential for your health and well-being, and that's why we take every step necessary to ensure that your home is spotless. From dusting to vacuuming, mopping to polishing, we will make your home look and feel fresh and clean.
In conclusion, if you want a professional, reliable, and affordable domestic cleaning service in Nottingham, look no further than CS Cleaning. We will work with you to create a cleaning plan that meets your needs and budget. Contact us today to schedule your first cleaning appointment.
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ng1citycleaners · 4 years ago
Our deep cleaning house crew in Nottingham offers a full clean of all areas of your home. We clean thoroughly throughout your entire house, including bedrooms, lounges, dining rooms, toilets, bathrooms and kitchens.
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earwegoblog · 3 years ago
Experience and Professional Earwax Removal
Earwego LTD is dedicated to using extremely effective and professional Ear Wax Suction Devices in Derby  for Earwax Removal so you can get back to listening to music. If you are planning to contact a professional earwax removal service provider, here are some things you should know. These tips will also assist you in overcoming some unavoidable listening sound difficulties.
 Methods to Avoid When Removing Earwax
Cotton swabs are routinely used to clean earwax or loosen a blockage. Cotton swabs, on the other hand, can sometimes exacerbate the condition by pushing the blockage deeper into the ear canal, putting the ear at danger of more injury.
 Cotton swabs can also be mistakenly placed too deep into the ear canal, causing more wax to condense or puncturing the eardrum.
Cotton swabs, according to most doctors, are poor for eliminating earwax and should only be used on the outer parts of your ear. Cotton swabs or any other small object should never be inserted into your ear canal.
 At Your Hearing Professional's Office
If the earwax blockage is severe, it may be necessary to have it removed at a hearing care professional's office. Hearing specialists generally remove earwax using one of two methods: irrigation or curettage.
 Irrigation is the most typical approach for removing obstructions that you’re hearing expert will utilize. Unlike at-home earwax removal kits, your hearing professional may combine irrigation with stronger earwax removal drugs. The major component in these drugs is carbamide peroxide.
 Curettage, which requires the use of a curette, is a less prevalent approach. A curette is a long, curved tool for removing cerumen from the ear canal that can also be used with suction.
 If you're experiencing pain or discomfort as a result of earwax or suspect a blockage, schedule an appointment with your hearing health practitioner as soon as possible. Earwax removal does not have to be painful and should provide you with relief.
 You've come to the right site if you're looking for a Microsuction procedure. Our team has mastered the technique of using micro-suction to remove ear wax, and we can assist you in gently removing the blockage. Get in touch with us to learn more about our services. Call at 8081371961 or visit site https://www.earwego.co.uk/ .
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soliloquivm · 2 years ago
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⸻ HAN JISUNG. HE + HIM / have you ever heard of BLOW by JACKSON WANG, well, it describes KOREN HAHM to a tee! the TWENTY FIVE year old, and A BARTENDER AT CLOUD NINE was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more UNSTEADY or more RESOURCEFUL instead? anyway, they remind me of the loud thumping of music from the dj , the feeling of adventure creeping in your heart and the quiet place in the darkness, maybe you’ll bump into them soon!
tw : death , ptsd
time in notting hill : 1 year birthplace : las vegas , nevada , us ( moved around constantly ) sexuality : bisexual relationship status : single
koren hahm grew up in a military family that moved around from state to state , country to country throughout his more formative years as his father served in the army . while this assisted in offering a more than standard outlook on the world , he learned to pick up on things quickly . he’d never had a set group of friends growing up , but he often formed relationships with those that he met and easily became popular everywhere he went due to his extroverted personality and secret desire for people to like him .
unfortunately , over the summer before starting high school on base in italy , his father was killed overseas . angry , hurt and with only his sister and mother to be there for him , he made the decision to take on some sort of mantle as the so called ‘ head of the household ‘ when they returned to his mother’s hometown in the suburbs of new york . he took care of everything that he could from his younger sister , the cooking and cleaning and helping his mother so that she could maintain a steady job and financially support their family . the moment he was of age , he started to work as a busboy at the local bar , cleaning after closing .
inner turmoil aside , koren maintained the boisterous personality once he started at the new school , forming a close group of friends and would often skip classes to smoke , drink or mess around off campus , but deep down , he always knew what he wanted to do upon graduation - join the military just like his father . at first , his mother didn’t approve when koren handed her the paperwork to start basic training early , but he pushed and prodded until eventually , she caved . koren excelled in boot camp , and once he began his active service , he was swiftly shipped off to the very country his father died in . it didn’t take long for him to rise through the ranks of the army , the need for people to like him carrying over into his training , although his often dismissive attitude would get him into trouble . all that need to be liked also brought on the more reckless side , willing to do just about anything , and not caring for the consequences .
the war took it’s toll on him , after time however , and while koren did everything in his power to mask this , it had been an IED that eventually led him to the decision to not re-enlist . returning home to the suburbs of new york and not wanting to display what became obvious as signs of PTSD around his mother and sister , koren used his military savings to leave the country and purchase a modest home in the nottingham , london , and started working at cloud nine ( as a bartender this time ) to pay the bills .
MORE INFORMATION : ⤀ koren doesn't exactly live a quiet life . since returning home , he's turned to more reckless behavior such as drinking , fighting and making it a point to make friends with all the wrong kinds of people .
⤀ knowing the risk he could be , however , he did begin going to therapy for his PTSD and still goes to weekly group meetings with other veterans .
⤀ koren has a tendency to come off as an asshole more so now than he ever did prior to leaving the military . he's blunt and sarcastic , but also maintains the softer side of him , though that is only shown to those that he would call his close friends -- and even they aren't immune to his behavior , though that doesn't mean he wouldn't do everything in his power to help them in need .
⤀ he wears his father's dog tags every day , his own are locked away in a safe .
⤀ while one side of him may appear aggressive , koren is an avid acoustic guitar player and songwriter , and will go to a small coffee shop to play his music on occasion , but this is another secret he has never shared with anyone , even his closest friends .
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