#Decorative Wall Panels Canada
realonvision · 17 days
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sithbvcky · 4 months
"Time, time, time, see what's become of me." Bucky's attempt at hiding after the events in Washington don't go as planned when a ghost from his past reappears, Bucky will have to make a terrible choice. Bucky x female mutant oc Word Count: 1,462 MASTERLIST
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“Is the experiment ready?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Bring her in.” 
Two men in lab coats wheeled in a young woman on a table. 
“Is she sedated?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Will it work, sir?” 
“I hope so.” 
“And if it doesn’t?” 
The man looked sternly at the other who asked the question, 
“Then we terminate it.” He stated, turning his attention back to the line of syringes before him. 
“I have always wanted a pet.” He said, picking up a syringe. “A mutant under my complete control. The soldier was doomed to fail eventually, but this.” He aimed the needle at the woman’s arm. 
“This is evolution. Pure evolution.”
“What the hell was it?” Sam questioned, standing beside Steve in an abandoned motor garage. 
“I don’t know, she could move things with her mind. Who knows what else she’s capable of.” Steve sighed, looking into the other room where Bucky sat solemnly against the concrete wall. 
“And you think she’s after him?” Sam asked, following Steve’s gaze. 
“I do. I think whoever sent her want’s him, I don’t know for what.” 
“How long do we have before she finds us again?” 
Steve glanced at Sam before moving into the next room where Bucky still sat in quiet solitude. 
“Buck.” Steve called, Bucky made no movement to acknowledge him. 
“Bucky, we can’t help if you don’t help us. Did you know who attacked us in your apartment?” 
Bucky lifted his head to look up at Steve, 
“No.” He muttered. 
“Do you know who might’ve sent her?” Steve continued. 
“Hydra. They want to bring me back.” Bucky answered. 
“Bring you back to use you again?” Steve asked. Bucky shook his head, 
“To get rid of me. I failed the mission, then ran away. They want to make sure no one else knows about their secret little organization.” Bucky explained.
“The place where I was kept, in Siberia.” 
“Are you saying there are others like you?” 
“Not exactly. They used me to train a few but none of them lasted long, except one. She was strong and with Hydra’s serum she was even stronger.” Bucky told, his eyes seemed to glaze over as he did. 
“What happened to her?” Sam asked. 
“I don’t know. A lot of that is fuzzy, the last time I saw her she was in her cell. Then I was in D.C.” Bucky responded. 
“Do you think that whatever attacked could be her?” Steve continued. Bucky looked up at them and shook his head. 
“Hydra weren’t in the business of making mutants, they wanted soldiers to infiltrate and destroy.”
“Who better to infiltrate and destroy than a mutant.” Sam said. Bucky shot him a glare. 
“Listen, maybe we should talk to someone with a little more experience in this department.” Steve changed the subject. 
“Who?” Sam asked. 
“An old friend of a friend.” 
“What the hell are we doing in some dive bar in Canada?” Sam muttered under his breath as the three men walked into the building. Wood paneled walls, animal bones and heads hung as decorations. Bucky kept his head down, hiding his face with the brim of his hat.
“He was the one Tony recommended and I know he may look rough but I think he’ll help.” Steve assured as they approached the bar where a man in red plaid sat with a beer before him. 
“Excuse me.” Steve stepped up beside the man.
“Fuck off.” The man responded gruffly, taking a large swig of his drink. Steve looked back at Sam and Bucky with a raise of his brows before trying again. 
“Listen, we need your help, I was told-
“I don’t care what you were told, bub.” The man turned to look at Steve and remained unfazed when he realized who it was that was bothering him. 
“You and your friends can find someone else to join your star spangled dance squad.” The man grumbled, turning his attention back to his beer. 
“I’m not asking you to join anything, pal. There is a mutant hunting my friend and we need your help.” Steve’s voice was laced with venom, he was annoyed at how difficult Tony’s contact turned out to be. 
“A mutant?” The man cocked an eyebrow. “What kind?” He asked. 
“We don’t know, but she could move objects without touching them.” Steve answered. The man gulped down the rest of his beer, 
“Yeah, you have yourselves a problem alright." Was all he said. 
“Are you gonna help us or not?” Sam asked in frustration. The man stood up, he was much larger in comparison to the others. Before anyone could speak, the jukebox in the corner of the bar began glitching until a song began to play. Everyone in the room was silent, as the song echoed through the bar. 
“Time, time, time, see what’s become of me.” 
Suddenly, various objects around the building began to shake. Glasses began to explode, sparks burst from electrical sockets. 
“Ah, shit.” The man in plaid muttered. 
“She found us.” Sam said, looking around as the lights went out. Patrons started muttering in hushed tones to each other, trying to figure out what was going on.
“You got one hell of a pissed off mutant.” The man in plaid commented. The doors to the bar burst open, revealing the girl from the apartment. The lights flickered again, people started to scream and run from the place. 
Three sharp metal claws protruded from the man in plaids hands, 
“Did that just come out of you?” Sam questioned, distracted. 
“Yes.” The man grumbled, his eyes were trained on the woman who still stood in the doorway. Almost like she was playing with them. 
“What’s the plan?” Steve asked, but the man didn’t answer he simply lunged at the woman, like an animal breaking from its cage. The woman stuck her hand out and the man’s body froze in the air. With a swipe of her hand she tossed him into the wall where he crashed down on the booths beneath. She moved forward, walking toward where Bucky stood beside Steve. Sam made a move to step between them but she flung him back behind the bar just as easily as she had launched the other man. Her eyes were locked on Bucky, and his to hers. 
“What do you want?” Steve asked, stepping in front of his friend. She didn’t respond, her eyes moving to look at Bucky. With a growl, the man in plaid tackled the woman from behind, pinning her down with his impressive strength. 
“Get the fuck out of here!” He barked, as the woman began to fight his hold on her. Steve ran to help Sam up. The woman kicked the man off her, her strength rivaling his own. Getting to her feet she set her sights on Bucky. He was frozen in place, his body was struck with fear, with knowing. That face. Extending her arm forward, Bucky felt an invisible hand close around his neck. He was struggling to get air as he tugged at the invisible grip she had on him. His vision was starting to blacken, 
“Hey, doll face!” A gruff voice shouted, the woman turned and was met with another skull crashing into hers. She fell to the ground and her grip on Bucky vanished. Bucky dropped to the floor as well, taking in sharp inhales as his airways opened up. His eyes traversed the woman’s unconscious body, her face. He knew that face, why did he know that face? Steve walked up with Sam leaning his body on his. 
“Is your skull made of steel or something?” Sam joked. 
“Adamantium. And the name is Logan.” The man in plaid responded. Sam furrowed his brow. 
“I know who you are, Captain.” Logan interrupted. 
“Do you know who or what she is?” Steve asked instead. Logan shook his head, 
“I think I do.” Bucky choked, his throat dry. Logan, Sam and Steve all looked at him as he continued staring at the woman. 
“We better get out of here.” Sam broke the silence. 
“What about?” Steve gestured to the woman. 
“I’ll take her somewhere safe. Somewhere she can’t run.” Logan said. 
“I’m going with you.” Bucky stated. 
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” Steve hesitated, 
“I should be there when she comes to. In case.” Bucky explained, he looked at Steve and Steve understood.
“Send me your coordinates when you arrive. I’ll join you when Sam is taken care of.” 
Bucky nodded as Logan lifted the woman into his arms. He curled and uncurled his metal hand as he followed Logan to his truck. He had to be there when she woke up, just in case she remembered or didn’t. Either way he knew it had to be him.
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fizzycherrycola · 2 years
PrUK / FrUK Historical Fluff [PART 8]
As a gift from France, England receives a pair of tickets to a spectacular exhibition in Paris. He decides to bring Canada along to the event and they explore the wonderous inventions amidst the backdrop of the Industrial Revolution.
Click Here to Read from the Beginning
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Industry and Grandeur - Chapter 8
England’s brass timepiece ticks softly, and yet, the page before him is still bare.
By now, a report to Queen Victoria detailing the day’s events should have been completed, or at least drafted. Instead, the pen and inkwell sit untouched.
Darkness hangs gently around the soft edges of the apartment’s lamps. They hiss quietly, expending their gas for pale, sleepy light. England’s head rests upon the writing desk. Its mahogany wood has grown warm against his temple, so he shifts, rolling his head to the other side and finding a cooler spot to soothe his skull. His eyes scan the room in a vain attempt at distraction.
Crown moulding and embellished panels decorate the walls, accented by long, flowing drapes and elegant, upholstered furniture. This hotel room is much more luxurious than the coaching inns and taverns which once populated the city. Dwindling family-run businesses cannot compete with four-storeyed arcade towers, private bathrooms, high windows, and elaborate carpets. This, too, is another sign of progress – an exemplar of the ever-changing future.
England grimaces.
A vision of that blasted lipstick smudge appears in his mind’s eye. Must they discuss it? Canada has been alive for centuries and based on tonight’s events, he obviously knows how courtship works. If England broached the subject, what would they possibly talk about? Christ, he would rather not. It would save them both the embarrassment. And were things to progress towards their... natural conclusion... there would be no consequences beyond a petty scandal anyway. Besides, with their kind, fathering children is impossible. No, damn the lipstick; that is not the real concern!
The crux of the matter is... adulthood.
England shuts his eyes. Head throbbing, his mind drifts to the early months of 1813, when American raids harassed communities along the St. Lawrence River. It was just after a war meeting; while the men filed out into the cold, Canada lingered behind, wearing a sour expression on his pimpled, boyish face. England was prepared for another mild disagreement, because he had initially forbidden the boy from fighting. Their quarrel happened as expected, but instead of backing down, Canada insisted, saying: ‘This is my home. These are my people. Let me defend them.’
Noticeably, he did not say ‘our people’, and that simple change made all the difference in the world. A rare spark of something burst from behind Canada’s passive demeanour that day. He stood, straight-backed with a steady fire behind his young eyes and England could not find the words to make that spirit disappear. So, he relented, putting one of his spare uniforms on the boy’s shoulders and a rifle in his hands.
As Canada was an inch or two shorter than England then, the jacket hung loose on his smaller frame, but even so, he gave his thanks. England should have recognised those actions for what they were, but he did not. Maybe it was the plethora of stressors plaguing his mind at the time, from Napoleon to America, or some other unconscious snare. Regardless of what ailed him, he later dismissed Canada’s attitude as a rare ill temper, when of course, it was not.
It was a declaration of identity, maturity, and self-reliance. Underneath his kindly demeanour, Canada was already a grown man.
“Your people,” England murmurs to the empty room. He sits up, joints creaking from the erosion of centuries, and sighs, dragging his hands over his face.
Presently, it is the spring of 1844 – just shy of seventy-one years since everything fell apart with his former ward, America. England registers a familiar cramp in his stomach and fails to shut it out of his mind.
Through the gaps in his fingers, his eyes drift to the page. Never mind the Queen; he will write to her later. Firstly, he must sort out this neglected thing with Canada, because England cannot get anything else done until he does. What to say, though? Every book that covers respectable letter-writing offers similar advice: to speak from the heart and with only the best intentions. But what the best intentions are, England cannot often deduce, and from the twisting knot in his abdomen, he can almost feel any good will being strangled by apprehension. What if Canada turns out the same as his brother? What if everything crumbles all over again?
England has no idea how others do it. How on earth can one be laissez-faire about such things? Recalling Prussia, England remembers his words:
‘I haven’t made any plans at all!’ he declared today, followed by: ‘This is different from a campaign. I’m raising a young man!’
Is it not better to have a strict plan? One that instils good morals, loyalty, and obedience? But... if that were the proper method, England would still be on speaking terms with America. Proper speaking terms, and not the low-contact charade they have going, where discussions are sapped of emotion and only occur out of necessity. Their last correspondence involved settling a trade dispute, and letters were addressed with cold formality. ‘To whom it concerns’ is how America begins most messages he now sends across the Atlantic.
No, the old methods will only yield old results. England sighs. He takes his pen, dips it in the inkwell, and brings it to the paper.
With no memories of his mother and paltry examples from his brothers, how can he be a proper guardian without any role models to imitate? Only briefly did he ever catch snippets of family life from the humans he knew. The parents and keepers were never perfect, but plenty far exceeded others. Successful households seemed happy, close-knit, and loyal to one another.
‘I suppose... I’m striving to let him grow up – to keep him happy and healthy.’ Prussia was beaming when he said that.
England hesitates, heart wavering behind his ribs. Then, he starts writing. The words come slowly at first, trickling out of him like a thawing river on the edge of spring. Then they build momentum, flowing steadily; he writes and the pen scratches away. His brass timepiece ticks, interrupted occasionally by whispers of the world around him. Low murmurs of conversation in the room below. A footstep or two from the apartment above.
Beyond that, there is little else. Outside, the world has begun to quiet and his hotel windows that overlook the Tuileries Garden vanish. The universe shrinks down to his singular hotel room and the ink characters that carve emotion out of pulp.
It is near midnight when he finishes the statement and checks it over. It reads less like a speech and more like a letter. Perhaps that is preferable. With a flick of his wrist, he signs it as such and considers slipping it under Canada’s door. However, that would be quite cowardly.
He gets up and drags the chair aside, wood scraping against wood, and winces at the sound. Then he exits his hotel room to invade the narrow hallway space in front of Canada’s door, pausing before it. Deliberately, England smooths his frown into something normal and placid, clamping down on his final doubts. When ready, he finally knocks and waits for an answer.
For a while, there is nothing.
England’s loose fist hesitates in mid-air. Should he knock again? Perhaps Canada is asleep. Yes, that is probably a reasonable assumption. Throat dry, England swallows. It would not be terrible to have this discussion another time; after all, he has written down his thoughts, so the hardest work is done. Still....
Then, the creaking floorboards come to life, and a latch clicks open.
“Um... hello,” Canada mumbles, peeking his blonde head through the door.
England coughs. “Canada, I was hoping... erm.... Might I have a word?”
Canada slouches and his gaze slips to the ground. Silently, he steps aside and opens the door further. England enters, fingers fidgeting with the pages and pointedly avoiding eye contact.
“Um,” Canada says. “Are you upset with me?”
England halts. Then, he turns and gapes at his ward.
“Whatever for?”
Canada shrugs. “For trying to hide the truth? About the actress?”
“Ah, right. That.” England sighs. “No, I’m not cross.”
“Really. Just don’t let it happen again.”
Canada's neck droops lower, making him look very much like a scolded dog. England blinks, realising his awful phrasing. “Omitting the truth, I mean! Not the other thing. Don’t tell half-lies, of course. Be sure you don’t do that. But as for meeting with the actress, that’s... well, it doesn’t need to be explained in detail. Just be sure you.... Erm.”
He stops talking. Screwing his eyes shut, England mentally curses himself with every colourful phrase he can imagine. Which, after centuries of living with his brothers, is quite a multitude. He takes a steady breath, exhaling slowly, and opens his eyes. “It’s fine.”
Canada is staring, wide-eyed and owlish. “Okay.”
“Shall we have a seat?” England strains, gesturing to the small yet posh sitting area.
They shuffle to the sofas and sit opposite one another, and England finds the patterned cushions to be much stiffer than they appear. He thumbs through the pages in his lap. “You’re not in any trouble,” he manages, “but I’ve written something down that I think you should hear. And after I’ve read it, we can... have a chat about it. Is that all right?”
Canada arches an eyebrow, but he leans in, the tension melting from his frame. He nods.
England sighs and glances over his handwriting once more. Iron weights burden his shoulders and lead settles in his shoes. This is about as comfortable an atmosphere as he can hope for. All that is left is to push through to the end, come what may.
He clears his throat and silently promises himself that he will not murmur or mumble his next words.
Author’s Notes
Before modern hotels, it was common for travellers to stay at coaching inns. These were small establishments with fewer rooms where you could sleep overnight while lodging your horses. They fell out of style in the 1800’s as the luxurious yet accessible hotels replaced them. Our characters are meant to be staying at Le Meurice, a hotel built in 1835 which overlooked the Tuileries Garden.
During the War of 1812, Britain’s attention was divided between fighting Napoleon’s armies in Europe and defending its North American territories.
As mentioned in my notes on Chapter 2, the War of 1812 was very important in forming the Canadian identity, including the idea that civilian soldiers were largely responsible for repelling the American invaders.
While it’s true that trade resumed between the USA and Britain after the American Revolution, the relationship was rocky for a long time, flipping between tepid and disruptive depending on numerous factors. Examples include: The Jay Treaty (1793), the War of 1812, the Caroline affair (1837), and several territorial disputes.
Many guides about proper letter writing were published in Victorian times. Often, they’d simultaneously advise to write with absolute feeling and be cautious about saying too much, or saying the wrong things. It was a difficult balancing act, to be sure.
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madarasgirl · 2 years
Canadian Madara AU 🍁
@al-hekima-madara-blog: Can we have AU headcanon Madara as a North american guy? Maybe with japanese ancestry. I just wonder what type of job he would do, his hobbies, food preferences ect ect... Typical American boy😋
Of course I can write this! Thank you for this ask. It was fun! Madara will be Canadian here because that’s hilarious for me to write:
Speaks like a good Canadian boy: says “Eh” and “sorry” a lot even when it’s something minor and he isn’t at fault
Madara lives in Northern Canada away from other people in an igloo. He rides a moose to work
He dresses like a lumberjack (plaid shirt and jeans) and drinks maple syrup shots
Just kidding! You should have realized I was trolling the moment I said Madara apologizes a lot. And moose and igloos don’t exist in the same place. By the way, the English translations I’ve read don’t sound particularly Canadian to me for Madara. If anyone knows of the post highlighting how he sounds Canadian, please let me know! I’d love to read it!
But of course Madara can be Canadian because a Canadian can look and sound like anyone, including someone with Japanese heritage
Madara is exceptionally proud of his Japanese background, especially in a country with a smaller Japanese community than the other East Asian nationalities he is often mistaken for
His home contains a variety of Japanese items, such as katanas displayed on the walls, tatami mats, and byobu (folding screens with panels decorated with paintings and/or calligraphy). He owns several yukatas and kimonos
As much as he loves traditional Japanese food, he likes trying food from other cultures. He is spoiled for choices in his part of the country, but he most strongly prefers cuisines that aren’t too heavy
He is fluent in Japanese, French, and probably Mandarin and enjoys reading classical works in these languages in addition to English. He makes a point to occasionally speak in Japanese to his Japanese peers to maintain his language skills
Madara lives in the city away from the city center in a greatly overpriced mansion. However even in the suburbs, it is more densely populated than he enjoys, but he tolerates it because of its relative proximity to his job. Whenever he has a stretch of days off, he and Izuna often escape to cottage country a few hours’ drive away and engage in their outdoor hobbies. The cold doesn’t bother him
He is a black belt in karate. His other hobbies include rock climbing (especially bouldering since he appreciates the risk), archery, and Japanese calligraphy
He could be involved in the business world, but I can only vaguely hand-wave about ‘business things,’ so I’ll suggest something else I can see Madara doing that I’m familiar with instead
Madara is a thoracic surgeon (half of the ones I see are Japanese okay). He is excellent at his specialty, a perfectionist, and world renown for his surgical skill and medical knowledge. His surgeries are a work of art, but he’s a bit like an assembly line – patients in and out of his operating table. He fits the stereotypes of a surgeon too: Madara isn’t known for his bedside manners after all. He has a slight God complex due to his expertise, but even if he’s brusque, he remains adequately professional to his colleagues to avoid complaints
He actually destroys the image of the average Canadian’s polite speech patterns, which excessively contain “thank you,” “sorry,” and other hedging language. Madara doesn’t waste his time with these pointless words. Everything he says is meaningful, otherwise he wouldn’t bother speaking at all
…Madara doesn’t care about hockey…
Hope you enjoyed this little piece!
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starockcanada1 · 2 months
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vsservicesllc19 · 3 months
The Importance of Architectural Glass in Modern Design
Architectural glass has revolutionized modern construction and design. This versatile material offers aesthetic appeal and functional benefits, making it a preferred choice for architects and designers. Architectural glass plays a significant role in contemporary structures, enhancing their beauty and functionality.
Types of Architectural Glass
Understanding the various types of architectural glass is crucial for making informed decisions in any construction project. Here are some common types:
1. Back Painted Glass
Back painted glass is a popular choice for interior applications. This glass is painted on one side, providing a sleek, modern look. It is often used for kitchen backsplashes, office partitions, and decorative wall panels. The painted surface is durable and easy to clean, making it both practical and stylish.
2. Float Glass
Float glass is another essential type of architectural glass. It is made by floating molten glass on a bed of molten metal, typically tin. This process results in a smooth, flat glass surface, ideal for windows and doors. Float glass is known for its clarity and uniform thickness, making it a staple in the glass industry.
Benefits of Using Architectural Glass
Architectural glass offers numerous benefits, making it an excellent choice for modern buildings. Here are some key advantages:
1. Aesthetic Appeal
Architectural glass enhances the visual appeal of any structure. Its transparency and ability to reflect light add a sense of openness and elegance. Whether used in large windows, glass facades, or interior partitions, it creates a sophisticated and contemporary look.
2. Energy Efficiency
Modern architectural glass can improve a building's energy efficiency. Specialized coatings and treatments help reduce heat transfer, keeping interiors cooler in summer and warmer in winter. This leads to lower energy bills and a reduced carbon footprint.
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Architectural glass is designed to be strong and durable. Tempered and laminated glass options offer enhanced safety features. Tempered glass is treated to be more robust, reducing the risk of breakage. Laminated glass has a plastic layer between two glass panes, preventing shards from causing injury if it breaks.
Applications of Architectural Glass
Architectural glass is used in various applications, both residential and commercial. Here are some common uses:
1. Windows and Doors
Windows and doors are the most obvious applications for architectural glass. They provide natural light, views, and ventilation. High-performance glass options can also enhance energy efficiency and security.
2. Curtain Walls
Curtain walls are non-structural glass walls often used in commercial buildings. They provide an attractive exterior and allow for large expanses of glass. This design element creates a seamless connection between the interior and exterior spaces.
3. Interior Design
In interior design, architectural glass is used for partitions, railings, and decorative features. It allows for open, light-filled spaces and adds a modern touch to any interior. Back painted glass is particularly popular for adding color and style to interiors.
Choosing the Right Glass Manufacturer
Selecting the right glass manufacturer is crucial for ensuring quality and performance. Glass manufacturers in Ontario offer a range of high-quality products to meet various needs. Look for manufacturers with a reputation for quality and innovation.
Benefits of Working with Glass Suppliers in Canada
Choosing reliable glass suppliers in Canada ensures access to high-quality materials and expert advice. These suppliers provide a wide range of glass products, from float glass to specialized architectural glass. They can help you find the right solutions for your project, ensuring quality and performance.
Architectural glass is an essential component of modern design and construction. Its aesthetic appeal, energy efficiency, and durability make it a top choice for architects and designers. Whether you are working on a residential or commercial project, selecting the right type of glass and working with reputable suppliers is crucial. Explore the benefits of architectural glass and see how it can transform your next project.
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niket11 · 7 months
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jimitjain · 9 months
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Our Wide Range of Services
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Ceiling Planks: Our ceiling planks are a fantastic way to add warmth and character to any room. Whether you prefer a rustic, traditional, or modern look, we have planks that will match your style.
2×2 PVC Ceiling Tiles: Our 2x2 PVC ceiling tiles are versatile and easy to install, making them an excellent choice for both residential and commercial spaces.
Styrofoam Ceiling Tiles: Styrofoam tiles offer a lightweight and affordable solution to elevate your ceiling’s aesthetics. They are available in various designs to suit your taste.
Wallpaper Wall Mural: If you’re looking to make a statement, our wall murals can completely transform a room. Choose from a wide range of patterns and designs to create a unique and stunning focal point.
3D Cube 3D Wall Panels: Add depth and dimension to your walls with our 3D wall panels. These panels are perfect for creating an eye-catching feature wall that grabs everyone’s attention.
Paving Stone Veneer: Bring the beauty of natural stone into your space with our stone veneer products. They’re perfect for adding texture and charm to any room.
Faux Wood Beams: Get the look of real wood without the cost and maintenance. Our faux wood beams are a great addition to create a rustic, cozy atmosphere in your space.
2×4 PVC Ceiling Tiles: For larger spaces, our 2x4 PVC ceiling tiles offer a practical and visually appealing solution. They are easy to clean and maintain, making them ideal for commercial applications.
Accessories: Complete your decor project with our range of accessories, including trim, adhesive, and other installation materials.
Edge Fillers: For a polished finish to your ceiling or wall project, our edge fillers are a must-have.
Faux Brick Panels: Achieve the timeless and classic look of brick without the expense and hassle of real masonry. Our faux brick panels are a versatile design choice.
Why Choose Talissa Decor Ceiling Tiles?
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Quality Assurance: Our products are made to meet the highest quality standards, providing you with peace of mind and long-lasting beauty.
Affordability: We believe that transforming your space shouldn’t break the bank. Our competitive pricing ensures that you get exceptional value for your investment.
Expert Advice: Our knowledgeable team is always available to assist you in making the right design choices for your project.
Easy Installation: Many of our products are designed for easy DIY installation, saving you time and money.
Exceptional Customer Service: We are committed to providing the best customer experience. Your satisfaction is our top priority.
Contact Us
Explore our extensive selection in person and get a feel for the quality and variety of our products.
Name: Talissa Decor Ceiling Tiles
Address: 850 Magnetic Dr, Toronto, ON M3J 2C4,
Canada Phone: +18887178453
Talissa Decor Ceiling Tiles, we are passionate about helping you transform your space into something truly extraordinary. Whether you’re working on a residential renovation or a commercial project, we have the products and expertise to bring your vision to life. Let us be your partner in creating spaces that inspire and captivate. Your dream decor is just a visit or a phone call away.
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themarketinsights · 1 year
Birch Plywood Market to See Huge Growth by 2028
Latest released the research study on Global Birch Plywood Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Birch Plywood Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Birch Plywood The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are UPM-Kymmene Oyj (Finland), SVEZA-Les (Russia), Georgia-Pacific (United States), Weyerhaeuser Company (United States), West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. (Canada), Greenply Industries Limited (India), Boise Cascade Company (United States), Rimbunan Hijau (Malaysia), Samling Group of Companies (Malaysia), Syktyvkar Plywood Mill (Russia),
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/51195-global-birch-plywood-market
Birch Plywood Market Definition:
Birch plywood is defined as the fine-grained wood which is mainly used for manufacturing home improvement project such as desks, shelves, among others.  In addition, it is also used for wall panel, kitchen cabinet, interior wall & ceiling paneling, among others. Various advantages of using birch plywood such as higher strength, cost-effective prices, eco-friendly, high-quality multi-ply panel, and other benefits. Increasing development of residential & office spaces and growing inclination of homeowners towards interior designing are some of the major factors which affect the birch plywood growth of the market.
Market Trend:
Rising Disposable Incomes of the People and Changing Inclination of the Consumers Globally
Market Drivers:
Increasing Usage of the Birch Plywood in the Construction Industry
Rising Demand of Birch Plywood from structural panel industry
Market Opportunities:
Rising Demand from Emerging Economics such as China, India, among others
The Global Birch Plywood Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (Natural, Semi-natural), Application (Furniture Industry, Interior Decoration, Engineering and Construction, Others), Material (Poplar, Pine, Oak, Maple, Spruce, Basswood, Elm, Others), Plywood Type (13-Ply, 9-Ply, 3-Ply, 5-Ply, Others)
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/51195-global-birch-plywood-market
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Birch Plywood Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Birch Plywood market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Birch Plywood Market.
Chapter 3: Displayingthe Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Birch Plywood
Chapter 4: Presenting the Birch Plywood Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying market size by Type, End User and Region 2015-2020
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Birch Plywood market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries (2021-2026).
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Birch Plywood Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies in decision framework.
Data Sources & Methodology The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Global Birch Plywood Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry’s value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.
In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources – Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age.
For Early Buyers | Get Up to 20% Discount on This Premium Report: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/51195-global-birch-plywood-market
What benefits does AMA research study is going to provide?
Latest industry influencing trends and development scenario
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Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market.
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Southeast Asia.
Contact Us:
Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837
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heaterssensors · 1 year
Panel Heater and Open Coil Heater Manufacturer and Repairs
Understanding Panel Heaters: Manufacturing and Benefits
Panel heaters are sleek and slim heating units that can be easily mounted on walls. They are designed to distribute heat evenly across a room, ensuring a consistent temperature. The manufacturing process involves using high-quality materials to create a heating element sandwiched between insulated panels. This design not only ensures efficient heating but also makes them aesthetically pleasing.
Benefits of Panel Heaters:
Energy Efficiency: Panel heaters are known for their energy-saving capabilities, making them an eco-friendly choice.
Space-Saving: Their wall-mounted design helps save valuable floor space.
Silent Operation: Panel heaters operate quietly, ensuring a peaceful environment.
Quick Heating: These heaters can reach their desired temperature rapidly, providing immediate warmth.
Exploring Open Coil Heaters: Functionality and Repair
Open coil heaters, also known as resistance heaters, consist of coiled wires through which an electric current passes, generating heat. They are commonly used in industrial applications where high-temperature heating is required. If you encounter issues with an open coil heater, repairs are possible depending on the extent of damage. Professional technicians can diagnose and fix problems such as coil burnout or wiring issues.
FAQs About Panel and Open Coil Heaters
Q1: Are panel heaters suitable for large rooms? A1: Yes, panel heaters are available in various sizes to heat both small and large rooms effectively.
Q2: Can I paint my panel heater to match my room's decor? A2: It's not recommended, as painting the heater may affect its performance and safety.
Q3: How can I maintain an open coil heater? A3: Regularly clean the coils and ensure proper ventilation for optimal performance.
Q4: Are panel heaters safe to use around children and pets? A4: Yes, panel heaters are designed to be cool to the touch, minimizing the risk of burns.
Conclusion: Making the Right Heating Choice
Choosing between a panel heater and an open coil heater depends on your specific heating needs. Panel heaters offer efficient warmth for homes and offices, while open coil heaters excel in industrial settings. Whatever your choice, regular maintenance and timely repairs will ensure the longevity of your heating system. Stay warm and cozy all year round with the perfect heating solution!
Remember to consult professionals for any repairs or installations to ensure safety and optimal performance. We hope this guide has provided valuable insights into panel and open coil heaters, helping you make informed decisions for your heating requirements.
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designdekko · 1 year
Flow House in Toronto, Canada by Dubbeldam Architecture + Design
Dubbeldam Architecture + Design unveils Flow House, a semi-detached Victorian house in midtown Toronto that has been reconfigured for a creative couple and their children. The transformation of the 130-year-old home included adding additional living space on the back and top of the home, improving connections to the outdoors, and updating the interior and rear yards for contemporary living. The traditional front façade remains, while the interior is now a meaningful reflection of the family’s unique personalities, vocations, and shared experiences.
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Though less than five meters wide, with an added area of only 230 square meters, the home now seems much larger through a strategy of compression and expansion. Narrowed interstitial spaces enclose, creating a feeling of constriction, then open to larger spaces with lofty ceilings. And there are moments of surprise and delight – the merging of interior and exterior spaces, the introduction of natural light in unexpected places, and the playful sculpting of elements that establish an organic quality to the home.
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Referencing one homeowner’s profession as a ceramicist, the notion of tactility and craft permeates the home through materials, forms, patterns, and textures. Suggesting a complementary hybrid of Scandinavian and Mediterranean influences, the wood cabinetry, screens, and flooring in warm white oak are accented by concrete and Carrara marble sinks, antiqued brass fixtures, and hand-moulded clay pendants. A clean backdrop of white walls and shelving provides a blank canvas to showcase the family’s collection of art, tapestries, and sculpture from local artists, along with artefacts gathered during travels abroad and the owner’s ceramics. Colour animates the interstitial spaces of the home – terra cotta tiles are laid in a herringbone pattern in the entry foyer, and a wall of geometric cerulean blue tiles defines the bar between the kitchen and dining room.
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Underpinned by an aesthetic of fluid contours – a deliberate contrast to the rectilinear floorplan – the house’s interior elements appear sculpted rather than built. The helical staircase connecting all four floors is a focal point that expresses the home’s sense of flow. Awash in natural light from the skylight above, the winding balustrade and natural oak treads cast shifting shadows throughout the day.
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“Curvilinear forms are employed throughout," says firm principal, Heather Dubbeldam. "Arched openings between rooms incite anticipation as they frame views of what lies beyond, resonating with curved walls, display nooks, the kitchen island and banquette, further enhancing the house’s sculptural sensibility.”
In addition to utilizing the latest sustainable systems and materials to promote well-being, large windows and skylights provide abundant light, natural ventilation, and connections to the outdoors. Mahogany-framed, floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors on the third floor provide access to a roof deck, while a similarly lofty door in the kitchen opens to the furnished back patio.
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Similar spatial strategies continue in the design of the rear yard. The volumes of charcoal-coloured panels that comprise the new rear façade are stepped back on multiple planes to create a roof deck and recessed entrance. In the back garden, compression and expansion are further explored through narrowed planting beds that open to wider spaces designed for play, dining, and relaxation. The wooden pergola, brick pavers, and ochre outdoor furniture are a nod to the various temperate climates the family has experienced together. At the same time, the landscaping of lush plantings provides interest year-round.
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Technical sheet
Location: Toronto, Ontario (The Annex)
Size: 2,500 s.ft. | 230 s.m.
Architecture/Interior Design/Landscape Design: Dubbeldam Architecture + Design
Project Team: Heather Dubbeldam, Andrew Snow, Krystal Kramer, Scott Sampson, Gigi Presently, Omkar Kulkarni
Contractor: DDF Contracting Ltd.
Consultants: Blackwell Structural Engineers
Photography: Riley Snelling
Source Link
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ellinapark · 1 year
Glass Movable Walls Market to Scale New Heights as Market Players Focus on Innovations 2023 – 2028
Advance Market Analytics released a new market study on Global Glass Movable Walls Market Research report which presents a complete assessment of the Market and contains a future trend, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry validated market data. The research study provides estimates for Global Glass Movable Walls Forecast till 2028*.
The glass partition wall is that the high-quality, non-load-bearing panels of glass that are wont to divide a section into totally different rooms viz. meeting rooms, conference halls. Glass partition walls produce associate degree open and wide work surroundings. These glass panels may be positioned by using timber frames, aluminium frames, or putty. They have applications in offices, schools, houses and so on.
Key Players included in the Research Coverage of Glass Movable Walls Market are Hufcor, Inc. (Malaysia)
Dormakaba (Switzerland)
Haworth (United States)
Trendway Corporation (United States)
Environamics Incorporated (United States)
All steel Inc. (United States)
Faraone Srl (Italy)
Transwall (United States)
Franz Nusing GmbH and Co KG (Germany)
LIKO-S, A.S. (India) What's Trending in Market: Increasing Powder Coated Glass Walls for Decoration
Development in Glass Laminations for the Heat Transparency and Absorption
Challenges: Availability of Alternatives in Market like Wooden Walls, Fibre Walls, Etc.
Opportunities: Rise in Co-working Spaces & Need for Flexible Office
Market Growth Drivers: Rise in Demand for the Smart Infrastructure Build and Growing Modern Building Space
Growth in Demand for Movable Walls for Additional Space
The Global Glass Movable Walls Market segments and Market Data Break Down 13543 To comprehend Global Glass Movable Walls market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Glass Movable Walls market is analyzed across major global regions. AMA also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas. • North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico. • South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil. • Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa. • Europe: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Russia. • Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia. Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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zkelin · 1 year
Fluted Type Wall Panel
The fluted type decorative wall panels are a new design in recent years. Its structure is similar to the Chinese Great Wall. It’s similar to the interior wall decoration panel design. And it can be used for outdoor wall panel decor. The finished 3D effect looks wonderful, for buildings, hotels, villas, etc.
These fluted wood panel boards are very popular in the middle east, Philippines, Australia, United States, Canada, Brazil, etc.
Now, it’s already the best-selling wall panel type due to the attractive 3D effect.
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For this fluted wall panel, we suggest the capped wall panel CO-09 (219x26mm). It’s capped with a super weather-resistant layer, resistant to sun, hot, water, fade, etc.
The feedback is very good due to the special 3D effect and good weather resistance. There is an extra protective layer that can make the panel less fading, the color more stable, even after years of use.
So, if you have any seaside projects, floating houses, or public projects. This fluted wall panel will be a good choice surely, you won’t be disappointed with it surely!
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noisebarriertarp · 1 year
Universal Outdoor Acoustical Blankets Acoustic Blanket Collapsible Barrier Noise Barrier Curtains
NoiseBarrierTarp is one of the leading professional manufacturers engaged in the research, development, production, sale and service of acoustic materials in Guangdong Province. Our factory covers 5, 000 square meters with several advanced production lines. Our company has won China Certificate for Enabling Products & China Environmental Labeling Product Certificate.
Recent Inquiries
(1). We need noise barrier wall for installation at sides of a highway, If you are a manufacturing factory for this item, pls give me technical and commercial information on different types you may manufacture?
(2). I'd like to receive a quote for the supply of 60mq of soundproof removable panel model 100 with the following features: nr 2 - 10 meters long, 3 meters high and 1 meter wide. I ask you to receive the quote Incoterm DAP to our storehouse located in Cantu', zip code 220630, (Italy). I'd also like to know in the material has the CE certifications for fire and other certifications.
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Insulation Australia Acoustic Noise Barrier Insulation Material Noise Reduction Barrier
Our products are selling well in Brisbane Australia, Hamilton Canada, Birkenhead United Kingdom, Jessore Bangladesh, Fos, Monclova Mexico, Tacloban Philippines, Pohang South Korea, Porto Portugal, Bandar Anzali Iran, Tumkur India, Paita Peru, and other countries and regions in the world.
With a professional team, our products have successfully sold to customers of home theater installer, design consulting studio, general contracting company, fit out construction firm, etc. InteriorNDecoration provides customized curtains and curtains, blinds, home accessories, event decoration and interior design services. RenovationAJ offers renovations, alterations, kitchens, bathrooms, structural repairs, house additions, roofs and custom cabinets. QNZNUF is a leading interior design company specializing in interior design, decoration and contract work. YQWTB is a full-service external company that provides roofing and siding services for homes and businesses in the Edmonton area. JKRIQ provides a variety of products, including: ready-mixed concrete and related contractor's equipment and supplies; household and commercial glass, etc.
It can be used for noise enclosures, industrial equipments, gearbox casings noise reduction, traffic noise reduction fences, thermal generating station, compressor housing, road saw noise reduction, extended construction site working hours, general plant noise, liquid cooler noise control, and so on.
Tag: sound barriers for generators, fence screen, soundproofing a generator, reflective materials, best sound barrier fence
Website: https://www.noisebarriertarp.com/product/temporary-noise-barrier-fencing/
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Bringing Life to Spaces: The Alluring and Growing Decorative Laminates Market
The Decorative Laminates Market has been rapidly growing over the past few years, driven by the increasing demand for cost-effective and aesthetically appealing surfacing materials. Decorative laminates are widely used in interior design applications, such as furniture, flooring, cabinets, wall paneling, and countertops, due to their durability, versatility, and design flexibility. They are available in various textures, colors, patterns, and finishes, allowing designers and architects to create customized and trendy interiors.
The market has witnessed a significant shift towards eco-friendly and sustainable laminates in recent years, owing to the growing awareness of environmental concerns and the adoption of green building practices. Many manufacturers are now offering laminates made from recycled materials or using eco-friendly production methods. Additionally, the introduction of innovative and advanced laminates, such as fire-retardant, scratch-resistant, and anti-bacterial laminates, has also boosted market growth.
Request For The Sample Copy of The Report @ https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/3502
The Asia-Pacific region dominates the global decorative laminates market, with China, India, and Japan being the major contributors to the market growth. The region’s increasing population, rapid urbanization, and rising disposable income have resulted in a surge in demand for interior design products, such as laminates. Moreover, the growing construction industry, particularly in the commercial and residential sectors, is also driving the market growth. With the increasing popularity of decorative laminates, the market is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years, with manufacturers focusing on product innovation and sustainability to stay competitive.
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Persistence Market Research is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. Persistence Market Research boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductors and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients’ business needs.
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Persistence market research Address – 305 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York City, NY 10007 United States U.S. Ph. – +1-646-568-7751 USA-Canada Toll-free – +1 800-961-0353 Sales – [email protected]
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