papeldeparedeonline · 2 years
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Novidade para decorar as paredes! Novos modelos em qualdiade vinílica de fabricante Marburg Alemão em nossa web papel pintado online. Saiba mais:
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krivaarthouse · 1 year
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Oversized Modern Minimal Beige Acrylic Abstract Painting on Canvas FREE Global Shipping Available, Purchase Here
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bugsy101 · 3 months
Now in Silver
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eternalhomeuae · 4 months
Discover the epitome of elegance with Eternal Home's luxury tiles and sanitary wares! 💎✨ Whether you're designing your dream home or creating a stunning commercial space, these products are here to make a statement.
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hey-shay-ls · 9 months
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They are trying their best to decorarte
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hexjulia · 11 days
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anyways now i'm making a roller blind for my kitchen i guess? what i'm trying to decide is what to paint on it. For referenece there is a lot of bright yellow in my living space, also some soft greens. I've been thinking of painting nasturtiums on the kitchen cabinets + making some decorartive tiles in a similar theme so maybe i should keep it on theme but i can also just make another roller blind and paint something else if i feel like it. I got a few metres of cotton for maybe 3 euro. :) so i can experiment
But any idea re: what would be fun?
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En tu cumpleaños
Me voy a quedar
Con las ganas de ir a buscarte a tu casa
De hornearte un pastel
De decorarte bonito el escritorio
De regalarte el CD de DATA o el de C Tangana
Regalarte audífonos nuevos
El libro de The Great Gatsby
Despertarte con una llamada
O despertarte con unos besos
De pedirle a Rhina que me diga cuánto gasta en tu cumple para yo poner ese dinero
Y de darte un beso, mirarte a los ojos y acariciarte el pelo.
Claro que te extraño
Claro que correría a ti si me lo pidieras
Pero no lo vas a hacer.
Me quedo con mi amor por ti guardado en una cajita al fondo de mi corazón.
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sunshineirene · 4 months
Quisiera decorarte con flores y pinceles
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britishbabe96x · 6 months
quiero decorarte toda te gustaria?
Ningún problema 😉
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enmipecho-asher · 6 months
No te deseo mal
Pero deseo bien para una flor
Que no eres tú ni tus espinas
Para una margarita
Que ahora sigue el sol
Y que pronto podrás ver
Su fruto, su aceite
Que dejara de ser una sola flor
Para convertirse en un jardin
De interminable belleza
No te deseo mal
Solo deseo que no pisotees otros prados
Que han costado lágrimas, sangre y sudor
Que tus cascos, yegua
No puedan estropear otros pastos
No te alimentes de ellos
Porque hoy te pongo callado
Quédate de tu lado, piérdete en tu ignorancia
No escuches consejos de nadie que te ame
Sino escucha a los lobos rapaces
Que vienen a decorarte
Pisotea y escandalizate de tu espectáculo
Y así cuando veas que todo lo que pisas no florece
Te darás cuenta del daño que has causado
Que vivan las consecuencias de nuestros actos
Yo estoy esperando con ansias las mías
Porque sé afrontarlas, ya no tengo culpa
Y tú, Flor de espino... ¿Sabes confrontarte
Con tus propias heridas?
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espacodecorarte · 8 months
Transforme seu Espaço com a Decorarte
A decoração de interiores desempenha um papel fundamental na forma como percebemos e aproveitamos nossos espaços. É a magia que transforma uma simples sala em um refúgio acolhedor, um quarto em um santuário relaxante e uma cozinha em um ambiente funcional e agradável. A Decorarte, com sua expertise em design de interiores e uma abordagem inovadora, está aqui para ajudar você a transformar completamente seus espaços em algo verdadeiramente especial.
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Por que a Decorarte?
A Decorarte é uma empresa com anos de experiência no mercado de design de interiores. Nossos especialistas em design estão sempre atualizados com as últimas tendências e inovações na indústria, o que nos permite oferecer soluções de decoração únicas e personalizadas para cada cliente.
Clique para saber mais
O Poder da Personalização
Acreditamos que cada espaço deve refletir a personalidade e o estilo de quem o habita. É por isso que a personalização é uma parte fundamental de nosso processo. Trabalhamos em estreita colaboração com nossos clientes para entender suas necessidades, preferências e visões, e então transformamos essas ideias em realidade.
Qualidade e Durabilidade
Na Decorarte, valorizamos a qualidade acima de tudo. Usamos apenas os melhores materiais e produtos disponíveis no mercado, garantindo que sua decoração seja não apenas bonita, mas também durável e resistente ao longo do tempo. Isso significa que você não só terá um espaço incrível, mas também uma decoração que vai durar por muitos anos.
Nossos Serviços
Oferecemos uma ampla gama de serviços de design de interiores para atender a todas as suas necessidades de decoração. Alguns de nossos serviços incluem:
1. Consultoria de Design
Nossa equipe de especialistas em design está à disposição para fornecer consultoria especializada em design de interiores. Podemos ajudá-lo a escolher cores, móveis, iluminação e acessórios que combinem perfeitamente com o seu espaço e estilo de vida.
2. Projeto 3D
Usando tecnologia avançada de modelagem 3D, podemos criar representações visuais de como seu espaço ficará após a conclusão da decoração. Isso permite que você visualize o resultado final e faça ajustes antes mesmo de começarmos a trabalhar.
3. Decoração Residencial e Comercial
Atendemos tanto a clientes residenciais quanto comerciais. Seja para transformar sua casa em um refúgio de conforto ou criar um ambiente atraente para seus clientes, estamos preparados para enfrentar qualquer desafio.
Transforme Seu Espaço Hoje
Se você está procurando dar uma nova vida aos seus espaços, a Decorarte é a escolha certa. Nossos especialistas em design de interiores estão ansiosos para trabalhar com você, transformando suas ideias em realidade. Transforme seu espaço com a Decorarte e experimente a diferença que uma decoração bem pensada pode fazer.
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dclife · 11 months
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This stunning Surrealism painting captures the urban life of Washington, DC. The distressed canvas features a cityscape shrouded in mist and mystery. The brushtrokes of dark hues of 575358, 2D2A33, and B9BCB6, slip across the canvas like shadows. Accented by lighter tones of D2CBAF and EDF1FF, the dense atmosphere of the painting communicates a sense of intimacy. The landscape is dotted with ancient alleyways, looming buildings, and streetlights that pierce the stylish urban setting. This therapeutic painting captures the essence of the capital city. It marvels with its elegance and grace. Truly an eye-catching piece, this canvas promises to enrich any room. #washingtondc #dc #blackart #surrealism #painting #urbanlife #decorart #wallart #cityscape #artistry #capitalcity #washington #dcapartment
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busaccagallery · 1 year
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🔥 Antique Glass Blowing and Bronze Metal Working
🔥 See wonderful eclectic art designs and unusual Collectibles at
🔥 BusaccaGallery..com
🔥 The 19th century witnessed a flourishing of bronze and glass lighting production, driven by the demand for decorative and functional lighting fixtures. These techniques and styles continue to influence contemporary lighting design, blending traditional craftsmanship with modern manufacturing processes.
During the 19th century, the fabrication of bronze and glass lighting fixtures played a significant role in the development of interior lighting design. Advances in technology and the rise of industrialization allowed for the mass production of these materials, leading to a proliferation of decorative lighting options for homes, public spaces, and businesses.
Bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, was a popular material for lighting fixtures due to its durability, malleability, and aesthetic appeal.
#Lighting #Bronze #Lamps #LightingFixtures #LightingArt #ArtLighting #InteriorDesigners #InteriorDesign #Designer #Architects #ArchitecturalDesign #ArchitecturalArt #ArchitecturalLighting #ArchitecturalArtisticArt#ArtAndDesign #HomeDecor #Decor #ArtNouveau #ArtNewWave #DecorArt #Glassmaking #Glass #ArtGlass #BronznAndGlass #BronznArt #GlassFabrication #Bronze #Blacksmith #Metalworking #BusaccaGallery
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amazythelsblogs · 2 years
La Casa De Bernarda Alba, poverty rant, and E.D. Realisation
Watch La Casa, by Federico Garcia Lorca. 
I absolutely hate buying anything, any material thing created to be norm and so on. Hearing people who think they are the smartest, who use power, intimidation and force to get their point and to silence others, and to be little those who have newer, fresher and more of the times knowledge than then gives me the ick. People who try to make themselves feel better, or who engage in rich people habits to make themselves look better. The master shadow weavers of the village. Forcing their illusion of wealth upon the others, those who they deem to be lower than themselves. Who buy more, as their numbers go down, but its in the thousands, that means you are rich, right? Small amounts of fortune, are big to them, and they create a pompous and beter than you reality. 
I have a head ache from screaming, and from forcefeeding the perfect image. Hoarding material possessions to create the illusion of wealth, decorarting the walls of a house built on sand, and trying to mimick the visuals of the rich, without first putting in the work because the ego is too proud to admit its true position. Creating a wall soo thick that anyone trying to prove you wrong and help you shatter the illusion so that you can have real wealth, real happiness and real good fortune is cast out, and doesn’t even try to help, to encourage, or to give an alternate opinion. Having a pride so high and mighty, that you could be scavenging to make ends meet after drowning in debt to afford your luvurious sandcastle, and oyu still wouldn’t accept help, or an alternate opinion. If you find yourself to be happy that your kids are gone, or happy to be away from your constant cyclical life, you are doing something wrong and I suggest you change so now. If you are buying excessively for a home you rent you need to rethink your actions. If you are loading your pockets with good fortune and then letting it crumble away bit by bit buy buying cheap little things that is bozo behaviour and I call you to rethink your actions immediately. You are trying to overcompensate. No matter if you are 12 years old when you read this, living in your family haouse, or 22 and living in a rented apartment, you need to stop buying, start learning, start consciously and mindfully investing, and start buidlign up a savings resource. Stop letting your good fortune crumble into cheap fashion and thrills, Into going out, eating out, trying to be luxurious. Act like the current situation. if you have no money, look the part, and insead of trying to make yourself look presentable and beautiful to the lower class, work hard in rags and put all of your focus into getting into the upper class as soon as possible, then allow your transformation to glow. And stop beinf lazy in your actions. Just do what you have to do, do the work, and have a clear goal, clear steps to take, so that you are not running around with a full nappy panicking about the next step to take. 
For Dictator parents
1. Never try to humiliate your children in front of their friends to prove a point. That is abusive. Don’t scream at them in private or in the presence of their friends. If your child reacts strangely to your approaches of affection, or stay ssilent when you joke about your relationship with your friends, they are in victim mode, and they are tired of your b*llsh*t. Stop playing down their feelings, stop trying to be little them to make yourself feel bigger, and stop trying to get validation from your friends who have always told you what a good person you are. You are not. If your negative actions from the past three days outweigh the positive ones, that means that currently you are a bad person and you need to change your ways asap before your kid starts getting some kind of a ptsd or psychological disorder. It is as simple and easy as them experiencing something once, twice, then three times to form a compulsive reaction or defense mechanism. You are ruining your children by being too prideful. 
2. If you have a child who trusts you unconditionally, you are the leader, and they are the follower. they look up to you, like a little puppy would. They see you only perfectly, especially if they are the eldest, and you have been trough much together. That is why it is crucial to be kind and loving towards them. To be patient, and understanding. Sometimes, parents are just big psycho babies that need a reality check. Especially the proud ones. When they are constantly the ones setting the rules, and being in control. 
3. Story time
I came back after dropping out of university, to my family being very  distant from me. I felt like a reject an dthat hurt me, because after my experiences, and realising that in this world it really is just me, it shook me to my core. i had been with these people for my entire life, and the parent turning hostile towards me hurt me. I had been forcefeeding myself large quantities of carb foods, and mass consuming bulk, kilograms of food at once. I was self harming and didn’t even realise it. I had made many mistakes, and I was very deeply in a dark hole. I had been very beautiful over the summer, but this quickly changed after my attempts to harm myself through the food I was eating. I had gained quite a lot of weight, and went from getting into the semi-finals of a modelling contest to ripping at mt body and cutting off my hair. All of my beautiful clothes were ruined, and when I had returned to my room it was messy and i felt like an intruder. The toxins and unusual chemicals in the food got to my brain, and I was so delusional and disoriented that I allowed many different people into my energy, and even into my house at the time. it felt like I was on crack. That winter was probably the worst winter of my life. i remeber choking myself with food once, after someone had given me some leftovers from the cafe they worked at, white sanwiches and white pasta, nothing like anything I used to eat. I forced it down my throat. Then I went back to bed. I was stuck to that bed, it felt like it was pulling me into a deep dark hole, and I was delusional, delirious, and quite vulnerable. I drifted around this place, and for so long that I had spent £2,000 in rent money. I remeber trying to fin dfar away places to go to, and drifting on public transport trying to get to the airport, I got there once, and was ready to get a flight, but it didn’t work out how I had imagined. 
The worst thing was, that the parent didn’t really seem to be phased by anything, but I don’t quite remember what happened. I was just yelld at for getting home late, and it must have been 12 am or 1am that I got home once, I was walking from the trainstation to te house but ended up getting an uber and angering the parent. 
Ever since then I have been paranoid about the police taking me away for being a psycho or displaying antisocila behaviour. I have been trying to forget that time, those times, but it’s quite difficult to, when I am sitting at home and trying to figure out what’s next. 
My entire life has always revolved around school, shopping, and work, art, beauty. I ‘ve been dreaming of beig surrounded by nature, but here is my paradoxical thinking.
I am in England. Ok, a First World country. But I am unhappy here. I am shortening my lifespan by living this stressful and unhealthy lifestyle, and I am beyond numb to misery. Ok solution: go travelling. Yes, but when i run out of money? i’ll be happy! No, I will be stuck wherever I had find myself, so I  find myself in aplace that I would be happy to be stuck in, sorted. Ok, now what happens in twenty + yeasr when th econsumersim and machienes come to the home I would have built an ddestroy it like in Avatar? I will have been like: I could’ve stopped this, but I wanted to be happy.
Hypothesis: What’s the point of being alive if you hate every moment that you’re alive and unhappy? Isn’t the point of us having awareness and consiousness to b ehappy and live free, to fully be awake in the dream of life? it all goes into darkness, someday, so I choose to be happy about the fact that I am so super aware that I am alive, that I can analyse my own existence on a blog post on a website called tumblr. 
Good day and good riddance. 
Em hotep. 
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doloresquematan · 2 years
Ni voy a atarte
ni voy a detenerte del lugar al que perteneces
porque tu esencia más que decorarte en todos tus estribos
ayuda a que recorras la gracia de tu destino
Que aunque mucho te ame, debo soltarte
y soñarte en mi camino
y desear que me des la mano
no haria que te quedaras conmigo
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jainsonsemporio · 2 years
Buy Wall Lighting For Bathroom At Jainsons Emporio
Explore the decorartive wall lighting for giving amazing & attractive look in your bathroom. Shop now the space -free and modern picture bath lights from Jainson Emporio. All the lights in this collection come with an inbuilt LED.
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