#Db-Ip Geolocation Api
dbipdatabaseus · 8 months
An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. Our team DB-IP ih  providing you Ip Geolocation Database, Get City By Ip, Find City By Ip Address and many more services. 
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deimonspikelet777 · 6 years
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What Is Mongo? The name Mongo was taken from the word Humongous. In the context of storage it can mean dealing with large quantities of data. And that's what databases are pretty much for. They provide you with an interface to create, read, edit(update) and delete large sets of data (such as user data, posts, comments, geo location coordinates and so on) directly from your Node.js program. By "complete" I don't mean documentation for each Mongo function. Rather, an instance of Mongo code used as a real-world example when building a PWA. A Mongo collection is similar to what a table is in a MySQL database. Except in Mongo, everything is stored in a JSON-like object. But keep in mind that it also uses BSON to store unique _id property, similar to how MySQL stores unique row key. Installing Mongo And Basic Operations In the Terminal on Mac or bash.exe on Windows 10, log in to your remote host with ssh [email protected] (replace the x's with your web host's IP address.) Then use cd to navigate to your project directory on the remote host, for example, /dev/app. Install the system-wide Mongo service: sudo apt-get install -y mongodb The -y directive will automatically answer "yes" to all installation questions. We need to start the Mongo service after this (explained in next section.) Mongo Shell Just like MySQL has a command line shell where we can create tables, users, and so on, Mongo also has its own shell to create collections, show databases, and more. First we need to start the Mongo service: sudo service mongodb start If you ever need to stop the Mongo server, you can do that with: sudo service mongodb stop But don't stop it – we need the service running for the next part! To enter the Mongo shell, type the mongo command into your cli/bash: mongo You will see your bash change to a > character. Let's type the use command to create a new (or switch to an existing) database: > use users switched to db users Type > db to verify that we indeed switched to users database: > db users Let's take a look at all existing databases by executing the show dbs command: > show dbs admin 0.000GB local 0.000GB Even though we created a users database in the earlier step, it's not on this list. Why? That's because we haven't added any collections to the database. This means that users actually exists, but it won't be shown on this list until a collection is added. Adding Mongo Collection Let's add a new collection to users database.  Remember a collection in Mongo is the equivalent of a table in MySQL: db.users.insert({name:"felix"}) We just inserted a collection into the users database. Let's run > show dbs now: > show dbs admin 0.000GB local 0.000GB users 0.000GB Simply inserting a JSON-like object into the users database has created a "table." But in Mongo, it's just part of the document-based model. You can insert more objects into this object and treat them as you would rows/columns in MySQL. Installing the Mongo NPM Package npm install mongodb --save Generating The Data Before we go over Mongo methods, let's decide what we want to store in the database Let's take a look at world coordinate system. It's quite different from Cartesian. The central point here is located relatively near Lagos, Nigeria: Latitude and Longitude visualized. [0,0] point is located in the center of the coordinate system with axis going left and down in negative direction. HTML5 geo location will take care of calculating your location automatically based on your IP address. But we still need to convert it to 2D on the image. Image credit. Front-End Collecting the data. HTML5 provides an out-of-the-box geo location system and gives us latitude and longitude, as long as the client agrees to share that information. The following code will create a pop up message box on desktop and mobile devices asking users to "allow" the browser to share its location. If user agrees, it will be stored in lat and lon variables: if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) { let lat = position.coords.latitude; let lon = position.coords.longitude; } } Well, that's a great start. But this isn't enough. We need to convert it into a 2D coordinate system that HTML5 understands. We need to draw location markers on top of the map image! So I wrote this simple World2Image function that takes care of that: function World2Image(pointLat, pointLon) { const mapWidth = 920; const mapHeight = 468; const x = ((mapWidth / 360.0) * (180 + pointLon)); const y = ((mapHeight / 180.0) * (90 - pointLat)); return [x, y]; } We simply divide map image dimensions by 360 and 180 respectively and then multiply them by 180 + pointLong and 90 - pointLat to adjust to the center. And our final code that converts latitude/longitude to 2D coordinates will look like this: if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) { let lat = position.coords.latitude; let lon = position.coords.longitude; let xy = World2Image(lat, lon); let x = xy[0]; let y = xy[1]; } } In your app of course you can use any data you want. We just need a meaningful set to demonstrate a practical example for a potential live sunset photography app. Place the code above between tags within the tag in your PWA. Preferably inside: window.onload = event => { /* here */ }; Now every time a new visitor joins our page, they will be asked to share their geolocation. Once they press the "Allow" button, it will be collected and stored in lat, lon, x, and y vars. We can then create a Fetch API call to send it to our back-end server. API End-point Round Trip Below are the sections Front-End, Back-End, and Front-End again. Developing an API end-point (/api/user/get for example) you will often follow this pattern. First we need to call Fetch API to trigger an HTTP request to an end-point. Front-End API Here is the simple code that gives us two Fetch API requests. At this time we only need these two actions to build our geolocation API. Later in this article I'll show you how they connect to Mongo on the back-end. class User { constructor() { /* Currently unused */ this.array = []; } } // Make JSON payload let make = function(payload) { return { method: 'post', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(payload) }; } /* /api/add/user Send user's geolocation to mongo payload = { x : 0, y : 0, lat: 0.0, lon: 0.0 } */ User.add = function(payload) { fetch("/api/add/user", make(payload)) .then(promise => promise.json()).then(json => { if (json.success) console.log(`Location data was entered.`); else console.warn(`Location could not be entered!`); }); } /* /api/get/users Get geolocations of all users who shared it */ User.get = function(payload) { fetch("/api/get/users", make(payload)) .then(promise => promise.json()) .then(json => { if (json.success) console.log(`Location data was successfully fetched.`); else console.warn(`Users could not be fetched!`); }); } We can now use static User functions to make Fetch API calls. Of course, nothing is stopping you from simply calling the fetch function anywhere in your code wherever it makes sense. It's just that putting everything into a User object helps us organize code. Back-End This tutorial assumes you have Node and Express running. Showing how to set that up would take another whole tutorial. But here are the core API commands coded in Express. It's quite simple. The code below is from the express.js file, which is the complete SSL server. The only thing you need to change if you plan on implementing this on your remote host is generating your own SSL certificates with certbot and LetsEncrypt. Express, Multer and Mongo Init Shenanigans First we need to initialize everything: /* include commonplace server packages... */ const express = require('express'); const https = require('https'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); /* multer is a module for uploading images */ const multer = require('multer'); /* sharp works together with multer to resize images */ const sharp = require('sharp'); /* instantiate the express app... */ const app = express(); const port = 443; // Create Mongo client const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; // Multer middleware setup const storage = multer.diskStorage({ destination: function (req, file, cb) {cb(null, './sunsets')}, filename: function (req, file, cb) {cb(null, file.fieldname + '-' + Date.now())} }); // Multer will automatically create upload folder ('./sunsets') const upload = multer( { storage : storage } ); // body-parser is middleware included with express installation. The following 3 lines are required to send POST body; if you don't include them, your POST body will be empty. const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true})); app.use(bodyParser.json()); // Create some static directories. A static folder on your site doesn't actually exist. It's just an alias to another folder. But you *can also map it to the same name. Here we're simply exposing some folders to the front end. app.use('/static', express.static('images')); app.use('/sunsets', express.static('sunsets')); app.use('/api', express.static('api')); app.use('/static', express.static('css')); app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/index.html')); }); // General use respond function -- send json object back to the browser in response to a request function respond( response, content ) { const jsontype = "{ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }"; response.writeHead(200, jsontype); response.end(content, 'utf-8'); } // Utility function...convert buffer to JSON object function json( chunks ) { return JSON.parse( Buffer.concat( chunks ).toString() ) } We still need to add end points to the express.js file. The code below is assumed to go into the same file just underneath what we've written above. Setting up API end-points Creating POST API end-points with Express is a breeze. The code below will be triggered on the server when we use fetch calls we talked about earlier (using the User object and its static methods) from client-side. API End-point 1 /api/add/user This server side end-point will add geolocation data to Mongo database: // End-point: api/add/user // POST method route - Add geolocation to Mongo's Photographer collection app.post('/api/add/user', function(req, res, next) { const ip = req.connection.remoteAddress; const { x, y, lat, lon } = req.body; // Connect to mongo and insert this user if doesn't already exist MongoClient.connect(`mongodb://localhost/`, function(err, db) { const Photographer = db.collection('Photographer'); // Check if this user already exists in collection Photographer.count({ip:ip}).then(count => { if (count == 1) { console.log(`User with ${ip} already exists in mongo.`); db.close(); } else { console.log(`User with ${ip} does not exist in mongo...inserting...`); let user = { ip: ip, x: x, y: y, lat: lat, lon: lon }; // Insert geolocation data! Photographer.insertOne(user, (erro, result) => { if (erro) throw erro; // console.log("insertedCount = ", result.insertedCount); // console.log("ops = ", result.ops); db.close(); }); } }); res.end('ok'); }); }); API End-point 2 /api/get/users This server side end-point will grab a list in JSON format of all currently stored geolocations in the Mongo database: // End-point: api/get/users // POST method route - Get all geolocations from Mongo's Photographer collection app.post('/api/get/users', function(req, res, next) { // Connect to Mongo server MongoClient.connect(`mongodb://localhost/`, function(err, db) { const Photographer = db.collection('Photographer'); Photographer.find({}, {}, function(err, cursor) { // NOTE: You must apply limit() to the cursor // before retrieving any documents from the database. cursor.limit(1000); let users = []; // console.log(cursor); cursor.each(function(error, result) { if (error) throw error; if (result) { // console.log(result); let user = { x: result.x, y: result.y, lat: result.lat, lon: result.lon }; // console.log("user["+users.length+"]=", user); users.push(user); } }); // A more proper implementation: (WIP) (async function() { const cursor = db.collection("Photographer").find({}); while (await cursor.hasNext()) { const doc = await cursor.next(); // process doc here } })(); setTimeout(time => { const json = `{"success":true,"count":${users.length},"userList":${JSON.stringify(users)}}`; respond(res, json); }, 2000); }); }); }); API End-point 3 This will upload an image from an HTML form via the Node multer package: // End-point: api/sunset/upload // POST method route - Upload image from a form using multer app.post('/api/sunset/upload', upload.single('file'), function(req, res, next) { if (req.file) { // console.log("req.file.mimetype", req.file.mimetype); // const { filename: image } = req.file.filename; let ext = req.file.mimetype.split('/')[1]; let stamp = new Date().getTime(); // console.log("ext=",ext); output = `./sunsets/sunset-${stamp}.${ext}`; output2 = `https://www.infinitesunset.app/sunsets/sunset-${stamp}.${ext}`; console.log("output=",output); // console.log("output2=",output2); sharp(req.file.path) .resize(200).toFile(output, (err, info) => { // console.log(err); // console.log(info.format); }); // fs.unlinkSync(req.file.path); res.end(`Picture uploaded! Go Back`,`utf-8`); } // req.file is the `avatar` file // req.body will hold the text fields, if there were any res.end(`Something went wrong.`,`utf-8`); }); MongoDB Command Overview Primarily we will use .insertOne and .find Mongo collection methods. When inserting a location entry, we will test if that entry already exists in the database. If it does, there is nothing to do. If it doesn't, we'll insert a new entry. You can also use Mongo's .count method to count the number of entries in the document that match a particular document filter. To do any Mongo operations, we first need to connect to our Mongo server from within of our Node application. This is done using the .connect method. .connect MongoClient.connect(mongodb://localhost/, function(err, db) { /* mongo code */ }; db.close() When we're done we need to close the database connection: MongoClient.connect(mongodb://localhost/, function(err, db) { db.close(); }; .insertOne Photographer.insertOne(user, (erro, result) => { if (error) throw error; // console.log("insertedCount = ", result.insertedCount); // console.log("ops = ", result.ops); Don't forget to close db db.close(); }); Here, results.ops will display the object that was inserted. .find The find method produces something called a cursor in Mongo. This cursor is an object that you can call .each on to iterate over all found items. As per the Mongo documentation, you should always set a limit first with cursor.limit(1000); Photographer.find({}, {}, function(err, cursor) { // NOTE: You must apply limit() to the cursor // before retrieving any documents from the database. cursor.limit(1000); let users = []; // console.log(cursor) is [Cursor object]; cursor.each(function(error, result) { // check for errors if (error) throw error; // get data let x = result.x; let y = result.y; /* etc... */ } } Front-End Displaying the data Now that we have a basic Mongo API running on our back-end, we can send data back to the front-end and the client side needs to visually display it on the screen. I've chosen to use HTML5 to draw the coordinates as images. To draw images on canvas, you first have to include them in your HTML document as regular images with tags. Let's include the images in the HTML to cache them in the browser: /* Load images but move them offscreen */ #you, #world, #mark { position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px } And now the core of our front-end is finished. This call will do a bunch of things: see if device browser supports the HTML5 geolocation property, create a 2D canvas and draw world map image on it, get HTML5 geolocation data, send it to Mongo using Fetch API, make another call to get all previously inserted items into our Mongo db on the back-end and animate canvas by drawing markers based on returned JSON object: // Create payload -- redundant everywhere, // because all POST payloads are JSON // now in neat make() function let make = function(payload) { return { method: 'post', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(payload) }; }); // safe entry point, all images loaded etc. window.onload = function(event) { // a place to store location markers window.markers = []; // Because this is { window.User = User; } // create 2D canvas const c = document.getElementById("canvas"); const ctx = c.getContext("2d"); // get our images const world = document.getElementById("world"); const here = document.getElementById("here"); const marker = document.getElementById("marker"); if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) { let lat = position.coords.latitude; let lon = position.coords.longitude; let xy = World2Image(lat, lon); let x = xy[0]; let y = xy[1]; console.log(`You are at ${lat} x ${lon} or = ${x} x ${y}`); // Add this user to mongo User.add({ x : x, y : y, lat: lat, lon: lon }); // get our user locations fetch("/api/get/users", make({})).then( promise => promise.json()).then(json => { /* Store returned list of markers */ window.markers = json.userList; // optionally debug each entry: json.userList.forEach(photographer => { // console.log(photographer); }); // Remove the loading bar window["loading"].style.display = 'none'; // display number of items returned console.log("json.userList.length", json.userList.length); }); // animation loop that draws all locations in real time function loop() { if (here && ctx) { // draw the world map ctx.drawImage(world, 0, 0, 920, 468); ctx.save(); // move to the center of the canvas ctx.translate(x, y); // draw the image ctx.drawImage(here, -here.width/2, -here.width/2); // draw marker images ctx.translate(-x, -y); if (window.cameras) { window.cameras.forEach(cam => ctx.drawImage(polaroid, cam.x-polaroid.width/2, cam.y-polaroid.width/2)); } ctx.restore(); // restore context } requestAnimationFrame(loop); } requestAnimationFrame(loop); }); } else msg.innerHTML = "Geolocation is not supported by this browser."; } Note: You don't have to render your data in this exact way. If you are using the React library, just go ahead and use components. It doesn't matter. Here I used vanilla JavaScript just for this example. What matters are the fetch requests and that we are rendering the returned JSON object containing location data on the screen. You don't have to use canvas. You could have used just the div elements for each marker. Open the live demo of this tutorial at infinitesunset.app. I open-sourced this entire project on GitHub Check complete source code for this Express.js SSL MongoDB server. This is a good starting point for someone who's trying to get Mongo to work on a remote host. ⭐Star it, 🍴 fork it, ⤵️download it or ✂️copy and paste it. End Result ( also see it running live at www.InfiniteSunset.app ) HTML5 geo location data visually displayed after being loaded from MongoDB.Thanks for reading, I hope you found this Mongo tutorial insightful.
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what is my ip address location
Why does one want my ip address location?
Pairing of information processing address to a geographical location is termed geolocation. There square measure times after you have to be compelled to determine wherever your internet guests square measure returning from. you would possibly have associate ecommerce web site, and would really like to grasp wherever your potential customers square measure, pre-populate country code on forms, show totally different language and scale back mastercard fraud supported geographic location. Or, you would possibly need to fight against bootleg spammers and hackers, and would really like to find supply of a tangle.
Although it might be nice to be able to notice precise ip address location of a traveler, it's nearly not possible to search out actual location of a bunch given its information processing address. However, there square measure tools obtainable to assist determine approximate location of the host. ARIN Whois info provides a mechanism for locating contact and registration info for information processing resources registered with ARIN.
You may additionally use third party websites like Geobytes or Dnsstuff to operation the information processing my ip address location. The United Nations agencyis operation can reveal name of the ISP who owns that information processing address, and also the country wherever it's originated from. If you are lucky, you would possibly additionally notice town of orgin. you'll additionally use merchandise developed by third party firms like Ip2location. Our sister web site, https://my-ip-is.com/ additionally provides a geographic info of your information processing address.
You may additionally use reverse DNS to search out out the hostname of the information processing address, which could offer you some clues. Many ISPs, firms and educational establishments use location as a certified hostname, though this is often not forever true. one or two of things to notice here: (1) Reverse DNS translation doesn't forever work. It depends on the proper configuration of the ISP's DNS server. (2) The United States of America domain names like .com, .net and .org doesn't forever imply that the host is found within the us.
You may use 'traceroute' command to search out clues to the placement of the information processing address. The names of the routers through that packets ensue your host to the destination host may hint at the geographical path of the ultimate location.
IP-based Geolocation list 1. what's ip address location?
IP-based Geolocation is mapping of associate information processing address or raincoat address to the real-world geographic location of associate Internet-connected computing or a mobile device. Geolocation involves in mapping information processing address to the country, region (city), latitude/longitude, ISP and name among alternative helpful things. 2. wherever am i able to get a my ip address location database?
There square measure variety of commercially obtainable geolocation databases, and their evaluation and accuracy could vary. Ip2location, MaxMind, Tamo Soft, DB-IP, Ipinfo associated IPligence provide a fee-based databases that may be simply integrated into an internet application. Most geolocation info vendors offers genus Apis and example codes (in ASP, PHP, .NET and Java programming languages) that may be accustomed retrieve geolocation knowledge from the info. we tend to use variety of business knowledgebases to supply a free geolocation data on our web site.
There are freely obtainable geolocation databases. Vendors providing business geolocation info additionally provide a low-cal or Community edition that gives IP-to-Country mappings. https://my-ip-is.com/ (Directi) provide free IP-to-Country info that may be additionally integrated into your internet application. There square measure firms additionally providing free internet services that may be accustomed show geolocation of associate information processing address on your web site. 3. however correct is what is my ip address location?
Accuracy of my ip address location info varies looking on that info you employ. For IP-to-country info, some vendors claim twhat is my ip address locationo supply ninety eight to ninety nine accuracy though typical Ip2Country info accuracy is a lot of like ninety fifth. For IP-to-Region (or City), accracy vary anyplace from five hundredth to seventy fifth if neighboring cities square measure treated as correct. Considering that there's no official supply of IP-to-Region info, 50+% accuracy is pretty sensible. 4. however will IP-based ip address location work?
ARIN Whois info provides a mechanism for locating contact and registration info for information processing resources registered with ARIN. The information processing whois info is obtainable for complimentary, and crucial the country from this info is comparatively simple. once a company needs a block of information processing addresses, asking is submitted and allotted information processing addresses square measure assigned  to a requested ISP.
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Outil de statistique de domaine Script Développeur
New Post has been published on http://www.developpeur.ovh/1256/
Outil de statistique de domaine
domaine statistique outil est léger et facile à installer le Script PHP qui montre vous des informations sur domaine tels que le nombre de pages indexées dans Enginies de recherche (Google, Yahoo, Bing), géo localisation, Alexa statistique, comme comte et bien plus encore. Chaque statistique de domaine dans les réseaux sociaux, les personnes peuvent partager envoyer e-mail ou ajouter aux favoris.
Pages dans les moteurs de recherche (Google, Yahoo, Bing)
les statistiques sociales (actions de facebook, épingles, g +)
Diagnostic (Google, McAfee)
DMOZ catalogue Checker
statistiques Alexa
serveur IP, géo localisation
cURL Library
MySQLi extension
temps d’exécution de Script doit être supérieur à 45 secondes
vous ne pouvez pas exécuter ce script sur un site web gratuit Hébergement, parce que leurs IPs bannis sur Google, Twitter, Facebook en raison d’un spam
votre serveur doit recevoir les variables de $_GET, contenant des points et des traits d’Union
Mod Rewrite Apache module (facultatif)
démo Applications
Site : http://domainstatistic.php5developer.com
Installation & Documentation
toutes les informations, vous pouvez trouver ici
journal des modifications
v 2.6 – 2016.09.04
soutien ajouté Facebook Graph API pour tirer nombre d’actions. Lire la suite ici
déjà acheté ? 1. remplacer/ajouter ci-dessous de fichiers :
nouveaux fichiers : ~root/class/class.facebook.php ~root/config/facebook.php fichiers modifiés ~root/class/class.social.php ~root/controller/ajax.php ~root/tmpl/domain.php
2. Configurer les informations d’identification de Facebook
v 2.5 – 2016.07.31
changements dans Alexa API
checker DMOZ amélioré
déjà acheté ? Requête de course suivante dans la base de données :
ALTER TABLE « ds_alexa » ADD « speed_time » INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ADD « pct » TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ; Remplacer
suite de fichiers :
~root/helpers.php ~root/class/class.searchcatalog.php ~root/tmpl/domain.php
v 2.4 – 2016.05.29
PageRank a été fermé
déjà acheté ? remplacer la suite fichier :
v 2.3 – 2016.04.10
fournisseur de services de GeoIP changé
déjà acheté ? remplacer la suite fichier :
v 2.2 – 2016.01.10
Twitter API a été fermé (à compter du 21 novembre 2015, Twitter a supprimé la “ point de terminaison Tweet comte ” API.).
yahoo Directory API a été fermé
mise à jour de Cookie EU droit Javascript plugin
mise à jour Google outil diagnostique
déjà acheté ? remplacer suite à fichier.
~rootclassclass.diagnostic.php ~rootclassclass.searchcatalog.php ~rootcontrollersajax.php ~rootstaticjscookieconsent.latest.min.js ~roottmpldomain.php
v 2.1 – 2015.11.23
passé à autre geolocation API, car l’ancien a été fermé.
déjà acheté ? remplacer suite à fichier.
v 2.0 – 2015.08.20
droit de Cookie de l’UE. Plus d’informations peuvent être trouvés ici
modification des fichiers :
~root/index.php ~root/tmpl/template.php
nouveaux fichiers :
~root/config/cookieconsent.php ~root/static/js/cookieconsent.latest.min.js
v 1.9 – 2015.01.08
fournisseur de Gep-IP a changé
déjà acheté ? remplacer les fichiers modifiés.
~rootclassclass.location.php ~rootcontrollersajax.php
v 1.8 – 2014.11.16
les fichiers de mise à jour le
WHOIS amélioré recherche
ajoutée fichiers :
v 1.7 – 2014.09.06
recherche WHOIS amélioré
soutenir certains fichiers de mise à jour le API modifications
class/class.diagnostic.php class/class.phpwhois.php class/class.searchcatalog.php class/class.searchengine.php config/whois.servers.php
v 1.6 – 2014.04.28
soutien supplémentaire de local rang Alexa (vous devez mettre à jour statistique pour le voir) balise meta Addded pour les appareils mobiles Changed miniature API en faveur de Pagepeeker
suite de fichiers a été modifié
~/class/class.searchcatalog.php ~/tmpl/template.php ~/tmpl/service/alexa_result.php ~/static/js/domainstat.js
déjà acheté ? Remplacer les fichiers modifiés (Assurez-vous que vous avez fait une copie du template.php si il ’ s contient le code de google et etc.) et courir après requête dans DB. ALTER TABLE
« wt_alexa » ajouter une colonne « country_code » VARCHAR(2) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL après « rang », ajouter une colonne « country_name » VARCHAR(100) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci non NULL après « country_code », ajouter une colonne « country_rank » INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL après « country_name » ;
v 1.5 – 2014.02.08
ajoutée propres whois PHP script, dépendance ainsi supprimée sur tiers API
suite de fichiers a été modifiés/ajoutés
modifiées : class/class.request.php modifiée : class/class.whois.php modifiée : tmpl/domain.php ajouté : class/class.phpwhois.php ajouté : config/whois.servers.php ajouté : config/whois.servers_charset.php
v 1.4 – 2014.01.27
fixe. Comte partagé à Pinterest
suite de fichiers a été modifié
v 1.3 – 2013.12.02
fixe. Comte de la page indexée par Google, Bing, Yahoo.
qu’un fichier a été modifié /root/class/class.searchengine.php
v 1.2 – 2013.10.17
Alexa a changé carte démographique API URL. Fixe.
qu’un fichier a été modifié /root/tmpl/domain.php
v 1.1
- Service WHOIS ajoutée - ajouté Responsive Design - switcher ajouté Captcha (marche/arrêt) - géo localisation API Bug fix
déjà acheté ? Find ici Comment migrer de nouveau présente et corrige le bug
Voir sur Codecanyon
Outil de statistique de domaine
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dbipdatabaseus · 1 year
This Geolocation API  devloper  documentation will  provide you   geographical information about an IP address. It uses various data sources and algorithms to determine the approximate location of an IP address. So if you would like to know more information about our API in our IP geolocation API developer documentation, simply contact us at any time and we’ll be able to help you find what you need. 
Know More:- https://db-ip.com/api/doc.php
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dbipdatabaseus · 6 months
Navigating the Digital Landscape: Essential Features of an IP Lookup Location API
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An IP Lookup Location API is indispensable for businesses seeking to enhance online experiences through precise geographical insights. Choosing a provider like DB-IP ensures accuracy and reliability in geolocation data. This API acts as a gateway to valuable information, enabling businesses to pinpoint user locations based on their IP addresses. Leveraging such insights enables targeted advertising, content personalization, and enhanced cybersecurity measures.
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dbipdatabaseus · 10 months
Decoding APIs: A Brief Guide- DB-IP
API" stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of rules and tools that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. For more please kindly connect with db-ip.com  who provide you Ip Location Lookup Api, Geolocation Db, Country Ip Ranges Database and many more.
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dbipdatabaseus · 10 months
Businesses constantly seek innovative ways to enhance user experience and provide personalized services. These services offer the ability to pinpoint the geographical location of website visitors based on their IP addresses, enabling businesses to deliver location-specific content, optimize marketing efforts, and prevent fraudulent activities. Our team db-ip.com  will provide you with Db-Ip Geolocation Api, Geolocation Db, Free Ip Location Database etc. 
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dbipdatabaseus · 2 years
A Geolocation Application Programming Interface (API) is a web service that provides developers ability to retrieve geolocation data for location. The data that is supplied by the API may contain a wide variety of information, ranging from the coordinates of latitude and longitude of a specific location to more granular details such as the elevation, temperature, or even population density of that location. Try looking for experts who can help you with an IP address to country API, My Ip Address City, Find City By Ip Address and much more. 
Read More: https://writingley.com/how-can-geolocation-api-help-in-app-development/
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dbipdatabaseus · 1 year
Location Lookup API offers comprehensive location details, including address, coordinates, and additional information, making it suitable for various applications. On the other hand IP Geolocation API focuses on providing geolocation data based on IP addresses and is commonly used for security and network-related purposes. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements and use case of the application or service being developed.
Read More- https://techblogmart.com/location-lookup-api-vs-ip-geolocation-api-whats-the-differenc-e-and-which-one-to-choose/
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dbipdatabaseus · 15 days
10 Best Practices for Implementing an IP Geolocation API
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Through the help of our deep manually, 10 Best Practices for Implementing an IP Geolocation API, provided by DB-IP, understand the essential strategies for incorporating an IP geolocation API. Discover how to improve your application's location-based services by using an IP address country database. The main techniques to maximize performance, guarantee smooth integration, and optimize accuracy are covered in this blog. Whether you're a developer or a company owner, our insights will enable you to make the most of IP geolocation.
Know More:- https://knowproz.com/10-best-practices-for-implementing-an-ip-geolocation-api/
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dbipdatabaseus · 15 days
Geolocation Pricing | Geolocation Database Providers | DB-IP
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The comprehensive means of implementing Geolocation Pricing techniques into practice is provided by DB-IP. DB-IP gives businesses the ability to customize their pricing models according to market conditions and geographical considerations by giving them accurate geolocation data. With the use of this tool, price may be effectively adjusted to compete with local competitors and demographics, hence increasing total marketing effectiveness. With the support of DB-IP's extensive database, companies may better target their customers and optimize their pricing strategies, leading to more precise and lucrative pricing selections.
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dbipdatabaseus · 6 months
Driving Innovation through Dynamic Location Lookup- Db Ip
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A Location Lookup API (Application Programming Interface) is a software interface that allows applications to retrieve information about a specific location or geographical coordinates. This API typically provides functionality to translate addresses, place names, or geographical coordinates into structured location data, such as latitude and longitude, postal codes, city names, administrative regions, time zones to know  more kindly visit at Db Ip who  offers Geolocation Db ,  country Ip Ranges Database and many more services. 
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dbipdatabaseus · 7 months
City lookup refers to determining the physical location of an IP address, specifically identifying the associated city. IP addresses act as unique identifiers for devices connected to a network, serving as virtual fingerprints for every online activity. Our team Db-Ip Geolocation Api is here for providing Ip To Country Database, Ip Lookup Location Api, Ip Geolocation Api and many more services. 
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dbipdatabaseus · 9 months
An IP Location Lookup API is a service that provides geolocation information based on an IP address. It allows users to determine the geographical location of a device or user connected to the internet by analysing the associated IP address. DB-IP is  here for all your digital problems.  
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