#Daycare La Puente CA
Why is it good for kids' health to play football?
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Introduction: This sport is an ideal choice for individuals who want to develop long-term cardiovascular fitness, muscle tone, and coordination. High-level team activities like football imbue learners with team spirit, discipline, and strategic thinking which are the key points for their social aspect. The Daycare City of Industry CA is also a place for your child's development, where he will be cared for and taught to nurture your child's health and growth. How does it work on health?
Social Interaction: Through fostering teamwork, communication, and cooperation, football works towards enhancing social skills. Team members earn from their interaction and by using teamwork, players appreciate the essence of building relationships and understanding the importance of working on the field during their playing time as well.
Discipline Development: With the use of this sport, children tend to learn about keeping order, as they follow the rules and strive to accomplish the set goals as a team. This installment of heroism involves discipline, dedication, and diligently following procedures that yield the outcome desired.
Bone Density: Football is the other sport that also supports bone health as it is based on weight-bearing activities like running and hanging. These also develop the bones forming healthy mineral content in them leading to a reduction of fragile conditions like osteoporosis in the future.
Balance Enhancement: Quickly shifting between side to side and properly handling kicks, brings about balance and coordination. Participants are shown to be updating their balance which equips them both in the game and in their overall movement thereby limiting injuries.
Stress Relief: During play, running with the ball and avoiding defenders is a stress-buster that gives players physical activity along with a positive sense of team spirit. The pleasure of playing with as well as the association with the teammates serve as the release channels for the mood enhancers hence promoting optimal mental health. The whole event will provide an alternate healthy outlet for stress and, therefore, will give away from a good diet of mind. Confidence Boost: Football players collect confidence from practice and competition experiences; the experience of scoring goals or learning a new footballing skill gives players a sense of achievement. Such positive outcomes as getting approval and recognition from the coach’s side as well as teammates contribute to feeling worthy and becoming that transformative process of becoming who we want to be.
In this context, football is an extra-curricular enticement to inculcate the spirit of a healthy kid. Whether it is psychological or cardiovascular, the sport is an excellent tool that allows an individual to become better physically, mentally, and socially. A physically healthier person is a gain of successfully addressing milestones in the game. What is more, it also lifts the morale of a person and leads to mental well-being. Also, we offer a Walnut Montessori Academy and Daycare La Puente CA where there is a nurturing environment, putting together both care and education, to cater to the wholeness of children's development.
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walnutmontessori · 2 years
How to Develop Music Interest in your Kids?
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No matter how enthusiastic your child is about something, they will eventually tire of learning about it. Whether it is about dancing, studying, playing, or any type of music, it is your responsibility to encourage your child to learn. When it comes to teaching music, can be a rewarding experience for both the learner and the instructor. Passing on your musical passion to the next generation will allow you to shape the art's future. In this post, Daycare La Puente CA experts will discuss how to develop a musical interest in your kids.
Have a look:
Practice rhythm
Learning at a young age doesn’t need any expensive instruments. You can use the bowls and spoons as a drum kit. Kazoos or party horns can sound like wind instruments, and coffee beans in a container make great maracas. At the starting age, kids enjoy and learn music with these "instruments" and also love to practice rhythm and play along with songs.
You can organize a performance after quarterly or yearly learning. It is perfect to arrange a music curriculum around. Kids need to feel like they are working for something real that exists in life. It will put positive pressure on the kids to perform their best in front of their family and friends. It will help to keep their stage phobia at bay.
Don’t Make Practice an Obligation
Most of the time, it happens because you invest your money in musical instruments and teaching classes and you force your child to join and learn as much as they can. No matter whether they are interested or not in it.
So don’t make practice an obligation. Try to make it a joyful and fun activity. Using a fun activity as a reward will create the mindset that practice is the obligation that stands in the way of the fun activity, and this could create resentment or dread for practice.
Don’t set random times to practice, without any specific goals or your child's concerns. Try to arrange your child's comfortable time and then reward them if they work well.
Listen to music together
It will help a lot to learn at the moment, and you can also spend quality time together. Don’t use loud music and harsh instruments for kids. It can be harmful and damaging for kids. You need to focus on that music should be gentle. Ask them to hear an old song and try to hear the new generation's songs. You can ask each other about your musical interests, like what kind of music you like, which is your favorite instrument, which is your favorite singer, and many more. You need to consider all these things to encourage your child to do something special.
Find the right teacher for your child to give them better musical training. Also, focus on them at home after the classes. Instead, if you are looking for childcare in the City of Industry, CA, we are here to assist you.
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walnutmontessori · 1 year
Which one is better for a kid’s nuclear or joint family?
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Family plays a significant role in a kid's life. When it comes to living in a nuclear or joint family, which one is better for your baby? Choosing one is a very difficult decision for any parent, but it is about their kids, so they have to make the decision wisely. To make your choice easy, the Montessori La Puente CA team has highlighted some points to help you decide which one is better for your kids as per their needs.
Let's read it out:
Joint family
Education beyond Books
When we live in a joint family, our elders teach us social values that we never learn from books or any education.
You grow more mature as a result, and you may utilize these lessons to guide your judgment in difficult situations. Overall, sharing a household helps one realize that education entails more than just reading textbooks.
Feeling of Togetherness
A joint family makes a special bond between two generations, and it gives us the belief to keep united in any situation.
To ensure that future generations may carry on the heritage and culture, they are handed on to them. In the joint family structure, the adage "United we stand, divided we fall" is accurate.
Learn the Art of Sharing
Sharing little victories and joys with your family members makes them feel so joyful, as anyone who has ever lived in a shared family will attest. Everyone is happy with any accomplishment, no matter how modest. Your family is always there to assist you during difficult times. A child who has grown up in a large community is undoubtedly more sociable and also has a sharing inclination. Sharing is a tendency that is ingrained in children who live in mixed households. Being a part of a large family force you to think more about "we" than "me."
Nuclear Family
In the past, freedom has been associated with loneliness. However, 21st-century values are different. Being independent has nothing to do with being alone or isolated. Every youngster should learn to be independent as they grow up. It is a way of life; it is the power that enables you to get out of bed every morning and guide your life on the desired path. Joint-family-raised children are more spoiled and frequently lose their sense of independence. Children raised in nuclear households, on the other hand, are more independent and positive. These youngsters gain self-awareness and the ability to control their future.
Personality Development
In the nuclear family, kids feel free to discuss anything with their parents without any hesitation. It allows for better personality development.
Adults raised in nuclear households will develop their independence and assume financial responsibility for their families. Kids will pick up on this, and when they move to a new place to live independently, they can do it with ease.
Fewer Quarrels
Compared to a joint family, nuclear families experience fewer fights. They typically involve minor disputes between a husband and wife or a kid and their parents. In the event of making decisions, it is simple to persuade everyone in the family.
Time is changing, and joint families are disappearing. That is why it has become very crucial for parents to give special attention to every child. The Montessori Covina CA team suggests that if you are living in a nuclear family and are working parents, you should consider space for your child's better care.
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walnutmontessori · 2 years
Tips to Improve your Kids’ Social Skills
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Whenever you ask the parents why they choose a preschool for their kids, they will answer you with socialization, because they understand well that this is the way your child will grow in the future. That is why it is very crucial to develop social skills in your child. Especially when they are in their first six years. With social skills, they need to learn basic manners, emotional control, etiquette, problem-solving, and patience. That is why "grace and courtesy" lessons are an integral part of the Montessori La Puente, CA classroom. That is why we have highlighted some ways for your child to develop social skills.
Have a look:
Staring Contest
You may have observed that many children experience shyness and struggle to establish eye contact during conversations. They can benefit greatly from engaging in a staring contest, which maintains eye contact and allows them to concentrate on their work at hand rather than trying to talk at the same time.
If your child continues to feel uneasy, you can start over. Put a sticker on your forehead for them to see, and then start a discussion after that.
Follow Their Interests
When a child is engaged in activities in which they are genuinely interested, enjoying others will come more effortlessly. This is the first step in developing social skills, whether it is taking part in a favorite sport, playing an instrument they enjoy, or joining a club they are interested in. Additionally, it puts the child in the company of people who share their interests, with whom they will probably get along better. While being able to interact with people of different interests is vital, beginning with children who share your interests is a great way to develop social skills.
Limited Materials
Each Montessori classroom has a set number of toys and educational resources. By purposefully limiting the number of materials available, kids are forced to share with their peers and form social bonds with other youngsters who share their interests. Children benefit from this as they learn how to communicate, share, be patient, learn from others, and have empathy.
Ask for help
Help is the only thing in nature that encourages us to attract each other. It promotes relationships between coworkers and friends. Here are some good manners you should follow when you ask for help:
·       Approach/ make eye contact
·       If the person is talking to someone else or is otherwise occupied, wait patiently.
·       Don’t interrupt
·       Use "please" and "thank you"
Final thought
These tips will help you a lot to improve social skills in your life because they play a significant role in every child's life development. If you are too busy at work to pay attention to your child, you can send them to us. Our certified staff will assist your child in becoming socially involved with their coworker.
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Teaching Children the Value of Saying Thank You
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Introduction: It would be important to instruct the children how to say "thank you" in the process of social development at Daycare West Covina CA. It enables them to comprehend and relate to humanity more by learning to value kindness and acknowledging others' input. In the following work, we discuss several creative and effective approaches for communicating the significance of this virtue in kids while enhancing their sense of appreciation and creating solid personal links. Why is it Important:
Gratitude: Gratitude stands for a warm feeling in our hearts when we notice something significant and good happen to us. It's exactly like gift giving; when someone gives us something, we feel very happy and appreciated. Being indebted is the saying "thank you."
Politeness: Polity is recognizable in our speech by simple truths and good behavior. That's as if we are saying "please" when we want something and "thank you" while returning something that we got. Politeness is good because it makes people to feel good and the world becomes better.
Connection: It is bonding emotionally by being a close or special friend to them. In addition, the phrase 'thank you' creates a special tie with the person who has done a kind deed towards us. It feels like I have become their best friend or even something stronger.
Acknowledgment: We are taught to be grateful for what others have done for us when it comes to the act of acknowledgment. It's as if when parents bring us breakfast, we then show our appreciation by telling them "thank you" as an act to let them know that we indeed noticed their efforts and we also feel grateful.
Respect: Respect is about being kind and respectful of people and it means that we appreciate their worth. We'd like to remind each other that in saying "thank you," what we really do is to treat the person kindly and we express our gratitude for the help or support, no matter how big or small it is.
Happiness: Happiness is a contrast that is felt in the heart, a feeling of joyful sentiment and contentment. Gratitude, when we say "thank you," is one of the best feelings that may make our building and the person we thank happier. It is just like whether I am going to spread joy and warmth or not!
Self-esteem: Self-esteem is the attitude of having confidence in one's own efficacy and/or worth. A "thank you" sometimes helps us to rebuild our sense of self-esteem by letting us show that we are courageous and positive enough to acknowledge what we have received.
Generosity: Generosity refers to helping and sharing peacefully with others. We can substitute the words "Thank you" with our happiness because we are grateful when we say that appreciation. It trains us to do good deeds and say kind words to other people, inspiring harmony session after session.
Conclusion: Walnut Academy Montessori and Daycare La Puente CA students to express "thank you" to teachers is very important. Empathy, kindness, respect, and happiness that children heal bring closer community ties and ultimately strong bonds in society. Gratitude makes the character, or the compass, of children giving directions that can never be erased by their parents and caretakers.
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walnutmontessori · 3 years
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walnutmontessori · 2 years
Tips to Encourage kids to Read Books
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Reading can be an easy task for kids if we try it with something interesting. It is beneficial not only for academic success but also for long-term success. We also know that kids don’t like reading at their starting age because it is a hard task to do. That is why the Daycare La Puente CA team has mentioned some tips that will help you to encourage the kids to read books. These ideas are from our experience and what we have done with our school kids.
Have a look:
Make reading come alive.
When your kids read a book, give them examples from their daily life experiences that will help the child connect with it. For example, if he/she is reading about a football match, then you can ask them if it's ever happen with them. How do you tackle this kind of situation? That makes it relatable.
Keep a book during an outing.
When you are going out with your child, keep a kid's book, comic book, or kid’s magazine. If you visit the doctor and keep your child outside the cabin, then give them the book to read, it will help them to be busy and focus on the book.
Reading time in your spare time
Make your free time reading time with your kids by avoiding TV watching and playing video games. We know that is also important but not all the time. You can try some fun activities with kids, like giving them a line and asking them to find it on the page. That will help your child to be more focused on reading.
Read it again and again.
If your child likes a book and has read it 100 times and still wants the same book, Give them the same book, because it helps the child to read fluently and accurately and gives them confidence that they can read and understand the story well.
Visit your neighborhood library.
Make a library card and make it fun with reading between groups of people. If you have a library in your neighborhood, it can be a great advantage for you. In a public place, children always like to choose the book that gives them public attention.
Ask a question
After reading a page or a chapter, he asks them questions related to the story. First, this will encourage your kid to read because someone is listening to them carefully. Second, they will read your question carefully to answer it. Kids are flickering and they don’t focus on something for a few seconds.
Final Thoughts
So these are just tricks and tips to encourage the kids to read the books. Instead, you can choose childcare in La Puente, CA for your kid’s growth. Here we have a team of professionals to develop the qualities in each kid. We focus on every individual to focus on their development. If you want the growth of your child, you must send them to child care and preschool to enhance their skills before schooling that will work for their future.
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walnutmontessori · 3 years
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walnutmontessori · 4 years
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walnutmontessori · 4 years
Unbelievable Ways These 7 Herbs Make Your baby’s Skin Healthier
It is often said that there is nothing quite like the soft and delicate skin of a baby. Yes, babies have beautifully soft and gentle skin. But it does not mean that their skin is perfect; in fact, their skin needs extra attention. Baby skin is 5 times thinner than adult skin; hence it is prone to drying caused by dehydration.
Along with all the new-mom tasks and responsibilities you have to maintain a separate routine to take care of your infant’s sensitive skin. If you are a working mother and your baby goes to Daycare, you have to make sure your baby gets the best care there also. Try to avoid anything harsh as this can cause damage to your baby’s skin in the long run. Though you can use baby products that are manufactured with natural ingredients to nourish, maintain and seal the softness of your baby’s skin, it is always good to consult your doctor before applying any new product on your baby’s skin. As parents, it is your responsibility to keep your baby safe from terrible rashes or allergic reactions.
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When you are picking skincare products for your baby, it would be good if you can look for the following hers as key ingredients of the products. Herbs are soothing, calming, and prevents your little one’s skin from breaking out into uncomfortable and painful conditions. 
Hibiscus is a beautiful flowering plant and is a super effective natural ingredient in baby skin and hair care products. It contains natural oil that conditions and softens children’s hair.
Khus Grass:
Khus Grass, dense grass with long leaves, is native to India and is renowned for its astringent properties. It can be used as an antiperspirant also. It is very helpful in keeping children dry throughout the day – especially during the summers and monsoons. So, it is an essential ingredient for baby skincare products.
Country Mallow:
This herb is quite a popular ingredient in skin care products for its healing properties. In La Puente, CA, parents prefer to use skincare products for babies that contain this herb as a key ingredient as it protects children’s skin from germs. 
Aloe Vera:
This popular herb is excellent to maintain the softness and smoothness of your toddler’s skin. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties that quickly heal various skin conditions like bruises or cuts.
Lavender is a quite popular herb because of its rich and soothing aroma. It can even calm your baby and induce restful sleep. Once kids are back home from their Daycare La Puente, CA or school, try to apply some lavender based product on their skin, so that they will feel fresh and relaxed.
This herb is known for its soothing properties. It can be applied topically to protect and calm irritated skin or reduce swelling and redness.
Neem is a well-known herb and is widely used in different skin care products for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Neem is also good to keep your baby’s skin well-moisturized and cool at the same time.
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