#Dawn Of The Simfected
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suesimming · 10 months ago
Dawn Of The Simfected: Let's Get Started
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DON’T READ AHEAD from where you are.
This day picks up directly from the prologue. The information you have is what has been given to you in news broadcasts you’ve already seen. You’ve been instructed to stay in your home; however, at 8:00 AM the following emergency message appears on your television and is announced over the radio:
"For emergency purposes only, the town is allowing residents to leave their home for a brief interval to gather supplies at an emergency outpost established at the local grocery store. Supplies are limited so each household may only spend up to $500 at the grocery store and get 2 books. Residents are being released on a street-by-street basis. Residents on your street are released at 4:00 PM and must be back in their home by 6:30 PM. Streets will be blockaded (impassible) until the indicated times. Anyone not returning in time will encounter the police and have all purchased items confiscated.” 
Note – Order groceries by clicking on the fridge when you return home. You can visit other areas in the city but you are not allowed to leave San Myshuno world. Your sims don't have weapons yet so if a zombie does attack them, you can not intervene. If they push them away, you can save your sim but if they get bitten then it's over for them.
The first cases of the R8-GE virus has been reported in your town. From this point forward, any ill sims must be checked for the virus. All supernatural are considered infected and cannot join the household or be interacted with.
Your neighbour comes knocking, very worried about the news. As you chat away about these new develoments, your neigbour notices a item in your apartment that they like. They are wiling to trade for a boardgame so you can be more entertained. Give them the keyboard for a the Don't Wake the Llama game table and some milk and bread (order groceries)
The citizens of your town have demanded an opportunity to leave their homes for leisure. Your street is free to go anywhere they like between the hours of 6P - 9P. Stores are not open; you are not allowed to buy anything. This is a great opportunity to get out, stretch your legs, take a drive, and meet someone new like the Sim you’ve noted gardening and crafting on the rooftop across the way. You have a strange feeling you might need a friend like him pretty soon. Remember, if you touch anyone, you must do a virus check.
You also aren't a city sim like the rest, you know how to fish and you can see where things are going. Your Sim sneaks out everyday to catch fish for your household and at night, you study things like cooking and gardening because you know things will only get worse from here. Your neighbour sees your catch and offers to clean and cook it for you if they can have some. As you share a meal, you get to know each other. You decide to team up and stick together. Your new roommate brings with them a handgun and ammo. You never know when you might need it. Click on a random young adult or teenage Sim and add them to your household. Don't create a Sims to add as you want this to be as random as possible. Give your Sim the fisherman part time job.
Try and find Bill the rooftop Sim and make friends with him.
DAY 10
While the virus seems to be widespread your city has managed to contain it. In an effort to allow citizens to refresh their supplies, your street is being permitted to go to the grocery store only from 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM. All other businesses are closed.
When you return home, you go to check on your downstairs neighbour. He's a army vet and you'd like to pick his brain about what is happing and maybe sneak some groceries into his fridge as you know he's too proud to ask for help. When you get to his apartment, there's a note on the door "I am not a coward, but I am so strong. It is hard to die. P.S Take care of Soldier." Your neighbour liked giving you history lessons when ever you stop to have a chat. You recognize the words as being the last words of explorer Meriwether Lewis. With a heavy hart, you slowly push open the door. Soldier's is in his cage, all his toys and food neatly packed in bags. The bedroom door is closed and you decide to not look, you'd like to remember the old man as he was.
A: you add a pet to your household. B: one of the other neighbours takes Soldier, looking after a pet now is more work than you can handle.
DAY 14
In an attempt to quell local protests springing up, the city has yet again agreed to open up the leisure facilities to you. Your street is free to leave from 8:00A - 11:00A.
At the park, a fight breaks out. You don't want to get involved and risk getting exposed but you see a little old lady get knocked into the street and a car coming full speed, you jump to pull her out of the way. You sit her down on a bench to check if she's okay. You strike up a conversation and make a new friend. Before she goes, she gives you a knitting bag and a book with canning recipes stating that where she's going, she won't need them. You hug her tightly not caring about the risk and go home realizing that the world will never be the same again. As you get ready to leave, you notice the little old lady left her bag full of groceries.
Note - you Sim can now start knitting and canning. Order $400 of groceries.
DAY 17
Many cases of R8-GE virus have been reported in your city and the situation continues to deteriorate. The city has managed to contain it but for how long? The increased number of sick Sims has made public services hard to provide. At this point:
All services, with the exception of police and fire department, are not available. (When getting groceries, you'll have to use the produce stand in the neighbourhood) Power & Water: Due to decreased staff, the power plant can no longer provide 24-hour services. Hope you have candles!
Shift + Click on the mailbox and inact the water and power NAP plans.
DAY 20
The morning news update flips on promptly at 8:00A. Your town is seeking volunteers to get help to those who need it. This will raise morale and help reduce the criminal acts of desperation that are threatening the streets. Volunteers will be able to leave their home at any time today.
Food must be presented as a gift to someone from another household; however, the assumption is you would not directly touch them to give them the food. It can be prepared or unprepared food or something else that would be considered critical need during a time like this.
Your Sims must do as many odd jobs as possible.
As you walk home that night, you notice a homeless Sim behind the dumpster fighting with someone. As you get closer to help, you notice the Sim is covered in blood, they reach out to you but multiple hands appear from the darkness and drag the screaming Sim deeper into the darkness. You run home, shaking and feeling a deep primal fear like you are no longer top of the food chain.
“Flu my ass” you mumble as you lock your door.
DAY 23
The army is distributing supplies. You receive $500 groceries, medicine and two sleeping bags. You ask the young soldier what’s with the sleeping bags seeing as everyone is staying indoors. He looks around nervously and whispers that you might need it soon. As you go back up to your apartment, you notice some of your neighbours are packing up and leaving. You hear glass break in one of the apartments, as you get closer to the door something slams into it growling and scratching. As much as you want to believe it’s a dog, you think of the homeless sim and something tells you its almost time for you to leave too.
DAY 26
Disaster! Due to the general lack of maintenance, the town’s power plant explodes leaking deadly toxic waste into the water supply. While water can be purified for drinking/bathing, the fish population is decimated and any that survived are toxic to eat. No more fishing.
You decide to go down to the camp to get more information about what to do next and notice the camp is empty. All the medical staff and soldiers are gone. A single truck drives by with a small group of soldiers, your run after them yelling qeustions and begging them to stop. You are ignored but just before the truck dissapears around the corner, a soldier yells "Get to the roof, they'll fly you out!" You run home and pack what you can carry. Food and a few other small items. Your building doesn't have rooftop access but your new friend Bill does. Bill is happy to see you all and although it's windy on roof and cold, you feel a little safer. From this point forward, Sims can’t do anything at night other than play games, cook and sleep as there are no lights and it’s not safe at night. Your Sims will also be tested for the virus as of today whenever they come in contact with new Sims. Quit all jobs. It’s time to choose which Sim will be a scavenger, home-maker and builder.
Scavengers will be the only Sim to leave the lot from now on, choose whoever has the highest athletic skill or klepto trait. They will go dumpster diving, collect harvestable, fight other scavengers for supplies and protect the lot against raiders. Give this Sim the zombie hunter trait from the Sac zombie menu. Select auto shoot zombies and collect loot.
Home-makers will never leave the lot. They will garden, tend to animals, cook, care for children and seniors, clean and make clothing. Choose a Sim with the family-oriented trait for this role. You home-maker needs to knit as much clothing as they can to use for trading.
Builders use what scavengers find to create what is needed. Builders do repairs, use the workbench, make candles and upgrade items. They are also responsible for beekeeping and keeping foxes away.
Only the Sims selected for these jobs can do them, you can’t have a Scavenger cook food or a builder go fishing,
All outfit categories must be changed to your Sims everyday outfit. Think of how you would dress in this type of scenario. You can sleep in your underwear and have a warm jacket for winter.
DAY 30
The police are no longer able to contain the streets! There is a mad run on the few remaining supplies at the grocery store. Watching the chaose erupt down below, you decide it's time to arm yourself before what is happening below finds it's way to your rooftop. You decide to skip the grocery run and go to the abandoned medical camp. Maybe they left some ammo and weapons behind. You (scavenger Sim) make a run for the camp. The streets are empty. Abondoned cars, doors open, luggage strewn all around. In the distance you can see buildings on fire. You double check the gun strapped to your leg and decide to go low and fast.
You get to the med camp and find it fairly intact. You manage to get some first aid spray and 5 units of food (3 items=1 unit). As you look around, you stumble into a restricted area. You look for supplies and stumble upon the mother load. Large guns, lots of ammo and a crate full of items marked with lables like "infected repellend" and "confusion mist". You also find a file about a secret lab, a possible cure and one name Sigworth. Before you can grab anything else, you hear footsteps…lots of footsteps. You take a peak outside and see a crowd of Sims walking into the camp but something looks very off with these Sims.
Clothes torn, blood smeared all over them and their eyes are clouded. You can see some are badly injured but the pain doesn't affect them. As you watch and listen it hits you
"Holy shit, their zombies." you whisper as you watch them, paralized by fear. You notice they move like a herd of sheep, one following the other without looking around. Its time to get the heck out of here so you grab for your backpack only to knock over a tray sending its contents flying and turing the herd towards you.
Roll the dice: Even numbers - you see a gap in the fence outside the mobile unit you are in. You grab the bag with guns, the medical supplies and manage to get out a window and out of the camp before the heard surrounds you. Uneven numbers - the herd moves fast, you only have enough time to grab your backpack and a gun or the med supplies.
Back home you tell the others what you saw, show them the file and decide to start keeping a diary. Maybe there is a way to fix all of this.
DAY 35
You hear a loud BOOM followed by the sound of laughter off in the distance. You awake in the dark, your best guess, around 3:00 AM. You peek down at the street and see nothing but darkness. In the interest of safety, your scavenger is chosen to go investigate (if you have two that share the same skill, pick one).
Your sim sneaks outside in darkness peering around for any signs of trouble. It doesn't take you long to find it. You see fire burning in the distance. It looks like the local hooligans have attacked someone. You hear the roar of an engine and duck behind the dumpster thankful your camp on the roof is completely dark. A car of screaming hoods drives right past as if they were chasing something. You breathe a sigh of relief then hear a timid voice from the darkness a distance behind you. "P…please help me".
CHOICE: You squint at the form of a small child, approximately 7 or 8 years old. She (or he if you choose) is in rags, dirty, and looks generally sickly. She is not close enough to you to do a virus check right now and you warn her to stay put. You strike up a conversation with her from a safe distance and learn that she was in the recently burned home. Her last remaining family member, her older brother, got involved with a group of bad kids and a rival gang attacked their home tonight. Her brother abandoned her and drove away. Do you…
Tell her to hit the street. No more mouths to feed and no more virus checks here. If so, she runs off sobbing in the dark. No need to do a virus check.
Help her. This means a virus check against the sim speaking to her ONLY (the rest of the household is tucked safely away).
A. If your sim is infected and survives the virus, you can, at your own peril, try to bring her into your home BUT each family member will have to make a virus check. If everyone dies you cannot add her.
B. If your sim passes the check, she is not infected and you may add her if you wish (no other family members need to roll). His/her traits must either be animal enthusiast or loves the outdoors and must be pale and thin. She takes you to her brother’s secret stash. You find 20 units of food, a tent, medicine and $500.
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suesimming · 11 months ago
Dawn Of The Simfected Set-Up
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Meet Charles, a nightshift dock worker, a loner that likes to curl up with a good book and avoid social interactions. When the neighbours start to get a bit bitey, Charles manages to avoid becoming a Sim-burger and finds himself in charge of a small group trying to make it to tomorrow and not only survive but thrive. Or do they? Try the challenge and see.
To begin: 
When selecting a new game, select the story option where you answer questions to create a Sim. Select young adult and then just click randomly on the answers. Don't change too much about the Sim created. You can also use https://perchance.org/random-sim-generator. Best is to start with a male Sim.
Your Sims will have to be tested for the virus on a regular basis. The test is simple, just roll the dice and if you get even numbers, your Sim is safe. Uneven number means your Sim is infected so roll again and if you roll even numbers, they stay alive. Uneven numbers means your Sim didn't make it. If your Sims rolls clean or survive, they are immune for two rolls. When your Sim “dies” because of a roll, you can either have them die for real and have Grim come get them or change them into a zombie and move them out.
Start in Spring in San Myshuno in 17 Culpepper House in the spice market. Set life span to long and seasons to max, turn off the celebrity system, turn on the basic living system in lot challenges and you're only allowed to have the cheapest of the cheap furniture. Open the calendar and go to the first day of autumn. Create a holiday called "supply run" and choose fighting as a tradition(this holiday can be deleted once done). After a few days in game, go to the first day spring and create a holiday called "The Beginning" so your Sims can always celebrate this day. Set funds to $500.
Go to Strangerville to the Sigworth household. Give Jess the pack items(by pressing shift on Jess and going to pack cheats), put her in a hazmat suite and open all the doors to the motherplant at the secret lab to activate the Strangeville storie. When she returns to her lot, zombie proof it the way you'd think someone with a military background and in a hurry would do. Give her ammo, a weapon and a radio from the zombie mod and listen to the broadcast to activate the zombie event. Do one event every day for 3 days.
Mods for this challenge: ⦁ Deaderpool's MC Command Center ⦁ Sacrificial's Zombie, Life Manager, Release Bladder Anywhere ⦁ Zero's historical mods ⦁ Turbodriver's Wicked or Wonderful whims ⦁ Frankk's Language Barrier ⦁ LittleMsSam's Miscarriage ⦁ Pandasama's Child Birth ⦁ NeedCoffee4That's Begging and Pick-pocket ⦁ Lumpinou's RPO Collection and Rambunctious Religions ⦁ Midnitetech's Hunter, Gatherer and Crafter careers When moving over to stage: ⦁ Kuttoe's Enlist in war ⦁ adeepindigo Health redux ⦁ Basemental's drugs and gangs
Supernaturals are "infected" so they can't be added to your household.
World Setup:
Rooftop lot in the City: should be on one of the roofs with a campfire, generator, water tower, tents, washing line and tub. This lot will have water and power but the simple living trait.
In the spice district create a clinic lot with a army feel to it on one of the ground lots in the spice district.
Create a groceries store in the city.
Build a vet clinic that doubles as a hospital. Willow Creek, Newcrest, Windenburg, Evergreen, Mt. Komberi, Tartosa and San Sequoia are all available.
Build a "trader" post on the bar lots in Henford, Brindelton, Chestnut and Sulani.
Build a military base in Oasis Springs with family housing
Build a science facility in Strangerville with family housing
In Henford, Brindleton and Chestnut on the largest lot build a town (think Hilltop from The Walking Dead). Make it a rental property so many Sims can live in your town.
All towns are destroyed. It's the apocalypse, seed your worlds accordingly.
This challenge is ever evolving. I'm trying to use every world, every pack and use every bit of what Sims 4 has to offer.
Next post you'll get to meet the Sims your going to find in game. I've uploaded most of them to the gallery already or you can create your own. Gallery ID: suesimming
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suesimming · 11 months ago
Dawn Of The Simfected Challenge
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Corporal Jess Sigworth kisses her sleeping little girl goodbye as she heads out on a top secret mission. She's been tasked to rescue scientist from a secret lab way out in the desert. They've only been told that there was a "accident" and it's a "time sensitive matter". You take a small team to extract the scientist, contain the threat and then forget it ever happened.
They arrive at the base before night turns to day. At this early hour no one is up yet but there should be a guard in the tower. One of your men, having scouted the perimeter, comes back and tells you a army truck has punched a hole in the fence…from the inside. As you approach, it's clear someone wanted to get out in a hurry. Something very bad happened here and you get the feeling this is a containment mission rather than a recue one.
As you enter the lab, you find it in a state of disaster. Papers every where, furniture knocked over and what appears to be dried blood. You order your men to suit up in their hazmat suits when you find the door to the lower level sealed shut with a smeared bloody handprint on the door. As you get the keycard from your pocket, you get the feeling you should turn and run but you are a soldier and you have your orders.
You swipe the card, the door opens with a hiss and you are blasted with brightly coloured specs of dust. What happens from here is a haze. You remember growls, howls, gun fire, blood and screams. By the time you rip off your hazmat mask, you're speeding away from the lab…alone.
When you get home, your husband, outside watering his "victory garden" mentions that a storm must be coming and you notice a massive towering cloud over the desert, right where the lab is. He then rushes over to you asking if you are okay and only then do you notice all the blood. You grab him by the arm, run in the house still clutching your weapon and all you can say is
"They lied to us and we opened the doors of hell."
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San Myshuno a few weeks later:
It's 4am and you just finished your shift at the docks. You decide to stop by The Caboose for a cup of coffee and whatever Bill has on the grill. You stare out the window watching the city skyline turn orange as the day starts to break. As you take a sip of your coffee, you glance up and notice the sudden silence in the diner, everyone is staring at the TV. A little town called Strangerville has been in the news for weeks because of a strange new "flu" that has spread like wild fire. The fever it is said, causes Sims become violent. Rumours are that this so called flu was created by the government in a secret lab not to far from the town or it's a disease from aliens they experimented on but what ever it is, it got out of the lab.
You watch as disturbing video of Sims attacking, dare you say biting other Sims in Strangerville, plays on the news. A chill runs down your spine as SNN is suddenly interrupted by a emergency broadcast. The flu has now spread from Strangerville to other towns and cities.
"Effective immediately Simsnation has gone into full lock down. All Sims must return home and not leave until otherwise instructed. This is for your own safety as the government works on containing the flu and finding a cure. If you experience any of the following symptoms please contact the number below: Bloaty head, seeing stars, steam coming from your ears, high fever, bloodshot eyes and extreme hunger. A mobile clinic will be set up in your neighbourhood to help treat sick Sims. We ask that everyone remain calm and co-operate. We can beat this together." The mechanical voice switches off and the news pops back on. Everyone sits there for a moment, one man, shaking his head says
"Flu my ass. My cousin over at the base in Oasis says this thing is a straight up deadly virus. They call it The Rage and those poor bastards in Strangerville were left to fend for themselves days ago when the army shut the whole place down. I'm not hanging around to see what happens in a big city like this."
You are a more cool headed Sim that wants all the facts before you act so you decide to do as you were told, go home and watch the news closely. You don't trust the government but you also won't panic without good reason. You decide to snag a few bread rolls and fruit because you know the stores will be over run with panicking Sims. You go home and fall asleep watching the news.
You wake up to find the city quiet and the streets empty. In the distance you can see the mobile clinic going up. The military presence around the camp makes you feel uneasy.
Meet Charles Barnhart. Just your average Sim trying to make it to tomorrow.
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The neighbours seem a little different these days.
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suesimming · 11 months ago
Dawn Of The Simfected: Meet The Neighbours
You can create your own Sims or add these ones to your game. They'll all play a part in the challenge. Find them under suesimming in the gallery
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The Partner
You've always liked your neighbour Dizzy. She's odd but sweet and always takes care of everyone in your building. When the virus hits, you two decide to team up and what you learn about her really surprises you. First, she's a very country Sims and can clean and cook fish like you've never seen. Second, she's packing and thank goodness because the neighbours seem to want to snack on you. Third, she's hot. She's the prefect survival partner.
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The Herbalist
While hiding in the woods waiting for the worst of the R8-GE virus to pass, you meet Jayla. She knows everything about plants and how to use them to heal. When someone in camp falls deadly ill, Jayla steps in and saves them. When winter starts to draw near, you know you have to move your group to lower ground to avoid the worst of the snow and Jayla agrees to go with.
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The Rooftop Camp
At The Caboose you can get warm coffee, a cold brew and whatever Bill is cooking up. He has a big heart, a great sense of humour and nothing scares him. Not even Sims that want him on the menu. He sets up camp on the roof of his building and provides a landing spot for Sims fleeing the city
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The Kid
One night you meet this little runt, running from a bunch of hooligans. You feel sorry for the kid but the virus is everywhere and you know by taking her in you are exposing not only yourself but the whole group and it's a extra mouth to feed. On the other hand, you can't let the poor kid fight this thing on her own but then again, she's made it this far so she might be useful.
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The Del Sol Gang
The Nomads are a feral tribe of Sims that run Del Sol. Made up of four classes: Chiefsblood that rule the tribe with an iron bloody fist, Scavs that provide for the tribe, Enders that act as enforces/soldiers and Worklings. If you cross paths with Nomads, you better run. They'll take everything you have and either make you a workling or end you. The most feared Sims in Del Sol Valley, even worse than the dead.
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The Sulani Rescue Team
When R8-GE hit, Tess was just a seaplane pilot flying tourist into Sulani & Ed was slinging drinks at The Sand Bar. Now Ed does supply runs at night with two of the dead to help carry the goodies he finds, he found by feeding them plasma fruit & plasma packs he can stop them from attacking him. Tess flies supplies out to other communities like those in Henford, Chestnut and Bridleton. She also goes on rescue missions with Ed to save Sims trapped by the dead.
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The Big Guns
The Oasis Springs base has held up well with such a small force to defend it. They've kept most of the herds out of Oasis and raiders know to keep well away. The time has come to train those left after R8-GE and take back Simnation. Colonel Gregory won't settle for anything but the best of the best as she knows you'll have to go into the deadlands aka Strangerville to save Simkind and that won't be for the weak.
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The Ranch
This family lost many friends to the R8-GE virus. They've worked the land on Yellowrock for generations and when Sims found their way to the ranch, the family knew it was time to build a new community on the land they knew so well. Who needs cars when you have horses right? And plenty of crops to feed everyone. Heins finds himself the unlikely mayor of this new little town.
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The Manor
When the R8-GE virus hit, Holden didn't wait around to see what happens. He put a fence around his farm, secured his animals and got the manor ready to receive more Sims. He had Dr. Nostrum move in and build a clinic. His farm soon turned into a small town, a safe haven and a place to not just survive but thrive. He hopes to create a future for his little girls even if the world has gone to hell.
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The Harbour
When the world was taken over by the R8-GE virus, no one was left to look after the animals. Fisherman Herbert and Vet Frances are working around the clock to save not only pets but their owners. Brindleton has become a safe harbor for all. The docks are busy day and night with Sims arriving, buying food and trading items. Frances finds herself in the role of mayor since the old went ran off into the woods when Sims started to turn. She's turned the vet clinic into a clinic for Sims too, although she doesn't really know how to treat Sims. So say "moo"...oh dear, we mean "aaah".
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Your New Best Friend
You go to check on your downstairs neighbour, a army vet that you think might have an idea about how bad this virus could be. Sadly, you find a note asking someone to please take care of Soldier. You can hear movement in the next room but you're pretty sure whatever it is, is no longer your neighbour. You take Soldier, close the door and tape a note to it "Do not enter. Dead inside"
And those are your neighbours
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suesimming · 10 months ago
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