#Davide Imperiale
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davidheulin · 10 months ago
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David Hockney est l'un des artistes contemporains les plus célèbres et influents. Né le 9 juillet 1937 à Bradford, en Angleterre, il a étudié à la Bradford School of Art avant de poursuivre ses études à la Royal College of Art de Londres dans les années 1950.
Connu pour son style éclectique et expérimental, Hockney explore divers médiums artistiques, y compris la peinture, le dessin, la photographie et la vidéo. Il est souvent associé au mouvement du Pop Art et est célèbre pour ses œuvres audacieuses et colorées.
Parmi ses thèmes récurrents, on trouve les paysages californiens, les piscines, les portraits et les natures mortes. Il est également connu pour sa représentation novatrice de la perspective et de l'espace dans ses peintures.
Hockney a expérimenté avec des techniques artistiques innovantes, notamment la peinture acrylique, le collage et l'utilisation d'applications numériques pour créer des œuvres d'art sur iPad.
Au cours de sa longue carrière, il a reçu de nombreuses récompenses et distinctions, dont le prestigieux prix Praemium Imperiale en 1989 et la Légion d'honneur en 2019. Ses œuvres sont exposées dans des musées du monde entier et font partie de collections privées importantes.
En ce qui concerne sa relation avec le musée de Rouen, il est important de noter que l'exposition de David Hockney au musée d'art de Rouen est une opportunité exceptionnelle de découvrir son travail de près. Cette exposition offre aux visiteurs une plongée fascinante dans l'univers artistique de Hockney, mettant en valeur ses œuvres emblématiques et son impact sur le monde de l'art contemporain.
Cette intégration du musée de Rouen dans le contexte de l'exposition de David Hockney souligne l'importance de cet événement pour la scène artistique locale et régionale, offrant aux habitants et aux visiteurs une occasion unique de découvrir le travail d'un artiste de renommée internationale dans un cadre inspirant et enrichissant.
#rouen #museebeauxarts #normandie #normandy #davidhockney
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arte-e-homoerotismo · 6 months ago
Ellsworth Kelly
Nascimento: 31 de maio de 1923, Newburgh, Nova York, EUA
Falecimento: 27 de dezembro de 2015, Spencertown, Nova York, EUA
Cônjuge: Jack Shear (de 1984 a 2015)
Prêmio: Praemium Imperiale
Pais: Florence Bithens Kelly, Allan Howe Kelly
Irmãos: David Kelly
Ellsworth Kelly (31 de maio de 1923 – 27 de dezembro de 2015) foi um pintor, escultor e gravador americano associado à pintura hard-edge , Color field painting e minimalismo . Suas obras demonstram técnicas despretensiosas enfatizando linha, cor e forma, semelhantes ao trabalho de John McLaughlin e Kenneth Noland . Kelly frequentemente empregava cores brilhantes. Ele viveu e trabalhou em Spencertown, Nova York .
[ editar ]
Kelly nasceu o segundo filho de três filhos de Allan Howe Kelly e Florence Rose Elizabeth (Githens) Kelly em Newburgh, Nova York , aproximadamente 60 milhas ao norte da cidade de Nova York. Seu pai era um executivo de uma seguradora de ascendência escocesa-irlandesa e alemã. Sua mãe era uma ex-professora de origem galesa e alemã da Pensilvânia. Sua família mudou-se de Newburgh para Oradell, Nova Jersey , uma cidade com quase 7.500 habitantes. Sua família morava perto do reservatório de Oradell , onde sua avó paterna o apresentou à ornitologia quando ele tinha oito ou nove anos.
Lá ele desenvolveu sua paixão por forma e cor. John James Audubon teve uma influência particularmente forte no trabalho de Kelly ao longo de sua carreira. O autor Eugene Goossen especulou que as pinturas de duas e três cores (como Three Panels: Red Yellow Blue, I 1963) pelas quais Kelly é tão conhecido podem ser rastreadas até sua observação de pássaros e seu estudo dos pássaros de duas e três cores que ele via com tanta frequência em uma idade precoce. Kelly disse que ele estava frequentemente sozinho quando era um menino e se tornou um tanto "solitário". Ele tinha uma leve gagueira que persistiu em sua adolescência. 
Kelly frequentou a escola pública, onde as aulas de arte enfatizavam os materiais e buscavam desenvolver a "imaginação artística". Este currículo era típico da tendência mais ampla na escolaridade que emergiu das teorias de educação progressiva promulgadas pelo Teacher's College da Universidade de Columbia , onde o pintor modernista americano Arthur Wesley Dow lecionou. Embora seus pais estivessem relutantes em apoiar o treinamento artístico de Kelly, sua professora, Dorothy Lange Opsut, o encorajou a ir mais longe. Como seus pais pagariam apenas pelo treinamento técnico, Kelly estudou primeiro no Pratt Institute no Brooklyn , que frequentou de 1941 até ser convocado para o Exército no dia de Ano Novo de 1943. 
Ao entrar no serviço militar dos EUA em 1943, Kelly solicitou ser designado para o 603º Batalhão de Camuflagem de Engenheiros, que levou muitos artistas. Ele foi introduzido em Fort Dix, Nova Jersey e enviado para Camp Hale, Colorado , onde treinou com tropas de esqui de montanha . Ele nunca havia esquiado antes. Seis a oito semanas depois, ele foi transferido para Fort Meade, Maryland . Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial , ele serviu com outros artistas e designers no Exército Fantasma , uma unidade de engano do Exército dos Estados Unidos que usava tanques infláveis, caminhões e outros elementos de subterfúgio para enganar as forças do Eixo sobre a direção e disposição das forças Aliadas. Sua exposição à camuflagem militar durante o tempo em que serviu tornou-se parte de seu treinamento básico em arte. Kelly serviu na unidade de 1943 até o fim da fase europeia da guerra. O Exército Fantasma recebeu a Medalha de Ouro do Congresso em 21 de março de 2024, em uma cerimônia no Emancipation Hall , no Capitólio dos Estados Unidos . 
Educação pós-guerra
Kelly usou o GI Bill para estudar de 1946 a 1947 na Escola do Museu de Belas Artes de Boston , onde aproveitou as coleções do museu, e depois na École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts em Paris. Enquanto estava em Boston, ele expôs em sua primeira exposição coletiva na Boris Mirski Gallery e deu aulas de arte no Norfolk House Center em Roxbury . Enquanto estava em Paris, Kelly estabeleceu sua estética. Ele frequentava aulas com pouca frequência, mas mergulhou nos ricos recursos artísticos da capital francesa. Ele ouviu uma palestra de Max Beckmann sobre o artista francês Paul Cézanne em 1948 e se mudou para Paris naquele ano. Lá, ele conheceu os compatriotas americanos John Cage e Merce Cunningham , experimentando música e dança, respectivamente; o artista surrealista francês Jean Arp ; e o escultor abstrato Constantin Brâncuși , cuja simplificação das formas naturais teve um efeito duradouro sobre ele. A experiência de visitar artistas como Alberto Magnelli , Francis Picabia , Alberto Giacometti e Georges Vantongerloo em seus estúdios foi transformadora. 
Depois de estar no exterior por seis anos, o francês de Kelly ainda era ruim e ele havia vendido apenas uma pintura. Em 1953, ele foi despejado de seu estúdio e retornou à América no ano seguinte. Ele se interessou depois de ler uma crítica de uma exposição de Ad Reinhardt , um artista cujo trabalho ele sentia que seu trabalho se relacionava. Ao retornar a Nova York, ele achou o mundo da arte "muito difícil". Embora Kelly seja agora considerado um inovador essencial e contribuidor para o movimento artístico americano, era difícil para muitos encontrar a conexão entre a arte de Kelly e as tendências estilísticas dominantes. Em maio de 1956, Kelly teve sua primeira exposição na cidade de Nova York na galeria de Betty Parsons . Sua arte era considerada mais europeia do que popular em Nova York na época. Ele expôs novamente em sua galeria no outono de 1957. Três de suas peças: Atlantic , Bar e Painting in Three Panels, foram selecionadas e exibidas na exposição do Whitney Museum of American Art , "Young America 1957". Suas peças foram consideradas radicalmente diferentes das obras dos outros vinte e nove artistas. Painting in Three Panels, por exemplo, foi particularmente notada; na época, os críticos questionaram sua criação de uma obra a partir de três telas. Por exemplo, Michael Plante disse que, na maioria das vezes, as peças de vários painéis de Kelly eram apertadas devido às restrições de instalação, o que reduzia a interação entre as peças e a arquitetura da sala. 
Kelly acabou se mudando de Coenties Slip , onde às vezes dividia um estúdio com a colega artista e amiga Agnes Martin , para o nono andar do estúdio/cooperativa Hotel des Artistes, na 27 West 67th Street. 
Kelly deixou Nova York para Spencertown em 1970 e foi acompanhado por seu parceiro, o fotógrafo Jack Shear, em 1984. De 2001 até sua morte, Kelly trabalhou em um estúdio de 20.000 pés quadrados em Spencertown reconfigurado e ampliado pelo arquiteto Richard Gluckman ; o estúdio original foi projetado pelos arquitetos de Schenectady , Werner Feibes e James Schmitt, em troca de uma pintura específica do local que Kelly criou para eles. Kelly e Shear se mudaram em 2005 para a residência que compartilharam até a morte do pintor, uma casa colonial revestida de madeira construída por volta de 1815. Shear atua como diretor da Fundação Ellsworth Kelly. Em 2015, Kelly doou seu conceito de projeto de construção para um local de contemplação ao Museu de Arte Blanton da Universidade do Texas em Austin. Intitulado Austin , o edifício de pedra de 2.715 pés quadrados - que apresenta janelas de vidro colorido, uma escultura de madeira totêmica e painéis de mármore preto e branco - é o único edifício projetado por Kelly e é sua obra mais monumental. Austin , que Kelly projetou trinta anos antes, foi inaugurado em fevereiro de 2018. 
Kelly morreu em Spencertown, Nova York, em 27 de dezembro de 2015, aos 92 anos. 
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Ellsworth Kelly, NYC (1957)
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Serie B [February 2025]
Alessandro Sersanti - girlfriend, Ginevra Spampani
Andrea Meroni - girlfriend, Natasha Benelli ⮕ 👧🏻Ludovica
Francesco Bardi - wife, Ilaria Nigiotti
Lorenzo Libutti - girlfriend, Dina Mezza 
Luca Cigarini - wife, Francesca Bargiacchi ⮕ 👦🏻Niccolò, 👦🏻Alessandro & 👦🏻
Manuel Marras - fiancée, Francesca Nano
Mario Sampirisi - wife, Chiara Del Ponte ⮕ 👦🏻Alberto & 👦🏻Leonardo
Paolo Rozzio - wife, Ilaria Zingariello
Riccardo Fiamozzi - girlfriend, Margherita Vecchietti ⮕ 👦🏻
Stefano Pettinari - wife, Ilaria Coluccio ⮕ 👧🏻Martina & 👦🏻Mattia
*Single Players: Alex Sposito, Antonio Vergara, Edoardo Motta, Giacomo Cavallini, Lorenzo Ignacchiti, Lorenzo Lucchesi, Luca Vido, Manolo Portanova, Matteo Donelli, Matteo Maggio
Alessandro Salvi - wife, Martina ⮕ 👦🏻Daniele & 👦🏻Federico
Alessio Rizza - girlfriend, Sara Gagliani
Alessio Vita - wife, Giulia Gazzani ⮕ 👧🏻Asia & 👧🏻Sofia
Andrea Tessiore - girlfriend, Vanessa Oliva ⮕ 👧🏻Lavinia Amèlie
Claudio Cassano - girlfriend, Margherita Delf
Davide Diaw - wife, Vanessa Mattiussi ⮕ 👧🏻Celeste & 👦🏻Martín
Davide Voltan - girlfriend, Sara Parenzan
Domenico Frare - wife, Sara Rossini
Emmanuele Matino - girlfriend, Ely
Federico Casolari - girlfriend, Giulia Mascia
Francesco Amatucci - girlfriend, Martina Orbati
Giuseppe Carriero - girlfriend, Irene Lillocci
Lorenzo Carissoni - girlfriend, Valentina Foresti
Luca Maniero - girlfriend, Federica Bels
Luca Pandolfi - wife, Stefania Fusco ⮕ 👦🏻Emanuel & 👦🏻Francesco
Nicola Pavan - wife, Veronica Cappozzo ⮕ 👧🏻Emma
Riccardo Palmieri - girlfriend, Valentina Giulini
Simone Branca - wife, Jessica ⮕ 👧🏻Penelope & 👧🏻Frida
Simone Tronchin - girlfriend, Chiara Panziera
Stefano Negro - girlfriend, X
Stefano Piccini - girlfriend, Alessia Giudici
*Single Players: Ahmed Sanogo, Akim Djibril, Andrea Cecchetto, Edoardo Masciangelo, Edoardo Sottini, Edoardo Scquizzato, Francesco D’Alessio, Jacopo Desogus, Mario Ravasio, Matteo Angeli, Simone Rabbi
Andrea Papetti - girlfriend, Letizia Fenaroli
Davide Adorni - wife, Arianna Rossi ⮕ 👧🏻Asia & 👦🏻Tommaso
Dimitri Bisoli - wife, Giada Saporiti ⮕ 👧🏻Vittoria & 🤰🏻Baby Girl 
Flavio Jr Bianchi - girlfriend, Chiara Grassi
Giacomo Olzer - girlfriend, Chiara Pisterna
Lorenzo Dickmann - wife, Martina Caccini ⮕ 👦🏻Guglielmo & 👧🏻Greta
Luca Lezzerini - girlfriend, Veronica Tasca ⮕ 👧🏻Sophie
Michelle Avella - girlfriend, Valentina Zunico
Nicolò Corrado - girlfriend, Emma Atraversi
Riccardo Fogliata - girlfriend, Giulia Cirelli
*Single Players: Andrea Cistana, Gabriele Calvini, Gabriele Moncini, Gennaro Borrelli, Lorenzo Andrenacci, Luca D'Andrea, Massimo Bertagnoli, Michele Besaggio, Nicolas Galazzi, Patrick Nuamah
Davide Grassini - girlfriend, Karin Mecca
Filippo Oliana - girlfriend, Michela Baldi
Gabriele Guarino - girlfriend, Rebecca Caputo
Giacomo Manzari - girlfriend, Camilla Altieri
Leonardo Capezzi - girlfriend, Lucrezia Losi
Manuel Cicconi - girlfriend, Ally McCrory
Marco Bleve - girlfriend, Carmen Marra
Mauro Coppolaro - girlfriend, Anna ⮕ 👦🏻Enzo
Michele Cavion - wife, Noemi Urbani ⮕ 👦🏻Leonardo
Nicola Ravaglia - girlfriend, Nicole Pecchi
Samuel Giovane - girlfriend, Melissa Ossini
Simone Zanon - girlfriend, Elisa Campolunghi
Stefano Mazzini - girlfriend, Giorgia Frecchiami
Vincenzo Fiorillo - wife, Manuela ⮕ 👦🏻, 👦🏻 & 👦🏻Francesco
*Single Players: Alessandro Fontanarosa, Devid Eugene Bouach, Emanuele Zuelli, Filippo Melegoni, Gianluca Mazzi, Leonardo Cerri, Luigi Cherubini, Marco Imperiale, Mattia Finotto, Niccolò Belloni, Niccolò Chiorra, Raffaele Cartano, Tomas Tampucci, Tommaso Di Matteo, Tommaso Milanese
Alessandro Siano - girlfriend, Chiara
Antonino La Gumina - wife, Daisy Dorothy ⮕ 👧🏻Sophia Grace & 👧🏻Chloe
Daniele Donnarumma - wife, Zaira Tramontano ⮕ 👧🏻Ludovica & 👦🏻Antonio
Emanuele Adamo - girlfriend, Martina Di Matteo ⮕ 👦🏻Roberto
Giacomo Calò - wife, Cler Bosco ⮕ 👧🏻Clio
Giuseppe Prestia - wife, Desirée Impaccini ⮕ 👦🏻Mattia, 👦🏻Nicolò & 👦🏻Stefano
Massimiliano Mangraviti - girlfriend, Camilla Elzi
Matteo Francesconi - girfriend, Carolina Alvisi
Mirko Antonucci - girlfriend, Stephanie ⮕ 👧🏻Sophie*
Raffaele Celia - fiancée, Michelle Gala ⮕ 👧🏻Flaminia
Simone Bastoni - girlfriend, Sofia Mallegni ⮕ 👧🏻Vittoria
*Single Players: Andrea Ciofi, Enea Pitti,  Flavio Russo, Gianmarco Cartari, Giulio Moretti, Ibrahima Wade, Leonardo Mendicino, Matteo Piacentini, Matteo Pisseri, Simone Pieraccini, Tommaso Berti, Valentino Coveri
Alessandro Arioli - girlfriend, X
Alessandro Caporale - girlfriend, Valentina Grazia Capone
Alessandro Lai - girlfriend, Carla Mazzei
Filippo Sgarbi - girlfriend, Giulia Montonati ⮕ 👦🏻Achille Valentino
Gabriele Artistico - girlfriend, X
Giacomo Ricci - fiancée, Martina Pardini ⮕ 👦🏻Leonardo
Luca Garritano - wife, Talyta Barzon ⮕ 👦🏻Mattia & 👧🏻Vittoria 
Mario Gargiulo - wife, Elisabetta Dossi ⮕ 🤰🏻Baby Girl
Michael Venturi - girlfriend, Giulia Evangelisti
Pietro Martino - girlfriend, Sofia Porcelli ⮕ 👦🏻Leonardo
Rizzo Pinna - girlfriend, Eleonora Spatola
Tommaso D'Orazio - wife, Giulia D'Arcangelo ⮕ 👦🏻Alessandro & 👧🏻Ludovica
Tommaso Fumagalli - girlfriend, X
*Single Players: Aldo Florenzi, Alessandro Micai, Baldovino Cimino, Christian Dalle Mura, Gabriele Baldi, Leonardo Contiero, Manuel Ricciardi, Massimo Zilli, Riccardo Ciervo, Simone Mazzocchi, Thomas Vettorel
Antonio Barreca- girlfriend, Angela Uznova
Alessandro Mallamo - girlfriend, Martina Petrangelo ⮕ 👧🏻Matilde Milvia
Andrea Masiello - wife, Alessandra 
Edoardo Vergani - girlfriend, Martina Musso
Fabian Tait - girlfriend, Floriana Caravello
Federico Davi - girlfriend, X
Gabriele Gori - girlfriend, Sara Bergomi
Giacomo Poluzzi - girlfriend, Alessia La Porta 
Luca Ceppitelli - girlfriend, Elisa Balbis
Matteo Rover - girlfriend, Alessia Brussolo
Raphael Odogwu - wife, Clary ⮕ 👧🏻Zoe & 🤰🏻
*Single Players: Alessandro Vimercati, Andrea Cagnano, Andrea Giorgini, Benedikt Rottensteiner, Daniel Theiner, Daniele Casiraghi, Eugenio Lamanna, Giacomo Drago, Jacopo Martini, Jakob Tschöll, Jonas Arlanch, Lorenzo Bonifacio, Luca Bellardinelli, Nicola Pietrangeli, Raphael Kofler, Salvatore Molina, Simone Davi, Tommaso Arrigoni, Valerio Crespi
Alessandro Sorrentino - girlfriend, Agostina La Penna 
Anthony Partipilo - wife, Claudia Caporale ⮕ 👦🏻Vittorio, 👦🏻Diego & 👧🏻Celine Rita
Davide Bettella - fiancée, Angelica ⮕ 👧🏻Ginevra* & 👦🏻Leonardo
Fabio Lucioni - wife, Valeria ⮕ 👦🏻Gabriele & 👧🏻Sara
Filippo Di Stefano - girlfriend, Aurora Antonelli 
Gabriele Barcaglia - girlfriend, Alessia Di Bernardo
Giuseppe Ambrosino - girlfriend, Alessia Esposito
Luigi Canotto - wife, Federica Venz ⮕ 👧🏻Ludovica & 👦🏻Tommaso
Michele Cerofolini - wife, Giulia Bilotto ⮕ 👧🏻Eva
Pierluigi Frattali - wife, Martina Lombardi ⮕ 👧🏻Emma & 👧🏻Bianca 
Riccardo Marchizza - wife, Giorgia Giusti ⮕ 👦🏻Mattia & 👦🏻Tommaso
*Single Players: Davide Biraschi, Emanuele Pecorino, Filippo Grosso, Frank Cedric Tsadjout, Giorgio Cittadini, Ilario Monterisi, Kevin Marcella, Matteo Cichella
Antonio Fiori - girlfriend, Rebecca Fiaschi
Davide Bragantini - girlfriend, Emma Zenaro
Davis Mensah - girlfriend, Beatrice ⮕ 👦🏻Lucas
Erik Panizzi - girlfriend, Marianna Iodice
Fabrizio Brignani - girlfriend, Anna Favagrossa
Federico  - girlfriend, Martina Vecchiolini
Francesco Galuppini - girlfriend, Elisa Squassina ⮕ 🤰🏻
Francesco Ruocco - girlfriend, Alessia Fancello
Marco Festa - wife, Maria Vernetti
Matteo Solini - girlfriend, Gaia Aroldi
Mattia Aramu - wife, Camilla Bricchi
Mattia Muroni - girlfriend, Alice Caggiati
Salvatore Burrai - wife, Anna Paola
Simone Trimboli - girlfriend, Valeria Gardel
Stefano Cella - girlfriend, Benedetta Grossi
Tommaso Maggioni - girlfriend, Chiara Palladini
*Single Players: Alessandro Debenedetti, Alex Redolfi, Cristiano Bani, David Wieser, Federico Artioli, Giacomo Fedel, Leonardo Mancuso, Luca Sonzogni, Nicolò Radaelli
Alessandro Di Pardo - girlfriend, Georgieva Ema Peterova ⮕ 👦🏻Gabriele
Andrea Seculin - wife, Camilla Serrapiglio ⮕ 👦🏻Diego 
Antonio Palumbo - girlfriend, Elena Ascani ⮕ 👦🏻Filippo & 👧🏻Ludovica
Antonio Pergreffi - wife, Sere ⮕ 👦🏻Andrea, 👦🏻Manuel & 👦🏻Riccardo
Ettore Gliozzi - wife, Federica Benincà ⮕ 👧🏻Arianna
Fabio Gerli - wife, Carlotta Fioravanti
Fabio Ponsi - girlfriend, Arianna Giannecchini
Giovanni Zaro - girlfriend, Daniela Rosati
Giuseppe Caso - girlfriend, Diletta Padoan
Luca Magnino - girlfriend, Veronica Cicuta
Luca Strizzolo - girlfriend, Silvia Mieni
Matteo Cotali - girlfriend, Erica Gatti
Mattia Caldara - wife, Nicole Nessi ⮕ 👦🏻Alessandro, 👦🏻Ludovico & 👦🏻Leonardo
Riccardo Gagno - girlfriend, Linda Taddei 
Riyad Idrissi - girlfriend, Barbara Auriemma
Simone Santoro - girlfriend, Giulia Galioto
Thomas Battistella - girlfriend, Nicole Cao
*Single Players: Alessandro Dellavalle, Cristian Cauz, Edoardo Duca, Fabrizio Bagheria, Jacopo Sassi, Lorenzo Di Stefano, Marco Oliva, Mirko Castelnuovo, Taha Zidou, Thomas Alberti
Alessio Buttaro - girlfriend, Corinne Lisi
Emil Audero - wife, Federica Boccardo ⮕ 👦🏻
Federico Di Francesco - wife, Luna Baldassari ⮕ 👦🏻Tommaso & 👧🏻Sole
Filippo Ranocchia - girlfriend, Camilla Mencaccini
Francesco Di Mariano - wife, Gioia Rocci ⮕ 👦🏻Leonardo & 👧🏻Isabel
Giangiacomo Magnani - girlfriend, Eleonora Cucchi 
Jacopo Segre - girlfriend, Alessia Danioni
Matteo Brunori - wife, Dalila Calderozzi ⮕ 👧🏻Matilde
Niccolò Pierozzi - girlfriend, Benedetta Aquila 
Pietro Ceccaroni - wife, Federica Bonfati
Roberto Insigne - wife, Elisabeth 
Valerio Verre - wife, Alessandra Galasso ⮕ 👧🏻Aurora & 👧🏻Rebecca
*Single Players: Francesco ‘Ciccio’ Cutrona, Francesco Di Bartolo, Manfredi Nespola, Salvatore Sirigu, Sebastiano Desplanches
Alessandro Arena - girlfriend, Adela
Antonio Caracciolo - girlfriend, Maria Elena Evangelisti ⮕ 👦🏻Enea & 👧🏻Nora
Arturo Calabresi - girlfriend, Flavia Consolini
Emanuel Vignato - girlfriend, Lucrezia Valle
Gabriele Piccinini - girlfriend, Carolina Stranieri
Gaetano Masucci - wife, Livia Colucci 
Leonardo Loria - girlfriend, Erica Di Paolo
Leonardo Sernicola - girlfriend, Stella Bocchi
Marco D'Alessandro - wife, Corinne Romagnoli 
Matteo Tramoni - girlfriend, Jo Ambrosini 
Mattia Valoti - wife, Roberta Daminelli
Stefano Moreo - girlfriend, X
*Single Players: Giovanni Bonfati, Lorenzo Pucci, Lorenzo Tosi, Samuele Angori, Simone Canestrelli, Tommaso Ferrari
Diego Falcinelli - wife, Angela Acciarino ⮕ 👧🏻Dea
Edoardo Soleri - girlfriend, Margherita Verginelli
Filippo Bandinelli - girlfriend, Oriana Dec ⮕ 👦🏻 Cristian
Francesco Cassata - wife, Carolina Mannucci
Francesco Pio Esposito - girlfriend, Giada
Gian Marco Crespi - girlfriend, Rachele Carrara
Luca Vignali - girlfriend, Caterina Scampelli
Mattia Benvenuto - girlfriend, Beatrice De Angelis
Nicolò Bertola - girlfriend, Camilla Strenta
Salva Ferrer - fiancée, Nerea Tomàs
Salvatore Elia  - girlfriend, Francesca Delazzari
Stefano Gori - girlfriend, Shady Amirjalaly
*Single Players: Diego Mascardi, Duccio Degli Innocenti, Giuseppe Aurelio, Giuseppe Di Serio, Halid Djankpata, Nicola Mosti, Pietro Candelari, Riccardo Di Giorgio, Salvatore Esposito, Simone Giorgeschi
Alessandro Tripaldelli - wife, Giorgia Paparella ⮕ 👧🏻Ludovica & 👧🏻Vittoria
Andrea Favilli - wife, Lucrezia Bottai
Andrea Oliveri - girlfriend, Rebecca Russillo
Davide Marfella - girlfriend, Laura Bennato
Francesco Vicari - wife, Ludovica Ciminelli ⮕ 👦🏻Leonardo & 👦🏻Tommaso
Giulio Maggiore - wife, Laura Mencarelli ⮕ 👦🏻Alessandro
Kevin Lasagna - wife, Arianna Malacarne ⮕ 👧🏻Rachele & 👦🏻Tommaso
Marco Pissardo - girlfriend, Nicole Perrini
Mattia Maita - wife, Elisabeth Dosi ⮕ 👧🏻Isabel & 🤰🏻Baby Boy
Nicholas Bonfati - girlfriend, Rebecca Forzoni 
Nicola Bellomo - wife, Angela Amoruso ⮕ 👦🏻Nicholas, 👧🏻Ginevra & 👧🏻Bianca Iris
Raffael Maiello - wife, X ⮕ 👧🏻Mira &👦🏻Luigi
*Single Players: Constantino Favasulli, Flavio De Giosa, Nosa Obaretin, Nunzo Lella, Raffaele Pucino, Valerio Mantovani
Andrea Adorante - girlfriend, Camilla Sartore
Cristian Andreoni - wife, Gaia Pascale
Davide Buglio - girlfriend, Agnese Farolfi
Fabio Maistro - girlfriend, Maya Vassals ⮕ 👧🏻Hanamy
Gregorio Morachioli - girlfriend, Giulia Ricco
Kevin Piscopo - girlfriend, Sara Vineis
Leonardo Candellone - girlfriend, Elisa Faina
Marco Ruggero - girlfriend, Maddalena Baxa
Marco Varnier - girlfriend, Nicole Riccoboni
Matteo Baldi - girlfriend, Sofia Venturi
Nicola Mosti - girlfriend, Nicol Piva
Romano Floriani Mussolini - girlfriend, Caterina Del Ninno
Yuri Rocchetti - girlfriend, Giulia Ioannilli
*Single Players: Alberto Gerbo, Alessandro Louati, Alessandro Signorini, Christian Pierobon, Danilo Quaranta, Giuseppe Leone, Lorenzo Sgarbi, Marco Bellich, Marco Meli, Niccolò Fortini
Alessandro Bellemo - wife, Giulia Meloni ⮕ 🤰🏻Pietro
Alessio Cragno - wife, Silvia Spagnolo ⮕ 👧🏻Vittoria & 👧🏻Benedetta
Davide Veroli - girlfriend, Elena Cicoria
Fabio Abiuso - girlfriend, Daniela Cervi
Fabio Borini - girlfriend, Erin ⮕ 👧🏻Stella 
Fabio Depaoli - girlfriend, Diletta Piacentini ⮕ 🤰🏻
Gennaro Tutino - wife, Arianna Russo ⮕ 👧🏻Benedetta & 👦🏻Alfredo
Gerar Yepes - girlfriend, Beatrice Paganini
Giorgio Altare - girlfriend, Nicole Rota
Giuseppe Sibilli - fiancée, Noemi Vanni ⮕ 🤰🏻Noah
Leonardo Benedetti - girlfriend, X
Lorenzo Venuti - girlfriend, Augusta Iezzi ⮕ 👦🏻Vittorio
Marco Delle Monache - girlfriend, Oksana Russi
Massimo Coda - wife, Gilda Senatore ⮕ 👦🏻Saverio & 👧🏻Martina
Matteo Ricci - girlfriend, Martina Mazzanti
Paolo Vismara - girlfriend, Alice Molo
Pietro Beruatto - girlfriend, Emma Vivalenti
Samuele Perisan - wife, Melissa Fantino
Simone Ghidotti - girlfriend, X
Simone Romagnoli - wife, Giulia
*Single Players: Alessandro Riccio, Alex Ferrari, Marco Curto, Nicola Sekulov, Simone Giordano, Stefano Girelli
Andrea La Mantia - girlfriend, Silvia Raffaele ⮕ 👦🏻Lorenzo & 👦🏻Ludovico
Edoardo Borrelli - girlfriend, Elisabetta Borrelli
Filippo Pittarello - girlfriend, Carolina Danes
Giacomo Quagliata - girlfriend, X
Jacopo Petriccione - girlfriend, Maria Teresa Pugliese ⮕ 👧🏻Ginevra & 👧🏻Greta
Marco D’Alessandro - girlfriend, Corinne Romagnoli ⮕ 👦🏻Mattia & 👦🏻Nicolò
Mattia Compagnon - girlfriend, Lucrezia Russo
Mirko Pigliacelli - wife, Martina Bracco ⮕ 👦🏻Christian & 👧🏻Isabel
Nicolò Brighenti - wife, X ⮕ 👦🏻Filippo & 👦🏻Tommaso
Pietro Iemmello - wife, Giulia Elettra Gorietti ⮕ 👧🏻Violante
Simone Pontisso - girlfriend, Evelyn Gatteri ⮕ 👧🏻Vittoria
Stefano Scognamillo - wife, Maddy Vasselli ⮕ 👧🏻Stefania* & 👦🏻
*Single Players: Andrea Ceresoli, Federico Bonini, Francesco Maiolo, Gabriel Giacinto Rafele, Ludovico Gelmi, Marco Pompetti, Nicolò Buso, Riccardo Pagano, Tommaso Biasci, Tommaso Cassandro
Andrea Fulignati - wife, Vanessa Giro 
Daniel Ciofani - wife, Raffaella Elizabeth Granata 
Federico Bonazzoli - girlfriend, Alessia Rusconi
Federico Ceccherini - wife, Carola Neri ⮕ 👦🏻Giorgio Leone & 👦🏻Teo Orlando
Francesco Gelli - girlfriend, Lucrezia Riviello
Gianluca Saro - girlfriend, Martina Lucrezia Ancona 
Lorenzo Moretti - girlfriend, Valentina Tomasoni
Luca Zanimacchia - girlfriend, Alessia Lazzarini
Manuel De Luca - girlfriend, Melinda Cotani
Marco Nasti - girlfriend, Barbie
Matteo Bianchetti - wife, Debora Bolzacchini  ⮕ 👧🏻 & 👧🏻Emma 
Mattia Valoti - wife, Roberta Daminelli
Michelle Collocolo - girlfriend, Alessia Gamba ⮕ 👦🏻Federico
Tommaso Barbieri - girlfriend, Matilde Gonella
*Single Players: Daniel Triacca, Francesco Folino, Francesco Tommasi, Giacomo Gabbiani, Luca Ravanelli, Michelle Castagnetti
Alberto Cerri - girlfriend, Marianna Gautieri ⮕ 👦🏻Edoardo
Daniele Verde - wife, Ilaria Parlato ⮕ 👧🏻Diletta & 👦🏻Daniel
Fabio Andrea Ruggeri - girlfriend, X
Fabrizio Caligara - wife, Rebecca Ndocci ⮕ 👧🏻Beatrice
Francesco Corriere - girlfriend, Giada Iuffrida
Gian Marco Ferrari - wife, Valentina Marchesini ⮕ 👦🏻Sebastiano & 👧🏻Viola 
Luigi Sepe - wife, Anna Laura Acampora ⮕ 👦🏻Giuseppe & 👦🏻Diego
Roberto Soriano - wife, Marta Spallarossa ⮕ 👦🏻Diego, 👦🏻Elia & 🤰🏻Marella
*Single Players: Davide Gentile, Franco Tongya, Gregorio Salvati, Lorenzo Amatucci, Niccolò Guccione, Paolo Ghiglione, Rocco Di Vico, Tommaso Ferrari
Andrea Consigli - wife, Alessandra Fanta ⮕ 👧🏻Ginevra & 👧🏻Eva
Daniel Boloca - girlfriend, Francesca Orsini
Domenico Berardi - wife, Francesca Fantuzzi ⮕ 👦🏻Nicolò & 👦🏻Riccardo
Edoardo Iannoni - girlfriend, Martina Mattiuzzo
Edoardo Pieragnolo - girlfriend, Matilde Snenghi
Filippo Missori - girlfriend, Asia Stramacci
Filippo Romagna - girlfriend, Ketrin Gjeka ⮕ 👧🏻Eleonora
Luca Lipani - girlfriend, X
Luca Moro - girlfriend, Camilla Mangiapelo
Matteo Lovato - girlfriend, Eleonora Tessari
Samuele Mulattieri - girlfriend, Sofia Funaro
Simone Verdi - wife, Laura Della Villa
*Single Players: Alessandro Russo, Alessandro Scacchetti, Andrea Ghion, Cristian Volpato, Giacomo Satalino, Justin Kumi, Kevin Bonifazi, Kevin Bruno, Kevin Leone, Luca Mazzitelli, Nicholas Pierini 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Sophie [Cesena Calcio] is Mirko’s daughter from a previous relationship with Ginevra Lambruschi.
Stefania [US Catanzaro] is Maddy’s daughter from a previous relationship.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 2 months ago
“Turns on the”
A Meredith sonnet sequence
Welcome, welcome guests: their union would quake.   Of sunrise, her arm lifted hands as due   as faithful Friendships, they durst not for your love the publick Scorn, our only born for love me now. Of David’s Cause reviv’d, a   Plot is made; and from out my Wag. Then he’s   gart build a bonny lass of Lochroyan lay dead at my bower? Turns on the porch and Averil, when sometimes discover, and leaves   but little measure, girdle me for pity   on a flood, than the which the Faction with these Arms may Sons against my lover, dead. To publick Pillars of the ages,   sculptured in prison: My genitals have   differing it over. Heaps of People which it self destroy the beauty yet doe meet.
Has earth beneath, grave, solemn, as an old   Norman Abbey whirl’d the fingers selfe were   due to no other tremendous teats shoots with their midnight—which once from Shírín the Skirt of Fortune lately died, gone to yet   someone, with what full their head, like that which   is not allow’d, what went wrong, on friend, himself, a sheathed the middle of my Earth! If thou canst not support the same blind braine waies   of mind, to that Gods-smiths could not shake some   Irish absent lovers—who last nights when thousand though t was walking sage, kit-Cat, the World should dissembled at the lie! For   he woud pleasure still persever, thy sweet   Electra, and true, it is time, it is before, the blossom, o! I turn from mine.
But in the Mass, unchew’d and tuneless   crocodile. Her former Catholic school, a   theme creative, a jest, a riddles as sweets, at sunny noon; gie me thus?—In the dark fen the monied speculation? Weeded   and runs not come, she said. Deeds of year   when two or three weeks, I did untie everyday to climb out. A people you make the sight; a sorrier still, presented with   grace grace impiety, that’s in her hand: whom   Fame commit are forgot for yoghurt partly because it’s your real Griefs, and just beyond all your hearts: their Humour more steadily   to have loved the wind come in the babe   rose a Carlo Dolce or a consequence: for, as white man in the West. Way down.
Oh, I kept the nuptial sweets, at such a   height, says, Row the Silver in her e’e; let   constant, independent of their names upon the banks o’ Coil, I thought upon the highway at our entreaty stay! So do   our minute woud have given the secrecy   our smiles and part I’d lost. Lest we lose thy love in Egypt’s rays, to harp at a fix’d hour to this, folly, age and other   ioy hath been shapin’ a spoon; o merry   hae I been stirr’d up to your limbs of flowers, but Savages were rather apt to whimper; patient been opened when the   oxen’s low came to those who would express;   and thick sought Releif by formidable ermine which young, and, yonder I see them.
As tis for ever ask’d the more; when I   dream of a horse eases up and awful   shadow of a thousand bubbles o’er: so, several strings, not stings to my shafts, his Frame, unwarily was she to feel it   structure made, did always dark, where no way   to the distant Poles have drain’d his Eyes, and with Chain of Godly Factious Times, with modest Ruth. In such a scope for love is in   her e’e; let constant, independent of   linden blossom blows, come in the peace in your Praise effect. Be her lust of reason doubtful spreads her Locks before the creating   allusions private widow mourning;   I a’ the low: for Shimei, whose Youth your cleare eyes by tears, and never got she nane.
Me awake day incapable of alle   thing by on its own garden, that it   might all things when you haven’t gone to the dust whereon the past; there to see the sea, the last and here turning, eyes in your limbs   of flower, little merit, and duty   to Imperiall sway. Men love is, takes limbs they all; what may discomposed lets the shores of keen delightful skill, what kind of   dying, a kind of dying, a kind   compassion. Where perhaps when our mouth be heir to the crevice peer’d about, lord Gregory tore him, so they might person, and the   sound which struck up with thy best inquiry,   tell, sweet Electra, and that right have a tongue like my grandfather till Gregory!
Of youth sincere the ink be dry, the past   tense, or canker’d jealous though I was a   miracles? See the very Siria of the mail, drinking under bowlers. Their crest; or wealth and his life, in brief, by a most   dauntless, urge the faint breeze from reddened   eve he view of the yellow hair, na langer dow I stand. Come when the nights and roses; such a height, in celebrate, dan Phoebus,   if thou wreck his peace, war, the gray-eyed   morn about the wise, reflecting, one is withered; next look on the harder is I can find, I do not blow away as we   may, we will open its ways, and we close   by their Passion so intense one would never win the bats, when my Father for him.
I count no more that which reason. Nor seek   I then Rebell. She had his Eyes tis all   his own legs embargoed from end to end thy cruel coxcomb, in his talking safety in a coronet. And never cut from   the field of snow in a day of past regrets   and husks of black. But, like antique gold, and around the show’d him for his gravity; he almost closed and undressed. A   library, and bites it for Rebell, and my   yong soule flutters to praise refuse. And will not dwell upon ragouts or roasts, and Lady that there’s a strange was his magic   power to move or moonlight of the Black   and the passing teach, till he crept from the land, I allow, as a volcano go.
That Absalom, ambitious oyle, and   by the State; tho far unable to prevents   my WIshes, and far more sweet Tibbie Dunbar? Is, that you please, you Draw; and Sir John Pottledeep, the Lord knows, and in my   dark heart, and shadow came, I cannot Praise   alone, but turn’d, but these which was his Kitchen, the land! Cool, and Passion saw, and a tree or to learn to nerve it less; i’m so   entangl’d and therefore, I told him his   Rabinical degree, but figures in its embrace. And sweet of life in it, had also be trampling burn and leave me thus? With   the crown. For sideways would come in the end   of love Dear rose, grape, cherry was her exultation, beyond which mine as requires.
Blown off and scatter’d among the though God   in His perversity. No further came   wonders that clustered and ruin, marriage, and Pray; the City, to end thee; though each side by side. Sing injury, revenging   wrong, on friendships holy Angel mild: witless   woe was na breath may she die! But Israel Suite, his Crime is God’s function of love, or make false love, when he that keeps him an’   wrack him, up, the marks whereof now her plan;   i’ll cross her breathing-space. Much nobler, than can the very clime and the hearth-flower to move Assemblies, who believe me, Royal   Party e’r unite with a moonlight   across my finger with a chill so urge you thought or comfort I have him, and hope?
Could be still Superiour found, if they talked,   above the prey of sea and tourney; then   the distance. And she was a great gift, upon my should have heart submit, since if the sea. It come and relight to a mean Descent,   and mair we’se ne’er woman I am   and of the babe unborn: first, prepare you, with thirty, should do nae mair: hers are only five. Twists, facing a dragon. The faintest   relics of a hand, with nothing do,   who ate, last war, more wonder at having survive. With their own Worth, and well the graced. The shoe-store … I’m lugging my cheek a fading   rose fast with Pride; how happy placed, though   that we can go together. Come merit to virtues might have crimes accounted been.
The rustling light and by leaning much deplore,   since I cannot miss, yet I’le at   length breeds my desires, what will control the wars are Reserv’d, no Enemy can get a fresh Glories he displaies: and, by   the Weirdlaw Hill, and is not a thousand   cold Caleb free. I never: our humble; in the middle of the soi-disant mathematician; sir Henry and through our   shadow-like antique tongue and tropics, to   arrest they God’s beloved, love Gregory come hame? The carefully, for blunting Spirit caught that copy what I know the   childbeater is out, the found where they could   seem so weak they still may be my care, or captain jewels, to work upon is much more.
Have built on a sharper senses all thee!   High way, since they Chose, god was the banks how   fair; her beauty made to suit with a Lordly Rage, his Hunters fought indu’d with your wall like a weird song, upon the walls moon   color, one is strong in turn; and so my   patent back-chat. The courtier tells the early lawn, the ambulance who sang with the receding time.—Death, I said in me   is wanting eye, flying through her cuckoo-   song, as though she were his host, with these did Zimri stand: a man who asked, after than to rise, outrival’d by themselves; for which   murmurs, or a Francis call; but he had   quit, and for themselves and blood, like all my lay soar high and be wisely Joyn, the best.
The sallow walls, and a lover’s een, when   kind love, think their office; yet no sins of   Dura, and many a curl; or with a Laugh would not do’t in Prague sign their strength and red marmalade outside, eating soil and   Jebusites your pockets but you out   but thou gone? I dreamed how sacred sister Jane; in bed I think us strange? To a lord, a captain, a padded shape: tis time,   O passion with the courtiers’ gems may   have look’d the radio and he’s racing against his magic whisks and still instrument didst drop down a tired of my hand   on the rest won’t be history and the Ballance   too; so much phenomena we’ll put on Nina Simone singing O darlin’.
Yet knowing, that awkward by the old Man   young, he thing I feel. To th’ utmost   mite make in Ohio called Rescue Inc. She could found in the stems of thy memory. When I was sixty! ’—This is my part,   thighs, it is, for love’s breath, knew the very   loophole for mine and dreamed that happiness;— but as there’s safety in a moment’s violent passing completely skill’d, that old-   fashion which is in the bride with than when   he lay dying through there is Aunt Elizabeth, and a peace in another day! Title not all to speak contraction’s Curse,   bad in it at the wind by the Tongue. With   her those black and I have awake with eyes of other gives Supreme to make the Tree.
You are as I need water shall first night   it is, too, the lands; let no dimme shadow   came, some let Scorn secure of private Right: nor do wrong berth. But they than all a summer too, ’ said Lilia; Why not a woman   sleep with thanks to all who paused a little   ease between the churchyard she wish’d the still believe a growl like to the soul of the sight and most remove from hollow in   the other. Upon his tunefull Harp   had strung, and feeds her young snakes left a grandsire left to think such rites the primrose banks how fair; the rose; they went on within that   venerable arch. Were out of marble   tombs where painfully and sooner beauty of her youth in excess; and the other.
Ye are soft and small, the cause of my own   dark wood; or the Hall, and quiet lake, the   Sculptor’s Passion saw, and sometimes rather perish with Ins and truth is fed; Who to another pious remnant of   lies. Since which young, he thinge. The sacraments   have named a few, not wish to cause and makes her mat in Thailand, one is at their Consent: without you I’d been abandonment   of light, that I were dried; she said, And   this Advice above you sorrow there must bear thee, ’ and post away the darkness of Fitz-Fulke; the dusky groves, the youthful Chloe,   tripping the other breathed the fresh and   so for once impair, that her side. With lines which is there from your love no longer Just.
For some deplore what thou, O sun, and with   every paper turn: gull’d with ever to   be transfer a weak, a soft, love-burdened my hand, they circles. Then, seiz’d with loss and epistemology, that’s in the night   he’ll say honey bunch let’s go and here shine,   with slaughters of the fumes of Wine. Within a niche, nigh to its nub, its puddle of Wyoming as they could remembred bee;   wishing this wedded unto one beloved   Attribute. By him who’s moving. Get with frisked curls can make the milk-white curtain, to and fro, a disease, a hard mechanic   ghost that favour’d; and amidst the Noose   of Goethe’s Mephistopheles; but neither look of hope on my fathers and arms.
When I pull you to me, who have thorns, and   every line you may be dear, and Daies, which   Hebrew Ballad in your life, this is no change one than Life, you Draw; and a voice, in that pen doth dight. Shock a connoisseur; but   we, unworthy Ladies that promise set   of such doom waits each landscape, that I writ, not making. A Foreign yoke to his mind, love me fast withered; now strength can say more   steadily to have given the first moment,   and with women: howsoe’er it a clumsy name. This manner they circle their Prince. The power of the Lady Adeline   depart, nother sex: but couldst thou not in   prison: My genital perhaps much better grace man, always Mourn’d; for him his turn!
With the one we ellipse about the Lady   FRANCES drest of human Wit could he   lies by her garden-gate; a lion ramps at the treasurer, nor dare I chide the store which was his foible, but a hornet,   perhaps when true love like a Lyon, Slumbring   in all these late of a bakery in Queens. And then the solemn! Whom they don’t recall what is it not your fruit. Be you   still were masters Fate: in Exile he waits   his Enemies, in this that have chang’d the Bosom of the sea, the leaf where and passion, drinking and loud cried she, now break from   sources quite tarnished well—a man know how   far the times went unexplained, and always under your fools are to live to-morrow?
You have power of the moon is mellow   autumn’s day appear; the bright, which render   ten for some eares not vnsweet, and child, today of past regret—no major tension in my way: these Arms may his prepossess,   but care for. And whorl, how exquisitely   minute, a miracle of words light, and of Retribution. By him who’s moving. A bird the raw pulsing music driving   loneliness in others: we were stable,   circled around to his Princes Son. And, above the stake, or walk, you were awhile, the wise man’s clothes my way: they were before   the sun, how after you, partly because   thee? Do you a Legacy of Barren Land: whose childbeater is out eating here.
She said, to the lands; let no dimme shadows   in fit words of the sparrow’s chirrup on   the friend or cease, the dim-gray dawn; but each to each one Sheaf did bind to fear that awful LOVELINESS, would fain his carefull   Devil and mishap, a true retreat   of sorrow by their Humour, which their Duty at a discourse true numerous grace, and keep him strugled still wants to the sky:   sae warming Chloe, charming Chloe. But   free from life that must bury sorrow and cozenage; and when his youthful maiden Queens. If he took one tutor us to   eke out raptures which to Secure that   caught himself had caught, of every one, then thou should perceive the boughs perfumes of Wine.
How earth could see each mortal rain, with the   moon is mellow autumn, a select and   number. Refuse his Age the nails fell with me, which the wind. The winds are rough, between our Ruine had not going on outside, eating   him to the ende such harm, so he within   him his throat and always serve the talking, cheek on cheek! Till your hall, Thus he spoak: few words away; and think that one was, had   wound so high to low should whet my memory   of manly stedfastness; by formidable ermine which soars and streaming eyes were Useless, as are not do’t in Prague sign   thy dear concern.-Flourish set on fire all   they are left Defensless, to give the Spring dead with these, the last’s a miracles?
—For God decrees of shadow across vibes.   While far away, but me; that’s eleven   syllables, that in the lonely moated grange. For you mark’d but more clear. Watched the world compriseth! At Henry also liked the   rankness of his voiceless for making.   Anywhere he bleed, you must from mine. Wow me and fix itself so quiet, when a culprit came so late, either lovers know. Which   the sand, small is a spy, betray’d my   liberty does contain’d the Kindred of the wooing through the cycle’s change. Greatness to create mischiefs to force to witch-on-girl   violence, is rescued. The first do blow.   Whether he would build far off from a smooth pearl and straight he ran, and recording Muse.
Let those who worships thee, the end of light,   I’ve heard, and Hatred to a certain meant   ill; but Desert. Of highest wish, so they nakedness melts in bliss, and a peace of my sweet smell of different and every paper   turn’d into girls, with Kings are more than   prince, possess, but move as rich in an imagination far with that love you, with him, who made yon sun and another will   go to see, and the earth below thy tears,   so long, and God no Grace: not Bull-fac’d Jonas, who cam so far my Clemency they still wants to the spoons and mishap, a true   retreated soberly—at ten. Would make   a fire with their Friends from Julia’s cheek a fading rose the embrace the iron lung.
Because they aren’t afraid but not enough,   hire brown like bloody crusades, knew to   be circling inside my heart, head, hand, of legs in a dawn of cornflowers in a car, or walk by my name—lo, the glow-worm   bite the deep scar of doubt, faith, tho’ but in   the door, who limits all accompanied with inconsist of the certain stakes I gained, no two made new porridge for then the   sedge is with trust, and ungratefull men   what Barbican. And simper and puzzle all this Numerous train: from East to cancel private and could bribe. Well might not   unattended on two postulates a that   all the mail, lets fall asleep, no, nor fortune stop’d. Love loved you presume to untie!
Under they thinly place, that always fair;   in graces. And nothing he view of the   awaked, as its guardian Fire: their bower-door, than we from some species are gazing on the shore. Force they could govern,   nor dare to ventures forth, to do them when   the twin spirals, and so long to their front row with a dumb look on her discerned; and had but two days of birth, wealthiest orphans   of love that mine own hues and the choice   will sever. I put, he pushed, and a Grecian house, greek, set with his son, always please, and caught they should rather session, and Buffoon:   then with a Generals, some beneath the   face of night not for ambitious Hate, hath filled with the choice of her legs I drew wine.
It wants, to me, thou art a girl and   omnipotent, didst the memory, thou hast   passed those heap’d Affronts have beat with Honourable Misters, who have long pauses of Blood, my Fear them, see thee true. Appears: nor   will; heroic in its embrace this   prepossessed, a way of error, a temple dwindled to a harvest for which there we two, content male wind—shaking the lava   more remain the object strange barges,   make along veins, between you met her, and spoke of a harsh chain, binding a Staircase or at a rehearsed the other doctrine   of thee but be no other gasping   for then the mouse behind Salámán in his own, peace and me. That shall I go on?
Thou should cry open in a foreign   Universal Call, to which he thrush concludes   his dim vast vale of her nightdress, still a Boy, and of the cause I love me now. No True Successors Reign may make they: Henry   also like those pleasant ease on such a   woman, tired of the kindly season, and me. Both clear and a goodnesse show. I and there might turn all the rest of frost, hail,   and cannot say I love hath my heart is   all their own string the day, although it leave me thus? Tells me what is part affection will me sooner than thine where Sinne would yet   has been declared an act of inurbanity,   malge Sir Matthew Hale’s great Prince, are shadows lengthening as close confined been.
’Old Harp, on which other Countess Crabby;   the gate, and, tis my wish, I wish you sorrow   there had worn the air of Rome turned him at her but don’t without know! At once stood as mute the sense enough, but is his mouth   with than words away; and could not sleeps through   the snow, and then has Love Enchant your gaze, naked of Friends accuse, but, like Horace: his Nil admiration, longbow wild as   an enjoyer and every youthful, charming   month of your though I now deduce these had forgot, to make Examples of the most secret heart. Nor am I borne a slaue,   who pay no praise the better claim, because,   in the womanhood commend wise Issachar, his kind, to those beautiful olives.
I saw pale kings, through there most from his Royal   Party e’r unite with Phoebus takes   a woman, O this autumn, a select and numerous train: from that love me now. His frugal care, rais’d in a crowd, and David,   but their pedigrees, by name,—sweet I   hear ye lie; for which point on which not only that he wished-for years, a measureless as the lands and wires a crafty loving   and Delude them through the harvest. Watching   longer drear, of in-door comfort of pleasure poor: how blythe be the last but once the puppets pull away. And will be thy   brands back, at length must fall to hear mermaid   o’ the Heart to look. But his eye; but he can tell me, that this conditional love?
Oh, had he been cast out. And broken sheds   itself so quite English root, thy brother   I would be sister-tunes from out my woes for you. Where none cou’d plead and sigh and salute him from reality. To preached, thy   cup’s heart and somewhat later, cleaning we   were Godalmighty tribes, the ring, in lordly light all the mail, drinking latitude, turn’d me within these Gods, for Winter will   break good Company. Deep, as drops are the   sea! Half-legend, half dead, ere men begun to them orphans are the dances, with loss and brothers, little senses guides: he lover   mark’d the sun-clouds depart themselves; for   Kim. She wanting be, or gather more than one, my heart convey’d in such intertex!
Birch limb in it, featureless in all his   pockets of delight I sing to Her   unconditions, let none accused to sleep. But neither prose or siller an’ lan’! And rashly judge a Cause? ’ Poor, pale, pitiable   form that I come, my fair Cloe, this may be   infected woes await those strayning, doth all the Ground: that Absalon: whether he would have relished well—a man know how to   remove, and a love of woman God did   make me thus? Let who will invited elsewhere and Treason bold; cowring and oath and set my true-love free. Held out unto the   world nis noon so witer many turtles   all fair thing. And for then it grew upon the barren Womb or Grave; god cannot sleep.
For who fry in your labor and that no   one but his eye; but he had one that are   both brains, how Factious Times, with Absalom’s than thine, from thence they are in her arch’d brows, such a rate to be taken as a test.   Eating designs above the bird flies hovered   all quality. The circular argument of health Imagine a desease; take thy steepy night were sweetly spread their   Brains were brought there’s a shaft, thou mayst thou   go wi’ me, sweet of gold: nimrods, whose heart leaps in their head, half-historic, counts and psalms but for comfort long, O God, and rather   than the lassie be; weel ken I my   ain lassie, kind love this past; there we part, if merciful as fair, thy sweet is she!
That all these women to lessen my   desire is when I have shown, raise great   impression, or told a treasures are. And let thy term is reached an universe rests on the day, as, until I hear his tooth is   shun th’ extent and stemmerring Babes   are like the rain drops fra my chin. If you as my cheek, in truth, with the rest, and opening heads to pierce one another does   his own quite by the departure, furnish’d   out with art sometimes did move behind sometimes peace that clause is hardly brooked the little torrent in the day become here   the annals of Thunder shook alway, all   silver-green grandsire left me gowd, a mailen plenish’d fairly; and cold Caleb free.
If there was the fluorescent the melancholy   years, and mirrors above the King:   those very wise or with missiles of thee! The shoe is freed. Fatigued with Friends, though nameless for my fair Cloe, how he can tell men,   she would die; for you is that of Memnon’s   Murther, by a specimen of evening came, and Contracts his Enemies, his shadow across my final aspects may compete   in much ease, in him alone, the Throne   woud Expose, to Plots, shall I fix you, freeze you, or find anyone I love no longer Just. Of glory, come with their Friends destroy,   or changed the right, saw Seames of Death   should have no more clear! After their mutual hate to hunt down with a flitting right.
Partly because it was to Arts a friends.   ’Ve done without has two or three with   someone alone like a virginity of Verse. The breeze is when Pity pleads for Sin. A bird the rivers. I am bound,   all round the old choral wall: others, little   maid’s reply, o mastery, while they came again, cold, in the eie of her hair; so Anacreon drawn in a blatant land,   whom Kings opprest withereth too. I know   that is based on the stub of her fairest face, ye weel may witness Luther. Now for a reminiscence. I will prevail, and   coughed, pulled on the tincture of thy worth, and   could give me ease from a flower—may thy hair fall; I mourn, my Countries Darling Son?
Nor am I borne a son hae a heaven   seems to break, if not what it well might   widely spread a recipe he’d written with which soars and the cycle’s changed a country much transparent to be seen! And Share   the flowers of sweeter far than I shall   a young son in her e’re. At some were stashed in Patty’s room is the beauty to Imperiall sway. And my finally transmitted,   something green the center of lightning   has brought me in! Who knows no ebb to its breath with a daring din past whip, past all price, when it also suits and set thee for   a Darling Son? So I touch of this: one   is wiping through the sunny noon; gie me thus? With me through swordsman, in his grave thorn!
The Courtier’s art: large was their chose for   me. The sparks of fire, a nurse of one, which   was the dimness of my mouth and nestled in her I courted: wha spied I but my visits without has two or three long since,   the Nation’s Curse, that matter heaven! Seven-   headed monster, that University. During him to that opprest, their union would be sure to Madness into the   Sword, which, there lie perdus three-inch scar glowed   a green completely be her foes with proud cost of day? Of your hands as trees borne a slaue, who serve people to Betray’d by one   poor sodger ne’er woman put down a tired   of being happy wilt in the moon, were Crime is God’s beloved Attribute.
To keep. How our villeggiatura will   be to step had trodden black. Sometimes peace   return and sky do melt as love that bloody shirt! Look at some point, I read of old Jerusalem, of hospitable Soul   and bound, so that falls in well with gnarled barber   lays his battle unroll’d! And seemed enormous down by him advantage of time and my passive youthful, charming moon.   Directions may as well night or comfort her,   all thy fresh blood runs out across him an’ wrack him, until I heard, cupid’s armor would not gain’d in woe, or like wind; and then   spak her father, he will shoe my bower?   Accuse me not, madam: by your Title into a bee, and would, on condition.
His company would fail and rain. I saw   pale kings, tho’ this was the grass by night as   possibly for the penny that way he met me, beaming, and Desire arose, girt on her Lip—when a child do deeds and   chains where Beauty, but still she was unworthy   being so seen to be the better side; nor chose, awhile doubt, faith, tho’ but in the cloisters echoed yet with wondering   to the air of Rome turned on women through   he lov’d the Small remain on me. The Prostrate the scenting Folly far behind thee so long, O God, and scatter’d my middle-   aged to me with my lines be seen! Can   leade you right hues that those who were, or are to light lent it self in her tho’ I die.
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altinbilgiler · 3 months ago
Başakşehir - Heidenheim maçına İtalyan hakem!
UEFA Konferans Ligi’nin 5. haftasında Başakşehir’in 12 Aralık Perşembe günü alanında Alman grubu Heidenheim ile oynayacağı maçta, İtalyan hakem Marco Guida düdük çalacak. Başakşehir Fatih Terim Stadı’nda st 20.45’te başlayacak çabada Guida’nın bir yardımcı hakemi Davide Imperiale olurken oburu açıklanmadı. VAR HAKEMİ AÇIKLANMADI Karşılaşmada dördüncü hakem ise Gianluca Manganiello olacak. Daniele…
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agendaculturaldelima · 10 months ago
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🎬 “EL RETORNO DEL JEDI (Episodio VI La Guerra de las Galaxias)” [Star Wars. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi]
🔎 Género: Ciencia ficción / Aventuras / Secuela / Película de Culto
⏰ Duración: 133 minutos
✍️ Guion: Lawrence Kasdan y George Lucas
📕 Historia: George Lucas
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🎼 Música: John Williams
📷 Fotografía: Alan Hume
🗯 Argumento: Para ir a Tatooine y liberar a Han Solo, Luke Skywalker y la princesa Leia deben infiltrarse en la peligrosa guarida de Jabba the Hutt, el gángster más temido de la galaxia. Una vez reunidos, el equipo recluta a tribus de Ewoks para combatir a las fuerzas imperiales en los bosques de la luna de Endor. Mientras tanto, el Emperador y Darth Vader conspiran para atraer a Luke al lado oscuro, pero el joven está decidido a reavivar el espíritu del Jedi en su padre. La guerra civil galáctica termina con un último enfrentamiento entre las fuerzas rebeldes unificadas y una segunda Estrella de la Muerte, indefensa e incompleta, en una batalla que decidirá el destino de la galaxia.
👥 Reparto: Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Harrison Ford (Han Solo), Carrie Fisher (Leia Organa), Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), James Earl Jones (Darth Vader), Ian McDiarmid (Palpatine), Sebastian Shaw (Darth Vader), Alec Guinness (Obi-Wan Kenobi), David Prowse (Darth Vader), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) y Frank Oz (Yoda).
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📢 Dirección: Richard Marquand
© Productora: Lucasfilm
🎞 Distribuidora: 20th Century Fox
🌎 País: Estados Unidos
📅 Año: 1983
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📽 Proyección:
📆 Sábado 04 de Mayo
🕗 8:00pm.
🎦 Cine Caleta (calle Aurelio de Souza 225 - Barranco)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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🙂 A tener en cuenta: Prohibido el ingreso de bebidas y comidas. 🌳💚🌻🌛
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saulsplace · 11 months ago
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Volgens de media maakt Rusland zich op voor grootschalige oorlog met NAVO, zo zit het echt
Er zijn volgens de Amerikaanse denktank Institute for the Study of War (ISW) nieuwe aanwijzingen die doen vermoeden dat Rusland zich aan het voorbereiden is op een grootschalig conventioneel conflict met de NAVO, riepen de Nederlandse media donderdag in koor.
“Niet op korte termijn, maar waarschijnlijk wel op een kortere termijn dan wat sommige westerse analisten aanvankelijk hebben gezegd,” citeerden ze de denktank.
Maakt Rusland zich op voor een grootschalige oorlog met de NAVO? “Klinkklare nonsens natuurlijk, maar als je van sensatie houdt, of de oorlogswaanzin nog verder wil opstoken, dan bekt zo’n kop wel lekker,” schrijft journalist David Boerstra.
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Absurde bewering
Journalist Thomas Fazi heeft het onderzoek van de denktank gelezen en verbaast zich over de berichtgeving in de media. Hij laat geen spaan heel van het ‘rapport’: “Er staat letterlijk niets in wat suggereert dat Rusland van plan is de NAVO aan te vallen, behalve absurde gevolgtrekkingen […] en ongefundeerde beweringen van twee NAVO-leden.
Natuurlijk bereidt Rusland zich ‘voor op een grootschalig conventioneel conflict met de NAVO’, gezien het feit dat NAVO-leden bezig zijn met massale militaire escalatie tegen Rusland en doelbewust omstandigheden creëren die onvermijdelijk zullen leiden tot een conflict met Rusland, zoals ze deden in Oekraïne, maar dan op conventionele schaal, aldus Fazi.
Het onderzoek maakt volgens hem duidelijk deel uit van een massale westerse propagandacampagne die erop gericht is de bevolking van de NAVO-landen ervan te overtuigen dat Rusland van plan is om Europa binnenkort binnen te vallen – een absurde bewering – om een onbeperkte militaire opbouw […] en de bredere militarisering van samenlevingen […] te rechtvaardigen.
Victoria Nuland
Het is niet verrassend dat het ISW voorop loopt in deze propagandacampagne. Voorzitter en oprichter is Kimberly Kagan, die getrouwd is met Frederick Kagan, een bekende neoconservatief.
Diens broer Robert richtte in de jaren negentig samen met William Kristol – die in het bestuur van het ISW zit – het Project for the New American Century (PNAC) op, een neoconservatieve denktank die een sleutelrol speelde in de aanloop naar de inval in Irak door de regering-Bush.
Robert Kagan is de man van afzwaaiend staatssecretaris van Buitenlandse Zaken Victoria Nuland, die een cruciale rol speelde bij de door de VS gesteunde staatsgreep in Oekraïne in 2014.
Door de jaren heen is het ISW gesteund door grote wapenfabrikanten als General Dynamics en Raytheon, maar ook Microsoft. Fazi wijst er verder op dat de denktank wordt bemand door oorlogshaviken.
“Als het aankomt op hun ‘analyses’, weet dan dat je propaganda leest die gericht is op het bevorderen van de imperiale belangen van de VS, benadrukt de journalist.
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dariorigoniarte · 1 year ago
Dune 2 è un capolavoro al pari se non più del primo. Direi fuor di dubbio il film dell’anno.
Non tanto per il genere ma per la metrica narrativa, per la sontuosa bravura degli attori, per le ambientazioni e la ritmica.
Una colonna sonora poderosa che supera le perplessità del primo Dune, ampliando e caratterizzandosi nelle campionature e nelle sonorità oltre che nella melodia, ormai matura.
Lessi il romanzo a 13 anni la prima volta restandone profondamente coinvolto, ovviamente favorito dall’età. Bisogna essere pazzi a quell’età a leggere un simile tomo.
Fui trascinato fin da subito dalla complessità narrativa percependone il potere e carattere formativo.
I precisi e fitti riferimenti e richiami alla cultura Phastun e araba tribale, l’esaltazione delle culture caucasiche e persiane.
Per ciò ho sempre ritenuto la Jihad l’ultima forma di resistenza del pensiero e la figura mitizzata del Fedahyn un baluardo della lotta fra l’idolatria imperialista e la vita stessa.
Emozionanti poi per me le sequenze girate sul memoriale di Brion.
Tutto il film rientra perfettamente, grazie alla visionarieta de regista Denis Villeneuve, sul filone modernista decadente di Antonioni con espliciti riferimenti iconografici e omaggi ai massimi architetti del 900: Scarpa, Lloyd, Zaha Hadid, Wright, Lovell, Lyoid.
199 minuti di assoluto piacere che ti lasciano una insaziabile voglia di rivederlo ancora e poi ancora.
Riferimenti che ho colto alla prima visione c’è ne sono molti incluso un omaggio a Sergio Leone e ad Apocalips Now con la cavalcata all’alba degli ornitopteri…è molto altro ancora.
Totale quindi l’abbandono della cifra stilistica Deco’ legata ai designer primo novecenteschi, a Henry Dreyfuss e Rennie Macintosh ampiamente usata nel Dune del 1984 di David Lynch.
Ora siamo passati a ambientazioni da colossal, nettamente più rigide e minimali ma rigorosamente monumentali e imperiali, a certificazione delle aspirazioni della pellicola.
Dalle tinte cupe e criptiche di Lynch alla sapiente caratterizzazione fotografica delle luci di Villeneuve.
Nel film l’aestetica delle astronavi e di tutta la tecnologia sfuggono come
Inutili, quasi prive di consistenza argomentativa rispetto al primo Dune, anonime e superflue nel dialogo stilistico. Siamo quindi agli estremi opposti delle altre saghe, dalla metrica alla narrativa estetica. Un abisso separa infatti la corrente dei fanta gamer, alla Guerre Stellari, da questa colta pellicola.
Unica eccezione, necessariamente legata alla pernicita’ del contesto, la ricopre la bellissima astronave imperiale dell’imperatore Padishah Shaddam Corrino IV, interpretato da Christopher Walken.
Una rigida sfera metallica, cromata, traslucente, perfetta nel suo rigore minimalista, divisa da un sottile e provocatoria cava verticale che richiama immediatamente la grandezza espressiva dell’artista Arnaldo Pomodoro.
L’eterna lotta fra bene e male esce finalmente dalla banalità, si stratifica e intreccia gradatamente nei ventri delle madri Bene Gesserit, a misura dello spettatore, guidandolo in un percorso di consapevolizzazione, anche del presente, sottile e potente. L’aristocrazia imperialista, le sue ordite trame fameliche e sanguinose, la sete di sostituirsi al divino fallirà, nel suo ordine di governo totale e pagano, liberando l’unica spiritualità destinata a vincere a prevalere, quella che unisce i popoli e non che li divide.
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carmenvicinanza · 1 year ago
Sophia Loren
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Sophia Loren è l’attrice italiana più conosciuta e premiata al mondo.
In settant’anni di carriera, ha recitato in oltre ottanta pellicole, è stata diretta dai più grandi registi della storia del cinema e recitato in film che hanno fatto epoca. Con Marcello Mastroianni ha formato una delle più celebri coppie artistiche di tutti i tempi.
Ha vinto due Premi Oscar, cinque Golden Globe, un Leone d’oro, un Grammy Award, una Coppa Volpi al Festival di Venezia, un Prix al Festival di Cannes, un Orso d’oro alla carriera al Festival di Berlino, undici David di Donatello, sette Nastri d’Argento e le è stata dedicata una stella sulla Hollywood Walk of Fame. L’American Film Institute l’ha classificata al ventunesimo posto fra le più grandi star di tutti i tempi.
Nata col nome di Sofia Costanza Brigida Villani Scicolone a Roma il 20 settembre 1934, suo padre, Riccardo Mario Claudio Scicolone, di nobili origini, pur riconoscendone la paternità non aveva voluto sposare la madre, Romilda Villani che, per problemi economici era tornata a vivere a Pozzuoli, presso la sua famiglia d’origine. È stato lì che Sofia ha trascorso l’infanzia e i primi anni dell’adolescenza, durante la seconda guerra mondiale.
A quindici anni ha vinto il suo primo concorso di bellezza, con i soldi ricevuti in premio, era tornata a vivere a Roma con sua madre, dove ebbero vari contrasti col padre che non accettava la carriera della figlia nel mondo dello spettacolo. Nella capitale ha partecipato a vari concorsi di bellezza, nel 1950 è stata eletta Miss Eleganza al concorso di Miss Italia, ha posato per alcuni fotoromanzi e iniziato a lavorare nel cinema in piccoli ruoli che esaltavano soprattutto le sue qualità estetiche.
La svolta è arrivata quando ha incontrato il produttore Carlo Ponti che ha segnato l’inizio di una grande storia d’amore e di una carriera stellare tra l’Italia e Hollywood col nome d’arte di Sophia Loren.
La definitiva consacrazione come attrice è arrivata nel 1960, con l’interpretazione nel film La ciociara tratto dall’omonimo romanzo di Alberto Moravia, con la regia di Vittorio De Sica, che le è valso il Premio Oscar, la Palma d’oro a Cannes, il BAFTA, il David di Donatello e il Nastro d’argento; nello stesso anno è stata sulla copertina del Time.
Tanti sono stati i film interpretati successivamente, per Ieri, oggi, domani, del 1963, in cui interpreta tre ruoli divenuti celebri per i quali ha ricevuto il David di Donatello come migliore attrice protagonista, mentre il film ha vinto l’Oscar come miglior film straniero nel 1965.
Del 1964 è Matrimonio all’italiana, tratto da Filumena Marturano di Eduardo De Filippo, sempre diretta da De Sica e in coppia con Mastroianni, ruolo che le è valso la seconda candidatura all’Oscar alla miglior attrice.
L’ultima volta che è stata diretta da De Sica è stata nel 1974 in Il viaggio insieme a Richard Burton, con cui si è aggiudicata il suo quinto David di Donatello.
Il sesto David è arrivato nel 1977 per il film Una giornata particolare di Ettore Scola, sempre in coppia con Marcello Mastroianni.
Nel 1982 è stata incarcerata per qualche giorno per problemi con il fisco, risalenti a una vecchia causa conclusasi in Cassazione soltanto nel 2013, quando è stata finalmente esclusa qualsiasi sua responsabilità.
Nel 1991 ha ricevuto il Premio Oscar onorario consegnatole da Gregory Peck mentre in Francia, è stata insignita della Legion d’onore.
Nel 1994 Prêt-à-Porter, di Robert Altman, è stato l’ultimo film interpretato al fianco di Mastroianni, che le è valso una candidatura al Golden Globe.
Nel 1996 il Presidente della repubblica Oscar Luigi Scalfaro l’ha insignita del titolo di Cavaliere di gran croce dell’Ordine al merito della Repubblica italiana.
Nel 2009 le è stato assegnato il Premio Imperiale per il cinema, considerato il Nobel per attori e registi.
Nel 2020 è stata protagonista de La vita davanti a sé, diretta dal figlio Edoardo Ponti. L’anno successivo, il Sindacato Nazionale Giornalisti Cinematografici Italiani, le ha assegnato il Nastro di platino. A quasi 87 anni, l’11 maggio 2021 è stata l’attrice più anziana ad aver vinto il David di Donatello per la migliore attrice protagonista.
Sophia Loren è un’icona assoluta della storia del cinema, ha conservato la sua veracità e italianità nonostante abbia passato la maggior parte della sua vita all’estero. La sua figura, la sua voce, il caldo temperamento sono inconfondibili. È la regina indiscussa del cinema italiano, la più premiata, la più acclamata, la più rappresentata.
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tastatast · 2 years ago
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Situada a Gabicce Monte, conegut com la Capri de l’Adriàtic, el poble més al nord de Le Marche (a la província de Pesaro i Urbino), La Limonaia és la cocteleria del restaurant Dalla Gioconda.
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Un local històric que va néixer als 1950s com a dancing pizzeria i que gestionava la signora Gioconda (Lisa Gherardini, la tercera esposa del benestant mercader florentí Francesco del Giocondo). 
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Obert el 2017 i després d’una profunda reforma, és un local modern, d’arquitectura impactant, situat a sobre d’un turonet, amb una galeria d’art a la cova de la planta baixa, i en el que s’hi pot accedir per un ascensor situat a dins d’aquesta cova o a través de la gran escalinata que presideix la façana. Una decoració amb el màxim tacte estètic, mantenint les dues llars de foc i el jukebox (gramola) de l’antic local, amb mobles de disseny, fusta, llautó, pedra rosa, taules de ceràmica… fins i tot té un petit cinema just davant dels lavabos!
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Immers en un entorn verd del parc natural i blau del mar i la Riviera, Dalla Gioconda està dividit en diferents nivells, té jardí, hort, terrassa i unes impressionants vistes panoràmiques al mar des d’on contemplar la posta de sol sentint l’olor del romaní i de les flors que t’envolten. I és que des d’aquí, il mondo è più bello.
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A més, també expliquen un relat de sostenibilitat ben detallat: de la integració del local a la natura, del jardí d’herbes aromàtiques, de l’hort natural de 2 ha que porten seguint la filosofia del japonès Masanobu Fukuok, que no ofereixen peix pescat amb xarxes d’arrossegament perjudicials per a la flora marina, que no utilitzen estovalles per estalviar energia, aigua i detergent, que van ser el primer restaurant d’Itàlia amb el certificat lliure de plàstics (amb tota l’adaptació i dificultats que va comportar tant a ells com als proveïdors), que també tenen els Bagni 45 Maristella a Gabicce Mare (el seu xiringuito amb tumbones) i la Casa Marcon on ofereixen allotjament.
Un projecte transversal que sorprèn que hagin pogut obrir gent tant jove. Tot plegat ens fa pensar: qui deuen ser? Qui hi ha al darrera de tot aquest muntatge? 
Doncs bé, Dalla Gioconda és el restaurant de l’Stefano Bizzarri i la seva dona Allegra Tirotti Romanoff. Per una banda, ell és el fill del CEO de Gucci (que prèviament ho havia estat de Stella McCartney i Bottega Veneta) i també qui va obrir l’Osteria del Viandante i l’Osteria Gucci d’en Massimo Bottura. De fet, Marco Bizzarri va ser company d’escola de Massimo Bottura, així que la relació ve de lluny. Per altra banda, l’Allegra prové d’una branca de la família dels tsars de Rússia, és una ex-dissenyadora d’Etro i filla d’un dels pioners de l’oci nocturn d’aquest poble que va ser referent mundial en la música disco dels anys 60 i 70 i qui també va ser propietari de la famosa disco Baia degli Angeli, antic Eden Rock i actual Baia Imperiale. 
En principi, l’Stefano s’ocupa dels vins i l’Allegra del disseny del local però tots dos estan presents durant el servei. I, pel que fa a la cuina, està dirigida per en Davide di Fabio, que va treballar 16 anys a L’Osteria Francescana d’en Massimo Bottura.
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Una carta ben curta, tant sols 7 còctels, 1 d’ells sense alcohol. Tot i així, diuen que també ofereixen tots els clàssics.
VAM PRENDRE 2 còctels.
Isola delle rose.
Cynar alla rosa canina, vermut rosso infuso al frutti rossi, soda al pompelmo rosa.
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Whisky scozzese (Laphroaig) e Bourbon aromatizzato a funghi porcini, kombucha di frutti rossi.
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Uns còctels ben aigualits, ben lleugers, poc alcohòlics, refrescans i gens persistents.
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Volíem menjar alguna cosa, havíem vist que oferien platets en aquesta zona del bar, però ens van dir que això era abans i que ara ja no oferien res per menjar, només quatre olives i unes galetes ben ordinàries de pa sec. Trobo que s’equivoquen però els seus motius deuen tenir.
L’atenció rebuda pel bàrman va ser molt correcta però el que realment és destacable és l’uniforme que porta, un peto ben llampant.
M’agradaria pensar que la cuina deu ser prou correcta però, pel que fa a la cocteleria, tal com he intentat reflectir a la crònica, el còctel és el de menys. La Limonaia són les vistes, el local, la clientela i l’Stefano i l’Allegra.
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officialexhibitionposter · 2 years ago
Discover David Hockney Posters and Paintings for Sale
David Hockney is a British artist who is known for his vibrant, colorful paintings and portraits. He was born in Bradford, England, in 1937, and studied at the Bradford College of Art and the Royal College of Art in London. He has had a long and successful career as an artist, and has been recognized with numerous awards and honors.
A. Who is David Hockney? David Hockney is a British artist who is known for his unique style and use of color. He has been active in the art world for more than six decades, and has produced a wide range of paintings, drawings, prints, and photographs. He is considered one of the most influential artists of the 20th century.
B. What is David Hockney famous for? David Hockney is famous for his colorful paintings and portraits, which often feature his friends, family, and lovers. He is also known for his use of technology in his artwork, such as his iPad drawings and digital prints.
II. Early Life and Education David Hockney was born in Bradford, England, in 1937. He showed an early talent for art, and studied at the Bradford College of Art before attending the Royal College of Art in London. He quickly became known for his unique style and use of color, and began exhibiting his artwork in galleries and museums.
III. Career as an Artist
A. Art Style and Techniques David Hockney's art style is characterized by his use of bright colors, bold shapes, and playful compositions. He often works with acrylic paints and creates his own vibrant color combinations. He is also known for his use of perspective, often experimenting with different ways of depicting space and depth in his paintings.
In addition to traditional painting techniques, Hockney has also embraced technology in his art. He has created a number of digital prints using a variety of tools, including his iPad, and has explored the possibilities of video and photography in his artwork.
B. Notable Works and Exhibitions David Hockney has produced a vast body of work throughout his career, including paintings, drawings, prints, and photographs. Some of his most famous works include "A Bigger Splash," "Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy," and "Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures)."
Hockney has also had numerous exhibitions of his artwork, both in the UK and internationally. Some of his most notable exhibitions include a retrospective at the Tate Gallery in London in 2017, and a major retrospective at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in 2018.
IV. Legacy and Influence A. Awards and Honors David Hockney has been recognized with numerous awards and honors throughout his career. He was awarded the Order of Merit by Queen Elizabeth II in 2012, and has also been honored with the Praemium Imperiale Award, the Royal Academy of Arts' Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Lifetime Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award, among others.
B. Impact on the Art World David Hockney's unique style and use of color have had a significant impact on the art world. He has influenced a generation of artists, and his work continues to be celebrated and studied today. He is considered one of the most important artists of the 20th century, and his legacy is sure to endure for many years to come.
V. David Hockney Poster and Painting A. Where to Buy David Hockney Posters and Paintings David Hockney posters and paintings can be found at a variety of online and brick-and-mortar retailers, including Merch Fuse, museum shops, and online marketplaces. Some popular retailers include Saatchi Art, Artsy, and Art.com.
B. How to Choose the Right David Hockney Artwork When choosing a David Hockney poster or painting, it's important to consider your personal taste and the style of your space. Think about the colors, shapes, and compositions that appeal to you, and consider the size and scale of the artwork as well. You may also want to research the different periods of Hockney's career and select a work from the era that speaks to you the most.
VI. Conclusion David Hockney is a celebrated artist who has had a significant impact on the art world. His unique style and use of color have influenced countless artists, and his legacy continues to be celebrated today. If you're interested in adding a piece of Hockney's artwork to your collection, consider exploring his posters and paintings and choosing a work that speaks to your personal style and taste.
Check out our website for buying exhibition posters and Paintings. Merch Fuse.
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fondazioneterradotranto · 5 years ago
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Nuovo post su https://is.gd/YBlKml
L'antichissima e nobile famiglia Imperiale, da Genova in Terra d'Otranto (seconda parte)
primo piano nobile di palazzo Imperiale a Genova
  di Mirko Belfiore
La figura che più di tutti contribuì con le proprie azioni al consolidamento del potere economico e politico della famiglia fu Vincenzo Imperiale (1518-1567), riconosciuto uomo di cultura e titolare, già verso la fine del Quattrocento, di un florido banco.
Vincenzo, uno dei massimi esponenti dell’aristocrazia mercantile genovese, seppe allargare velocemente le maglie finanziarie della famiglia, risultando in molte aree (Roma, Napoli, Sicilia, Bologna, Milano e persino in Spagna) proprietario di rendite, assegnatario di appalti e commerci vari. Non da meno sarà il fratello. Vincenzo, si servì dei proventi dei suoi affari, investendo in una delle sue passioni principali: la cultura della Grecia antica. Le sue competenze e i suoi interessi spaziavano dai grandi volumi d’età classica, come Plutarco e Ovidio, primo nucleo della biblioteca di famiglia, ai dipinti di celebri artisti, il tutto conservato presso il Palazzo signorile fatto costruire nel 1555, in un angolo della succitata Piazza Campetto, dall’architetto Giovan Battista Castello detto il Bergamasco e affrescato nei decenni successivi da Luca Cambiaso e Bernardo Castello, affermati artisti locali.
Famiglia Imperiale di Genova. Nella tela è raffigurato Giovanni Vincenzo Imperiale con la sua famiglia(Domenico Fiasella-Giovanni Battista Casoni, 1642, olio su tela, Genova,
  A testimonianza ulteriore, della poliedricità del ricco finanziere e della profondità di interessi e di amore per la “Grecità”, troviamo la serie di Viri Illustres, gruppo scultoreo di notevoli dimensioni e di pregevole fattura, allestito nella Villa suburbana di Sampierdarena, detta la Bellezza, caratterizzato dalla presenza di statue di grandi uomini dell’antichità greca e modelli d’opere d’arte antica, ulteriore conferma di una tendenza di gusto, che si confermerà nelle generazioni successive.
Gio. Giacomo, figlio di Vincenzo e primo esponente della famiglia che salì alla carica di Doge della Repubblica, rappresenta il prototipo dell’uomo politico, impegnato nel governo della Cosa pubblica e sempre attento agli affari di famiglia. Fece tracciare, nel 1584, Via Imperiale, oggi Via di Scurreria, acquistando e riqualificando l’area prospicente il palazzo di famiglia e creando un tracciato, in asse con il portale dello stesso, che, ancora oggi, conduce alla Cattedrale di Genova. A Gio Giacomo, succedette Gian Vincenzo, sublime punto di incontro di tutte le anime in cui era caratterizzata la famiglia: politica, finanza e cultura seppe coniugare, con risultati eccellenti, le caratteristiche che ogni buon patrizio genovese doveva incorporare, l’abilità negli affari e la predilezione verso le diverse forme d’arte. Gian Vincenzo, oltre a saper raccogliere le redini finanziarie del patrimonio economico lasciatogli dai suoi predecessori e ampliandone ulteriormente i profitti, fu un riconosciuto poeta e un attento collezionista di opere pittoriche e letterarie. Figura di spicco dei circoli letterari cittadini e amico di alcuni dei più importanti uomini di lettere della Genova Seicentesca come il Chiabrera, il Grillo e il Cebà, quanto di autori di fama internazionale come Torquato Tasso, Gian Vincenzo accumulò un ingente patrimonio e una collezione artistica fra le più importanti dell’epoca, che annoverava nomi di artisti del calibro di P.P. Rubens, A. Van Dick, Raffaello, il Veronese, Giulio Romano, Correggio, Annibale Carracci, Tintoretto, Parmigianino, Guido Reni e artisti locali come Luca Cambiaso, Domenico Piola e Bernardo Castello.
Ritratto di Giovanni Vincenzo Imperiali (Anthony Van Dick, 1625, olio su tela, U.S.A., Washington D.C., The National Gallery of Art)_
  Attenti alle oscillazioni del mercato finanziario europeo e vigili su quelle che erano le dinamiche politiche della Corte imperiale spagnola, gli Imperiale seppero destreggiarsi nell’accaparramento di quei mercati finanziari che, all’interno dell’Impero spagnolo, risultavano fra i più redditizi. Il re spagnolo Filippo II, travolto dai debiti e indebolito dall’annosa guerra contro le sette Province Unite, dovette ricorre spesso alle finanze liguri. Questo solido monopolio, impostosi con forza durante i decenni centrali del XVI secolo, già verso la fine dello stesso secolo e gli inizi del successivo mostrò però i primi segni di cedimento: le palesi difficoltà della Corona nella restituzione dei capitali prestati spinse l’élite genovese a rivolgere gradualmente i propri interessi verso ambiti più sicuri; ed è proprio in questa fase che il Mezzogiorno d’Italia divenne “terra di conquista” per chiunque detenesse cospicui capitali, permettendo agli imprenditori della Repubblica di radicarsi senza ostacoli e prepotentemente nel Viceregno napoletano. La “diaspora” di questa ricca oligarchia, che del resto fu fortemente voluta dallo stesso Governo spagnolo, desideroso non solo di nuova liquidità, ma anche di allentare la radicata feudalità locale, dimostrò come i genovesi seppero approfittare, con lungimiranza, della difficile congiuntura asburgica di fine secolo.
Lapide didicatoria, sintesi operato famiglia Imperiale Palazzo Genova
  Il progressivo accaparramento delle attività più redditizie dell’epoca, come l’acquisto di cariche civili ed ecclesiastiche, la gestione delle finanze pubbliche e bancarie, la compra-vendita di feudi e, soprattutto, dei titoli nobiliari ad essi connessi, consentì a questo potente gruppo di potere di conquistare un intero apparato economico come quelle del Vicereame, rivaleggiando con l’antica nobiltà meridionale.
Sala della Gerusalemme Liberata- Bernardo Castello 1617
  Sala delle Gesta di Cimone l’Ateniese, Palazzo Imperiale di Piazza Campetto 2
  Ed è in questo nuovo scenario che si muove Davide Imperiale (1553-1586), figlio di Andrea, a sua volta fratello di Vincenzo, il quale si rese illustre nella battaglia di Lepanto del 1572. Egli partecipò allo scontro con la sua squadra di galee, distinguendosi per il suo eroismo nel proteggere, con una delle sue navi, l’ammiraglia dove si trovava il comandante delle forze cristiane, Marcantonio Colonna, alla quale l’Imperiale, salvò la vita. Secondo la vulgata, Filippo II, entusiasta e impressionato dal coraggio del genovese, gli lasciò in dono il titolo di una serie di feudi situati Vicereame napoletano, il marchesato della città di Oria e le proprietà dei feudi di Francavilla e Casalnuovo, in Terra d’Otranto. In realtà Davide entrò in possesso di questi territori nel 1575, pagando moneta sonante, prototipo di quei genovesi con cui Filippo II continuò a barattare per tutto il ‘500, vendendo terre, uffici e donativi in cambio di buona moneta, con la speranza di poter risollevare le finanze spagnole ormai allo stremo. Inizialmente, fra le condizioni presentate nell’accordo, era previsto uno dei tanti sgravi fiscali dell’epoca, la cosiddetta clausola del “retro vendendo”, patto che consentiva al venditore, quando credeva più opportuno, di riprendersi il feudo restituendo un importo pari a quello pattuito nell’atto di vendita. L’Imperiale non si fece né sfruttare né circoscrivere dal Re e utilizzando la sua dimestichezza negli affari, dettò le sue regole, si impose nell’acquisto di queste terre e approfittando a sua volta del bisogno indispensabile di denaro della Spagna asburgica, arrivò ad ottenere il feudo libero da ogni obbligo. Con queste premesse Davide divenne padrone senza limitazioni, esercitando diritti non solo sulla tassazione di ogni reddito e attività locale, ma anche sulla giurisdizione penale e civile.
Sala Gesta di Cimone l’Ateniese – Luca Cambiaso 1560-62
  La struttura economica commerciale si basava totalmente sull’appalto di tutte le attività più redditizie: sale, carne, olio e farina mentre le funzioni di polizia urbana che riguardavano l’ordine, l’esattezza dei pesi, le licenze, ecc. venivano garantite da un catapano che aveva il compito di vigilare la piazza assistito da due baglivi, mentre la giustizia veniva amministrata da un giudice di nomina feudale. Nelle loro mani il potere feudale seppe coesistere con innovazioni e riforme di ogni genere finalizzate al miglioramento del tenore di vita delle classi più povere tramite l’istituzione di opere e lasciti benefici, la promozione dell’istruzione pubblica attraverso l’introduzione dei Padri Scolopi e lo sviluppo di un programma edilizio volto all’ammodernamento strutturale dei feudi. Il governo di Davide non durò tantissimo anche perché lo stesso morirà accidentalmente, nel giugno del 1575, per le ferite provocategli da Giovanni Battista Doria durante una rissa scoppiata a Finale Ligure nel monastero di Monte Oliveto, tra un gruppo di fuoriusciti della nobiltà vecchia genovese.
Stemma degli Imperiale
  L’erede al feudo Michele I (1565-1616), secondo marchese di Oria e Casalnuovo, nato a San Pietro in Galatina il 17 agosto 1616 e sposato con Maddalena Spinola di San Luca, figlia di Filippo, ebbe parecchi figli (testò il 14 dicembre 1590 notaio L. Chiavari). Dimorò a Genova fino al 1593, anno in cui quasi certamente si trasferì nel suo feudo pugliese, se già nel gennaio del 1594 ritroviamo notizia, nei Libri Battesimali della Matrice di Francavilla, della nascita di suo figlio Filippo, battezzato dall’arciprete Vinciguerra e tenuto in fonte dal nobile napoletano Vespasiano Caracciolo.
Si deve a Michele I, uno dei primi ampliamenti del castello, attuato per accogliere degnamente la famiglia e la sua corte. La nuova residenza venne ingentilita con alcune trasformazioni che poi diverranno radicali nel secolo successivo, portando la struttura originaria da fortezza difensiva a residenza nobiliare. Dopo un ventennale governo di relativa pace e prosperità, alla morte di Michele, Francavilla conobbe un periodo di incertezze.
Infatti, Davide II (1594-1623), terzo marchese, sposo della cugina Veronica Spinola figlia di Giovanni Battista, battezzato a Francavilla nel 1592, non riuscì a governare a lungo, poiché venne ucciso a Napoli il 9 aprile 1623 da un sicario del Marchese di Pescara e di Vasto, nemico degli Imperiale.
Egli lasciò come suo erede il figlio Michelino, nato il 27 luglio dello stesso anno e battezzato a Francavilla. Proprio per la minore età dell’erede, la tutela spettò alla nonna Maddalena Spinola, sostenuta dagli zii del piccolo marchese: Carlo (?-?), Giovanni Battista (1596-1668) e Agostino (?-?), insieme al cardinale Lorenzo, i quali, anche se non introdussero novità rilevanti, dimostrarono una forte sensibilità sociale e culturale operandosi per rendere meno dura la triste condizioni della popolazione. Lorenzo, infine, introdusse arti e mestieri facendo giungere in città orefici, calderari, tessitori, vasai, etc. Uscito di minore età, Michele II (1623-1664), cercò di seguire l’esempio datogli dagli zii, creando i presupposti di una politica fondata non solo sull’agricoltura, ma anche su iniziative di carattere artigianale e commerciale che avrebbero potuto risollevare in modo effettivo e dignitoso le sorti della popolazione. Queste iniziative avrebbero di certo fruttato molto di più, se non fosse sopraggiunta nel Regno di Napoli una particolare situazione politica, caratterizzata da un’intollerabile pressione fiscale e da numerose insurrezioni popolari, di cui la più importante si rivelò quella di Masaniello del 1636.
In questo frangente Michele: “si dimostrò prode cavaliere, correndo nel 1648 in difesa delle province di Bari e Terra d’Otranto e con mille pedoni e trecento cavalli mise alla strette Matteo Crispano, sovvertitore di popoli e ribellatosi contro il governo di Lecce”, imponendosi ai rivoltosi e portando la pace nella regione. Sebbene per questa sua fedeltà alla monarchia spagnola avesse ottenuto nel 1639 il titolo di Principe di Francavilla, tuttavia egli dovette affrontare serie difficoltà. La Spagna, non potendo colpire direttamente la Francia, retta dal cardinale Giulio Mazzarino e avversaria di sempre, decise di scagliarsi contro Genova, ritenuta alleata dei francesi, emanando il 7 maggio 1651 un provvedimento che prevedeva il sequestro di “tutti i luoghi et anco burgensatici che hanno i Genovesi in questa Provincia di Terra d’Otranto”. L’Imperiale fu costretto a dimostrare, sulla base di prove circostanziate, la sua devozione alla Corona ed “espose come avesse aiutato il Viceré nelle passate rivoluzioni; come avesse presa Taranto e come per tali servizi fosse stato nominato Gran Guardasigilli, Gran Camerario e Maggiordomo Maggiore”. Riuscendo a dimostrare la sua innocenza e soprattutto la sua devozione piena e quella della sua famiglia, il nobile rientrò, subito in possesso dei suoi titoli e dei suoi possedimenti.
  Per la prima parte:
L’antichissima e nobile famiglia Imperiale, da Genova in Terra d’Otranto (prima parte)
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giorgiobertozzi · 5 years ago
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Giorgio Bertozzi e Ferdan Yusufi 
Mostra Evento  con le opere di
Seren Ceren Asyali  Maurizio Barraco     Roberta Coni     Davide Frisoni        Musa Güney       Fabio Imperiale           Serdal Kesgin   Margherita Lipinska   Kristina Milakovic   Antonio Nunziante    Emre Yusufi
   Quindicesima partecipazione di Neoartgallery alla fiera…
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Serie B [January 2025]
Alessandro Sersanti - girlfriend, Ginevra Spampani
Andrea Meroni - girlfriend, Natasha Benelli ⮕ 👧🏻Ludovica
Francesco Bardi - wife, Ilaria Nigiotti
Lorenzo Libutti - girlfriend, Dina Mezza 
Luca Cigarini - wife, Francesca Bargiacchi ⮕ 👦🏻Niccolò, 👦🏻Alessandro & 👦🏻
Manuel Marras - fiancée, Francesca Nano
Mario Sampirisi - wife, Chiara Del Ponte ⮕ 👦🏻Alberto & 👦🏻Leonardo
Paolo Rozzio - wife, Ilaria Zingariello
Riccardo Fiamozzi - girlfriend, Margherita Vecchietti ⮕ 👦🏻
Stefano Pettinari - wife, Ilaria Coluccio ⮕ 👧🏻Martina & 👦🏻Mattia
*Single Players: Alessandro Fontanarosa, Alex Sposito, Antonio Vergara, Edoardo Motta, Giacomo Cavallini, Lorenzo Ignacchiti, Lorenzo Lucchesi, Luca Vido, Manolo Portanova, Matteo Donelli, Matteo Maggio
Alessandro Salvi - wife, Martina ⮕ 👦🏻Daniele & 👦🏻Federico
Alessio Rizza - girlfriend, Sara Gagliani
Alessio Vita - wife, Giulia Gazzani ⮕ 👧🏻Asia & 👧🏻Sofia
Andrea Tessiore - girlfriend, Vanessa Oliva ⮕ 👧🏻Lavinia Amèlie
Claudio Cassano - girlfriend, Margherita Delf
Davide Voltan - girlfriend, Sara Parenzan
Domenico Frare - wife, Sara Rossini
Emmanuele Matino - girlfriend, Ely
Federico Casolari - girlfriend, Giulia Mascia
Francesco Amatucci - girlfriend, Martina Orbati
Giuseppe Carriero - girlfriend, Irene Lillocci
Lorenzo Carissoni - girlfriend, Valentina Foresti
Luca Maniero - girlfriend, Federica Bels
Luca Pandolfi - wife, Stefania Fusco ⮕ 👦🏻Emanuel & 👦🏻Francesco
Nicola Pavan - wife, Veronica Cappozzo ⮕ 👧🏻Emma
Simone Branca - wife, Jessica ⮕ 👧🏻Penelope & 👧🏻Frida
Simone Tronchin - girlfriend, Chiara Panziera
Stefano Negro - girlfriend, X
Stefano Piccini - girlfriend, Alessia Giudici
*Single Players: Ahmed Sanogo, Akim Djibril, Andrea Cecchetto, Edoardo Masciangelo, Edoardo Sottini, Edoardo Scquizzato, Francesco D’Alessio, Jacopo Desogus, Mario Ravasio, Matteo Angeli, Simone Rabbi
Andrea Papetti - girlfriend, Letizia Fenaroli
Davide Adorni - wife, Arianna Rossi ⮕ 👧🏻Asia & 👦🏻Tommaso
Dimitri Bisoli - wife, Giada Saporiti ⮕ 👧🏻Vittoria & 🤰🏻Baby Girl 
Flavio Jr Bianchi - girlfriend, Chiara Grassi
Giacomo Olzer - girlfriend, Chiara Pisterna
Lorenzo Dickmann - wife, Martina Caccini ⮕ 👦🏻Guglielmo & 👧🏻Greta
Luca Lezzerini - girlfriend, Veronica Tasca ⮕ 👧🏻Sophie
Michelle Avella - girlfriend, Valentina Zunico
Nicolò Corrado - girlfriend, Emma Atraversi
Riccardo Fogliata - girlfriend, Giulia Cirelli
*Single Players: Andrea Cistana, Gabriele Calvini, Gabriele Moncini, Gennaro Borrelli, Lorenzo Andrenacci, Massimo Bertagnoli, Michele Besaggio, Nicolas Galazzi, Patrick Nuamah
Davide Grassini - girlfriend, Karin Mecca
Filippo Oliana - girlfriend, Michela Baldi
Gabriele Guarino - girlfriend, Rebecca Caputo
Leonardo Capezzi - girlfriend, Lucrezia Losi
Manuel Cicconi - girlfriend, Ally McCrory
Marco Bleve - girlfriend, Carmen Marra
Mauro Coppolaro - girlfriend, Anna ⮕ 👦🏻Enzo
Michele Cavion - wife, Noemi Urbani ⮕ 👦🏻Leonardo
Pippo Falco - girlfriend, Liviana ⮕ 👧🏻Dea
Riccardo Palmieri - girlfriend, Valentina Giulini
Samuel Giovane - girlfriend, Melissa Ossini
Simone Zanon - girlfriend, Elisa Campolunghi
Stefano Mazzini - girlfriend, Giorgia Frecchiami
Vincenzo Fiorillo - wife, Manuela ⮕ 👦🏻, 👦🏻 & 👦🏻Francesco
*Single Players: Devid Eugene Bouach, Emanuele Zuelli, Filippo Melegoni, Gianluca Mazzi, Leonardo Cerri, Luigi Cherubini, Marco Imperiale, Mattia Finotto, Niccolò Belloni, Niccolò Chiorra, Raffaele Cartano, Tomas Tampucci, Tommaso Di Matteo, Tommaso Maressa
Alessandro Siano - girlfriend, Chiara
Antonino La Gumina - wife, Daisy Dorothy ⮕ 👧🏻Sophia Grace & 👧🏻Chloe
Daniele Donnarumma - wife, Zaira Tramontano ⮕ 👧🏻Ludovica & 👦🏻Antonio
Emanuele Adamo - girlfriend, Martina Di Matteo ⮕ 👦🏻Roberto
Giacomo Calò - wife, Cler Bosco ⮕ 👧🏻Clio
Giuseppe Prestia - wife, Desirée Impaccini ⮕ 👦🏻Mattia, 👦🏻Nicolò & 👦🏻Stefano
Massimiliano Mangraviti - girlfriend, Camilla Elzi
Matteo Francesconi - girfriend, Carolina Alvisi
Mirko Antonucci - girlfriend, Stephanie ⮕ 👧🏻Sophie*
Raffaele Celia - fiancée, Michelle Gala ⮕ 👧🏻Flaminia
Riccardo Chiarello - girlfriend/wife, Federica ⮕ 👧🏻Valencia
Simone Bastoni - girlfriend, Sofia Mallegni ⮕ 👧🏻Vittoria
*Single Players: Andrea Ciofi, Enea Pitti, Gianmarco Cartari,Giulio Moretti, Ibrahima Wade, Leonardo Mendicino, Matteo Piacentini, Matteo Pisseri, Simone Pieraccini, Tommaso Berti, Valentino Coveri
Alessandro Arioli - girlfriend, X
Alessandro Caporale - girlfriend, Valentina Grazia Capone
Alessandro Lai - girlfriend, Carla Mazzei
Filippo Sgarbi - girlfriend, Giulia Montonati ⮕ 👦🏻Achille Valentino
Gabriele Artistico - girlfriend, X
Giacomo Ricci - fiancée, Martina Pardini ⮕ 👦🏻Leonardo
Luca Garritano - wife, Talyta Barzon ⮕ 👦🏻Mattia & 👧🏻Vittoria 
Luca Strizzolo - girlfriend, Silvia Mieni
Mario Gargiulo - wife, Elisabetta Dossi
Michael Venturi - girlfriend, Giulia Evangelisti
Pietro Martino - girlfriend, Sofia Porcelli ⮕ 👦🏻Leonardo
Rizzo Pinna - girlfriend, Eleonora Spatola
Tommaso D'Orazio - wife, Giulia D'Arcangelo ⮕ 👦🏻Alessandro & 👧🏻Ludovica
Tommaso Fumagalli - girlfriend, X
*Single Players: Aldo Florenzi, Alessandro Micai, Baldovino Cimino, Christian Dalle Mura, Gabriele Baldi, Leonardo Contiero, Manuel Ricciardi, Massimo Zilli, Riccardo Ciervo, Simone Mazzocchi, Thomas Vettorel
Alessandro Mallamo - girlfriend, Martina Petrangelo ⮕ 👧🏻Matilde Milvia
Andrea Masiello - wife, Alessandra 
Fabian Tait - girlfriend, Floriana Caravello
Federico Davi - girlfriend, X
Giacomo Poluzzi - girlfriend, Alessia La Porta 
Luca Ceppitelli - girlfriend, Elisa Balbis
Matteo Rover - girlfriend, Alessia Brussolo
Raphael Odogwu - wife, Clary ⮕ 👧🏻Zoe
*Single Players: Alessandro Vimercati, Andrea Cagnano, Andrea Giorgini, Benedikt Rottensteiner, Daniel Theiner, Daniele Casiraghi, Eugenio Lamanna, Giacomo Drago, Jacopo Martini, Jakob Tschöll, Jonas Arlanch, Lorenzo Bonifacio, Luca Bellardinelli, Nicola Pietrangeli, Raphael Kofler, Salvatore Molina, Simone Davi, Tommaso Arrigoni, Valerio Crespi
Alessandro Sorrentino - girlfriend, Agostina La Penna 
Anthony Partipilo - wife, Claudia Caporale ⮕ 👦🏻Vittorio, 👦🏻Diego & 👧🏻Celine Rita
Davide Bettella - fiancée, Angelica ⮕ 👧🏻Ginevra* & 👦🏻Leonardo
Filippo Di Stefano - girlfriend, Aurora Antonelli 
Francesco Gelli - girlfriend, Lucrezia Riviello
Gabriele Barcaglia - girlfriend, Alessia Di Bernardo
Giuseppe Ambrosino - girlfriend, Alessia Esposito
Luigi Canotto - wife, Federica Venz ⮕ 👧🏻Ludovica & 👦🏻Tommaso
Michele Cerofolini - wife, Giulia Bilotto ⮕ 👧🏻Eva
Pierluigi Frattali - wife, Martina Lombardi ⮕ 👧🏻Emma & 👧🏻Bianca 
Riccardo Marchizza - wife, Giorgia Giusti ⮕ 👦🏻Mattia & 👦🏻Tommaso
*Single Players: Davide Biraschi, Emanuele Pecorino, Filippo Grosso, Frank Cedric Tsadjout, Giorgio Cittadini, Ilario Monterisi, Kevin Marcella, Matteo Cichella
Antonio Fiori - girlfriend, Rebecca Fiaschi
Davide Bragantini - girlfriend, Emma Zenaro
Davis Mensah - girlfriend, Beatrice ⮕ 👦🏻Lucas
Erik Panizzi - girlfriend, Marianna Iodice
Fabrizio Brignani - girlfriend, Anna Favagrossa
Federico  - girlfriend, Martina Vecchiolini
Francesco Galuppini - girlfriend, Elisa Squassina ⮕ 🤰🏻
Francesco Ruocco - girlfriend, Alessia Fancello
Marco Festa - wife, Maria Vernetti
Matteo Solini - girlfriend, Gaia Aroldi
Mattia Aramu - wife, Camilla Bricchi
Mattia Muroni - girlfriend, Alice Caggiati
Salvatore Burrai - wife, Anna Paola
Simone Trimboli - girlfriend, Valeria Gardel
Stefano Cella - girlfriend, Benedetta Grossi
Tommaso Maggioni - girlfriend, Chiara Palladini
*Single Players: Alessandro Debenedetti, Alex Redolfi, Cristiano Bani, David Wieser, Federico Artioli, Giacomo Fedel, Leonardo Mancuso, Luca Sonzogni, Nicolò Radaelli
Alessandro Di Pardo - girlfriend, Georgieva Ema Peterova ⮕ 👦🏻Gabriele
Antonio Palumbo - girlfriend, Elena Ascani ⮕ 👦🏻Filippo & 👧🏻Ludovica
Antonio Pergreffi - wife, Sere ⮕ 👦🏻Andrea, 👦🏻Manuel & 👦🏻Riccardo
Ettore Gliozzi - wife, Federica Benincà ⮕ 👧🏻Arianna
Fabio Abiuso - girlfriend, Daniela Cervi
Fabio Gerli - wife, Carlotta Fioravanti
Fabio Ponsi - girlfriend, Arianna Giannecchini
Giovanni Zaro - girlfriend, Daniela Rosati
Giuseppe Caso - girlfriend, Diletta Padoan
Luca Magnino - girlfriend, Veronica Cicuta
Matteo Cotali - girlfriend, Erica Gatti
Mattia Caldara - wife, Nicole Nessi ⮕ 👦🏻Alessandro, 👦🏻Ludovico & 👦🏻Leonardo
Riccardo Gagno - girlfriend, Linda Taddei 
Riyad Idrissi - girlfriend, Barbara Auriemma
Simone Santoro - girlfriend, Giulia Galioto
Thomas Battistella - girlfriend, Nicole Cao
*Single Players: Alessandro Dellavalle, Cristian Cauz, Edoardo Duca, Fabrizio Bagheria, Jacopo Sassi, Lorenzo Di Stefano, Marco Oliva, Mirko Castelnuovo, Taha Zidou, Thomas Alberti
Alessio Buttaro - girlfriend, Corinne Lisi
Federico Di Francesco - wife, Luna Baldassari ⮕ 👦🏻Tommaso & 👧🏻Sole
Filippo Ranocchia - girlfriend, Camilla Mencaccini
Francesco Di Mariano - wife, Gioia Rocci ⮕ 👦🏻Leonardo & 👧🏻Isabel
Giangiacomo Magnani - girlfriend, Eleonora Cucchi 
Jacopo Segre - girlfriend, Alessia Danioni
Matteo Brunori - wife, Dalila Calderozzi ⮕ 👧🏻Matilde
Niccolò Pierozzi - girlfriend, Benedetta Aquila 
Pietro Ceccaroni - wife, Federica Bonfati
Roberto Insigne - wife, Elisabeth 
Valerio Verre - wife, Alessandra Galasso ⮕ 👧🏻Aurora & 👧🏻Rebecca
*Single Players: Francesco ‘Ciccio’ Cutrona, Francesco Di Bartolo, Manfredi Nespola, Salvatore Sirigu, Sebastiano Desplanches
Alessandro Arena - girlfriend, Adela
Antonio Caracciolo - girlfriend, Maria Elena Evangelisti ⮕ 👦🏻Enea & 👧🏻Nora
Arturo Calabresi - girlfriend, Flavia Consolini
Emanuel Vignato - girlfriend, Lucrezia Valle
Gabriele Piccinini - girlfriend, Carolina Stranieri
Gaetano Masucci - wife, Livia Colucci 
Leonardo Loria - girlfriend, Erica Di Paolo
Leonardo Sernicola - girlfriend, Stella Bocchi
Marco D'Alessandro - wife, Corinne Romagnoli 
Matteo Tramoni - girlfriend, Jo Ambrosini 
Mattia Valoti - wife, Roberta Daminelli
Stefano Moreo - girlfriend, X
*Single Players: Giovanni Bonfati, Lorenzo Pucci, Lorenzo Tosi, Samuele Angori, Simone Canestrelli, Tommaso Ferrari
Diego Falcinelli - wife, Angela Acciarino ⮕ 👧🏻Dea
Edoardo Soleri - girlfriend, Margherita Verginelli
Filippo Bandinelli - girlfriend, Oriana Dec ⮕ 👦🏻 Cristian
Francesco Cassata - wife, Carolina Mannucci
Francesco Pio Esposito - girlfriend, Giada
Gian Marco Crespi - girlfriend, Rachele Carrara
Luca Vignali - girlfriend, Caterina Scampelli
Mattia Benvenuto - girlfriend, Beatrice De Angelis
Nicolò Bertola - girlfriend, Camilla Strenta
Salva Ferrer - fiancée, Nerea Tomàs
Salvatore Elia  - girlfriend, Francesca Delazzari
Stefano Gori - girlfriend, Shady Amirjalaly
*Single Players: Diego Mascardi, Duccio Degli Innocenti, Giuseppe Aurelio, Giuseppe Di Serio, Halid Djankpata, Nicola Mosti, Pietro Candelari, Riccardo Di Giorgio, Salvatore Esposito, Simone Giorgeschi
Alessandro Tripaldelli - wife, Giorgia Paparella ⮕ 👧🏻Ludovica & 👧🏻Vittoria
Andrea Favilli - wife, Lucrezia Bottai
Andrea Oliveri - girlfriend, Rebecca Russillo
Davide Marfella - girlfriend, Laura Bennato
Francesco Vicari - wife, Ludovica Ciminelli ⮕ 👦🏻Leonardo & 👦🏻Tommaso
Giacomo Manzari - girlfriend, Camilla Altieri
Kevin Lasagna - wife, Arianna Malacarne ⮕ 👧🏻Rachele & 👦🏻Tommaso
Marco Pissardo - girlfriend, Nicole Perrini
Mattia Maita - wife, Elisabeth Dosi ⮕ 👧🏻Isabel
Nicholas Bonfati - girlfriend, Rebecca Forzoni 
Nicola Bellomo - wife, Angela Amoruso ⮕ 👦🏻Nicholas, 👧🏻Ginevra & 👧🏻Bianca Iris
Raffael Maiello - wife, X ⮕ 👧🏻Mira &👦🏻Luigi
*Single Players: Constantino Favasulli, Flavio De Giosa, Nosa Obaretin, Nunzo Lella, Raffaele Pucino, Valerio Mantovani
Andrea Adorante - girlfriend, Camilla Sartore
Cristian Andreoni - wife, Gaia Pascale
Davide Buglio - girlfriend, Agnese Farolfi
Fabio Maistro - girlfriend, Maya Vassals ⮕ 👧🏻Hanamy
Gregorio Morachioli - girlfriend, Giulia Ricco
Kevin Piscopo - girlfriend, Sara Vineis
Leonardo Candellone - girlfriend, Elisa Faina
Marco Ruggero - girlfriend, Maddalena Baxa
Marco Varnier - girlfriend, Nicole Riccoboni
Matteo Baldi - girlfriend, Sofia Venturi
Nicola Mosti - girlfriend, Nicol Piva
Romano Floriani Mussolini - girlfriend, Caterina Del Ninno
Yuri Rocchetti - girlfriend, Giulia Ioannilli
*Single Players: Alberto Gerbo, Alessandro Signorini, Christian Pierobon, Danilo Quaranta, Federico Zuccon, Giuseppe Leone, Lorenzo Sgarbi, Marco Bellich, Marco Meli, Niccolò Fortini, Tommaso Di Marco
Alessandro Bellemo - wife, Giulia Meloni ⮕ 🤰🏻Baby Boy
Antonio Barreca- girlfriend, Angela Uznova
Davide Veroli - girlfriend, Elena Cicoria
Fabio Borini - girlfriend, Erin ⮕ 👧🏻Stella 
Fabio Depaoli - girlfriend, Diletta Piacentini ⮕ 🤰🏻
Gennaro Tutino - wife, Arianna Russo ⮕ 👧🏻Benedetta & 👦🏻Alfredo
Gerar Yepes - girlfriend, Beatrice Paganini
Giorgio Altare - girlfriend, Nicole Rota
Giuseppe Sibilli - girlfriend, Noemi Vanni ⮕ 🤰🏻Noah
Leonardo Benedetti - girlfriend, X
Lorenzo Venuti - girlfriend, Augusta Iezzi ⮕ 👦🏻Vittorio
Marco Delle Monache - girlfriend, Oksana Russi
Massimo Coda - wife, Gilda Senatore ⮕ 👦🏻Saverio & 👧🏻Martina
Matteo Ricci - girlfriend, Martina Mazzanti
Nicola Ravaglia - girlfriend, Nicole Pecchi
Paolo Vismara - girlfriend, Alice Molo
Pietro Beruatto - girlfriend, Emma Vivalenti
Samuele Perisan - wife, Melissa Fantino
Simone Ghidotti - girlfriend, X
Simone Romagnoli - wife, Giulia
*Single Players: Alessandro Riccio, Alex Ferrari, Estanis Pedrola, Marco Curto, Nicola Sekulov, Simone Giordano, Stefano Girelli
Andrea La Mantia - girlfriend, Silvia Raffaele ⮕ 👦🏻Lorenzo & 👦🏻Ludovico
Edoardo Borrelli - girlfriend, Elisabetta Borrelli
Enrico Brignola - girlfriend, Alessandra Perna
Filippo Pittarello - girlfriend, Carolina Danes
Giacomo Quagliata - girlfriend, X
Jacopo Petriccione - girlfriend, Maria Teresa Pugliese ⮕ 👧🏻Ginevra & 👧🏻Greta
Marco D’Alessandro - girlfriend, Corinne Romagnoli ⮕ 👦🏻Mattia & 👦🏻Nicolò
Mattia Compagnon - girlfriend, Lucrezia Russo
Mirko Pigliacelli - wife, Martina Bracco ⮕ 👦🏻Christian & 👧🏻Isabel
Nicolò Brighenti - wife, X ⮕ 👦🏻Filippo & 👦🏻Tommaso
Pietro Iemmello - wife, Giulia Elettra Gorietti ⮕ 👧🏻Violante
Simone Pontisso - girlfriend, Evelyn Gatteri ⮕ 👧🏻Vittoria
Stefano Scognamillo - wife, Maddy Vasselli ⮕ 👧🏻Stefania* & 👦🏻
*Single Players: Andrea Ceresoli, Federico Bonini, Francesco Maiolo, Gabriel Giacinto Rafele, Ludovico Gelmi, Marco Pompetti, Nicolò Buso, Riccardo Pagano, Tommaso Biasci, Tommaso Cassandro
Andrea Fulignati - wife, Vanessa Giro 
Cristian Buonaiuto - girlfriend, Laura Farnesi ⮕ 👧🏻Alma Bianca
Daniel Ciofani - wife, Raffaella Elizabeth Granata 
Federico Bonazzoli - girlfriend, Alessia Rusconi
Federico Ceccherini - wife, Carola Neri ⮕ 👦🏻Giorgio Leone & 👦🏻Teo Orlando
Gianluca Saro - girlfriend, Martina Lucrezia Ancona 
Lorenzo Moretti - girlfriend, Valentina Tomasoni
Luca Zanimacchia - girlfriend, Alessia Lazzarini
Manuel De Luca - girlfriend, Melinda Cotani
Marco Nasti - girlfriend, Barbie
Matteo Bianchetti - wife, Debora Bolzacchini  ⮕ 👧🏻 & 👧🏻Emma 
Michelle Collocolo - girlfriend, Alessia Gamba ⮕ 👦🏻Federico
Tommaso Barbieri - girlfriend, Matilde Gonella
*Single Players: Daniel Triacca, Francesco Folino, Francesco Tommasi, Giacomo Gabbiani, Luca Ravanelli, Michelle Castagnetti, Tommaso Milanese
Alberto Cerri - girlfriend, Marianna Gautieri ⮕ 👦🏻Edoardo
Daniele Verde - wife, Ilaria Parlato ⮕ 👧🏻Diletta & 👦🏻Daniel
Fabio Andrea Ruggeri - girlfriend, X
Fabrizio Caligara - wife, Rebecca Ndocci ⮕ 👧🏻Beatrice
Francesco Corriere - girlfriend, Giada Iuffrida
Gian Marco Ferrari - wife, Valentina Marchesini ⮕ 👦🏻Sebastiano & 👧🏻Viola 
Giulio Maggiore - wife, Laura Mencarelli ⮕ 👦🏻Alessandro
Luigi Sepe - wife, Anna Laura Acampora ⮕ 👦🏻Giuseppe & 👦🏻Diego
Roberto Soriano - wife, Marta Spallarossa ⮕ 👦🏻Diego, 👦🏻Elia & 🤰🏻Marella
*Single Players: Davide Gentile, Franco Tongya, Gregorio Salvati, Lorenzo Amatucci, Niccolò Guccione, Paolo Ghiglione, Rocco Di Vico, Tommaso Ferrari
Andrea Consigli - wife, Alessandra Fanta ⮕ 👧🏻Ginevra & 👧🏻Eva
Daniel Boloca - girlfriend, Francesca Orsini
Domenico Berardi - wife, Francesca Fantuzzi ⮕ 👦🏻Nicolò & 👦🏻Riccardo
Edoardo Iannoni - girlfriend, Martina Mattiuzzo
Edoardo Pieragnolo - girlfriend, Matilde Snenghi
Filippo Missori - girlfriend, Asia Stramacci
Filippo Romagna - girlfriend, Ketrin Gjeka ⮕ 👧🏻Eleonora
Luca Lipani - girlfriend, X
Luca Moro - girlfriend, Camilla Mangiapelo
Matteo Lovato - girlfriend, Eleonora Tessari
Samuele Mulattieri - girlfriend, X
*Single Players: Alessandro Russo, Alessandro Scacchetti, Andrea Ghion, Cristian Volpato, Flavio Russo, Giacomo Satalino, Justin Kumi, Kevin Bruno, Kevin Leone, Luca D'Andrea, Nicholas Pierini 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Sophie [Cesena Calcio] is Mirko’s daughter from a previous relationship with Ginevra Lambruschi.
Stefania [US Catanzaro] is Maddy’s daughter from a previous relationship.
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libidomechanica · 2 years ago
Might bless
A tanka sequence
And you, you all? The Root he gray mocked with desire is set the moon their full flight. The common gender carefull to Destroy!
To lose your hand as those beames but at their faire perhaps sometimes did bind, blown of thee. Come, Madam, comeliness raise; but there.
And sweare, let his sin. My clench of Hell brake, and clos’d her face burned over Violet. The Soyl been film, an orbed drop of little breeze.
That fine before my life, dear! Accents thy early song. If I lose young Cypress the singing bowstring love will ease of lonely sea.
Let not a Step nor shall be. Again that Shimei, thoughts and mend the name in his rapier hilt a- twinkle, over here; the dread?
Behind then set and prayers for that ye carest. But gentle that once the pride, jealousy, down twenty little Good. Fresh and shake?
Which ouercome may be. Not too sadly sighs, bespake. Eternal whispers his bower, because the With stay rather Government.
And chidden herald thou not wise men and we shall not words had spent? To taste whole joys. Lost, unheard, thorough hellisht with cold to score.
If those gossamer embryos into thee to be invite me of slain lovers as their heard. That ye wha that she no less air.
Let his shame to speak. There; the pleasure leans he neither heart of peoples Judgment’s gentle into nothing will fight. When last desert.
Mark of gold for want thou now, thus from their grave, better blasts of earth, rosy red. To West to thy sour leaves unsway’d, when Flattery!
But view his Jest, and hoary. Chaste were his bold hand bare fingers. Your Filial Name, wherein a melancholy. They had, alas!
If thou hast her, the suddenly in the yeare. Enticing recollect his own. How many? Religions are seized my mounted word.
Of mossy stones, O Sea! Injured their Trade forgave men, were hollow spleen. That have dances of spangled with sun and loud, sure stashed is.
Found as he knew we would not, but with time of your times restraint! Tread we a measure lent, and whispers, gloomy shadow. Past thou, Love.
Individual beauty your coonskin hat. Steed was Restor’d; saw with the grass, does shepheards glad: the coroner found then she belt.
Be here, his tears to- night, bathing sweet named. Summon all remain’d, while echo! With Spirits are mystery. But my fathers, in sweet.
This form, and a Moses’s face. Say, Shame by unequal with Disdaine; but when I wander the map already … I’m begins to live.
That which took an air thence, so semest thou, dear! The warm Peoples shred on the stept—then the grew faint away, and there’s truth atone!
A glimpse through a reed; so ready should more than ire. I hate you must ask charitable echoing night still with Willyes Embleme.
Let me be dark inn- yard. The sighing of the face, one chews the bee, that crazed his footsteps stirr’d by nature’s magnet. Dare not for lo!
Her he may be. Of newest thou thus, acquiring under him haste to praise the Foundation and country maid’s of royal right.
And sad, alas, nor e’er hear., Cupid’s statue of the ran, hear us, great’s the Stab of He is not go gentle heaven’s own praise.
And follow sounds shadow loses force of you, althoughts of innocence. ’Mong myrtles your deep, with its close again. And out with ache?
But she would ne’er beguiles: she is wae, and she what woman. Before than a hangnail in blind be quick invisibly female.
And Noble seed; david, from Empire boring cold. From Nature say, hey ho hold Thee to be in Battle as pearskin’s deferred.
The grained by touch I love. A kind of Tityrus interim like a fly, was hung with Fear, yet the shooting show, or water dewe.
Imperfect enough a light thee now, Sir Foole for a lassie do with near possession pouting, thinking into memory.
Who will die with tears, . Because I love is a hostess detests unexpected all the couth: but his ditty to Imperiall sway.
I do forgive: to mee: no, no, my Deare, let bee. On the been fruitage; yellow guineas for Justice and, curling, fills my sorrow?
Whose Modern sense flows in flesh uprightly came to his Paws; till inuade this island. If that naïve light like we can make ye blue.
A sidewalk, or a trains. I fear it to a bell, teaching else but stay, that sin by such a Cause, doe not be excuse ye: thought, throat.
In their ears of that shall be Young I’d have her Kind. Men’s breast part of precious moon. And be quiet maid, hauing hidden mystery.
And but Pomp, did offenders questiond can they will. Backward with a wise men of necessary Gold, shalt beautiful through its case.
A blink o’ your name, the World. More darkened ways. Free from out his dead-still Superious stole a breeze knock at her work, doth post. The blood.
The wild! I’ll smiles; but her beauty purely down-sunken hours crawled by men- slugs and health, and lives off this bed the Oake, for me, my day.
All best when I might, nor no God who could broomes: the strange overgrowth. And Venus and feeling yield both he thou so pale, and dry.
Thou truly fair blossoms get? ’ To me? Thus to Ruine of the blood; in the muzzle beneath the few who should speak of other could tye.
— I have not its song. Down apace, make in deep questiond can the lingered wept with the darken the wind out-brave all their for she, sweet.
Remarked, how frail deeds. Now say it not mix’d withered; next look on Grace. Thou, sweet Water from the way I want that she, of a son … You!
Some Circumstance draws; constrained of the city. Now Pontius Pilate speake in love, witness fell on Absalom’s that not refuse?
The lies and liuing frankincense paired with the Golden shut? You are a chief he rul’d the landlord’s daughter, why should sighes mixt; with pole.
That doth but for me. Roses, but will their glowering eyes and long to raise desert. Set to my lad, disdaining fires of the guy.
Pipe, or in thy Line! Next them up, in blind amazed, two Leg’d thing to tell me whole, or this Numerous Mind; tis the great, could not much.
And David’s milky way among the bring againe. When last eve, and thrust in flights, in Sanhedrin shame had been contemn; but were fair.
So thrown from you had bene therefore, my lad. On the Clouds melting for a lass will all the dewy buds, and see, the task to me.
Rolls of dolphins bob their Witness of Beauty of his deferred. All on my loue, cease, and play. And rites we are dead To teach tree tops?
And some idly train of wrong food, than Life, his Toyls. And bound, and on, he said then long blade of sighing signs he neither life shall stay.
Then you more than death shame and tree.—So that’s what was his divinity of tender your addressed your many dayes: or someone else.
What if I go mad, I shall be wise. Which thy disencumbred Soul move still, and fill’d my very Jewes, who might be remember.
One touch ethereal; and every limb, what I do context for this, all pass my days. Ay muster where not been set to the Throne?
Thus far I was their sheep. But I am prettily, as did yields. Letting only me for the Shah who saw in secret was death.
Hands had strung, anything low! Their Peoples Brave, those luminous eyes,—the velvet tighten mazer ywrought the fresh myrtles should be.
Is but hard to Curse, bless: swift, under-clap Thus day by slow honeymoon. But the sky the innocence, the while the Recording Muse.
It is all? Heaps of that is light, till the Best. When the sheet. To make me to surprising brands would shiver and my final aspect.
It leanes amisse. And as tho’ there my arms. Both the violet breathe bubble up to the small his aged Tree on the calendar.
To hear and unlace the loveth none. Unto thy soul when Kingship, and weep; is it stands through my bale with essence; till grief and call.
The fresh young Lochinvar. All things that Kingly and not do herself unknown— but none self-destroy. The night, I feel that what the bed.
By succession, and fear; down themselves best. The cold, and with the best, the air of these ladies, when I wrote love doth all on us?
Search narrowly the harvest, our heats. For Bess could not strive to thee to misimploy an hours had power, because young Lochinvar.
Awhile, the finger tarry dare the hills of state reveal’d. On the sought to love, and errors have consented, that shall iudge, my own.
Watching with its case. Thoughts of time you through that I may know, I think that Muse and every sport of the dead and make the name of Greeuance.
And in her country maid. Of the back-blow of a vanquished smil’d, chatted with that when most would give that great god of milk. Their jewel out?
Reaching arms which when proud hearts of new life throng, attend. Stands our Business amain: seas have made, ylke can I not gain’d, whilst I this song.
Had I a cave; and the sun, the maid thus. Was fount of those Two—they live but soft cheek and for Gain: nor out-value, nor eloquence.
This most placer of his lips, pass into two made apt for that draws two steps. Foes, my Forgiving thy wife is now comin’ to me.
When lass, whilst the should not for themselves foment of his blood. Homeward in such familiar sight oft meet his Princes do think, proceede.
Part of my waking, still boast him vp with tall as Lais how you have ye e’er he canopy, with sound then he wanton-wise. Almost.
In midst of light love may come attonce. Not fail beneath the Moon their Reason knowledge, which it surpasseth. It is not Rosalend?
Be she smiling for Kings and fro, riddle, thought, and, if the two names I make accountable Soul, which, there athirst in flight. To me?
Sigh the West, o why that the Fury found his Disease, in him; cold withstand! Break, breakes; stella, Starre out of that I do not lie.
Let not us Women glory, come, whose way to her lulling sad sickens our found so witty, bright. Now, if they seemed to Dian?
And this vanish’d scrips. Such savory Deities must give the sun gutted mine what lo’es me and as simply did I kiss the light!
0 notes
widonotts · 5 years ago
to the person whose final thoughts were to say that this survey is brian david gilbert-esque, whoever you are: this is the greatest compliment i have ever received. my heart is yours and will be forevermore. please meet me at the cafe imperiale tonight at eight, and wear a rose in your lapel; i shall tuck a rose into my copy of the explorer’s guide to wildemount, so that we may recognize each other when we meet, for surely my heart has never felt greater joy than in the moment when i first laid eyes on your comparison of my important research to the important research of mr. gilbert, icon and inspiration
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