#Davey Boy Smith Jr.
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The son of Davey Boy Smith and nephew of the Dynamite Kid who look an awful lot like their relatives below.
There's the next generation of the British Bulldogs right there!
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phonyhulkamania · 1 year
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Davey Boy Smith, Jr. paying tribute to the true greatest era of his father's career. Bulldog in jeans.
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frentique · 3 months
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tzaraat · 2 years
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[Image ID: an oil sketch of Jon Moxley and Davey Boy Smith Jr. in their bloodsport match. Moxley is on his back, with Smith's head trapped under his left arm. Smith's right leg is outstretched, covering Moxley's torso. his back muscles are flexed as he pushes at moxley's arm, attempting to free his head. his left arm is beneath Moxley's bleeding head, his hand closed into a fist. Moxley and Smith's boots are left uncoloured, loosely defined through their contours in reddish-brown tones. the background behind the two figures is unevenly stained in a light raw ombre tone with a slight cyan-tinge. the edges of the page are darker, owing to oil-staining. /.End ID]
(draw those out, jocko, like the snake from moses' arm; how he must have screamed to see a snake come out of him; no wonder he never felt holy: we want that scream tonight.)
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jasvvy · 1 year
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working the jeans
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
If Davey Boy Smith Jr ever comes to AEW, Brian Pillman Jr should ditch Garrisson and team with DBSJ and have Bret Hart manage them as The New Foundation or The Hart Dungeon
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imvgeswrestling · 2 years
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament
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littletroubledgrrrl · 2 months
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wrestlingfaves · 2 months
Royal Rumble Marathon: 1996
We’re rumbling into 1996.
Spoilers for past Rumbles.
Sunny, from her bathtub, warns us viewer indiscretion is advised. The Attitude Era doesn’t officially begin until 1997 but hints of it began way back in 1995 with the Pamela Anderson skit and continues with Sunny’s vignettes.
The undercard:
Jeff Jarrett vs Ahmed Johnson. Meh.
The Bodydonnas (Chris Candido/Tom Prichard, accompanied by Sunny) vs the Smoking Guns (Billy & Bart) for the WWF Tag Team titles. More meh.
Billionaire Ted skit with a fake Hogan, Savage, and Mean Gene. We’re wasting pay per view time on this?
Recap of the Razor Ramon – Goldust feud. Mr Machismo doesn’t appreciate Golddust’s flirtations.
Golddust (accompanied by Marlena) vs Razor Ramon for the Intercontinental title. Was this Terri Runnel’s debut for the WWF? The commentators refer to Marlena as an “unknown woman”. Golddust and Marlena’s gimmicks are forerunners to the Attitude Era. Marlena causes a distraction as the 1-2-3 Kid attacks Razor, allowing Dustin to pin Ramon and become the new Intercontinental champion.
Hype vignettes for Royal Rumble participants: Owen, Jake Roberts, Jerry Lawler, Vader, Shawn,
For the first time the Rumble does not end the pay per view – we still have a Bret/Taker match for the World championship. I never like when the Rumble itself doesn’t end the pay per view.
The entrants, in order of appearance:
Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Henry Godwin
Bob Backlund
Jerry Lawler
Bob “Spark Plug” Holly
Mabel (accompanied by Mo) Mo remains at ringside – there doesn’t seem to be year to year consistency on whether seconds are allowed to remain at ringside.
Jake “the Snake” Roberts
Dory Funk Jr (Vince notes Terry was also invited but is watching the ppv from Germany)
1-2-3 Kid (spends his first few minutes in the Rumble attempting to avoid an angry Razor)
Takao Omori (Vince actually mentions All-Japan by name!)
Savio Vega (formerly known as Kwang)
Vader (accompanied by Jim Cornette)
Doug Gilbert (Henning & Vince mention both USWA and Eddie Gilbert, Doug won a tournament in Memphis to qualify for the tournament)
Squat Team Member #1 (1/2 of the Headshrinkers)
Squat Team Member #2 (1/2 of the Headshrinkers)
Owen Hart
Shawn Michaels
Aldo Montoya
“The Ringmaster” Steve Austin
Barry Horowitz
Isaac Yankem, DDS
Marty Janetty
Davey Boy Smith
Duke Droese
 Winner: Shawn Michaels
Longest performance: Hunter Hearst Helmsley
First-time Rumblers: Hunter, Dory Funk Jr, 1-2-3 Kid, Omori, Vader, Doug Gilbert, the Headshrinkers, Hakushi, Aldo Montoya, Steve Austin, Barry Horowitz, Isaac Yankem
Surprise Entrants: Dory Funk, Omori, Doug Gilbert, the Headshrinkers
We have two “clear the ring without eliminating everyone” spots: Henry Godwin with his slop bucket (Backlund and Lawler are the recipients) and Jake Roberts using Damian (his snake) – Lawler gets covered with Damian. Was Lawler on someone’s shit list?
Vader does the “eliminate everyone” spot but as he was previously eliminated none of his eliminations count.
Lawler is the first participant in a Rumble to hide under the ring.
1996 is the first year all participants receive entrance music. Finally! A small thing but it adds to the presentation.
The pay-per-view ends with Bret Hart vs the Undertaker (accompanied by Paul Bearer).   Diesel causes a disqualification, costing Taker the match. The match was fine but I’m not a fan of Taker.
Interviews with Gorilla Monsoon, Shawn, Diesel, Vader, and Jim Cornette.
Rating: 4 out of 10
Wrestlers and others who have passed on: Howard Finkel, Curt Hennig, Chris Candido, Razor Ramon, Mable (Visera), Yokozuna, Vader, Owen, Paul Bearer, Gorilla Monsoon
Total number of deceased individuals: 10 (down 5 from the previous Rumble).
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frentique · 8 months
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blowflyfag · 5 months
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Possibly a warning heralded too late but, beware World Wrestling Federation gladiators! He’s tried the rest, now he’ll take on the best. Just when you though professional wrestling an out of surprises, a pleasant breath of fresh talent has ventured down from the foothills of Western Canada to the highly publicized, mega-marketed wrestling organization operated by Vince McMahon, Jr. and based in Stamford, Connecticut. 
Although he has been touring the pro mat circuits for less than five years, many veterans of the grappling game already hail him as one of the best technicians ever to step into the ring. One former National Wrestling Alliance heavyweight champion has gone as far as comparing The Blue Blazer to the great Lou Thesz.
No matter how his performances are assessed, spectacular and superb are usually the first two words used to describe the moves he puts on his opponents. Even under a mask and fancy robes, the true identity of The Blue Blazer can’t be hidden. Owen Hart, of the famous wrestling Hart family from Calgary, Alberta, Canada already has gained a legion of faithful followers in the United States, hoping he’ll get a crack at the prestigious title belts recognized by the WWF. 
There’s no way the so-called brain trust of the WWF could have kept the Blazer’s identity a secret. The technical holds and acrobatic maneuvers executed with such perfection could only be administered by the youngest of the wrestling Hart brothers. 
[Owen was the North American Heavyweight champ in his native Canada.]
Before signing on with the WWF, Owen Hart was already recognized worldwide as a wrestling superstar. Some of his most exciting ring encounters took place in Japan. The style of wrestling in the Orient is much like that in Western Canada and the Japanese fans quickly grew to admire the young Hart, always more than anxious for his next return. 
The winning attitude that has enveloped Owen is due to having built-in-trainers. Keith, Bruce and Bret “The Hit Man” Hart, along with brothers-in-law Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart and Davey Boy Smith, have instructed Own from their years of experience on the ins and outs of what will not work to a wrestler’s advantage while in the ring. 
Owen’s father, former wrestling expert Stu Hart, who took on everyone from Gene Kinski to Joe Louis, has overseen his son’s entry in the limelight of the sport and is quite pleased with his progression. When asked by a fan as to when Owen would return to action in the Stampede Wrestling rings, Stu prideful replied, “Unfortunately he will not be available to us in the foreseeable future. I have tremendous respect for Owen, not only as a wrestler but as a son, a young man of whom I am extremely proud. I feel very strongly in my heart that Owen can make the same contribution to wrestling that Wayne Gretzky has made to hockey. To my way of thinking, if you can pardon my saying so, he is simply the best that there is in the game, both in and out of the ring.”
[As the Blue Blazer, Hart far outclasses most of the competition. (photo by Brown)]
With one highlight after another in Japan and Canada, where he held the North American heavyweight title several times, Owen Hart literally wrote his own ticket to the promotion that would financially satisfy him the most. When you are the best in the sport from a promoter’s and fans’ viewpoint, it is better to have the talented athlete on your team rather than opposing it. And, that’s exactly what the WWF did. Instead of letting the NWA or AWA get his name on a contract, the WWF recognized the endless amount of talent Owen Hart possesses and proceeded to add him to their ever-growing parade of stars. 
The question asked by fans throughout North America is why the mask? Perhaps the WWF hierarchy was afraid the young Canadian would outshine their number one superstars, such as Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan. Would Owen put either Hogan or Savage in the position that the fans would demand a showdown between the two? In Hogan’s case it wouldn’t be a great surprise how that confrontation would conclude. One is a wrestler known as an exciting ring tactician and one has been labeled a living cartoon. 
Thus far as the Blue Blazer, Owen’s abilities seem to have been toned down in the Federation. The majority of the Blazer’s matches fall into the preliminary category, usually the opening contest against the likes of men such as Steve Lombardi and Barry Horrowitz. Both Lombardi and Horowitz are well qualified to be labeled wrestlers and have always given their challengers a tiresome time in the ring. However, they aren’t in the same ballpark as Randy Savage or Jim Duggan as far as drawing large crowds to the arenas are concerned. 
[Here’s a look at a flying head butt done Owen Hart Style.]
The Blazer’s ring performance resembled the way the British Bulldog marched into the WWF five years back. Davey Boy Smith and Dynamite Kid plainly and simply outclassed and nearly embarrassed those who stepped onto the canvas against them. They made all the other so-called WWF athletes look effective. When the Blue Blazer entered the scene, the same scenario arose again. 
The mask, artificial identity and the fact of being delegated to preliminary mat action appears to have taken their roll on Owen Hart. This past Thanksgiving, as the Blue Blazer, he was caught off guardian submitted to Greg Valentine’s figure -four leg lock. Perhaps that unusual ending to his participation in the Survivor Series match should be taken as a signal that they (the WWF) may be destroying the confidence of wrestling’s newest hero. It was also during this exciting event that Owen suffered another injury that will prevent him from wrestling for a short time. 
Never quite a number one contender in the Federation but a man known to give you the fight of your life, “Iron” Mike Sharpe recently stated, “The best offense is a good defense when squaring off against the Blue Blazer. The suplexes, sunset flips and dives off the top ropes he does are incredible. His moves are carried out flawlessly. The Blazer is a thinking man’s wrestler.” He continued by saying, “He has to be careful when dazzling his challengers, the chances he takes in the ring are too risky to end in injury, if his mind wandered. Believe me, the Blue Blazer has all the ingredients to soon be the #1 contender for the Inter-Continental and Heavyweight championships.”
Will he or won’t he, hidden under a hood as the Blue Blazer, combine forces with his brother “The Hit Man” to pursue the WWF Tag Team champions? Should Jim Neidhart graciously step aside and give his blessings on the brothers to unite their wrestling energies, having the title belts put around their waists? That would be a mere technicality waiting to happen. 
[These aerial maneuvers are what makes Owen so great. (photo by Brown)]
It’s generally accepted by fans, promoters and wrestlers themselves that Bret and Owen are the two most best all-around wrestlers in the support of wrestling today. It’s almost a certainty that should the Hart Brothers be put in the same ring as Demolition, The Rougeaus or The Powers of Pain, record gate receipts will be achieved. The Harts aren't the largest or most muscular pair in the WWF, just the best schooled wrestlers on the group’s roster. 
In singles competition, just think of the Blue Blazer getting the opportunity to renew his feud with the Honky Tonk Man from their days when they both worked out of Calgary. When turned to Bad News Brown, the Blue Blazer is capable of knocking Harlem, New York’s wrestling thug down a couple of notches in the rankings. Without the mask on, in Canadian towns such as Edmonton, Camrose and Winnipeg, Owen Hart convincingly handed Brown pinning defeats. 
[Owen and his finance Martha have been doing some modeling in Canada
Owen’s body is rock solid perfect. ]
When battling world class competitors as Makkhan Singh, “Strangler” Steve DiAlvo and Comrade Jerry Morrow, as an athlete, Owen became a better professional. Stampede Wrestling out of Calgary has always been over stuffed with talented wrestlers who rely on their athletic ability to advance their career, not gimmicks to get them the necessary push to main event status. 
Biff Ellington, Johnny Smith, Chris Beneoit and Goldie Rogers are just a handful of respected grapplers that, along with Owen, have put Calgary on the international wrestling map of excellence. 
As the Blue Blazer in the WWF, Owen Hart isn’t asking for anything he isn’t deserving of. When the time comes and the Blazer is able to spread his wrestling wings, his ring actions will lead to many to say “I told you so.” Owen Hart has proven he is a winner, a dedicated professional and an all-around class act. After all, his wrestling roots are second to none. 
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sparkedblaze · 11 months
I want to do more writing
but the asks I have are intimidating bc I have to write whole ass things and writing half coherent headcanons in a carnal manic episode is far easier.
Send an emoji or name, anything you want or don’t want in your headcanon, as well as if you want canon or modern era (newsies only).
* = Not mine
🍗 Albert DaSilva
🤹🏼 Barney Peanuts
💪🏼 Bart
📰 Bill Hearst Jr
🪡 Buttons Davenport
☕️ Coffee Bean
🦦 Crutchie Morris
📜Darcy Reid
📚 Davey Jacobs
📝 Denton
🧶 Dutchy
🐈 Elmer Kasprzak
🐦 Finch Cortes
🥪 Henry
❤️‍🔥 Hotshot
🇵🇹 Ike
🇮🇹 Itey Lorenzo Mancini
🤠 Jack Kelly
⏱️ JoJo
🖋️ Katherine Plumber
🏴‍☠️ Kid Blink
🍦Les Jacobs
🎭 Medda Larkin/Larkson
🐽 Mike
🐷 Morris Delancey
🌻 Mush Meyers
🦜 Myron
🤬 Oscar Delancey
🥧 Pie Eater
🚬 Racetrack Higgins
💋 Romeo
🧵 Sarah
😒 Skittery
😄 Smalls
🔫 Sniper
🏹 Snipeshooter
🤐 Snitch
👓 Specs
🌊 Splasher
💥 Spot Conlon
🎳 TenPin
🩰 Tommy Boy
🐝 Tumbler
🌇 York
Newsies OCs that I have thoughts about (mine or otherwise)
🪦 Graves*
🧲 Magnet*
🧺 PomPom*
🗡️ Slasher*
😑 Swipe
Our Bands
🎤 Chaos Quartet
⛸️ Luis Osborne
🎸 Oliver Simmons
🛹 Ronan Kilian
🎹 Vincent Hartley
🌐 Global Oddity*
💿 Crimson Berkowitz*
🕸️ Izzy West*
⭐️ Kaiden Bishop*
🍳 Liam Zimmerman*
🍬Sour Candy Coven*
🕷️ Beckett Smith*
👾 Camille Rodriguez*
🎻 Harlowe Cassidy*
🫧 Kit Solace*
Our Gangs (undergoing reconstruction)
⚫️Chaotic good gang (needs different name than it had)
💻 Ivy O’Brien
📓 Jasper Collins*
💜 JiMin Taeyang
♦️ Ruby Collins*
🫰🏻 Shailee Laurens
💛Upton Snow-Cipriani*
⚪️Lawful evil gang (needs different name than it had)
✏️ Katagída Baro
🧠 Rien Laurens
🧸 Theodora Newport*
Other OCs
🍀 Clover
🦭 Ish Holm*
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