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unsergoldschatz · 2 years ago
Optimising image meta-data in Photoshop for improved Google search
Tumblr media
What are metadata?
Why is metadata important?
How to set metadata in Photoshop
Opening the File Info
Filling out the metadata
Which metadata are important for Google?
Copyright Notice
Other relevant metadata
How Google indexes images
Additional tips for SEO optimization of images
In the digital world, metadata plays a crucial role. They help search engines like Google understand the content and context of images. In this article, you will learn how to perfectly set metadata in Photoshop to be found SEO optimized by Google Images.
What are metadata?
Metadata is information that describes the content, origin, and other important aspects of a digital element. For images, metadata can contain information about the author, the camera used, the settings, and much more.
Why is metadata important?
Metadata is crucial for search engine optimization (SEO). They help search engines understand the content of an image and index it accordingly. Well-optimized metadata can help your images rank higher in search results.
How to set metadata in Photoshop
To set metadata in Photoshop, you first need to open the file info. To do this, go to "File" and select "File Info...". Here you can enter various types of metadata.
Opening the File Info
In Photoshop, you can access the file info by clicking on "File" in the top menu bar and then selecting "File Info...". A dialog window will open where you can enter the metadata.
Filling out the metadata
In the file info, you can enter various types of metadata, including description, keywords, copyright notice, and author. It is important that you fill out these fields as accurately and detailed as possible.
Which metadata are important for Google?
Google considers various types of metadata when it comes to indexing images. The most important are the description, the keywords, the copyright notice, and the author.
The description should contain an accurate and detailed description of your image. It should contain relevant keywords that describe the content of the image and the context in which it is used.
Keywords are individual words or phrases that describe your image. They should contain relevant keywords that users might enter in search engines to find an image like yours.
Copyright Notice
If you are the author of the image, enter your name or the name of your company here. This helps Google understand who created the image.
Also enter your name or the name of your company here. This is another way for Google to identify the author of the image.
Other relevant metadata
There are also other types of metadata that you can enter in Photoshop, such as the camera settings that were used to create the image. These can be useful for certain types of search queries.
How Google indexes images
Google uses a variety of factors to determine how images are indexed and displayed in search results. These include the metadata, the context on the page where the image is displayed, and the alt text associated with the image.
Additional tips for SEO optimization of images
In addition to optimizing the metadata, there are other strategies you can use to optimize your images for search. These include using relevant and descriptive file names, optimizing the image size and quality, and using structured data.
Optimizing your images for search is an important step in increasing the visibility of your content in search engines. By carefully setting the metadata in Photoshop, you can ensure that your images are correctly indexed and displayed in search results by Google and other search engines.
What are metadata? Metadata is information that describes the content, origin, and other important aspects of a digital element.
Why is metadataimportant? Metadata is crucial for search engine optimization (SEO). They help search engines understand the content of an image and index it accordingly.
How do I set metadata in Photoshop? To set metadata in Photoshop, you need to open the file info and fill out the appropriate fields.
Which metadata are important for Google? The most important metadata for Google are the description, the keywords, the copyright notice, and the author.
How does Google index images? Google uses a variety of factors to determine how images are indexed and displayed in search results. These include the metadata, the context on the page where the image is displayed, and the alt text associated with the image.
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techniktagebuch · 5 years ago
Sommer 2020
Pack die Badehose ein, wir beantragen ein Schließfach
Am Badesee gibt es der Pandemie wegen dieses Jahr keine Tagesschließfächer. Das ist etwas unglücklich, denn ich bin meist allein am See und kann so niemanden bitten, auf meine Sachen zu achten, während ich im Wasser bin. Immerhin gibt es, so wird angekündigt, für wenig Geld ein Saisonschließfach zu mieten. Vielleicht. Denn nur einige Dutzend Schließfächer in drei Größen sind verfügbar – für Tausende Seebesucher.
Einige Tage später ist es so weit. Man kann ein Schließfach beantragen! Wie dann die Zuteilung erfolgt, weiß ich immer noch nicht, aber es gibt jetzt, erfahre ich, ein Formular. Dieses gilt es auszufüllen und abzugeben, innerhalb einer bestimmten Frist. Das Formular bekommt man entweder an der Seekasse oder man lädt es als PDF herunter. Abgeben kann man es an der Seekasse oder per E-Mail.
Innerhalb eines Tages bemerken die Ersteller der Website, dass der angebliche Link zum Download wohl versehentlich ein Link auf die Home ist und ich kann das PDF tatsächlich herunterladen. Leider möchte das PDF von mir lieber nicht bearbeitet werden. Ich habe keine Geduld, es richtig zu machen, oder zu erforschen, was das Problem ist. Deshalb mache ich einen Screenshot vom laut Dateiinfo in Word erstellten PDF und fülle das Formular im Bildbearbeitungsprogramm Gimpshop aus. Dann speichere ich das erstellte Bild als jpg, füge es in ein auf A4 angelegtes Dokument im Textbearbeitungsprogramm OpenOffice Writer ein und speichere das Ganze von dort aus wieder als PDF. Das ist jetzt nicht der eleganteste Workflow, aber für einen eleganten Workflow fehlt mir die Zeit, es droht eine Schließfach-Deadline.
Deshalb schicke ich das nun einwandfrei (so hoffe ich) ausgefüllte PDF sofort mit freundlichem Gruß an die angegebene Mailadresse. Und warte. Wenn man eine Zusage bekommt, hat man 2 Wochen Zeit, seinen Schlüssel abzuholen. Das schaffe ich, wenn ich mich diszipliniere und ausnahmsweise öfter als einmal die Woche in meine Mailbox schauen.
(Alina Smithee)
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mezitli33 · 6 years ago
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The post LG GM360 SPIELE DOWNLOADEN appeared first on Mezitli.
source http://mezitli.info/lg-gm360-spiele-55/
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