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pcfitment · 1 month ago
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The Role of Fitment Data Management Tools :
Fitment Data Management Tools are crucial for modern businesses. Here’s how they can benefit you:
Centralized Organization 📊 – Keep all your data in one place for easy access.
Real-Time Updates 🔄 – Stay up-to-date with automatic data refreshes.
Seamless Distribution 📡 – Distribute data smoothly across multiple channels.
Supports Expansion 🌍 – Scale effortlessly as your business grows.
Enhanced Decision-Making 💡 – Make informed decisions with accurate, real-time data.
Integration Capabilities 🔗 – Easily integrate with other tools and systems.
Discover more at www.pcfitment.com
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spookyloversong · 1 year ago
Data distribution to owners and determination of the income value.
Demystifying Data Distribution and Income Determination 📊💰
In the age of data-driven economies, understanding the intricacies of data distribution to owners and the subsequent determination of income value is crucial.
Data Distribution: A Digital Dividend 🌐
The concept of data distribution revolves around compensating data owners for the valuable information they contribute. In the digital landscape, individuals, businesses, and platforms generate vast amounts of data daily. The equitable distribution of benefits arising from this data is at the forefront of discussions on fair digital economies.
Determining Income Value: The Art and Science of Valuing Data 🧾
Data Monetization Models: Data owners can derive income through various monetization models, including selling raw datasets, engaging in data partnerships, or participating in targeted advertising programs. Each model holds unique considerations regarding privacy, consent, and ethical use.
Data Valuation Techniques: Determining the monetary value of data involves sophisticated valuation techniques. Factors such as data quality, relevance, volume, and potential insights it can unlock are considered. Advanced analytics and machine learning play a role in assessing the predictive and economic value of data sets.
Blockchain and Smart Contracts: The decentralized nature of blockchain technology introduces transparency and trust in data transactions. Smart contracts enable automated and secure revenue-sharing mechanisms, ensuring that data owners receive fair compensation when their data is utilized.
Challenges and Considerations:
Privacy Concerns: Balancing data monetization with privacy protection is a delicate task. Regulations like GDPR and evolving privacy standards aim to safeguard individuals' rights while enabling fair data transactions.
Ethical Use: As data becomes a commodity, ethical considerations arise. Fair and transparent practices, informed consent, and ensuring that data usage aligns with societal values are paramount.
Dynamic Regulatory Landscape: The regulatory environment around data ownership and income determination is dynamic. Staying informed about evolving laws and standards is crucial for both data owners and those utilizing the data.
In conclusion, the journey from data generation to income determination involves navigating a landscape of technological advancements, ethical considerations, and evolving regulations. As we move forward in the digital era, fostering an ecosystem where data owners are rightfully compensated for their contributions becomes pivotal for sustainable and equitable digital economies. 💻🌐
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incegna · 5 years ago
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Skewness in statistics represents an imbalance and asymmetry from the mean of a data distribution. If we look at a normal distribution using a bell curve, curve will be perfectly symmetrical. Skewness can be quantified to define the extent to which a distribution differs from a normal distribution. This situation is also called negative skewness. #skewness,#statistics,#asymmetry,#datadistribution,#symmetrical,#lognormaldistribution,#bellshape,#mirrorimages,#negative,#positive,#median,#normalcurves https://www.incegna.com/post/skewness-in-statistics Check our Info : www.incegna.com Reg Link for Programs : http://www.incegna.com/contact-us Follow us on Facebook : www.facebook.com/INCEGNA/? Follow us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/_incegna/ For Queries : [email protected] https://www.instagram.com/p/B62Jl0OABpd/?igshid=1a0vtqfbmmttn
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prophyles · 4 years ago
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Prophyles allows you to customize and control your list of contacts with multiple view types and comprehensive filters that have multiple criteria and various fields
#Prophyes #Caas #CentralizedDatabase #ContactManagement #Contacts #ContactsasaService #CRM #CustomerRelationshipManagement #DataDistribution #DataIntegrity 
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innrpin · 5 years ago
Normal Distribution is a function that captures the distribution of observations and it is termed normal as it mirrors the most natural phenomena. In fact the function captures the probability of the occurrence of those observations. Hence it is termed as Normal Probability Distribution.
The Normal Distribution is a probability distribution. It is also called Gaussian distribution because it was discovered by Carl Friedrich Gauss. Unlike the flipping of coin where the probability distribution is discrete the normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution.
It is often called the bell-shaped curve because the graph of its probability density looks like a bell. Many values follow a Normal Distribution curve. This is because of the Central Limit Theorem, which states that if an event is the sum of other random events, it will be normally distributed.
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bonnierouge · 5 years ago
Congratulations to @DataDistribute on the upcoming birth of his first child. Way to go forth and multiply, champ!
Congratulations to @DataDistribute on the upcoming birth of his first child. Way to go forth and multiply, champ!
— Jean-Jacquer Rousseau (@bonnie_rouge) November 3, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/bonnie_rouge November 03, 2019 at 02:32PM Congratulations to @DataDistribute on the upcoming birth of his first child. Way to go forth and multiply, champ!
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easyinplay · 8 years ago
机器学习简史(Brief History of Machine Learning 译文)
本文由网友推送, 原作者Blog Address(http://www.erogol.com/brief-history-machine-learning/) 。 watersink翻译 ,译文出处:http://blog.csdn.net/qq_14845119/article/details/51317160
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My subjective ML timeline (click for larger)
     Since the initial standpoint of science, technology andAI, cientists following Blaise Pascal and Von Leibniz ponder about a machinethat is intellectually capable as much as humans. Famous writers likeJules Verne , Frank Baum (Wizard of OZ), Marry Shelly (Frankenstein), GeorgeLucas (Star Wars) dreamed artificial beings
resembling human behaviors or even more,swamp humanizedskills in different contexts.
本着科学、技术和人工智能最初的观点,科学家们跟随着布莱士·帕斯卡(制作了第一台数字计算器) 和冯莱布尼茨(德国古典哲学家)思考着一台在智力和能力上与人类平分秋色的机器。著名的作家像儒勒·凡尔纳(法国作家,被誉为“科幻小说之父”)、弗兰克·鲍姆(绿野仙踪),玛丽雪莱(怪人),乔治·卢卡斯(星球大战)梦想着和人类行为很像的人造生物,他们在不同的场合可以表现出不同的人性化技巧,甚至比人类更像人类自己。
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Pascal's machine performingsubtraction and summation - 1642
帕斯卡的可以进行加减法运算的机器 - 1642
      Machine Learning is oneof the important lanes of AI which is very spicy hot subject in the research orindustry. Companies, universities devote many resources to advance theirknowledge. Recent advances in the field propel very solid results for differenttasks, comparable to human performance (98.98% at Traffic Signs - higher thanhuman-).
      HereI would like to share a crude timeline of Machine Learning and sign some of themilestones by no means complete. In addition, you should add "up to myknowledge" to beginning of any argument in the text.
      在��里我想和大家分享一个机器学习的粗略时间表和一些善不完整的里程碑标志。 此外,如果你打算对我的这篇文章做任何评论,请以“基于我的知识”这句话开始。
      First step towardprevalent ML was proposed by Hebb, in 1949, based on aneuropsychological learning formulation. It is calledHebbian Learning theory. Witha simple explanation, it pursues correlations between nodes of a RecurrentNeural Network (RNN). It memorizes any commonalities on the networkand serves like a memory later. Formally, the argument states that;
      Let us assume that thepersistence or repetition of a reverberatory activity (or "trace")tends to induce lasting cellular changes that add to its stability.… Whenan axon ofcell A is near enough to excite a cell B and repeatedly orpersistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic changetakes place in one or both cells such that A's efficiency, as one of thecells firing B, is increased.[1]
In 1952, Arthur Samuel at IBM, developed a program playingCheckers. The program was able to observe positions and learn aimplicit model that gives better moves for the latter cases. Samuel played somany games with the program and observed that the program was able toplay better in the course of time.
With thatprogram Samuel confuted the general providence dictating machines cannot gobeyond the written codes and learn patterns like human-beings. Hecoined “machine learning, ” which he defines as;a field of studythat gives computer the ability without being explicitly programmed.
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F. Rosenblatt
In 1957, Rosenblatt's Perceptron was the secondmodel proposed again with neuroscientific background and it is more similar totoday's ML models. It was a very exciting discovery at the time and it waspractically more applicable than Hebbian's idea. Rosenblatt introduced thePerceptron with the following lines;
The perceptronis designed to illustrate some of the fundamental properties of intelligentsystems in general, without becoming too deeply enmeshed in the special, andfrequently unknown, conditions which hold for particular biologicalorganisms.[2]
After 3 yearslater, Widrow [4] engraved Delta Learning rule thatis then used as practical procedure for Perceptron training. It is alsoknown as Least Square problem. Combination of those two ideascreates a good linear classifier. However, Perceptron's excitement washinged by Minsky[3] in 1969 . He proposed the famous XORproblemand the inability of Perceptrons in such linearly inseparable datadistributions. It was the Minsky's tackle to NN community. Thereafter, NNresearches would be dormant up until 1980s
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XOR problem which is nor linearlyseperable data orientation
There had beennot to much effort until the intuition of Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) wassuggested by Werbos[6] in 1981 with NN specific Backpropagation
(BP) algorithm, albeit BP idea had been proposed before by Linnainmaa[5] in 1970 in the name "reverse mode of automatic differentiation".Still BP is the key ingredient of today's NN architectures. With those newideas, NN researches accelerated again. In 1985 - 1986 NN researcherssuccessively presented the idea of MLP with practical BP training(Rumelhart, Hinton, Williams [7] -  Hetch, Nielsen[8])
尽管BP神经的想法由林纳因马[5]在1970年提出,并将其称为“自动分化反向模式”。但是并未引起足够的关注。经过一些挫折后,多层感知器(MLP)由伟博斯[6]在1981年的神经网络反向传播(BP)算法中具体提出。当然BP仍然是今天神经网络架构的关键因素。有了这些新思想,神经网络的研究又加快了。1985 -1986神经网络研究人员先后提出了MLP与BP训练相结合的理念(鲁梅尔哈特,辛顿,威廉姆斯[7] -赫,尼尔森[8])。
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From Hetch and Nielsen
At the anotherspectrum, a very-well known ML algorithm was proposed by J. R. Quinlan[9] in 1986 that we callDecision Trees, morespecifically ID3algorithm. This was the Spark point ofthe another mainstream ML.  Moreover, ID3 was also released as asoftware able to find more real-life use case with its simplistic rulesand its clear inference, contrary to still black-box NN models.
After ID3, manydifferent alternatives or improvements have been explored by the community(e.g. ID4, Regression Trees, CART ...) and still it is one of the active topicin ML.
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a simple decision tree from Quinlan
      One of the mostimportant ML breakthrough was Support Vector Machines (Networks)(SVM), proposed by Vapnik and Cortes[10] in 1995 withvery strong theoretical standing and empirical results. That was the timeseparating the ML community into two crowds as NN or SVM advocates. However thecompetition between two community was not very easy for the NN side after Kernelized version of SVM by near 2000s .(Iwas not able to find the first paper about the topic), SVM got the best of manytasks that were occupied by NN models before. In addition, SVM wasable to exploit all the profound knowledge of convex optimization,generalization margin theory and kernels against NN models. Therefore, it couldfind large push from different disciplines causing very rapidtheoretical and practical improvements.
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An example of a separable problem ina 2 dimensional space.The support vectors,marked with grey squares,define themargin of largest separation between the two classes.
From Vapnik and Cortes
      NN took another damageby the work of Hochreiter's thesis [40] in 1991 and Hochreiter et.al.[11] in 2001, showing the gradient loss after the saturation of NN unitsas we apply BP learning. Simply means, it is redundant to train NN units aftera certain number of epochs owing to saturated units hence NNs are very inclinedto over-fit in a short number of epochs.
      Littlebefore, another solid ML model was proposed by Freund andSchapire in 1997 prescribed with boosted ensemble ofweak classifiers called Adaboost. This work also gave theGodel Prize to the authors at the time. Adaboost trains weak set of classifiersthat are easy to train, by giving more importance to hard instances. This modelstill the basis of many different tasks like face recognition and detection. Itis also a realization of PAC  (Probably Approximately Correct) learningtheory. In general, so called weak classifiers are chosen as simple decisionstumps (single decision tree nodes). They introduced Adaboost as ;
      The model we study canbe interpreted as a broad, abstract extension of the well-studied on-lineprediction model to a general decision-theoretic setting...[11]
Another ensemblemodel explored by Breiman [12] in 2001 thatensembles multiple decision trees where each of them is curated by a randomsubset of instances and each node is selected from a random subset of features.Owing to its nature,  it is called Random Forests(RF). RF hasalso theoretical and empirical proofs of endurance againstover-fitting. Even AdaBoost shows weakness to over-fitting and outlierinstances in the data, RF is more robust model against thesecaveats.(For more detail about RF, refer to my old post.).RF shows its success in many different tasks like Kaggle competitions as well.
Random forestsare a combination of tree predictors such that each tree depends on the valuesof a random vector sampled independently and with the same distribution for alltrees in the forest. The generalization error for forests converges a.s.to a limit as the number of trees in the forest becomes large[12].
As we comecloser today, a new era of NN called Deep Learning has beencommerced. This phrase simply refers NN models with many wide successivelayers. The 3rd rise of NN has begun roughly in  2005 withthe conjunction of many different discoveries from past and present by recent mavens Hinton, LeCun, Bengio, Andrew Ng and other valuableolder researchers. I enlisted some of the important headings (I guess, Iwill dedicate complete post for Deep Learning specifically) ;
GPU programmingGPU编程
ConvolutionalNNs [18][20][40] 卷积神经网络[18] [20][40]
DeconvolutionalNetworks [21] 解卷积网络[21]
StochasticGradient Descent [19][22] 随机梯度下降[19][22]
BFGS and L-BFGS[23] 拟牛顿法和受限内存下的拟牛顿法[23]
ConjugateGradient Descent [24] 共轭梯度下降[24]
Backpropagation[40][19] 反向传播[40] [19]
Rectifier Units整流机组
Spa  rsity[15][16] 稀疏
Dropout Nets[26] Dropout网[26]
Maxout Nets  [25] MAXOUT网[25]
Unsupervised NNmodels [14] 无监督神经网络模型[14]
Deep BeliefNetworks [13] 深信念网络[13]
StackedAuto-Encoders [16][39] 堆积自动编码器[16][39]
Denoising NNmodels [17] 降噪神经网络模型[17]
With thecombination of all those ideas and non-listed ones, NN models are able to beatoff state of art at very different tasks such as Object Recognition, Speech Recognition,NLP etc. However, it should be noted that this absolutely does not mean, it isthe end of other ML streams. Even Deep Learning success stories growrapidly , there are many critics directed to training cost andtuning exogenous parameters of  these models. Moreover, stillSVM is being used more commonly owing to its simplicity. (said but may cause ahuge debate)
Before finish, Ineed to touch on one another relatively young ML trend. After the growth of WWWand Social Media, a new term, BigData emerged andaffected ML research wildly. Because of the large problems arising from BigData, many strong ML algorithms are useless for reasonable systems (not for giantTech Companies of course). Hence, research people come up with a new set ofsimple models that are dubbed Bandit Algorithms [27 - 38](formallypredicated with Online Learning) that makeslearning easier and adaptable for large scale problems.
I would like toconclude this infant sheet of ML history. If you found something wrong (youshould :) ), insufficient or non-referenced, please don't hesitate to warn mein all manner.
References ----
[1] Hebb D.O., The organization of behaviour.New York: Wiley & Sons.
[2]Rosenblatt,Frank. "The perceptron: a probabilistic model for information storage andorganization in the brain." Psychological review 65.6 (1958):386.
[3]Minsky,Marvin, and Papert Seymour. "Perceptrons." (1969).
[4]Widrow,Hoff "Adaptive switching circuits." (1960): 96-104.
[5]S.Linnainmaa. The representation of the cumulative rounding error of an algorithmas a Taylor expansion of the local rounding errors. Master’s thesis, Univ.Helsinki, 1970.
[6] P. J.Werbos. Applications of advances in nonlinear sensitivity analysis. InProceedings of the 10th IFIP Conference, 31.8 - 4.9, NYC, pages 762–770, 1981.
[7] Rumelhart,David E., Geoffrey E. Hinton, and Ronald J. Williams. Learning internalrepresentations by error propagation. No. ICS-8506. CALIFORNIA UNIV SAN DIEGOLA JOLLA INST FOR COGNITIVE SCIENCE, 1985.
[8] Hecht-Nielsen,Robert. "Theory of the backpropagation neural network." NeuralNetworks, 1989. IJCNN., International Joint Conference on. IEEE, 1989.
[9] Quinlan,J. Ross. "Induction of decision trees." Machinelearning 1.1 (1986): 81-106.
[10] Cortes,Corinna, and Vladimir Vapnik. "Support-vector networks." Machinelearning 20.3 (1995): 273-297.
[11] Freund,Yoav, Robert Schapire, and N. Abe. "A short introduction toboosting."Journal-Japanese Society For ArtificialIntelligence 14.771-780 (1999): 1612.
[12] Breiman,Leo. "Random forests." Machine learning 45.1 (2001): 5-32.
[13] Hinton,Geoffrey E., Simon Osindero, and Yee-Whye Teh. "A fast learning algorithmfor deep belief nets." Neural computation 18.7 (2006):1527-1554.
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[24] S.Yun and K.-C. Toh, “A coordinate gradient descent method for l1- regularizedconvex minimization,” Computational Optimizations and Applications, vol. 48,no. 2, pp. 273–307, 2011.
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[32] Nikos Karampatziakis and JohnLangford, ImportanceWeight Aware Gradient Updates UAI2010.
[33] Kilian Weinberger, Anirban Dasgupta, JohnLangford, Alex Smola, Josh Attenberg, Feature Hashing for Large Scale Multitask Learning, ICML 2009.
[34] Qinfeng Shi, James Petterson, Gideon Dror, JohnLangford, Alex Smola, and SVN Vishwanathan, Hash Kernels for Structured Data, AISTAT 2009.
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prophyles · 4 years ago
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Safe Distribution of Personal Information - A Power Shift from Organization to Users
Your Personal Information is far more exposed than you think. It is sprinkled everywhere – in business cards (virtual or physical), address books, directories like white pages, CRMs, enterprise applications like HR, mobile apps, resumes, biographies, social media, online forms of all kinds, shopping carts, signups, logins, IDs, licenses, etc.
Any organization that stores Personal Information is vulnerable to hacking, phishing, ID thefts, and online predators preying on the elderly or children. The FBI reported that cybercrimes caused $4.2 billion in losses and damages in 2020 in the US alone.
As a result, organizations are subject to rules and regulations from GDPR, CCPA, and CalOPPA. However, compliance with such regulations is complex and costly.
With all such mayhem, it looks like we’re back to the future with the 1976 film Network: “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore”.
With its innovative and unique Contact-as-a-Service (CaaS) architecture, Prophyles offers a very effective, elegant, and unique solution that shifts power from the hands of organizations into the hands of users.
#AddressBooks #Blockchain #CaaS #CentralizedDatabase #ContactManagement #Contacts #ContactsasaService #CRM #CustomerRelationshipManagement #DataDistribution #DataIntegrity #Database #DBMS #DecentralizedDatabase #DistributedDatabase #Encryption #PeertoPeerNetwork #Personal #PIM #Privacy #ResidualData #SmartContract #SocialLogin #SocialNetwork #UniversalLogin
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prophyles · 4 years ago
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Safe Universal Login - Stop Them from Tracking and Tracing You
From making typing errors to forgetting or losing your Username/Password, logging is annoying but necessary.
Capitalizing on this users’ frustration, social media companies invented Social Login under the pretext of offering convenience and a more pleasant user experience. It turned out that their real motivation is to get hold of yet another means to track/trace you and exploit your Personal Information.
Such phenomenon gave rise to the “Age of Surveillance Capitalism” as Harvard Professor of Business Administration Shoshana Zuboff explains in her monumental book. She exposes a merciless form of capitalism in which not natural resources, but citizens themselves, serve as a new raw material. Sure enough, the advertising model adopted by companies like Google and Facebook makes it amply clear that users are their “product” created to serve advertisers who are their “customers” – and that’s their real motivation.
Prophyles offers a safe Universal Login that may not completely stop such malpractice of tracking and tracing, but at least slow it down or prevent it from exploding further, and thus, putting us at more risk and at their mercy.
#AddressBooks #Blockchain #CaaS #CentralizedDatabase #ContactManagement #Contacts #ContactsasaService #CRM #CustomerRelationshipManagement #DataDistribution #DataIntegrity #Database #DBMS #DecentralizedDatabase #DistributedDatabase #Encryption #PeertoPeerNetwork #Personal #PIM #Privacy #ResidualData #SmartContract #SocialLogin #SocialNetwork #UniversalLogin
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