#Daryl Dixon one shots
samandcolbyownme · 28 days
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Summary: After years of being split apart from your group, due to being taken and relocated by the Saviors, you run in to not only one familiar face, but specifically, the one you were searching for this whole time.
Warnings: strong language, apocalypse setting, swearing, mentions of knives, guns, bows, other weapons, mentions of killing (both humans and zombies), some descriptive text, reader gets taken by the saviors, mentions of scars, fighting, AGE GAP - friends to lovers, reader likes Daryl, Daryl hides the fact that he likes reader, some flirting, nothing too spicy lol
Word count: 4.9k | not edited also my first Daryl fic so be nice :)
A/N - I’m writing this for me, yes, but I’m also this for the ones who have a problem, I mean… are attracted to men old enough to be their father, so please do NOT read if age gap relationships make you uncomfortable! This also is more or less my version of the walking dead, the group meets Negan, but not like in the show.
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There was no denying that you were Daryl’s favorite person to go on runs with, anyone that just showed up could tell you that.
You were fast. Efficient. Very get in and get out type of girl. You didn’t fuck around, and Daryl loved that - but he’d never tell you that himself.
He also swore to never tell you that he wanted you around him because you made him happy in ways that he didn’t really like to talk about.
You were like a breath of fresh air to him, you picked up what he liked and what he didn’t like almost right away, you were one of the very few people that he didn’t get tired of being around all the time, hence why you join him every time he goes on a run.
He wasn’t much of a talker, the very first two runs together, you got a few mumbles out of him, mainly telling you where to go and when to look out.
But, that was until your third run of many run with Daryl. It would be silent, and he would almost scare you with just talking outright.
It wasn’t more than a, ‘how’s your day?’
Or maybe a, ‘ya sleep last night? Y’look tired’
You would always give him a quick, straight to the point response, ‘tossed and turned all night, might need a new blanket or somethin’
Or you would tease him slightly with something along the lines of, ‘Days better now that I’m out runnin’ around with my bestie.’
He says he hated when you called him that, but he would always chuckle and try to hide his smile by pointing out something ahead.
You would go with it, rolling your eyes subtly before you squint, “Daryl, I think you’re seeing things.” You look over at him, “or you’re just scared to talk to me.”
He’d scoff, “Ain’t scared of nothin’, darlin’.”
All you could do was smile and look away, mainly to hide the red on your cheeks from being spotted.
It really wasn’t that Daryl was scared, it was just, as slightly embarrassing as he thinks, he didn’t know how to talk to you.
He would always try to remind himself that you aren’t this delicate little flower, you can handle yourself. If you couldn’t, he would have never stumbled upon you.
You both would keep moving, not really stopping unless a walker or something came out of the tree line. The more runs you added to the list, the more you realized that you were patient enough to wait on him.
You really did have all the time in the world.
Were you also young and twenty one years old? Sure. But in this world, you’d always like to think, What’s it matter, really?
You had to roll with what you found, and you got lucky that day Daryl found you under a fallen tree - long story short, he helped you out and as soon as he knew your name, he couldn’t help but want to bring you home with him.
And that’s what he did.
Daryl has also spoken, well, more or less make comments to Rick about the girl from the woods. He’d beat around the bush as his eyes followed you across the way, watching as Carol showed you around, “y’know that girl I brought in?”
Rock would nod, “Y/n?”
A smirk would play sure Daryl’s lips as he replays you taking out two walkers at the same time, “Little young, though. Ain’t she?”
Rick shook his head, giving Daryl’s shoulder a squeeze as he stood up, “You deserve what ever makes you happy, Daryl. We make our own rules now.”
“There was a convenient store on the corner of one of these roads.” You look at Daryl then glancing behind you, “I figured.. if we don’t find it today.” You glance back and then forward, “We can try and hit it another day.”
“Would ya stop fuckin’ doin’ that?” He looks behind you and then at you, “really freakin’ me out today, y/n. What’s goin’ on with ya?”
“Sorry.” You sigh, shaking your head, “I just have this really weird feeling like we should have just stayed back today.”
“You wanna go back?” Daryl stops as you take a few steps ahead before turning around. He nods back, “We’re not that far away, if y’feel safer goin’ back-“
“I’m not letting you go out there alone.”
“I’m not goin’ back.” Daryl was stubborn, but so were you, “Then so am I.”
He scoffs quietly, shaking his head as he nudges you with his elbow, indicating you to walk with him. You turn, staying a little bit closer to Daryl as you make your way down the road.
About an hour away, you stand up from the last of the boxes in a semi fallen down shed, “Nothing.” You turn to Daryl and he shakes his head, “Got the same over here.”
“No where?” You look around the room and he shrugs, “should prolly just head back, it’s gonna get dark here soon.”
The weird feeling you had from earlier returns and you sigh, “Not to be annoying, but I can’t shake this feeling.”
Daryl clenches his jaw, “Alright, it’s alright.” He picks up his crossbow, “C’mon now.”
It’s the way Daryl makes your heart warm with the simple, nonchalant ways he makes sure you’re okay, trying to make sure you’re calm without actually letting you know that that is what he’s doing, but you know.
You’ve come to know Daryl better than anyone in the few short months you’ve been at Alexandria.
“Did somethin’ happen or, what?” Daryl asks as he glances over at you, trying to keep up with your slightly faster pace.
You shrug, “I just feel like something is going to happen, Daryl.” You look over at him, “Something bad.”
Your feeling was proven to be worth something because the moment you entered through the gates, you were gunned down, Daryl, too.
“Gimme your guns.” A tall man says in a sing-songy tone as he bends down, looking you right in your face, “And your cross bow.” He looks over to Daryl and Daryl wasn’t going to give it up without a fight.
The man stands up, walking over to lean down in Daryl’s face, “Now.”
“Y/n. Do it.” Rick says catching your attention. Only your eyes move towards Rick, hands up as a gun is pointed right next to his temple, “Daryl. You, too.”
“I’d listen to your boss man, alright. I don’t feel like killing anyone today, which is..” the man tilts his head, scratching at his temple, “Odd, but anyone. Consider this your one time act of kindness because I can promise you, from here on out, ain’t gonna be purdy.”
You tilt your head, taking your gun from your shoulder and laying it down. You take your pistol and set it down next to the rifle, “That’s all I have.”
“Mm.” The man tilts his head, “I don’t believe you.” He grips your bicep hard, causing you to yelp as he yanks you forward and onto your feet.
“Let her fuckin’ go!” Daryl yells, and you know he’s already trying to get up, but the moment you get to look back, there’s a gun in his face, blocking his view of you.
You’re thrown up against the side of the old and dusty moving truck, groaning as your head ricochetes off the side with a thump, “Fuck, ow!”
You bring your hand up, pulling it away to see red when you feel a wetness on your skin.
“You mother fu-“ Daryl starts to yell, but the man puts a gun to your temple, “I’m just trying to do my job, now shut the fuck up or I’ll really give you something to fucking yell about.”
You keep your eyes on Daryl, watching as his eyes quickly move between you and the man holding you hostage.
“I’ll keep it professional.” He taps your shoulder, “Arat. Come check her for weapons.”
You were scared shitless.
You didn’t want to die, or anyone else to die.
Who are these people, you thought as the woman behind you slid her hands roughly over your body, “Simon. This is her.”
You head shot up as Simon, supposedly, laughs, “No fucking way.” He steps back, “Negan is going to love this.”
“Who’s Negan?” Rick asks and Simon turns around slowly to look at Rick, arms spreading out to his sides slowly, “We’re all Negan.”
Simon points to you with his thumb, “Load her up.”
The uproar that happens within your people is instant and there’s a shot fired into the air, making you flinch.
“That’s e-fuckin’-nuff.” Simon yells, “The girl is coming with us, and there’s-“ he raises his voice, “Nothing you can do about it.”
He walks you back to the truck, motioning with his gun for you to get in.
You take one last look at Daryl before you start to get in, heading Simon chuckle as he sighs, “Maybe you’ll see her again, maybe you won’t. We’ll be back with more orders. Until then, stay the fuck here or more we will kill your beloved.. whatever she is to you.”
Simon looks at Daryl, “You got that Robin Hood?”
Daryl holds his heated stare onto him and that’s the last thing you see before the door shuts.
“Well, well, fuckin’ well. What do we have here?” A deep voice boasts from behind you. You wiggle your wrists and close your eyes, feeling a presence move around you to your front.
You open your eyes and you’re met with a rugged dude in a leather jacket, a baseball bat that’s wrapped in barbed wire tightly secured in his fist, “You must be the girl who knows her way around those dead fucks out there.”
“What are you talking about?” You look up, eyes meeting the tall, older man and he just chuckles, “A few of my men saw you take on a group, I dunno, five or six deep..” he points to you with each word, “..All. on. your. own.”
You shrug, “I’ve been out there a while.”
“And how longs a while, sweetheart?” The man asks, squatting down in front of you.
“Two years with a group, three on my own.” You say quietly, your brain reminding you about the night had no other choice but to go off on your own.
“Holy shit.” The man shakes his head, “You hearin’ this shit, Simon?”
“Arat said it was her. I can get Gavin to confirm, too.” Simon answers and the man nods, standing up to pull a chair over in front of you, “If I untie you, you promise you’ll play nice?”
You were disgusted. You wanted to go home.
You wanted Daryl. You wanted Daryl more than anything.
You nod, hands gripping the arm rests as his knife slides between your skin and the rope, flicking the blade upward to get it to cut open.
He repeats it to the other side and leans back, “You seem like you have a pretty name.” He tilts his head, fingers rubbing over the stubble on his chin, “Do you have a pretty name, sweetheart?”
“Y/n.” The man repeats in a whisper, “Damn. That is pretty.” He shakes his head, smirking as his eyes take in your, very nervous figure sitting in the chair, “Look.”
The man leans forward, “I’ll tell you this, alright.” You keep your eyes off of him, which seemed to upset him. His voice grew louder and his hand reached up to tightly grip your chin, “Look. At. Me. When I am talking to you.”
You force your eyes to his and he picks up speaking where he stopped, “You’re a little spit fire out there, okay. Which mean, you’re a delicacy to your little asshole groupies back at that shithole, what was it called? Alex- some for bullshit?”
“Alexandria.” You mumble out, keeping your eyes on his. He tilts his head back, his hand still gripping your chin, “Oh, oh. Right. Yes. Alexandria.”
The door behind you opens and the man drops his hand, “Gavin, my man. I need you to tell me if this is the girl you say in the woods a few weeks ago.”
The man stands up, spinning the chair around for, presumed, Gavin to see you. His eyes move over your body, “Does she have a tattoo or some sort of mark on the back of her left arm?”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“When she lifted her arm, it-“
“Lift your arm for me, sweetheart.” The man spins you towards him and you have no other choice but to oblige, you strongly feel that the other choice is death, which you can not allow to happen now.
You pull your shirt sleeve up and the man scoffs, “Bing-fucking-o.” The man shakes his head, “Get a team together, we’re going to meet the people of Alexandria earlier than expected.”
He looks to you, “Take her up to a room. A good room. She hasn’t done anything to not deserve it yet.” He winks at you and you look down as you feel a hand grab your bicep to lift you to your feet.
“Do you have any questions for me?”
You stop, turning to look at the man with the baseball bat resting on his shoulder, “Who are you?”
“Oh, sweetheart.” He walks over, tilting his head as he looks down at you, “I’m Negan.”
Your first day here was scary. You cried yourself to sleep, worried both about Daryl and the rest of Alexandria.
By the next morning, You were itching to get out, constantly looking for a way to escape, but they had so many people, no matter where you looked, you had eyes on you at all times.
To your surprise, the last week you spent with what you heard them call themselves, The Saviors, wasn’t in a stone cell like you pictured them doing the second you left that room on the first day.
You really didn’t know why.
You kill zombies, big deal. Doesn’t everyone else on this fucked up planet?
“Come with me, honey pie.” Simon says as he pulls you along with him, “Your time to shine.”
You’re taken outside, squinting at the brightness of the sun shining down from above. You couldn’t help but take a deep breathe, it’s the first time you’ve been outside in days.
“Get in and scoot over.” Simon commands and you climb up into the truck, your eyes meeting Negan’s as he steps up to sit into the passengers seat.
You don’t say a word to him. You just face forward as Simon smooshes you between him and Negan as he closes the door.
“So you and Robin Hood, huh?” Simon asks, referring to Daryl. You shake your head in response.
“Listen, sweetie. One thing we do around here, is answer people questions, with the words we learned how to speak. Got it?”
“Yes sir.” You say, clearing your throat, “No, me and.. Robin Hood are not a thing.”
“Seems to care about you like he does. You catch onto that Negan? The way he wanted to rip your throat out yesterday?” Simon chuckles, “Aw the look in his, man. I tell you what though, if looks could kill, you would have been dead.”
“Gonna have to take more than a nasty look to kill me.” Negan chuckles deeply, “Oh looky here.” He points, looking over at you as he sings, “honey.. we’re home.”
Your heart was racing as you seen Rosita motion to open the gate.
You watch her face shift into a shocked look when she caught glimpse of you through the windshield.
As you drive in, coming to a stop, you already see Daryl, front and center with Rick.
“C’mon.” Simon motions to you and you slide over, allowing him to help you down before you follow him around the truck. He pulls you closer to him, the click sending a shiver down your spine.
“Alright. Here’s the deal. You all want your badass, Duffy the zombie slayer black, but I don’t know.” Negan glances back at you, “She could be useful to me.”
You see Rick tighten his grip on Daryl’s vest and you send him a loving look.
“That thought didn’t even cross my mind, but you know what, how about this, If you want y/n back, give us half of your food today, and I want, we’ll make it easy.. ten guns by next week.”
“T-ten guns?” Rick asks baffled, “by next week? Negan that’s.. don’t you think that’s a little impossible?”
“Fine, make it fifteen by Friday, or you can say goodbye to the only chance you all actually have at surviving.” Negan points to you, “As you can she, she’s alive and well, now.”
Negan motions to the truck, “Let’s go.”
You shake your head and Simon grabs your arm roughly and you pull back, letting your fear get the best of you, “No, please. Nono, please no! No!”
Your pleads only set everyone on your side off, yelling and trying to push past the wall of Saviors.
Knives are drawn and you’re held to Negan’s chest, “Listen here! I make the rules. I have something you want and now, you’re going to go off and fuckin’ get me what I want. I’m done negotiating.”
“Negan, please. Just let y/n stay an I pro-“
Negan cuts Rick off, “You promise what, Rick? Huh? You already doubted yourselves with getting ten-“ He gasps, “Sorry, I mean fifteen by next Friday.”
He laughs, shaking his head, sighing as he brings his bat, Lucille, next for your face, “what makes you think you can handle the load of getting this thing here back.”
Daryl’s eyes squint as Negan calls you, this thing.
You swallow, glancing around.
You can take on six walkers, but not this many saviors, the walkers didn’t have rifles pointed at the people you’ve come to love and care for.
“Why are-“ Negan scoffs, “Why are we even still discussing this? You know what. Fine.” He pushes you to the back of the truck and you stumble, silently begging for help.
“If you’re going to cause this big of a fuss instead of just doing as I say..” Negan looks at you, “Then no one can.”
He shrugs, pointing Lucille at the open back, “Get in, or I kill someone.”
P R E S E N T • D A Y
You held your breath as you pushed your back up against the tree, waiting for the stray walker to move past you, knife at the ready just in case.
You slip around the tree, opposite way from the dead before you continue your journey through the woods.
It’s been, almost five years since you were left stranded in the middle of god knows where by Negan and his Saviors.
You weren’t even sure if they were still a thing or not, but jokes on them, you’re still alive.
And you’re full of fight.
You stopped at the river, bending down to feel the cool water on your fingertips. You’ve been walking all day, and you just needed to take a second.
You look up, taking in the scenery for a few moments before it all starts to becomes, familiar.
You stand up, looking around as your heart starts to pound. You shake your head, laughing slightly as you bend down to grab your bag.
If this is the river you were thinking of, then this river runs directly past your grandfathers cabin, and you can only hope that if Daryl was alive and out there looking for you, that he comes this way.
He should know about this, you stumbled upon it while on a run the one day. You remember about it, but all you knew was that it was next to the river that looked really pretty when the sun was setting, and it still does.
You only had about two hours of sunlight left, and you didn’t know how far you had to go yet, or even if you were going in the right direction.
If this cabin was here, maybe you could finally get a decent nights sleep, that is if it isn’t destroyed by walkers and the storms that plow through.
“I’m going to go get some more firewood.” A woman’s voice sounds through the trees. You stop, moving, furrowing your brows as you try and listen, but she’s already moving, walking away from the small building.
Your cabin.
You feel like you could throw up.
You turn around, trying to see if you can get a glimpse of who she was talking, too, but nothing.
“Raise your hands and turn around slowly.”
You whip around, catching her off guard before her face settles, “Holy shit.” Carol laughs slightly, “Daryl is going to lose his mind.”
She pulls you into a hug and you hear her sniffle, “oh my god, look at you.” She leans back, hands sliding over your hand and down your face, “You grew up.”
You smile slightly, your mind going back to who’s in the cabin, “Is he in there?”
“Every chance he got.” She shakes her head, “So much has happened.” You see the pain in her eyes but you opt to keep things happy right now, “we can talk later. I want to see Daryl first.”
She nods, brushing hair from your face, “Im so happy you found your way back.”
“It was hell, but right now, totally worth it.” You take a deep breath, “You go in first.”
She nods, walking a head of you as she leads you back towards the cabin, “Hey Daryl.” Carol calls as she smaller back at you, “I found something that you’re going to want to see.”
You stand by the fire, the glow illuminates you as you stand there waiting to see his face for the very first time in five years.
The feelings you had, never went away.
“What’d ya fi-“ His face falls and his arms go limp by his sides as he shakes his head, “No fuckin’ way.”
Tears well up in your eyes as Daryl slowly steps down off the porch, “No fuckin’ way.” He looks at Carol and back to you before quickly making his way over to you.
“Where the hell ya been?” He grabs you, pulling you into his chest tight, “I thought you were dead, I-.” He leans back, looking over your slightly older looks.
“Negan told us that he watched you get attacked by walkers.” Carol chimes in, finishing what Daryl couldn’t, “He brought back your necklace, there was blood on it.. we didn’t..”
You keep your hands on Daryl, your fingers moving under the sleeve of his jacket, “Negan snapped that necklace off my neck before they dumped me in the middle of nowhere.”
Daryl scoffs, pulling you closer to rest his chin on your head. Carol smiles as she watches the affectionate radiate off of him.
“They drove me way past the city, too. I don’t know. I’m pretty sure they drugged me or something because I was out for most of the trip.”
You feel Daryl’s grip tighten with your words and you shake your head, laying a hand on his bicep, “So much happened.”
You think back to all the stuff you had to do just to make it back to here, cringing at yourself.
“Ya hungry?” Daryl asks changing the subject and you nod, “Starving.”
Since the minute you found them, Daryl hasn’t left your side, and Dog right by his.
You were able to handle the news of the deaths and destruction among your group and homes, it hurt to hear, but it’s better that you know how than walking in expecting everything to be all sunshine and rainbows.
ou cried, but there was one question you needed the answer to.
“Are the Savior’s gone?” You looked up at Carol as she looks to Daryl. Your attention moves to him and he nods, “Ah, yeah. Yeah. But..”
“Negan is at Alexandria.”
You’re on your feet, “What.”
“It’s only tem-“
You turn, walking away from Carol as she tries to explain, but you walk over to a tree, pressing your hand into it.
As you take a few deep breathes, you feel someone walking up to you, “I just need a minute.” You tilt your head, closing your eyes as you swallow the feeling of wanting to puke away.
“S’alot to process.” Daryl mumbles, unsure of what to do, “Take your time.”
Do you resent him now?
Are you going to leave again?
He wanted you to know everything, but he wouldn’t have if that meant you leaving again.
“Daryl?” You wave your hand in front of his face and he blinks, “Sorry I just..” he shakes his head, “please don’t leave me again.”
“Leave you again?” You laugh slightly, letting out a sigh, “Why would you think that I’d leave you? I’ve been looking for you.”
“I haven’t stopped. I came here because I-“
You smirk slightly, “Because you actually paid attention to your bestie?”
He gives you a small smirk, shoulders heaving as he laughs ever so slightly, “You’ve changed..” Daryl brushes his hand over your hair, his thumb gently brushing over your face, His brows furrow, “when did you get this?”
His finger brushes over the scar on your top lip, “Did someone do this t’you?”
“One of those assholes that pushed me out of the car, hit my face on a rock.” You shake your head, “It’s just a scar, Daryl.”
Which was one of many you have received.
“Sorry I-“
“Don’t. Don’t do that.” You shake your head, “What happened to me wasn’t your fault, okay.”
All he does is nod but you frown slightly, “Have I ever told you that I liked you?”
“I don’t think you’d come on runs with me if ya didn’t.” Daryl looks at you and you tilt your head, “No, like..” you bite your lip and sigh.
He laughs slightly, “M’old enough to be your daddy, y/n.” You smirk up at him, getting ready to say something but he pulls you towards him, “Watch out.”
Natural instinct, you have your knife in your hand within a second and you both swing around, the blades of your knives entering the dead’s skull in unison.
You look at the knives and back to Daryl, “Either way I look at it.” You pull your knife from the walker, “You and I will always have unfinished business to take care of.”
Daryl shakes his head as he withdrawals his knife, “You think?”
You lay your hand on his chest, “I know.”
You couldn’t let yourself feel what you’ve pushed through, but both Carol and Daryl can see that.
“Hi, boy.” You bend down to pet Dog, your shirt riding up to reveal a slightly bigger scar than on your lip. Daryl’s eyes fixate on it right away and he clenches his jaw.
Before he can ask, you stand up, “You fix up everything?”
“Yeah, go take a look.” Daryl sniffles and walks towards Carol as you walk into the cabin. Memories of growing up here flood through, almost breaking that barrier until Dog pushes between your legs, whining as he trots in.
“Do you need anything?” Carol asks walking up beside you. You shake your head, hesitating to look over at her at first, “No, no. I’m good.”
“We can head back to Alexandria in the morning.” She rubs your back, “It’s really good to have you back.”
You smile, nodding, “It’s really nice to not be alone.”
“What happened out there?”
You shake your head sluggishly, “I don’t-“
“Okay.” She says quickly as Daryl walks in. You look up at him, “I think I’m going to go lay down.” You walk over to where your bag is and sit down.
You bring your knees to your chest, eyes focusing on Dog as he glows in the light of the fire.
A few moments later, Daryl’s footsteps move closer to you. He stays silent as he moves to sit next to you. He brings his arm out, laying it around your back as he pulls you into his side.
You immediately fall into him, your head on his chest, arm around his torso. He inches back, just enough to lean against the wall for support.
Daryl looked down at you, gently playing with strands of your now long hair, it was just a little past your shoulders when you were separated.
You lost weight from having to scavenge for any food that was safe to eat.
He knew what you went through was tormenting you, he just wanted you to know that you aren’t alone.
“Look at me, y/n.”
You roll over into your back, head in his lap as you stare up at him.
“When you’re ready to tell someone, m’here f’ya.”
You close your eyes as his hand strokes over your hair. You haven’t felt this safe in a while, so you were just trying to soak it all in without having to worry every single second of the day and most nights.
“I love you.” Daryl whispers, “Should’ve told you that years ago.”
“It’s about time you say those words to me, Daryl Dixon.” You sit up, keeping your chest on his arm as you lean in, “I love you.”
I started to hate this towards the end but I NEEDED to get this off of my chest. I hope you enjoyed. As always, I love you so much. Thank you for reading! 🖤
likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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gutsby · 7 months
I’m a Good Girl, Officer!
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Pairing: Reader x Detective Dixon x Officer Grimes x Officer Walsh
Summary: Apparently flashing your tits to truckers on the freeway is frowned upon in small towns like yours. When three familiar King County cops take charge of the case, you learn they punish bad girls a little differently.
Warnings: NSFW. Foursome! :-) Unprotected p-in-v, spitroast, double penetration, overstimulation, praise and degradation, bimbofication, throatfucking, painal, breeding kink, using c*m as lube, and a (consensual) strugglefuck. Elements of dubcon à la power imbalance and coercion. Age gap. Public indecency, evading arrest, assault on two cops, and general drunken stupidity.
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“Goooooood morning, babycakes!”
Your best friend rolled the hem of her shirt over her chest and shimmied her shoulders at the big white semi truck about to pass under the bridge. The stranger at the wheel took one look at the woman’s tits and almost swerved across two lanes of traffic. The sight sent you and your drunken group howling with laughter, falling onto the ground as Maggie yanked her top back down.
It was five a.m. and freezing. The club where you’d been boozing all night had long since shuttered closed, and you and your closest friends from high school—home for the holidays and happily plastered—had gone wandering home in a daze. When one of the girls had stopped suddenly at the midsection of a bridge, you hadn’t been able to keep from sharing her smile the second she’d grinned and said, ‘For old time’s sake?’
In no time at all, you’d been lined up along the metal railing and ogling the unsuspecting drivers down below. The freeway was mostly empty at this hour, save for a couple tractor trailers and early morning commuters, but that didn’t matter.
Rosita was up next. You watched her eye an RV as it bumbled down the road and saw her take hold of her shirt just like Maggie had. Then, right when the camper got close enough, the brunette bent slightly at the waist, flipped her top up, and screamed at the top of her lungs:
A big, buff dude with a bright red handlebar mustache looked up from the passenger seat, as did the white-haired, bearded gentleman wearing a bucket hat beside him. The pair then watched your friend’s roadside spectacle with shared looks of wonder and awe, before passing under the bridge as slow as they possibly could. Rosita staggered off the ledge and reached for the flask in your hand, heedless of her breasts still hanging out.
“Your turn,” she chirped before taking a swig.
Your feet were already wobbling onto the concrete slab. From your vantage point, the outline of the sun was just then breaking out across the tops of the trees, casting the morning’s first rays across your bare skin. You stretched your arms out wide, Titanic-style, and basked in the warmth—likely looking drunk as all hell as you did.
“Ooo, this one, this one!” Maggie cut in presently.
You followed your friend’s gaze and caught sight of a sleek, glistening firetruck speeding down the road.
Perfect, you thought as your eyes soaked in the sight. You pictured the truck packed to the gills with hot and sweaty firemen inside, and your fingers itched at the bottom of your shirt. Curled under the fabric and ready to lift as soon as the time came. Even from a distance, you could make out a tiny cluster of uniformed men at the helm, each of their faces contorted with curiosity.
The truck sped up and drew closer. Maggie squeezed your hip, Rosita chewed her lip, and together, you all stared the firetruck down with bated breath until it was just about to go under the bridge.
In a blink, you flipped your shirt up and shook your tits back and forth for the men going by. Much to your surprise, the firefighter in the driver’s seat honked his horn a couple times, and another one, at the rear, stuck his grinning head out the window and waved.
You, Maggie, and Rosita waved right back, practically falling over each other in fits of laughter as you yelled,
“Call me, daddy!”
The three of you collapsed on the sidewalk in a heap of shitfaced hysterics. Rosita flung your flask to the side and smacked you playfully across your boobs—still out and proud and likely able to cut diamonds with how hard your nipples had gotten in the chilly morning air.
“Daddy?!” she wheezed, “You skank!”
You straightened up, partially splayed across Maggie’s lap, and wiggled your shoulders once more, feigning that high-pitched, ditzy voice you used whenever you were hammered,
“Daddy please fuck my titties, I’ve been such a bad girl!”
Then you gave the best porn star moan you could muster and started to pull your shirt the rest of the way off. Not thinking, you balled up the light pink fabric and threw it up in the air while Rosita cheered—‘Tits out for the girls!’—and Maggie almost pissed herself laughing. Really anything would’ve had your sides fit to split at this point, seeing how faded and adrenaline-drunk you were.
You reached up and waited for the top to fall back into your hand...until it didn’t. You cast a sweeping look across the three of you to see if your shirt had landed somewhere else, but the garment was nowhere in sight.
You turned and craned your neck to see over the railing.
You scrambled to your feet and gripped the metal siding of the bridge, tits fully out and exposed to the world. You watched as an old Ford Ranger picked up speed and crushed the scrap of fabric under its tires, before the driver, in turn, gawked and honked his horn like a fool.
Just as you started to turn back to tell your friends the bad news—and beg them for a piece of spare clothing to cover you—a sound startled you all.
The short, sharp yelp of a siren straight ahead.
Your hands flew to cover your chest while Maggie and Rosita went floundering over each other trying to get up. A few yards away, a police cruiser had pulled up to the side of the bridge with its lights flashing bright red and blue.
Shit, again, seemed to be the resounding sentiment among you three as the car started inching closer.
“Stop right there!” a voice boomed over the PA system.
That only prompted your group to take off running.
You, cradling your tits in both hands, and Rosita and Maggie trying desperately not to trip over the curb, the wayside trash, or each other as they raced down the street.
Two car doors flew open. Then, the sound of that same voice, breaking out across the still morning air without the aid of the intercom and telling you to freeze right now, followed by the sound of footsteps. Boots thudded heavy on the ground below, moving fast and with purpose. Both pairs easily gained on your three retreating forms in a matter of seconds.
Maggie and Rosita were already leaps and bounds ahead of you. Too busy juggling your tits and struggling to breathe, you felt your heart sink.
Rosita shot a look over her shoulder and cried, ‘C’mon!’ as she eyed the cops coming closer.
I’m trying, you wanted to say, but couldn’t speak. Your chest was too tight, pupils blown wide with fear.
This was not the fucking time to be having a panic attack. But here you were.
Before you could stop yourself, you waved a frantic hand to your friends and somehow managed to scream, ‘Go!’
The girls slowed, tried to urge you forward, but, sensing that you weren’t keeping up and wanted them to go on without you, relented at last. They bounded off toward a side street and disappeared down an alley while you felt your legs start to falter beneath you.
“Freeze!” the voice bellowed again. Loud, gruff, and much closer to your ear than it had been before.
You did as he said, not because you wanted to, but because you had to, then, or your body would’ve given out. Still in the grips of terror and rampant intoxication, you stopped in your tracks, spun on your heels, and watched the two officers sprint toward you.
You started to raise your hands in surrender, but just when one of them approached—presumably to tackle you to the ground—your instincts took over. You scarcely knew what you were doing; you just felt your leg lift with the last bit of strength you had left, then, astonishingly, deliver a kick straight to the first man’s gut.
To the shock of you, the cop, and his partner, the man went tumbling backward. Fell straight on the pavement in almost comical fashion and grunted in pain.
“Rick!” the dark-haired one yelled reflexively.
His gaze darted back to you in an instant.
You knew you were capital F fucked. You didn’t bother trying to run and simply stared at the man left standing in a mixture of horror and dread as he charged straight at you.
Your flight response abandoned, you had only to fight. And, by the looks of your opponent, you sensed this motherfucker knew how to tussle.
Before you could even prime yourself for another kick, the cop had taken you down with one lunge. Pinned you flat on the asphalt and yelled right in your face,
“I said don’t move!”
You moved. You moved in his arms while he wrestled you to the sidewalk, snaked his hand around your front, pressed your back against his chest. You moved when he barked his orders once more, told you to get down now and stop resisting, and even wrapped his arm around your throat to force your compliance.
Chokehold’s illegal, asshole, you thought, fighting hard against his grasp. This cop played dirty, and appeared to give no fucks about who could see.
Just as his grip started to tighten around your neck, you heard the other officer back on his feet, talking sharply into his radio:
“Code 10-33. Requesting backup on Fayette Bridge.”
At the same time, the man above you was trying to shake his head, craning his neck to get his partner’s attention.
“Nah, nah, Rick, I got her!”
When ‘Rick’ didn’t seem to hear and kept shouting into the receiver, the burly cop turned his body to the side, squeezing your neck even tighter.
“Rick!” he called, “I got her right here, she’s— FUCK!”
Suddenly, the man’s voice broke off in a strangled yelp as you sank your teeth into the flesh of his arm. When he loosened his grip out of instinct, stinging with pain, you made a desperate attempt to slip from his grasp and get back on your hands and knees.
The freshly bitten cop just slammed you even harder on the ground, unleashing a string of expletives in your ear.
“Fuck you, pig!” you screamed back.
You weren’t sure what had come over you in the few short moments preceding this one—what had irked you so terribly to be inclined to kick one cop in the stomach and bite another on the arm like a feral cat—but there you went. Face down on the pavement with a set of handcuffs being clipped over your wrists.
You winced when you were jerked back onto your feet, the cop’s left hand on your shoulder and the other at your back. He shoved you to take your first steps forward, you instinctively told him to eat shit and die, and as a grim, unsavory unit, you walked toward the officer with his grip still fastened tight to his radio.
“You alright?” Rick asked, out of breath.
His gaze seared right through you to his partner—whose face, you could sense, was already beset with a scowl.
“Bitch bit me,” he spat.
You saw Rick’s expression change, watched his mouth move to speak again, when a sound crackled out of the receiver in his hand. A couple code words and street names you couldn’t make out.
“That’s— that’s alright, now, Officer Walsh has the subject restrained,” Rick returned hastily.
At present, Mr. Walsh had his thumb dug deep in your back, ostensibly holding tight to keep you subdued but more than likely just being an ass. He felt you flinch and gave you a fierce shake.
“Quit squirmin’, girl.”
“Quit pinchin’ me, pig!”
“You’d best watch that fuckin’ mouth’a yours.”
The voice above your ear had you easily outmatched in volume and tone, coarse as it was unkind.
You decided to try your luck anyway.
“Make me, pussy.”
The last thing you saw was the look of bewilderment leap to Rick’s face as Walsh thrust you forward, suddenly, and slammed you face-down on the hood of their car.
“What’d I say ‘bout that fuckin’ mouthin’ off?! Huh?”
Rick grabbed this Shane’s shoulder in an effort to intervene. Tried prying him off before he could shove you down any harder, but his partner seemed adamant. Shane put his palm over the side of your head and knotted his fingers through your hair, quick to pull.
“Nah, man, I ain’t takin’ lip from some halfwit bimbo—”
“Hey!” you started, only to have your words muffled with your head forced back on the hood.
“Shane!” Rick snapped this time, taking a harder grip of his shirt and yanking him back. To your dismay, Shane kept a chunk of your hair clenched in his fist and probably dislodged a dozen or more strands when he was pulled away.
You let out a gentle groan as your head hit the car for a third time and the two officers broke off in a skirmish.
“You heard what Dixon said,” Rick hissed.
“Fuck what Dixon said!”
“You cain’t just— you got no right—”
“I got every right, man, lemme tell you sumn’—”
Before Shane could ‘tell you’ much of anything, though, the two were rendered silent by the sound of tires on pavement close by. A halt, a tense moment, a car door swinging open and closed, and a whisper passed quickly from Rick to Shane as the two exchanged a look,
“You fucked up.”
You tried tilting your head up toward the windshield to sneak a look in its reflection, maybe see who was coming. You couldn’t make out a thing.
Then, presently, the voice of a much more hushed, humbler Officer Walsh as he spoke,
“Detective Dixon, how’s it—”
“Six bucks.” Another man, presumably Dixon, cut in.
“Six bucks fer this fuckin’ coffee. Tastes like dirt.”
Oh, uh, yeah, you could just sense Shane shifting uncomfortably on his feet as he searched for the right words to say, maybe scratched his head once or twice. Fortunately for him, Rick came to the rescue.
“Tried that new place on Main, huh?”
“Nic and Norman’s, yeah. Eggs were runny as shit an’ the waitress kept callin’ me ‘Dale’,” the man, now presumably Dixon but not Dale, said in a huff.
It was as if you weren’t lying flat on your tummy with your top off and your hands cuffed behind your back. You stupidly hoped the new man hadn’t noticed you.
“Well who’ve we got here?”
You heard footsteps approach, but you didn’t turn your head. Your lungs expelled a small, shaky breath as this detective came by and stood inches from your bent form.
“She and her friends were flashing their tits to the cars passing under the bridge,” Shane declared, a touch too smug as he said it, “The others got away, but this one was sweet enough to grace us with her presence.”
“Kicked me in the stomach and knocked me on my ass,” Rick added.
“Bit me, too.”
You heard a low tsk-tsk as the detective clicked his tongue. Took another sip of his mud-flavored espresso and shook his head above you. Your skin burned with the imprint of his gaze.
“Spring break come a little late this year?” he teased.
“Fuck you,” you muttered.
The men let out a collective chuckle at your tart words. You could just picture the smirks and sly glances shared between them as they watched you writhe against the hood of the police cruiser and try not to give them the satisfaction of seeing your breasts splayed out underneath you.
You were ashamed, admittedly, unsure of how to proceed with three cops at your rear and few options at your disposal besides swearing up a storm. At last, you decided to shift your gaze in their direction and shoot them a glare—more of an empty threat than any real message, but you didn’t care.
You turned and immediately wished you hadn’t.
Your heart leapt into your throat.
This time, Rick and Shane were the only ones to laugh out loud, before quickly stifling the sounds when they realized their superior hadn’t shown a hint of amusement.
Daryl Dixon, the detective, and your brother’s best friend from college, stared down at you with a look of horror.
“Y/N,” he stammered, in shock.
It was clear he was trying with every fiber of his being not to look down at your tits, but his resolve was only so strong. Finally, he settled on looking away, fast, and staring off in the distance while you readjusted yourself.
“Been a minute,” he said, trying for a curt, awkward nod.
And a minute it had been. The last time you’d laid eyes on the man had been at a Christmas party hosted by your brother and his husband four years ago. You’d exchanged all of ten words in polite, drunken pleasantries, and he’d stumbled off at the end of the night with a gorgeous redhead dressed as Mrs. Clause. You hadn’t heard hide nor hair of him since.
For a moment, Rick’s eyes danced indeterminately between you two. Shane’s remained fixed on your face.
“You know this little hellion, Detective?”
Daryl cleared his throat.
“Yeah, uh, that’s— that’s Aaron’s little sister.”
“No shit?”
The words came out faster than Shane could think to stop them. Your hometown was no great metropolis, and even he knew of your brother through a friend-of-a-friend and several cousins’ babysitter’s grandma’s Aunt Carol, or some similar relation. He and Rick had probably partied at your lake house a couple times in college.
“Uncuff her.” Daryl’s voice had already lowered some, pacing away to give you privacy.
Shane obliged and freed you from the handcuffs. When you turned around, only the back of Daryl’s body was visible to you as he ducked inside the backseat of his car.
He returned a few moments later with a blanket. Tried his damndest not to let his vision stray an inch from your face as he handed it to you. Then he beckoned Rick over, and the two exchanged a few quiet words by his sedan.
“You got rabies or anything?” Shane was eyeing the tiny crescent of teeth marks on his forearm.
You rolled your eyes.
“Worse. I’m one of those walkers.”
Shane gave you a look that conveyed he was just as annoyed but didn’t say anything more, even when you made a face at him. He just crossed his arms, leaned back against the squad car, and gritted his teeth. Before you knew it, Daryl and Rick were walking back.
“I’ll take her to the station,” Daryl said.
“What?” you cried, “For what?!”
You knew for damn what. You just couldn’t believe your brother’s best friend wasn’t planning on giving you a family friend freebie of some kind.
Officer Walsh supplied an answer for you nonetheless, “Let’s see, now: public intoxication, public indecency, open container, and aggravated assault on two police officers. That clear things up, sweet cheeks?”
“You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
“Disorderly conduct, too,” Rick chimed in. Trying not to smile as he said it.
The only ones still not amused by anything this situation had to offer were you and Daryl. The detective looked positively pissed and ready to chuck his cup of coffee over the bridge, while you wanted nothing more than to disappear into the ether. The two of you exchanged a brief, uneasy look and quickly looked the other way.
Rick and Shane were already retreating to their cruiser. You just watched them, almost forlorn, and pretended not to see Daryl signaling for you to follow him.
“C’mon now,” he murmured.
“Can’t you just let me off with a warning?”
Daryl was treading closer to you now, hand outstretched in an almost gentle sort of gesture. Like he wasn’t about to cart you off to the slammer.
“Y’know I can’t do tha’,” he replied, “With all the fuss ya caused, Captain would have my head.”
When you wrenched your arm away from his grasp, you saw him frown.
“Hey,” Daryl said, a little more sternly now, “Don’t make this harder than it needs ta be.”
You watched him reach for you again.
Your first instinct was to shrug him off. Your second was to flee.
You weren’t sure why you even tried it—it just seemed like the right thing to do in the moment, like they did in the movies, to take off sprinting down the street. You gave it a shot.
Unfortunately for you, your feet didn’t carry you far, and Daryl had you snagged in his arms in about five seconds flat. You glanced to the first cop car and saw that Rick and Shane hadn’t even stirred from their seats. Just grinning and laughing at your attempted escape.
Detective Dixon had you by the bicep now, leading you toward his car with a little more force in his step. You were cursing, writhing, fighting every effort of his to corral you into the backseat, but, without much trouble, he pushed you in.
Rear doors locking automatically, you had little more to do than sit and pout and feel every bit the brat as Daryl buckled himself in and started the car.
“C’mon, Dar, this isn’t a joke. I could lose my job ‘cause of this,” you whined, threading your fingers through the wired metal barricade that separated you.
Daryl watched and waited for the other cruiser to fall behind him. Then he started off.
“Shoulda thought about tha’ before ya decided to show yer tits off ta the world, no?”
“Like four people saw us.”
In the rearview mirror, you could’ve sworn you saw a ghost of a smile cross Daryl’s lips.
“I got a pretty colorful phone call from a man named Eugene saying he saw three girls danglin’ half nekkid from a bridge tryin’ ta flag down a firetruck...Don’t sound all that discreet to me.” Daryl shrugged, pretending not to see you slump back in your seat.
“We were drunk!” you cried.
You threw your hands up and let them fall at your side, while Daryl made a wide left turn.
“You’ve done plenty of dumb shit when you were drunk, Dixon. Don’t even start.” You raised your hand like you were talking to your mother as an angsty teen. The man in the driver’s seat hardly seemed fazed.
You paused a beat, then jolted back up as an old memory stirred in your mind.
“Like— like the time you got so shitfaced on senior night that you stumbled into my room thinking it was the bathroom,” you said, hastily, “Pissed all over my floor.”
Daryl’s eyes darted up to meet yours in the mirror, sharing in that vague and ugly recollection from his college days.
“That was yer room?” he winced.
“I was twelve and terrified,” you said, hovering as close as the metal wall would allow you, “Didn’t even know what being piss-drunk meant until you decided to relieve yourself all over my Barbie rug.”
“Ah shit...I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“Let me out and we’ll call it even?” you ventured.
“Nuh-uh,” Daryl said, shaking his head, “Not how that works.”
You balled your hand in a fist and struck the wall between you, an exasperated sigh escaping your lips. Try as you might to fight it, you were still slightly buzzed and far more prone to anger than you normally would be. Daryl gave you a look.
“Pipe down, princess, ‘s’ain’t the end of the world.”
“And who the fuck are you to say?” you snapped, clenching your jaw.
Daryl pressed a bit harder on the brakes as he brought the car to a stop at a red light. Then he shot a look over his shoulder. His brow drew in just slightly.
“Yer a real brat, ya know that?”
“Really, pig?” you sneered.
“Yeah, slut.”
Your mouth fell open at the sound of Daryl’s first real insult. He’d been all placid smiles and gentle eyes, never lapsing in the civility of his rank or his respect for you, his close friend’s sister, until that point. You watched as his gaze visibly hardened and moved away from yours, foot hitting the gas when the light turned green.
“What did you just call me?”
“A fucking slut. ‘Cause tha’s what ya are,” Daryl answered, not missing a beat.
Had he lost his fucking mind? Who did he think he was? The man carried on, starting to increase the car’s speed,
“Nobody’s showin’ off a pair’a tits that damn pretty ‘less they’re a whore, ya know?”
You sat back in awe, hardly aware of the cruiser’s growing acceleration, or the fact that Daryl was just then starting to turn down a road you—and Rick and Shane—had never seen before. You were too offended. Flustered.
“Excuse m—”
“Yeah, I looked. You’ve got an incredible rack, really,” Daryl admitted as he cut you off, “Too bad it’s attached to such a worthless little slut.”
“Get fucked, Dixon,” you hissed, beating your fist against the divider once more.
“Oh, believe me, we will.”
Your blood likely would’ve run cold in your veins if you had the first clue what he was talking about. What did he mean by ‘we’? Why had he started smiling when he’d said that?
Presently, you looked out the window.
Where the everliving fuck had he taken you?
Instead of finding yourself parked outside the King County Sheriff’s Department, as expected, you cast a sidelong glance to the left and the right and saw nothing but trees. Wilderness. You were parked in a clearing, at what appeared to be a campground...in a quarry?
You turned back to Daryl, suddenly rigid with fear.
The driver’s side door was already slamming shut behind him. Instead of deigning so much as a glance at the back, he strode right past you and went over to the car that had just pulled up. Rick and Shane appeared just as confused as you were as they came to a stop.
You watched them, dumbstruck, pulse pounding in your ears as a hundred different thoughts danced in your mind and grew progressively darker the longer you stared. Were they going to torture you? Kill you? Cuff you to the car and kick the living shit out of you until you bled from the mouth and begged them for mercy?
There was no way the drunken fratboy of your youth, now a detective on the police force and your brother’s best friend, would do something so heinous, right?
You slinked back in your seat when you saw all three men turn and approach your car.
Now, more than ever, there was no place but the police car you wanted to be as Daryl flung the back door open and stuck his head inside.
“Hey,” he grinned, “Wanna talk?”
Before you knew it, your feet were planted on the rocky terrain directly in front of Daryl’s car, and your hands were clasped together. Not cuffed this time—just folded and trying to look as polite and unassuming as possible.
“We’ve got a proposition,” Daryl started, steady.
You watched him pace back and forth while the two other officers stood back in silence. Shane wore the faintest smirk.
“You don’t wanna go to jail, right?”
You shook your head no.
“Good, ‘cause we don’t really feel like bookin’ ya,” Daryl continued, “Too much paperwork an’ all tha’ bullshit.”
You nodded along, slowly. Relieved to hear you weren’t getting arrested but waiting to see what the ‘But…’ was.
“But, y’know— it wouldn’t be fair to let ya go that easy.”
You kept nodding. Now looking at Shane and Rick and finding both of them smiling.
“So I say we make ourselves a deal. That okay with you, sugar tits?” Daryl sneered.
You balked at the name but swallowed your pride and answered, ‘Uh huh’ in a small voice. Squeezed your hands even tighter together.
Daryl approached you for the first time. You stood there, trembling, still thinking there was a chance that the three of them might just beat the hell out of you right then and there—and you flinched when Daryl lifted his hand to your cheek.
He brushed a few loose hairs from your face.
“I think you need to start by saying sorry.” His voice was almost serene.
You blinked a couple times up at Daryl with wide, oblivious eyes, shaking your head when you didn’t understand what he meant.
“To Shane,” Daryl added.
Softly, he tilted your chin toward his friend, who was grinning even bigger now.
You struggled for a second, opening and closing your mouth a couple times before stammering:
“I-I’m sorry, Shane.”
Your voice barely reached them in a whisper. You were so confused.
And, just as you started to wonder if that was all they really wanted, or if there’d be some other catch, Daryl decided to supply you with a wordless answer before you could even ask. The “catch” caught you right on the backs of your legs as Daryl gave them a gentle kick, causing both to buckle underneath you. You fell to the ground on your hands and knees and straightened yourself up just in time to see Shane make his leisurely approach.
“I’m sorry, Shane,” you spluttered again, thinking he just wanted you to grovel there in front of him.
Daryl and Shane exchanged looks. Then they smirked at you.
“I think Shane would rather you show him how sorry you are,” Daryl said, suddenly leaning over to collect two handfuls of hair behind your head, “With your mouth.”
At any other time, such condescension dripping from a man’s tone would have turned you off—and pissed you off—immediately. With Daryl and Shane standing over you now, the former’s fingers slotting through your hair and the latter’s working to unzip his pants, you couldn’t imagine yourself being any more aroused.
It hit you like a ton of bricks, all at once.
They were there to fuck you, not fight you.
At least not in the way you’d imagined anyway. No doubt Shane was keen to get his fill, and might be a tad more aggressive than the others to get it, but Daryl would make sure he didn’t push too hard. He held your head in place while Shane pulled out his cock.
And, you hated to say it, but your mouth was salivating for a taste. You couldn’t be bothered to look up at either man now, just soaking in the sight of Shane’s thick, veiny member and feeling your face being moved closer to it. Not minding you were being manhandled as a gentle moan escaped your throat.
“Wanna show Shane how sorry ya are? Show him how good tha’ slutty little mouth’a yers can make him feel?” Daryl hummed.
“She’s droolin’, man,” Shane said, hardening at the sight.
You were. You couldn’t help it. You felt a thumb swipe at the spit that had just begun to trickle out of your mouth and sensed Rick at your side, enthralled as all the rest of them. Then that same finger drifted down to your tits, smearing the moisture all over one nipple before pinching the peak between two digits.
Your lips parted with another small whimper at the sensation, and Shane took that as his window to thrust his cock in your mouth. Caught off guard, you couldn’t help but gag when his tip hit the back of your throat, but Daryl steered your head back just in time so you weren’t choking on that first, single stroke.
“Easy, easy,” Daryl chided his friend as he watched your eyes water and your hand reach up to steady yourself against Shane’s thigh.
“You kiddin’? She fuckin’ loves it,” Shane grinned, “Don’t you, slut?”
You licked your lips and nodded. Didn’t bat an eye when Shane brought the head of his cock back down to your lips, and you quickly enveloped him in an open-mouthed kiss of sorts. Shane groaned at the sensation and couldn’t help but rut his hips.
“Such a fuckin’ whore,” he hissed through gritted teeth.
Daryl helped move your head up and down his length while you stared up at Shane with the prettiest, most fucked-out expression you could manage, and you felt his length twitch in your mouth. Daryl pulled you off.
“Now what do we say for kicking Officer Grimes, hm?”
Before you could answer, your face was tilted to the left, and you were met with the sight of Rick stroking his length at your side. A string of saliva still connecting your mouth to Shane’s cock, you looked up at the friendlier of the two officers and gave him a smile.
“I’m sorry, Officer Grimes.”
This time, Daryl let Rick take the reins, for a moment, and move your mouth over his shaft. You happily accepted him between your lips and started bobbing almost instantly. You relished the pleasure that flooded those soft blue eyes, the way they winced just a little when you took him to the back of your throat. Like he wanted to fuck your face but felt too overcome with some feeling or fear to give it a try.
You decided it was cruel to make a man so polite wait a second longer than he needed to. Presently, you pulled off Rick’s length with a gentle ‘pop’ and turned your head back over to Daryl.
“Can you please tell Officer Grimes to fuck my throat?”
All three of them froze for a second, taken back by the filth that had just come out of your mouth, still spoken so sweetly. You stroked Rick’s cock and pretended to be oblivious of what you saw. Deep down, you knew by the glint in their eyes they were yearning, lusting, fucking you in their minds with every innocent blink you made. You felt Daryl’s grip tighten in your hair.
“You heard the lady,” Shane said, words directed to Rick but gaze never leaving you.
Out of habit, his hand came to wrap around his own cock as he watched you take Rick’s. You glanced between the two of them, placed a quick kiss on the tip—first on Rick’s and then, to the men’s surprise, on Shane’s—and parted your lips when you moved back to Rick.
Officer Grimes didn’t hesitate this time. He leveled himself with your mouth and pushed all the way in. You started to moan, but the sound was audibly cut short by a spasm in your throat. Rick reached the back of your warm, wet orifice with ease and, going further than Shane ever went, actually slid down that space. Exactly how you wanted him. You bobbed your head and hummed to show your appreciation.
Encouraged by how eagerly you swallowed him and how quick your whimpers were to reverberate down his length, Rick moved his hips. Watched you gag once or twice and blink through a couple tears, before Daryl wiped the moisture away as Rick had done for your spit. You were every bit the pampered and primped fuckdoll in their hands, bobbing and licking and sucking him dry.
“Good girl,” Daryl murmured, massaging your scalp when you gagged again.
“Takin’ me so well,” Rick groaned as he fed you another inch.
Shane continued pumping his cock, grunting out expletives, and watching you all the while.
You pulled off of Rick for a moment. Whether it would piss them off or turn them on, you didn’t really care—but you reached up to Shane and replaced his hand with yours, before dropping a kiss over the head of his cock.
All three men seemed to love it. Especially Daryl.
Though he hadn’t made a move to get his own dick wet just yet, you got the sense the man loved to watch. Loved to see your mouth sliding up and down and swallowing more cock every time, thinking to himself what a nasty, filthy little whore you were and just waiting for the moment it would be his turn to claim your throat and the rest of your holes as his own. In the meantime, you wanted to give him a good show.
You jerked both Rick and Shane in either hand and chanced a look over at Daryl.
Locking eyes with him, you moved down over Rick and sucked half his length in your mouth. Then, just as quick, you took Shane between your lips and gave the tip a wet, spongy kiss before taking him to the back of your throat. The mound in Daryl’s pants grew even more pronounced.
“Hey,” Rick said, grazing your cheek with his knuckles, “Ain’t you gonna say sorry to Detective Dixon, too?”
You moaned against Shane’s throbbing length and made sure Daryl saw your tongue swirl over the tip. Teasing him now.
Presently, Shane pulled out of your mouth and grabbed hold of your hair.
“Gonna make him feel real good with that slutty little mouth’a yours, huh?” he growled.
You nodded and smiled. Wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and started crawling over to Daryl as soon as Shane let you go.
You couldn’t believe he’d waited this long—couldn’t believe you’d been sucking his friends dry all this time and hadn’t gotten so much as a glimpse at him. Daryl watched you with a comfortable, lopsided sort of smirk as you made your way over to him, clearly enjoying this view of you on all fours.
Not even a guillotine could take away the head you were about to give this man.
When you finally reached his knees and straightened up enough to reach for the zip of his brown slacks, you felt a hand catch you around the wrist. To your surprise, Daryl held you back and yanked you onto your feet.
“I wan’ my apology someplace else.”
That ‘place,’ you would come to learn, was simply on top of his car. Splayed out on the hood of his cruiser with your pants dragged all the way down to your ankles and kicked off at your feet. Daryl carried you there and stripped you down to your panties, leaving you all but naked and ogling him with keen, hungry eyes. Rick and Shane were quick to follow suit and seemed just as eager as you were to watch this scene unfold.
You reached for his clothed erection once more but found your hand swatted away.
“Nuh-uh,” Daryl shook his head.
You raised an eyebrow in question. You opened your mouth to speak but found yourself moaning instead when Daryl slipped a finger past your panties and between your folds. Somehow finding your clit quicker than you could even dream, he circled that tiny bundle of nerves with his thumb and teased the seal of your entrance with his middle and ring fingers.
You clawed at his wrist.
“But Dar— I-I wanna taste you so bad,” you pleaded.
Daryl grinned and plunged his two fingers deep inside you, holding your hip to the car to keep you from squirming. He nodded to Rick, who took that as his cue to press down on your other side. Together, they had you pinned to the hood and helpless under their touch.
Daryl curled his fingers up and caused you to moan.
“How bad?” he asked.
“So—” your voice broke off in a gasp when the pads of his fingers stroked your G spot, “So bad, Daryl, please.”
You could tell by the look in his eyes that he was savoring every second of this sight: you with your legs spread, begging and pathetic as he and Rick held you down. He probably would’ve liked to keep you there a little longer, maybe teased and fingerfucked you to the point of tears, but he got the sense that his friends weren’t possessed of quite the same patience. He’d just have to save the overstimulation for later.
Before you knew it, Daryl had given Rick another quick nod, released you from his hold, and pulled you off the car—before steadying you back on your feet, facing the vehicle.
Your hands flew out to catch yourself, but, before meeting metal, intercepted Daryl’s broad form instead. He took a seat on the front end of the car and caught you in both of his big, calloused palms.
“How ‘bout that taste, hm?” He was already starting to unbuckle his pants.
Finally. You promptly started to sink to your knees, when a light slap struck your cheek. You peeked up at its source and found Daryl shaking his head once more.
“Stay put,” he instructed as he started to pull his cock out of his boxers, “Rick’s gonna fuck tha’ slutty little cunt while ya suck me off, alright?”
It wasn’t so much a question as it was a signal—and an effective one at that—to get Rick off his ass and hurrying to get behind yours. In the next second, you felt a set of warm, calloused hands on your hips and a tender grip tugging you back to meet someone’s crotch.
Your pussy twitched with the realization of your current predicament: bent over between the two men, with Daryl’s cock mere inches from your face and Rick’s member throbbing above your heat. Never once had an image like this materialized in your mind’s wildest fantasies, but now that you were here, stuck between these two with Shane just then drawing closer, you found yourself turned on to no end.
You parted your lips to allow Daryl entry when Rick teased the head of his cock up your slit. You took just the tip of Daryl, trying to stifle a moan, and the man behind you rubbed the length of himself up and down the seam of your cunt to collect all your juices. Another inch of Daryl in your mouth and you were whimpering with the feeblest look up at him, needing Rick inside you too.
Daryl held your gaze and ran a hand over your head.
“Little slut needs her pussy fucked, does she?”
You nodded, bobbing gently over Daryl’s member. You were just preparing to ease him in another inch or two when all of a sudden, the head of his cock jumped to the back of your throat as Rick thrusted into you.
It was far less gentle than you’d expected, sending you deep down Daryl’s length and causing you to gag. You hardly had time to adjust, or pull off of the man in front of you to catch your breath, when Rick started pounding you from behind. Rutting his hips, grunting in time with his thrusts, and slapping your ass in quick, ruthless hits. Daryl groaned above you as you had no choice but to deepthroat him again and again.
Shane, ever impatient, approached your free hand and guided it toward his erection. He wrapped your fingers around his cock and helped you stroke him quick, all while your mouth and pussy were presently occupied by Daryl and Rick’s sloppy thrusts.
“Ya like gettin’ spitroasted, huh? Like gettin’ fucked in two holes at once?” Shane sneered.
“Fuckin’ loves it,” Rick answered for you with a smirk, “Never seen a pussy this wet in my life.”
You imagined all of them could see and hear the arousal oozing from your freshly-fucked cunt, but you sensed no one liked it better than Daryl. The man was entranced with the sight of your form getting fucked from behind, sucking him deeper, looking up through your wet, tear-stained lashes as you let him fuck your face. That pure euphoric look in his eyes was almost like a drug—you wanted nothing more than to keep it there as long as you could.
Mere minutes later, Rick’s hips were stuttering against your own and his cum was spraying all over your insides. You didn’t stop sucking Daryl.
Shane gladly switched places with Rick and took a greedy handful of your hips before pumping his cock once or twice. You flattened your tongue against Daryl’s member and took him even further down your throat.
The man behind you was panting, right about to breach your folds when a sight below him held him in place.
Rick’s load was just then starting to dribble out of your pussy, leaving a long white trail of milky residue down your slit.
Shane clenched his jaw.
“Still hungry for more, slut?” he said through gritted teeth. To your surprise, you felt his fingertips trace the outline of your cunt and start moving up toward your other hole.
He was coating your asshole with Rick’s cum, grinning when you flinched.
“Think she’s ever been fucked in the ass before?” Shane asked the others. He slipped a digit inside your hole and watched you moan on Daryl’s dick.
Daryl pulled you off his cock and held you by your hair, your mouth saturated with strings of fresh saliva.
“Have you?”
You swallowed and shook your head. Daryl didn’t let his gaze linger on you another second. He signaled to Rick.
“Right there,” he pointed with his chin.
You hardly knew what was going on or where Rick had hastened off to. All you could comprehend was the gruff tone of Daryl’s voice telling you to get up, now, and the feel of Shane’s hands still holding you, guiding you back to your feet. When you didn’t move fast enough for his liking, Shane simply swept you up in his arms bridal-style and started carrying you himself.
Over his shoulder, you spied Daryl and Rick exchanging words and the latter placing the blanket you’d worn earlier on the ground. You almost felt tempted to ask Shane what they were planning to do, just starting to speak, when the man brought you over to the spot and set you right down.
The three of them had you circled in an instant.
Before the question could even form on your lips, you watched Daryl join you on the blanket. His smirk was evident.
He patted his lap for you to come straddle him.
When he started to lie down, your hands followed suit, eager to rest on either side of his chest, but another touch held you back. Behind you, Shane had grabbed hold of your hair and turned your head to face him.
“Spit,” he ordered, holding his hand under your chin.
You did as you were told and watched him rub your spit all over his shaft, before bringing his hand up to your face again and repeating his command.
At the same time, Daryl had lifted his hips and was guiding you closer to his cock. Your gaze moved down, then up, then over at Rick with a look of confusion, only to dart back to Daryl when you felt him split you open with a single thrust.
You had just been impaled on Daryl’s cock, mind reeling at the stretch and sensation, when you felt two fingers slip between your legs from behind. Daryl gripped your face and brought it down to his—wouldn’t let you look over your shoulder as the other man’s hand started to traverse the contour of your ass.
You were pulled in for a kiss as Daryl bottomed out inside you. Tongue hardly able to keep up with his as moans and whimpers went bubbling up in your throat, you just sat there, straddled him, and let him use your pussy any way he pleased. He snapped his hips and groaned your name between your lips, while the hand that was prodding you from behind finally reached its intended destination.
You yelped into Daryl’s mouth the second you felt a full, hefty finger slip inside your ass. Officer Walsh, no doubt.
The two men at your rear all but moaned as your tight little hole contracted around Shane’s finger and Daryl continued to pound you from below. It was odd, that sharp, disparate feeling of Daryl’s cock drilling your pussy while Shane’s digit pumped a much slower pace in your ass. Your senses had kicked into overdrive, and you couldn’t keep from showing your pleasure with every sound that you made.
Shane withdrew just long enough to add another finger, smearing a mixture of cum, spit, and your own juices all over your walls for lubrication. You sensed him moving closer, when Rick grabbed hold of his shoulder.
“Give her a minute,” he muttered.
Shane scoffed, shaking him off.
“Little whore looks plenty ready to me,” he retorted as he eyed your slick, sensitive hole.
Suddenly, your throat was clasped in Shane’s big hand and your head pulled tight against his chest. He had taken his cock in his other hand and was angling his length just right to press the head between your cheeks. Daryl had slowed almost completely.
“C’mere.” Daryl beckoned you closer with a tender look. When you leaned down to lay flat on his chest, he smiled, stroked your hair, “Jus’ hold on ta me, alright?”
Your walls were already squeezing his cock like a vice and your fingernails making white-hot crescents in his shoulders—you couldn’t hold him tighter if you tried—but you nodded. You let him kiss you again, felt a little more fit to take his tongue this time, and eased down along his shaft until you were filled to the brim with nothing but him.
That last part changed as soon as Shane thrust into your ass.
You jolted forward and instinctively tried to pull off his cock, but Daryl held you tight. Brushed a few stray strands of hair from your face and started peppering your skin with kisses the louder you whimpered.
“Doin’ so good for us, baby— takin’ our cocks so well,” he cooed in your ear.
You whined at the fierce burn between your legs as both Daryl and Shane pushed inside you. Rough fucking was one thing, but being penetrated in both holes simultaneously while sandwiched between two men just brought the sensations to entirely new heights. You clawed at Daryl’s shoulders and damn near sunk your teeth straight through your bottom lip.
“Good girl,” the man below you mumbled as he watched your face contort in a medley of pleasure and pain, “Tha’s my good girl.”
“Fuckin’ whore,” Shane spat, shoving his cock even deeper. Clearly not one for tender anal training.
Now it was Daryl going slow and sweet, just barely stirring his cock inside you while Shane slapped your ass and yanked your hips over his own. You saw Rick’s previously-deflated cock grow hard in his hands, and you proceeded to watch him watch you as he stroked himself a few feet away.
You needed another distraction. You caught Rick’s eye and simply licked your lips in silent invitation. He was filling your mouth in a matter of seconds.
With three cocks pumping in and out of you, you felt every bit the fucked-out brat you knew they’d wanted to claim. Your brain had all but melted to mush in their hands, your body manhandled and fucked every which way while your thoughts yielded, in turn, to pure anoesis.
There was something unusually freeing about being a living, breathing fuckdoll for these three King County cops. You couldn’t get enough.
Rick pulled his dick out of your mouth just long enough to slap you with it.
“This what ya needed?” he teased, tapping the head of his cock on your spit-painted cheeks, “A good fucking in all your holes to make you behave?”
You stuck out your tongue and tried to nod, your body still shaking with every thrust from Daryl and Shane. Instead of pushing back in, Rick simply rubbed his cock all over your face and shot you a look that was soaked to the core with condescension. Somewhere below, Daryl began toying with your clit.
You sucked in a breath between broken moans and clenched harder around both men inside you.
“Think she wants a switch,” Rick grinned.
In a minute, you felt yourself hoisted back up—Shane pulling out and Daryl rising swiftly to his feet. Two sets of hands helped maneuver your body to a position you’d never tried, never even seen before as your legs hooked over either one of Daryl’s arms and your ass was thrust back. Then, to your relief, it was Rick at your rear this time, rubbing his tip along your red and stretched out hole while your head came to rest on his shoulder.
You were pressed between the men once more and cradled comfortably in their arms. Daryl took care not to rut into you too hard while Rick was still coating your arousal across the hole Shane had just fucked raw.
“Shh, shh,” Rick’s lips dropped close to your ear while he pressed a wet finger inside, trying to relubricate the area.
You wiggled and squirmed, a bit too sensitive to keep still at this point, so Shane reached in and took you by the throat.
“Hold still,” he snapped. Stroking himself with his free hand.
You watched his eyes drift down to the spot where he’d just been, where Rick was trying to squeeze into, and felt the first real twinge of bliss when you felt the head of his cock tease your entrance. This was softer, even sweet. Paired with Daryl’s extra slow thrusts and the sounds all three were making as you spread your legs even wider, you first became aware of a knot in your tummy.
When the warmth of your ass enveloped just the tip of him, you felt it constrict even tighter.
Rick let out a groan and struggled to keep from thrusting too hard. Shane tightened his grip on your neck.
“C’mon now, sugar tits, don’t act like you ain’t just—”
“Shane,” Daryl growled.
Rick didn’t stop. You squeezed both cocks and moaned.
“I’m just sayin’ if the slut could fit my cock in and—”
“Fuck,” Rick hissed.
You were bouncing in between them now, head lolled back on Rick’s shoulder and hand pressed flush against Daryl’s chest. Steeped in pleasure as they stood and fucked you stupid.
Shane continued to tug his cock and stare you down with hungry, possessive eyes.
Daryl’s moans turned to shallow grunts while Rick’s breath fanned soft across your cheeks in ragged breaths. You writhed and you grinded between their two bodies, too lost in your own ascent to pleasure to sense anything else. Your skin was wet with a sheen of sweat and both holes all but soaked between the two men. Their cocks plunging in and out at a vicious pace until the coil in your stomach was nearly starting to ache.
“Feelin’ good?” Rick hummed in your ear.
“Gettin’ close?” Daryl joined.
Shane’s hand closed around your throat until your lungs could scarcely breathe and your vision blurred with stars. Making one last strangled moan, you rolled your hips and felt something taut and tight and blisteringly hot break loose across your abdomen—and not just the ropes of cum shooting deep inside you.
Alongside that tiny eruption came a blitz of pleasure unlike anything you’d ever felt before. Your body went haywire, every square inch of your skin alight with ecstasy and your mind going numb in a surge of bliss. You moaned and felt the walls of both holes spasm desperately over Daryl and Rick alike, and suddenly, something far beyond your control seemed ready to tear your body in two.
A beat of silence. Your consciousness gradually returned.
When you opened your eyes, the first thing to grace your sight was Daryl’s shining face, grinning ear to ear with the happiest expression.
You blinked and watched him closer.
As your vision adjusted and the world came clearer into view, you caught a glimpse of what seemed to have stretched Daryl’s smile so wide—and what had made his features so unusually luminous in this light.
Your eyes widened.
Daryl glanced to Rick, then Shane.
“Who knew she’d be a squirter?”
Presently, your juices were coating Daryl’s face and chest, having spurted straight from your cunt in the throes of climax and spraying all over his front.
Your pussy still clenched and convulsed as the cum from either man went seeping out of both holes.
Even Shane was left speechless, having just milked the last of his own release and watched you come undone in near-pornographic fashion. His chest was still heaving, blinking in disbelief and exchanging sly looks with Daryl and Rick every now and then. Rick pressed a kiss to your shoulder and smiled.
And, just when it seemed any one of you were liable to break that spell of silence with a laugh, the rattle of radio feedback startled you all.
Somewhere amidst the articles of clothing strewn around you, a walkie talkie clipped to one officer’s belt rang loud with the sound of a voice from a neighboring county’s dispatcher.
“All available units, high-speed pursuit in progress— Linden County units request local assistance. Highway 18 eastbound, GTA, ADW, 2-17, 2-4-3. Advise extreme caution.”
All three men stood to attention. Daryl and Rick lowered you quickly to the ground while Shane went scrambling for his clothes.
“Suspects are two male Caucasians. Be advised they have fired upon police officers. One Linden County officer is wounded.”
“Shit!” Rick hissed.
“Unit 1, unit 3, to eastbound Route 18. Two miles west of Interstate 85. Will patch in Linden County sheriff radio.”
“Is tha’—” Daryl started.
“We need to go,” Shane interrupted.
Another voice broke out over the line,
“Roger that. We’re five minutes south of the Route 18 intersection.”
Daryl tossed you what garments of yours he could find and snatched your arm in a breakneck haste. Before you could so much as slip your shirt over your head, though, you found yourself carted back over to his squad car and pushed toward an open door.
“I’ll explain on the way.”
For reasons you couldn’t yet understand, you knew this call didn’t bode well for any of you. You took one last look at Officer Grimes and felt a twist in your stomach.
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frost-queen · 7 months
Bodyguarded (Reader!Grimes x Daryl Dixon)
Requested by: Anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: Reader is Rick's younger sister. You're very sweet with a sharp tongue which Shane doesn't seem to like. Shane keeps bothering you as he finds you cocky. To your surprise is Daryl always around to keep Shane away from you eventhough he doesn't like you, right? [ read part 2 & part 3 & part 4 & part 5 & part 6]
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A basket got dropped beside you. It made you look up from your crouched position. – “Seriously?” – you called out at Shane. – “You couldn’t have dropped this ten minutes ago? We are almost finished.” – you went on. Shane exhaled loud wiping his hand down his mouth. – “Why do you always have to open your big mouth.” – he replied with a soft glare. You slapped the shirt in your hand down in the water as some water splashed up. Getting all worked up by how he threated you.
Shane watched as you got up but before you could do anything had Carol jumped up with you. Moving her hands in front of you to hold you back. One look of her was enough to make you settle down. – “Just do as you are told!” – he ordered finding himself amusing. You clenched your jaw, pushing with your body against Carol’s arms as they kept you in place. Shane scoffed funnily before walking off. Sighing loud lowered Carol her arms from around her.
“Come on Y/n.” – she said softly with a gentle nod. You took another deep breath squatting down again. – “I just don’t understand why he brought this now. He knew he had laundry ten minutes ago, didn’t he.” – you spoke trying to understand why he would taunt you like this. Carol took out a shirt, splashing it into the water. – “Let’s finish this up together.”
Carol and you washed the rest of Shane’s clothing. Obeying to what you have been told. When you were done you went back with Carol to the camp. You went over to Glenn handing him his clothes back. – “Aw sweet Y/n!” – he said bowing to you as a thank you. It made you smile back. You then went over to the campfire where Daryl sat munching on some meat. You gestured in silence to his clothing, moving them up in your hands.
Daryl gave you a brief glance before continue to ignore you. You wanted to place it down as Daryl suddenly pointed at his tent. You nodded back making your way over to his tent to lay it down in the front. You barely got up when you felt two arms wrap tightly around you. It startled you making you squeak loudly. Recognizing the arms around you, you eased up.
“Do that again sweetheart I like the way you sound.” – you heard Carol’s husband comment at you. Daryl spitted on the ground turning his gaze towards him in a tight clench. You turned around glaring at him for even saying such a thing in front of Carl. Carl was still hugging you as you held your hands against his back.
Carol gave you a look of sympathy wishing she could do something against her husband’s behaviour. You turned your attention down to your nephew. You led him away from everyone. – “Stay close with him!” – you heard Shane call out to you. You looked briefly over your shoulder seeing him stand by the car, elbow leaning against the open door. You simply turned back to the front as Shane scoffed. Finding you very cocky and thinking you were full of attitude when you honestly weren’t.
You just never understood why Shane was like this towards you. Carl and you made your way towards the woods a bit drifting away from the others. – “Auntie Y/n.” – Carl said as you hummed loud as a reply. Carl jumped on top of a log balancing his way across. You remained by his side in case he lost his balance. Carl hopped off joining your side. He picked up a stick, swaying it around. – “Do you still think about dad?” – he asked as it made you stop shocked. Then you turned around to him with a sweet smile.
“Everyday little one.” – you answered stroking his cheek. Your motion slowed down feeling a sudden wave of sadness. Thinking back about your brother Rick made you emotional. Carl noticed how glossy your eyes had become. – “Sorry auntie Y/n… I didn’t mean to make you sad.” – he said feeling guilty of ever asking it. You sniffed loud, blinking your tears away. – “Don’t worry about it Carl.” – you told him with a laugh.
You straightened your posture pulling him close to your body for a hug. – “If you ever want to talk about your dad and feel like you have no one to turn to, you come to me.” – you said hugging him tightly. Some twigs snapped as it didn’t make you respond quickly enough. Before you knew it had someone grabbed your elbow, pulling you away from Carl. – “I told you to stay close!” – it was Shane who yelled at you. Holding you roughly by the elbow.
“Do you want to put Carl in danger?” – he continued shaking at your elbow. – “Do you think you can save Carl from any walkers?” – he laughed once mockingly. – “Let her go!” – Carl called out running up to Shane to pound his fists against his chest. – “Go to your mother Carl!” – Shane made clear pushing Carl off him. – “Don’t talk to him like that!” – you answered loudly.
Shane’s face contracted with anger. He grabbed you by your neck, pushing your head down. – “I am so done with your attitude Y/n!” – he responded pulling you with him. – “No! leave her alone!” – Carl shouted at him. – “Go to your mother Carl!” – Shane roared out. Carl turned around taking a run for it while wiping his tears away.
“Shane let me go!” – you screamed trying to get his grip from on your neck. He puffed loud pushing you down onto the ground. Body hitting the ground and rolling a bit over. – “I’ve had it with you Y/n!” – he made clear pacing around. Wiping his chin. Breezing around like a hungry wolf. – “I don’t want you near him anymore. You are a bad influence.” – he spoke rubbing his hand over his head. You scoffed shockingly with an amusing undertone. – “I’m sorry. Boss!” – you snapped at him sarcastically.
Shane puffed his chest up slightly raising his hand till he stopped. Eyes widening at the feeling at the back of his head. – “You raise that hand of yours and I’ll shoot.” – you heard come from behind him. Leaning a bit to the side, you saw Daryl stand behind Shane with his crossbow against the back of his head. Shane lowered his hand again with a grunt.
Daryl moved his crossbow slightly to the side, right over his shoulder. An arrow fired. With a zap it found it’s target. Seconds later the sound of a corpse dropping. You had gasped looking over your shoulder to see the last of a walker drop down. – “Next one will be through your head.” – Daryl whispered to Shane. Shane moved storming off.
Daryl lowered his crossbow stepping over to you. He lowered his hand to you, looking away. Hesitantly you took it allowing him to pull you back up to your feet. – “Tha-“ – you started cut off by Daryl walking off. Taking a few deep breaths, you returned afterwards back to camp. Lori looked at you concerned holding Carl against her side. You simply smiled faintly at her to show her it was all right. You didn’t want her to worry. You took refuge in your tent needing time alone.
At nightfall some were sitting around the campfire. You sat near Glenn laughing silently at some funny things he said. You stopped laughing seeing Shane seemingly make his way over to you. He neared and before he could take another step had Daryl gotten up from his seat near you. His gaze stern, posture grand. Carol watched Daryl pressing her lips amusingly together.
Shane puffed with a shake of his head, turning back around. You were looking at Daryl, questionable when your eyes locked as he looked back at you. The contact was brief as Daryl seated himself back down as if nothing had occurred. Shyly smiling at yourself you couldn’t help but feel special that Daryl seemingly did seem to care for you. Otherwise he wouldn’t step in and just let Shane do whatever he likes around you.
Daryl noticed you were staring all smiley at him, making him shift his posture more away from you. You smiled looking down making briefly eye contact with Carol across the fire. Instantly you snorted knowing she was probably thinking the same. Glenn went on to talk to you as if nothing had happened.
After a few days you started to notice Daryl was more around you. Always near to keep a close eye on Shane. Whenever he even made the slightest movement towards you, he made one little movement to let Shane know if he even tried he’d be face to face with him. One day you decided to tease him about it. You were in the woods with Carol, Lori and Carl further down as you made your way over to Daryl who was keeping a watchful eye on you all.
Daryl looked uncomfortable away when you neared. – “Daryl.” – you said to greet him. – “Y/n.” – he mumbled back, looking around as if searching for walkers. You weren’t getting much out of him further so you decided to prank him. Suddenly you gasped loud as if startled. It made Daryl turn his head concerned to you. – “Is that Shane?” – you called out making Daryl turn his head again to look in the direction you were looking.
He immediately took a defensive pose before you, almost grabbing for his crossbow. When he noticed he was looking at nothing, he sighed loud. – “Damn it Y/n!” – he grunted out. – “Do you think this is funny?” – he asked looking your way. – “I do when you get so protective over me.” – you responded with a smile. Daryl rolled with his eyes. – “Like hell I care.” – he outed sounding annoyed.
You kept looking all smiley at him making it almost impossible for him to keep himself from looking back at you. – “I think you do care. Otherwise you wouldn’t keep Shane away from me.” – you told him. Daryl puffed loud. – “Maybe I just don’t like him.” – he responded with half a shrug. – “Or you just very much like me?” – you teased grabbing him by his shirt.
Daryl swallowed nervously when your noses almost touched. Daryl’s expression softened around you. His breathing tickling your lips. His expression made you blink surprised seeing the lovey dovey’s in his eyes. He moved his hand to your cheek letting it brush against it. Before he knew it he closed the gap between your lips, kissing you hard. You hummed loud, pulling away. - "So not caring are you?" - you chuckled out. - "Shut up." - Daryl answered before shutting you up with another kiss.
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twdbegins · 6 months
Floral Sheets
Daryl Dixon x Fem! Reader Tags: Fluff. Word Count: 2.1k "Not ready for tomorrow yet."
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The sun had set over Alexandria long ago.
The hues of orange and purple had faded with the falling sun and transformed the sky into a canvas of inky black, speckled with twinkling stars -- a perfect end to an otherwise arduous day.
Alexandria was thriving, and everyone in it was better than they had been in years...possibly since the apocalypse had begun.
Once a quiet suburban neighborhood, it had become a safe haven for Rick and his fellow survivors in a world full of the living dead. Alexandria was more than another camp...it was a symbol of human resilience and a testament to their will to survive.
There was a consistent supply of food, shelter, water, and (most importantly) safety. It was the safest and the healthiest that Rick and his group had been in a long time.
Alexandria had blossomed into a perfect sanctuary, and everyone was grateful for it. But such a thriving community required intense and constant work to keep it to that standard. Keeping track of weapons, supplies, and all the basic resources was vitally important. When certain supplies were to the point of restocking, Daryl was almost always the errand boy.
He could handle himself better than anyone in Alexandria. He worked well alone, and he could get himself out of a dangerous situation if he found himself in a pinch.
Daryl knew that he had a long day ahead of him from the moment his feet hit the floor early that morning. He had several stops to make on his journey outside of the walls of Alexandria, and a few of those stops were quite out of the way.
Not to mention, the blazing heat of summer was nearly blistering during the day, and even during the night hours, it wasn't much cooler. It was so humid that sometimes it made the air so thick that it felt like breathing soup.
Daryl was used to the heat, and while it didn't bother him all that much -- it still made a long, tiring day even longer and more exhausting.
And the moment that he stepped through the door late that night, he felt a sense of relief crash over him. It was significantly cooler inside your house, and he was so glad to be out of the heat and at home.
He had three things on his mind when he entered your home: food, a shower, and you.
If he could have it his way, he would've liked those things in reverse order -- but he couldn't bring himself to wake you just for a shower you didn't need, and he doubted you wanted to be disturbed just to sit with him while he horked down whatever he could scrounge up for dinner. And he knew you definitely wouldn't want him crawling into bed without eating or showering.
His boots thudded softly against the wooden floor, his steps heavy and not as quiet as he wanted them to be. He knew that you would be long asleep by now, and he wanted to do his best to keep you sleeping peacefully.
He made a beeline for the kitchen, his stomach grumbling and growling with the simple request to be fed. He smacked himself for not snatching a can of something for himself when he was unloading the goodies he had picked up that day, but when he opened the refrigerator -- he realized that he didn't need it.
Right there, sitting perfectly wrapped on the center of the top shelf, was a plate of that night's leftovers that he knew you had saved just for him.
He didn't even need to see what the leftovers were to know that he was about to scarf down every last morsel on that plate. He didn't even bother heating it up because eating it cold didn't make a difference to him in the slightest.
He rinsed his plate (a habit that he only came to have after living with you full time) and left it in the sink to be washed in the morning before moving on to his next step.
He opted to use the shower on the opposite side of the house, knowing that using the one connected to the bedroom would surely end up with you waking up to the sound of him clambering around.
He was caked in dirt, sweat, and who knows what else. He felt five pounds heavier just with whatever was sitting on his skin and clothes. Daryl didn't mind getting dirty and staying dirty, but tonight it was actually bothering him a bit.
Needless to say, a shower was needed.
It was well appreciated nonetheless, and the stream of water felt incredible on his tired muscles that were in need of rest. He took his time though, maneuvering around the tiny guest bathroom shower and scrubbing his body until his natural skin tone wasn't obstructed by muck and grime.
He lathered soap on his face, ears, and neck thoroughly, watching the evidence of the long day wash along the shower floor and down the drain to never be seen again. He rubbed his eyes, feeling his eyelids grow heavier by the minute.
The fatigue was setting in fast. Between his fed belly and the relaxation of home, several hours of sleep were calling his name...and no matter what anybody said, Daryl had made the decision to sleep in the next morning.
After all, he knew you were awaiting him just across the small house, and he would never pass up an opportunity to wake up with you.
Once he felt fresh and clean, he turned off the water and stepped out. He dried himself, wrapping the towel around his waist to make the short journey to the bedroom. He gathered his dirty (an understatement) clothes so they could be washed later, knowing to toss them in the hamper (also a habit he developed post-living with you) by the closet.
His feet made it to the closed bedroom door, and he was slow to open it. As he knew you would be, you were curled up in bed and sleeping soundly.
He stopped in the doorway for just a moment to observe you. Your eyes closed softly and your breathing steady brought a flutter to his heart. It let him know you were comfortable and safe...you felt safe.
You were the balm to his weary soul, your presence a comfort he had come to rely on. He didn't watch you for long, knowing that he would much rather be with you up close than from afar.
He approached his side of the bed, carefully adjusting his pillow and peeling back the covers...to reveal quite the surprise.
Ordinarily, Daryl wasn't sure if he would've even noticed. However, this was such a difference that he wasn't sure if he couldn't have not noticed.
New sheets. He thought to himself, the corners of his lips turning up slightly.
In terms of quality, this bedding was a major upgrade. Your last set of sheets were very plain and, despite the fact that they kept you warm, were just plain overused.
But in terms of looks? Daryl wasn't so sure that this new bedding was an improvement.
You had mentioned to him a time or two that you wanted to change up your bedroom. Alexandria was proving to be your permanent home for the foreseeable future, so making your house the way you wanted seemed logical. Over time, Daryl had managed to find random furniture pieces out in the world outside the walls. Lamps, chairs, and whatnot.
Sheets, on the other hand, were much harder to come across. Frankly, Daryl hadn't ever found a set of sheets that were suitable for sleeping on...no matter how many times you washed them.
Daryl studied the sheets. They were light pink, decorated with a simple printed pattern of roses. It wasn't the tacky grandma type of floral/rose design -- this pattern was much more simplistic...dainty even.
Daryl didn't exactly love the sheets. But a bed was a bed, and as long as you were in it, he didn't rightly care.
Least the comforter is the same. He thought to himself.
He climbed into bed, the mattress dipping under his weight. He tried to keep his movements slow and gentle, but Daryl wasn't exactly known for being graceful.
He winced when you began to stir with a whimper, a brief look of panic in your eyes when they opened.
“Hey, hey…” He rested his hands on your shoulders. “It’s just me.”
You stared at him through squinted eyes for only a moment before sighing out a breath of relief and falling back into your pillow. You wasted no time moving closer to him, snuggling up to him with a content, soft smile.
"Hi." You whispered.
"Hey, pretty girl. Sorry I'm so late gettin' in."
You shook your head, not even giving it a second thought.
"It's okay. How was today?" You asked groggily.
He wrapped his arms around you, pressing his lips to your forehead. He felt the stress and pressure of the day melt away in the feeling of you.
"Can't complain. Got what we needed," He said. "I'm sorry I woke you."
"It's okay," You shrugged. "I'm happy you're here."
Your face was nuzzled into his neck, the smell of bar soap from his recent shower filling your senses. Daryl danced his fingertips along your back, noting that you were much warmer than he was from being in the bed for longer.
Speaking of, he knew it wouldn't be long before you wanted to discuss your new addition to the room.
“I got new sheets.” You mumbled, but even in your state of half sleep, he could tell you were excited about it.
“Mmhm.” He hummed. "I noticed."
The sound of his indifference caused you to pull your head back to look at him.
“You don’t like them?” You asked.
“A bit girly for me. Glad you like ‘em though,” He said. "Where'd you get 'em?"
"Michonne actually. She and Rick were out today and found a place stocked with that sort of stuff," You explained. "It must've been a Bed Bath and Beyond or something."
"A what?" He snorted.
"Bed Bath and Beyond. It was a furniture/home decor retail store back in the day," You explained. "That was a joke, but it had to have been some kind of home decor store. I don't know how else they could've found bedding this nice and new."
Daryl gave a small chuckle, amused by your high enthusiasm for just a set of new sheets. But he understood that they were much more than just sheets to you. They comforted you, and they gave you something to be excited about.
"What do you have to do tomorrow?" You asked, and Daryl couldn't help but groan.
He didn't want to think about tomorrow yet. He had literally just finished today. He knew that, even with a late start, he would have a day just like today: busy, hot, and exhausting.
For now, he wanted to enjoy the end of today...or what was left of it at least. He wanted to hold you close, get some sleep, and be thankful for another day survived.
And hope for many more to come.
"Same ol' things," He sighed. "Not ready for tomorrow yet."
You understood what he meant and ditched the topic. He smirked when you kissed him, which was your way of changing the subject and when you had run out of things to say.
Not that Daryl minded.
He held your face in his hand, keeping you close and preventing you from straying far from him. He felt himself melt into you, the best feeling in the world after a day like this. He wished he could have this every night.
His kisses were lazy and slow, which was a bit out of the norm for him. You could tell he was fighting sleep, and you didn't blame him in the slightest for being tired.
"How about we get some sleep? I know you're exhausted." You brushed a strand of hair from his eyes, noting how heavy they looked.
Normally, he would've fought for a few more minutes...but tonight, sleep sounded all too good.
"Yeah." He agreed.
"Talk more in the morning?" You asked, and he gave a grin.
"'Course, baby." He pressed his lips to the crown of your head.
Daryl shifted further under the covers, making sure that you were snuggled in and warm. Daryl kept you close for the rest of the night, sharing kisses when he could and keeping you in his dreams.
All wrapped up in those pink, floral sheets.
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thewalkingthread · 8 months
"He's Mine" - R.G.
pairing: rick grimes x f!reader
summary: s4 ep16. Joe's group finds you in the woods. reader is the one targeted instead of Carl
warnings: cursing, angst, mentions of sexual assault, blood, gore
a/n: this scene is my Roman Empire
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You were tired, exhausted from the day's journey. It's been three days since the attack at the prison. Three days since you've seen most of your family. You were lucky enough to have found Rick and Carl after everything went down, even luckier when Michonne came knocking on the front door of the house you were hiding out in.
It was nighttime now, you sat in the front seat of a rundown truck while Carl laid down in the backseat. It was unlikely that you'd get much sleep being so vulnerable in the open right now but Rick and Michonne insisted that you get some rest.
Your eyes stayed on the pair as they sat on a log off the side of the road. Every so often Rick would look into the truck, his eyes locking on yours before he returned back to his conversation with Michonne.
Things with Rick has always been a bit confusing for the both of you. It was clear from the moment you met that there was something there between you. Of course, nothing ever came out of it. He was married and desperately trying to fix the brokenness in his family.
Now that Lori has passed, it's been even weirder. Neither one of you wanted to make the first move and burst the safety bubble you were in, in terms of friendship. Nonetheless, you both knew you cared for one another deeply.
Your eyes dart to the woods when you see movement. Your heart drops as you see a few men creeping in the trees, eyes directly on Rick and Michonne. You knew what was about to happen. You weighed your options. You could scream and warn them, but you had no idea how many of them there were, nor do you know their intentions.
You guys are incredibly unarmed, nothing good would come out of this.
"Carl." You mumble quietly, trying not to make it obvious that you weren't alone in the truck. You have no idea how many of them are our there, no idea how many people were looking at you right now.
Carl stirred and grumbled slightly at your call, you shush him immediately.
"Carl, I need you to very slowly and quietly lay down on the floor of the truck. Keep the blanket over you completely." You mumble. "There are people surrounding us. I need you to hide until me or your dad tell you to come out. Do you understand me?" Your heart raced as you saw the men creep out from the treeline.
Carl quietly did what you said. "Y/N? What's happening?" He was scared. Carl tries his best to keep up with his dad and be a man, but he's still just a boy. It's a scary world now.
"Everything will be okay. Stay hidden, no matter what you hear, okay? Promise me." Your breathe hitched.
"I promise."
That was the last thing he said before one of the men shoved his gun against Rick's temple. You jumped in your seat as another man smacked on the window next to you. You tried your best to avoid glancing back at Carl.
The man grinned at you through the mirror, the creepiest grin you've ever seen. You couldn't hear what the other men were saying to Rick, but eventually a few more men came into view.
The creep tapped on the window, licking his lips as he stared.
Daryl strolled up to the group, it looked like they knew each other?
"Joe!" Daryl yelled, giving a name to the mystery man. You could tell he was trying to talk down the man that held a gun to Rick's head. It looked like whatever Daryl was saying was working, the man still held his gun against Rick but it looked like he was thinking about what Daryl was saying. All hope and relief you felt when your eyes met his vanished when two men grabbed Daryl, punching and kicking him.
Your heart drops as the other man throws Michonne to the ground. The door of the truck swings open and you pray that Carl is brave enough to be silent.
The man grabs you roughly, pulling you out of the truck before patting you down and throwing your pocket knife a few feet away. You fought to wiggle out of his grip but he pushed you against the ground faster than you could blink.
"Shhh.." He says into your ear. "We're gonna have some fun, sweets."
"Leave her be!" You could hear Rick yell over all the commotion. The grunts of Daryl filled your ears as he got punched and kicked only a few feet away from you.
The man on top of you was chuckling as you tried to fight him off, clawing at him and squirming to get out from underneath him.
"Listen, it was me. It was just me." Rick grumbles to Joe.
"See, now that's right. That's not some damn lie." Joe chuckles. "Look, we can settle this. We're reasonable men."
"Get off of me you sick bastard!" You shout, spitting at the man. His hands found it's way to your chest and you screamed as he touched you.
"First, we're going to beat Daryl to death. Then the girl. Then when Dan finishes having his fun with that one over there, we'll all have a turn." The smugness in his voice was deafening.
"Then I'm going to shoot you and then we'll be square." Laughter leaves Joe's body.
"Let her go." Rick says again, as your being turned onto your stomach.
You wanted to cry as Dan pressed your face into the dirt. The pain was forgotten as the sound of his belt buckle clanking rang through your ears.
"This is going to be a whole lot worse for you if you don't stop fighting." Dan grunts into your ear, pressing against your butt. Sobs begin to leave your mouth as reality of what was about to happen sets in.
There was no hope.
The man tugs at your jeans, trying to pull them down.
A gun fires. Everyone seems to pause for a moment. Dan stops for a moment and you take the opportunity to look up, praying that none of you were hit by the bullet.
You see Rick take a swing at Joe before Joe hits him right back, knocking him to the ground. Dan immediately goes back to what he was doing, trying to rip your clothes off of you. You reach for you pocket knife that was just out of reach.
Your cries filled at air when Dan pins you down once again.
"What the hell are you gonna do now, sport?"
Then a squelching sound fills the air before a body thuds to the ground. This time everyone freezes in surprise. You look back at Rick to see him completely covered in blood from his nose to his chest. He spits out blood and skin and your eyes fall onto Joe's limp body on the ground, blood gushing out of his throat.
Michonne doesn't waste a beat as she grabs a gun and shoots the guy holding her before taking out the ones that held Daryl.
Dan is on his feet in seconds once he realizes he's the only one left. He pulls you up, pressing against you as he holds a knife to your throat.
"I'll kill her. I'll- I'll kill her!" He shouts as Michonne points the gun at him.
"Let her go!" She demands.
Rick pulls a knife out of Joe, standing up and balancing himself. His eyes lock onto Dan, it was almost like he had tunnel vision. He pants.
"He's mine."
Rick takes a few strides towards you and you feel Dan's grip on you loosen as he's consumed with fear. He pushes you forward, staring to beg Rick for mercy.
Daryl catches you from hitting the ground as you watch Rick stab Dan over and over again. Michonne stands by you, trying to block your view of the slaughter.
"Carl." You whisper, realizing that he was still tucked inside the truck. "C-carl." You wiggle out of Daryl's grip, running to the truck and swinging the back door open.
You could see Carl's figure shaking underneath the blanket. "Carl." You say again. "Come on out, it's okay." You whisper. Slowly he peaks his head out, once his eyes meet yours, his body instantly relaxes and he's pushing himself off the ground and throwing himself into your arms.
You, Carl and Michonne stayed in the truck for the rest of the night while Daryl and Rick stayed outside. Nobody talked. Rick looked to be in his head.
Carl laid on across the back seat, his head resting on my lap. You tried to lull him to sleep but it was clear that nobody would be getting a blink of sleep after what just played out.
When the sun started to rise you asked Michonne to take your place, not wanting Carl to be alone. Daryl had gone out to scout the area.
You poured some water onto a clothe and sat down in front of Rick, settled between his legs but leaving enough space to make it appropriate.
His eyes flickered to yours as you wiped the blood off his face.
“Should’ve saved the water.” His voice was hoarse. You shook your head, trying your best to clean him.
“He shouldn’t see you like this.” You say calmly, wiping his hands clean once his face and neck were clean. Rick watched you intently.
“Are you okay?” His voice softens as he asks. You clear your throat, flashbacks of last night playing through your head. Ricks clean hand reaches up and his thumb rubs your cheek softly.
You were able to catch sight of your face in the car mirrors. Red scuff marks littered your face where you were pressed into the ground.
“I’m okay, it’s not that bad.” You shrug. Rick stared into your eyes, his hands still holding your face.
“Are you okay?” He asks again, really holding your gaze. Your chest tightens and you know you won’t be able to fight the tears.
Rick let’s go of your face but pulls your body into his immediately. You let the tears fall as he held you. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered in your ear. “I will never let anything happen to you. Ever.” He kept apologizing, his voice cracking every so often.
“You’re safe.” He says. “You’re safe with me.”
And you knew that he was telling the truth.
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darylsfavoritegirl · 4 months
SUMMARY: Daryl and fem!reader are on a run only to end up doing nothing besides killing walkers and sprinting here and there but they do end up finding a well-cared house to spend the night!!!
nsfw content
this is my first smut BE nice🥴
WARNINGS: unprotected p in v (i suck at putting warnings so pls help a girl out
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"Shoot." You breathed out, looking around the suburban neighbourhood with a veiled concern bearing your face. Daryl panted next to you as you placed your pistol in its case, turning to him. You gave him a once-over, your eyes narrowed at the blazing sun that was melting your skin off.
"We've been killin' walkers for how long now?" He inquired.
"I don't know." You muttered in a tone barely above a whisper as your eyes scanned the big, fancy neighbourhood.
"It's gonna be dark soon. We have to stay somewhere." You spoke.
"We'll leave at the first light." You mumbled as you started walking ahead of him. You had been killing walkers and sprinting for so long that you started to feel your feet swelling inside of your leather boots. Your entire body was melting under the heat, sweating all over your clothes like a breeding pig. You could feel the odour coming from your body. You grimaced at the awful smell when you heard Daryl's grunt
"Got nothin' at our hands." He complained referring to having nothing from this run you'd been at it since the early morning.
You rolled your eyes
"How could we know that place was overrun with walkers?"
You wiped sweat droplets on your forehead with your right hand as you sighed audibly. You sensed him halting in the middle of the road to to take off his vest. He put down his crossbow to the ground as you turned him. He glared at you, squinting his eyes because of the scorching sunshine. His face was red from the heat. There were walker bloods all over his clothes and body. Some of it dried on his lips and brows. It might just be night, you notioned inside of your head as you darted away your eyes, wondering how'd you look in this dreadful day. You could feel your drenched baby hairs sticking to your face.
"We need ta find water." He asserted.
You stayed silent as you licked your lips for the millionth time. It was a vain thing to do, they'd get wilted seconds later, drying and wrinkly; every single time.
"We do." You huffed.
You placed your hands on your hips, looking around. There were the tiniest amount of breezes hitting your face which weren't satisfactory for the most part considering it'd burn your eyes and make your lips go dry. You tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, looking for a hair tie on your wrists.
"Let's go." Daryl grunted as he grabbed his crossbow and slunged it over his torso. He had checked his bag once again only to end up with a disenchant look upon his face when he noticed there was nothing to eat nor drink in his bag.
"If only that walker hadn't grabbed my backpack." You whined under your breath, feeling the rage and disbelief in your words like electroshocks through your veins. He was walking next to you, completely silent. That bag of yours was full of water bottles and food and even one of your comando knives you tossed in before leaving the house in Alexandria.
"Got ta find a shelter."
"Spend the night." He repeated your words to you. You scoffed tauntingly
"That's exactly what I said." You looked over him from the corner of your eyes. He remained silent. You'd always annoy one another at turmoils like this. You could never figure out why. It was almost like you were magnets, repelling each other, though this would only occur when you were all alone and there was some sort of a chaos breaking infront of you; it was unbearable and it'd sting.
"You can't possibly think all these houses are loaded with walkers, though."
"Right?" You added with a weary tone to the odd silence.
"Nah." He stated with a firm tone.
"Jus' don' wan' ta get into more trouble than we already got." He uttered silently, slowly scanning the area with his eyes; not blinking.
You walked for a while, both of you scrutinizing the area with wide eyes to find the most suitable house for you to harbour the night. Not only you were getting thirstier every second but also starving to death.
Your grip on your semi-automatic handgun loosened as you started to walk slowly. Daryl was a few inches infront of you. He turned his head to you and glimpsed at you for a second before turning away to his direction. He put his hands on his pockets.
You leered at the the swimming pools that were semi-full with foul water, leaves floating on the surface smoothly as you passed by the houses. You twisted your mouth at the statement you were contemplating to say out loud.
"I can't believe I'm willing to drink that water." You admitted as Daryl turned his head slowly to you.
"Nah, ain't that desperate." He huffed, scorning you in a playful manner.
"That's rich coming from you." You responded, implying all the moments you witnessed him eating or drinking the most nauseating things.
Your soft chuckles filled the air for a brief moment.
"See the one up there?" He inquired, pointing his finger at a suburban house that was far from the others.
"Why'd they put it on a damn hill?" You questioned, failing the hide the skeptical tone in your voice.
"Dun' matter."
"Sure as hell gon' be at our favour." He added as you placed your hands on your waist, head lightly tilted to the side and an eager expression bearing your face.
"C'mon, let's do dis." He mumbled before gazing at you for a second and started walking ahead of you. You were both fatigued from the day yet you had to go on.
You'd walked in tandem before reaching to the house. Daryl opened the front gate, scanning the area incase of an intrusion from walkers.
"Seems safe." He assured. He was holding his knife close to his chest with a firm stance and a stiff grip. He gestured one of his hands to you to stay quiet as his eyes roamed the yard.
"Why's the lawn look freshly mowed?" You whispered, not taking your eyes off the ground. You furrowed your eyebrows at the scene infront of you as Daryl stayed silent and kept walking to the entrance door.
"They woulda heard us comin' in."
"They left." He added, sounding confident in his statement.
"You sure?" You asserted in a wary tone. Dealing with a bunch of people who resided the house you were about to break into for a night was the last thing you wished considering your conditions.
"Yeah." He grunted under his breath.
Daryl reached to the entrance door as you took your place near him, scrutinizing other houses that were all below the one you were standing on.
"Walkers can't get near this one, huh?" You mouthed as he was trying to get the lock break.
"Yeah. Tha's why they must'a stayed in for too long." He spoke when he finally opened the door, a radiant expression appearing on his face.
"After you." You cooed as you grabbed his backpack off the frontstep.
You gaped at the house unraveling infront of you and clattered an "Woah." sound silently as you dropped the backpack to the floor softly.
Daryl turned to you, looking rather nonchalant. You tapped your fingers together with a wide grin on your face, a subtle smirk appeared on his aswell when your gazes met. Nevertheless, he made his way to the open kitchen and started going through the drawers and cupboards for something to eat and drink.
Your overwhelming feeling wave of triumph vanished. You checked Daryl from the corner of your eye as you traced your fingers on the closet next to the entrance door. You brought your fingertips within sight, eyeing the thick layer of dust accumulated on them in less than 5 seconds. Your thoughts started to ponder inside of your head, debating if they'd left and if they did, why?
Your track of thought was interrupted with the metal clanking sounds coming from Daryl and you turned your body to his side. He was knelt down on the floor, putting only so many canned food to his lap and grabbing a few water bottles that were sitting next to him. You stared at his plain anticipation and the open drawer next to him. It was full of jars that contain different legumes and canned food. He must've sensed your piercing gaze on him. He raised his head, his face growing more pale with each second.
"Sumthin' wrong?" He uttered.
"No." You managed to say quickly as you forced a faded smile. You took a few steps towards him. He beheld you for a brief moment before getting up and placing his stash on the kitchen counter.
He was gazing at you with prudenceness bearing his stern features.
"Walkers got 'em." You observed as you reached for a canned food he opened.
"Kinda crazy how well they were stocked." You uttered low, not maintaining an eye contact.
"Rich folks." He insinuated between his munchs as he passed you a bottle of water.
"Yeah." You sighed.
Both of you were lying down on the sun loungers besides the swimming pool, it was rather neat than the ones you had seen that day. Your loungers weren't next to each other. You both had eaten too much food that you were exhausted, hands on your stomaches lightly while observing the pool with lowered eyelids.
"Atleast we have some canned food for 'em." You uttered exasperatedly, leering at Daryl without moving your head too much. You observed your knees for a while, both of you weren't talking yet you did appreciate the serenity. You traced your knees with your fingertips when something in the background caught your attention.
You furrowed lightly, moving your legs to the side. You examined Daryl for a brief second before getting up and hurrying to the other side of the pool. You knelt down and inspected the button for a hot minute, debating if you should turn it on. You shrugged your shoulders softly, not giving it a second thought. You pressed the button. You lifted your head to the wall infront of you, shades of so many different colors reflecting on it. You turned your head to side only to see the same situation appearing on the glass door. You turned around on your knees, anticipation on your face with a wide open mouth and enlivening look upon your eyes mixed with a glossy glare.
"Great. An alive walker bait." Daryl breathed out as he went back to leaning back on the lounger as he placed his hands on the back of his head.
You sighed as you got up, head lightly tilted to the side with a distorted disheartened look on your face. You placed your hands in your pockets
"Don't be such a buzzkill." You hissed bossily. In reality, you didn't really care what he had to say about it as you went back to glimpsing and admiring the scenic you'd created.
You could feel Daryl eyeing you up and down while you stood there and observed the yard. It was rather beautiful though, the mollified pool now was colored with blue ledlights under it, giving it a look as if it was off of a luxurious catalog, a pool you could only dream of having back in the day.
You sighed as you turned your head to him. Your gazes met and maybe he wasn't appreciating the colorful lights bearing the yard but did he love to see you under those, how it would light up your soft skin. He could watch it for hours, hence was the piercing gaze.
You shifted your gaze to the bushes surrounding the yard, dim lights turning the scenic into a calming and an assuring one. Your gaze was fixed on the lights, not moving at all with a slack jaw.
You smiled, hands still in your pockets.
You giggled at your thought as you grabbed the hem of your tank top and took it off immediately. You gave your hair a good swirl with your fingertips and shook your head in apace for a while. He fixed his glare on you.
"What? I'll fuckin' swim, Dixon." You spoke, swaying your body in a motion as you started humming a tune of a long forgotten song. He smirked, raising his brows in a steady motion as if you'd told him something a mad man would utter.
You gave him a one last grin as you arched your back. The full moon was dancing on the surface of the water as you sliced through the air and dive into it. The calm surface of the pool broke, splashing water to the edges. You embraced the weightless form of your body under the water. The voices above water were now muffled; you were only able to hear your heart pounding on your chest. Your eyes were screwed shut, thumb and index fingers still gripping the sides of your nostrils gently as you felt your hair dance beneath the water.
You opened your eyes, taking a peek above at the blurred light. You swam to it, ascending above water. The warm night kissed your wet skin. You turned around to see Daryl, a wide sneer bearing your face. You swept your hair to get it off your face.
"This is real nice." You giggled with a wide-eyed face.
He was leaned forward with attentiveness in his posture. Nonetheless, those taunting features were still there, on his face.
" 'M sure." He grunted, leaving you curling your lips downward as you creased your brows in a frisky way.
"Fuck you, Dixon." You huffed as he sneered at you. His hands met between his widely open knees as he leaned forward even more.
You turned around the pool, diving deep into it when all of a sudden a mischievous thought filled your head. You sniggered at the idea, causing bubbles to come out of your nostrils. You swam to the edge of the pool, pulling out a necklace that had been in your shorts pockets more than a week now. You had found it on a random store months ago.
"You'll never believe what I found at the bottom of the pool!" You exclaimed, putting your best act. You didn't lift your head to meet his gaze yet you could feel his eyes on you.
You shook your body in apace, water splashing to both sides as you lifted your gaze to meet with Daryl's. Your eyes sparkled with a fraud elation.
"Come here!" You giggled.
He came near you, knelt down so close to the pool that you could yank him into it any moment. You were standing on the stairs of the pool, watching his jeans drenching.
"Wha'?" He huffed. He made every effort to to conceal his wide grin playing on his face yet did he horribly fail. Your eyes met as he lowered his eyelids, looking through your soul.
"Check." You uttered low before passing him the necklace. He reached his hand to grab it and see the reason why you were juiced up. At that moment, before he could even grab the necklace, you threw it to the marble floor. Before he could even glare at you with a blank stare, you seized him by his biceps and tried your best to yank him into the pool. He didn't fall into it on your first attempt however he fell out of kilter. You giggled before playfully yanking him even harder into the pool.
"Y/n. Don't!" was the muffled sentence he managed to make out of his lips before falling into the pool and staying beneath the surface for a second.
He ascended above water as he started to splutter water all around him from his mouth. You stayed a few inches away from him as he laughed out of frustration and irritation. He ran his hands through his drenched beard as you crinkled your nose in a flirtatious manner.
"Sorry." You twisted your mouth, trying to envoke an apologetic tone in your voice.
"Ya- Ya a damn tease." He laughed, trying to fight off his frustration out of his mind and body.
You swam to him as you locked your eyes on his. The wind blew, causing you to shiver. The rough water kissed your bare shoulders. You shifted your gaze to the bushes, hearing the rustling sound. The cold water wasn't helping with your situation as you looked back at him.
"Are ya cold?" He murmured in his mouth.
"I'm fine." You spoke.
You sighed as you moved your hands against the sides of his face, feeling his wet hair on your wrists as you pressed your forehead lightly to his, your eyes screwed shut. The water on the surface was dancing in a ravid rate triggering goosebumps to swarm all over your body.
"Best get outta dis pool." He mumbled against your lips, his warm breath tickling your nose.
"Yer cold." He added, grabbing your shoulders in a protective manner with his brawny hands. You felt his drenched clothes grazing your body under water. He failed to hide his concern. You giggled at the serenity surrounding both of you.
"I'm fine." You highlighted, doing your best to reassure him.
"Ya'll get sick." He shifted his hands to the temples of your head, lifting his head to press his lips harshly against your forehead. His balmy lips made you feel as if you were liqufied onto the water, dropping the every last bit of you. It sent shivers down your spine as your bottom lip trembled.
"No fever." He uttered. His smokey eyes were fixated on you. He opened his mouth to say something else before you cut him off.
"Shut up." You leered at him through your drenched eyelashes. His eyes lightly widened before a smirk bearing his face. He remained silent. You placed your index finger on the center of his lips, gesturing him to shush.
Your eyes admired his lips and darted away to his eyes couple of times for a hot minute. Your thumb took the place of your index finger and softly rubbed his bottom lip, his damp beard tickling your palm. You gave him a small peck on the lips before pulling yourself away. He eyeballed you through your soul, observing the led lights shine on your skin.
"Dun' wan' ta do this in water." He mumbled, dazzled from your soft kiss. You loved how easily he would be turned on by your tiny little kisses.
You smiled, hand still gripping his face lightly.
"Let's not then." You cooed. You both swam to the edge as Daryl got out of the pool with soaked clothes. He reached out to you with his hand and you seized it.
"Careful there." He grunted as you got up and observed him with big eyes. He peered at you with dilated pupils, hunger for your taste drooling all over his body language as he paused briefly.
"Fuck this." He groaned as he yanked you to himself, completely lost in lust. grabbing your elbow with his right hand as he grabbed your waist with his other hand.
You almost toppled over him. Your lips were pressed all together as you regained your balance.
"It's slippy, Daryl." You exclaimed as he left wet, sloppy kissed on your lips though you meant the floor.
"Dun' matter." He hoarsed in your mouth as he led to you one of the loungers and pinned you against the thin sheet covering it. Your wet hair drooled over your torso, sending shivers down your spine. He straddled over your hips as he reached for your left hand with his right hand and squeezing it.
He rested his body weight on you, leaving you breathless for two main reasons as a whine escaped your mouth. You could hear your heart pounding on your ears, safe to say it was the only thing you'd hear as a man 3 times your size resting his body weight on you, ironic though; it would not only be as intolerable as one would think, but also arousing. You bit your bottom lip, god did you hate it. It would just snitch on you, how vulnerable you'd become in moments like this as he changed his position on top of you.
The squelching sounds from your soaked clothes and bodies made this moment more challenged, hence the increasing heat of the moment. He pulled away from the kiss as he took off his sleeveless t-shirt and dumped it to the side. You eyed his defined abs as he was on top of you straddled, his right feet was on the ground and the other one was resting on the side of the lounger, crossed. Feeling an ache between your thighs, you squeezed them.
He felt your motion beneath him and shifted his eyes to your hips.
"Already?" He sniggered.
You didn't speak as the fire in your abdomen grew thicker. You traced your hands to cup his neck and yank him into a wet kiss. He placed his hand next to your head to get strength so that he wouldn't collapse all over you. You could feel his bulge poking at your belly as he did not even come close to unburden his body pressure on yours. You cut off a kiss as you panted.
"Take this off me." You hissed, pulling the hanger of your bra. His hand left grabbing your neck gently to unclasping your bra that now was making you feel suffocated. He tossed it on the other lounger. He glimpsed at your tits like a pervert for a second or so as he grabbed you by the waist.
"Get on top." He eagerly uttered, panting when he gripped your ass and moved you right on his bulge with zero effort. You observed his beautiful features beneath you, as you made out your heart had to pump all of your blood to rush to your throbbing cunt. You grinded your hips against his bulge before undoing his jeans and lowering them to his knees.
You were ass-naked sitting on his thighs as you spat on your hand and stroke his hard cock as if rubbing a lube. Soft moans escaped your mouth at the sight of his sensitive pink- now turning into a purple-ish color tip. You felt your cunt dripping, slicked all the way up to your clit as you placed his cock on the entrance of your pussy.
You locked your gaze on his as you started jerked your hips all the way down his cock, working up yourself to take it all in.
Your brutal pace and fiercy eyes were pushing him to the brink of madness, yet you devoured this sight and you knew it'd send Daryl over the edge to see you stretching your pussy with his fat cock.
Your pace became swifter gradually as your lewd moans and his harsh grunts filled the yard that was colored with ledlights. Your ass started to slap his balls and hairy thighs as you had to hold onto his broad shoulders and dig your fingernails for strength. Your hands followed his chest and put pressure on it as your head fell back.
His trimmed pubic hair that was brushing against your cunt now started to be covered in white-transparent creamy liquids coming from both of you. You shook your hair and threw your head to the back. He groaned at the sight of it and your eyes met as Daryl side-pulled a strand of hair that was obstructing your view.
Daryl's hands, then, shifted to your waist as he forced your hips down to get all of his length.
"Gon' cum all over ma cock?" He groaned as his brawny hands obtained the control of your waist to the fullest.
You arched your back without saying a word.
"Wha', ya dun' talk now?" He hissed between his heavy breaths, trying to manage his heaving chest. A smirk appearing on his face as he grabbed a fistful of your hair, forcing to arch your neck to the side. That was the moment your whole downer body started to shake uncontrollably.
"Asshole." You smirked at his motion as you started riding his cock faster to a point where he had to throw his head and loosen his grip on your waist.
"Not so smug now, huh?" You rasped.
"Yeah." He growled when all you could see was the under of his chin.
You collapsed on his body as you reached your climax.
do we love a tit-perv daryl😜😜 i think he is definitely a tit guy rather than an ass guy but whateverrr i honestly enjoyed so much writing this!!! what do yall think?
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e-m-christina · 8 months
Daryl Dixon's Kinks Would Include (NSFW)
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Guess who is posting after a century? Anyway I thought I would give the Daryl girlie's some content! Also who has watched the new show?
Date posted: 11/11/23
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Bondage - that man is skilled with ropes and knots, so you can be assured he likes to incorporate that in his intimate life. He prefers seeing you all tied up, the way the rough ropes squeeze around your tender flesh drives him wild. Though he wouldn't be against being tied up himself if he trusted you enough.
Biting / Marking - Daryl loves to leave a mark. Seeing your neck and soft skin covered in red marks from where he sunk his teeth in made his heart pump. He wanted everyone to know you belonged to him, and since he isn't one much for talking, leaving marks for everyone to see was the perfect solution. (Though he does not like spanking/whipping/hitting becuase of his past and he does not want to unintentionally hurt you).
Submissive vs Dominant - He's a switch, no doubt about it. He loves to dominate you, and feel you squirm underneath him as he ravages your body. When he's like this all he wants to do is fuck the living lights out of you, and make you know that you are his. Yet sometimes, he likes to watch you take control, and feel himself be used by you - it really depended on his mood.
Quicky's - Don't get me wrong, he loves taking the time to make you feel good, and be intimate but often on busy days there isn't the time to do that. But he he always tries to fit in a quicky in between missions - he would go insane if he would have to wait so long in-between otherwise. He loves the frantic, fast pace of quicky's. The slapping of skin-on-skin would ring through his ears for hours after, making him crave more.
Hey guys, it was a short one today! But you can check out my other TWD work (finished + upcoming) on my MASTERLIST
Thanks for reading!
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mawidixon · 24 days
"I will be your light in this cruel world"
Daryl x fem!reader
Genre: fluff
Setting: Season 5 - Alexandria
Warnings: Twd violance (killing walkers and other stuff), swearing
Summary: Daryl never thought about marriage until he stumbled upon a beautiful ring in an abandoned jewelry store. From that moment, he put all his effort into making the engagement special.
A/N: I love that one-shot! I wanted to write Ink and Ashes first, but I just needed to write this!
@mawi22 I don't want my work to be modified, copied, or any of this kind of stuff without my consent!!!
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It was one of those days when nothing seemed to happen and all the time was wasted. Daryl was on the run, alone because you were assisting Carol in cooking a meal for the rest of the people. To make matters worse, you had accidentally cut your leg while in the woods and you could not run in case of anything. Daryl, the hunter that he is, was now walking on a street that looked as if it had been abandoned. Attached to his belt were several rabbits that he had killed during the day.
The street was deserted; the closed shops bore testimony to what they used to be some time back. Cracked wooden panels and peeled paint spoke of a different reality that no longer existed. Daryl’s eyes shifted from one store to the other, the archer was ever vigilant. He was not only hunting for food but he was looking for anything that could be of use back in Alexandria.
He walked around each shop with purpose, looking for groceries, food tins, medicine, utensils, clothes, and other items. The rabbits followed the movements of the man, a small sign that he was successful in hunting. With every twist of the handle of a door and every crunch of his boots on the floor littered with debris, his senses were heightened. Daryl was determined; Alexandria required much more than food, and he aimed to make the people there as ready as they could be.
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Soon, Daryl approached a destroyed jewelry store, its windows shattered and the door barely hanging on its hinges. With a cautious glance around, he pushed the door open, the jingle of a broken bell echoing eerily in the silence. Inside, the store was a chaotic mess, but remarkably, the displays of rings, necklaces, and other jewelry remained largely untouched. As he stepped further in, Daryl's eyes scanned the glittering pieces. Gold, silver, and other precious metals lay scattered about, some adorned with diamonds, others with various gemstones. The price tags, still attached, revealed their former value—these items had been incredibly expensive. In the old world, Daryl wouldn't have given them a second look, their opulence far removed from his everyday concerns. But now, in this new world where rules no longer applied, he could take whatever he wanted without consequence. Yet, the question lingered: what was the point?
Daryl continued his search, moving from display to display, his mind occupied with thoughts of Alexandria and the group. He checked behind counters, opened drawers, and scanned the room for anything useful. He was about to leave, dismissing the jewelry as unnecessary, when something caught his eye.
In a dusty display case near the back, a beautiful gold ring with a shiny sapphire gleamed faintly. The deep blue stone seemed to capture the dim light perfectly, drawing him closer. Daryl's thoughts immediately turned to you. He remembered the welcome party in Alexandria, how stunning you looked in that blue dress, the way it brought out the color in your eyes. The sapphire reminded him of that exact shade. He stood there for a moment, the ring in his hand, feeling an unexpected wave of sentimentality. In the chaos of their current lives, moments of normalcy and beauty were rare. This ring, this small token, could bring a bit of that back. He imagined your face lighting up when he gave it to you, a symbol of something good amidst the turmoil.
With a newfound resolve, Daryl slipped the ring into his pocket and left the store. The day, which had started as long and monotonous, had suddenly gained a new purpose. He continued his search of the abandoned street, but now with a hint of a smile, knowing he had found something special for you.
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"I dun' know when to give 'er this ring," Daryl said, his rough voice barely a murmur as he twirled the sapphire ring between his fingers. The deep blue gem caught the light, casting small reflections on the walls of the dimly lit room.
Rick, leaning against the doorframe, glanced at the ring and then back at Daryl. "You've been together for a long time," he said, his tone gentle but firm. "Maybe it's time to propose to her." Daryl shook his head, a mix of uncertainty and self-doubt clouding his usually stoic expression. "Nah, she gonna say no," he muttered, his gaze fixed on the ring. Rick stepped closer, his brows furrowing in concern. "Why do you think like that?" he asked. "She loves you, man. And you love her. What's the problem?"
Daryl let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly. "It's jus'... things ain't never been normal for me, Rick. I ain't used to all this," he gestured vaguely with the ring, indicating the weight of emotions and commitments it represented. "What if I ain't good enough for 'er?" Rick's expression softened. He placed a reassuring hand on Daryl's shoulder. "Listen, we've all been through hell and back. None of us are the same as we were before all this. But what you have with her, that's real."
Daryl glanced up, meeting Rick's eyes. There was a flicker of hope in his otherwise guarded expression. "Ya really think she'd say yes?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Rick nodded firmly. "I do. She's stuck by you through everything, Daryl. That means something. She sees the good in you, even when you don't see it in yourself."
After that talk with Rick, Daryl began seriously thinking about how to propose. He knew it had to be perfect, something truly special. Unsure of how to go about it, he sought advice from Carol and a few others. Carol, always insightful and supportive, offered him some ideas and shared stories of heartfelt proposals she had witnessed.
With their guidance, Daryl finally crafted a plan. He remembered how much you loved daisy flowers, and he knew of a meadow not too far from Alexandria where plenty of daisies grew. It was a place you often spoke about with fondness, a reminder of simpler, happier times. He also knew the perfect spot to propose—a secluded lake nestled in the middle of the forest. This location held a special place in his heart, reminding him of your gentle touch and the soft kisses you often placed on his forehead. The tranquility and beauty of the lake made it the ideal setting for such an important moment.
Determined, Daryl set his plan into motion. He decided to tell you he had arranged a special date, something to brighten your spirits and provide a brief escape from the harsh realities of their world. On the day of the proposal, he rose early and made his way to the meadow. There, amidst the tall grass and wildflowers, he carefully picked a bouquet of the freshest, most beautiful daisies, picturing the delight on your face when you saw them.
"Y/N! You really dun' have to do make-up. Remember we're goin' to the forest," Daryl called out from behind the door, his voice carrying a mix of impatience and affectionate concern.
Inside the room, you were transforming yourself into a vision of beauty. With careful precision, you applied your makeup, enhancing your features with subtle touches. Your eyes sparkled with a hint of eyeliner, your lips a soft shade of pink. As you finished, you turned to the beautiful long white dress that Jessie had given you. The fabric was soft and flowed gracefully around you, hugging your figure perfectly and making you feel elegant and radiant.
You slipped into the dress, smoothing it down and twirling slightly to see how it moved. The dress was more than just clothing; it was a piece of the old world, a reminder of times when dressing up was a regular part of life. In this dress, you felt a connection to those memories, a sense of normalcy that was rare in these harsh times. True, you were heading into the forest where walkers could be lurking, but you felt confident. Your experiences had honed your survival skills, and you knew you could fight and run if necessary, even in a long dress. The dress might be unconventional for such an outing, but it made you feel special, and you wanted to hold onto that feeling.
You took a final look in the mirror, admiring the transformation. The long white dress accentuated your grace and poise, and the makeup highlighted your natural beauty. With a deep breath, you turned towards the door and opened it. Daryl stood there, his rugged features softening as he took in your appearance. His eyes widened slightly, a mix of surprise and admiration flickering across his face. He scratched the back of his head, looking a bit flustered.
"You look...amazing," he said, his voice sincere and a bit husky. "But you sure 'bout that dress? We might have to run."
You smiled, feeling a rush of affection for him. "I'm sure, Daryl."
Daryl chuckled, shaking his head. "Alright, jus' stay close to me."
You nodded, and together you stepped outside. The late afternoon sun cast a warm, golden glow over Alexandria, and the path to the forest beckoned. As you walked beside Daryl, the dress swaying with your movements, you felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. Whatever the day held, you were ready to face it, with Daryl by your side and a touch of elegance to remind you of the beauty still left in the world.
You had been walking for about ten minutes when you finally reached the place by the lake. The forest seemed to part just for you, revealing the serene expanse of water nestled among the trees. The wind gently swayed the leaves, creating a soothing rustling sound, and the lake's surface was calm, reflecting the late afternoon sky like a mirror. You and Daryl found a spot by the water's edge, where the grass was soft and inviting. As you sat down, you couldn't help but wonder if Daryl had scouted and cleaned up this area beforehand. There were no walkers in sight, save for maybe two or three in the far distance, making you feel surprisingly safe and at ease.
Settling onto the grass, you let out a contented sigh. The tranquility of the place was mesmerizing, and you felt a rare sense of peace wash over you. Daryl sat beside you, his presence warm and comforting. As you talked and laughed together, he reached out and rested his hand on your thigh, a simple gesture that always made you blush. His touch was gentle yet possessive, a silent reassurance of his affection. You glanced at him, catching the way he was looking at you. His eyes were filled with a mixture of admiration and tenderness that made your heart flutter. The intensity of his gaze left no doubt in your mind-Daryl adored you. Each look, each touch, spoke volumes of his love and devotion.
The conversation flowed easily between you, interspersed with moments of comfortable silence. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the lake and the surrounding trees. You leaned back on your hands, your dress spreading out around you like a halo, and took in the beauty of the scene. The soft hum of nature, the warmth of Daryl's hand on your thigh, and the serene ambiance of the lake combined to create a perfect moment. Daryl shifted slightly, and you turned to look at him again. He seemed a bit nervous, his usual calm demeanor tinged with something else. He took a deep breath, and you felt a sense of anticipation build.
"Y/N," he began, his voice low and earnest. "There's somethin' I wanna ask" Your heart skipped a beat as you saw him reach into his pocket. The world seemed to slow down as he pulled out a small box and opened it to reveal a beautiful gold ring with a sparkling sapphire.
"Will ya marry me?" he asked, his voice filled with hope and love.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at the ring and then back at Daryl. This moment, in this beautiful place, was everything you had ever dreamed of. With a joyous smile and a heart full of love, you answered him.
"Yes!" you said, your voice trembling with emotion.
He slipped the ring onto your finger, and you both leaned in for a kiss, sealing the promise of a future together. The lake and the forest stood as silent witnesses to your love.
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As you admired your new ring, you noticed Daryl seemed a bit uneasy. "You okay?" you asked, your voice filled with concern.
"Yeah...jus' I forgot 'bout..." he muttered, sighing heavily. You gave him a look that immediately coaxed the rest of his words out. "I wanted to give ya daisy flowers but I fuckin' forgot. 'M sorry," he admitted, his eyes dropping with a hint of regret.
Your face softened, and you laid a gentle kiss on his cheek. "You can give me them at home. There's nothing to be sorry for."
Just then, you both heard a cracking sound. Daryl immediately stood up, crossbow in hand, ready for action. Emerging from the trees were six walkers, their movements slow but menacing. Without hesitation, Daryl shot four of them with swift precision. You sprang to your feet, adrenaline coursing through you, and with swift, practiced movements, you took down the remaining two, leaving your dress and pretty face splattered with blood. Despite the gore, you smiled triumphantly. Daryl looked at your blood-stained dress and shook his head. "I could've shot them all, darlin'. No blood on your dress was needed."
You glanced at the lake and chuckled. "Maybe a quick bath?" you suggested, a mischievous glint in your eye. Looking at your future husband, you smirked and grabbed his hand, trying to pull him towards the water. "Come on!" With a playful laugh, you both stumbled into the lake, the cool water washing away the blood and grime. The sudden chill took your breath away, but the laughter and the joy of the moment kept you warm. You felt the weight of the world lift as you splashed around with Daryl, the man you loved.
The atmosphere was perfect, filled with laughter and light. You looked at Daryl, his hair wet and his eyes twinkling with happiness, and felt a surge of love and gratitude. This man, who had been through so much, was your friend, your partner, and soon, your husband.
As you floated together in the lake, the setting sun casting a golden hue over the water, you felt an overwhelming sense of peace. The feeling that you would soon be married to the man you loved filled you with joy. You knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together.
You are his light and hope for a better tomorrow.
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feral4daryl · 8 months
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ughhhhh daryl dixon in sleeveless shirts!!! it makes his big biceps look so fucking good 🥵🥵 he could punch me in the face and i would say thank you daddy
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wonwoosthetic · 1 month
Hi! So I have a newer idea for Daryl that popped up in my mind while shopping today. It's 100% okay if you don't want to write this, though! It is kind of long so I completely understand if you don't feel like writing this 💜
Basically, Daryl meets reader, aka Shane's fiancé, at the quarry and could instantly notice how toxic Shane was to her. She wasn't allowed to really talk to any of the guys in the camp and was forced to do most of the laundry to keep her from interacting with the rest of the group. However, one day while Shane's off doing you-know-what with Lori, Dale sends reader to go hunt with Daryl with a compound bow that he'd found. To Daryl's surprise, she's amazing at hunting and they have a little convo about Shane. They then stumble across Shane and Lori going at it like rabbits but silently retreat, not making a scene. Back at the camp, when Shane returns, reader simply just places the ring back in his hand and tells him they're over. Being free to do what she wants, she starts getting closer with Daryl over the next month or so, and when they get to the CDC, her and Daryl have this cute moment with a few people watching them and then Glenn, in his drunken stupor, makes a comment about what a cute couple they are. Cue the sudden realizations from both sides that they like each other. Can end with a confession or not. <33
a/n – first of all, to everyone who reads this: you better check Krys out! I am absolutely IN LOVE with everything she writes (Daryl and Hazel is my favourite but literally everything is a masterpiece!) second: to get a request from one of my favourite authors on this app here is an ABSOLUTE HONOUR and I truly truly hope that I could somehow reach your expectations!!!! Thank you so much for sending me it, and I really hope you and everyone that reads this enjoys it ˙ᵕ˙ thank you for marking my start in writing for Daryl now too!😊
A little side note: surprise, I still can’t write short stuff, but bc tumblr is a bitch and is messing with long stuff I post, I decided to make 2 parts, so I can truly involve everything I planned, I hope that’s okay!!🤍🤍
word count – 7.4k
pairing – daryl dixon x fem!reader, shane walsh x ex!fem!reader (rarely)
warnings – cursing, mentions of sex, infidelity, toxic man
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Don‘t Talk To Strangers Or You Might Fall In Love – Pt. 1
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Later in the evening, the women gathered down at the quarry once again. With each holding onto a basket of some sort, carrying the laundry of the rest of the camp residents, they had found their usual spot by the water. Their hands were already starting to get wrinkly by the amount of clothes they had to wash - it had only been a couple of days, and there was already a pile of it.
A wince from the oldest woman of the group made all three heads snap towards her, their eye following her carefully.
"Everything okay?" Jacqui asked, stopping mid-movement before she set down the soaked t-shirt she was holding.
Carol was quick to brush off her concerned tone, sending the woman a quick tight smile as she re-adjusted her position on the ground.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she cleared her throat. "Just... a stone."
The other women shared a quick knowing look. Yes, the surface they were sitting on was mostly stone, but not enough to get hurt or even wince the way Carol just did. She must've hit one of her bruises against the hard ground. One of the many that decorated her skin. While some of them she had clearly been able to hide underneath her clothing, the women couldn't help but notice the ones on her arms. And while some seem to fade, it didn't take much longer for new ones to appear just a day later.
"You know," Amy jumped into the conversation. "You... you don't have to share a tent with him." Everybody immediately knowing, who she meant. "You could stay in the RV, or-"
"I'm okay, Amy. Please." Carol's tone made the younger woman stop again, going right back to the task at hand. While you had hoped you'd go back to finish off your work in silence, Jaqui had other plans as she raised the volume of her voice to reach you, who was sitting a little further off.
"Well, speaking of shitty husbands." Getting a scoff out of the older woman. "Where's Shane, Y/N?" A chuckle erupted from Amy. 
"Huh?" Your head shot up at the mention of his name. You found three awaiting pairs of eyes fixed on you, sending an uncomfortable rush down your spine.
"Where's your husband?" Amy repeated the question, her voice holding a slightly more gentle tone.
"He's not my husband. Just... fiancé." You shrugged. "I don't know...," mumbling as you were almost too embarrassed to admit. "He said something about going hunting."
Jacqui let out an annoyed huff of air. "That was hours ago. It's getting dark soon, doesn't he think-"
"I trust him to know how to keep himself safe. He knows what he's doing," you told her mindlessly, pouring the now dirty water back into the river in front of you. 
You knew how most of the group felt about Shane. He had declared himself as the leader of your little group, thinking his status as a sheriff made him the right fit despite some of the eye-rolls and annoyed sighs it had gotten from the rest in return. It didn't seem to bother him, not even a little bit. You had tried to defend him, wanting to explain his plan of action and knowledge to the others, but he had shushed you down quickly. His own stance was enough for him to stand in front of the group of people, promising to lead them well and try to figure out how to move forward in the, what you'd now call, apocalypse.
While he was securing his place as the tough leader, commanding each person around and giving them a set role in the group, you had tried to find a sense of community. If you were to go and travel further with these people, might as well try to create some form of comradery. But that was brought to a halt before you could even truly start. By Shane.
'They're not your friends. They're just random people. We don't know them and we don't gotta know them.' He had told you. You had tried to start an argument, wanting to explain that while you didn't know most of them just yet, you might as well start now if you're going to spend more time in an enclosed area with them. 
'Let's keep an eye out for Lori and Carl. She just lost her husband, for God's sake.' He never really explained just how he knew that Rick was officially dead, but the two members of the Grimes family seemed to be his only concern. The fact that you had known Glenn for a while now and considered him a close friend, almost a younger brother, didn't even register with him. He was just 'another dirty man, just like the rest of them' to Shane. He had made his opinion of the members of your group very clear. They're strangers. If it wasn't about Lori and Carl, it wasn't important. Why you were the one washing their clothes though was still beyond you though.
Jacqui was just about to open her mouth again, not wanting to drop the topic of conversation just yet, but a loud voice from up the quarry got your attention.
"Ya just don't give a shit, ya old bastard!" Daryl's uncanny accent echoed through the open area.
While a deep sigh tumbled from Carol's lips, Amy tried to ignore the fight a few feet away from you and Jacqui shook her head.
"These Dixon brothers, I swear to God... I don't understand why we haven't made them leave yet."
"Daryl's a good hunter," Amy commented quietly with a slight shrug.
"Yeah, and selfish," the older woman spat back, "And Merle? He's nothing but dragging everyone here down."
You decided to leave the scene in silence, not wanting to add anything to the conversation. You believed that everyone had a good reason for acting and behaving the way they were. You'd like to think that your good nature was part of the reason why Shane fell in love with you. Your years of dealing with children coming from troubled families had taught you that there's mostly good in almost everyone, just that most hadn't had the chance to find that side of them yet. In some ways, the Dixon brothers' attitudes reminded you of them. 
Back in the camp, you brought the washing bowl back to where the rest of the clean laundry was already hanging to dry. Before you could go any further, hoping to find some alone time in your tent, Dale's voice made you stop.
You looked up at the top of his RV, where he had secured a chair, a small table and an umbrella to keep the sun from frying his skin.
"Hey, Dale," you smiled at the older man, who copied your facial expression. While some had come to find him to be a 'typical grumpy old man' - and by some you mean Shane - you and Dale had gotten closer over the short time you had spent in the group. He reminded you of your dad, who at that point in time was God knows where. You hoped he found a group similar to yours and was trying to find his place in the world you would now be living in.
"You know how to use a bow and arrow, right?" He asked you, remembering the story you had told him.
You nodded, shielding your eyes with one hand as the sun was starting to make them hurt. "My dad taught me a little, why?"
"Look what I found," he grinned before turning around to pick something up. He crouched down, now with a compound bow in his grip as he tried to get it down to you. With quick steps, you got closer, your eyes brightening up at the sight.
"Oh my god... Dale!" Your smile only widened once you got your hands on the bow. You let your hand glide over the metal, finding it to be heavier than expected. It was still in perfect condition, but you couldn't even finish admiring it before your eyes found another item being dropped down at you.
"Those were next to it," Dale added as he handed you a bag holding multiple arrows that were hopefully supposed to go with the bow. He watched your smile as you couldn't take your eyes off the archery tool. "You think you know how to handle that thing?"
"I mean... my dad taught me how to use a longbow, but... can't be that hard, right?"
The older man couldn't even answer you as a scoff erupted from behind you, followed by the familiar scruff voice of Darly.
"Ya think it's that easy." Stating it more than wondering. Knowing not to start a conversation with him unless truly needed, only able to imagine how Shane would react if he found you talking to him, you decided to ignore his comment, focusing back on Dale who seemed to have done the same.
"Where did you find it?" You asked him.
"Oh just... from a house a few minutes away. Thought you could use it."
"I don't know when yet, but... I'll try," you smiled at him.
"How about you go and try it out now?" He suddenly asked you.
His question made your head shoot back up to look at him in wonder. "Now? What do you mean?"
He sighed. "It's gonna get dark soon and Shane and Lori aren't back yet, we should try-"
"Lori?" Her name fell from your lips as you glanced around the area, only finding the youngest Grimes sitting in the grass, entertaining himself with some sticks and stones. "Where is she?"
Dale shrugged. "Said something about finding berries and whatnot-" Another scoff from behind you made him stop to shoot Daryl an annoyed glance. "I think we should try to at least get something to eat for the kids. And if they're not back anytime soon, they won't have dinner."
"What? My huntin' skills ain't enough for you, old man?" The younger Dixon brother shot up from his crouched position on the floor, nudging his head up at Dale, who was clearly annoyed by his attitude.
"A squirrel isn't gonna feed an entire group. Take Y/N with you and try finding something."
"Shane's not here, honey," he immediately stopped you, apparently already knowing what your argument would be. "I think he'll be okay, knowing you were out finding something to eat for the kids."
"That asshole would rather watch 'em kids die than send her huntin' with any of us!" Daryl spat back, ignoring you standing right next to him.
He turned your head towards him. "Don't talk about him like that." Speaking to him in a much softer tone than he just did, only getting a shake of his head and an annoyed mumble in return before he turned his back towards you, making his way towards the woods. A quick glance back up at Dale made him nudge his head towards the direction the archer had just disappeared into. You could either get sulky and refuse to go with the man who had clearly other interests than to go hunting with you or you could be the bigger person and focus on bringing something into the community. Even if that meant rebelling against your partner's order to stay at the camp and focusing on the laundry in the quarry. You decided on the latter, knowing that he'd find something to get annoyed at one way or another.
With a sigh, you nodded to Dale's proposal and swung the bag of arrows over your shoulder. Turning around to follow the way Daryl had just strutted, your eyes found his silhouette already between the trees. It was uncanny. Anyone could tell it was him. His zero-fucks attitude and his arms just casually hanging by his side- The pop of his hips with each step he took just underlined the sass that man possessed almost making you chuckle.
Unlike a lot of the other members of the group, you didn't necessarily dislike him. His brother was a totally different subject. They were difficult to deal with and most definitely not the teamwork type of personalities - not directly at least. You had noticed the multiple times Daryl would vanish from sight, only to come back a few hours later with a few dead squirrely thrown over his shoulder, that he would then give to the group after skinning them. It was absolutely disgusting, to say the least, but he did his part to be a valuable part of the community, even if he might had been a unique character and more challenging to deal with. 
What Merle's issue was, you had yet to discover, but the man didn't intrigue you enough to bore into his background story.
A good few minutes in, you still hadn't caught up with the archer, his steps being way bigger and faster than yours. Panting, you hoped he would hear you.
"Can you slow down for a second? Please."
Not following your words, Daryl kept up his pace, only turning his head slightly. "Don't need yer husband to see us together out'ere or we'll be the ones rotatin' over the fire instead of a dear."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his comment, even scoffing loudly at what you had just heard, and mumbling too quietly for him to hear.
Your reaction made him suddenly stop in his tracks and turn his entire body towards you. "What? Ya think I'm kiddin'? I seen the way he talks to ya and everyone else in that godforsaken camp. Treats everyone like shit if it ain' abou' that woman or the kid."
Your glare didn't even intimidate him a bit. Neither did he budge when you took a daring step closer to him.
"How about you focus on yourself and stay out of other people's business? He's trying to be a leader, alright?"
"More like tryna be a dictator. Mussolini woulda loved him." Without another word, he turned around to continue his way further into the woods, leaving you in slight surprise rooted into the ground. A shake of your head and a deep breath brought you back into the present, making you follow him again. You tried to keep the distance between big enough to keep him away from you, let close enough to still have him in view - you sure as hell weren't going to get lost in the middle of the woods.
Looking down to be careful about each step you took, you held onto the strap across your chest. With your view on the ground, you didn't notice Daryl having stopped again, making you suddenly bump into him.
"Oh- sorry." You took a quick jump back.
He had lifted up his arm to the side, keeping you from going any further. Only after looking up, you could follow his gaze, finding what had gotten the archer so enthralled. Between the bushes surrounding you ahead on a tree, there were two chipmunks perked up on a branch. They hadn't noticed you yet and if it hadn't been for Daryl's eagle eye, you had to admit, you would've overlooked them as well.
Suddenly, overly confident, you realised this was the moment you could prove your skill. A skill you hadn't trained for in a few months, but you had long enough training before that, you believed. Swiftly, you grabbed a bow from the bag on your back and took a slow step back, careful not to make any loud noise to disrupt the two animals. Daryl had his crossbow already sitting on his shoulder, his eye trained on the chipmunks as he kept totally still.
"On three," you whispered as you drew the bow in your grip. You couldn't see the archer's slight confusion as he didn't budge, only knowing he had heard you when he suddenly started counting down. As soon as the number 'three' left his lips, you let your arrow shoot through the sky, him going at the exact same time, pressing the trigger on his crossbow. The two bows hit the chipmunks perfectly in sync, making them fall from the branch and onto the floor.
"Yes!" You whispered to yourself in a cheer, brushing past Daryl with a wide smile on your face as you made your way over to where your prey was waiting for you.
The man continued to stand still, only his eyes following your movements as his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. Only a few seconds later, he found you standing up straight again, proudly holding up one of the chipmunks. He followed your steps, coming to a stop as he looked down at the other animal still on the floor.
"Was that beginner's luck or...?" He asked you as he gathered it off the ground and took out his arrow before taking its companion out of your hands to put both of them into the small bag he had secured by his hips. Your eyes drifted to his arms. Glistening in the sun behind you. He had been collecting dirt all over his body, but the sweat now on his biceps was making it look only half as bad.
You shrugged, not even trying to hide the small smile still on your lips. "Maybe a little since I haven't used one of these in a while," holding up the compound bow.
"Who taught ya?" In surprise, you glanced at him, not expecting to continue the conversation as you went back to resume your hunting journey through the woods.
"My dad."
You noticed his steps suddenly slowing down again, making you turn towards him in wonder. A finger brought up to his lips told you everything you needed to know. Daryl started looking around carefully, while you just turned in a circle, wondering what he had heard. And then you saw it. A 'geek', as Glenn had labelled them, was making its way towards you.
"How on earth did you hear that?" You whispered at him, but the archer just propped his crossbow up again, ready to take out the thing coming dangerously close towards you. The noises coming from the dead had only then started to register with you too. Maybe it was your hearing turning on you or maybe Daryl had just a trained ear. Realising that he was close to shooting again, you stopped him with a hand.
"Can I?"
With a careful look, he lowered his weapon again, motioning for you to go ahead, bringing a small grin to your face. His hand was quicker than yours as he pulled out a bow from your bag, handing it over to you before leaving you to do your thing. Drawing it tightly, you didn't let a lot more seconds pass before sending the arrow straight through the geek's eye.
"Fuck, yeah-" Grinning to yourself for a split second before you realised the words that had dropped from your tongue. "Sorry," you were quick to apologise, getting a look of pure confusion from Daryl in return.
"What? Ya not allowed to curse or somethin'?" Oh, if he only knew. After years of being with Shane, you had found yourself truly swearing off the usage of any curse words as your fiancé had labelled them 'unladylike', sending you a look of disapproval each time it would escape you accidentally. Strict looks had turned into warnings, which then turned into arguments, so you had just learned to bite your tongue.
You were about to head up to get it back, back Daryl's voice stopped you.
"Stay'ere." He walked past you towards the now truly dead thing to get your arrow back. After ripping it out of its head again, he took a good look around, turning his entire body before coming back to you.
"They're usually not alone," he pushed the arrow into your hands. "Let's see what else we can find and get the hell outta 'ere before it gets dark."
You just nodded in agreement before following him again. This time, you noticed walking side by side with him as he had slowed down his strides.
To you, it seemed like a relatively comfortable silence, but Daryl didn't agree with that apparently as his grunt slashed through it,
"Yer husband know you can hunt?"
A sigh evidently fell from your lips, but you were able to hold back a roll of your eyes. He was trying to keep up the conversation and you couldn't not admit that you quite enjoyed not necessarily having to walk in complete silence. Even if it meant talking about Shane apparently.
"Don't know," you shrugged.
"What d'ya mean, ya don't know? Yer never talked about that? Ain't he supposed to know ya inside out or some shit like that?" You knew, deep down his words held nothing but truth, yet, you had learned to ignore remarks like that, knowing that Shane was just a different kind of partner than most.
"Why should he know about something he's not interested in?" As long as you weren't out on your own and at home in the evening with a homecooked meal waiting for him, he had never truly cared about what you did. Lying, you'd be out with your friends for a few hours while doing something completely different had gotten you far. Him working late hours most days only helped. You never even thought about telling him about the childhood hobby you had started at 8 years old and had carried with you up until well into adulthood. While you had left home as soon as you had turned 18, knowing Atlanta was the place you'd want to study in, archery was one of the things that had kept you connected to home. To your dad.
"That don't sound righ' if ya ask me," he commented.
"Well," you couldn't help but sigh again, "good thing he's not your issue to worry about."
"But he is." His comment made you stop. Daryl was quick to notice you not walking beside him anymore, making him stop and turn. "I gotta worry about him havin' my balls on a stick if he sees me talkin' to ya."
"Then don't!"
"Then why d'ya follow me into the woods, huh?" It looked like you were about to start a fight with Daryl Dixon.
"Because Dale asked me to. Because no one trusts you to do anything good for the group on your own," you spat at him, continuing your way, making sure to bump his shoulder as you passed him.
The archer scoffed, "Yeah because everyone trusts ya lil' husband oh so much to care for every-"
You came to another halt. "He's not my husband! We're engaged, you ignorant fuck!"
"Oh, careful," Daryl eyed you, "What would'e say if he heard ya talkin' like that, huh?" Sending you a provocative look that made you take a deep breath in, trying to contain your anger.
"I think you got a brother to worry about, Dixon. Enough drama there, don't snoop into other people's lives."
That seemed to have done the job as he kept quiet while you walked ahead. It took a few seconds before you heard him behind you again, proud of yourself for leaving him stunned even if it was just for a short moment. You didn't want to snap at him like that, you had to admit. It just came out and if you could take it back, you would've. He wasn't directly snooping, you knew that. You weren't here to make enemies, at least you didn't want to. You desperately wanted to get along with everyone as best as possible. Not meaning that you'd have to become close friends with each person in the group, just good colleagues.
With your mind deep in thought, overthinking every word you had just dropped, you didn't notice the ruffling leaves close by. Not until you felt a tug on your arm that made you stop. Almost annoyed, you turned around, only to find Daryl lifting his finger to his lips, telling you to keep quiet. At first, you looked at him in confusion but the moment you heard a grunt, your ears perked up as you started to glance around. You had just ran into a geek with the Dixon brother reminding you that they usually travelled in bigger groups, meaning the possibility of another one being close by wasn't that small.
The grunting continued making your frown only deepen. It didn't necessarily sound like one of the dead, you realised. Daryl started moving around slowly and as quietly as possible, you following close behind, keeping ducked down just in case.
Suddenly, you caught another noise. One that sounded less like a grunt and more like a... moan? Clearly just as confused as you, the archer turned around to meet your gaze for a split second. 
With each step the two of you took further, the noises became much clearer. Shuffling leaves, grunts, and clear moans were now hitting your ear. One specific huff of air made a cold shiver run down your spine. It's like your body knew before your eyes could even see it.
Daryl and you hit a raised ground that kept you from seeing where the noise was coming from as you were still crouched down. But as soon as you let your back straighten, every last bit of air left your lungs. You saw the auburn hair spread out on the grass first. Directly next to it, an all too familiar head of black curls, the face deep in her neck, muting the moans coming from him. With each pound, they became heavier and louder. You already knew it. Right as Shane lifted his head though, you could feel yourself wanting to scream. And if it wasn't for the hand suddenly covering your mouth, you would've.
You were pulled onto the ground, back into your crouched position, and dragged back from where you came from. As hard as you tried to fight the grip the archer had on you, it was no use as he was clearly much stronger than you. The leaves and branches brushed against your pants as he kept tugging on you to keep you right up against him, not daring to loosen the hand covering your lip
Once it seemed far away enough for him, Daryl let go of you, letting you fall to the ground completely as you desperately choked up for air.
"You bastard-" You went at him, only for him to cover your mouth once again.
He pulled you in hard. "Ya screamin' 'ere and an entire hoard will hear ya. Keep quiet," he hissed at you in a whisper. You never noticed the soft specks of green that decorated his striking blue eyes. Not until then.
A quick moment of silence followed as your eyes suddenly filled with tears. Daryl's gaze softened immediately, removing his hand from you as if your skin had turned into burning hot metal.
While you had started to sob in the middle of the woods, trying to keep as quiet as possible, the archer didn't know what else to do, but to stand next to you, his eyes fixed on your shaking shoulders. He wasn't the right person to console someone. Nor did he even know how.
"I told ya he's an asshole," he mumbled, clearly not at the right moment as you sent him an angry frown.
"You didn't tell me sh-"
"I tried tellin' ya!" Raising his voice just a bit to turn his tone stern, yet keeping the volume low enough. "I told ya he ain't interested in anyone but that woman and her son."
"I want to go back," you sniffled, feeling your chest painfully tightening.
"Go back to 'em?!"
"Back to the camp, idiot!" You snapped at him, your hand flying up to your chest. "I feel like I'm gonna throw up." Trying to take deep breaths in that just continuously proved to be hard as you only choked up more. Coughing mixed with your sobs, you fell onto your knees, your hand clutching the very top of your chest as you tried to breathe.
"Hey-" Daryl fell onto the ground right in front of you, his rough hands grabbing you by your shoulders to pull you straight, trying to get you to look at him. "Calm down," he strictly told you.
"H-He-" you sobbed, "he... fucked her. He just-", coughing again as the air got stuck in your throat.
"I know- hey-" you lowered your head to look at the ground beneath you, only for Darly to grab your chin and make you look back up again. "He's a fuckin' idiot. Don't cry 'bout him."
"W-What did I do?" You asked, technically hypothetically, as you continued to choke on your own cries. "What do- How?!"
"Ya didn't do anythin'," he tried to console you. "He's a dumb fuckin' bastard. A coward. A stupid mongo-"
"Lori... I-I thought-," stopping yourself again as another sob shot through your body.
"It's okay," Daryl whispered, "don't fuckin' cry for 'em. Ya think they would cry for ya?"
"What about Carl?!" You ignored his comment, instead continuing to throw out whatever came to your head.
The archer shook his head, "That ain' your problem to worry 'bout."
"She- she just lost her husband... a-and now this?!" 
Before Daryl could say anything, you brushed off his hands from your shoulders and raked yourself up.
Still sniffling, you looked around. "We gotta go back." Noticing that the sun had already started to set and no one was supposed to be out in the dark.
With a grunt, he copied you, pushing himself up to stand again while his eyes continued to follow you as you tried to get yourself back together. You could feel his gaze burning holes into your skin, making you look up. Cheeks tears stained, burning read. Your eyes were swollen, still letting single drops of tears escape as you slowly managed to even out your breathing.
"Let's go back." You re-secured the bag and bog on your shoulder before turning around to walk to the camp. A sigh escaped Daryl's lips as he shook his head slightly before jogging up towards you, stopping you with his hands back on your shoulders. He swiftly turned you around, only to let go again, his steps slowing down to let you walk ahead. This time, in the right direction.
The way back was spent mostly in silence, only a few remarks coming from the archer each time he had to tell you to either turn right or left. In no time, you had come back, finding most of the group either already back in their tents or gathered by the SUV. The sun had fully set, now the only source of natural light coming from the soft glow of the moon.
"There you are!" Dale called out as soon as his eyes found you. The smile that had started to spread on his lips fell quickly as soon as you got close enough to him to let him see the dishevelled state you were in. "What happened?" He gasped, but you just shook your head and made a quick B-turn towards your tent. The tent you shared with Shane.
The older man's tone changed quickly, clearly blaming one specific person for your mood as he followed behind you not much later.
"What the hell did you do to her?" Dale snapped at Daryl, only to get a scoff in return.
"How abou' you ask her asshole fiancé." The Dixon brother left him with that, ignoring the looks of the people around them. He opened his satch to take out the two chipmunks you had caught, only to throw them onto a set-up table and disappear down towards the quarry.
In the comfort of the plastic walls, with the bow and arrows set down outside, you had let yourself let go one more time, the tears not needing more than mere seconds before running down your cheeks again. You couldn't continue crying about this.
'Ya think they would cry for ya?'
Daryl's words rang through your mind. You hated to admit that he was most probably right.
Your relationship with Shane wasn't tense. At least until a few months ago. It had always been a little bit more difficult than you would've liked to, but you remembered the words of your mother, saying 'marriage is hard', making you realise that most likely each couple had their fair share of issues to work through. And you and Shane seemed to just have a good amount of those. Either disagreements, discussions, or different ideas and wants. Everything from as simple as the colour of your living room walls, to which state you'd have your wedding in - since your grandma was almost bedridden, you had proposed to have at least the officiant ceremony in Ohio, but Shane was, surprise, against that.
You glanced down at your ring. A gold band, holding a small square diamond right in the middle. It was beautiful. Even though you had always solely worn silver jewellery and had mentioned the classic round diamond as your dream style. Still, you had accepted the proposal. You looked past the smirks he would send waitresses and secretaries. Ignored comments he made about other people in your life. You had even given in and promised him not to get too close to anyone in the group that was right outside.
It was never 'controlling' in your eyes. You didn't know any better. But while you had to lock yourself away, making doing laundry your only form of 'entertainment', he was having fun with a presumed widow. Whereas he had told you and everyone else that he would be spending the day trying to hunt down 'something big'. 
You shook your head. You had all the reasons to leave him already months ago and yet you didn't. A lot of your friends had told you you'd regret marrying him. But he had managed to get into your head, making you think that they were the crazy ones. That all of your 'dumb sorority girlfriends' had no idea what they were talking about.
Comments and stares were one thing you could look past, but cheating... you had to draw the line somewhere. You remembered all the times your college friends came crying into the dorm, sobbing into their pillows as they complained about their boyfriends fucking around with other girls on campus. Everyone would gather and support them with one opinion: dump him. Leave him. He doesn't deserve you.
'I told ya he ain't interested in anyone but that woman and her son.'
There was Daryl's voice again in the back of your head. Screaming at you. If even he could see it, yet you were too blind to realise it...
With one final deep breath in, you gathered the sleeping bag you had claimed for yourself into your arms, along with your pillow. You managed to drag everything out of the tent, suddenly feeling more free than ever.
Looking around, you found no one sitting outside anymore, indicating most had gone to bed, but the light inside the RV made you hopeful. You couldn't sleep in your shared tent tonight. Or ever again. And Dale was your only other choice. With everything packed in your arms, you made your way over to the vehicle, knocking on the door with your foot. Two voices made you look behind you, your face immediately falling when you found Shane and Lori coming back from the woods. They took their goddamn time.
The door opened, catching your attention again. Dale looked at you in confusion but before he could say anything, you beat him to it.
"Can I sleep here tonight?"
Forget about your age. Suddenly, you felt like a little kid again. Too scared to sleep on their own, begging their parents to let them sleep in their room.
"Y/N?" Shane's rough voice called out your name, making your heartbeat quicken.
You looked up at the older man in panic. "Please."
With no hesitation, Dale nodded, stepping aside to let you walk in, ushering you inside with his hand. Daryl's remark from earlier had engraved itself in his brain as soon as he found the sheriff strutting over to his RV in big steps.
"What is she doing, Dale?" He wondered, his voice holding slight anger to it. "Y/N!" He shouted out your name again, but you gave him no response.
The older man stopped Shane from coming any closer.
"You better leave, son."
"What the fuck did I do?!" He unknowingly asked before getting the RV's door closed in his face.
The moment silence took over the enclosed room, Dale turned to you, now sitting on the small sofa.
"What the fuck did he do?"
If there was one person in this apocalyptic world that you had come to trust, it was Dale. He had already let you into his home, he deserved to get a reason for it.
You could already feel the tears filling your eyes again. Both of you ignored the knocks on the door, the old man's eyes fixed solely on you as he sat down by the small dining table, ready to wait patiently for you to answer his question.
"He... he cheated on me...," You couldn't hold back the sob that followed. "With Lori." The added remark made Dale's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. He leaned back into his chair, taking off his hat to run a hand through his hair as he huffed out a chunk of air.
"Daryl and I- we saw them in the woods-," You let your head fall into the palms of your hand. The old man was quick back on his feet, on his way over to you.
"Oh, honey," sighing out, but stopping as the heavy knocks on the door continued. With an annoyed huff, he rushed over to the door to pull it open.
"Get the fuck away from my RV!" Shouting at Shane, not even giving him a moment to answer as he smashed the door close again.
"I-I don't know what to do." You admitted in sobs, glancing up at the man as he got closer to you, making space to sit down next to you. A comforting arm found its way around your shoulder while his other hand rubbed your upper arm.
"That man doesn't deserve an angel like you," he whispered at you, hoping his calming voice would soothe your cries. "He clearly doesn't know what he lost with a stupid act like that."
"He proposed to me," you showed him the ring in desperation. "Only to cheat on me?"
"What can I tell ya, kid... young men are...," Dale sighed as he shook his head. "Dumb... and blind. They think they own the world."
You continued to sob in the man's arms. Listening to his soft voice as he spoke to you while you kept on your rambles of despair. Why Lori out of all people? You used to go out on double dates with your partners. You had known Rick Grimes for a good few years now. He was a good man. You had thought Lori was a good woman. But there she went, sleeping with an engaged man. The colleague, and best friend of her husband. Who may or may not be dead. Maybe Rick was gone, but you were still there. Only one partner of the cheating couple was widowed. The other part was still very much in a committed relationship. Or so you thought.
"W-What do I do now?" You wondered out loud. "How am I supposed to continue this?" Not necessarily talking about your relationship with Shane, but the situation altogether.
"You don't." Daryl's simple but straightforward answer made you look up. In the meantime, your sobs had quieted down again.
"You tell him," he strictly told you. "You tell him what you saw. And you end it. Men like that... they don't change."
"God...," you fell back into the cushions behind you, running your hands down your face as you wiped the tears away. "Was I just... not good enough for him anymore? Why would he do something like this?"
"I wish I could tell ya, honey. But don't think that this has anythin' to do with you," Dale's stern voice made you glance at him. "Men like him don't think. You think he really thought of the possible consequences of his actions?"
You shrugged.
"He didn't. If he did, he wouldn't have done it. And men like don't deserve a second chance. Hell- they don't even deserve a first chance. But they're charming and whatnot, and before you know it, they're havin' their dicks in other women, breaking hearts of the ones that actually care about them."
You decided to stay quiet, letting his words sink in and register with you.
"You don't deserve that, honey."
Nodding your head, you took a deep breath in, wiping your nose. "I know..." With a sigh, you pushed yourself to stand up. "I have to talk to him."
"You sure, you wanna do that tonight?" The man carefully asked you, but you had already made up your mind, so you just continued to nod.
Quietly, you left the RV, of course not before Dale promised to set up a bed for you to stay in inside his movable home. You knew you had found the confidence to face your- Shane. Yet, your shaking legs and hands almost betrayed you. Realising, you didn't even truly think about how to start the conversation, the anxiety inside of you only started to bubble up more, hitting its highest point when you suddenly saw Shane exiting your tent.
His eyes fixed on you in the dark, finding your silhouette coming towards him thanks to the light shining through the RV's windows.
"Y/N-" he started, but you interrupted him right away.
"It's over."
Shane's eyebrows scrunched together. "What?"
"It's over," you repeated, finding your voice slightly shakier than you would've liked to. You glanced down your hands, almost mindlessly, wrapping your fingers around the gold band. Once, the sight of the shimmering ring on your finger made you smile, now it just shot another wave of sadness through your body. Almost shakingly, you took the last step, pulling the gold band off your finger, the metal leaving your skin, making you breathe out heavily.
"Hey- hey," the sheriff rushed closer to you, making you scoot back in reflex. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"What am I doing?" You spat at him, a salty chuckle tumbling from your lips. There was a slight change in expression on his face as he lifted his hands in defence.
"No, you listen," you stopped him again. You didn't even let your brain think about what words were about to fall from your lips. "Don't even try-" You had to stop yourself, taking a deep breath in, trying to promise yourself not to cry in front of the man that you had lost so many nerves to.
"What the hell are you doing?" He continued to ask you, his frown only deepening.
But you just continued to shake your head, ignoring the anger starting to lace his voice. You had seen Shane angry before. Even angry at you. And it scared you. But right now, the anger, you were trying to hold back, should terrify everyone involved in this situation.
Taking a few steps closer to stop right in front of him, you lifted your hand that was still tightly holding onto the ring you had once worn and shown off proudly. Once Shane opened his palm underneath it, you let it drop down.
"It's over." Before he could ask you anything more, you left him with one last comment hanging in the air. "Have fun with Lori."
Turning around, you could hear his heavy huffs and the callouts of your name, yet he didn't even dare to try and reach out to you, leaving you to make your way back towards the RV. In the back, the sound of him knocking over some of the empty cans you had gathered, filled the silence. Up ahead, you found a silhouette standing still, almost scaring you if it wasn't for the distinct stance you were able to recognise immediately. The dim light illuminated Daryl's scowl as he had clearly watched the scene from a distance.
Arrived at the door of the vehicle, you wanted to at least send him a tight smile, a goodnight and somewhat of a thank you, but the archer had already disappeared again in his usual nature.
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I CAN‘T WAIT TO POST PART 2🙈🤗🥰 I loved writing this so much omg
this is me officially stating I'm writing for the man that is Daryl Dixon now too :)
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samandcolbyownme · 20 days
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Summary: Reader teaches some of the kids at Alexandria to swim and Daryl is the reason for making that happen.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, swearing, reader in said to be 25, basically swim instructor!reader, Subtle flirting, teasing, mentions of weapons at times, Daryl being dominant, kissing, biting, scratching, hair pulling, oral (fem rec), unprotected sex, use of daddy, fluff and filth
Word Count: 3.9k | Not edited
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“I miss swimming.” You sigh as you motion to the green, swampy looking pool. Michonne nods, “Pool side with a margarita? Mmm.”
“Now you’re teasing.” You joke, laughing as you walk into the house with her, “But on a serious note, how many of the kids know how to swim?”
She gives you a confused look, “I’m not sure, but I’m curious as to why you’re asking.”
“Well, I mean. As long as Alexandria stays up, the only water the kids will have to really worry about is the water that’s in the middle of the town.”
“You want to teach them to swim.” Michonne smiles and you nod, “If I could, I would. I want them to have the best chance as surviving this world. I mean look at me, I fell into that huge lake the other day and if I didn’t know how to swim I wouldn’t probably still be here.”
At this point, you didn’t know Daryl was right around the corner of the one door, listening. He had come to get you guys, but stopped when he heard you talking, and he heard everything.
“C’mon, the others are probably waiting.” Michonne nods and as you guys go to walk out of the one door, Daryl walks through the other, “Hey, Rick found somethin’.”
Present • day
“Hey.” Rick nods as you open your door. You give him a smile and tilt your head, “Need me to hang out with Jude?”
He shakes his head, “No, no. I need you to come with me.”
Your furrow your brows, “Is everything okay?”
He laughs and nods his head, reaching up to push the door open more, “Yes, now c’mon.” You go to reach for your weapons but Rick shakes his head, “You won’t need them, I promise.”
You sigh, “Fine.” You laugh as you walk out the door, waiting for Rick at the bottom of the stairs. You follow him as he starts walking down the road, “So, a little birdie told me that you have experience with teaching kids how to swim.”
“Lifeguard for a few years.” You shrug, “Why, what’s up?”
Rick looks at you and smirks, “Now, it’s not perfect okay. It’s the best we could do, y’know, for what we could find.”
“What are you talking about?” You ask, stopping when you realize you’re out front of Daryl’s house, “Why are we here? Isn’t he on a run today?”
Rick nods, “We’re goin’round back.”
He leads you outback and your mouth drops as an actual running, underground pool comes into view, “Rick, how in the fuck?”
You look at him, still shocked and he laughs, “I’m just glad we could get it up and running, it’s been getting hotter these last few days, oh, and Michonne also has a schedule for you with a list of kids.”
“Rick Grimes.” You shake your head, fingers moving up cover your lips, “Oh my god. You guys.”
“This was mostly Daryl.”
You whip your body towards him, “What?”
He nods, “He overheard you guys talking. He came to Michonne and I after we got back.”
“That sneaky son of a bitch.” You shake your head, “So you’re not mad I brought back a few swimsuits and stuff for the kids then?”
He gives you a funny look, “Why? They’ll give the kids a sense of normality, you know?”
You let out a sigh, looking back at the pool, “How soon do I start?” Rick tilts his head, giving you a shrug, “Tomorrow? Probably noon?”
You nod, “Deal.”
Later on that day, you waited by that gate. All of your stuff was done, if anyone needed you, you weren’t hiding.
“You still waiting?” Carol comes up to sit down on the ground next to you. You nod, “I’m planting one on him. I’m not giving him any time to run.”
“I take it you found out about the pool?”
“Why didn’t anyone mention we had a pool lying around?” You look at her, shocked like it’s the worst news anyone kept from you.
She laughs, “It’s Daryl’s house, y/n. The only people that have ever been inside of that place is Rick, myself, and you.”
You smirk, “Yeah, I wouldn’t wanna be caught dead in his house unwanted.”
“Can I be nosey?” Carol asks, but her tone made it sound like she was going to ask anyway. You laugh, giving her a nod.
“Have you and Daryl..”
You shake your head, “No, but we have shared a few drunken kisses before.”
She giggles, “I’m not surprised. I had my thoughts about you two.” You roll your eyes, “I don’t mean to sound like a teenage girl, but. Has he said anything to me about you?”
She smirks, “He said something about your age difference because what are you like, twenty three?”
You tilt your head, “Twenty five.” You smirk, “But thank you.”
She laughs, “Wow, okay. I told him that if he didn’t I would and I think that got him thinking.” You can’t help but laugh at that, “oh my god, Carol, that is so funny.”
You hear the chains to the gate rattle and you look at Carol before standing up and walking over, arms crossed over your chest as your heart races in your chest.
You also were nervous and hoped that it was a good run, because you didn’t want to send him over the edge with what you planned on doing.
You see the other walking in, smiles on their faces so you know you had the green light. A huge smile appears on your lips as soon as you see Daryl.
He shakes his hair out of his eyes and smiles back at you, walking over as his arm reaches out for you, “Did y-“
You cut him off, hands on his cheeks as you press your lips to his.
His hand falls on your waist and everyone around you stops and starts to smile and give you low , “Oooh’s”
He smirks against your lips, waving everyone off with a smirk. You lean back, looking up at him with a smile, “Thank you for making that happen for me.”
He shrugs, “Helps the kids y’know, jus’like y’said.” He gives you a wink and you shake your head, “just admit it, Daryl Dixon.” You say as he walks away, pulling a cigarette up to his lips, “You love me.”
He turns around, lighting the cigarette, “I ain’t admittin’ t’shit, darlin’.”
But he didn’t have to.
“Alright my sweeties, look at me. When you want to doggy paddle, okay. You’re going to have your arms and hands like this.” You demonstrate by putting your arms in front of you, “And then you’re going to want to kick your feet behind you, and you want to keep your head up.”
As you demonstrate, you don’t realize that you’re being watched from Daryl’s bedroom window.
He loves how you can go from being so tough and hard shelled out on runs, to absolutely relaxing the second you see those children running to give you a hug. He loved how gentle you were with them, always treated them like they were your own when they were in your care.
But that’s how he is, too. Daryl can be a softy when he wants to be, and what grew into you being his, what it felt like, best friend, allowed that.
He couldn’t lie, thought, the thought of you having his baby did cross his mind, but that always lead into him thinking about his cum being inside of you and so on.
You both were actually madly in love with each other, you both just liked the chase and screwing with each other, a lot.
You had fun together, but after this. You needed him to be fully yours, even if you have to kick yourself in the ass everyday for not doing it sooner, he will still be yours.
“Yes! Judith! Great job!” You clap your hands and the other kids follow. You smile that smile that Daryl loves so much, only him and the kids really ever bring it out.
“Alright, RJ, your turn, honey! Just do exactly what Judith did okay?” You watch as he does it perfectly and you cheer him on, “That was good! Great job!”
Daryl also can’t help but notice how tight your swim suit hugs your body. He had a feeling that he knew you wore that one on purpose, you know, with it being his house and all.
That soon would be proven correct, too.
Before Daryl decides to leave and go somewhere else for the time being, you glance up, having the feeling you’re still being watched and you smirk quickly when you look up and see him already staring.
You lick your lips before tuning your attention back to the kids.
Later on that day, you walk up to Daryl and nudge him with your elbow, “Didn’t know we moved up to stalking, I would have been watching you through your window a lot sooner.”
You laugh at your own joke and he looks at you, rolling his eyes, “You’re great w’the kids, y’know that?”
You nod, “Yeah, yeah, I’ve been told.”
“Y/n! Come on!” Rosita calls for you and you let out a sigh, “Gotta go.” You smile at him and he nods, “Be careful, a’ight.”
“Always am.”
The second day, Daryl had come down to the pool, smiling and talking with the kids as they tell them how much fun they’re having.
He tells them to hang on as he walks over to where you’re standing in the water, “You need me?”
He nods, motioning for you to come over. You had moms there today so you signaled for them to keep an eye on the group while you swam over to the wall, “What’s up, sweetie?”
He snickers at the nickname and bends down, “Y’wanna go onna run w’me later? We can take the bike.”
“Um, hell yes.” You smirk, “I love seeing you on that thing.” He chuckles, shaking his head, “Yeah, so you’ve said.”
You smile as you let your lower half float up, you kind of push out your ass, but Daryl notices almost instantly, “Oh, have I?”
He shakes his head, jutting his chin towards your ass, “Quit doin’at.” You okay dumb, kicking your feet slightly, “Doin’ what?”
He scoffs, lowering his voice, “Teasin’.”
You laugh slightly, “Come here.” You move to push yourself upward out of the water, hands flat on the concrete to hold you up as you whisper in his ear, “I’ll stop when you finally pin me down and absolutely fuck me into your mattress.”
You gasp quietly as you lean away, lowering yourself back into the water, “oops. Gotta go. Come find me about that run later.”
You swim away to continue coaching the children and Daryl stares at you for a few seconds, trying to keep his cock from growing anymore, but your voice just plays in his head, over and over against like a broken record.
He stands up and manages to go inside before anyone could notice, but you definitely knew.
Later on that day, Daryl cancelled of course. You had a feeling he was going to chicken out, but you didn’t push him.
Instead, you just waited until the sun went down.
Thankfully, they had added lights, so you knew Daryl would look to see who the hell is at his house at this time, which is exactly what you wanted.
You took off your shirt and shirts, tossing them on the chair quietly.
You worse a bra and a pair of underwear, which you knew you were safe to do.
As soon as you plugged the light in, you ran and dove in. You come to the surface, pushing water out of your face as you look up, and there he is.
Arm rested up on the window as he has his other hand in his pocket. He knew what you were doing, and it was working. He found it so hot how you were so comfortable with yourself to be out there, alone and vulnerable, but it was even hotter that he knew you can handle your own.
His head shakes side to side as he watches you in the water, and it isn’t long before he’s gone walking towards you, arms out slightly, “What the hell are ya doin’?”
“Listen, here Dixon, I belong on a beach, with messy hair, tanned skin, and a margarita watching the waves and obviously I can’t do that, so this is my only option.”
He shakes his head, looking around, “yeah, m’sorry ya can’t have that.”
You shrug, “Why’d you cancel on me?”
He sighs giving you a chuckle. You swim over to where he sits down on the concrete, “Huh?”
He pulls a cigarette out of the pack and lights it, “Y/n.”
“C’mon. I know you like me.” You reach out, leaving a wet spot on his knee as you poke it, “Admit it.”
“I ain’t admittin’ shit cause I don’t have to. Y’know I love you, darlin’”
You state up at him, “Say it again.”
He takes a drag of his cigarette and shrugs, “Get out’a the pool and maybe I will.”
You lift yourself up, pulling yourself up onto the concrete and stand there, “Tell me again, Daryl Dixon.”
He puts his cigarette out beside him before looking up at you, “I love you.”
You were on your knees for him, lips on his, your hands on his chest and neck as you lean into him. His hands slides down your back, moaning against your lips as he pulls you closer to him.
“What was it you wanted me to do earlier today?”
You smirk, and he tilts his head, “Say it f’me, baby. C’mon.”
“Take me inside, pin me down and absolutely fuck me into your mattress.”
His hands are on you, moving the both of you to your feet, “Go.” He pushes you towards the house and you walk quickly inside, excited to finally get what you’ve been wanting for so long.
You go up the steps, Daryl following behind you. You reach behind your back, clipping your bra before dropping in on the steps.
He shakes his head, hands gripping your waist to spin you around to face him once you reach the top, “Look’at you.”
You bite your lip, watching as his eyes travel down to your bare boobs, “Y’got such nice tits, darlin’.” He bends down and lifts you up, kissing between them as he walks you into his room.
He kicks the door shut before he walks over and you’re tossed into the mattress. You look up at Daryl and he leans down to grab your ankles, pulling you down to the end of the bed.
Your leg bed down over the edge and his hands slide up your goosebump covered skin to your panties. You lify your hips, biting your lip as you feel them slide down your thighs.
You lean up on your elbows, lip pulled between your teeth as you watch the man infront of you kiss up the inside of your leg.
The stubble from his beard causing your gasp out when it tickles your skin, “P-please.”
“Listen t’you beggin’ f’me.” He mumbles against your thigh, “Been wantin’ ya, baby.”
“You could have had me any time, Daryl.” You whimper as he grows closer to your pussy, “I-I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
He chuckles at your apology, “y’know how much it takes me not t’kill anyone who looks at’chu, huh?”
You nod, head tilting to the side as his kisses grow so close to where you need him, “I-I know what you mean.”
He pushes your thighs back as his tongue slips into your folds, causing you to gasp out loudly, “F-Fuck!”
He groans against you as he licks and laps at your pussy, his fingertips digging into your legs. Your hands go to the back of his, pulling your legs back further as your back arches.
You clench your walls around his tongue, moaning out as his nose nudges your clit just right, “F-Fuck.” You gasp out, “I think I’m close.”
You look down at him, moaning as how beautiful he looks between your legs. You bring one arm up, moving it lay over your body as your hand moves to lay on his head, pushing him into you more as you try to roll your hips.
Your mouth drops open as you feel him slide a finger in. You were immediately squeezing it, begging for more, which causes Daryl to chuckle, “Greedy lil girl t’night, ain’tcha.”
You whine at his words, “P-please.” You intertwine you fingers within his hair, tugging slightly which earns a low groan, “Fuck, hold on darlin’.”
You whimper, but that’s stopped as soon as you feel another one of his fingers push into you, “That what’cha wanted, baby, hmm?”
You mood, looking down at him, “Y-yes, Fuckfuck, yes.” You whimper as you roll your hips, “S-so close, baby.” You arch your back, your orgasm coming a lot sooner then you thought.
A string of screams, moans, and whines, leave your lips, earning praise from Daryl, “That’s it, baby.” He guides you through your high, leaning down to suck at your clit.
You roll your hips, thigh squeezing his head, “S-shit.” You gasp, “D-Daryl.”
He lifts his head, fingers slowly coming to a stop before he pulls them out, “Fuckin’ hell, baby.” He stands up, undoing his jeans before he leans forward, knees on the bed.
His hands bed down, lifting you hips and pulling you to him. He takes the head of his cock and rubs it up am down your slit as he spits down, smearing it around before slipping just the tip in.
You arch your back, going silent as you feel his cock stretch you the more he pushes in, “Fuckin’ hell, baby.” Daryl leans forward, your legs moving to wrap around his waist, “F-fuck y-you’re so big.” You whimper, “Shit.”
He smirks at your comment, leaning in to kiss up your neck as he slowly grows into a thrusting rhythm. You moan with each one, your hand grabbing his hair tighter and tighter as you cry out how good he’s making you feel into his ear.
“Thas’it, baby. Tell me how good y’feel.” He presses a kiss to your forehead and lays a hand on your cheek.
You nuzzle your head into his hand, squeezing his cock with your desperate cunt as you feel another orgasm coming on, “F-fuck.” You gasp, “Don’t stop.”
You cry out, back arching off the bed as you cum all over his cock this time around, moaning louder with each thrusts into you, “Yes, yes, yesyesyes!”
“Takin’ my cock so well, darlin’.” Daryl roughly turns your head and kisses your lips, “Y’look fuckin’ beautiful doin’ it.”
You smile at his words, moaning as he lays his hand on your throat, pinning it to the bed, “fuckin’ shit.” He groans, leaning in to kiss you again.
He heaves your body forward, wrapping his arm around you before lifting you up. Your arms go around his neck and your body starts to move against his as his hands guided you up and down.
He pauses to turn around so he can sit on the bed, and as soon as he’s down, you push him backwards, leaning down to kiss him as you hip bounce up and down on his cock.
His hands move to grip your ass, moving them faster as he bucks upward. You shoot up, hand laying flat on his chest as you squeeze his cock, moaning loudly as you lean forward, slamming your hips harder until that feeling of satisfaction washes over you.
“f-fuck.” You gasp out, “d-Daryl.”
“Shh, s’okay, baby. I got ya.” He lays a hand on the center of your back, “almost done, m’kay?” You nod, “Where do you want to finish?”
He shakes his head, “wherever y’want me to, baby.” He slowly starts to shrugs upward as he holds your hips still, “jus’let me know soon.”
He pecks at your neck, the stubble in his chin makes you gasp quietly, “i just..” you moan in his ear, “Don’t pull out.”
“Y’sure?” Daryl asks, “I do-“
“I just got over my period a few days ago, we should be good.” You kiss up his neck as you drag your finger up the other side and down his jaw, “Need all of you, baby.”
“Fuck, you’re good.” He smirks, rolling you back over. He brings your legs up, resting them against his shoulders as he slides back into you, “Y’so fuckin’ tight.”
He moans lowly, “Feels so fuckin’ good, darlin’, takin’ me so fuckin’ well, y’see that?” He slides a hand down, thumb massaging your clit as you moan out loudly, “O-oh, fuck. D-Daryl, baby.”
“Mm baby? Was’wrong, huh?” He reaches up, pointer and thumb gripping your chin, “Tell me s’I can fix it.”
“Need to cum again.” You whimper out and Daryl nods, instantly pulling his cock from your cunt and dropping down, your legs still rested over his broad shoulders.
Your heels dig into his chest as his lips wrap around you clit, causing you to moan out, “F-fu- yesyesyes.”
You spread your legs wider, forcing yourself to watch the man below you eat your cunt like there’s no tomorrow, “Fuck, yes. Just like that daddy.”
The words roll with breath you let out, but Daryl doesn’t seem to mind it, infact, it encourages him to make you cum faster, “C’mon, baby.”
He mumbles again say your cunt, “Cum f’daddy.”
You moan at his words, that is the hottest thing that has ever blessed your ears, “F-fuck.” You squeal as you feel his two fingers enter your soaked cunt, “Oh fuck, daddy yes!”
His lips suck and pull at your clit, encouraging a third orgasm to busts its way through your body, moaning loudly as your back arches and your hips roll forward.
Daryl quickly replaces his fingers with his cock, guiding you through your own orgasm as he enters his. You squeeze his cock, begging for every drop of his cum to fill you completely.
His head falls down, eyes closes as he breathes heavy for a moment. You stare up at him, reaching up to lay a hand on his cheek, “I’m definitely going to kick myself in the ass everyday for not jumping your bones sooner.”
He laughs, nodding as he nuzzles his cheek into your hand, “Yep. Me, too.” You smile and let out a sigh, “So, this means you’re mine right.”
He glances down and back up at you, “I would say so, y/n.” You smirk, biting your lip as he pulls out, “Just clarifying.”
“Everyone knows that I love you.” He stands up, “I get picked on all the time for it because I’m always staring at your ass in your jeans.”
You smirk, “I know.”
Sorry I haven’t gotten anything out, I’ve been having some writers block but please let me know how you liked this one!! As always, thanks for reading! I love yas! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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gutsby · 5 months
Best Served Cold
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Summary: Since your fiancé can’t seem to keep his hands off of Lori, you decide Daryl is the perfect way to make him pay. Revenge sex has never felt so good.
Warning: NSFW. Attempted SA. Unprotected p-in-v. I don’t condone cheating (unless it’s on abusers lol). Semi-public sex and getting caught doing it in a tent 🫣 Based on this kickass idea from @dilfsandmartinis (I'm so sorry it took this long for me to post the story) !! 💓
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Your man returned to your tent that night like he did most others: slick with sweat and too tired for sex. At least not again, not with you. He would undoubtedly claim to have been checking the perimeter, standing guard like a good leader should, but any blind man in that quarry camp could’ve seen he was just boning Lori.
A lot.
You were really more offended that he thought you stupid enough to abide by his lies than the fact he was fucking someone else. That part wasn’t new—his dick never knew how to stay in one hole longer than a month or two—but in an apocalypse? With his newly-deceased best friend’s widow? That was low, even for Shane.
Which was why you felt no compunction yourself as you slipped quietly from your tent toward the water’s edge that night, pink vibrator clutched tightly in hand.
Useful little thing that it was, a six-setting suction device that worked wonders on your clit, even underwater. You figured since Shane couldn’t be bothered with you or your sexual pleasure so long as the former Mrs. Grimes was occupying his time, you’d make use of this sex toy instead and start really leaning into the “self care” you’d been craving for so long.
The water was warm all the way up to your chest, and the air around you tepid. You moved around, treaded in place, and finally reached comfortable bearings a couple yards from shore. You relished the solitude and silence.
The moment you felt the toy come to life in your hand, you couldn’t help but smile. Exhaling as you brought the tip close to your center.
“Shit.” Even the gentlest setting too harsh on your clit, you nipped your lower lip and bit back a whimper.
You swirled it lightly on your inner thigh, tried painstakingly as ever to acclimate yourself to the buzz of the rubber, but damn were you sensitive. Almost too tender to be touched, too ripe with excitement and aching for the feel of something on you, or in you, or just barely skimming the surface of your skin underwater.
A low moan escaped your lips the second the head drifted back to your clit. Your toes curled into rough, rocky terrain underfoot, and your breaths started to quicken. You made a gentle motion with your hips—a sweet, semi-circular thing you’d been doing over Shane’s lower half as long as you could remember—begging for more friction, needing more of that mechanical hum.
You pressed the button for a higher setting. The peaks of your pleasure soared to new heights.
You were helpless to the trembling of your knees and felt immensely grateful for the water’s aid in keeping you straight. You pressed the rounded tip of the toy even tighter to your core and didn’t heed a thing around you as you sighed several expletives under your breath. A jolt of bliss washed over your body.
Your eyes had just started to close in the first throes of that wild sensation, when a new sound startled you.
“Ya done pissin’ or what?”
You shot a look toward the shore and saw a slightly less-than cheery individual standing at the edge of it, the toes of his boots grazing the incoming waves.
You froze in place. You hardly knew what to say.
“Ain’t safe fer you out here ‘n you know it. Come on.” Daryl beckoned you with one hand and started to turn.
At what point was it appropriate to tell him you were naked?
You thought he could surmise from the fact you were neck-deep in the water and refusing to move that maybe something more was keeping you in. Daryl seemed clueless, however.
“I ain’t got all night, kid,” he snorted, “’f you don’t hurry, Shane an’ the rest of ‘em’ll be out and— ah.”
At the last, he stepped on a pile of clothes folded neatly on the shoreline nearby, undergarments and all.
So this wasn’t a midnight swim or a late night piss at all, but a full-blown skinny dip. He should have known you weren’t the bikini type.
Awkwardly, almost begrudgingly, Daryl gathered what clothes of yours he could and chucked them closer to the lake. Then he turned on his heels and stalked up the beach without another word—fuming, it seemed to you. Once averted, though, Daryl’s face betrayed a look of horror. Like a parent who’d just stumbled upon a box of condoms in their daughter’s sock drawer after swearing she was still a virgin.
In the few short weeks since you’d been thrown together in this mess, Daryl had practically taken to you like family. He hated Shane ‘Shit-for-Brains’ Walsh most days, it was true, but the fact that you were you, and times were tough, and nothing seemed to occupy Daryl’s mind quite like the thought of keeping you safe, that he had to keep you close at all times. He just hadn’t imagined your proximity would turn this intimate so suddenly.
“Keep up,” he spoke more sharply than usual. Didn’t even wait for you to dry and dress completely before snagging your hand in his.
You glanced at your taut, hardened nipples poking up through the damp material of your tank top and suddenly wished you’d brought a towel. Or a bra. Your shorts, too, clung to your ass like a second skin and made you feel extra bare before Daryl’s eyes—even if he hadn’t spared a look at you once as you’d traipsed behind him through the woods.
When you tripped, he held you up; when you nearly ate shit over several rocky spots, he carried you over them. His eyes never strayed toward your body, though.
Once you’d made it to the clearing where your group had made camp, Daryl lowered you to the ground and still couldn’t find it within himself to look your way. You shuffled uncomfortably on your feet, now standing inches away from the tent you shared with Shane.
“Thanks for...that,” you said, flatly.
Daryl managed a curt nod.
Before you turned in, you decided to venture a look at Daryl’s chest, and you felt an influx of embarrassment. The taupe-colored cutoff he wore as a shirt was soaked with water. Instinctively, you brushed your fingers over the stain—as if touching it might dry the fabric, or else mask your humiliation at being the cause. You tried not to evince a hint of surprise at how sturdy he felt.
“Shit, I’m sorry, Daryl.”
You hadn’t thought any man was capable of looking more afflicted than Daryl did before, but somehow, incredibly, he appeared even more ill at ease when you touched him. You immediately retracted your hand.
“’S’okay,” he managed. He would’ve given anything not to be where he was, or who he was, at that moment.
Just when another apology leapt to your tongue—feeling even worse that you might’ve crossed a physical boundary you shouldn’t have—a twig snapped close-by.
You and Daryl jumped in your skin. You turned toward the source of the sound.
Shane was tugging his pants into place, pulling the zip up in haphazard fashion as he marched out of the woods.
He’d either been blowing Lori’s back out (again) or off to take a piss in the bushes. By the looks of his dazed and drowsy expression, you guessed it was the latter.
“Got a nice rack, doesn’t she?” Shane observed, careless as ever.
He walked past the two of you and unzipped the tent.
“I was jus—” Daryl started.
“Don’t care,” Shane cut in, “Goodnight.”
You were amazed at the level of nonchalance your fiancé exhibited. On finding you soaked to the bone and touching another man in the middle of the night, the old Shane probably would’ve laid Daryl flat on his ass.
But overprotective, possessive Shane was no more.
Before disappearing into the tent, Shane reached for your elbow. You barely got another glimpse at Daryl as you were ushered inside.
The tent was re-zipped in an instant, and you assumed Daryl would be quick to leave the scene, too.
You turned and saw Shane fumbling to unscrew the lid of his canteen. Taking several big gulps before re-fastening the top, tossing the jug to the side, and letting out a sigh.
“You get a look at the hard-on he had?” Shane chuckled.
You almost choked on your spit.
“Pitched a tent in his pants bigger’n this,” he returned, gesturing to the polyester enclosure overhead. Then he got back to his feet, walked over to you, and kept going, in spite of your perplexed expression, “He must really wanna fuck you.”
You blinked up at him, unsure if you were more baffled by Shane’s serene demeanor or the fact that you hadn’t noticed Daryl’s boner. You decided to overlook the erection for the time being.
“And you don’t...care if he did?” Instantly chiding yourself for the twinge of indignation in your tone.
“Nuh-uh,” Shane said. His hands came to rest comfortably on your hips, and he seemed to be hearing your words without really comprehending what you meant. As usual.
If he picked up on the irritation in your voice, he didn’t show it. He just rolled the denim of your shorts between his fingers and pulled you closer.
“This,” he hummed, fingers sinking between your legs, “is not for him.”
And Shane was community dick. Made sense.
You didn’t attempt to conceal your annoyance this time as you rolled your eyes and pushed his hands away.
“Well maybe if Daryl asked nicely…” you trailed off, starting toward the bed.
Shane stopped you before you could. He took a firmer hold of your sides and showed the first real hint of jealousy in his eyes. You were almost glad to see it.
“No,” Shane said, shaking his head. Then, snaking his touch back down your legs—with the fabric of your shorts fisted in his hands this time—he continued amidst your quiet protests.
You were gripping his wrists, trying to keep them from moving any further. But Shane was insistent.
“He wouldn’t get to ask nicely, because I’d blow his fucking brains out before he ever got the—”
“Shane.” You were actively shoving his hands off now. You didn’t mind this envious side coming back to the surface, but you would not, under any circumstance, be Shane’s sloppy seconds the same hour he’d fucked Lori.
“No. You— you smell like—” you cut yourself off before the woman’s name could leave your lips.
“Like what?” Shane snapped. Suddenly intrigued to hear what you had to say.
You tried to wriggle out of his grip, but when you couldn’t, and when he pressed you again, you sputtered some nonsense about his drinking—how he reeked of booze, not Rick’s wife.
“Thought you liked it when I fucked you drunk,” Shane grinned, voice dripping with condescension, “Said it gave me stamina.”
You’d said no such thing. You groaned lightly as Shane managed to pull your panties and shorts, together, to your ankles. When he started to take them off at your feet, he hardly seemed to notice your nails dig in his shoulders, silently begging him to stop.
“Think I should invite Daryl back over? Let him watch me fuck you stupid?” Shane’s mouth was hovering close to your center, hot breaths fanning over your lower half.
In any other situation, you would’ve craved him here: on his knees, ready to suck and lick and dick you down like he always used to do. But things were different now, you had to remind yourself. Apart from the walking dead invading your world, there was no Rick in the picture, no semblance of platonic feelings between his widow and your fiancé—you felt physically sick at the thought of Shane touching you now. You tried to stand the instant he threw you on the bed.
“Shane, I don’t wanna—”
“Fuck? Yeah, I figured,” Shane shrugged as he tried to peel your shirt off your body.
“Then quit,” you hissed. You were starting to fear the fabric might tear if you held on any tighter.
When it seemed evident you weren’t going to give in on the top, Shane let go and turned to his pants instead. Pinning you down with one hand, he unbuckled his belt as you whimpered and pleaded that he stop. The sounds only made the mound in his pants more pronounced.
The two of you had dabbled in CNC before, but this was not that. No safeword, no fallback, no trace of consent between you, and to be frank, you were starting to get scared. The second Shane freed his cock from his boxers, you felt a surge of panic rise to your chest.
“Fuck— STOP!” Without thinking, you jerked your knee.
You hadn’t meant to hit his balls so hard. But you did. And he folded in half, seizing with pain, while you took that as your chance to slide off the bed, slip on your panties—and hightail it the fuck out of there.
Shane’s cries pierced the night air like a blade through rotted flesh. You stumbled, half-blind in the dark, and blazed a reckless path through the tents all around you. Weaving in and out of neighboring spaces, searching desperately for any lone, dim glow of a lantern to tell you someone was awake to hear your pleas if needed. But sadly, no tent was alight but yours, and the entrance to that was presently being torn open once more as Shane staggered out there himself.
“Y/N!” he bellowed.
In your haste, you’d tripped over Glenn’s knapsack. You scraped your knee, scrambled back to your feet, and tried with everything in you not to make a sound as you retreated further from Shane’s voice.
You probably looked feral, weaving in and out of tents with your knee leaking blood and your pupils grown wide with fear. You scampered fast across the rocky campgrounds and made a beeline for the woods.
Until Shane’s footsteps fell heavy mere feet away.
Quickly changing course, you dove for the nearest tent and ripped it open. When you slipped inside, zipped it up, and went crab-walking backward like a panic-stricken animal, you hardly saw much of anything else.
Had your pulse not been pounding in your ears and your gaze not glued to the front of the tent, you likely would’ve gotten a pretty good laugh at the sight behind you.
At the very least, a chuckle or a smile or a slightly sheepish blush would’ve been supplied in a second, seeing someone wide-eyed and holding his cock in a death grip just inches from your rear.
You’d unwittingly scrambled into the tent of a man who’d just been beating his dick off furiously to the thought of you—and there you were, sitting pretty in pure, unadulterated fear for the sight of your fiancé any second now. When you turned your head, your hand flew to your mouth.
“Dar— oh!”
Like before, your heads snapped in the direction of a new sound, quick to sense that it was Shane, and this time, you went crawling over to the archer without a second thought. Hardly noticing his pants were down, you leapt into his lap.
“Y/N—” Shane hissed as he tripped over something outside. You heard a clatter and a bang, the sound of a few curse words sputtered in vain, and a groan. Daryl’s arms snaked around your sides and pulled you closer.
“What’ve ya gone and done this time?” he whispered.
“Told him no,” you murmured back.
You pretended not to feel the singe of Daryl’s gaze boring straight through the side of your head. Then a little lower, to your near-bare lower half and shaking legs. It didn’t take long for him to piece together what had happened.
“Y/N,” Daryl started, far louder than you could bear. You shushed him swiftly, ignoring the flare of anger in his eyes that told you he was currently conjuring up fifty different ways to kill Shane and just aching to act on it.
“Don’t. Please,” you said.
“Did he—”
“No. I...kneed him in the balls before he got the chance.”
Shane was pacing outside, like he knew you were somewhere close. He called your name every now and then, drew near enough to send you rigid with fear. Then Daryl would hold you tight, stroke your hair, or else just graze his lips on your shoulder to let you know he was there, and eventually, the fright would subside. You nestled yourself into that touch and felt something far kinder than fear for the first time in a long time.
You felt aroused.
Ever more inspired by the sound of Shane stewing, fuming outside within earshot and the nudge of Daryl’s member against your barely-clothed core. Well…you were tempted, to say the least. You just weren’t sure if Daryl would be on board for being your lightning-quick rebound fuck of the night.
You sighed as his hips moved gently against your own.
“You think maybe—” you started.
“—you might…tell me what you were doing before I barged in here?”
Even in the dark, you could sense a blush creeping up his neck. You loved to see a man like Daryl flustered.
“Oh, uh, that?” he said in half a chuckle. Glancing down at his groin and going back and forth between two thoughts in his mind, most likely. Tell you the truth or come up with a half-assed lie on the spot.
“Just…jerking off to you.”
He never had been any good at a bluff.
Your face visibly brightened in the dim glow of the tent. You tried not to let your elation get too far ahead of you, though, lest your voice raise above a whisper and draw Shane’s attention.
“Yeah? What about?”
Daryl never thought it possible for a woman’s enthusiasm in a question to turn him on, but yours did. He looked to your lips and swallowed, suddenly at a loss for how to answer.
“You’re fucking dead to me, Y/N. If you don’t—”
Your fiancé’s voice was as close, and as terrifying, as it had ever been. You eased Daryl onto his back.
“Were you thinking of this?” you teased.
You made that soft semi-circular motion with your hips and watched a brand new face contort with pleasure. The footsteps outside hardly registered in your mind any longer, as your attention was singly focused on Daryl.
He fought a groan in his throat as you grazed your slick heat over his length.
You coated him with your arousal quicker than even you had expected. You knew you were turned on, but never had it been like that, where you were damn near dripping sweet nectar all over a man’s cock. You let a little whine leave your lips.
You couldn’t help it; your cunt rocked back and forth over Daryl’s fat, throbbing cock and made obscene sounds as you did. The archer’s hands found your hips and gently guided you up and down as his own moans struggled to break loose.
You could’ve stayed like that forever, you figured—if you hadn’t been so fucking wet that the head of his cock slipped inside of your heat the second you and Daryl bucked your hips together. An inch was quick to stretch to seven before you could think or blink or do anything else but groan in pleasure, and suddenly, he was bottoming out inside you.
“Fuck!” Daryl hissed.
Fucking Shane, of all voices you didn’t want to hear in that moment. Fortunately, he’d heard Daryl’s voice alone and not the sound of your moan, calling his name at the same time, for entirely different reasons, it seemed.
Daryl gritted his teeth as you bounced on his cock,
“I’m looking for Y/N. You seen her, brother?”
Seen you, felt you, fucked you, yeah—he had.
Daryl closed his eyes and tried not to blow his load on the spot as you squeezed around him.
“No— no, I haven’t. Not since earlier,” he grunted.
“You sure?” Shane pressed, dissatisfied, “I heard her running around this way.”
You braced your knees against the ground and rode the man beneath you even harder, taking every ounce of resentment you felt toward Shane out on Daryl’s cock. Fuck if revenge sex didn’t feel nice when the object of your ire was standing right outside the tent.
You almost wanted to moan, wanted to whimper, but were quick to think better of it the longer you spent moving up and down his length. Seeing shades of lust in his eyes like never before, you just couldn’t bear the thought of having to pry yourself off any time soon.
Daryl sank his fingers into your thighs and sighed, leaving ten perfect crescents in their wake.
“Don’t you fuckin’ stop,” he murmured.
“Could ya— could you come outside and help me look?”
‘Come the fuck on’ seemed to be the silent, shared sentiment between you and Daryl as your bodies writhed fast against each other and your highs came close into view. You braced your hands against his chest and begged him not to answer with your eyes, but you also knew Daryl couldn’t not say something to him, either.
“I…I’m sure she’s fine.” Daryl tried, weakly.
He flipped you over so you were flat on your back, hands careful not to make much noise or cause you discomfort as he did. Cock never leaving your wet, greedy hole, he found it easier than ever to resume the pace you’d made above him—now pounding you quietly into his sleeping pad.
You gripped his back and, simultaneously, bit down on his shoulder to keep from letting out a shriek when he grazed a particularly sensitive spot inside you. Tried not to whine when he hit it again. And again. And again.
Shane was growing impatient. Hovered close to the front of the tent so you could see the outline of his shadow.
“You got something better to do, Dixon?” he snapped.
Yeah, fuck your fiancée, Daryl thought with a smirk. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him even deeper.
That light, airy feeling preceding ecstasy was close at hand. You wanted to give in—let the levee break and just relish the sweet sensation quick to follow—but you knew you couldn’t. Knew yourself too well to be a screamer not to hold on a little longer, until Shane had left.
But the way Daryl’s cock was pumping in and out of you at present made it hard, to say the least.
“Just…tired, ‘s’all,” Daryl groaned close to your ear.
“Tired from what?!” Shane jeered, “Wrist been hurtin’ from how hard you’ve been jerkin’ it to Y/N, huh?”
You almost burst out laughing. Daryl quickly cupped your mouth. Fucked you harder to shut you up.
And shut up you did; but not for long, you feared. The faster he pounded you, the more that coil in your stomach came to swell, and soon enough you might—
“Eat shit, Walsh.”
“Just help me out. Please.”
Daryl shook his head and fucked you harder, much to your chagrin. You didn’t want him to stop, but you needed him to, in truth, or that swollen thing inside of you just might get the better of you and burst. You pressed your hands to his chest and tried to whimper something softly, but Daryl just hushed you with his hand to your mouth and kept on at that breakneck pace. Your eyes rolled back, your legs started to shake, and if Daryl hadn’t had to tear his attention away to say something to Shane, he might have seen how close you were to blowing your cover…before it was too late.
With one more stroke inside your wet, sensitive hole, you felt a cord inside you snap and a flurry of wild, unbridled bliss take over, stronger than you’d felt in ages.
A shriek desperate to escape your throat, your teeth raked down Daryl’s flesh with the force of it, and, instinctively, the man yanked his hand away and yelped.
You hated to do it, but the feeling was just too good. Your lips parted to release one of the most lewd and obscene sex screams of your life—with Daryl’s name following over and over as you came.
Daryl’s eyes grew to half the size of his face, it seemed. Stilling inside you, feeling your sweet, hot juices flow down him in waves, he sat there and couldn’t quite decide if he was more turned on or terrified.
When Shane tore through the fabric of the tent and charged inside, he figured it out pretty quickly, though.
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 11 months
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Words: 9,640 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: Pre-apocalypse Warnings: Language, alcohol use by adults, references to drug use (no specifics), violence (no details) A/N: This is a special request for @winchestershiresauce <3 Summary: Based on watching your interactions, Daryl thinks you, a bartender at a local dive, may actually have a thing for his older brother Merle, but a series of events at the bar may begin to show him otherwise
“Get the fuck out! And if you come back, it isn’t going to be your drink hitting the fucking floor!” you yelled after the man who had burst through the exit and was now hurriedly stumbling his way across the parking lot and on to who knows where. You sighed and slung the bat up over your shoulder, catching the door with the palm of your hand as it swung back toward you. Behind you, the bar’s regulars were watching with amusement as you shook your head, clouds on your countenance. That guy had grabbed his last ass under your watch…
“I see we’re off to a helluva start tonight,” drawled a familiar voice to your left. “Need any help, darlin’?”
You looked up to see the Dixon brothers climbing off their bikes. Merle was the one who’d spoken. Daryl hardly ever said anything beyond his drink or food order and even now he seemed to be busy fiddling with something in his saddlebag, though you noticed him looking over his shoulder in the direction that man had just stumbled off.
“Merle Dixon,” you greeted him. “Are you going to behave tonight or do I need to keep my bat handy?” you joked, pinning a smile on your face as he wandered toward you.
“You know me, sweet thing,” Merle said. “You can’t get anythin’ as good as this without a heap of trouble mixed in.” He grinned widely at you.
“Alright,” you laughed. “You better come in and sit down. Would a beer at least bribe you off starting shit for a little while?”
“Might be a start. But I think you could find some better ways to keep me occupied. And it’d put you in the best damn mood of yer life,” he flirted. Merle was incorrigible. He held the door as you stepped back inside with a light laugh.
“Uh huh, I’m sure, Mr. Casanova.” He followed you up to the counter where you stowed your bat on a low shelf. Hopefully that would be the only time you needed to wield it for the rest of the evening…
Daryl was a few strides behind his brother but he too sunk down on a bar stool that had a small tear in the shiny green vinyl. He laced his fingers together on the bar top and cracked his knuckles. You always found it hard to get a read on him and his fiddling hands. Was it anxiety? Was he just one of those people constantly filled with the urgent need to move? You couldn’t tell. You gave him a smile and his bright blue eyes immediately dropped down to the countertop. That was typical too. The man was a smokescreen.
“What can I get you two? The usual?” you asked, already reaching for the glasses.
“Yeah, but gimme a burger and fries with that, would you, baby?” Merle said, flashing you what he clearly thought was his most charming smile.
“Same here,” Daryl drawled too, glancing up briefly. “Please.”
“Comin’ right up,” you said sweetly. You filled too large beers from the tap and put them down in front of the brothers and then went to drop the order ticket for the cook in the back.
One of the waitresses, a young brunette named Bobbi met you at the window looking a little harried. She slid an empty tray through and caught your eyes. “Thanks for throwing that guy out,” she said softly. She was the one he’d been harassing.
“Don’t even mention it. That guy was a scumbag. Are you okay?”
Her cheeks reddened a little but she nodded.
“If anybody gives you even a hint of trouble tonight, you come tell me straightaway, okay? Are you good to keep working? Do you need a break?” You were always protective of the waitresses, knowing well how quickly things could get out of hand with a bunch of drunk, testosterone-soaked idiots.
“No, no. I’m okay. Thanks. Thanks a lot, Y/N. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you looking out for all of us.”
She was still relatively new which made you feel even more protective of her, and you nodded. “We get a rough crowd in here, but there’s a line. That asshole crossed it.” You gave her another reassuring smile.
She noticed the Dixons up at the bar. “I see your admirer is back,” Bobbi said, nodding toward them.
You followed her gaze and laughed. “Oh, yeah. Merle Dixon. That’s his brother, Daryl, next to him.” You shook your head a little. “I’ll have my hands full in a couple hours once Merle’s good and boozed up. Just wait. I better get back.” You gave her shoulder a friendly squeeze as you slipped past her and slid behind the bar again. A few patrons were waiting for drinks and you hastily arranged glass pint glasses underneath the velvety stream of amber liquid and buzzing foam.
It wasn’t long before the Dixons’ food order was ready and you were setting warm plates down in front of them. The burgers were greasy and always overcooked, but the fries were surprisingly good. “Anything else I can get you boys?” you asked, grabbing Merle’s already empty glass and placing a few paper napkins on the counter.
Merle gave you a sly look. “I got a few things on my mind that I’d like from ya,” he said.
You reached across the counter and took one of his fries, dipping it casually into his ketchup and taking a few slow bites. “I’m sure,” you said cocking an eyebrow. You wiped your hands on a towel and straightened up. “But I meant from the menu,” you said, shooting him a look.
Daryl was watching the interaction surprisingly intently, his blue eyes darting between his older brother and you. Part of him wished for just a tiny bit of the bravado that Merle never had in short supply. There was something about you that always made his heart quicken—some combination of your take-no-shit attitude and the kindness you still seemed to possess that went right along with it. But he could rarely seem to unstick his tongue from the roof of his mouth.
“I can’t order off-menu? Why the hell am I here then?” Merle laughed.
“For the views,” you quipped, winking at him as you dried a glass. You moved down to the other end of the bar to assist another patron and Merle and Daryl’s eyes followed you.
Merle let out a low whistle. “She ain’t wrong about that, is she, little brother?” Merle said, thumping Daryl hard on the back before taking a huge bite of his burger. Daryl redirected his eyes away from you and back to his own plate, not saying anything. “Think it’s about time I followed up on all this talk with some action for that girl,” he laughed, dragging some fries through his ketchup.
“Be the first time you followed up on a damn thing,” Daryl snarked, unsure of what exactly came over him at that moment.
“What’d you say to me, boy?” Merle snapped, puffing out his chest. “Say it again!” he growled.
“Nothin’,” Daryl said, picking at his meal. “Forget it.”
“That’s what I thought,” Merle growled. “You ain’t even man enough to say more than two damn words to a woman. Sit here and talk shit to me…” He took another huge bite of his meal.
Daryl let it drop. It wasn’t worth it. Merle could flip a switch from silver-tongued schmoozer to rabid dog in an instant and everyone around would suffer, including you, and that was the last thing he wanted.
Business in the bar was steady well past the dinner hour. The Dixon brothers were still up at the counter. Daryl was only a few beers in but Merle had been putting them away. It was getting nearly time to cut him off from any more alcohol when things turned bad with the simple sound of the entrance door swinging open.
As usual, all the regulars looked at the new arrivals and before you even knew what happened Merle was on his feet and lunging at one of the men. He had his hands around the guy’s throat in an instant.
“Merle!” you yelled after him. Your voice was drowned out in what was immediately a full-on melee between the Dixon brothers, several other regulars, and the newcomers. “Shit,” you swore, reaching for your bat. You rushed around the counter and grabbed Bobbi by the shoulder. “Get the other girls and go into the kitchen!” you yelled over the brawling. You were still rushing toward the fight and she gave you a terrified glance. “And send that lazy ass cook out here! Go!”
Brandishing your bat, you started toward the fight with your heart pounding. You pulled the plug on the jukebox and the loud rock music stopped. You slammed your bat down on the nearest table top right about the time the cook, a skinny white guy named Mike, skidded to a stop beside you, gripping a length of metal pipe in his hand. He was staring slack-jawed at the mob of men throwing fists and shoving each other around.
The percussive noise of your bat making contact with the table startled the men fighting enough for you to yell over them and be heard. “Take it the fuck outside and off our goddamn property!” you roared, wielding your bat up on your shoulder. “I don’t give a shit if you want to kill each other, but you aren’t doing it here!” The color flared in your cheeks.
More jostling and raised voices again, but it spilled out into the parking lot and you heaved a small sigh of relief. A few of the regulars had fallen back, apparently thinking better of brawling and simply returning to their beers, but not without a good many welts on their knuckles and faces.
“Fucking morons,” you muttered under your breath.
When you returned to the bar counter, you were surprised to see that there was a generous stack of cash left for you on top of the Dixons’ bill. The wrinkled bills were far more than was needed to cover the food and beer. The tip was sizable, and you needed it.
You sighed and pushed a hand back through your hair as you fingered the stack of bills, your bat rolling a little back and forth on the dark oak counter. “Fucking Merle…” you muttered again, rolling your eyes. You put the correct amount into the register and tucked the rest into your waistband.
Mike was in the kitchen again cleaning up and the waitresses had filed back out once the coast was clear. It was nearing closing time and you began your final chores. Bobbi started wiping down the tables and putting up the stools and chairs as the patrons filed out, many on unsteady legs.
It wasn’t long after you’d rushed the brawl outside that you heard sirens distantly approaching. You rolled your eyes. Bobbi looked concerned and you drifted over to her, a rag in hand. “Don’t worry about it,” you said. “Not our problem.”
“What the hell happened?” she asked you. “I looked up and suddenly there was just a mob there by the door!”
You said goodbye to the last man out and locked the front door behind him. “If I had to guess I’d say it was a rival MC situation.”
“Motorcycle club,” you explained. You paused thoughtfully. “Or drugs. Could’ve been drug-related. You never know out here. These guys find the dumbest reasons to have beef with each other.” She looked concerned and it drew a dry laugh from you. “Rethinking your new gig?”
“Maybe a bit,” she admitted, smiling sheepishly.
“You’ll be used to it in no time… Come on. Let’s walk out the back together. Time to go home.”
_ _ _ _ _ _
“Why the hell ya always gotta pick a goddamn fight?” Daryl growled at Merle. He rubbed at a sore spot on the side of his jaw.
Merle was worse off than Daryl, sporting an eye that was already swelling shut and some split open knuckles, but he was feeling almost nothing with the amount of alcohol (and probably something else too) burning through his veins. He collapsed back on one of the beds in the shitty motel the Dixons were calling home for the week. “Ehh, that guy had it comin’. Sonofabitch owes me money and he’s gonna pay up,” he said carelessly, flinging an arm over his eyes. “‘N I don’t want that jackass in my territory, eyein’ up my girl.” Daryl knew his brother was talking about you and he rolled his eyes at his older brother for what felt like the tenth time that night.
“Yer girl?” Daryl scoffed. “Merle, ya only see her at night when she’s gettin’ paid to bring ya fuckin’ drinks. Yer girl…” he grumbled.
“Ah, you dun know a damn thing about it. Just wait… tomorrow…” he trailed off for a moment, “tomorrow ‘m done with all the talkin’…” Daryl stifled another snarky response. Best not to push his luck with his older brother, even as drunk as he was.
Daryl couldn’t understand what the hell you saw in Merle, but you did certainly seem to take his advances good-naturedly and perhaps even encouraged him. But it made no fuckin’ sense to Daryl; Merle was one of the regulars who caused the most trouble at the bar, and it always ended up sucking Daryl right in too. He felt some sense of responsibility to make sure Merle at least didn’t get killed… Blood was blood. Merle was the only family Daryl had left.
It was hardly 30 seconds after he flopped down that snores were emanating from his brother’s sprawled form. Daryl balled up one of Merle’s shirts that was laying in the middle of the dirty carpet and threw it at him. It landed over Merle’s face and the snores stopped briefly before resuming even more loudly.
“Fuck,” Daryl muttered, flopping down still fully-clothed on his bed, hugging the pillow. He had a feeling sleep would be hard to come by.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Your shift the next day started later in the evening and by the time you came in, the bar was already crowded. You knew within moments, too, that Merle was in rare form—already drunk and laying on the charm thick through slurred sentences.
Things were going fine until a few newcomers stepped in again, all of them wearing cuts that belonged to an MC you’d never seen before. Merle spun on his stool and glared. You could see his mind turning quickly even as soaked in liquor as it was.
“Hey—” you said, leaning over the counter and snapping your fingers in front of Merle’s face to break his scowl. “Eyes on me, tiger. You better not start shit in my bar two nights in a row or I’ll stop being so happy to see you coming around.” You hoped you could warn him off and prevent another night of chaos. There was probably a 50/50 chance of it working.
He grinned at you toothily. “Oh, that just ain’t possible, darlin’. We both know I’m yer favorite.”
“If you keep pickin’ fights and runnin’ off my customers you won’t be anymore,” you said, giving him a warning look.
He shot another glare over at the men in the corner booth but waved a hand and returned to his whiskey. “Ah, they ain’t worth my damn time anyhow.”
The man was unpredictable. Maybe he was just too drunk to be bothered. You breathed a sigh of relief and hazarded a glance at Daryl. You wondered if you needed to worry about him… As soon as you caught his eyes, which were strikingly blue, he stared back down into his beer. Hmm. Probably not? Now that you thought of it, Merle was always the one causing the violence… You couldn’t think of a single instance where Daryl had sparked a brawl. Sure, he went in after his older brother but so did the rest of the fucking bar. You couldn’t really blame him for that.
You straightened up. “You two alright? I’ll be back in a minute.” You grabbed the nearest server. “Watch the bar for me real quick?” They nodded and you hurried to the staff bathroom. You adjusted your clothes and checked your hair and makeup in the mirror before heading back out and down the hall toward the counter again.
And there was Merle standing at the end of the hallway, leaned up against the outdated wood paneling with his arms crossed, clearly waiting for you. He had a smug smile fixed on his face and you cocked your head slightly as you approached. “You waitin’ for little ol’ me?” you asked, flashing him a charming smile. “That drink empty already?” His tall frame was blocking most of the hall and you felt a bit of a nervous jitter in your stomach as you stopped in front of him. He was an intimidating figure.
“Actually, doll, I was waitin’ for little you,” Merle drawled. “I was thinkin’—how ‘bout I stick around after closin’ tonight and you and I can—get to know each other better…” A sly smile crept onto his face.
You tried to keep the smile fixed on yours. You were propositioned by some cocky drunk damn near every day, and sure, Merle flirted with you shamelessly, but this seemed more serious than a drunken pass. You tried to think fast about how to put him off. “I’ll be dead on my feet at closin’ time. You know ya’ll are a handful! Besides, is that really your best idea for a first date? Here? Where I work? Come on now, Merle. You need to be a little more creative than that,” you teased him. You still couldn’t get around him and back to the counter.
Daryl was watching everything from the bar top and he was soon on his feet, trying to figure out just what the hell Merle was doing blocking you in the hallway.
“Anywhere with me is a wild ride, sweetheart,” Merle replied with a wink.
Shit. He was not taking the hint. Damned liquid courage. “Well, you sure do know how to make a girl blush, even a hardened, cynical bartender like myself,” you said with a coquettish laugh. Your eyes raced to the narrow gap next to him. Could you just squeeze by? Right as you were wondering this, Daryl appeared over Merle’s shoulder.
“Hey!” he said, nudging Merle hard in the back of the shoulder. “The fuck are ya doin’? Let her by! My goddamn beer is empty,” he said, wiggling the empty bottle at his older brother.
Merle frowned, but straightened up and stepped aside. You brushed past Daryl, and as you did, you caught his eyes. There was something knowing and meaningful in that glance. He hadn’t interrupted because he needed another beer… In fact, you had no idea that Daryl had leaned over the bar and poured the rest of it down the drain before intervening.
You gulped and slipped back behind the bar as Daryl and Merle sank down on their preferred bar stools again. You slid another beer over to Daryl and caught his eyes when Merle was craning his neck to see who had just come in. “This one is on the house,” you murmured to him.
He only gave you a stiff nod and then went back to shredding the little cocktail napkin into a littering of paper snow in front of him.
Much later, it was nearly closing time and you’d stepped out back briefly to catch some fresh air. The night breeze felt heavenly after being in the suffocating din of drunken conversation and stifled by the tangy smell of beer all night.
The door next to you suddenly swung open and you straightened up from where you’d been leaning against the wall, surprised to see the younger Dixon brother stepping out. He fished a hand into his pocket for his lighter and quickly lit the cigarette dangling from between his lips. A puff of smoke drifted lazily upwards toward the velvety blackness.
You shifted, hugging your arms around yourself, a little uncomfortable being alone with him. He was, after all, a complete stranger and based on the behavior of his brother you didn’t really know what to think about him… There seemed to be a bubble in your throat and it was uncomfortable. You held off as long as you could before clearing it, knowing the noise would draw attention to you again.
Daryl gave you a sideways glance and you stared straight ahead, subconsciously pulling your bottom lip in between your teeth and chewing on it a little anxiously.
He looked back down toward his boots and tapped the ash from the end of his cigarette. His free hand scratched absently at a non-existent itch on the back of his head. Then, he was glancing at you again. “Hey, uhh— ‘m sorry ‘bout Merle…”
You looked over at him and met his eyes, surprised. Oh. Maybe he wasn’t like his brother…
“He can be a real fuckin’ asshole sometimes, always startin’ fights and shit,” he drawled, glancing back out over the dim back parking lot. “And blockin’ yer way like that earlier,” he shook his head and his face contracted into a scowl. “He was way outta line.”
You nodded. “Thanks… by the way. For the save back there.”
Daryl nodded and gazed down at his boots again as they shuffled in the gravel. “He’s my brother but—” he sighed heavily, shaking his head again, “—I dunno…” he trailed off. “Sometimes I think maybe I’d be better off not hangin’ ‘round him at all.”
You watched him curiously as he took another drag on his cigarette and blew the smoke up toward the starry night sky again. “He certainly doesn’t seem to mind conflict,” you said.
“Yeah…” Daryl mused. The silence stretched between the two of you for a minute or so and then you both turned at the sound of approaching tires on gravel.
Great. You recognized the car immediately. It belonged to the owner of the bar, who also happened to be your manager. You had to stifle groaning out loud. Daryl’s eyes followed the red sport car as it did a loop in the parking lot and stopped abruptly beside the two of you near the back door. The passenger side window rolled down.
Daryl watched curiously as you stepped forward slightly. The guy behind the wheel rubbed him the wrong way immediately with how he spoke to you.
“The bar empty or somethin’? What the hell are you doin’ out here? And who the hell is this, yer boyfriend?” he demanded, looking between you and Daryl. Daryl felt his face flush involuntarily at the implication.
“I’m on my break. Bobbi’s watching the bar,” you said, struggling to keep the distaste out of your tone. “He’s a customer smoking a cigarette. What’s the problem?” you retorted.
“Yeah, yeah, sure he is…” the guy said dismissively. Your fists clenched involuntarily. “Listen, I need you to be here at nine tomorrow,” he said.
“Nine? I’m closing tonight and then you want me back here at nine in the morning? The bar doesn’t even open until two. And isn’t Mark supposed to open?”
“I said nine, didn’t I?” he snapped. “There’s a delivery coming in and I’ve got a full schedule tomorrow. I need you to be here to sign for it and then move the merchandise into the storage room. And don’t forget to restock up top. Jesus, you’d think I don’t pay you or something…”
You hastily tucked your hair behind your ear, a somewhat nervous habit. “Well, can’t Mark do it? I’m probably not going to be out of here until 3 am tonight with cleaning and then—”
“If I wanted Mark to do it, I’d ask Mark. I’m asking you!” he snapped.
You bit down on your cheek hard. “Fine. Fine… I’ll be here at nine.”
“Good,” the guy said gripping the steering wheel again. “Was that so hard?” His tone was plainly patronizing and Daryl felt his blood heating up just listening to him. The next moment his window was rolling up and he was speeding away with a spray of gravel that nearly hit you.
You stepped back, swearing a little under your breath, and turned back toward the door. “Full schedule?” you repeated, glancing over your shoulder and watching the taillights of the car disappear around the corner. “Dick…” you muttered.
“Mmm,” Daryl hummed, shifting. “What could he possibly have goin’ on? Hair plug appointment?” he drawled.
You laughed. You actually laughed. And Daryl’s heart jumped a little at the sound for some reason. Maybe it was the way your face and eyes lit up. “Safe bet. Well, I better get back,” you said, reaching for the door handle.
“Guy’s a douchebag,” Daryl said, dropping his cigarette and grinding it out beneath a boot.
You looked back at him over your shoulder. “Yeah. Lot of that going around this place at the moment. You’re a breath of fresh air,” you said, shooting him a small smile. “Night, Daryl.”
He simply nodded and watched you slip back inside, trying to ignore how that smile you’d shot him had felt like a shot of bourbon, warming him up from the inside, leaving a satisfying burn all the way to his core.
_ _ _ _ _ _
“The hell ya think yer goin’ this damn early?” Merle growled, apparently awoken by Daryl moving around the room.
Daryl pulled his jacket on and glanced over. “Dun worry ‘bout it,” he drawled.
“Hey—pick me up some damn breakfast on yer way back,” he murmured, rolling over again. “Make yerself fuckin’ useful for once.”
Daryl shook his head and headed for the door. “Dunno when I’ll be back. Get yer own damn breakfast. Hey—way to follow through with Y/N at the bar last night, too,” he said, unable to resist getting in a dig.
Merle sat up and squinted unhappily at him. “Ain’t my fault you fuckin’ interrupted!” Judging from the slur in Merle’s words, he was still half-drunk.
“Yeah, that was the problem. Me interruptin’. Not that she is so far outta yer league—” Daryl had to duck out the door and pull it closed behind him in a hurry. The sound of Merle’s cup splashing and clattering against the door punctuated his exit. He’d probably pay for that later but at the moment it felt worth it…
Across town, you were waiting for the delivery truck to arrive at the bar, sunglasses on and a giant coffee in one hand. You were exhausted. You’d barely managed any sleep by the time you’d gotten home and showered the smell of beer and cigarettes off yourself… You were just signing the clipboard for the delivery driver and eyeing the enormous pallet of product you were going to have to somehow muster the energy to haul inside when the drone of a motorcycle and a cloud of approaching dust caught your attention. “Thanks,” you said vaguely, handing the clipboard back to the driver, squinting into the much too bright sun to see who was pulling in on a motorcycle this time of day. To your surprise, it was Daryl Dixon.
He pulled up close to the building and climbed off, adjusting his leather jacket and ducking his head as he walked over. You eyed him with confusion and curiosity as he walked through the cloud of dust left by the huge delivery truck. “You’re a bit early. Like, 5 hours early,” you said, taking a long sip of your coffee. “Bar doesn’t open until two.”
Daryl watched the delivery truck drive away in a cloud of dust and then eyed the pallet stacked with boxes of beer and liquor bottles. “Ya think that’s why ‘m here? For a drink at nine in the mornin’?” he drawled.
You lifted your sunglasses and met his eyes. In the brightness of the morning sun they looked like tropical pools. You felt some stirring in the center of your chest. You didn’t think you’d ever really looked at him before… “I don’t know why you’re here,” you said truthfully.
Daryl shuffled his feet in the gravel. “Because your manager is a dick,” he said.
You laughed with some surprise and nodded. “True.”
Daryl glanced again at the pallet. “He really expects ya to move all this inside on yer own?” he asked, somewhat incredulous.
“I mean, we have a dolly but—yeah. He’s an ass.”
Daryl started to pull off his leather jacket, ready to help, and shook his head. “Those better be some damn good hair plugs he’s gettin’,” he drawled.
It drew another laugh from you and his heart jumped in his chest. “You showed up here just to help me with this?” you asked, disbelieving. “Why would you do that? You don’t work here. I don’t understand,” you mused aloud.
He ducked his head, shrugging and shuffling his boots in the gravel a little. “Ain’t got anythin’ better to do…” he drawled softly. “And it’ll get me away from Merle for a bit.” He hazarded a nervous glance back up at you. You were staring at him inquisitively.
At length, you shook your head, still in disbelief as to why he’d volunteer for such a shit job. “That makes no sense to me, but whatever you say,” you laughed. “Lemme just grab the dolly from inside,” you said. Daryl watched you disappear through the doorway and couldn’t help but notice the curve of your hips and the way they gently swayed when you walked. His body responded with what felt like an internal lightning bolt of electricity that was impossible to ignore. He gulped and rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. Uh oh.
In under an hour, you and Daryl were both around the bar counter inside with big glasses of ice water in front of you, thoroughly sweaty and rosy-cheeked. The task was thankfully completed.
“I wish there was some way for me to pay you for your help. It would have taken me probably three times as long on my own,” you said, looking across the bar-top at him. He shook his hair from his eyes and shrugged. God, your expression was soft. If you kept looking at him like that he didn’t know what would happen…
“S’nothin’,” he drawled, a little abashed suddenly.
“No. You were a huge help. I’m so grateful, Daryl.” Shit, he liked how it sounded when you said his name. He wished you’d say it with every damn sentence. Uh oh. Again. Was he seriously catching feelings? He hardly knew you… “I’m running on hardly any sleep and I was about ready to quit before I even started when you walked up,” you insisted.
Daryl simply took another deep drink from his glass.
“Hey—at least let me make you some breakfast,” you said earnestly, straightening up. “Nobody will notice if I pilfer a few ingredients from the kitchen and I do make a mean breakfast sandwich.”
Daryl was hungry. He hadn’t eaten anything… He nodded. “Alrigh’. Sounds good,” he agreed.
In no time you had whipped up two egg sandwiches on sourdough with bacon and cheese along with home fries. You slid a warm plate across to Daryl and gave him a smile. “Bon appetit!”
He dug in unabashedly. “Mm,” he hummed, his mouth full of potatoes. “S’really good. Thanks.”
“It’s literally the least I could do,” you said. You smiled a little to yourself at the way he ate, eagerly and appreciatively. “So, are you and your brother from around here?”
Daryl wiped his mouth on his sleeve and took another big gulp of water. “From not too far,” he said.
You nodded and waited, expecting him to elaborate, but he didn’t. Instead of pressing him further, you decided to just enjoy the somewhat goofy sight of him enjoying the food. He finally seemed to realize you were watching him and his blue eyes glanced up. He cleared his throat and shifted on his stool. “Uhh, are ya from ‘round here?”
You laughed lightly. “It’s okay, Daryl. You don’t need to feel obligated to make small talk with me. I won’t be offended.”
“No, it ain’t that I—uhh… I just ain’t good at small talk,” he murmured, looked somewhat abashed. He had finished his food and hastily wiped at his mouth with the napkin, suddenly worried he was a mess.
You shrugged. “I think you’re doing fine,” you offered with a smile.
He let out a dry laugh and nodded. “Sure. Whatever you say,” he drawled. “So, what’s with yer manager anyway? Guy seems worthless. I dun think I’ve ever even seen him in here. Does he ever work?”
You rolled your eyes and sighing. “No… he doesn’t. And he basically is worthless. He owns the place but me, the other bartender Mark, and the kitchen staff pretty much take care of everything, but he gets all the nice profits. I think the last time I’ve even seen him inside the building was when the cops busted up a drug ring,” you said wryly.
“Mmm,” Daryl hummed, nodding. “I think I kinda remember that. Was about a year ago?”
You nodded. “Yeah. Was Merle implicated in that?” you laughed.
Daryl let out an amused scoff, more of a breath than anything. “Prob’ly shoulda been if he wasn’t. Who the fuck knows…” he trailed off. The silence suddenly felt thick between the two of you and Daryl found himself nervous. He cleared his throat a little anxiously and stood up. “Well… I should get goin’. Let ya get outta here at least a bit before ya gotta work later, righ’?”
You nodded. “Unfortunately,” you sighed.
Daryl nodded. “Hope ya can get some rest before then. I bet the regular crowd in here is a real bitch to deal with on no sleep.”
“Since you helped me finish that stocking and stuff earlier than I would have on my own, I just might have time for some sleep before my shift. Thanks again,” you said, giving him a warm smile.
“No problem,” he murmured ducking his head. “Thanks for the breakfast. Was really fuckin’ good. Maybe ya should open up some place for brunch,” he joked.
You laughed, brimming with light, and Daryl was realizing that—oh shit—he definitely had some like feelings for you. Where the hell did this come from? And when did they start? Had it been this way all along? His heart skipped a beat at the sound of your laugh. His palms felt sweaty when your eyes met his. “Not a bad idea,” you said with a smile. You wiped off the bar absently. “Well, I’ll see you later, Daryl.”
“Yeah. Later,” he managed. He turned and walked out, and you found yourself watching his broad shoulders and the wings on his vest until you couldn’t see them anymore.
_ _ _ _ _ _
“Where the hell ya been all day?” Merle growled when Daryl drifted back into the shitty motel room. “I been starvin’! Ya didn’t bring me some damn food? What good are ya? Huh?” He shoved Daryl lightly in the shoulder.
“I ain’t yer errand boy, Merle! Ya got a damn bike. Go get yer own fuckin’ food!” he argued.
“Ah, whatever… ‘Bout time I need a damn drink anyway. Where the hell were ya? Tell me ya scored some more cash. My stash is gettin’ low.”
“No,” Daryl said, pulling off his leather jacket. Merle swore not so under his breath.
“Well? What the fuck were ya doin’? Go somewhere just to jack off?” he asked with a hearty chuckle.
Daryl only glared at his brother and headed for the bathroom, followed by the sound of Merle’s laughter. “Fuck off,” he growled. He slammed the door and started the shower. Something about knowing he was going to see you again later that night put the idea in his head that he should get cleaned up…
_ _ _ _ _ _
“Another whiskey and coke for you,” you said, sliding the drink over to Merle, “and a beer for Daryl,” you added, giving the younger Dixon a wide smile that had him feeling slightly lightheaded. “Can I get you boys anything else?”
“How ‘bout yer home address?” Merle slurred, “so’s I can stop by later tonight? I make house calls and ya won’t ever find a better medicine…”
Your eyebrows lifted. “Merle, the way those words are slurring, I have a hunch you won’t be doin’ anythin’ but passin’ out later,” you teased him. “I think I might have to cut you off after this one.”
He waved a hand at you and pounded half his drink, throwing his head back and nearly slopping some liquid down his front. “Dun worry ‘bout a thing, sweetheart. I can handle my liquor.” This statement was punctuated by him slipping off his stool clumsily and nearly falling to the floor.
You watched, shaking your head, as he meandered over to a group of other bikers standing around the pool table. “Incorrigible, isn’t he?” you said to Daryl.
Daryl shook his head, a regretful look on his face, embarrassed on his brother’s behalf. “He shouldn’t talk to ya like that. ‘M sorry…” he drawled.
You waved it off, your cheeks coloring a little bit from Daryl’s obvious care and concern. He’s definitely different than his brother. “Compared to some of what I get, that was pretty tame.”
Daryl’s brow was still dark. “Hmm,” he hummed, chewing a little on his bottom lip.
You looked up as the door burst open with a bang and a familiar figure stepped in. Daryl followed your gaze and glanced over his shoulder to see a rather large man entering with a swagger that clearly showed he thought he had the run of the place. Daryl’s eyes shot back over to you as you swore under your breath.
“What is it?” he drawled.
You reached for your bat underneath the bar top and Daryl found himself on guard. “He’s not supposed to be in here. I’ve thrown him out too many times so I finally banned him. He’s bad news… He nearly killed someone last time with his bare hands.” Your brow was creased with anxiety.
Daryl could read the worry on your face as you made your way around the bar, bat in hand, and approached the towering man. The younger Dixon stood up, watching carefully, ready to step in if shit seemed like it was about to go the tiniest bit sideways. His eyes landed on Bobbi, the newest waitress. “Hey, go get the cook from the back,” he drawled. She nodded and rushed off to grab Mike. Daryl paced over slowly as you confronted the guy, telling him firmly he needed to leave, your bat perched up on your shoulder.
At first, Daryl thought he was going to refuse. Fists clenched, he was ready to step in and knock the guy out if he needed to—or at least try; the burly man probably had about a hundred pounds on Daryl. To his surprise, the big guy simply fixed a long stare on you and then smiled in a way that turned your stomach. You gulped.
“No problem, sweetheart. I’ll just come back when the time is right,” he said, winking at you. A shiver shot up your back as he turned right around and busted back out into the parking lot. The door slammed closed again with a loud snap.
Your posture was stiff and your expression uneasy. Daryl paced over to stand beside you and you finally glanced at him, though the furrow remained between your brows. You gulped again. “What the hell do you think that meant?” you asked in a low voice.
Daryl sighed and shook his head. “Dunno. But I dun like it. Can’t be anythin’ good.” He glanced back toward the door as if he expected the man to come busting back inside at any moment. “Ya really oughta have security here to keep ya safe,” he mused aloud.
You scoffed. “I’ve told the manager that I don’t even know how many times. He doesn’t give a shit as long as it’s not him being threatened. All he worries about is his damn profit.” You shook your head and headed back behind the bar, replacing your bat in its usual spot. Daryl drifted up to the counter again. He noticed that your eyes kept flicking over to the entrance, almost on their own.
“Hey,” he said softly. Your eyes snapped back to his face. “I’ll hang out tonight at close. Make sure ya get to yer car safely,” he said.
“Oh—Daryl, you don’t have to do that. There will be at least one other waitress here—”
“Dun take this the wrong way, but I dun think any of yer waitresses could take that guy,” he said dryly.
You nodded and let out a wry laugh. “Yeah… and you could?” you asked curiously. Sure, you’d seen him fight in the bar before, going in after Merle, but this guy was huge.
Daryl shrugged and ducked his head a bit shyly. “Dunno. Maybe if I borrow yer bat… but better me than you.”
That stunned you a little bit. Your lips parted slightly and you looked at him with curiosity again. First, he shows up to help you move all that inventory and now he was gonna wait around to make sure you were safe? Who was this Daryl Dixon? You felt as if you were continually seeing him in a new light. “You’d fight that guy for me?” you asked suddenly.
His blue eyes shot up to yours and he rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “I ain’t sayin’ I could win…” he drawled.
This pulled a disbelieving laugh from you and you shook your head. “Daryl… I had no idea you were such a knight in shining armor. You might be a little out of place in here with the rest of these degenerates,” you joked.
He ducked his head, shaking it a little. “Nah… ain’t nothin’ like that. Just—ya know… that guy was a fuckin’ creep…”
You smiled at him fondly, leaning slightly forward on the bar top, and he felt a wash of heat spread over him from his chest outwards. “Any chance you can start coming in every night?” you said with a smile. And Daryl couldn’t decide if you really meant it or not, but he allowed himself to daydream that you did.
Daryl stood beside you, later that night, watching as the last waitress got into her car and pulled out of the lot. At some point during the evening, Merle must have wandered out of the bar. The best Daryl could hope was that he’d somehow find his drunken way back to the motel. For now, it was just you and Daryl. He took another drag on his cigarette and blew the smoke up toward the inky black sky.
You glanced over at him for a long moment and then reached up and took the cigarette dangling from between his fingers and tossed it down onto the asphalt. You ground your boot down on it, extinguishing the thin curls of smoke. He looked from the ground back up to your eyes, his brow furrowed. “You should quit those things. They’ll put you in an early grave,” you said, fiddling with your ring of keys.
He let out a noise that was part hum and part huff. “Maybe tha’s the point,” he drawled, his voice a little extra gravelly.
“Oh, come on. I’d miss your handsome face around here too much. Don’t do that to me.” You gave him a small smile that Daryl didn’t feel was forced… His stomach lurched nervously and he ducked his head, nodding. “You’re watching out for me, so consider this me watching out for you,” you said.
He hummed a non-committal noise. You smiled at him. His heart jumped.
“I’m gathering that you’re a man of few words,” you commented, cocking one eyebrow at him.
He shifted his weight a little anxiously. “Maybe ya shoulda asked Merle to stay instead,” he drawled. “He never seems to have a shortage of shit to say…”
You laughed lightly and nodded. “Yeeeeah… that’s definitely true,” you agreed, fiddling with your keys again.
Daryl was giving you a long, thoughtful look and you felt your cheeks flush a little under his gaze. He was handsome… Those blue eyes seemed like they could see right into you. “What?” you prompted him, smiling a little nervously with the way he was staring at you.
He mumbled something and shook his head, turning back to stare at his boots again. The only sound was the chirping of crickets in the long grass at the edge of the parking lot and the distant, somewhat haunting call of a whip-poor-will.
“No! Come on! What is it? I can tell you were thinking something!” you insisted
He shook his head. “I dunno… s’nothin’.”
You crossed your arms and surveyed him. “It was obviously not nothing, Daryl.”
He chewed on his bottom lip for a moment, considering you again. “S’just… what’s up with you and Merle anyway?”
You cocked an eyebrow at him and let out a dry laugh. “What do you mean?”
“Well, ya kinda seem like ya encourage him, ya know, but then the other day—” Daryl ducked your gaze again, suddenly running out of courage. This shit wasn’t any of his business anyway. “Never mind. Forget it…”
You suddenly understood and nodded, smiling at him. “Daryl, I’m just doing my job,” you laughed. “And if flirting with Merle gets me a bigger tip, which it usually does, then I can pay my rent more easily. It has nothing to do with me actually wanting to date him.” Daryl’s eyes lifted and met yours again. You nodded as if to say ‘duh’. “Your brother is a routine pain in my ass, in fact,” you finished, cocking an eyebrow up.
There was a queer expression on Daryl’s face and he’d suddenly gone still, an abrupt change from his previous nervous shifting.
“Oh, don’t tell me you’re judging me right now,” you said, already getting a little defensive.
“Huh? No! Nah, it ain’t that. It’s just—uhh, never mind,” he said, ducking his head again. “Nothin’.”
“No, tell me! Come on!” you insisted, moving around to stand in front of him.
Daryl shifted uncomfortably and lifted a hand to scratch at a non-existent itch on the back of his head. “S’just… Uhh—Merle dun tip. He’s a real cheap sonofabitch… If he thinks he can get away with not payin’ for somethin’, he will… Ain’t no way he’s leavin’ extra money behind…”
“What? What do you mean? But there’s always—” you stalled out as the realization hit you and you registered what Daryl was saying. Your hand went to the wad of cash in your back pocket, left on the bar that very night. “Oh. Oh, shit… There’s always a big tip, and you hardly ever said a word to me and Merle was always so flirtatious! I just assumed—Oh, shit! I’m sorry, Daryl. I—I didn’t know it was…”
He waved it off, shrugging. “I ain’t tippin’ ya for the recognition.”
You gulped, still feeling awful that you’d made such an incorrect assumption. All this time, it was Daryl leaving you the huge tips on the bar top with their bill. “Then why do you tip me so much?”
He shrugged. “Ya work hard in there and ya put up with a lot of bullshit doin’ it. I dunno—buncha loud, rowdy, drunken bikers and criminals. I mean, how many times have ya had yer ass grabbed?”
“This week or just tonight?” you joked dryly.
He shook his head, but you noted he didn’t look amused. “Exactly,” he drawled. “Ya deserve the big tips. Just dun ask me where I got the money…”
You nodded, giving him a tight-lipped smile. “Deal. And thanks. Thank you… I literally got my car fixed a couple times just with that tip money. It really does make a difference, make my life a little less stressful. So, thank you.”
“Dun mention it,” he said shyly, avoiding your gaze. “And for real, dun mention it to my brother because if he finds out there was more cash he coulda used for drugs and booze, I’ll be in some deep shit,” he said with a small laugh.
“Consider it just between you and me,” you smiled.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Daryl parked his bike in his usual spot, the headlights illuminating Merle slumped back against the door, apparently asleep or otherwise passed out. Daryl rolled his eyes. Merle stirred and shielded his face from the bright headlights of Daryl’s bike and then stumbled clumsily to his feet as the engine shut off.
“Where the fuck’ve you been?” he spat at his younger brother. “Ya got any idea how long I been sittin’ out here waitin’ for yer dumb ass?”
“Waitin’? Where’s yer key, Merle?”
“Hell if I know! Somebody musta taken it off me!”
Daryl rolled his eyes and produced his own room key from his pocket. “Uh huh… somebody stole yer room key… ‘m sure.” Merle shoved him from behind as he was trying to fit the key into the lock. Daryl had to throw out a hand to stop from colliding with the door, and he spun to glare at his older brother. “Stop bein’ a dick!” he barked.
“Well, where the hell ya been anyway?” Merle asked him. “You been disappearin’ a lot this week! Dun tell me ya finally found some girl who’ll look at ya twice.”
Daryl was so sick of his brother’s bullshit that it just burst out of him. “I was with Y/N at the fuckin’ bar! Jesus, shut the fuck up, Merle!”
Merle froze momentarily and then scoffed. “She hardly spares you a glance, boy!” he said, laughing hard.
Daryl pushed into the room and Merle waltzed in behind him, kicking the door shut hard after he crossed the threshold. “You and Y/N? Oh, that’s funny, little brother,” he said smiling toothily.
“Ain’t a joke,” Daryl said, pulling his leather jacket off.
Merle stalled out, seemingly considering Daryl’s words more seriously. “Ya better be lyin’ for your sake,” he said slowly.
“Why?” Daryl snapped, sitting down on the edge of his bed and pulling off his boots. “She ain’t yours. She ain’t nobody’s but herself.”
Merle was suddenly standing over Daryl, his fists clenched. “Ya better be lyin’, boy…” Merle said again.
Daryl glanced up at him. Jealous. Merle was jealous and pissed. Daryl only stared up at him defiantly.
_ _ _ _ _ _
After a couple days off, you were back working an early shift on Tuesday. Business was always slow in the afternoon, but you weren’t complaining. It was nice to have a tame shift after so much turmoil and chaos the previous week. There was one old regular in a back booth, nursing a whiskey and keeping to himself. The jukebox was droning old cowboy country and you were content to sip ice water and flip through a magazine on the bar top.
You glanced up lazily at the creak of the hinges and were surprised to see none other than Daryl Dixon striding in with the sunshine at his back. Alone.
You straightened up, a curious and surprised expression on your face, the magazine already forgotten in front of you.
He gave you a boyish half-smile and wandered over to his usual spot, sinking down on the bar stool. You bit your bottom lip subconsciously and then smiled at him. “I’m a little surprised to see you in so early on a, uhh… Tuesday,” you said. “Not your usual time.”
He shrugged and glanced around. “Damn. Place is really slammed, huh?” he said dryly, one corner of his mouth twitching up. You laughed and grabbed a glass for him.
“Beer?” you offered.
“Sure,” he drawled, tapping a finger a little nervously on the bar top.
You filled his glass and slid it over, then gave him an expectant look.
“What?” he hummed, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.
You laughed again and shrugged. “Nothing, I guess… Just wondering why you decided to come in today. Alone.”
Daryl spun the glass in his hands, leaving a little series of condensation rings across a small area of the dark wood. He gulped. He couldn’t answer that question directly. He wasn’t brave enough to say ‘just to see you.’ “Merle was already back at the motel the other night when I got back,” he said.
You decided to let him get away with the seeming topic change. “Oh, good. I was afraid he was passed out in a ditch somewhere.”
“Nah, unfortunately not. And he’d lost his damn key so I had to hear about him waitin’ on me…”
“Ah. So, he wasn’t too happy then.”
Daryl shook his head. “No. And, uhh, he was even more pissed when I—when I told him I’d been with you.” His blue eyes shot up to study your face and he was pleased when you rolled your eyes… Over the last couple days, he’d slingshot-ed between convincing himself he wasn’t imagining some spark of chemistry with you and being absolutely sure he had it all completely wrong. Surely, you’d just been flirting with him the way you’d been flirting with Merle, right?
“I hope he wasn’t too much of an asshole to you,” you said, leaning forward on your forearms.
Daryl shrugged. “Only a little more than usual,” he drawled. He spun the glass in his hands and decided right at that moment, because of the way you were looking at him, to throw all caution into the wind. “When, uhh—when d’ya get off today?”
Your face slowly lit with a smile that nearly staggered Daryl off his stool. “Who wants to know?” you teased him.
He rolled his eyes. “I do…”
“I’m off at six today,” you said, that smile still plastered on your face where you thought it might stay forever if what you thought was happening was actually happening.
“Any chance ya’d wanna, I dunno… go for a ride on my bike or somethin’?” He cleared his throat, nearly vibrating with nerves as he waited for your answer, holding his breath.
One of your eyebrows lifted. “Merle’s not coming, right?” you joked. Daryl let out a gravelly laugh.
“Nah. Promise.”
You grinned at him and then bit your bottom lip again. “Then count me in.”
Daryl ducked his head and stared down into his beer, fluttering excitement in his chest. “Alrigh’. Sounds good.”
He looked up at you again, a questioning expression on his handsome face.
You leaned forward onto the bar countertop and grabbed gentle hold of his lapel, giving it a tug until the two of you were mere inches apart. Daryl’s eyes flickered over your face, confusion and disbelief coloring them a darker blue. After a moment, you closed the gap and pressed the soft pillow of your lips to his. He seemed to melt beneath them and in a second was kissing you back.
He had a struck look still on his face when you pulled back. He gulped. “Why’d ya—” he couldn’t get the rest of the question out.
You shrugged, straightening up behind the bar again. “Thought we’d just get that out of the way. Now we can both relax,” you said with a soft smile.
Daryl gulped again and then managed a vague nod. “Is it six yet?” he asked, that sweet drawl of his like warm maple syrup.
You grinned back at him. “I wish.” The end of your shift couldn’t come fast enough.
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thewalkingthread · 8 months
"I've been thinking" - D.D.
pairing: daryl dixon x f!reader
summary: After witnessing how good Daryl takes care of Judith and RJ, you think it's about time y'all have one of your own.
warning: fluff
a/n: I love soft Daryl.
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You and Daryl had been through more than your fair share of hardships, having faced the trials of the apocalypse together. Your bond had only grown stronger over the years, and now, after the war in Commonwealth settled, you and your community found a place to call home. Despite the chaos of the world outside, you had finally had a semblance of peace and security among friends, new and old. Hell- you guys even had a dog now.
It was sunny today, Judith and RJ ran around on the street with some of the other kids. They screamed and hollered as they played tag, a heart melting smile spread across their faces. Just kids being kids.
You and Daryl sat on the front porch of your house with Dog. Daryl's crossbow rested against the wall as he sharpened the points of his arrows. You watched the kids, you had a smile that mirrored their contagious ones.
"You okay?" Daryl asked, his voice soft, he glanced at you briefly before he continued to work on his arrows.
You nod your head, your eyes still fixated on the kids. "I've been thinking,"
"That can't be good," Daryl scoffed, teasingly. You roll your eyes, reaching over and bumping his shoulder with your fist. "Bout wha?" He asks.
You shrug your shoulders, glancing down at the glass of water in your hands. "The future." You said simply.
Daryl looked up, curiosity evident in his stormy blue eyes. "The future, huh? What's on your mind?" He placed the arrow on the table, giving you his undivided attention.
"Well," You began, a faint blush coloring their cheeks, "I've been thinking about this for a while, but it never seemed like the right time. I mean these past few years have been so... crazy." You wince.
"But now, everything feels right. We're safe. Here, in commonwealth. The kids are safe here, we've got something good going. Something real." You hated saying it, knowing you felt the exact same way with the prison, with Alexandria. I don't think anywhere in this world would ever be safe, but here felt like it.
"We've been dealt some shitty cards. With Rick and Michonne gone, we've basically been given all their responsibility. I know we have to lead these people. I know we have to keep Jude and RJ safe. But I can't help but notice how great you are with Judith and RJ. You're a natural, Daryl. We take care of them like they're our own and-" Your voice trails off, losing the confidence to finish.
"Spit it out, woman." He grunts, staring into your eyes knowingly.
"I want to expand our family... Have one of our own?" You raise an eyebrow, "I wouldn't mind a little Dixon running around."
Daryl paused, his hands grasping yours. He looked at you with the softest eyes, his heart swelling with love and tenderness. "You serious?"
You nodded, your eyes never leaving his. "Yeah, Daryl. I am. I think we're ready. I mean you're obviously going to be one hell of a dad."
Daryl's rough exterior couldn't hide the softness that your words had brought out in him. He scooted closer to you, holding both of your hands tightly in his. "You really think that?"
You smiled, your love for Daryl shining in your eyes. You've been with Daryl from the beginning. Him and Merle found you alone in a convenient store the day everything went to shit. After months of pining over each other you finally bit the bullet at the prison and made it official. Though the two of you been through hell the past 10 years you're here, together.
"Absolutely. I've seen the way you protect and care for those kids, the way you take care of me. It makes my heart ache with how much I love you. We're building something here. I want to start a family with you."
Daryl leaned in, capturing your lips with a tender kiss. It felt just like it did the first time all those years ago. "I love you too, Y/N. Let's do it. We'll make it work, no matter what. Us against the world. The way it's always been."
His arms wrapped around your body and pulled your close to him.
"Are you two okay?" Judith's voice caused the two of you to pull away from each other. Her eyebrow was raised suspiciously at you two. You and Daryl both burst into a fit of chuckles.
"How would you feel helping Auntie Y/N out with a baby?" Daryl's voice was scuffed. Judith's eyes just about popped out as she jumped into y'alls lap.
"Yes, yes, yes!" She cheered. "About time!" She laughed. Dog barked, oblivious to what was happening but happy to see everyone happy.
You and Daryl exchanged amused glances. Deep down inside you both knew you'd be okay. Whatever happened next, you'd handle it together.
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ghostboneswrites2 · 4 months
My Reading List:
Daryl Dixon
This is a masterlist of some of my favorite works by other writers on tumblr! Features, one shots, drabbles, headcanons, etc. Anything reader x daryl that I enjoyed a lot. Will constantly update as I find more.
To the authors whose work is linked here: I wasn't sure if I should tag you or if that would be rude or annoying plz lmk if tagging is not preferred and I will remove your tag and leave it as just the link!
2 Batteries Away (mildly angsty smut) - by @pirateprincessblog
Wha's up there? (funny little convo) - by @celtic-crossbow
She's alrigh' (another funny little convo. This author is great with these) - by @celtic-crossbow
Can you flip me on my back? (smutty drabble that made me die) - by @dixonzzgirl
Dog headcannons (omg?? this was geniusly adorable????) - by @dixonzzgirl
Sins and Honey Flavored Sweetness (smutty one shot) - by @scudslut
Long Before (long, smutty, beautifully written reader!greene x Daryl) - by @ladywuvly
When Skies are Gray (we only have the first chapter so far but I'm already hooked) - by @optimist-pine
The World Keeps Getting Hotter (Daryl fears death for the first time, because of you) - by @celtic-crossbow
Older and Older Pt 2 (first fic is younger reader tormenting Daryl with her suggestiveness, second is the smutty payoff for his suffering) - by @d1xonss
Love me, love my cat (Daryl isn’t a cat guy but he doesn’t have a damn choice) by - @spectacular-skywalker
Best Served Cold (Walsh!Reader gets revenge on cheating fiancé with Daryl) - by @gutsby
Afterglow (a lovely Bethyl where Beth survived and ends up in the CRM) - by @galadrieljones
Failed to Protect You (a sad self insert but worth the tears) - by @on-twd-writing
Sleeveless (suggestive & lusty little one shot) - by @fluffy-dixon
Get Off My Back (angsty and cute) - by @metanoiahh
Shane’s Girl (ongoing Walsh!Reader x Daryl Dixon) - by @wannabespacesmuggler
“You’re so, so, so pretty.” (drunk!daryl fluff) - by @daryl-dixon-daydreams
Take me High and I’ll Sing (Daryl overworking himself like the stubborn princess he is) - by @celtic-crossbow
The Fair (very sad but very good!) - by @xoxo-sarah
There Ain’t No God Here (spicy breath play smut) - by @darylbae
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darylsfavoritegirl · 4 months
Can you do a Daryl fic where you fuck and then he says he’s not into labels :( and it makes u sad and comfort
I love this idea !!! lesss goo
A/N: Sorry if these are taking longer than you thought!! im putting myself all in between the breaks i manage to get from school lol. I liked this personally, not sure if i managed to put out a good "comfort" though but there you go anon!
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Your eyes flickered at Daryl's scars covering his entire back alongside of his tattoos that looked very much like to having been done by an amateur. You had been wondering their story for a long time now, yet never had the courage to question him vulgarly.
You moved your legs restlessly under the thin sheets, feeling his seeds sticking to your thighs and dripping onto the bed.
He was never at ease with such things. From the very beginning of your "relationship" that is, just warming eachother's bed on these aggravating days of the apocalpyse, where former human beings becoming foes to the geniune humanity. Hence, you always had to wait for him to leave first. There'd be nights so lewd, so scarlet that he'd feel adequate enough to let his guard down now and then. He'd fall next to you on the bed. He'd try to maintain his heaving chest as he'd cover up his downer body with sheets and would just lie down, your bodies so close to eachother, so warm that you'd feel sheltered against his bare skin. And then, he'd bend down to grab his denim jeans and take out the pack of cigarattes you'd looted from a walker's jackets earlier.
At times, there'd be enough to last you a week but at other times there'd be so little amount that you would share one. He would pass a cigaratte to you that he had taken a long drag of. You'd draw the cigaratte to your lips, savoring the tip of the cigaratte he'd moistened with his lips.
But on this specific night, both of you were high on joints. These thoughts entangled your mind as your attention shifted on the flexing muscles on his back while he put on a t-shirt.
You spoke your mind, without giving it a second thought nor being aware of his upcoming run with Glenn and Rick tomorrow early in the morning.
"Why don't you sleep here?" You uttered low, tracing your knuckles across the downy sheet incase he'd turn to face you, you couldn't dare.
"Why, are ya need in company?" He grunted in a headlessness manner as if to drop a joke. You despised how he practically didn't pay any attention to it.
You felt blood rushing to your face. The humid already made it unendurable to stay under the sheet and now this. You took deep, instable breaths.
"No." Your voice was unexpectedly trembling slightly. You shook your head as you scoffed. Now, he was facing you.
"It's just..." You were already in remorse, wishing you hadn't even started this conversation in the first place. You bit the inside of your cheek as you cracked your knuckles out of apprehension.
You felt his piercing gaze sticking upon your forehead, yet you rejected to meet with his gaze until you found something to say that didn't make you look, perhaps, desperate.
"It just gets lonely in this side of the prison." You uttered, finally lifting your head to see him buckling his jeans. You had expressed this countless times in conversations with a different context. Rick had decided to put you in a cellblock away from the others when you first joined them and he didn't change his decision ever since.
"Gon' ask me ta snuggle, too?" He quipped, a subtle sly smirk played on the corner of his lips. He tapped on his pockets as he scanned the small cell for his belongings that he might've dropped.
A sense of indignity overwhelmed you, leaving you feeling overstimulated. You couldn't grumble. He wasn't a boyfriend that owed you courtesy after screwing your brains out. He wasn't someone like that after all. Nonetheless, you loathed at the thought of a huge difference between men and women. How insensitive they could be, how insensitive he could be.
You were very well aware of your relationship, you'd both made it clear to not turn this into anything it wasn't. However, you couldn't resist the longing yearning in your heart.
"Jerk." You simply said as you turned your back to him. You placed your hands under the pillow, resting your head on it. All those thoughts, yet "jerk" was the only thing you made it through your lips. You locked your eyes on the shabby wall, slowly breathing as all you were hearing was his movements behind you. He was so dazed that he couldn't comprehend you nor your course of actions.
"Got'a get sum' shit done in the mornin'." He spoke to himself as he was wearing his leather boots.
"Ya know, with Glenn n' Rick." He added followed by his grunts as he leaned forward to tie his bootlaces.
"The sun shines on this side of the prison, too. You know?" You uttered quietly. Your tone must've caugh his attention as he stopped tying his laces and leaned back on the chair bit by bit. He sighed as he rested his hands on his knees.
"What the hell 's dis all 'bout?" He spoke low with an irritated tone. He scowled at not getting an answer from you.
You wrapped your hands around you, staring at him with softly quaking brows. He stood there with a clenched jaw, eyeing you with squinted eyes.
"Now ya dun' talk?" He spat, chewing his bottom lip as he grabbed his jacket on the bedside table.
"Ya damn well kno' how ta kill a good night." He scoffed derisively, hearing a exasperated sigh from you.
He turned his head to you, giving you a spine-chilling glare.
"Don't ya?" His voice grew taller as you observed the vein throbbing on his neck.
"Keep it down." You exclaimed, shifting your position on the bed in a rush. The bed sank under the weight of your knees as you incompetently tried to cover yourself with the sheets.
His eyes flicked through your bare body for a brief moment as he forced himself to look you in the eyes. You felt subjected to his deviant gaze, a sense of shame flooding your every cell.
"Nah." He firmly uttered.
"Rick threw ya in dis cellblock for a reason." His tone above a whisper.
" 'Cuz ya stir up sum' drama."
"All the damn time."
"Dun' miss a chance, like clockwork."
He locked his eyes on yours. Dark shadows roaming his face. Your face got hot as you had to wait to process his words, what they could've meant.
"Those joints have caused you a mental block." You hissed, not understanding even a bit why he would've say something like that.
"Fuck off." You shrugged your shoulders as you threw your body on the bed, leering at the ceiling.
"It ain't tha'." He uttered, you could sense him leaning against the wall.
"Then what? All this because I asked you to sleep with me?" Your hands met over your chest, crossed. You could hear his shallow breaths, contemplating the best thing to say. You knew he'd fail. A moment passed as neither of you spoke. He took a deep breath
" 'S cuz ya wanna go for childish fantasies." He grunted.
"Like 's sum' kinda game." He spoke, one could sense the palpable thickness of weariness in his voice. It was like he had questioned it a thousand time before you even brought it up. His heavy words lingered in the air, unraveling all the things he never even told you. You could sense it.
"It isn't." You abruptly begged. You needed him to know that you understood his way of seeings things, his way of seeing you. You knew you shouldn't corner him. You didn't.
"Forget it." He huffed with exhaustion as he left the cell.
"Night." You mumbled, knowing he didn't even hear you. You didn't even bother to get up and grab your clothes lying on the floor as you were nothing but flabbergasted. Your eyes were glued to the ceiling, hearing the cicadas singing outside of the prison.
A tear rolled down to your temple and your hand shifted to the side of your face reflexively. You sniffed your nose and shook your head in apace. You got up slowly, sitting on the edge of the bed fully naked. You sticked your eyes to the wall infront of you, fearsome of even uttering a word to yourself in this godforsaken cellblock.
You reached your hand to the panties he threw to the floor as all you could hear was muffled conversations from people on watch. You exhaled, the futile argument which broke out of nonsense didn't support your brain to not grow more lethargic thanks to the joints.
The world around you started to spin, leaving you out of kilter as you had to screw your eyes shut. You wore your bra and as you were done with clasping it, you drank what felt like a gallon of water.
You topped it with a dirty t-shirt and left your body uncovered to the humid of the south on your bed.
What did he think? That you were gonna be just fine with just fucking. How long before you started to feel things, that you wanted more.
You blamed yourself, too soon you thought. Maybe it wasn't. There was no way to know.
You woke up to the sun breaking through your eyelids. You fell asleep to overthinking hence the penetrating headache. You swallowed dryily as you tossed your body to the water bottle next to you and gulped it down agressively to a point where it dripped down your neck to the floor.
You spent your day within the fences of the prison casually, helping people run errands and talking about the run three of the solid men in your group went.
You were in the hall where you kept your food in, cleaning your pistol and weapons so that they're more handy. You furrowed due to your focus on the weapons when you heard a few sighs out of relief drawing near to the hall.
You lifted your head, awating to see who it was with your growing curiousity. Your face loosened at the sight of Daryl and lowered it to your weapons once again, exhaling subtly.
He put his crossbow and poncho on the table, fixating his eyes at you. You wrinkled your forehead, trying to ignore his existence but you were only growing to be distracted even more, with him standing there and observing you.
You suddenly lifted your gaze, exhaling exasperatedly with your hands sagging between your knees. Dirty rags and utensils accumulating a thick layer of dirt on your hands.
You squeezed your eyes shut for a second, sighing dramatically.
"...What?" You huffed, wishing nothing but to be left alone.
" 'M sorry." He muttered under his breath, making it impossible to be heard.
"You're what?" You let out a frustrated growl with his fancy words.
" 'Bout last night." He shrugged his shoulders indifferently, concealing every bit of an emotion peeking on the way.
"What about it?" You forced a downward smirk, trying to seem cool.
"C'mon." He simply said, looking rather bewildered with you. He looked as if he didn't know where to put his hands or what to do with his body.
"Your fine." You huffed, focusing on the weapons.
"I's bein' a dick 's all." He begged, taking a step towards you.
"Yeah you were." You scoffed tauntingly, not looking at his direction. You observed his boots and exhausted steps drawing towards you as you maintained your focus on the dirty rag in your hand.
"Ya kno' I'ma set things right." He was so near you that you had to raise your head to look at him. You were sitting on the frontstep of smaller cellar in the hall, he looked down at you. Your eyes filled with a flamey look as he stayed put.
"Per usual." You forced a sham smile, wishing he'd sense the sarcasm in your tone.
Seeing that he wasn't getting out of the way, you instantly got up as you rolled your eyes. You leered at him.
"Will you please get out of my way?" You hissed, maintaining a stern eye contact like a rock.
He remained silent without blinking.
"Dun' do dis." He mumbled.
You felt heat rising to your head, slowly gritting your teeth.
"So now it's my fault?" You barked between your heaving chest. You digged your nails into your palm, your face getting redder each second.
He remained silent once again as he placed his burly left hand to your waist, burying his forehead on your shoulder. As you were at the brink of pushing his body, hands softly grabbing him by the shoulders.
"A herd nearly took us out today." He breathed against your skin.
Your hand fell loose down his body as your eyes widened and you let out a soft sigh. His hair tickled under your chin as you felt him breathing shallowly against your skin. Your eyes fixated on the entrance gate as you didn't know what to say or do.
You felt your eyes twitching along with your bottom lip as his hot breaths send shivers down your spine, your body flooding with goosebumps.
"Almost got Rick." He added after a few second that felt like a decade.
"I'm sorry. I- I-" You made it out through a shaky voice as he lifted his head, his hand still gripping your waist.
"Ain't yer fault." He slowly ambled toward the table where he left his crossbow on.
"Jus' made me get mah head al' together." He spoke as if there was no one in the hall. He slunged his crossbow on his body and rubbed his face as he let out a frustrated sigh.
"There ain't no reason ta be a damn douchebag." He added, eyeballing you as he placed his hands on his hips.
You were left with thousands of feelings, thoughts lining in your head leaving you stay put like a statue with no form of life whatsoever. Your brows were raised, lip bottom still trembling yet you managed a hold on it. He threw his poncho on his shoulder as he got close to the hall gate.
"Come to my cell tonight." You insisted with soulful, intense eyes right before he left.
You saw him nodding his head discreetly as he chewed on his bottom lip.
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