mibeau · 1 year
[Book Review] Islamic Dress Code for Women - Darussalam
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🧮 Score: 2.9/5.0 . . “And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity, and not to reveal their adornments except what normally appears. Let them draw their veils over their chests, and not reveal their “hidden” adornments, except to their husbands, their fathers, their father-in-law, their sons, their stepsons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, their fellow women, those bondwomen in their possession, male attendants with no desire or children who are still unaware of women’s nakedness. Let them not stomp their feet, drawing attention to their hidden adornments. Turn to Allah in repentance all together, O believers, so that you may be successful.” - - (Quran 24:31) .
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● Jazakumullahu Khairan for the efforts in the making of this booklet. Alhamdulillah, I finally understand the difference between Hijab, Khimar and Jilbab.
A strict clear guideline was shared. All evidence from the Quran is provided. Definitely, a reliable comprehensive overview of the topic discussed. . ● The narrative is too stern. Wish it is softer and in simpler English since this is a booklet. So that, it can attract and soften more hearts, inshaAllah.
A few times, I am not satisfied with the arguments and explanations presented. They can be biased or single-minded. I am not saying the facts are inaccurate, perhaps they can be presented better. As a booklet, it should be comprehensive AND attractive.
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The repetitive nagging can be annoying. The only thing that motivates me to keep on reading is that I do want to educate myself. It is a shame, cos if people left the booklet entirely, they are going to miss the Q&A section. The Q&A section is actually useful, friendlier and has better explanations, Allahuma barikum. . ● Nonetheless, I do agree with the points shared under the subtopic “The Disadvantages Of Unveiling”.
To conclude, this booklet is good for quick revision. . • P/s: Also, I am delighted to say that, it is okay to not wear hijab in front of nonmuslims women unless they do have the tendency to describe your features and adornments to the men and public. I am happy cos there are few people saying we are not allowed to. I was like, why? . --- ■ Buy Preloved at
. ■ Buy New Copy from
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TANGAN PERTAMA! CALL 0813-2747-3262, GROSIR Fungisida Hayati Darul Kamal, Fungisida Darussalam, Trichoderma Indrapuri
PENYEDIA klik https://wa.me/6281327473262, GROSIR Fungisida Untuk Busuk Batang Cabe Darul Kamal, HARGA Fungisida Untuk Cabe Di Musim Kemarau Darussalam, Fungisida Alami Untuk Cabe Indrapuri, Fungisida Untuk Cabe Besar Ingin Jaya, Fungisida Obat Cabe Busuk, Fungisida Busuk Batang Cabe, Fungisida Busuk Batang Cabe, Fungisida Busuk Buah Cabe, Fungisida Untuk Bibit Cabe, Fungisida Untuk Busuk Buah Cabe, Fungisida Untuk Bercak Daun Cabe Darul Kamal
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GMN TRICHODERMA ■ MANFAAT GMN TRICHODERMA Komposisi TRICHODERMA menghasilkan toksin gliotoksin, Trichodermin, Enzime Itinase dan Beta 1,3- Glukonase yang dapat menekan pertumbuhan patogen tular tanah (cendawan yang dapat menyebabkan tanaman menjadi sakit) seperti penyakit layu oleh Fusarium SP maupun Pseudomonas sp,Phytium sp, Sclerotium sp, Rhizoctania sp, Jamur Upas, Diplodia, Busuk akar/Buah, Antracnosa, embun tepung, dll.
GMN TRICHODERMA mengandung mikroorganisme saprofit tanah yang dapat menguraikan bahan organik seperti karbohidrat (terutama selulosa) dengan bantuan enzim pengurai Cl ,Cx dan Slubiose. TRICHOOERMA efektif pada tanah masam. pada PH netral, perkecambahan propagulnya terhambat dan bahkan tidak berkecambah pada kondisi basa. Pemakaian GMN TRICHODERMA antara lain pada tanaman PADI, Jagung, Kedelai dll Semusim: Sayuran, Cabe, Tomat, Melon, Semangka,Kentang, kobis, dll Tahunan: Kakao, Kelapa Sawit, Duku, Kelengkeng, Durian, Rambutan dll
KOMPOSISI GMN TRICHODERMA Trichoderma sp : 5.00 x 10pangkat5 CFU/g
ATURAN PAKAI GMN TRICHODERMA Persemaian : 100 gram GMH TRICHODERMA dicampur dengan 25 Kg Kompos. untuk media persemaian, dicampur tanah dengan perbandingan = 1 : 1
Pra - Tanam : sebelum tanam, 100 gram GMN TRICHODERMA dicampur dengan 50 Kg kompos kemudian disebar pada lahan penanaman
Pertanaman : untuk penyeprotan, 100 gram r,mN TRICHODERMA dicampurkan dalam ± 14 liter air (satu tangki) kemudian dikocorkan pada pangkal batang. Dosis tiap tanaman 200 ml.
**Waktu aplikasi sebaiknya dilakukan sore hari (pukul 15.30)
Kemasan : 500 gr
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wasisdpj · 2 years
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MA’HAD DARUSSALAM ASY SYAFI’I YOGYAKARTA Alhamdulillah, di tahun ajaran baru ini Mahad Darussalam bisa paralel menyelenggarakan tiga kelas reguler. - Angkatan 4, tahun pertama - Angkatan 3, tahun kedua - Angkatan 2, melanjutkan di tahun ketiga Semoga para santri diberikan kemudahan dan keistiqamahan untuk menyelesaikan pembelajarannya di Mahad Darussalam. Tidak lupa kami ucapkan terima kasih juga kepada asatidzah yang sudah bersedia meluangkan waktunya untuk mengajar di tahun ini. 1. Ustadz Dr. Aris Munandar, M.P.I. 2. Ustadz Farid Fadhillah, Ph.D. 3. Ustadz Agus Waluyo 4. Ustadz Ristiyan Ragil Putradianto, M.T. 5. Ustadz Ibnu Sutopo Yuono, M.S.I. 6. Ustadz Ratno, M.Ag. 7. Ustadz Noor Ikhsan Silviantoro, M.Th.I. Jazakumullahu khairan @darussalam.or.id ————— Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Darussalam Asy Syafii Yogyakarta #santri #mahad #zoom #kelas #safinah #safinatunnajah #fathulmuin #jurumiyah #ajurumiyah #tajriduttauhid #aqidah #thahawiyah #fikih #fiqih #mazhab #fikihsyafii #darussalam #yogyakarta #mahasiswa #lubbulushul #luma #ushulfiqih #qawaidfiqhiyyah https://www.instagram.com/p/CjeqeEphb91/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ottombak · 1 month
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National animal of Brunei 🇧🇳
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trendfilmsetter · 2 months
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, and Brunei Darussalam Olympic teams at the Paris 2024 Olympics
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southeastasianists · 1 year
In a Malaysian boutique, a small group of seamstresses sit at clattering sewing machines, stitching bright flowers and leaves into kebayas, traditional blouses worn by women around Southeast Asia. The kebaya is currently having its moment in the spotlight as Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei and Thailand — in a moment of unity — have jointly nominated it for the UNESCO prestigious intangible cultural heritage list, with a decision expected in 2024.
What makes kebayas special is that they are worn by women of all ethnic backgrounds in a diverse region, according to Lim Yu Lin, who co-runs the family business her grandmother founded in 1955.
“It’s not only meant for one culture,” she told AFP.
Suited to hot tropical weather, the intricately embroidered blouse is usually long-sleeved, and ranges from loose-fitting to semi-transparent, figure-hugging cuts.
A kebaya can cost as little as USD 7 (SGD 9.50) for a simple, machine-made design, to around USD 1,200 (SGD 1,622) for a more intricate handmade piece.
The kebaya: A national symbol and potential UNESCO heritage icon?
Indonesia picked the centuries-old kebaya as its national dress for women after it declared independence from the Netherlands in 1945.
Author and independence activist Soerastri Karma Trimurti celebrated the new country’s cultural roots by wearing a kebaya to the proclamation ceremony. She later became the country’s first minister of labour.
The blouse was later popularised by Malaysian film actors. Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia’s national airlines also used it as the inspiration for their uniforms.
Kebayas were traditionally worn to weddings and formal events, but they are seeing a steady comeback among enthusiasts who wear them in daily life.
In Singapore, Charmaine Neo, 36, said she wears the garment to attend family events, and that it is suited to women of all ages.
“It’s not just limited to the older folks. You see lots of young people also wearing the kebaya,” she said. “It’s very flattering to the figure.”
In Indonesia, 49-year-old Telly Nathalia said it was during a holiday with friends to Central Java province that she decided to start wearing a kebaya every day. In her eyes, it was a way to connect with her country’s history.
“Our ancestors lived here wearing kebaya,” she said. “People would ask, ‘are you going to a party or something? A wedding?’ Because in Indonesia when you wear a kebaya, they would think that you are going to something special.”
Of culture and identity
The kebaya is believed to have originated in the Middle East and was once worn by both men and women. Over a dozen styles have been developed across Southeast Asia, mostly in Indonesia and Malaysia.
“It’s a form of traditional women’s garment that has evolved over time,” said Yeo Kirk Siang, a senior director at Singapore’s National Heritage Board (NHB), which organised a kebaya exhibition in April following the UNESCO nomination. “There was a kind of fusion of cultures, influences and different communities that brought about their own kebayas.”
Oniatta Effendi, a fashion designer in Singapore who creates modern takes on the traditional blouse, said it is a symbol of cultural heritage.
“Many of us grow up seeing a kebaya worn by our mothers and grandmothers. It represents our culture, our identity,” she said, according to an NHB statement.
“The kebaya may present itself differently in different countries. Its significance to each person may also be different, but one thing is certain: the kebaya brings us together through an identity that is shared.”
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cutebutgrumpyartist · 3 months
Some SEATALIA tarot cards hc (not from order)
1. Cambodia: Death
2. Laos: Lovers/Moon
3. Vietnam: Empress
4. Indonesia: Emperor
5. Malaysia: Magician
6. Philippines: Sun
7. Brunei: Hierophant
8. Singapore: Hermit
9. Thailand: Hanged-man
10. Myanmar: Chariot
11. Timor Leste: Justice
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c0llecti0ns · 17 days
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Published by Department of Broadcasting and Information, Prime Minister’s Office, Brunei Darussalam
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cindydacatpink · 2 months
My CountryHumans OC aka Country Humanize character (Cindy Nilo Evelyn country doppelganger) Part 7
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Singapore 🇸🇬 - Megan Wong
Brunei Darussalam 🇧🇳 - Farah Siti Amaal
East Timor (Timor Leste) 🇹🇱 - Emily Paulo Amancio
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inspectorseb · 2 months
Gotta say that I truly never heard Brunei’s full name until now
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mibeau · 1 year
[Book Review] 🫢Lying & Envying - Darussalam🫢
🧮 Score: 3.6/5.0 . 📌 “Not a word does he utter but there is a watcher by him (to record it).” -- Surah Qaf, ayat 18.
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■ Kadhib (كذب ) means lying. “If a person would tolerate small kadhib then he would lie sometimes without noticing it.” - page 14.
The book attempts to encourage people to minimise and leave altogether the act of lying and feeling envy in all forms and from all degrees of severity. Quite thorough.
I like his style of making statements and elaborating them. He then provides examples based on hadith, instead of supporting his claims with hadith afterwards. In this way, we are open to understanding the hadith provided better inshaAllah. The author also shared many pieces of advice and opinions of the Salaf on the discussed matters.
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📌 “We should instil in children the desire for truthfulness above all things.” - page 16
■ It’s probably just me, but I find that Tareed(telling half-truths/cakap beralas) is worse than kadhib. Cos it can cause misunderstanding and may lead to more problems! Even white lies, which I don’t condone, are a better approach. Now I know why communities that are influenced by Muslim cultures prefer to cakap beralas. Orang melayu dulu2, suka berkias, berpantun.
The researcher in me is rebelling, cos I prefer people to be direct with me, I’m not very good at guessing indirect messages, which is why I am still learning to be good at conveying thoughts well.
I understand Tareed was recommended to maintain a peaceful environment, I could be misunderstanding things now, but for sure, being truthful or keeping quiet is the better option for me. I rather die than lie. “Berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah.”
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■ I don’t comment much on envy, cos everyone knows what envy and jealousy are. And it is not good for our physical and mental l health and our spirituality. So, yea, for reminders, please read this booklet. . ■ It is a fun, interesting and useful read. A calling I would say. To do good, to be a better Muslim. A light yet deep reading. A good addition to a home library.
Prophet (SAW) said: “kadhib leads to wickedness & wickedness leads to Hell-Fire.” (Al-Bukhari & Muslim)
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. --- ● Buy a preloved copy here:
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GROSIRAN! CALL 0813-2747-3262, JUAL Fungisida Untuk Embun Tepung Darul Imarah, Fungisida Hayati Darul Kamal, Fungisida Darussalam
PENYEDIA klik https://wa.me/6281327473262, JUAL Fungisida Untuk Cabe Di Musim Hujan Darul Imarah, GROSIR Fungisida Untuk Busuk Batang Cabe Darul Kamal, Fungisida Untuk Cabe Di Musim Kemarau Darussalam, Fungisida Alami Untuk Cabe Indrapuri, Fungisida Untuk Cabe Besar, Fungisida Obat Cabe Busuk, Fungisida Obat Cabe Busuk, Fungisida Busuk Batang Cabe, Fungisida Busuk Buah Cabe, Fungisida Untuk Bibit Cabe, Fungisida Untuk Busuk Buah Cabe Darul Imarah
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GMN TRICHODERMA ■ MANFAAT GMN TRICHODERMA Komposisi TRICHODERMA menghasilkan toksin gliotoksin, Trichodermin, Enzime Itinase dan Beta 1,3- Glukonase yang dapat menekan pertumbuhan patogen tular tanah (cendawan yang dapat menyebabkan tanaman menjadi sakit) seperti penyakit layu oleh Fusarium SP maupun Pseudomonas sp,Phytium sp, Sclerotium sp, Rhizoctania sp, Jamur Upas, Diplodia, Busuk akar/Buah, Antracnosa, embun tepung, dll.
GMN TRICHODERMA mengandung mikroorganisme saprofit tanah yang dapat menguraikan bahan organik seperti karbohidrat (terutama selulosa) dengan bantuan enzim pengurai Cl ,Cx dan Slubiose. TRICHOOERMA efektif pada tanah masam. pada PH netral, perkecambahan propagulnya terhambat dan bahkan tidak berkecambah pada kondisi basa. Pemakaian GMN TRICHODERMA antara lain pada tanaman PADI, Jagung, Kedelai dll Semusim: Sayuran, Cabe, Tomat, Melon, Semangka,Kentang, kobis, dll Tahunan: Kakao, Kelapa Sawit, Duku, Kelengkeng, Durian, Rambutan dll
KOMPOSISI GMN TRICHODERMA Trichoderma sp : 5.00 x 10pangkat5 CFU/g
ATURAN PAKAI GMN TRICHODERMA Persemaian : 100 gram GMH TRICHODERMA dicampur dengan 25 Kg Kompos. untuk media persemaian, dicampur tanah dengan perbandingan = 1 : 1
Pra - Tanam : sebelum tanam, 100 gram GMN TRICHODERMA dicampur dengan 50 Kg kompos kemudian disebar pada lahan penanaman
Pertanaman : untuk penyeprotan, 100 gram r,mN TRICHODERMA dicampurkan dalam ± 14 liter air (satu tangki) kemudian dikocorkan pada pangkal batang. Dosis tiap tanaman 200 ml.
**Waktu aplikasi sebaiknya dilakukan sore hari (pukul 15.30)
Kemasan : 500 gr
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ssunvulcan1981 · 10 months
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Carmine, Kieran, Dahlia, Greta, Liko, Roy, Arven & Penny visit Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium
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nagarikamang · 1 year
Pakan Salasa
Sumber video: Kanal Youtube Cut Muchtar Official Video ini memperlihatkan keadaan Pakan Salasa di perbatasan Nagari Kamang dan Magek. Merupakan Pasar Serikat yang dimiliki oleh dua nagari berjiran ini, namun pada masa sekarang ramai orang mengenalnya dengan nama “Pakan Magek” atau “Pasar Magek”. Silahkan baca juga: Pakan Salasa Nan Mana Kamang? Nan Mana Kamang?_2
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View On WordPress
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carajoinmemberafc · 2 days
0813-1854-1450 Bu Paska, Cara Join Menjadi Member AFC LIFE SCIENCE Gayo Lues Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
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JOIN NOW, 0813-1854-1450 Bu Paska, Cara Join Menjadi Member AFC LIFE SCIENCE Gayo Lues Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
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Cara Join Menjadi Member AFC LIFE SCIENCE Gayo Lues Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
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southeastasianists · 3 months
In an annual report, the State Department added Brunei to a "Tier 3" blacklist of countries that are not doing enough against human trafficking and could be subject to US sanctions or reductions of assistance.
Brunei -- a US partner as part of the ASEAN bloc -- did not convict any traffickers for the seventh straight year and likely prosecuted or deported some victims in need of help, the State Department said.
The oil-rich monarchy also "publicized efforts to catch 'runaway workers,' caning some of those who were caught," the report said.
Brunei has generally had friendly relations with the United States, although the Muslim-majority country has faced criticism for keeping capital punishment on the books, if not in practice, for homosexuality.
Most countries on the Tier 3 blacklist have poor relations with the United States including China, Russia and Venezuela.
South Africa was taken off a watchlist, which carries a threat to downgrade to Tier 3 without improvements.
South Africa was credited with increasing prosecutions and with setting up more shelters for victims.
Despite some improvements, the report warned that human trafficking remained a major problem around the world, estimating that 27 million people around the world are exploited for labor, sex or services.
The report highlighted the role of technology, saying it was making it easier for traffickers to cross borders.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken, presenting the report, pointed to a rise in cyber scams that lure people who are forced into labor.
But he pointed to work by non-governmental groups, including through artificial intelligence to root out trafficking.
"Some of these same technologies can be deployed to uncover and disrupt trafficking and can help us better hold perpetrators accountable," he said.
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