#Dart Impact Tester
graysonworld · 10 months
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Boost your product's toughness! Our Dart Impact Tester checks how strong materials are against hits. It helps ensure your stuff lasts and stays safe. Trusted by many, it's a must for making top-notch products. Upgrade your quality checks now! Contact us to make your things super sturdy! For more details: https://www.packingtest.com/dart-impact-tester/
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prestotesting · 10 months
How to Perform a Dart Impact Test on Plastic Films: A Step-by-Step Guide
A dart impact test is a method to measure the impact resistance of plastic films and laminates by dropping a dart on them from a certain height. The test can help evaluate the quality, durability, and performance of various plastic products and materials. The test can also help compare the effectiveness of different surface treatments, such as electroplating, galvanizing, painting, etc. The test is standardized by several national and international standards, such as ASTM B117, ISO 9227, JIS Z 2371, and ASTM G85.
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To perform a dart impact test on plastic films, you will need a dart impact tester, a sample holder, a scale, a release mechanism, and a sample of the material to be tested. You can find some examples of dart impact tester online, such as Presto Group or Amazon. You can also compare the prices, features, and specifications of different models and brands and choose the one that suits your needs and budget.
Here are some steps that you can follow to perform a dart impact test on plastic films:
1. Prepare the sample of the material to be tested according to the standards and specifications. The sample should be large enough to extend beyond the sample holder by at least 25 mm at all points. The sample should also be representative of the material under study and should be taken from the sheet or tube in such a manner that the whole of the sheet is represented in the test. You can use a template to guide the cutting of the sample and a thickness gauge to measure the thickness of the sample.
2. Clamp the sample in the sample holder and connect the pneumatic pipe to the vacuum pump. Turn on the vacuum pump to hold the sample securely and prevent any air pockets. The sample should be clamped by the specimen holder ring and should have a slit that allows the dart to pass through and tear the sample.
3. Adjust the level of the machine with the spirit level and lock the leveling bolts in the proper position. Ensure that the apparatus does not vibrate and has a proper earthing connection. Connect the power supply cord of the device to a 3-pin 5-ampere socket on a single-phase 230 V AC supply line.
4. Choose the appropriate weight of the dart that is nearest to the expected impact failure weight. You can also add the required number of incremental weights to the dart shaft and put the locking collar in its place to set the weights in a particular location.
5. Adjust the height of the drop of the dart according to the standards and application requirements. You can use the release mechanism of the vertical channel support to set the height of the drop. The dropping height of the dart can be 660 mm or 1524 mm, depending on the type of test.
6. Place the dart in the release mechanism and align it with the center of the sample. Make sure that the dart is free from any dirt or dust and has a smooth surface.
7. Release the dart from the starting position by using the trigger or the button of the release mechanism. The dart will fall freely and hit the sample, causing it to tear. The force and the distance of the tear will be recorded by the scale and the display of the device.
8. Remove the sample from the sample holder and examine the damage caused by the dart. You can use a marker to record the maximum force reached by the pointer and the scale. You can also use a ruler to measure the length of the tear.
9. Calculate the Falling dart impact tester of the material by using the formula: Dart impact strength = Weight of the dart in grams / 10 min. You can also use a computer interface or software to generate graphical and numerical reports of the test results.
10. Repeat the test with different samples and weights of the dart to obtain an average value of the dart impact strength of the material.
I hope this guide helps you to perform a dart impact test on plastic films.
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octagonsolution · 1 year
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Dart Impact Testers are used to determine the strength and durability of plastic films, sheets, foils, etc. The free-falling dart mechanism on variable test heights is according to IS:2508. The machine is simple in construction and easy to operate.
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okminer07 · 4 months
A Match Beyond Measure Pt 4
“So…. Do you recommend anything?” she glanced awkwardly down at her personal table that was currently menu-less. 
“Oh, definitely the Giga Bite, gotta be the best damn burger I’ve ever had.” His face slightly faltered as he looked down the menu, “Huh, but it doesn’t look like they make it for humans, that sucks.” 
“How about just a regular cheese burger?”  
Garret’s eyes skimmed the menu before he nodded, “Yeah looks like they do that, but aw man,” he peeked down at her, “I really wish you could try it.” 
Cecilia forced out a weak chuckle. If she was being honest, she wouldn’t have been very interested in trying it. Why do people feel the need to try or order new foods if they have something they know for sure if they like? Nothing can go wrong with that.  
“Hi there, how are you folks doing?” she jumped at the loud voice and the sudden appearance of their waiter. A glass filled with what had to be gallons of water was placed down in front  of Garret, and quite slowly and gracefully. Cecilia barely felt the impact. The waiter’s hand approached her, fingers trembling as they delicately pinched around a glass her size. She leaned away as the water was placed down in front of her, but gave the waiter a weak smile that went unnoticed.  
“Can I get you anything besides water? Maybe even get some food going for you?”    
“Yeah can I get a coke and… I think we’re about ready to order” Garret turned to Cecilia, “Unless we need a little more time?”  
She just shook her head. 
“Alrighty, what can I get started for you two?”  
“I’ll have the Giga bite and a side of fries.”  
The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end when both the waitress and Garret turned to look at her. 
“I uh… I’ll have just a plain cheeseburger.” 
Their waitress nodded before whisking the menu off the table, sending the slightest breeze Cecilia’s way, “Sounds good, I’ll go grab that coke and your food should be out shortly.”  
She turned on her heel and walked briskly away, leaving the two of them… alone…. With each other. 
Cecilia shifted her eyes to look up at Garret who had his head resting against his hand, attention solely focused on her. She sunk slightly in her seat, her fingers drumming against her kneecaps. She knew she should say something, but nothing came to mind, and her dry throat wasn’t too keen on letting her produce any words.  
“So, you eat out often?”  
She shrugged, “N-no, not really.”   
“More of an at-home chief?”  
“No, I just… have it delivered.” she paused, “Well, I bake sometimes… so…. I guess that sort of counts.”  
He shrugged, “I’d say so. Never been much use in the kitchen myself, but I make a good taste tester” Cecilia forced out a hum of laughter. As he watched her, the smile on his face faltered slightly, “Have you lived here long? I mean in a city with folks like me?”  
“N-not long. Just a year or so.” No matter where she seemed to look other than down, he was there, surrounding her, like there was no way out, “Y-you?” 
“Been here my whole life.” 
Cecilia didn’t say anything, she just nodded. In a room this size, she should have been feeling anything but claustrophobic. Yet it still felt like her surroundings were closing in on her.  
“Uh hey, you feeling alright? You’re uh… looking a little peaky again.”  
She shook her head, grabbing her water and taking a quick sip, grounding her. 
“Sorry, just uh…” her eyes darted around, like they would find what she should say carved into the table.  
“Is it me again?”   
Cecilia immediately straightened, plastering on a fake smile, “No! No. I just… zoned out.”   
Garret narrowed his eyes, “You sure?” 
She nodded.   
Right in the nick of time, Their waitress approached them. “There’s that coke for you sir. And your food should be out shortly.”  
Garret gave her a nod of thanks before taking a long sip of his drink. Cecilia couldn’t help up ogle as gallons of soda was drained from the cup. The moment he noticed her staring however, he abruptly slammed his drink back onto the table. Cecilia yelped as everything around her shook.  
“Sorry! Sorry bout that.” 
She pulled herself up right, only to shrink back when she was met with the sight of Garret’s massive body leaned in closer. His arms were raised and his fingers were splayed out towards her, fingers thicker than tree trunks and looked like they could snap her body in two if they so pleased.  
His face fell as he looked down at her, on the look on her face. He slowly retreated back, glancing down at himself once or twice.   
Cecilia breathed, keep it together! It was an accident, you’re fine, you are fine.  
She forced another weak smile, “I-it’s fine.”  
“So uh… you’ve lived here your whole life, ever…. traveled around much?”   
Garret jumped on the opportunity to change subjects, “Not really, though wish I did” he shrugged, “can’t though” 
“Why’s that?”  
She suppressed the urge to flinch when he raised his arm to rub the back of his neck, “Well I haven’t really the time to head anywhere out of state, and there isn’t really anything nearby that’s all that interesting.” 
“Have you ever thought of traveling by plane?”  he gave her a perplexed look, and only then did she realize, “Oh! S-sorry, I forgot about… well that it wouldn’t really be…” she averted her eyes, wanting to slap herself for making such a stupid comment. 
To her relief though, he chuckled, “s'alright, though I have always wondered what it’s like. To travel by plane I mean.” 
She shrugged, “Oh uh… I guess you’re not really missing much. I mean, I’ve never been a fan of it.” 
He leaned in closer, “Why’s that?” 
“Well, being seated less than a few inches from a total stranger for hours is not ideal. And I just get flight anxiety, I don’t love the idea of being so high up.”  
“I’ve got a bit of an idea of what that feels like.” he flashed her a grin. She stared for a moment, before letting out a short laugh. “But seriously, what’s it like, being able to travel places without walking?” 
Cecilia paused, and thought for a moment. Guessed she had always sort of taken things like cars, planes, bikes and what not for granted. It was hard to imagine a functional society without those things.  
“I guess it’s…nice” she stated lamely. 
“Yeah but what does it feel like, to just be sitting down while everything moves around you?”  
“It…. can sometimes be a bit disorienting if you pay attention to it, but most don’t really.” 
Garret’s eyes widened, “How can you not? And how does it even feel? To be moving but not moving?” 
“Uh….” she really didn’t know what to say to that. All she could respond with was another shrug.  
“So… you’re just used to it?” 
“I guess.”  
He smiled while he shook his head and chuckled, “I’m just… a bit interested in what it's like for you little guys.” 
Cecilia wasn’t sure how to feel about the term ‘little guys’, Though if she did have a problem with it, there was no way in hell she’d say anything. It sounded similar to how someone would refer to a rodent or even a bug. A shiver ran down her spine. Is that what she looked like to him? Just a little bug perched atop his table? A bug he could easily squish with the simplest of- 
No no! Stop that! 
Their food arrived about ten minutes later. Their waitress very slowly set down Cecilia’s in front of her, barely avoiding knocking down her water before straightening up with a pleased look on her face and turning to hand over Garret’s food.  
Cecilia tensed when her eyes landed on his plate. A burger the size of a minivan and taller than two humans standing on top of one another seemed to cast a shadow over her. Fries that looked like they could have been used to build a log cabin were piled on the other side of the plate along with two dipping sauces. The tsunami of fragrances that fit her all at once made her feel what could only be described as lightheaded.  
“Looks great, doesn’t it?” Garret was looking from his meal to her, looking delighted. She nodded, darting her eyes down to look at her own plate, which looked meager by comparison.  
Garret reached over to his right, grabbing a bottle of ketchup before squirting a large puddle of it on whatever space was open on his plate. Cecilia looked across the surface of her table, but saw no ketchup, or anything for that matter other than what the waitress had brought her. 
“Something wrong?” 
Cecilia shook her head, “I uh… just forgot to ask the waitress for some ketchup. It’s fine.”  
“Oh, here” to her horror, Garret’s arm, the one clutching the massive condiment bottle, came hurdling towards her before stopping mere feet away. 
She scooted her chair away, holding up her hands and frantically waving him off, “No! No, it’s alright. I don’t need any.” 
“Oh come on, no burger is complete without it.” he flashed her a grin before his eyes narrowed to focus on the very tip of the bottle. He slowly lowered it down, angled the tip towards her plate, and squeezed. 
Within an instant, a giant glob of ketchup was squeezed out of the tip and fell not only covering her entire plate, but covered the entire table to the point that some was dripping off the ends. Cecilia stared at the mess, tensing when she felt a large dollop of sauce drip down into her lap.  
“Oh…. oh shit.” Garret stood stock still, his eyes darting from the table, to the bottle, to Cecilia. He suddenly pulled his hand away, dropping the ketchup bottle. “Sorry.” His face had turned as red as the ketchup, “I… Here let me….” he grabbed a fistful of napkins and leaned back over before attempting to wipe down the table, only it seemed he had forgotten that there had still been a plate of food on the table and was only reminded of the fact when it had already been swiped off the table and had shattered on the ground. “Ah shit!” he dropped the napkins and straightened, looking around aimlessly.
Cecilia gulped, her limbs trembling as she slowly slid off her chair. She tore off a large piece of the napkin and kneeled down, collecting up the red coated porcelain shards, “I-i’ve got it, i’ve got it.” She continued to tear off more pieces and wipe down the table and floor.   
Garret shifted in his seat, “I’ll uh, uh hey!” Cecilia flinched, wanting desperately to cover her ears as Garret tried to get their waitresses attention, “Hey! Can we get some help over here!” 
Their waitress hurried over, rocking Cecilia slightly with her footsteps. She backed away while large manicured fingers wiped down her table and the floor surrounding it, giving it a squirt or two of a strong smelling cleaning agent. 
“Can I get you another burger?” she asked. 
Cecilia shook her head, “T-that’s alright. I think I’ll just get some d-dessert if that’s ok?”  
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mediathequecarcosa · 2 years
D.A.R.T.,  ou la fin de l’Impuissance Stellaire.
Le 24 novembre dernier, la base militaire californienne de Vanderberg est en pleine émulation. En effet, au sommet d’une fusée Falcon 9 produite par Space X (coucou Elon), se trouve un petit satellite prénommé DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test). Au-delà de signifier « fléchette » en anglais, ce petit satellite est le premier de son genre, fabriqué dans un but bien précis : modifier l’orbite d’un objet céleste. Le satellite avait pour mission de parcourir les 11 millions de kilomètres le séparant d’un ensemble d’astéroïdes se trouvant entre notre orbite terrestre et l’orbite de Mars, et de venir s’écraser sur le plus petit d’entre eux, Dimorphos, pour tester notre capacité à potentiellement dévier un astéroïde menaçant de s’écraser sur Terre. DART, qui achèvera sa mission cette nuit (26/27 septembre 2022), est le premier essai de vaisseaux kamikazes ayant pour objectif de protéger la Terre d’une Apocalypse venue des étoiles. La solution que représente ce bijoux de technologie à 330 millions de dollars va au-delà de la simple résolution d’un problème quelconque. Selon moi, DART est le résultat d’une opération philosophique et métaphysique bien plus conséquente, et le symptôme d’une obstination purement humaine à l’auto-conservation à tout prix. Voyons ce que signifie en réalité le lancement de ce satellite.
Il existe bon nombre d’œuvres de fiction nous présentant le postulat d’un crash d’astéroïde imminent sur la planète Terre. Deep Impact, en 1998, Armaggedon la même année et plus récemment Don’t Look Up en 2022, tout ces films prennent comme postulat le crash d’un objet céleste. Ce thème est alors objectivement une raison tout à fait valable à l’extinction rapide et brutale de la race humaine. Et la découverte du cratère dans la péninsule de Yucatan au Mexique ayant sûrement causé la disparition des dinosaures n’a pas arrangé l’effroi de l’Apocalypse par un astéroïde. Ce sujet est intéressant car ce qu’il représente est très proche de la punition divine : quelque chose de massif, venu du ciel, vient rayer la vie de la surface de la Terre, la colère divine dans toute sa splendeur. Méritée ou non, cette prétendue colère, les humains tentent de s’en protéger depuis un bon moment, et DART est le symptôme d’une angoisse quasi-existentielle. Non, les humains ne finiront pas comme les reptiles géants du passé, non les humains sont plus fins que ça, ce ne sont pas les étoiles qui leur dicterons le droit de vie et de mort. Alors les humains vont dépenser des sommes littéralement astronomiques dans un petit satellite au nom adorable pour qu’il s’écrase violemment (bye bye les 330 millions) sur un objet céleste test. En réalité, ce projet de la NASA est la réponse technique que l’Humanité a trouvé à ce qui ressemble le plus au Destin en personne.
C’est par la technique (tekhnè ou τέχνη en grec ancien) que l’Homme s’est extirpé de sa condition animale. C’est la culture, différente de la nature, qui a offert à l’Homme la capacité de prendre son Destin en main. Le vaccin contre la variole par Edward Jenner en premier lieu, puis contre la rage en 1885 par Louis Pasteur étaient les preuves que l’Humanité, par la tekhnè, pouvaient anéantir les maladies. Richard Trevithick en 1804 avec la première locomotive à vapeur était la preuve que l’Humanité n’était pas vouée à ramper sur ses jambes pour l’éternité. Toutes ces inventions, l’énergie nucléaire, le moteur à explosion, Apollo 13 et les grands pas pour l’Humanité d’Amstrong sur la Lune, ont repoussé les limites de ce que l’Humanité pouvait appeler la Fatalité, c’est-à-dire les frontières qu’un mortel ne pouvait pas franchir. Aujourd’hui, c’est de l’Apocalypse céleste que se prévient l’Humanité. DART est le premier outil technique d’une, sans doute, longue série d’autres vaisseaux kamikazes : il signifie le début d’une possible défense terrestre contre des menaces stellaires. C’est en cela que le projet est d’une impressionnante folie. Ni positif, ni négatif, ce dispositif représente l’avènement d’une nouvelle ère culturelle pour l’Homme. Au fil des siècles, l’Humanité a réglé la question de la mort offerte par la nature : les maladies, a réglé la question de la distance et du transport, et maintenant elle est en voie de régler son Impuissance Stellaire.
La tekhnè semble grignoter de plus en plus de terrain sur la Mort, une pensée tantôt terriblement excitante, tantôt insupportablement déprimante.
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aniitnd · 21 days
Maximize the Packaging longevity with the Dart Impact Tester
Hey Industrialist! Searching for the right tool to establish the longevity of the product packaging? As for your issue, the Dart Impact Tester is the tool you are looking for. This foundation testing tool has become rather instrumental in various material characterizations, especially with regards to the flexibility of flexible films and packaging.
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packingtest01 · 5 months
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Enhancing Product Quality Control with Advanced Dart Impact Testers
Advanced dart impact testers revolutionize product quality control with their precision and standardized testing procedures. By carefully controlling impact variables, they reveal weaknesses in materials, prompting timely adjustments that enhance product quality and compliance with regulatory standards. These testers promote continuous improvement efforts, resulting in increased product durability and increased customer satisfaction, ultimately strengthening brand reputation and market competitiveness.
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midseo · 1 year
Melt Flow Index Tester, Manufacturers / suppliers of Melt Flow Index Testers in India
Manufacturers, suppliers and Exporter of Melt Flow Index Tester, Melt flow index, Melt Indexer, Mfi Tester for Plastics, Plastic Pipes in Mumbai, India.
Manufacturers, suppliers, Exporter, Material Testing Equipments, Melt Flow Index, MFI Tester, Melt Flow Index Tester, Melt Indexer, UTM, Universal Testing Machine, Tensile Testing Machine, Tensile Tester, Tensile Testing Equipment, Humidity Chamber, Environmental Chamber, Hydraulic Press, Sample Cutting Press, Dart Impact Tester, COF Tester, Friction Tester, Coefficient of Friction Tester, E.S.C.R Apparatus, Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance Apparatus, Vicat Softening Point Apparatus, Heat Deflection Test Apparatus, VSP Apparatus, HDT Apparatus, Izod Impact Tester, Notch Cutter, Opacity Tester, Carbon Content Apparatus, Carbon Black Content Apparatus, Hydrostatic Pressure, Tester Pressure Testing for Pipes, Pressure Testing Equipment for Pipe, Pipe Testing Equipment, Impact Tester for pipe, Pipe Impact Tester, Zero Degree Chamber, Conditioning Chamber, Drop Tester, Vibration Tester, Carbon Dispersion Tester, Muffle Furnace, Furnace, Bond Tester, Peel Tester, Oven, Hot Air Oven, Material Testing Machine, Material Testing Equipment, Plastic Testing Machine, Plastic Testing Equipment, asia, asian, india, indian, mumbai, maharashtra, industrial, industries, thane, pune, nashik, aurangabad, ratnagiri, nagpur, ahmednagar, akola, amravati, chandrapur, dhule, jalgaon, raigad, sangli, satara, belgaum, kolhapur, belgaon
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pacorr · 4 years
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test-systems · 3 years
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FDI-01 Falling Dart Impact Tester Features - 1. 2 test methods of A & B and automatic determination of the testing status 2. Electromagnetic suspension and automatic release of the falling dart reduce the errors caused by manual operation 3. Professional software supports multi-unit result display, graphic display of testing process, and data export and printing For More info - https://www.flexitest.in/halogen-moisture-analyzer For any questions, please feel free to contact me by email - [email protected] Or Call - +91 82919 71983
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graysonworld · 11 months
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This image offers a snapshot of a Dart Impact Tester in action, a vital tool for assessing material strength and resilience. The dart, precisely aimed, is about to impact the test material, providing insights into material behavior under sudden forces. It's an essential aspect of material science and product development. Visit: https://www.packingtest.com/dart-impact-tester/
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prestotesting · 2 years
What Is a Dart Impact Tester? Its Applications & Working Module!
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Advanced Technical Features in Dart Impact Tester by Presto
A Dart Impact tester or Dart Drop Tester is a lab testing instrument that is used to measure the Impact Resistance of Plastic film, Coated paper, and Composite sheets. The dart weight expresses the energy required to tear or puncture the test specimen. This method is also known as the Free Falling Dart Impact test.
Here, Presto Stantest presents Drop Dart Impact Tester with quality assurance. This testing instrument by Presto helps to determine the energy that causes impact from a free-falling dart on thin materials such as plastic film, paper, etc. To know the competitive Dart Impact Tester price in India, contact us at 9210 903 903 or you can mail us your query at [email protected].
How does it work?
In this test procedure, a sample clamp is used for an easy grip and security of the specimen. It helps in ease of operation. In addition, the Dart impact tester provides a dual clamping sequence for better performance. In the first phase, low pressure is utilized to safely clamp the sample. In the next phase, the automatic dart release completes the test process.
The company possesses decades of working experience in testing instruments manufacturing. Hence, it is well aware of the requirements in various testing machines. Therefore, to meet the need for the dart Impact test, the company came up with advanced technical features that are as follows.
Meets Global Standards of ASTM 01709 for Dart Impact Testing of Plastic Film
Easy to use, Manual assisted Operating system
Portable and expandable clamps
Customized items and weights are available as per the requirement of the customer.
Affordable and economically priced.
Ensure the best quality test with Presto’s Dart Impact Tester. For any assistance or query.
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octagonsolution · 9 months
Dart Impact Testers
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A Dart Impact tester or Dart Drop Tester is a lab testing instrument that is used to measure the Impact Resistance of Plastic film, Coated paper, and Composite sheets. The dart weight expresses the energy required to tear or puncture the test specimen. This method is also known as Free Falling Dart Impact test.
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riyaakshah · 3 years
The Importance of Selecting the Right FIBC Packaging Suppliers
FIBC Packaging is one of the most preferred packaging solutions for storage and transportation for a variety of products, be it food products, agriculture products, powdered chemicals, sands, soil, fertilizers, crops, etc. The packaging solution is widely preferred because of its eco-friendly material, multiple usages and customization options, cost-effective nature and its characteristics of being durable, lightweight, solid & sturdy.
With several FIBC manufacturers being readily available in the market today, one might suffer analysis paralysis. Selecting the wrong fibc packaging supplier can result in wastage of precious resources.
This article will help you understand the importance of selecting suitable FIBC Packaging Suppliers for your business by outlining essential things to look for when choosing Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container Suppliers.
Their Bulk Bag Offerings
When selecting a Bulk bag packaging supplier, it is essential to know what their offerings are. Do they offer a wide range of jumbo bags to choose from as per your business requirements? Do they customize bulk bags to meet the needs of your business? These are a few critical questions to ask.
Selecting a bulk bag supplier who offers different kinds of bulk bags for you to choose from helps you choose a perfect bag for your products. Emmbi offers a wide option of bulk bags to choose from: the standard fibcs, ventilated/net fibcs, UN Certified FIBCs and more. 
2.Their Testing & Developing Procedures
FIBCs need to undergo thorough testing that proves their superior quality and sturdy nature. It is why you must clearly understand the various testing methods and procedures FIBC suppliers use when testing their FIBCs.
Certified & Recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology in woven polymer business in India, The Emmbi Innovation Lab has been home to many wonderful innovations over the last two decades. With an experienced team of over 35 engineers having a combined experience of more than 250 years.
all their Bulk Bags undergo regularly updated laboratory tests focussing on proving the consistency and best quality of all of its Jumbo bags.
EMMBI has an in-house FIBC Test Rig designed according to ISO Standards for conducting load cycle tests on filled FIBCs. It ensures that the bags do not tear under different loads in different environments. Automatic Irradiance Control Weatherometer, Dart Impact Tester and Light-selective Color matching booths to ensure the best quality and consistency in our products, detailed component-wise testing is done starting from single thread to fabric strips to webbing.
3. Customized Solutions
As mentioned earlier in the article, every business has different FIBC Packaging requirements, and some even need customized solutions for the correct storage and transportation of their products. It is why selecting the right Bulk container supplier is essential as the correct one will offer customization FIBC solutions to perfectly cater to your storage and transportation needs.
EMMBI believes in the Motto that one size doesn't fit all clients, and it is why we offer customized FIBC solutions for all our clients. Our consultative approach helps us to provide innovative, flexible and tailored solutions for every client of ours.
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vaanibct · 5 years
Studio V Project
Week 5 (March 2019)
Tuesday: Day 11 (26-03-19)
Today, I had planned to talk to Andy about my situation in Studio. According to my first timetable, I had planned to start play-testing in Week 5 till Week 7, and I started early. I feel really happy that I am on track and have an understanding of how people respond to talking about their fears. Andy again suggested that I need to play test more and still think about what direction I want to take my Project. I am still confused about what I plan to do because (as said before in Week 3) “I know I want to work with the idea of fear, but do not know what I want to tell others about it.”
I have ideas for play tests, but I’m having difficulties understanding what I should learn from them, so that the data helps me create an installation that informs the audience something about FEAR. I had thought before that I would focus on how our fears affect our decision, but I’m wondering if there is a way to make an impact on people with that idea. I would need something that makes them think about how their decisions are influenced by their fears and what they can do about it, rather than just have them write it down and forget it soon after.
Here are the next few play-testing ideas:
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5. This play test was inspired by what Andy told me about Elisa - the chat box. I thought that if people were okay with sharing their emotions with a computer, then how would they feel about talking to a real person who was not listening to them, but there to support them physically. This meant that I would be sitting in a private / closed room with them, wearing headphones and not listening or understanding to what they were saying, but I could still condole them. This way, they don’t need to worry about anyone knowing their secrets or inner feelings yet they would have got it our of their chest. This would be followed by a questionnaire to ask them how they felt talking to a ‘deaf’ person and if this had changed anything for them. I also thought that I could still listen to them and then tell them later on to see how they react, but this is a major ethics problem, and I wouldn’t want to betray anyone’s trust.
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6. The purpose of this play test is to see how people react to putting their hand in a box, which will have nothing scary in it, but this will make them believe that there is definitely something fishy going on. This is a case of trust, but also resonates to fear because I have noticed that people are afraid of the ‘Unknown.’
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7. The idea of a ‘Fortune Teller’ came to me when was searching through some images online. I saw one come up and thought that it would be an interesting way of getting information from people. Although this game is used to predict something about what would happen to people in the near future, I thought that maybe they could tell me something about them. I am still unsure on how to carry out this play-test, because don’t know what sort of data I am looking for, and what would work in this context.
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8. An Interactive quiz is something that I think can reveal something about a person. In this, they would answer certain questions to either inform them what kind of a “—-“ they are, or create a unique artwork based on their choices. Although I wanted to make something physical this semester, I think that I can use this method as a way of seeking personal information about people’s fears, with them being anonymous.
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9. This play-test also aims to create a unique artwork for the participants depending on the way they twist and turn the rubix cube, which will be based on the way they answer the questions. Again, I’m unsure how to use this idea to gather more information about the way people feel about their fears, and how they can channel the negative memories into a positive outcome.
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10. I thought about using a dart-board, because I had one at home. I saw this as a way for people to challenge their fears and aim at them to get a feeling of overcoming them mentally. It’s a fun way of facing your fears without actually facing them, and it also gives a feeling of relief and happiness when you hit the right one. There will be a points system for this activity, and it will be followed by a series of questions for me to understand how the participants felt about emotionally facing their fears and what is stopping them to overcome them in real life.
Today, I also started to prep for the third and fourth play-test I had planned to do. I’ll carry out the ‘drawing’ play-test this week, and hope to do the ‘picture revealing’ one as well, depending on the time and participants. The ‘drawing’ one is straightforward and doesn’t require much preparation, but I finished prepping for the ‘picture one,’ which actually forced me to face some of my fears. I decided to print out the words, illustrations and real images of the top 10 fears of people. This required me look for images online and looking at a few of them really made me shiver. However, I am on track and prepared for this week.
Thursday: Day 12 (28-03-19)
As I had planned to do this week, I carried out the ‘drawing’ play-test. I gathered about 5 people from around Studio and began this as a group activity. I provided them with folded papers and felt pens, so they were ready to start drawing.
To understand how people feel when drawing their fears, this play test asks them to work through each section and draw the answers to my questions. The questions will be based on the theme and require people to visualise their fears before drawing them in a way they feel comfortable.
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Reflection on Action:
At the beginning of the activity, I could see that the group was quite confused about what they were supposed to do. And I realised that this was due to my bad explanation skills. I understood and saw the activity in my head, yet didn’t explain the idea properly, which resulted in a different outcome to what I had expected.
Due to ethical and personal reasons, I can’t show the ideas that the play-testers demonstrated or post any pictures of their drawings. When we finished the playtest, I came to realise that no one was comfortable with showing what they’ve drawn, which is why I haven’t even seen their work. Similarly, no one was comfortable with drawing their fears. This came as a surprise to me as I was certain it wouldn’t be a big deal. However, I noticed that some participants were really private and hesitant about their fears, and drawing them was bringing back negative emotions and thoughts.
To be honest, I feel like this play test was neither successful nor unsuccessful. Even though the outcome of this test was unexpected and different to my expectations, I learned a lot about how people react to their fears in picture form, how they feel about answering certain questions and what sort of thoughts they associate with their fears. Through this test, it was clear that asking people to draw their fears in certain ways was difficult and uncomfortable. I think it would be best not to include this sort of an activity as part of my installation.
The questions I asked:
What colours do you associate with your fears?
What does your biggest fear look like?
How does your biggest fear make you feel?
Think about your other fears… what images come to mind?
In this case, I think the questions that I asked the participants to answer in the form of drawing were a bit difficult. During the test, people responded that questions 2 and 4 were kind of similar, so the activity finished with only 3 parts of drawing. However afterwards, I realised that I could have asked them to draw their fear in a positive way, just to see how they react to that idea. It would be the fourth question and could have given me some helpful data. Nevertheless, I didn’t think about it on the spot and missed a chance to understand people’s vision of their fears.
Overall, I think I could have done better with this play test. Although I did receive some important feedback, I am unhappy that I won’t be able to include a pictorial aspect as part of my installation. I was actually considering that this feature would bring some reality into the theme, however, due to the negative reaction, I will have to rethink my ideas.
Next week, I plan to conduct the third playtest and based on the responses I receive, I will start to think about the installation designs. I will be quite busy next week with other papers and outside commitments, therefore, I will have to catch up on Studio over the coming weeks.
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