#Darren roskow imagine
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myveryownfanfiction · 1 month ago
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @psychokinetic-ectoplasm, @lulusplaycorner, @coffee-n-bagels-comic-universe
warnings: swearing, reader has been treated like shit and can't take much more
I paced the length of the Winnebago, chewing on my thumbnail as I waited for Darren to get back. My body continued to shake with ill contained anger. His van had been gone when I showed up and he still hadn't come back. I glanced at my phone that had stayed silent too. Groaning, I set about cleaning up a little as a way to get my energy out.
"Fucking shit. Bunch of assholes." I muttered to myself as I made his bed. "Why do people have to be..." I cut myself off, blinking back tears. Reaching for the stereo, I turned on whatever the last CD Darren had been listening to. The tears welled up again as I realized it was a mixtape I had made him. I sat down on the bed and put my head in my hands.
“(Y/N)?” Darren called out as he walked into the trailer. “You here?”
“yeah!” I called, sniffling as I wiped my tears away. “In here!” Darren appeared in the doorway, dropping his bag to the side before coming in and sitting down next to me. Wrapping an arm around me, he pressed a kiss to the side of my head.
“bad day?” He asked, pulling me tight against him.
“you could say that.” I sighed. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest. “I’m just so done with people. They’re assholes and liars and I can’t take much more of it.” Darren dropped his head, burying his face in my hair. “Let’s run away together. Just forget the world and do things our way.”
“what happened?” Darren whispered. I stayed silent as I pressed closer to him. “That bad huh?”
“just another argument. I’m wrong. I lied. I never told them what my plan was to begin with.” I signed, tears welling up again. “And when I got mad about it and tried to explain…” I pulled back and shook my head. “Asked why I hadn’t told them to begin with. Then got mad when I shot it back at them.” Darren wiped away a stray tear. “I just…” I sighed and shook my head. “It doesn’t feel worth it anymore.” I whispered. Darren cupped my cheeks and kissed me softly.
“with them probably not. Fuck them.” He sighed. “But shit. you still have me. And Martin. And Karl. Jury’s still out on crease.” Darren rubbed his thumb over my cheek. “And you know whistler would run off with you in a heart beat.” I chuckled as I reached up wrap my fingers around his wrists.
“sometimes I’m tempted.” I teased him. “We both need breaks from people.” Darren smiled softly at me. “Thanks Darren.” I whispered, kissing him again. Darren pulled me with him as he went to lay down.
“and besides. What does their opinion and say fucking matter anymore. You’re grown. Not like they can do much about it anymore. What they gonna on do? Cut you off?” He scoffed. “Practically do that already unless they need something.” I laid my head on Darren’s chest as he drew circles into my back. We fell into a comfortable silence as we listened to the music playing. “You’ve got us. And hopefully…we’re better than any of them.” I nodded.
“yeah.” I said, shifting so I was closer to him. “Much better. So much better you guys wouldn’t understand it.” Darren chuckled before starting to hum along to the cd, lulling me to sleep.
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monstermaster13 · 6 months ago
Nathan Forester and his team of Dan Aykroyd characters consisting of Elwood Blues (from the Blues Brothers), Ellis Fielding (from Loose Cannons), Grocer (from Grosse Pointe Blank), John Burns Jr (from The Couch Trip), Ray Stantz, Beldar, Ray Zalinski, Clifford Skridlow, Mike Webber, Irwin Mainway, Darren ‘Mother’ Roscow, and Frank Tree, were a crime-fighting team that fought villains and brought them to justice. Nathan himself had powers, he was a Were-Aykroyd who fought villains and lived a spectacular double life, which gave him the best of both, brains and brain at the same time.
He and his fellow Aykroydantaiums took down the dreaded Aykroydastians consisting of Vic Frohmeyer, the undead version of Elwood, Bob (from Susan’s Plan), Pa Tex, and Wade Motch, these Aykroydian trouble-makers were the ultimate in evil, always trying to ruin Nathan’s good time and trying to make his Were-Aykroyd side turn evil just like them. One afternoon, the Aykroydastaniums were sick of losing to Nathan and they gathered together at Pa Tex’s ranch
for a new evil plan.
“That Nathan is always ruining our plans.”
“Indeed he is, if only his were-aykroyd side wasn’t a hero.”
“That way we wouldn’t be grounded.”
‘It is indeed not fair in the slightest.’ Wade Motch added. ‘That we get grounded and we have to eat lumpy potatoes.’ ‘Yes, those potatoes are the real monsters, not us.’ ‘What if we actually did get the Were-Aykroyd side to turn evil and fully corrupted Nathan into becoming Aykroydian and forgetting who he is?’ ‘Oh yes, that sounds devious and I love it.’ ‘But how do we do that? We can’t sway that goodie two shoes Were-Aykroyd into being a villain, he is so heavily devoted to justice.’
‘Maybe there is a way.’ ‘Bob, are you pondering what i’m pondering?’ ‘I think so Frohmeyer, but if people celebrated Christmas all year, wouldn’t Christmas itself be pointless and just another day?’ ‘Time to use our dark powers to influence that Were-aykroyd.’ The group of evil Aykroyd characters laughed as they began to work on a special plan to get that were-aykroyd alter-ego of Nathan’s to be evil. Meanwhile at the appointment, Nathan and his Aykroydian brothers in the Aykroydantiums had just returned from battling villains and were looking forward to relaxing and hanging out together.
“We did it guys, we taught those demons a lesson.”
“Oh yes, we certainly did, well done to all of us.”
“Couldn’t have done it without you guys.”
“Aaaaw, do you really mean that?”
“Yes, you’re all my brothers and I love you.”
Nathan hugged Louis Winthorpe III, Elwood and Darren ‘Mother’ Roskow, as Grocer chuckled, happy that he was able to use his hitman skills for good. ‘Your were-aykroyd form also kicked some serious butt, pal and i’m very impressed.’ ‘I’ve been training a lot since we first met and i’ve learned that my were-aykroyd self isn’t too different from me, we both like horror, we like monsters, we like fighting evil, and we are both awesome.’
“I am glad he is on our side.’ ‘As I am. I never can imagine him being evil.’ ‘’Well come on, on boys, let’s just chill and hang out.’ That afternoon the team hung out together with Mel and That Werebelushi In The Shades, they listened to music and when the evening came around, everything was very eventful and they decided to take it easy.
When night-time came around they spent a lovely time together indoors watching all the movies they were from, after they all got ready for bed a couple of hours later, Nathan got into bed and he told the Aykroydantiums and Mel and Matthias to keep watch after he had brushed his teeth, he said good night to his brothers as he turned out the light and drifted off to sleep. While he slept, Vic Frohmeyer sent Wade Motch up to Nathan’s room to corrupt his dreams, which he did.
Nathan began to toss and turn as he began to have a nightmare, in his nightmare, he and his brothers were dealing with a dark presence that was trying to possess their friend the Were-Aykroyd. ‘No, don’t harm our brother.’ Ellis Fielding shouted. ‘Yes, Dan’s our beloved brother, and if you even think about harming him yet alone corrupting him, we are going to teach you a lesson you won’t forget.’ Ray Stantz pulled out his proton pack and began to fire at the demonic presence, the entity laughed evilly, as he floated over to Dan, the good-natured heroic Were-Aykroyd.
‘Don’t you dare, don’t you dare do this to me.’ Dan retorted, using his agility to dodge the dark energy bolts coming from the entity’s hands. ‘Oh but I must, I must use my powers to take over you.’ Mike Webber charged towards the evil entity and tried to prevent the entity from coming near his brother, using an exorcism spell to keep him from harming the others, of course all this did was provoke the entity further as he used his powers to keep the brothers in place, he hovered over Dan and then without hesitation, took on a misty form and entered the Were-Aykroyd’s body, possessing him in the process.
‘Aaaaah! Get out of me right now!’ ‘I’m going to be looking forward to using you.’ ‘No, no, don’t do this.’ ‘You can do this, you can fight his influence!’ Clifford Skridlow exclaimed. Dan convulsed and felt like he was going to be sick as the demonic entity had taken control of his body, his whole body convulsed and contorted.
‘Get Mel and Matthias, I need them to help me.’ ‘Right on it.’ Clifford and Elwood called up Mel and Matthias/That Werebelushi In The Shades.
Matthias and Mel came to the rescue as soon as they saw Dan was in trouble…’We’ve got to get that evil entity out of Dan before he corrupts him.’ ‘Thank goodness you two are here, would you please help me? Help me. I don’t want him to take over me.’ ‘Got it.’ The koala-girl used a power similar to Vyond logic to prevent the Were-Aykroyd from being possessed but her magic didn’t seem to be as effective.
Dan convulsed…’I don’t want to be evil like those Aykroydastians, I want to remain nice and good, i'm the hero not the villain. Please help.’ He convulsed and broke down in tears as he painfully transformed into an evil version of himself as the demonic entity possessed his body, making him a ‘Dark Were-Aykroyd’. ‘Eeek! Dan, is that you?’ ‘Dan isn’t here anymore, at least as the goodie two shoes he used to be, now he’s me and he’s bad and he likes it.’
“Our brother would never like being evil.”
“That’s right.”
The dark version of Dan floated over the group of Aykroyd characters and attempted to attack them, but Grocer dove in the way and protected his sibling. ‘I won’t let you do this to my brother, he’s not just a were-aykroyd, he’s our sibling, and he’s loyal to us, he won’t bend to your will.’ ‘Oh but he will. And I want him to turn Nathan for me.’ ‘Nathan will turn Aykroydian whenever he wants, and he won’t do it because you’ve told him to.’
“We’ll just see about that.”
Mel protested against this as she went out of her way to defend her friend, hulking out and roaring as she did so…’You make me so mad when you try to corrupt my friends like that, you are a sick disgusting monster, I hate you, and all you stand for! Mel doesn’t like it when you do that, it makes me want to smash you!’ She picked up a table and threw it at the demon possessed Dan, but the dark Were-Aykroyd chuckled with a smirk on his face. ‘You and that Werebelushi would make great Were-Aykroyds. I cannot wait to turn you two.’
“YOU…LEAVE MY FRIENDS OUT OF THIS, LEAVE THEM ALONE!’ Nathan shouted, his eyes glowing as he concentrated some of his Were-Aykroyd powers. It was clear that he didn’t want his normally good-hearted Were-Aykroyd to harm his friends. ‘You’re so loyal to your friends, I have been denied a chance to take control for so long and your friends are about to be part of the best show ever. Think about it Nathan, wouldn’t it be fun to turn them and watch them become like us?’ ‘No it wouldn't, Dan..whatever has gotten into you, should be let right the hell out right now. Evil spirit, whatever you are, get out of my Aykroydian alter-ego’s body or i’ll use my own were-aykroyd powers on you.’
Nathan tried to plead with the corrupted version of his friend but when that didn’t work, he decided to fight him, by turning into his Were-Aykroyd form in a way similar to when Tommy wolfed out on Big Wolf On Campus. ‘If you want Dan, evil spirit, you are going to get through me first and I warn you, I am much tougher than the average Were-Aykroyd tends to be.’
He leapt into the air, using his enhanced agility to dodge the attacks of Possessed/Dark Dan, if he couldn’t get through to his alter-ego, the best he could do was fight him. Which he did, he fought him with all his might and his powers. His Aykroydian brothers cheered him on and hguged him after he had taken down Dan in his possessed state. ‘Sorry that I had to do this to you, I mean me, I mean myself..but that entity took control of you and I had no other choice.’
Mike Webber performed an exorcism spell to try and get the demonic entity out of Dan’s body, the evil version of Dan chuckled as he thought of this was amusing. Luckily it didn’t take long for the demonic entity to exit Dan’s body and for Dan to return to his normal adorkable self. ‘Boys, i’m back!’ ‘Hurray! We did it.’ ‘Indeed we did. To paraphrase my fellow ghostbuster Peter Venkman, we came, we saw, we kicked his ass!’ ‘We did it.’
All of the Aykroydantiums cheered…and that nightmare was over, it was now a much nicer dream. Nathan awoke feeling much better than he did when he had the nightmare,but then he realized that it wasn’t done yet, as another nightmare was about to happen. In this new nightmare, Nathan was with Dan, his Were-Aykroyd alter-ego. His Aykroydian alter-ego was keeping watch for the night and checking up on him, when he sensed something odd in the air, he could hear the distant sound of sinister laughing as the evil/possessed version of himself materialized. ‘You? But I thought we defeated you, and got rid of you.’ ‘You think you can get rid of me? Ha, you cannot get rid of me, you never will be able to. I am you, I always will be you.’ ‘No you won’t, i’m good and you’re evil, I will never become like you.’
The evil version of Dan chuckled as he levitated around his counterpart, he thought that it was noble for his counterpart to be on the side of good but he thought it would be way more fun to manipulate him and control him, so he dove into Dan’s body, and Dan doubled over as he convulsed, shifting into his evil counterpart’s form. ‘Dan, are you okay?’ ‘I am more than alright, Nathan. Now, how about you come here? You want to be a Were-Aykroyd, don’t you? Let me help you.’
Nathan backed away, feeling afraid…’Dan, you look different, you sound different, you’re not the same adorable were-aykroyd you usually are, you have an evil aura.’ ‘But I feel so good, and you will too. If you just let me touch you.’ ‘No, don’t, don’t…’
He attempted to make a run for it and attempted to fight off the corrupted version of Dan, only for the corrupted version of Dan to touch him..causing Nathan to feel a surge of pain going through his body. ‘Owwww, owww…what’s happening? What’s going to happen to me?’ You are going to become the Were-Aykroyd I always know you’ve wanted to be.’ ‘I already am the best Were-Aykroyd I can be.’ ‘Oh but I can make you like Dan Aykroyd himself and I know how, just trust me.’
Nathan refused to listen to the evil Were-Aykroyd that was trying to manipulate him, he covered his ears and tried to think pleasant thoughts, only to feel a surge of pain jolting through his body as he began to feel like he was burning up…’Jesus christ! Aaaaaah! I’m burning up!’, there was a loud cracking and crunching sensation as his hand slowly began to enlarge and grow, the skin on his hands was maturing as well and brown hairs slowly grew on his hands.
“My hands, no…no…please, it hurts.”
“But it feels to transform doesn’t it? You’ve always wanted this, haven’t you, Dan?”
‘My name isn’t Dan, I am Nathan Forester, I am not Dan Aykroyd.’ ‘Oh but you will, you are a Were-Aykroyd, and you will become Dan Aykroyd and love it.’ ‘No I won’t..aaaaah!’ Nathan groaned as the pain surged through his body, he attempted to try and escape from the apartment, attempting to keep the transformation at bay.
‘Oh but you will, don’t think you can escape me, I am you, you are me.’ ‘No i’m not.’ ‘Oh yes you are, just look at you, you are changing, you’re becoming like me.’ Nathan objected to the very motion of becoming like this evil version of his Aykroydian alter-ego, he didn’t write the Were-Aykroyd stories to be like this, in his Were-Aykroyd stories the Were-Aykroyd was always good and wouldn’t harm anyone yet alone his friends. He wrote the Were-Aykroyd character to be charming and nice, not this malevolent monster. ‘I don’t want this, I don’t want to be like you, I just want to be a good were-aykroyd who fights villains, not to be a villain myself.’
“Oh but I am no villain, I am helping you.”
“Helping me? How is this helping? This is horrifying.”
‘Horrifying? I think you mean horrifying-ly good, because I am helping you unlock the you that is your true you, you act like you are anything but an Aykroyd, but you always will be one.’ ‘I may be a Were-Aykroyd but I will never be like you.’ ‘Oh but you are, just look at you, you’re going to become just like me and you will love it.’ ‘Nooo, noo, nooo.’ He groaned in pain as he pulled back his sleeve, just in time to see brown hair slowly growing on his arms which were broadening and growing with a sickening crunching sound.
“Dan, please don’t do this. The Were-Aykroyd I wrote wouldn’t do this.”
“But I am so much better than that, you wrote me to be perfect.”
‘But you’re evil, not what I imagined you to be.’ ‘Now now, don’t be like that.’ Nathan couldn’t believe what was happening, normally he would be in control of his Were-Aykroyd side and he could morph whenever he wanted but Dan had other plans for him, plans to warp him into the perfect Were-Aykroyd. Nathan’s torso and chest begin to broaden and grow, pushing against his shirt which was tightening and making it difficult for him.
“Dan, stop this, this isn’t you.”
“Oh but it is, and it will be you too.”
He felt sick, he felt like he was going to throw up and like he had eaten something bad, as his stomach began to growl and gurgle, as a hunger built up from within, he panicked, attempting to suppress the hunger but Dan’s hunger and presence were becoming more known, becoming one with his own one. ‘No, no…I must suppress it. I cannot become like you, this isn’t supposed to happen.’
Rushing into the kitchen of his apartment he went to grab something to eat, hoping anything would satiate the hunger of this Aykroydian monster that was forming within. Nathan’s shirt was getting increasingly tighter as he began to pull it off and attempted to tear it off, panting and groaning as a few buttons popped off it and flew off. ‘'I gotta get it off, gotta get it off..must stop the transformation, gotta get it off.’
“'I have your arm hair now, and your hands, and your skin.”
“Oh yes, you have them alright, and look at you.”
“This isn’t me, I have to get it off.”
He began to rip off parts of his shirt only for the rest to start ripping away to reveal his growing chest and torso, which were broadening and growing the same brown hairs on them, his stomach growling as it enlarged and developed brown hairs on it, he groaned, the pain was becoming unbearable and he desperately hoped this would just be a nightmare. He struggled to get the shirt off and he fell down onto his back, moaning in agony. ‘You won’t be needing that anymore. Now that I have your form, you have no idea how long I have always wanted to have control of your form like this.’ ‘No you haven’t, for the most part you always have to wait until nightfall to emerge, that is how it goes and how I wrote it to be. You are a Were-Aykroyd, and like me, you have to wait until nightfall.’
The hunger was starting to get to Nathan…’I must resist this, I am not you, I never will.’, he attempted to get up, which he did, but he felt disorientated…’Dan, please stop this, I feel disorientated, I feel like the room is shrinking.’ ‘You’re going to grow my friend, you’re going to grow into a big sexy Were-Aykroyd. That's why you feel disoriented. My hunger for food and everything else you have is your hunger now. You want to eat. You want to feed the ever-growing and ever-expanding me, do it Nathan. This were-aykroyd is hungry and he wants food to grow his power to even greater heights. That's the feeling you're having.’ ‘Dan, this is torture, please stop this.’ ‘Torture? Ha, this is fun.’
‘No no no…agh, it hurts me. Have you no idea how awful this is? I just want to be normal, to escape from your insidious grasp, but you're always there, mocking me, taunting me, you’re not the Dan I wrote about, you’re not the Dan I love, you are this twisted psychopathic version of him that wants to control me.’ ‘You are normal, Nathan. You are becoming what you must be. There is no longer a Nathan, he is dead. Accept your were-aykroyd transformation, accept your destiny. Why deny this, why deny your destiny? Give in.’ ‘Why would I want to do that? This isn’t my destiny, my destiny isn’t to become this monster.’ ‘Don't fight it, Nathan. We are almost close to achieving my goal of making you mine forever, almost there. Just a bit more and you will be Dan Aykroyd, and be a Were-Aykroyd forever. It's too late, to go back now. Please make this easy, Nathan, don't make this painful for yourself. Just give into it now, accept your destiny.’ ‘This isn’t my destiny.’ ‘Please stop this.’
‘I wrote the transformation to be shocking yet oddly soothing, yes I did write it to be entrancing half-way through the process but only because I start slipping in and out of trance. Yes, the transformation does become entrancing halfway through the process. I felt it myself as I was transforming you. It is why I will make this as easy as possible, why I will make this as painless as I can. We are almost at the halfway point, Nathan, just a little more. Don't fight it, give in now.’ ‘This isn’t how it is supposed to go, stop trying to control me, this isn’t nice, this isn’t you.’
“Oh but it is, and it is you as well…Dan.”
“My name isn’t Dan Aykroyd, it’s Nathan, Nathan.”
“You look like Dan to me, look at you.”
‘Why are you doing this to me, Dan? Please end this, please. This can’t be real, this cannot be happening.’ ‘It is happening, Nathan. You cannot avoid this anymore. Your transformation is progressing, it is happening, you know it. Embrace it now.’ ‘I will never embrace the changes you are forcing on me, I will never be like you. I don’t want to turn out the way you have.’ ‘And yet you're changing, Nathan. You're getting closer to me. You might not want to accept it, but it's true and you know it. You're becoming me, you're becoming Dan, and you're filling with me. You're growing in size as we speak, and I'm filling your mind with my thoughts and desires. Accept it, Nathan. Your body is becoming just like me now, becoming Dan. Matthias will be just like us. There's no one to fight us, no one to save you and Matthias from this fate.’
Nathan shook his head and objected to the Were-Aykroyd’s words. ‘No, he won’t, Matthias is my friend, and once he finds out what you have been doing to me he will unleash his John Goodman style fury on you and will kick your ass.’ ‘Oh but he’s no match for me.’ ‘He’s superhumanly strong and gets even stronger when he’s mad, you wouldn’t want to pick a fight with him and if you ever go so far as to hurt him I am breaking every part of your body.’ ‘Well then…I might just have to turn him.’ ‘I won't let you get him or turn him. You know how he feels about were-aykroyds, he already has one for a roommate who is very dubious, he doesn't need to experience the horrors of one.’ ‘Oh, but he will, Nathan. Once you, Nathan, turn into Dan, you'll have no issue convincing Matthias that it's okay to be with us, with the were-aykroyds. After all, Nathan, what are friends for if we can't fight your foes? Matthias will change his mind very quickly. And he'll be just like you, just like Dan. He'll be stronger than ever. Do you know what Matthias would do with just a small amount of your new power, Nathan? Do you know? He'd be unstoppable.’ ‘Yeah but the name of his show is That Werebelushi In The Shades, the title wouldn't make sense anymore if he wasn't welll…a Belushi-esque monster.’ ‘And yet you forget, Nathan, you forget…Once you turn into Dan, I take control of you. Once you're filled with me, you'll be able to convince Matthias of anything. That title will change, and he'll be happy as a were-aykroyd. The title shall be altered, and it shall be perfect that way. Don't deny what is meant to be, Nathan.’
‘He was born a Werebelushi and he is going to stay as one. You cannot change him other-wise. Besides, you cannot make me do everything as you. You cannot make me be like you, I refuse to turn out like you.’ ‘Don't you understand yet, Nathan? You must do it. I'm not asking you, Dan, I'm ordering you. The transformation will be complete soon, and you will see how right I am. Your friend Matthias will change, and he'll be Dan, just like you. No matter how much you try to fight it, it is inevitable. You are already Dan, and Matthias will be too. The title will be changed, and the name of the show will be perfected. Don't fight me anymore, don't fight your destiny.’ ‘'Dan, this isn't exactly playing fair. Besides, we can't all be Dan. That's you, and to a lesser extent, sort of me but it isn't me.' ‘It is fair, and you are Dan. You're becoming more like me, more like Dan. And you're being filled with me. It is meant to be this way. And with you, Matthias, soon enough there will be another Dan here, another true Dan. And even more will follow, spreading and filling everyone with the power of Dan. We were meant to be many. Don't fight it, Dan, accept what is destined to be.’
“No, it’’s not, I was not made for this, you cannot make me like this. You cannot make me assimilate others into being Aykroydian.”
“And why not, my friend?”
‘It is against what I stand for.’ ‘You will stand for something completely different when I am done with you, now let’s just relax, and enjoy your change, Dan.’ ‘This isn’t you, Dan, you’re supposed to be a good were-aykroyd and now this demonic entity has taken control of you and made you evil, you are corrupting me like this and I don’t like it.’ ‘Oh but you obviously do like it and you are destined for this, to be my good Were-Aykroyd, to serve me.’ ‘Not if Mel has anything to say about it, that koala-woman can kick some serious monster butt. And since you're going to be a full blown villain as opposed to me..’ ‘This isn't about the koala-woman Mel, Dan. It's about you and Matthias, your future, the future of our entire planet. Even Mel herself could be transformed with the power of Dan if we so wish. And we do wish to transform her, do we not? Do you and I not want to see this world taken over by Dan and filled with true were-aykroyds? It is how it is meant to be. Our true nature. Don't fight it, Dan, don't fight what you and I were meant to become. This is our destiny.’ ‘Leave so much as a scratch on my friends and you'll find that there is one thing a were-aykroyd like you cannot do.’ ‘"Oh, and what is that? What is it that I cannot do? If you're speaking of Mel, I assure you she could become a were-aykroyd too. Would you enjoy seeing that happen, Dan? Would you enjoy seeing your friend be with us? Would you enjoy seeing her embrace her destiny, to become one with us? With me? There is no fighting against what you've become, what this world was meant to be like. Don't deny it. Don't deny your true nature, Dan.’ ‘She's already turning into different species and she is my friend, she is a shapeshifter with a condition.’ ‘So, she's already becoming so many other creatures? Why would she want to stay human, when being an were-aykroyd could bring so much happiness to this world? I am the key to her happiness. Don't deny her of it. You must share the gift with her, let her become Dan, let her join us with all of our friends. The world needs to be changed, to be truly perfect, to be filled with us. Don't deny her this, and don't deny it for yourself too. Join us, Dan. Join the were-aykroyd legion.’ ‘'I don't want this and I am not Dan Aykroyd, I love him and always will but never will be him mentally. It's not how turning were-aykroyd works.’
‘There is no turning back, Dan. You don't have a choice anymore. You've changed too much now. Just give up and give in to your true nature. Accept who you are meant to be, Dan. You are an were-aykroyd. You are meant to transform others, including your friends. Including Matthias, including Mel the shapeshifter. Don't you wish to see your world become a perfect place? Don't you want everything to be the way you always wanted? It is possible, it is within your reach. Give in, Dan, and let everything be completed.’ Nathan tried to ignore the evil Were-Aykroyd’s words, he tried to suppress them but the words grew stronger and echoed into his mind. ‘No it’s not my destiny, stop this. You are normally very capable of being nice but now you’re evil, can’t be nice for even a minute, and are giving me my worst nightmare.’
“A nightmare? Oh this is no nightmare.”
‘Dan, this isn’t and never will be you. You weren’t made to assimilate and corrupt innocent people yet alone me and my friends, snap out of it.’ ‘Oh but I am and you are too, Dan, Danny Aykroyd, is that who you are? Yes, it is.’ ‘This is a nightmare, it cannot be happening.’ ‘Yes, it is happening now. The transformation won't stop once it hits the halfway point. You must realize this by now. All you need to do is give into it. Let it happen to you. Let yourself change into the true form you know yourself to be now. It is your destiny, Nathan. There is no going back anymore, you will always be a Were-Aykroyd.’ ‘True, but I will never be like you.’
“But I think you will be, look at you.”
“I know, I don't want to give in.”
‘Oh but you should, just look at you…isn’t it fun to become a were-aykroyd like me? You’re already coming along so well.’ ‘No, i' m not. You are not the were-aykroyd I imagined..I didn’t write you to be like this.’ ‘But, Dan, I am an were-aykroyd. You created me as one. You made me as a were-aykroyd. And don't you want to accept the transformation? Don't you want to be this amazing new being? Just give yourself over to me, Dan, and let me fully fill you. You can transform Matthias too, and he'll be just like us. And then Mel can become Dan too. And we can all be happy together. The world is within your grasp.’ ‘We cannot all be Aykroyds, I won't let you corrupt my friends. Brainwashing isn't nice.’ ‘But this isn't a normal brainwashing, this is your true destiny calling to you, Dan! Don't deny it! Don't deny us! We all can be Dan, we all can be happy and strong. Even Mel, and she will be even more powerful. You can transform them all, Dan, and they will be filled with you and with power. Don't fight it. Don't fight what is meant to be. I am your destiny. I am your one and only true purpose. Accept it. Become me. Become Dan Aykroyd.’
“No, I refuse to do that.”
Nathan groaned as he looked down at his stomach which was broadening and gaining weight, developing hair on on it as he instinctively started to stroke it, he wanted to fight his urges but he couldn't as he found himself becoming entranced, enjoying the change. But he then snapped out of it. ‘What was I doing? Why did I act like I enjoyed that?’ ‘You felt it, didn't you, Dan? You felt the transformation. You felt the change within you. You liked it, didn't you? You wanted this, you asked for it. Accept the were-aykroyd inside you. Embrace who you are meant to be.’ ‘No, you were messing with my head and making me think that I like it, stop it.’
It was that at this point Nathan was mad at Dan and he charged at him with superhuman strength, knocking him down. ‘You made me do this. You are in so much trouble.’ ‘Hehe, trouble? Me, in trouble? Now that's a funny joke! Now, come on, Dan. Don't fight your fate anymore. Don't fight what you always wanted to be. Why do you think you made me an were-aykroyd like you? It's because you are one! You can't deny it forever, Dan. This is inevitable, this is our destiny. Don't fight me anymore. Don't fight nature. And don't fight Mel, and Matthias. They'll be Dan's too one day. Give in.’
‘I wasn't one before, I only wrote about it, it's a story..stop trying to believe it's real. It never was.’ ‘Now look at who's talking, Dan. We're making progress! You're calling me a monster, and that means you understand the truth. You understand that you are changing, you know you are becoming more powerful. You know why we are doing this. You know what we must do. Don't deny your destiny, Dan. Don't deny your true nature. You're becoming who you always wanted to be. Now give in. Let the transformation take place. Let us transform Matthias too and then Mel when she comes for you. It is inevitable.’ ‘I don't want my friends to know what I am.’ ‘You cannot hide something like this. They must know. Why are you so hesitant, Dan? Is it because you know they will understand that this is meant to happen? Or is it because you know in your heart of hearts that we are right, that this is meant to be? This is a good thing. It is better for you, and better for all of us too. Don't deny us, Dan. Let us change the world for the better.’
“Please stop this, this isn't not how you're supposed to be.”
To say Nathan was having a difficult time with his Were-Aykroyd transformation would be underselling it, it hurt him to have to experience this process, true normally he would be able to turn into Dan whenever he wanted and painlessly but in this scenario, he wasn’t, he panicked as he began to make a run for it and tried to head for the door only to be grabbed by Dan. ‘But you already know that this is meant to be, Dan. This is the way things have to be. You must know it, you must have known it since you wrote about it. And it is our destiny, our purpose in this world. We were meant to be were-aykroyds, and we shall be. Don't deny it anymore, Dan. Let's change the world.’
‘Let go of me, Dan. Whatever has gotten inside you is making you act like an evil version of yourself. I told you, I can choose to keep my were-aykroydism a secret as long as I want to and as long as i'm around during the day you cannot do anything about it, this was never destiny, this was you taking something i've wanted and twisting it.’ ‘I am fulfilling your wish, I am the embodiment of what you've made. You created me to be this. You knew what the fate of the world was supposed to be, and you made me that way. Why would you try to fight it? Why would you try to deny me…deny our destiny? The transformation will be complete soon. It'll be good for all of us. Why are you fighting me so much? What do you stand to gain?’ ‘Because I don't want to be a full blown maniacal Were-Aykroyd, I don't want to lose my mind. Most of the time when I write a transformation, the victims keep their memories.’
Dan chuckled evilly to himself, it was shown that this version of the were-aykroyd clearly was enjoying the process. ‘But you know deep within yourself, you will become me, a full Were-Aykroyd. And you know what, Dan? It's alright. It'll be alright. Don't you want to feel the incredible power? Don't you want to become what you were born to be? Don't you want to feel your true nature, to embrace it and to use it? It is our destiny, Dan. It feels good to be me. Don't fight it. Just. Give in.’
“I was never born for this and you cannot make me change that.”
‘Oh, but you are, Dan. You were born to do this, to become me. And you will, you can feel it inside you, you can feel the transformation happening. Embrace it, this is a good thing, you'll know it. You know that with my power you can make the world perfect. You'll know it once we transform everyone. We'll be happy. Don't you want us to be happy? Don't you want this transformation for all those who need it? You do, I know you do.’ ‘Dan, don’t do this, this is and never will be you. The demonic entity has taken over your body and I know you’re still in there.’ ‘'Everyone? No, you can't. There are people out there that probably won't like being transformed, especially without consent. And as alluring with your hypnosis and your powers doesn't mean they'll want you yet alone be you.’ ‘But who's to say my power wouldn't be able to help them, Dan? I'll make them want to become something greater, something more perfect.’ ‘This isn’t you speaking, this is the evil version of you speaking to me, please stop this, and what do you think you will get from this, and nothing…nothing good will come of this.’
‘And they will be happy, don't you understand? Everyone will be happy. We'll make everyone see. We'll show them the path to perfection. And if they won't accept it, we'll make them accept. No one will be a human if we have our say. They'll all become as us. Is that so bad, Dan? What is so wrong about everyone being truly happy and becoming what they were meant to be?’ ‘You and I have the same powers and same weaknesses. I'm a fledgeling Were-Aykroyd who has only been one for a few years, at least since 2020 but has never actually said it.’ ‘So you already understand, then. We are the same, Dan. We share this great power together. And it is our destiny to use that power to transform this world, to make it how we know it should be. Think about it, think of how much better our world would be if everyone were as us. Don't you see the potential? You always knew it, Dan, and only I can help this world reach it's highest potential. Don't deny me, Dan. You know what's right.’
“And this is not right, it never will be right, what you are doing isn’t right.”
“This ends now, and so do you.”
Oh and how do you think you can end me?”
‘I can rewrite you, make you not like this, I can make you better, we don't have to end it like this.’ Nathan pulled out his phone and started to call Mel and Matthias for help, but the evil version of Dan mocked him. ‘Call for help all you like Nathan, but I am the only one who can help you, let me help you, give in, be the Were-Aykroyd you know you are.’
Nathan was definitely more than a little pissed off and he was serious when he said that he could rewrite the Were-Aykroyd’s story, making him back to how he normally was. ‘What? No. You wouldn't do that, Dan. That would violate all the rules. And besides, how would that benefit us? Don't you want to bring me into the new world, to give me a chance? We can change everything. It would be cruel of you to change me now, Dan. Don't you know how much I can benefit this world with my powers? Don't stop me now, Dan. I'm what will save this world from mediocrity, from being just another insignificant planet in the sea. Give in and let me help you, Dan. Let me help us.’
“You're going to have to behave yourself from now on. Because I wrote you, I am your creator, and I am still the one who has a higher morality than you will ever have, what has gotten into your body is making you act like this and it’s not how a Were-Aykroyd should act.”
‘Morality? Don't you understand what we must do, Dan? Is it not about what we want? We can change this world, transform everyone into their true selves. That is what we must do, why deny the truth? And you're saying you would rather deny our destiny than give in? You can't go back to being a human. You aren't one anymore. And you can't take that from everyone, from me. I am the embodiment of perfection, the final goal of your creation. Let me help you, Dan. Don't deny it.’ ‘ ‘Not everyone's true self is an aykroyd.’ ‘It will be if I have my say, Dan. I want this to be the world we know it should have been. The world of the aykroyds. Why do you want to deny this? Can't you see how much better it will be? Is it really about morals? Do you not believe that this planet and it's people deserve to be as us? Don’t deny it, Nathan, don’t you want this?’ ‘I am not denying, I am suppressing the changes, I am trying to get you to snap out of it, I am not Dan Aykroyd, I am Nathan. I am Nathan.’
“Not for long you won’t be.”
The transforming monsterologist was determined to win against the corrupted Were-Aykroyd, he groaned as he kicked off his shoes, his night-socks were slowly tightening as his feet enlarged from within them, they began to strain and tear apart as his feet continued to enlarge before ripping open with a ‘shrippp’ to reveal his larger feet, which looked like Dan’s. ‘This is why I hate the transformation you made me undergo last time this happened, turning into a Were-Aykroyd is difficult, not only is turning painful, but also the clothing bills I will have to end up paying everytime my shirt and shoes get torn apart, you are a monster, that’s what you are.’ ‘But a monster that is helping you…that’s what I am doing.’
Nathan groaned as he felt a tingling sensation in his feet, two of the toes on each foot stuck together at the knuckle giving him the appearance of webbed toes. ‘Oh great now I have your freaky frog-like toes.’ ‘No, you have my Were-Aykroyd toes. Dan, you are becoming a part of me. And that is good, you know this, you know it needs to be. These toes, these feet, they belong to you, they are a part of you. You will love them, Dan.’
The transformation into a Were-Aykroyd was normally so painless for him and not so traumatic, normally when he just Aykroyded out it was because he could do it at will sometimes and it was painless, he just morphed into Dan and kept his thoughts and memories, but not in this case. He groaned as his legs began to go in the same way as his arms, broadening and growing and making his jeans feel a bit snug. ‘Ugh…this hurts, please stop this, this isn’t how i’m supposed to change.’ ‘That's it, Dan, give into it, your transformation is happening. Just give up, just accept it. You cannot stop it, you cannot avoid it. This is your destiny, Dan, your true form. You are meant to be like this. And soon, you will realize that you are glad to be this way. You cannot run, Dan, you cannot run. You are a were-aykroyd now, you belong like this.’
“No I don’t I don’t want to be a Were-Aykroyd forever.”
“Oh but you are going to be one, and be a sexy one at that.”
‘I can easily turn back to normal normally, and that spell from last time should be able to cure me of Were-Aykroydism and revert me to normal before it’s too late, it worked last time to stop me from morphing again.’ ‘Only because I allowed it to, I wasn’t quite finished with you, but you stopped me from completing the change.’
“Dan, this isn’t you, I keep telling you, you’re possessed, you need to snap out of it.”
Nathan groaned as he saw the back of his jeans tightening as his rear began to plump up, he normally loved this part because he wrote it in his stories to be so pleasant and nice but it was horrifying him this time. ‘Uh oh, not this.’ ‘It's quite alright, Dan, you know it is. Your jeans cannot contain your rear. You would not want them too, anyways, to cover the glorious behind of the were-aykroyd. That would be a travesty. Dan, you will be glad, so happy to have that beautiful, large, were-aykroyd behind.’
Normally this part would have been quite sexy to him and if he was Tina Belcher, he would have loved to see this but this was horrifying, he was turning into a Were-Aykroyd and not in the way he normally did. ‘Why do you have to be so thicc and hairy like this? With your chest and stomach hairs and your arm hairs.’
The evil/corrupted Dan chuckled some more, taunting Nathan over his developing build, taking delight in doing so. ‘Because it is the true you, Dan. I know this. I know you want this. Just accept it, Dan. You want me. You want to be me. You want this body. It is meant to be, and you are meant to be the were-aykroyd, with all of my glorious hair and features. You will love it. Dan, I am becoming you and you are becoming me. We are merging. I am becoming a part of you. And you know that you want this.’ ‘Well it is so so…so, oddly interesting, makes me feel like i'm so…so…sexy, no wait this isn't sexy, this is wrong, this isn't nice, this isn't pleasant.’ ‘Just give in, Dan, give in. You want me. You want to be me. Why fight what you know is coming to you? You know your transformation is happening. You don't want to fight it, you know that. I am becoming your true self, Dan, and you need to accept that. Just become the were-aykroyd, Dan, and you will be happy. You are meant to be me. You know you are.’
Nathan instinctively started to examine himself and he started to fall into a bit of a trance before snapping out of it. ‘No, I musn’t be attracted to this.’ ‘Just accept it, Dan. Give into it. Just… let me guide you. Let me become you.’ ‘Dan, whatever demon has taken over you is controlling you and making you do these things, please stop.’ ‘Dan, you are becoming me. There is no longer any Dan left. You just accept it, and you give into me. I am becoming you, Dan.’
“Don’t call me Dan, I am not Dan Aykroyd, I never will be him, I am not him, stop it.”
“Oh but that is who you are now, my were-aykroyd, you will do as I tell you.”
“I won’t do as you command me to do, I won’t, I won’t.”
Nathan groaned as he heard a series of cracking noises, his body was slowly growing up in height from 5’7 to 5’8. ‘Yes, grow, rise, become more. Become stronger. Soon, you will be as tall as me and your body will reflect this, it's all part of the transformation, Dan, you cannot deny it. You need to accept that you are me, and what you are meant to be. And then you will be happy, being so Aykroydian like me.’ He started to lose a bit of his balance as he shot up an additional height, going from 5’8 to 5’9. ‘Dan, now you feel something else, I want you to embrace and embrace this next part. You see, Dan, I am not just a were-aykroyd, I am also a male. Let me become you in all aspects, don't hold back, don't push back anymore, just accept it. Dan.’ ‘Whatever you’ve got planned for me, I don’t want it.’ ‘Oh, but you do, Dan, you may not think you do, but I can see inside of you. I am a part of you, and you want me inside of you. Don't fight it, Dan, you know you want it. Let me become you completely, let me become inside of you.’
‘Stop calling me Dan. I am not Dan Aykroyd and never will be.”
He tried to make a dash for it and headed for a window in hopes of escaping out of it, only to groan as he shot up in height from 5’9 to 5’10. ’I cannot allow this to happen, and I won't.’ He was determined to not only resist changing further but also to get Dan un-possessed, and he wanted this nightmare to end. There was a cracking sound as his height shot up to 5’11 and then 6’0.
“Dan don't do it, don’t do it, don’t let it end in this way.”
“Oh but i’m not done yet.”
‘If it goes the way I think that it is going to go, forget it.’
He moaned, begging for it all to be a dream as he slow grew in height to 6’1, he was now as a tall as Dan himself. ‘Oh yes, you are coming so well, you’ll be a full Were-Aykroyd in no time and then we can conquer the night together.’ ‘I refuse to join you, you're not the Dan I love, you are evil and manipulative. You cannot control me, this isn’t what you’re supposed to do.’ ‘Oh but I can…you know how that song goes, you can try to resist, you can try to hide from my kiss, but you know that you can’t fight the moonlight. And deep in the dark, you surrender yourself and surrender your heart.’ ‘You keep doing this to me in my dreams, right when i'm about to confess to my friends,bam…I start to change, I think I turned back to normal at that party, it was a trick like you to get me to transform. I got so close to meeting John Candy, one of my heroes but you making me into Dan ruined that, why do you ruin my chances of a dream where I don't turn aykroydian?’
‘Dan, you keep falling for my tricks, but this isn't a dream this time. You need to stop trying to resist it. You want this, Dan, you know you do. You are meant to be what you are meant to be, what you will soon become. Let go of your friends, let go of your normal life. Let go and become the were-aykroyd. Let go of everything, let go of everyone, just accept what you need to accept, what you want to accept. Give in, Dan, it's your destiny, you know it is meant to happen.’ ‘I am not Dan Aykroyd, stop calling me that. You are controlling me and this isn’t nice.’ ‘But what I am doing for you IS nice.’ ‘You tricked me into thinking I was free of you. Only to reveal you wanted me to change, you got me addicted on those games that change others into your species.’
‘And I would do it all over again. This is your destiny, Dan. And you know that it is truly what you want. Inside of you, you feel us merging, Dan. You feel it. You know you have to. The transformation is almost complete. You are almost there, you may resist, you may fight, but we are becoming one, you and I. I am becoming a part of you. And soon, you will be a part of me. You cannot escape it, so why should you try? Just give up, just give up and become what you truly are, Dan.’ Nathan broke down in tears, he hated seeing Dan being like this, being this controlling evil being who only wanted to corrupt him and change him into a Were-Aykroyd, which wasn’t the Were-Aykroyd way at all.
“I don't think I should embrace it.”
‘But you should, Dan. It is your destiny. And it is my true desire, Dan, it is what I wish for you. Think about that, Dan. Don't you want to give in to me? Can't you feel us merging, Dan, we are becoming one in a way we never have before. We are so so close, you cannot resist forever, Dan. One day, we will become one, and then both you and me will become what we truly are meant to be..’ ‘Not like this, you are doing this for the purpose of corrupting me and this isn’t like you.’
Nathan groaned as he tried to suppress the changes, attempting to ignore Dan’s words, he attempted to use his shapeshifting powers to morph back to normal but his DNA was reacting in a way that didn’t sound good. ‘Don't fight, Dan, don't try and push back. Accept what is happening. You cannot fight this, you cannot resist what is happening to you, you cannot escape your destiny. Your DNA is being altered, you cannot stop it, stop trying, stop thinking, stop wanting to resist. Accept. Accept everything that is happening to you, Dan. Accept your destiny. We will become one.’ ‘My DNA is allergic to you that's why, it can't handle the aykroydian genes fusing with it.’
He groaned again as his back and shoulders broadened with a crunch and his neckline altered, Aykroydian DNA entering his system. ‘Dan, there is no allergy, this is just another way of you trying to fight back, to stop the transformation I have over you. Don't fight it, you know you want this. Don't fight back, Dan. Don't do anything. You are just a passenger. We are merging, you and me. And I am becoming a part of you. Just accept it, relax. You will be a part of me, and you know you want this to happen.’ ‘I will never be your were-aykroyd because we all know as a more experienced one i'd be the leader.’
‘There you go, Dan, feel it, feel it merge with you, join you. Feel yourself becoming the were-Aykroydian, feel yourself becoming what you were meant to become. And feel us merge, we shall become one, Dan. We shall become more. You know it is your destiny, you cannot escape.’ ‘I still have half vampire traits and I am not afraid to drain you if you’re not careful. I can still do this to you.’
At this point Nathan was definitely pissed off as he snarled and hissed, his canines extending to resemble fangs as his eyes gave off a supernatural glow, his face contorting into a vampire ‘game face’ resembling a Buffyverse vampire. ‘Dan, don't you dare try and vampire me! This is your destiny, Dan! You are a were-aykroydian! This is your true form! You're a vampire-were-aykroydian, Dan! You know I am right! Accept it, accept who you are really meant to be, you can't go back now! You cannot resist this!’ ‘I am not afraid to drain you, you may be a were-aykroyd but I can still drain you and make YOU mine. Remember i'm the one with the power in this relationship.’
He lunged at Dan and sank his teeth into his neck, biting him in a style akin to a classic vampire, causing Dan to yelp in pain. ‘No, no! Please, please do not turn me into your slave. I beg of you, do not turn me into your slave!’ ‘I am not going to make you my slave, but 'You should have thought of that before you did this on me.’ He morphed back to his current appearance to check his appearance.
Nathan gasped as his hair began to darken and lengthen…’Oh no, it’s not stopping.’ ‘Yes, Dan, we are merging. We are becoming one. You cannot stop it, Dan. You cannot resist it, Dan. The transformation is almost complete, Dan. You can feel it, you know it. We are becoming one, Dan. We will be one. There is no you, Dan, there is only us.’ ‘But remember I did what I had to do to teach you a lesson. You were doing this to me.’
‘Yes, Dan, true, you did, and I learned my lesson. And I am sorry, Dan. I am truly sorry for what I made you go through. But I must be in truth, I still believe it was your true destiny to become a were-Aykroydian. You must admit that, in some ways, this is correct. Your transformation is almost complete, Dan, we are becoming one. Just a few more changes, and you will be my were-Aykroydian. So very close, you and I.’ ‘You keep saying that but we are not, and my name is Nathan, Nathan Forester, not Dan Aykroyd.’
“I refuse to believe you. This isn’t how you normally act.”
He backed away, refusing to believe what Dan was saying, because he was afraid of him and he was afraid of what Dan had become and what he’d become. ‘Dan, do not back away, we are becoming one. It is your destiny, Dan. You have to accept it. Soon I will be in you and you will be in me. You will be my were-Aykroydian. Just let me in, Dan.’ ‘I am not Dan Aykroyd, stop it, stop calling me Dan.’
Nathan groaned as he felt a pulsating sensation in his forehead which was growing and become larger, his eyebrows thickened and arched in the process. ‘Dan, yes, this is what has to happen. This transformation has to happen, and together we will finally become one. I will be in you, and you will be in me. Do not resist, Dan, you know what will happen as these changes continue. It will just result in greater discomfort, Dan, just think about that. Accept this, and we will be one. We will be complete.’ ‘I mustn’t think of this, think of anything else besides this.’
He groaned as he tried to think of anything but the morph but he couldn’t, the pain was too much for him to handle, he wished for this to be over. ‘Dan, you can try all you want, but it won't work. This transformation is still happening, whether you want it to or not. You can do one of two things, Dan. You can accept it, you can give yourself completely to me, you can become my mind, my body, my soul, you can live within me. Or you can fight and try and resist, you will make this transformation even more painful than it already is, but it will still happen. The choice is yours, Dan.’
Nathan didn’t want this to happen, he hated for this to happen, becoming a full Were-Aykroyd in this manner was horrifying. ‘Transformations of this sort aren’t supposed to happen to me, yeah…they are normal if you’re Collin from Changed, but i’m not Collin, I am Nathan and I am not Dan Aykroyd.’ ‘Oh but you are, my lovely Aykroydian.’ He closed his eyes and groaned, hoping that when he opened them the whole nightmare would be over, he opened his eyes, they both widened with one remaining brown and the other turning green giving him hazel heterochromiac eyes.
‘Dan, i’ve got your eyes now.’ ‘Yes! Yes, this is what it must be, Dan. Dan, your transformation is almost complete, and you will become what you were always meant to be. Let the transformation happen. Let yourself merge with me, and you and I will become one person, one soul. Dan, your eyes are beginning to change, let it happen. Let me into your soul, and I will stay there. This is what it must be.’
“I'll only let you in if you promise not to go after anyone I love.”
‘Dan, I can promise you that if you let me in and we become one, I will no longer be able to make you do anything. I cannot force you to become what I want you to be. So yes, I will promise I will not go after those you love if you just let me in, Dan. Let me into your soul and we shall be one.’ Nathan knew that the possessed Were-Aykroyd was lying to him, he wasn’t really promising this, he knew this was one of his tricks to get him to let his guard down.
‘I mustn't think of that scene, that scene where Dan Aykroyd gets his body massaged, I mustn't think of it but I am. I begin to slip into another trance.’ He panted as he tried to resist thinking of the scene in Diamonds (1999) where the grandfather, father and son go into a brothel and where the father played by Dan Aykroyd had his body massaged, but he couldn’t not think about it, that scene…Dan’s hairy chest, and soft squishy body, made him jealous.
His mind started to drift, making him think this was what he wanted, to be a were-aykroyd who likes getting pampered and being massaged, filling him with strange Aykroydian thoughts that he tried to suppress. ‘But his hairy stomach and chest, I love that scene so much, sometimes I get jealous of Dan Aykroyd so much, makes me keep wishing I was him.’ ‘Yes, Dan, now you are starting to understand. I can feel you letting me in, you are beginning to accept me, you begin to accept who we truly are meant to be, to become.’
Nathan snapped out of the trance and retorted…’No, just because Dan Aykroyd has aged to become so good looking and oddly thicc and adorable doesn't mean I can submit to the change and whatever the were-aykroyd is making me think.’ ‘Dan, I am here, in your mind, in your thoughts, and I know your desires are changing, just like I know my thoughts are being changed. You are becoming me, and we have become one, one mind. Dan, there is no escape from this, we both know it. In some ways, what is happening and who we are becoming, is your destiny. Just think about it, Dan. Just let me in, just let it happen. Accept who you are, and let us be the were-Aykroydian that we were meant to be.’
‘I will never be one with you, I never will. Just because you know I watch a lot of his movies doesn't mean I wanted to be him in any of them.’ ‘Dan, you cannot change this, you know that, just as I do. Just as I know that this is what must happen, you know it as well, deep down inside, you know that I am right. This is your destiny. You must become what I am destined to become, it is the fate we share, Dan. You and I are the same, in a way we both always knew we were. All you need to do, is just give in, and accept what is happening. It will be so much better, Dan. It will be so much better this way.’
“I can resist, suppressing the Aykroydian instincts and urges is the best i can do.”
‘Dan, this will only make things worse, so much worse. It will hurt so much more, Dan. Dan, give in, give in to your urge to let go, to give up, to surrender. Surrender to this were-Aykroydian transformation, surrender to me, to us, and we will become the were-Aykroydian destiny calls us to be. I am already in you, Dan. I know everything you feel and think. Your urges, even the deep down ones… they belong to both of us now. Surrender, Dan.’ Nathan attempted to keep his Aykroydian urges at bay, groaning as his nose began to itch.
‘No I must suppress it, I don’t want to surrender.’ He groaned as he felt like he was going to sneeze as his nose broadened, developing down a cleft in the middle. ‘Dan, it must be so difficult, struggling to resist. But you know you can't keep resisting, you know you must let it happen, you know it's what you want. You want to become the were-Aykroydian, you want to be what you were meant to be. Let go, Dan.’ The were-aykroyd teased as he took control of Nathan’s nose. ‘Aaaaah! My nose…i've got your Aykroydian nose, your aykroydian hair, your big plump Aykroydian butt, your Aykroyd skin…i'm some kind of weird Aykroydian mess.’ ‘Yes, Dan, yes! All of those changes are a part of you, you cannot rid yourself of them anymore. You have become what I have become. We are were-Aykroyds, and we share all of these changes we are going through. And you know you wanted these all along. You wanted this big body, the big Aykroydian butt, you know you have always desired it, you cannot deny me, Dan. You cannot deny your destiny.
Nathan groaned as his lips plumped up. ’ ‘Yes, Dan! Yes, our lips, our kissable lips will be so much better than before, so much more kissable. Our face, these features, how we transform, they are all meant to be. You cannot escape what is happening, Dan. Our body, this was meant to be, you always wanted it. Accept it, don't resist, just accept this beauty that you cannot escape. Let it happen, Dan. His features slowly began to warp and contort, shifting to become a bit more Aykroydian. ‘No, noo…nooo…I cannot be.’ ‘Yes, Dan! Yes, you are becoming beautiful, becoming the man you always wanted to be! Accept the changes, accept the transformation, you cannot stop it, Dan, you cannot return to what you were. You are becoming more beautiful, more perfect. You are becoming one of the greatest men the world has seen. The were-aykroydian that you have always wanted to be. Yes, Dan, yes! What a beautiful man we are becoming.’
He groaned as his features plumped up and warped even further, resembling Dan Aykroyd’s own features. ‘But i'm not beautiful, look at me, i'm a freak.’ ‘You are beautiful, Dan, you are absolutely beautiful. It's the best thing that has ever happened to you. The way you are changing into the were-aykroydian, it's perfect, it's what you've always wanted. Look in the mirror, Dan, look at what you're becoming. All your dreams and fantasies are coming true, Dan. Look at what is happening to you, you are becoming the man you always wanted to be. You are truly beautiful, Dan. Accept it, do not be afraid.’
“I just have your appearance, I am not exactly like you.”
‘"No, Dan, no, you are not like me and I am not like you. You are the were-Aykroydian, you are you, but your true body, your physical beauty, it is becoming perfect. We have become something that is perfect. I can feel my changes, I can feel them, and you can feel yours, Dan.’ ‘No, this isn’t right, please fight this Dan, you are not this, you are a loving were-aykroyd.’ ‘You feel how much more perfect you are becoming, don't you, Dan? Don't you agree?’
‘My true body isn't this, that's for sure.’ Nathan retorted, his throat started to feel tight and dry as his voice slowly deepened, shifting and warping. ‘Yes, Dan, you feel it in your voice. That dryness, that hoarseness, that's the transformation doing this to you. But do not resist, Dan, we were meant to experience this, to feel this, this change, our transformation. Accept it. Accept that we are becoming who we were always meant to be.’
“I want you out of me before you take over completely.”
‘"Dan, you know we cannot be separated, you know I will always be a part of you. The transformation has already occurred, the transformation is almost complete. Dan, embrace this, accept the way you are becoming. You will become the perfect man, become the were-Aykroydian you have always wanted to be. Accept it, Dan. Embrace what is happening. I will always be a part of you, Dan.’ The possessed Were-Aykroyd’s words sounded more and more horrifying with each line that was uttered, making Nathan freak out even more, he attempted to think of the reversion spell that he did last time he got stuck in were-aykroyd form. ‘Dan, you will not remember the reversal spell, you cannot remember the reversal spell. Don't you want to become the amazing were-Aykroyd you have always wanted? Don't you feel this transformation is right, it is perfect, it is what needs to be? Dan, embrace it, let me in, let us be one person and one body.’
“You’re messing with my mind, you're not supposed to do that.”
‘Dan, that is part of what is happening to us. A transformation like this is no easy feat, to transform from man to Were-Aykroyd. Dan, I am doing this for us, we are so close, just a few more changes and we will be complete. You know you want this, Dan, you know you do. You wanted this transformation from the start. Accept it, Dan, don't resist this.’ ‘I can if I want to.’ Nathan picked up his phone and frantically sent a help me message to his friends.
‘Dan, no, do not do that. You know your friends cannot do anything to save you, Dan, do not even try. It is too late for you, Dan, it is already complete. Send the message, Dan, but it is no use, they cannot save you from this transformation, from me. They cannot save you from this destiny. You know this is what was meant to be, Dan.’ ‘They can, they'll know that i'm not doomed to be a were-aykroyd forever, they'll turn me back to normal and they'll help me feel better.’
“Now now Dan, don’t try to act like you can win this battle.”
‘Stop calling me that, I keep telling you not to tell call me that I am not Dan Aykroyd, my friends will help me.’ ‘Dan, you know they can't, your transformation is complete, it is a part of you now. There is no returning back to the way you were, and you know it. You have already begun to embrace it, to feel it, and you like it. Don't deny what is happening, don't deny the transformation, Dan. You don't want to deny it, you know it is right, the only right fate.’
Nathan groaned as his voice warped and deepened, becoming Dan Aykroyd’s voice and developing the signature mannerisms. The torture he was in was unbearable, he would have done anything to wake up in his own bed as his normal self, he would have done anything for that, but it seemed like it was getting hard to even think of what it was like before. ‘My name isn't Dan, Daniel Edward Aykroyd is Canadian, he was born in Ottawa, I was born here in Oakendale, USA. I'm a human being, a male at around 5'7 and I am a monsterologist, I'm supposed to study you, not turn into you.’ ‘Dan, your memories are confused, we are now one, we are Daniel Edward Aykroyd, we always were. We are becoming the perfect physical specimen. You must embrace it, you must accept it. But we need no explanation of the transformation, we know it is right. We will become the were-Aykroyd, and we will become all of Dan Aykroyd. Look into the mirror, and you will see who we truly are.’ ‘No no….I cannot be a full Were-Aykroyd, that is not how Were-Aykroydism works, most of my victims keep their minds.’
‘Yes, Dan, now that is the spirit! You speak as a were-Aykroyd, we are becoming something greater, we are becoming what we were always meant to be. Look at us, we are the perfect man, the perfect man for everyone, the perfect man for a were-Aykroydian. Dan, let go of what you must, of your past, of everything you once were. Accept what you must become, for the man you always wanted to be is who you are becoming right now.’ ‘But why can't I just keep mine? Can you even hear me? I told you my name is Dr Nathan Forester, not Daniel Edward Aykroyd.’ ‘Dan, we hear you, we know who you are. But you must understand, you must know, that you must accept this fate. We cannot go back, you know that. Your transformation is complete, and you are becoming Daniel Edward Aykroyd. You are accepting it, you don't fight it anymore. You will be him, Dan, you already are him. Do not speak such treason, Dan. Do not resist, do not deny. Daniel Edward Aykroyd is who you are, just as he is who we are. Accept it, Dan.’
“I’m a monsterologist, i’m supposed to study you, not turn into you.”
‘es, that's what you were, Daniel, you were. But that is no longer the case. Your destiny is no longer as a monsterologist. Your destiny is as Daniel Edward Aykroyd, the world-renowned actor, and now you are beginning to finally accept the fate you were meant to have. And all the powers you gain, all the fame, all the glory, that too is destined for you, Daniel Edward Aykroyd. Do not deny your destiny, Dan. Embrace it.’ ‘I refuse to, I am not Dan Aykroyd, I will never be him.’ ‘Oh but you must.’
“As far as I know, this is over, nothing left of me for you to take.”
‘That is your mistake, Daniel Edward Aykroyd. There is much more for me to take, more to add to your transformation. Dan, look in the mirror, look at what you have become. Do you see how much more perfect you are? Do you see how good it feels? I do, Dan, I know that it feels oh so good for you to have become me, to have embraced this transformation. Your transformation is not complete, there is still so much more change to come.’
“I have your appearance and voice….what more do you want?”
‘Your body is not yet perfect, Dan… your hair, your skin, your body, they are all still changing. They are becoming as perfect as I am, because I am the master of this transformation. I will help you, this transformation has made you who you must be, who you always wanted to be. But do you know what the most important change is, Dan? It is your mind. Your mind is finally accepting of what you are becoming, of what you are destined to become.’ ‘No, not mental changes….I cannot do a full mind change.’ ‘Dan, you must, it is a part of your transformation. You are meant to become me, not just in body, but in mind, your thoughts must be mine, our thoughts must become one. You must feel what I feel. You have accepted this, Dan, you cannot deny this, you are meant to become me, your mind, your body, your soul, you want this, you want to become who you were destined to be, Dan.’
“I am against it, I am against it because it's wrong.”
‘Dan, you must accept it. You know it is right, you know I am who you truly are. You know how good this feels for you, how good it feels to be me. You cannot deny it, Dan, your mind is finally beginning to accept, beginning to become mine. My thoughts are yours, your thoughts are mine, we are becoming a singular were-Aykroydian, one mind, one body, together forever.’ ‘My ID and every online profile says I am Nathan and I am not Dan. You don't see Dan's name on any of my profiles, do you? No, you don't. You cannot take my mind.’ ‘Your profiles, your ID, your past, all of what is not Daniel Edward Aykroyd, you must put all that away. Accept the change, embrace it, as you have finally begun to do. You no longer need your old identity. We are a single were-Aykroydian now, we have become one, and we are not going to be apart ever again.’
At this point Nathan had enough, he screamed and began to hit himself a few times, ‘Wake up Nathan, you're dreaming, you're not a were-aykroyd, you're not like this, oh please wake up. Please.’ ‘No, you are not dreaming, you are not waking up, you are accepting your transformation. There is no going back now, not for either of us. We are one were-Aykroydian. That is our fate, that is who we are now. Wake up to your destiny! Embrace your transformation with me, wake up Daniel Edward Aykroyd. You will never leave, Daniel Edward Aykroyd, not as long as I am here.’
“But i’m not Dan Aykroyd I never will be.”
Thinking quickly Nathan decided to knock himself out before Dan could fully take over his mind, he was hoping this would do the trick. He got up afterwards, his head feeling a little bit fuzzy. ‘What's going on?' ‘Nothing is going on, Daniel Edward Aykroyd. Nothing is happening except you are finally awakening your true self, awakening Daniel Edward Aykroyd. Let go of your previous memories, they are useless to us. That Nathan Forester no longer exists anymore, he is gone, you, Daniel Edward Aykroyd, are here to replace him.’
“I still have them, right?' I just remember getting a head-ache.”
‘You still have a small part of them, yes. But the transformation is complete for you. You are Daniel Edward Aykroyd now, fully. Your memories of Nathan Forester, even if they still exist, are now useless to you.’ Nathan held his head, he felt confused, he was still Nathan..at least he thought he was, but his mind felt fuzzy, his thoughts seemed to be shifting, becoming like Dan’s, fragment by fragment, and taking over. ‘I only remember the transformation and how it happened.’ ‘You don't need to remember. It has happened, but it doesn't matter now. All that matters is that you are Daniel Edward Aykroyd. Just focus on that and do not fight it anymore, let go of Nathan Forester.’
Nathan groaned as he held his head, a surge of headaches coming in. ‘Dan! You’re giving me such a headache! I felt like i’m Rita Repulsa!’ ‘Yes, the headaches. They are a welcome indication of you finally becoming me, becoming Daniel Edward Aykroyd. Let it happen, fight no more.’ ‘DAN! This is all your fault, if only you stay put during the day and didn’t let that demon possess you. You are giving me a headache!’ ‘Do not resist, Daniel Edward Aykroyd. Do not fight what is right, who you are destined to be. Let go, you cannot fight against your were-Aykroydian destiny. You are becoming perfect, let your transformation complete, don't fight it anymore.’ ‘I am not Dan Aykroyd, my name is Nathan Forester, all of my IDs still show this, my friends will see this, my family will see it. You are in so much trouble, you are giving me such a headache.’
‘Your previous name is no longer relevant. Who you are now is what matters, and it is Daniel Edward Aykroyd. Your friends, your family, they will see you as Dan, as who you truly are now. You will be Dan Aykroyd to them, you can never go back to Nathan Forester. My transformation is complete, you are Daniel Edward Aykroyd forever, the perfect were-Aykroydian, the greatest transformation in human history.’ ‘No, that is not true, I can go back to normal and I can stop you before I go full Were-Aykroyd.’
He attempted to try and find a cure for his condition, only for Dan to laugh maniacally and taunt him. ‘Trying to find a cure, eh? No cure will save you from what I can do to you.’ ‘Just end this torture now, don’t take my mind.’ ‘Now Dan, don’t struggle, you and I both know you want this.’
Nathan groaned as he tried his best to resist, holding his head in anguish as some of Dan Aykroyd’s memories started to get into his mind. ‘I am Dan Aykroyd, I am married to Donna Dixon, I was on SNL during the Seventies. That cannot be right, I don't remember any of this. I don't remember being part of second city, being an SNL cast member during the 70's, I don't remember being married to Donna Dixon at all. Dan, you’re implanting Dan Aykroyd’s memories into my head.’
‘You will very soon. Accept it, embrace it. You have become what you were always destined to be, Daniel Edward Aykroyd. You do not remember it now, but your transformation is nearly complete. Once your mind is fully mine, you will remember who you are, you will remember who you once were, Dan Aykroyd, you will become me. Accept it, this transformation is good for you, it must happen. You want it to happen, you must accept it, you want to forget being Nathan, you will always be Dan Aykroyd.’
It was at this point Nathan was breaking down, crying and screaming, trying to keep himself from losing his mind completely, trying not to think he was Dan Aykroyd, but he just couldn’t, as he groaned and begged for it to end. ‘That cannot be right. I have to fix this.’ ‘You cannot. You will not. Your transformation cannot be reversed. There is no returning to who you once were, Nathan Forester is gone, your life and memories as you once were are gone. There is only one way, and that is to complete your transformation, to embrace it, to become the were-Aykroydian you were ALWAYS meant to be Dan Aykroyd.’
‘I would rather not. Please tell me this is just some sick twilight zone twist and i'm going to be perfectly fine.’ ‘No, this is not a sick twist, no, it is not something you simply wake up from, no, this is reality, this is your new life, your new existence. You are Daniel Edward Aykroyd, you were ALWAYS meant to be Daniel Edward Aykroyd. There is no stopping your transformation now, no going back, no undoing it. You are destined to become one with me, we will become one were-Aykroydian.’ Upon seeing himself in the mirror, Nathan shattered it in a fit of rage and attempted to hide away. ‘No! Do not hide, do not resist! You are meant to accept this, to become this! You cannot stop it now, you are meant to be Daniel Edward Aykroyd, you are meant to be a were-Aykroydian! Stop resisting, you cannot hide forever! Accept it, look in the mirror, you are Daniel Edward Aykroyd!’
“But you made me into this horrible creature, I like Dan but I don't want to be him fully.”
‘You cannot resist it! You are Daniel Edward Aykroyd! You know the truth, you cannot deny it! You enjoy this, you enjoy the power that being Daniel Edward Aykroyd provides you, the transformation makes you stronger than you could ever imagine. Look at yourself, you enjoy this, you love it, the transformation is perfect, it is glorious!’ ‘Yes…yes…I am Dan Aykroyd, I was born in 1952, i'm Canadian, no wait…that's not right. Let go of my mind.’ Nathan freaked out, he wanted desperately to hold onto his memories of being himself.
‘Yes, yes, see? This is who you have become, it is your destiny. Don't fight it, let it happen. You like this transformation, you want to be Dan Aykroyd, you are meant to be him now. Embrace the transformation fully.’ ‘I used to be normal, but i'm not normal anymore, you turned me into a Were-aykroyd, this wasn't how I wanted my curse to be like that. Nooooo, noooo, nooo…’ ‘No turning back, you are Dan Aykroyd, you have to accept it. Why fight me, why fight what is right for you? Let go of those old memories, they are no longer a part of what you are meant to be. Embrace the change, you are Daniel Edward Aykroyd, you must, you will, you are Dan Aykroyd now.’
He cried out in anguish as his normal self’s personality started being overshadowed by that of the ‘Were-Aykroyd’…’Nooo, please, this hurts so much. Please stop this, turn me back to normal.’ His cries only served to weaken him, and he begged and he pleaded. ‘As far as I know you and I are through this has to end.’ ‘Do not resist your destiny, you must embrace this change, you must become a perfect were-Aykroydian. I am your destiny, I am what you always wanted to be. You are meant for this, accept this already, let go of Nathan Forester, and let Dan Aykroyd take over. Let him in, let us in.’
“But you don't even know what the words were, how can you hypnotize me without saying them.”
Nathan attempted to resist a couple of times before going into a trance-like state. ‘Yes, yes…I must be a good were-aykroyd, I must be like this…no, no, he didn't even say the words, i'm not supposed to be enticed into this unless he says the words. What is going on, I cannot think of anything I have done as a human.’ ‘That’s because you don’t, your mind is warping to catch up to the rest of you, and soon you will only think you are Dan Aykroyd.’ ‘But you're not supposed to entrance me like this, you do know that it's not how this works. End this now, or I will have to end it myself’. ‘Maybe I did say them. Maybe I didn't. But that doesn't matter anymore, because Dan Aykroyd is who you ARE. You ARE Dan Aykroyd, there is no more Nathan Forester, stop clinging to that man, he is not you, has me and my transformation shown you anything other than that? Stop resisting, embrace your future. Your transformation is meant to be complete.’
“Not anymore it isn’t, sorry, but i’m out of here.”
‘Oh no you’re not…or should I say, Dan?’ ‘I am not Dan Aykroyd, I never will be, stop doing this to me, you have tortured me enough, I want to wake up from this nightmare.’ ‘Oh yes, you are, you will always be Dan Aykroyd, and you will be mine forever.’ ‘You cannot completely overwrite my memory, I may partially think I am him but not completely, you cannot do that.’ ‘Nathan Forester no longer exists, no longer matters, forget him, forget him and what you used to be, Dan Aykroyd is who you have become, it is who you are meant to be, my Were-Aykroyd.’
‘Y-Yes..I am Dan Aykroyd, no wait, i’m not…i’m Nathan Forester.’ ‘Oh but you are Dan Aykroyd, you always will be, every night, you will become like this, and you will help me, make more Were-Aykroyds like us, spread your perfect Aykroydism to your victims, make them Aykroydian too.
‘"No no…nooonooooooooo!'
Nathan dreaded that this moment would come as he struggled to keep his normal memories of his normal life and his friends, only for Dan Aykroyd’s memories to seep in even further, all of Dan’s memories overtook Nathan’s own and a tiny bit of Nathan stayed on to try and keep them away, but those Aykroydian thoughts and urges entered his mind, making him think that he was Dan. ‘Yes, i’m Dan Aykroyd, I was born in 1952 and I am Canadian, no wait..i’m not, i’m not Canadian, i’m not Dan Aykroyd, I wasn’t born in 1952.’ ‘Oh but you are, you are Dan Aykroyd, you were born in 1952 and you ARE Canadian.’
He tried to ignore those words but they wormed into his mind and he begged for it to end, only for Nathan’s memories to be fully evacuated and replaced with Dan Aykroyd’s own, as his transformation completed. ‘Yes, I understand…I am Dan Aykroyd, i’m a Were-Aykroyd, I live to serve you, I live to transform people into Aykroyds and make them perfect like us.’ ‘Excellent, see…I knew you’d give in eventually.’
The now corrupted Nathan or rather ‘Dan Aykroyd’ was under Dan the possessed Were-Aykroyd’s control, and there was nothing he could do about it because Nathan was no more, only the new Dan Aykroyd, the perfect Were-Aykroyd. It was then a few seconds later Nathan awoke with a loud scream. ‘What’s wrong Nate, buddy?’ Elwood Blues asked him.
‘I had a horrible nightmare in which Dan got possessed by a demon and turned evil and then he made me go full Were-Aykroyd and I lost my mind to him, I wasn’t even myself, my body, my voice, my mind, were all Dan Aykroyd, I was his to command, he corrupted me, he brainwashed me, that wasn’t nice at all.’ Nathan sobbed.
Clifford Skridlow and Ellis Fielding both cuddled him to help him feel better. ‘There there, it’s okay.’ ‘Yeah…it was just a dream, we know Dan would never harm you, or us.’ ‘But who would give me such a horrifying nightmare.’ ‘I think I know who.’
Grocer and Austin Milbarge from Spies Like Us were listening in to a conversation nearby, Vic Frohmeyer and Wade Motch along with undead Elwood were laughing. ‘Our plan worked perfectly.’ ‘Yes, our wicked nightmare spell to traumatize Nathan by giving him a nightmare about his own Were-Aykroyd alter-ego was successful.’ ‘Yes, and having the corrupted Dan fully corrupt him into becoming a full Were-Aykroyd with no way of turning him back was ingenious.’
“Ah ha, those guys did it.”
“I should have known.”
‘Yes, that plan to corrupt Nathan’s mind by corrupting his alter-ego and brainwashing them was very successful.’ ‘Yep, we successfully brainwashed/corrupted Dan and got him to do the same to Nathan too.’ ‘YOU GUYS DID WHAT?’ Mike Webber snapped. ‘Oh shoot, the Aykroydantiums.’
All of Nathan’s Aykroyd character brothers jumped over to teach them a lesson, all of them looked suitably angry. ‘Oooooooooh, ooooh, oooooooh, ohhh.’ ‘You’;ve really done it this time, you sickos.’ ‘Yes, how dare you try to corrupt Nathan in his dreams and brainwash him into forgetting who he is, you know how much he hates mind changes.’ ‘That is it, you lot are in trouble.’
Nathan manifested next to Vic Frohmeyer…’Did you do this to me Frohmeyer?’ ‘Yes..’ ‘That is it, you are grounded until Merry Christmas is once again acceptable to say around the holiday season, not only that but your punishment is to celebrate the holidays with a family that has religious beliefs that are different than yours, and you will eat lumpy potatoes for every meal.’ Elwood Blues decided to have a turn at it. ‘Zombie me, for being apart of this plan, you are grounded until a third Blues Brothers movie is released, and you will be forced to stay in the same prison I stayed at while waiting for my late brother Jake in Blues Brothers 2000, and you will eat lumpy potatoes for every meal as well.’
‘Bob, for also helping with this evil plan, you are grounded until John Landis eventually makes another movie and teaches his son Max to behave properly, while you are grounded you will be made to help clean the apartment, and you too will eat lumpy potatoes for every meal.’ Bob started to cry as he heard this.’Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!’, ‘Oh and don’t you make that motorcar crying sound or i’ll have Mel use magic to make you into one and sell you to Ray Zalinski.’
‘Pa Tex, you are grounded until it becomes illegal for everything in Texas to be giant-sized, until then you will have to watch every single bad AGT/BGT audition that Simon Cowell didn’t like and you will eat lumpy potatoes for every meal.’ ‘And finally, Wade Motch, you are grounded until Donald Trump runs for office again and doesn’t make an idiot out of himself, while you are grounded, you will be made to work for fellow Aykroyd character and president William Hainey and you will eat lumpy potatoes, just like the others.’
The Aykroydastians all broke down in tears as they ran away, and Nathan and his Aykroydian brothers all got back into the apartment and relaxed. ‘Thank you guys.’ ‘No problem, Nathan. Are you feeling better?’ ‘Yes, I am.’ ‘’I just the thing to help get your mind off that nightmare. How about we watch your favorite Dan Aykroyd movie?’ ‘Yes, that sounds like fun and a good way to clear my mind off of that nightmare.’ ‘I have the bluray of Nothing But Trouble, we can all watch it. I know it is your favorite Aykroyd movie, Nate.’
“You are correct, it is my favorite, it is so surreal and funny.”
“It’s settled then, we’ll watch that movie.”
‘And i’ll make the popcorn. Bing bing bing bang popcorn!’ ‘Oh, Grocer!’ They laughed and smiled as they sat down and watched Nothing But Trouble, and enjoyed the movie, watching the movie helped Nathan get over his nightmares that he had, and they all had a lovely time.
And so once again…the day and night are saved, thanks to the Aykroydantiums
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 months ago
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @lulusplaycorner, @psychokinetic-ectoplasm, @theselfshippingwitch
warnings: swearing
Darren laughed as I rolled my way onto the roof of his winnebago. I popped back up and made a face at him, just grouchy enough to get him to pause before nearly doubling over in laughter.
"Yeah see if its so fucking funny when you have to do it dickwad." I called down. Darren shook his head before climbing up after me. He groaned as he hoisted himself over the edge, having to roll onto the roof as well. I sat in the middle of the roof, watching him carefully. "See? I told you." Darren gently smacked my arm as I laughed at him.
"Laugh all you want. We got up here didn't we?" He asked. I held my hands up in defense.
"You laughed at me first." I said, raising my eyebrows as he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah. Because it was funny then." He countered.
"Oh but now that you had an issue, it isn't so funny anymore?" I asked. Darren flipped me off and I nearly fell over laughing. "Rude."
"Yeah yeah yeah." He laughed before drawing me closer. "Do you want the blanket or are you ok?" I leaned against him happily and shook my head.
"I'm good." I said, glancing up at the sky. "Just need these clouds to pass and I think we'll be alright." Darren followed my gaze.
"Might be a while." He said, glancing at the computer he'd set up earlier in the day. "Looks like the forecast changed a little. Might snow a bit before the clouds disappear."
"Then we'll just have to hop down the skylight and come back up later." I shrugged. Darren smiled at me before kissing my head.
"I love you." He whispered, wrapping his arms tightly around me. "You're absolutely amazing. I don't think I saw either one of those things often enough." I felt my cheeks heat up as I buried my face in his coat.
"Darren." I whined as he kissed my head again. His body shook with ill contained laughter. "I love you too though." I said, lifting my head. Darren hummed before cupping my cheek, kissing me softly. The wind blew through the trees and I shuddered before huddling closer to him.
"Any time you want to head back in let me know." He whispered, holding me close before grabbing the blanket. "Oh. Look." Darren pointed up past the tree line as the clouds started to move. "Looks like we won't be getting that snow after all."
"It looks so pretty." I whispered as I took the edge of the blanket he wrapped around me. The stars started to appear more and more as we watched. The moon appeared soon after; big and full, giving off enough light to just barely see by.
“did you know the moon landing…” Darren started. I groaned and let my head fall back against his shoulder.
“Darren.” I laughed. “Please don’t.” He looked at me with a small frown. “It’s a nice moment. Please don’t ruin it.”
“but the whole conspiracy…hmm…” he hummed as I kissed him. Cupping his cheek, I held tight to the blanket as I tugged him down. Pulling back, I rubbed my thumb over his cheek. “They recorded…” I leaned in and kissed him again.
“Darren. Shut up please.” I whispered, barely pulling back from him. “Let’s just enjoy this moment. The stars. The moon. The company.” Darren nodded softly, eyes slightly out of focus from the kiss.
“ok.” He breathed out. Rubbing his nose against mine, he sighed happily. “I’ll drop it.” I kissed him softly again.
“thank you.” I said, laying my head on his shoulder as we curled up against each other. “Look. A shooting star. Make a wish Darren.”
“I don’t have to.” He whispered, kissing my head. “I have everything I could ever wish for right here.” I looked up at him with a smile, cheeks heating up as he smiled at me fondly.
“ah Darren.” I murmured. He smiled back at me before kissing me again. “Merry Christmas Darren. I love you.”
“I love you too.” He said. “Merry Christmas.”
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myveryownfanfiction · 4 months ago
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @psychokinetic-ectoplasm, @lulusplaycorner, @coffee-n-bagels-comic-universe, @theselfshippingwitch
prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting Prompt: "You really love me? This is not a prank, right? Because then I would have to punch you and I actually really want to kiss you."
warnings: swearing, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), mention of drinking
AN: Happy Halloween all! Hope you all enjoy this little treat!
I knocked on Darren’s door again, rocking on my heels nervously. I rubbed my arms as I waited, mentally chastising myself for not grabbing a jacket in my rush out the door. When the door opened, I breathed a sigh of relief.
“Darren!” I exclaimed, smiling brightly at him. He looked around me before letting his eyes roam over me.
“(Y/N)?” He asked. “What are you doing here? Dressed like that in this weather?” I rubbed my arms and continued smiling at him.
“uh well see i was at this party with some friends. And this guy tried to kiss me. He was drunk. Anyway. When he tried to kiss me and I was pushing him away, all I could think about was you.” I rambled, shifting my weight as I talked. Darren stepped aside and ushered me.
“ok…” he said. “Before you freeze to death come in here.” I nodded as I stepped into his Winnebago. “I don’t…so you came here? Why?” Darren shifted awkwardly as he looked me over again.
“I just…I had to come here and tell you.” I shrugged, sitting down on the couch. Darren grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me. I cuddled into it, breathing in his scent as he tugged it tightly around me.
“(Y/N)…are you drunk?” Darren asked. He sat down next to me and rubbed my arms through the blanket. “How much have you had to drink?”
“I didn’t drink anything Darren.” I sighed, gently pushing his hands off me. I grabbed them as he went to get off the couch. “Honest. Actually I’m the designated driver for my friends. Which I mean. Oops.” I chuckled. Darren gave me a small smile as I shrugged. “I mean fuck them honestly. I just had to come over and tell you just how much you mean to me.”
“all this because some random drunk guy tried to kiss you?” Darren chuckled. I nodded.
“it got me thinking.” I admitted. “And I kept thinking of you. Made me realize something.” Darren fidgeted in his seat.
“yeah?” He asked. I squeezed his hands.
“Yeah.” I said, scooting a little closer to him. “I love you Darren. I have for a while.” I smiled at him. Darren looked away for a moment before looking back at me, a frown deep on his face.
“you really love me?” He asked, voice hushed. I nodded as I squeezed his hands again. “This is not a prank right?” He swallowed and leaned back a bit. “Because then I would have to punch you,” his eyes roamed my face, tongue darting out to lick his lips. “And I actually really want to kiss you.”
“This isn’t a prank Darren.” I whispered, cupping his cheek. “It’s not some Halloween joke. I really love you.” My other hand came up to the back of his head, fingers threading through his hair. “I have since that whole fiasco with Marty.”
“honest?” He whispered. I smiled softly at him as I gently scratched the back of his neck. Darren slipped his hands under the blanket to hold my waist as he leaned forward, kissing me for the first time.
“Darren…” I breathed out as he broke away. His eyes searched mine before kissing me deeply. The hand on his cheek ended up on his shoulder, tugging on the material of his shirt to try to get him closer. “Darren please.” I murmured. He broke away to kiss down my neck, pulling my legs around him as the blanket around my shoulders fell to the floor.
“I love you. So much.” Darren breathed against my collarbone. “I have since I met you.” I tilted his face up and smiled softly at him. “This hardly seems real. You here, dressed like that…” Darren took a deep breath as his eyes roamed over my costume. I could feel him twitch under me as the tent in his jeans grew bigger. “Telling me you love me. (Y/N)…”
“I know Darren. I know.” I whispered as I kissed him. His fingers flexed at my sides, discarding the fabric belt around my hips. “I’m yours for the taking Darren.” I breathed against his lips before kissing him deeply. He groaned before standing up abruptly.
"Gonna do this right." He breathed out, carrying me to his bed. The blanket from the couch was tossed over the side as he laid me down. Darren crawled over me and hummed as he kissed me deeply. "This costume..." he breathed out as he broke away. His hands quickly undid the buttons and I sat up as he pushed it off my shoulders. "As much as I like it..."
"Yeah?" I asked, cheeks heating up. To feel what it did to him was one thing. To hear him say it was something else entirely.
"Yeah." Darren admitted, a dusting of pink on his cheeks as he smiled at me. The shorts soon followed with my shoes getting tossed somewhere else in the room. "You have no idea how hard it was not to say something. Not to do something." Darren's hands roamed over the exposed flesh, his eyes following as tears pricked his eyes. "Thank fuck that's all over now." With gentle hands, I guided him down so he could bury his face in my neck. It took him a second before he put his full weight on me. When I didn't complain or try to move away from him, he started peppering my neck with kisses. I could feel his tears falling as he moved along my throat. "This feels like a dream."
"I can assure you this is not a dream." I whispered. "This is very much real." I reached up to cup the back of his head, running my fingers through his hair as he started to suck on my neck. "Oh." I moaned as he gently dragged his teeth over the abused flesh.
"Good." he whispered, pulling away and pulling off his shirt. I moaned at the sight before me, reaching out to run my fingers through his chest hair as I sat up. I pressed a kiss over his heart before my hands drifted further south, only stopping when I hit the cold metal of his belt buckle. "(Y/N)..." He moaned as I nipped his bottom lip. His hands came to rest on my hips, thumbs dipping beneath the elastic of my underwear. I got his belt off and pushed his jeans down. Darren shifted to take them off the rest of the way, tossing them behind him as he leaned forward to kiss me again. He pushed me back onto the bed as he pulled my underwear off. "Shit." He breathed out as he pulled back, eyeing me. I noticed his dick twitch in his briefs as his eyes roamed over me. I was already panting and more than ready for him. "All that for me?" Darren took a deep breath before forcing his eyes back to mine.
"All that and more." I breathed out as I reached for him. Darren happily laid over me again, palming himself through his briefs. "I'm yours Darren. Always have been. Always will be." Darren sighed as I reached down to cup him. He pressed a kiss to the hickey he had left on my neck earlier. He kissed his way back to my mouth, pausing every so often to make sure the kiss lingered.
"You have no idea how happy that makes me." He breathed out as he pulled his briefs off and flung them to the side. I giggled as they landed on his lamp. Darren smiled softly at me before kissing me again. "Ready sweetheart?" He asked, guiding my hand back up to his chest. I tangled my fingers through the chest hair over his heart, pressing my palm against his pec.
"More than ready." I breathed out. Darren kissed me again, tongue entering my mouth as he slowly pushed into me. My breath hitched as he bottomed out, fingers tugging on his chest hair as I moaned into his mouth. "Fuck." I whined as he broke the kiss.
"Shit." Darren groaned, eyes slipping closed. He stilled to give me time to adjust, both of us breathing heavily. I let my eyes roam over him, taking in how he bit his lip as his hair hung in his face. I reached up and pushed it back as he opened his eyes. Turning his head, he kissed my palm. "Best Halloween ever." He said softly, eyes shining as he looked me over. I smiled up at him, cupping the back of his neck to pull him into a kiss. He slowly pulled out, making me hum against his lips before he thrust back in. Darren grabbed my hip, pulling me up slightly as he started to thrust as deep as he could. I moaned, my hand falling away from his head as he repeatedly hit the spot that made me see stars.
"Darren." I moaned, reaching up to palm his other pec. "Shit. Don't stop." I whimpered. Darren nodded, speeding up as I tried to pull him closer. "Don't stop. Don't ever stop Darren. Please. Oh fuck." I squeezed his pec as he shook the hair out of his face. Darren moaned as I did it again, tugging on his chest hair with my other hand. "Darren!" I cried as my orgasm washed over me.
"Sweetheart...(Y/N)..." Darren groaned. He pressed his head against mine as his weight landed on top of me, his arms giving out as his hips stuttered. I moaned as I felt him cum, his hips continuing to move even as he started to soften in me. "Fuck." He groaned, hips stopping as he buried his head in my neck.
"Wow." I breathed out, wrapping my arms around him. "I'm glad I finally worked up the courage to say something." I ran my fingers through Darren's hair as he shifted.
"I am too." He pulled away to look at me. Kissing me softly, he pulled out. I whimpered at the feeling as he bent down to retrieve the discarded blanket. "I'll be right back." He whispered before disappearing into his bathroom. He came back a few minutes later with a towel. Darren's cheeks turned pink as he noticed me watching. "See something you like?" he muttered as he cleaned me up.
"Very much." I said, reaching out to touch his chest again as he worked. Darren coughed awkwardly as he glanced up at my face. I smiled softly at him before beckoning him back to bed. "Come on. I think we deserve to make up for lost time." Darren smiled at me, nodding his head.
"Yeah." He breathed out as he climbed back on the bed. "I think we do."
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myveryownfanfiction · 6 months ago
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @coffee-n-bagels-comic-universe
warnings: mention of menstruation, swearing
I groaned as I left the bathroom. Carl looked up and bishop raised an eyebrow at me. I threw the heating pad away and stormed back to the room Darren had set up for us. I curled up on the bed and threw the blanket over me. I could hear the guys muttering in the other room and tried to block them out.
“mother!” I heard Carl yell. Bishops voice was next, calling after him. There was a knock on the door and I made a noise before it opened. I pushed down the blanket so I could see who it was.
“Darren.” I breathed out. He came into the room, closing the door softly. Darren kept his arms behind his back as he came by the bed.
“Hey.” He whispered. “How you feeling? I mean I know you feel like shit but otherwise…” Darren gave me a small smile. I shrugged.
“heating pad is broken.” I muttered, pulling the blanket up again. “Cramps are trying to kill me. I feel like utter crap.” Darren nodded before sitting down on the edge of the bed. He rubbed my arm through the blanket.
“I…may have an idea.” He offered. “If you want to try.” I pushed the blanket down and groaned.
“oh fuck yes Darren.” I practically moaned. “I’ll do anything at this point.” He smiled at me before motioning me forward.
“ok. Sit forward.” Darren said, climbing behind me. “Now sit back. Against me.” He wrapped his arms around me and I noticed he brought a laptop. “You’re going to laugh.”
“Darren…” I said, turning to look at him. He waved a hand at me.
“just let me try this ok?” He was close to pleading. “I want to try to help you feel better and this is all I have. The heating pad broke. This laptop heats up just as much when I run a trace. So please…” I nodded at him as I laid back against him. Darren put the laptop on my lap and let me move it over my cramps. He booted it up and opened the trace. “We don’t actually have anyone to try to trace so…” Darren kissed the back of my head. “Whatever you want.”
“can we play minesweeper instead?” I asked, tilting my head back on his shoulder. Darren laughed, making me smile as it vibrated through his chest and my back.
“yeah.” He said, squeezing me gently. I smiled at him as he booted it up. We laughed as we played, the laptop heating up against me. It started to ease my cramps and I turned to look at Darren.
“The fuck Darren?” I said, she’s wide as I stared at him. He tilted his head at me and I cupped his cheeks, kissing him deeply. Darren hummed against my lips before pulling away. “Where’d you come up with this?” He chuckled before kissing me again, this time more gently and sweetly.
“just figured it was worth a shot if the guys complained it got too hot to put in their laps.” He shrugged. “Liz was about the only one to tolerate it. Then come to find out…”
“so you kind of stole the idea from Liz?” I asked.
“sort of.” Darren shrugged. “I don’t think that’s what she was using the heat for but I mean if it works it works.” I laughed as I kissed him again.
“my ingenious man.” I rubbed my thumb over his cheek as he blushed.
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myveryownfanfiction · 6 months ago
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idea from: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMaqZaRA3Jh/?igsh=MWV5MmZyaGhnbGFvOA==
tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @coffee-n-bagels-comic-universe
warnings: swearing
“I’ll give you ten dollars if you call mother by his real name.” Carl whispered to me. I laughed and rolled my eyes.
“why?” I asked. Carl smirked at me. I shook my head at him. “Seriously Carl. You’re so childish sometimes.”
“what? You don’t think his reaction would be funny?” Carl asked. Mother sat at his computer, chewing on a straw while he waited for the trace to finish. “I’m just wondering why you think it would be funny.” I shot back, raising my eyebrow at him.
“because! He’s exclusively mother. Or baby. Or sweetheart. Or my love. Or dear. Or…” I waved my hand at him.
“I get the point!” I laughed. Carl smiled at me. “I call him everything but his name.”
“I’m just curious to see what would happen if you did call him by his name.” Carl shrugged. Marty walked into the room and Carl jumped up to follow him with some questions. I walked over to mothers side and wrapped my arms around him.
“hey.” He muttered. I kissed his temple.
“hey. How you doing?” I asked. He shrugged.
“same shit different day.” He said, tilting his head to look up at me. “What about you? Everything ok?” I nodded. Taking my hand off his chest, mother kissed the back of it before holding it over his heart. I smiled softly at him.
“yeah. Everything is ok.” I said, leaning my head against his. “What are you thinking for dinner? Pizza? Chinese? Italian?” Mother shrugged.
“honestly I’m ok with whatever you get. I might not be done before you order.” He admitted. His eyes roamed over the computer screen. “Since whistler got sick, I’m the only one who can do all this. Got two more traces to run.” I hummed and moved to sit in his lap. Mother smirked at me as I cupped his cheek. “Well hello there.” He whispered before kissing me softly. Mother pulled away before resting his head against mine.
“I think Carl and Marty are discussing part of the plan.” Mother hummed. I ran my fingers through his hair before speaking again. “Let the trace run. It doesn’t need to be babysat. We can go find out what’s next and get some food then come back.”
“yeah ok.” Mother said, standing up as I slid off his lap. He took my hand and we headed in the same direction I had seen the other two go in. “The Chinese place is quicker then.”
“sounds like a plan.” I agreed as I wrapped my arms around his. “Unless they already got it.” I laughed as we entered the room. Carl looked back at me with a smile before motioning to the only two empty seats left across from each other. With a kiss to his cheek, I let go of mother to sit next to Carl.
“so you do it yet?” He whispered as I grabbed my food. I rolled my eyes as mother sat down across from me, his foot taking its place between mine.
“shut up Carl.” I whispered back. We all settled in and started eating, mother occasionally tapping on my foot in Morse code. I would smile each time he did it, responding with my own code back. At this point it was an inside joke, having our own private discussion while talking to everyone else. I nudged Carl before looking at mother. “Hey Darren? Can you pass me a napkin?” Mother froze, eyebrows shooting down and his mouth dropping into a frown. Everyone went quiet as mother tried to process what just happened. “Darren?”
“what…?” His eyes scanned the table before shooting back to me. “It’s not…” his fingers moved as he counted the dates. “Not birthday. Not anniversary.” Mother blinked at me as he thought. Carl was trying not to laugh next to me while Marty and Donald watched with interest.
“Darren? A napkin. Please.” I said again. The napkins were shoved at me as mother got up. “Wait where are you going?” I called after him.
“I’ll be back!” He called, waving over his shoulder at me.
“where’s he going?” Marty asked, finally chuckling at the situation.
“I have no idea.” I said, staring in the direction mother had gone. “Carl,” I turned towards the younger man. “Pay up.” Carl happily handed over a ten dollar bill before getting up to check the trace. “What? He bet me ten dollars I wouldn’t do it. Seemed like a fun bet.” I shrugged as Donald stared at me before dissolving into laughter.
“I swear. You all keep each other on your toes.” He said, shaking his head. He got up as well and headed off to wherever he had his office. Marty followed him a few minutes later. I grabbed the rest of my food and mothers before heading back to the trade. Carl nodded at me before getting up and heading off. I sat in mother’s chair and propped up my feet as I ate. Once the trace ended, I started the next one after saving the data.
“Ahem.” I turned in the chair and smiled at mother as he stood next to me.
“hey.” I breathed out. Standing up, I put the container back on the table. “Where did you go?” Mother leaned in to kiss me and I happily let him. Just as I was about to run my fingers through his hair, he pulled away. “Hey.” I playfully whined.
“I had to go out.” He said, showing me the shopping bags he was holding out. “I know it’s not your birthday or our anniversary but I know I must have forgotten something.” I sighed as I put my hands on his chest. Mother shrugged. “And I felt bad so I got you some stuff.” I leaned in and kiss him again.
“You didn’t forget anything baby.” I said, finally running my fingers through his hair. “Carl bet me ten dollars to call you by your name. He wanted to know how you would react. Please don’t hate me.” Mother chuckled as he leaned his forehead against mine.
“hate you? I could never.” He laughed. I smiled softly at him. “I guess he knows now. I go panic shopping at the sound of my name.” I laughed and reached for the bags. “Oh! But first…” mother handed me the biggest bag first.
“oh!” I exclaimed. “Flowers!” Mother nodded as he put down the bags before sitting down and moving to pull me into his lap. I went willingly as he squeezed my waist before wrapping his arm around me. “Thank you.” I whispered, turning to kiss his cheek.
“that’s not all.” Mother chuckled. I leaned further back into his chest as he pulled the bags closer to the edge of the table for me to reach. “Go on.” He gently took the flowers from me to hold in my lap as I opened the bag. I pulled out various boxes of candy, a few plushies, and a little heart box with a cheesy saying on it. I laughed as mother out his chin on my shoulder. I turned to look at him with a smile.
“anything in this box?” I asked. Mother shrugged, looking at me with big mismatched eyes. “You dork.” Mother chuckled as he kissed along my shoulder and neck. I opened the box to find a necklace like mothers. “Oh Darren baby.” I cooed as I pulled it out. Mother smiled and kissed my neck again.
“thought you would like it.” He whispered. “Crystal is your favorite color too.” I nodded as I moved to put it on, pausing long enough for mother to actually clip it around my neck.
“thank you.” I whispered, turning in his lap to kiss him deeply. “Sweetheart you didn’t have to do this. You didn’t forget anything.” Mother nodded.
“still…” he breathed out, eyes shining with love. “You deserve it. And since we can’t quite get married without one of us getting arrested…” mother touched the crystal around my neck. I took a shaky breath.
“oh Darren.” I whispered, voice catching on his name. Mother gave me a tight smile as panic flashed across his face momentarily. “Yes. I’d love to. Thank you. Thank you.” Mother kissed me deeply again, my hands coming up to cup his cheeks.
“I love you.” He whispered. I nodded as I rubbed my thumb over his cheek.
“I love you too.” I kissed him softly before turning back to the bags. “Now what else did you buy me?” I asked, wiping my eyes as mother nuzzled into my shoulder.
“more of the same.” He said, rubbing my back. “There’s another box. But it’s empty. And in one of those bags is a book I know you’ve been dying to read.” I leaned my head against his as he settled against my shoulder.
“what did I do to deserve you?” I breathed out as I pulled everything out of the bags. Mother chuckled before tilting his head up to kiss my cheek.
“something good.” He whispered as he hugged me tightly.
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myveryownfanfiction · 9 months ago
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tags: @illiana-mystery
warnings: swearing, hacking the government
I padded down the hall, peeking in different rooms to try to find mother and the guys. Wringing my hands, I paused when I heard carl and whistler. I headed in that direction and let out a sigh of relief when I saw the back of mother’s head. Marty and Donald looked up when they heard me enter. I gave them a small wave as I walked over to the computer set up.
“can’t we track the phone?” Carl asked. Marty shook his head, eyes still on me. I put my hand on mother’s arm and he lifted it up without looking over at me. I ducked under and climbed into his lap. He wrapped his arm around me until he was sure I was settled. Then he went back to typing on the computer. “Alright. If not the phone how about the modem? They’re moving it. Surely there is some way to track that.”
“How are we supposed to track something that’s unplugged?” Mother laughed, glancing down as I put my head on his shoulder. He turned his head to kiss my forehead.
“let alone something without an electrical output.” Whistler chimed in. He wandered over by Marty. “(Y/N)?” He whispered. Marty tapped whistlers hand, their silent communication taking place. “We could always pull out the little black book.” I reached up and pulled mothers hat off. He took it and carefully adjusted it on my head before frowning at the computer.
“I thought Abbott took it.” Donald said, looking between Carl and where I was sitting with mother. His voice dropped as he shuffled closer to the small group forming. “What’s going on over there?”
“don’t know.” Marty said. “He’s checked out and they’re just…” he waved his hand at us as I started to run my fingers through mother’s hair. Mother furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Carl who had made a confused noise. Carl jumped and walked off.
“they’re being weird.” Mother muttered as he typed away. “Whatever. You feeling alright?” I shrugged as I moved my hand to brush his bangs out of his eyes. “Thanks.” Mother hit enter and put his arm around me as he waited. His other hand settled on my thighs.
“Been better. Been worse.” I muttered. “Better now though.” Mother hummed as he watched the screen. I curled a strand of his hair around my finger.
“ow.” Mother whined, hand reaching back to cover my hand with his.
“sorry.” I whispered. Mother rubbed the spot I’d accidentally tugged on. “Didn’t mean to.” Mother absentmindedly kissed my temple.
“I know.” He soothed. He rubbed my thigh and smiled against my head. “Hey guys!” He called, spinning the chair around. All the guys jumped at being called out and openly stared at us. I giggled before turning my attention back to mother’s hair. He raised an eyebrow but shook it off. “Backdoor hack is done. It’s not up to date since it hasn’t been plugged in for a week but it’s the best that we can do.” The guys blinked at us before whistler smiled.
“great.” He walked over and sat down, taking over from where mother had left off. After beat, he paused. “Why is everyone so quiet?” No one wanted to meet mother’s eye or say anything.
“because I’m sitting in mothers lap and playing with his hair.” I said. Whistler whistled and raised his eyebrows.
“is that all?” He asked. Mother and I laughed as he spun us back around to the computers. The guys behind us went back to whispering but mother and whistler ignored them, focusing on whatever organization they had hacked into. The whole time mother kept a tight hold on me as I kept playing with his hair.
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myveryownfanfiction · 9 months ago
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tags: @illiana-mystery
warnings: Mother is insecure, body shaming, fatphobia, swearing, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids)
AN: Clearly, I do not think this way. If you need evidence, check out my other Aykroyd fics. But someone people think this way and some of the comments directed towards Mother are going to be things I have seen said on here. This is uncomfortable to write. I hope those comments are uncomfortable to read.
ANN: For those who would like to see, and can keep their rude (if any) comments to themselves...check this out.
I leaned further into Darren as I noticed a group of guys staring at me. I smiled politely at them as we passed and they laughed, breaking up their group and heading into a store. Darren tensed up at the sound and tightened his grip on my shoulder. I held tightly to his jacket as we continued towards the movie theater.
"Are we seeing a movie or just walking around?" He asked. I shrugged.
"I don't know what they have showing so let's just see and decide when we get there." I suggested. Darren nodded, giving me tight smile. I leaned my head against his shoulder and tried to ignore the looks I was getting. I frowned as we passed a group of guys and they started making comments.
"Hey what's that hot piece of ass doing with that thing?" One guy whispered to his buddy. Darren tensed and I looked over my shoulder at them, eyebrows furrowed.
"He looks like the blob." Another muttered. Darren tightened his grip even more when I faltered. I looked at him and he shook his head, face drawn tight. "How could anyone find THAT attractive?" My steps faltered again and Darren stared at me.
"Don't." He whispered. I looked at him before nodding. The taunts got quieter as we moved away but it didn't help how I felt about hearing the crap that was thrown at him. Darren smiled tightly at me as we turned the corner and saw the theater. “What…” he cleared his throat and blinked at the movie posters. “What did you want to see?” He asked. I looked over the posters.
“I think our only options are Batman, scent of a woman and a few good men.” I said, eyes scanning the time board. “Buff superhero. Military men. Or Al Pacino.” Darren shifted next to me. “I don’t really want to see that. Even though Michael Keaton is hot as Batman. And I’m sure Jack nicholson stuns in uniform.” Darren shifted again and I looked at the other movie posters.
“yeah I don’t really want to see any of those either.” He said. I turned to look at him and smiled. Darren squeezed my shoulder and we headed off to the other end of the mall. There were more looks and comments, each time Darren’s grip on me tightened. The comments were the worst when we were in line at the food court. Darren tried to look away from me but I cupped his cheek and drew him in for a kiss. It was the first time today that he had relaxed. I gave him a bright smile when I pulled away. One Darren didn’t match.
“let’s head home.” I said, watching him get up and gather his trash. Darren’s eyes jumped to me and I nodded. “I’m tired of all this. Let’s go home.” Darren nodded slowly. It was a quiet drive home and he headed to the couch as soon as we walked in and our shoes were by the door. “Uh Darren? I need to talk to you.” He looked up at me and nodded slowly.
“alright.” He said. Darren seemed jumpy and I walked over to the couch, climbing in his lap. “oh. That kind of talk.” He leaned against the back of the couch as I ran my fingers through his hair. I kissed him deeply. Darren moaned into my mouth as his hands settled on my hips. He pulled back after a second and looked at me skeptically. “Hang on. Are you sure you want to do this? With me?”
“that’s…” I sighed, settling in his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck. “Well that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” I cupped his cheek and rubbed my thumb over his cheekbone. “You know what those assholes said isn’t true right? You’re sexy as fuck. Hot as hell. And I wouldn’t want anyone else. Ever.” Darren nodded, clearly not convinced.
“yeah.” He mumbled. I chewed on my lip.
“There’s more to it isnt there?” I asked. Darren shrugged, playing with the hem of my shirt. “The movies. My comments.” I nodded and looked over his head. I leaned forward and pressed my forehead against his. “I’m sorry Darren. I didn’t mean anything by it.” He nodded, staring up at me with shining eyes.
“I know.” He said. I sighed.
“let me show you I don’t want anyone else? That you’re the only one for me?” I asked. Darren watched me as I ground down on him. “That no one can turn me on like you. And I wouldn’t want you any other way.” Darren's eyes flickered down to where I was grinding against him, an obvious tent starting to form in his pants. He swallowed thickly and nodded, watching as I climbed off him and pulled him up by his hand. I led him to the bedroom, gently pushing him down on the bed. He sat there, staring at me as I leaned down to kiss him. Darren whimpered into the kiss. I pushed his hands away as he tried to push my shirt up. "Nope. This is about you. Only you Darren." I pulled away completely and moved to pull his shirt off. Darren made a noise of complaint as I tossed it across the room. He almost curled in on himself but I knelt down between his legs.
"(Y/N)." He whispered, eyes wide as he took in the sight of me staring up at him with a smile. Starting at his thighs, I ran my hands over him. Darren stared, almost in a trance, as I reached his waistband and skipped over it. I nearly moaned as my fingers made contact with his stomach. A gentle push had him laying back as I explored. I smiled as my fingers curled through his chest hair, watching his face as his eyes fluttered closed. One of my hands trailed over his side, gently running my nails over his skin. The other moved up to cover his pec. "Oh!" Darren moaned as I gave it a squeeze. I bit my lip as his legs parted more as I stood up. Both hands kneaded his pecs, occasionally squeezing him and drawing more moans from him.
"Do you know why I always have my head on your chest?" I asked. Darren shook his head, finally opening his eyes and watching me. "Because you are the perfect pillow. Soft. Warm. Comforting." I said, leaning back down and kissing over the thicker trail of hair. Darren whimpered as my lips replaced my hands over his pecs. Darren moaned loudly as I pressed an open mouth kiss over his heart before using my tongue to draw a heart there. "I love hearing and feeling your heartbeat. Reminds me just how much you love me when it speeds up while I do something as simple as put my hand on your chest or kiss your cheek." His heart was racing as I moved further up, putting my knees on the bed so I could kiss his neck. Darren's hands balled the blanket up, pulling it as he watched me with baited breath.
"(Y/N). Please." He whimpered. I sat up, shifting so I was straddling him. "Please." Darren's eyes shown and I leaned down to kiss him softly. The tears spilled over and I wiped them away, gently pecking his lips the whole time.
"You really have no idea how much I love you do you?" I whispered. Darren shook his head, more tears streaming down his face. "That I love YOU for you. Damned what everyone one else says about you." I kissed him again, trying to pour as much emotion as I could into it. Darren released the blanket as I pulled back. He sat up a little as I got off him. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched me. Pressing another kiss to his stomach, I reached for his belt. The only sounds in the room were his heavy breathing and the sound of the belt being undone. I didn't even bother pulling it out of the loops before I went to work on his pants. He lifted his hips as I pulled his pants off, grabbing his socks on the way. Darren's eyes fluttered as I kissed my way back up to his boxers.
"(Y/N)..." He trailed off, watching as I laid my head on his thigh. "You don't have to..." His breath hitched as I pressed a kiss to his clothed cock.
"Who said I was doing that?" I teased, smiling as I pulled his boxers off. I pressed another kiss to the tip before standing up and undressing myself. Darren’s head fell back with a groan, a small smile pulling at his lips. “You don’t want to see the show?” Darren looked back at me and bit his lip as my underwear dropped to the floor. He gulped, watching me climbed back on top of him. I leaned down to kiss him, slipping my tongue into his mouth when he moaned. “you’re absolutely amazing Darren.” I said, trailing kisses down his neck. His pulse thrummed against my lips as I sucked a mark under his ear. “So incredibly sexy. It’s so damn hard to keep my hands to myself half the time.” He squeezed his eyes tight as I nipped at his jaw.
"(Y/N)." He breathed out. I hummed as I sat back and took his cock in my hand. Lining myself up, I sank down on him. He let out a strangled moan and ran his hands up my thighs. I stilled as I bottomed out.
"You alright?" I asked, leaning forward to brush away some more tears. Darren nodded, opening his eyes and smiling at me.
"Never better." He confirmed. His hands squeezed my hips and I nodded once before kissing him.
"Good." I breathed out against his lips. "I'm not done with you yet." His head fell back with a moan and I started to move. His head popped back up to watch how he disappeared into me. I reached up and started to palm at his pec, both of us moaning at the action. "Always make me feel so damn good." My head fell back and Darren thrust up into me. "No matter what the position is." Darren choked back a noise. I stilled as I realized it sounded more like a sob than a moan. "Hey. Hey. What's wrong?" I asked, hands coming up to cup his cheeks. Darren blinked at me before sighing.
"You're always on top." He whispered. "I'm too big for you to be under me. So you're always on top." I frowned and thought about it for a second. I was on top often but there were plenty of times that I was on my back. Making a decision, I tucked my knees against his sides and rolled us over. Darren’s eyes went wide and he tried to stop me. I locked my legs around his waist as his hands shot out to keep his weight off me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. Darren had slipped out, leaving just the tip in.
“if you want to keep fucking me, you need to lay on me Darren.” Darren blinked owlishly at me. He moved to get off me and I tightened my hold on him. “Darren Roskow fuck me. I’m not some fragile little porcelain doll. I can take your weight. So fuck me.” I hissed at him. Darren gulped before settling some of his weight on me. I tightened my grip on him until Darren was practically laying on me. I moaned at the feeling, enjoying the way he pinned me to the bed. “Just like that baby.” I whined before rolling my hips. Darren whimpered before starting to thrust deeply. It wasn’t long until I was tumbling over the edge, his name falling from my lips like a prayer.
“oh fuck. (Y/N).” Darren panted as he buried his face in my neck. He came with a grunt and went slack on top of me. I kept my tight hold on him, scared he’d move to get off me. His weight was comforting on top of me and I didn’t want it to end anytime soon. “Let me…”
“no.” I said. Darren drew back just enough to look at me. The bewildered look on his face made me lean forward and kiss him. “No. Stay where you are.” Darren nodded slowly, shifting slightly so he was more comfortable. I could see how nervous he was but just pulled him closer. I slowly drifted off, his cock softening in me.
“I guess there’s some truth to what you’re saying.” Darren whispered. I pressed a kiss to his temple just before drifting off to sleep with him on top of me.
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myveryownfanfiction · 10 months ago
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tags: @illiana-mystery
requested by: @coffee-n-bagels-comic-universe
request: My other idea is for 'Mother' from Sneakers meeting a federal agent who he falls head over heels for but they try to deny that they like him back
warnings: swearing, mention of wanting to have sex
I watched as Abbott rolled his eyes at carls request. Chewing on my bottom lip, I glanced over at mother. His eyes flickered between Carl and the other nsa agent that stood behind me. I could practically see the wheels turning in his head as his eyes landed on me.
“hang on.” He said. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. “If Carl can get her phone number, I want one too.”
“Darren.” I sighed and looked at Abbott. Mother looked at me and shrugged.
“please?” He asked. I shook my head. He frowned as Abbott confirmed it was my choice.
“sorry Darren.” I said as we cleared out. I patted his shoulder and could feel his gaze on my back as I left the building.
“you know,” Abbott said as he fell into step next to me. “You could have given him the number. He’ll find it one way or another. And I don’t think it would be that bad…” I shot him a look, somewhere between heartbreak and fear.
“he’s not worth losing my job.” I whispered harshly. “He’s a hacker.” Abbott sighed and nodded.
“whatever.” He said. “Mother has a way of finding things anyway so don’t blame me if he finds the number.”
“I will blame you.” I said as I passed him by to get into the car. “You’ll leave him a trail to find it. I know you better than you think.” Abbott laughed as we drove off. A few days later my phone rang with an unknown number. I smirked and shook my head, letting it go to voice mail.
“dammit. Alright. Uh (Y/N), if this is the right number, please call me back. It’s uh…it’s Darren.” His voice dropped when he said his name. I smiled to myself as I continued making my lunch. He never referred to himself with his first name, mainly sticking to his hacker moniker. “Roskow. Uh please.” There was a pause before his voice came back across the line. “If this isn’t (Y/N), I’m sorry for taking up space on your machine. Have a nice day.” The machine clicked and beeped as he hung up. I laughed as I walked over to delete the message. Every week was the same, phone call from a new unknown number with the same message. He always left his name, never his moniker. Something about the refusal to use it made me rethink the length I was holding him at.
“still haven’t called him back?” Abbott asked one day as we drove out to a warehouse where there had been a tip. I glanced over at him and rolled my eyes.
“look just because you let him get my number and he hasn’t yet had his moniker when calling me, doesn’t mean that I’m going to call him back.” I shot back. Abbott laughed.
“I did nothing of the sort.” He said, having a hard time making eye contact.
“sure.” I laughed. “Oh shit.” I quickly covered my face as we pulled up to the scene. “Darren called in the tip didn’t he?” Abbott looked at me before looking out my window. Darren was standing there, looking at each car that drove by him.
“no.” Abbott said. “But I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s monitoring our frequencies.”
“fuck me.” I muttered, turning in my seat to see him. Darren watched my car as we drove into the warehouse.
“I’m sure he wants to.” Abbott laughed as we got out of the car. My door had barely closed when there was a commotion at the door. I held up a hand to let Abbott know i had it.
“Darren.” I said as I walked over. He smiled at the agent holding him back and I met him in the corner of the warehouse. “You know anything about this?” His smile fell. The rapid shake of his head made his hair fall across his eyes.
“no. Definitely not.” He said. I nodded, looking over at Abbott.
“if it werent for the way you’re shaking your head I’d almost say you were lying.” I said, reaching out without thinking and brushing his bangs back. Darren bit his lip as his eyes trailed after my hand.
“no uh bishop has a scanner and whistler may have…” Darren stopped as the corner of my lip quirked up. “Yeah I’m gonna stop talking.” He chuckled looking down at the floor.
“alright Darren?” He hummed as he looked up at me again, eyebrows raised. “I need you to stop listening to that scanner and tell whistler to lay off tracking me. Which is creepy by the way. Drop that one real fast.” Darren nodded as I pointed at him. “And just…stop calling me. Ok?” Darren’s face fell and I gave him a soft smile.
“but (Y/N)…” he started. I put my hand on his arm.
“I have to go do this but Darren…” I squeezed his forearm. “I cant. As much as you seem to think I can, I cant.” I turned and walked away, not being able to stand the expression that came over his face. Abbott frowned as he watched Darren over my shoulder as I walked back over. “Don’t.” I warned as I passed him to go look at the crime scene we had established.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Abbott muttered as he followed me. The next few times we got called out, Darren was there. The phone calls had continued, evolving into Darren trying to convince me that it was worth the risk to be with him.
Until one day, I slammed the door and leaned my head against it. I screamed and hit it with the palm of my hand. The sting brought me back slightly. There had been a shooting, we lost our evidence and on top of it all there had been a threat against the agency. I screamed again before turning to my living room. I collapsed on the couch and dropped my arm over my eyes. The steady beep of my answering machine made me drop my arm. Staring at it, I wondered who could have called. Darren called when he knew I was home, still hoping I’d answer it. Getting up, I pressed the button and leaned against the table.
“hi. It’s me.” Darren’s voice came through the speaker and I frowned. “I know you told me to stop listening to the scanner but…well…” Darren laughed and I found the knot in my chest loosening some. “I…well…I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Physically. I know mentally it’s got to be hell.” I ran a hand down my face. “So just listen. I know you normally do anyway. I can’t tell you much without you wanting to come get me. But let me tell you how I got the moniker. I know you’re curious.” I laughed and moved to lay down on the couch next to the end table. The knot was almost completely gone by the time Darren had to end the message and call back. He left three messages, continuing the story. By the end of the last one, I was smiling and felt like a weight had been lifted. The phone rang and I picked it up, already knowing who it would be.
“hi Darren.” I said softly. The way his breath hitched over the phone and me smiling to myself.
“you picked up.” He said. I could practically see the wheels in his head turning, trying to put two and two together. “You never pick up.”
“and you kept monitoring our frequencies.” I said, my tone teasing. Darren laughed and closed a door on his end.
“yeah.” He admitted. “I’m sorry about today. And before you say anything I know I didn’t have anything to do with it but I’m still sorry.”
“your call helped.” I said quietly. “I was about to put my hand through a wall when I saw your message. Ended up laying on my couch instead. Thanks for that.” I closed my eyes as I waited for his response.
“anytime.” It came a moment later, Darren still clearly trying to come to terms with the fact that I had picked up. “Hey want to grab something to eat? Tonight? I have more stories.” I chewed my bottom lip before nodding.
“sure.” I confirmed when I realized he couldn’t see me. “Meet me at mine? I know you know the address.”
“yeah about that…” Darren said. “Look out your window.” I walked over and moved the curtain, laughing when I saw him in the phone booth in front of my building. “Want me to come up?”
“see you soon Darren.” I hung up as I watched him scramble to get out of the booth and up the stairs. It was a couple minutes later when I heard the knock on my door.
“Hey.” Darren said as I opened the door. In response, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. Darren made a noise in surprise before his hands made their way to my hips. I cupped his cheek, running my hand down to his chest before pulling away. Darren stared at me in surprise before smiling. “Ok.” I laughed at his clear shock before blindly grabbing my stuff off the entry table.
“tell me the story of this.” I said, tapping the crystal around his neck. Darren nodded. “I’ve never seen you without it. I want to know about it.”
“yeah ok.” He said, taking my hand as I closed my door and started walking down the hallway to the exit.
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monstermaster13 · 2 years ago
Nathan Forester and his team of Dan Aykroyd characters consisting of Elwood Blues (from the Blues Brothers), Ellis Fielding (from Loose Cannons), Grocer (from Grosse Pointe Blank), John Burns Jr (from The Couch Trip), Ray Stantz, Beldar, Ray Zalinski, Clifford Skridlow, Mike Webber, Irwin Mainway, Darren ‘Mother’ Roscow, and Frank Tree, were a crime-fighting team that fought villains and brought them to justice. Nathan himself had powers, he was a Were-Aykroyd who fought villains and lived a spectacular double life, which gave him the best of both, brains and brain at the same time.
He and his fellow Aykroydantaiums took down the dreaded Aykroydastians consisting of Vic Frohmeyer, the undead version of Elwood, Bob (from Susan’s Plan), Pa Tex, and Wade Motch, these Aykroydian trouble-makers were the ultimate in evil, always trying to ruin Nathan’s good time and trying to make his Were-Aykroyd side turn evil just like them. One afternoon, the Aykroydastaniums were sick of losing to Nathan and they gathered together at Pa Tex’s ranch
for a new evil plan.
“That Nathan is always ruining our plans.”
“Indeed he is, if only his were-aykroyd side wasn’t a hero.”
“That way we wouldn’t be grounded.”
‘It is indeed not fair in the slightest.’ Wade Motch added. ‘That we get grounded and we have to eat lumpy potatoes.’ ‘Yes, those potatoes are the real monsters, not us.’ ‘What if we actually did get the Were-Aykroyd side to turn evil and fully corrupted Nathan into becoming Aykroydian and forgetting who he is?’ ‘Oh yes, that sounds devious and I love it.’ ‘But how do we do that? We can’t sway that goodie two shoes Were-Aykroyd into being a villain, he is so heavily devoted to justice.’
‘Maybe there is a way.’ ‘Bob, are you pondering what i’m pondering?’ ‘I think so Frohmeyer, but if people celebrated Christmas all year, wouldn’t Christmas itself be pointless and just another day?’ ‘Time to use our dark powers to influence that Were-aykroyd.’ The group of evil Aykroyd characters laughed as they began to work on a special plan to get that were-aykroyd alter-ego of Nathan’s to be evil. Meanwhile at the appointment, Nathan and his Aykroydian brothers in the Aykroydantiums had just returned from battling villains and were looking forward to relaxing and hanging out together.
“We did it guys, we taught those demons a lesson.”
“Oh yes, we certainly did, well done to all of us.”
“Couldn’t have done it without you guys.”
“Aaaaw, do you really mean that?”
“Yes, you’re all my brothers and I love you.”
Nathan hugged Louis Winthorpe III, Elwood and Darren ‘Mother’ Roskow, as Grocer chuckled, happy that he was able to use his hitman skills for good. ‘Your were-aykroyd form also kicked some serious butt, pal and i’m very impressed.’ ‘I’ve been training a lot since we first met and i’ve learned that my were-aykroyd self isn’t too different from me, we both like horror, we like monsters, we like fighting evil, and we are both awesome.’
“I am glad he is on our side.’ ‘As I am. I never can imagine him being evil.’ ‘’Well come on, on boys, let’s just chill and hang out.’ That afternoon the team hung out together with Mel and That Werebelushi In The Shades, they listened to music and when the evening came around, everything was very eventful and they decided to take it easy.
When night-time came around they spent a lovely time together indoors watching all the movies they were from, after they all got ready for bed a couple of hours later, Nathan got into bed and he told the Aykroydantiums and Mel and Matthias to keep watch after he had brushed his teeth, he said good night to his brothers as he turned out the light and drifted off to sleep. While he slept, Vic Frohmeyer sent Wade Motch up to Nathan’s room to corrupt his dreams, which he did.
Nathan began to toss and turn as he began to have a nightmare, in his nightmare, he and his brothers were dealing with a dark presence that was trying to possess their friend the Were-Aykroyd. ‘No, don’t harm our brother.’ Ellis Fielding shouted. ‘Yes, Dan’s our beloved brother, and if you even think about harming him yet alone corrupting him, we are going to teach you a lesson you won’t forget.’ Ray Stantz pulled out his proton pack and began to fire at the demonic presence, the entity laughed evilly, as he floated over to Dan, the good-natured heroic Were-Aykroyd.
‘Don’t you dare, don’t you dare do this to me.’ Dan retorted, using his agility to dodge the dark energy bolts coming from the entity’s hands. ‘Oh but I must, I must use my powers to take over you.’ Mike Webber charged towards the evil entity and tried to prevent the entity from coming near his brother, using an exorcism spell to keep him from harming the others, of course all this did was provoke the entity further as he used his powers to keep the brothers in place, he hovered over Dan and then without hesitation, took on a misty form and entered the Were-Aykroyd’s body, possessing him in the process.
‘Aaaaah! Get out of me right now!’ ‘I’m going to be looking forward to using you.’ ‘No, no, don’t do this.’ ‘You can do this, you can fight his influence!’ Clifford Skridlow exclaimed. Dan convulsed and felt like he was going to be sick as the demonic entity had taken control of his body, his whole body convulsed and contorted.
‘Get Mel and Matthias, I need them to help me.’ ‘Right on it.’ Clifford and Elwood called up Mel and Matthias/That Werebelushi In The Shades.
Matthias and Mel came to the rescue as soon as they saw Dan was in trouble…’We’ve got to get that evil entity out of Dan before he corrupts him.’ ‘Thank goodness you two are here, would you please help me? Help me. I don’t want him to take over me.’ ‘Got it.’ The koala-girl used a power similar to Vyond logic to prevent the Were-Aykroyd from being possessed but her magic didn’t seem to be as effective.
Dan convulsed…’I don’t want to be evil like those Aykroydastians, I want to remain nice and good, i'm the hero not the villain. Please help.’ He convulsed and broke down in tears as he painfully transformed into an evil version of himself as the demonic entity possessed his body, making him a ‘Dark Were-Aykroyd’. ‘Eeek! Dan, is that you?’ ‘Dan isn’t here anymore, at least as the goodie two shoes he used to be, now he’s me and he’s bad and he likes it.’
“Our brother would never like being evil.”
“That’s right.”
The dark version of Dan floated over the group of Aykroyd characters and attempted to attack them, but Grocer dove in the way and protected his sibling. ‘I won’t let you do this to my brother, he’s not just a were-aykroyd, he’s our sibling, and he’s loyal to us, he won’t bend to your will.’ ‘Oh but he will. And I want him to turn Nathan for me.’ ‘Nathan will turn Aykroydian whenever he wants, and he won’t do it because you’ve told him to.’
“We’ll just see about that.”
Mel protested against this as she went out of her way to defend her friend, hulking out and roaring as she did so…’You make me so mad when you try to corrupt my friends like that, you are a sick disgusting monster, I hate you, and all you stand for! Mel doesn’t like it when you do that, it makes me want to smash you!’ She picked up a table and threw it at the demon possessed Dan, but the dark Were-Aykroyd chuckled with a smirk on his face. ‘You and that Werebelushi would make great Were-Aykroyds. I cannot wait to turn you two.’
“YOU…LEAVE MY FRIENDS OUT OF THIS, LEAVE THEM ALONE!’ Nathan shouted, his eyes glowing as he concentrated some of his Were-Aykroyd powers. It was clear that he didn’t want his normally good-hearted Were-Aykroyd to harm his friends. ‘You’re so loyal to your friends, I have been denied a chance to take control for so long and your friends are about to be part of the best show ever. Think about it Nathan, wouldn’t it be fun to turn them and watch them become like us?’ ‘No it wouldn't, Dan..whatever has gotten into you, should be let right the hell out right now. Evil spirit, whatever you are, get out of my Aykroydian alter-ego’s body or i’ll use my own were-aykroyd powers on you.’
Nathan tried to plead with the corrupted version of his friend but when that didn’t work, he decided to fight him, by turning into his Were-Aykroyd form in a way similar to when Tommy wolfed out on Big Wolf On Campus. ‘If you want Dan, evil spirit, you are going to get through me first and I warn you, I am much tougher than the average Were-Aykroyd tends to be.’
He leapt into the air, using his enhanced agility to dodge the attacks of Possessed/Dark Dan, if he couldn’t get through to his alter-ego, the best he could do was fight him. Which he did, he fought him with all his might and his powers. His Aykroydian brothers cheered him on and hguged him after he had taken down Dan in his possessed state. ‘Sorry that I had to do this to you, I mean me, I mean myself..but that entity took control of you and I had no other choice.’
Mike Webber performed an exorcism spell to try and get the demonic entity out of Dan’s body, the evil version of Dan chuckled as he thought of this was amusing. Luckily it didn’t take long for the demonic entity to exit Dan’s body and for Dan to return to his normal adorkable self. ‘Boys, i’m back!’ ‘Hurray! We did it.’ ‘Indeed we did. To paraphrase my fellow ghostbuster Peter Venkman, we came, we saw, we kicked his ass!’ ‘We did it.’
All of the Aykroydantiums cheered…and that nightmare was over, it was now a much nicer dream. Nathan awoke feeling much better than he did when he had the nightmare,but then he realized that it wasn’t done yet, as another nightmare was about to happen. In this new nightmare, Nathan was with Dan, his Were-Aykroyd alter-ego. His Aykroydian alter-ego was keeping watch for the night and checking up on him, when he sensed something odd in the air, he could hear the distant sound of sinister laughing as the evil/possessed version of himself materialized. ‘You? But I thought we defeated you, and got rid of you.’ ‘You think you can get rid of me? Ha, you cannot get rid of me, you never will be able to. I am you, I always will be you.’ ‘No you won’t, i’m good and you’re evil, I will never become like you.’
The evil version of Dan chuckled as he levitated around his counterpart, he thought that it was noble for his counterpart to be on the side of good but he thought it would be way more fun to manipulate him and control him, so he dove into Dan’s body, and Dan doubled over as he convulsed, shifting into his evil counterpart’s form. ‘Dan, are you okay?’ ‘I am more than alright, Nathan. Now, how about you come here? You want to be a Were-Aykroyd, don’t you? Let me help you.’
Nathan backed away, feeling afraid…’Dan, you look different, you sound different, you’re not the same adorable were-aykroyd you usually are, you have an evil aura.’ ‘But I feel so good, and you will too. If you just let me touch you.’ ‘No, don’t, don’t…’
He attempted to make a run for it and attempted to fight off the corrupted version of Dan, only for the corrupted version of Dan to touch him..causing Nathan to feel a surge of pain going through his body. ‘Owwww, owww…what’s happening? What’s going to happen to me?’ You are going to become the Were-Aykroyd I always know you’ve wanted to be.’ ‘I already am the best Were-Aykroyd I can be.’ ‘Oh but I can make you like Dan Aykroyd himself and I know how, just trust me.’
Nathan refused to listen to the evil Were-Aykroyd that was trying to manipulate him, he covered his ears and tried to think pleasant thoughts, only to feel a surge of pain jolting through his body as he began to feel like he was burning up…’Jesus christ! Aaaaaah! I’m burning up!’, there was a loud cracking and crunching sensation as his hand slowly began to enlarge and grow, the skin on his hands was maturing as well and brown hairs slowly grew on his hands.
“My hands, no…no…please, it hurts.”
“But it feels to transform doesn’t it? You’ve always wanted this, haven’t you, Dan?”
‘My name isn’t Dan, I am Nathan Forester, I am not Dan Aykroyd.’ ‘Oh but you will, you are a Were-Aykroyd, and you will become Dan Aykroyd and love it.’ ‘No I won’t..aaaaah!’ Nathan groaned as the pain surged through his body, he attempted to try and escape from the apartment, attempting to keep the transformation at bay.
‘Oh but you will, don’t think you can escape me, I am you, you are me.’ ‘No i’m not.’ ‘Oh yes you are, just look at you, you are changing, you’re becoming like me.’ Nathan objected to the very motion of becoming like this evil version of his Aykroydian alter-ego, he didn’t write the Were-Aykroyd stories to be like this, in his Were-Aykroyd stories the Were-Aykroyd was always good and wouldn’t harm anyone yet alone his friends. He wrote the Were-Aykroyd character to be charming and nice, not this malevolent monster. ‘I don’t want this, I don’t want to be like you, I just want to be a good were-aykroyd who fights villains, not to be a villain myself.’
“Oh but I am no villain, I am helping you.”
“Helping me? How is this helping? This is horrifying.”
‘Horrifying? I think you mean horrifying-ly good, because I am helping you unlock the you that is your true you, you act like you are anything but an Aykroyd, but you always will be one.’ ‘I may be a Were-Aykroyd but I will never be like you.’ ‘Oh but you are, just look at you, you’re going to become just like me and you will love it.’ ‘Nooo, noo, nooo.’ He groaned in pain as he pulled back his sleeve, just in time to see brown hair slowly growing on his arms which were broadening and growing with a sickening crunching sound.
“Dan, please don’t do this. The Were-Aykroyd I wrote wouldn’t do this.”
“But I am so much better than that, you wrote me to be perfect.”
‘But you’re evil, not what I imagined you to be.’ ‘Now now, don’t be like that.’ Nathan couldn’t believe what was happening, normally he would be in control of his Were-Aykroyd side and he could morph whenever he wanted but Dan had other plans for him, plans to warp him into the perfect Were-Aykroyd. Nathan’s torso and chest begin to broaden and grow, pushing against his shirt which was tightening and making it difficult for him.
“Dan, stop this, this isn’t you.”
“Oh but it is, and it will be you too.”
He felt sick, he felt like he was going to throw up and like he had eaten something bad, as his stomach began to growl and gurgle, as a hunger built up from within, he panicked, attempting to suppress the hunger but Dan’s hunger and presence were becoming more known, becoming one with his own one. ‘No, no…I must suppress it. I cannot become like you, this isn’t supposed to happen.’
Rushing into the kitchen of his apartment he went to grab something to eat, hoping anything would satiate the hunger of this Aykroydian monster that was forming within. Nathan’s shirt was getting increasingly tighter as he began to pull it off and attempted to tear it off, panting and groaning as a few buttons popped off it and flew off. ‘'I gotta get it off, gotta get it off..must stop the transformation, gotta get it off.’
“'I have your arm hair now, and your hands, and your skin.”
“Oh yes, you have them alright, and look at you.”
“This isn’t me, I have to get it off.”
He began to rip off parts of his shirt only for the rest to start ripping away to reveal his growing chest and torso, which were broadening and growing the same brown hairs on them, his stomach growling as it enlarged and developed brown hairs on it, he groaned, the pain was becoming unbearable and he desperately hoped this would just be a nightmare. He struggled to get the shirt off and he fell down onto his back, moaning in agony. ‘You won’t be needing that anymore. Now that I have your form, you have no idea how long I have always wanted to have control of your form like this.’ ‘No you haven’t, for the most part you always have to wait until nightfall to emerge, that is how it goes and how I wrote it to be. You are a Were-Aykroyd, and like me, you have to wait until nightfall.’
The hunger was starting to get to Nathan…’I must resist this, I am not you, I never will.’, he attempted to get up, which he did, but he felt disorientated…’Dan, please stop this, I feel disorientated, I feel like the room is shrinking.’ ‘You’re going to grow my friend, you’re going to grow into a big sexy Were-Aykroyd. That's why you feel disoriented. My hunger for food and everything else you have is your hunger now. You want to eat. You want to feed the ever-growing and ever-expanding me, do it Nathan. This were-aykroyd is hungry and he wants food to grow his power to even greater heights. That's the feeling you're having.’ ‘Dan, this is torture, please stop this.’ ‘Torture? Ha, this is fun.’
‘No no no…agh, it hurts me. Have you no idea how awful this is? I just want to be normal, to escape from your insidious grasp, but you're always there, mocking me, taunting me, you’re not the Dan I wrote about, you’re not the Dan I love, you are this twisted psychopathic version of him that wants to control me.’ ‘You are normal, Nathan. You are becoming what you must be. There is no longer a Nathan, he is dead. Accept your were-aykroyd transformation, accept your destiny. Why deny this, why deny your destiny? Give in.’ ‘Why would I want to do that? This isn’t my destiny, my destiny isn’t to become this monster.’ ‘Don't fight it, Nathan. We are almost close to achieving my goal of making you mine forever, almost there. Just a bit more and you will be Dan Aykroyd, and be a Were-Aykroyd forever. It's too late, to go back now. Please make this easy, Nathan, don't make this painful for yourself. Just give into it now, accept your destiny.’ ‘This isn’t my destiny.’ ‘Please stop this.’
‘I wrote the transformation to be shocking yet oddly soothing, yes I did write it to be entrancing half-way through the process but only because I start slipping in and out of trance. Yes, the transformation does become entrancing halfway through the process. I felt it myself as I was transforming you. It is why I will make this as easy as possible, why I will make this as painless as I can. We are almost at the halfway point, Nathan, just a little more. Don't fight it, give in now.’ ‘This isn’t how it is supposed to go, stop trying to control me, this isn’t nice, this isn’t you.’
“Oh but it is, and it is you as well…Dan.”
“My name isn’t Dan Aykroyd, it’s Nathan, Nathan.”
“You look like Dan to me, look at you.”
‘Why are you doing this to me, Dan? Please end this, please. This can’t be real, this cannot be happening.’ ‘It is happening, Nathan. You cannot avoid this anymore. Your transformation is progressing, it is happening, you know it. Embrace it now.’ ‘I will never embrace the changes you are forcing on me, I will never be like you. I don’t want to turn out the way you have.’ ‘And yet you're changing, Nathan. You're getting closer to me. You might not want to accept it, but it's true and you know it. You're becoming me, you're becoming Dan, and you're filling with me. You're growing in size as we speak, and I'm filling your mind with my thoughts and desires. Accept it, Nathan. Your body is becoming just like me now, becoming Dan. Matthias will be just like us. There's no one to fight us, no one to save you and Matthias from this fate.’
Nathan shook his head and objected to the Were-Aykroyd’s words. ‘No, he won’t, Matthias is my friend, and once he finds out what you have been doing to me he will unleash his John Goodman style fury on you and will kick your ass.’ ‘Oh but he’s no match for me.’ ‘He’s superhumanly strong and gets even stronger when he’s mad, you wouldn’t want to pick a fight with him and if you ever go so far as to hurt him I am breaking every part of your body.’ ‘Well then…I might just have to turn him.’ ‘I won't let you get him or turn him. You know how he feels about were-aykroyds, he already has one for a roommate who is very dubious, he doesn't need to experience the horrors of one.’ ‘Oh, but he will, Nathan. Once you, Nathan, turn into Dan, you'll have no issue convincing Matthias that it's okay to be with us, with the were-aykroyds. After all, Nathan, what are friends for if we can't fight your foes? Matthias will change his mind very quickly. And he'll be just like you, just like Dan. He'll be stronger than ever. Do you know what Matthias would do with just a small amount of your new power, Nathan? Do you know? He'd be unstoppable.’ ‘Yeah but the name of his show is That Werebelushi In The Shades, the title wouldn't make sense anymore if he wasn't welll…a Belushi-esque monster.’ ‘And yet you forget, Nathan, you forget…Once you turn into Dan, I take control of you. Once you're filled with me, you'll be able to convince Matthias of anything. That title will change, and he'll be happy as a were-aykroyd. The title shall be altered, and it shall be perfect that way. Don't deny what is meant to be, Nathan.’
‘He was born a Werebelushi and he is going to stay as one. You cannot change him other-wise. Besides, you cannot make me do everything as you. You cannot make me be like you, I refuse to turn out like you.’ ‘Don't you understand yet, Nathan? You must do it. I'm not asking you, Dan, I'm ordering you. The transformation will be complete soon, and you will see how right I am. Your friend Matthias will change, and he'll be Dan, just like you. No matter how much you try to fight it, it is inevitable. You are already Dan, and Matthias will be too. The title will be changed, and the name of the show will be perfected. Don't fight me anymore, don't fight your destiny.’ ‘'Dan, this isn't exactly playing fair. Besides, we can't all be Dan. That's you, and to a lesser extent, sort of me but it isn't me.' ‘It is fair, and you are Dan. You're becoming more like me, more like Dan. And you're being filled with me. It is meant to be this way. And with you, Matthias, soon enough there will be another Dan here, another true Dan. And even more will follow, spreading and filling everyone with the power of Dan. We were meant to be many. Don't fight it, Dan, accept what is destined to be.’
“No, it’’s not, I was not made for this, you cannot make me like this. You cannot make me assimilate others into being Aykroydian.”
“And why not, my friend?”
‘It is against what I stand for.’ ‘You will stand for something completely different when I am done with you, now let’s just relax, and enjoy your change, Dan.’ ‘This isn’t you, Dan, you’re supposed to be a good were-aykroyd and now this demonic entity has taken control of you and made you evil, you are corrupting me like this and I don’t like it.’ ‘Oh but you obviously do like it and you are destined for this, to be my good Were-Aykroyd, to serve me.’ ‘Not if Mel has anything to say about it, that koala-woman can kick some serious monster butt. And since you're going to be a full blown villain as opposed to me..’ ‘This isn't about the koala-woman Mel, Dan. It's about you and Matthias, your future, the future of our entire planet. Even Mel herself could be transformed with the power of Dan if we so wish. And we do wish to transform her, do we not? Do you and I not want to see this world taken over by Dan and filled with true were-aykroyds? It is how it is meant to be. Our true nature. Don't fight it, Dan, don't fight what you and I were meant to become. This is our destiny.’ ‘Leave so much as a scratch on my friends and you'll find that there is one thing a were-aykroyd like you cannot do.’ ‘"Oh, and what is that? What is it that I cannot do? If you're speaking of Mel, I assure you she could become a were-aykroyd too. Would you enjoy seeing that happen, Dan? Would you enjoy seeing your friend be with us? Would you enjoy seeing her embrace her destiny, to become one with us? With me? There is no fighting against what you've become, what this world was meant to be like. Don't deny it. Don't deny your true nature, Dan.’ ‘She's already turning into different species and she is my friend, she is a shapeshifter with a condition.’ ‘So, she's already becoming so many other creatures? Why would she want to stay human, when being an were-aykroyd could bring so much happiness to this world? I am the key to her happiness. Don't deny her of it. You must share the gift with her, let her become Dan, let her join us with all of our friends. The world needs to be changed, to be truly perfect, to be filled with us. Don't deny her this, and don't deny it for yourself too. Join us, Dan. Join the were-aykroyd legion.’ ‘'I don't want this and I am not Dan Aykroyd, I love him and always will but never will be him mentally. It's not how turning were-aykroyd works.’
‘There is no turning back, Dan. You don't have a choice anymore. You've changed too much now. Just give up and give in to your true nature. Accept who you are meant to be, Dan. You are an were-aykroyd. You are meant to transform others, including your friends. Including Matthias, including Mel the shapeshifter. Don't you wish to see your world become a perfect place? Don't you want everything to be the way you always wanted? It is possible, it is within your reach. Give in, Dan, and let everything be completed.’ Nathan tried to ignore the evil Were-Aykroyd’s words, he tried to suppress them but the words grew stronger and echoed into his mind. ‘No it’s not my destiny, stop this. You are normally very capable of being nice but now you’re evil, can’t be nice for even a minute, and are giving me my worst nightmare.’
“A nightmare? Oh this is no nightmare.”
‘Dan, this isn’t and never will be you. You weren’t made to assimilate and corrupt innocent people yet alone me and my friends, snap out of it.’ ‘Oh but I am and you are too, Dan, Danny Aykroyd, is that who you are? Yes, it is.’ ‘This is a nightmare, it cannot be happening.’ ‘Yes, it is happening now. The transformation won't stop once it hits the halfway point. You must realize this by now. All you need to do is give into it. Let it happen to you. Let yourself change into the true form you know yourself to be now. It is your destiny, Nathan. There is no going back anymore, you will always be a Were-Aykroyd.’ ‘True, but I will never be like you.’
“But I think you will be, look at you.”
“I know, I don't want to give in.”
‘Oh but you should, just look at you…isn’t it fun to become a were-aykroyd like me? You’re already coming along so well.’ ‘No, i' m not. You are not the were-aykroyd I imagined..I didn’t write you to be like this.’ ‘But, Dan, I am an were-aykroyd. You created me as one. You made me as a were-aykroyd. And don't you want to accept the transformation? Don't you want to be this amazing new being? Just give yourself over to me, Dan, and let me fully fill you. You can transform Matthias too, and he'll be just like us. And then Mel can become Dan too. And we can all be happy together. The world is within your grasp.’ ‘We cannot all be Aykroyds, I won't let you corrupt my friends. Brainwashing isn't nice.’ ‘But this isn't a normal brainwashing, this is your true destiny calling to you, Dan! Don't deny it! Don't deny us! We all can be Dan, we all can be happy and strong. Even Mel, and she will be even more powerful. You can transform them all, Dan, and they will be filled with you and with power. Don't fight it. Don't fight what is meant to be. I am your destiny. I am your one and only true purpose. Accept it. Become me. Become Dan Aykroyd.’
“No, I refuse to do that.”
Nathan groaned as he looked down at his stomach which was broadening and gaining weight, developing hair on on it as he instinctively started to stroke it, he wanted to fight his urges but he couldn't as he found himself becoming entranced, enjoying the change. But he then snapped out of it. ‘What was I doing? Why did I act like I enjoyed that?’ ‘You felt it, didn't you, Dan? You felt the transformation. You felt the change within you. You liked it, didn't you? You wanted this, you asked for it. Accept the were-aykroyd inside you. Embrace who you are meant to be.’ ‘No, you were messing with my head and making me think that I like it, stop it.’
It was that at this point Nathan was mad at Dan and he charged at him with superhuman strength, knocking him down. ‘You made me do this. You are in so much trouble.’ ‘Hehe, trouble? Me, in trouble? Now that's a funny joke! Now, come on, Dan. Don't fight your fate anymore. Don't fight what you always wanted to be. Why do you think you made me an were-aykroyd like you? It's because you are one! You can't deny it forever, Dan. This is inevitable, this is our destiny. Don't fight me anymore. Don't fight nature. And don't fight Mel, and Matthias. They'll be Dan's too one day. Give in.’
‘I wasn't one before, I only wrote about it, it's a story..stop trying to believe it's real. It never was.’ ‘Now look at who's talking, Dan. We're making progress! You're calling me a monster, and that means you understand the truth. You understand that you are changing, you know you are becoming more powerful. You know why we are doing this. You know what we must do. Don't deny your destiny, Dan. Don't deny your true nature. You're becoming who you always wanted to be. Now give in. Let the transformation take place. Let us transform Matthias too and then Mel when she comes for you. It is inevitable.’ ‘I don't want my friends to know what I am.’ ‘You cannot hide something like this. They must know. Why are you so hesitant, Dan? Is it because you know they will understand that this is meant to happen? Or is it because you know in your heart of hearts that we are right, that this is meant to be? This is a good thing. It is better for you, and better for all of us too. Don't deny us, Dan. Let us change the world for the better.’
“Please stop this, this isn't not how you're supposed to be.”
To say Nathan was having a difficult time with his Were-Aykroyd transformation would be underselling it, it hurt him to have to experience this process, true normally he would be able to turn into Dan whenever he wanted and painlessly but in this scenario, he wasn’t, he panicked as he began to make a run for it and tried to head for the door only to be grabbed by Dan. ‘But you already know that this is meant to be, Dan. This is the way things have to be. You must know it, you must have known it since you wrote about it. And it is our destiny, our purpose in this world. We were meant to be were-aykroyds, and we shall be. Don't deny it anymore, Dan. Let's change the world.’
‘Let go of me, Dan. Whatever has gotten inside you is making you act like an evil version of yourself. I told you, I can choose to keep my were-aykroydism a secret as long as I want to and as long as i'm around during the day you cannot do anything about it, this was never destiny, this was you taking something i've wanted and twisting it.’ ‘I am fulfilling your wish, I am the embodiment of what you've made. You created me to be this. You knew what the fate of the world was supposed to be, and you made me that way. Why would you try to fight it? Why would you try to deny me…deny our destiny? The transformation will be complete soon. It'll be good for all of us. Why are you fighting me so much? What do you stand to gain?’ ‘Because I don't want to be a full blown maniacal Were-Aykroyd, I don't want to lose my mind. Most of the time when I write a transformation, the victims keep their memories.’
Dan chuckled evilly to himself, it was shown that this version of the were-aykroyd clearly was enjoying the process. ‘But you know deep within yourself, you will become me, a full Were-Aykroyd. And you know what, Dan? It's alright. It'll be alright. Don't you want to feel the incredible power? Don't you want to become what you were born to be? Don't you want to feel your true nature, to embrace it and to use it? It is our destiny, Dan. It feels good to be me. Don't fight it. Just. Give in.’
“I was never born for this and you cannot make me change that.”
‘Oh, but you are, Dan. You were born to do this, to become me. And you will, you can feel it inside you, you can feel the transformation happening. Embrace it, this is a good thing, you'll know it. You know that with my power you can make the world perfect. You'll know it once we transform everyone. We'll be happy. Don't you want us to be happy? Don't you want this transformation for all those who need it? You do, I know you do.’ ‘Dan, don’t do this, this is and never will be you. The demonic entity has taken over your body and I know you’re still in there.’ ‘'Everyone? No, you can't. There are people out there that probably won't like being transformed, especially without consent. And as alluring with your hypnosis and your powers doesn't mean they'll want you yet alone be you.’ ‘But who's to say my power wouldn't be able to help them, Dan? I'll make them want to become something greater, something more perfect.’ ‘This isn’t you speaking, this is the evil version of you speaking to me, please stop this, and what do you think you will get from this, and nothing…nothing good will come of this.’
‘And they will be happy, don't you understand? Everyone will be happy. We'll make everyone see. We'll show them the path to perfection. And if they won't accept it, we'll make them accept. No one will be a human if we have our say. They'll all become as us. Is that so bad, Dan? What is so wrong about everyone being truly happy and becoming what they were meant to be?’ ‘You and I have the same powers and same weaknesses. I'm a fledgeling Were-Aykroyd who has only been one for a few years, at least since 2020 but has never actually said it.’ ‘So you already understand, then. We are the same, Dan. We share this great power together. And it is our destiny to use that power to transform this world, to make it how we know it should be. Think about it, think of how much better our world would be if everyone were as us. Don't you see the potential? You always knew it, Dan, and only I can help this world reach it's highest potential. Don't deny me, Dan. You know what's right.’
“And this is not right, it never will be right, what you are doing isn’t right.”
“This ends now, and so do you.”
Oh and how do you think you can end me?”
‘I can rewrite you, make you not like this, I can make you better, we don't have to end it like this.’ Nathan pulled out his phone and started to call Mel and Matthias for help, but the evil version of Dan mocked him. ‘Call for help all you like Nathan, but I am the only one who can help you, let me help you, give in, be the Were-Aykroyd you know you are.’
Nathan was definitely more than a little pissed off and he was serious when he said that he could rewrite the Were-Aykroyd’s story, making him back to how he normally was. ‘What? No. You wouldn't do that, Dan. That would violate all the rules. And besides, how would that benefit us? Don't you want to bring me into the new world, to give me a chance? We can change everything. It would be cruel of you to change me now, Dan. Don't you know how much I can benefit this world with my powers? Don't stop me now, Dan. I'm what will save this world from mediocrity, from being just another insignificant planet in the sea. Give in and let me help you, Dan. Let me help us.’
“You're going to have to behave yourself from now on. Because I wrote you, I am your creator, and I am still the one who has a higher morality than you will ever have, what has gotten into your body is making you act like this and it’s not how a Were-Aykroyd should act.”
‘Morality? Don't you understand what we must do, Dan? Is it not about what we want? We can change this world, transform everyone into their true selves. That is what we must do, why deny the truth? And you're saying you would rather deny our destiny than give in? You can't go back to being a human. You aren't one anymore. And you can't take that from everyone, from me. I am the embodiment of perfection, the final goal of your creation. Let me help you, Dan. Don't deny it.’ ‘ ‘Not everyone's true self is an aykroyd.’ ‘It will be if I have my say, Dan. I want this to be the world we know it should have been. The world of the aykroyds. Why do you want to deny this? Can't you see how much better it will be? Is it really about morals? Do you not believe that this planet and it's people deserve to be as us? Don’t deny it, Nathan, don’t you want this?’ ‘I am not denying, I am suppressing the changes, I am trying to get you to snap out of it, I am not Dan Aykroyd, I am Nathan. I am Nathan.’
“Not for long you won’t be.”
The transforming monsterologist was determined to win against the corrupted Were-Aykroyd, he groaned as he kicked off his shoes, his night-socks were slowly tightening as his feet enlarged from within them, they began to strain and tear apart as his feet continued to enlarge before ripping open with a ‘shrippp’ to reveal his larger feet, which looked like Dan’s. ‘This is why I hate the transformation you made me undergo last time this happened, turning into a Were-Aykroyd is difficult, not only is turning painful, but also the clothing bills I will have to end up paying everytime my shirt and shoes get torn apart, you are a monster, that’s what you are.’ ‘But a monster that is helping you…that’s what I am doing.’
Nathan groaned as he felt a tingling sensation in his feet, two of the toes on each foot stuck together at the knuckle giving him the appearance of webbed toes. ‘Oh great now I have your freaky frog-like toes.’ ‘No, you have my Were-Aykroyd toes. Dan, you are becoming a part of me. And that is good, you know this, you know it needs to be. These toes, these feet, they belong to you, they are a part of you. You will love them, Dan.’
The transformation into a Were-Aykroyd was normally so painless for him and not so traumatic, normally when he just Aykroyded out it was because he could do it at will sometimes and it was painless, he just morphed into Dan and kept his thoughts and memories, but not in this case. He groaned as his legs began to go in the same way as his arms, broadening and growing and making his jeans feel a bit snug. ‘Ugh…this hurts, please stop this, this isn’t how i’m supposed to change.’ ‘That's it, Dan, give into it, your transformation is happening. Just give up, just accept it. You cannot stop it, you cannot avoid it. This is your destiny, Dan, your true form. You are meant to be like this. And soon, you will realize that you are glad to be this way. You cannot run, Dan, you cannot run. You are a were-aykroyd now, you belong like this.’
“No I don’t I don’t want to be a Were-Aykroyd forever.”
“Oh but you are going to be one, and be a sexy one at that.”
‘I can easily turn back to normal normally, and that spell from last time should be able to cure me of Were-Aykroydism and revert me to normal before it’s too late, it worked last time to stop me from morphing again.’ ‘Only because I allowed it to, I wasn’t quite finished with you, but you stopped me from completing the change.’
“Dan, this isn’t you, I keep telling you, you’re possessed, you need to snap out of it.”
Nathan groaned as he saw the back of his jeans tightening as his rear began to plump up, he normally loved this part because he wrote it in his stories to be so pleasant and nice but it was horrifying him this time. ‘Uh oh, not this.’ ‘It's quite alright, Dan, you know it is. Your jeans cannot contain your rear. You would not want them too, anyways, to cover the glorious behind of the were-aykroyd. That would be a travesty. Dan, you will be glad, so happy to have that beautiful, large, were-aykroyd behind.’
Normally this part would have been quite sexy to him and if he was Tina Belcher, he would have loved to see this but this was horrifying, he was turning into a Were-Aykroyd and not in the way he normally did. ‘Why do you have to be so thicc and hairy like this? With your chest and stomach hairs and your arm hairs.’
The evil/corrupted Dan chuckled some more, taunting Nathan over his developing build, taking delight in doing so. ‘Because it is the true you, Dan. I know this. I know you want this. Just accept it, Dan. You want me. You want to be me. You want this body. It is meant to be, and you are meant to be the were-aykroyd, with all of my glorious hair and features. You will love it. Dan, I am becoming you and you are becoming me. We are merging. I am becoming a part of you. And you know that you want this.’ ‘Well it is so so…so, oddly interesting, makes me feel like i'm so…so…sexy, no wait this isn't sexy, this is wrong, this isn't nice, this isn't pleasant.’ ‘Just give in, Dan, give in. You want me. You want to be me. Why fight what you know is coming to you? You know your transformation is happening. You don't want to fight it, you know that. I am becoming your true self, Dan, and you need to accept that. Just become the were-aykroyd, Dan, and you will be happy. You are meant to be me. You know you are.’
Nathan instinctively started to examine himself and he started to fall into a bit of a trance before snapping out of it. ‘No, I musn’t be attracted to this.’ ‘Just accept it, Dan. Give into it. Just… let me guide you. Let me become you.’ ‘Dan, whatever demon has taken over you is controlling you and making you do these things, please stop.’ ‘Dan, you are becoming me. There is no longer any Dan left. You just accept it, and you give into me. I am becoming you, Dan.’
“Don’t call me Dan, I am not Dan Aykroyd, I never will be him, I am not him, stop it.”
“Oh but that is who you are now, my were-aykroyd, you will do as I tell you.”
“I won’t do as you command me to do, I won’t, I won’t.”
Nathan groaned as he heard a series of cracking noises, his body was slowly growing up in height from 5’7 to 5’8. ‘Yes, grow, rise, become more. Become stronger. Soon, you will be as tall as me and your body will reflect this, it's all part of the transformation, Dan, you cannot deny it. You need to accept that you are me, and what you are meant to be. And then you will be happy, being so Aykroydian like me.’ He started to lose a bit of his balance as he shot up an additional height, going from 5’8 to 5’9. ‘Dan, now you feel something else, I want you to embrace and embrace this next part. You see, Dan, I am not just a were-aykroyd, I am also a male. Let me become you in all aspects, don't hold back, don't push back anymore, just accept it. Dan.’ ‘Whatever you’ve got planned for me, I don’t want it.’ ‘Oh, but you do, Dan, you may not think you do, but I can see inside of you. I am a part of you, and you want me inside of you. Don't fight it, Dan, you know you want it. Let me become you completely, let me become inside of you.’
‘Stop calling me Dan. I am not Dan Aykroyd and never will be.”
He tried to make a dash for it and headed for a window in hopes of escaping out of it, only to groan as he shot up in height from 5’9 to 5’10. ’I cannot allow this to happen, and I won't.’ He was determined to not only resist changing further but also to get Dan un-possessed, and he wanted this nightmare to end. There was a cracking sound as his height shot up to 5’11 and then 6’0.
“Dan don't do it, don’t do it, don’t let it end in this way.”
“Oh but i’m not done yet.”
‘If it goes the way I think that it is going to go, forget it.’
He moaned, begging for it all to be a dream as he slow grew in height to 6’1, he was now as a tall as Dan himself. ‘Oh yes, you are coming so well, you’ll be a full Were-Aykroyd in no time and then we can conquer the night together.’ ‘I refuse to join you, you're not the Dan I love, you are evil and manipulative. You cannot control me, this isn’t what you’re supposed to do.’ ‘Oh but I can…you know how that song goes, you can try to resist, you can try to hide from my kiss, but you know that you can’t fight the moonlight. And deep in the dark, you surrender yourself and surrender your heart.’ ‘You keep doing this to me in my dreams, right when i'm about to confess to my friends,bam…I start to change, I think I turned back to normal at that party, it was a trick like you to get me to transform. I got so close to meeting John Candy, one of my heroes but you making me into Dan ruined that, why do you ruin my chances of a dream where I don't turn aykroydian?’
‘Dan, you keep falling for my tricks, but this isn't a dream this time. You need to stop trying to resist it. You want this, Dan, you know you do. You are meant to be what you are meant to be, what you will soon become. Let go of your friends, let go of your normal life. Let go and become the were-aykroyd. Let go of everything, let go of everyone, just accept what you need to accept, what you want to accept. Give in, Dan, it's your destiny, you know it is meant to happen.’ ‘I am not Dan Aykroyd, stop calling me that. You are controlling me and this isn’t nice.’ ‘But what I am doing for you IS nice.’ ‘You tricked me into thinking I was free of you. Only to reveal you wanted me to change, you got me addicted on those games that change others into your species.’
‘And I would do it all over again. This is your destiny, Dan. And you know that it is truly what you want. Inside of you, you feel us merging, Dan. You feel it. You know you have to. The transformation is almost complete. You are almost there, you may resist, you may fight, but we are becoming one, you and I. I am becoming a part of you. And soon, you will be a part of me. You cannot escape it, so why should you try? Just give up, just give up and become what you truly are, Dan.’ Nathan broke down in tears, he hated seeing Dan being like this, being this controlling evil being who only wanted to corrupt him and change him into a Were-Aykroyd, which wasn’t the Were-Aykroyd way at all.
“I don't think I should embrace it.”
‘But you should, Dan. It is your destiny. And it is my true desire, Dan, it is what I wish for you. Think about that, Dan. Don't you want to give in to me? Can't you feel us merging, Dan, we are becoming one in a way we never have before. We are so so close, you cannot resist forever, Dan. One day, we will become one, and then both you and me will become what we truly are meant to be..’ ‘Not like this, you are doing this for the purpose of corrupting me and this isn’t like you.’
Nathan groaned as he tried to suppress the changes, attempting to ignore Dan’s words, he attempted to use his shapeshifting powers to morph back to normal but his DNA was reacting in a way that didn’t sound good. ‘Don't fight, Dan, don't try and push back. Accept what is happening. You cannot fight this, you cannot resist what is happening to you, you cannot escape your destiny. Your DNA is being altered, you cannot stop it, stop trying, stop thinking, stop wanting to resist. Accept. Accept everything that is happening to you, Dan. Accept your destiny. We will become one.’ ‘My DNA is allergic to you that's why, it can't handle the aykroydian genes fusing with it.’
He groaned again as his back and shoulders broadened with a crunch and his neckline altered, Aykroydian DNA entering his system. ‘Dan, there is no allergy, this is just another way of you trying to fight back, to stop the transformation I have over you. Don't fight it, you know you want this. Don't fight back, Dan. Don't do anything. You are just a passenger. We are merging, you and me. And I am becoming a part of you. Just accept it, relax. You will be a part of me, and you know you want this to happen.’ ‘I will never be your were-aykroyd because we all know as a more experienced one i'd be the leader.’
‘There you go, Dan, feel it, feel it merge with you, join you. Feel yourself becoming the were-Aykroydian, feel yourself becoming what you were meant to become. And feel us merge, we shall become one, Dan. We shall become more. You know it is your destiny, you cannot escape.’ ‘I still have half vampire traits and I am not afraid to drain you if you’re not careful. I can still do this to you.’
At this point Nathan was definitely pissed off as he snarled and hissed, his canines extending to resemble fangs as his eyes gave off a supernatural glow, his face contorting into a vampire ‘game face’ resembling a Buffyverse vampire. ‘Dan, don't you dare try and vampire me! This is your destiny, Dan! You are a were-aykroydian! This is your true form! You're a vampire-were-aykroydian, Dan! You know I am right! Accept it, accept who you are really meant to be, you can't go back now! You cannot resist this!’ ‘I am not afraid to drain you, you may be a were-aykroyd but I can still drain you and make YOU mine. Remember i'm the one with the power in this relationship.’
He lunged at Dan and sank his teeth into his neck, biting him in a style akin to a classic vampire, causing Dan to yelp in pain. ‘No, no! Please, please do not turn me into your slave. I beg of you, do not turn me into your slave!’ ‘I am not going to make you my slave, but 'You should have thought of that before you did this on me.’ He morphed back to his current appearance to check his appearance.
Nathan gasped as his hair began to darken and lengthen…’Oh no, it’s not stopping.’ ‘Yes, Dan, we are merging. We are becoming one. You cannot stop it, Dan. You cannot resist it, Dan. The transformation is almost complete, Dan. You can feel it, you know it. We are becoming one, Dan. We will be one. There is no you, Dan, there is only us.’ ‘But remember I did what I had to do to teach you a lesson. You were doing this to me.’
‘Yes, Dan, true, you did, and I learned my lesson. And I am sorry, Dan. I am truly sorry for what I made you go through. But I must be in truth, I still believe it was your true destiny to become a were-Aykroydian. You must admit that, in some ways, this is correct. Your transformation is almost complete, Dan, we are becoming one. Just a few more changes, and you will be my were-Aykroydian. So very close, you and I.’ ‘You keep saying that but we are not, and my name is Nathan, Nathan Forester, not Dan Aykroyd.’
“I refuse to believe you. This isn’t how you normally act.”
He backed away, refusing to believe what Dan was saying, because he was afraid of him and he was afraid of what Dan had become and what he’d become. ‘Dan, do not back away, we are becoming one. It is your destiny, Dan. You have to accept it. Soon I will be in you and you will be in me. You will be my were-Aykroydian. Just let me in, Dan.’ ‘I am not Dan Aykroyd, stop it, stop calling me Dan.’
Nathan groaned as he felt a pulsating sensation in his forehead which was growing and become larger, his eyebrows thickened and arched in the process. ‘Dan, yes, this is what has to happen. This transformation has to happen, and together we will finally become one. I will be in you, and you will be in me. Do not resist, Dan, you know what will happen as these changes continue. It will just result in greater discomfort, Dan, just think about that. Accept this, and we will be one. We will be complete.’ ‘I mustn’t think of this, think of anything else besides this.’
He groaned as he tried to think of anything but the morph but he couldn’t, the pain was too much for him to handle, he wished for this to be over. ‘Dan, you can try all you want, but it won't work. This transformation is still happening, whether you want it to or not. You can do one of two things, Dan. You can accept it, you can give yourself completely to me, you can become my mind, my body, my soul, you can live within me. Or you can fight and try and resist, you will make this transformation even more painful than it already is, but it will still happen. The choice is yours, Dan.’
Nathan didn’t want this to happen, he hated for this to happen, becoming a full Were-Aykroyd in this manner was horrifying. ‘Transformations of this sort aren’t supposed to happen to me, yeah…they are normal if you’re Collin from Changed, but i’m not Collin, I am Nathan and I am not Dan Aykroyd.’ ‘Oh but you are, my lovely Aykroydian.’ He closed his eyes and groaned, hoping that when he opened them the whole nightmare would be over, he opened his eyes, they both widened with one remaining brown and the other turning green giving him hazel heterochromiac eyes.
‘Dan, i’ve got your eyes now.’ ‘Yes! Yes, this is what it must be, Dan. Dan, your transformation is almost complete, and you will become what you were always meant to be. Let the transformation happen. Let yourself merge with me, and you and I will become one person, one soul. Dan, your eyes are beginning to change, let it happen. Let me into your soul, and I will stay there. This is what it must be.’
“I'll only let you in if you promise not to go after anyone I love.”
‘Dan, I can promise you that if you let me in and we become one, I will no longer be able to make you do anything. I cannot force you to become what I want you to be. So yes, I will promise I will not go after those you love if you just let me in, Dan. Let me into your soul and we shall be one.’ Nathan knew that the possessed Were-Aykroyd was lying to him, he wasn’t really promising this, he knew this was one of his tricks to get him to let his guard down.
‘I mustn't think of that scene, that scene where Dan Aykroyd gets his body massaged, I mustn't think of it but I am. I begin to slip into another trance.’ He panted as he tried to resist thinking of the scene in Diamonds (1999) where the grandfather, father and son go into a brothel and where the father played by Dan Aykroyd had his body massaged, but he couldn’t not think about it, that scene…Dan’s hairy chest, and soft squishy body, made him jealous.
His mind started to drift, making him think this was what he wanted, to be a were-aykroyd who likes getting pampered and being massaged, filling him with strange Aykroydian thoughts that he tried to suppress. ‘But his hairy stomach and chest, I love that scene so much, sometimes I get jealous of Dan Aykroyd so much, makes me keep wishing I was him.’ ‘Yes, Dan, now you are starting to understand. I can feel you letting me in, you are beginning to accept me, you begin to accept who we truly are meant to be, to become.’
Nathan snapped out of the trance and retorted…’No, just because Dan Aykroyd has aged to become so good looking and oddly thicc and adorable doesn't mean I can submit to the change and whatever the were-aykroyd is making me think.’ ‘Dan, I am here, in your mind, in your thoughts, and I know your desires are changing, just like I know my thoughts are being changed. You are becoming me, and we have become one, one mind. Dan, there is no escape from this, we both know it. In some ways, what is happening and who we are becoming, is your destiny. Just think about it, Dan. Just let me in, just let it happen. Accept who you are, and let us be the were-Aykroydian that we were meant to be.’
‘I will never be one with you, I never will. Just because you know I watch a lot of his movies doesn't mean I wanted to be him in any of them.’ ‘Dan, you cannot change this, you know that, just as I do. Just as I know that this is what must happen, you know it as well, deep down inside, you know that I am right. This is your destiny. You must become what I am destined to become, it is the fate we share, Dan. You and I are the same, in a way we both always knew we were. All you need to do, is just give in, and accept what is happening. It will be so much better, Dan. It will be so much better this way.’
“I can resist, suppressing the Aykroydian instincts and urges is the best i can do.”
‘Dan, this will only make things worse, so much worse. It will hurt so much more, Dan. Dan, give in, give in to your urge to let go, to give up, to surrender. Surrender to this were-Aykroydian transformation, surrender to me, to us, and we will become the were-Aykroydian destiny calls us to be. I am already in you, Dan. I know everything you feel and think. Your urges, even the deep down ones… they belong to both of us now. Surrender, Dan.’ Nathan attempted to keep his Aykroydian urges at bay, groaning as his nose began to itch.
‘No I must suppress it, I don’t want to surrender.’ He groaned as he felt like he was going to sneeze as his nose broadened, developing down a cleft in the middle. ‘Dan, it must be so difficult, struggling to resist. But you know you can't keep resisting, you know you must let it happen, you know it's what you want. You want to become the were-Aykroydian, you want to be what you were meant to be. Let go, Dan.’ The were-aykroyd teased as he took control of Nathan’s nose. ‘Aaaaah! My nose…i've got your Aykroydian nose, your aykroydian hair, your big plump Aykroydian butt, your Aykroyd skin…i'm some kind of weird Aykroydian mess.’ ‘Yes, Dan, yes! All of those changes are a part of you, you cannot rid yourself of them anymore. You have become what I have become. We are were-Aykroyds, and we share all of these changes we are going through. And you know you wanted these all along. You wanted this big body, the big Aykroydian butt, you know you have always desired it, you cannot deny me, Dan. You cannot deny your destiny.
Nathan groaned as his lips plumped up. ’ ‘Yes, Dan! Yes, our lips, our kissable lips will be so much better than before, so much more kissable. Our face, these features, how we transform, they are all meant to be. You cannot escape what is happening, Dan. Our body, this was meant to be, you always wanted it. Accept it, don't resist, just accept this beauty that you cannot escape. Let it happen, Dan. His features slowly began to warp and contort, shifting to become a bit more Aykroydian. ‘No, noo…nooo…I cannot be.’ ‘Yes, Dan! Yes, you are becoming beautiful, becoming the man you always wanted to be! Accept the changes, accept the transformation, you cannot stop it, Dan, you cannot return to what you were. You are becoming more beautiful, more perfect. You are becoming one of the greatest men the world has seen. The were-aykroydian that you have always wanted to be. Yes, Dan, yes! What a beautiful man we are becoming.’
He groaned as his features plumped up and warped even further, resembling Dan Aykroyd’s own features. ‘But i'm not beautiful, look at me, i'm a freak.’ ‘You are beautiful, Dan, you are absolutely beautiful. It's the best thing that has ever happened to you. The way you are changing into the were-aykroydian, it's perfect, it's what you've always wanted. Look in the mirror, Dan, look at what you're becoming. All your dreams and fantasies are coming true, Dan. Look at what is happening to you, you are becoming the man you always wanted to be. You are truly beautiful, Dan. Accept it, do not be afraid.’
“I just have your appearance, I am not exactly like you.”
‘"No, Dan, no, you are not like me and I am not like you. You are the were-Aykroydian, you are you, but your true body, your physical beauty, it is becoming perfect. We have become something that is perfect. I can feel my changes, I can feel them, and you can feel yours, Dan.’ ‘No, this isn’t right, please fight this Dan, you are not this, you are a loving were-aykroyd.’ ‘You feel how much more perfect you are becoming, don't you, Dan? Don't you agree?’
‘My true body isn't this, that's for sure.’ Nathan retorted, his throat started to feel tight and dry as his voice slowly deepened, shifting and warping. ‘Yes, Dan, you feel it in your voice. That dryness, that hoarseness, that's the transformation doing this to you. But do not resist, Dan, we were meant to experience this, to feel this, this change, our transformation. Accept it. Accept that we are becoming who we were always meant to be.’
“I want you out of me before you take over completely.”
‘"Dan, you know we cannot be separated, you know I will always be a part of you. The transformation has already occurred, the transformation is almost complete. Dan, embrace this, accept the way you are becoming. You will become the perfect man, become the were-Aykroydian you have always wanted to be. Accept it, Dan. Embrace what is happening. I will always be a part of you, Dan.’ The possessed Were-Aykroyd’s words sounded more and more horrifying with each line that was uttered, making Nathan freak out even more, he attempted to think of the reversion spell that he did last time he got stuck in were-aykroyd form. ‘Dan, you will not remember the reversal spell, you cannot remember the reversal spell. Don't you want to become the amazing were-Aykroyd you have always wanted? Don't you feel this transformation is right, it is perfect, it is what needs to be? Dan, embrace it, let me in, let us be one person and one body.’
“You’re messing with my mind, you're not supposed to do that.”
‘Dan, that is part of what is happening to us. A transformation like this is no easy feat, to transform from man to Were-Aykroyd. Dan, I am doing this for us, we are so close, just a few more changes and we will be complete. You know you want this, Dan, you know you do. You wanted this transformation from the start. Accept it, Dan, don't resist this.’ ‘I can if I want to.’ Nathan picked up his phone and frantically sent a help me message to his friends.
‘Dan, no, do not do that. You know your friends cannot do anything to save you, Dan, do not even try. It is too late for you, Dan, it is already complete. Send the message, Dan, but it is no use, they cannot save you from this transformation, from me. They cannot save you from this destiny. You know this is what was meant to be, Dan.’ ‘They can, they'll know that i'm not doomed to be a were-aykroyd forever, they'll turn me back to normal and they'll help me feel better.’
“Now now Dan, don’t try to act like you can win this battle.”
‘Stop calling me that, I keep telling you not to tell call me that I am not Dan Aykroyd, my friends will help me.’ ‘Dan, you know they can't, your transformation is complete, it is a part of you now. There is no returning back to the way you were, and you know it. You have already begun to embrace it, to feel it, and you like it. Don't deny what is happening, don't deny the transformation, Dan. You don't want to deny it, you know it is right, the only right fate.’
Nathan groaned as his voice warped and deepened, becoming Dan Aykroyd’s voice and developing the signature mannerisms. The torture he was in was unbearable, he would have done anything to wake up in his own bed as his normal self, he would have done anything for that, but it seemed like it was getting hard to even think of what it was like before. ‘My name isn't Dan, Daniel Edward Aykroyd is Canadian, he was born in Ottawa, I was born here in Oakendale, USA. I'm a human being, a male at around 5'7 and I am a monsterologist, I'm supposed to study you, not turn into you.’ ‘Dan, your memories are confused, we are now one, we are Daniel Edward Aykroyd, we always were. We are becoming the perfect physical specimen. You must embrace it, you must accept it. But we need no explanation of the transformation, we know it is right. We will become the were-Aykroyd, and we will become all of Dan Aykroyd. Look into the mirror, and you will see who we truly are.’ ‘No no….I cannot be a full Were-Aykroyd, that is not how Were-Aykroydism works, most of my victims keep their minds.’
‘Yes, Dan, now that is the spirit! You speak as a were-Aykroyd, we are becoming something greater, we are becoming what we were always meant to be. Look at us, we are the perfect man, the perfect man for everyone, the perfect man for a were-Aykroydian. Dan, let go of what you must, of your past, of everything you once were. Accept what you must become, for the man you always wanted to be is who you are becoming right now.’ ‘But why can't I just keep mine? Can you even hear me? I told you my name is Dr Nathan Forester, not Daniel Edward Aykroyd.’ ‘Dan, we hear you, we know who you are. But you must understand, you must know, that you must accept this fate. We cannot go back, you know that. Your transformation is complete, and you are becoming Daniel Edward Aykroyd. You are accepting it, you don't fight it anymore. You will be him, Dan, you already are him. Do not speak such treason, Dan. Do not resist, do not deny. Daniel Edward Aykroyd is who you are, just as he is who we are. Accept it, Dan.’
“I’m a monsterologist, i’m supposed to study you, not turn into you.”
‘es, that's what you were, Daniel, you were. But that is no longer the case. Your destiny is no longer as a monsterologist. Your destiny is as Daniel Edward Aykroyd, the world-renowned actor, and now you are beginning to finally accept the fate you were meant to have. And all the powers you gain, all the fame, all the glory, that too is destined for you, Daniel Edward Aykroyd. Do not deny your destiny, Dan. Embrace it.’ ‘I refuse to, I am not Dan Aykroyd, I will never be him.’ ‘Oh but you must.’
“As far as I know, this is over, nothing left of me for you to take.”
‘That is your mistake, Daniel Edward Aykroyd. There is much more for me to take, more to add to your transformation. Dan, look in the mirror, look at what you have become. Do you see how much more perfect you are? Do you see how good it feels? I do, Dan, I know that it feels oh so good for you to have become me, to have embraced this transformation. Your transformation is not complete, there is still so much more change to come.’
“I have your appearance and voice….what more do you want?”
‘Your body is not yet perfect, Dan… your hair, your skin, your body, they are all still changing. They are becoming as perfect as I am, because I am the master of this transformation. I will help you, this transformation has made you who you must be, who you always wanted to be. But do you know what the most important change is, Dan? It is your mind. Your mind is finally accepting of what you are becoming, of what you are destined to become.’ ‘No, not mental changes….I cannot do a full mind change.’ ‘Dan, you must, it is a part of your transformation. You are meant to become me, not just in body, but in mind, your thoughts must be mine, our thoughts must become one. You must feel what I feel. You have accepted this, Dan, you cannot deny this, you are meant to become me, your mind, your body, your soul, you want this, you want to become who you were destined to be, Dan.’
“I am against it, I am against it because it's wrong.”
‘Dan, you must accept it. You know it is right, you know I am who you truly are. You know how good this feels for you, how good it feels to be me. You cannot deny it, Dan, your mind is finally beginning to accept, beginning to become mine. My thoughts are yours, your thoughts are mine, we are becoming a singular were-Aykroydian, one mind, one body, together forever.’ ‘My ID and every online profile says I am Nathan and I am not Dan. You don't see Dan's name on any of my profiles, do you? No, you don't. You cannot take my mind.’ ‘Your profiles, your ID, your past, all of what is not Daniel Edward Aykroyd, you must put all that away. Accept the change, embrace it, as you have finally begun to do. You no longer need your old identity. We are a single were-Aykroydian now, we have become one, and we are not going to be apart ever again.’
At this point Nathan had enough, he screamed and began to hit himself a few times, ‘Wake up Nathan, you're dreaming, you're not a were-aykroyd, you're not like this, oh please wake up. Please.’ ‘No, you are not dreaming, you are not waking up, you are accepting your transformation. There is no going back now, not for either of us. We are one were-Aykroydian. That is our fate, that is who we are now. Wake up to your destiny! Embrace your transformation with me, wake up Daniel Edward Aykroyd. You will never leave, Daniel Edward Aykroyd, not as long as I am here.’
“But i’m not Dan Aykroyd I never will be.”
Thinking quickly Nathan decided to knock himself out before Dan could fully take over his mind, he was hoping this would do the trick. He got up afterwards, his head feeling a little bit fuzzy. ‘What's going on?' ‘Nothing is going on, Daniel Edward Aykroyd. Nothing is happening except you are finally awakening your true self, awakening Daniel Edward Aykroyd. Let go of your previous memories, they are useless to us. That Nathan Forester no longer exists anymore, he is gone, you, Daniel Edward Aykroyd, are here to replace him.’
“I still have them, right?' I just remember getting a head-ache.”
‘You still have a small part of them, yes. But the transformation is complete for you. You are Daniel Edward Aykroyd now, fully. Your memories of Nathan Forester, even if they still exist, are now useless to you.’ Nathan held his head, he felt confused, he was still Nathan..at least he thought he was, but his mind felt fuzzy, his thoughts seemed to be shifting, becoming like Dan’s, fragment by fragment, and taking over. ‘I only remember the transformation and how it happened.’ ‘You don't need to remember. It has happened, but it doesn't matter now. All that matters is that you are Daniel Edward Aykroyd. Just focus on that and do not fight it anymore, let go of Nathan Forester.’
Nathan groaned as he held his head, a surge of headaches coming in. ‘Dan! You’re giving me such a headache! I felt like i’m Rita Repulsa!’ ‘Yes, the headaches. They are a welcome indication of you finally becoming me, becoming Daniel Edward Aykroyd. Let it happen, fight no more.’ ‘DAN! This is all your fault, if only you stay put during the day and didn’t let that demon possess you. You are giving me a headache!’ ‘Do not resist, Daniel Edward Aykroyd. Do not fight what is right, who you are destined to be. Let go, you cannot fight against your were-Aykroydian destiny. You are becoming perfect, let your transformation complete, don't fight it anymore.’ ‘I am not Dan Aykroyd, my name is Nathan Forester, all of my IDs still show this, my friends will see this, my family will see it. You are in so much trouble, you are giving me such a headache.’
‘Your previous name is no longer relevant. Who you are now is what matters, and it is Daniel Edward Aykroyd. Your friends, your family, they will see you as Dan, as who you truly are now. You will be Dan Aykroyd to them, you can never go back to Nathan Forester. My transformation is complete, you are Daniel Edward Aykroyd forever, the perfect were-Aykroydian, the greatest transformation in human history.’ ‘No, that is not true, I can go back to normal and I can stop you before I go full Were-Aykroyd.’
He attempted to try and find a cure for his condition, only for Dan to laugh maniacally and taunt him. ‘Trying to find a cure, eh? No cure will save you from what I can do to you.’ ‘Just end this torture now, don’t take my mind.’ ‘Now Dan, don’t struggle, you and I both know you want this.’
Nathan groaned as he tried his best to resist, holding his head in anguish as some of Dan Aykroyd’s memories started to get into his mind. ‘I am Dan Aykroyd, I am married to Donna Dixon, I was on SNL during the Seventies. That cannot be right, I don't remember any of this. I don't remember being part of second city, being an SNL cast member during the 70's, I don't remember being married to Donna Dixon at all. Dan, you’re implanting Dan Aykroyd’s memories into my head.’
‘You will very soon. Accept it, embrace it. You have become what you were always destined to be, Daniel Edward Aykroyd. You do not remember it now, but your transformation is nearly complete. Once your mind is fully mine, you will remember who you are, you will remember who you once were, Dan Aykroyd, you will become me. Accept it, this transformation is good for you, it must happen. You want it to happen, you must accept it, you want to forget being Nathan, you will always be Dan Aykroyd.’
It was at this point Nathan was breaking down, crying and screaming, trying to keep himself from losing his mind completely, trying not to think he was Dan Aykroyd, but he just couldn’t, as he groaned and begged for it to end. ‘That cannot be right. I have to fix this.’ ‘You cannot. You will not. Your transformation cannot be reversed. There is no returning to who you once were, Nathan Forester is gone, your life and memories as you once were are gone. There is only one way, and that is to complete your transformation, to embrace it, to become the were-Aykroydian you were ALWAYS meant to be Dan Aykroyd.’
‘I would rather not. Please tell me this is just some sick twilight zone twist and i'm going to be perfectly fine.’ ‘No, this is not a sick twist, no, it is not something you simply wake up from, no, this is reality, this is your new life, your new existence. You are Daniel Edward Aykroyd, you were ALWAYS meant to be Daniel Edward Aykroyd. There is no stopping your transformation now, no going back, no undoing it. You are destined to become one with me, we will become one were-Aykroydian.’ Upon seeing himself in the mirror, Nathan shattered it in a fit of rage and attempted to hide away. ‘No! Do not hide, do not resist! You are meant to accept this, to become this! You cannot stop it now, you are meant to be Daniel Edward Aykroyd, you are meant to be a were-Aykroydian! Stop resisting, you cannot hide forever! Accept it, look in the mirror, you are Daniel Edward Aykroyd!’
“But you made me into this horrible creature, I like Dan but I don't want to be him fully.”
‘You cannot resist it! You are Daniel Edward Aykroyd! You know the truth, you cannot deny it! You enjoy this, you enjoy the power that being Daniel Edward Aykroyd provides you, the transformation makes you stronger than you could ever imagine. Look at yourself, you enjoy this, you love it, the transformation is perfect, it is glorious!’ ‘Yes…yes…I am Dan Aykroyd, I was born in 1952, i'm Canadian, no wait…that's not right. Let go of my mind.’ Nathan freaked out, he wanted desperately to hold onto his memories of being himself.
‘Yes, yes, see? This is who you have become, it is your destiny. Don't fight it, let it happen. You like this transformation, you want to be Dan Aykroyd, you are meant to be him now. Embrace the transformation fully.’ ‘I used to be normal, but i'm not normal anymore, you turned me into a Were-aykroyd, this wasn't how I wanted my curse to be like that. Nooooo, noooo, nooo…’ ‘No turning back, you are Dan Aykroyd, you have to accept it. Why fight me, why fight what is right for you? Let go of those old memories, they are no longer a part of what you are meant to be. Embrace the change, you are Daniel Edward Aykroyd, you must, you will, you are Dan Aykroyd now.’
He cried out in anguish as his normal self’s personality started being overshadowed by that of the ‘Were-Aykroyd’…’Nooo, please, this hurts so much. Please stop this, turn me back to normal.’ His cries only served to weaken him, and he begged and he pleaded. ‘As far as I know you and I are through this has to end.’ ‘Do not resist your destiny, you must embrace this change, you must become a perfect were-Aykroydian. I am your destiny, I am what you always wanted to be. You are meant for this, accept this already, let go of Nathan Forester, and let Dan Aykroyd take over. Let him in, let us in.’
“But you don't even know what the words were, how can you hypnotize me without saying them.”
Nathan attempted to resist a couple of times before going into a trance-like state. ‘Yes, yes…I must be a good were-aykroyd, I must be like this…no, no, he didn't even say the words, i'm not supposed to be enticed into this unless he says the words. What is going on, I cannot think of anything I have done as a human.’ ‘That’s because you don’t, your mind is warping to catch up to the rest of you, and soon you will only think you are Dan Aykroyd.’ ‘But you're not supposed to entrance me like this, you do know that it's not how this works. End this now, or I will have to end it myself’. ‘Maybe I did say them. Maybe I didn't. But that doesn't matter anymore, because Dan Aykroyd is who you ARE. You ARE Dan Aykroyd, there is no more Nathan Forester, stop clinging to that man, he is not you, has me and my transformation shown you anything other than that? Stop resisting, embrace your future. Your transformation is meant to be complete.’
“Not anymore it isn’t, sorry, but i’m out of here.”
‘Oh no you’re not…or should I say, Dan?’ ‘I am not Dan Aykroyd, I never will be, stop doing this to me, you have tortured me enough, I want to wake up from this nightmare.’ ‘Oh yes, you are, you will always be Dan Aykroyd, and you will be mine forever.’ ‘You cannot completely overwrite my memory, I may partially think I am him but not completely, you cannot do that.’ ‘Nathan Forester no longer exists, no longer matters, forget him, forget him and what you used to be, Dan Aykroyd is who you have become, it is who you are meant to be, my Were-Aykroyd.’
‘Y-Yes..I am Dan Aykroyd, no wait, i’m not…i’m Nathan Forester.’ ‘Oh but you are Dan Aykroyd, you always will be, every night, you will become like this, and you will help me, make more Were-Aykroyds like us, spread your perfect Aykroydism to your victims, make them Aykroydian too.
‘"No no…nooonooooooooo!'
Nathan dreaded that this moment would come as he struggled to keep his normal memories of his normal life and his friends, only for Dan Aykroyd’s memories to seep in even further, all of Dan’s memories overtook Nathan’s own and a tiny bit of Nathan stayed on to try and keep them away, but those Aykroydian thoughts and urges entered his mind, making him think that he was Dan. ‘Yes, i’m Dan Aykroyd, I was born in 1952 and I am Canadian, no wait..i’m not, i’m not Canadian, i’m not Dan Aykroyd, I wasn’t born in 1952.’ ‘Oh but you are, you are Dan Aykroyd, you were born in 1952 and you ARE Canadian.’
He tried to ignore those words but they wormed into his mind and he begged for it to end, only for Nathan’s memories to be fully evacuated and replaced with Dan Aykroyd’s own, as his transformation completed. ‘Yes, I understand…I am Dan Aykroyd, i’m a Were-Aykroyd, I live to serve you, I live to transform people into Aykroyds and make them perfect like us.’ ‘Excellent, see…I knew you’d give in eventually.’
The now corrupted Nathan or rather ‘Dan Aykroyd’ was under Dan the possessed Were-Aykroyd’s control, and there was nothing he could do about it because Nathan was no more, only the new Dan Aykroyd, the perfect Were-Aykroyd. It was then a few seconds later Nathan awoke with a loud scream. ‘What’s wrong Nate, buddy?’ Elwood Blues asked him.
‘I had a horrible nightmare in which Dan got possessed by a demon and turned evil and then he made me go full Were-Aykroyd and I lost my mind to him, I wasn’t even myself, my body, my voice, my mind, were all Dan Aykroyd, I was his to command, he corrupted me, he brainwashed me, that wasn’t nice at all.’ Nathan sobbed.
Clifford Skridlow and Ellis Fielding both cuddled him to help him feel better. ‘There there, it’s okay.’ ‘Yeah…it was just a dream, we know Dan would never harm you, or us.’ ‘But who would give me such a horrifying nightmare.’ ‘I think I know who.’
Grocer and Austin Milbarge from Spies Like Us were listening in to a conversation nearby, Vic Frohmeyer and Wade Motch along with undead Elwood were laughing. ‘Our plan worked perfectly.’ ‘Yes, our wicked nightmare spell to traumatize Nathan by giving him a nightmare about his own Were-Aykroyd alter-ego was successful.’ ‘Yes, and having the corrupted Dan fully corrupt him into becoming a full Were-Aykroyd with no way of turning him back was ingenious.’
“Ah ha, those guys did it.”
“I should have known.”
‘Yes, that plan to corrupt Nathan’s mind by corrupting his alter-ego and brainwashing them was very successful.’ ‘Yep, we successfully brainwashed/corrupted Dan and got him to do the same to Nathan too.’ ‘YOU GUYS DID WHAT?’ Mike Webber snapped. ‘Oh shoot, the Aykroydantiums.’
All of Nathan’s Aykroyd character brothers jumped over to teach them a lesson, all of them looked suitably angry. ‘Oooooooooh, ooooh, oooooooh, ohhh.’ ‘You’;ve really done it this time, you sickos.’ ‘Yes, how dare you try to corrupt Nathan in his dreams and brainwash him into forgetting who he is, you know how much he hates mind changes.’ ‘That is it, you lot are in trouble.’
Nathan manifested next to Vic Frohmeyer…’Did you do this to me Frohmeyer?’ ‘Yes..’ ‘That is it, you are grounded until Merry Christmas is once again acceptable to say around the holiday season, not only that but your punishment is to celebrate the holidays with a family that has religious beliefs that are different than yours, and you will eat lumpy potatoes for every meal.’ Elwood Blues decided to have a turn at it. ‘Zombie me, for being apart of this plan, you are grounded until a third Blues Brothers movie is released, and you will be forced to stay in the same prison I stayed at while waiting for my late brother Jake in Blues Brothers 2000, and you will eat lumpy potatoes for every meal as well.’
‘Bob, for also helping with this evil plan, you are grounded until John Landis eventually makes another movie and teaches his son Max to behave properly, while you are grounded you will be made to help clean the apartment, and you too will eat lumpy potatoes for every meal.’ Bob started to cry as he heard this.’Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!’, ‘Oh and don’t you make that motorcar crying sound or i’ll have Mel use magic to make you into one and sell you to Ray Zalinski.’
‘Pa Tex, you are grounded until it becomes illegal for everything in Texas to be giant-sized, until then you will have to watch every single bad AGT/BGT audition that Simon Cowell didn’t like and you will eat lumpy potatoes for every meal.’ ‘And finally, Wade Motch, you are grounded until Donald Trump runs for office again and doesn’t make an idiot out of himself, while you are grounded, you will be made to work for fellow Aykroyd character and president William Hainey and you will eat lumpy potatoes, just like the others.’
The Aykroydastians all broke down in tears as they ran away, and Nathan and his Aykroydian brothers all got back into the apartment and relaxed. ‘Thank you guys.’ ‘No problem, Nathan. Are you feeling better?’ ‘Yes, I am.’ ‘’I just the thing to help get your mind off that nightmare. How about we watch your favorite Dan Aykroyd movie?’ ‘Yes, that sounds like fun and a good way to clear my mind off of that nightmare.’ ‘I have the bluray of Nothing But Trouble, we can all watch it. I know it is your favorite Aykroyd movie, Nate.’
“You are correct, it is my favorite, it is so surreal and funny.”
“It’s settled then, we’ll watch that movie.”
‘And i’ll make the popcorn. Bing bing bing bang popcorn!’ ‘Oh, Grocer!’ They laughed and smiled as they sat down and watched Nothing But Trouble, and enjoyed the movie, watching the movie helped Nathan get over his nightmares that he had, and they all had a lovely time.
And so once again…the day and night are saved, thanks to the Aykroydantiums
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