#DarkBargain EN103
jakebruno15-blog · 9 years
Not a fan
I watched the two-part episode of Running Man with Big Bang and G-Dragon. This TV show is considered a variety show, but this episode is more like a game show. If the show were in English, it would probably be more entertaining to watch. Unfortunately the whole time you are focused on reading the subtitles and not the show. I do not see this show being a hit in the Unites States though. I don’t believe it would be something Americans would want to watch. I believe this would be one of those shows that lasted one season and did not receive further funding. How this show has lasted for five seasons in Korea, I can honestly not understand. To me, it seemed like the most stupid show I have ever watched. (Well, maybe not that bad, but it was pretty close.) I don’t understand. Is Korean television just more bland and boring than American television. I feel like it must be that there are a lot of bad television shows for this to be popular. I guess I am just not a game show kind of person. I more of a drama and action television series kind of guy. Shows like Running Man don’t interest me much. To be honest, the show actually out me to sleep. Once again, this may not have been the case if I didn't have to read subtitles and could actually understand what they were saying. I may have a completely different outlook on this show and might actually like it but the subtitles ruined it for me. More than likely though, I probably still would not have liked the show because I am not a big fan of game shows in general especially those in which the teams are competing in weird games as they do in Running Man. It may just be that it was that specific episode. I may give it one more chance with another episode. The only thing that I did somewhat enjoy was that G-Dragon was on the show. Big Bang and G-Dragon are an interesting group of people. watching them work together on the show was somewhat entertaining but once again I did not really care for the show because I am not a game show guy. G-Dragon and Big Bang did go on to win. I wonder of they always let the guest win or if the hosts do not always win. I guess another episode may be in my near future before I can officially cross it off of my list of shows to watch.
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